kor bfdlie pdra. rag Ie, lklll __ kc: '.`I,..' '1 I 1??.'.. !1 D8830. ettfnai (} V EARIIIE, G. W. JOHN nnawx. `t , Notary ..s._y, weste; at, Toronto. r;1i3E, ONVEYANCE R; in - in Chan cery. A 1 . Holt, Sons & Co.. Inliidiryn Janna- 'EST: 1-13 W- BOYS .1`, L.L.n. . .; _,_ '_';."'.'V',-17:`! ,-.. 5.; x`ue,8Ql1.l6tll!l8-` ~ -_: u ' ' " 9 ._,my- dear:-.;t_h`9re_ s_ matte)t w.ith;me;'.'.3Wh9-t:Shuld:.thevq~b: &_1miss;w'ith::me;vwho ~n`ever -hu`d~=a:` M V y` life` AI{must~11ay"?w;u a8`-` dam? _ K - .. "gas jut) l1{6_1- `My vl m7sure you-"re ill,_ said as he "left; the` r o(tI_r,- _`, _ 8xIi:=tliing-i-'3*1I`3 $:Ii.|'1,<.>_r_.':td ms. you "sir? `P}3'l1 inios- ' tclqd; {'~ , ---.A-` ` Why, Geb};,re, cried MP8-.VGbe't: coal ! - your hand: 1'; as hot as a burning Yes, he was very warm, _]I_9:.t.(, l.d__h3`r3 the weath;-was. hint and oppzessivg ;tt},! least, he had found it sb',_thu;t afternoon, Perhaps he had beeTn,hu_r_ryi;j-g tgof much, _ walking. too 1t;*he had upset hirnsfelf % .somehow.or.jothe1'y-. ' ` V ' If'you ll pour out`-{lie I'll : take"a cup, and vlheh g'o"to`l5ed','_ _" l n; xjegplnrly khdckd 1'm--.' ` Anmde himhappy. - -.-..D......y ucuuqg uul. as .sne vent; 0V6!` him, gently enough, if"no_t tenderly, he told her his head 'ached and he was tired, vgzry tired ; he had been in _the`lanesLx;_l_l \ afternoon, -the_ peopfe aboutj there were very bad,-aud;he had been at work in the surgery since con'1iug.ii1; He` put his h_al1d in _]sabcl. s, and . ..ptess'ed hers a'ec`-. t1_ouately. Auvery. little 3uttention=fro_m , hxs pretty young wifa'gr_atiedfhin1 and. T wins I'`_., -I ` ` , _->.l.l.v-. nu nuqlltul l1|lUlUI'Hyo She went into the parIour,.and found the tea-thingslaid on thelitle-table, and Mr. Gilbert lying on thesofa, which was too short for him `by`a couple 'of,feet, and was eked-out by a chair, ou_ which his- c1umsy`bootsrested_. Isabel had never seen him ive way to.any suql1..selfei`n- dplgence fore; but as .she bent; eno_L_1gI},'if_` not. tendetly, he fnLI L-.. I ' was as patent to the gossips as ever her visits to L`ordTh_urston"s`oak had been. She had been cured of running-after Mr. Lansdell,peoplesa.id. No doubt George '- Gilbert had discovered her goings-on, and ' had found a means ofclipping herwings. - It was not likely that Graybridge would _ credit her with any such virtue `as .re-`- _ pentance, or a wish to be a better wo- man than she` had been. Graybridge ' regarded herlas an artful and presuming creature whose shameful goings-on had ` been stopped by marital authority. 1 She went into M... .....1...._ _--. }iviaig.sp.s deft! Villa , , . . ...- .u.a.I.ua|.U_lllUl"U gossips Lord Th_urston"s'oak h: Q1,` ]_'.__`l 1, , ` ` At last they came out of a. great corn- eld into the very lane in which George Gilbert s house was situated ; and 1sabel s friends left her at the gate. She had done something to redeem her character in Graybridge by `her frequent atten- dance at Hurstonleigh church, which 1. Date! Hun fI'fIb1!:t-in -~ --4-- ' t he and his sister becam 1 ing Mr. people died` ted to kno were. She wanted so mu that she was good. '1` ustus was quite relieve opening for a professio of consumption. ye scien neglectedsophronia, Isabel a good d respecting tub &c. &c. : whet offence, lapsed i mo :1 state of still highly approved by Graybrid l1arlyb_c-tting an en ercular disease, w wlhatl lie: own chances ch to die, now he unhappy Aug- . d by this sudden nal discourse, and tic, and while they gave eal of useful _iu!'ormation eon Miss` Burdock ge, as pecu- _sabel improved the occasion by ask-l Augustus Pawlkatt, if `many She wan-` phthisis, , taking en` gloom ' I l I onenino {nu .-. ---1`-~-~ _ _ M --.-....,, unuwucu m- an ltalian lake, than worthy respectable Samuel mad and Helen. Isabel improved ask- a OI'co_1_1sumption. 4 know whathe: much die,uow u The ,5 relieved by` sudden wo Shelley grown old, Ah, how much belt hapless` Shelley, rt.hy[ I2n.....-.- '|9--' Byron, dr Keats, or and dim and gray! er to be erratic and` drowned in- Italian `--~ ,----_nu|l= HIlGF37`ua 0 -llad-adIiy".'$; I-mu=thav% ..-:l- V315, . Ull lull!" the n_xildV,be_.\ze:age V draught :;.and,b,n- om nu...-|......Is---iI- mu. Acau. small-prlllt Imagine the Corsair Rvrnn n- -"--*`- sgid,` and 1_u 1t an e` in! and , riodical i.nu'_ema inj1`e'ir.q"m.VI1,' fellow, he knows now who-is ght; ~You`m,nst' V keep him ;ver.y:quiiat. " .,Give -him a little` V 103181.-andywtetsnnd the. lgimerdraughts-:1 ` g,hi1t.llse`l1*;i1;;,.andV-M!&P8`!!at\:nt 7 7"` IVj4..`!i.ec Jr. :7 .I.1.s;- _ `Cut ` t&gdwW,,_, . M :9: + :ih'qpiI%y*qr: tiie'~ ;Siiti6ht"itf :- ilye ' eaxi_eatEmtter _in::-theiwIv a ` Vh-5-`:~`1`L-5 5* 3 -"*`=.V"~"**i"~%r i`?? T`%"`5%" ;` CHAPTER. xxx. J THE BEGININING on A GREAT'CHANGE.V George Gilbert w (7 as something more 7; than knocked up._ There had been 9. Id 5 '3 1 hun-rover the nar- I rmv lanes and little clusters of cottages like a blackeeloujd; and the parish sur-' jgeon, working, early and late, subject to ' sudden chills when his work `was hottest, `exposed to everyver'iety of temperature I at nlltimes,-. fasting for. longhours, and ` `T altogether setting at naught those very l 9 first principles of health, wherein it was < his `duty to instruct other people, had -paid the common penalty to which most 3 of his profession are; more or less, sub- ` ject; .A'h,;how: much we thinkof the ,soldiei:,.w_h_o rides out; amidst the blasts . - 0` `.1 $19515 3`ldl,3hl", f .5`.V,"`13.s. and an the lintoxieuting ?magic_o_{ wax; end 8 _ liowst'na ll`a`n`accountgwe `setf upon `the 3-` quiet courage ofthe village doctoi`; who I meets death-zfaceeto.face,every:`day, had . xi:vn.s1iir;k$.,th9;danse.r;us enouunterel. 9! Geerge. Gilbrt had cI,5I'!1_;t .;t9,;Iqh .9.fh_e 9.` rem" Mr; .13n vi*",Tl 1" , tin` iMdniih`y"f_`iiniiining'{[ __ f _iIz}'1'o1ed'" by`- L ._torpgickn.8s_';?a1id. - l'rgi'g.{n_ex_ie.=f"a_t the `Is 11;i_r,-14.: av t;...;sI.,I_s-'....rs>.f;~, 11,1 ` ` : spoke 6 ins riyalfs. inn_ Hdw `could I be` so"--ddlestitcks! `muttered the stranger wxth supreme con- tempt. .`f I came here_ because I had noivwhere else to go, -my lassle, You` nedn t whimper ; for I shan t trouble you very: lvong-1-tliis is not_ exactlythe sort of place] should care to. hang-out in : if you `caugiveme a, bedin-this house'for to- `-night, well and good ; if not you can give me a sovereign, and PH nd one else: where`. LWhale `I am here," remember .my tname s.Cuptaiu Morgan, and I".m in 1 the merchants ervice,-just home from jthe Mauritius. _ Up-stairs. Oh, why, why did ybu come here 2" cried _the Doctor s' Wxfe, piteous1y, cl_asping he_r hands like a crea- ture in some extremity of Iearnnd trou- ble; how could you be so cruel as to come here ; how could you M be so cruel astocome?_ ` - ` ` * " you herb ! .--V yvul{|}UlIljIu'_neto "' ff` Yon! she L Yes, me! "` Yon nedn t,tare as if you saw=`a'ghost'. `There s nothing so queer nbuut me, .is there `.1. You re a nice .yop_ng lady, I don t think, to stand there. shivering and staring. \Vhere s your husband? `__ .; I-1:` gp._spd,; in aV..vv1`1i.sper; ` __._.., unuuu snoutaers,-bold black" `eyes, and a black beard that covered all the lower~'part of` his face. He did not waittobejnvited to enter, but` walked . a'cros'sAth'e jthreshold like a man who had a right to come into that house, and al- most pushed_.Isgbel on one side as he did so. At, first she only stared at him with a blank look ofwonder, but all at once her face. grew as `white as the plaster on the ,wall,behi nd-_her_. - - - V You If gaAspe'd,.' atwhisper; 4 here " ` __ T - from her seat at the sonin-d ;.but she she went boldl,y,enough,_with the candle in her "hand, to answer: the snmmonsi There was nothing uncomon in a late ` knocking at the doctur s door,--some one from the lanes wanted medicine, no doubt; the people in` the lanes are. al- ways wanting medicine. Mrs. Gilbert opened the door, and looked out into the 4 darkness. A man was standing there 1 1; `well-clad _'.'ather liandsome-looking - man,with'brdad shoulders,-bold black" ` eyes) and 8. black hnnnl {Lao .-------- " " ` ...... uu: uwcx nau struck ten.- Shewas ail-alone In the-`lower part of` the house at that hour, for `the Jesons had gone clumping upstairs to bed at half-past " eight. She sat alone,` 9. poor chiidish, untaught, unguided creature, staring at Tillotson, and thinking of Rplahd Lans- dell ;` yet trying to be good all the times in her own feeble way. She sat thus, 1 until she, was startled by a cautious M single. knock at the door. She` started ` from seat sound she 1 boldl,y,enou'gh, with I llerhand- tn mm... o`L- avv\| nu: l[lU tulle njfegble -.uvray'. tl1us,t V {ck `eat at the _Qn.n,-I . L. ..L_ -1 nthing 5 le medicine. , an \V &`fonrl-'--- 4`- ____7-_ ~r\IU Alan II this ;ifnot 02. here,` Worgan, e,-just x GREA'I`I'CHANGE. L8 sojmethingmore ` been V: . ngalsn 1'nn.ihtasia;si'; .niant_1e,-4~?q`sfi"'j1iigh t`bgyeladmitd a. Vvry-*jv-`estinblq grandfather, had. `she ' happened `to {possess such 9; re'l':itiv;* Sif 5 . \s;g,t;ying 30: be; .;good, mmember ; and?) .. .ou.uueq*s1cx-peb'ple._ It was SE3;-.kmgm1y.' *sort up gosanes- she -adored-in the ;of herAcho'idt it was gqod ,1 an d; _she_ ad mired` , .hVer.-.t , a . I . 5 . , n -`-A , ...,...,......, my uear. '1`he`agricultg1'ral , populatiomgets very` thick about Gray- bridge ;..uud unless -some one takes pity _ on the `poqr people, and b`ri[n;gs`about s'omejimpro.veine.fxt" 1n the places they live in,` W6 i1i9._y'ldok {or,jenty' ot_ . i'ever.~ = ..He:weu`t out at`-tlie little ` ` ` 3 'sabeI watched.~.h' " ` ' been brought mg-love -=hihx' ;2 `but4sh`kng`k" the} h9;aW.t=s9da 5!i9`::k1:;!!:159t1h'9 :':ai wQ,;.,,x;in=; ,,-'fi_ gxet ` '.5`~ out. all day in `the wet last week, you know ; but there s nothing in that . I shall just lookin' at those people at'-Br'lar- gate, and come back by the lanes; and then an `hour pr so 111 the A nish my work, and} shall` be able to getfagood night s rest. `I `must have an assistant; l-my dear;-* The A"igricIIltg1'ral vent-' Ihilr-.lr ah-r I`--- ~~ surgery will `; .,.,....,.... L_u ueueve that he had the fever. Idaresay Pawlkatt likes tosee me laid by the heels here, Izzie, he said to his wife, while he goes interfering larted with my patients, and bringing his old- 3 fashioned theories to bear. He ll shut :lle up the poor wretched little windows of `all those cottages in the lanes, I daresay; ` and make the_rooms even more stiing 2 than they have been made by the huilde : He ll frighten the poor women into - _ shutting out every breath-of fresh air, /i men and then take every atom of strength z : ntious i E Fevers. Pawlkatt will 0 be for starving those feeble creatures in /It the lanes. It s no use talking, my dear; c I m a little knocked up; but I ve no S more fever about me than you have, and 11 did Isliall go out this evening. I shall go nu pm,` round andsee those people. There s a T woman in the lane behind the church, a In widow, with three children lying ill ;aud w _she seems to believe in me, poor creature, as if I was Providence-itself I can t pl forget the look she gave me yesterday, when she stood on the threshold of her wretched hovel, asking me to save her , children, as if she thought it rested with ma me. to save them. I can t forget her ~e look, lzzie. lt haunted me all last night, Izzie, when I lay tossing about; for I was too tired to sleep, somehow or .oth_e_r..- And when I think of Pawlkatt pouring his drugs down those childr_en s throats, `J-I tell -you it s no use, my dear; 1 ll take a cup of tea, and then get up and dress. . a 4 , ~- - It was in vain that Isabel pleaded ;; in vain that she brought to her aid Mrs. n_ Jeson, the vrgorou _ , V Id who declared that it would-be nothing I. short of s_elf-murder if Mr. Gilbert insist- , ed on going` rut `hat evemng;_equally _ Of in vain the threat of g-summoning Mr. H Pawlkatt. ,George was resolute; these I J- quiet people always` are resolute, _not to i 8 say, obstinate. It is your animated, impetuous, impulsive creatures who can I. be turned by'a breath from the pursuit or a purpose they have __most veh a sworn to accomplish. Mr. Gilbert put` asideall arguments in I sibletmanuer. He was 1 ,- and he was` surely thevbest judge of his own 'health.- He ,}vas-wanted yonder among. his patients, and he must go; 1 lsabel and Mrs. Jelfsoni retired in mel- f uncholy resignation` to prepare the tea, ` `which wasto fortifyfthe surgeon for his , ,evening s Work. George came down . stairs half anhour -alterwar.d,s.,.lool<'ing, 7 not ill, or evenivveake; but at once ush- .ed and haggard. 3 i_ _i ', ,- ff The_i'e s nothing` 'wl'1a't v'er the mat tel-"with me, mydear Iizie, , he said, as- his wife followed him',to the "door; I zn onIy d9ne _`u.p},bY: :\.'e_t_'y hard work.- I `feel .. d aud.,cr4m nedtil1::niyllimbs as:.-?f.1. d SOlnHl1r'nu-in-' sol---- "" T . cuguuler unattended. A: Mr. Gilbert", so cleverwh were concerned, was not 1 judge or his own case; an nnngnnt on Iv-V-'A--A ` ` _,,__a- -. ...., uwu uuse; and he would not consent t_o believe that he had Ivdaresav Pzuvlimn. L-nu .,. ..-- .7 ycausg Inc} {a dose of 5 u. ucverslng ms nval s U was almost harder to .h_a; 1 thoughts of the same su"erers together unattended. And, be` Mr r`1.'n.....&. -- -' ` `" -- ..:;T'T'.". 2'? ."..`? :6 {pdssess a; Sire V ..fg_0od, re men_x--ber audf. ..f V; J. uvunul-l hose s-`nb 9;, _ fmdn who `fed; h1nise;l'fj _ "r V .du_e stepfnilher. g " ` arid` 1dtnnd v1ier'~,~:iIt1`_h'g in tlie.:izi`tit1_Ide `inn; which she~ hni` i'_ax`,_llei;`;[:.`cl"t_a;15" _des_l`roy ?ip: ; . the`lettr.__' irf'v`ankim 2` ..;I..`..;A 1 wre very painful ;bu'1t,:AfqrT once iii a way, they-were-not en_t_ih"e}y dev Roland Lgansdiefl-;`a_`11 ti"3:eH_he'nmsle:`of gagtdgdTPrjry`;d!`-`gture Aiukthat Ion reVene._ .Gxptgq "c1i fI'1'e1 ilii fzv"n'i:d"-71'. A 1 _- , ...... no mun: you ask for Captain Morgan.--Yours truly. There was no signature. The letter was written in 11 big dashing hand, which had spm.vi'led recklessly over a. ' seeet of `old-f'ashione`d letter-paper; fit seemed a riotous improvideut kind of `writing, thategioried in-the Wasted space and squandered ink. A ' v e `f How cruel` of him to come here L ? , as [she tore` ihe letter M mtg a` little heap of ' fihgnienfs ; "how .~ " ' ` . " `_ `(I h8d.lIo_; n"ered edptnghuliad y--'; as `if the misery =m*`W.'%`!*1*=6 b9=a': I groxvmm` of George Gilbert. Out of the emptiness into which he had melt _ago at Roland Lansdell s adve emerged now, distinct and palpab creaturewho wanted pity and a - Is he very ill '! -she wondered ' " says himself that he is not; and much cleverertlmn Mr. Pawlkatt. She looked out into the lane, 1 inglfor her husband s coming. 'I -three people went slo_wly by u &;('nunLI- -'-~ L uuu.n'I want him; but ] letter for his wife, from 9. m staying up at our place; Be \ Yes; give me the letter, : Isabel putting her hand `ovef She fnnlr Han ....:.._.'-- I - __..-~u- _,. , Be this Muster~Gilberi s tors `I he asked of Isabel. Yes; do y_ou want him? I doan t want him; I rlelfnr rm no ----'r- uuuu pcuple went I sidemble intervals`; :1 was quite dark, the slouclxing country-bui of the obscurity. ` I` 1'). 4L.'_ at _ -- -~a_--uuIuGD ma: sne had felt long ago for a sick kitteu,4or 11 wounded bird, or a forlorn street-wan- derer of the canine species t looking pleadmglyv at her with great hungry eyes, lled her heart now, as she thought the black melted long Lausdell advent, he distinct creaturewho aection. very ill'!- H. and he is Pawlkett. watch- cumin ' three went and atllast, dark. the mm. Ar -V I - - nu u .-uuuu-nlgl'lI." zr. . Isabel. sighed as she shut the gate 1e upon;.;he'oended surgeon. The world ' seemed to her quite. full oftrouble just lg now. Roland Lansdell was `angry with at bitter anger and cons It tempt had been exhibited in his face in at` the church yesterday! _ George was ill, ; and benton making himself worse, as it -' g seemed ; a.Person--the person whom of -. all others the Doctor s Wife most feared 0 --had dropped asit were from the clouds ', into Midlaridshire; andhere, added to 1 all this trouble, was `Mr. _Pa`wlkatt indig- s want and offended. She did not go in- t doors at once; the house seemed gloomy and hotjin the summer dusk. _Sl_ie lin- geredby the gate, looking over the top of `therails at the dusty lane-the mono- L tonous uninteresting lane, of "whose : changeless aspect she was so very tired. l She was sorry for her husband.-now that It was her nature to love and pity every weak thing in creation. The same kind of tenderness that she. had kitten,` or 1 D feuded. is- ce; seemed dusk. ne looking dusty Jane--thn_ mmm- n"t forget the sme[ws{uf re you askfor Captain . [ - The 11* hand, virled over - ` lnHnv--n-~`- - '3` i uuwrwnse wo'II|Il' c obluined oi',1_ll.. E. This valuab . money as any `king ineifecuve fol _ , ...... an-`Jab !-, wnen It the figure o'I :1 boy, a '-built lad, loomed out 5-1111 3 I I; ve gm an 8. mnn 15...! J___ mu, , . ALI-u.l.l.Ul'3 UI Una , answered _ The follmving announcement is made er the gate, - In a New York paper, and is probably I _ _ as been published 1 a slow nu- ll] relavuon to the draft : lchidnwnv ' 'l`h;..1....r...-.-.. , - the 7, 1864. 9,.../_ a-any ul luv 3 . enemy,~he remarked to an artillery of-' V errthat a.l1ole could eusly be put] Ftlujough`, it. zfwhereupon. the - ofcer, L _tm-n_Aing tu lh8`00lpOlM'iD chargevof tha- , igun, sai_ .'.`,Cqtporal.'_d,o:-you see that ......-...cu me same lunrmity. [ ` 11 it man is n)us_Igr,ed in the service-for; age yenp, and gets: kiiled within three! : mpilhs. .his_qxc;1tor`s:are mot ` bound to . . furpisliga,s'abstil1Ite.{onhe-balance oflns ;v?;t-1.'l.11_4-`.; . J . J 2 ; " - ' . I Tlgege dgtails n,re.not by ,`Fry, cons'e-' ` .quplly, they: t_nay,be xeliedt upon. . ' Tiiuouah In"-.--AVn o{- : `08FsD 9 Georgia wu'te`s .:---One night I -'G en_-._..;._..< = ;mu.....-4-:.. nu --- A u \.IllF|'fy _|inlsutwell"l xi ix hn ---` VLLIUUI c I : Goingto ;Canz'1da`forz;. fw: mouths to; s_ee_V_a -ylelativaadoeszlxol. debar a. citizen] .g(J!m,l11's right to be enrolled and draf- Bed,z,1i1s:=,,;a'ma.1l s `ttlzer has a wooden gag -h|Ti8'SOIIfl._ not exempted, unless he has! `_ ' is inushaxml in Man ------'-- _.mheti'ted the same inrmity. ] M _, -.. ...u ou.uJc'Ul. or the dratt. A man whoipaid $300 commntation~ under the first draft, and has since died,i ,- is not liable. Females of all sexes exempt. . Young men 'who -have postponed , their 20th birthday on account of the ; dxafnnre liable-if they` are found out. * __,.Any man that has`.-not been .enrolled ' can have his name put -on the list on appligzttiqn, at the Provost Marshal s 'Oice_'., Any [such person shallbe en- titled to allthe privileges` of the draft . i_l1V'Ih6/Sll>|lI.e'lTHllll1Gl' as though hiswf name; lladjbeell enrolled by. the "proper * ..,.......a uuule--l[ me)` at _ . Any that has . not -0 appliyzxtion, at Pros `Office , A'n_1y_ such arm- I` - , ... uuuuuu LU NIB GT3." The draftwvill "come off on Manda? week if nothingelse happens. For the information ofmany inquin'ns_: readers-.1 have obtained some IMPORTANT DECISIONS. "on the subject of the draft. A n1gn \IlI`|1\ .....'..l -l.I\I\" _ -A-I.u5LI.l.U' ' A young man, wanting to sell cles in London, petitions the Corporation to allow him to open a little shop, with- out paying the fees of freedom, and "he is refused. He goes to Glasgow`, and the specia- not sell spectacles and magic lanterns enough to.occv,py all his time, and `lie occupies liiinselfat intervals in taking asunder and reniakingall the machines 1 he can come at. He nds there are ` bookson mechanics written in foreign 1 languages, heborrowsa dictionary and 1 learns those languages to read those I books. The University people wonder I at him.nnd are fond of dropping into his a little roomiin the evenings, to tell him ,, 3 what theyare doing,and to look at the ` 1 queer instruments he constructs. A machine in the University collection u wants repairing, and` he is employed. - , , ri He makes it a new machine. The steam-engine is constructed, and the 3; `giant mind of James Watt stands out before the world--tlie herald of anew W phase 01 civilization. But was Walt edu- cated? l Vhere was he educatedl. At dl his own workshop, and in the best -man- I,` ner. -Watt learned Latin when he - `wanted it for his buisness. He learned French and" German, but these . were tools, not ends. He used them to promote his engineering plan as he used , in lathes and . levers.--Fznc/zer s Trades ta] Review. . , sc things Q, will Monday` I ng;else i 1 rmation ` ' 1 LTANT 7 1 `paid commutation 0 died,i f a 11 exempt. *1 V May account . .-if'they` arefonnd out. '7 thus .-not dl me 3` cl ch person shallibe W oi draft .91 mnuner though Ilia-11 ......u ALI} UUUS nd intervals gall 19 `n:-In an.- ,, .... -.,_,.. IOUYITY read Ie ng n Qnll `L-'#- .,..... ....e mqucsteu Adair to wear mourn- ing for her as long as he lived, which he scrupulously did save on the Kiug s and Queen s birthdays, when his duty. to his sovereign required him to appear at court full dress. If this request was in- tended to prevent Adair marrying agnin, it had the the desired eect; he did not marry :1 second time thdtwh he had 5 many o{Iers.-N_atcs and Querzcs. L wiil he gene} 5 I iulherwnse won` .5 b_ Th: `e unln-Id) ....,-,..ucao uuu me." Lady Caroline Adair s married life was short. but happy. She died of con- sumption, after giving birth to three chil- dren, one of them a son. On her death- bed she requested Adair r long as hp In... ...L:--- -e iii` Robin Adair? V lls us that amuse- , an advantageous Adi1ir s biographer te menls,a longjoumey offer, and other common modes of shak- ing uff what was considered by the mnily as an improper match, were al- ready tried but i|14\'ui1); the health of ` T4!-v r`--"" V V Rob Rob} Yet he I love so well Still my heart shall dwe ; Oh I can I ne'er forget But now I never see "A153 u But I What when the play What made my heart Oh! it was parting w was o'er. so sore `I ith nnt\:.. A J Kobin Ada r that`: art far from me, A ' `now- AA- Robin Adair?" Robin Ads 1:! u from Robin Adair! vsvs" `Hull Robin Adair I I from mo su uni` I Robin was there ! was o'er, N 0.? A49. AsTU;iE$1 `ca a little dauylk; as taken way. va_led form, `an d m guy way i qf I/Vild Ckcnw. u UCPIUEO 10 H,` L Cborr menced using i as than three din _.-um uIWell"I Prl opulamy 1! 1: .4, an 1LA\. "Cough. [1, Aug. 21, -. uu11l,.' de St. H1/acz'nth`a`. ` ` I nf ll1I'= mcnceu using pi... lhanlhree din: -ll. '1 have si _' . rof my neighbn have I knownih use 0!` the re any body to_ pig nave real c;.s.il tg r.-mvm-nr-~ Powdj Powdi Powcfj . Bo; inn: is Wall-E. 2., OEt.,'20,1 . Pofwdgf % Pdyvgi PowdijiQ:V'_ Powdgzqfi : Powdergff. Powdf2?Ti . Powdersfjg` -~ .;i . 13 '. Powders; fr; ruv Uh 11]/BCIRIIIOQ . 4 mm - I oflhns Balsa " :1 prepared` 5)`. I. was the signalu_;g_.4 `PEI . "lid: Powdf` PoWdr ll'(l`- Q I:-)1 ;visor.-.-,1 Powdeff ; Powdz Powderss" -...... beep, H4`j;`. 4 "., great coxi-,; *. eU1Tr1;" 50, 184 1, 186` 2:5,. FIE! "*'*`*",-*` EAMEROD; -uunlili onto, Novem W. LOUNT. 4..--.wvULD SOLICITORS IN ,_, .uv1)LtLl l f BARRISTERS, &c.,. . Church Street, Torontd. ?.nm:1u.ruonzNsoN, 1 ..rom A JOHN F. DAVIES, J CCOUNTANT, COLLECTOR, com vsumvca, LAN1) GENER./11 r ARDAGH 3; Barristers & a n I I n . m . n . if .-- -..m.,, uu/wc_'1/ancers, BARBIE, Co. SIMCOE, c.w. [ WM. D. AIIDAGII. JOL{N.A. ARDAGH, B-. } I I I V - WM o'nnmx, L.L.xi. +__________.____.__ 0 BRIEN 6:, STE VVART, BARRISTERS. TATTORNIESQ & SOLICITORS Notaries, Comzeyancers, gj-c. o'1mu:.v,L.1..n. nmnrmun _-..L......... - Apbly at the Oice of.\Iessrs_. Son Bill Brokers and General Commission Owen Street, Barrie, C.W, emu; %snA~cH':ih[E sncm, ggii &_ " ~ >`- !>x!J. EJRGEN, XE; . ,'I;L1OTT 4- of; 2-3; " CANADA LAnih"b"hEEIT COMPANY nn 1: at Hm nm..- .5` I LOUNT & BOYS, Barzfistvers and Atton {)TIrVI'nnnn '" N .1 `J " HAMILTON D. STEWART, `WM. 0 BRIEN,V Deputy Registrar and Mastr Chance: '3: -_. u u SOLICITORS IN I Notaries Public, 1 ngnnnn nr rm CIIRISTOPHE R - HARRISON lMEDYi L OPPOSITE ' JvoL. XIII. WILLIAM 11013`: -u.I .L\J T6n0Nr0 1 ` '7 `J V. > Building Socie ty, Wstern ;s,Gbu1"cl1 Sue et, ' ...4suAv .(/1'.-VCERS, DEPOSITOIIY 011` THE DUHLOI STREET. > the genera! til; >, Is preparegl from-x i1p_pro\`ed ol aCI.. ht 'Ve1_e.-rinarv Sula;-`_ ycrsally used nqw ' _eders, as [be onTf' 'c Iually corieil-' yslem. and so '. pprehension o . . 'I`.'illsN in-..nnrn ' : ma chons-< AGE.\"l' FOR THE Atto1;neys,, CH./INCERY, CONVEY-1 (.`El?.Q x... `T STREET WE S wmn HofEL _._uvvaonIl" I CIIANCERY, Coiwcyancers, mmnn I` W ARDAGH, Attorneys, ' CIIANCERY, :-ornca,