`_c,ripp1's, o tnakx" resentsffrqz Eu . The 1_1 ag: but`; ` "ltons,vhT;1v'`_m3 ` `L m,cir6:i1at tell _ bedofne the gqcigild xvlxdiircc kgggezggo `jnutlgi jou` 1ga'r;`v3iqf\vere_qsci1: Watches, and light th ,1 .-._a...".. ....- ....A _.... uuu - Ivsn . lives not long before the log set in again deeper than ever; the lake was rstfetl. `and the ..pm'y_ bldbv in'eht'>werh nver the, upper deck, but not so heavily as to be disagreeable, "whi'e everything was enveloped in the log. ,1! did n0lI,._ht_)\_V`='6f, damp the spirits of the_- pattyin thelavt, for music having been provided. a" member of tlte press being lucky enough to get hold of a violin. dancing commenced in ear- ne'st,'and`wes'kept up with spirit. Then fol-` lowed singing. and la time Awas'enjoy_e`d 'nntil the_'botit drewtnp to the wharf at_Bll '_Ewart, Be_{ore lea'vt_n'g'the p|_ace_ three rotiuing f.ch`eerfs`_t`vete given for Capt. May. and rnany a hearty shake of. the hatttl at parting. `The train hnlna in ....:.:.`... .. ._-- H . -..a.... ovilslll u, -u wuv wnauuu u-I uvuunu u. Shortly after passing into the Lake again, a meeting of the Excursionisle was organized in the cab'n, and Mr. Gilleapy, of the Speclator, one of the ex-presidents of the Press Associa- tion. having been called to the Chair, business _was proceeded with. The Chairman explained thatasthe Excursion party had been placed uniler great obligations by the different Railu ay Compattiemand Capt. May, it was felt to be due to those parties that some expression of .thnnke_shonld bqgiy,en fortheir libei-a_lity_,A and "I0 598` H3040.-':W.t1ulJ_be,; perhaps, to edppt a renolution, or,.ieriesi-of regulations, in eccor-i dance therewith. = `A vote of thanks was accordingly proposed and carried. V ` ' Little time was lost in getting ready for the excursion o_n the Emily May, which was lying at the wharf with-steam up. In a~few minutes she as on her way, with the excnrslonists on board. At startin2,iLal te Simcoe was almost eampletely shroudedgin mist; and little saveva large eld of saw-logs extending along. the shore and into the lake a" great distance on the Bell-`Ewartside, was seen. The fog. lifted, beautiful scenery"of Lake Simcoewas seen in" all its grandeur? "I_'he re can be few ner sights than a full view between shore and shore of [his fairy like scene. The water rinooili as the face of a mirror ;" with here and therea cluster of islands`which_ lookedias if dropped _into the Lake. Snake Island is the largest, and of con- - siderable extent; but the` miniature spots at intervals, some otitliem but a few yards in cir- cumferenceryet-studded with trees, were far the most charming. `Away in the diance as the beholder stretched his gaze from the upper deck ofthe steamer, was seen the greeniedging of woods fringingtthe Lake, andgiving to it a3 touch of enchantment beautiful in theiektreme. To'uearly all the excursionists this was the first sightdhey had obtained of'Lake Simcoe; out great was their suprise to End that such a splen- did sheet of water was within such easy reach. Few who travel know anything of _tl)i`charm- ing lake, because it is out of the ordinary way of travel; but if they saw it once, there can t_ be no doubt that they would select it for their next pleasure seeking Visit. ` THE nimtsa. As the dining arrangements are not the most extensive on the Emily May, owing tothe fact that no large lnuinberi or passengers at one time take passage on her, it was found necessary to divide theparty into three ; and, of course the ladies-were attended tofirst- i Capt. May in- vited some four or five gentlemen to wait upon the ladies, and they were certainly attended to in a very creditable manner. the secretary of the "Press Association, a bachelor, by the way, being the most active. The boat arrived at Orillia before dinner was nished ; but ample justice was done to it, and it was served up in an admirable mauiier Those who intend going ` by the Emily May may feel assured that they will not want fora good dinner. THE STAY .AT ORILLIA. It was about 2 p m.. when the boat stopped `at Orilliaawharf, and. soon most. of the excur- ll lsionists werescattered in various directions, an` hour awiventy tlnlllelrbstti allowed them. ' Severa went tothe `Lunatic Asylum, a large ` brick building a short distance from the village, 5 on the margin of. the lake. Admission was; granted, after some little parleyiiig, and that building thoroughly-xaxplored. - One of the re-.3 porters, on taking out his note-book, was seized T upon by one of the female inmates. and rather rudely treated. The visit, nevertheless, was highly appreciated. Orillia is nota place of much importance, but is the point for a large ` back country having egress by the lake` D the j eastward- It is.rather pretlily situated, and we should think it a healthy locality. There is a grad deal of shing,hut we do not know that i any brisk trade is carried on. l mu RETURN. We were fairly on our way again at the ap- pointed time, and taking a dit`l'erent route had a 3 excellent View of what is called the Nair-' rows, asort of canal formed through an im- mense rushbed, and a road which connected the two shares at the narrowest spot. The party enjoyed the scene, and the deck was eagerly sought byuall who wished to behold it. en.__.'i_. _i-.-_ __,_e_ 2 .I_ I , , however, after being` out some -time, and the ' h , _ -I 'I'lP ACIIOII [JAKE IIWUE. ' `M zriiian .':q'wl_ tiohf`_"t!'{ltnei , ;Mana T _. f'1`unrs_aa t;'tji;:. , Tniqlpfgt; lili`&rlitymggf.tlne g&s:._o, the Railr6ad';ttli3ii"GVid ~ Trunk Ritwiy, .521 the algal we.mn`Raii'- way, all who participated iii if were passed free over the respective 'roads;'and Capt. May, with a generosity altogether unexpected, not only placed his boat, the Emily May, at the disposal ofte Excursion party, but provided . L-th_e_rn with`,-agaittrnptuoae dinner, free of cost. % presegcf ola number of ladies greatly I -. l.-..__J .R_.v..I_;_.__-.'_...l 2. ._.__ ___-..l'-..__a- I 5!o.ploa_pter`iEairI`ti:i;a4.. excariirjp 9! the Cantu ' ""'$"' ""'7"" ""'I"""-' """"' presec e number of greallyii erfhanced Ihe`i)le'2`isnre;'aml it was granfying to I observe that all enjoyed the Irip. Moat of the , g`x_.r__t.1;`r zig`r 1`iVs_!_'s`;reaghed Toronlo the preyioua vpaninig; aniiv were distributed amohg `the `dir- ferent hoIe1s,aml at 7 o clock en Thursday morning left the shlion of lhe Northern Rail- wayU I\\I `I'InADl'\ TLIIK Pilllv II'A.IY from (he Hamilton Spectator. ; -. V .a nun acnou us: snnipign. ' pg `.1. ' . ,v I .-giditoritil ]fxc1_1rsion. on now; `run EMILY MAY. .- ..-.-... nu vnuuv IEUVIVUU. Canada seems to be the land of promise at pm` sent for the scalpers, as victims are getting b` scarce andwvary in the States. On the other sid6 prices are not so well known, and but for the dif- ference in exchange, these gentry W0"`dv " doubt, drive a, roaring trade amongst Her Ma-. jesty s subjects. -It is to be hoped that if an) f those tngn`-stealers are cnnght on British iZ'd' an eismple will be made ofthem. Ir our law does not` punish such offences with snllicient se- " `vet-ity',nn accommodating old gentleman named _ Judgo.Lynch- might give his sanction at least to , tarring and feathering. ~ Enough of the war and its ooncomitants. k - This village is, of course, called after Sba 9` ` `s`it'er6 s Iii:-tlt'opls'oe, and, to make it even a close: type ofthal. celebrated spot, it ltoasts of 3 Kd"t n _ w`hojg _kno-.vn`_as the Bard of Avon, and no 0" considers himself superiot togshe Britisher who i est,tecelsed':`g:st_name;;` Sonic of 1Ji9.5 i" 1 with the "poem 0' " ` Amgnqsn: so-tam zeta: .stnce.tb_-w-r bean" '= his jdcjcni enough doggsclon -the subject to 8"` * b'e`;i5i-itofvm I-W-` `f ` ;1i&% 1atw.ti'at+*~r1atiaiaeni its 1-srn-rs` TOTIAL LOSS Ia:r`mA'n:n AT 3,000. [2 :1 [IF n JIM VIQIILIO I|{e_po'; 0' Po.` 1":-W W ns..;.muoz`n`. um `lien tirfnqnon an, in -`._.,r7V v_...., are uauu..u:ua_pu\lU l0@UU- .ll|]OUZu there.has~been no draft here as yet, and may probably not be at all, some of the young Yan- kee_hl_6bgis'are so alarmed at the possibility ef tl ze1'\'J>e_i~I_ig_' draiwn that theyare willing to anticl- pa}3' anti purchase a substitute at once- whlle they are still to he had. To do thus llw seloil 'bta"Ieal['ter are called into requisition; wgeaaglnps to tied the non-combatant a man tril- lin 6') 'come food for powder for ascipnlated a:;gn",,yy_l;ieh has now in `many places reached the very handsome gure of $15,000. or this blood_- money the acalper generally pockets the lions adhere; although hlswictims are genera"! 5"?` _to_ be placed in the front of the battle from its beihgyauppoeed that` they have receivetl U10 full value of their um, and are bound 10 El" fairrelnru for value received. .fV-_-J- _.- - coxcumsn. , Shoddy forcibly reminds me of the story told , of an old Irish woman, who, in passing along the . highway in the year .,8, found a ne ham which I. had fallen from a military provision waggon, and delighted with her unexpected good fortune, cried out as she laid hold of her prize, Glory be to God ; if this be war may we never have peace} `So it is with those whofatten on the u-ar-`-they never want to see pence. If. the question is asked , how money is to be had to prosecute the war 2 with, the answer almost invariably is, by steam." ' With plenty of paper and ink, and halt a dozen score of _ printing :presses at Washington con- _ siuews of war. - The next question which natu- `rally arises is,` how and when this irrcviecrnublc lpaper is to be redeemed, and` the interest on tie` wo.r_d'e`bt paid ? Thefnnswer-which almost every `,intelligent. man you meet'mr\kes is the same- l The people will not submit to be taxed for it, i and there will be no alternative but repudimiou. We shall, they say, have to declare ourselves ; , bankrupt, give ourselves a clear discharge, :u.d , v` make afresh start. Foreign nations will be only too glad to keep our custom by giving us fresh ll` credit. Besides, they argue that, inasmuch as _ j_ the war debt is mainly due to their own people, ` i they will. if the question is put to the, vote, rntl.er '_ agree to cancel the obligation than continue to 1 3 hear a henvy and continual burden of taxation- ` : Sober-minded men, who have nothing to gain ly a prolongation of the contest, take a gloomy View of the -future, and have no hesitation in pro- nouncingtheir form of Government in many re- spects a failure. Four years ago a Canadian settler would be coinmiserated here for the choice of country he had made; but now I have only to announce myself to be a Canadian in order to be duly congratulated upon my good fortune by every.Yankee near me. Nothing seems to have i 1 , istantly at worlr",-"tltere can be no lack of the- ; greater effect in making the war nnpopulnr than. thedraft. So long as substitutes were easily ob- tained, and for a moderate sum, it was not in matter to be greatly feared ; but now it is begin- ning to strike terror to the hearts of those who have a constitutional objection to blood-letting, Land-those whose means will not enable them to procure a substitute aupresent prices. In fact the article has become so scarce, especially since Grant inaugurated the game of the Killcenny cats, that it is/becoming a luxury which only the rich can indulge in. The business of procuring sub- stitutes hasbeen, and still is, amongst the most lucrative which the war has givenrise to. Those who follow it were at first termed Brokers, but are. now known by the morossignicant, if less name of Scalpersl_ `They infest every ' _,`__K9 9'13 resort _to every means which cunning pofrnianism can devise to secure their victims. They, make a handsome commission on every Spcllpve-often as n_:u'ch5as,$6o0 to $800. Although l"lel'e.hs~h9on nn (loaf: 3...... -- ..-A 4~J --- Q ` t Avon srnmas. T 0 the Editor of the Northern dvarace. ,Acacs'1~ 12th, 1904. -SAL: or S-roves, HARDWARE AND 'I'ixwAnz.-We understand that Mr. Pbrtns has bought the valu- able stock-in-trade of Mr. Geg. Hunter, who has been compelled to retire from business ounccount of ill health .`1r._P-Jrtaa will sell the stock by Auction on` Saturday next. A sale must be e!- fectual, and it is expected that some bargains on be got in*Th'way of stoves; ' .c13ild not hVave.,Vbeen, and the members of >:1?feesBemider themselves under whg pattieipeted in the excursion will {a.| grateful for Mr. Cumberl_end e snggeetion. A mote enjoyable or happier affair bf the kit; the great obliga. lione for theA,lil)ere_lity extended tothem. To the Manegifig Director ol the Grand Trunk Railway. and the ; Genem,l Manager of the Green! \M.a.u-... .n..-.. ___ _ . _ . . , _ . . - - v - - - - u - - ~ - V -It VI "'1"-"'5 ||l'UC!CB--I one -especial good. one being Taking Boarders. for Go'mpn_ny._ There is plenty of good origin; poetzgnd, for such as are fanciful for that kind 6! -exnaiknceuvneny quantity of useful recipeg, chutades, &c., beside: articles on health from the- `pen o!`_I_)r,_ Hnl_L -Locus A. Gonnr, publisher, PhA_i in_tfe_i;_ilii, Price, three dollars per annum, (Amrisn. cm-rency,) or twenty-ve cents pe( number. Can be had at the store of W. Mann 3; Son,-jiuiie. . - ' Tn: Wrsnamsnn Rmsw for July, is received, Contenls:---Public Schools in England-.\'oveIs With a Pnrpose-Libeml French Protestan1ism- M:-.4Lewea'. Aristole--Tbe Tennre of Lnnd-Dr, "Newman and Mr. Kingsley-Edmnnd About on Progress---`Tbackeray-Contemporary Literptnro. Goon : LAnv`s Book for September is promp at band. Tho first illustration `isjrue to natuz any! well `executedecntitled, Tired Nature`.- Sweel. Resloxer, Balmy Sleep. The fashions for the month occupy due prominence both for Indie; and children. In music there is the Home Sc-hot. tischa, In fancy` work there is an endless vane.` of hhndatiae 'paiterns. The literary depurlmen} conthibl the-continuation: of various nrlic)ea.... nna .nu-mninl nnml Ann huh... H 'r..1,:.... n, Dnrrnr.............1 IHami|ton..........I Welland'.......... NiagIra._............! . The.-_f_ol1owiugvare thevappoin` of Assize in the Home Circuit. ' sonwill preside :- 1 Owen Sound. . . . .. . Wdnesda; } Milton ....... Mouqay .. D-...2- ,__ _, -_._.... nu. uuo alsu IIIUCI {or passes` granted overthose roads. Great August 24, I86; '35 . `8`II_If\ 4,:GoneInlV3 l;r;;.g.;r :35. lb: Wn. line)` are aiso much indebwd Isses granted ofarlhnnn mm. cllarrcspouhcucc. ASSIZE8. Wdnesday. . . . Monday .. . . . Monday ; . . . . .. . Monday .. . Thursday . . . . . . .,Monday znppointmenla for Court; Circuit. Mr .Tm:.... um ..... ...u nu UUUHJ Mr. Justice Wik : `rm: m:m:n.u.s . roncsn BACK .oN A V ' rnxmv. ` ' .2811: Sept.- .3rd .O(`t.- .1mh .171h .271!) cu... U .3183 They 1ose' 150-50 Prisoners.- TUESDAYS DESPA.TCHESr _-, .. --- ... uuuqvcu III I19 ; hie, can t` be fouu'd`. _Oi[r 'a's thus` forced" back with in killed and wounded. , however, ,su ercd `\n`rors.e `,9. id in flu`. "......a:....I-_' uu_uI cmmulales `am busywmnvassing`. =The| diI'isinn,is `very Jarge,-tad ialllhvligno WNWO required .-In .can1aqs:,il;. ,We; mm; Mr. Me.- Pherson vvi_|lMbe snacsg(u)l.-,gS;qz3_.-;,`5; : . Mm D, L, ..McP_4g:fnsuu..-,-.Mr., { ,Mc,Bhg{son arrived in Ow'ar_i.S-`nnfc!-:iii_`MirI1il6y eutiing (mm Colfiug'wbod,~w_H6i'if - Ii'T{'I1iil`j[ieo`n`!'ling - his "way; imdngafxhfhlqhtdr. 1..l'Ii!Ius`.;dding the same here; wiItL_l!:o;vSg'it;1cnc,e* ;-7-lijgg * Jackson, member for uni: County. a ngie _ ul xuccc }`-any , urc nu uu ugun, ruuu IIUIU (O (10 it. A man competent to pave hi own way t6 lormue, ;is "capable in` its" proper sense, of well serving=hi.= country and he will do` it; take our wotdfor it. Just stir y`ou,rs`elvos,`good electors. and let us-have ajmember worthy of Mr large, `rising, _and irnporlant.4 Division. There is a man ig Balfgiq whobis everlgqlingly quoting a`mmo"'af piJr`Iiii_ghbdur8 across the lIn`e- The price` 'of`liberly `is_';e_tarnal: vigi- lance. Paraphaned Ihu's : ~-Th. -' Ifiuniplmnl "?"n of our Camdiilata depends on.lha-;vig.-4 [ '=1W`e.. of. the eleclou.- ?-Enterpri8e...I - "9 S-`I.!B0n~ Division./is lnk'e`_ly Inmitness %;,};;;:y-qnies: . hem-een;sv1;. Mhrfhgi 1m. arson. The` 1%? tr ii 3' le_mhi1.'ip s'l) - sgvribr 'f We 1-`***s=r`~itt`i:r'-si-3 oi.--1 *exir`n: cg al_n of ~_bemg remrrisid. `)V:e'-jbeliV_g"lhat .-` """ 'e- ` *i -zmrzve-;~inaz`.:fa7r:~e I ior`s'_of this part of,lhe_ Dmsion -hail the vplea- : ; !:n3_i\'ng the-pasx week; on. Mon(ljty"|as1,;_ncgQ;i)-__ v_._'l`tif|atdr'assu(ned"us lhtil ih. .!eog5pIi1`;`ti_plI_Lfe__ ` Candidgie met with was cordial,",;gn_ii;l-T `gap-' ` gral. and unbounded, and -puch an ill hll` Sauaim .D:vxIoNi-A number `(Jfl,ilI~6- eleo-if: sure of welcoming McPherson. the; Can; diilale, on his ying or inItonluctor)',;v_i,iI phnied n'h'r fjfdiil fri'gii'l{"Angus 1\1ijr_a_b'rT." never witnessed before; "Pis Ime Mr._)_Mc'- not moreuf ll in the L-92islatur'e-wha! a saw-.= ties esseuuiaJ;a;nJ vastly benecial. , Hui: in~I dependant--nnl,in_ the Clear Grit sense, ,h'k'e of mere p"a'rly f;` fieeluiio righl','antiible' 19 do if. :\ min nnlnnAliI`nl ln`naI'n hi` nivn Ii1'n'r rd Pherson is modest---tare qmuiiy in an elpeo- - uamof P_ag-iamemary honu[s;`pilylh,el_9 were ` ingtolha counIr,'it'wo||d cect. He is `div-V . idenl :1 . e.~he is honest. ' Rare opportunity to ` infusavamong the " collective `wisdom=qu`ali-* ` the handie-of atjng, all on one side. or aglride ' -ihe fence':-;but_abo've and b'ayondIhe.clap-trap . _pl'0mplt).) He stated, thatyif he continued to start, Mr. Mol ierson `was intt-`otluced" to a` Mn. McPm:rt.sort IN Otut.`r.ut.--A corres- pontiettl of the Whitby Cltranicle tvriting from Ortllia says :--Mr. McPherson was here on S:tturday,j 13th inst. He was accompanied by your friend, Angus Morrt.~ton', Esq. His visit was, I believe, for the purpose of fee ing.,Ihe political pulse of the Liberal Conservative party, and meeting the leading men, toarrattge thvir plans for-the coming election. 'l`he'[elec- tors ltatlonly about an lto_ut snotice of, hie. in- ten-ledivisit. Uptvards of between forty and lly met him at Q-tinn s hotel, and gave him anenthttsiastie reception. Mr. Morrison, on being called on to expfain the ol)je_ct`oi' Mr. McPlierson s visit, stated that they did not comeforthe purpose of holdingepttblic meet- ing; their intention being to nsct-.rtnin,tlte feel-`V ing of the electors of North Stmcoe, and ofthe ntlter"connties cotnprising the Saugeen ,Elec- toral `Division, in a. qttiet,way,'n'nd consult the leading men in the district; He. (Mr. Morriy son.) was astonished. and highly gratied, at seeing so many of his old friends turningoot at such short notice to welcome him and his friend. Mr.` McPherson. Heiltanketl th_e,t`n' warmly on behalf oi his frientlnnd himself. (Cheers.) Mr. McPherson returned thanks in u very neat and aprropriate speech (im- receive such signs cl} hearty su`ppor_t,es was shewn` him in Greyand NurthSimc'o'e,'he felt condent he would be returned by u lai'e', innjority,as their representative in the Legis- lative Council. _,He statedthatyhie frieml,Mr. Morrisotnhatl substantially toldthem the ob.-H ject.of his visit-to Orillia. Duringhis speech- he was `frequently cheered. At the. conclu- large` number of the respectable ettdiitttieritieli inhabitants, and I am rmly convinc_ed;lhe'y . wi'l give him their .c_ord'ta_i and ottnniruone support" l'\ '- ' ' l ``.' `.91-Ii F 3C``..~.. ' 2: .',`}i' onto the e c am opens are, 0180 mg tl1c,..ndylan:p`-fgfg-Ll) "5 . 'eI'1{i<;?}ji_1<{" takih'g'ii"fe'\3v 'b'ri8'ne?r fY 001nm" or Gv.!1Fe. :at.l1.sa9m.n.m6-011913?" on..tlie~le_{t. of our. line, west of ll1e.(ruil; road` held by the 2r'1d- `d_f_Sl0ll ren._' Ayers, which they brbl' ,!z`1nd.A there they ;ilsobt 131:; _60l0 prizoiiers of the regg-A at ngn e. IS inga ewns_.coAmr_nnn..-[ ed liy Gen. Hayes, who is be'lie"ved to be a prisoner, as he, t he wliole-lme was heavy loss The enemy, suffered iiirorsevu thz11_1_~ we glid. in this "particular," his men laying thick an over the eld. Be-, fore durkpnr men were reformed, and being, reinforced, .n desperate charge was made to recover `our lost ground which was" sncco's.sfull y ` accomplisliecl, so that we h[eld_at`night1he[lineiwlIicl1 had been mkih {r,r)n1}'us in therirnooni. Cp].`E1,tl'lt3, is r"por't`ed taken prisoner, also, Col. Hnrtshoru} ..jGen- Craxvforcl \va_`sjhot'thro1Igh the Vesianrl s_l1_irt nd nnrrdwilgfescuped capt1u".;` Lie xit 'of ;.hisf ,'si_nff' f,wa's .shot V` in 7,tho :,a_rm,- Linjis; ;Me`mI.;aml,f I\l_eff!m.. and Ca-pg, srjg-mu; ;ot`.;jG,en. craxaergsraesglginz :_,1i5;1 -=i.h.'e::i&_ ho *s;;`s1asi; wiiile-` " iiyin _ -15,532.` **?*? nut"-`-;..i ."-,1":"l!7.`.i-.`?,l ql`. :-.`&%izll3C;9;` .-.\l' '-.1:._.-_".. .\. ;` - lnirk , 'tuok' n numliefr - ,x;um-Der:-of lprje r ',abontv;t;w61um : .!'cInnt'"n `innin- tu_a Illrll uIlgel'.' .` V ' Since the above wag in type, we have to announce that Mr. D. L. Mc`Phersuit_ paid a (lying visit to Muu'nt Forest` yest ertlaY.,af_ter- noon. haying eomu thrt)u:_vh`f'rom Owen Sqtmtl_._ To-tlay he goes to the Cnuhly of Br.u'.:e..lhB., chief points of which he will .visit,Val'ter which arrattuemeuts will be matl_a for his7'tiI'e'_a`_l"tit`g.'f` the electms at. variotts_points throughout the ` crmsliluencies lo aiir-I him the npporlunity of fully explaining his views. It:- Notlhisimcoe and the portiuns nf.Gre_v already visited he has met with the most gratifying success.-E.z'- I aminer. { i3rd division, when lhef-Qiaceii (hArear , Hook" numb`efr.o{ pri'so1'1'e_rs. Thg egir - ,m1m-her-of nrisnnni-n -onnhnrml" IE`: .1:-"1. ` mid changed, drove l11*("4nfeder`a tes~'ua,d` mu |u`llUllUlll at a uterine} I008] legislature. l\'evor was apconteat thrust upon__1he Electors of theS,at1geeti Division at n time_`when the party interests at stake were so Insignicant, ne.v_er a contest when the personal capability and individual viewsof the canolirlate swelled -into such `signicant proportions as now. Here IS an -immense section of country in the very _ morning of itsei-vilizetlexistence, its resources hrmlly yefestimateil; though its cepacity for. increase in wealth and population to an im- rnense degree is ttttdrwbte-l, about to be called upon to elect a representative to assist in the framing {or a constitution for the ..{nture gov- ernment of Canada--perhap.s `of -British North America. Alreatlv, though with but one mem- ' her in the Upper House and we may say two and Aarlialf in tlte_L_o\ver, it equals one of the colonies which niaypne day, have .an eqxialv any` in the Federal Gov`Ietnrnen't withthe _whole_ of Upper` Cenada';" with its rights tinrecogz nized, its-interests but imperfectly represented; surely it is time" that the electors should take connsel among themselves, pnvlby the power which the present c0nSltlt_.'li0'tl uivest-hem, pro-. vide that in the new con:ttitnti_on. come uhen it may they will recive that just share oi power and inuence, that fair quota of re- presentation. which has lrithertoibeen denied them. gantl . for which. not`withst:rntlin,r_,v the solemn pl'etlges tothe contrary made-but two short years ago, the present representative has never once even raised lllS_ voice or crooked his little linger.- _ ' Since tltu nknun nun. in 0...... .l- I . _ _ . -A Frnm Ihe Banie Advance we learn lhgl Mr." .\'h-Pherson was .10 have rm,-t_ his friends in lhag `Iowvr on 'l'h'ursdayL even rm;f last," am!` tram` inr- olher scurce we have `been led "to understapd that he was to have visited Owen Sound the fulfowing Monday. Whether his cofie WI. then be Idwardslhe County .0.f`Btuce at cm we cannot Say, but no dmibt now e)t2s'ls' {as to his delcrrninalion In comes! the l)ivision._.~ '1' Of i\1I'. l\(xN'nrri1-L : Invnrnnnla Ilia! kn`o`n` nu ma uuaurrrrrrtautun tn contest 1118 UlVl9lOll.;` `tr Of Mr. MeMnrriclt s movements we have of late heard nothing. . It was,anno_nuce4lt__b_v_ r .0l1.a.0l the O\}tQn...S0.t)ntl' paper;-S&Vt?a l wk "' ' _a:gu._tltut he \ir_as.nbotJ!.l9_`.Visit the ', Di"ViSi`n:l.t) give an account ofltis s!en{a_rdsltip, but up to this` time we have lresrtl `of .`.-a. =rr_to_tre:rtent(on his part in the direction otiretieemixzg his pledge. He ' has issued a`b'rie'l etltlress torthie electors, in reply to`thnttrttettousfsolicitations, in _tv'hic.h[ he states that " no material elmnge b hes tnlran place in liistvieugttgorr public matters. zuitl that heis nowja oarnlidate lot` tlte'rer_r_e_w_al_ = of their suffriuzes.` We are therefore at-`libczrfy. to conc_linie that both cantlitlates tirelairly in the field; and a sthe"qitestiutt to be]-iliecusiied in the next session of Parliainentv is of the `ot- most_ importance-V-beir)'.: nothing less than the future destiny of these Provinces_-it behaves the electors to assfalte to the magnitude of the interests at stake. `nntiso-prepare themselves fnr'the exercise of the franchise that they may rer.-'-se their condence in the candidwe who willbethe more capable of ititelligetrtly re- presenting a constituency as large in popula- tion, tmd perhaps in wealth and territory. as the whole colouy=of-Prince Edward s Island, which at notlistant day may be `brought into the contemplated 'Federatinn,; endowed with the functions at a distinct local legislature. Never .\'n'S a content thr-net nnnn lhn l'`,l.mrm-. -_.-f .. -----.-~v_:.-rs |:Inl0\II-I\.a.J9O +153 ,mun*ber=-_o_f pnsouera -captured` 18 ',abont-_-two1ixrndre`d,fa:1'd "thirty arid some Irstnn ibf `k!0|0r's." Ourgloss esgimated at goyerg, ,O00. 'Nothing; but _s!`-igxiiishipg .;gqok_F;$l{ce along thga line to ' [ 1 'n.'\'|-has: 'l1n;nn I`...-.r .....a`.:.'. .'.VI." _;1&i'rtie bepg. b1|sy'eufr`en}3;_ selves. A battle is looked `for. at any moment as the enemy seemed` deter- mined to regain pos cssion of the road, [while we are as determined to hold it. Prisoners taken -belong principally to Bcauregard s and Hill s corps are healthy although clnnl as [gs - x W A`: 5 !TV'l'T'I.1 (I A `r'l"I"-1`E!!:'_IA-'1? l-4"-rs-1 -"1-.-..d`-').'s--" fl _.- `yuan r`:,;gI."u:_lllUll_N_I.l1B |Iue....;;;t1y 4 UL . g t `A_ THE Y.`.-v_.u-u; J snags > `he sicher.-`ih .l"s:rang u an excifonl ' being r'enirn`c3d. Wu{i$lie've` Ihat diclates The falluh-limo` 0 .ca.n1aqq.-: itaw .W9;? |1mt;'7Mr. l b9 hnnnufnl _`.Qnn-g. gu,u|\_|, Us " uruu uuu. ueutuer," . OI Iron-, or Mechanics, bank per-is needed to satisfy thetremen ous _ex_i- gen5i_es"'o'f conirnerce._ _The"_ci_vil_` `war has`-,l;illed credit. Poor trust is dead. Who killed him ! Bad pay-to quote - the"plac'ard freqtnentlyexhihited in Eng- lish country alehonses. European houses will take nothing but A sterling exchange. at th_ shortest dates for the goods they send to the United States; and even here,if'you'want nails from `_` patriotic Pittsburg, , or hats from noble-hearted Newark,`or lumber from Detroit, or bacon, from'Cincinnati, or corn from Chicago, .orvcarriaiges from` Albany, or horses from Pennyslvania, or cotton prints from Ne'w,~`England, you. must pay for-them on the nail ` Prompt is--the ~word; and in the minor. transac- tions Aoftrade--sa_y between a larger be"e'r shop` keeper aiidffhis _ cornergrocery . storel_{eepe'r' and his wholesale dealer, or aretaii idealerand his dry goods importer, ora painter with his` `color and white lead merchant-the capitalist who was {'orm'erly willing to take a note at sixty days new demands greenbacks in hand.` So scarce, in fact, `is The absolute and tangible circulating m'cdium. that a few days since, the cashier ata highly respectable bank in this city was unable to pay over the counter a check for forty thousand dol- lars. The bank was perfectly solvent, only they had not the dollars by them. Cheques payable to bearer for any large . amount, are rarely drawn here; and in lieu of our protective system of I` cross- ing, there is a systeni known as cer- tif'ying', a cheque. The teller puts his initials in one corner,` thus warranting gold or - bre_we"r or :1. the gennineness of the instrument and f the fact of the drawer having Tsnfbieiiiti ' funds in the hands of the bank to meet it`; and, so certied, the'ch`eque passes from hand to hand as actual money, um- til it ultimately gets realized in the clearinsz-liouse. In this the '(lith'cu|ty was tidcd` over by certify- ing: the cheque: hm nnlv in1n(rino mu... pa rticnlar case. a I 1 l l 4 2.... f In ? mred` is hirty aid` some ss at m sgigxiiishipg pet ,.9'.d{1y;,,!)0!l} namg mam-1 .,.J'1`.-.. _L __.__ II gqlayll Iyun IVIIJJLGIBIUII` qlf I'll!!! u;xa_J_.'4.u'cl}U;'llL'y and llgqoicets fouha` manner iq _ygh:op_1hgy hail a.ii,lgql ape piiizens zip o(ihIl'ibVlll,il,,1g, up" Igiiga in Aahaire ` IQ` Ih'e entertainment fd`f, lt|`a' 'v isI'l_oi'a;.., Sir_Jz`xfnes`3a_.i,nI The` lhahked thetom pmiy fqrhe `in`-ial; r mih_ziet id` \vhich'--lh`g>1ou:it *!iaxlbean. roei.vo_xl`,8un'aa4edI1hax:ho1;p!y:x!id1hgrg:ya V. 119 hakl,4Iawa.1:Jse;huw._ : `...lI`'_.:und_. ~ hiumotceru ' .-nil, ten-it-I9v3{:f:;'zax.c1uIi;.I$:n,t 41,-;9:;,__1 , , . Ilnnn lhnmsnml Im a cum nluo pl... n.....|..' `PSI and`? 1Iuuuu.IIvWV`!|=/R3 : . ':.1I I13.-`I359-" ".u lu". ` Au . '" mg J`? 'U'vM:~r!.=." use .-4:.-n.-i.t-I.-. 3f>!ilhiz.I1ulis:.|$!!`;i!9'?9` 526395`! 9!.'""!.*i9i=. ;ni:A.!trIIeys;. ...~t1?9z9ode:Hai1 Vnpo,nIhem,Vg_nd hefelt sun that my thanh__cn llondnymt. ' ' : Lie'iit_emit~GbVefnor', bi`oug'ht '."Sii' `Richard ' iii"forth'eliearty manner in which they had .- mhim lobe present on this occasion. At- ':; intention to court familiarity, and he hoped his _. ,interoourse` ould be benecial to himself and . Caiiiiian friends. -He loolreil uponthis visit - hearty s_\`v=elcome. He ekpressetl a hope that M "rue uaiirai Diiinar, A 1 i L: . . `E From the Halifax _- . gzrim `folirth toast, i-is.*_iax:eiien~e-`ii.'e`~ 2MeDiihnell to hisfeet. `He thnifked those pics` ink his health. He spoke of the delight,_it ` -his acquaintance wiih 'ti|o`=pauplg`-of `V! is Province was very` lirniieil, yet itwas his 'ih;ii, His xcellency spoke of -the pleasure -it afforded him to have returned in time from `a. ` recent |ou_r, to. take part in the reception of our as an irnpoitant juncture in our history, and he -deeumd it his duty to be here to extend; their presence here might ha st'eii theilay when the- British North American Provinces would become` united.` These coloniesyhe thought, _h*|dvlifI iV8ll7l that stage of progress which jiis- tifieil such a oonstiiltrnationa A; union would tend toxiiicreose the._prr.izperity an_dJwealth,ol'_ r the i_vhole_,.lnntl_enahie them to r_le_(y any enemy, no matter liiiw iiis_j.i`lious,_or,gletermined the` siymeimight tio.' Co uld'notelh_eico_lonies_ assimil- nfte their-r:urrencie e iirid tin-ifis, incl etfe'_ct 'i'nei'ie*- tiredf(ll"Willl| (ifnc7 V He eo6vviio;.'reiisori` why theyfiihetilil "not.{ His-`Excellenoy_epolie` of the; ;ptenaure ~*}erep8fi9,Hl3l{ _in;ttI.v,elling tiirotigh -C;inm_l.a:.:9ome..Iime since. when he iogik gocgapion `to infqrqt hi(ll_6lf- . of} its; resource" iai1i`l,ih,'9l'ils1'|i0us.g;3 $.-..r- Rihgiril i.sail- he,.-srisyo siiette.` iia.ir.`-,'Y">*:.teslfr-`iv? In?-W.-'.t '9 '.'='.4.'i=o=`v-*y`I`.'.t.~.i`s, i adiilaf;yas;iio1:-irie-wsE'iAiiei;ii~(e `other ~ 5.\`igaivaji6h ; h'r'iiii`irieil` y1a-j_aeui-iigi;3iiai- iiie };!(.;H;eniryitp`p!g_i_9:'=2i; ;. ..': ,::; zssru Eu: :.~.:_*..".v*A.i...;.-.'ii n.....- .i...i- .ii.inn:;.... ...r..i..*' Inna: ucuuy uppiulgsv. ` '-' . -I - `.,Vice~`Admirnl:.Hnpa nor! the Oieers.oflhe Navy? was. next,givian,_ and . in ; ;loin`g_ pm Hi: W_ars_hipt I: nccasio_n_ go I lna;_kLH;ia_Exvel|'ency nmI lhL.n Mari fn: Hm` mnnnr in wl-uni; `Juan - the Welland -TeIcgraph. T ,The gentleman named as the successor of Mr. Simpson is Mr. Angus Morrison of Toronto. to whom a reqnisiiton numerously. innentially and respeotabiy, signed was presented on the 26th ultjtno. Mr. Morrison accepts the oandita- rare and is now engaged in meetinuthe Elec- tors and explaining his political'views._ In Mr. Morrison Niagara willlnave a worthy re- preoon(Itive.- His experience in parliamentary life is extended and his abilities` are of a high order. The, electors of Niagara. have 'i done themselves eredit in having offeredztheir suf- frage: to Mr. Morrison of. whose trintnpharut election there is no doubt. - . .- ~ ` .__.-`.4 -"- - `lljn.-;"g',W'bilB__M'f. Brown, ;cltoir:o in` requesting him lo c their lcsnrlirlate. . uspn s Iuull -..7 _.,.,- usuuua are sanguine of success." We trust he- may be successful. He is1'rnodera'ro irrpnlitics and supports the new arrangelhertt. zAho'gether he is an excellent mah"tm_l`5`well deserves the support of the Niagara. people-.* ' . - I - 2- ._I{`romp_>` the St. Catharine: Conslititl,ioniri. naml3yL5Angus Morrison, `Esq Ml`.-.Si)l0'fIl0n"`J0ht_l Johnson Brown.` 'Powr:shlp..'~ A numerons'y signed V , t'.equis_itton ltasbeen presenterl to the first named gentle- on the contrary, has beemhropglrt forward by his- brother-in-law, l\ l`r-"J. Corrie, of St. Cnthartnes. solely for theporpolse of making political capital fr: him- rselfct-.;*W9 are` sorry tint Mr. Brownishocld .have_j;gnsenAted to I w.here'defe`at iscertain jinsatiablerambition of an unscru itive, fsterling integrity` in public -qualify `him to step into Mr. S place himself in a position , merely to gratify the polous rela- Mr. Morrison s long experience and life eminently irnpson s `hoes, most judicious ome forward as The only objectiott that can be urged~~`a_rairrst him by any person in this sectionlis,.thal- when formerly in Parliament he voted "against the removal .of the Cconty Town from Niagara ,to St. C.rtharines; but we fancy that his vote on tha: ocossion will rather and .t_hc electors have made a increase thnn;les'sen his "popularity in the con- test; for ahhnn_rh only ten miles distaut,the pooploof the old town view local matters in a widely different light from their neighbors here.-Mr. \ lorrison will support the present government, believing as he does that the sooner sectional difficulties are removed the better for the interests of both Upper and Low- .er Canadnu His opponent: hit". Bron-r.. has no experience whatever-in public life, except as Reeve of his Township, which position `he he_ld for oneeyear; and we are notpaware that he possesses any peculiar.ta'ents as a politician that would entitle him to the position which his blood relation would fnin secure for him. Tiivo "i:_iar rirlidates are alrendy in the field-- - at Toronto, and ; of Niagara |vuuv_tu,I,u ct. ualuarlncs. .. `-I I'__ _ The various 'i.ih ieveriter:ts of Mr. Morrison, while member for North `Simone, attest the_ sticees` Wjlh which he exerts his eriergy. To him we o'\"\tt_a the opening up of the Muskoka country; which his opponents pronounced . worthless; they profess;-tfto see in the scheme notltiinghut `a desire to create" a place for a long], land_agen_t.' Tnerresnlt -is that four town- ` ships, declared worthless, have been found good enoughto attract settlers to take up the land-` Mr. Morrison voill, as before. make an energetic dndvmoat useful member dfthe House. A; 1":'on:t:lfL_2Bra:i!_furd Courier. h > N;Ae.ut_A.'.-~Mr. -Angus Morrison and Mr. 4 S.. J. Brown are both out as _camlidates' for N ia_g:_1]`_a...__M:. `Morrison's friends are sanguine success` ' trust Lla in-1.... ....'u_ :. .._. . -, V Mr. Brown has been putIfnrward,:it seems, by. Ame,-"St. _C.`tlharinea interest, in View of the present p_ositinn.of_ the cuunty town question.` A. 8!`_llQl1g `agjvucate of Niagara, such ns.Mr_. Morrisbn, `would do all that cbuld be done to prevent thee:-'onsnmmation_of`Ihe achegne for _' tranfeifing the county town to St -. 'Catarines,e Mr. Bsoxyu would he too feeble and tdo he"p+' less to._c;os..te,any dread of-:thi-kind.;;.and ll` ia- ` ea_sy;,to,untlei`staI:d why -he is-pefetl'5(fbyttie'.` I peuv_le.of St. Catharines. u - -v -. The n:-`nun 'x';.'I\ in-o....'.....a.. .1` III; In , V` _ number of prisoners taken by the Confe- ___:.. VHEADQUARTERS ARMY 01-` THE Poro- ixmc, Aug. 2l.,-Our' losses atthe Weldon railroad, on__Friday aj'ternpon,_ were greater than heretofore reported`. The derates is ino\v'pnt doW_11'_at 1,500. It seems Ihatour troops were surprised, m`x`11'1'y ofthem being in their shelter tents at the time trying to escape heavy rain that had been falling several hours pre- vious. The Conlbderagte forces appeared about noon ontho right of the road. in frorrtof` the` 3rd division of the 5th corps, But this was evidentlyu `feintor "for the purpose of feeling our .li`I'les. About 3 . e elock- p.m., they. charged in heavy force; bc,t_\v.een`5-and 6 o. cloc_:k- th_er8ih corps succeeded `in tur'n'ir'1g't'he~ ahk of the former, capturinge la`-rgeimmber of prisoners. 1jl1is- pztjtj of `_1jj'i3)e7 was f'orce'l`l51i<`3k some w en the '13th corps h ich lunch{geen_'_ijelj.d\(dZl'l1e "n ig_l1t vrevigtrg bx H5}.-.35--I~.ae~" on`t"o tlieil an opens re, cretiirig tl1c., udvn nan of. . H1. :. u...la!'.....:o'.-.;.`-_ .;~....r. We" have previously giveri extiacls from our 'i`hn!efix`qraiie`. i`n'rc'friii$e lo" ih3 .'."Nia?'gata Elecllu`n:.'--Tile?! eslitndl of 1\1r.`Morfisoh I1&oi1}s.lhI higi ui_iIirin g_2eal' and ehfgy are nnkifn All 9g'"= ,1h`a./`l?'19viuce.V_Th.r n_o '.\_:1}'. ;\1or;`ison`,tl)e electors this Ridinghuve -tumegl {hair backs upun ll}e` m0al_`_[ajlhful represgonlntivo. fany` corisii iu- encyaever was-favored wiih..x.:Werh_bp a haw- ever, 19 see him`a3,;ni_nrepreae:|tingh; should we lose hi'm_enI`1;9y,"we may safely say New Sjmgbof- mar hgvr` sea -h_ia- liiny ga jh.. Tn "the" reiuime We `tire g'la`il"l6`se`e' N iagar. ava_i_ling jiself `bf. his e_rvLice`s . We` dd iu our"exc'hahg'e,s the folldxvihgg compiimelntary paragya_phsT|:;-_ .4 .. __ , . ;.v w--- --v---- - ------- ,-,3-`>_n;. ': o T Our cowlempnrury doesfnbt _ _ what lfesa Homer Mr. McPherson is no`ral`e:.sfitati'gta"" _. McMurrich was--an(l the form_r ha's a.l%vnys been on me side bf liberal conservatism , whilst I McMurrich ltaded upon bogus election-cries 1 rgisealgzby lip Gritfnclignisf, a\nd' by `thin mgfan ggl it Ihe Cqungil,;.wl1ere' he__ proved] "hi (iu`sin;`cel" l1y`by sup5rlig a" GiisferntYI'.efn . that acted down Rspresemalion by Pupulalion. Preview :'2.,9!.91i.9!!. he =.3.m_s+sil !.L.h.9 w..9.n.!:1; V sup'portMno' Guverixnuiul which would no! make Rep; by Pop. ii cn5ijfel_1nehs})rd. ; Th elctors of Sauigeen do nolrneed l`o"be told hu`rv`.he I viol'al_ed his-pledges. V t `Owen Sound Times. ` informed that Mr; _MPh'ron `I before making np.'hi_unind_ ___" 3;, , _, andbefure issuing hisiul_dress."7;Mt.JM9f ' _ . can is a very geuttemanl y~mn3in, eIe'fy, gtw-`I expect, and under other `cirmjntjiugl Thigh! have` been it fvery ncceptalile "atialidate.;. Ho ltas't_he disadiautage of` betngsa_ptrg__n'ge_i* in the; Divisinn.`ai td of opposing. 'tu:"txQLveiy intellift-' b!e gfmmds. the present_}$opnlgr___ipetttbr.-E `p '1`\1Ar c`. `Moi1Risoi\I%A'f'N tAG;i I{;4.` (hie 1;oron{.o Leddr. _:. ,7 .,_._-.--- -V--v-v~.-`unvunulao V `f. .. .,We have been informed that. the _Go[nmi,tte_e of Manmzement of ;he,,Bnzaar..in aid of St..Mary_fa Preabytegy have spared no expense in. prolonging the .pI9nnres qt` thg day, hnving_made_nrrunge-' . ments {pg dance immediately afier. the,Gonc_e:1,, at the Tlriing expense of fty cents; a~ tickie`t.;,ad-' ` n mimosa? C:e.ntleman.and~.two Indies. The Bung: .-WIil1.be_'.he1d'0nA1he 1|t,.2nd, t!l`Id_.3l d of-__eptember,. . `as-l-will Vbe aengbye nvdvergiaenieut. . ,. yvvcnunvqu 0 T On Wednesday next,an excursion round Lake Simcoe, forlhe benet of the Barrie Ries is to take pla.ce.'~: Leaving Fraser`: wharf in the usual hour the inn-ty.will be taken around the Lake by way of Bell Eytnft, Orilliia, Benetton,` and Jack- node Point This will be a pleasing variety, its on ali the exenrgions lhathnve. taken place for some lime puqt,.no opportnninihng peen given for seeing all ,the A heautig. which our lovely lake abound. The priceof the gickets willbe the saine as usual on exich. m:_c_qsion_,.and the public niay, on ell therranjgeapente being properly carried out. A. ' i` _ rnnrnnencxieoinxne L The` Division, Sons of ,"l`e_mper- a.nce,.wil_l`h'_olql a'.'._;:S}_;'i:gjg;e_'on Wednesday, -7th-of September, for the purposnof reising funds to liq1t`tda1e'th_edebt`9n}tg_eir Halt-i ltfja the intention of thevsocietyee sea?"-es the nbbve vdilliculty in nmaved,_,tg grQn:!gQ_I_ljlding'ree for-',e_ll_ benevo- lent pnrpoees. The ggpmittee would, therefore, _eai-neatly 'eoli&it "tl:'e'nss'ietenee of the public` and the Wesleyan. Ulloir; under: _the superinten- deuce of Ur, S...-W-ai_nwt7ight, wllleing some select. pieces. ` 1 : ` . ,t ` v . Addresses will be _(!g'grr_ed b,y prominent speakers; M Neversince the rst battle of 'Bull s }Ru`n lhizis` the cause of the` Confederacy `looked so hopeful as at the present mo- ment. The t.yv*.o_great Northern armies ` areiin the position of gamblers whohave 1 thrown `their"la_st-_card and lost. Neces- rsarily acting on Ltlie offensive they have `been brought to a stand which, to them, is equiv'alent to a defeat. They` cannot ladvance; to'rer nain stationary is to do lnothing; but to retreat would be utter ;ruin.a---`I`hey" li_ave, sacriced their `nest ,m_aterial'.and,_have gained -no tangible |result.- Charleston is as i-mpregnahle as .'ever; Richmond, has used up their best `larmy, and is no nearer capture than be- ifore; While the advance into-Georgia `will, in all probability, result._in the l greatest disaster the North has ever ex; _ per-ienced. `At Mobile it is time they have gained some triing success; but afteruthei experience of Charleston, all they have done _so_far will not count, for gmuch; On the other hand Washington llis still in._a'state ofalarm. A large part aof Western Virginia remains in the hands of the Confederates; wliilefurther West V they are not only overrunning Missouri and Kentucky, but have actually ex`- tended their raids into the free` St.ates of Illinois and Indiana. ' On the ocean, too, ' they are as mischievous nson land, for a new privateer, the Tallahassee, has taken the place of the Alabama,and is scouring ' the Atlantic coast from Halifaxto Flori- da, taking everything that comesin her 1 way. VViith-_,,the'se`fucts .before us, and the `still more important one that the debt of the Northahas grown to such di- - nrensionsj as to be relatively. six `times greater than that -of England, while her _niilitary Iesotivrcygs have been so com- pltely;'ex[)end as. to require halt` a mill_9t2'bCfift?IiT~!,?|l to enablphem: to ~ it ;n\6t`,too much 1 V to saygfgtiiatf-.hhfvvever distant actual` peace . I I . may _ . this .!3;Vf.``,-_.${jr`ttialty.;over and .. A the inxepiidehce ot'th';e" South secured. ~~yg..5 .193 v ug_unuu uuilllcu -ruuue .h`5escane4f `Capt. f npp1su1,: -r,cu'1oneI .'Whicl_ockfs stuck. . T. . . ..\ira;?9tdc.red.t0Z8*Ir: :ep2::::;Vv?; 2% *.:&t*tWw= : ~-amp 9,:.o- \*;seize1l. muskt 00.5.1 Nlygnetg the Ccfas` Q % Wee.` ` co1;`wnickIoc_k~s miggae arms attiif ngzxii)." , vlendefed cnag` , _Z_.}}iS;m.'.:. V be .;..r, A `g5';3`'ja3-1*` ,5;-'cI!ilil from . ih3' Meal Zcaplnin dawJ,I"...|0`~. I119 ~ jouugestlair. Th K`dnira l _ooiucid_ed"in: the` - temarks of; the Goiernm` teipelixvg a union of u to be inalurihiiight i1b`IJx:danll`y,pruspet. b\\'_:heu liiile hefor he :ood1l`*`5e_l_ Q4 hearing,` such a - `hearty areelnnglslicl hqrfnee: iuh. ` ' . L ' lbs Proiiltodfand hopedihiflhe obgecl sought; ' the Admirdi ;_ose"_1o mtut:x'lhir:ks, i: wassbine, iEpisc6pa1%Clii1rc`h BuiVlding Fund. VI - Subscriptions to this fund wi`ll Ire re- ceived by E; S. Lally, Esq_., Manager Bank of Upper Canada, Treasurer of the r . . building _commit'tee. - L)l:ll.Vul .---n.noIl.`!D... 0.1.0 U-loo.-o 0.`:-3 Batleaux . . . . . . 12,00uoon8.30 6.12. . . 3.32 Col1i_ug_wqo_c1. . . . 125g). ,. . 8. :40 6,09. , . `MA miiti {rain lsi-ves'Toron(o at 6:.00 p'.m. ; a:-A V rives at Bell'13Wai'I`at'9.15 p:m.. Le'ave3 Bll Ewart ,atT;;2TE5i;i!l;5i[rtiving in Toronto at 8.55 a.nlI'g -QO.nnn 'lAnn.a T).;.-In-:n `.1-\- 6|...` :l',n:`n!n;I gIn_ Alluulu -'-.n i_- - u.ul.. .' 0.60 Brentwood. . . . . . 1 1.16. `.'. 7.45 _.New' Lmvell.-. ._V. . I 1~24-vy` (7-.53 Sunnidale . . . . . . 11.28. . . 7.57 Warr_ingl.on;. . ... -' 1.1.4-2 . 8.11 , Smyner .. . . . . .'. 11.46. ; . 8.15 .12,00uoon8..'-30 Q.ol\li`ng`yv_co;o(;. .12:;p. :40 u.ulr -~ ` _ .x:3:.s:ages;,;1e;1.g.-13;i_}'ie rap .5.` izang-a',' Sla-g tiqg l`mlfF"a.u. `lifur. _, x ie`il1e qt-rival of each .lrain. __\-;p:L..V..-,,_-1; _ .l T;;;;..:`.`;;;;. Bradford . . .` . Scanlous . . .. +Gilford. .~. . .. L'e(roy ; . Bellwarfi . . ,`L`efr6y Cruigale . . . 32;: Harrisous; . I`--- ` `IVA Ig&l&ll' ulilwuy `LI-IlU' ;.._,mp`yIxG .NORTH. -MOVIHG sown. _ :1 nn_Ann9wswAnns. -_ nlAD'L'PW`.sD8_. T An. -nur "Au"'nu % zmthem. nan" un't'nu`n vnnmur untrnrrs unrrimrr ..... ......\....._y wua uucu over Dy cermy- ing cheque; but only imagine what consternation would have arisen on Change in London, had :1 Lombard street bankclerk confbssml his inability to cash a cheque, not for forty thousand dollars, but for thrice forty thousand pounds.-o--M." G. A. Sala, in the London "1'e'legrap/1.. . ' WEDNESDAX, AUGUST 24., 1864-. ' 'ri.{zi'T,_I T." ,', I II jf.I i Aiu:ix"..`.:...z(;.1p , 1 Rrnnlnnnrl nxvgsgxguj ggg5n;rs,;cogN1;Y_ Tswcon. ~ innit` .5 gig. f;?;,A3!'3fcnu3czi 3AzA4i3{- L--- 1.-.- o 'x,_.'; t. .. . 1,, A; _: _ "~' 35"- :`U..`?F~; J: 9-.M.9'!9W- .`:1.3*"?=i=.s Zminatioh '33 Auomeu atnmm.1..n..ia VB .oooa-l`U.U'_{.` An-ive .10.20. iJ.)ep:'m. .1o.3o.. 111.]. Z _.'I(\ .40 Ecmion. I The 'lVnDuO V.` 1o.49;.. 10.53.-. 11.o7.._.- 11.16. ; . II 04 u` 0.30 . . L53 `-8.11, ` n0 DA " W:':t'**:'*-9-1"r-~-.~-wz. `.14-.!.".'." mr:-su gtmnlmes Is not at and to any consid- erable extent. By business jngn every procurable dollar-be`it a greenback, be 1!: .;.`I"-1rTl{', or Highland, or f` Cock. sack-le, or Hide unLl'_Lje:it!ier,.oi' Tnin-_ nr Nfnnhnlna hnnlr an...-... .'..' 'n..u.' 1o.55._.; I 9.oo..=. '8.50.. .090 ' y.` o -'0 $.30. .1 n n I-.04 02* 6:35 6.23 l!lK it`:jI;Aest,wfa.s Ahoflii 3n, the body At` Ewfa f_l`9l;x a, r|a'f.errgd`tp._l;Lsl_;w:.e;l:( aa having beengkillqd jqn `t_1s4o:.l}::_i_l1-oA;1d.g;eg.r,$tayner,:*b_vF.-Heyuqn, E_sq., ;09.=.99.e.r, #9-d.m.s 3s:i=. ``~.-seiden'9!;`<'ii*h*fF94 _..t9_r.:.I3-dz` Aha. Englger pfao. mg was cenauredfor not having as light mi hid ehglne. omvgr, . _ _':'-I.`_`h:.}V1;fdeil nameii Mesisi-an. Honns, and Sloqdurs, to be gqch Committde. 1 Mnvmlhu II.` (1 u_n__-.,, -' ,-........., ..A..... ....u.,uma, v_.u on men Uommittee. ` Moted.by Mr. G. Mchlanus, seconded by K_ean,,I9d. resolved, That-the County. Sm-vyor .be iristructed to proceed witht: he work uebespary .to procure. the sqpplyr of smile!` for, }he Gaol Lmfd Com-I _Ho_use,as. .30Ql_l 3\_i his hehltll; will `aIl0_w`him _to commence sa`id``work, ma prqceed'wi1h"tHe aarnoi as he`idbi discretion may think nioot ad- ";::-',9., ..*- ' 7` ' .viin_bIe._ , - .... vs, auuvuucu` U] ml` ouunuers, adopted. By this report it appeared that the intended land taxeale _wasy elxpected to realize about $40,- 090,andth`al the`_eolvency'gf the_.._ofcer author- ized hylawto eondnct_the'_aale_an,d receive the money, and the" ntcien_cy in emiiiit{71 hie se- curity, did not ntfdrdvadequate protection -to I0 County where eolargea su rn` was-in (1_neslion.- It _ was, therefore, reconunended .tbat,;'b_a_fmem0rin1 ; ahon1dVb'evifo'rwarded,_ t/0 the_Governdr _Gen'eral, asking that snch pt:0t`:eEding5_aOttl:d_'.-`i_`e taken on the part ofythia Grown 9. .protect,-tbe,iptertI,_tg{ . the "County as the exigency of the cm might ap'-' pear to require. It wa also further recommended that the warrant for. sale should (at ..ont_.:ve 'by' the e'l`reasI1rer_and.p1_a__qed id the i made out _ hands of the Sheriff, to be acted upun- with all p ieeihle'desp_at_ch. _ ` A Moved by Mr. Ardagh, seconded byflir. -Kean, and resolved, Thntja Contunttee of three be ap- pointed by the Warden, with instructionaito draft 2 a metnorial to,His Excellency the,`Qoyern_or_vGe_n_- eral, praying thVat__an Order in Council may be _ passed `declaring that all lands in this Ctmntyv ngreedto be purchased ,from the Crown shall,` "provet,nentei`hav,e been or areeheing tnadeithereon, { v and no`pe_reon isin occupation of_the;eatne,,.be I declared forfeitedyand that thate_.may,{a:e econ as possible, be again offered for sale in. $119 nspal J ..n.3I ll3e.'\`-:`."." .l' " -~ ii':,`;' . -".4" I ' . -., i 2: v 3 `, IIILA III, 1 ' ' - -`f .. .......u--auuu gngq WOIK, and `same he5idf`bi3' discretion in: {vis`able. " V .-.:. . . he ,C0uncil'jh_en:adjourned, '.'.'< Iuuug on U! 5IUUfl|lu|l\D .llG4.VlIllq.luUu._I.l) in O mondialovne, and _proportibq;1te qu_n_r1t;t_ 1es m other ._parls` of the`Somh, especially in I3,ouisia`n-.1, where` until latqfy; tin;-_p_l`:1j1trsA with. who1i1Lthe.. Yn'fTk`ec6t`tb`h *`; $i!.cttlat6rs "`xveirzT;, -*" 1i+id`*er* the beautiful system of perm'its,, 'al-` lowed to trade, we're ndt'i~1ilish'oscI tb tedeive grgzpnxhacks i;1puy?ment.,l ess with a -notion bf, making n11qn1f,mn'I_ with `:1 hope of some day gravellimf the 'N(n3fli byrwa sudglcgn ,/nml 0!1extwJ1t:1n1ing.ruii oh its_bhhkI Be it 'us'.it mzrylg-itasinmxdeni- able that although of loose` onti'ng cash iii tl1e'l1qnds of private ir;_di_gicl1Ials'll1erev ? nn/`nvi1i:n|nIvn}JnHI .})L.~s.a..8..L. :1_u-_..`-- __.- .---,....,,. The Special Committee appointed toinvestigate `the solvency of all parties receiving monies from the next land tnx sale, and `to report in respect to the holding of said hale, brought in their report with an accompanying memorial to the Governor- General; which iiflerejead, and on x_n_otion of Mr. Parker, secondedhy Mr Saunders, adopted. ' ' Bjthll report it nnmlnnnd Ihno cl... :..o....,a...a 5-.-... av uvvu an un: vup WES reuuy. . The chairmanof the Committee, Mr. Hogg, in moving the adoption of the report,.seid thnthe believed the cup would meettho approval of the Council, as every pnius had been taken to get 3 piece of plate worth competing for, and that the one ordereclhnd met wiih appi-oval from the Bri- gade-Major, whom he had spoken to on the sub- ject. It would shortly be ready, and could be competed for the first time this fall. Thu nu]..- '------4-` " ......,....u.. nu ma urzw uule luls nm. The rules "presented with the report provide, `amongst other things, that the cup will remain the property of the County until won by the same person two years in succession. The` temporary winneriof the prize may, however, hold it during his year in the discretion of the Captain of his Company, who will be held responsible for its sufe-keeping." ' 7|... u_..:,: n,,-' ....- ----vy-v-3 --no Iauv llllt npprUVCQ "I. Thisreport stated that a piece of plate had been ordered to be manufactured at the establishment of Messrsi J.~G. Joseph 3; Co., Jewellers, Toronto, in `accordance with `the previous action of the Council,-to be competed for by the Volunteer Militia of the County-the cost of which, would be; 875 ;. and'.recommended that the County Treasurer be instructed to pay that sum upon the order of the chairmen of the Committee, to be given so soon as the cup was ready; The nhnlrrnnnm-9 elm n.........:..._ 1:. n,,,,, o h . 2 K Wm.\':snAY evening, 17th. TbeC_oun'nil-m9t'puuant to ilurnmbt. - The Special` Guimitie on Gduioty Phif 'pre'- sented. Report No.2, with draft. of i'u!es, which, on motion`: of Mr. Hogg, seconded by Mr. Little, was adopted, and the rules approved of. Thin 1'-Anny-I manna" dl...a .. ..:--- _-v - - - - _ John (J. Steele, Reeve. of Ugo. . . ' .[i\mes9'Johnoii, Deptydittog ,, . .~ 'l`..l1omo.s Gouplaud, Reeve of N ottawasagn. ' Jolin McMurcby', Deputy ditto. ` ' ' Donald Shaw, Reeve at Sunuidale. Robert1\1u'rpl1y,' Reeve of `Tosaorontio. Thomas Langley, Reeve of Adjala. P. D. Keuy, Depqty`ditto`. ` ': James Aberdeen`, Reeve of Mulmur. George Clarke`, - ` . A l`ay& Tiny. t Jo1m;Kean,-' . " .. togsllia. : James Rowatt, . ` " _.1?-`los. - ' . 4 'TheWarden'addressed the -Go_n,nqil,V `eta/ting thattho` object for which they had me; hind irgfer; once `to the contemplated fund-sale, Ind.ent_erin:g at some length into on explanetion otgthe motives which actuated hlmrin ca1ling them together. ` 'l`|'I n ran-an {hon In-IR II`; `lAIln...: . _ . . _ _ . . -3 _.,._. v........q-un-or \ . The Coun~ci,l4then adjourned until the fqllbwing evening-.a.t~7.9 cloi-k. . A sf . `vnsvunn . .. -...._!` -- - `V-I nrv uuu uu nu; uuylv.-' `A lengthy di!c'nssion ensued 'upd'n this motion, ' several members contending that -the. letter in question reeoted upon, and was an insult to the Council, and should be treated with` contempt; whilst others , although agreeing that the lan- guage used was not such as could be justified, considered that the communiczuion contained statements which ought to be investigated into and reported upon by, a special committee. The discussion was nally ended upon its being moved nnd by Mr. Wnrburton, seconded by_ Mr. Saunders, .. ..n... -vvuy---u us-an c u-I \IIIIlIIl5' II-ICILI 0|-ISUIIICIH V The Wardnthen laid-tThe.'!o1l_o,win_g comr_m_mi- cations bermjihe Ouhcil; wbicn_v'e 'ma,`v'i'z: . Communication from Wm. Tyrrell, Esq}, Wnrdeh of Yofk haixd Peel; Sheriff Smith, codnzy mas. urer, F. 0. Stewart, Reeve of Omngevillg ;,County Surveyor, T. B. Magam, Dr. _B. R. Morris, Pro- vincial Secretary, and publisher of the Barrie L_z- - aminer_; also accounts from the Leader office and I South Simcoe Time. 5 Ordered, That the various dloeumc.-nts before the Council be referred to their respective Gom- mittees. - r ' T`..- -.....- ......-..=... `II Aszvwla. lfllutlll uaau {u the lmpds pr1VI.=l`t`e` mrgj._,S[u.a]:,-l1,e,e. rs n_q!u2p,;s1Ia.!YI.9nt:,tfdg,* [ in `1ar_t.ge' atmnlitis is norm Hand in nnv nhrIei:l_ UUUGIE DIIIICUC .lU"C3o- I ` ` Mr. Hdgg moied,'seonded by Mr: Stodders that the communication of Mr. \V.`M . Nicholson be laid on ih table`. -' lenmhv dilgnaninn nnmm.-I -...;x".. cm. ......:.... V... . . - ~ - so Beport,No . ,1_ of Special Committee on `County Plate=pr_egente and read. - .. , g n_ _.-.:__ ,pu rv - -- -A '--- - _ -..-_ r._...:-.-u.u_n up-u Icapu On motion .ofv,\1r. -Hogg, seconded by M :-.- Little, Ordered, {l`hM.- the` Report. now read he adopted.- Onwnnlinh 4if.Mu- n....:. ...........:'...a L.. u_ n..,, _ Q UUDIIII [Qt I18 II '5 0 l0K on ' r.,.-951'? - _` Thoe:1l, -.-Ffegggaggixi. M.P.P.~, Warden. 3`. f;Ge`rge hjcLl3n1I_:e,'Reeve of Mono. . },IIi;),mo.,s,_l'4'1der, Depuiy Reeve of Mono; 7 ` 6l;n.Griig, [?_.eeve of Medonle. ghn _McMai1us, Reeve of Tecumseth. . ,'m"`S'tr)as Saunders,`Deputy do. Wm. D. Ardaglx, Reeve of Barrie. Thomas Parker, West Gyvillimbury. Andrew Slodders, Deputy do. John Hogg`,-.`Reeve oPCn1lingwo9f` `' J ongtha SVi`_sons,_ Reeve of Ycspg`. ' Wm. Mckc`-la`nn,` Essa} t1..n...... T\....:.. `l\......o.. .'l:oL.. ammo 02. mm: com! cozmm. - In in)`; (`3'e.<`).|:g:`5a-'v'Vi-5-, Depnty d_it.to.wm \ Wm. 0. Little, Deputy Reeve of Innisl. } ` `1'sbn Ws;rbnftbh .*Re?Fbf Bridfobd. ,,n :1; 1 # ` ` 'B}na;_:;"Augiu1 16, 1864. : The of n_`g'dBii!|1`il mounts day at 2 o clock 1 Ag -:*a-r _v- an - I. to "such commmee. secondqd That ilhdl, nnnnlu. Q..-_;_'._ ia, ;J.' Mc- ....I .......u U! mu uauu at pamng. The train being In wailivhg, II was not long r belore all were on-board. and`o' the party etarted for Toronlo, which pllece was reached fa Ii1t|e_.a!Ier nine n clock.- The parly, before separating gave Jhree cheers for Mr. Cumber- land , It the Station. where he was in waiting io xce"0he train arrive. `He made A suitable `BSPOHSO, grid ex_pree_serI_ his gratication: at lhe `aI_ic`eessi'iil _lrniir1al`i6ri "of the excursion. , '3 Xiid` gas a` `word ,fer`IneVgentlemen`who to ;regi[ily_1a`ccnmmnda(ed the press on this occa- .`,tir`)",; .:'l"he_` ni_p yvea1i_rat.rnool_ed by the Presi- `1r_ler'n__; o(.;t.l_|;e}_A;eeqcaliori,Io lhewriier. of this .eilj,,biilY: .1-j[ev` weeks ago.- 4Mr.- Wylie cul- led`: npon .vMri:;(iumbe_r|mdi; in" pauing. Ihrbug .."l;b`teur9,i. end: they Tgemlahran suggested" than Eiilifddkl -:6l`~`arI"`eVx(\1irs`ion-bu`the Georgilni Bey 'r_i'ir1'!er$db;},5 if*~\l_I 9' parties would agree `t`)","g 9'i`,Vl'1j_B'_i_llI; Ahe"v'a`9uil"i_onre true services of _ QL ;;}& ```*`? *`-;t=`~`=-i.**= ==r'"' 1 :` rgusjo` qjtihngggs. * :* W-f r-`-1`53 "..1'_b9j,lind 1 \ :3-ni"a`r-ill 3 wort_leg_c,ripp1es; of which -1-} intend makr recentsjfto attached: friendsTiu". Then again not thousands," b . ' . .m: cIr..0` N5 ' &'?`**?-`iT e_c'__it w&f1:ccii;e1l;eit:8E1 ' ' e .' "emu _6_bur_.';'sni o_ __-in ` . `:Er;E$qf(vere_&nerrstomed` tgffry r_ w"iutchcs,ar1_d light their pipe with. five` pound notes, convert their fgreenbncks itntofcigar lights.,.. It is more reasonable to asshme that vast number of more` prtndeht soldiers curry fthc-.ir five or six hundred dollars, about them on their pers9_us.,- and the proportion of "these \vhich,.7;are_ taken from their corpses when they are slain in battle, which are lost when they throw away their knap- sacks preparatory" to skedgtdling, or which theyare glad. to e_xc1u_1_nge for Co>1}.f(],_e5-` ate comforts when they are captured and lodgeglfin Libby Prison, must be very larg`1'_`dced. It is reported that fty milli"s-. of greenbacks are hnarded up in Rliiz mond alone. nml nrnnn.-ti`nn{tn a tons,&h`n.v'`__u|;a A untubfy \_diH2`7 .t *1