Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 2 Dec 1863, p. 2

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I THE mzmsn AAMVERIOAN oomnzncun { 7 ` COLLEGE. j vuvcl l|'|_ HIV` IIUICS {Hey We|'.e-cutttng, V; * . On thenight of their iialescape`, on `-retiring to their several `cell's, Dick Mor- gan'n'1anage'de_tb change -with his brother John from: the upperto the lower `tier. Aer getting into__thc sewer, they craw- . `led to the heavy grating and` masonry at itsmouth, and found that they could not. escape at t`hatV-routes; they, however, V made a hole upward to a` heavy` pile of coal, whichwolled in on them tosuch an extentthat they were forced to go `further back into the yard. They then excavat- , ed the soft earth clear under tlte main | wall,and so-correctly was the distance ' calculated that they came out into the ' open road one foot from* the foundation. ` l One of the party, Capt.-Haines; was By trade 1; brickmason, and seemed to have had the management of the 'ahir.j `A note, signed by thatiworthy, was left he- hind. It reads` as follows :'--` `Castle e- Merion, Cell No.` 20`, Nov. 27-.--To `Cap- tain M,erion,r ,Warden of the Peniten- tiary : Comnrencenient -November 4th ; conclusion November 20th. Numbefof hours of labor per day-three T-'ools'- small pocket knives. `Patience is bitter, but its f'ruit`is sweet. By order of my six Hluxss, Capt. C. S. Arr`ny_,"' honorablelconfederates. (Signed)`HsNItf `A -- .-....,.- l....._..., uuug a_u7 uuw `_U0)l'n[l_l8d'. ` for 2,500, so_ thzit,theTtotal amount to ` be paid will be 54,500 `currency. ` The vessels are: expressly authorized ` `bv the nw cnnl'rsin'l fn `..l..;.l..._ -L-=.4 uu 5tfalu iv; 11. [CW UUHNIS I0 COVE! ne bottom of the cells, giving as an excuse that the_damp _stpne was injuring their health. The unsuspicious guiard `granted theinf request. Theboards were `used /to cover up the holes they` Wer.eAcutting.. On thenibht nrH1nnI H31o"nnnav-A an Thy -by `patient labor ffdr fou`r weeks; by? small "pock_e_t`;kniv'eg, dug through tlie oor of theircells, comp`ose"d .of'jabout one foot `of stone and brick, down into a four f'ootVse`\verV. Twoweeks ago on of the` escaped prisbners "asked the ovum-J` for a (`mu lm.....1- 4;. ..`...;-.. -L- .r- V'74"'V"-'_' .,..- .' ' -. ';':' e_- V [ yTh_e noted bhizf, *`Joi[i'i1' (Mof'gnn ,`:hp.s`'d` fom ,pti'o h.fwith ."sxf:r`&V<`>f,i1_i.s , fcefps., Thje _folIo}vi g 6? 5the' affair are giv_en:--; o'f`V"tI`1'e:e'zs-:'zz'}; "j;;{sbngrs asked the guard` for a few boards to cover the hnnrhy nf Hm): nnlln .....:..... _.. _-A ---~~ _ .`._1,1lVt of the forward movement` 94? the _Nqrtherp_1r_mies`._` Iu`_t_he..E_ast }YIeg_de is still m!va"nci iig,-V bu't`ih"rthe `triing ac`- . to have. got. rather the, worstzof-.`it.-n the West; the success of .Gn.eml:Grdnt is corz'rtr`gegI, but :Bragg"s' gfrmy"app1rs {one sun {m`tg`.-.jc' within ,the .s'ta Iipe of Gogia I .The:".of "Chai'Is;on.9es _on asusual. ;.;.; 1 .,z.g:- ,' = 4.1\.uII|u` uc\_n_u|vu mg: 16% _ El] Hip ` `tion's=wbih=Lhavertauken=-plaegy-he `is'_said~ v ugusttin lIlo_KlI.I_p} progress nerent,ter.g;~; - it .,-tinny otijeriiustences could he give '0! t "ii - `9t3eniIut e_ifait3o_f the force. But th Ave , )5i tentjtogfry,:)lontrealernnd can `_ -_. .t * I yiiitigmin in the city knows t ]j'the " = . ~ _diiitinished by about one half. `Volunt . ' Efnttthnt the apptooching inspection in De- ` - A 15 about to be held for the purpose of dis- ,.a;_I ingall the best battalions, in -the en . There ' IS nothing in this, but it show; the ietrust in which the force holds the Ministry. It is thus that Ministers propose to improve and extend the Militia force of the country, even as our neigh- bours slmprqvetthe abo't'fg' ej, ZT`o -the fgeaof: - the emu, omighisisua - on rd ,for I. .u. - Mr. Addtitleg end the L5_ndo__`,j1'ios;__qri5 r, them such telling laudstionn. orily John Bull is easily homhugged. yew 1515' Slt (Ir In Pnrun.-n-ti rnnunnunnt ni` {Inn =rggu:5g`|-xevancea. . - 'T|1'g{Oh|ueurs do not count near their former strengt, nndngvernl companies of xhat corps 'bIIro_:,beg br9k5i!a.uP- .:1fI_af_eLj.g4;:vn;ry;fi:,rnitrnctors are sent avg so lm . that thO;;;V,olnnleer force is no; `ikelf II. lei-.t to l'n'aka.I_p progress hereafter. ., - Hnnv ntliarjnggnna-_n nnnl he divnsi` nf N13118:- .:to`r;i:.n'-,'_...1aressea _t'o the `Evening Telegraph, _ _ 139 republish elsewhere, setsfortb some of The `Ocean Stedmships, ;mlp}1}i_com" rehen's'v . " W" _ ' _ juqdmu to the King;;tYi;G.du J beiigq ---. .- _.~-co vs awlluslv 13,1106-`Z I 1 ' A` \- 35 r 4:; Uppf Ham vapaig n a vc":: u? .!;.~a.x. ; v ' ft - .-uuoluuul UVll'l8o"' "':"':'.; '1 : ' . lfaris bpu;d.`gaasrat~s# .; ;b':< gzggg `am; of frmucaveauzgq `eq;"t`_(`)! l_qsg__ % `Mm, .':`:.:;:.=:~'*!:`:-`.!f_."'1`aft`! 9:. ` J Y1-`'b~'I`talid` ea `agnhbs%t;v<%s$1i1;`e-fr E graland comnrehenhin- ;' J; |I\iIIGvI ~thg?Po,Hs h;ainr xn"t`ti`i`ldf t'om`:s`: * The M} " ' eiriupw` onlyjrhlishbi th'!Rusgia'n V'e1r8`N)`li Of'AVe'dt.'" " ``'`' U ' ' ' V "55 1lfg 7iq'tm"ahd ath,ar;1-jrench ,jc'mr.' nilzlbs were_ _;r'ea__(|i:x_:g`," `1ijider` u'1str1i ctions,' .. Paris b9u:s':` 'fi'r1`f ati=s ,mq:` .' ;1|jg3.f]3-k"bf `FrHiic`WiHHo:n ..*.;n. 1-..- v ........ I-uc upurzwepegs at the scheme; 4 If is re'pof1'd that the Spanish Govern- `ment5 blippoxts the ca'ndiula`tAur'e j of_ Maxis ri_uI_ian'tot Meiiah C'ro'\`irn. , . `A bi|1 has_Be:s=`sjtibmj'u3e'd to the Ffench 'Cb`nn`il`{or sup ;le`tg1ent,:g`r}"cfe lits of '91,; i`pa"':_ ,`,t`d'rhe'St` ,th`1V_1e:';ican`ex-': N '- I: 2`:-. my ` "ha` 1lfg'In_I't&i_n"`aqd dthp? "French `jour- uais were _g:'ea(i ug,~ ihst;tib_tions,' Hie` Pq}i!'HfiI'f51'if`ih"t'iiildi '`n'm'..` 'm.. .- VJUIIIJI - The Time; c_out_imiea, gditorially, to sho'v'v` theVa!`J0'!`ti'i`Ie.n`ess of '(_he- sheme; ` If is re`riM-`1d: :hh.*.`H|.4.- e__..:.;._ .-. - III: `dJ\llC|J5cl` O ' '1 he Papal Government assents, and th-e'_P`rus$ian replylhwas `expqctdd on the .-21st.`-` " ' `It is lnelieved tliatthe principal replies will all sek `for inf_'ormat`ion_1' as to the programme`. " _ _' _ It is `vaguelyruinored that Napoleon HI, invifed th'e;*King ofelgium todraw up, the _(ogrannyne, " ` ' ' The aris drrspohdent ofthd London gzegasseru ;: lsellefittalat the propqsed V uuw ucul Uaacu J5`! I ,UUUn . The English answe; to Napoleon "on. the:prbpused Cohgres question has ben answi'ed'. It` does not announce nu- q_xIi1jlified_accept[n_ce, but seals for infor-' mation ha t6 the prcise points proposed for`: dictIssid,`_tind~ further _'_commI'nica- lion betweu th`e .t wo Go}rei{nments'may ` be expected. 1 " `1'n3panoI }.1nooln.;_.4.;_L -.- -` -' ` baa IUI mueu. , V The bullion in the Bank of England ` has decreased 4-1 ,000; Tl... v....I:..L. ....-..--_ .- u, u` vv\.l5Il|H5 Ilg\.IV pp, uuu U880 H1806. ' Livrpool breadstuffs market rm I Flour steady. Wheat rm at 85 to 8s 6d. fofwinter Corn rm at 285' 9:1 `to 29: for mixed. ' T ` ' . "`.__. L... , o` .u 1: - - -- uuu uqw ucglullu mu ranama. `_ Sinccessful` attempts with a great Arm-` stronggun throwing shot and shell weighi'ng,550 lbs, had been made. \ s T;iI7PhlIl'I'; .`\rA nr'nIun`#u -----'--* --~- V-I\lIlII\vI I The Solicitor General commenced his urgurnentforithe Crown on theL2lst. 'A nnnh-ant had l...'..;.' - -....-I--J- J r- Ioueunuulai nu Inc UIQVYII 01] [He 215:. 'A contract had been `concluded for a monthly mail servxc_e between England and New Zejaland via Panama; .Qi1hnnadn` aidlgmgo; --.:n. _ W, . - I uuv ouu lnuglI=85lHg. The Attqrney General `concluded his sufgiiment in. favor of a new trial on the 20th, with afwarm eulngium upon__the decisions bf `the American courts, calling them an honor to jurisprudence in" that country. ` ` j I Th`. Qnlinloo... l`|....-;.-I - ` ` ' ....u., u, wuqx In nu: unungagees. The English journals, are quiet on Amgrican :"g:_irs. . ` _The London Times says. that America has rapidly settled into its . normal state of war, and an early peace looks hope- .less. - ' r `Phehrgumnts in the Alexandria case \ ate still progressintr. I TBA Afftu-nan I1........_I --.. _I,, 1 1 1 - \-ll '79 ' less. ;u_uu:q z--.- __ _ The steamer Great Eastern had been M advertised for sale atvguction on` the 14th ` .Tau., by order of the mortgagees. The English `inn:-nnla Q... .-...:-a. -_.. 5 Jozm, Nd., Nov. 30.-[--'[`he stbejarl-` . er Scotia, from Liverpool 2lst,via'Queeh_- stowa 22d _inst., passed. Cape Race~nf' 110011.10-day. She was boarded by the news yacht of the associated press, and` fmjned :_ mt`; _., rv '- - the following summar_y of the news obc GoD:_! s .L1to r'sV Boo.k..-'l`beA Dctiilier -number U pf_thls,,to ladies, very interesting ansllihstructive tm'inthi' his gome to hand. I't c6n tai:'x5s,besidea, some interestln`g`und well wrltteif tales. a mag nieent fashion plate; and a latge nnmbrof pat- ~ __terns.for embr,oide;y'and'.braidings._ The patteqns of dises" for litti gm; *a're '1'2!`tl'.l':l.l'l(b.l y "pretty, andin the cu]inh|`y"tl}3di'tIirenE Housckeepers trill V (ind man; new and`vilE1nhl hibts. Gadey is` Bali $9.06 per yeah and C'h'a`di?ati`Al;IlhscrilJers' would have an advantage o've`r Amet-lciins, as the premium on `gold wo`nld"t-educ thli small aim: to on; still amulet. The ladies` wbuld 836'}! in` invaluable teatime of`all that is` goig on if! `the world of fashion, ail-well 33 numrous` tDii:gs f` ?'which are solidly useful. ' ' ` ` ,j BLAcxwoon's Mmnznur for November has come to band and contains the following articles :- Chronicles ofMCnrlin.g`fo_rd: The Perpetual Curnte --0ld Maps and New,_-+'I'ony Butler--Ducal Dal:-mstadt-'I`he' Fall of King v0tho-Hawthorna on Eugland-'l`nrn-May So`ng--Our Rancorous Cousins. ` l . Leonard Scott 8 Co., New York. , :the' U-nitell States and Russia. The December fIfnul')1:hioA'ii :Pt1uuu61.'ocu7(1At. JoUni'tAt..-ThIs` pubcafio oidally_cunuiios7:: l_a_rg9 _'amount of both useful'qod:crious matter; but; like an other Amvrlchn `prjnfq, Hterary orscienbtic, it is exces- sively Americah, End exceedinglj pro-Russian and Ah't3British-m'de The t'wo great Empires" :. number cbulainelhe following articles :--Ricbard Whately, D;D.'-'l`h'e Tho Groin! Empires-iRail- ways nnd`Human Progress--0ld Age and Decay 1 -'l``o Iims-'l`he Hair Trade--Romance of 'Arit.bmetic--What. Might be Done-Mnn and W0- man - A Compound Nature - Incongruities of Character-How Ghosts are ,Made--Features of the Feet-Fair Hair and Dark Hair-Intermixture of Races-Max-riage Custom:--Abnse of Crinoline -Websler'a Great Speech -- Woman-Shows in Russio.-Phrenology, What has it done for You ? Fowler & Wells, New York. ' V I I 9 Wag--- - - -- -..-.. Ina nnuluvg L.I.VlIl"UECII I HIKE. her of the Infantry Gbmpany of .Volunteera, the deceased was buried with military honors. Six men from his own copy): acted as bearerl,*nnd- twelve men and ,agsex-geaqt of jbe Biu formed` `:59 5! P`"`?!-:. at - ,: -` T ' . ..`. ---u. -an-(IA! V80 The Jackson Lodge. No. 299, B.A.0. of Good I Templar: w1ll._ho[d 1{h_eir first annual Soiree at Whitehi Ghurh; Peneianguishene Road, on Wed- iI e'aday,` 30th` December, 1863. The following 5 *' . . ..".i,l..L2ds!s2.~:,!=s,;zmil2&a::;1iemu.Q;- Gllivan, Esq., G.w;s.-, Regs, Messrs: s. W. Jack- son. Finch, SandEH5n'} Eedher, Morgan, and Mr. -A- Rowan. V ~ - ..._u . Jib-den xd -- _-. v... - uv-own, nu nu: ulal ylllul, LU lull UUUFBU of valuable instruction which it provides. The yesent large ena ce qf pupils proves that it es en hit r 3?: gee ;aud the fact that they 459 aily in p ehpi glue: the,e'orls of the manger: to make the Institution as perfect as P0Iible no properly appreciated.- Toronto Globe. ' l""' .. """'_',!"9'\. . .. 9" `3l!|9'l`-3!'"'4 W to p lls who hire atten dhring thh current yen. -This College ' irahly conducted throughout, and young met? about to engage in business would nd it greatly to their advantage to devote a season, in the first place, to the course nf vnlnnlnln :...a-..-.:-_ _L_o_u, r. , on , nu '?1'`l`.|.'Bq Sunday ! in tgyegvaripup brangpg, sud `prius$f:_s4o`, god 0, A .` paegqgaote com- PhQ0i=h\3h.4*l,eu aigyhli e.-i~l,:1li:"a.`\ion, tn ndxflln uh}. ilk ... -n.....a...n .12...x_.. us. -.._...-. vuauluua IIIEII. 1'00 OIIICEPI 0! IlIU'.I50Qfg'0I:'O8' - - - 4'!` {oh} gn ggapining. cougmittoaj by wbfh dipl5 mu to suclifu arof?onnd toboinp to ` "9`.lf`0Q sinndacjl in ghevaribus bnnqgaq, and In-3cm: t -`An Qoni." '._.I dun. ,_ ,_ J A.;- ,_,, with all the minntia: of bank and joint stock ac- counts. All the other departments are managed in the same manner, the sin: being to render those receiving instruction at the `{Oo{leg$`~,horongh b it . , " 7 ' '5" a ` as non men .'l"be otcerqmcf ".-x. .. ll!` LL. -x331-__ ,,; ,, "A'rri_v'al of the satia. V .2. , ,` . . . Ghlcngo must be a delnghlfnl place to me In. ; Here are slow at lheir aonullongfor . giggle Icy:-'Myueriooa Suicide -'-No` cm, to tho ldenfitydf ibo Deooued- -Rani |. wjf. Mur- der!-_-A Child Murdered by ill of]: Parents- Two Railroad Ac.oidog;_u--_ _ 0 ` h Gill train the Foils o 1 YM who S008 ` Hd?""Riiin-3Woman 1 Rgilrald .I_;Ii ':,--Man Found Dead on 1-fcgnal Baub- hyzbrowning in 0 VII. _ . Ou.n-nu Spnmos.-'l'ho oil mu-kg: ha not iiniproived since our last, b.l:l"I`h[gc]|ngd, We . quolonrnde at 94 per barrel at eg. Sales dull. Production dnct-casing `ogfhsg-to gmter amenity 6: bpernting in bold` wg_h...i Rened "continues nominal at 35c to 400., with no sales to .. _' -3-vranicll. zsua. - * .- ` ; ' , largo And dnrk.. P58. _ done; is downward. Tbq follow Mos-rnnr. Fan 1\Iuu::-r.-We hue :2 nis week no change to note in the Fur market. The de- man(_l`for..\iink still continues large; but prices not quiteao high as-they wen, "4 me ten- ing are the prices cugrent fnr prime furs :- 1 __ ...,....uuuu. An? N cugrent prime ze- Mhk-non.oooo-o p u - o - I oo- E_L_._ I ' ' . ' I (Ts. More-rnnr. 1," ghange make man_l'for..\iink ].,s:Ll an hot mm. .. |.:_|. __ . _ L-........wnuuuu.: was occur an musi- neu;-10, thnhafter. ning zthrougb the `ebdrse _ there is acarcelj anfuriu of transactions of r W}|i!l_I' id eunvconceiv thnt should "(heft phizle to my min. ofidrdidnrgysugncity; "-The '0ol'leg'ev ' ii. under Ibo-: 'ma;nngeq1:itt or -nix` experiancaaj 4' toahbrt1,mnd-xbuystem `of. mining adop'tod`1'9 l"o* ` ooInpl:te thnt'tt.lie atndqntxxiivof necessity innde= -' rumitiu-.v1zh~ the` m`ow msnu:e'de:inj1s be o`omm'er; 7 nit! ddncitiona :; In -lh;b`ookkeping ' Qobdleiitf thus qiebcise fomI.nnd*.iIi- nlctu:al*1iuIi`nu"ir`a`sAj L V ac:idnaare_ Adopted, Eu`. zr'sscue~iznaenr-qdfnaca _mev ely~"l`umiIiarisw uiaumh`; -:`theoy,~buc g1,.na_. :: perfect in the pncgigo of managing I rliif `I ;-lIc2lIua`;Me:1_li.f'c>`a:g'lIitlie?o6irf*i n\ligkig the : gum Iymm is foll9weiiii*dbll5iy`A"A` _ `=1 ogngaond, with relic _`_g1 l;6i it5ifhlcH:j :oli |-`in-., , ices.-gum Inwnqii,`-sud 48.43: mi? Iii ju EhzIA_('.1.ah:.vJ.~hm ; g. _.., \:u Iru A-U [U3 atness. . . . ._ . . . . . . . Ski:-ting.............. Buffed Cow, per foot. . . Enamelled Cow, do. . . Patent Cow, do. . . . _(..-.,, `awn, l(Il5CaoOou-I Do do., small. .` .- Kips, city slaughter, ex. q'ty (vgholg) Do,ordinary.... . . . . Do; Phtnas. (in sides). ..lOIIc0uo 'ca1r.g1;.ins, (2710 36 lbs. per doz.).. Do, (18 to 26 lbs. per 1102.). . Ha.rnes . . . . . . . . . . . - .. _._..- vrrsly usuu 1` Do do, `heavy . . Grained do; . . . . . . . Splits, do., large. . `nn 3,. .....;n I Hemlock Spanish Sb},'I`R>. 1} brands, per lb...'.;........*. 2 Do_ do,No.2,perlb'.'..`4;...`1 Do ;do,No.1,(ordinury)..'.'.'2 Do A.i9,_N`o. 1 - Dq suauightersole,No;2........ 2 Do do, No. 1 Waxed Upper, light and medium. .. . 3 Dr. HA `Inna-n ' V Nov. 24. The qumfues or` L't`a'thiu'- id.1sca' in ms. city during the week ending Novf 2.1.,` `we -re-:-Sides N6. 1, 4,475; Sides No. 2;'_12'i1`;`N6, 3,101; total, 5.847: The fdllowing are cutreni rates :- muuueul not. 25. If there is any change since" yesterday, it is of , 8` dov$!N'l1rd tebdency. The trunsacllons have b 6gn.few and unimportant, and our qudtaliona of |.ye's`terd'ay-`we`continue. Receipt: of flour to-day .hhve"bee!1Ihdu:`l5,0o0 brls, and holders generally stringl rather yield. "Buyers oer $4.20, and` oellei aE`$4`.36. mavmvv` Gr` THE Mo:vnw.u.'- LEATHER ' MARKET. . ` Novembe} 28, 1833, 5 fl'lI' Market was only lightly supplied with rroa iduce. V Flour unchanged and nominal. Superne "$3.75 to 3.80. -Fancy 4.00 to 4.10. t.-Extra 6.00 to 5.12, all f.o.b, .-'*-n in: Superior ... . - . - u .vv u: van; llll I-0.0, " "Fall Whegt-85 to 90 for common and medium` 91c to 1.00 for good to choice. Spring Wheat steady at 78 to 80. Bu-ley.--70 to 75: per bushel. Pens study at 50 to 51. Oitl--41 to 42. I . _ _ . - . n . - \ll un; uvuvlcr Wctgljllu b Beef was inmoderate supply and not much in- quired for. Prices ranged from 3.00 to 4.00. ` Hay averages 8.50 to 9.00 per ton. ' Sheepskins fetch 75 to l 00. Chopped Fall Wheat-4.00 per barrel. Uubolted Fall Wheat Flour--4.00 per barrel. Eggi-l5c. , I)._A4_._ r" '----5-:-. I=wurau:.oI' uooneeping, . banking, l`i|!08d4illgi-ptggmboang . penmnship , `ad " pu?`i '.59li'1"i0 , It the: fuimplest - f"%','-~'4!iib5n 8'l'd.uulIy 1.d.iu;m:anu.g~inx 97'-9`"5~`"-d -'59IiedIionag that occur id fbugi. non:-.nn.thnl.n.. `..1.'.1._. .L_-_. . - A Tussmt, Dec. 1, 1353, The heavy fall of snow last. night has some. . .I'hat`imptoved the roads, and made the market here more lively. Still there was not 3 large Amount of produce brought forward to-dny. 1 ._,1n W!!!`-A'l.' the supply was light, and principally Spring, wbieh brought from 67 to 70 per busb. Fall Wheat-Qivsatxpleu brought 75 to 80. Flour-`-4.00 to 4.50 per barrel. Oats also in light supply at 35c. Peas bring 45 to 50 per bushel. `Pork was in limited Sllf ply and principally light weights. 3.50 to 4.00 was paid on the market- lhevlatter for the heavier weights. I Beef Wm: in 'III\l`nDnln -4---|- -~ 3 _a- nvvl Balm-17 to oc per lb. /,, -~"', : . - ea .d`m on 23! ingf}, INA l ~ _ 4 of John Mcuurray, John. !nrgeg,,.3Ii1ctorIl-V -EH]-9 ' oaths, sen , 915$; pctiql T, MARRIED, `\ On Thursday. the zsthinaunt, in 3",`, b the Rev. G: B. Davis, Mr. Fnncis Ban-, uedgn O.W., to Miss Mnrgaret Kinghorn, onh, uh nlnm. m. 57.-v ouu uxuulVl lll Ullllnnem ' numerous buildin . `axe den and V several lives werg. ' toyed and e citxgens of Holstein and sch] ;_ QV, e1dg`,inqel1ng nan! Hambmg :5 _-;394.8 gddtpgs tosgnnce Ausuuen g1n%t}ng~;,i'm to place himu a; 0 ` - .9 ` .i-PP`.:- `V . . d mgkinf preparation. for Accounts from Japan are unfav Satsuma and other Princes are p for war. "b1e. _ , uuwronp MARK:-:'r._ "1 i {E L :3 -.. ` i Bunronm! Flam-_-8.50 to 4'25. per barrel. 4 VFall,WheeI.--90c per bnuhel. - Spring Wheua-73c per bushel. Berley-6c to 65 per buehel. - Pea-40 to 50 per bushel. -0aIaV--25 to 30 per buehel. . `Po'rk-3.60 to 3.76 per 100 lbs. `Beef--3.00 to 4.00 per 100 lbs. :` Potatbee-25 to 300 per bushel. Butler-l2 to 13 per lb. ~ Eggs-a to 9c per dos. Hey--8'00 to 10.00 per ton. `Hides--4.50 to 5.00. Theta has been a great ra`i;.To\` gal-' The M I Ch "'1- bui1.::'... d:.l?.l.).:'_'. ' cising over them immediate controla; Expertneas fIt ia,n we-ii known fact that thoueandn of pro- mising` undertaki_ngs_ prove lamenublefnilnres, frorn -no other cn'n_s`e than the want of gthorough :gninz'ercin !.` training` 5; the part of those exer-' in working out-a probtem. in the rnleo three,or in calcnlating decime,l;s,V am not of. itself makes business man; and therefore we -ntonjsider 7 nothing `can he of more,ixnporta`,nqe. than that young men : ahonld, prior, to engaging in any hu;i~_ ' nesl, undergo a course of complete `instruction in it" those branches nppertaining-. to the mounting-` house depnrtnient, the British American Com- Inereial Golege,; of .Meqi_rg_, Boles & t'Jooper,,i| serviceable to the many. ntudents who attendthe cla_sneI.. V Upon envterjpg .thg4 .Qol_lege, `the student ixetrictly exnniinedgphd the deg-ee.o'f'procieneyr_ herhu. :1.-y atuipow omen; meminea. He. . :i.I; than out 11I!|18|Is,l}.._ceunor.of bookkeepinz. ,' milronding;aotauboatiug,~ ponlllllldhip,-` - `-1! `___`___, .-1 .- conducted in a manner which must be eminently": - llulliwo DIED, 9:.,.`.'!:z...?.._';'.*'= we-9.1-ndtlvllllv Mn Enwun 1'. >1 . minor, of mu Tovyn. December 2, MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal Nov. '78. since" M tehdEDCV. Thu franan-Il--- L - ., , . . . ,.-. `~ _'AV`>;` , BRADFORD MARKET, ` " 7 ~ ' ? Bunion`, Noy.25' P--a,_K in A-OK nan In----I 1 4 p ::__-____.___..___.:___ TORONTO ' M A RKETS. eoutmgtctalgi BARBIE MARKETS. ma medium. 32) to 34 ........"...... 31 to3`.l ----.......... 32} to37} -o----........ 25 $030" 15 com 3341'`: 45 to 55 40to-15 s)...'.....'.... 2721037} In. __. $2 50to350 35010000 l00tol'l5 10010125 01010013 'f,'T"'-_-- l00tol50 ...`......-- 30010400 aoozosoo ....V.....`..*o2otoo5 "`---.y4ootoeoo -o~uIoo;.."" __.. V ....u- we ;ow-I VIl\/I on a c'onsigi_zn1en't'of_Bothwell timber. The _ followingere said toibe the condi- tions of the new contract,.which~\`va.s ' signed last week :- `I he `siibsidyis to `be 52,000, but " there are some _small cleime whieh have net been` ineli';de_d` in the ordinary " contract price, and -are now ponimuted `currency. `by the new cont'_ra`c't to, elacken their speed or stop in case `of fog, and such eatise of lees` of time being properly aintlierigiedted, en the sl}i_p s leg, by the captaiifqnd mail officer, is to be allow,- ed to".hef's_hi It is, moreoyer, ex- "_pressly agree, `that, in bad. weather, Cape `Race is to be avoided, so as to bar ` the. vessels of ,th_i line from deliverm g "``tele'gi"a'[h__tria.t`ter, 'toft_he peril pf their .6`. passelnigers. l"Fir'iel_ly; the miriimurii of ca;ii1cit~y and sp_e_ed_ allowed to the_v'es-- . selsbne this line are .th'0se bfhe Hiber`- ` nian. "` i , ..' 'U"`- 1 1 Tussnnh `SSDAY2 E63, ' last gom null marl; oh- _, . Q4 15 020 I . 40 to45 271 to 37} 62} to 67; 50 to 60 22 to 25 271 to30 ` 12} tom \ 15 to 16 16 to 17; 17 to 19V` 1034 224-16 23; -19`to 2o_ -20 tom 13; to 19!` sh: ._ ..-. Hciz? V After a great deal of `eiiclrrnlocutioo -und double de_aling,_' the" GoV ernmen`t_ have at last radeo.f'freshf arrangement with the old- contractors, Edmonston, All-.m 6; Co_., for the performance of the ocean: steamship service`. The terms up-. pear to be satisfactory, a"nd`are in'fa`c't based upon "an `offer made by 1_1e'eone traetors many months ago,bi1t, whichlhe Government. did not thenf think proper to_acc`_ept. 'Per ha"ps' Mr. Brown? was waiting f'or'another nun p. _....-.._..___, , nvs .1 advance `o{_1r>j,ot)o I

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