The a In-on xxnxensnox U51: ARarej. s 'C>on_dit`ion `_PoJwd`er-s. ' - Rareyfs `Condition Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. ` FOR CATTLE TAKEN FROM PASTUBE USE . Rarey s Conditionn Powders. - Rarey s Condition Powders. Rarey s Conditicn Powders`. TO EXPEL WORMS USE These powders are very eective tor broken wind, bots, coughs, worms, mange, founders. inamma- tion, staggers, heaves, loss of appetite, skin diseases, greas , swelled legs, foul humours, kc. A few doses of Rnrey s Condition Powders given. to horses and cattle when taken from pasture wi!l be found invaluable in warding of intestinal disorders caused by sudden change of diet. , . In :1" names of over work, hard driving, .t_t_rvsevere change ol dlcl. In all cases hard driving, or Severe exposure, Rarey a Condition Powders will restore the horse to his usual health. and vigor. Every farmer, by using the iGenuing%RarTey s Powders ~ --~--___.... .1 Lin unnlz. Ia V5555`;-av -wv... - judiciously, can improve the appearance 0! his stock. as by _opening` the pores of the skin the carry o foul humors, rendering the coat glossy, I e appelite good. and bringing up the whole system lo a healthy and vigurous lone. ' RAREY S CONDITION POWDERS are_ the ....1.. .-nlinhln madicine for horses and cattle. Be sure RAREY'S CONDITlU;.V ruw unno nu: .....- only reliable medicine to ask for the . GENUINE RAREY S, -V RAREY S CONDITION POWDERS are gold by all Drnggists at 25c per package. _ n_-........A I... JACKSON 5: HURD. ' ' \- '7 U Just Publiclzer, in (1 Sealed Envelope. Pride 6 cls. LECTURE on the Nature, Trnatment, and Radical Cure of Seminal , \V_o.-akness, or Spgrmatorrhma, induced by Self-Abuse: Involun- tary Emissions, lmpmency, Nervous Dvbility, and Impedimunt to l\lnrriage generally; Consump- .:,... I<`.nilnnu' nnd Fits: Mental and Physical lu- Marriage generally; UullsIIuIp- lion, Epilei-sy nnd_Fils; Mental Physical capacity, &c., ` ~ Br 11031`. J. CULVEPJVI-ILL, 31.1). Theworhl-renowned author, in this admiruble Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and willi- out dangerous surgical operations, bougies instru- menta, rings, or cordiuls, poinlinglout a mode of cure at once certain and elfectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure. himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. . ` ` 7 _,I ,3- ........1....., In nun luuusuuua. , . _ Sent. under seal, in n pluin envelope, to any address, on the receipt of six cents, or two post- age stamps, by addessing the publishers, ` CHAS. J. G. KLINE, & Co., 127 Bowery, New Yorl-.`, Post Oicc Bo.::,~4.'>S6 February, 1864. 5-ly I brows, a nearl. uuu. uuu 5Uuu w ...o... for pity and mercy would have been _ turned away. Beneath lay [no sweet g_nshing springs of liuinan love; only the cold hard rock, where no owers `blossomed, and fromwvltose bosom desert of the man s soul. "But it was evident the old man had been an inter- ested listener to the conversation which had transpired in the seat before him. At the first mention of"Sqnire '_l)nnham s name he leaned forward and drank in brealhlessly every word that followed ; while quick ashes and strange agitation went over the hard thin face. He leaned c I Cl t _ l gushed no streanisgladdening the waste i l I 1 l 4 back, so_ that the men` could not catch a ' `glimpse of his features as they left the omnibus, and his reections went on somewhat after th-is fashion :- Well," ` it s pleasant, is it not, for at man to sit still and have his life held up after he s _ laid in the coffin. T I never met either of those men, but it appears that one of them, at least, is pretty well posted up about me, and the estimatiori in which `I am held in public opinion-though he has mistaken my name for Silas Dun- sham, the old lawyer, who died last night. Complimentary, wasn t it, Ste- phen Dnnham? I spose there was a little spite and envy at the bottom of it all, just as poor folks always have to those who have got more money than they; hntlthen--- At um: nmmpnt the nnmibus stonned ., .... _...W, , Prepared by us l)L-nlul Psulnllsjxment. _ Du R. TROTTER, who will be at Ur. Fraser's llotcl, Dunlop street, on Tuesday and Wedncsdn_v after the first Molndny in cash nuoxjlh, is fully pre- |)aI'cd professionally to wait. upon and accommo- date such as desire his aid. ` u..-..:....,.m In hm umn luv 1-nllinrr nt Mr, T-`rnanr : _ 95 Km: S1-. E_\s1', Tonomo, I AS much ple_nsuro' in being able ,;.o comply : with the rt-quests of his friends innnd around i ...-.z.. and m mm-nd to them the advantanes of -latte sucn as ueslre ms mu. Specimens to be seen by calling at Mr. Fmser s Hotel. nr~I.'L`nI.`\`r`l.`: _nuu:n. _ REFERENCES. Dr. Ryersnn, Superintendent of Education; Dr. L. Adnms,_IIon:ceop:\lhic Physician; Dr. Aikens. Dr. Ogden, Rev. Wellington Je'ers, D.D., Editor |'.`=hris,tinn, Guardian ; Mr. John Ley, Bnrrisler-uh Law; Mr. Joseph Rogers, Halter; Rev. John Langlry, Toronto, C.W. ' 35 Has been med Ior neaily half a cc-ulury, Bwilh the most astonishing success in curing` Coughs, Colds, Hoarsencss, Sore roal, In- uenza, Whooping Cough,'Croup, Liver Complaint, Bronclxilis, Diiculty of Breathing, ./Isthma, argd every u_ech'on cf ( [L with the rt-qnesxs 01 ms Incuus m uuu uruuuu :u-rie, and to extend to them the advantages uis Dcnlul Vestnhlishment. ` n.. D 'I`l')l`|'|" l`l4`D u-lm will hp at \Tr"F'rn=m-'9: IWILD CFIIERRX THE. THRO.AT;-l.UNG_:9 AND CHEST, _ INCLUD{NG EVEN CONSUMPTION. Rarey S Conitiorj Powdersg Rarey $ Condition Powders. .Rarey s_ Condition Powders, they; mttttnen---" At that moment the `omnibus stopped `in front of the stately dwelling in which the old` banker resided. `And that but then followed him into the house, and sat down with him at his solitary supper table, and after it was through, these words were the text which the roused conscience of the rich man took and preached to him after this wise: But, then, Stephen Dunham, it whispered as the rich old rniser walked up -and down the gorgeous parlour` of his lonely home, you know that what that man said about you was true. There is no use getting away from it, for he hit the nail straight on the head. You know, too, that your object and aim in life-has been to make money, and that there isn t a human being above ground who would have reason to shed tr tear :if you were `laid beneath it. You ve got money, ,_ .1_A. ._....- .....'.| V.... nnnrnllti rrnf U17'l`Il83_0] I753 L//lCT7'y, (R076 (170 T0771` 9: 9;/:4; `girlgled 1:-17!/1. 1'l.o!./zer ir}gru_11'e12t: of -bi-rd: hl-e valug, thus mcreasmg at: value ten fold, am! forming a Renedy 1! /056 power to soothe. to hall, to ralinve, and to rare diseau, c:z:t'sta in no other medicine yet discovered. ' Certicate from L. _J. Racine, Esq., of the Mmerva. . 1\ IuN'rnIAi., L. C., Ocl., 20,1858. w. c. ADAMS, D.D.S.,` S. W. Fowu-: 65 Co., Boston,- rv,,,.I .__.,.. . Il -..:.; _________ ..- ya u u nun .u. .v \rIdl ....-....., Gentlemen :-Having experienced the most grati- l't'ing_resu|ts from the use of Dr IVistar : I: al.-am of IVz'ld Cherry, lam induced to express the great confidence whichl have -in its eilicacy. For nine monthsl was most cruelly afflicted with a severe and obstinate cough. accompanied with" acute pain in the side, which did not leave me; summer or winter. In October the symptoms increased a|arm- ingly, and so `reduced was I that Icould walk but a few steps without resting to recover from the pain and fatigue which so slight an exertion occasioned, At this juncture l commenced taking` the Balsam, from which I found immediate relief, and taller having ttsedlonr bottles! was completely restored to health. I have also used the Balsam in my fatnily and administered it to my children with the happiest results. I am sure that such Canadians as use the Balsam can but speak in ttsfavor. It is a prepara- tion which has only to be tried to be` acknowledged as the remedy r excellence. Youro ient servant, ' L. J. RACINE. A cure for Whooping cough. 1: A. a up Gentlemen ;-Severa| `months since a little daugh- ter of mine ten years of age. was taken with Whooping Cough in a very aggravated form, and nothing we could do for her seemed in any way to relieve her suffering. M We at length decided to try a bottle of your Dr. Wuar : Balsam qf Wr7Id Cherry. In three hours after she had commenced using it. she was grately relieved and in less than three days was entirely cured and is _now well. I have since recommended the Balsam to many of my neighbor: who have used it and in no case have I known it fail of effecting a speedy cure. You ate at liherlv to main nnv me at this nlimm Ian on euecung a speedy cure. You one at liberly to make any use 01 the above you think pro r. `It iuhnll induce any body to use your Balsam shall be glad for I hlve rent con- dence in it Your: 7 ._ GUITTE. Propriuor gm. comer do s4. Hyadnlko. [1-Therein 1 vile coumetfcit of this Balsam, therefore be sure and buy only that prepared by _S. W. Fowu: at C0. Boston which has the signature of I. BUTTS on the outside wrapper. T 1 Pnpaied by SETH W. raisin :; C'o.~,Boo- `".9""f* '`bv.1P?1`sx`.=h..- ~ - . `SoldiuB'm-u`e ,byT. W. qzoaamr, KEL- nuyz.~.m., GEORGE` _ A ` A: nn.-1'--.;- 1-. run. nirinnunu .' A >Mlssn.s. `W. Fovzma & Co. ""'-"'7 "'." ""'."""" "".7 7 ` '. Id! ELUQTTQ :3-9'3?` ' likely that you will have any welcome , marhle table, and his thoughts went back , head dancing out of the house every 2 had`-ta`: `fan.-` ' V A other wighi`-'pnrpeu`n fiiv 'iV6l'C nuu UCl1l:ulun.. .I.uu vs: vu Iuvuuy, as that man said. You generally get . the best ofn bargain, but, after all, your 1 hundred thousand. that you hi?-V3 8lV,'` ` your whole life to get together, wont 1 pass for anything in that world to which < you are pretty near; and, as there s_ no- body now to mourn you here, it isn t . there. And here Squire Dunliarn sat down in his velvet arm-chair, by his through the long winding path of the years of his youth. His boyhood-'-his glad, careless boyhood, came back` to him. "The gentle, loving mother; the a young, sweet face _of his littlesister, and her laugh, sweet as the mountain, brook, ` was in his ear, and her 1ittle,vround plump arms were about his neck. How she did love him, that little sister Hetty, over whose face had grown the grass of many summers-how proud she was of him ! and he could see the little golden night to meet him when he came home from his work. Stephen Dunham s mother wast r widow, and he had his way to wor in the world. h, -had" risen step by etepyin. his native town, and he saw atleaet -that "of money -been Iwallniv `Tin: in :-1I.".--;..*.*... .'..:o -1` n 1 1 II` ., _7,._.- D...';m 1! pl: WISTAR S' BAALSAIVI 81'. H_YAc1N7rn:, CANADA E., Aug. 21, 1856. B/n;;m::, Wholesale Agenls for the Cnnadas \ . There is scnrcelv onelindividnal in the community who wholly escapes, during a season, from some one, how- ever sllgltllv developed, of the nlmve 'l_\'Il)l()ln8-!i ne2le(-t nf wltitjh might Send In lhv last nanwd. and most to he dreaded disease-. in the whole rata- lugne The power of the llt(ll('ll'Rl zum ol the Wild Cherry Twe over thus c_lnssofcumplainls i- well khown; great is the good it has pcrlormed, and so great lhepopulnrily it has ac- qniretl. I ' V In. 1}: is m'mmra.t1`on. Bef:1'zz rs the l)Ea.\'TlSTllY.% ' qmreu. _ , In 1}: is r ura.t1`on. Beside; m'rmes_o/` Ila]; 2`)/1cr1'y, than are rom- win'n nlprl 1/-ilh 1'1 ntI1.r-1'ntrrnl1'unt: nf -'1The Greai Cause yuu run nub`.- JACKSON 65 ` New York, KELMAN 65 Co. 11.--... soxes 0%. THE SESSION. . Bile!` Inucn lafvuulv In u - V . __ expense, discovered the party who has bcen counterfeiting my Pills in the Canadas, and having received as complete hat of all those to whom they were sold, and having had what remained of euc counterfeit: destroyed. and the proper steps taken to prevent a recurrence of such counterfeiting , and being well satised that none but the genuine are now in the market, I have come to the con- clusion, iu order to prevent annoyance to the dealers in my long established remedies, not to change the wrappers around the packages of such remedies, but to have them continue as here- tofore. . THOMAS HOI_.LOW`r_U`, v _ .1. CHANGETOF A DRS. S.'N. SURGEQNQ WLIIUII V7 JL.L|aa.u;--- -.__ - Teeth inserted in the most approved style; and as they have made an-a.ngements|for visiting Barrie every month, they are prepared to execute any work entrusted to thexn,`as cheap as any other Dentist in the Province. ` ` --f-- ----!A on H-m Rs-amntinn consulted the lat, 2nd, and 3rd of each nmnxh. Dentist Ill um . .u......-. !E9'Pnrticu1ar attention paid to the Regulation of Children s Teeth. Residence,` Newmarket, where they may be April 19, 1863. 1-:r October 24. 1863. ` 1---u AVING, after muc runterfeitlng ceived 5 complete discovere h trouble and conaiderallo d party wh ing those tbe - - - 7--=_na ..r nnn . nIEDIcAI.'AssIs'.l'ANcE. gm GREAT AMERICAN. gum! ll` p!'0lB3::uu o VALL WORK WARRANTED. . , _: x_ cl... mac} nnnrnved R'.V1CI E LILQJJ V1 LLA Iv g--4.... - Proves its superiority to all other Medicines at once. ITS FIRST INDICATION Is to relieve the sui'i'e'rer oi PAIN, no matter from what cause it may originate, or where it may be seated. Ii` in the Head, Face, or Throat; ./ If In the Back, Spine, or Shoulder ; If in the Arms, Breast, or Side ; Ii in the Joints, Limbs, er Muscles - If in the Nerves,'I`eeth, or Ears ; Or in any other part oi` the body, its application to the part or parts where the pain exists will n.n`ord immedi- ate relief. . IF SI-IIZED WITH PAIN In thestomnch, Bowels, or Kidneys ; In the Bladder, Spleen, or Liver ; `In the Teeth, Ears, or Throat-, `In the Brain or Nervous System ; One teaspoonful of - RADWAY'S READY RELIEF to It wineginss oi water will, in a few minutes, re- store the patient to ease and comfort. It LIme,Cripplod ,or Bed-ridden ; Ii` Palsied, Sczilded, or Burned ; If Bruised Wounded, or Cut - i Ii` Strain , Jnjurcd, or Disabled ; If Sun Stroke, or seized with Fits - Ii Weak in the Spine or Back ;_ ` other wish` IT, be_e_n Iwalloivcd -n in the pnuit rihns He was Itil n vnn-:5 mm} .`..s`.% COUNTERFEITS. .IuuJvvn;_ D Janna; _ should be applied to tho part or parts nmicted. It in- stantly relieves the patient from pain, and quickly heals, soothes, and strengthens the disabled parts. In all cases of Bites of Rabid Dogs, Reptilesw Stings or Poi-- sonous Insects, the Implication of RAD ,` RELlF.F to the wound will prevent lnnammnuon and monillcatlon. AY S READY ' I! In I an nun nu van Persons exposed to the Malaria of Ague, or if seized with Chills and I-`ever, will and 3 positive Antidote and Cure in Radwny~`s Ready Relief. Let two teaspoonsful of the Ready Relief, in n wine-glass of water, be taken on getting out of bed in the morning, and however an posedlo malaria you will escape.` ' RADWAY S READY RELIEF , ..__ ._ _u ..n..._ u...u..u... Q m-mo lnnammauovn 01 mo alomncu or uowms : RADWAYS READY RELIEF cnrwwn nu nntrrnr TNTEDKYAITV SHOULD BE TAKEN INTERNAILY. one dose win stop the pain; its continued use will, in a few hours, cure the patient. V ' now 11' cunts. The secondary indication of RADWAY S READY RE- LIEF, is to cure the patient of the disease or malady that ' occasions the win; this it accomplishes rapidly and rndicalIy._ So nbsj is the patient transformed from pain, misery,weakncss,a.nd decrepitude, to the delight. ful enjoyment of health and strength, that patients tre- qncntly ascribe its talismzmic power to the supernatu- ra`_1 inuence of enchantment. ' RHEUWATISBI. LUMBAGO GOUT, NEURAIEIA. - room ACBE cRom> sons -maoxr, QUINZY, DlP,'1`HERlA, HOARSEN . BRONCEL TIS,` Sm-`F JOINTS ENLABGED TENDONS, HEAD AGES, (Sick or ervous, As`l`HMA,or HARD BREATH `G. 1!. is truly marvellous how quick RADWAY S READY RELIEF cures the enerere of these maladies. The poor. crippled, and pain-stricken Rheumatic has not to wall. days before u change takes place, but In I few minutes derives ease and comfort. a Vivian awn..- V- unwvrowuu ----u-u Wm. Sydney Myers, Eeq. ofvnvnnn. Cuba, the cor- respondent of the London mes, suffered with Acute and Chronic Rheumatism lbr twenty-ve years, and for twenty years he had not engrayed one whole night : calm rest. Ho applied RADWA 8 READY R!-2LlEF-it Im- mcdiateiy gave him" ease and secured him the ilrst calm and undisturbed sleep durin the twenty years. The continued use or the READY cured him. PREVENTION BEITERTEAN CURE. THEREIS N0 OGIASION FOR SICKN.. wen.-- _-_ n_.A 9...: ...n_ n.'._ n_|_- _ .-___--_n.n Olaunlunz an `IV van SULI IulV.nA\.o- When you that fel ln,thn take I teaspoonml of the READY RELIEF, a water; or apply it to tho - puts vmero you feel the discomfort. -v- r-.rv-- I OOIC unv uuu. beii Iw_ai1lo'wcd `n `he of rihu was nil 9, young; man when `- .11? 9.8121! unto the city. .1113: ha btonght with hiu;.thotit]o of quiu -whichehe Ind homtfonhna yam. ,. toggwco _ ALL MALIGNANT DISEASE um give warning of their presence, And if met prom tp iy before they become secure! intrenched within 0 system, will be readily expeii ' SIGNS OF SICKN&. Hemdachomalns In the Limbs-ln the Stomach, Bow- ols, and Kldueys-0old Gulls, and Hot Flushes, Coat- ed -Tongue, Burning Skin, Nausea Shivering, Dunneu, 1.02: ct Appema, Beatlennen Gidlneas. &o., &o., are premouuory gym or lfnugnun Diseases. Ono dose-of thaREAD RELIEF is Iumclont to hm! up angugoxpeldlaeulod Iouon,nnd restore the patent to Every soldier should carry with him 3 Inpply or Redwers Ready Belief. II. supplies the piece of all other medicines ; and as I bevenge,a teeapoonml or the RelI`ef,,o 3 wine-glen of WlM!',i.I unleer, plenum- er stimulant than bnndy, whisky, or bmars. _ ..` Amcxumrnzvmrrmmmnsunmnnmrf hthllnlne :80 t0.P.nord itesthu !hg1grey eReed;e?l:u `'1. re: the reglmentfrom death while quartered us, Tybeo Island S. 0. when working In thevawun , erect! forulluuone. Every man Ielned with , phold an other Favors, Fever end #31:,` Rhenmltlsln, was cured lfflm OAUTION for Rtdvnyh Ballot. Take the Ilgnnnro of my & 0!). hide libel of each bottle. on , Ilvoxyyngontin npplledwllhomwnndmsholook. Price 25 cent: BADWATS READY RELIEF ....u um on n-m nnrl nr narls nmicled. It '.l'.l:lJ.5 UIUSAI MA`; nnunu any Lu-_ TERNAL REMEDY, STOPS ms mos? zxcnucwrmo mm IN. A raw mxuns, AND RAPIDLY CURE THE PATIENT. KELMAN & Co., Barrie. * J. KING, Ban-`Io Shtion. J. H. BLAVEN, Orillhu J; HAQHEB, Angus. J. IOKIGGIE, Suynor. '_J__oa1t' u1nAyn's,~ Oolllogwood. 8 00., Budtord. CHRONIC RHEUMATISK CURED. Twenty Years or Sleepless Nights. H... Eu-vnntv Ifinarn Iran A! autumn. nan Mm. OF ADVERTISEMENT. 5.-N. &;P. B. PECK, ONE DENTISTS. WHEN SEIZED WITH CHOLERA, or Diarrhtm or Flux ;` Dysentery, Cramps, and spasms ; Bilious Cholic, or Gastritis - S Scarlet, Typhoid, or other i-`overs; Inuenza, Coughs, or Colds Inammnuon of the Stomach or Bowcs : uvvncvus 1\inA'l'\17 1515771! vifhat Be Heard. THOMAS HOLLOWAY 80 Maiden Lane, New York. 863. 44 mm AGUE. .............I in tho unlarln nf Amm n- TO Ti1-f.AD1Esz BOTH MARRIED AND SINGLE. The Oldest Boga-Ito: for Females. There in bu}! one GENUINE AND SURE CL-RE for GIRLS OR WOMEN who su'er {mm irrcgugam lies, or obstructions of the menses, `w/(1!ru'r may 4` , the came of thou obttrztctium. "This Cure has been recognized for many mm '1-`Ln: m\II.v RARE RI-2[.IAN(`.F. L. ;n '1'hIsUure has been recognized Ior yc THE ONLY SAFE RELIANCE is in DR. CHEESEMANS FEMALE PILLS, 1-,- ._..I:_! 1..-... .L , JIAUI \IAAAaA4~an4--..-.~ .. - _..---.... . nu 7 . ) that Lhdies have for relief from [he nlnpprcsgion Qt. those eriada Which, if xept u accnrdin u . of Nalljure, will GUARANTEE TO '1`t1;nx 4'25"?` est amount Q/`good health and urengtlz ,- um] \,,.,f"}lI' if not regularl experienced. wili prudm-e Z\]I.~`|-U1`; AND DEATI` , and is lhalrbt ofall Rcmezlie; `Y Diseases of F emaka, I" lMP0RTANT;gFEMALESL AND Una I 11, anu ll mu:/urn zy uu ncmezlmj DR. CHEESEMAIWS FEMALE PILLS, THIS GOOD OLD REMEDY for all ubizlrtlcm Innl hnpn hnilml with nleasure andnml IL: 11.... THIS UUUU Uhu nr.Lvu:.u1 I_0r an uhszlrucxjo has beenhniled with pleasure and prom _/5:711;-ml ve years, in all arts of the (`i\'iliz'd world amber is AN 01. EXPERIENCE!) mu :-u-`I .` una U:cI|-uuIu.u vvuu run-~---v -y-_ II -vu\ J-1: urn ,l `. oflhe 1`-mluzcd \A'or!d.H 1%, author is AN EXPERlEL`fCI`.l) PHYS'l(`lA_' wlmm nut-Ir\'h0(]V knows. and In whom o-rpm-4.. . author is A1V,UhUbArnnInL:vu1'.|1 rrl I >_'l('|A whom everybody knows. "5 whom cwrytxxi; places condence and res '(-.ct. H us no net/,--fu,,g`:`d arrangamout, but a STA. DARD REM EDY. DR. CHEESE.\IAN S FEHALE PILLS 1 .__. 1`...'I_.l .....`I a|.n.....o.n.I.. Al` ..,. ;Dona1<!,'on, uouger uca.5u...,, v is sick of thy. lien and my art-' {by head on thy cl1e_sl ii recliining, n the Treasury chest thou must part, usury chest, oh, Sandfield McDonald. uuo \JLlA.JI-l\;AJnv-;n.v ., . ........... . H I O 4 1 have never fai/ad, and thousands of ccrmi:-ax..! this effect can be found in all parls of mt. M The proprietors of Dr. Che2ceman s Itmy ;, {,4 ., _ ( guarantee that ONE BOX will restore the n'uInfa| monthly fun.-v.,. 1,, AW FE!\1AL15.NOMA l"l'ER WHAT nu; rmb; TION OR AGE. lndccd,so cerium . ` ' 012. CHEESE3IAN S n:.u..m-. Vr::.;.;<,. |.IlI- V-.........,......--.. V- _ _...__ u-/n'cIL havrbren popular run] surr r A OUARTER OF A (.`ENTl.'l{\' u-/zit/L haven-nz popular and surr m .. . W, (W A QUARTER (.`ENTl,'|:\'. h, n_M_t rm-uslrnal How in a natural wuy. lh:.I z;..].,., E H pre-gnnm must not me I/Iel/L, aw Hwy u-_:; `H,_,`' prorlure a misrarr1'agr.'. TH HY ( .-`\ .\ _\.(/1` HARM in any other way. I are the onlv medicine that Mr\I{Rllj!) .r\.\'D Fl_\`. GLE LADlES'havc n-lie-d upon 1'--r1n:u.\--.un., M. . can "fly upon n(I_W. B8'8l'e Of lllliT.8t.iODS: Tab: this advcnl'isc:nnenl lo your l)ru-_'v.'x.sI. nun! : H hm m;-5 ...... mam |h.- In.-I FPlI18lL' Muhrnnu in 1`. r \\'. r. llns auvcnusc-nurm I0 your urn-.".':: ` vun want the lu-.-sl Female l\1uh--: > 'whrrh is Comprised in DR. CHEESEMA l\"S PE)! .1 '1 hese mrm ULt._/nunn wilh IMMEDIATE (`KPQQ Dr. Chee.-!omun s PM: have rec- iv.-d. and 4,, M` receiving the salwlxon uf the must e//LI`/um 1'/,,,_.m an: in. Amerira. IIVII Vlllrlu I EXPLICIT n1mtc'rro-.\`s with ..;...g, 3,, prirr, OZVE DOLLAR .l I1C IN./,\". 1-. .4.-, from fifty 10 _sixly Pills. . . _____., himself a wife, the danghterof a. rich man, and she brought him twenty thou- sand for her dowry; but ma feW..Y91'3 death had summoned her away, and she left no children, whose soft voices calling him lather, should melt_the cold heart that knew but one love and that was money. All this Squire Dunham thought of, as he sat alone by his table, with the bright light ofthe chandeliers gilding the grey head that rested on his hands; and he thought, rich man that he was, ' that his money didn t pay ; that after all, the great object `of his life had been, as the man said, a losing operation ; and he longed to feel that in the wide world. there was one human being who would be sorry to hear that he was dead-one human being, man, woman, or child, who would say, I am happier this night because you are on earth. - And inthe midst of want and yearning a sudden resolution ashed across the mind of ' Squire Dunham. He rose up and walked again to and fro with his hands behind him, and his forehead knit with perplex- ing thought, and a variety of emotions itting over his face. But `suddenly he stopped, and set down his footresolutely, 1 ll do rt-I will do it this night ! - And he went `into the hall and took up his cane, and passed out into the street, con- trary to his usual habit, for the night. was dark and cold. ~*~' "'1 . Pills sent by mail. ];rmn;/tly, hv rn Hf! lo the prupriclurs. or any authorized agun funds. n,1 ,1 L_`vn_._,___-_A_ rc-_-__~_n__ luuurn Sold bybrnggists Generally. HUTCIIINGS 6. . HILl.YT`IH. ['1 4`? .v: 49-61110 ` I 81 Cu/(Ir xnut. . Sold in Barrie by Kclm.-in & C0,, .\!~-I Dunlap Street. ~ I I4` I-I.-nrv X (`.n ,'-10'! (Iron! 5'1. I'M IJUIHUP DITVUI. V J. F. Henry 8: Co., 303 Great >1. Ynn! >"re-.t .\Iontrea.l, C.E., Wl)olcsu.le agents fur 4_`..r.;~.:'m.' GARGLING omsupznszm-:0. RIGGS' BLACK OIL is acknnu-!-ri;~r-v`, 2-_: used it, to be superior My I;:nrg`.:x H: r - Medicine now before the Public. for .~';.,r;.:.v.-_ 1:: Guns, and all injuries to Horseev-h. Good f--r 1mm and beast. ' THESCIENCE 01? 111~:.\1.'m. `|Every Man his own Physician. _ L CHEESEMAN S FE.\!.\.I.T'I I II.l..'~`iY! Thse form pro rru/`mm :1'rr pm rim W H; with Ahfbz I l'.l:.`l:"l'l'..\"l ail` 'Vf"QL` HOLLOWATS OINTZVIE NT, `DISORDERS on` THE STn.\!.~\C1l, 1.1\'E::,1; - BU\\'l-ZLS. . l Did yon-see Mr. Minor, Henry I It was a faint, mournful voice which asked _ the question,and the speaker was `a pale,- sad-faced woman, whose sunken eyes and hollow cheeks at once told you that she was an invalid. The chamber where she sat was very poorly furnished, but ' everything was neat. A small re was burning in the grate, and a solitary can-t dle on the stand. No, mother, Mr. Minor won t be home for a week, an- ` swered the boy "slowly, as though he disliked to comniunicate the news. "He. was a slender, delicate-looking boy, ap-_ * parently in his twelfth year. It is my last hope, said the mother, looking des- pairingly on the hands which lay in her`. lap. There is no way to pay the rent, and the agent said if I ~wasn t ready ' when he called to-morrow, we must go into the. street. .What will become of my poor children ! I had trusted; to Mr. Min_or s getting back, he was so kind to your father before he died; but my last hopes are gone now. I could have earned the money ifit hadn t been forthis sick- ness; but to-morrow we must go into the street. She" said the words with . great tears slowly chasing themselves `down her pale cheeks. ' 7 ' Don t cry, mother, I earned :1 shil- ling this afternoon selling papers, and. hought youand Mary a nice orange ; interposed the boy, trying to speak in a bright, hopefulvoice. And now a small hand was thrust out for the fruit, and a small, little voice said, earnestly, Oh! mother, don t let us feel illrnow that we have got the oranges.. At that mo- ` ' ment there was a loud rap atthe cham- ber door, which startlcd the little family, V but il-Iarryswas not long in ushering into the room an old gentleman, who inquir- ed if Mrs. Carpenter resided there. His glance took in the room and its three occupants, and after taking a seat which 3; "Henry Carpenter brought him,.he said- ; I am Squire Dunham,and 1 called here rs to say, Mrs. Carpenter, that I would not m press the matter about the rent ; that if te you I could not meet it you might stay here, and I would not trouble you. A r- ashof joy went over the three faces, 3]] but the mother broke down in a soh_. Oh! sir, God in heaven will bless you e e d l1 d e n 11 {IS n. _ , pg for this !_aud they were the sweetest words which Stephen Duuham F had 1; heard formany a day. But before he ,1; could answer, his gaze was attracted to - H----II ...:..o`..l nntnrnr.-ll Tune in the DIE wuuayuu.-.. .-._ ,,, ' feel." - McDonald, MoDonal<!,'oh, dodger designing, The country thy if in slumber chest is At least from From the Treasury Norx.-During M. Blanchevs speech contain- ing the serious charge he made against Mr. Sand- eld McDonald, the latter pretended to be sound asleep, with his head bent down on hiebreast When M. Blnnchet~had,nished there were cries of ` Wake up, ` Why does he sleep ` Adjourn till he a_w9.kes, &c. - _ . `I he Stomach is lh}: grenl 1-rmrc \\'hu-In in the henllh --r disc-ase M" lhv ,~z_\.~lcIn-:1lvn~:-. bilumul by execs-1-ivxdiga-s\iun, utlmu-nro- hm ph_\'sival' prnstralion are Ihe nalurul 1-mum. Aflird lu lhr.` brain, it. is Ihe Snurrv :1 in. mental dcpressioxm. nu-rvous ('mnp`.nnH~` nu freslnng slvep. The L|\'f beronu-.~x .':ll'o:r _uc-nermcs billions cliwrders, pains in Hw .~ The Howe.-ls .-Kym nlluisc: by Cu.~`li\`t'nr.~.~. I and Dysenle-ry. glut: principal m-Iiun wt `.3 is un'lhc`.~innm-ll, and llu: liver, lungs. Ix` kidneys parlir-ipale in lhr.-ir rm-up;-rul1\'c:... ernlivc npernuon. ` aeast. . Price, 25 cent: per bottle. `'11 by all Dt';Hv:;: in Mac! nu. March 23, 18641 . doN T BE DECEIVEDI Are_Iwo of the. most comnmn and orders prevnlrnl on this (`vnlim-m. Ointment is especially anl:Ignn..~I;-. opermu1'iVis rs! to eradicate the u-n complclc the 1-ure. PROCLAA_l\:I_ATION! Cases of many _\'vn;rs" standing lhnl };;m~ ciouslv relnsed lu _\'i--M In any x-llujr rum d_\' . menl, have invnrinlvly sum-unul.c_d In-:1 Ii-w lions of this powerful unguent; Arising from 51 had stale 6f the Mord ur 1-hrr: case, are c-radix-nlml, nnd n 1-In-nr and H.-n~.~;v=w face reganu-cl by the rrslor:ni\-o.- non-.n on 1!- ment. ll surpa:ses many i|`1lu.-(-n.~nu-vu-.~ an toilet appliances in in: power to disprl msi other disguremenls of the fuck.-. nu. C11EEsF;nA.\'=s rr..\x.u.r-: mm, Whether hi the young or old. ntztrrictl or ~. at the dawn of Womanhood. or turn *1 S-~. `tonic medicines display su tlt`('ltlt`(l nn mtlr. : u a- mtuked improvement is `soon pt-rupu . - health "of the patient. Being n pun-Iv \t",`v preparation, they are a sale and rt-liznlvlv n~n.u all chases of Females in every coudmon ex 1 and station. could answer, ms guze was utbluvuzu W a small, wistful, upturned face in the corner, and its sweet blue eyes, and the V golden gleam of its bxown hair, were like that face whxch shone `away off in the morning of his boyhood, the face of his sister Betty !- As his gaze. met the` A little. girl s, she rose up and came towards l.:..... uvmu mnnn send m"-afnma. and Every form and feature of these prevnlx-nt I stubbn-`n disordg-rs is eradicated locallv and mm by the use of this emullivnt; warm. f`...m-:~.:ntu should precede its application. Its In-althy quail! will be found to be thorough and invm-iitbl{-. Bot}; the Ointment ann'_I ilIs should br 1.'.~`<`.." inl followmg cases : Bmuons, ` - Pi1S- 50` ."-""` Bu]-"3, ' Rheumntilm, Fort` '1!!!-' `.1 Chap `d Hands, Ring 'nrm. Sore-s--I':\d*~ Chills:-ins, Ball heum. 5P""`~"~ [-`mum, Fcnlds Sxi J--I-1.-, um: wen-1 -an s H`"- _ ". |' 3"IP- 90"! Len! "f""" .}Tr1L'fne lions, Sore Breasts, - lhxnlulsv ~ us -9 G'C'A UTION:--None are genuine 111111;; fir words , Nl0 York and ].aIIrx'm/,`{;u discernible. s a atcr-mark in ever) M .`.ane book ofdire ions around each pot or box ; tho. -1,? may be plainly seen by hoM1'ng!Iu.vIm_/ .10 '7" -` . . . rel?` A hnndsome reward WI" be given to an,` "M . . . - ~ H -" derung such Information as may lead to lhe dun" * _ . . _ .' H95 `of anY_MtIv or virtues connlerlemng tin. :II`| `or vendmg the same, knowing them lo n -I \l,` 0.0 Ram an H... .._......r.......-.. ..r Ht " """"B '--v -wuuc, nuvvvlug Iurun uv |r\ . , -~ `o Sold at the manufnolorv of Prori-ssn WWAY. 80 Maiden Lane, 1\'ew'Ymk, nml Iw :li re- 'P"'".l"'~` Dmtnisla and Dealers in Medicine 1lm~uS*' um Iho Uniled States and the cmlized world, In P"` ll 26 cents, 62 cents, and 01.00 each. v-I- -M--- :- _ _ ,_,_-V.___. .. _. :__ 3... ...L-inn H59 r H N-` II 10 cenls, 62 cents, and 91.00 eac.h- k_n 93" There in a considerable sauna by "` ' 5 lgrger tines. -_-u `nu vuuv-A . I. I . "n ;N. _B.-Directions forlhe guidance of P8""' evv.-cry dflorder re aixed on eavch P' A ` M` Cards, C1`r_cuIan, c., sent than, 11 1 Thoma Holloway, In 0 'Ude|- f this s n ' ' Olicg 2 cannot gm a ho` Pill... . r gimme Ill (`pom `he Dru S . 8 lore In his pl. dl .1 him `in m.i`:" 5|e go | 5`. gs. enlu_n of expsnseg. 'g:':am?iun!, `H Y calm will , not. ' D "W med icing . on hind be cause they had Dink. `. m'h Dion ` .3 on 0 ` th e penon" make. 327;. ,1,` m . . mu V ` m"""`7|s can has cz- BAD LEGS, OLD songs, .\.\`I) I'I;`!-`J15. ERi`s1PELAs AND SALT 1m1A:1'.\1 ERUUPITIONS by THE s1 l she and towaros him. You wont send mafnma, and Harry, into the street, will you 2 she said in her sweet pleasing way 2 cause we c.1n tflive there when the wind blows, and the rain comes, and the great car- riageswill go over us;and mamma s_ l sick,and I am a little `girl you know, and Harry , _ thing but sell -papers. My child, said Stephen Dunham, `_`you shall -never` gointo the street 2. and his voice was not quite steady, and there was a strange moisture aboutehis eyes. little girl on his knees, and -she nestled her bright young head on his shoulders, and chattered away to him,.and thinking what a. good" kind man Squire Dunham was ! The landlord remained some time with his tenants. Many kind words and promises cheered them, for that little head nestled softly against his heart, and warmed and gladdened it"; and before he left Squire Dunham bent do\vn and kissed the little girl,` and left a tire pound note in `her chubby hand. '_ He went home that night a happier man than he D had beenjfor years, sure thatthree hearts 3 beat lighter because he was.1n the "world! And the lesson that Stephen Dunham learned that night going home in the omnibus took deep root. in his ) heart, and brought forth much fruit.-- `D.,..'...mmn 7 D at-nrllnr , isn t big enough to do any ' He took the ~ `FE-.\1ALE Com-IPLAIN rs, PILES AND 1=1s`rm.,\. AND m I! H )' 3'08. (;,\'I-jp, .lnru cl- :1 ion. `HI! 2:. Is pix \\u ll! uuu HIV: IIULI l`'||u , Episcopal Recorder. 33,. Pf B`.-U: `FT-H Bai`: '1` Eli. WI WI i V If Irish recruits can really be attracted ~' into the Fedaral ranks by the hope H that l they will be employed against their for- mer Gpvermnent, it is by no means 1111;- desirable that theyshould be expended :.- '17;....:.......` nu "l`annnednn,_.QniurJno1 F111 nlwn R; lre_ "f.\ Y /gal Revzew. V A case came up in the` Supreme Court of Illinois, theother day, on an inciden- ta} point, the original plaintiff and de-, fendant invwhich are dead, the plainti s son is dead, three of the attorneys are dead, and a termination of the suit. seems {no nearer than ever.-Am'e1-ican paper. . know not with how much truth--to Lord Stanley,with regard to the Dano-German contest, that England is no doubt morally amount of -physical as well as moral aid, but that what Europe wants is some sys- tem of war with limited liability. We might then say, take shares to the-amount. any great extent. The idea isa bright one, and no doubt is already adopted in rmit one friend to assign explicit limits 5 9 wnn,f,hnweve'_r;'..we`fee:f the idea in I a i - A clever saying is. uttribtited-\iie. responsible to Denmark for certain V of three millienssterling in the Danish - adventure, but decline to be liable to- the ethics of private friendship, which . yoiid which he cannot aid fanother, even in the nblest causet appliedi 1*!'t'*1i'l$i:; i_II'.D|U Lllhlu lullcy auuunf uv vnlruuupu V1rgininV or_ 1`ennessee.- Saturday u Avlnnn 0 an S( )'LDiCI.1_EA_P, the 8. am 1 of Lot No.28, in the 8th Con. of the T - TOWNSHIP OF MULMUR. _ There `are about 42 acres o1eare_d,`and in a. high Itate of cultivation. There are 3 good Dwelling House and Burn, and a thriving yoimg Orchard, on the premises. The hand is of the best. quality. Title indisputable. 1:... r...-um mmicnlas soul] to Title indisputable. _ For furthenpnnicnlas apply 5041' R. '1` BANTIN Have you heard the news 1 H No ; what is it now I u sqmre Dunha1:n is goqe--was found dead in his bed thns mommg--was car- ried off by a stroke of apoplexy. _,-_ -.-.. .J I\lII uvsnaf -nvnvnunnnf unjus- V ma: Went part of Lot. No. 7` in the 4:1: con. ceasion, of 'l`osorontio- 95 Acres. - _ The Land is well situated and capable of being fanned to advantage. -- --- m. _.u 4..-- ....A..- g nnwer of Sale in farmed advantage. , It will be sold cheap under a power of II Mortgage, from on William Caygill to the undersigned. . V _ WILLIAM BOLT. ' 53- `* I` |AnL I 020 LANIIS run SALE IN '1m:couN_13_ or smcon. I Medonte-4A farm of 1'15 acres, being the East- :--2- mpnovnn mans. Innis/i,I-L0t 14., 14th Con. and 14 and 15 in 13th con), 425 acres, 140 acres cleared, large new ' barn, stables, cottage, &c., frontson Kempen- feldt Bay, opposite Barrie, two miles from Rail- way Station. erly portion of Latin, lst Concession, (the Village of Craighurst beingon a portion of the remainder of the Lot) adjoining the Penetnu- guishene Road, and at the junction of the Townships of Medonte, Oro, Flos, and Vespra- in the heart of an excellent Farming Country. A never-failing STREAM runs through the Land. About 15 acres cleared. North part 53, Con. 1, 159 acres-25 cleared. Good buildings, consisting of :-..large store and dwelling house. . Good out-buildings and a ourishing Orchard. Lot No. 4, Concession 4, 200 ac_re.s-50 acres . cleared. Sawehlrll, on the Lot with good water privilege. Plenty of Timber. Dwelling House and good-buildings. Nice situation for Grist andjcarding Mill and" country store. In ad- ditiontothis Lot there are 500 acres more at the disposal of the proprietor, making a block of 700 acres. E.vhalf 59, con. 1, 100 acres. "Vimaua fg[l_I_l run sAL".' Barrie, December 29th, 1862. V WILD-L_ANDS. Esaa-East half lot. 21, 2d,con., 100 acres; east `half lot 22, 2d con., 100 acres; south east. part lot 30, `llth con., 26 acres; `lot.`26,v 5th con., . nnn ......... - nae. lmlf 29. 10th c'on.. 100 acres: Medonle'- West lot 3U,'1nn con., .'.o ucn-:3; luv nu, quu \.uu., `200 acres; east. half 29,10t-h con., 100 acres; ` west half 19, 6th con., _100 acres; west. half lot 20, 5th con., 100 acres. _ ' FIos--Lot. 71, 2nd con., 200 acres; 101: 2, 7th con., 200 acres; west part south half lot 1, 2d con., 30 acres; part lot. 5, 4th con., 155 acres; north halflot 1l,'2d con., 60 acres; north half lot 22, 1st. con., 67 acres; `lot 2, 2:1 con., 200 acres ; lot. 22, 2d con., 200 acres; lot 25, 2d con., 200 acres ;' west. part lot 26. 9th con., 09 acres. "South half of Lot number 70,1st-Con ,- _'100 acres. The South `West Quarter of Lot number 75, in 1st. Con., 50 acres, South half Lot 48, Con. 1, 100 acres-50 acres cleared and under good cultivation. N. W. 1 1, Corn. 3, 50 acres, 40 cleared. N. E. qr. 4. con. 6, 50 acrcs-unc1eared. Lot No. 48, Con. 2, 100 acre-5-35 acres under cultivation. ' lnnisl-.-Lot 3, 10th`con., 200 acres; lot.12, 13th con., 200.acres; lot 13, 13th con., 200 acres; lot 12, 14th con., 200 acres; lot 8, 9th con., `200 acres. _ - ` Illalc/zedash--Lot. 11, 2d con., 200 acres; lot 13, 2d con., 175 acres; lot. 14, 2d con., 175 acres. part. lot. 24, 9th con., 49 acres; west. half lot. 11, 12th con., 100 acres; lot I8, 6th con., 200 acres ; lot. 18, r"lth con., 200 acres; north west qr. lot 17, 17th con., 50 acres; half lot 17, 10th con., 100 acres; Int 12, 3d con., 200 acres ;~enst half lot 13, 3rd con., 100 acres; lot .17, 3d con., 200 acres; Int 18, 3d , con., 200 acres; lot 4. 4th`-con.," 200 acres; , east half 18,4111 con., 100 acres; west half 2!, 4th con., 100 acres; lot 18, 13th or-11., 200 acres; lot 8, 14th con., 200 acres; lot 9, 1411: con., 200'acres; east halflot 16, 14th cuxl., 100 `acres; \vest half Int 19; 14th con., 100 acres; lot 55, 1st con., 200 acres; north half 54, lst on not-on WESI. IUL uug Aav yv--., .v-.. u..-..., ..-.-... _...- __, __, con., 99 acres. _ _ Mulmur-Lot 27, 1st con., 200 ncres; lot 15, 8th con., 200 acres; lot 15, lstcon-, 200 acres; west half lot '24, Is! con., \V. H. S. 100 acres; lot 10, 8th con-, 200 acres; lot 23, 3rd con., E; II. S., 200 acres; west half 11, 3rd com, A 100 acres; enst.lmlf12, 2nd con.,.100 acres. Nottawa.saga-Lot 17, lst'con., 200 acres; south half 32, Is: com, 100 acres; lot 20, 2d con., 20.0 acres; lot 28, 4th con., 200 acres; cast half 30, 5lh'con., 100 acres; north west part 5, 7th eon.,`165 acres; lot 4, 8th co'n.,'?.00 acres; north half lot 3, 9th cou.,100.acres; south part 15, 10th co_u., 123 acres; lot 22, 12111 com, 200, acres. ' . Oi'o-North half of west part lot.21,` 14th con., 50 acres;7north halfof east half lot 9, 13th con., .50 acres; 1, 2,3, 1st Range, Shanty Bay, 172 . acres; S. E. qr. 9, in 1st con., 50 seres. "North Orillia--'Eust half lot,9,' llth con.. 1oo acres; lot 22, 3d con., 200 acres; lot 23, 3d com, 200 acres. South Orilllia--Lot 21. 1st con, 9_0 acres. Surmidale-East part lot 13, 8th con. , Tay--'-East half lot 14, 4th con.. 97 acres, lot 8, 9th eon., 200 acres. Saw Mill and House; goo - Mill Privilege. . 2` . Tiny-Lot 25, 17th com. 197 acres; lot 26, 17th con., 84 acres; lot 25, 18th con., 100.o.cres; lot '26, 18th con., 29 acres; south half lot. 17; 19th con.,'l00 acres; lot 10 .13th con.; lot 10, 1slcon., lot 21, 2d con.; lot 22, 2d con.; lot 18, 3d con.; lot 10, 4th con.;. north part lot 18, 7th con., lot 11, 12th con.; lot 3, 14th co`n; port .of 14)., lot. B., and part oflot 2 in the 16th .con.; south lmlf lot. 0., 11th con.'; lot 14, 18th con.; lot G.. 19th con. N. half 19. Con. i8, 100 acres. Tosorontio--l.ot 20, 5th cou., 200 e.cre_s; lot 25, 5th com, 200 acres. _` ` Vespra-Lot 19, 5th com, 200 acres; west half 20,_ 5111 con.. [00 acres; south west part lot 2, 6th con., 2166 acres; west half lot 15, 7th con., 100 acres; north west quarter lot 11, 8th con., 50 acres; part east half2l, 4th con., 90 acres, lot 16`, 14th com, 200 acres; lot 18, )4th com, .200 ucres-20 acres cleared. ' - . 7 Several Building Lo's in the thriving Village of Graighnrst, and some valuable Park Lots in lnoisfil, mljoining the Barrie Station, on the Nor- thern Railroad.` Lot 6, nth Concession, either in blocksrof 10 acres, or as a. whole Lot (260 acres) for farming purposes. 1:-.. _-_..:....I..~.... ......I.. In --.--- -fl-IHE `Subscriber offers the following Lands in the County of Simiioe for Sa1e,'on favourable terms :- ` ' - FLOS--E. hf. of Lot '14`, in 1st Concession, 50 acres cleared with` dwelling house and out buildings. Lot. 25 in 3rd; Lot 4, in 6th; ` N hf of 1, in 7111; Part. of S. E. qr.of 2, gn 8tl1Concession. . . INNlSFIL-_Parl. of N. hf 24 in .7111. N. bf 25 in 8th, and Lots 26 and 211, in 9th Concession`. MEDON'l`E-_E. hf of l1, and Lot. 19 in 8th Con.; N. W. r of 2 in 10th 0on., an improved _ farm. hf 6, in 14th Oon,--a good farm. MONO W. bf 29, in 3rd Concession. MUALMUR--E M5 22, in 2nd,,and 25 in 4th 0011., 2:: us V ncu uu uy u m........ -. ...l.-l..--__, _ He was one of our most promment citizens. He will be widely missed. II 4_..A_:.. -1.-....aL 41... lane MUIJMUIS-In ula An, In auu, uuu nu nu -.uu vuu., E.H.S . NOTTAWASAGA-S M19, in 2nd Goa. Lot 29, and pa;-t N bf 35, in 4th; part. N bf 15 in 8th, and pa:-Lof W bf 15, in 9th Con. V . NORTH ORlLLIA-Pnrt of E qr of 8, in 2n 001)., 25 acres. - ` ' ` SUNNIDALE-Part.N bf 22, in 4th ; S hf: 19, in ml. 1.`. and W nf Rand- ' ' SUN NlUAbli--rIu'l Pt III Ad, In Inn; 9 ma xv, us 5111, E and W of Road. 'l`INY-N bf 86, in v1st.Oun., on improved farm. TOSSORONTIO -Pnrt of E TO 9 .8.S. Henry Street Boy tree and part Nhf 10 in 11th Con., 95 acres. bf 22, in 2nd 0011., 65 acres. - WN OF BARRIE--Lots 59 and 60, South of Oollierstreet, with dwellinghonee and stable. Lots 19 as 20, East of Baylield St. Paton : Block, nearly an acre with dwelling house. Lots 13 & 14, N.S. Elizabeth St.,and 11 to 14 s BIock. Lol33, North of Kempenkidt t. Lots 34, 8.8., end per: 4?4,`N-8., Blake Street. Lots 10-and 11, and part 15, 12.8., and 12, 14, and part 16', W. 8. Nelson Street. Park Lot 11, per! ' ` of Lot 21, in 4th Oonceieion Yeepn, 5 none. - rm ofnm ht Loan, Veegiyz acne. Abpnt 25 (ores (known `an on `eh-Ida. mack. mmmnndinb A view. of in Ml: foonceeeion , the Bettridgo Block, commanding 3 view. of tho,Ba. , nnd.baauu!n:l'.y gitnaud tor 3 uni, A dance. Thelnnd 10 H , an e`xoe_1ut gnqlity F ~ ~: ` >T v m` 9,. V ,... Ul IGIILIII-I5 rllllllvus-ur- For particulars apply to r\.ruI\IvI\V March , 1863. .__._______.:._._. innit uIes.` "LANDS FOR SALE. `Vol 11,2 About acres (krI3'ivE_'i; I ltridgo a view. of /u Ru. and inmtllhllg nltnnhd lo:-.1 uni. Aron sguz. lcluas uppn, w G, .(iookato_v_r_n. ClI:I'Ul.|u LLU VV All ya n .-...J ..._..V,,_ I m not at all certain about the last V remark. In my opinion there ll be very few mourners at, Squire Dunham s fu- neral He was a hard old customer, from rst to lust; a11d'al1 he thought of or cared for was to make money. He was shrewd enough at a bargain, and. always got the best of it; but_I think you d have to go a long way to nd the - "his days. man, woman or-child, that S any worse off cause Squire Dunham has nished ,,.._,. ._:'i.. 1... .......H fnbg ,.m,, `"5: v 0 BRIEN STEWART, ` Barristers, Ban-in Q NORTVHE RN ADVANCE. , I ` _VALUABLE propel-ty`in the Township of . Rue, nix mile: from the thriving Village of Cooketown. It consists of the West half of lot number nineteen in the Tenth Oonoeasion", con- taining nnehnndxed acres, of which eighty notes are elected and in gooifgiultfvation. The soil is of the best quality, and the buildings are large and commodions. This is one of the best farms ; in the South Riding of Simcoe, and will be sold 4-: nan-nnnl Ibflll. In `U9 DUIIIII Iilull-I5 VI uuuvvv cu--. n -.- ~. , on reagonnble terms- For further particulaxa Thomas Wil- loughby on thepremisess or to . `Mums. 0 BRIEN & STEWART; 5 Solicitors, &c., Barrie. IFTY `OR Sl;1VEN'1`Y_-FIVE ACRES, at the option of the purchaser, being part, of Lot 25th in the second Concession of the A ._-_-_-...--.'-.. Ac-c qr :-_un1\nA .6-nu Ill nu. uvu-nu. V -..--.. TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA. Sixty-sevenacrel cleared. Land of the A best quality. Six and a half miles from Barrie, and two and a half fromvgood Grist and Sawmills. "'`~-- ---Al__I.._.. _--.I-. on 0oEiXi}"6EGE, ` LOCATED in eighteen (f the largest cities of V the States and Canada. V A Under the management of Mr. JAMES E. DAY Practical Accountant, formerly of Londvn, Eng- land, and lately Secretary of the Board of Waltr `Commisstoners, Hamilton, C.W. ---..-_`u lJI'4Lu\.I;I n The purpose in establishing this Institution is in furnish young men and ladies -with the lac-il.tie.s of a Business rjducation which will (`ll8l)lL ._lh( m to enter at once upon elds ofusefulness and honor._ u-urn:-qr niiu 6-3r_no-p IIID uayo. It's a grat pi'ty'he_ can t take som of his bank stock or real-estate with him. I tell you, my friend, after all, it s a. losing operation to have all one s pro? ...,...., iri urhnf mpg rm nothing on the A. K. MCIVIRSICT, D5 -0 Ul uu;.uu. us: ...I Thomas C. Keeler. sq.,'C.E.; Rive Lewis Juhn Macdonald 65 Co.; George Mic-hie 6 Adam C_rooks, Esq. ; Hon. J. H. Camerun, 1 Bell, Esq., Tornnln. hm... Rm-lmnnn. Emu M.P.P.; Adam ' REFEREES. Ale-x..Murrny, Esq., of Moffnlt, Murray 6: Cn.'; A. R. Mt.-Master, Es of l\`IcM:mo.-WM Nephews; Lewis, Esq.; c .,,, 1u_...I...... .l.I X7 nn - Gnnrnn Mir-hie 65 Co.: Isaac Buchanan, Lsq., M.r.r.; nuulu uluvvu, Esq.; Richard Jnsnn, Esq.. Hmnihnn. Rev. T. L. Davidson, D.D , S1. GL-urge. .1-`or fnrlhr information please call on or addres. ` enclosing letter siuxnp, the undersigned. 4 JAMES E. DAY, Princinal. {Cf Send for copies of our Monthly Commen- dations. dcc. - ll-ly _ xinstroot, Toronto, c. W-, rmsr noon EAST or wxsnnvm noox noon. Established in connection with I III: in nu... --v-- 3--_ _.-_ For particulars apply to nnm A `on _ This Institution, now httontlecl by over one |inn- - dred students, is far superior to any other mercan- tile College in the country". It is a thorough British Institution, being not at all interested, nurlmving am` direct connec.-lir'm with any of tho.-,Unitud States Colleges, but stands alone on its own merits, which any one may know by taking notice vf our refer- ences, and visiting the`InsIitution. Terms as favour- able asany similar Institntlon-with instrm-tiu_n mm-li more thorough and ct_)tnplL-te In every t|eparlmtnl- The British American Cointnercial College tent-lies LAND FOR SALE. what ll Will do III the most momugn manner. t3'Rememlner it is the BRITISH Anlanimn COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, next to the Post Oice, Toronto. .. . _- ...- --u : I:v\rv'II\('1 3c-ll E . Turonlo. Is:acl:(-llannh, Eqn MP-P-5 D... . Izinhn.-.I ,Imznn. Esn.. Volume XIII. lnnrollgll and ct_)mpIvle everyut:(IurIuu7Iu- The British Ameyican Commercjial Cullegqleun-lxes all it advertises, and advertises In do nothing only what il will do lhelmosl thomugh manner. n- in iu lhn "Rm-rusn ` T. D. Harris, President oflhe Bo J. G. \Vurls, Vice 4` ' C. Robertson, Secretary ` " \V. J. Mm-Dunell, Manager Toronto Savings Bank. rd of Trade. C `S . -Irv -.- - ,, 11,_..: u. ..-........v...., .........D_. - -. - H For Cutulogue)a_nd Specimen of Wrilidg; address (Enclosing stumu. I . Bates. 47 lconnrrmu rownEns1 HIS celebrated medicine for the general ail- " ments of Horses and Cattle, IS prepared from ingredients that have only been approved of after ` repeated trials by the most eminent Veterinary Sut~ geons of Europie. It is that universally used now by the lar est orse and Stock Breeders, as the only POWDE that can _be relied on to el-uuatly correct the irregnlattties of the digestive system. and so pu- _ my the blood as `to prevent all apprehension ofin- llnmmatory diseases, which often cause irreparable mischiet before detected. Hence, a dose of A ARE THE BEST nm1I~:m' 15m`~110ns%Es%, Cdws, smop,{Ho,;s, ah soon as indnspcsilionvis noticed, wili be generally sufficient to ward of!` attacks that otherwise would nu-nun In-nnln-Anon anal uvnnnuhna Th}: unlnnhln SUUICIBIII IO WIN! 0 IIIIKCKS llllll OIIICTWISG WOU|(l prove troublesome and expensive. This valuable -CORRECTIVE POWDER can be oblnined of all u-nnnnlnhln n.-..nm'.nc r.u- Ilua nnnnn unnnuu (In onu nl' :\/`ll\[\l:AU1!I1.'4 FUWJJDII can He UUIIIIIIBU OI. ll respe'clable*Druggisls, for the same money as any of ;l|1ose.noWin_use. most of them being inel-Clive for the purpose mlended- losmg opcrauou Lu uuvc uu uuuc 1..- perty in what goes for nothing otherside. They want a different kind of coin there. " - `l L-A O_..2-_ TN nu FOR FATTENING STOCK USE BRYANT. STRATTON&l)AY S -.-_.--an FOR BROKEN wmn on muvms USE lroiz oouaas & ooL_ns Usic Jgohnnor 1; Gmnnnns us; 'lIAllEY S -CONDITION POWER R_ardy s Cndi_tion_ Powders." j candigion Powders. x~.G`oA5a&i-o`I$. i1 9yvc1xa.; Rntey s Condition Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. Rareyfs Condition Powders. LRarey s Conditioh Powders." Rarey s Condition Powders. 'Rarey s Condition Powders. -VRarey s Condition Powders. Ratey _s Condition Powders. Raryfs Convditioh Powders.` U1 uunu Lgxuzu. , V That s a fact. I suspect Squire Dun- ham` has learned some new truths by this t,ip1_e. V . - - nn... ..1.,..... ..m-mm-qntinn mnk nlnce in Eon :sALE. BOARD OF EXAMINERS. La uyyq sv EDWARD DRURY,' nu lhll D_1siGN. RAREY S `in u... .s..:..:.... Villnda of DRURY, Esq , On the premises. M no.5 } , Duncan Brown; . llllb |rlll`Uc The above conversation took place a. city omnibus just as the night was _ falling, so that the passengers could scarcelyidiscern one another in the dim twilight. The speakers were two plain talking men in the prime of their years ; and the conversation was suddenly cut .short, for the omnibus stopped, and the friends hurried out together. In the seat `behind them sat an old man, of some - what portly and dignied presence. He had a hard, cold sort of u face-a face with no tender sympathies, no high and noble pnrposes-no earnest unselsh strivings for right and truth, had softened or spiritualized, and looking} into the keen grey eye, under the shaggy eye- brows, a heart that had gone to them, a... ..:... .....r mm-nu would have