Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Oct 1863, p. 3

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D, 3 ydke gf good W6IkingOgu |. lure inquire of-WM. ATHOMPSON, , P Lot No. 10, 13th VonT., Iunisl. ' J- WAGGONS FOR SALE. Barrie, J une 9th, -1863 tun vv. av` Aurvun ` March 14th, 186: BUSINES_S_%STAND. ll:\llEY S C0\`D|Tl0.\` POWDER Rarey s- ,Codi_tin. Powders. Rarey -s Coridifion ' Powders. ' Rar%y s;.Conditicn Pqwders. Rarey s Conditioo Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. l?arey s Condition Powders. Rairey s Condition Powders. Rare_v s Condition Powdets; Rarey s Condition Powders; AWE into the premises of the subscriber, Nos. 11 and 1'3. iu the ls! Con.,'Ve-spra,` about the 1st of May, nred'and white STEER, rising two years old. The owner can have it by proving property and paying expenses. If not claimed. within thee weeksirom the dztte of this notice, `the Steer will be sold. l'l`f1('\ll' AG ll ATDQ Rarey s Condition Powders. `Rarey s Condition Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. Rarey s Condition ,Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. R;arey s Condition V Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. Rarey s> Condition Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. vRai'ey s Condition Powders. Rareyfs Cogditioh Powders. *R.arey s Condiiin "Powders. ...---\ Sons. of 1'emp'em`n'i; a>d Good huqplars of vUppei' ' : or CATTLE `FOR, SALE; No:i`%IA.C%A`r;{% znnuunn unuynxn, . Dunlop-street, Barrie. ' lf-23 NATHANIEL RING.` .1144` 11?-V _1_ `up `d1.\1L'Uh) will commence its '1'1:ilHD smssmx ~ On `the Second Monday in November necit, being the mhdny of said month, a.t.2 o'clock p.m By order oTIhe Warden. ' - ... _. . --_. --~ I uunuuuucu uy clearings. The South half of Lot. No; 4. in the 5th Con. I of the Township of Euphtasia, I00. scrap. -This; Lot is well watered, a`ndAthe land of 3 -rs! nus". `quality. - TERMS .A`KTT\.`h\Ti'\lTIn\? (L in--. _-- --;. xnumo nnu UULVUIIIUJN5.- --'l'en per cent. of the purchase money to be paid etthe time of sale; twenty per cent on or before the r-st day February next; and the balance in two equal nu-` nual inate.iments,. with interest at the rate ,0! seven per cent per annum, to be secured by Mort-i "}cbun `wili not be entitled to require the 1` production ofythe Title T Deeds. further than those 1. in the poeseseiontof the vendor. . ` ' `ll Al___ ___.!___|_.__ _-___ L- -I.._9,,__.1 ,A' *. II ' -.. ...- ruuvvuvuxyu a. nu. vvuluvnl l -Further particulars may be obminud on}d;$pl!-b cation to John Begort,rEiq;,~ Mr. M. W. Began, or I ,R..H-Smith . .-Eq. Ncirmnrkfet,-zar tozthe Auc- tioneer. = -8Q \6'66inlienUi at 1 o clocK pan. ; .~-V an aunt: A.._.-,- E l_ll guuu place [or 011810883. ' Lois Nos. 5 and 6,_Eaet.'side -of William Henry _ Street, containing half an acre, upon which is` erected a two-story Frame Building 36 by 24 ft., ; tted iipfor ll Store, with dwelling up stairs con- ` mining six "rooms. Upon these lots is in Frame? Store House. This is a very desirable situation: tor a store or residence, and has the conveniences 5 for a. large business. I '.II\ The South West three fourths of Lot No. 5, 15: ` Concesaiouof the'.'I`ownship of SCVi_ncent. con- taining v_ lb acres--three or four acres of which are cleared, and a good Log House erected thereon. This 14.0: is well adapted for aqiicultural pur- poses and situate in Va good` farming country, surrounded by clearings. L ` I The South lmlf nf Lin `Mn: A. :. 41.. mt. n-_ October 1`,;!a._ _. 1} I|.~L"`I II. M 11 mpmim tn "5"-I.3.!'f?'1_"""5'f,"""`"F h';1"'- I` \2e_Il_ia: 9\\' ,`!E'o`Ql_!*.' Q"!`?! l'"-i}`3 I?""3'?m "``:a gully`! mgllgpjulp-is; 19 lluI|:-!-_g!g5)1_- ,__.:(-uu ,-fur ?!m ao~Izix`1 'o%i*i`* ' .5`-: x\..`~'* . A `-8 3 vowu or MA5onn,l nrn 'r......,I..... .:.'. mu. 7\r...-;..L_. mm 1 ` In the Town oi` Meaford, riz.: LOT No. 6, West. side of Seynionr Street, on the Gravel Road, containing one-fourth "of an; acre, upon which is erected a. frame building 26 ' by 18 feet. unnished. Lm No '1. W.-no amn n! 1x7:n:...._ 11...... m....... U 10 ICBI. unnulsneu. Lot No. 7. West. side of .William Henry Strel, ! one-fourth of an acre, upon which is erected a: .- 18 feet, containing four rooms. small Bsujn and :1 Frame Dwelling House 26 by Lot No. 8. W90: aidonf Willinnn nnnnn Qo......o \'re's'pm, Uctber zen: ' to new, cuuuunlug mill` rooms. Lot No. 8. West side of William Henry Street, one quarter of an acre -, upon which is enacted a Frame Dwelling Hbuse, contaibing six rooms. Lot. No. 23. East aids: AF 9! Vin-mane Rom- 1. nsunr uwvumg nouse, containing six rooms. Lot No. 23, East side of St. Vincent Street, situate (won the`Gravgl~Road, containing half an acre; upon which is erected a Frame Dwelling House 20b; 30 feet, with a Store attached. ; This isn good place for business. , Loan` Now. 5 and R re...-.:A. Ac \mm..... 11...... Veapra, October 18, 1863. r11nnHni%iIT`t? ?1fiirnJnrY; For Sale by AUCTION. at the Store formerly oc- cupied by Mr, Charles Eligh; __ ____ _______ ___,, . I Building Lots 1 Mare (well bred). l 3-year-old Colt, 1'2-yeari old Colt. 9 good Milch Cows in calf, 1 2-year old- _Heifer. 14 yoke Working Oxen 6 years old, 1 yoke - ous to mention. - l Steers rising 3 years, 1 2-year-old Durham Bull, (first prize at County Show), I 3-year-old Ram, l (first prize at Vespra Show), 2 well-bred Ram I Lambs, 45 Ewes (well bred), 1 Berkshire Boar :v and several other Pigs, 2 Cutters, 1 New Fanning E Mill. 1 set Double Harness, 2 sets Single Harness, I 1 Double Waggon, and other articles too numer-i l All sums under $7, Cash; over tkbai, iigboxnnt, 12 months Credit on furnishing approved Joint Notes. : over that oved Joint ' lnfor'-all Immns: `$10 and under, Ca amount 15 months Credit, on ap , Notes. Liberal discount allowed for i sums above $10. nu, ' VA- | On Loi 18, 6th Goncssiou-of VESPRAL the fol? . . lowing valuable V v...........,. . _B:1d Cuug . _ ` puma in me sxdr. . pains nr Ind lhl`. he of breulh.h:1n1hrezllltlll-1. shurp p ' _ are qui b`/ n duse OHWO 01 Rcnnvulmg Hesn em. AND .IMAPLEMENTS,A A THE PP.,0"PERTY OF MR. GEORGE MAUN- V DRELL, viz: 1 _` 1 E3 cnt allowed for ail shins" above 7 dollars. ' -.... V...` .-J u: nu. vvnnu .u\anA4\/A1, vnuIa-- 2-year old B l (Devon); 6 Heifers rising 3 years, in Gulf; 4 .\li| Cows, 1 yoke 2-year old Steers; 2 Heifers 2 year old ; l Steer `Jyears old_; 3 year- ling Heifers; ly ling Bull; lyoke 4-year old Steers; 3 yoke 0 n;` 1 span heavy Draught Horses; 2 Brood Ma in Foal to`Victary,- 1 2- year old Messenger 0 ; l'Spring Luck s ./Ill Colt; 20 Pigs; `_ZDouh Waggons; 3 Double Sleighs; 1 Box Stove, 1 urn, 1 Drag, l Fun- ning Mill, 1 Mare, 3 Plough and other articles 1 too numerous to mention.` well bred); 2 Roms (well bred) ; _l I On WEHDNESDAY, Nw; 421:; 1863, ? """' "" `I""' ` Sale tocommence at 10 o c_lock. Barrie, 0cmt.eri2n, 1863. ' AND IMPLEMENTS; The pro rty of Mr. JOHN_ McLEOD, viz.: \ an `I'.`....... ....._n L-...l\ . n n___- z.__n |_.__.n . ..._-_. ...- -..--.. -.- ..-uu,u-vu. ` Further `particulars may be obtained at the An'ctioneer s, Barrie, where a plan of the property may be seen. The plan of the property may also be seen at the place of sale. ' ' 43-2!. FARM STOCK! .u. or me um: vvm. mums, r.sq., no seu n AUCTION, ` On FRIDAY; ahg em Nav., 1863, _ _.___-L,`, n Lots 3 mid 4, on Wellington Street. ~ Lots 9, 10 and 11, on King SLree!.--1 acre each. 12, 13 and 14, on King Sheet, Norurof Victo- ria Street--1 acre and a half. ' ' 5. 6,7, 8, 9, 10, ll, 12, 13 and 14, on Centre Street-`al_1out_2 acres each. . -.,'sv\\'\\'\.'s.`\'\ ` Vs.` lioliowa s Pills.--IAver - con ' ` ' ' lheng "f11`,,m,n e generll system lh[n.::.'uI:""-",' "0". lere nre few dlsensqs which igy cm, `'. * ~e'1cnc|ous In all duordem M I!!! F" `he We) ""m r"'dY- Sold everigvvlig. NY are -especm ` TERMS :--Three years interest on the purchase money, at 6 per cent. to be paid--one-fourth at .the time of sale. and the remainder of tbeiuterest when the deeds are executed. `l'.L.._.I__.. -__,,.2 ,_I , , L, -L._5_,-_I ,; u,, LIVJJIJL .L> IJILJJJJJ \l.I.' `LOTS IN GOOKSTOWN. _ Mr.-. MiI. ---. unumbe} ;{;e:iJ;t;1e 113:7; i;1vv;be-il;1:iing; }fi;ge ' of COOKSTOWN, 2 Buggies and A Light Waggon for Stile. V EDWIN s. MEEKING, Ll.C,EN`SEDAUCT|.NE`E`R nan o. ;v\w\wn-- .-Aeonuun-- A-'no-.-an-n _ rvp qnnlgpxn G_ uuupxx Uj,D;_p1UUl . _,,r ~ I,` .----_:~ ,_.._;`._',-;"; Cash Jdvances made on Good: intended for . u:-- . _ H _ ` , On Tuesday, the 10th `November, 1863, ' THE FOLLOWING comm %""i"is`:fz'3as 'AiD`cOND1TroNs.--Jrgn cent. fthe nurchnae monev to be nnid at that tam`. nr Om: Pbw One Powder Expek won . . " 03 Powd 3 `a cum! lndi'ui`n-' ` Ghyiiix "um. i '*rJi~`:. :1 ;:J0.' 1 i`u`..'(4s` 11.,.'\ (`K' n1:,i?g. ` ` V ` ` 3...-ed it. xi)[':iva`idv $6 ediolmoauow In-amumev,uI.u x-" "'f.`hfV=1irii"`i!1Ilt 511!-`Ii ;|||.-`Br-lliulkllllllng -- 7.2-? In all `u`~|'uo'his;i '-"' I WHE undersigned _will sell by PUBLIC AUC- E ; 'I`ION,_ _ | EIIEETTEXEEET V ON, WII;LIAM7 HENRY STREIs-T,T inihe On FRIDAY, sdzh October, 1863, K ..__ .- .._ . . .. %aag""" ' 1;.uim1a:La cotmrr or jsmoorc. 1N"rEET:5UN'1*Y OF GREY, AS received instructions flow the Executors of "the late WM. EVANS, Esq., to sell by UCTION. VAT 1)ICKSON S_ HOTEL. ` DR. R.wDv.vsw`.cn-'10 cures Spermatorrluza, simi. nu! Ii :/zknm. 1mpotmcy- I-ossof Panzer. 6%. spgedity and efarauulh/. Its emu,-1.< are truly ummvul. _A lrml of [he gym-.,c'\n!m-x1\'inIcc the must skupncul 0!` Its mcrlls. P[icQ' 3; 3 |...;. sen: pnsl-paid 10 any address. liy S- P. UPHAIC. -$03('Hh.~`1'.\ L'T Sruazsr, l m1mm:LrnIA. PA. Cir:-nlnrr SDIIH-ICC. . 23-6010 FET..-s'en1_b}' Pffmtc 'AUC 1`1ON, on Lot 23, *' 10th Con. of OR0, ' ' Immediate 'Se'tt.leme:Its after Sales. .RM SToCK! Stile to cprmnence at 11 o clock. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. CREDIT SALE. CREDIT-ALE V011 _C-IiED'IT SALE. _ ,_ _,,, the foillowing yaluable "'I`ER.IN.ES : Li;asgg"Gm n.s.o,. b ._.... l`_.-. , Unt. `SING, vA`t'notTx_.>4112:o1".-1` IL &U3JHI Auctioneer. I moon. 15. Flour, c 1* 1 . .-V " -. `T'`.'-I' ixoonbou-no tonsuu-r 10 mi 161-: or '-uh: my I '- -' i:'.`=`Vnlcnx.-nnx.1n|nn-_- . ~ ,. um nal. _._--. v------ -v--v-III III III` CV15 0' TH! YIO" ' :~~; ::_'-i"F!.-.P_4l1-14l'1!:5`~'_ ` ISAAC O. GILMOR, Esq.,Pnxamu-rg ' "1r;n.g;_c1s. ;_u_ga_AaDo1N,_nag.,v;;;.rm,m:u{ Hotntsox. J: Snitlixs-;.;6_l-iiluo 4. V omn- 5"`. :`;`e 3939?": PEARCE, Gnbinet #3-Inllceryfrom London, ' . Eutzlnnd, respectfully informs the inhabi- ; tents of Barrie and the vicinity that he has taken f to the business and premises lately occupied by ;'Mr. Hurst, and situated opposite the Queen's '; Arms, Dunlap Street, where he will alwavs keepi ` on hand a large and well-selected stoclrof Furni- ture, whicb will be sold at the lowest remuner- etive prices, either for cash or trade; Orders I executed with promptueee unddispatch. ` Ln Al\I\InnO:nA 'um..o..I n `-- Th? ` TlfQlt5 Jontlariwo` Perm-1. I E . _<;V,1;<')`(}1_,ic_1_`.:'s'I.,'fE:'iz'_)-c;u1;:vi::`L:Y, am.,_ - T STRQIT, Buuqi. ' 3 Opposite Mr. `Mme : Drug Sid`:-e. 4 M March},-"\l_8B3_g 3 { ',_: ll BEGS leave to inform the public that, having` completed his machinery, he is enabled to furnish doors and sash of every description, at zreasonable prices and on the shortest notice, E having always a eupplyvoidry material on hand. Ha-also, having purchased the patent right, is enabled to furnish GOFFIN COVERINGS to imitate every grade of cloth both as to color and texture, together with a_goou Hearse and all other funeral equipments. BAanm,_ June, 1863. .- .. . p24-ly A % -;ALEXANDER LAURIE. GENERAL ..MERCHANT,;% . , ._DlALEB J T 4 1-, ,r\,f';ff',:`,i 1;` 1- A ' -- - - ' biziLL1A, ` GENERAL MERCHANT, Auctioneer, Land and 1 Commission Agent, . Agent. for the Royal In- , surance Company, one of the largest. in the world, Fire and Li . ' ' Every kind of work in the abo 9e business promptly executed, at low rates.` ' nnnno o. nnnrlmn nrllrnrrn A1? .8 ...... i Every infn'rmatioh and value of Lannds in the Township given (if by letter. post paid. Orillia, 18th March," V1863. 11-ly I T JOHN LEE, 'CARPENTER &. BUILDER`, ` I1ools,slttn)'. H" wpxuu -4---. V - 1.; and leaden colored, with (to- . The countenance '5 (."?fCUlIl!cr"Jd- 590` " W3 0" b'h cuioun] pu5hC5- ';ecome dull: the dupiln dilute; and checks; the 83' am. the lower eyelid, the nose is `znreIgem|circtC_T:.meuppgr.lip. occasional i"'i"0d- " `f"h",, can-g.tttt unusual Sl'c| li0I_l of Saltvg, wtth huhhmtng 9 ve vfuul, appeuie nomeumea vmact~ furred tongue. W .e"5g1i0ll at the stomach, at others out; with H ltnnwnlx" pa; in that-tomach. occasional ""."",g mw.-Is irregular in lime: coelive. nausea nntl vomullll- etttly tinged Wllh blood.` belly turbid respiration occnotunuly di1- 'W" "M hard" unrllllt by hiccough uneul)` Ind, d!9,l`I1|'b( ,d' cult ard nt`cnIP th. tern .r enem'1l 'imIable llnan mith tvrilldlg lhejfg .l.nm- pewglsrnn -3;. nil-.4 I1: .....u ; culllunaulyo PRACTICAL DEPARTMENT. Here 'h9ludeuts enter into actual buai|!e53- Each G1de` 18 furnished with the necessary amount of cub Md "`"0handize to commence business. Each ` Mam 1 and sells merchnndizey 9`k99 ""1 estate etc. _ . by hed `(h . ......:. det:sl 10cE;i':: ";7.:c:::.:.;: .:.: 10 659` hisexchanges, make deposits. set N9 ` per `i`'""d=9'nd transact. all `other business inci enlal ' to a general lrade bvuu. .... _._ .-pivvi\ an Licentiate of the Faculty of Physicians` rmd_Sur: ` geons, Scotland. . Member of _the College of Physicians and Sur i . geons. Canada. an-nruvnn -nnn nIn'r.V nnnxrmv nn erunnn V FFICE, adjoining J. W.dSlaven s Drug Stoxi,` `mid directly opposite the Methodist Chapel. N;B.-~Dr. Kelly has been appointed Associate Coroner for the County of Simcoe. P.S.--Students prepared to enter any of the various . I Mnrlirnl nnllnn us. I'.D .--aluaellzsprepurcu Lu erucr um Medical Colleges. ' Orillia, Oct. 27,1862. { i .u.;uw;-.4- ....V V Barrie, F_e'bi-nary 25, 1862. Barrie, 7th Jan., 1863. u ALBERT FOWLIEQ A Provincial Land Surveyor, ..L./IND .9 GENEREL ..aGENz, I [T - ORILLIA. % N.B.-Valuali0ns carefully attends,-d to. 25-ttf Suvua, unuuuuu conomam FOR THE COUNTY on` smcom. Barxfie, Feb. 16, 1863. - 7- vuv vqn --v.-v-..- ._.__7,, she intends taking a few select pupils` at her own residence to instruct. in MUSIC and SINGING. lLDl'~A|.l-Iloh nu -uouuuu nu unuuuv cu... ...--. ..-_ .. For particulars apply at her house, on Dunlap Street, nearly opposite Mr. McCoukey s residence n-,,,2_ 1.,u_-nL qly G1z.qDu27.r'i: ' 6F T _7'z}E _U:NIiVER:9ITY OF ronozvro, - % ' - . pains in Stomach, and Real Cholera mlm-Iurxplanixnls are always, Ircated with Morh'us. '1""'-` ",`,;(.r(1pi1xn:.whenauackgglrevinlenl, OPEN. ur P'9`". '.-,w~,d nu unplensmu debxmy nllows. and after lhm` W! "M rm. nearly as bad as the .disease. which - Ink W new `F Hnnnew*ll s Iblu Anodyne, The `"'`'""'C NT im clmrncu-r has been proved in its oecclly ,a,,: pm] n family should be withoul it. mosnlastrcssxnnt: " " ml Paiu,Killcr. in the world. , , -. d um I! is the '"""" me-I an nucwell s an mature over l13=l'`nc- "' J` L` B corks nfgcuu1:1c co Advertisement. A R. T.` BAVNTZEWB, `COUNTY CLERK, ILL attend at his Oice, at Barrie, every SATURDAY, from 11 a.m., till 3 p.m., ac- cording to order of Council andevery other day at his oice at Cookstown. - ynunuyui CACLULCU, uh IUW (BLES- DQORS qr SJISHES .dLW.d YS ON IMND. |nAL Innn . bra. J. s. CROCKSHANK, OFFICE - Hioiwrmlo -Brawn, Comuawoon. LoUN'rJ/'&. .B.0.YJs,, Q Ban'isters-- and Attor'ne ys,M SOLICITORS IN CHJNCERY, CONVEY- V mvcms, &c., D...-..- 1" `IT Bah-rister & Attorney-at-Law.= % somcrron IN CHAN(..v.RY, _ CONYEYANCER, &c., -. ' `. l\_---... (V- Qnuuun Feb. 20th, 1863. Barrister and Attorney-at-Law, ' SOLIC'1TOR`IN CHANCERY, ` Notary Public; . fconveyancer coumtssroxmz IN B. 11., u A vuwpuu - on .{131>aovnD SECURIVTY. _ W _ _ Apply to n. J. omvmz, on'i1ia. Orillin, Al]g.Ill`_,`l`8`i-f 1.2` * ` 34-tf _ Lo's',' for sale. . . 4-`No Commission. charged except his absolnie 3a_.les. Apply to , . V T - _ 41. V. B. J`. OLIVER, Ozjillia. Inxpnonn FARMS, ma I;nas,an}1.vi11age U {H A I. -8U.1`u1:: Circulars sent me. ..---usu v-nun rnvuuru.-av-1 An Apprentice wanted. v..~ ., Iuuvnnaaaaall u "Jimmy 12th, 1863. ._& ; Sept, 1861. ........., ...v-.-J wrru Barrie, J ul_y7th. `Heir. and Devisee oseht. LAND AGELNT; }1z., ad. Barrie,'Feb. 17, 1862'. Auctioneer for the County, - THORNTON, INNISFIL. 9-..: inn` FFICE and residence Mulcaster Street; late residence bf Henry Dougnl, Esq., u.n1rnrn nr hnv DADDID November, 1862. Dr. D. Keuy, REMOVED. ~ SYMpT031S\VBICH CAN NOT BE MISTAKEN. ,. :. mic wilh_oc_. EGS to intxmate to the inhabitants 0! Barrie, that from the V lst `OF AUGUST NEXT, `AS removed to his `residence adjoining the old Post. Office, nrnrrr I'll ) 0'DI)DDUI Inlunn . Alexander % Graham HENRY 11OBEP.TS0N',.,I'..L.B.,A. THOS. H.T if-oP;T As, f\'DlI"I' Y A Corner of Collier and Clapi ton Streets, " BARRIE. ' - +nJ:f;`ii':{i'1d1"::"g'7`.3`1;`z'.` |'bnn A-nun hhnaniun _; _._* '. ._,, r Cheap MONEY To LEND, . Uxusux goon nvnrrhilnvr Mas, BFE_AP.LEY Iwollellllllulmw-1-;]`ld hiccougn llllelll)` BM, !|l`IlI'|)Qu Md. nL`c9I:jI{:;' 0'-we math. temper genem1ly xmlable, :|(eep lth s:hi',d9,. any of men. Worms mu. m.-. to V c. your 11 it be cured? Giye J_udson's be the cause. H0" `M nW`3r:n.Tc':| Janlari-253 be!` Package` (7 41."n } _: _. `A ._nl;AL:n".1n ' . oamwfa jm Brqn. Ant` clan Q C -maI..-.-..-_4...__ . `DR. HAMILTON, JONATHAN KILGoiE r- -4 *-`fl-~--, _. -vyvuvvvr . also A freshnssonmenr of V undnmnrua nnnnwn.-.-- . n ..-.--.J av--5..., -71., MARKET BLOCK, BARRIE . m._'|..'_..-_.. oz 1 can DR. MORTON; II II?! 711711;` TTITFYYEVEGI ._iNVl3STMEN'l`S. .-nu. ` UNLOP STREET. .1 ! flit VVOTITI Vl Sold by all dealers: v-p-, -nu . Omnma, Oo. Sxucon, 3. 7'", Bninln. G. W. 2o 1; um.-ga o 2-1y {B6 ihabitauts of the Canadas, counterfeit: of my universal remedies-HolIoway?s`Pill: and `Ointment: - I therdfote warn all Dmggiats, Apo-' thecuries, &c., that I have placed 3 stamp upon my, remedies, and have changed thowrnpprs, . -ln._'cn that nnnnvcnn fail mneofthe dimnoe be- I SOME le awindlera him: been palming 03` upon , sATURDL1Y.2heTwez/fl ; :1 0 September tn! IN CHABERS- ttiligelntgfy`-ifeizaenthy yar of Tmc CHANOELLOE. , '{he Reign of Her Ma` jesty Queen Victoria. and m the year of our Lord; 1863. Dnmcwnuu the cause. u u v v . . . ......,.. _ demur to the bill pursuant to the above order, the Plaiuti` mayobtdin` an order to take the bill as confessed against yqu,.a_nd the Courtmay grant the Pleinti snchjreliefyas he may be entitled to on his own showing, and you will not receive any further notice of the future glroceetlinge in` ~ idnnnmn I: SAMPSON. my remedies, and have changeu me wrappers, - 'to., so that none can fail to aeoftbe tween the old style ind thenew. Therefore` dealers will consult.` their own safety bybuying, no more old-style. Pills and Ointment, as-I can-. j Anotvlrnnl for their=lleing.genuine. .Tothose . `who lhavevthe old style on. hand,-if they are lo _M .uubtukenfpachges, 1- will exchnngo them for new V A `I9-1135' mt-#uly.own is -to say, I will , pa: thefreiglit to my depot and` beck; ifreturned ' *0 Ilgg In d!l.'f..Nonmber,s1.883i = 3' `moves HOLLOW.AY,, ` _ . ~'+j:: 80' Maidegglgyew `:otl`fAL" ' gs -Iq`:,_;`. JAMES D. UND"wooD, Defendant _-`__L_-__ . .. _,-_.:n.- __,.I :. 'l'lva; uu........, c . 1).ZA.\E S .aL\"11u DRINIIK is :1,cvrInin mm for Dr:1(I:l:eLr::1:gU 1 1tU1y'tr dil-hkc fur ,:muv.vdriuk. and can In- u(|mini.s! ` crcaks` '1 "<)wl::d.:r n! the puli"u!.. Pxice. $111 lxged mhnm mall tnuuy address. by S. `C. UPHAM. 4o3'c cm by PA. Cm-ulurs St`lllfr 233-z-IFIINUT . 0 _ 513- l 1uI..u:r1.muA. `%_.. ULLLIJAJNJ JJU KIA-`A/LJLU vv "_, __,,, "UPON the application of the Plaintiff, appearing by affidavit that after due dili- gence the said Defendant, James D. Underwood`, cannot be found toibe served with an Ollioe copy of the Plainti(f's Bill in this cause, it is ordered that the said Defendant, JamesvD. Underwood, do, on or before the fourth day of No\"embeo_next,~ answer or demur to the said Bill. And itfis or-_ V deredihat a c py of this Order, toethervwilh the noticereqnired` by the GeneralOArder3\'o this Court, be published in the Northern J1 vancc 'newspaper, published in the 'l`ov`In of Bnrrie, in` .the County of Simcoe, not less than `six `weeks before the said fourth day of N oveinber next, and to be coutinuedonce in each week until the said day. - ` r - A. GRANT, nmm J. G.'. _ " 41_tegislrar.- mnouau noumo nmsKoKAmLLs.! Ufllll. The FAIRY wiil call at Rama, the Quarry, and all intermediate places. when required. A A Rm.-m will locum aha Ram:-n for Mnqknkn` UNNING between Orillia and the-Severn,`}V1as been thoroughly overhauled, repaired, and adapted to the incxensing traic of the tome, and will run her usual trips this Summer, connecting with um 1'`.MH.V xuv and tho m.n'1`I-Imw III. 0 lhllla, urnvulg ill IIIU OUVCILI lI.l U U LHUURI On Moudzfys and Thm-sdays'ahqe will leave Orillia at 7 a..x'n., arriving at the Severn at 9 o clock a..m. ' f|_ \IY-J._.....!.... .....A Q..a.....'l.... ........2...... oh`. UTIIUCIS U-Jll. . On WednesI.`.ny_ _nnd Saturday evenings - the Steamer will leave the Severn at 6 o clock`. for Orillia. ` ` 71"]... 1:1 A rnv ...:II ...II .6 During kn nnnnnw null` an xnlermemate places. wuen rqqunr-eu. A Stage will leave the Severn for Muskoka; Falls with the Mail," on Mondays and Thursdays, at 15 minutes past nine..9._.m., returning from the - Falls `on Tuesday and F1".du.y. Fare from Oriilia to the Severn, Iirty Cents-. FREIGHT :-Flour Fet,-id, Salt, and Potatoes, 12;c per 100 lbs. Shingles, Inc per 1000. Gen- eral Freight, 15c per 100 lbs. _ h: V RWQTJ. Rfaahnu in FRANCIS s1'E:Ns , 1=z'amy,- 1.131:-ftnxn To JAMES D. UNDERIIVOOD. OULD invite the attention of parties pur- chasing to his Stock of HARDWARE, which. being kept well assorted by regular -sup- nlies direct from the manufacturers, both in Eng-. land and the United States, will compare favour- ably in prices with any other Houses in the Trude. .\'nics Edge-. and other Tools, House Furnishing Goods, Builders` and Cabinet Makers Hard ware.vCuAlery, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Am- munition, and General Hardware. By o1:e\vhu' pause and mj Bv n:`:Im31 Pldughs, Harrows, Seed-Sowers, . Cultivators; eHorse Hoes,-Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Draining Tools, Forks, Rdding Knives, Pruning Knives and Saws, Garden Reels and Lines, Garden and Lawn Rakes, Garden Shears. Garden Trowels,. Garden Syringes. Garden Tools in sets, &c., &c., for sale at the Lowest Prices. . I. 1 Toronto, April 8, 1863, Wlll [UH LICK IISUISI IJIPS l.Ul3 DIIILIIIICI`, CUUlICCllll]{ with `the EMILY MAY and the NURTHERN RAILROAD from`the South, and North with Stages running to the Muskoka. Falls, forming a complete route from Toronto to Muskoka. 'I'|u: Rnnt will Isis-awn Hun gnvnrn nt hnlf'.nnuf Q UULIIVICIU YUUIU Il`UiU LUKULIKU LU lU5I1Uhl.|- The Boat wil1,leave the Severn m, lmlf-past. 9 u..m., daily, for Orillia. `Returning, leaves Oriliia- at 3 p.m., arriving at the Se\'ern_at 5 o'clock. n Mnnrlxfvn and 'I`hni-ednvs she will have `Agriuhural Implements, I GENERAL IIAIIDWARE xvmsi, 114 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. ._.__ .LV.I.l MARBLE, HUB` lopStree`., Barrie, begs to return his sincere- thanks to his cus- tomers fore the very liberal support he has received since his re- ' ' ` sidence in Barrie; and . _ having increnseul his ' . facilities for doing work of the very b'cst`descrip- tion, he presumes to have stronger claim upon their patronage. `I:|........ ...._..._:.- 0-- -, , . -. - 4-51- ---uuu v: A AuL.LL;\\1 prices. Barrie, April 23, 1861. Every requisite for sportsmen supplied on the most reasonable terma.. nspmns sxscuno WITH oesPArcH. `All kinds of FISHING TACKLE, at iiidderate nrices. FAD`!-IIUNS, MONTHLY, from E l__ England, `as well 'as America, __Z _ and in soliiting a" continuapce of public patronage, begs ;_o_add ._t>hn.t a._ll orders en; trusted to him will meet with best auenlion, and be executed with the utmost p1'omptitpd_e. D-.__2_ 1'..- 1.; `(dual pulse unu nuu By prcpu) m .au lhar. 4,... uuuzex mna.meIledKld and Prun`e"!la Gaers, Buskins, Boots; Gent s Gulf, Kip and Course; Misses and Children's, of every variety and stygq, which will. bqkept constantly on hand, _. A1` PRICES NOT TO BE UNDERSOLDI ANDREW GRAHAM Barrie, May 16, 1860. V 1-tf MARES For. SALE. A VERY LABGE,uud> complete Aaiortment ct` Ladihs' EuamelleH"Kld and Pruuea ]3_t_1skins, Gent's Gulf. Kin and Cannes, wnoLEs.u.i: awn, qua gm: Dmou mare Credit will be given td` approved security. Apply limie, Sept. 21st, 1863. .._..______.__.___._..__ 4- `" "me Years old, used to _all kinds of fn Work. nd {me Brood Mare and Sucking Colt. Cred" be tlilinn In-Q` n|c:` '43.- _.-_-`.____ `Toronto, Sept. 23, 1863. THE STEAMER "FAIRY," SoI'd qvcfY'h" Barfie. ____,, Barrie, June 1st, 1863 , DWARD '1'. BISHOP, I TAILOR, " . BRE WER 8 BL OCK, BJ2 RRIE . ; ` ` IN returning his sincere thanks to , his friends, and the `public a generally, for the liberal support` he has received for the [inst eight years, begs to announce tbarhe I is in receipt of the NEWEST F'ASFlmNR Mnnrrmv 4-.-- ------ 31:: `::';o::':%ez.;`:=.?:`:*$`~fP" wk, and one Brand Mtzmian .'...1.-...I.E 51.3. mm `Garden &. Field fools, 8z'c.' [ BURNS, GUN-_ . MAKER, Dun- ) 91.!-M: `., Run-in ham: TGu{N]is.. Ru-fL:-:5, &.c:;%% wci>Z JAMES B. RYAN us nu nccelpl or we MsWh`b"l` FASHIONS, MONTHLY, from` Emrland. an wnllhu A.....:.... 1 1 who I-UCTUI` Frau`: .\ Manhund. cIc.. .-`ul ' TH If Tome TDKPENSE OF COURSE. F f -. " en 3091; d Blink Forms, i y- 0|" d H U . 8, an ' ` _ . I l:"l(;`;nadI;nl$?":,e, c,,,,,_.., . or F: ny two do! . [WY Rszmme ROOMAND LIBRARY. oung me , . H V ' I` win he m..:JiJi`Ii1'"`:'.'f:"i`,`I-'`,:!?.s.$`.."M`2f.'..i'. Read-as Room W 1,51,...-,,.nr__xh'e Me_chanics' In- g-.W X L_ . ` nmwunmas; _ . Me.`-`M - ' ~ _. A :g`g Pi;1ea:. n.%(i,g.;{l:llL :.lA"'l3-'ar.l_ gifts: ; '-`ggjhn Macao,f,,'lf'& "A'c_.B`-'hlnnn M "i"`Ail|m Brain. . c.E.- 1Iice_Le;~m Esq-s% mCro 5%? "r.iwMwh~= 6? 0-s-A 4` `".Esq . Hug; -H1-`Cameron, Torongo.. V :9. L MORRISON -3: SAMPSON, Pzaizuzfu SoiAigit < Bmwmm vupn wyuu. The abbveanamed Defendant: .14` __A -._.._'.._ .._ (J. 13. RYAN, 114 Yonge Street, Toronto. Q3, 1.1:: en on Apply to .1 . . . . M. QmNL'AjN. O an .5 > my TURDMY. the Twelfth day of Sgptember, tn the twenty-'.fe_ven 7 a . Y. BELL, Master. )1! 6: CA Mrauu, Solicitors. 33-6! I-12mo V One Powder puts a One Pow causes _the coat 16 be Shed, horse in common der cure: the Hot; . - ' DlIllnpf_ I-1! Teeth inserted in the most approved style; and asthey have made arrangementsjfor visiting Barrie every month, theyvnre prepared to execute any work entrusted to them, as cneap as any other Dentist in the Prdvince. -' `Dn. R. TROTTER, who will be at Mr. Fraser's Hotel, Dunlop street, on Tuesday and Wednesday after therst Monday in each month, is fully pre- pared professionally to Wail. upon and accomm date such as desire his aid,` ' Specimns to be seen bf caliing at Mr. Fraser : Hotel. I ' - 31:14:! -..-V - Dr. Ryerson, Superintendent of Education; Dr. L._ Adams, I-.Iomuaop.-ubic Physician ; Dr. Aikens. Dr. Ogden, Rev. WellingtonvJe'ers, D.D., Editor Christian Guardian; Mr. John Ley, Barrister:- Law; 2 Mr. Joseph -Rogers, Hatter; Rev.iJohn` La.nt.r_y,:Toronto, G.W. . A A 35` 7 A utisfactionm ul1_wh_o,may i`a,vnr him with their ruwnlole. Icuni. V In the Sboeing brunch of his business he can cpmpete with any_ti-adesman in this vseetion of Chhadc; Hsvin `had considerable exper cues: in all piftviiof the nited Kingdoih, is Well in the Build .of;`AInurioa,. together with seven}: years practice as Gav airy Horse-Shoe;-,}iq qqg guarantee . Apatraonage`. fI`,hoso vhf) take prid in their horses, . . grid-iile to and then: well shod, `w `nd, 3n it-. :` ing`hixn"n"trinl; tharthey on nowzget this n,'d`_ 3| on-ext . .I.2oiu:-.~?-r.-povilr m.~.wsr-- ' 5 " '-n __._.1.'._.|_ ..__.a-__._ _\_'...__-.. _.;.1 e_.. _.-.`. HAS removed his oice to the premises of Kelmau as 00., and can supply the various Humcnopathic preparations, with or without cases for family use. A 9- _ -~u_1.r N returning thanks to their friends in Barrie and surrounding country, whovhnve patronized them during the past t_hirte_en years , beg to intimate that in future they will attend at the following places monthly `:-`- Mewmarkept, 1st, 2nd and 3rd of each Month. Bradford. . . 4th; . . . . . . . . . . Cookstown, 5th . . . . . . . . . . .} " _ Bond Head, 6111.; . . . . . . . . . . Brownsville, 7th. .' . 3 . . . . . . . I Sutton. . . . . 1()t_h.' . . . . . . . . . . Lefroy. . . . . 13th . . . . . . . . . . . " Barrie . . . '; . 14th and 15th . A Collingwood, 16th and 17th, -When they will b happy to wait upon those re- quiringtheir seriices in any of the branches of their profession. :7 T [! Cll'pl' hnvn 95 Kinds-r. Ezm`, Tonomo, - -AS much pleasure in being able to comply . with the requests of his friends in and around Barrie, and to extend to them the.advan_ta;es of his Dental establishment. CHANGE OF ADVERTISEMENT. pas. s.,N. & P. B.` PECK, SURGE ON Q DENTISTS. IE? Plarliqular attention paid to the Regulation of 0hi1d_ren s Teeth. A Residence, Newmarket, where they may be consulted the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of each munih. Anril `I9, `IRRR, I Islf The large experience of Mr. Kelman ,e_n_sures accuracy in the medicines dispensed, which his `purchases, being for Cash, enables him to ell at the cheapest rates. ' Physicians Prescriptions carefully comp'oux'1ded. Barrie, M alfch 1863. 5%, JAMES LACEY. V Shoeivng Aand ~ Jobbing Smith; Collie}: St,, Barrie, near thg Market. L. begs to infornuhe public that he has taken Q Pony : Old`Sta;nd, where he is prepared to `dol kinds df Bldcksmitias Work on the most x-daon'sblo.ttm:. ` in tin. Qhnninn haunt-I1 nflhh hnainnan In nan Mr. Kelmap being :1 practical Chemist, and for the last six yearenguged in the extensive estab- lishment of Simpson & Duuspaugh, Toronto, has ,se1e(-ted-his stock with aviezv to meet the full requirements of the trade, and has as complete 9. I Plmrnmey as can be found in Toronto. The Stock comp:-ises- ' In the building r_ecentl`y occupied by Mr. N. King, next to the store of Mcconkey 8: Ross, Dunlop Street. ' Drugs, Clwmicals, Paints, Oz/s, Vamishes, Spices, Dye-Stuis, Pgzrjumcry, Fancy " Articles, Pateni Medicins, The -undersigned bziving purchased the `Patent Right for the County of Simcoe is now` prepared to supply all orders. (1I4`_(TDI'3I4`. HA1 1'. Barrie, Nov. 3rd,1862. THE Subscribers beg to announce to the in- habitants of Barrie and the County generally that they have opened a V. ` " `Pin .. 4 Eu` .__. . , __ _ *3-~.... __ `--. '-5. - . vs. V ri'e\ `"."`JgeQtn' `~"1'luna ` 3 .,'fx1`g%?h16Tz;P0l1.\;L I H} $:'%`!V\.-.taA1e ` ' 51 `Q lr/`ii 3: 3:_,H<`Y; Eng, &c. VBgr~ie, May 16, 1860. HIS is without exception the cheapest and best Washing Machine in the market, and [does its work in the most satisfactory manner. `Ladies are invited to try it whether they purchase the machine or not. Those who have tried it would not be without it for double its cost. The following ladies in Barrie have tested the Machine, and are perfectly satised with its opera.tions:- Mrs. Biugham, Mrs. Burnett, Mrs. Dmry; Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. George Lount, Mrs. Rogers, and others. POWERSTVIJTENT Victoria Washing. l'!Iachi1ie.~ WJIISUIIISU UIU ISL, April 19, 1863. Bame, Oct. 26, 1863. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF ROCK OIL. %w.`<.:. ADAMS, o.n.s., Leather-!~ Lethbr! Leathr! `iPA1\'ISH s_o1e, s1angb}er._ Upper K`I;~F`?*:`g l_ 5 Hm-ness,Bmd1ng_,L1mr.g,Soeymkers xn - m. Am. ALL wozezc WARRANTED. New Medical Hall. DR. L. OLIVER PRICE, $6.50- DRUG:STORE *1-I0RSE_I_I0AEIN G. `l"" 'c2``"|Illu & C . Goon-as Nucu ' . . [::c l_r3`.).:.`;`,'.'n i51-: 1:0; Jgi-I _C.nIroI`1e;'f'f)ro`:_|`_:o`.. Richard 5130:, 8rAovnab DENTISTRY. BEYKRENCIB. GEORGE BALL, nnrnun tar nn ` `%32q iznagn-Q sssipx".-J Ul`|-\JU unuu Carpenter and Builder. 1 45-cf \ ANDREW. GRA 7311' KELXIAN 7&3 Co} 9-`ly )0!!!- 1-1? The Committee for the pity entertainment to the Prince and Princess of Wales hziwjust etfeclcd with the Royal Insurance Cnmpnny an extra in- Isurance or FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS on the building of Guildhalj; Including the new erections, ttings, and contents." F. H. HEWARD, `7Wmmnrnr 'l'nrnn In nrnnrh ,. I. C. Gilmor, Marcus Rossin, George _.\lichie, Joshua G. Heard.` Thomas Hawurth,. Ruben Gilmor, Robert Stanton, AND John Mcglllurqb, Wm. llpude:-sou_, Esqf Secretary anti Trg2asurcr,--llornaurd lluldxyn, Esq` _ lSol_i.ito1_',--4_l`ngu;s Morrison, Egq, ` The Western being an old established and suci cesstnl Olce_.and having a large n~serve_ fund,` `can afford to do business on most liberal terms,` `and claims for losses by re are promptly dud` equitably settled. . - rnrnc u_vv~Awn`wn Id _ tnmunnnn- ~ - . in em mill. and Chief Instruecor air: the rche, of we or Aeeoulma-Iuuu I). my. nag-., ` sPuce:ian -l?_anmgno,.hip-A., V. we - , .. M . o '_*; A. Haniaon, 5 m,,,,: rmec; n'o]n`n==SulhvnI,_ Eqgll.` 3!-`Send 0, C 3;"i~_;`1: r _ ~ -_ `gm ! ata1oguo_ nnllwlulte Ionclouni` - - Am.-mug! V"~ .4. `..-u-.-` I ROYAL ,msunAm;goMrAN? Capital-A--Two Millions Sterling. Fumzs in Izan(I-Ez'gIzt Hundred Thou- `, sand Pounds Sterling. ' Canada Westrn Assurance Co?y" 1 A; DAVIDSON, In9peo;l;);: CAPITAL - - - - _- $4-00,000` ' T INSHARI-AZSOF s4o1:AcH._ ` HOME FF! (` E. 'l`0RON'I`()o comma oi-` connortxa AND cnunc!-1 s'rnn:'r.- "" -1 -A His increase facilities for doing business, together with long practice in the County, induces him to believe that he is competent to judge at the w:' ms of the Travelling: Public, and has provided, in accordance therewith. } 0RILLIA_(- PENE TANG UI$H1+' NE ESUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION To any hitherto offered hy him, in his New and Commodious Establisbmen, gm-r>ie. J an. . 1862. . Ur an I:\'\'.\ LID. Puhlislwd for the hone-t. and us a _n-.u"Ij1o._\j 1'5 . yo R _ ,B'I,NG.VHAM 5:-gs to_iof:ofm the travellingf V.__ ommunity that he has taken that favorite old Standhthe Queen's Arms," which is being tted up and renohted in the mail. thorouzh manner,` and can assuge his patrons that his whole endea- v_orjs will be made to place the e,s_tablishm(-nt. fore- mostin point of comfort. and accommodation. Barrie, July 3, 186f. - 1 I FRASER Boga leave to inform U39 l;_ralvelIing . Community and the Public in general; unit 1 lx is enabled m offer ' EQQZAEET Lif Assuran'ce ; Cq"y - nmnnnmu-run nv AC1` or PAELIAMIH1`. I Monarson A.-m MUsioK'A Rom. \ 11 miles from the Severn Bridge-, 8 miles from: Muskoka Fall; and half a mile from Muskoka Bay. I Inna )A TQIET ' ` u irnnssnis HOTEL; 'RA'RR`H'a`. .OonIVeq\.:ant on the inyszxeut 62:31! the C};m. pany'a fund; in the_?;oyip e e. " - L W. _.,Lu. u u ' v`'* s pan} 5 Iuuuu_ Au unv L Lvyfuov. Premiums payable uynujlly, or liy. siemi`-'a n.nunP on qparterly i_nstnI;n'e'nIs it the option of` the ass`ur'ad,A ` ' j < ANIT_U`AIJ ..VD` Mosr` AMPLE' Exmms 5 J.` .. .l,.':y:` 0_.'`3iI'3.' l " `ANNUAII 'mv`1s`10 Ns` 0E:_PR0`F1"1':, .. --nfni-akin In div;-inn: no Inomnnl `n"6.'-`A nivon UIIAUEID DU" .`\.l\lJ-D, gent, Bar-rm. Also Valuer fqr the Canada Pen`-mancnt Build- ng and Sayings Society, Toronto. 28-1! A ANNU.-u. DIVISIONS OE PR.Ul 1'l`,y, ts preferabte to divisions :1. iutrvals of fine, men `.r1w=::~r.=- = % `__. gnome EIANAGEIINT, A _ 9` I ' aeclnjf 1;. E ' "dd fstmul of chin; , %1d`R$.eml,ngl3tIoi$n%en `laITd" u-avol. ' "UNA nrlir 'nl!`[ hI`fnilIh3i ffdih `uldilll ESCRIPTNI-I Girchlars, monials, &c.,.aent free. ` John Merges, Brookliu. c.w. HE ,cot.m' couxcn. OF THE COUNTY `OF `3i.\IL`0E will its THIRD r.`.QQIn\r ARTIFICIAL EARS mg;-7 CLAIMS PROMPTLY SETTLED. .'P`J'."*`??- ' ' No.mrIner ouuay `xfequmm Irum `Inc-uunuvu q _ 'JnutLn3s:`1'izx'r'r4(.>rVi,' Tagem ~ j 1.'- mdimmesem ;-:.. ..n`. .u_; `Ba`:r2.;, -.I.i";5\:.`:;:8f "'1:"-V` FREE M_A_$oN s.ARMs,- BY JJHUES McC./1BE, . Presiden!,--_-Gmnm: Mxcms, Esquire. Vice-President,-.\lAncus ROSSDI,` Esquire. Barrie; June 4th, 1863. 15 1 June 24,1861`. (i:'a7'P1t?>lic and Private Co2z`ve'2/anczs to FFERS the` follnwin rm); aayuggg 15 in. vending Asa1rers;--- ., . . _ j ._.__?_ Preparing for Publication, . PRACTICAL wonx on the omcmd Du- H93 0fl`nrnnn.-n n.-In-and on {ho {`.un.~..l:.m .CA 15lTAL - % -A - .. ,$1,ood;doo_. F\R;;vEf.LEns Wm, ndyhfe aboveflotel every` . way suited to their comfort. pd nuetn-an regI1u_Iuons tor I'('nNnL'e uuuwrnvm. No _ furthgr ouay fxjeqnixed from -the 1 ssmxod "V `,` .A 'I=- r,_1, i`c'IIAl`ln ` `RE respecmmy invited to can at the D; FAB%HAGHB_:P0PhIETn. II3"0PPOS1TE HIS bu) sm1v'_1).;;n QUEEN'S` ARMS HOTEL. :13. EXCELLENT SIT./JBLING. IRCOBPOBATID BY ACT OF P'UJAl`llll'l"., New 2\Ducrti5cn1n1t5.' s'iEER s5ERXY13D. JHDUJ [n this depa in-ucl1on_in D Calculauons, 1 |.epOndEl1CC. a EXTRACT non Tm: Loxnox "mn:s: CHARTERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. FIRE AND LIFE. -pow mxrns or pnismmm. "13Q{R"1iii~Z7"1'i6`i*iiL' 134 RR'IE,~ c.s., TRAVELLERS Jhuauraucc; JAMES EDWARDS, .rrpnl `JOHN ..LExANDER. _ Jgent at Berra.` Taoms` nALLAs. 1-Iv E ) ./Ig_en'l at Orilha. ?3`.ii~% %f;ei`V3`7 1. we C0.\IPL.~\I.\`T CURED BY SIX l:OT'[`LES. BARBIE`. nnuzcrons : 11. nnvvrnnu, - `Manager loran to Branch .- giving.` pricc, teatie Addresa. post-paid, .27-3mo p ' THE DEAF.` -1 v r ` '6 Y"\`v- .,i'. .` um! _ _ _,__ {1 3= ,1-LRUNKENNESS CURED. . . . _..... ....w Iud defhmce to the tcmm: Volume I "' "'|II ryucm nuu ux.u,......... THEORETICAL DEPARTMENT. .0 :l....-_.,, . , .____:.... .I...'..m ____'__f_. THE C0.\ l"ESSIO.`\ S AND EXPERIENCE OF AN 1mm'T, STRATTON 65 A DAY S \.u-_, 3 inelnriule may win I. ZAXE `- "ue. EXPENSE COURSE. \ on D. ,,u , ,,_| nl.'_l- En:-nu .g{ann1.1':<::I|aaA CAN BE cunungax . eparlment studenlnecelve lnoroulm lu- Double Entry Book-kPi"8'o'c9mm`"" 5: Commercial Law, Commercial Cur- : and Penmanship; D .n...._ . - _...A . v\n\ll`l.`\`l"l` V Y * DESIGN. 1 ' `Olin: men .1] d` d f Ihe_ praclica dimes 0|'_lhe cnfmnag ffngggfftbrognanaging lheir awn-business with system and despalch. TUI`nnn....._ , _ _--u . an-\n\nl'I5\Y"lI -uun 1 [U11]; unrtuu. Luun 4. v rparxmem studentneceive lhdroulh in- n....m.. n...... n-..u-:m-ninz..Commer- _ Bkv :nuu|j".-f`.-,`. :: '. .. `N13 7 " D535 j . ` rihc and ::s`a wnr_nn: `nnu \:'.\l"l`l(JN `l`f YOUNG .\l .N ,(,.[ ,\`m-vuus Dchlhly. Pfcnnnulure Decay of lc.. supuzving ul Ihuszune lI{m:. V Tm; .\l ms 5 or El.|-_ LURE. ha.~'vun.-:1llizllsvlfilllvrlmlllgpgllo great ex- Uury lhruugll mudlcul huunbug and quuckery. ' mg.`~m[agL'. smglc copies may be ha}! of the ' N.~\'[`l{.-,\NlE L MAYFAIR Esq.` ' Hcdford; l{iIIgs CouxIt}'. N. Y. {n cdmq. M 21 ref l Milk . :1 llumer u d '[{.-~u!\'v'l|L us Hum` \\`cVH, I 1 mm gr:-ul pznns Ill my nudes and had c I would i~'n|m-link-5 cough vmmlunl thick xnultcr streaked with hundred dullnrs. and Fitch con- nrvdorrelicved. I havetnken llhe helief In rub my chest 11 ! he-have I ever had lhe JOHN ll. ."l`H{L.lNG. .., .. :_ , ,, .. n -I` ,,l\_,lV 'onkcrs. Il"cslt~l1cslcr Co., May 2'7lh,-1857`. um wuhai lung complnim which Dr. Hunter \\':|.< cnnsumpliou. I had six severe al- I had grout pains in sides and c-mall. xzmm-lnnne-s cough N o +`. c E. |Uu--` Llc nun) now Ind deq . _ . z.4_.\'}-: A;\"nI)0'r'} um . 0l`|"f cure for D7111!/ceuuefion ST&g':{,'(`. ` -' "=!l_le 'ii:Z.Z:'a2-i:3s;;' I--| u An.2_f 1 - KI: V W. C..CHEWET'l` & Co., Law Publishers, Toronto. IQ!!!) -and Canada. ~ ~ -- 7 __ I King Street, Toronto, G. Wu . rmsr Doon mgr op wasnmux noox noon. Eslfblisheyi in connection with Bryntit, Slrauon z C0- 3 (`Mnoflmernational Comnu-renal Col_l3:ge_'.a, 1`" W Ivuncen of the largest ciues of the Dunes ,1sc3.' ,5.-'25c br Package._ ` _'11.lmo Wholesale Agents Kelmnn 4&5 Co. `I1: '1'. BANTING, County Clerk. A, -1-`) I. "moms .`\IAIRS.T V 43-3t EL: and B DAY: ` {grate- `.c1nl>0X"'` .|'HIA. YA. T GENUINE `1cA1zE1r.2.`s,.% -._ gA1iI:'s .c:oNDlT1oN%i',POwD,:is are sold .._ahv..A|| Dtusxi-"N28; PrP-1ri- % V D..._-...I I... `llnvll In . .` foul hnmoro, renderxng the coal glossy. I judic-.ioualy,_can impnfvg the nppean-_ance of his s;oc, an by opening the pores of the slnn tbekcarry 9' appeme `good. and bringing up the whole system to a healthy and vigorous lone. 8AEY's CONDITION `FOWDERS are the uni rih'nb|a `medicine iorhordeu and cattle.` - B'o's'nm .Aa!'B UULVUIIIULV I'UVVIJ_l4l\D IT_G `"13 anly reliable medicine 1or;hors'eu add value. `Be sun go 3.1; for e . _ ' `V 5 ` ` uuv-vuu -I -yuuus.-u wulnluaw v|_\-nan In all cases of over work. hard driving,` or severe exporlll, Ran-y s Condition Powders will restore the lube 10 his -usual` health and vigor. Every fnrmer,- by using the ' ' non CATTLEITAKEN FROM PASTURE USE v , , . ` a ` ,_ . . ' .Tfoae powder: are yery jeeiytiwc tor-broken wind, but.-4, coughs, worms, mange, fJl'Ind'rs.` inahim'a- tum, staggers, heaves, .0: of appetite, skill diseased, grease, swelled legu,`fuul humours, 639. ` A 4'... .I.m... l\r D..-....9- n......::...... n......!.;.....:..-.. anwuos , nu` Iluu Ivan Avul SIIIIIIUIIIB, In: . A few doses nf.R.nrey s Condiuon Powdenagiven to horses andcaule when taken {mm pasture will `be- luund Invaluable in wardin of inleslinal disorders caused by sudden change o__diet. A ` V I- . `I _..a...- 1`; `us..- -._._I. L.....l .I_!..2..'_.` an QQIDQ-Q `ma EARCY 55 GLANDERS USE Gnuine. Rarey s Powdgrsl FOR CQUGHS 8: COLDS USE A1 -.--u'HL.1u WUIHX me UIIICUIIIIU uu- U93 of Coroners adapted to the Canadian LEW. `Vim Hull nppeudixof Forms and Schedules Of F995, 5.` William Boys, L.L.B., `Barrister-at Law. Price 32, T `Y T! m~ _ . _ FOR INADIGES'1`IONA' txsn TO EXPELI wotm as soon as indlspcsilion is noticed, will be generally - sutlicieul lo ward ulI'a1lm-ks that nth:-rwnse Wnnldl prove. frnuhle=. and `e-.\'pen.-dive. ' This valuable i C()HREC'l'IVE P0\NDER can he oblnined of nlll FOR BROKENWIND UR HEAVES USE- THIS celebrated medicine for the general ail-' mcnts of Horses and Cattle, is prepared from ingredients that have only been ap raved of after re.-e`ated' trials by the most eminent eterinary Sm- geunsnf Europe.- It is that universally used now by the lnr est Horse and Stock Breeders, as the only POWDEI that ettn be relied on to ei-t tually correct 1 the irregularities of the digestive system. andeo ;-u- ' nfy the blood as to prevent all apprehensiun uflll-> flatmnutury diseases. which often cause irreparable! tnischiet before detected. Hence, a dose of \4|Jl\[\I`4LIlIVl.'4 ruwuun Cl! C UUHIIIIBU 0! HIII respectable Drllggisls. fur Ihe same mune_v as any of 1 [huge nnw in use-. mnsl nf lhi-an being in:-.fT.u-.lim-, Fm-I |'t'S]N.5l'll1l)| |JI'l|.'gllSg l\'l' Hit` SHINE llllH|C_V H7` any ()1 those now in us-.c:, mosl of them being ineffective for the purpose intended- ruve lrnI|IIw.~`nuIe. nnu r-xpen.-ve. Lllls vaIIlHUle| EORRECTIVE POWDER can he oblnined of all: u-...~.\....Iu|\l... I1:-nun-u'.|.a C...1h... nan... .u..n..u. c... onn .J`. THE best Business Stand in the Town of Barrie, TO LET FOR ONE OR. MORE YEARS, the centre premises in King's Buildings, and next door to the Post Oice, at present occupied by Sheridan Brothers. , - "__.Q,____ 2- on I, on an . 1-. A. --` The` Store is 38 by 20 feet; Stone Cellar 36 by 19; one Dining Room and one Kitchen down stairs; one Drawing Rnom nnd four Bed Rooms .up Stairs, together with Store house, &c. Dnnanaainn 4-2...... AL. A...` -1` hr, 1 ._ _ ....9__ N- B-`)T`` portion of the work treating of P'3"5~ I 051.-nu-rlom Exnminalirms, and matters ""`d `WI Clwmical Analysis, \vill'be pre- Pljed |_lnd9r1he supervision of Prof. Croft. Of Umversnty College, Toronto. nrllnu-a u-r.M:_.; 1 ' RAREY S_ ` lcounmnu PBWIJERS FOR FATTENING STOCK USE ...l.. ..........., umlahiullbl uuou uvuu: nuuav, WIZ- Possession given the first of December next. Apply to ` T `AT A ml : A \`I`l DY irnun .:-.-- f]`HA'l` lamo Brickl.l~louse-vthe Commercial Inn --situal in the villain! of Penetanguishene, and recently occupied by H. Tripp. ` `Possession may be bad immediately. Terms of rental may b known by. applying to the Proprietor. ' EDWARD JEFFERY. Penetangnishene, Sept. 1, 1863. 35. Barrie, 12th October, 1863. ARE THE BEST REMEDY For HORSES, Cows, Sheep, Hogs, &c.. 661:. I ....7-f, T "=P"'*` bx , M f` +"*,`.`i.'%,**,&.... . xnLu4Ms,co.~ ~ V `..-L:.;_>~..:~.,,='3..;.;m;_ ">03 v- V % ' -`l_'haluab.1yauu>:-Ib 1 ufigrg ,5 I who may be wilhng to secure is services during the months of December, 1863, d January and February, 1864. . ' - Applicationto made to E; M. Morp &c., Yonge St., Toronto, O.W., who consented to act. as agent. - Two DOUBLE WA GGONS, almost new. Ala .One Second Hand Buggy. Two Scotch Ploughs, one Yankee Plough`, excellent for new land; And a. Double Set of Harness. Apply to ALEXANDER LAURIE, Dunlnn.ntrs-at 'l{m-.-in |m HENT rnnA__I_nM av YEME; o0Mmiib f}i`iI`VbijijAGE,

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