Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 9 Dec 1863, p. 3

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ucle wen suited to thg y:,,;,n_`;':)E'{li eF1aIV.;i.'ier.' ;,,;, ,?,e i:?m`;`::|;}i8ted machinery abolgtz i3, ,%e1f_Fee4ing,' and wi I to get out of order, .It 13 he feedmg '5 3 simple that it is a mired- by all Avhohave see ` - . V .. . ie setting or goztkln op&ra.L1on.. N0 Pains teqlured .i1.'5ye: 'l :'3f" M9: cw.-Work it -s ll.cut any len 11: required. ing- The Knife being straight _ Noce. h MAGAZINE OF TH:-: _ CIRCULABS, D. C REW mun \1, V Aurora P.O. HAND nuuuqaacac ; non. J.,I;amiItqn,.11aw1;egbu1'y.;on. 9. Christie,` Brantford; R611. R; Mmheaon, ,,l?ctlh; _Hon. G. J. aoodhne, ;3onA.,4..xi;;_kow. iii.` st. churns. ,. V " " '-*0-"-'. H Ge` S n3` ""a5,`..,9ie a in ni 03- 0., 9 0 ' I c` i . St. .C'allur:'au ,- on."i.. Reusuh, wntreeal ,~ -1133: D. Nlcdoalldy Ibrontu; .Hon. Ls_Alexin'Il'er, .W0d8t0ck 3 1101. J Hamilton, Hawl;etlm1'y,; Hon. Obi-iatie."BfanlforI: 9a.:v1i;*x::m..m..`..'p.~..:.. . uunuu UL` natlmlnlt. -T. D. Harriu, PI-evident of the Bottle! Trqde. l._G. Wont, Vice: V ' .0. Robs:-bong Secretary , " W. I. M.a.cDonell, Manager Toronto Blvmgl Bank. For Catalogue and Specimen of Writing`, address} (mcloaiixg 'st4_mp;)'I. Bates. _ 47 } DR. camsmmnvs FEMALE PILLS` ar the oniv medicine (hat MARRIED AND SIN- GLE LADIES have relied upon fur many years. or can rely upon now. Beware of imitation! Take this advenisemem to your Druggist,'and tell him that you want the best Female Medicine in the World, which is comprised in -\.-. p.-......_,, wt % pyrnnrs ma cnown LANDS onnrnnb, - cums nu-ions THE nsmnmnn-rs op CROWN 1'.` Mn`: nnnduzon-n-mum L -e_.-..u`.- nu:-vnsn 1.1.1:`; 91" CROWN LANDS PROSECUTED,-. Patents of Invention end General Business with . M the Public Olices tented lo,` * -NM Examined and Legal Jdvitc Free {of ' ahargju 1 g _. .:n-_. FREDERICK TAYLOR, I arlia11'i entary,I.and & General % Agent: 7 DA VIVIFIYIIID nnn nnnnvxv v . nu..- .._ - ---- want It wm up In my (you 1:)` Remember It In t Comm-nzcun CQLLBGE, Tomato. ' thorough manneI;._ " he "Bums: Axnxouc nex_t to t|_:e` Poop Oice, T---l `This Institntiomnow attended by over one hun- dred stutlents, is `far superior to any other. mercan- tile College`-in the country. It is athorough British Institution,` being not at all interested. nor having any directeonnection withany of the United States Colleges, but stands alone on its own merits, which any one may know by taking notice of our refer- ences, and visiting the Institution. Terms as favour- able aaany milar lnstitutlon- with instruction much more thorough and complete in every department. The British American Commercial College teaches all it advertises, and advertises to do nothing only what it willdo the most thorough ` _ it in the Bnrrlsn Ant-mm - - `r."--~-c .--- PRAGTIGAI. w0RK-;n"x;.:61<;e; :51 Du: ties of `Coroners adapted to the `Canadian Law, with a. run sgppendi: of Forms and Schedules of Fees, by William Boys, LLL.B., Barrister-a.b Law. Price 82. - 2 Buggies _and 9. `Light Waggon for Sale. VERY LARGE and complete Assortment u. `Lndies7.E|na'melIed Kid and Pruuella Gaiters, Buskins, Boots; Gent ; Calf, Kip `and Course; Misses and Children's, of every variety and style, which will be kept. constantly on hand, Barrie, May '16, 1860. L z9N`EP A9.9.T.L9NER uv-u uuy |\I -uu,y (H15. Pills sent by 7Ilul'l.7pr0')`]'Lpt,.1/, by remitting the p-frioe ' to the proprietors. or any aulhoriled agent, in cucI'el:Il_ ' -funds. 3 5! Bmggipts Generally. HUTCHINGS 5: HILLYER, PBOPR_lE`l'0Rx ' " l A ` 3[_c,.ga.,-`_,m-g;t,~JVew Yuri. 49-6mKo ` 2 ` Cash ./Idvatncelk made on Good: intended for Sale. unmann- |`VALUABLE PROPERTY . 1 Toronto, Oct, 22, 1868. % C `Booms 3; SHOES` wnonnsun` gun RETAIL HAT lttge Eric]: H ` --situate in the vi! e of Penetnnguishene, and recentlyioccnnpied by ._'l`-`ripp. ` Possession may be had im ediateiy. ` Terms of ronta1_` kn n by applying to the Proprietor. EDWA J EFFFRY. ' ' QR. `D'....wAs.u...:..|.....'.. Q-.. I I9'.I N AGENT Le; c}.n}}s 11.: ofmty Of Simcoe for the sale of MOGEJWS POPULAR HIS- TORY OF IRELAND. To t.'horoug'aly.reliable men liberal inducements will 7be offered. Apply in .\U-[I'..[-J A M .D AI.\li`R apnninl lnmnnt Rn! `HUI! IIDCTSI Inuucnmems Will. `DE UH|'l`.'ll- Apply to -Wil-JaIAM P_AL.\1ER, General Agent, Box 1235, Toronto. A 1-7-3t "N. B.--`The portion of the work treating of Poisons, Post,-mortem Examinations, and matters connected with Chemical Analysis, will be pre- pared under the supervision of Prof. Croft, of University College, Toronto. l'\._.I-__ __-_!__.I I___ V TO.-thejaremisee of S. E. LOOKE, L'o.'.V22,.in lat Oon.-, Veapra,` a two you. old` RED `STEER, white -on legs.` The owner can have it. by proving property and paying expenses. N ov.* 23,- `I858, - 3 47- _.*_?___?_}_......._:__..__. * ' -.--.f"' V Belnnglhg to EDWARD A. WALKER, Esq.,v consistilig of Ldts 19, 20, and 21', on Dunlop St; ; ,aud Lots 44 and 45, on Collier Street. They will be sold in_ `small lots to suit purchasers and fur. ther particulars will shortly be given. 7 t)......:..>\Tnn 4) 10529 .. .4 THIS GOOD OLD REMEDY for all obstructions `ha; been hailed with pleasure and rol for twenty- ve years, in all pnrls uflhe civi ized world. Its .aull10ris AN OIJ) l"~`.\'PERlENCED PHYSICI A N. AR'l'IE8,to whom the late It-. RUTHVEN RITCHIE, of Veepra, died indebted, will please furnish the undenigned with their accounts in "detail with as little delay as possible. . l`I'II'\ll'\n' I. A`l\l\lfIII W0 DOUBLE WAGGONS, almost new. Also One vecohvd Hand Buggy. Two Scotch Plougha, one Yanks: Plough, excellentfor new land; And a. Double Set of Harness. Apply t,o. 4 ALEXANDER" LAURIE, '- 4 1 ` _'.` Dunlap-street, Barrie, liar-via, .T1{ nn3Mh_ 1R1-`.3. If-23 The Oordwood to'be {out feet" long from soup to end; to be eonnd `Beech end Maple of equal proportions, t for Stove purposes. The Wood to be delivered at the Geo! where required. nmmv onnswwxn, ` ' County Surveyor.- Bmie. Nov.--24. I883. 47. Barrie, Nov.'24, 1863. Bglg. _Nov. 24tI_)>.4 1863. J [Io neurrokusnu or vinsi, ~ ' Ill! VI A P'euotAuguishen`e, Sept`. -1, 1863. 00UNTY% TENDERS FOR oonnwoon `um be reeewvea by the Oonnty Surveyor, at his oioe, --44-_ .__ __ a... To}. rlzoxb, 21 a;., of mm ~ -. vBUlll0l' IS IILV U|JUl14.\l'l`ul1lIIaLVUI`4U FEIXDIUIALV, whom everybody knows, andin whom everybody places cqlldenve and respect. It is no new-/'a.ngletl arrangeynmt, but a STANDARD REMEDY. DR. CHEESE.\1AN S FEMALE PILLS GREAT SALE. M3: 3'. 8:. .M_.E.K_.'.`:G" `AT PRICES io'r' TO us}: UNDE-RSOLD! ANDREW GRAHAM Ram-in Mnu'IR IQAII 1 H` WAG__GON_`l_-`OI-`t SALE. Orders received by II? '1 Tenders fo_1; Cordwbod. -i`5.R-1s`A';z'1z1-I_~: 1 -b66m?y'o'r'sM'cB nu. r... -.---.-- Barrie, Nomfi; IUIIQ IIIHIISII I08 llllllfllglll Wllll HIGH I u' _ ~ - ARDAGH 8 AR rreparing riiifiublicatim run A Iirnrn A r nnnnrr __ .L_ van... __...1 1 fx1).:}.uy`e'11 :T1=E21I:TuEE>N'Ln1 that V vnltlvu-...-- - I;---k~---Fv V St 1: of Writing es s and ancy W?`-kl.,]`3"()gxe5g noocw se lling for 75-cents each, and ` `well adapted for pI'e9eM3- nnnmnc ..l' m kind: at half the nrina. mumllv Lrri6,_Jufp_`9}h, 1863. Im_;ziediate Senlemeints after Sales; s_. MEEKINGy % BARBIE, _..:.'_.. ;. nnrn A nn I ' BOARD `op EXAMINERS. _'- l`)__..:.1-._. 4-. in the choicest part of .,,5` .v -, n- --n-1 N oj_|cE. WANTED, STRAYED `that Lali_es have for relief (mm the st1ppre.sidn`9f -Ilm.-ze pcrwrls \\'llll'l], if uzepl up according to lhe calls of Nature, will GUARANTEE TO THEM the tll cu amamn of good health and strength ; and which if not rezularlv experienced. will produce MISERY AND DEATH, nnd is lhnlmt -ofall Remedies for Disease: of Females. `VJ,.Tcma:wm~1' ,4: Co, Law Pnhlialu-r : 'l`nrnn Jo. unmwux I. in \:u., Law Publishers, Toronto. _ 13. VII, llUlU- - IN ARDAGH ABDASIEH. - . V 4 - . _ , , swoon. 44-If V - .1 1 mm`, min Ooto_Ipr,'_1I_a3. uusu-I'_oue umwmg [mom mfbu Bad. '.l?s ,3.";!"!v :.'9.lhn.n a!!i&lI;3.i0tf.el:Ihanse: an. `Ponauion dun u 1.3.5 .2 n--__,L '.|`,':?.""?"-3'-""IP..".'F..l':\w|Q|.ggI?$n9u5eI 5- '1"-13' . `._2ps:_quion given `ls -st of December nerxt. .tpmno,:-.-~~: ~. .2 `Ir-* .~r`-" *'?"f . `_ NATB;4=NIEDXING. Bu-rte. mu Ootohn. nan. 41 -M nun. uuur to me you Umce; at present` Bdcupiedi by Sheridan 4l3_:,oh_o,_n. .- 1 _ Thqstbre iI:_3' 50 ft; I fohe #091131` 36:11)? 1.9 ; - one; Diniug Room and I one `Kitchen down stain; on During Room and-zfour Bod" =RJom_ni" |P:8lIi|'h:l0.ehen .lith.8tmc~ hnnnntr 1.. a w will restore the natural monthly function to ANY FEMALE. NOMA'l"l`ER WHAT HER CONDI- TION OR AGE. lndeed,so certain are _ `Ilium uepvpuuneu Band in the Town of Barrie, g -TO LET. FORONE .OR MORE YEARS, the centre premiseein King's Buildings, and; next door to the Post 0mc_e,- occupied, 8heridu;__B_:o&_hexa.,_ . , 116331361. Qt. 8&1-son, Solicitorc. 515 V .SVebreta'ry~. --U--- ISAAC OQGILMOR, Esq.,Pn:s`mVu1-.v L F_RANC,IS RICHARDSON, ism, Vrsn-Pnsvnnx-r a-n-:- Wmux Punk, E80-. Secretary & Thasurer. \ 0FFIC.F`,`-:',Wtem\JbIurauo: Ginurch` Strge_t,,'1`oront.o. . V * ~ ` WILLIAJLPYP . . ezn)rr.jl liegt`Bnuine| V and in the Toivn of Barrioi, .0R_ YEHARS,` (Inn Man... ........:...- :_ nir- > ,i T7--" I INCORPORATED PUBIUANI` TO THE ACTS OUTER PEO- VINGIAL PARLIAMENT. uuuuvr ..una-ILA , DAISIHI. U 0pp0aI'1e:Mr. Lena`: Drug Store.` `March 2, 1863. T , The f 'I'oront`q_ _0ntario" Perm-I nan: Buildmg Society. wcoiuronann pmmmnv 'r'o m. nu... .. -.._ __- EGS leave to inform the public that, having _ completed hismachinery, he is enabled to furnish doors and sash of every description, at reasonable prices and on the shortest notice, having always a. supply of dry pmaterjal on hand. He also, having purchased tlnpateht right,.is` enabled to furnish GQFFIN COVERINGS to imitate even made nf plan. 1.... .. .. ...:... --.- GENERAL ".V|5.E.'l".lC|-IANT, V _ Dl!A;I,.l:l1;{ , _ A , F@a_r, Bran, Ann`. :1-n a (4.51. .......- _.__ . vuuuxvu mu nurmiu UUl'l'lN UUVERINGS imitate erery grade of cIo'th bothns to color and texture,`-together ,wi1|: signod.Heaue'-and all other funeral equipments. ` . Bnmm- Inna, IRAQ ' - "' `W J O H N ` L E E , CARPENTER &. BUILDER, Cbrner qf Collier and Clqppea ton Streets, BARRIE. ' 'l'I1ere III buIone(H`.1Vl1ll`'b A1_Vu oLI1'u-.. uu1\.9 for GIRTLS OR WOMEN who suer from irregularl- lies, nr ubslruclinns of the menses, whatever mrt_1/ be `-tluv cause of those obstmctiunm "Phis CHVM-hn.d hnun rm-ngnized for manv VEHTSL Ever} kind of work in the above business promptly executed, at low rates. DOORS 5' S./ISHES JILW./1YS ONVH./IND. Jannm-y`1V2l`h, 1863. ` 2-1 _ 'Juv VA `avian-I.Inr- _-___V, she intend taking a few} select pupils at her ow 1'esidence`to instruct in MUSIC and SINGING. 1_ _; L-.. L ..... ._ I\....I.-u-. ;r.1;~:afr FOWLIE, T Provincial Land Surveyor, LJIND 5' GENER./1L_ AGENT, T ORILLIA.- V N.B.-Valuations carefully attended to. 125-if .-____-' omA; ENERAL MERCHANT, Auctioneer, Land and Commission Agent, Agent for the Royal In- surance Company, one of the largest in the world, Fire and Life. Every info'rmaIion and value (if Lands in the Township given (if by letter.` post. paid. 0rilliI,_l8t!1 March, 1863. Holy ' u v-on-..-.~-_-..__- __ , , LA:1*Vl-D Xanxr, '&c., am. . `. m ' Hair and Dwisee prosecuted, r OFFICE - Hunonruuo S1-sum, Oonunowoon. NoYember,'l862.' ` ' 43; c6Uz`I-T'_6_LE'RK; i_ ILE attend at` his Qice,` at Barrie, every: SATURDAY, from 11 a.m., till 3 p.m., ac- cording to order of Council and every other day . at his oice I ! Cookstown. _ Barrie, Feb. 1'1, 1852; ` 7 8 IVCZIVLIUU luU l|lBH.Il\-la III unvunv noun. -1 . . u v - . . V. For particulars apply at her house, on Dunlop Street, nearly opposite Mr. McCoukey a residence I')___!_ I..I..HAI. Q7- OFFICE, adjoining J-. W. Slaven s_ Drug Store, sud directly oppositeihe Methodist Chapel. N.B.-Dr.' Kelly has been appointed Associate A Corduer for the County of Simoe. ' P. S.--Students prepared to enter any of the various Medical_ Colleges. f\._!II2,. :oi-1 an unan 1; uvavn-Iv! Orillia, Get. 2?, 1862. IILVU UFAA I fl, H0 15 Disease: 0/" F cmales, Lanuanuu-. uuvv Barrie, Fgaruary 25, 1862. .I. III 1. UU \JIH\4 . DUN1':0P SITREET. Barrie, Yth Jan., I863. Licentiate qf the Faculty of Physicians and Sur- geons, Scotland. /Member of the College of Physicians and Sur geons. Oqnadn... nnnrnrn-n uni) mun nnrnmuv nu QfM(`.(\I'`._ ' ' sauna, vuguuun- CORONER. FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. .....u. _HENRY RQ1ERTsdN,.L.L.B., Barrister and At,1;oi`he y'-at-Law, SOLICITOR IN cH,N(}ERY, Notary Public, jconveyancer COMM!SSIONER IN..B. B. . - z V .-.-. ._.-. - ' " ' ` 7 1 GRJDUATE 01` THE. UNIVERSITY OF } , ' TORONTO, V 0N msnovnfn s"E01'InI"rY.-'.*",i_f- ` Apptyvo .A ` `R. J. 0LIVER;"0rillih.' Orillis, Auglngt,_l863. _. _ I. ,34-tf "FRANK EVANS, ` Barrister':& Attorney-atT~L,aw. SOLICITOR 1N CHANL .-.RY,, '- '_ coNvm`r-zmcmn, &o.,, ~ l'\...-.. . Fb. 20th, 1863. ' have vrwer failed, and thousa n`dn of ceriichles to this effect can be found in all -parts of the counu_*y.- 'Tl1e proprielo rs of Dr. Che:eema:n s long tried recipe guarantee that nun V1/\1P in-Una -u 1- uapu. ' A._n- pm buy M, m w `J':'.?`.`. .4nIi'jndget;9r ggsurselr. `emu `7,t.L__." menu. so .a..:;.'.i`:.`:.'=?,;',:.::: A{*~#-2!-A We-'=*v :3-)lP 3"? `Nov. 34,`*-)LV8V63'} aurnuvzuu up n ` Lou, for ale. . . No Commission charge . Applyto alum, nu. an-Inn-, In-- u--- - d exoep:t on absolute n. J. omvnn, Oi-illiu. TI:}{a.Ta. As. CROOKSHAN K, `O"B_B_.IEN',< ac` s'f1~i WjA:RT{ wuziswnas, monnms. & summons. ` 1\btan'es, Conveyancm, qt. ' H _.'_'. `-|._._.._ - ._ -..._-...g as-mun-II I`.I. n . -m-v---. ------ T . , mt. `o"imu, L-L-I. nnm.-ran n. snwurr. I-V-I--1% . -` T `L ' 47 . .`-__ ` wucr Iuuerlu Eqlllplnel BABBII, June, 1883. Sept, 1861. BUSINESS STAND. n......., ..._....J vrr. Barrie, J my 7th. :va-vn...- - v-v -.._ Barrie, Feb. 16, 1863.` Auctioneer for the Cbpnty, THORNTON, INNISFIL. V G...` I D131 Tl e 1' I II V: ,1 3's'LW5"DI &4%`X"*::;;5gi'm "s"6'c: DON'T BE DECEIVED-! 1 `l'\_ I`L,_,.- 1:1 I-u ."1`zoVEn mans. wna. Lands, and Village `hall fab an`- I31`. I)`. Kelly, -I-\-r1sn'r\1 1'1"\I\ FFICE and reside1;c'e' 3-`IJcs:stg' "S:\`-rget -; Tlate residence of Henry Dgugal, Esq, MARKETTBLOCR, BABRIE. -....:.. l1I..L...-...... a: 10m) 0,44` lvliii in-2:`-.--.__- 3EGS to intimate to the inhabitants of Barrie, that from the .13: 01:` AUGUST NEXT, ,, o ,._,, ; , ._1_:__ .. .2... ....1....o .......:I;. .0 has nnn `AS removed to His residence adjoining the old Post Office, ' nnxn-nu cmnbnm `ALEXANDERf LAIfRIE, Alexan_d_er ; Gxjaham fNI\Q I,, 'rHos. H. PORTAS, l\'DlI1 IA MONEYjTOVLENP; . _'_._....|_L.L. A-. lII|VI\IlII`, ---u a neat!` uaauilllllllu 0` a1 1'6'c':n1;z;:s, .C]R,0QKERY, &c., Dunno: Swan:-r,~ Bumn. ` IIn........'4-.u_ I-__4- -n, n- vuv un v:au--- .1 1-32: o cx.ocxT Am. . _ ' `:13 Common Sc hool 'fI`:act1?eerap:1`:losEr:s):t;ml;:"'i"" f Qlm" cgtion. ` .-94:-.. On In llrilii bun. `Mas. BREARLEY DR.~ HAMILTON, ' JONATHAN" KILGORE, a. `r. BANTING, num'w nu r.u-n7 ---- vv --1 ".-""J!'vv" I... _: vxnwvpl . And aka A frsh assortment of lnnnmnvnm n'nnnnn_.. - DR. MORTON,-V nrnrv n13 mhn filrvrrtvnni INVESTMENVTS. E31?/xoz` was-, on", , Onmnu, Co. Snwol. . R. 244.7 the Post0fce, and in connection "with his .013 Sm;-e, opposite Binghnms Hole!` he -has-now twice the stock of any other Story in"`tI1`x_s".,';i;'s'r;1, 0: n.....a. and gene at 3 lower price than any one 9-it Aalllivroaks, lSaq.; Hon J. u. uameron, 101-omo. Isaac Buchanan, E .,.M.P;P.; Adam Brown, E !-6 -Ri<:hard~Jnson, sq., Hamiltom. V. . "TEACHERS. _ _ ,- ..n`es'de` _P` `u Ch'fI `.1: .fl'heo',-. 35.: pr'l'`. . .'3 .;.*:j'.X3cou.if..;i`Z`.;"!'."?, 'B.. Tegcher _of Spgaqqenian, Pe'_nma_mhip-A. W`.~ `.8 ; ` ` V . ~ an C6mnieieial`InwM --R`. _A; Igrx-ison,. fan-.`!;.$.-Eng, Barriueg; X sullieggj, I ,. r. _ . - ` _` -_ I395` '2 `lad loner . [ondooing , _ H . A` x A H _ . . ABnuNr,srui9fonVa _1pifY. 31' .1 V otbltd. . Ilinne.` 2 ' D1\rI'JL`CI.7l- UK` \1\lUl\9l3' ~ ' " Tuition. Text Books, and Blank Forms, Fifty-four dollars, United States Currency. or Forty-h_N_o dol- hru Ganadg Funds._ 7 A- ` READING 'ROOM _AND L[BRAEY_; ` Yo,un'g men. V and ladies 'urchnsing a _ Sgholdrship will be>p_re`sented'with' a a_rd of Admission tothe Readingiloonn `god `Library of II): _MechIDit`8 1"` , ' Rm-*1:1_u~:1`:-zs. l';"sg'1.Vof Mbtfalt, Mhrrlgk 00.; A'.'R,`NcMit'er, Es of Mcxlr 5% . _ Agphewu; sq:,C.E;; ieo_IJema,Eaq.,; John Mlodonnld 65 Co.; George MIchie`55 `C0-i '1du'u;Croaks',`Esq.:: Hon" J.l-I. Cumeron, To r6nto.. . `- Buchanan. Emu .M.PaP. :" Adam` BI QWn,e . !'nflU1lUAu Urarnnxzvxnu 1.. . Haste the alndeulsenler: into aclunl bi?sine's$'. Each` student is furnished willr the net.-emvry amount of cash and merchandize to commence: bstsiness-.Each student buys and sells merchnndize, stocks, qeal eatale, elc. "T\'vo_.Banks have hem; eelablihedwith abona` de nah `ca'pila|, whiirh enable; ghufwdent A I9 e`ccI his exchanges, make deposits, gag hyg aper d;scouImed;ud.trnn:act all when business" in'c' ntal loa genergl lrade. V ` - . ~ Vnvnn u-an nn unit!) an A - King Strqot, Toronto, c,w., rmsr 9003 Eur or wssnxnn. noon: noon. e I Eslnlzlisloed iucoaneclidn with Bry'an!,.SIrat!on 62, Co.?_s,ch_a1'n qf lnlcrnalional Commerml_.CoI_1eges, located in Ioufteeq of `the largest citxgg of the ltes ind`_Cnhhda;- A -'- V A M DESIGN-` .v.:..3 we .|,__.,_| ,, - TlfEORE'f|CKL'DEPARTMENTf In this the mem. sludenta recei`ve`-thoro1igh~in`- slmcuon Vin. ouble Entry Book-keeping, Commer- Calculn_liona,.-Gqmmercial Law, Cqaupegcial Gor- | `lD0l_Ide.nce,an_d Penmanship. -` ' ' . ` .... - ......... . . nnn.nrnuri'isur|!v " " .|Jno1\1L_1. ~ r 3 - Young men hid ladies prepared jibe practical; . duties ohte Counting Hdizse, or, fdu` managing lhft. nwn eysiem and deapatoh. ; .-.. . wrapper. Wholesale Agents for Canada Elm angl.Wsl, and only importers, [to whom all orders shou!d be ad- dressed,] -7 A. N. McDONALD 65 Co., - Broclzviile; C W. GENERAL WHOLESALE AGENTS :--Nor- lbup & Lyman, Newcastle, C.W.; Lvinan, Elliot 65 Co.,.Toronto,C.W. ; J. M. Henryrdc Sona-Ly- mans, Clare 65 Co-Kerry Bros, 65 Cralhern--Lum- nlnnah Ax (Tnmnhnll, Mnnlmnl. (LE. 2 E. "1-mlheld. mans, Ulare O6 U0-l\eI`I`y Bros, 06 urulnern--uum- Eonghk Campbell, Montreal, C.E. ; E. llealheld, ondon, C.W. ; J. Wine: 65 Co, Hamilton; C.W. , `nun . A LL T 'The class of Certicate PP canon. V Testimonials, certify! `-9 `u` h:g;21r7of ':; - ,1 ct. more 2:a3::a]:xat:,l::1::t becggivarded to the undeuigned `at least two ,3; previous to the examination. an.-u.-:RnoI lied for must` also` be 00MMpRpL4[. T OOLLEGE, I I tun IJUIIULISIIIIIUU paw Isuu tetIuulldINl0!etl,`Wl(n occasionalnshes, or a circumscribed` spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become`dull-th_e pupils dilate-can azure semi-circle rum-lalo g the. lower eye|ids-the nos'e*is irntald-a swell ng of the upper lip--occasional - headache, with irnmming of the ears-an unusual `secretion of salivn-furred tongue`--breath very t'oul-a'p petne s<`:n ieuime's`vora'- cious, with a gnawing sensation at the-stpmach, _at others entirely gone-eeting pains in the slon'im~h- occasional nausea and vomiting-bowels irregular, at times costiire-stools slimy, not unfrequently tin- ed with blood-belly swollen and `hard-=ur-ine tur- id-respiratio_n occasionally ditcult an;l.accozn- , panied with hiccough-uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth-1emper generally irri- table, etc.` . I Whpn nk: nf Hanna mvmnlhmn nr-mu-_ you will save your ottspring much suttermg._ . Old Dr. McKenzie expressed a wish that this Remedy should, be put at such a price as would en- able all, the poor especially, to use it. In deference to that wish, we have put it at the followingbprice; tr ? Prion nnlv '71:! xtnrlimr {I5 oent ner nacl.-. to mm. man, we nave pm It at me xouowmgpruce. E3 Price only 7d sterling (15 cents) per {yuck- age,_or 2: (50 cenlszi for four packages.-Sod by every Druggist and . edical Dealer in Europa and America. ` Mann .-an-...:_- III:I||t\|hIlI I`-;.._nn-uiln uinn-nu-A nl America. , None genuine wilhout a fac-simile signature ol H. E. McKe1zzie. M'.D., Glasgow, on each Wm nmsr. OULD invite the attention jrgtles pur- chasing to his Stock of H` RDWARE, , which. being ept well assorted by regular` sup-' ' olies direct fro the manufacturers, both in Eng- land and the United States, will compare favour- ,ab1y in prices with anyother Houses` in the Trade. Mechnnicsl Edge and other Tools, House Furnishing Goods, Builders` and Cabinet Makers Hardware, Cutlery, Eishing '1`a.ckle, Sporting Am- muniuon, and General linrdware. P`lomg'hs,' . Barrows," Seed-rsowers, Ciultirators, `Howe Hoes, Spades, Sboveis, Hoes, Drgining Tools, Forks, `Budding Knives, Pruning Knives and Saws, Garden Reeis and Lines, Gardzn and :La_wn Rakgs, Garden Shears. Garden Trowls 7 Garden Syringes. Garden Tools in sets, &c., &c,, for suite at the Lowest Prices. ' HE SUBSCRIBER begs to infofmie _`inlmbit- ants of BARRIE, and the Travelling : Com-. munity at large, that from and after this date, he will run his Omnibus toland from `the: BA RRIET STATION . at the arrival and depax-Lu:-e'of each Train. The Passengers going to Barrie will he landed on a platformin the central part of the Town-; if not especinlly"reqnshed to wdrivelto their residence, ' . -,=. . ,_ FOR THE SUM OF 12; ;c.;ENtz"s _._.|. __-__ nI|_,_ C1._L_;._!L__ .___-._ I ,, ._ - --- --- r--7- _.._.,._ aucb way. ~ The Subscriber trusts. by keeping good horses, steady drivers, and paying strict at- tentian,to merittheir patronage. - " .- D.` VANEVERY. nap:-:4: `I0`Iu-I IDA ) lllnll" ilT'v_i"[i1i hifmJY.J Nurse, muo . . . . . . . .. . av Fall Leaf Tabies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Good Bureaus .. ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 Centre'I`nbles . . . . . .._.......... A2 50, Sofas and Couches . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 Full size Feather Bed, 40 lbs.; wt. 12 oo .' The goods are nearly 111! made on the premiseg :-and warranted first class articles. . . _ _ - _-._..T. A an cal:-nu-I-gs HE countnmce pale and !eo.dan-no1me&,- with occasional. ushes, An Ann nu I-nnllu nhinbn a sh. nuns I. .... ..-_I..II .|._ \JL I J.`l' Lllull IV VLVIIL VIILVII I LJILHLJJULLIIJZJJI 3 It cannot harm`.-your child, and by giving-it In time will your offspring much subring._ Old Dr. McKenzie exnrlasned a wish that [his QWEBAL uAnmvAnE%wA%nnH1E - 114 YONGE STREET, TORONTO _ jug `Agrivcultufai Imleinents, Unfailing Symams of Worms. GIVE T-HIE wimu canhi IMLgEnIAmLY, YA. _.._..... I.__..`..-.._ -L::.I -.__I I... _.. ..__:u ._ -_-'"- r ""5" . . __ _ ,V - Every requisite for sportsmen supplied `on this most reasonable terms. ` " REPAIRS EXECUTED WITH DEIPATGH. All kinds of FISHINGHTACKLE, it qlddeiate. prices. ' nu xuuuls Ul 1.'.|puuVlI 3' prices. , .V . Barrie, April 23, 1861. '-I. 1 Toronto, April 8, 1863. " 11. Wrap III In tanu Warrnnusu man cHaIsTMX'|5'i5;EsENTs ,5 \lr..:c:.... nnnlrn 4... ! I.`.......... `l0pDu1:u .,' pique, Dug! to return his sincere thanks to his cus- tomers for; -thewery liberal suppott he` has Teeived since his re- sidence in Barrie; and Iuu-rino nt-rnncnj . his BURNS, ` GUN-1 . -MAKER, Dnn- . -lopStree`;I to `return his amcere IMPORTANT To mmxnxizs 2L USE DR. MCKENZIE S, _._a7._ `...:__\. _._.__`_ -, . TnAvELL;__r_G PUBLIC. November, 1863. Barrie, June. 22nd,. 1863 . V.I;1'p[`): .I`. I W hole:-a nlu im nau- ' .-: 0c`i3B$.`4; 18253. 'Gar_den '&owFi91(1".E().0lS, ac.` BRYANT, STRATTON dc onus- BLANL lvnmu y- Asre" 1' Sal` at mont bore . When any of those symptoms dccur, _-_... ______ -.__-__._. __:-_;_ JAMEs"T3"."' RYVA Nj "e:':>u"`Tn"r"':`:ar Eu Fs. lg uuuu. ~ . . .- EXPENSE. OF COURSE- -__.I DI-_I. _--an J. 8. RYAN, `-114 You ge. Street, Toronto. 3_ `I _I n THE Z-Iv 4 fab, to be hilt: this Mice- Clearance forms for Lumberera. . Uni; up 5 B .I I-larch; ny--u`--.`.. Br- I 9` Wok" T1ip,mny.beuIiodnpoiI. .. _lg:"tio,Doo.15_h.~18II. . _ Q1` ` ; ;.1?toI:;:t,ihaq1e.' ,!n0I39!3.`0.;eha_rgu,;pnd am-me] uaonnble terms. _ In the Shoeing pranchpf his business" he can conipto with any trgdesman in this aetion_of ` Onnndn. Having had considerable expe once in all p'a.rtn'of lh eiU nite`d Kingdom; is well its the ' States of Anierica,.together with several-`years . 7 practice as Qavalry Horse-Shoer,_he canlgnarantee iapisfqction to all who_m_ay favor him with their. "}i'atro'nagc`. Thou who take rido in their horses, Wind` like to no l.hdIwelT slid , will nd, on` giv- rin himgn, ,triul,;t.hat.,tl:ey c1n* this kind} 'i91(1_n9i: 89p.eri.4=mnner- - `- -n..-.._an..l_ . --.I.'..lA gIunnann.. `-nu` `DIQ.IQI> 1 ' I 95 Kmq Eur, Tonorrro, I ' HAS;mnoh pleasure in being able to comply I '- `.'with the requests of his friends in and around Barrie, and to`extend to them the advantages of `his l_)ental establishment. not nu:-an v-an Dr. Ryerson, Superintendent Qf Education Dr. L; Adams, Hommopalhic Pbyiainn; Dr. Ai ens. -Dr. Ogden.. Rev.` Wellington Jeers, D.D., Editor Christian Guardian ; Mr. John Ley, Bnrrie! Law; Mr. Joseph Rogers, ljafuer; Rev, John Lnnatrv. Toronto. C.W. ' 35 JAMEEEACEY; 8g and Jobbing Smith, 0511; ;s`., 1am'e',mr the Market. .y-- . L. bogs toinrm the public thnuu nks.$ken_ . Po've`y s Oid Stgnd, wherohe is prepnted `to dd all kinds of Blnc!u'1iiiths'Work on chgmou naonnbln terms. ` ' ` ' ` r.. u... Shneimr hmch of hislbnsineuvho an Law ; Mr. Joseph tgogg Lungtry, Toron to, 03W. Di. R. TROTTER, who will be at Mr. Fra.ser s Hotel, Dunlop street, on Tuesday and Wednesday after the first Monday in each month, is fully pre- pared `wait upon and accommo- date ouch as desire his aid. I. ', _Spci'meu: to beaen by caning at Mr. Fraser : Hotel. ` I . _ r V Teeth inserted in the most approved style; and as they have made armngementsifor visiting Barrie every month, they are prepared to exwute any work entrusted to` them, as cheap as any other Dentist. in the Province. T3` Particular `attention paid to the Regulation of_ Chilgreu i Tpeth. 11-,-j,,,, I ,. 1 , , .I ._ __# L- -:-- . `op pmsmo INs'mU:r`Io'N .THnfogBt3eAI2rthern Divlsion of the County of Simeon will meet It the Court House, in Bgrrio, on the 5! 939%, N returning thanks to their friends in Barrie and surrounding country, who have patronized them V urine the past thirteen years, beg to intimate that in future they will attend at the following places monthly :- - Mewmarket, 1st, 2nd and 3rd of each Month. Bradford. . . 4th. . . . . . . . . . . . " Cookstown, 5th . . . . . . . . . . . . Bond Head,6lh............ Brownsville, 7th . . . . . . . . . . . . Sutton... 10th.... . . . . . .. Lefroy.....13th....,...... Barrie . . ., . 14th and 15th ._. Collingwood, 16th and 17th, When they will be happy to wait `upon those re- quiring their services in any of the branches of their profession. Resicnce, N.'ewma|-ket, where they may be consulted the 1st, _2nd, and 3rd of each month. April 19, 1863. .. . . '1-tf AS removed big omce to the premises of ' Kelman & Co., and can supply the various Humaaopathic preparations, with or without cases for family use _ 9- ' CHANGE OF ADVERTISEMENT. pas. 9-, N`. a P. B. PECK. `s U RG E 6 N DENTIS'l`S. The large experience of Mr. Keiman ensures accuracy in the medicines dispensed, which his purchases, being for Cash, enables him to sell at the cheapest rates. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. KELLIAN & Co. 5 Bettie, March 1863-. 9-ly HIS?is"withont exceporr the Wenest and ` beat7MWh.9hing'Machine iuithe marluat, and does Vita-woxjk in .the most.satisfactory manner. Lidis ape, invited _to try it whether _they purchase the "manning `m-'nrit_ ' 'l'Hn'in Ifhn 11mm lridd it ttridersiguedhavingv purchased the" Patent Rigbtfor the `Gounty of Simcoe is now prepared. to gupply all orders. GEORGE BALL, nnrnunlpr n n Rnilnr. uuugcp n;_u_muwu w uryu. wuuucr Lucy purcuuac ' the 'ma_sohi ne for po't. Tliose who have lrid. it ' would n-orbe without itfor aouble its cost. The follow'in'g ladies in_ Barrie have tested the Machine, and are petfectly satised with its .opera.tions:- Mrs. Bingham, Mrs. Burnett, Mrs. Drnry, Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Geqrge Lount, Mrs. Rogers, and olhen-s." ~ Barrie, Nov. '3`rd, 1862. M In `the bding recently occupied by Mr.vN..Kiug, gen to the store of Mconkey & Ross, Dunlop treet. `wen ncmpteu IUK 1-n-av---------~ GOFFINS of M1 kinds at half the price. usually charged by others; also an `excellent. HEARSE, at & triing charge. A few good workmen wanted. Dunlop Street, Barrie, Dec. 8, 1863 40. __ _. .----____ _.._,._...__._.__... __ !!,E1!{!i1i!!!I;}|I1i ii?n:iIZ!`%H.I!!IShE=| Mr. Kelmwn being 9. practical '0hemis1, and for the,-last. six years engaged in `the extensive estab- lishmenqot-Siunpsorg & Dnnspaugb, Toronto,_hns selected his stock with aviezv to meet the full requirements of the trade, and has as complete a Pharmacy is can he found in Toronto. rfhe Stock co_1nprises~.- * Drugs, `Chemicals, Paints, Ozls, Varmlshes, Spices, Dye-Stuk, Perjumery, Fancy '5} IIISFIIUSS, nmuxug, I -338: .&c._ `Buckie, may :16', l860'. : V.-5-..._......_,__..._-.. row1is'1=fTENr `Wctoria fW`ash_ing Machine. PRICE, $:E50, * cg ADAMS, _n.o.: .... rr ,, A summon ARTICLE or ROCK 011.. ileathbr. :1 Lg-ner": hathrz HE Subscribers beg to an-nqunce `ho -Vvhe in- ; habitants of Barrie and the County generally mt they have opened 3. imntsa Sole, Slaughter, upper, Kip, our 5 fgzrness, Binding, Lining, Shaemnkers Find- IQ. C. - ALL` WORK WARR._/1NTED._ twice the atoms m an, Canada, and sells 1 -else. nnmmnn Chif. . New Me_(_i_igal Hall. `Am'cfe., Pa;ent Mt-zdicineis, gt. DR. L-. OLIVER DRUG STORE ns]; _s_I_IoE1F. DENTISTRY. U{\-[.1171 DIILIIJ, Carpenter and Builder. 1 ' 4541` 1 . - _ ` ANDREW GRAHAM 4! 1-K. l\EV o'r lenyean. ` ' Qunvvaau nI|v'aI-IAVLVE \IL' Allvfll, `ah pgeferbbl i`> intgi-vg1_s>'o? n, qcyen ; % H9111: 3nmdzMpNw.' thanliy Iecnrihg a speedy adjhotiqegt `of gum and liberal `regulations formideheo mid irdvel. `In further nntlui nnanirul n-i 1).. .-an-ml '1 LIE L`-I355 specied. Ootiseqnent on the investment of all me Com `patty : fundsin the-Pnovince. - ~ ' Preminna payable aniiizally, or by qemi-annual or quarterly instalmenta at the option of 'the wanted. - I . ---._... - .~ . goo. u-Ann: A Qncuu - _..._L-____ ' `.lfTIf'IllI'IRI'O' " ` . '3}: W551} ara,2m._uomc;synur, row- Iendo for 1 `E. -labs: Golda, Althnl. 'l'h_nI& Iup Canada Life Assurance My IXOOBPOIATID 31' A01"!!! PAIMAIIIT. .,......._. CAPITAL - - - $1,000,000. gavrie. Jam. .1862. I. 0.'Gilmor, . Marcus Rossin, George..\lichie, Joshua G. Beard, Thomas Hawortb, Robert Gillnor, Robert Stanton, um John Mchlurricb, Wm. Henderson, Esqs. Secretary and T1-laaurer,-Bernard Haldan, Esq Solicitor,--Angus Morrison,~VEat_1. The Western being an old established and auc- oesatulice and having a large reserve fund, can afford to do businessplt most liberal terms and claims for losses by fire are promptly and equitably settled. ' V FIRE AND LIFE. Capital--Two Millions Sterling. `Farms in huml-Eight Hundred Thou. .1`:-for/7 Dtnnmrh .QInm n'mn ROYAL msunAugg__ooMrAuv EXTRACT rnbu nu: Loxnox `rntnsz The Committee for the city entertainment to the Prince and Princess of Wales have just effected with the Royal Insurance Company an extra in- surance of V FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS on Man hnilrlinn nf flnilrllmll lnnluuli-up ck- ....... auuuuuu un l`ll`.l.l xnuuonnu IUURUD on the building of Guildhall, Including the new ereptians, ttings, and contents. F_. H. REWARD, Manager Toron ta Branch. A Ti A 171 hGf\\f f.....--l.... Dalston, Dec. '1, 1863. -:--,j- CAPITAL -. .. . . $400,000 . IN SHARES OF $40 EACH. -----,- noun crriwc E", TORONTO. CORNER 0 OOLBORNI AND CHURCH IWIIIT. uguu, up: I uc. i A Also Valuer for the Canada. Permanent Build- ng and Savings Society, Toronto. _ 28-tf Canada Western Assurance 0o y (Ilium!-nnun nu Ann nu an-no-.-. V nj-Public a/ml Privaie Conbeyahcs to ORILLIA PENE TANGUISHE NE Barrie: June 4th, 1863. u--u A. DAVIDSON, Inspcgor. ;.A_TDyll0S'l` AMPLEM EXIilBI'.l'S w ' . ofitu affairs... - - mxiwum, 1$rv1s1oNs- ox:-`r`1zor1'r,'_ _.-`.99:_9io`; -,'x ' .' "ii [To any hitherto otfered by him, in his New and Commodious Establisbmen, -vw His increase facilities for doing business, togethn with long practice in the County, induces him to believe that he is competent to judge oi the W: me of the Travelling Public, and 1113 provided, in accordance therewith. FRASER begs leave to inform the Tmvelling . Community and the Public in general, that be is enabled to o'er SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION % New:Furniture Store. `% CHEAPER ELAN EVER; rlussnis HOTEL, BARRIE. R BINGHAM begs to inform the travelling ~. community that he has taken the; favorite ol Stand, the " Queen : Arms," which is being tted up and renovated in the most. thorough manner, and can assure his pattous that his whole endea-. vors will be made to place the establishment fore- mostiu point of comfort epd accommodation. Bn't_rie, July 3, 1861. 1 1 All uan Bay. Inn Mdnmsou AND Manon Row. 11 miles from the Severn Bridge; 8 thils froth Muakoka Falls; and half a mile (ion Iluskokd Rnv , .1. nrvpv luv uAaIu.0-'A.1lv5I JADIMGICCG +IM'lG' sand Pound: "sterling. CLAIMS PROMPTLY SETTLED . FFERS the following real udnnpagca to V tending Auurers:-- `i`nEE MASON S ARMS, BY MMES MCCJBE, VPrm'dnt,--Glenn: Mucuuz, Esquire, Vice-Pre:ident,-MAncvs Rossw, Esquire. my. June 24,1861. rnnupn [mg . thq abpve j nrmlv thorn no .. `RE respectfully invited to calls: the PRAVELLERS will find the shove Houi dm) way suited to their coinort. as-oPPos1TE ms bu) ST.4ND_g;.; `n; rAanAaHE_n._rnornIErnn. QUEEN'S HOTEL. I3` EX CELLENT STJBLING. \ .._.._.. ouun-sign BY AC1` or uaxuuxx-r. Ldw RATES or pnumu, -vvvs~(v\-xv-vvsncu } BARRIE HOTEL. 34121312, o.s.; TRAVELLE_RS_ IUIIQCHIIUCT o' Uppo; Street, Barrie, f-j1-?-\._ :,\IPO'lI. l'AN=`Y.-' u Ilnmviu nunh 1. izusurauicf nxins ED\VAI3)S, Anal JOHN ALEXANDER, Jgent at Barrie. BARRIE, ' ihetvw 01113010136 : ' THOMAQ DALLAS, ' . ' genl at Orilha. V '|.Iv snua, ./lgcnl, Barrie. I)-__._-___A I'i..!I. /LI Q] Mme obstruclluils. V V This Cure hns been re:-ngnized for many years. PHI-`. ONLV .\`AT<`F`. RI-`.[.|ANCF. is in ' _.._..-. -_..r n naugugana . .4 These farm Ilzrnm at? wilh IMMEDIATE fan rPVl'i`0l,?l;el:e';" 1` ;I'|1Vere in but one GEN-l-Ii-NE AND SURE am-Le nn \1I()\lI`.\' ms... ....'...~ (mm irn-m|Iari- ' PEARCE has _ tbs me Purchased the Pateit Right of Mchinn and h: nnw I-mulv tn OW |` for sale one of the largest and best -' 9'd Stacks in the County. They will "always keen `on hand articies enho best} and fggfg; fgfgifishich will be sold at the lovwsst All orders carefully attended to. N.B.'-Funerals furnished on the short'2ast`notice and at reasonable ,8te5_ R Z.,`f_f _`f f" ",,_9l, P8ite 'Farra2-her : Hotel, DR. C!*!I3.ESE!\[:!IoI`S FEMALE PILLS!!! I@RT%NgEMA\Ls E`;%sQfi3{ W: `:.".`i`;..`i." a...` DR. CXIEESEM.-'&N'S.FEMALE PILLS. PATENT CHAMPION DR. 'ClIEESI'B.\IAN S.FE_MALE PILLS, Common Chair . . . Cane Seated Ghmr . . . . . . . . . . . . Common Bedsteads . . . . . . .._. . . French and Cottage Bedsteads. Swing Dressing Glasses ... . . . . Wnshstands .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . Tnhles..L . . . . . . . ..' . . . . .;..... Boston Rocking`: Chairs . . . . . ; . . Nurse, ditto . . Leaf f`.....'l llnrnnni . . . . Volume XII."77 "( :P/_LS7 PP.OCLAII_AT|ON_! TO THE LADIES! BOTH .\IARRIED AND SINGLE. The Oldest Regulator for Females. L ,,!?9UGAI- +2 SON 1 V 9 ?u w 3` HiHg completed their new , ._....n; MILES. Dunlap Olfbosite 'Farr1""* " Hotel 18- ~ (l7'TL_. NOT IO E. ONE B0}: HENRY A. CLIFFORD, - T Secretary. 863. ' H 4933: ' own: Ill U0!` m %y:i::er price uh ;STR2&\ $@ -EfJ:;'1"I"vl33`_fR ! VUIUIUU Ul .lvl.lI= 1`l'IaA'l'lVu I? Ta'u'uu,--The A1`l.AN'1`I0'i8 for `sale by all Book and Rexiodical Dealers. Price, 25 cents a number. Subscriptions for the year, $3.00, poste- age paid. Gnu; Pnuolas.-- Pwo Copies for one year, 05.00, and` each additional subecriptionm the same rate; and an Extrn Gop "gratis for every Olnb f'1 6n`3b!cribr85 .0: E..0!'m[Oo1')i'eo for 325.00. A A - _~ In all O=lubs,.snbI_c`r-iberu psy.their oirn pougga, n *_24 cents"1ier"yeh. s"1g `tr !ourp:Tior?;ogm:.nn mu *0! E . 'ltl'IbA'7t:n I. urn: nu -gr -, nUD.!Ml\l -m:suvu.uLVu' will contribute several new Poems. ` NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE will printhis `New Romance in the columns of the Arms-nc, com- mencing, probably, with the February number. HENRY WADSWORTH VLONGFELLOW will publish in the -A11-Anne some Cantos of his Translation of Dente s Divine Conmedia." MRS. HARRIET BEEOHEB STOWE begins, in the J an uauy number, a series of capital sketches, to be continued through several months, with the title of House and Home Papere,.b_y Chris- vtopher Groweld. . - . ` ` V ` ~ I. T. TRJWBRIDGE has written at New No"vel,, H which will be continued in theA'n.A_srr1o during the next volume. = _ ' PROF. ` LOUIS AGASSIZ 'Wll_l 'fco.ntn1'aje'ithoae, edmitcble articles upon dil!lerent`.1;Vrs.nches.f'of; _ neturql 4 sqienceiwhich. have cfonsti_tnted_eo `in- jggggipgj and }imp,0r,IAn_t `a. the late I. voliuneiotbe ATLANTIO; E r."mn.n"ItC :'FIm `nu nu-uh. T- 0.; |--I- I... -1: current. in Toronto. F the ATLANTIC "commences with the number; for January, 1864. Its commencement af- fords the Publishers an occasion to say that the ATLANTIC has attained a. circulation and` pros- perity never equalled by any American magazine of its class. IQ nonnnnc-Ifn AF ll-an Ann nu-nun nI|nS`|`n- 20-. --..` on us class. _ . The prosperity of the Amnennc enables its con- gductors to employ the most eminent talent of the country in its columns. All the best known wri-. tars in American` literature, contributing con-. atantly to its pI.ges,'give it -the sole right to be- known as our nmional Magazine. . AWill be` in no vvise inferior to the previous vol- umes,but. it. will be the.consmnt_aim of the publish- ers to 7 advance the high standard already estab-. `lisbedl for the magazine. in furtherance of this -aim, they have secured for -their new `volume several features of peoul-iar -imerestl Among tgese my are now able to announce denitely t at A e - ' ROBERT `-BROWNING" will contribute several new Poems. ' ~ Is now in a position to execute Printing [of ev.e1-y description at Lower: Pnicas cure CARDS, BILL HEADS, M I DIS UUN.` HHS D680 l'(`('2l1|Z!?(| IUY many yea "rm-: ONLY sm-2 Rl~}L|A.\'CE is in DR. (!I{EESE.\IA.\"S I`E.\I.u..E PILLS, I . pense, introduced into the ADVANCE Office a first-class . |Power Press, than hitherto have been charged in this County'- BILLS, &c., at as low rates as are in CANADA Conrnrifs Onrxcn, g THE CANADA COWPANY win apply, unhe- next Session of the Provincial Parliament, for certain amendments to the Acts relating to the Charter of the said Company. 7 Dg ER g Commissioners Toronto, Nov. 24, 1863. 48-9! BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING mums, BILL HEADS, WEDm:NG CARDS, MAGISTRATES FORMS,` _ CC)NVEYANCERS FORMS, CHEQUES, PAM PHL ET s, HAND BILLS, POSTERS, -V ' '- ' --::T1I'v1--v D|'- Chee-WI1un s Pills have received, and are now receiving the sanction of the'cmtI7*wnt Pkyu'cz'- - am in Amen:-a. EXPLICIT nmscrrons with atzh Box. irtte zmce, ONE DOLLAR PER BOX. containing ` from fty to sixty Pills. _ Dllln cant I... ...-.-I . . -..i , A .|.. ..l..:._.. .-o--- N excellent Farm for Sale, bei'g,'East part of Lot 22, first Con., `OR0. The above Farm has 80 acres cleared, and a good stream of water running across it. It will be sold cheap. Apply (if'by letter `pot mid) to ' 1 J. (FLEMING, 48.6t I A nrm-A P , O mnnA1mu:, Am, my Ponmox, AT CI'%lA`Y PRICS. A VA"N'GUs& %3`E:le.L., % "Issuer of Marriagrhioenses, ADVANCE @ uwer rezz. if "T"'7',,3:,,:'i ?rIf<':>`.'I3.'-Ir IIELDS. Pm-Inmns. A .1 . v` I35 Wblhingtou Strut, 391103;. Is uxiiversnlly recognize<-i as the_ best American Magazine. - The Atlantic Monthly, comun rnnrrmn, Auocinto domnor fogtho Oountiu of Silgoa ` and Grey. , U6 ydllfl, II] {III [lI'L\` (H [H8 CIVIIIICCI W0l'|(l. H8 -1- 7 author is AN OLD EXPERIENCED PHYSICIAN, whmn mmrvhmlv Iznnwm nnrl in whom avnrvhmlu THEV Subscriber Having, at -great ex- M-erchantsand business men can pro- 48-6t PRINTING THE THIRTEENTH VOLUME TH-E ATLANTIC FOR 1864- ` And every other descriptrima of FARM F93 SALE. Printing. SINGHAMPTON w/Lick have been populam and sro curaa r OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY, 10 `meatone lhe menstrual ow in a natural way. that ladies who are pregnant must not me: l/rem, as they will invdriag produce a mllscarriuge. THEY CANNOT D `HARM in any other way. _ ,_n ,`..,n,.,..________ _____ ,___ .__-_-

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