Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Jul 1864, p. 4

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HE West'part`of Lot No. 7 in the 4m don. cession, of Tosorontio-95 Ac_res. V : The Land is well Situated and capable of being farmed to advantage. v I ! mill Ln nah! -l.-..._ .._J-- - -- -- " "' ' VALUABLE rggy Fonz SALE. 33-tf_ ,.V, 5.... -- `For articulars apply Q6" "Hamilton, 4 March, 1864. 'uauu uuu u u o muz_aoe_xn street, am! 11 to 14 s As -3? 8`. 9!_.BJ3"33'k11931.33: 1.;of~: dlpe feldt.S1reet; I.ots`-34, SS, and 44! N S R`llI(l|'R.l'nn! - `Dan at 1 ..n 1: no no ,, school section -No. 4, for 1862 ..... . ;f.""'7' ': .9 .04; ,, , - . . u . a . . a o c o - - . . . . . . . ` . .. ,. ;,i |:b{~.;." ...:; act. 10 133' Join szm, Speeinlschool Rm, -1; ozcaror1!msteS5`c'o s"ci."' Q-nnn "II I In: JGAII on L [KISS TovrNsH.IP"oF: MULMUR. L--- -__ _ June Au Bengt. Apply to _llEI'\Il'lI ' Ofthe Auditors of the Tow?nshz'p of Mom ofthe Treasurer : Accounts for the ' year 1863. _ `L. A u. _ ,. g 11 13 14 16 on . m Brought 28 ` 130 Hem-y-0ars9n, Sp: V ' snhnnl ainlin _COUN'1_`Y 0FT_GR_EY'. 110. of Va. am Sales. L9`! 155 < 156 167 158 159 160 161 162 ,ID9 _ I00 .166 167 168 169 - ) ,_ ~ ~ _ 4- .. ' ' 3`. P` -.. .. To FOR sA__LE._ ran SALE. AI;iiANDER LAURIE, . - Dnulop Street, Barrie. -j----:: R; T. TIN Cookstown. . L.;T.M-NOTTLE, [ Land Agent Bgmilton. 1-1. 19:21 -A ah A `V 3;. 1,03, an-oughtifI.}; if; Q` "g "-:,'..r .. ;:v% 3,; 15 349, ii; 1. %. 0 Jun ODD nog . , School S::'cti/on No. 4, for 9: of `O . . L.,.Rnn. Sneak] 3.1.... Ru.._|.8....|.".,.:'-' * `-" J. 941 - 2.: r ..- = QEPORT 14 Ldtxxamnnas; ' _,a.-Ronni-mun: .,-:j_`_.$'_`. _ ~: " `aV ' a ' , ..2::::.=:: 9'11? V . cm I- It is the Barman Arutnlcm .!C.'olmmcr4_;. 0914333,? ,nu.L.g9., Ban ., Oice, .' v .1, - - " " J ._._.vpg-. yruuau V 1_nsIn1q1ipn,,{:_bi'gg} not `gll ihie`|7e'ud" -npt hiving am! dlreoteouleeon vmlnny of-the nited Smes Qollegea, but stands alone ou_ I18 own merits; which any one may, know by Iqhng notice of our refer- noat, Land visiging the _Iuot`ijIi:Iion_. .Tennsu favour- a ~'_mr_&:a-I-.2: th lilluiiniiani .`a...1-2. This Inp!imtiqn,now attended by over Jae hun- ' `far superior` ll'I'y"6lh"e"F 'iiI"ei"tii1$' tile College in c.coun_lry. ` IIlG-&t@fo_||q,Ig Bl`l'li8h 1.. 3 2 1,4`. : ..-'.'.}"1:'s.1 ..""?* " "`.3u.5`...`` ~. "_'6??e':'.7.. upnda on nyu own maria . ..n.:..n. For fnrlherinbhalton please calfbn or riddress, encldaing letter `stamp, the undersigned. JAMES E.~ mu, Pncinal. ` n3f'S`angl_ `for qplea of our -Mon1hly`Commeu~ IIi0lIB,"5Bc, . ` - . ` _ ` ' _ The purpose in establishing this Institution is to furnish y9ung"men and ladies` with the lueiluties ol 3 Business Education which will enable them to enter at once upon fields of usefulness and honor. ' ; REFEREES. Alex. Mutiny, Esq., of Mohtt, Murra 65 Co.; A. R. McMaster, Es ., of ~ McMas_ter on ephews; Th_o_njtas C. Keeler. sq-, C,-E. ; _Rgce `Lewis, Esq. ; "John Mac-duinald on Co.; George Mic-hie 65 Co.; Adam Crooks, Esq.'; Hon. J. H. Cameron, Duncan Bell.Es.,Toronto. . ..' . Jane giiclianan, Esiqi-. M.P,P.; Adam Brown,` E .5 Richard J_uson, _sq..,I-Iamilton. . `Rev. T. L. Davidson, D.D., St. George. . 0CA'l`El.;)in oigl1't_.e_\e%n`o_t' t.hLe largest cities" of the StatesLa.nd Canada. _ ' "Under the management of Mr. JAMES E. DAY ,Praclica|AAccounlant, fdrmerlv of London, Eng- land, and lately Scrclsu-y. or.iheABoard ol Waler Commis.-|onera_, Hamilton, Q.W. .Thi'In_uitution now all nded b ` .. _ __ V "'+f;r-Mxmrl:r*1u"h9rYe-.3 -_ ---_.._' -.-.-, `ow! an-J cu vuv-.un\.uo ~ '-JAMES EDWARDS, . . 7 - . L, - ' Sec.` to Trnstees. Barrie, April22nd, 1364.. . . V. .17. 28 28 OD Proposinls to I8."tidd're'ssd (frost-paid) to th;eA undersigned, from whom any. information regard- ing terms, title, &c., may be obtained. .1 \launA'LJ 9?00E6iXi`f COLLEGE, N -1.2- `THE TRUSTEES-`of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Barrie; being about to erect a new place of Wi.0I'Bbip, are desirous of disposing of the present. Church property, and will receive offers for the purchase; of the same until the 10th of June next. The property consists oi'eLots Nos. 84 and 85. and the East part of 78,`on the North side of Collier-.Street, and 103 on the South side of Worsley Street; together with the buildings thereon erected. . l . _.... . . -. _ -_ c}1fJncH~PRoPE3TY 17! o 13. '__ A. L E. umcr water privileges on the lot. For particulars apply to Blaikie & Alexander, "Toronto; or to Ardi1'gh_ & Ardagh, Barrie. `Rah 11 19:4 in 7\ . In the Townshihb \: ' The Mill hhs fwo run of I Stones,-and 3Sv.;13`rly new ;' the'Fai'm coIis`1fs' of "200 acres, With dwell-" ing house and extensive outbuildings. h The're are other watr privileges the lot. For nnralllnrn nnnlv on uI.:I.:.. 1. A I...........:.... King Stwrot.-Toronto, 0. W-, vinsr noon Bur or wnsuux noox noon. ._ ` Established in connection with 7.... .. iv .- Feb. 11,1864. I.-10 h7Q;~s6Id; "ion tim V. the- 1 ~` 9, the prdperty kn: RUGBY ~ M1LL{, FARM, 1333 EKLE. _z24 BRYART, STRATTON anmvs - GRIST MILL` AND II \ V v; 5':..<! ' I"- |'5lf'.Poronto 8 "' "B. , H ning: nf nI:a:..:..8...:.v.!|.l.`. Dsidtl`. titpe, prdpefty known as nulls - '.I ivgith ii mu layout- 9Ii-.- mks. o_pgmear.:I .,`.1....I.`.s? $4491_ 63 I July 76, 817 o4_ 175 46 you think pro your Halpag algal} bg : : . D ' deuce in I1. 1: . Gentlemen ;-Several months since a little daugh- ter of mine ten years. of `go, wan talten_-with Whooping Cough in a very aggravated `form. `and nothing we could do for her seemed in any wny to relieve her suffering. We at length decided to try a bottle of your "Dr. `Wider ; `Balsam of Wsld Cherry. In three hours after she had commenced using it. -. _. ... -vuuu In UUI ' S. W. Fawn": 65 Co., Boston,-'-1 _ _._-..........., :13 u., vcu, W, 1608. Gentlemen :-Havin`g experience-cl the most gran - fyin resultsfrotn the uxe of Dr .W1s:ar : Balaatnof Wid Chem:/,lam induced to.exp|-ens the great condence which I have in its eicacy. " For nine months-1 was most cruelly afflicted with a severe and obstinate _c_on_g_h. _accomp_n_nied_ with` `acute pain in the side, which did not leave me, summer or winter. In October the symptoms increased alarm- ingly,andAeo_ redncedyves I that I could walk but a Atthiejuncturol ommenced takin the "Balsam; from which! found immediate it/`, and alter having used tour bottles-I was completely restor_ed ' to health. I have plso used the Balsamlin end adtniniatered tt_., to my children withthe ha ptest results. I am eurethat-such Canediane.u use the. t Balsam can but epealain its lever; 11 ll` e prepara- tion which has ouly'to_b_e tried to be acknowledged" as the remedy r ezcebnbe; ` ~ 7 ` Youti obetgnt semm; K - . L, J. RACINE. An_.'__-...._ h her; ,thra are com? .._, _-.~`~\ ~_;mmgled wt ! :13: er ingredient: of ' 4 like value, thug increasing its valug `rm fold, and ft/rmiwgg -a Rowdy wlwga power_ to ,,,,,,},,, (9 had, to fglnogzo, agul to cure dueau, may in no other madicme yet ducoverad. moi Yo: Inn cl Has been used for nearly half a ceillury, with the most astonishing success in curing Coughs,'C'olzis, Hoairsencss, Sore Throat, In- uenza," Whoopng_CpugIz, Group, Liver Complairit, Bronchitis, Dtjicully of Breathing`, Asthma, and every M afection cf ' THE` THROAT; LUNGS -AND CHEST, . INCLUDING Evi-zri CONSUMPTION. r --% -mu - WILD CHERRY CAN be consn1Id at his omce, in rank of Kel man & 0035 Store, and can supply the vari- ous Homaapathic Medicines for family use. ' `lrlvlnnnv n :- % ` Kelman e iate Barrie, Feb, 1864. .. .......u -.v vuwuiu vuc _ r mun ever qerore In this _ arket. No. 1 quality VK OIL always on hand ; Aalso Glass, Putty, 2% `D--- _-: Jnst receivedfgiirect from Ne assortment. of _ . I_-amps. Ch ork, a. large v.-_--r-w, tn- lwgch ar o'e x-ed ch? Paints, 04zIs,. Var7zi .9.he.s.,S'p'ices, Dye-Stu Perjumery, Fancy Articles, Pate ' TV . Medicines, cf-c. 7 _---. I5 PURE ENGLISH DRUGS, .511 Would -beg to intimate that their stock is now.v replete in all that pertains to 0. rst-class estab- lishment. They have besides THE Subscribers, thankful for the patronage bestowed _on their establishment, and the appreciation shown of their efforts to keep only 54.. *l\V?l\C1 vs.-..... -...._ _ _ i- ulul: w aucu uuzuuess or nuwuung to mcur the expenfye of travelling to Quebec. Bns inesswitl1 the Crown Land and other Gov- ernment Deparm'1enta,`whicb often takes months to do by correspondence, ,can be transacted in a few days, and out small cost, by employing a. resident agent. , ` Address, poet-paid, to HENRY GRIST, Rm `D n n...1..... H expenye c Bnsine: A--`nu...-.5 ' smay '"G1zI`sT,/ii " Depa1tment;al- and Parliainentary I "Agent, Quebec. ' INVESTIGATES `and "adjusts Crown Land Claims, secures Land Patents, procnres infor- mation obtainable from any of the Public Depart- ments ;' takes out patents of inventions ; registers trade marks and designs; takes charge of privt to bills duringtheir passage through the Le'glsla- t.ure,&e., &c. Wnr nnrm: ulna nl-A nnnkh; 4'. .l......:... n_.:_ -__ uulc, um, mu. _ . For parties who are unable to devote their own time to such business or unwilling -to incur the expenle travelling Ouebec. corticatd frbin L. J . Biie, Kinny-an Barrie, Feb._. 1864. i - dpobx rizou 32.25 U?WARDS. Call before purchhging elsewhere. ` A `N.B.-g-Mlodexons, Flutinbs, Acoordeons, lzc., repspired. All wo_rk_warranlad. .. ' B'arg-i.e,_Deq. _12, 1863.` 50-_ L S. S. begs "to announce to` his numerous ".' friends and customers that he has now on hand a . good supply `of `Alarm Clocks, `Watches, Jewellery, &c;, which` he` offers as" cheap as they canbe go: anywhere north of Toronto, V L . Wmmm PYPIE, 1530,. Secretary & Trasurer. . >0I';FIGE-Wstern Assurance Buildings, Church Street,"1`oronIo. * .-- ..WILLIAll PYPER, - . 5 ' ' Secretary 8; Treasurer. Wm ntazgei 'Jewe1l'er:,s&c.', &c.,Dun1op ` ' Slreet,oppo:itc arraghefa` Hotel. lxggoqgzffyh *l`:A' 0!: no-.. < 2 um vmaang society.- 17A * ;:.I,ns,1du,.,;ni. if 5`: ` J. 'F_ 23%! RIOHARDS0N, Es:.,V1o:-Pnsmnrr ` S1,`; Quebec, 1864. MEDlCAL- HALL, A DUNLOP E STREET, BARBIE. _I.gEA`1$II`5`:]~.3R_i: S`{>;SANDERS,. `.I""U ' 'r..Hnc_nrrn.|;:, CANADA E., 2'1-...W-..F.v.I1-.',& G9-1 - .WISTAR S BALSAM _. -.. , r u.uvu4UIl66g ro `fen! servant; 1 "H L,` .7. RACINE. A cure for Whogping cough: . 11.. . _-..~- "DR. __L. OLIVER _. _--.-- gavawn There is scarcely one individual in the `community who wholly escapes, during a season, from some one, how- ever `slightly developed. of the above nsymtoms-_-n_ neglect of which might lead to the last named, and most to be dreaded- disease in the whole` cata- ` logue The power or the medicinal nm_ ol the Wild Cherry Tree over this classeofcomplainls is (ell known; great is lhe'zood it has mu-..........t _Iu t/us ratiori, beside: the tummy of t hcrr`lI.than; an M..- Mournnn, L. 0., Oct., 29, 1353; Kr P`... `D_.`., ' ~ Eons carlefa-llvv` put up under Mr. supervision. `I On I ' ' ,._.- -V wvvi r than even; before in this re}. mm) 1', Box 344, P.O., Quebec. ` _ 12- less lbnnVlhFr`e-5-71-y`; well; *1 have tinee` :1] of gay ngigh 9 Qugie lip , it nan rrrnn, Ascrelary I N3: Esg.,j of the 31 27 :"- n|oIAJIl_' uau o KELMAN & Co. 1.1-ly : *.*.s.*:.:*s.m..w;.:.-:,.,.;..*: ` """"' ""' ""'a `"1537: 01` BIRCH. ,. um: M31 Hahn: ni,` , , _...._. r auppuu me [3110 other medicines - And In 1 bovenge,n teupoc the Relief," to 1 who-glass of vmtor,ls n nicer, p` or Itlmnhnt than brnndy, whisky, bmen. cKNFDf|PuvlvI:n1-\9-wo-- ----~ _._- H. nu-nun` vs Inll ,. prusanu ly before they become seontol syatcm,wilI_bereadl{y_expo > _ _ nagn1v_|Vll_\ILV_ l'Jl')'l5 THAN CURE. . . . . THEE-3,13`.-N0 OUFASION FOR HCKN&. . . . when you u-at reel ,then an I lofth RKADYRHJFF ' $0?` IPplyIIID\hb' 1z|rtswher9youtoelth'odis`c: ' 0" _ j _ . xur uuuuty names [or 1862 24 Do from W._ Mccutcben, by 0. Malta: - Allapgislative School Grant...V..._; . _._._...._.._._,_ _.o-.:- as uwupneu lugl.ll.\ . Wm. _8ydne liye:-a,nq. otHnnna.CubI.iho core ` denio thenondon mes, suffered with Acute - an _m:rppi_e,l:'hemI:`m,tbr twenty-ve years, and for. e I n eoewhole hvualm r:::`y. :Ippll0d.RADWA '3 READY 1' -4: im- _ medhiely gave him ease and secured him the \ nnil'uudisshi'bed slee fduri the twiity yen'n.' continued-use-of the Y cu_red'him.` ' ' , %_._,......n.n-u , V .~ -BREATHING. ' It is truly xnnrvellous how quick RADWAPS READY cures thosnerers of these maladies. The poor. crippled, and pain-stricken Rheumatic has not to-wait days before a change takes place, bug ln_a_' few.` minutes derives ease mg! comfort. nnEuuA11sn.LmmAeo com` Nzununu; 'rom'1ucam mom mrnbmu sons: THROAT,- qnmzv nh>'rnnu'A,uoAnanm3m mzoxcm. ns, s1m-" Jams 1-m._uwm minoxs, HEAD. -man, (stpgoritmoua, 3STHl(A,orEARD .4 _'__! jggrnly auici: RADWAVN P""" , . _nowm_~.cunns. The secondary indication of RADWAY SREADY RE LIE!` is to curolho patient onhe disease or malady that oocaaionsthe 1uln;th1sit accomplishes rapidly and radically. so new is the patient tranatbnned from paln,I_n1aery, weakna, and decrepitude, to the delght. M enjoyimnt onmuh and strength, that pauam tro- . Iunlnll __ Every Idler 11 am with In 3 I :R`a_I_rgy a,R9ndy 'n:uer. ?{'.n :.nm:- .3 uh II I 3&9 KELMAH a: co; Barrie. _ .1. kI_Nq', _ Ban-in sutibn. _.._.....--uauuucnul. ` One douwm stopthn pdn its oontlnuedjxse wm,1n u.tevrhours,ourothopnuen ; . * ---- %z?* - lusncuxuusm, Dr. Ryerson, Superintendent of'Ednca.tion; T. _-'J'.* 'Robertson, `M.A., Head Master of the Normal Schoooi; Dr. L. Adams, Fo- mcnopnlbic Physician; Dr. Aikens. Dr. Ogden, Rev. Wellington Jetfers,' D.D., Editor Chris- tian Guardian`; -Mr. John Ley,` Banister-at. Law; Mr. `Joseph Rogers, Hatter; Rev. John Langtry, Toronto, C.W. 35 Specimens to be seen by alling at Mr. F1-aser s Hotel. ' ` ` ` ' 1: nunniunwa IIIB lllill Iva! Culuvleuunuvu we Du. R. TROTTER, who 4 will be at-Mr. Fraser- s Hotel, Dunlop street, on Tuesday and Wednesday after "the first Mondayin. each month, is fully pre- pared professionally to wait. upon and accommo- date such as desire his nid. . . , L- ,___ L._ -_n9___ -; :1, -rs . Personeaxpooodtotho malaria of A3110 orifselned with Chills and Fever, will nd I poemve Antidote and Cure in Rndynrs Read, y Relief. not two teupoonsml or the Relief, in 3 wine-glue of water, be taken on gat1I:`';routofbedlnthomorning,nndhowevurcy 3." I mum at - ' - ~ 95 Kurt: Sr. E131-,` Tonoxro, AS much pleasure in being able to comply -with the requests of his friends in and around Barrie, and to extend to them the advantages of his Dental -establishment. ' ` ' an mnnmmnh _L_ _.!Il L- -411- vs,,__.,v, stantly relieves the patient oin , and quiet-I-1.x` ~ heals, soothes, and strenfthane the isnbled pens. D033) all cases of Bites of Rabi Reggllpes Stings of Pot- Iwnous .In:ects,t.he application of vhvvs nzmr RELIEF to the wound will prevent tnmmmatlon and mortincatlon. sooehse. -=4 r_e!=st_hens the .BAI)WAY 8 READY BELIEF ghouldpo npplled to the part or parts nmlcted. It In- stantly relieves patient from gain, quickly parts. In IntheBninorNe}vonsSysie'm`; - one e83D0nful bf RADWAPS READY RHJEI lo I wineglass of wnlaer will, in months patient to case And comfort. 4 Irnnusesf u" fewnmlnntea, rv If Lune Crippled ,or Bed-ridden 3 Imuase Scalded,or Burned; Wounded, or Cut - A lrsmmed Injured, or mauled; 1! Sun stroke, or seized with ma - Itweukinthc splneorlhck; . -/--:2 ` A youth and every man in the land. --Sent u'i nd'e`r sent, id '1: plain enveTo`p'e',`to `my address,` on- the receiptxof six cents, or `two `post'- sge stamps; by addressiqg thelpublisbers, _ ' '. _].". oHAs.J. 0. KmNE,&co.,.. ` - - 127~Bowevy, New York, Post Oce Box, 4686; February, 1864. ` ' ' 5-1y `_ 1291 uyuuycy, Iluuu - .-, _--.- .., _, travngance. V V Price,` in a sealed envcloge, only 6 cents. to The celebrated author in t admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that: the alarming consequences of lelf- abuae may be radicallv cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knii'e-poidti -out.a mode of cure. at once simple, certain` and e ectual}. by `means of which every sul- ferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cum himself cheaply, rivately,` and radically. This Lecture ahoud be in the bands of every himnelfcheaply, rivalely,` and raulcauy. This Lecture ahoud the andpvery it; the land. _ --Sent mier sent. in `'5 main enve1`o'p'e`,`to ._ ........y u 4.`; u ;Iu.a1;LAJ.I. J.\vIH.IJ..l.1'JI." V` "1"3fov_es its auperlorix to All other Medlcme at once. ITS INDICATION . In to ielleve the sufferer - or PAIN, no matter from whet. cause It may origlmte, or where it_may be seated. Jae relief. Inn the Hexid,Face, orThroe;' Inn the Back, Spine, or Shoulder ; Inn the Arms, B1-east,or>Side; Q _ Inn the Joint, Limbs, or Muscles - Inn the Nervea,Teeth,'or Ears ; Or in any other part oftho body, its application 6 the part or partswhere the pun exisuwln anbrd immedi- V _ msmznnewrm PAIN \ ` IntheStnmach,Bawels, orxldneyl; 'IntheBIadder,Bpleen,orI.iver;J"' `lnlheaeelh,-hn,o:-'nxron8~; ( Inthenninormrvonssntemz ` Seniiha " .. wwu - fJ' dew etlitiohlof Dr. Onl- ?ver,welP_s Celebrated Essay on the radical oin-`e '(??vilh'nl;? m6dic5c)' of Spematdfrhmi, `or emesi, Invol(mu}ry'Se1'ninal Losses, I........-...... Mumul and Phvsacal Incapacity, Im- lIo'dicii)g)" of nperpnalpgmag, qr is 5 8eI1`iih' ' W%`:"lEnes;"fnvolb'nIaFy'Sexinal Losses, 3' `C In: acne , Mama] and Physical Incapacity, imema lo Marriage, elc.; also, Consumplion, Epilepsy, and Fila,_se|f-indulgence or sexual ex- travagance. I > _ ' GREAT EXTERNAL AND mg , TERNAL REMEDY - .1 steps THE MOST Excnucuma mug,- __ IN A FEW mxurss, _ `A RAPIDLYV '1'EEI"A.J'IE'1'.`_` - _l RADWAYS - READY ` RELIEF; ' 'Pirivoa H: nun.-In..x'a.. A- -1: ..u.__ Ir-.1:_:_ , . mwzmcu. ASSISTANCE. TE GR.EATAHEB.IOAN`B/JEMEDY CHRONIC mmmunsn ctnuzn. K 71.";'..".`.7. .Y'| 09 510011108! Nlgltia Vm. Sydney llnra. man. .1 mm... n.... .....'.. `W. `,0. ADAMS, D.`D.S., 110 1-19 uz._u ` WITH CHOIERA, or Dun-than or Flux; Dysentary,-Cramps, uni Blllous Cbollc, or Gastritis - -; L ' Scarlet`, hold, or other fevers; DENTISTRY. ._..___.,_.._.._______ MANHOOD: , kg! now. REFERENCES, Qn1I|4:u:l|.nI\an1 Inov Jinem-ea: run; an editiduiibf . N. it-:'B.I'.lnclit)IIl lbrthi guidlneo ol patients in eggrduoldor are taxed onuch pan ' Delllfl in .10! Imam; uadiciuu can lune ?% _y ' ,q:.*;.`.'."`.::"....',......'**"' 12:: mi; IL; Z-,"""i"L"'E' tlhlgnwmu can nun: . , free of ur- Fork. .8"""" 8 111 112 113 114 V 115 1.16 . .117. 119 `Um v-a_a-nu, Va uysuug uI_J,91uvv_ gucn. , \ IE,'.!'hQgo'is Q-conciItablo.n\`in by taking tho I Iluganuur. K .. II . .I__'.1'u..`.._.:.- I... .n. .. -._.,c I, . : V rues, Sore Heads. ' V . .-. Ch! 7 Bend: :"lIagn\|:,:l!1'I.Im, :;:rr:s1o'}|`:"1:i::ds, Ch" `nay ' Salt Rum}: Sprnius, ""'.1'I|I5;'.. . . ' - scald ' SIilfJoin1s, ' 6" ` : Skin ll /)isenses, Teller, "5""! `A A Sweed mums, ulcers, 1 - fu"|l El'IIp- Bore begs, , Venereal Sores, "39 ` &:re Breasts, Woundsofallhnd! -c. ._. I$0A7U?7'0Na-Nona are genuine unless the . W9,,A,.`-`. , '. ,`VN4w York and London, M9 I J KPi5'B.,I,l,A~ `Vaur-marl in every leaf of the ' `Qffleellioniaround each pol orbox ; the sum '_lgn `byddiug the leaf to the ltg/If . , 1'QViIrd,wil| begiven lo any one ren- llliiugrmglion as `may legq lo the dexeqnon Flt! _ or -pdniel cognlerfemng the medgemes 19?:-"Wing lime, Irnowmg them to` be spunous. `AV It I50 manufacxorvof Professor HOL- xv: veuum wcume, knowing them lo be spIlI'i0"5- ' own, -Solhideu Lane, New . `g 80 at Professor HOD _ (Kr, and by all ri. apart: 1: imuid Dealers in edit.-`no lbloug - out the Uniledggulen and tho civilized wclarld, In pols: _ee_n(I, 62 qen_tu,'an,l :81 -00. "each; . !l'I..-...:- -.-.._.:.I.--u- --...-_ _ - .PILI1`.S AND `FISTULA. `Every form` and fen`lnre`ofl these prevalent and uubbo-nudinorden is eradicated locally and cnlllcly byihe use of this emollienl; warm fo`unenm|m_ns phould precede ilsa plicalion. lls bealllw qualmcs Vz(l|__be_ (band to be l orp_u_gly and invariabl. `HAIL `ILA I\..`_l___._A ,, 1 n... -- us me uuwn at Womanhood, or turn of life, lltt`$ - [tonic-medicines display sodecided an inuence HIM n matk_ed.improvement_ izysoon percepttble in the "health of the patient. Being a purely vegvlalnlc _ ,pr_epu-ation, they are n sate and reliable remutv W all classes of Females in, every condition or Health .and_ gtationlr t .,`,.__,._`._ ---..- .5. win uuvI`u.u_5Il_ uuu mvanaune. U00 Ointment and Pills should be used in 1/14 following cases : ,l_!umom. @ . "PH... `a... `una- _ . . unuI'1|U.lVU UN` Arising from I had stale of the blood or chronic dis- ease, are eradicated, and a clarnd llansparem sur- qce. _ jnedsbythe rcstoranive action or Ibis Oint- m9nt-, ' I surpasses manv of the cosmetics and other Idlletppplianceo in ilypower to (liapel rashes and iolher diguremcnla of lho face. __ ` FEMA-LE" compmmrs, A _ .Whe_lher4in the-young or old, married or singfe, at the dawn of Womanhood, these V_lonic-n_1ed_iqiucs{ display sodecided an inmaiu-u mm . [OP 3 at are eradicmed, a fqce_ _tvg'ugined. by the ' D1--`O lgime of I: _ - ..-._-nu, any uuunn . Cases or many years 9uIndiug1hul have pe*rX\ ciouslv relnsed to yield to any other re.-nu-dy or urn!- ment; haveinvarinbly silt-cinmbd lo a lbw npphca- IA is powerful nnguent. , . ERUPTIONS ON -THE SKIN, V ,8 state of uh. mnmn ~I~---=~ -'~ JUA- 103 104 106 106 I DISORDERSVF [HOLLXQI Av ? OINTMENT. !I3'Particular ettention paid to the Regulaliorx of Cbi1dren s Teeth. Residence, Newman-ket, where they may `re consulted the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of each month. April 19, 1863. ' 1-tf ALL WORK WARRJINTED. . Teeth inserted in the moat approved style: and as they have made an-angementsjfor visiting Barrie every montb,`they are prepared to .c-xecutc m._'.' work entrusted to them, as cneap as any other Dentist in the Province. et; 15!, 2nd and 3rd of each Month. . . 4th . . . . . . . . . . . , kstown, 5th ........... . . ond Head 6th . . . . . . . . . . . . - -Brownsville, 7th. . . . . . . . . . . . Suttnn..... 10th . . . . . . . . . .. Lefroy. . . . . 13th . . . . . . . . . . . ` Barrie . . . . . 14th and 15th . . - Collingwood, 16th and 17th, When they will be happy to wait uponthose rc- qniring their service`: in any of the branches of their profession. CHANGE OF ADVRT$EMEX pas. s. N.E._P. 3. P CK, SURGEON INretnrning thanks t surroundingconn during the past that in futurv eirfriends in Barrie m,.1 , who have patronized them 1991! )'M'S, beg tn; ix:IiIn:1IL: -.--no u -vv-un - . . Atroperntions pefrorugi in the mos! approved style, and;-Vsatis!'act1on g:vez_1 in every case or no charge made. ' 16. ..,......,,. \II um ynvummvu can In: Wlle DPOD. ' ` Teeth insetted in 9 supeyio; manner, from 3 sin to tooth `ton complete. set, on Gold or Silver, or l1Vl'_P1Me, or on that justly and highly ea- teemed `material, Vulcanized Rubber, and in such a. style as to award ease and comfort in mastic- tingthe` food, giving` to the patient, at the same time, that natural expression of countenance so ` desirableto secure in the operation of inserting articial teeth. _ Teeth lled with`. Gold Foil, Cement, and White Fill_ing, so` as to presexsve them from further decay, Teeth extracted with little or no pain, nud par. ticular `attention givento the regulation of cbil. dren s teeth. . October 24, 1863. 136' 101 ........s-nae o prevent Lnd hD;rI A .v. ___-.-- #1.. Q`` E?EOT;ULLY iimonnaes that he w'] 11 1' h - W'- and ..`{i. . , 33: s`.`1ef"y'K'.'? ```` ` `he days 'BARRI_E--At his Oice, Dnnlop Street, from - lltlo 18th of- each `m0!!1i!.` ' - uoumsorrs OURNER8-0n the 14:2. March `' ,'Jnly,7&c. ~ I '1`; Mo'att s,' on 16th of March, ,u2:a2:2.,E;e* J- on or Where allthose requiring his services in a branch of his profession can be waited Tet imam" 3.`. A g.......:.. ..-__-_ n1frJi`is'rr {DESPEOTFULLY nnonnnn Hun! i... ...:n CAJOUNTERFE-IT/S`: K -j-- .J-.C.M "F L y ' ' SURGICAL, o3E%Q}$;3,` kn N D `BUCK A U z-___.__ _ yggume X111`. 'i'HoMAs IHOLLO WA ` 80 Maiden Lane, Ne m~k . sea. A - come to the (--r ven unoyance to Hi It-medics, not 1 paqkages of snc ; siden 108 `Sore Heads. Sore 'l`hroaIs, Sore: of all kinds, Sm-gins. -v -tut uu_c gcullnbc the (mn- annoyance Hie not If) ofsncl: e as here- 19" j no Jan. 19 6: To Gash fr-`om Robert Auden-ion, 1 the Municipal Council of thi 6th Con.,Mono; . . .., . . R1 Tn nch fn-mu 'l`nunnhin lm-1: Pm 51o`7._ U 97 [ID payment for the old road sold him by this Township, between. No. 20 and 21, COIL, MOD0;......_.. u-. oonoonauunrnououuouo not To Cash from Township Clerk for License , . . . .. .. . . . a . Do , H do do vaguuico-u . V .. . 3` To balance in Township `l`r_eg.snry (four; 186;, . 2; .` . frot0ollector;~_lmgd for 1883 . .-. .. to j ;': :1 2- 0' -. , .=7- * ' . ofvm ` `I ` 15i<:rAL sbaoon riim ; Specisl School` .Rate,"hy order &.lI> N.:7 nlfhn -uu-- Inna - scnoox Section No. 6,t'or188`2 ' """""" W aoiovioauCuuntinao`-:oaoc nnlg.` smut Rate by order or ,:_o_8l_;oo,l j ~ . p, ' ' % for 11882;}: goo o n | o -1g>nv`n>o>o3~o: 'uoo'n%Jo ~. `nuuuvw nvury,. upculnl ncnoor uate,'by order Of `O 1 . J wschoolseotitgr N9;l7s!:t:leRy`m 1sez..'~.....;......... . .Armsu-ong peel :5 1," 11 f ' _ School Sect,io n No. 6, for 1862. ,0 "0 -Tum. to , ,. . . ."'i\vQIlIl\IIOll0Q0'|IilO . `W.LoIna. Special School Rate, by order of Truglaos-ggj.8ghm[` A : _ seouo;,;gg,z1,:or:ga2........ w.~g;~c .ty,_spe;:a1,schoo1 _Rafae_,, ' j,a'o:ao Mar. June ' "IscnooHs`e_c;lon-No. 1o,.,Io.r1sea-2. ' """"""""' ,.I0II,ogv-0 W _ * V nuaUr.'uuALu!&UUa.. . . John Foley, Esq., for printing the By-Laws per contract, by. - order of the-0o'uu`:il.'.. ;.............,. A Township Council, 4 Townshipvanuals, pet; order `in Ooupcil,. at.$3each . . . _ _ . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-.`-.' . . . - .14 15' V ' TOWNSHIP "COUNCIL; G. McMauns, Esq Reeve. . . . . . . . . . ... . T Thomas Elde_r,.Esq.,Deputy Reeve. . .. . John Avison, Esq....;....-...........;; F. 0. Stewart, Esq....`..:. :;'.. Sa.:nnelHall,Esq......... V. . A F`. l 0. Stewart. Auditor for. 1861. . . . . . . . . TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. Wm. M ccliuchey, Collector, Salary for 1862.. . . .' . Township Clerk, V __do Assessor, v `do Treasurer, ' do James Kelly, Auditor, for 1862. . . . . .. . . ._ . Robert Thompaon, do n-ccco ollonsoutoo-~-3.... wwuamp uuumm, 4 1'ownsn1p manums, pelj 0}"-191' 1" V9Pg ; . at.$3 each ............,. ............a.._.;..._,....... John Foley, Esq.,- for" publishing ;the Townlhnp Accounts, by order of Oouncihfor 1862. . . ....... . . . ........ . .v.' .'-'_.z . - ` ' ` i ----- 113300 Do from Receiver General, Clergylleeerve l3'n'nd.....'..-.'.......A T ` 37&'_ o0 Do Non-Resident Tax received by County Treasurer, and retained forCounty.R.a.nesfor1862.........,.,,,._,.......,._. .M 821 66% Do W. Mccutchen, McMnne,.E:q., tuea-&;eost:ofsnit,`._. ..z 8 ?4a Legislative School Grant.........,..._...................... LlA.nn' Wm. A11en......... Wm. Allen . . . . Thomns`Patterson . . .. Thomas Patterson - . . COUNTY ASSESSMENT. C . C County Treasurer, Taxes for 1862 Do do . . D0} vi do ` oollvcuoaoououocuuoolcntlti County Treasurer, Non-Resident Tax received by County Treas- urer and retainer} for County rals for 1862. . . . . . . .v.. . . . .~ "';'"s'2n$'E1;u3`}."i$ W, Annuals-Ann. Hana flifucziiis; II1l;I'|-'i`l'llI1l V (-1.... non; ~ msc1LLANn:oUs..` (`nun -.u-ind-uu Hun Dull .-I 1=A's?J.vL:N':cs;` ROAD-WORK. Lines. Div. I 1 in A A.......o:. .' .... ..v. iI c_I gu'ocoocua 2- .'n x . _uo;V ._._-do. Dec. opcuuu uraui Dy oraer OI ' A Council Appot-tioned.1863. . . . . do do T do do Balance allowed b_v_ R. Dodds for work done l by W. Oampbell.....' Apportioned 1862.. . . . . .` do 1863 . . . . . . do 1862-.......- do 1863....... n_A'ui. . _ -; 1 _ ,-by of .'h-ashes to r ]_832__`.__x-__j, `"'- 143. 19 8699 13' i -2 V T vvu UU 495 00 . 228 44 900 00 A0: nn 621 56 12 00 "SAMUEL Ar1fNsk1; 2$2a;szrr,=`;,,:` 4 W 22 oo JWIU 41 00 6000, 65 00 10 00 -3 oo.- Qll 420` 295 800 10 00. 800 92. 00 V 21 oo : 2245 `oo 946 so 175 00 $4391 84 1132 00 378-T00 .Tuly~ Nov. 25100 pegioi'II'Vcn"t'iix`1g , uuw auuu 9, use nus; n,ouq- uugqym *..-24;.-8oml,r'.W W5: ti = . * 7 TN!$h3isi`51E.`M`}`ogfdp`"R6id,`.` . The Above'lhn'fs vm.-;;;g.}.q1aj._,g;.g, _4,,,`f ` 7 ->` any p erp'onI' i ..iII IIn.nnn`nEulS4l}`- `s _- 'gbod.(fheIling'l3o;e. .: V V!LbA,GErO_F `AI'.LABALB--Et-`ontpa ' Lots and 3, "Q. . .wizh;.dua|lingi-house-did~`s{ableo:--~I:1iir-1-9- MELANC'l`HON--Lot 214, and N W part of 215 in 2nd Con., N E of Toronto and Sydenham Road-.-an improved farm . _ _ _ iv -A PROTON-Lot 222 in 2nd Com, SW:Torbnto and Sydenhanhxliqad-,V-an impgoved far;n_. .. ~. . ' TOWN PROPERTY, HOUSES, aic. BARRIE--Lota 59 and 60, South `of Collir street,` and 14 N 8 Elizabeth Street, and 11 14 Spnennv 8:1-eat: Ban*-.n1...k;w....; 93, u...:. uu-uocs 116 am: 117, 1s.t'.1i;; spurt of W'_ of 14 in 8th `Com, 3. ! acres, .. _ _ T V TINY--N. baifot 86 in` 1st `Con.---an improved farm; part o( N. hu1fot_' 10 in1lthCon., 95 -. acres. T 1 ['rossonozwr1o-pm `or E -`hm 22 "in mid Con., 65 acres. . i , . . . VESPRA--Lo: 6 in 11th Con., 200 acres. -;A._.____ _ 7 nu; Ln-Iv A-anu'A-h0l 29 In Ann; N. j 3 in 8th --a. valuable farm; Lot. 3 in 10th Con. 0RO-Lot 34 in 2nd Con. - . .. .. SU_NNIDALE-Part of N. hdlf of 22 in 4th` 001;. TAY-Lot.s 116 and 117, E.P.R;; 8 part of W i. 8th 0011.. 3. acres. ` 2 '1 COUNTY OF SIMCOE. FLOS-Lot 25 in.3rd Com; Lot 4` in 6th; N.`hf. of Lot 1 in `Nb; part ofS. E. 1 of 2 in _8th. INNISFIL--N. half- 25 "in 8th 0911., and lots 26 and 27 in 9th. . ' ' MEDONTE-Lot 43 in 2nd Con.; W... Ialf;/1_6 in uh; Lot 19 in-8th; N: W. or 211:" mm... an improved farm; part of N. W. {of 22 in`; 13th Con. V _ .' MULMUR--E. bfs of 22 in 2nd, and 25 in 4th Gen, _E_.._S:;-_pa_rt. pf, 0011., '10 ilcrba`-H 'E"-`_ hy!f_'ja9>_ nth-.-abqu, _4;0'a.cres ceare ' `:"'W'a 1?!` l1.3,: -V,.1l.l` 5ln-aboul 40'acres 1"" -' ` ""` * NOTTA-WASAGA-Lot 29 in -uh; N. ; 3 in 8th" - farm: Lm. 3 in mm nm._ a pen? utrggt; _Bo;s';}3lo9k;`Lot.3?, N;ot'- dipe feldt Street; `Lots-34, 44, N 8 Blake Street; gran-I of` I_._ot_}_ $, g_z?zdV H )2, 14 and 15, E !m1f...;In.o 2,3 _1.n,,5h .Gnr.I.-,~ `Yapnraa. 2 acres. AbOutj._25 acres commaudmg a View qt` glue 5.. ..,Bsy..4nd. .l;eanti!nlly4~I1u'nod-vfor v-tprfnte` . '. . c. %g91dh.-;f2!i.d9.I! *9: sgitsrm`-;~ '-`"~ A 2'} ' 5% "" V` yeud , -_ . Ag}: .... 233" 53`-`.. .. 4.. .- ct, G O _D-Lot 8_ S; P_o_n1 Street, close to _ u the Railway Sutfoh;`fE nsterl_y parts of '11 -. I5 3,! `H 140' nu .1, %;::;t.m*;?:.% mu` .. 2.` `.*..z...;.-.: ._ v .. _--v--- was ova!/JJLV&\lLUO There-are about 42 aci-ea.cleai-ed, and in-a high state of cultivation._ There are a. good Dwelling House and Barn, and a thriving young Orchard, on the premises; The land is of the best quality. Title indisputable. . For furthef parliculas apply to 50-tf R. BAN To BE som) CHEAP, the s. .Easu of Lot - V No. 28, in the 8th_ Con. of the `BEING the-South-East quarter of Lot 9, int!) lat Concession of` the Townshipof Oro. v istance fonx-and abalf miles from'_Barx-ie. Twelve acres cleared. Land of. tho best quality ;, and a ne hardwood bush, good fox-`Cordwood. _ *r1_,, [50 Acres of _L_g.nd for Sale. I A.LAN,D=S FOR _,SAL__Eo HE north east quarter of Lot 12% and the south east quarter of Lot 11 in the fourteenth Concession of 0:0, containing 100 acres, more or less.\p\n Iv IQFVIIIIH SWO It will be sold cheap under a. power of Sale in a Mortgage, from one William Cnygill to the undersigned. _ . Z WILLIAM HOLT. Barrie, December 29th, 1862. 63-`- Oct.

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