Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Jun 1864, p. 3

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Increase. . . . _`_, ,:,l__ ., , ..___ _, At the, . , P _ ` 'r..!".i' ,`" ?iikii7i1iricz , L H ' "g3~g:,;1_3..}:zo, ; ' J; }.g; .. " I rI.\iPOR'l`VAN'l` TO FEMALES! fVL____, [)Ils8l|(l'! nfpulienls who have been lre;1Ii:'L|"f"ur f` .\'nml!Vl nx. were previously heulghy._ yet ner rem cn_re, found Ihclr, sysu-nus un-uln-I m n Eptrial Notiteg: nv AN ' ~ - INVAIJD. ` V " 'nr.1he honhl. and as n wnrnmg mm A C.~\U'I`l()N '1`! 5 YOUNG M EN nn l\'c.-rvuus Debilm-. Pn-nmnm. .n.- ' (saom-~. romxg) --~vvv-- SMALL FOX cmmo. SMALL POX CURED. SMALL POX cumap. O TlC,E.V THE'omATr1 TRAIL. .._.:| .: Th.-ye ic snvzsea-71't' left in tho Oppateililiatrn rnnku, V Fur t';.- truth rt!` wltivh we-. rvfvl` In our Pill`-ltlllll-.`lll-':rV\' n-putt. ML. 1\I('Ct_t_ttkey, lieu rm-utl-er lnr Ntutl`. .\`-rtt('n'v llwk it stand in HM [louse ull Ft:-tav night whtch deserves l`:t'n't:t`It-ialfltvll. re wvt-rely `*et.suted Mr. H-- UH I--t" hts pr-rcvitenl cvtsttttvlitm = of the l,=!~i`t.'.~< uI,:he= tIlI and wtrtiittletl him that h .2 t-t.tw_z e.-z auzilllsl lhe-' (}.-vmtttttent (always I ea-=`.t~.. .tn smoke.` Mr. I\'h-Conktay spuke_ \\.:_m'.]g-, and a so-tte of cunfus UH tInt_ often viz.-t!1.;..l III the Hr-u.=e 1-tt. Mr. Bmwn (`t'lnttt;_' tuthe t_e.=|tt uf lh0`~bl_:1 mauuf Chateau- :_~tuy. and p~'r.~'Is'il!5z in being [Willi] whettJh_e x<-n.=e- M the Huusu was htm. Cull- zh,=tumd ht such a way b) u tuetnlter of their own party. Mr. Hullun :m.| Mr. BHIWII lmll sum: I`r`zl.~'mI fur the rrtatttfe-stattmt of a lulle- ize; tt is mu p`<'$lSal`.l In he thus taken to task; but rr':t"l\` the tnunttvr in- which they have lt"t',Il acttttg 1-alled lnu-lly fur surh a spirited r>it:t~ti. ns-lhe metnhe: fur North Simcoe ahntttt~'!:erH!_ In Iltem. PHhH[`B it will do lhetn gtmd. `We eartteslly hnpe it may-.--f ,t_.`tough they areafmnsl iItcurrig'i_b|e. ` tomm`crtta':I._' -v-ova nlaxn MARKETS, _ .- ~----v--~.-3" I ' .` V .Iux.1e,_l(3, _-1864.1 -' : was" thinlyf izlte'nded lo-day, and was lrqnsacted. I -800 to 850 per bushel. II- 75 to `IR:-. ' 1:. del; found syslcnls lll\'(Il} t'll _m n This is end m-e at` an mm.-.-r..... "` 9'--5--you.-qqu_Illll, Ep 1'. an _nnenviableg"tepnmi9u to; IWBIWV Bbchhlin nnn dun n. '&c., &c. . n----.--- `$4,995 55, Taoms Huwrdx, , . Secretary and Accountant. IIANIEL MAY!-`AIR Esq Bedfurd, Kings County. N. Y. Nohi Iwormis, ` On tlurpremises. I 'l4..n 5-n!(' ni-_I! l~`(`Vt'r` H-u` , 151!-`1`I.~'.~~`4`f,HlP Hnuw. hue rh.n-_z'e+s auzilllstlhe G 9.-: .-A \\..v_r'r'.l_\', c - 1..u1l+-' an lho-.-b hell the Ht-use _a Hullnn, nl swxne Inr_Ihe mam! my! he! the` York _yVe'ste~z'(`l_"ay "at L Greenback: whrn Bll'HI!! lll\'(ll\'t'(| an imperfect Vs Pills not only cure [re him against all fur. -Dunkin, ` In -Vunnlnlinn n. I ~. `II is nO\'(`.l"lhekI5g I DI`0'ere-(I relm-rhv _.-..-.. _. ...- `-.~..---.-.. `nun .n. u_------_ Iarvllul ` Teeth.iii9eI-ted itmi_a`npeI`ioi:1_nani`1e,r,.froin aj ainglpj tooth to a. crmip1ete_sot, oz{Gold or Sier,-g Aor;Sil_ve,r. _Plale,.ioi og _th,u_ juqgly snd_ highly e`s- teamed u,mqria_l., Vulcanixaul . RI.Ibbet,;and' in such 1; style 34:` to afford case had comfortzin Jnnsticas .de"birib2'e:Eto seen`:-e-iuix1_!_)e -dperatiou :ofv`ihie`tging .t_ing` the food, `giving ,to.th_e ,pa_$ienI,-apt the sum: 'tim,.`1ha't natural expreasiop of countenance no. . L ' Teeth-llgd with4Gold.j`oi|,}_'}enent, spfwbite Filling, so 1} : to pruy_!e thgin (tony fui-tber`(de`eay., - ` Teelb`=ext rhc5e'd. vmtrxime qr2'ub=:paia,3ajuap_ar- tieughr attention 'giun`1o`tha `cregnlmidn of - chit. I . All 9p_era3iI1`peifd'z'nnedalni1. 'thg'mostzip:bigc1 ;It:r,!.e+`<..`t.x=d.. satingsdtiv-81i!'..9xs; '10 % A -. v --v, ---3. .--,. `-7- . Where amhose I`-equiriungvhiis s.erAvice::!.':ih anAiy' branch 99` hispmfession ca'nnv'be upon.'_~_; } vlv..'..n.1:';.'... .n..I :. . -.-....-.`.:..'.,...-...`...-- n..;_ - RESPEOTFULLY a14:Ia.ounce.s tli::1`t.4he will regu; .lnrly visit the followingplaces on the days and at `the time slnled, viz. : 4 ` f ` n-I nnnn IA 1.2-. l\!,, .-x n. .-.1 _ lIl'I 1 -1 -rau:uu1.~IIrlIt*, -- values X`. L.aumer;} R .hmI 'l'hum1~u-n. suyycrammtml. . Culling ` \\~nu.1-- E-htnr-I H Dr-wart. NvvIIa\\'a.-=:I,.m mu! ,'\n;1I|~`--D and Hum ()',re_V-S.>unIwl Suvniu-' D v\\'H. 'Mu~'knku Jwhn .Nem||.-uuhz. Geo" D.avn.e. Ctn:nur:ruann; Junn S. (`Lark Fmncml St.`L'l`t`lHly V ` l!iH%!:P!Iil1`i%%1iB`N`i`fST 1! `DR. alfc. Me5XusLAND; ' SUR1GlOAL ,0PE4RATIYE,{AND - . On'1cn--;OnAta`rio Building Church St_,rcet, Toronto. _ _ `fr ' ,IN"rm: -coumv or s' lM'co5:. _.j--. ` BANK AND RAILWAY S'I'OCKS FORASALE. Applylo WM. PYPER, ` n......... 5 nu`? - '- [ `-Notary Public. -.__-v-v n.a.4, in said County of Simcoe, being composed of the North corner of lolnnmher twenty-three, in the twelfth Concession of said Township of Medonte. ` containing t_wo' acres, more m-Jess. Also another portion of said lot number twenty-three, being composed of "n pnrtof the West half of the lot, acontninintz half an acre, more or less Both of which said parcels are more pnrticularly d,t-scribed by mefesr and bounds in said Indenture of Mort- gage. , . . .. A V - The terms of sale. will be made known at -any timeon application (if by letter, post-paid) to ADYNAIVII 5, Au\-.-- ` Barrie. 'C.WV.`, June_1s_t, 1864. ` --_-_____--..___._.. ,,______._.__---u-.n- G Illlu 1 All and singular those c4-ftain pafcels or tracts 1 ' of land and premises Ti? rnr-r-11 rsz....--..--__ - - `IN 'r1~IE '1`o\&'NiIP 01: MEDONTE `]'_'.`|(`I." \l ||`UH. UPIIIQB \\". Kl('H; UIUCG I`/HES --.I dun Hmchingsnn. -(Ienrge Gucidmm, Chair- man . Wulfmm Hay. Fmancna` Sememry. Tm: R.u Dxermcr.--llmri~-(}em*ge H; Dams. O~h'mm- Lmnhly. B.A Newmazkgt and Aumr;n.-Jn.=e;-.>h Slneepiy, Thomas Ball; Rradf-r S. TCI;-Ike. Pmer `AnM|.~zon.. lmu~I 4 :\|w.\'un!er L:m (Cruiava|e.)" 'Cu--k~mnun-I\1auhew Swnnn. Neison Burns. M. A.; Jacnh Puu!e. supvrnmnemry. Lloyd- mwn-r\lw.\'amIr, R. Campbc-H. Hnilnnd Lv1mlin;z--`A'v=.\'nru|c=r D.'om:ltI. RH-haul Large, .R.una --< Ruhr-rt Rmnkneg. - OnIlia-(.`harIes Turvm; M;urmuIuke I e:Irs{na. Craiuhulsl awi I .-rm:n:uni.-lume--? F. Lmixner; '2 xhull "`hl|Il|llI.I|II' cnnuv-n..n..u...l I`, H3 --p-- IN pursuance: A Power of Sale in a certain !\lorI'g*1ge,.hearing date the twenty-sechd day of October, in the year of our Lord ohe tbnu-' sand eizhl hnmlrerl and sixty-one. and made be- tween BENJA..\HN DUSAIYG; oflhe Village of Culdwiue-r, in lhe Counlyof Simcoe, of the firs! pant; `S0-PHIALDUSANG, his wife,.(as tmdower) of.1_he second -"part, and IWILLIAM . LI'l"l`LE, of'the TOWi'.Bl[| of Innisl, in said O "my, of "the third par3.,iwiH besold Atti1e`iA'ucti1-c>[r1; Rooms of Mr.1. s. ]r{ntv-, ` spu uuu nuuuxuq nqoms 01 nu`. 1'4". D . Meekurg. T _ ` At. the TQWN'O_F BARRIE, in the said COUNTY . - OF SI.\lC()E, . * ` On FRID Y, -the Is: day of July next, 3 no I... 1...... ..:`._.1._, _I,I FA!:I1!!1I-!iI!I!1fJI%%%rxvIz.J .... -. vo ;.;- .l.l..Il1.J1J.IL|~3_ BEGS to inform . his patrons in Barrie. and the neighborhood thot,- A owing to the great amount. of business at present in hand, he will be unable to attend in this_pla(-.e until` the 1st July, whenhe will endeavor to -"place himself at the .disp_osinl of those or his patrons who require their instruments tuned. \1v- c1--- PARTIES intending to commute their Statute , Labour, in this Municipality are requested to pay to the Town Treasurer. an or before the 25th of June instant, the sum of fifty cents, and nfter that date seventy-re cents, lor each day : labor, - and are hereby ` notied that any pnymems of Statute Labor cnmmu"ation money made other- wise than to said Treasurer, or which does not come to his bands, will 'not be-allowed for. J -, -"-J ....ovv At the hour of twelve o clock-, noon, the fol- - lowing ' - _-..-.. ... .--nu.uo Newmairket June 6th, 1864. . Barrie, J uue .6, 1864;` MONEY i _:_r_o LOAN u..-ur.u Iunl um \vlIlL'8 \l'HI 823 parliamern! much sonnet than `They, imagine that lhey have {haw are a htlle loo fast all: will nd to their charm before 1 months older. Just keep path and your curiosity will be; long. Piano Fo1t_e_ A Tuning.- S'l`ATIONERY n -unuu nu Vlll_lUl-Y ul )1 iafgeassortinent of `Goods have just. been i'ie'ceivd,i 7s. 6d. The Brintsrange from l0d., llda, ls.', ls. 3d. -Stripedshirting can be got for Is. 3d. `Cotton Tweea {rom.4-s. to 63. 3., together with Dress Buttons , Hair I Cotton .Stockings, Linens, Tapes, and Trimmings, Pap }vliic_h iher be uoifefed for. 55 L`=E;.,:,.@JLF EB 6% as _J .-. .-.'I.-..JP.Jl... -V.1.l._IIII\/.l_'4 on-nemgnbgg thi th'isisAlf_1e oly completely assorted stock of BERLIN Wo6Ls in 2 Bzuumz, C.W., June, 1864-. MR. J, H. PHILLIPS. n- :_L', I - No1lcE.. I I -_. r....., -v ARDAGH 8: ARDAGII, Vmmon s Sonnczrons, B:':rrie._ - ;1st,1864.. A 23-4: ""`,--"""""--'*'_""" _G'o_Qd_;, d_sso'rtmcnt By order, 1 E0.LANE, m__-' (I _. _a\y Will commence 'on:Thursday; _the 16th ing{;a;;;t, be Ofren for duh: GNU III? `n-nnnu .. .`.'....... ..--_____-_ _ 71*;};'C1e:k. ' 23-3t .._...,v ..-.. -1... . The prevailing ide `.'wilAh HI.`-9 Cgem-`(;}3 appvars In [)9 ma! may "hang e'ecmnu - we, vented Mr. Funk-y frnm y9.ap'pear1,,g in vpuhuc , uli!e.,nrI.d Ihat his tecenl defeat was, Io?m-b-mi'r- * own '|anguag_n-.,_ me 'n.'ailm s 1|at|y.l:|.';w.i? 1 Thv folluwm-,v from the \VaIef_lun Chronicle; ` well infmmo.-d junmai. [mbll$l l!;`(' in Mr, F_uiev g'; ' Jaw `M101. -\\ I'll perhaps eradicate lhlaxllu. aior from tlwir minds :- ` `- (L "l".. l\..AL__ r\ - - ~ 4 A. loads re'ceiv'e:d,Van.d thelndies can gevtia handsome dress" for the low price of ge 3d-, Is. 4-5:}. ; while Bleached Cotton, Factory Cotton, and Blue Tweeds for Summer wear from ls. 3s.~9d.l Woollen. Tweed: *8! BUNOTIS) N918. Collars and Cuffs in`-sets, Braids, Veils, White and Gray s, Paper Collars, &c. _ ` ' T . ; v Society, 23-2t ---.- -- ---. Blank Account.3q1; gt-T.any size. E OF AT.T.. T7WQ AND nrr A 1' T'!\`l"l'.!:v ' ` North ct Bgiarl- &. `_ . : HA1-` 1a'an.iomnod"7' i'oI I:I'EI;ot'ei:lnz;.i:la"etbri-T - , jug .|in_la.iljla9.:u,f "Chm-chi)l,`5 situated 7 on 1.110 ' Itadinnr rropgd from. B.rsdfotd, to Barrie, and . .' -p,lsb 9!! 13 l04i!|ig?;fo3=f`?nm`iEsIh:and::ha other.` western Town: '_ `:vto..Lcfr9yv8.t: tiou.I:.Abont two miles -from ., gfgoy; . th9_-j_l_)egG__wl.;g,nt; grin _ `I; I... ~r .`_'v!r>&_I{-_Ig3 "W- .|'|l_l5 Ulsll. V . _vp|:.tp__A., ` .i- .0R0_}G1_ __1;_` (cu.',m* % 4 ail -:r9!v!tenzuuoum.ze6h:e %mj.a+: ,1;-;gr.;1`aT,p1ex`e5;, "1'.i_ik' gaoa. U `ulnni-`I.;nW`V'A'I I)U`a`fllilillf is : -. ... ... vi uun_.-uvuuu . Y 4.1,: bas.e_10. .. commodnti F M rs:-class Hb'rt ;!'~,.:`:id Wm I-. *`?'o'r'.'i ";'. s."z'.'5'. f' : '90-'9: .W$.!9"B. of Ih`11.IFilBs ,on line `1 `V .g`{' . ems Oub. . ._ _,_}'_ . -notion"? ' ..-Mrs..Wooi has hgdu thirty years experience in Midwifery, ahd .cnn' `furnish testimonials as to her ability from medicalinen, and frourindls whom .slxoahao`atLended.. . n . ` I ` ~u-um.-y mun medical 1 ,sho(has iuttgnded. V " >_ ; Bu rie,A`p1fil;`ii464.7 ------n ` WOOD. `Nurse and Midsiife, kegs t_o in- _ . form the ladiesvof Barrimnnd vicinity that she is prepared to attendin either-of the above '.apncllios when-11-jnired. ' Her reide'nce*i West nideof. Edda : 8 rec}, (Boya Bloclg) Barrie, ."'s -~ In-u - u'y uvt: uuyu. uul uuvmau lllilu|.' _`W3n2eInent for her burial; ` Bnkinzzham. P nlace was Iha `su_:e:t|&a"!f,_i3'[i'- S Nvndnl reunion on Mann:-" uvehinn. Baas leave to in;f(iii1i ':'1'..e'- p .mu*ii...:; having -completedvhis _mi1chinery,.he_ isiengbled to furnish docks and sash iof eygery description, at reasonable prices and on the shortest. notice, having always a'sup'i,'_v ofdry ;n}1terial~on hand. H0! also. havimz nnrchnnul 1.1.. mn...o.-.;..I.o :. ....uug mways a snpp'_v or dry _m;uerigl~on also, having nrcbnsed -,I.h8_[1M.,e[|_t`l'i[IlI!,viS enabled to fnrniag GOFFIN GOVERlNGS`to imitate every. {zrhde of cloth. both as to color and texture. tom-tlxer with A mum 11...... ...A ..n _........u_: cveryqzrnae or clam. now color other uqg-Lral equipmnts; texture, togc-ther.,wilh a goon Beans and all `BA'minT:,`,Junef, V1863. 1 : V . _24-Iy ._ V. .. . = ~..-vi if? i`.';'" `-"-'f""""" A for sale ONE OF THE BEST 8: MOST `COMPLETE STOCKS INTOWN, whnch for variety apd price cannot be equalled. " [ -. .....o L . _ _ _ . _ _3--~-`I ` _j---- THE Subscriber, thankful for past favors, takes this opportunity of ieminding those of his friends in want of articles in his line that he has on hand it large quantity 0 well seasoned mate- rial, and la prepared to execute all orders with di9patch.`. ' Washlubs-, Chains. Pork Barrels, bloat Tubs, Butter Kegs, Liquor Kegs, of all sizes, constantly on handand made to order. T ` u mnnnu mmcUHAN' Cmnmis'sion Agent, surnnce Company, one of Fire and Life. E"??? inf0`l`m!1'ion7and value of Lands T 5h'P III"-`n'(if' by letter, post. paid. Orillin.1RIh av... `Ono . .. Corner R,1.T._ B'AA_NT_lvNG, GENERAL- MERCHANT, COOKMSTOWN`: ; i 514,- BARBIE COOPERAGE, um: uuun me-tr luuttt :-- V _ -' ` I Tnn Queboc Correspondent of the Hathili ton Times ncserli that Mr. Foley is to leave the Past Ottue Depatttnvnt. and that; Mr} Powell" nl (Iarleinn is to succeed him. jTe cnrmapnndeut of the Times has earned the re-' putaltutl of being a prime manufacturer of .can:1r. s, for which reashn his story`-irnot worthy of belief. -If anything of the Rind was imunded Mr. .Curre.upnm|ent may rely up- an it that he would nut be, the first m-annMmm ce_ the fact. .)uh'n`A. does not In businvss upon Ihe_ late SamIeid s plan; He wtlt not first tell (me of Ur. FA-'=v a v orks and the cones- pnn-leut nf the Times \-.-hu he ietends In (S--I Pottse with Mr. Fuic-\"s St-`rlltr-pa l.. .....n. --.,. 1 in njj--D-KJQ A1: ALEXANDER LAUmE's, MARY STREIET, * `BARBIE. T , 16- \ [mega EABIJEN; sssnsl? Al |__ .0N'ALDfB--ELL, ' f Auctioneer & Gneral Agent, A .- SJNGHAMPTON, A An us-.2- VM`R; MEEKING receives daily it large supply of the Leader. Orders received. The Duzlg/`Lcade r is delivered in Barrie at 13: per week. , ` 50- UUI UUYDC Ill}! Torotilo, 13th May, 1354. - PARTIES iudebtdlo the Estate of Mr. Alex- ander Rbdgrs, late Merchant, of the Vil- Inge. of Slayner, ur requested tolsetlle only with "the undersigned, as no one-else is authorized to not in connecliouawith mm w..o..... , ,, -- REPAIRING NEATLY~'EXECUTED; Bertie. March 8,1864, A L - _ ll-1 24lh- May, 1864. ------ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Cor- poration of the TOWNSHIP OF SUNNI-' DALE will, in the month of July next, pass a By-Law to establish a.- Road on the" Blind Line between` the 5th and 61h Concessions, running from 1116 Sunnidale Road eastward towards Vespra. ' V A r vii fivr An .......,. ,3.-cu us u_y IBIWI`, vOrillia, 18th Match, 1863. ... ..u-. 1 am-es wneu ne telemls dis-.! I-`ntc-y s svryices. In such'a`n even! Mr. Ftley himee-If will most likely be me g-fl p.>r.avn to lt'HVl'lI what is going nn_ As to Mr. Fttlq*._\ .~` position, his detractors may rest acsured that his voice will again ha hm-nl in so at` "rHos%. H. PORTAS, ` ORILLJA, 1ENERAL MERCHAN'l', Auclio r, Land: Cmnmiasinn Aannt A....... c..- n---- A1exan4r+J man u ASSIGNEE S' NOTICE; NOTICE OF - Also :; well-$eleid.quan!'i;y qt; '1 IN GREAT .VAR1E'1`Y, (1 .BY M. LYNCH, _T of Mary and Elizabeth Streets. PENJNIC now in sIJck.-_ VW`ALLPAPERS"& WINDOW Biivs, Item. WRAPPING PAPER of all sizes, and ab ' of FR-Esr_1 GR%ocER11Js.+ --- A-nu. ruu'._y 3 .rn.'4l|l(Hl, Ills ha! narnnnanl unnnln .... THE LEADER. Miown-`Em: TE?!`-(MOD RATE. AI__..v 1.... II All: I Ll LJII ' Assncum-2, `Colborhe and-Church Sts., Toronto. ,1 Ifnv IDEA -' n" JIJJI QUR fI S '(]:lLV & FANG` ALSO , . nu u nuuuuueer, uanu and M, Agent for the Royal In- : the largest. in the world, ALEX. nisr.oP, Tnwnuhin f A... '?if'i>ypEn, Acmmu coxwsmcom. 1 2` 1.5.?-y w- vvc-J @919! A310 QUALITIES. ~ENVELOPES `OF EVERY` ION. ' ` .. nnmur, T.ownship_ Clerk. ` ' 22-4: fl?-st-p er, Land and in Dnuvnl In :_}24-1! I If 11-1! ()bstx'i|ctin`g` I .The Leader Inn II: n lin`slam'l la!-zen by in the ALEXANDER LAURIE, % % : 9E%%``: .`i5%-. F:`i;.`*'%N P 59?? .5- . . 1."Jf3E9gjGR9,T.3EI,"E3a $153052 `'46-; Bta$,go ;ggu;-` n;;.f."gh.n);s_`:o;cjn'e p`u'5uo.r6r the heral patronage bestowed upon-hinnuiueo commencing -bv:gaines9(,Lun`.d_-:i9f'o)I %,l1I-fliil nmneronp - "`.- VIHW9 n9b.m;:rA|':a.i9t he gage- "'"! -MI"I!.V Storm vnrvv-)vff;r V. :;wx...-,-;.:*v...'- s,,_ _ W , U ` . `A ` 1 Ac". {Moauxson 8: Su`u'sox,Soh'cilon. .4 Wmuux Pun, Esq., Secretary 4' Treasurer. -v:-n OFFICE-_-Western Bnildingl,.Chnrcl .=s_u;;aeg,:f1fa:6n:o;- * A V ` ' 4'3; w;L,L'rAM;.PYP1!1i. H" ` . 5j._ ; " mconyonunn Pi1;`g_sun n-_{1-o.A"rnx[ A0?!` or run Hm- '- vmcun unraluurr. '\ _ . V_ . VINCIAII` PL ISAAC-`#0. GILMAAORFE FRANCIS RICHARDS}; :--: THE TRUSTEES of the Wesleyan Methodisr. Church. Barrie, heiqz about to erect 9. new place of worship, are desirous of disposing. of the present Church froperty, and will` receive offers for the purchase of the same until {he 10th of June next. The property consists of Lot*No's. - 84 and 85. and the Eaafpart of` 78-, `on the North side of Collier Smei. ant], 103 on `the Sbulh aide` _r. of Worsley Su"_ee,; wgether with the buildings V thereon ereotryid". Propos;js"t9"be addressed (post-paid) to the ` undersighed, from whom any -informabtion regard- ingjers, gitle, &c., n)ayIb`e obtained: ' ' he Tdrqnto Ontayriol Perm- nent Building society. 5 T [ ' .iA'Mns:1mwAnns, * 1 ; _ `Sec. to'l`ru `Barrie, Apt-iI.22nd, 1864. - CHURCH PROPERTY` . V ..1uo Ill 4&0)- Provisipn market generally d[l`1;ilf quiet and steady; pork. dull; bacon _l1ea\'y, with a decline on ialferior quali_ty.~ Produce n1urket-:nshes quiet A and easier ; sugar quiet ; coffee inucti-ve ;'rye steady ;_ petroleum inactive and nominal.- ??':P.""'.`3.`!~`'E '9 IPV35` Ii`-.`:'V."*.'~:` Mr. 'Scroggie is hutlxorized to receive Subscrip tiong and Advertisement: for the Northern ./1d- vance. L . 1-tf JAMES. scaoeelbe, Auctionerj for the Co.'Simcoe, Commissfmef in B.R., General Conveyaucer, 'c., CHURCHII.L, INNISFIL, ACCOUNTS COLLECTED. OFFICE - Hunonunxo Snzwr, Conuxawoon. November, 1862,. _ ` . 48- HENRY ROBERfFSE)N, L.L.B'., `Barrister and Attomey-at-Law, souczrozz nv czuzvcznr, Notary Public, Conveyancer, nr n n No Commission charged except on nbsolmze sales.` Apply to . 41- j V R. J. OLIVER, 0`:-illia. ;-_:__:_ MONEY TO. LEND ON APPROVED SECURITY. v V.__ _. _- ~.... . " A;:x;l_y to- Orillin, August, 1863. A N E; u s B E L L, Issuer of Marriage: Licenses, she intends taking a fewselect pupils at her own residence to instruct._in MUSIC and SINGING. I31... _.._!-..l.._.. -.__I._ -4 |.-~ |-- .9d. to ..... .,......., , n uczu. urmer; `red "western 7s. 9d.` to 8s. 4d`. ; gorn upward, with an advance of .3d. per qua'r_`ter ;` mixed 27s. I ...........u up nun: us. In Avnvunv nnu ulL1\J lLV\1 - For particullars apply at her house, near the Baryie Grammar School, My. 1 u u... Afgnimr FOWLIE, Provincial. Land Surveyor, LQAND 3- GE_ VER.z9L ./IGEN1, _ ORILLIA. . N.B.-Valuntions garefully attended to. 25-tf ' DY GO0DS. .A.. SL1:-.15." . W 24.4.; LAND AGENT; &c., &c. ._:.-- 'Hez'r: and Dwisee Claims prosebuted. JONATHAN KILGORE, Auctioneer for the County, THORNTON, INNISFIL. 4-. . -_ `COMMFSSIONER IN B. R._, Asociate Coroor for the Counties bf Sinicoe and Grey. -_j. [MPROVED FAR.\fS,`Wild Lands, and Villags -Lots, for sale. - - _ uuILa , ulul l\UI- k`lilCl_anG I V I ' Breadslus marketsteady` ; our; dull but steady; wheat rmer; red "western 9d.'Ato upward, with an an` ...- - ._ V .........-.. -aw Bhrnie, July-'lth. 31398 to inumale 8.9 the inhabitants of Barrie, - that from the ' Goumsaroxum m B.'R., Gonveuxcsn, &c., cV`I |'rrV rt . IlI\rv\r\`o MRS. BREARLEY lst o1#* AUaUsT NEXT, ,INVES'I`l\ IEN'l`S.' SINGEIA1\l1PT(5l;Tm . Barrie. !0R,* `_ Eaq., .`1_ n:sm|n-. - ARDSQN, ..Esq., Yxn-rnzamnr . . R. .J.'oL1vER, Orillia. of'.; `zldrv a;` rmer. Lchnrch l;7- . 275 vI_nu_unrn_vua liautullalllcll ,. _ _ . It!-oPpas.11'E HIs_ 'oLnsr.a_zvp_;,, A H5 fnilles fordoihg biisiiaess, togtlier smhlong pctico in thocounty, induoeahim to ~bel$ gvi_). thy! `he.`is~competont to jude~ol the wgpuof. gm lfrnvelling. iubc, pndbu. provided, iq.g`i=ox<!-uabsrpivith.-,_ .; ,. . > M ` A .4; f `,:~.P !.`..5,""-T.<"::"'-I =oazLau.rEN;a1aNaUI8aHma ~ 1: ' 0:! i` I ,FRAER,beglleave to fnfdrm the Trsvbibg ~ a` Community and the Public in gcneral, that` .-. 'i.'.f9`.'51`3,,` 3" . ' - 3 - . ' . on AOGQHMODATIGN % =`!ou,uy'h'iIli`er'toIpt!erd1:yrl::im, -in his New ohd Oqugmodious lls:ablishmen,_. `-7 i;::ni\a.udu-1""-9...--- L4.-.--_ %r_u.snIs uor.=.L,} .. '- BARBIE. , .-___. R BINGHAM begs to inform the travelling '. community that he has taken that favorite old `Stnnq lheQueen s Arms," which is being tted qp an .renovated in the mosmborougb manner, Ind`c_an assure his patrons that his whole endea- -Vorsiwill He made tq place the establishmn: fore- mostigi point of comfort and aceommodnjon; .7 I2 ;-`lg .-~.l'..I..9 in":-1 - - ` V mv1:npoor,V1~n_uu 1` Lrvsnponn, June 2.--`Colt(m market--~ Sales of cotton for` four days` 25,000 bales; market qI:iet_a_nd steady`; L '- lnarketslonrlui . 41...... :..n umnulagxure. -` Orders,` by mail or otherwise, for Ale or Porter , will receivejprompt attention. 13' Arrangements are now in progress for `bottling Ale and Porter on an extensive scale. V N. .B.`-Gustomeu are particularly requested to {be punctual in: the return of empty barrels, as theyare charged with them until accounted for. V ' ROBERT Sl.\lPSON, Pronrietnr Simona R.-......... ` 1' fl ?Bar_rie,.Febrna1}y, @864. .:___._-:-_.-____.-_Z. strml. use in some or the tirst private families, and in a great, number of the lending hotels and saloons, including several in Toronto, where its claims topublic favor can be tested. An experi- ence of 30 years in the business, in England and ' this cnuntr . goes to convince the subscriber that` the first quality, Ale now made at _the Simcoe Steam Brewery has no superior of .Canadian manufacture. V A f|.uI..`..- L- ...-:| -_ An 7 - - - - - A THE SUBSCRIBER has recently tted up an entirely new arrangement for the manufacture of the abovehighly appreciated Beverage, which has of late been so well complimented and re- commended by the medical professiomnnd patro- nisediby the best judges of the article in Toronto and elsewhere. Although the subscriber has been for the last fteen months only, manufactur- ing ithe`Champugne and Sparkling Pale Ale, on a` limited scale, the increased demand for it rendered A the recent improvements in and enlargement of his establishment necessary. It is now in con- stant. use in some of the first private families, In great number of tho Inndinn Innlnln .....a CHAMP;f\__E_NE ALE! SIMGOE STEAM BREWE RY, BARRIE CANADA WEST. Work not caned for within 12 months win he sold to pay expenses. v V n___:_ n.__:n nn H`... ' A- Every `requisite for sportsmen supplied on the most reasonable terms. REPAIRS EXECUTED WITH DSSPATCH. All kinds of FISHING. TACKLE, at moderate nrices. . ' ' g... .. prices. I17-..` to return his sincere ~tha.nks to his cus-{ ; J.u.. nlnnnu, unn- Iopstree 3, Barrie, begs tomers for the very liberal support he has received since his re- ' sidence in Barrie;and `_ . having increased his ` . .. ' facilities for doing work of the very best. descrip- tion, he presumes to have stronger claim upon their patronage. `Dan... .'.....:..E:.. 1'... ______.,,..,, _. 1- I -- -v----. `Iva-II vs vvuuull ; Ban -la,-July .3, 1861. A bill has been iiit}6d iucc1, ing. porites; to establish freehjtzdejin cor1'1T " ' ' A new loan of 50,000;000:Was spoken of_ V , . , . -. . % _ BOOTS & S`HOEs WHO_LESAI.E_ AND RETAIL VERY LARGE and complete Assortment 1;; Ladies Enamelled Kid and Prunella Gaiters, Buskins, Boots; Gr1t s Calf, Kip and Course; Misses and Children's, of every variety and style, which will be kept constantly on hand, AT PRICES NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD! ' ANDREW GRAHAM Ran -in. Ifnw In men 1 -4` ing, &c. Barie. May 16, 1860. Bari-ie, May. 16, 1860. gunk] 01 we mu;-oer or me saxa wunam umuarml Wiuiess my hand, at. Cookstown, in the said Cou_n ty of Simcoe, this 12th day ofJanuary, 1864. THOMAS R. FERGUSON, ' Warden Co. Slmcoe. [Spirit of the ge, South Simcae Times, Calling- :ooc;):dlj`nler)7r'se, and Weekly Lauder, copy till or 1 . u r uruiet newnru In me pl'PmlSE8. _ ' Now, in pursuance and under the authority of `the Resolution of said County Council, in that behalf, I hereby offer and will cause to be paid the sum` or TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS (in ad- dition to theisaid sum of $400 offered by His Excellency as nforesind), us a Reward for _the discovery, or such information as will lend to the discovery and conviction of the peleon or persons guilty of the mu;-der of the said William Gibbnrd. williii mv hunt` at nnnbalnmn in Ihn anit ycrpvtruturas 0| 2-mlu crime. And whereas the County Council of the County of Sitncoe, being also anxious for the apprehension `and punishment of the person or persons by "w born said murder was committed, have resolved to offer a Further Reward in the premises. Now. in nnrsumm-n and nndar Hm nnthm-Hv nf And'whercas His .Exoe1lency the Governor- - General, in the month of October last, issued a Proclamation`o"ering a Reward of Four Hundred Dollars for such information as should lead to the discovery and conviction of the perpetrator or perpetrators of said crime. And alum... at... r r........:I .: at... rv-....o.. -_`.-.._-... Barrie, April 23, 1861. -'r. ,. _ denounce ' EY1; 13"d, 5_>'i`-t *9! conference {or Va` division of_'_ hleswig; and call for earniest-resgs>t.nng_;:` . . A French lilioclg- hoi1`s'e.,h[3_1` I been ; captmed vol; 1 , Senegal,` g1,5:OUg'\.Fienoh soldiers masscred.byAtlu_s:bIaciss;-.;` , swrrzamuucn. -i I % Great political agitation prifailfed in 7 Buzele, and fears \,vere"entertained of a. : collision b_et_ween' the opposing parties. Dnmtvn A r . nzfmuuxa, in me montn or JUDI uzmr, I. ILLIAM GIBBARD, Superintendent. of Fisheries on Lake Huron, and then returning ' `from business.a_t Manitoulin conneclcdwith some Indian affairs, was missed from the steamer `P1033/lboy, and his body was found subsequently under circumstancesiwbich induce a. belief that be was murdered.- A per! `uh--4..- .. I'1..--..-._!_ T_....-_A ._.-.. L..`lA -Q-nan WII3 llIUl'UUX'Eua` And whereas a. Corouer s Inquest was held upon the body of said \V[LLIAi\l GIBBARD, and the Coroner's Jury returned averdict of WILFUL L!.URDER'_against some person or persons un- known . A....l o..L-_--- 712. 134.41, ,,, .a,_ 11,__..___.._ 'Leathe_r ! Leiether-! Leather ! ` V HEREAS, in the mdnth of JULY LAST, . WILLIAM Superintendent._ "E:.I....:.... A-u I..1... 11..-..- -_..l cl.-- ....o..u--..-nu 1PANISH;: Sole, Slaughter, Upper, Kfp, Calf 5 I`1rness,' Binding, Lining, Shoemakers Find- I2. c. BURNS, GUN-- . MAKER, Dun- Itrnn`; Rn:-rip horn GUNS, RIFLES, &c. 'B-.;_RI5E- WEST. $2.O0w]!3-,V;"'ARDA! nccenlric man, Norman Chai-. ied we-.+-I: in ..Q....n. w: o.....5...... .u..-.....o..._' 9W7 "i3'AR1?IE."' nun-1. DIMKDUN, Proprietor Simcoe Brewery; 34` V ' `I A I I` ANDREW GRAHA.\I.: 1-tf l I-17 uuplvl y. um uwrurer,--uernard Haldan, Esq- , I . ;_Sa_ig'tor,-_,-,Angus'l{anrison, Esq. ; 150 Western wags .3 ptdutabliahed mm m. gieyaalul (mice: 41% b-I-95:! .1-rep merve fund, I! V can slot-, 10' = '.`:1'|.b. 1' V0 and clgfms`-`for _o:ptly'g13 ';`_w v`_`I,-,'_,_I la! : '. I. 0. Gilmor, A` George Mic.-hie, Thomas Haworlb, ; Robert Stanton, Jybp llcnrzich, .` . ;aIv.IUUltD)I|l|V|l -- --' v-R39 I llcunx-rial ), WI), Henderson, Esqs. =5 ` ` V apid Tidanurer,-Ber nard Hulda, : . or,-,-1A;rn3fM,ontison, Esq. r .......nv- nnvn Ann LUNDUN ' TIMES I` .'l'be ommitte. for the city entertainment to- -the Prince and Princess of Wales have just effected with the Rpinl Insurance Company an extm in- surance cif FIFTY THOUSAND pmmnq .... ---..uuuu- |. Ilulzu wua Iuu IBUUUICVII - 9"v*(xduI reun1'o:i on Money` vieniry, 'd-"- By CIlflI]]l_Hl|(|'(i[_'IhB3ZQBlI. voucert .of miscellnncenun Hm D.-i......' .....| >I)..:' .L . '`g1,Mii1f ~.v_rI_I9 - 3,? .- ...l` *l.n.x.'3 9 CAPITAL - - - Q $400,000. M ' IN SHARES OF 340 EACH. -ilonua ~14-mos, 'ronoN~'ro. [ ooxuixn_or' couosn Anafcuuxcn a-ran-r. ._,,..-.I up: I use Also Valuer for %the Canada Permanent Build- ` ing mud Savings Society,` Toronto. 284! W'este_1-n Assur:;;; ' mun-rnnnn nv An-r nu nun....'..... nu-u um n_u_you msumnce uompnny FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS on the building of Guildhall, including the new erections, ttings, and contents. FIRE AND LIFE. Capital---Two Millions Sterlingn. a `sand Pounds Sterling. Funds in hand-.Ez'ght Hundred Tlznu-- auuuo A. DAVIDSON, Imjzeclor. ROYAL msunAm_:_I_:oMrAuv un.-.1V b`l(.Al.; WHOLESALE AGENTS :-Nor- Ihupz Lyman, Newcastle, C.W.; Lvman. Elliot & Co,, Toronto, C.W. ; J. M. Henry 66 Sons-Ly- mans, Clare dc Cu-Kerr_v Bros. 65 Cmlhcrn--Lmn- loughz Campbell, Montreal, C.E. ; E. llealheld, Eondnn, C.W.; J. Winer on Co-, Hamilton, C.W. 'NnvemI:u-Ar. I863. "` Non"-genuine wilhnut a fac-simile signature of II. E. lilclfenzie, JlI.D,, Glasgou-, on each Wrapper. Wholesale Agents for Canada East and Wesl, and only importers, [lo whom all orders shouTd be ad- d ed M3 ] .4. N. McDONALD .s;`co., Bro:-kville, C W. GENERAL WHOLESALE Lyman, Ncgwcaslle. C.W. : Imm... rmno you wm I-ave your onspring much su'ering. Old Dr. Mt-Kenzie expressed a wish that this Remedy should be put at such a price as would en- able all, the poor especially, to use it. In deference to Ihal wish, we have put it at lhe following price, 113'. Price only 7&4} sterling (15 cents) per ack- age, or 25 (50 cenls) for four pm-l:nges.-Sul:l by every Druggistand Medical Dealer'in Europa and America. None genuine \Vranner. ,, ..,.. ...... uuu-_guu|cr, 85 P19)` {ind they are many lhs patient. gentlemen. be gratied before 97 . _.__ __-_ .. ..-.... vnuu; ;`4.lJl. It cannot harm your child. and by giving it m time you will save oipring _0ld ,Dr. expressed wish lhnl n.:. __.-.- HE conntenance pale and Ieaden-colored, with occasional ushes, or I circumscribed spot on one or both checks; the eyes become du|l-the pupils dtlate-an aztm: semi-circle runs along the lower eyelids--the nose is irnInted-a swelling of the upper lrp-occasional headache, with humming ofthe e'ars-an unu.-anal secretion of saliva-furred tongue-breatli very fuul-uppetile sometimes vora- cious, with a gnawing sensation at the stomach. at others entirely g-one-eeling pains in the stomach- occasional nausea and vomiting--bowels irregular, at timesicostive-stools slimy, not unfiequently tin- zed with blood-bell_v swollen and hard-urine tur- )id-respiration occasionally diilicult and accom- panied with l1iccough-uncnsy and disturbed` sleep, with grinding oi the teeth-1emper generally irri- table, etc. A When any of those symptoms occur, nvtfn I-I-urn vvvrxvsup ....--_-_ .__A,, , ...,..v..... ...`.u- , GIVE THE wbRM TMDY IMMEDIATELY. ` In nnnnaxl l.-..... ......_ -|_ CLAIMS -PROMPTLY SETTLED. Pre::'dent,-G:onoi moms, Esquire, Vice-Pru|'dent,~L`!ncvlRoss1x, Esquire. mm si1ti'1*%v_Ijii1Ivi"1`In1unY. Unfailing Symgms of Worms. 1 I 1 Toronto, April 8, 1863. no sauau .LUU1B, WU- Ploughs, Barrows, Seed-Sowers, Cultivators, Horse Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Draining T0613, Forks, Budding Knives, Pruning Knives and Saws, Garden Reels and Lines, Garden and Lawn Rakes, Garden Shears, Garden Trowels, Garden Syringes, Garden Tools in sets, &c., &c., for sale at the Lowest Prices. -............., sonata \.Awn\. I Agricultural Implements, ` Garden &. Field Tools, &_c. Plnnahm Han-nwu `Inna Q........... .vr\IvII_\J II. fl I l'\ OULD invite the attention of parties pur- chasing to his Stock of HARDWARE, which. being kept well assorted by regular sup- nlies direct from the manufacturers, both in Eng- land and the United States, will compare favour- ably in prices with any other Houses in the Trade. Mechanics Edge and other Tools, House Furnishing Goods, Builders` and Cabinet Makers Hardware, Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Am- `munitxon, and General Hardware. _. ..---u' \to n . , on `November, 1863. MAL nAnn\vm mnuousn, 114 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. oiaull . nuns um) February, 1864 . rul I` I\I-I` . VIII-"-IXIE ` AXEDALE, *BEGS to inform the farmers of the County of Sim6oe'that he hhs commenced business in -the Manufacturing of Axes, at his Factory, one mile frornthe Barrie Station, where he is prepared to supply Axes of the bestquality, and also to JnmpAxes, making them better than new store Axes, and warranted, for ONE DOLLAR. Elm-.. `Ir..:....- c|_:.._u_ v -, r- --...-.., .... uIn||IIl|I3U' nu UUD UUuh.`LlSo Stave Knives, Shingle Knives, Straw Cutter Knives, and all kinds of Knives for machinery, made and repaired. Pump Augurs made to oiider. Mill Picks dressed on the shortest notice. t',_1._.....-.. 1o:-I ' IMPORTANT TO rAmIIIiEw;z` USE DR. McKENZIE S V A,XE FACTORY. rxwnaor mo): 13: Loxoox `-mnzs :' `. A - '- nmnnnn at" ACT or unuutx-r. cu curt`! II. _u.uu elcclrll u lllUlll`.!"` b`y ilhclhed leavingja blank in be the in! M his do-alh. Hm wile_ ` I E ..-. ...I.. 2.... -,l_.. 3.... L- 1... I _.,, AITKEN WILKIE, AXEDALE. JAMES B.f1YANA_ WY, 3..-2on at... -44-- ._._ -1 - - )IuEr}ntte./ dnfns EDWARDS, > A rml j Volume `F. H. REWARD, ` ' Managcr Toronto Branch. Tainan`;-In-a DIRECTOR B 2 a. n. 1:: (UV, 114 Yonge Street, Toronto. 53. 1-1] Hagen: Russia, _ ' Joshua G. Beard, "Roper? Gllmor, i '1. 1 - cI|.Ul nuscellnncemyl mvslnlwng Prince and l rim-eariof` `wilh Ilnnnu uh ... ........A... . .. . I .|u.m "J. 3. RYAN, \I\IUL Qo_....a Fl`- IISUE, V Jgenl, Barrie. ' 416-I) , The Hon. Mr. Foley. ....:n:.._ :,n.; 1;; Pubiic Business. zlhe `fail.-wing` in ref: by .'\I'. McCunk=_v POBTUGAL. ion, .'e again be heard in onner they imagine. have kIll_ed him. but so allogelher, as they mm before lhev are nmT-v `him!-In.y f""""v `he ri`m-ens tif` auam dis-a'havgIm_r Ilia" .('uurles_u-s of lh9'.ah(Il):$9' on In-ha {of he-r Maj:-si.y, V ue. f0|]o\s'inll(`_l0)"fJ- was celebrated in. the tuna! znmsner.-gag-- ghaL of the Quiren ; auii nj nigh: me` 1.2;`! nf_ London'wao fi|liav.~ilyI ;i_tl.u u'_n_.IpgaI,| he m'"'`~`. 1`! of stale giwa ll1eIr I_l,lp:iI5 `N10? quell-. a lmlislav _m-an-v .m*;u > ?.:':`"'.`""--t oim! ..`i nr3iam9`?i"'3iidS~'n|' ' * ,,j,":e"'."1h"f ih .neop_a- ` noemegl "C`_lll_i-y1_ m'mm!hIn-..I,ha' Iha_I ?:_ `.5,U=-,A$!,`.`j V em W Pnnce aII,d. l_ r1q1fps;u_{ n....;-._; .. ` `_'~'m'.~u - Thoaxxtm Ian nllx-wing` reference ;\1(:C_ulH-it`_:VHill the ullo lllrv Ill: he had made? J; 0`Iv?f)1A`.1I1`.l1SV .-,BI4VAI`.IKS"s1.t the @dvanm Offic; I Rm-`rig. > uuura no nnngol \_1lVlA.V, Ilmt the Map -01` Plan and `Book of Re-f`erenci_.= nfths Barrie 'Bmn_ch of the Northwrn Railway of Canada have ihen dephsite In `the office `of the Clerk of the Peace, Cnunty of Simcm-,'anrl other public oices, [as required by. the Railway Act. ` A Mn nu unnrnvanuv [BLANK FORMS, om: sTmoxnnv;| SUV: vl .AIlElID\ I j F 0 L: .Bn}rrie,- June 11, 1864. EST half of Lot No. 11, in the 4th Conces- _ sion of ORO, .100 : acres-60 acres of im- prm-emenl-20 hr-nrimz Apple Trees nod a large quantity of Clnerry<'l`reos. About 12 miles from Bnrrie. There is a good streamof water on the premises. It will ho sold on reasonable terms. For any other information apply to. . Fo`i- LANDS ._` un----- I'_USTAiAFAA.DY,-Vi Hupply of the Short Form` of Lease under 3.1;: Satan, ally , ` .u -"' 7 . CAUTIOJ whn .~I-f-.r from Mnnl1uud. g:lc.. snpnlvingz n " THE M RAN. n unu I mm '1'!) YOUNG ` Dehilny. Prunnnlljre -Decay of :lc.. nl lhc-smne lime. ` TH E MEANS 0P.\`El.l-` CURE. B ' `one who hurt cure}! lliullseifnvr In.-in ml In `em 01- ` 3 R I K pa-Ilse uml injury Ihrmlgh um-dim! Imrnbng nud qU8('kt !`)'. B`) prepuyinxg,-poplnge, siulglegcupies muy be had of Ihe lll mr. -. .". A '- NA'I`lIANlEL.MAYFAlR Esq" 21-ly _ . ease. 'l'hnnsm|d-s of patients been me our: of health I|IPl|' -apparent cure. in series ul` ditcullien. is cvid a cure oflhe nriglnul disease. Radwuy s n _ lhe patient ofsnmll Pox. hm will secure him as `her sick`.u5g_ Pripp OK no: hunt I..... ..... u. nut: mu.-mu: msense; auwuy nm_ oniy hi1nngalIIs!allfur- lh_er sickness. Prjcc 25.cls. per ggx. . . ` . . ;-;-;_-V V7 I . I 4 FFICE lNKS.'Qopying lnkmtlthe Adtancel _. Oi'c'e..L f ` A ` ._____.____________..____.l -~ ~-~- vvull Ine (nun 0! ms (I98! .,IIJ.)l`I|ved him :my ve `days. but '"_ Wauevnent bnriai. 2`iI EF. P.AP-Ely men to may fmttern at ah I.'.'.mon -mihm cl Hm Aduanm lrm lll|u LLILUVTAI VD ICUUULATING their indication of'cnre is to draw the poison front the skin, blood and other viscera, nml purge it from the system tlninugh the bowels. By this means the patient is pro- tected against pitting and eruptions of the skin. There are other V purgntive pillis or medicine; thatare safe to ad- miniter in caseaof Small Pox and otheremptive few-rs;. the irritation) and increased mamtuion that a doseuf the drastic ptllewould produce in these cases. and the \vc-nk- ll`Fs that wnufd follow, would prove fatal. Radwny s Pills will thruutzhly purge. and at the; same time heal and soothe all internal eruptions.` ,,A_ _-....-.. nsvnnnun , The hm"'rille_lmi|ol miseries Ihal hriaddletl "upon the Smuli Pox pnueul. if he rncuvem under the u_sual trem- mcnl, are m be found In every form and \'nneIyof(|is- Thnnsmul-s been lrenlcd fur Sum]! Pox. previously heuhhr. vet n:-r -I. A.A ' )vF`1cE,ENvEI. JPES, ' Blue. White, and But}, at the Advance Oll.-e. ' ` CCOUNI`: 8;. BLANK BOOKS `ruled and bound` l .bp,rdr i1i.the'.Adv_i\nce lep. . ' nun mug us nus mlnnmm-jmt-II! ma`y'lxe. II Irue. nul skcplics dnnhl or refuse the prn'ere-d remedy but rnllncr hail this hles-`ed mmltcinu us a truth. umil prove-d ollu-rwisr. 'l"Iis`wc-mle_rf'ull cure for Small Pox lms been tried in over me hundred cases and succeeied lll every cuse. The cure is - Y\n' h.---.._._'__ L I u_Lu:~xuu FUA UUl$l'JU Startling us Iliis `I [1 but mlln-r Imu ms. m... ._.x __,. -.27 OTES OF HAND, single andjnint, with and without inlnmuL ntjho Ads-nncn Oman. ULED FooLso.u.rm'm`~3'12;,;ier_-`regm, at ' `the Adymnce Ofcie. V _ ' ' AW FORMS for_:Cm.:u!.y Cbilft, Queen s Bench,` J n_n'd`Coriirpon:PI'ens,a_t the Avgnge Oioeg uuuoun2ha.m- P -'h9f reunic "he 9314! _u|l. cam llfd ,0? min: "9lI. the _a' Beam life`: , lwr \/I-yjnszt Wu l"n`nL-..n.'..l 2, " .- `1H'A'!`- l`:EL ;:o*RfG.s.GEs,V and all Gohvey- .)A_ a`ncin%"Fn'rms_, n'._the Advgmce Oice. . V ..- 15.-.- _ ucvv zurK_yesl6l'(l_y_ at 19511:! the close of the Board. Greenbacks were bought ,and. sold at 48 and 47 per cent. in the city. V A _ V f ` Ashes were sold in Montreal" on Saturday at 5.72; per 100 lbs for pets. -- -,,_ . . [NV Publishcq fnrjhe 1 '. ' CAl."l`lnN mmey--nominal at 50c. Wool-40c to 47 per lb. . _ Gold was quoted in_ New ` 195% M. the Board and} citv. -Klman I: 00:, Wlnolesalenguts for Co. Sitncoe. maps or sun,` mi and ,wiI.hou t.Dower, . V at the Advance Om:-e.. ` , __ ` ` ` The` ~mh'fket 1vas`; tl1.ihlj` little-busihess transacie Fall wht-at-80c (0850 pt < Spring'wbeat- to 78c. Bark-y-nominal `VoOl_.4On in A'1n mm. M. UPY-.-BOOKS. Wholegalo and. Retail,` It the - ._&d_va_nc Omce. Bum-ie . ' . -`V J ` * 4 ' " . . . _. [UNlCI_PAL.'waya in" stock at the . ` .Ad,v'ancg Oice. .- v ` . ,_ - OTIOE ISHEREBY GIVEN.` Tlmt lhe Map Reference nfthp Ran-in `I !`U|'flccPl|`Iric N_orman Chalf-. `died as` t}+'k In -Suulh Wu bruham, nlassachu`-. 59"--|'\velve years ago hga be`gnn.lo' pro- P<'"_P for deaIh' by making his own. 1-uiu.' _'~*'|II_ch he always kept in his huusl .. .He made" " ,"""~"`. sznwing me twnnls in i;is b_"v vusaw - "-"- H6 H 5 Uug his owu_gr_av lwo:y-ggyap 8510, wa!l'|m z-n-I ce.m.-ule-(I il. pr:-par_ed"._a |- . , . '"L'9 Smne In cover Iuandelecleda mun - lelll nnim|.'.. : .... ...L.....I I-.. V, . 1;: 'NAmi-Harm RAxI.wAY Tnnnrxc RVn'runx.+.-Tra(cV 1-'e_cg'pts for the "week ending June 4, 18645 Passengers`. . . . .. . . . . . . . ._ $2,242 51 Freight.........L..........v 19.33113, Mails and Sundries. ; . .` ... . . 1,346 8'4' ---:.----u Total receipts for the nveekn . 13,961` 13 _ . Cbiresponding week 1863. . .' . 78,965 '58 , `----j ORTGAGES with and Wvitliolit power and P.S.,.at~lhe A'd v nnce Oide. |"AG`ISTRV-_A'l`ES' BLANKS offal! kinds at the ' Adunnnnl n4R.on' Dru-ah: ' I , 1 ., ._ . f_ . -7."P_14s13.4-i - The mam: to-day was my r'ai'r.I ouio 1o_u1 of wheat was " which'reali xed 73. ` ` Pens and 0aI.a-none in; - ' M Beef and Pork--, `Potatoes-40c pr bnih; Butte:--ll to 12; per lb. Eggs:-9 to 10 per doz. Hay-non in. `On Saturdaf Bay was sold pt 11.00 per ton. _ _ Ladies !% Ladies :2 I.adies DOlI l lo rem! that n:Iun}yann.....u :.. .|.:.. __, , -.__ ..,------. . pv J.':u1ul1|Jl..`uJ| Dr. Cheesc-man`. nf - New York. hxis d'\'0l`d the lag! thirty years iwfhis prnlr.-l_icc In femzgle CornpJni_I|le. Hus "Pulls ac! liken -t-`harm. 111:1:/`are 1_'elia'bl`and `safe. H.|U.`.'. l"Al"I&.l'l'uIeu up any pun.-ru ht'.ur n notice. at the Advance Om;-_ In-.u_.I n 15., Ba r_rig. . '01!-rIY'I.':l'lI .l/llxil is acq.u`iri|_ng _;uu Ialkativeus, twenty rather loo~moch of am ing vrhich,vmoloquaci -Rm u_is _a ugnn_of 1: var; ----nw sulll Fneul suiualyyv,` lled with `the any-2....,. L` cu-cu v unuu IVPIIIIIIUII l0I'r Ialka:i;I}$:~:, t_w\'v"arify speechein on`o"d_ny us _ralher aood miug.vno:wiIlunod- mg which, the loquacioua Meinhr uscfndvlhu` `(is {mm of [a verylew, ;words. _Dun_kiAn I &;can ua it--draw in yonrvhomu.--Gruy`n Wm . .`:\bVnctti-.ac1ucAn%ts. uno um nnnu, smgu: anu._,mux, wan` without jnlerest, at-the Advance Oice. wvuavu O_ cl-ICIIIILUD 6 5 ' . , . vDou 1!'uil to read the udverlisemem in this paper, . headed flinnlxin A \vnI -..`. .._-- .` _ _.- .1 ..-__ "J -..- .....-~-. - - . ANc,tJfa}'onn1s0N,T Solicitor for Qnrtpqx-ation of Town of Barrie." 'rm: connzssions AND uxpunxaxcu ` - ---. gun: I! DR; RADWAY'S` REGULATING PILLS, ir indictuiun or'cnra is m than: n... ....:..... .-___; _. . . IUICJ I l\'_tI EA` DD.`\i\l\` Advance Office, Barrie. FARM FOR SALE. .i% Mgj|p:m-D I ncammuz an nn.....:.m-.' .\t.\'t`tKt.-`tI!I.`s`\ .--.\tt *- alliance for betwt-' or for _\vuts-. tuul; place bet`we!!'n parties Ill Totonto. whvre the brulegrmnn was "just . sweet twe:m', "amt the brute 3' glhihllta. yqttng thing uf :1 wtcfnw ahnul 39 with two or Ihn-1-_ `lint.-. wsp msihiltties into the. bargtiitt.` -Truly z`~:_.Hd the poet :-- ` I ' There never was a goose so gray, . But some-time soon orAlate,, _ ,g'.;; _ -u A silly Lrnnder came that. way, ` And took her for his mate; - _ Gnntum AT LIBERTY. On` Fnday week '8 tzurtlta beionuiu-_z tn the cinema `in St. Mary s_' freet. Canti. made its appearance unattemtett. ' Rrlthze str-et. The teunentne and juvenile: populatmn ran` screanting away. Mme the, cause of so much. tn-rror_'w'a|ked quilely intcirav 6.'re'engruce: .e shop.-and began tn he'1p,him9-II to some of the fruits. After a chase of halt an ` _lmur he was secuted and conveyed to the cit-, CH3. : V

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