Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 2 Mar 1864, p. 4

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REFEREES. nun... W. VP?! .`.". . EDWARD D`RURY, Esq ` ... Ontheprenuses. bummi &c.'. am. The Great Cans; [OI]; J. ['1 LIRKIIGTIIII, .l"I'l)lU. 1., M. .P.; Admn Brawn, Isn.. Hmmlmn. f_15n}m uy sg'17'1 W. 1roi;;LE 4; co.,3o:. :o~.~um~ sate brailbmseristfg ay_-1'.- W. aizo.aa1m up '2: ,- . . I3 1.` tan or euecung aapeeay cure. . ' You are arliberly to make any. use at the above you think proper. It it shall induce anybody to use youralsam I ahafl be glad for! have great con- & doncejnil. . Yiours . P.GU~'IT'l`6. 'c_t'9r the C ourc'r do 84. Hygi-uintha. Tlaogfe in 3' vile counterfeit . of!hia Hakim, Ibei-efore be sure nndhuv onlguhuprepared by S. &:__OoKmon which" hemtho signature` So`n`tr!1Va_,o`\3!`_ido;yvmpi)er:. _ ;, `.143: 1:t}1s9a:.usn:van vsn % -A , `.Rrey s Co " '-:1 2:1):e_y"`Coiiditid1i"' Powders. R-grey"; Conditicn Powders. ndmon Powders. ya uuuu v_v u uuuuuuuuuu --3 V v . - . v -- In all case-s_oi` nver work, hard driving, or severe - e:."posure, Rare'y`s Condition Powders will. realms` M lhe boise to his usual health and vigor. Every ' fm-mer, by using lhg i Genuine Ra1'ey s Powders -:..'.lZn2mmIu nan {mm-nun llan nnnpm-nnnn, nf his mocks vmme gum recummenueu we nmnm to man y ol my neignmsvs. who have user!!! and in no can have I known; it `fail of effecting a speedy ` You me l'liberlv1n mnlm mm min nl Ihn"nFmv. vj---1- ----....v .. _ _ -- -_.-, judiciously, can improve the appearance of_b?s's;ocl:: `as by opening the pores of the `skin they carry of! foul humor-3, rendering the coat glossy, the appetite good.` and bringing up the whole system to a healthy and vigm-pus tone. - . DADEVSQ nnmnrmrnxr `Dn\xIns'`_R urn :21;-_l _. ... ...u-.. up vv. . _ Genemen xp-Severe! months since a little daugh- ter of mine ten years of age. wan taken with: Whooping Coufh in a very aggravated form, and .; nothing we con :1 do for her seemed in any way to relieve her_ at er.ip'K2 I" Wafer length decided tovnty a; bottleof your Di. 'W'mnr_ Balsam of `Wd Ckcrrg/.; In Ibreohouru after she had commenced using it.` she was grately relieved and in less than three days_ wasentvrel `cured-and it now . i:e:u`g_slnee_. I-ecommen mo Balugtmtto m ny of neigvrs usedh and in no can. have I known it V 190 V nxpm. T wtmmsnsm Them pbwder re very elfecIie tor bx-ok`en wind, `hots, coughs, worms, mange, fouqdea. iuBymma~ `lion; staggers, heaves, loss of appeme, skm `diseases, grease-, swelled legs, foul` humoura, Gpc. A > r.....>.I...... .0 Du.-Aura l"_nn.'lZnnn- ',nu`!(`nu` niiu-an ucum: avvcucu no -1 Jun: uuuuvuu: Univ- 1 5 3 I ._ A fewdosea 0! Rare}/ s Condition Powdeia given to horses and catlle when taken from pasture will be found mvdluable -in ward`ug 0! intestinal disorders caused by suddet) change of dial. L- _'u -____ -1. --.-_ ._-._I_ l.`.-.I .1-:..:-.. ..- '.....nng Uuu VIEIVTIIJUW |UllCo RAREY S CONDITION POWDERS are we ' only reliable medicine {or horses` and cattle. Be saw to ask forllle . . ., , GENUINE ~ ..RA RE Y S, r.A.1':EYs CONDITION POWDERS are sold .by all Druggisls at 25c per package. -- rnrdrsxv I; Iv'I"r[\l\ HAS, rmoved his _nic_e to the premises on _Ke1mnn & Co., and can snpplv the v:*l3m1.". Hu;meopatbic preparations, with or n"tbuutc:\s_ca got` family use. ` ~ A ' :)- V qulrcu. _ _ _ In M17 7;; ration, bm'de: the -m'r_'t1re: of tfza ery";/, (hire are com. . 7/.1n;5-led `mil; 21 other 131 grsdieitts of \j""-` /I/:0 B01110, I/HI.-1 fyrngafyzg its value (-41. fold, amt jbrmimg a Ilmzcdy w/Lbs: power to .voa/"ha. talmzl, to vre/iwe, and to cure disease, egvists in no other me11icz'na yet discovered. - n....L..'l--4... ..-...*I' Q n--2,.; _ - .. w&. 4 of E1nnbugs.`. _.. .. . u. u-v no us; An, uue|uu,-- Gentlemen :-Hnv.lng expel-ient-ed the most grati- fvinsr rt-suits fvotn the use of Dr Wistar a Balsam of Wild (J/rat.-r'y, lam indttcetl to expness the great condent-e which I have in its eicacy. For nine months! was most cruelly alicledlwiilh a severe and . ubstlnate congh.- an-ompahied with acute pain in the side, Whlh did not leave me, summer or winter. In Ot'l(|l)t!P the sytnptnms increased alarm- ingly, and so redttced was I that [could walk but 8 few stepq without resting to recover from the paia and fatigue wltichso slight an exertintt occnsinned; At thiejttnctttttzk .comt_ne.ncetl taking the Belsarn, from which I fottml itztmcdiarc relief. and taller hV3ng.l_lse(H0|ll"bt)ll|t"3I `was completely re:-lured tohenlth. I'have_a|tto med the Balsam in my family and a_dmt`n3ste_t-ed it to my chitdren with the httppteat results; , sutetltatsuch Canadians aeuseitbe lsam can but speak` in tts favor. It is a prepara- tion which has"only' to he tried to be `acknowledged astbe retnedv _ mu-aileimat ` ` _ Your obe lent servttttt, A L. J. RACINE. "ogre for Wh_gepi1tg cough.` " ' - 8_'r.- IIjr)t_ctn'rt;} clam-n;`,.`.a131g.2t;t was; 4 V Ml88lla""S.-W`."FA"(V) Co. HE Subscfibers beg to announce to tb"e in- lmbitanuof Bin!-ie and the County generally that they have opened a. . % DRUG STORIE A A; In the`bu"ilding recently nccupiedAby .\1r.VNL`K`1'ng, next. to the store of Mcconkey & Ross, Dunlap Street. ... .. .'. .n.".. in hluux \.u Mr. ,Keima.h being ti. practical Chemist, and for the his: six years engaged in the ayiensive estab- lishment. of Simpson .izADunsna.u;,rb', Tdronto, has selected his siock with n.vie'v to meet the full iequirements of the trade, and has as complete :4. Pharmacy as can be found in Toronto. The Stock com prises- ' Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Ozls, Varmkhes, Spices, D:/e-Sius, Perfumery, F amy A Articles, Patent Medic-incs,_;-c._ `_ Dn. R. 'l`l`.0TTER, who will be at Mr. F~:a'sev-`s Bate`, Duu`_op stmet, on Tuesday and Wednesda._v aer Lhe.1-3t. Monday in each month, is fully p"e- p-.u-ed professi_ona,ll,v to \viit upon and accommo- date such its desire his aid. ` Dr. R_vc*snn, Superintendent of Education; Dr. L. Adams, Hom(1=.op:;ihic Physician; Dr. AS13393, Dr. Ogden, Rev. Wellington Jetfcrs, D.D., Editor Chtislinn Gum-dian; Mr. John Loy, B(l"1'is'u_>r.;;L- Law ; Mr. Joseph Rogers, Hatter; Rev. John Lanatrv. Tn--nnm. C.W. ','-`.7. nun.` - nanny u. 5:: S. W. Fawn; S5 Co., Boslon,-- 1 I'.'.unol..m.... - Ll....x.... ....__ _ Spec3n-ens to be seen by cdlling at Mr. FrasB1's Hotel. ` ' T .. ........ __ uuw; xu-'. auacpu nu; Lanztry. Tn--nnm, Has been med [or nerly half a ceulul-_\',` win: the must aslouuslvitngsuccegs in curing ' Coughs, Colds, Honrsencss, Safe T/imalf In-. uenza, IVl1o0p'iug Uouglv, Croup, L:'L'_cr . Complaint, Bronchitis, D{(/iculty of Breathing`, ./Isthma, and every ufcction cf ' . THE _TH,ROAT, LUNGS 'AND` CHEST, INCLUDING `EVEN CONSUM PTfO_N . r.-__._.` ._ A_N`0RA'I`0RlCA`I.' aisiniJG,' .4 ~'D....I.}. :; .1, - , , - in A The large experienr-e of Mr. Kelmnn ensm-es `accuracy in the medicines dispensed, which his plnclmsos, being for Cash,` enables him to sell at the cheapest rats. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. - : KELZGAN 3; Co. V Barrie, March 1863. 9-ly DiH"'lL" his Den IWILD CHERRY! 4 :'c*o-;-,aE6RaE.I.1NL.'.'T " `"_ 4*, . .`hl.Y!MM .` . .TT"g-. 1863.: 43, ~ Prebared. "bx; .% A SUPERIOR ARTICLE 05' 1:001; OIL. mu: uurllv ,9: uvuuvuuul nut u Esrtioato from L. J. Racine, Esq., of the T Lminerva. Mo:\*'rm:Ar., L. ,(_3.',Oct., o,1s5s. W Vnxvru Kr fin `I...n..... r`\_S` 1 .....g..u gv unuusauu ll.| __lIG\.iU uuul J. gun. LU a`'sr'nizli *copse, when I put the spurs in and gal-1_op.ed back to my me1_1_.- 1- im- % _'media1'eIywent up up thegarestcolonel, ;aD.@f:;8g31.:t9["`hi!.h. f",!4`,1..1i`$'l._. ;,I; .ha,t.e.-;e.r; 1 onnnomml .:fellowsv A &$ye_:lp;ue_1y; New Meg_i_ca1 haI.1. " Rarefs ..CdnditiOn Powders. Rr _Condition Powders. ` Ra`r'y ,s' `Condition Powdgrs. I I 8: r1 Ia: |IvI'\J I-I-IuIn\lI 95 KIM; ST. E331`. TORON`.-'0, ' 3. much pleasme in beng nble to cornplv ;"uh the reqnests of ls friends in and around .-,7 and to extend to them the admnsages. of :'Ilnl esiablislmment. WIS`TAR S BALSAIVI '. o. ADAM-S, 0.0.3., 05 Viva K-1`, 74`.A:'I\, l` nnnnn vn on; L. OLIVER There is scar:-eiv one individu in the communily who wholly est-apes. during a season, from some one, how- ` ever sligwlv clevelopedyof Ihe above ~`_V'nl0ms-:i m-zleclnf which might !end In the lost nan):-d, and most '0 be zhended (l5..~t ::su in Ihe whole caul- Iugne The power of the Inedicinol ';1.n'I at the Wild Cherry Tree ovev ` Ihus class of:-mmilainlsi-r well known; P so greal is the good il lras penfonnud, and so great the popuim iI_v it has ac- quir'e.l. In M17: 7 beride: 232 virawten of E/La crrg/, .....'....I..I ....`n. .2.-- : . - - - Allagagvnnnov V. - V. 1 BA -3 n ~e, I Wholesalexi gems for`! he Cansdns %DENTlSTRY. REFERENCES. that, he was aY,a.tike'e, and that] was in` , slbwlv . In an a`uthoritatiye;rnan ner to the} Y _-A!` t 1 ,xv!zris!=c .,zdI,i99ql|:%:$I38!i9n r , '!l*F9=s.omiv1ns:!iP `ulittz, I 1ng.boyr many httllets`l wnald;`hfe;bavre1en; ll.v\;Dn AN INCIDENT on THE AMERICAN WAR. -Colonel Fremantle, in his book about the South, gives the" following story, which was related to him by Bishop Polk, who isa `general in_the Confeder- ate service :-,Well, S11`, it was at the battle of Perryville, late in the evening, in fact, it was almost dark, when Lid- 'dell s brigade came into action. Shortly afterits arrival I observed a body ofrnen, whom I believed to be Confederates, standing at an angle to this brigade, and ring obliquely at the newly arrived troops. I said, `Dear me, this is` very sad, and must be stopped ; so I turned round, but could nd-none of . my young men, who were absent on dierent messages; so I determined to ride my-. self and settle the matter. `~_Having cantered_ up to the colonel of the regi- ment which was iring, I asked him in his own7frien'ds,, and I desired him to cease doing so at- once. _He answered . with surprise, `I don t.think.there can V be any mistake about it ; Ieam. sure they are the enerny. -E nemy ! I said `why I: have only justle them myself. Cease) ring, sir: ,w_l_ra_t is your name `I , ` My- name is Colonel--,--`, ofgthe`---India_na; and .pray,sir, who, are youfl . ,The_`n_' for. - the rst time I saw,~_to- my aston1sh.m`ent,: j1'9ii! `fe `regiment Pf Yankees- ._W.51l. .1:saw;.,7that.:there.. was 410 hope: ;but.; to` . .,-brazen "it out ;' r_ny_1dark blouse*a-nd the, ie`rf.e,ain; %0bsciixiY?be,frinded:WIie; 9011, ` 8`PP,he`1 'l1!i.3. 1099 to him.un'I.sh90k f -my fist in his face, saying, `_1 ll_.soon show, 5 ,you,,who I am, ring, si;, 31;; _ ,on_ce. then; ,.ti11$rIe.t1.:i|1lV.~t`1,|0!f8e,;j,an:l . kees to-cease n 5 ;i_`at the saute" time", -. angry tones what he ment bvsliooting ` 1"` |"" JACK:C;1;I & HU[`.D, ' . New York. KELMAN 65 Co. CHANGE 0E ADVERTISEMENT, nus. s; N.Ean=. 3. P`E5CK`5 s U RG E ON a DENTIsi*s. .. B1'a.dford. .. 4tb........`.=..*. ' Barrie ..-... 14th a.nd'l5th' ;.l `T N returnillg thanks to theirfriendgln Barrie and surrounding country, who have pan-pnized them during the-pas.: thirteen years, heg"t.o_: intimate, that in future they will qttend at the following places m`omhly.;-- " ' Mewmarket, lst, 2nd land 3111 hf eaeh ilonth. ` ~ - u Oookstown,` 5th. . . . Bond Head,` 6`hu'o\\oII cl Brownsville, 7th. . . .. . . . . . Sutton.-....'l0lh........... LefT0ysso-- 13th\\\Iun;c`0 Colllngwood, 16th and 17th,` ` ` ' When they will be happy to wait "upon those re- q:1iring.theiArl services in .any_ of the bi-anehes of their profession, - . . ., 7 -rrrnn xr um pp A 1\rrrp3n_ `I [Ibis VVUILII` 77 sauaau - f - Teeth inserted in the most apptoved style; and as they have made atrangemeuisjfor visiting Barrie every month, they are prepared to execute any Vwov.-k entrusted to them, as cheap as any other Dentist in the "Province. ~`-4 -- ,I,._`-A1-..A__ ....A In tho T?nnn`nl\I`I Deuusc In me rruvlucc. {'3' Particular attention paid to the Regulation Aio'f Child:-'en`s Teejih. _ _ Residence, New,mar1, they my be `consulted the Isl, 2nd,,a.nd 3rd of each mumb. ' A VIII`. no 151413 _ 1-;_f me? would give me temporary comlhrt, but was com- pel ed to like them all the time. I have used one box ofDr. Railway : Pills ; I am cured. I have not taken a particle of medicine in six months. 7 0. ll. CHILDS, Boxlmry, Heel. mes , srmmmo AND mmzssms, V PlLI'B,S'l'RAlNI.\ G AN-) TENISMUS Are the results of Inammation or irritation of the mu- ,eoue membrane of the bowels, induced by drastic June I perhinltlojmovetmnt or evacuation ills-these Imperfect pills, lnstead of being dissolved y the ohlle,ere carried to the lower bowelssend in- y their lrrltI.tion_r--hence the uraim`M. cram. wralchiaa Irritation - hence draining, cramps, wralching rim, pm; and tammus, and the false all: us water dad, that puiqsu go who take these iupcdedpmt. ' . an eapuu. ` you would avoid them umoyanoes, whoncvar I T pnrgulvh medicine Is r ulrod, take a dose or RADWAP8 ULATING PILLS. THEY WILL PURGE. moxzouemnr AND LEAVE THE _B_0WELS REGULAR. II.-an glllcnoul -uI. nn.1x} .._.. ..-u.. __ _ _, - 11". . ` . `" SIX 0!` RADWATS PIU3 Esvueourod aagorous evacuation, in seven cases of Innunnnon. Ihonowels, , ao., um- Oll Hula Oil uo d . m A!3ose'o|$?i um manna" way : Pills will remove all I , a , . DI - g.._u.:J?&.`f`ganu`31`19in. 3? &`x.m?.23F'...:: - 1-t-.-r----.-.: 7'.':"`='?""' "' """f:"'.:;`:--!'- ' (IV3?M"" i-. "'i T"'7""'-):iE`: . A \ff bo;,Frettch gniilioat Didtitantfjwhich "ft-eogonttyt-;nrgived agjiguitc frotngtwyaquil, `7br@ghattho ;irng`)ortattt nejrgt thal;1hQ.-Fmtch ;t.Mitt'iat at Quito, the capitol of Ecgtatlgt`, ttad 1 deiitanded t_xia`phss'porta, and was;p;ep:aftiing to leave the `count.t'yg..:."I_x'his;;t`evvs is the more sur'prisiqg,'as;ttte;i-l3tsit|m of Ecuador has ' one of line m_oqt.p|_iqtIl% tooln`uf Ft'ati`ce,ud was . ready` aftitnyimdm`nt to setfhis country to the Fte_nch.`Empero_t'. otter theexamplepf Atmonte :of Mexico, and Santana otgscnta Domingo. It looks, therefore; asi_f the 'in'triguesjof France had merwith _ sudden "check, and as if the 3 French Minister hot! regarded the non-com- negotiations. - ' .Cinn.lo............l.. ._hI. .|_:- .._- _-_-!..- A-I--- I been hitherto rtgarAtk_'__t1`ibn at] I'.``tin Amen ca'as. puapecxgu bi we ugh-ate liherat press of being ` pliance of the Ecugdoriana with hits behest: as a ttuioient cauiofor breaking otfdiplomntio ` ---- -- -..._..- um unuu1ulUVB 6bstr6cuouh"ax& secure 3 use nre1n:lJo`oachb_ ox. Ifrloo per box,25canu.- Sold by Drugglm, ledlclno Dealers, and Store-Hooper! mo ;':as3ge. Directions :7; .N.B.-EJ _enthuboe mrnhhod uh` ' ullnowmado . um:wh ;:P"`.`-"`?`!"-"`nz`?.#`..'r;c..- . 1--re`, end many` a. -satin VVAULJAJI I have taken alx doses of Radway a Pills, of three llls each, In six days; they cured me of Constipation, fndlgestlon, and Dyspegsln. I have taken B-5.--th'a 0 er Ills for years, and could only obtsln temporary relic . If I stopped the use of these pills for a week my old complaint would appear. St: doses of BsdIny s Pllls cured me. . * STEPHEN BKNNETI`, U. S. 0. S." ".-' I hve snered wlth Dyspepsia and Llvar Cun- plnlntfor seven years--havve used nllsorts of pills- the?` would give temporary commit, have used one box ...-.u.- -an-4 av VIAJIJJ Lluuuutalh Person: tmicted with 'PiLE, may rely on 0 poduvh can by their use.` . V mrnan mm mm XVTIUIIIV uuxvwu WIIII _ OOATED WITH GUI wuw Awrru Gull. ' WATED W113 GUM. Dr. hdvnyia [Pills are eleguntly (bated with Gum, .; uretrostrom hate or small, can be takeri ll all umun l und on all occasions. No danger will result from colds, if expound lo wax ordnmp weather nner inking guano ... w\/Algluagv .;;;.-n4u.; vu ,Inariimntiou of the Bowels or Stnm-urh, Liver, Spleen, l':1ncrcus or Ridm-_vs, Bxliuus Chniza; A-r Biliaus I-`ever, Erysipclns or Congestive Fever, Sxxm: Pox, Measles, or Scarlet. Fever, . cwrv run V31-nvtnt I\'l1 1'\v'| q-. . v\-vi.` --.~ ......-- ..;v-nu... avvuog SIX T0 EIGHT OF DR. RAD)"-'_\Y S REGU-` LATING PILLS WLLL rum.-.2 'mm_.m1.\m- BY CAUSE or mass men we srsrmt ; IN srx Humps. n..- g... ,p-\ n . ..` H-`n. .n4n\l\.aAw-Jo One dose ofbr. R:Ldway s 1"ills`\\'i:i. c!c:\nso the `intes- tinal canal, and purge from the bowel; an offending ~ and retained humors, as thoroughly in; Inbelia.or the best npprbvgd emcqc will cleanse t_ho stomach, with: out producing` inhmmntion, imumon, \\`ukn88S, ` mnnrwtnnn V 5'1'1$'AlN'1NU, or other unpznsnnt symp.~nm.:. The 0 are no other purgative pills hrtbe world that will secure this desi- duratuus ' 1.02:: A ' PP' tits, . Indigestion, 1 Inammation, J Palpitations, 1 Scarlet Fever, Bilionn '|i`mrnr rrugululuul 1:; -, . .. news of. still greater importance. The desire of uniting all the republics of Latin America into a League, forwarding (ff Europeanlegs ; gression, is _;striking gleep root throughout the 1 soItlhel_ tt portion, of the American continent. Theliberslpress,.of the several republics ere ' ,nnanimou'_s' -in g_ivin_g`lo_tb'e -idea. an enthusiastic support. They-Vlqok-upon the.presen't govern- mengol France 3 the MO`! dangerous enemy of American interests-, eml they urge their governm_ents to take counsel together how the free"and-peaceable development of American institutions and America}: civilization can be 'be`stissoured. The ablest papers of $South 5 America are at the head of this movement, and they displayin the atlvocacy of the interests which are common to all the inhabitants oi rhiscontinenta zeal which is calculated to g raise greafand sanguine hopes. ' Simultaneously with thiewe receive other - .--....., --. - ..vv V- One "gram of the extract of the modlclnl pl*ox'>er- lies ol'R:ulwuy .~; Pills, possess 11 greater curnt.iva'powcr m-or disease than a thousand of the rrudc and inert. lulo-all other pills in use. These Pills nre compoundcdpf the active medicinal proper- ties of thn Roots, Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Gums; kc. or which thoy are composed. Ouo dose-will prove their superiority to all other pills. They - ) nrrrin tr. nr 11 A `Dan nnnn-nv 'vv-1 . . _.__., --_..._. -. . ._...., .. ...-.- AS EVACUANTS, They are more certain and thorough than the Drastic Pills of Aloe:,or Crown or'H;1rlcm U:[, or Elnterium ; pud more soothing und healing lluu >.'.-u,uu,or litmu- barb, or 'I`nmuri_nds, or Castor UH ' 1\v nvvv-\r\n\-r ;n1m.nv-.u an urgauve I-u-suit `AL; .....-...--.---...-., They exercise a. more powerful inuence over the live: And its secretions than calomcl,` mrrcury, blue pill, hence their importance In cases of Liver Complniuts end Spleen Diicult.ies,Janndlce, Dyspepsia, Blllons ab- tacks, Headache, ac. In the treatment of!-`evera,cl1lxcr Blllous, Ycllowfryphold, and other reducing Fevers, they are superior to quinine. Tlnolrinuenco extends over, the entire system, controlling, strengthening, and bracing up um relaxed and wasting energies, and rvgn-_ lotlng all the secretions to the nntural performance of their duties, cleansing and purifying tho hlnod, and purglngtroxn thosystcm all diseased deposits and inns pure humors. vet, I Biliousness, Ty_phus Fever, ( Shlp Fever, 1 Malignant Fe- ] . var I NO mnsra CALLS T0 inn WATER cnosxr. T BUT A BRISK AND THOROUGH EVACUATIONAFROMTHE BOWELS IS ALWAYS SECURED. A Nev1yDiscoVcrcd i ri_nciples in Wirgntives. Dr. Rndway s Pills are the be! Purgazi: 1 ilL< in ma v-`nrld,.'md tho on1_v V`eg'ct::b!a Sub:~:mulc far Calomel or Mercury ever dn~'cnvcrcd. 'l'lxe_v are compose.-:_l of Yrnnrnr-is A hr 1-1 111-Mn A nmn nun`: Vvsnrxrnrl s. - \al s... ..-- . \dl ..-.. u w4...`....n. `.`x-VEEETABLE ExTI7.Ac15s FROM ROOTS. ` HERBS. PLAN TS, (}U.\lS, SEEDS, FLOWERS, BARKS, FRUITS AND WEEDS, PR1`)-` PARED LN VACUO. ' .u...... nvn run an vulvn yuan Luau] , PURGFJCLEARSE, PURIFY. 'n3,u., soomm, CALM, STRENGTIIEN, . INVIGQRATE, l_.1 'n1_1rIfI'1' A 7111'! rnrvva n1rnrI-Irnr And REGULATE THE SYSTEM. V Their Great Combinations. They are Apcrieut, Tonic, I.-Lxutivc, A1I.erulive,Stim- ulant, Counter Irritant, Sluloric. ` no `I'nIrAr1rrA\vrnr1 . % "f 8 . , the gyegtest I have ONE TO SIX noxns WILL CURE: Costiveness, Jaundice, Rush of Blood- Constipation, Congst ve Fe- to the Head,- Congestion, ver, Obstructions, Hmrt Disease. Sleuninpaa. hm:-my, V lJ.Cll-I'D 11156850 Disease of Kid~l guns. I. `D1..A.!.... JJIBCMFR7 U1 n.1u~ ney an Bladder. Disease of Li- unu- DR? _RE ..%?'. . _1.?ILL3- 0usuIu:u- Luu I an, April 19, 1863,` _,_.........u up \-III Ul|`l'|Uo J. Km Barrie Station. J. H. s AVEN, ovum. your canvas; _0p}ling1r_ood,- J.B.?DBI1'AFIL 3 c.., nuarord.` KELMAN As} 00., Barrie. J Yl \Tl'!_ D..__:_ cu`.- git prgtessxou _. , T ALI`. WORK. WARRANTED; n_-'.1_ :.........o...I in Hm mnat Anmnved stvle: E m-nun BEITER TRAN CAIDAXFEOR mm: u. BEITI-IR THAN camsnm-on mm: PILL. BEITEE m-Av cAmm~:L-on mm: mm. AS ALTERATIVES, .-u 1.-..--l.<.u - --.n-A vnnuuunufn` hall nnnnnnnnn -.. Al... I DR; RADWA Y Sj PILLS-.. I-I909! LYDIA! ill! Ill LJOIIIICUO - AN ENGLISH COI.0NEI. S- G1ui'rx'rUnE.- The following anecdote, which does much honor to the parties named in it, is recounted in the,Const2'tutionnel:-At the conclusion of the war in the Peninsula, under Napoleon I., an English colonel was captured by a French" patrol, com- manded by a sergeant. The soldiers, who pretended to have been ill treated` in England, when prisoner of war, pro- posed to shoot the colonel. The sergeant refused, and, covering the prisoner with his b,ody,,exclaimed, on seeing the sol- diers`, prepare your arms, You mus_t shoot us both. The soldiers relented, andon the colonel being sent to head- quarters he asked the name of the `ser- geant, and inscribed it in `his pocket book. Many years passedyover, and the English colonel, who had risen to a high rank in the professiombeing on his death bed,` called his eldest son and told him that he greatly regretted` never having had an opportunity to reward his pre- server, andmade his son promise "to do so. The son came to Paris and made inquiries at the war-office for Sergeant Francois Lefebvre. but no trace could be found of him. The Englishman, not discouraged, continued his inquiries, and nally discovered Francois Lefebvre in the customs department on the Belgian frontier. The gallant old sergeant re- ceived a gratuity sucient to place him- self and his family in comfortable cir- cumstances for the remainder of their lives. E V - T i _, A CCU uaysuuuuv vn c :?on'Z'-"rZiZ=.'7 The -tram , I, pan and qnd --_j .- --: -- -.-.: Am: me am` vvncanvt: PILLS. ARE THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS. ARE THE BEST I URGA'I'IVE P1115: o Sm.-u.\'1.\' NO cmrma. N0 n:N1's:m3.- "i:"'x}}313's3:"'.mcas op 1 AM CURED. -..___n mmmmnuon, imumon, S'T RA I N I N G , "l"|.,. mnnnl nnvnns um: N0 PI LF3. V at , \ . Slecpiness, I - Gcn`lDebiIity. 2 . Dimness of S't . F365 ` I us, , Quinsey, Dyspepsia. - Measles, Melancholy, - Hystaerics, Amenorrhuaa, Fainting, . I Diidn-3339 Retention of Urine, ` lJ.lI.LILl\ . Fitg,` DIW its. `Lowxfsofspir-I mm. or. auynuag . A Humbug is losing hold upoqjthe __9ple of,,,the_,newer gengrntion. ' sgl . i`-ts Iv-ot~'ati:g`s, howevgx; .whoLcliii'g ti) it, ` :'itf`votaries, its and its tgnple. '.(X)_A'l`l'-ID WITH GUI. lX)A'l'l1`.n W -'n=.:::..';,";3a"~ - llIIIdon~IIn5il`ol_Y_l&. I. 155. - Headache, . Bad Breath, Innmntinn 4 W? 118 Cough, Worms, |Rad "DI-njlvnn unuyay. . Acute las. nnnnnkn - nun Dream, Inamntiqn of the Intestines, Apoplexy Enlargemgnt of the Spleen, Sam-vv_ Dlltllll Pleurisy. BMIIOM, Vpil. V - Sore Head.-. Bimts, V heumnlin - Son: '1'} routs, C599 Hands, Ringworm, Sure: 0;` all ktnds, Cfnlh V Salt Rheum. sprains. wlla, .. 3enlds Stiff Joints, 0", sku 15' cases, '1' r Luna l Swe`llt-1:3 Glands, I*fclc:;: Maren ` E1-up-"sore Legs, Ver.erealSor-A, tionn, ' _. Sore Breutt, Wonndaofalnnndi I3"C'Ag TIO :--None are genume unlm lb? won}! I New Yorl: and Llmdam 3", dlscertliblejn a guor-mart in every leaf of IN b00|K 0fdifI70nlarount| each pot oi box ; the stain! mll>? lin|yceen byiddivug tlu Iaaf to the 115 A--ha the reward will be {men to any one re_n- derinxluch information as may lead to the detection of`. any party or parties conmerleiting the medgemef `attending the same, knowing them to be spunous. Soldjt tho. tnanufacto of Professor HOV '8%`l:uid._n Line, New ork, and by 2 7` C sin 0 Island DEDIEIS in Medicine tlnouh` out-t Unit, `l.Ql_0B.9n< thq clviiized W01: 10 P"" -n I`b' 3:62 I-ettt_s,_Vatt $l.(J0_euch. -. -..,.. ...... _unuuuuu.7. -Both the and Pills alould be used in tin . . fllowing canes; Bmno . iles, 8 e H ads. BImu,m gheumnlinn, ' or E V Sow 'l`hronls, _ '"KWOYm. Rn:-nu nfnll lands`. _ Avinegar-lobking virgin, of y-ve, waslately thtowing out some affected sn-eyers at~-matrimony, when 9. friend in company observed that mariages were n_mde in} heaven. Can you tell me, str, rejoined the nymph, why they are so slaw-z-n` coming down? adunn A I` an A non _ 1\/Io`:nr_r1.n7|nvn] 3r".'$E'u Cjiill) `ID, `Iustnh, "R3.-.`L. I'll-an I u-- in my well k;lD;:1;l;lgI`il8 can had .3150! (30% C`ircula;s, 151-., sent than, free of ex-r 7 rmaug ';'zomas Holloway 80 Maiden 1: bl?!" York, V . ` ' 19.1; ;THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH. {Every `Man his own Physician. r\ I '3 on the zdunnnrh. audihe liver, lungs, bo;'eis.9hd I I.--dnevs p:*ri`t-ipmc in wait re'cope-alive and n-gen` i eroli\'ebpe.mvun. ` "\"PI-'LES AND `mswvu. Every form and feamre of these prevalent am? stubbov-n disorders is eeadicaled locally and entirely hy the use cl this emollient; warm rounenlmions should. precede its uplicalion. Ila heallhy qualities will be found In be t orongh and invariable. `h-aL A1- A,-, . .- N-734-Liybireciiirvns (attire guidance of patient in CV6?! `dildtdarua mixed on each pol. D}. Cheesenmna Pillzihave rr.- Fwd. am! an - receiving [he sinclion or the mast nu"/Ir.:.v 1/. I ,. , . . an: 1, Amentd. E}5PLTC|'I' DIRECTIONS wilb earn 1 vprm, ONE DOLLAR PEA 1;0.:'. . i'r;m`| ifiv to 2-7:;Iy Pli. ,7 ... ...., .v ~ ..... .. . v-. Pim sent 171a-/l.pmmp.'l_1/, bv revnillhpg lbw p ` 4q the pruprielons. or al{\'1J_lb0riZed g;-m, in cm 5 imidzl. I _ ` u '91:" " """""J ' HUTCHINGS S: H FLLYER P4.:o'r-rrrmzs, 49-'6mo. _ , ' 8| Crdar sheet, I\'ru- Ymz-, ` .K_e1m:m J:-Co.T,'WhoIesa`.e agems fur C0un'._v Simcoe, ' an: av oouu_/'Wt_ 'u(IIu'I_5 uuu/I_: _ Gem-:_ru.r. GRANT. - Major-General Ulysses S. Grant,"the commander of the military` division of the -Mississippi, wh ich embraces. w'ithin- its limits the de- partments of the Ohio, of. the Cumber- land, and of the Tenne`see, with their corresponding armies. and includes all the country bounded by the ' Mississippi river on the west, the States of Pennsyl- vania, Virginia, and North Carolina on. on the east,`the lakes on the north, and all that these armies may conquer on the south, was born. at Point Pleasant, Clermont county, Ohio`, on the 27th of April, 1822. He is, therefore, in his 4`.2d year . ,His ancestors were Scotch, which doubtless accounts for his pertiuaci.ty.~of' character. His early youth was spent at his native place, and he obtainedhis education at a district school`. near Georgetown, Brown county, Ohio. He was not considered _a remarkably bright youth, and was nicknamed by his mother Useless Grant, instead of Ulysses. But there are several events of his early` life which give evidence of his smart-. ness.-New York Herald. A'__ T.`._____,__ (1-- __,_.I re I msorumns on` THE STOMACH, ' , , DOWELS. 'l he Stomach is [be grenl cenlre WM-h in'Iu`m~ee' Ihe health :1` xlnsese of lhc syaicm-rlm:~e(I "or (H-- bil.-mved by ext-c~.u-iv1di;,'-slion, uc' is-We breulh and pan-.~3a-ul_pnu~1raIiqn are -the nulurc Allied lo the brain, it is-live :~our--e ul hemlm-hue. `nu:-_-Hnl depm-s~`on, nervous r-omptalols and tin:- H'.e-lnng sleep. The Lvver bet-orucs affet-led an-Id ;ze.u'--1--`es_b"l3ons di.\nrdo.-rs, p.I3n.s in the-. dd;-. \\'t`- ='Thc bowels syn) 9-hise bv Co-i'v1-ops."D;.n-rlxm ` am: Dvae.)ier_v. be pnim-Sp:-I re-Hun ul Ilu-~e I : . *3 the Mmnnrh. and the liver, bowels and l_'I_'Ii"n_\Ig |`g3|-i:lt;nl- :u\ :I...:- ...--.A~- --'- ' I (`nnsrqm.'m~r.. .(-iouslv relused 10 Vicki In . , ,, ._.,.._..a, .;nu LAJ\,I'A|\U- Cases of many _\'H)a.\` standing that have perunxv _ any other remedy or meal- ment. have invurFnbl.\'V ,~m-numbed lo a few apphcad {sons of this powerlul (mg--col. - .r__ _...-.v In. \VbulXxer in the young or oldymarrird or singley at I_he dawn of Womanhuod, or turn of life, theta lonuc medicines dhplay so decided an Inuence I'M ! a maI'lid'_improveincm is soon pt-rrepa-ble in the health of`-the patient. Ileing d pm:-Iv ve;'e|I!h' preparalion, `they are a safe and reliabk: yeimdv In! all classes of Females in evcey cogdion of bk-rim and station. 'mrI|.' HOW In it nmmm Wily. llll HIDE: wimrrg gnegnaul -/n1.1';I0t`1 .'e I/mri. EN l:1t_f}' _t'/}r'r/-iullg paatle a m/uuarlctge. THEY C.-\,.\ 1\0'.(' Du 'n,ut.\1.'..,a.'.y ollytar-way: _ I i. . ;HoL%LoWAY moINTmE NT. _.---......uuu null 0.11;! I Aue lwo oftbe mo`! c-ommou Md . o-deivs ptealenl on this rmuinc-m. Oim-nenl is Q"-[I('i8||_\' mm-9gznn?.~1iv, mmaudi is r`-1 IQ emI`c:n=e me te. `:1-om p'e!e Ihe cu-e. I uu-on Al\JAVbJ UL` 1115 Arising from a bad :~i.-ale of the blood or chronic dis` ease, are radium:-I, and u hear and transparent sur_- fece ,re_ga`m-cl Ky the reaiora Ive acnn of this Omi- ment. It z-urpwstes mam nflhe c-osmelirs and ulhr: w"et appliances in ii: power to dispel rashes amt other disguremenls of ll-3: face. lllltfv hfvtr failal, ahd gbonsands of certicate, ,0 `gigs eect}-an belbund In all ports oflhe a-m.,,,,, 9 J he pnopnevors of Dr. Che:eeman s long trial , ,,,-I`; E gun`--dntee that V I ONE BOX ` 10/1 it/I /z'(_wz bra`/1(fp1'/(Ir rum. (cur; mrrs _/or ()VI[{ ;A QUAIl"'ER F A,Cl'INTUPY, to n-~Im.- W `xm-n.<:r(~aI How in a nalmnl wav. that Ias wi........ _l.mvortIm_t Mllnts In 1.aun..Anu-loo. In..- '31.. In`... 1&4. rm.-;`_._- \'". n \.(_un.n - -an Ur I\,l:l'.1V .1 on 1 , I0 way. lacks wi... nu-Onnnl 4::1I,nrI uni 4/11: I/A1113 an I'nnv Quill .' I V:-re she nnlv medivine that MARRIED AN!) S _\'. : GLE LADIES have rcliml upon for m.'~p_V v_e:m. .,, 4-an u-Iy upon now. Beware of Imitations! T:-1;; [ H138 mlveuisenvcnl In your .1): u'_z; Esl, mu! n~H him um i you want me best Femak: Medicine in |':1C W-Md, 1 winch is comprised in Hm.LowAv!s PILLS, my iv3skLi:NoR T17ERN~ 41> nwvx Published nary Wcdu Manmng, at Ma oua Dania}: ::.:.v.n Eau , is, .1 run uuuu uuu 1u:.M nu! [or all olwslrucuons has beenhailed with pleasure and Profit for tn,-,,,y_ ve years, in all parts of the civi mad world. 1,, author is AN OLDEXPERIENCED PH YSICIH whom everybody knows, and in whom eve-ryuodv Mac-es vondglta-e and respt-(-I. It is 190nm--_/a;,8(,'i an angemeul, but a STANDARD REMEDY. _ DR. GHEESEMANS FEMALE PILLS xvgl oestoac {he nnmml momhlv mm-hnn 9,. .\`{Y l"`uM_A Lb),N() MA'I"[`ER WHAT HER c.:_;,,, |'TlON OR AGE. Indeed. so --etia3n an: ! `Tl1P$B n-m It/ar._/furs!};rapamIib;1.f rrrr '_'IIf']71r7I'?/1`, :ws-n IMMEDIATE AND m:1:.s1s'ri -;:'r sL'c- iCESS. ` Madicina now before 1116 Public. {oF'Sp(r'nins,' I?ru-iz;eJs. Cu _ 3:31; and :11 injtu-in to Hdrseosh. Good for mm Prieoccnizporbotc. .`.ki bynll Design in Hadl- ma came 0] man ooummwu. - I This Cure has been recognized for many yg THE ONLY SAFE RELIANCE is in DR. CHEESEMANS FEMALE PILLS, The` ' but ` GEN-I-J-I-I-WE AND` T for GVEIE OR% 7)MEN who suffer rggfecxg ties; or obstruction: ol'1h'e'mnsea, whmeug,-,,a"" the cams qf t//an o6m`mIz'w2a. 3` / This Cure has been rm-mrniuul rluv ......... ., " `NW % 1!-f V l~`;'MALl').N() H.` :4 ` will restoac the nnmml momhlv fnm-nnn IMPORTANWFEMALES` 4 ~% ESE \ : A cE 03 \ Th a considerabl saving by taking the` trauma. .. , ul1l:'LINl:i OIL SUPEBSEDED. RlGGS' BLACK OIL is acknowledged by all who has Paced it, to be superior to Gargling Oil, or any olbc edicina before tbc {or Spmins, Bruises. lidlg, for ma _TI3ese form /'Iu_/'ine.:(};raparrzI/bu: ~ vi in MM E DI A l`|`. A N 1) PF [BS l.<'r BAD LEGS, OLD SORES, AND FLCERS. (V DR. 'CHEE_SEl!.IAN S FEMALE PILLS. THIS GOOD om REM am for all omn..c.;.,,,, [as been hailed pleasure prot for tn-,,,,, DR; CHlE_SEMAN S Fmunn 1>xm.szsz nu;-_-u ul on, In 18: von., nn unpr9Ved7` farm. and pm-tN hf loin; nth Coa., 95,'ac 1-es. ` _ TOSSORONTIO-Par_t of E bf 22, in and ;G')n;,_ 65acres. .-: '. ,v W TOWN OIFBARRIE-Lots-59 and. .60, South of` Gollierstreet, with dwelliugbpnse and stable. Lots I9'& 20, East of- Ba.y?eld_ `Patton ! . 7 Block, nearly an` acre with:dv"mlling. hor:se. * Lots I3 & `l4~,N.S. Blizabgth'_8t.,;_`mQ,if to 14 8.8. I-1_enry'St.reeAt,B9y,s Bl -"~-a*'Lp"t` 33. North or K_empe_nfeljit. Sfmet. _I1q, s.s.,:.a;nd= - pm 44. ,N-8.,-make smw jms1o ixpa 11,4 = . s m? . ` `:.:ES~.a9.d .12 .:.14.;:nd;.pa.rt.V;a15;f .` * of Lot3T.".x_n- `A MO in - ' " .. Put;_,:c_>.t;: %?'?a 2 '71 . `ask. DON'T BE DECEIVED! _ERY. SlPF.LAS` AND` s.a LT Rmzxm no l\u1\ Al` oi... ' _..-- jm.` cunnsssrarrs FEMALE mus` DR. CHEESE.W/\7N S FEMALE PILIS, GARGLING OIL supsnscoto. r:(:s' RY.Al`.l? nn :- __L-~--`-1 'PROCLA__|\_d_AT|ON! TO TH:"i.AD1Esz BOTH nmnmn AND swam. '1'ho'0ldoIt Rog;-J:t-or (or fund. Eliverroxs on THE sxm, h-nun - K-..l :..u.. ,_r .L I I - nu. T-FEM Ail-'3' CGMPLAINTS, '<( "haw P11-"LS )3` uuuxuun-nu _ms Z16, In znu, mm 30 In 4tn Uon., E.B.S NOTTAWASAGA-S hn9?,in.2ua Con. Lot 29,: ` and pa:-tN bf 35, in 4th ;._pa,rt Nvhf 15111 8th,- and part of W bf 15, in Othon. V NORTH O,`RlLL.IA-.-Pam of E.qr`of8,V,ih;2}A1dA Con.. 25 acres. v8o1'.d'A by Druggists Genemlly. Frvrrl nvt-in 0, :11: g -n.-.` .. _g.- 2`, I864. AND -mp:-I H-mm 0! "like 1'; 3 '0': 5' fecenlivkn and narmnz uuwu x--nu V]'lllCI1l|7|!' onllnem, Io these Ihc nnnnfun .`:. as.....J.m ..,_ .._. .., ....r. .... gnumliv, ii: 7m~{u.' = venom and lhcll Md vjrnle`-It dns-. sun In |L..:.; Jun u, LIVER. 4: "mi"! Yem. "'ALSO?- , v - Several Building Lo's in the thriving Village of (lraighurst, and some valuable Park Lots in Iuuisl, ad}0ining'the Barrie.Station.. on the Nor- thern Railroad. Lot. 6, 12th Concession, either in blocks of 10 acres, or as awhole Lot. (200 acres) for farming purposes. ` ' `I11..- _....A!_..1..__ -.._l'_ 1.- I Box. The I.-onlaining um FPO HUN 1;! ]`/1_1/.~in'- 313 pm \Vv.-. lion. Am'1;'.:; :5... , Bani V/U. Mar '71.I=?. `tho W .I`\l l lull DUDBCFIDCP oners l IOIIOWIBQ hands In _I_ the County of Simcoefor Sale, on favourable terms :- 2 FLOS-.-B. hf..of Lot `74, in 1st Omicession, so acres cleared with dwelling house and out buildings. Lot 25 in 3rd; Lot 4, in 6th; TN hffof 1, in Tub; Part of'S.`VE. qx-'of,2,l gn,sion. -.l_ . _ A _ ,. . INNISFIL-rPs.rt. of N. bf 24, in 7th.. N. bf 25 in 2 8th, and Lots 26 and 27, in 9th Concession. lfEDONTE-E; hf of u, and Lot.-19 in 8th Con.; 6N. W. qr of 2 in .-10:1: _.Oon;, an improved ` farm`. 8 H5, in 14th 00]};-8 good farm." MONO--W. hf`29,`in 3rd Ooneeslonf` " * . MULgI[Il]'-Its;-E'hfs 22, in mid, a'nd 25 id `4'thUon., hi: Ba1'ri# `I ..-m u/Jr. .t|H lllllluzu Angus .\l ' Enron: _t.he \ Tl~;l:.\l_i W ?| ,||l'I7\-V` Jan. HSIIIYIU -Jun. HE West part of Lot No. I V in -the (4th Con cession,of Tosorontio-95 Acres. . ; . : " The Land is well qitunted and_capahl of being farmed to advantage. T A V A; _ T It will be (old dheap under I power of Sale in_ a. Mortgage, fun one William Caygill to the nndnraia-nod. ` Effm I 1\... :UITMl ELL} nuns run` sjAu: IN mm cowl! or smcon. HE Subscriber o't'fe1-smthue foliovwigg Lahds id ` .Sjmcoe_for ha-nus o.__ uuzun u,muu__u1-2-KIWI: or nq:-`of 8, Tin;2nd. Gon.,25 acres. M a - SUNNIDA-BE---Part N bf 22. `an all ; ,8 hf919, in L 5tb.';E`aud WM Road. - A 2 u ouxuuuaunr-rill ! 5 I1! `1. El III] .5 111919, in` 5th,';E\und Wot Road. 5 TINY-+NV hf 86,in.1st 0011., an imptovfed`,'t:ai'm. mrtNhf 10 imnth Cmi,_ nah... - To 81` S039. . AP: the `Eli? W` . No`. 3.3..3_n1ho 8th` con;q1:_up . TOWNSHIP OF -MULM, .11. <` There at-onbout 42 acre: clean-d;andi_in'.Ii5`h, state of cultivatibn. ~There `rd 3 good` Dwelling House and Barn, and I thriving young 0r*?`r on the premises. The lundilof the beat qulhtyv Title indisputable. - ' . 1 Wnr Fm-fhar nao-milnn nnnlv tn ' B uungugu, 1 undersigned. ---:-u` 7- *`mPR0vs:o mus; `3 Inuisl--.Lot' 14, .l4th.Con. a.nd,l4 ind lti in lath` Com, 425 acres, 140 acres cleared, lat- ge`nesv ham, stables, cottage,` &c., fronts on, Kempea- 1 mat Bay, opposite*Barrie,two` miles from Rail- way Station. . C . v - Medan! -A~fann of 175 acres, being the East.-l erly portion of Lot .41, 1st Concession, (the Village of Ci-alghurst being on a"portion'ot` the remainder of the Lot) adjoining the Penetan- gnishene Road, and at the junction of the Tow oships of Medonte, Oro, Flos, and Vespra- C in the heart of an `excellent "Farming Country. A never-failing STREAM runs through the Land. About 15' acres cleared. North part-53," Con. 1, 150 acres-25 cleared. Good buildings, * consisting of a large store and dwelling house. Good out-buildings and a flourishing Orchard. Lot No. 4, Concession .4, 200 acres-50 acres cleared. Saw Miil on the Lot with good water privilege. Plenty of Timber. Dwelling House and good buildings. Nice situation for Grist and Carding Mill and country store. In ad- dition to this- Lot there are 500 acres more at the disposal of the proprietor, making a block of 700 acres. E. ha1t`59, con. 1, [00 acres. -u Alana ..--.--...- Essa--East half lot 2l,,2d cou., looacres; east half lot 22, 2d cou.,-100 acres ; south east part lot 30, 11th `cou.,-26 acres; lot 26, 5th cou., _ 200 acres; east half; 29, 10th cou., 100 -acres; , west half, 19, 5th cou., 100 acres; west` halt` lot 20, 5th con.,100 acres. , V F/cs-Lot 71, 2nd com, 200 acres; lot 2, 7th cou., 200 acres; west part south half lotl, 2d cou., 30 acres; part lot .5, 4th cou., 155 acres; "north halflot 11, 2d cou., 60 acres; north half iot 22, 1st cou., 67 acres;.lot 2, 2d com, 200 acres; lot.22, 2d cou., 200 acres; lot 25, 2d com. 200 acres ; west part lot 26. 9th con._, 69 acres. South half of Lot number 70,1st Con , 100 acres. The South `-West Quarter of Lot number 75, in [st Oon., 50 acres. South half Lot 48, Oon. 1, 100 acres-50 acres c!eared|and under good cultivation. N. W. i 1, Con. 3, ' 50 acres, 40 cleared. N. E. qr.~4, con. 6,` 50 acres-- uncleared. Lot No; 48, Con. 2, 100 - acres-.'-35 acres under cultivation. Innis/i.l-Lot 3, 10th cou., 200 acres; lot 12, 13th cou., 200 acres; tot 13, 13th cou., 200 acres`; lot-12, 14th cou., 200 acres; lot 8, 9th cou., 200 acres. ' ' Mairhedasb---Lot 11, 2d .con., 20!) acres; lot 13, 2d cou., 175 acres;lot 14, 2d cou., 1'15 acres.` Mna onlc-West part iot 24, 9th con., '49 acres; west half lot 11, 12th con.,100 acres; lot I8, 611) cou., 200 acres; lot 18, 7th cou.,_200 acres; north west qr. lot 17,` 17th cou., 50 acres; west .l1o.\f 101.17, 10th con-,` 100 acres; lot 1'2, 3d cou., 200 acres; east half lot 13, 3rd,con., 100 acres; lot>17, 3d cou., 200 acres; lot 18, 3d (`on., 200 acres;'iot 4, 4th com , 200 ac--es; ' e:1sthalt'18,4lIi cou., 100 acres; west hall` 21, 4th cou., '100 acres; lot 18, 13th cou., 200 ` cores; lot 8, 14th cou.,. 200 acres; lot 9,v.14l: cou., 200 acres; east half lot 16, 14th cou., 100 "acres; west half lot 19,14I.hcou., 100 acres; lot _55. 1st cou., 200 acres; north half 54, [st cou., 99 acres. . A Mu.lmur-Lc.t 27, 1st cou., 200 acres; lot 15, 8th room, 200 acres;'iot 15, 1st con-, 200 acres; west half lot 24, 1stcon., W. H. S. 100 acres; lot 10,8111 com; 200 acres; lot 23, 3rd cou., E.-H- S., `200 acres; west half 11, 3rd cou., 100 acres; east hnif'l2, 2nd cou., 100 acres. Nutfawa.wga-Lot 17, 1st cou., 200 acres; south half3'3, lst cou., 100 acres; lot 20, 2d cou., 200 acres; lot 28,--uh cou., 200 acres; east . half 30, 5th cou., 100 acres; north west part 5, 7th cou., 165 acres; lot 4, 8th cou., 200 acres; north half lot 3, 9th cou., 100 acres; south part 15,'10th cou., 123 acres; lot 22, 12th cou., 200 acres. . - . Oro-No`rth half of west part lot 21, 14th cou., 50 acres; north half of east half lot 9, 13th cou., 50 acres; 1, 2, 3, 1st Range, Shauty_I3ay, [72 acres; 8. E. qr. 9, in 1st cou., 50 acres. ' North '0rillia-East `half lot 9, mm com. 100 acres; lot 22, 3d cou., 200 acres; lot 23, 3d cou., 200 acres. . r ` South Orillia-Lot 21. 1st cou., 90 acres. , S-unn,idule-East purtiot 13, 8th con. Tm/-East bait lot 14, 4th con.. 97 acres; lot 8, ' 9th cou., 200 acres. Saw Mill and House; good Mill Privilege. Tiry-Lot 25, 17th cou., 197 acres; lot 26, i7th ' cou., 84 acres; iot.25, 18th cou., 100 acres; lot 26, l8_tlrcou., _29,acres_; somh half lot 1}`; 19th cou., 100 acres; lot )0 13th con. ;. lot 10, 1st cou., lot 21, 2d con.; lot 2; , 2d com; lot 18,. 3d con.; lot 10, 4th cou.; north part lot 18,`7jh cou., lot 11,,`l2Lh_con.; lot 3, 14th con; pm: of E., lotvB.,and part ofiot 2 in the 16thicou.; soluththalfiot C., 17th con.; lot 14.-,1Sth con.; 10: G.. 19:}: con. N. hail l9. Con. 18, 100 acres. 1'o:orom"o-.-Lot 20, 5.11 cou., 200 acres; lot 25, 5th con.,200 acres. ' A Vespra--Lot 19, 5th cou., 200 acres`; west half_ 20, 5th com. 100 acres; somb west psrtiiot 2, 6th cou., 166 acres; west half lot 15,. 7-ll cou., 100 acres; north west quarter lot 11, Sch cou., 50 acres; parteast haJf21,4tb_con., 90 acres, 1ot.l6. 14th cou., 200 acres; lot 18, 1 . )4th cou., 200 acres-20 acres clcare_d._ "1.<.:; ;;;;`:c?x'f-4:;;;,;:., .0 n.nnun- Barrie, Decinher 186:3-'_' March , i863. v howevergtatlierthan a crime ; ifhfh is T a name which has in it something cqnnig. fwllul 1lIjU.lltfl!', n_ ` 51 uunuun -o_ vuv w1s;"s:ah qinguz;zh`e agent: Tiiiingl 6f 'PtiB`ljc,.0 _,' 'on; Its 10 Wf_St`ffOm ., thgsg ._ _'e whoin nungppezmc, egyerdiep moi`?avgg$uabXe than his righlfutclhinis Justify. i1:l1Im5n'is an abBu1 dT9'e`1:c,- ing"gted`by thjeracc `that this` pejuliazr kind,of misdefdjlas gotta be'ca,l1ed- `by Such words as.hypocrif,e, deceiver, per- jurr, are "applied to the mine seotfs of-` fend,e`rs in thisv way. We change our_ ton` when we tzylk of a humbug. We do not suppose him to be coveririg basei Hugh:-no nyhh o annninng avfanrnnininnn - ' uuulnulspuuulc. .4 ~ For further Lpanicnlns apply tof ;n_or ` ' " n m:nAITI'M`I" LANDS +33 AL:-:. ron;_a*Lt.- No WILD-IENDS. o3i31i1EN .2 STEWART, V ` - "Barristers. Barris- . .0 T IVUIIS `IV V 12. '1` is 'a,~okuo_w_.}.- w1Lmm.noI.'r.` `I KQ. . . What .1; interesti`ng"th'ing:i'tl_would be ` - to?-go b"afck reseai:ehes'into the;h'istory.of 7 h11rnbu'g. - To "- `do"*~t`h-is thoroughly, it would -be needful toxdig out the burial records of` all historical characters, apply to each of them in turn th`e'Great Hum- bug Test, and see how he stood it. VVhen Diogenes took up his" '-residence in that tub, of his--w`hich Iearwas not often used for uablutionary purpo_ses;"and in ' which `I have no doubt he made himself .eircessivelywzomfortarblche knew that Alegander would corne.a_nd.-see him, that the interview .wotild.1ie reported faith-. fully in the Court Circular of the period, and,,_in `short, that the circumstance would make-a great sensation, and bring thephilosopher into. notice.-T-or,` as we say now, before the public. _ And then that lantern business! Did,it or. did it not show a considerable amount of cool i jaelf-condence that he was to constitute himself the only judge of honesty-ini- - 'plying,of' course, how very honest he w_a,s,-.-_.-.and goang.peering about to look for others who should be good enough to keep him company? _Aud a lantern too! What possible use was there. for that l_antern`.,_ Do people not show their ; broad daylight ! Does it re- quire lamp-lightto develope it ! It is a blessed thing to think howin these days Diogenes would be harassed by the Erie tish policem_an,and, how hexwould be directed to `F move on, and to take them, things, - .meaning-uthe tub and the lantern, and the rest of'his theatrical V properties, along with him. I i l` ;msTourc'.u. irumauas. As to the acknowledged humbugs of ' history, such as Richard the`Third, or Henrythe Eigth, or Louis the Eleventh of France. They would form good land- marks in the history of this vice, sup- posing any one should undertake to i write it, and the historian might make a great deal of the remarkable power of humbuggiag the ladies of his acquaint- . ance possessed by the humpback, and ` the singular capability shown by the i more recent humbug for humbugging I himself. ' ' - .1 r.oY.u.- ntmnue.-' Sir Walter Raleigh, and that business of the cloak`and;the puddle. What are M were say about~.that aH'air?`c-1\ .lay we claim Sir Walter for a hu`mbug'! Surely he knew what_ he was about when he , made thateelebrated artful, move of his. He knew that it would pay-pay for a_ ` new cloak, pay for the,refurbi,shing..of` ` the old one. I shouldn t be the least surprised it the cloak was one_.1 Or per- haps it was a garment to which the owner had taken adislike. Such things ` happen. I, have-myself a coat which never didand never will behave about the collar : which It would. cheerfully `cast intoa puddle itI could get a rea- l sonabl_eAoppor'tuui_ty. Then one would like to know about the exact na_ture of ` that historical puddle._ If it was not .a very Wet puddle, it` would notdo so.very rnuch damage. But even supposing it. ` `di.d`,`could not Sir-Walter wear ' it after ,all,.sayiug.that that stain was the gar"- gnenit s proudest decoration, _and= should never be e'ificed ? _` ' ` " po_a'rimr'r OEA miusuc. . -Walton was a humbug ofithesimple A and amiable sort. Is not his portrait against him ! No doubt it was the fiashioncof the age in which he lived to wear the hair long, and in curls; but this does not excuse Isaak s style of coiffure, much less a `certain combina- tion of intense amiability, with cunning and stmginess, whichseems to me to pervade his countenance; the latter qualities being i especially developed aboutgthe` corners of the mouth and among` the crow s feet whichlie near. the eyes. . Asa general rule, I have" ob- served that nienstricken in years,-who wear grey hair "very long, put, behind their ears, and curling on their shoulders, are invariably humbugs, andare not un-' "commonly ,tremendo'us, bores` `,_ "into" the `bargain. ' A 19 l\I| I -u.._-_ . _ _..____,,_ , "- WE mv!6wI1*%,US*-? /`A -FOR"-Mlicv 8 ankizbnns ass- i. 7 ~ V _.l3Ul' Elihu, V VALUABLE property in the Township of j V Esau`, |ix,n,:iles'f;om the thriving Village of ' Cookatown; . It consists of the West" half of lot number nJingteenj,,iu:rthe, i`euth Concession, con- _ taining one hoxitiied aopei,."o"v`ahicheighty'Aao1ee ` are dented and in good cttlttution. The soil is" of the best quality, and the buildings are large and comtn_odi_o,n_s_- This is one of the best farms in the South Riding osimcoe, and will be sold on reasonable terms. . nu..- 4-_.n..... .....'..:....|--.. ......1.. o- mtmmu Wil. FtF1`Y;ox"sEviE`N'rY:-FIVE. '.AcRE.S.L at the.` - ppnon of .the; cgnrohnser. being part of L03. 2._'>th`1,nL_the second oncessiomof the --as-gun.-.---_. ..-.- -u--ruvnru A , LU vvfnpulr U1! 1! nor;-ng Sixty-seven acres cleared. Land of `tl_1e; `hes -` quality. Sitand `a hail` miles` from `Barrie! -and` two and a bait` from good'G1-isl. and Saw Mulls. II..- - ...-5-..I.'.L- --'..I.'. 1;." . Ki_ng`Str_a:st,V Totqnto, g._wg; _ rmsrvboon .llLs_'l' or wmsnnnx noox noon. _ Established in connection: with .Brysnt,.Straltpn {Sc ' Co. | chain of International Commerc-al Colleges, localed in lourloen onhe largest clue: of the Smiles and Canada. ` l l ' n1.*.uInN_ non couausj .2. corms usn reasonable-terms. V. _ For further particnlats up -louswvy 919-: 9:. 'It.....'.... nanhvnxr ply to Thomas Wil-A n. 'aoiu'nI'7AnrI\""' l00T4i"r3iT31 <`7f15i3`"i3<"i13IIi`EGEI and uanadn. _ A4 .DE$I.G.N-, . `V .. . Young men and ladies prepared fol lhe. Plfaclicl` duties of_Ihe'Counl_iqg_Ijlon_x$e.{, or for managing their awn business with system and deapalch. 7,. _ A___.. _. . .4 _._u- . u...-n.-u-noun France '-- "when `our illustrious states-. V ~ ad! UR\A'lUKIUAIi HIJNIBUG, When `Burke in the middle of one of his most splendid orations, suddenly plucked a dagger {tom his bosom, and- inging it upon the oor of the `House of "Commons, exclaimed, This` is `what _` -you - will gain by an alliance -with manlwas guilty of this performance, he perpetrated one 6f; the mostieomplete` and'n"ished , acts` of humliirigfon I{ee9rd.: Consider the` p`r'epuration`ta'_t must hajve , been made tojarry tl1is_ jfeir into e"ec't._ V Consider`5h_ovj itliev'pe i'former"~must have" _. gonezato .the- drawenof his {cabinet of ' curiosities to seaIel1<'for3tha1:dagger, how- zliemmunt ~have-Ajznado: Ill!Br:Q-lit` tting; W asily in -the slieatlr-'-'for`hiI:e'ectv-wauld: i have "9929 .r,t.I,isw__d if. it`. h9-.iii8ti|1!. .%31; Ie: : Ementybr `come"17otltv of his? :wgite, .I"l`19~n1h ' 1:uu'iI`.'n`!'I-_,.`".l..`:;.- L- ...-.-A 1 V ` `A 1. 55:1!) 1-I\JK|l.a uuu. ALLBA uu.;.v ;. . Here the" sltndents enter into actual business. Each student is furnished with- the necessary amount of ' cash and merchnndize lb commence business. Each student buys and sells met-chandize,.atocks, ten ! J estate, etc. Two Banks have been e~lnblished with a bone de cnsh capilnl, which enables the stndpmt Io.- e"ecl his exchanges,` make deposits. get his paper dlSt'I)||led, and transact all other busmess incidental to a general trade. A 4- 3'rH*g:oRE-'mcAL IQEPAR-TMENT. In this department 'sIudnh- rev-`eivelborough in- struction in Double`En1ry Book-keeping,` Commere ' Calctilatidns, Commafcinl -Law, Commercial Cor- respondence, and Penmaushipr . on Anxrm A I. nm>A`R"l`M1:`.N'!`, -aqua 'THIS `celebrated medicine for the general ail- ments of Horses and Callie, Is prepared from i.1g.edieols that have only been approved of after rereuled; lalo by the moel eminent Veterinarv Sm- geons of Europe,- It .13-lhal universally med nnw hv iheltirgest Horse and Stock Bneedersyas the only P0\V'DERm:u can be relied on Io ei-x lually 4'm`re(`l the irregnfalies of _lhe digestive xxysiem. and su pu- nii'v the Mood as to preven! all npprehenaiun'nf'i"n- armnuorydisenses, which often cause inepu--ub'e nvischiel before deleth.-led. Hence, a dose of` _ as soon as indtspcsition is noticed, will he generallv sutfit-`en! to -ward of attacks that otherwise wou'd prove troublesome and expensive. This valuable CO`.IREC'l'lVEjPOWDER cnnbe obtained of all Iespectable Druggisls, for the same money as any of th_nse'uow in use,` most of them being inccctivc for the purpose intended- 1.141: uuvu V-ll.` \.a\:u;n.-.u- Tuition. Text Books, and Blank Forms, Fifty-finur dollars. United Slates Currency. or Forty-two dul- lars Canada Funds. f . Fon mrmuxne srooic USE `FOR BROKEN? WIND on HEAVES USE LIUAILIIII` slitule. Just Publis/ml, in a Scaled Envelope. `Price 6 4:73. LECTURE on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical. Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spei-matorrhceo, induced by Self-Abuse: Involun- tary Emissions. lmuotency, Nu:-"vons _Debility,_ and Impediment to Marriage generally ; Consump- tion, Epilepsy nnd'Fits ; Mental and Physical lu- , capacity, &c., BY ROBT. J. CULVERWELL, M.D.' The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and with- out dangerous surgical operations, hougies instru- ments, rings, or cordinls, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, 'no matter what his condition may he, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radical! y. This lecture willvprove a. boon to ' thousands and thousands. -....-u.-...~..u Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any. address, on the receipt of six_ cents, or we post- age `stamps, by addressing the publishers. _ nnAa Y I ! Y,'lI`\Y1" l_f1_ \J\I IIUI hl "'lUD\7 lI'I'|ll I-IJ L75) uvvvnlll Maa , designs -w'i;.h a sp_ecious extexior c;g1rr*iage ; _: he ha!" n9%'s'u'p;h aims in viW'as li9 in the.` black h`p. gf if ~_a3u`:Ing9ot a~-"l_b`g1"_I. t1ff'`3.; Ho- iiTqnly_iih`1'nbi,ijou;;s_ qjnner ;5 a `man who feels his defi'cien`cies, and, tries,..l3y any _ '6}}Xsi .r."'E:."}EfIfNn, 5.: "co.. 1 127 Bowery,`Ncw York, Post Oice Box, 4586.` Feb`rua1~y, 1364. '- ' '5-ly ` ARE THE BEST-i REMEDY F_or HORSES; -Cows, Sheep, Hog `IlA45lllLaV\a A|v\I\'Avl. anAva.I ananwguanuonu Young men and ladies urchasing Va Schnlarhlip will be presented with a and of Admission u-the Readihg Roomhnd Library of me Mechanics In- stitute." ' van. Lanna` :4 `o ` Alex. Mnfray, Esq., of Mo'ull, Mm-ra_v 55 Co.; A. R. McMasler, E.-=1]... of McMasler .\: Nephews; Thomas C.` Keeter; `l:..~'q., C.E;,- Rive Lewis, Esqy: John Mat-dunald 62: 011.; George Mivhie 66 00.; Adam Crooks. Esq.: Hon. J. H Came:-.m, Tumnm. [snnc'Bm~lmnan. Emu M.P.P.: Admn Brown. AUHWI `gr0UK9. DWI-I I10: hauler IsancBu1~lmnan, E. ., M.P.P.; Adi Esq.; Richard Juson,. `sq.,.l-lmmlton. TEACHERS. ' `n -n 4`.- ' Resident P1-i'ncipal_, and` Chief In'smmn+" in the Theory and pr`a`c lic'e of Accounts-JA.\u-is D. DAY. Tam-.her of Snenm-iainn Pnnnmnshin'-`-A. W. .|.l18(')l'_\' 8l.I pI'CllL'e (ll, l\(.`ClNllS-JAMF.S U. UAY. Tesuzhgr of Speucenan Pemnanzshxp '-`-,A. AW. . . ,V . . . , . . . . . . T.n..In-an; nu (14-urn-vI\A.|pn:n' '.n1u_.n. . A I-la`rv-Ianh m",m_ ._ .. mt Commercial Law--R.~A. Harrison, Esq.. B.C,L., Barrister; Robert Sullivan, Esq , M. A.. Barrister. V - - m-,a.....: c-.\.. n.....:........ .....1 1....-. r......|....'..., A..nar:-uuer. _ - 3 -Send for Catalogue and letter [enclosing seven ccuts.] Address . . . cs... . -.-nu rurltil . nunnxv a r\ . up '_ ti_me Ene Mr. chaais Dick-; '-muff: hetfiot, like :.he;~'ee;,:1:e"1ike_ but=this we knzav, tha_;\vhTn;,S6te3 up- (morsels. 0; this reason w'E pJ_i%o lief0l'I6_ ibutors ind! &ct:Tgp'k ,. . E the vargugr Einip-'of~ u wings bare.x,.,.*Phis week ffs.y.e_r_`eV-L ` anolhqg_`,`.hand|l, ? .` we gbieoflfew who hav made. lhair g. we cannot Ware ; atgatnefy tacitmn nu_dcr:`t;o p:does5 ~ by such i77lt1!l'0; the! 138 *1 out `renders 'au:6thez` di.shful::-E. 5:: _ {A What is:a;hun1bu'g f A hxumlmg isfonbj ...n.-.. '.o..'...a:....-o.n... {.'.'.I`uanf' 'I`.I-iiwnn-I at i ,_g.3h!0*P `my oa"smn'm' 'r.p'ivn. nnhun A Oh. nnnnunnn I-uninn nal-t ll I10`. Condition RAREY S CONDITION P0\VDER% Rarey S (}`ond.ifi:)n vPow Acczipiition _P'owde3js._5 `"3I{arey s ` gonIi t`ion"Iv_ p=vIr':dei-s. ' E3? i'5~8:t,-i`<-an-,l 1"*v'f'9`:.V`:;"! 3`.`" !;:;Z`. :". `DFAII7 A !3I'I Rarey s LConditio`n - Porders. Rary?s Condition Powders. Rai*'ey -s C(ndition Powders; Raj'ey"$. Conditibn Powde-rg .Bg31},};;:,7 Canditidn Powder. .Bareyfs C_onditjon `Povigdersy LANDTFORASALE; s-:.I4-,--y_.!D--Wotan-vr.-pv~Ia -2.u.---Ra 919- -A,-u--.v_.v-w feels deciencies, tries._, any T means to hide them; I:1?'5. Eertkxin extent, no doubt, a. cheat, but he does not,wa.ntto cheat .yo1 n;.on.t of yqlm money - 6: you; rptopergy; {amt only out pt? aflittie". -'-or* it "gr'_eat . deal if` he can_" g_t' "it-of yout ada;1i:aiQ1; ad`repect; _ ' -. `AN--'1'=NclEN'r H`UM`Ua.7i an inte1jesti`ng th'ingfit;would b to'.~ao`h$n'n|t fn_ahrb.hnn'infn tlln Wisinrv nf Rarey .s Condition Powdefsf .Ra1jey s Co,ndition Powders. Rarey .s` Condition Powders." READING I{0OM"AND'L[BRARY. " III III? uvuvuu IJ\lIl\lDlllIl,Vl IIIU TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA. 4.-., ..-_-_ ....--_ -I--._.I T .....a n4` OI-In .B nYA1s'?r. swiwrmn as unis ' h- -in--I-c-u\ rev 11- t\f\'I"l"ll' Elite, all! .(.cuu.laumup.~ PRACTICAL DEPARTMENT. .-. .._I I... .2. A. my 'pX'}3_ll]lEI or no `name. .O BRiEN `ac 's'I;'I :W-4.t.11.'1`.'.' ,' f I - .-&1` 9-. Expmisr: ow counss. BRYANT, STRKTTON &, mv, Toronto. FOR SALE, Y? .._.._...a_ 2.. `LA ' \tiitaIL VOGUE sigh; fl

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