Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Jul 1864, p. 2

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THIRD DESPATCH. V BELCEIL S'rA'riori, 12 o c'-lock. The number of bodies recovered to this time dis 43, ot whom 14 arebcys, 12 girls,` 5. men, and 12 women, There are about 40 seriously wounded---isonie of them not expected to-live. A considerable number of dead bodies "are -known to_be still in the wreck. About nine ' ,o clock "an engine and car arrived frotn- Mon- treal bringing Coroner Jones} Potn`in'ville,` Solicitor of the Grand Trunk, anda_- large num- ber of workmen to_clear away :'he`debris in order to get out the dead bodies and recover the goods of the emigrants. _The utmost diligence has been~exe'rcised, but much yet remains to be done.: The cars-lie-mostlyf-a pile of frag- . ments, crushed together, resting` on the barge which was fortunatelypassingthrough at the moment-of the accident,` Had the. cars fallen into the open water, to `the number of deaths ` caused by being crushed in the smashing of the care must have been added a vast number of drowned. All the. barges in tow of the steamer had passed except two. Those on the barge actually passing through thebridge saw the train coming, knew what must happen, and jumping on the barge behind saved their lives. The locomotivelies submerged in the `water out of sight. The appearance presented by the wreck it is impossible to describe. The T train consisted of two or three. second class cars, and the remainder box cars tted up with benches for the emigrants. The two or.three last cars, when we arrived at the scene of the accident, about seven o clock, remained on the top of the pile corn aratively unbroken ;the rest were a confused" token heap, some lying on-their sides, others upside down, broken into and crushed by these above them, while in some cases a car lay attened almost like a pancake. between two` others. The wheels lay contusedly scattered here and there "through the heap. The leg` of achild might. be seen piotruding `from under a plank; at another place a man's head severed from `the body, which appeared like a shapeless mass of bloody clothes. T The bridge, which is artublar iron structure the cars running along the top of the tube--is some 35 feet high, counting from the level of the rails to the level of the_ water. The width opened by the swing. which ism thefivestem extremity of the bridge, is about 60 est. ' ' t ` Amidst the terrible excitement and painful an- certainty that attends all nancial operations in the States, Mr. Chase, the Secretary of the Treasury, has. tendered? his resignation. This step is not calculated to inspire condence or improve the condition of aaire. It is the old adage over again, rate deserts sinking ship!` Mr. Chase has ushered into existence and army of greenback: that he now nds it impossible to con. trol, and. gives_`np; the cgnteet. He has ehoyvn in many ginatauces. `a good degree of sagacity and tact; hut his nancial hlnndere must be ascr_ib_e1'_ to $9.; of history. and hunian experience. He and bin. confreru have plunged a wealthy people into debt with a` . nzismaua?gemeat'i_ than} ._. ., ., **!'":nr.e.=aos or the `battle Bald, ' tin} :.`.....n_'1`__'i -3 ` -* ` -wuqnu ffinglgtu. 31535110 A lxi 0VtIl_10n,l1,,0n,ih0`20_tlI',l_nIt., thosvifo-of tyhn :~,Otaho:,!AJr..7-&q.-',a `offwfin_l,- I 11031 `and '5; ' lhtor. . . Tan New You: Mon! MAnn'r.-Tbe New York money market is still unsettled, causing a degree of hesitancy and uncertainty most injuri- ous to trade. Gold, the acknowledged standard of value, fluctuates every hour till its movements have become as uncertain as the wind. Yester- day it was at all points from 270 to 255, In such a state of aitirs, it would seem that commercial Business must-bereduced to a species of gambl- ing . Grain, our, dry goods, live stock, securi- ties of every description, and in fact every kind of substantislproperty, must vary nearly in a cor- responding ratio.` `During the present week the price eta` barrel of llonr has advanced over two dollars andof a barrel of pork more than four dollsrs. - l 3 ` ,1 July 5, 1864. Scarcely mythin comes into market at this time of year, therefore it is useless to quote prices, uloanrruluiuuo A despatch received at 5 o clock this evening states that ghting had been going on all day near Leetown, about ten miles from Harper s Ferry, and some miles to the left of the railroad", between a force of the enemy- in the direction of the Shepardstown pike, and the com- mand which General Sigel had left there to occupy the place. Both forces en- gaged were small, and it is officially re- ported that our troops there had repelled successfully all attacks. All freight and . passenger trains from the west were successfully through last night, but no express train for the west left Baltimore this evening. At last accounts no injury : had been done to the road or bridges. It is supposed that the invading force is the same which was sent against Hunter,' who is understood to have retired into west Virginia, towards Gnnby, to await, the arrival of supplies ;A_ but finding that . Hunter had eluded "tern it is thought that the, Confederates are now attempt- ing a raid into Maryland. It is thought - their strenth has been greately exagger- ated, and that it will windle down to a small raiding party which will scarcely venture far beyond the Potomac. Gen. Sigel has fallenjback to IA-Iarper s Ferry, and-holds the strong position on Maryland heights. There was great ex- citement at Hagerstown and Frederick, to-day, owing to the exaggerated reports brought down by the fugitives from -Martinsburg. ` . Gen. Sigel, on receiving the interma- tion, at once prepared to check the ap- proach of the enemy in order that no `moveable property should ,be destroyed. The troops were drawn up, and at 5 o clock ghting commenced-' in the neighborhood of Bunker Hill,-and con- tinued four or five hours, during which his cavalry fell slowly back to the in- fantry supports. Ascertaining that the force of theenemy was. largely superior to his own, Gen.,Sigel determined to evacuate Martinsburg, which was ac- complished in good order; He tele- graphed the railroad company here as to the state of aairs,_and all their trains and other moveable property were safely movedaway. Some heavy trains lled with supplies for Gen. Hunter were also taken to-a place of safety. A force of the enemy also came by way of North Mountain, with a view no doubt of flanking our forces, but inthisv they were disappointed. A Anannfnh Ilnnninn of 5- n ninn1r 51-sic vvalvu v-q -...---._-.( Barxrimonn, July 3.--Rurnors have been-`circul_ati_ng `here all day that a ` large Goiifedeirate force,under the com- Almand (')f"Ge n.__;Ewe_ll, had attacked the ' Federal troops at Martinsburg, and com- pelled fhe evacuation of that place. The following information in regard to the matter has been received at headquar- ters, principally upon despatches from Harper's Ferry: ` At daybreak this morning intelligence was received at headquarters, at Mar- tinsburg, to the eect that the Confed- erates were approaching in three separ- ate eolun1ns-`-one by the way of the turnpike towards Shepards town, the second towards Martinsbu`rg, not from the line of the railroad, and the third least of it. It will be remembered that the department of the railroad is that of` Gen. Hunter, assisted by Gen. Sigel, with Generals Kelley and Maxwallader. ~General'Kelley s three is at Cumber- land where no alarm or excitement exists. TIh1E;foov.viLi'1E is thg {mc >stV importaznt news of the week. `Owing to Monday being` 4th July nothing came over the wirs on Monday night :- A rm 1 AA FIour--at Mil}, 3.50 1641.25-. Fall Wheat-'I5 to 80c. Spring Whea.b-'I0o; Barley-'I5 to 851'. Oats--50c. V Po.tatoes--30` to`3E;c. ' Buttez:-]:0. 1-_1____ In "EmEHIr'uL A_,[L_RA Acclnam .3?` v.' 4` "rt! " ' s:r:AK~'!%L<;|N9= NE -% ' ,3 \ _ T ._.... 1.....mai. .'u-w`n.r._- AT jtattsi intelligence. ADFORD MARKET. Gtommerciat. BARBIE I MARKETS. June 29. *?%z AND, single and joint, with and without in: crest, It the Advance Office. ULBD ' FOOLSOAP. , r.-cuss 12! per rm ' :th:`4 0%- Volume --- .. ....-.-us. at me Advnu 0" BLANK F0llllS, OFFIGE STATIONERY, The Committee for the city entertainment to the Prlneund Princess of Wales have just etfectcd with the Royal lnsurance Company an extra in- snnnee of FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS on the building of Guildhall, including the new erections, ttings, and contenll."_ Ball, 'je., Wm. ' Barnes, J. T. Barnes, John . Bolf, Mrs. Margaret _ Brunt, George Bunton, David Burns, Thomas Cannell, E. Carr, Robert Cassell. Mrs. Clines, Francis- Cook, John Connor, John , Crosby, Benjamin- Evans, George Gamble Mrs. Marx; George, John Harrison,.C. J. Johns, John. Johnston, Joseph King, William Livingston, Miss Mary 27- Little, James Moore, C F. Morrison, Archibald . McDougall, Christey McGenerty Daniel McGenerty, Miss Julia A. Mclfnllen, Miss Mary.-lnn McKeil, James Parkin Joseph. Quart, J Irvine Rontledge Thorns: Steel, Miss Catherine Strong, Miss U. & S. Turner, Thos. (5) Werely, John J. Whalin, Michael ' Registered. ' Ta lor, William ~ 3 Thorns, Lt.-Colonel A. ALFRED LANE, P. sr. N.B.--Parlies callingwill please ask. for Adi vertised Letters. FIRE AND LIFE. Capital--Two minions Sterling. --.-_- STRAYED from the premises 6! the Subscriber, Lot No. 12. East side of Ellen Street, oppo- site Chriatisonfs Hotel, Barrie, on or about the 13th inst, a. LIGHT RED COW, with large white spot on face. Anv nbrmm 1....:-... .....'|_ :_._ ROYAL Iusunmce conmuv I, `I\JIIIIIIlD:`.I>-QIIIOEIIIVIIUCV " };'wFUL 'AQRlFlCE b6F {.IFB_1-!' 4` Bmv-rie, June 11, 1864. aput Ull !IC|1. Any person leaving am-:b iniormnlion with the Subscriber, or at this Oice, as will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. Esfhaxr of Lot No. '11, in the 4:1: Concesr sion of ORO, 100 ac:-es-60 acres of im-- provement-20 bearing` Apple Trees and a large _\:;nl_ity of Cherry Trees. About 12 miles from. ` rrie, There in ugood stream of water on list- `premises. It will be sold on reasonable terms; For any other information apply to NOAH MORRIS, . , T On the premises. Barrie, ll, . 94- ` Also vuu: fax; the c d P 1. B `Id- ng and Suing: Society. ` `much m , Toronto. j LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in we Pm Ojce, Barrie, July 1, 1864. Ball, jr., I)..-_..- T II` `I I` " lvilluivuiuu -I-vU|""f" t'.`--. V. I" ;'};zrd'.nnn.' "'r" `y. ' In an and in `ya ctr `In ucvr srclliu n`1'n"'1`"r'.c"f.7I'."'.,`fi: .'. .'?c'..`.'..5`. n..:w. .r. u- um? 00`: h clan wd pqnfy nae blood, rcgu la the m-r, mom", god other glands to I healthy and harmum- K|dn01_|~- ea,gon'no nniniu , pilqn or tenenmus. they can touch, `can Oman pyllc unezcuary, man 1: make I P0 h "h, `M Ngtufp, until her law: are violzned, :: :;,,ndh,m1huf|.hy. Price Mceuu per box. Sold by Drugguu , Dr. Radwl I Pllllue me on! purgalive medivine. -to admidstprr Scarlet I-`eycr, Jysipelas. Small Pox :3 other e to and reducmg fevers. Thole pills um: um. puieu aroanfegnagd against the subsequent lppcgy. ance of Dropsncal e as-sons, Oplhalrma, Slrumeoun .11.. chargss from the nut, sqres. ulcers, and swmlenjoinu u, convulsions and a fun of other maladies that scarlet [fever yasisnts safer aer treatment or this disease. f Nol lyltann inc hundred ever curenh ` nndhrlha Irenlmam ofscarlet Fever. Small Poet upolu, Granted that th_o_ pulgnt recovers lromlne pg- u||gpgympomnol' the angina] dueuo-but the dlseau n on! smothered and Inblequemly brelhoutin m r If `IIIWIWI liis in this or any o:)he:rIiT;T:.' ugncm. TELEGRAPH 130 `rm: anon. gun -,nu.uvuu- vs -nu Iunanunl --was-rvulu Inc UIECIIP H in! _Illd Inboequergtly bgeah out in olher rm-m._ Wu : lls any In other dincua when gcun depend: upon pnrgnuon. I purilv or n... . or an INVALID. Published for the benefit. and as n wnrmn and ` A CAUTION T!) YOUNG Av EN ,wbo mfer from Nervpm Dcbuluy. Premature Decay . Mnnhod, elc.. u plymg at the same lime. . . TH MEANS OF` SELF CUR E. "fax; m(1':;l1:_n 5 t_:_r CURE. By one wh_n` no cure unnc|_ 1: tr xngput 10 pg 1 _ peme and uuury through qnedxcal hgnnbug and quackz,-ye_x By prgpgying-postage, single copies may be had of the n . \ "" 'A NATHANIEL mxvmm 2.9., 21-], . BedIbrd,. Kings County, IN. Y. cum: SO'ABI_.E'l.` mvnn, OUREBCARLET FEVER, CURE SCARLET FEVER. - _ - . on-u, ._ uxnnmn. \ on ID 29! JIIIIG, If St. Thong.) church Snnty Bay. by the Rev. 3. 3. Ardagh, 1.. _g ` B 0f.VB>If[I_8, Wm. O'Brien, Esq, of B",' 6 ionngoat daughter of thg ht. Luigglioon. Loriuk, of Engleeld, and relic: of , th'eTf'1ao Join : mu John Harris, Esq, 0, Lam gdbnf. No curds. . IIIU; unvv vv-an dbn.. JN0 cards. V- ;tOwn Soun, o th; -27th un. 11 o w- - D. Hnisbn,` late of Toronto. and foimerllnmn Bristol, England. ' ` Barrio, June 21', 1864. )EN's', PENOILS, AND WAX, . K gt the Advance nm-In --u---- * FIRST v-DESPATCH; V --h__--:- gRIEF `gPAPER ruled V 0 nm notice. at the ,, -_ v-.-av. an-.5- Ecduurvx nnA_Nk- sboxs ruied and bound '~' ._(o-`otdir :_t Adynnco Ofce. ORTGAGES P.S.', at the 5 ' 95- 91--aim: Form of %- Advnn co. Bnrrio. UC-`1i|i` Y B00 ce KS. Wholesale on 1. 9::-r-__ - %1 ....`:.?.`.- New 2{bn:rti5cntents. FARM FOR SALE. THE CONFESSIONS "AN D EXPERIENCE V GAGES with and without Dovier and 3. , holdvnnce Oeo. .__________,____________,{ urn-.- The work of carrying up the wounded from` the sheds was one of no very easy accomplish-t ment. Shutters and stretcher: at` various sorts- were used for the purpose. Every 0110x8878 what assistance they cqttld,_ and worked- willinglyr The task wasat lengthlcotnpletcd, having occupied from a quarter past two` "mm; a quarter past four, when `the traln'stsried-for Montreal." -It waea moving hospitalg; There were on bnardthree hundred and eighty-four. of the emigrants, the greater number of whom were injured, some of them very seriously, and - vsprrie` eo}'b_'adly that it was scarcely supposed they would reach Montreal` alive- It sh_o'nld-; -be mentioned `here, that at the t_i_me_ this train slatted, eleven otherbodiee had been takenout "01- the vglebtfis; making. a` total - of fty-Tiix `re- covered up to that period. Four hundred and` forty: 'wer`e thue accounted `for, leaving some- sixty out `of .the' ve` hundred,-`still .sttpposed_ to_be` buried in the wreck` of the tra_in.- ,Tel`- egranis hadbeen sent1"`ndurjng the day to the Genmyi 1-loapital andtue Hotel` l,)ien'.`b_y _'the medical gentlemen, di'rect'in' -` Yal| n eedfulepr;e'- pm-.mi,,,, fo`:`@'V1n'nd8,f0|': the commodation ol" the .rwoum,'led,..i MJ'- ".3! 74.1899. 3*9y`.m"' `"495 go" p;'epg;e"- the stores ;atgPoint- S,` ._Qhat`-l_ee:; for `those who.`wbu1d;scuc_el_y lropttainnul .,t,mIh9 ._ .. , l "` >`7 Mr, ,.. ,1, ., . l..<- -HI: STRAY cow. petial Noting. 9lc.. In plymg It Inc llme. MEAN 8 OF SELF CURE. n has cured himnei! am-r beimznm on AILAMENTABLE FACT. '(saom- pom) L1-ix.-. -_` , DR. nADwAY's PILLS .. .... -. 3: Copying Ink, the Advance July 6, 186 4T 3*:-uled to any pattern at an '9} it We Advance Oice. II est`:-no -. , -The Herald's account gives the number on on board the ill-fated train as fully 500. The number given to our correspondent by officers of the Grand Trunk Company was 354. This mayprobably have _been the number of `fares, children under a, certain age not being ill? cluded -in the number on the company's books, The Herald : figures, as including both adults and ohild_ren,w_e presume, are `nearly correct. scans is war: rauponnnv nosrtnu gr ` rnr:x._u:u.. Harrowing scenes `presented themselves in the temporary hcspitals,,where the wounded were placed together, in the most comfortable positions possible`, as soonas their injuries had been attended to. Matty `of the wounds re-' ceived by, the .unfortunate peo la were about the head and face, rendering! e, scene of the rowsof bodies sill more hideous, while many of those rescued appeared to snefr intensely. Only one amputation, was performed, and that on a woman, who bore the operation ii: a mod`! heroioutnianner. The knee joint had been badly" fractured, andatnputation ttad_to be performed above the ltnes, but the brave woman appeared more distressed attthe eight of her husband?s grief than __at her. own misfortune or the pain she was suffering. ` V . fr. 1:. nnvuma Hmagir Toro'nto Branch. Innnu-hm" &c., ;c,,_V DIED. J `ulia 94...! In.` n..n..-..:...- nuuucugu JUUIIIIS ` '`IiEMENTs. Lgad Retail, at the R.) `Dd B113, '0. THOMPSON . _____________,. K, {or oice use, .3. -vvlIn|fl ukuruwu Ulu ` "i7}'o}fthe Montreal Herald we take the fol lowing partiulatb, supplementary of our own account,` of; the frightful` catastrophe gt Betaail, which was telegraphed as to form the scene of the accident :- V . ~ morning, doctors and essistancewere sent on, anda train`oar_ne. In this evening with? all the persons who were alive; and with those `_W,l|_`(), Aneoon as the news reached "Montreal this- had been enggged,in.the reaeue. Onewqman "died before `the: trnin came up. The hereon: who where not wounded, to the number oftwo hundred,were accornmodate_d{a_t-_the, St.Cha_rlep. The rest to the number of about sixty were di- another wise eixpecilqed, _to;'d_ie at the English Hospital. `The rev.-t_were said to he doing well vided between` the `English Hospital and ' Hotel Dreu. At midnight one had died.-and" `The condupt of the authorities of the Grand. Trunk -is veryifnvbrably spoken of. ` 17...... ll... Im.....-.._| Il-....lJ - - '-- - - _ Th Btih:goveyumeIil_ has x_{9w . sgyerileen tron-`clad: aoat, _!en_ rs! `mien, . uyof aqcqnd _ tales, tb.rea_Atblrt_l:i;tegP;"az`_1`ni__ mg cf ad poe a ll ; is taken out;.-the lifeless hand eligresps a .aod'idem,?and _in` `the endjeoe-nj V '.:;.-.1.- :u;,`5;_{,5 , ' ' .'-".V... 1", When I en-ived 34' boclieehed been recover- ed. Dnring the ferenoon several other: have been taken out, but the. remaining dead are chiey in a car In wedged. in amongst the fragmenteof the others that many have not even yet been reached. Au 1 wrilelhe body of an old grey-haired Imanespaaufnbly attired, large chine-long.-handled., pipe. A quarter or "an hour 11:10 a ladof 15 yes taken out, appe- remly I_|f8|08B, 'his_head -eoyeredwilheblood, and presenting`-a - fiighafnl spstagle. On` ere- stnra.tives.being7'eppbd, he weefoiand lo M not bnly alive. but 1only_ very .I|i,ghl|_V-injuld." The` blood with -which he was covered we.-iethet of his mother, whose cnrpne ha had= been lying in lhe u'_-xefck for Ieinghnureq W.7lhi`?. the iris! few fhinimvs,-ihe bodieief two innecent 58539: Of two qr three years`, h`a've_bee'n golput . of the Wreck and borne,:paet to me` dead"ti Tllejdend aywying in`lhe~upper`|nf! of a} shed, on the river aide, an o'ul_on e. hundred yards be low the scene of _the accident. "A7nnr'n`ber 10? the (no_re=seri_unsly.woiindedvere `in. the lower part. 9f,_Ihe same bui'Iding.. . Ah-e:ady';_`m, _o.-._ threehave been transferred fiom I he`recepui'ole ' 50! !h,`9.`:'1$!'!*1Bd !I3 |h.e 2h'sI,l'y` apps : ch'ar'nh'er; V eel` eper_t `fgrlhe _dehd'. "cum nl".thejwonnd_ei1` - a r6'in a tnvern csgse be`sid.- lhefscene smug em-buildings. mt- n._-.._.... :_'___,;e,. . " The fom;n!,iio Iuar;';a`a.V:f-_-nun. Indian "Princoi isvlacprded in- a lane: Ixonpi Aloxondtin, `Egypt, to in. Engah paper; .1! .~'l'h Mlluijlhs` Dhulebp singly in "hr o.` '_.Wi;6q,- gassing, . ` through Chin 611 _lm' wfay ` toj Ilidh _ II1'"l1I _."l)ig moaueggbog1L.'ha o;aw; undrgu iq;:o_io: ijojun_`a`,; ijl `II the v ' pyteriiniiin :sch`ao_lg the? ; hlors.d?6ne .nn. Engiioh mmimiwauuorrgaemhi Iici`--` lltioll '~nnhn`r.-'n`n'rl:|h..-nub.`-:...m.n.'a ..a;:._.. ` -,........u .uuwnnum.noua'Ina Ixlerqoouo lieiai-. union pn.her-;p'u,I=Ilw:nmsr;is-ubmodaudghoy; ---1.0.. to be .=-.uIwi.od .ir.n.. Q'.516VT`V-.lIo'e|I.1I-.3 -`I h9i `A!ItI,';'I as-ago-ma soil.-...I; tho mns1.b=n'iM.nI!I~ W?`-n .. `e.Iz`-r-A`e2t9rs1.h.!..i.=;-1i.!,9I'.-1!, -!!'i&.V oz . 'F'.';,hI_M!!!t!J!b.I!P!!iI9':. $1,, - ` m. .. . `, :__:_ `.~. -' - " <- x`, ' ' ' " FOUR_TH.DEtSPATCH,'_' 'MoN'me.u., June 29, Midnight. The train fortunately shunted a_ little in fall-q ` ing, so that a portionnf the `carsvwere thrown - partially on theembhnkment, in andlthese the people for the most part escapeddeath, though, of course. many werekilled and badly. injured; ` One suff.-red amputation for injury doneito the knee. Up` to midnight to-night, 86 ' persons have been found dead. and_it is" _pAr !obable that ten or twelve more are in the cats, maity of, which fell into ten feet ofwnter, and some or 1 which had not been got up when the lust dee- patch was received from the scene of the disae-_ I ter. ' . ` 5 __. .v. "we vvvo ' It is mpposed Ihal the touil mortality cand by the accident is about 80. The exact gures may prosfe a lime t__norg or_-a lillle legs. uumg lulu Ur uuoxtcuteu. Many of the neighbouring Canudian farmere," on `hearing of the-accident-, came to the `amt in their vehicles, with supplieeof milk, bread, butter, &c., and did all in their power to tree: the` unfortunate peoplekindly ' 'rh`n'nnnnnI\nh-1-...` ol... -1.-- -'-->A ~- 1' - - _...-.--.--ur .IUv.IIU` _ DlIl|llJ The` space between the pier: was at first lled with the precipitated ears to such a height thntthe bridge could not be closed. The two or three`topmo'st ears were pulled out of the way by elooomotive, by means of rope attached. and` the elightdamage done to the edge of the bridge'wbere'the ears went` over-having` been repaired, the track was in a condition to per- mit the resumption of ordinary treio before 10, when the Quebec train, which had been due in Montreal at7;25_`a.m., passed over. It. of course, failed to make the conneetion at Mont- reali.`orAtlie West.` ' P. -welldto -dooiroulnilinei. Seieral`,hed' ah'u'u;Ieu pwuuumg 3 correct Ill! 01 men names. I The eppearenee of lhe content: of the chair recovered fromethe wreck betokened lhnl 3 -number of the emigrants were in` tolenbly and other implcm_en_I.s of .=t he wager : on. S_ome1o_f Ihe.'l_u1;vivbrs.saytint-igftheare `that they ;ve_r'en_n'41re`re` washed II'ghI.._'I`hei!etkneu mm have m!dad'.,immnn'nli `n. sh- .n....... ..r -eve`: " lFG~' .e;n.'-..!i.i!9 .tho..=M-mu-of ' .5! .:n_9;.ii:i L, _ -,. ; oks"il7o1?ing the loss'of lifu`o1` phisongers,` thI;_ou'gh any fault either of the Company or iIe'eerv,onti, The inquest will: reveal who ii of fault. .lu'lh'o present insIooce, aocording toythe preeent ae- . pecfof things ,'appearonuee ere. ttemendouoly _agamnAIhe driver. Birney. His oondnorpeemo `unacounlable, except on the supposition of his being mud orinloxicaled. Mann nfihn ng-i..|.lu. n.3.._ l'I__-.I:__ r___ -, - i"Montreal. This being" a fetegday,ithe inquest" . view the` bodies, and will then" adjourn the ' um ugronsr returns ny me tne`,next`train'to, could not be held to-gay . He will have a special train to-marrow to take the jury to inquest, to be continued in Montrea'. He has telegraphed to the German Society of Mon- treal, requesting them to come and take charge ` of the orphaned _children. wires. peprived of their husbands, =`&t.o. IH'e.';hasj communicated. also with`theVaothoriti`e's of the hospital", who,`- have replied through Mr. Moreland; that "they will have the necessary` arrangements made for the reception of as many of the woanded as can eafelyhe transferred-`from the scene of the accident. Stretchers will be waiting for them on the arrival of to-night's train at 'Bonaventure Station-. ='l'he Coroner also `tel-` ' egrsphed to Montreal to have seventy-ve, `coffins immediately made and sent down. The dead have not yet been identied, and it has; been impossible thus far to.get anything up ~ preaching a correct list of their .1- Th lnnanrnnnn at IL; an-a__s- -1` .I__ _l_ , 1-'7' ,. 9.31-;~i.!*!9,n393i.Z!9 '1h9,=l6.muV of I__ D , 1,1!`-`J-,: _'nntil~v_`:`::iJh g_,.rVn'q-isqiganelhu oo'6fi5d`ii: xi`1!?& 11:5 ;El'fik; `iniolfiing life"`o1` badsenners. lhrouizh am fault. Ina uugmu, out u1_ula oompgrouvr I0. luygc any bd'cauIi1lia'I'o_p nlled-up the triili bno-t_hitd . of urodis`Iunne,.{ .Moroover,iha-dilrcjltdallhd 0995134`? orti.1:.<:.4:3.!io-.<,3'6' 7 ~ ;a_ ;_.ugn tn ` iring our`;-itta 19` `l u."'..4;'.-_ In !9"!~;I.|0';sqLf0f_0_' 3!?! TIM . xhi!w- promotexrlo Ih`6`ra'rnliT{df"_(}&iver. A brothergof Fmn, deceasefdji was driver of I\ha?Q;(.`p}`oss*ttain whiii I`- ' @595` .'-us_ from Qiliibo.` I,-`\gutouching" tofige how tbe`s1ronj~f_ell6w wan; untnanue. Ind wept Incl;-mba:i`ad"in Ilgeiexceu of hiijgrief, when. on our arrivai atifjhb bridge, he wag rs! made ac uainled with Iljs} brolher s,_mela`nchols' fate. he Cqrkixier re-nn by he lhemexl train lo 'JM.0nll'Il. Ti hniha g folnuluu `ho: ---- -A' has been in ma. omploymetgl of Ih_e Grand Tmnk for eight or ten yeats, chiey as re- man. It is only recently I139!-h__ lgagjqonj promotedm Ih`6`ra'raliT ' I A hmlhm-. nf Fmn 11%`: nnnnn --`J33 `THE NUMBER ON THE TRAIN. nuvmo ya: wbmuinn. 3 - `. .- -.--A_:`,~.., .. \`~, ,,_ _,._ _- ~` >2--~~.-'-`-v-I-.~-;'.~.. 3.-u~ --,,`g;i--'=~ .-aw-.`:`,'. ` '1'.` - .....-`...._..........- .-- - - - _ ' of the hestof I:feland s patriot sons, fgonx not prepared 'to learn that he :was '30 , far . avarjgd'.jn life as 63 ;~..Mr. O Brien, 'a1- ` . though one of_V the Young'Ireland ' `party, andholding, more extroine`~._opin- ' . nized O Connell alone as their. leader, . still` much more moderate than .m;e,nta.1 ih;_a.usin.g `loss aofni:iuman1il_. `Va. `II $I:ILIUII V 811"! . We copy, hqlovy `this, "_announcement,- with a short notice ofthe `career of one the_:Le?a`dei-~of Saturday last. We Wie ions, than the oldiliepealers, who"tcog- other; with -wh`9ma he .~ consoytedyand showed on more than one: o _-his; dis _incl_inlation`-tobe in any_ 'vj7ay_ iutr`jj- _HAty;g;a,a`(hiatvf'e'bntAa ,nf:ot hxirizanaman, and at the, afIair;o1I;l3allingau'y,; .whi'oll: - ihad7..ot ifi{}'1{.}:i good fellowship .been extended :.to_ .hirn.-..-by his =-rival. ; `It. ~ was no doubbia" pleasant My" of i being _ to label himself_,dangerons if he could. for keeping quiet. Te haV8,:}_lWever, ibntihow long materials so incongruous ful legislation. - -cnvv up wan-an; avuuu killed`o'. Many a man would be {glad thereby securez-on'us_ome timid` enerni" a-snug oice with little to do, but receive. $5000`a year and` pickings, as a bribe without doubt a_strong Ministry at last ; will hold together remains. to be seen. .We are inclined to think that some good_ will result from the combination afzart ' from the measures to which it is pledged: : in the carrying` out of. some of which we haverbut little faith. "It" will probably a cau_se:a.breakmg up of party` lines and parly ties suiciently to change the too- evenly balanced political strength which has of late beendisplayed by pa_rt_ies both in the Country and in the House, and which has necessarily led`_to much waste of time and money and paucity of use- iggyi 1 .1 .1 . .1 - `u '- .- that this view (if the mat- ter. [will tend more than anything else to reconcile politicians holding strong party principlesand naturally oppdsed. medali- tions tothe present state bf a'airs' as a Aprbbntionary one. If it 1jesults,. hqwever, in a iederationiof `the Pr6viubes,.,er even `paves the way to` tht `desirable `event, `few will be dispdseri to querrel vyitl1_' inception. 1 ` pm pg`. wiuiam smith O'Brien; ..... .._ .... ..,-.. . . . g The Coroner, immedinte\ly-mg an-iving,[md M the engine-drviver; (Wm. Birny,) arrested, and _ senrhim by the d"e|nyed train, which pase_d` about l0_;o qiock',-In MotIgtre;Il,`1hereiovbe com. niiiled io gaol. TTt_xaAhrid_go_; i_s _.ngn;Iy 1-,_1oo: feet in length, {and the~ign,gl_lliu\. qhqblidga . is open can be seen 52."f'a"et"5e`for`e `catering op; the btidgeu Tjlgf ligD_`,' lhe`,dr_u_v`-'_= " brid:.e`<>n. wgssavn wig`.9f::f"l..'!R!v`P*!|ils!; than `hate xiii ._I'_V`{l",? int": .ip{j' Iaiice`-df`1~,625:f. `fa ;va`u:~h;.!dK~ q'im*.,vrjxh j nor hue lg` pgeum ilgoing ayilifen g;,x Mt Wan. 99-2! 3!! .' !'`g9... .. a i c -; _._- - ._-.-r---n . yuan 1 u ' It was expected `that, whether "Mr. Mr. Bgown .};izns_s_e_1_ff`t_oqk office or not, he would name Mr. Mowatt as one of his` xerr-; b'_q Mr. vM9_.c_donga11 g introduction "into_ihe Ministry byhim is a mitten of` suprise,_if `indeed ax1ytI1i'gin` the `politi_- cal line can now become such. Probably T ,,Mr>..B.rown considered him too clever ,aud`Ad`a'.nge1(o1is iygman tq -l`eav'e in` the franks`; of the oppdsition,A_w"5liere Mr. Mac-' `d,6ug1l ,would no doubt have been found I___I,~-.. _4 ;I, / _ - __ - - v---we-vvvovn-1 The new coation `has been nally_ai'- ranged and the Houses prorogued since {our last issue.- -The -prorogati`on_'took place on Thntsday Inst, and_Oi,1 1..he_ame day `Mr. Brown was sworn in as`Pr-sidenti of the Council,_ Mr. Mowatt Postmaster General, and Mr. Macdougrayll Provincial SecreLary-Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Fole and Mr. Simpson retiring. ' T6 non... ..-...--A-.`I A`__L , I .1 up |E$m1 -_.__------- ------v _SLrbec;Viv1;ric)_n;`;) this fund will be re- ceived by E. S. Lally, Esq., Manager. Bank of Upper Canada, Treasurer of the building committee. T v.v-....a .. '-_.-`._----..-un av vovv EA mixed trhin leaves-Toronto at 6.0@ tips st B.el/I Ewan-tut 9.15 p.m'.' `Lesvea, Bel! no u u.b_v p.m, ; ar- Euqu at.,30 ;g_m., arzjvlng in Torohto sq 8.55 ",5 Shges leave Barrio To? the ndimy sa- tion half nnhonr befonf-9' the atrial of mu train. "'77,-"T1"7T`. VI Dr [IIIIVIJ UIIslI|l.l5' ` Bmng; g9, - h-r-*=r'=;=|V, 3. Wit :i?l&h9f9 .`<'?';Ii.7l:`c`'. T "fg'r}>n{o Biadford . lllg IUUU IIIIU U|lIU| lIU_I5UIIB3CI'IUU IUI-Hllr - Thetrain from Quebec has been delayed, in consequence of the accident, at St. I-lyacinthe. During the last-three hours the debris has been sufficiently cleared away to al|ow`th'e-bridg'e to be closed, i1nd'th`e ordirrary trafetobe resum- ed. There is one car whiclrhae not yet been sufciently reached to allow the dead to be tnkentrom it. Onlytwo living were rescued from this _car. Their shriek:-r on being taken out` were fearful. Several of'the woundedare in a dying: state. The deplhtof water where the accident occurred is about ten feet. V The train was precipitated on the stern of a barge passing at the time, which lies partly sub-T merged. The conductor. Tlmmue Finn, is killed; thereman, Nicholas Flynn. supposed tohe killed. Wm. Bjrney, the driver, went down with his engine, but escaped with slight ' injury. So far as now appears, a dreadful re- sponsibility rests upon this man for violating the standing order to stop. - . WW9: .t0.know h_>I_r_ :ngqsr iii:q.c.r1puqsh`im -at .` sunscmsifgs` ' stand'~`au"r!b 'd"l)y'refer1_fig:fg'.1b each paper mailed to them. 1. 'l_`hehd n'te fnllovfing; their-_ names is that gt whi'ch their infilqbiedhesi commenced. Thus: "Jonathan Stdtcy,mair'1t62; sho__ws_that hishsubscgipupni is dfn{rrom>a1no1t;.i3; 1'862,`tqTthe pi-esent time; 0; if ipfdihneg __ `Jonathan Storey, dec'3l.63- f 'v_rouil'ih6w ; the` subscription was paid up to Debembe; 31:9, 1863. __The arrangement is so simple tllafsnbb-V scribers will 1-eadily~1I`11de'1'sla'I:c_1`~' t'. --._ i`:}'`- 43: Northern `Ilf\TTI'\Yl'\ unnmn Ilf\fVP\!II r-uxuv.-up vvEvD1~x_Eisi`)Xs'r',V;I'I'J:I:.;sV?"'t', 186$,` `The New 0ombinatior;. -BAA 1.20. a u 7.l2.'.`. ` 7:02: C C ` r 2.20 ~ 4.40 4.32 4.22 4.14 4-10 3.51 . TE! .0.Annu; llnssluoin.---The i.-at linmber of 'a.new_mQnI.hlyIiiIed,by the proprigtors-`of the h88`%';.!Z5Bm to` .`It is 3 ships. of tour sad is aimed 16 thenblic at :26o`ap_`e1_f 11'.r_q_m tho n: `nnL r we : we . +Elenimi' thq~7_$s;,n:haia_fo) "4 " `L t3;eri-r1p'i.`bii. `ve c1pthgr_c a._ '7ah'e p:-oa,pg3tpg:q , .*-7'}: ' __._` gy;ca:iitiel`eiablesinoE`I:`l&!:_of7mu't:: - . iuginu 1' ~' -amtrnm 9 nch tint}! ex-_ K .Aa1!s.l!g;!,!51f1h5ff=I` [mg % Tan Loirnox} Qumnnny, one ot'.,_Messrs. Scott & O_o. e feisrihlie, coniies An article on American `affairs, entitled ,The{'=Prospecte of the0onfeder- atesj. which is-we11Toiorggz reading byhnll who eyurphthize with the Ic_)1.h,_and are simple enough "still; to hold the opinion thnt the `p_resen war is a crusade tgninsrslnver` L" ` In England, if we mny judge fronythe _tone7o hepress, lrom; the Quar- terly I {eview..Vto_.the newspaper; the tide of feelingla strongly in favor of the South; and popular opinionouce una_n.im0S Kecognition mu'sf~folIow'.`f ` `In thefei-eviews, which are written for "the clasges. ,.e_ud_areT dispaesionnte in their conclusions, are generally find a. fairer esti- mate of theeimetion __oL-AA1 nerlcen afelre` than we - can iemr un'y. dike`;-zgpgrco . won this. continent. - iiiit I7iili?."c6ntaius also on article, on P|3P" ti |."iW 95 9 C`9f"3.*F:Wi..i8'1|.-N8i"i.r.5 mi; sol` - f r5:,:g.i1:gviaws nnd`_Bleckwo9d s fu,o1p-:iiiaij`3apy rres.:;._Vsog_ .1; G3o;~,`;1Vew' York, "+`:8e1`*fi?e`.!ll-=3!!'3':-!~ .-.*f* -.-...7 ._v_.._.._ ,, - 48 new and 40 Wounded taken from tho} -. - Debris. -- V _ The resig nation eoretary Chose snakes as it were, a. gap in the -Lincoln Administration, -`his `name being so well known in connection` with the Greenybocks which-Old Abe has tried to pawn upon the. people is moilefsnd by means of which he has tqproloog his homicidal opera- tions to the present time. The resignation is sttrihuted to various houses but the _most proba- hle oasis that Mr. eggs; `saw was the time was close at hsndwhen eitheptaxation or repudiation must become the'order..of the day and considered it wise toretirs before t_be storm burst; especiolly es the subjugation of the South being further 0!!` than ever withdraws the only hope of sweetening the bitter "cup which `North has yet to drink. . i ' 2.03 snnnmri T , . _ In Cominitt'ee~o_f the"ivhole of the County Goun- cil,`the report of the Special Comrnitteewas amended by inserting clause to the e`ect that n inernorlul to His Excellency the Governor: Genel). reqneeting his consideration of the Asnbjeot of on `immediate nppointnient to the olliee of Sheri onleeonnt of the great inter- ests nt*stnk_e_i_n -th_e,gnnty, and thatenjamin Walker i.-Ei_qnj'rd,~~ he respectfully recom- ....'....:..a 5.. '11:- 9- .`".u....-- 5.. an at... _--__-_ _ _ nu-.-.-. sQva _y`qu\1u,IU' Iwu guuyuv-nun; unnum- mended to His Exiiellengy to ll the vacancy ac- qruing rzhcouglgfusa g:',;nciqn of 13. W. Smith, Esq.,shm-in , ._ ' ' `Rana:-I nu .nI|A`nA uI than nun-my! n-...':...m.-I.. ..-.. wvvnuvuiillll vvvsulvncu u" _The Coroner, Dr. Kelly, of Orilli, `held on inquest on `Saturday last on,tho body of John Evil, jr.,_stone_-maion, who was unfortunately `drowned on the 23rd ult., in Muskoka Lake, while `engaged Wil._l;_Q Mmanmamed Thompson in rafting stone.` 'Thej:were`laviug the shore, and de- ceased, as was cusfumhry, reumined on the bank for the puriiose of gushing oil the raft; After doing which he spring on `t with such force as to destroy the equilibdih`, tie result'oE"wb"ioh was that the raft, after` V in ajew. rail Jn1o;.thel _-lalreyturned coin oger, taking Thompson under it`, ,W,_hen h,e.ancoeeI[e_1 in ,9,x_tri,ea.ting. him-. self, aiid `reached "(lie surface, he saw Evit, about thirty_ ,|f$:P,&-..fK0m:.i:l',`. stniggling to reach the shore ;,})ntas__ hgzw.-gu.:nnshl`-to swim, and no. as-' sistanc within'renoli,`;l1e unl: almost immediately- His was soon .repojver_gd,- and as Mr. McAr- 'thy,'e'medlcal-student, happened to be there, vari- ous attempts-.-at resuscitation were made, but all proyedjfruitless. He leaves a wife _and one'Jchild- besides his pal-ents,'whom he had recently hrought `frornthe old country.` The jury, ofwhich A. J. Alport,._Esq , was foreman, after hearing all the eiidence, brought in -a verdict of Accidental idrowning." ._ - - ' l ` but this share of s y's_rin' and ob_l_ oy,-, He :2. .`!hI1|"iitthe`i':ot` a rgoilpttucnximt. i and ftliraibttstaiu-nd attlrtfiarly a'geofr.24 was eleotedlto repreaentv the hgronlltadtitttiahiinittisiinxitistr` Parlia- mam; Tracing his ance.stry7'7back to the chiel ` 0` 1'i=h=.|,=in rgilti-.5Iina9rn.!9:.hiIn I i Ii- ttonamon y_is'ct:tnittt'"y'ttten? virlric'li hista ents alone would not hate Tacqniredt. for; him in-his yonnger diys, In he, waaretnrned for Litaerick',aycona_tittrer_royA_ which he continued` to r9ttro.-omZL.-..- many yo-It lo 1842 was inaugurated the repeal movement, which carriedghlm albigi'with`it! and the arrest of O ConnelI,__and other repeal leaders in No- vember of the following year. on a char of conspiracy antenlafal assembling, rove- him ,still l'nrIher cn"in'a course which can From` this` timgj`-ir`w:s:rI_.`;hoth. in Parliament and':'oa,t of it.h$ linemen violent debater on. . ' questions aectingp `land. 'I`rid6losely asso- ciated himself witha; Yoon Ireland, or physical force party, In 1 he made a ` violent Home of Commons, threatening of in indspend-` organize afgationglfoonvention of the Irish peop|elte=`vai`='arrsatedjin May,` 1848, and brought to trial on a charge or sedition in" company wit|iI'I'homas' Francis Meagher, now a-General irijthe army of the ,Federal States.` ` On this` chargehe escaped conviction ; but Ms` hot-hadedness urged him still forward _In his reckless course, and, having attempted a rising among thassasantry of Balliogar he had tog;.y.,inum tpperary, where he as ..arrested -and conveyed to, Dublin. He was brought to trial at Clonmel in October on a charge of high treason, and sentenced to death; but the sentence was committed to transporta~ tron 'l'o'r'life.' `In Joly, 1849, he embarked for -Van ADiem'an s Land, where he remained until 1856, `when the pardon accorded to the ' lrish agitators-vol .$,enabled him tovretnrn home. In l859.h '. rsited this country, and many of onrycitizcns will remember the 3 ` thnsiasm with which he was` received ant speech he delivered from the balcony Rossitt Hotlse.. - , ' Of late years Mt. 0 Brieti decli Parliament. But he was not a of political events; His pe ud `his tongue were always ready in ever ood work a'ect- ing theinterests of his oontrymen. In the ent observer the dangers whic awaited them on their ar- the wide Jegtet in his own conntry, and thonst'i_nds`ootsi eat it will feel apang that William Smith O Brien is no more. * now be characteri2ed`is`_little`,shurt of reckless.` ` _ qr; ;g!pgbjig.i_n`,kpla6d. '-For endqavoring to`f _present`unnatnralstrugle in `America -he has , frequently teken orlsion to warn lrishmen of M rival in deral Staten. His loss will be A ' d We received the following _some time since from an_ esteemed Vcorreepondent in Oz-il1ia,ebut it "was accidenthlly overlooked :-'- nt 'l`l... I`! .... .... n- v_n_> -5 I\.`!II!2- -1.4.1 -_ The Anbi__brihg;inI6figaii?,6f5iha death of < ' *3",|"l7. . _ an 1 (go_o$3. Lira Buys: ; J L'9'.,' 9` I hi! A Lconntry',uipii;"`"'ha. `was carried "'1 b.."`.`."`.!*!9!_'!_f;.Yf*;5.|'.I1f.i.1nd.lad saw an : oopyntigwii 6? errors,` for|which 5'0 has had to hear his share of spffeging and objogny. Ho 1 -was Iiom "ih"tha nisiiniv hf n|'.m'. 2 ....-1.1.... a A mauaagit; ,9'i3;!5.i?5'do. m.;;Jn@}.9v99'- : '_:T?&3'i71g:wlii ii`iiitheldetifnipgd'/tfi V` i#1|0v*!#im!51`.$ r!?,`!i..'_W!i- ycahirmiisfavheifz mane vi W % long z,eriIm`.'.9! `that =_<>'f.#? 8?!?43-9~ EA ihgijl 53- ,_ , ;.>T_;:i}ftg1Ie;1\agt'i1($3ac1g311)roadiWi3`ei`ote* = fromthe Leader -wjn, nrllvn Inn, lDC.ID`ll'.- H ' Report as ..m.-`i.aea wa_1I/(ad?-Ai-.-ed 1':inanimousl_y.VA :g nxcnmnt cglh '9 nssIa`1u'rxoit. JIJIIIU WUl.|lI|UD_llIl.I||l|U,l Cull IIV|'| ., |`UI`II', Cull grente on board`, an Ge)-mung, At, this hour thirty-four bodies` ha`ve;be`e`n1recovered, and between thirty ind forty here been takenront, more or less bedly wouridetl. Mr. VBrydg`ee' was telegraphed for, and arrived from` Montreal at four, a.m.- Mr. Ferrier is also here. Meesre. Sandeld Macdonnld, Morris. McCon|rey,-end- other membere,- vrhotceme up on the night ex`-. press from Quebec, are also here. Dre. Scott, Howard, Hingetomand Braesard have arrived ` `from Montreal and are in etteudence on the wounded. Three local -physicians, Broeseeu, A tard and another, were on the spot immedi- ately after the accident, and have beeh urtremiti ing in their attentions since. Mr. Brydgee has provided the best accommodation possible un-_ der the circumstances {or the euerere,fnrnieh- ing food and other neccessariee for.all.. Thn'lrnin fr-nun l,\nnhnn Hun hnnn lln`nIvn. :- WV IUIIWIIITI TI F51 . W ` ~ . J ~~ um: muuu ,1: uoglgn " may he applied `J0; who. did inriuhllj . ocoinmptiou I Science has of lung yests.,:eq_giv_ejy gmjniahed. T ,cha,nimber,-sud it in granrymg` lo` now that `Dr. Winn : Balsgm 9f V_viM`,Q!IO_I1 y,hIl,Ol'O- nod a poleuIL'in`qn6iu,giluining IMO and. I -Thore in, ..:ing~1-#99!-sfeis ;gLqthi&_8dum - Jamie utoIfuil'.hgy-idnly ms`: bioti'uad* ' '9`!lli.1}le'b'-a:E_9ll_l_aLli_h_lA; hum`;- nnnl .`l'.` _ Jvcslcynn Church Dedication. ` In continuation of the opertlng ceriiceg of this now and atttactive Church, the Rev. `Enoch Wood; ~D.;D.,A _Snpe'rin_tepil'et'zt,A of Missions, preached o'n Snbbathjngorning -lut,`nA plain practical `and jntetlge;it,oe;mon, and in the evening , the"Rev. W. _Je'ers, D. D., Editor of the~.C'/.l,_rt'8_lt'a_n Guardian deljvered ~u truly grind discourse, exhihitingclearly and forcibly -nomoof the `grand tmtbsvof thoBib|'e", and nohly diapening the mist that be'cIou'd"'|hg ininds of tt1e_cnb`elie:v3'r; 'and};t.tlV1` sgg limg I:itninisterin"g n jdat rebuke tfthoso " emu ca. 9` *3? '.`.'.?. !,"5!'8=!, "j.!.'; "IQ! tun ! . undir- otandthorn. A_ . Thus cl9sd_ ,tha_ _;!e dii:nblory ser_v_io9a Thin wick, wg bundel-stand, the Rev.E Dewau. the ipwly `appointed Mining: v:ill_ gniye and take the pulpit, sud frdgiltleg Iligt precedes him, we ate assufaj lntuv-ill! :a n"o diaere- E[i;_`to`ong of_1hoTf6i: 7;@I:`ch`ei-.3`Ete9p1-ice. Q 1 An Act respecting Insolvency-A Stamp Act- -'l`he Temperance 'Aci. of Mr. Dunkin, and ben- ral other important measures, some of which we int.cud._rel'erring to more `in detail in on; next mic. ~. '1-aazga-eat. najoiuyc or billlI`*`6sented to maa `priuteone`a, granIing or unending charters and confer:-ing_ varioua_ privileges? on individual nnd corporation. 7 ` His Excellency the Governor General gave the Royel assent to e greet number if bills at the close of the Session on Thursday last, amongst which were the following :-- ' ' n A. ,. o ` -- NORTH ONTARIO. It appears that Mr M, 0. Cameron will again contest this Riding with hisfni-met opponent. the new Provincial Secretary. It is said that Mr. Cameron stands a better chance of success than on the last occasion. but in the present state of political uncertainty, it is difficult to form any. opinion on the subject. . v We give elsewherethe particulars of a terrible Railway accident on the Gram? "fl-unk, nineteen miles from Montreal, by which ebont. too lives have been lost, and nearly 300 persons injnreti. It is 3 frightful recital end vividly recals the Des- jerdines Oanel calamity the horrors of which have scarcely yet become lessened by time in the memory of our readers. 'H1nAjnn; `Jana E V The train w'hich?w'antfov er use bridge at am" plag-enlhip mofixing, fooinislitfg of gluten can .and an engine, was precipitated `into tho water." There were t'hree.hundic'd'nnd lly.-four` emi- arnnln nn hnnl-A`. :11` u :-tun-nu Ii il-uh lum- Pic-Nic.-The Barrie Fire Company had a. pic- nic on Wednesday last, on the opposite side of the Bay, in the neighborhood of Dr. Durie s hanse. We observed er number of boats crossing, well laden with the members of the company and in? vited guests. We understand thnta pleasant day was spent by the party ; the thousand-and-one nitnvnsements that persons bent on enjoying. them- selves can extemporize were called into requisition. Music was pi-ovlded,'and dancing formed a notable feature in the programme. At night they re- turned apparently wall pleased with the trip. Tan Wui'nIa'since Friday has been somewhat mk)re_.temperate. On the evening of thatday, and through the night`. we had copious showers of rain and aiterwards a decided fall of the mercury, whieh has since ranged only between 60 and 70. The rain was followed by cool (said by some to becold) winds from the North-West and South-West. Early in the mornings the temper- ature was far lower than that we have -indicated above. On Monday morning in particular some degrees below 50 were marked-a_ difference of` 48 to 54 from the highest point in the shade on Saturday week. THE Luz Ma. 11- B. Ho:-xms.--`Wle have, by some means, overlooked, in the last" two issues, stating that at theinernl of the late Mr.` Hopkins, the Miisonic body in this town attended as a mark of respect for their deceased brother; The Court of Quarter Sessions, being in seesiongt the time, His: Honor Judge Gownu adjourned business for a short time to enable the Court to attend,- Mr. Hopkins wes"for- 9. rm'mbe'r' of 'ye'a.r`s ntlegal prlac-' tltion of this town and Crown Attorney for the Connty,`and we believe all of the profession at Court also followed hisremains to the grave.` waterin estreets is being acted upon. The thanks the occupiers on .Du'nlop Street are due We are tales that our suggestion as to .to _ .>Georgen for the trouble hephas taken in nring subscriptions and rnnking the arrange- snts. Mr. Alex. Laurie h'as provided`the neces-` sary apparatus,` with horsegwaggon and driver, and although owing to the fact that in all new operations some practice is required to attain per- 'fection-the first day's trial was not entirely satisfactory, the arrangements are gradually ing perfected and the dusty nuisance abated. ` UOB0lI|l!HlPo*.Ill'. .UlIVCl',- OK II'l'lG,rDII`l'B* gntiy "been nppointpd uocia9e' 0oroner4?o|-`the M`O o'u'n't`y of Simone. - In ntgrenco to this-fagiyioint-'v ymgnt wp? cannotdo better than quote th_`;fo'l_;ow- in; from _the Ban-`lo Ea.-_nm nr:-- ' - >' Oiiag to piessuie d` iadvnx-tiscnzuaents In haye been compelled to oniiz the proceedings of the County Council. We are pleasedjto notice that our Dr._L. Oliver, has been gazetted a. this County. We like to see in chaos appointed to such olco; tion,in this connection, :11 of Dr. D; Kallv. of Orillin. niey also men- cent appointment I similar nmitinn. mm, In Inna COXIIIECIIOII, Ill cent apponnunel N D; Kelly, of Orilliah a similar pquition. 1-vs -:. -_ With ngu-dv Dr. we believe-I1; had the honor conferred 1391! , him a long time-since. The Bradford Volunteer Company intend visit- in; Oriiliapn Thursday, the,, fun .im_It. _'1`.he Easily May is chaytered for` the trip. A serious aiccident happened this morning, about half-put one e.m., to an emigrant train from` Quebec. The tram stopped etSt; H ilnire, about one mile from the bridge Iorou the Richelieu River, whereahere is e ewingbridge. The swing bridge waeopened about e quarter ` past one, to let a number of bargee, in tow `of e steamer, pass The proper signals were turned before `the bridge was opened. and the red light ' was burning. The men in charge` of the . bridge. when he heard the whistle, waved his red. hand-lamp, -The ptendieg order; are, that all trains must eorneto a ful|,etop' before reach- ing the bridge. Thie.1ne'di'eregarded, and the Buozu. STATION, June 29: to train ran into the opettdrew A number of b emigrants are killed arid injured, but it is im-`- possible to say how men]-at-present. A lergej body of menTare'_at`w`_:ir,__k. ;'fleai_iog.ewey.,thq . wrecfr. ` A't"9 a'. m`.,73'4"bodiee were recovered. ' and'bet'ween 3!) end` 40 hken out t`ttore1orl`eee_' injured Depth of enter in dreh. ten feet, SECOND DET$P'A'1`c'1_t,_` I IVV_lI:IV U[".IIu'. Ixlnuuivucu yuuuun `V-...-.,` _._ which the, krent nancier is roughly .h.n`ndlecf on. account of his extension of the eu`rage pro- clirities. BIockwood's is, "perhaps, the best monthly`extnnt{Ea"nd* i:'x"Ehgla`n`d* Iconirnands an immense eircnletionet I very high price (01.50 a. you--) The re-print of Messrs. -Leonard. Scott & 00-. of New York, can be had for $3.00 or 25: a number, and we do not observe any inferiority in the getting up of their edition. . A `Tony-`Butler, and fiction: of first 5., H AlIo_t" article entitled Litters ffoin` ' s;of"th=eociul life and the manners and ienliiifuble series somewhat after the manner of Bnl\'ver s Caxtoniann, but not so heavy. The `frevieii of Mr. Gladsione political o'nr'eer,3 in o u .- , ,, ,_. a_____s__ 2`-. _.-_..Ll.. I.--uliml an "-Iluzmn foe Juno eorife 7 ifapanzies," which gives some interesting 'f`!tozns`of the people. Cornelius 0 Dowd upon ' Inn and wonnen. and other things in general" - uflicle, 'L`he;G|;is_ieo_lP3_niee,-l:is` J ..:;. ` .92 2:-. " Th'eir n:me jg V gion 9!; I f%hOlIzwF5!lho.ll{d `Ih'tfni.. , " :imterborroyed from the columns of tho? ` V ,,\,vil1be added articles especially written It (9; th; Messenger. V . . Son, of Montreal are enter-'_ 1. Go_nonnsmr.-Dt. Oliver, 01 `Barrie, re- Q-Ai.. "L.-- --...:....a ;--....:_....iu...._-- n.`.'n.- RAILWAY D CCIDINT. IEW A018. % rapumy which is perhaps without a parallel. Since his advent. to power the credit of the Fed- eral treasury has suffsreg probably more from mismanagement then. ffrorn` t_he reverses of the battle e1_d,p'Bu t is anything b'm' 5. 1.0,. fromiis successor? He willnprobably be 31,`; Fessenden. who is, morazfoofof the party in power. Boghis as it nupy`._i`t 3700131 _ arm to arrest-the deeunev-'or~un ~mm6'n.1 mas: god-to` restore puplie eondenbe. A't_p:epu: ,h_1; ` is'I|i_irnpols`ibilitj1while men i:bm;k_e`pnu.- arms destroying and sucking tip the life-blood of _ti1o;'n:tlon.* Host` undoubtedly,-peace or s"_ `nsnololcnsh musuoon come, _ A_. N`l Y; Ln/I::Ls LQ.s1.'~._ Afwhole Traiq reqipitated into 1. * th9R1c 9`1.1eVu_.-_-; ._ .

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