Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Oct 1863, p. 2

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ttarrel t ,. ~;.r`_` ` _i "W ii 5' .`. I ' I Whs. .. .:'l lb 'proog|j%6 ` W ' --~. l '= alriinsternoutttittgtmetital lienatln. l't*t`:'an hardly be accounted for without recurring to- tlte ancient grudge of the `American war. and it illttslratesthe eourttlttees ol t-he"view taken by those who have most coneitreretl` the great sub- ject of the colonial policy` that we must `so govern our settlements as ttr prepare for a sep-` aration on friendly terms`, always assuming that sooner or later. their growth will bring , about their itttlependbnce; Sometlistingoiehed men in the literary as well as political world have lately maintained` the opinion that our eolonies are only a burdew, end`that they give us-'tIU. btenefite wortlt`-=tltovo1rpenso. they.` entail This is.-ggreat or r, a.'ttl'it is not now for the rettitibhat{}' 9 describe it`.- Sixty years ago, while re.-i_vli_ng h_ere.I pttblishetl a work in whioh`ttte"wltoIe subject was "fnlly exi'rnin- ad iti~=`aII. ilshtanchei. and "q-dertljonetttatinn given ol'tlte benete, (political. social, and com- m;giat.,9.t,.;ot.q.rt_#gestttbttyttmgttn which as. y it .:yv:apgv. .-u -. txiledvtiron s't if it . -Tiff: ar .h`m`{"e.l AUC'l`1I0N SALEQC We omitted to notiop last week the sale of lands and village lots in Allendalo at Making : Auction Rooms. The village lots, some of them, brought mnarkable prices--one in particular being knocked down for 295 dollars, leash` down. Others brought 101 dollars, so dollars, so dollars, and so on-making altogether 8 very high aver- age for lots in Allandale.` - `Anotler sale of valuable lots in- Cookstown in advertisdlto-day. by Mnleeklug. Those lots am. dome `of them shunted on-the main road, and allure in,-good positiopu, and will no doubt In __. `__.__ An inquest was held on Thursday last by Dr. A. Ardagh, at the village of Angus, on the body ofa man who calletfhimself Harris, who appeared to he in a destitute condition, and to have been suf- fering from ague and dysentery. He stated that he had come from Tennesse, and he had on a coat the buttons of which were recognized as those worn by soldiers of - the Confederate army. He stated that he had friends at Collingwood, whither he was desirous of proceeding, and money was raised to pay his passage thither, but he was in such a helpless and wretched condition that the conductor of the train refused-to take him on board, unless he had some one to take care of him. On Saturday hewas put to sleep in a [lace of shel- ter. but nn Rnnilrm m.....:..`... L- ---- 0 - P08!!!-3_n _ _...-.......J unit was put Lu alcyp III I [lace Ofheb ter, but on Sunday mowing he was found in a dying state, a.nd soon expired. Verdict-.- Death troln ague and dysentery, combined with ex- posure." ' .............. ......5 Alvin awnuucu uuu OOWCIS. . In accordance with the above evidence the jury found the following verdict :- We find that Ro- sannah Johnson died from natural causes." _.-... -- w---wv `FUDGE! vu -v\.uu\.a\A(IJ Ihlllllllsu The. medical gentleman who had visited de- ceased was unable to account for cause of death; the inquiry was, therefore, adjourned until seven p.m. same evening. and a post. mortem examina- tion of the body ordered to be made. Separation of the placenta from the uterus, which had pro- duced excessive internal uterine hemorrhage, was shown to be the cause of death-the medical wit- ruins -l:..:...... ..r ....:_:__ .L,. . u - ___.._ .. .. ..... vuuou m uccu.u--um uleulclll Wil- nss "being of opinion that it had teaulted from the violent straining from stomach and bowels. In n.m....A........ .-.2.|- .u_. ,1 COBOREWS INQUES1`. On Thursday, 22 cl'inst7., Dr. Crookslizmk, Cor- oner,Aheld an inquest at Little's Hotel`, B iu1-ie, on the body of Rosannah J ollns`on,A wife of` Robert Johnson, who died suddenly the precedimg thorn- ing. From the evidence itappeared that deceased was encienle. On the Tuesday night she was in her usual health, and retired to bad about ten o'clock; between eleven and twelve she was at- tacked with violentvomitiug and purging. Medi- cal assistance was procured but proved unavail- i g; the unfortunate "woman gradually sunk, and died at three p.m. on Wednesday morning; The median] nantl.-..... ...t... L....I _:_:.-.: .1, __._ _--_--- ----------u-ruv vnu ;.uuu.|n.-.| unung, at. Mr. Plaxton gave a plow as a prize to the boy who should gainglhe rs: prize. 1- no Elmvale,` om, 23i'd'i, 1863'; wuuuus or overwhelming`gfalilllder 4 ` A It may now be proper lozay -whollhis Made- moiselle Bissaneue, la. and give, some :.of. her nnlecedenls. I1 ,appears:she. formerly kept a House oi Rafugg umlenlhe control of the Cor-` poralion and the St, Vinc'en_I Socigly ; but, not properly performing" her `important duties in that slalion, lhohouse was don`daw'ny with, or, at least, he! connexion therewith casd. Since 11181 lune. {she haa taken ihe house"-a|r931U' gpoken. of, on or-. near the ooriiof of Sr."CaIher inl and Denis lsnraem iand,flt_ in slal8d.'lld9Y lhe'clqak.. of a 'orofelI_se,d. regard for;the.wel,fare, of" lhoseuvirhnm-. by various rne`a ns,,she has no- doced lo reaidb witli he`r,'eom`n_iinel a sfies Of 0| |l9"le hnnn 'lhn'v'n` `I-li:L -'..u:.... `--'---- "Flzmnel-3 Enlries.-lsI. GreepTaw'. 2nd:D:ivid Johnston, Sen. ' ' -- . .,--.., ........ _ Mittens--1 Entfies.-Ist Jnmes `Rowat. 2nd David Johnston, Sen. 3rd James. Greenluw. CV.._L_ A 1.V,,1,, ,, u . vx -u u 1 .- ...- . . v V . . . - u - vu, gun. unu uauaca. ulccullbn. oclcs-4 Enlrics.-lst David Johnston, Sen. 2nd John Craig. 3rd James Grcenlnw. A. -I_..._l_2_._ 7,7--I ' ` ___ _-_ . -.-.a. u.-ouu-use van A` ploughing match in connection with the above Society, was held on Tuesday, the 20th inst., in a field of Mr. Cmig s, Cmighurst. The entries were not numerbus, but the prizes were keenly competed for.,After the business of the day was over the judges, plnughmen and oirers of the Society`, were kindly treated to dinner by Mr. Craig. 1..---- Il-,__._ 1' I . *r\ .. - - - UnGss.-_Messrs. Robert Pattrfrson, and John Cumming, F105; and Joseph Johnston, Vespra. Pmzxzs AWARDED; Men? C lass.--l'sI. George Eldrich. 2ndTWillian1 Krr. 3rd Wiliiam Woodsworlh. `Boys 20 yearsold and under.-lst James Dunn. 2nd- Robert Richardson. 3rd Thomas Craig, Jr. `fr, plnrinn nnva n nlnm na 1: ....:-.. ... -L- L-- | Butter-10 Entries.-lst David Jamieson. Gavin Turner. 3rd William Ritchie. ru,,, no rs _--- A--vnnalau \4-5-lb`, vnu Pcu of Ewes-3 Entr1es.-lst.Willi.m Ritchie. Znd Gideon Richardson. Boars-3 Eut_ries.--lst. Thomas Ritchie. 2nd Arthur Craig. ` ..v\-ova _ 1S`ows-3 Entries.'-1st David Jamieson; William Johnson. - _.-...... V... n ....--u.. nun-\llI\.n Cheese`-7 E1zlries[-~lst. James Rowat. 2nd 2nd John Craig. 3rd Gavin 'l:nrner. Fallen `Cloth--'4 Entr1'es-lst David Johnston Sen. 2rid William Johnston. 7 - vu "I-(a1.2'zE-1.1.1-a.I;s--6 E_ntries.--lst David Jamieson. 21nd Thomas Craig, Jr. D-.. -1 E`.....- n L`_l...__ u_. 11.211-_,,, nu I 0 was uurtrlrg on ner hair, which lay scattered about. 'I~'he`operation \'va's ilesisted from, and the.-two strangers vleftnthe `place , andthe first utentionetl gentlemen` acq u`ain'ied'Capt.V La- lnotlie-, Chief of the.Police.. with the matter. v'l?he .l`atlsn.Aha_d already hatlsome reason to suspect that all was not right in the ,house in question, amt, since the occurrence which we havejust relnteilftook place, one or. two parents or friends of cltlldreri, residirig in the house. ' have called upon him.` arid` iivisherlhim to see about them,7\\'itli%avview`ot getting therfiiaway. He did so, but from the represeriiationirof a Mademoiselle Bissunette, the "keeper of the house, who assured him that the parents so en- qiiiriiig after their children were disolute. and not capable of properly `watching over them, lheyis ' fro'm`feother facts` which came to the lm'o`w'-A `ledge of `Capt. Latholhe. lie."this7rrinriiir't`g,` went. along with the High Conatable."0 Leary, ind 'h9f$ Oiflhb police. and foundi the`po'or wtelchen .Wh9ln we have seen in the room of the Court-"house. Their Joy upon being tolrl by the L ltief of Pol'ice.ihat they that they might speak their rninds,_ltnevy no bounds. They lzissetthis ha`rids.i caller! him their saviour,` and-gave 'w`a`y"to all`the` demon-' t stratioos of overwhelminggratitude} 4 min` now hp nrnnnr ......... ....i...,.`i~.:- anu- ere permitteit to remain with her; but ` AGBIOULTURAL SHOW. The Medonte and Flos Agricultural Society : second annual Show of stock, dairy,produce and I domestic manufactures, was held at Hami,lton 6 Inn, on the Penetanguishene road,{fbn` Tuesday, -the 13th inst,-. *The_:}|ttendance x waif good-i `T50 3, iinonwt of itoelr ,ahow,n,-exceeded last year;_ A `Very tine Dttfham Bull the exhibited by Mr. Arthur Graig, of draighurst; innother of tlrjeealrle bleed :_' was exhibited,by`M&&=illi3r'1olaaeton, ,0! ;rownshr;or*Ftos. ,~1.,.a`.*n `breed `i3.>mo'way,._euii was shown by Mr. Thomas of Elmvalm! Township of Flos ; this was_tHQ,rst time tlrat any of the Galloway breed has been shown in this part of the Country, and his appearance on the show ground was the subject of some rather amusing remarks. Dom_estic~...`lanufnc_tures were well represented Q to quelitgi. The fulleii cloth, annel, mittens ind suks were excellent, and speak` well for the housewiug of our northern farmers wives.and daughters. `_.____ Il___-_ JD` , A. , _ II 2,- V `f-.4g_. . _ .....- --_ .- .~. ......-..-vu, navllo w`1"';mr;ing 1;';ifers-5 Entrie:.-lst Robert Kent. 2nd William Johnston. W:/-Igiil-Rams-4 Entries.-1t William Woods- wonh. 2nd William Johnson. uv - -~ Yearling Rams-2 Entries.--lst Thomas Ricbiiz. 2nd William Wilson. `-" .lllAt;1;l1':s':--8les,srs.< Thomas Mulrs," 'Ye9prs; William Wilson, Medonle; and John Lambie, "S'carbo'ro. H Eulries.-1st Thomas Ritchie 2nd Peter` Cleland. - (.'ows--6 Entries.--lst William Johnson. 2nd Gavin Turner. 3rd David Johnston, Sen. `[7,. ...l.'..... 1.1.. r...- 2 0.1.1.. 1-. 1-s_L-,,. 17., . A Pain: Awnnxo. . Enlz'g'e Horeax:-2 En.triea.--Isl. William John `l0`li. 2nd Jolin McIntosh. ' .... .7 van .v.u... -vuu. Foal-3 Entries. -Ist James Rowat. 2nd William Johnston. . 3rd Thomas Craig, Jr. Gannu all Il....L.- 4.. I`L.l.J. _..J-. 1 IJ..A...'.- _. --~ -- -.------ - v--------v --V-- ----v------- v---51 VI- 2 year old Ilfara or Gelding"s-4 Entries.`-13: Robert Patterson. 2nd David Jamieson. Yearling Foals-l Entry/.-lst John Swan. ./Jgad Bulls-4 Entriea.-Isl. Arthur Craig. 2nd William Johnston. White Slaves in Monti-eh]. T Th`(Froin-`lhe Montreal `Wilness, Oct. 22.) Isvmqrning amngular sign!` was lo be wiInes,seol-in lhe High Conslabi:a a ronm at the Court House, namely, some fteen or lweuly fema1es._of a'||_n es n frum womanhood down lo lime more than I e stage nf infancy; who had jusrbeen rescued from what may be called im- prisonment and slavery. To understand their condition. it will benecessnry to go back some- what in the orderotwlme, and relate the cir- cumstances` which ultimately led In that libera- rion. INQUEST. ,xuxd antery. se, a `.1.-.l'...I.._. A- - ' W. Hmvsr. Sec.)I.<.F.B.'A.S. 2nd 2nd \_ ` . , ' ____,--- J. I. H.` W Tom............-:.;.`..$ Ono.-pondinz week .0`-1!-m:__;;.. .`, 1,25: 26 :54 ? . '_ .____._.` _, . uuwallufli o u - . . . - . . . . . . . height and Live Stock...; "nd?8undriu. . . .. .. . NORTHERN RAH: 0ANADA_ Tame for the, week aiding _ Om 1353;- Plssengexs . . . ..........;...,___;$ 5,395 03 mm sto0k&..'.-'.`-*.-. `. 1 and I0 _ --.----21$ Sn-nnnn, October 24. l'h1'xiarket was `better supplied with grsin to- day, but prices rule much the same as for sever . days previously. F119 II?---- 5- `~ ` --d - tuvv IVIIUIJI FALL Wan-r--in teams 800 to $1,112: cu Ind 80 to 880. ` Bruits Wnn'r-'(5o to 85. Bnu!-`loo to 81. , On:--rmer, 35310 no. Pug-steady, at 550 to 5'. T ' Bu-n-n-.pey'ain'gle pound, 15 to 25; wholesale no to 150 per 1). ` ` E669--16 to 36 per dos. . P0'l'A'l'0IS-25('- to 400 per bung]. Other u-ticles unchanged. nuuul surge wean ago n-gentleman. welt kriown in Montreal, was passing` the corner of St. Catherine and Denis streets, when. he heard the` scream of 'a.wn,rnan as if he was being 'murde`red. `A~ci'ov`._vit wa's'p|'|eted about tho` place, dint!" hofteq-iiea'te`d` a p`e`rso'n'fr'o_m amongst it-to ascend with him to the second stogey of, the house-by which they were stand"-V ing,nol, whence_ the acxeams seemed to proceed. On amving tlpere,.Ihey found atxvogngn of con- sVider_b|e personal charms, held,dowr: upon the _ oor by a po\v erfol man, whilst ahottjer woman was curring off hr hait, which `lay `scattei-ed 'I~'ha'onemtion \'vas.h-(mm; rm... ...,a --up-(val, vvu. 4 For Spring Wheat the buyers `here are` I few cents less than last week. Flour, ho is offered by the millel-s at its usual price above Orillia and Bradford, iohen ii: vrie place the price '0! grain is the sallleytnd latter is five centa`higher.- SPRING Wnsn--'68c per bushel.`- FLotm-4.00 to 4.50 per Harrell O.u's-30 to 35. V Pius--enquired for at 45 N": 50 ;- Burrnn-17c per lb. EGos--1_0c per dozen. HAY-8.00 per ton. ` Muxmmz.-- It was a very unformnz lecxiou of a hymn which our minisler last Sunday. wriles a rural currespo '- He had fmishe.-d'a very good sermon o van-ily of worldly lhinga. when he gave nu --Tbe patties to bejoined in maniage wil senl themaelves afler we have sung the hymn, beginning. ` Mistaken souls that c of Heaven. --Aberdeen Journal. 7 have sung 512 dream Mznmfxouh IN` Amsmca.-Mr. William C0rne|l:Jewell sai ed on Samrdayfur Europe, in the Jufa; once more to urge his claims for medialiun in America. Mr. Jewell goes direct to Ftance this time, we believe.aud has sltonq reasnns for anlucipning a successful issue In the enterprise in which he is engagetl---M0n- treat Herald. _-.-- will own U1 u:u.'u:,--- We learn from the Bruce Herald Ihal at a meeling of Pruvisnonal Cmmcil of Bruce, held in South- ampton on Ihe 15th, the question oflhe counly !own was nally decided in favor of Walker- `Inn, by a vote of 13 lo 7. Anmmu. MILt(l S Svc cl:sson.-We lo.-..m from the United Service Gazelle that Reu- Atlminal `Sir James Hope. K.C.B., has been nominated successor to Vtce-Admiral Si; Alex. Milne. K.C.G.. as cumruandet-in-chief of the North American and West India Station. Fm: 4'1 rm: Guam} Ttumx Sn-rtou, STRAT- i'unn.-0h Tuesday last a re broke out at the GIL nd Trunk station. Stralford, and in sptte of all the efforts to save it, the whole building was destrnyed. The loss is stated at from $5,000 to $6,000.--Beacom 4 `M131-4`x:.-It is not true that Mr. Mcconkey has `beencaed on to resign on account of his hackslidings on the representation and separate school questions. There was a feeling, at one time, among his supporters, that something of the kind longht to be done, but since then they have fully admitted the great principle of their party, so ably set forth in the columns of the Globe,-- *` oicebe/are principle. By supporting the gov- ernment through thick and thin Mr. McCokv_r has nobly gave his duty. _ `.4_w{:,. _ , . Torqpyg, 99$ 336 ' I On m1'.-A commission, it is said, will shortly be issued to enquire what has become of Rep. by Pop., a valuable electioneering agent, whose ser- vices,'though not put in requsitlon at the last con. test, will probably be/much needed by his oldjem. ployes before many months are over. Some think that J. B. Esq., one of-our worthy reeves, was bribed by the member for North Simeoo to hide the missing party in one of the Vespro swamps, and no doubt Mr. Me0onkey will be called as a wit- ness before the commissioners. The chairman of the Board, we need hardly say, will be the present comruissionerpof Crown Lands. The upper at of the Globe office will be used for the purposes of the enquiry. D-v-d M-r-r-w, it is understood, has ' applied for the oice of secretary to the Board. We much regret to find that in some reepecg, the yield from the crop: lately harvented will nog be no good in thin neighborhood as the" Van gg one time reason to expect. Spring wheat, upon whleh our farmers principally'depen_d, is, with some egceplione, turning out badly. The return per acre in by no means what was expected, and in eolnlcaeee it iuniaerahle in the extreme. Other crope, /however, are doing well, and the weather lately has been my favorable for tnrnipl and for taking up potatoes. Pricea still range low, but lumbering operations will be large this year, and; all articles of consumption required for them will be in demand. a """-_""+` B RADFORD MARKE'l`S. rx.'oua--3.50 to 4.00 per barrel: FALL Wan-1--(new) 80 to 86 per bushel. Smuno Wn:u-70 to 74o.per bushel. 0313-35 to 30 per bushel. Pus-by retail,`-15 to soc per bushel. ' Banzzn--'(new) 70 to 80c per bushel. Poax-3.50 to 4.00 per hund. ' Bur--1.50 lo 5.00 er huud. Po`u'rol:s-25c per bushel. Bu-rnn--l2 to l4`c per lb.- Eaas-8c per doz. HAY- 8.00 to 10.00 per ton} Hxnua-4.25 to 4.50 per cwt. 1113 I Ulllhg IUWHRIS lmlgluuu VVIIl\:`lI yIv'_--6 ; . -pm P609145?-=t_ho.ii?Iv at5x5x:. M _sdA 'ii'I'|}o_;nal "ad cg.jilis`J:iIt`.]|f{xl {_:my Ir?i1ILrt.Ihi.{"tm, .iI.i\"-flhnl fled I ` " _ `_ _ ;i`ss;\i_$_:*:N `gt: f/___.l`.iI"I!il,_`l_I_} all 39giprooIl,:1>lx t am `,agl7ha_!r iII!f0W 85! lrlte almost amounting tn memal`|ienaI!bu. It can l.-...lI.. I... nnnnlllllntl fur unlhnnl Innllrrlllll In-I -Eshwnp in uiell emizg d rs..Ijfh gin gvery `I `tat ` `.? W59 Me ('"`4'e"' igftle ,.foll9w" flip il IV :!'=::%.*M` "dis blow ban-4 haves there is a vol. FALL Winn-75 to 80c. . Spams Wan`:-65. BAnt.n.-60 to 65c. 0113-20 to 23. Pon1'ons-20c. `Ems--10c. Bu-r-r:n-13to 15c. . H F1.ppn-fal| wheat $4.00 to 4.25. FLoUn-sm-inn whnno In an... . A Full Wheat, 80 to 83. Spring ditto, 70 to 740. Outs, 30 to 32. _.-.-. yum: ul . Fon-spI;g when 83.5010 4.! OATIIAI.--$5.00. ` 11.- A--- . - v - - --nu_`wd-VUo HA"!-06.00 to 37.00 per ton. = -a_m'< Tm: Cnumv Town or Bnwcn,---We learn mm H... 12....-- 11---): .. . - October 28, l83 ______.________ TORONTO MARKETS. Gtutuitttrtial; LEFROY MARKETS. {.__._.__.____ ORILLIA MARKETS. --V.v.,\sAA.s BARB` E MARKETS. -- ....., .. van uuuntullalu SE- made v , my-:14... - ----- ' ' "ug' -,uv- -v RS our :-'ki-.-. 4. -... . . ._-- .. uvv ford, ii) former iir in the :1 ~ -v..-..... vu lulu '5. when notice . \n.I I... ___,, ~ . unfortunate se- AL _.-- ' Tu:snu', OH. 2711:. 7VIln ;Ab"_` W388 Weeks` ag"o- 1;-`gentleman, well, f|'l0Wn In Montreal. wan nn.i....- lha .......... ..c nnyers `here paying week. however, ilynsual price of 50c ..,1 ..u.-.. 2.. -1' I Octbber 26:12, 1863. ......... .. uuuuu cnrreapondent nnuul ..._.-A- " Oct. 26th 1863. on lh rill pre- (11.91 %vo1&mT3Ef -1-I13?!` -:`~.-.'v*3 f-an * ..__-.:. .-1`h is' `r;"ih`a`[%v.iy V :`r`ld hc'mi:Y-"I'm --rysar-7 :1: ts." tailed proofs A _ __ A theita boneliI.I. .T18|.ll utter; the glttajsgtvnlzell;-.l. them hail another 0lgtj|_.;:,;.ThB book was very soon, out of prim, and T always refused to allow "a. secondettition. Jt,ml:8ll!;iD0Wr' how- `I`\:g"ie_u`- >lIIV Ila , at -i'liei? t.-oat Tail-`lb `e""n6.nfo ever. beef som_a,lJ$B. as ll_18,4i_.|ll0I,` _'l 0l|;`3.0l!'.; tdinetl "respecting the colbnfes 0 at nations ought to be, more sznerally tli'usetl."'~'l"he - lapse |of:60=yea'rs.hai?..tio'-ilnnbl. nie_t_le,.grent.r changes. and the work is to ,be{VAiewed as - his.- torical with regard to the` l'`c`la;" "b'I_Il"tlle t'l`o'c-" trines,ha'c .beeti t':nrtrrrt'ed7 DY;:e.ll :thct';'has hcppened ;. the)` are statirely a.Pt>|iea,bl.a, to. the ' presenfslate of atfiirs. and tire : inst `worthy of attentionfmm the iprotnoters ` of socit'sli-`science-. ; Sixty -years!:ay.: iruleetl,;gre,at indeed, -have been the changes which in that time have visitedour race"--`ohttnges which all tlentiriibns.` principalities, A-anil. Pa}wersI:have undergone. The (lestroyittg. angel has stalked bftlatll the Old World and `in the New, sitapoingthe ties that bound St'ate`snrid'their provinces: together,~ extinguishing old rnona'rchies' andcalling into existence new, hurling mighty Sovereigns from `their throties and replacing them. with humble and unltuo'wn,' making -revolutions and changes_ul' dynasty` no longer_etr,ert;s that, stgrtle by their occurrence and terric as- pects, but to be expectetlin the `ordinary course" of ,_aairs. and as things ;to which habithss Notwithstantling these mighty ch_attges."all that relates to colonial policy must rerr'tain"in~ this country an irripo'rtant.eub- ject-.and a. ;pr.ttctittal. as long ns-lo.tzse the pic- tu__regt`qne langttae, of, Lord Erskinein iii: no; blest"oratiou-"`t re` re"stl`ess foot of English ad- venture is tinceasiiuzley encroaching on so many deserts; and lil8_ll'letl virtue `qf English char- acter is converting them into ourishing nbotles of civilized life. Soriapid has been our colo- riial progress. that` witltbnr Attstraliatt settle- .ment,_com.vn_ercia1 intercourse has increased ten-fold in as many years; '.~_x'nt_i'_our.t_luty as well cs our inteiestiis so to g6`ve'r`n"it thatits inevitable, independence may. become only a fresh ground of gratitude, of a. laslltlg,8lll.l, a" hearty friendship. Theorigin his colony, the similarity of character anti habits, the identity of lnngunge, will always make the connexion" natural if the sepnratinnibe 2-fl'e_c'ted peaceably and (amicably; land. whatin cemmemial deal- ings maybe the changes frnmraccitlental cir- cumstances, the tendency of. emigration will always be steadily in this direction. . ._..__._._-1....._.___ or Schools in`-Upper Ca'nadi31.n:l86l`Was 92+-.-an ,inc reue of .-.6. The numhefgfgpnpsfhas 1,982:-an i.norease;of 216. The-:nnnu>e.r: of ne;~.vA2uw!s. '.""!"`. dwi0 the 7ear~.vv,-.v;360.-.- 'lThn=Ign!I!.brf.PP"! Odiitled by-_aic:"hsl`;:'r5I':) ,fm ggj_C5n`un9n` 5!-119050 I5_v`a`sAl19. FM-':n'xhe' ul i9`sh6wihg.1ha~nun3`bdr of pdpiib ii 68 f6 piou ?iit$j'a j1b, `it `a'ppdt'II_1b'te` in _.a`r*` ' 'bu' adecregso of in thmbwmhglyiilirhhg ., ` lad-an. Juana: n `_,_.i,HvogQ-gm, ic '. g:&f:gl b'|'a'n;hen-`n;' 0!-0.. GUI 56137. In Lower Canada. the receipts for Common Sghgol purposeajn 1862. were 5655.615. con. `sinking nf_ the following item'a:--Lt-gishuva grant, $l12;886:` Assessment or voluntary con. Iribnlions to equal amount of grant, $110,965, Addilionil ahsessment. $134,033. Monthly fees. $281,930-..: ASSEBITIIBHI Ioreteclion or re- pair of" achooi-houses. Il5;709'.f`_'I'he dI.'e`rencen in the {node of`. priidipg' the funds ngoasary for educa{io`n, in Dpger and fin ' Lo"vi,er"Canadg yeapeotivly, it very marked. `l`n Ltmel` Canada tha`jdI'al E'fsni_>unt' raised by|assaspmanl`is1ebna'is detably lass-. than` the vaiuonnt colleoled. `in -the` shape of fees` from pupils; white in Uppr._Ca- Msmhsamasa. .!.I%?91 P? %ss9s:mn'gi'.'" ljr;|_gQa'__}l:1`a> gamqnng lrgcegaci m t_ha `uh~avp'e_of, fee: 61- hta inipoIed`ubi9ri"ptipibls. ~ : - - .'l`|.- nnlllhnr nf -I-lrnmmnr Shh6nIiA'in`fTnhbi H -.w-=,~e.I,In .9!f'_'9'|l_|_ gwpq gn vmg. Votigfllllllc, 3'!7QP.. 9 !g9.. n..,l.h.-s!.i . ..!5ni ` _ J 'E%s'I@.h:;-' !g'9i|_?b_."ia` :;th'mq:ia,-chi 5! t_'ggrrIa'lI`_I I;= *1`ho tI!.4:eip1 a;yfi7('5rImgzf1'g'!`- `.':.-.-;:;.._R`_:.:ru;:;.o..:-4'-.~.--,,A -_ .`!-.\f ,..o.... `four. ' F `empire, -1'nv'r the < heart of : `Am'etica; ;"!`rue,'~ `the "I -- ---4 -------9 ;:-- ".*""".!"1."?"`I" ;._ ` -. g I If there ever was I dhnintlhati had not: yet arrived at its actual fullment, it is this plan of the Empernr e. l'=t will rouse all the enthysiasm, of . France. and revue: theinld lieliel`"iii"tli` invinciliilityt of use `nonapanei-" it will give the French people something to do. and what is better. something `to thini abnut and talk about. It will revive businepe in France and malte money plenty. It will create a future visinn of at great cottorIfi g`l';l',' of a rich trans-Atlantic colony, or new French French never founded I euccea,efulr_ c_olcny,l never planted`-ai vigorous Stat'e'._* 'F.-.'... 5].. 1.V,'i_, I i -i '5? Hm `I M9099 In Inptqemqlsca 'p'mI In nju Met a'$;3{.':nvianu;.' :geeip:a,raGnmmir S iidii!3puI6oirB3;-)f"f'|i}_-n]I1 nocirco'b"in"!882 won. 890.090--an 1ufu,dio-f84;9%. P`.-'I?l\V|.'.|-g'y'|(3~ 3 `ll . di'`dh.!:h$hhhli'- IIIIIII , vumumr--nu nuumuu-nu ymraus `.-L*n,l~l IOI||p%B `I I '-n dsvud.vnuuwp-ea-a::-uuv- or-an 1] `DUI UC|ll III IJUWFI \alldUlIa Thermal recipls for Cnmmonschuol pur-V poses in Upper Canada. i_n_l86'2. were$l 396,- 123-an incraas of 814.843. ' Excluding bay. 'anes {tom $1861.;lhe.proper,xeceapIs ofghe year `amoumed to $1,249,087, consisting (ifthn f..|. lowing itemiszi--L~egfi[siaIive gram. $167,970; mnnic`ipa`l assea`smem, $274,471. a d'ec.-939., of $3.613; Trustees assessment, $620,263, an increase of-'$3`2.970; rate-Lb:H. imposed `when Ihe achnola\\}ere_-V not free, 373,850; "a `dcreasa of $9.023. CW2! iR5P!'5'FP*id. 3"!|.olhr sou_rt`:eVs,?$ll'2.524', a" "decrease of ,$l7.85l.` ' 'I"hin nah: nvnnntlihlrn fnr-fYncn.v..... Q_|._.'i BUUAIUUVB, 0110.041, a uuuluqluw Ul ya; Log`, 'I4`h*e Iota. expenditure forommon St-hnni purposes was 1,231,993. an increhee of $40,575; The ' iteimo were :-`-For `teachers . _gg|a"e_." $759,776.39 in_cre_aseof 341,663.. "Maps, apps. yams, prizes,` and hljbraries. _ $22.3l6. School silt-.s and b_ui` `Rents and {0- hairs. $37,060.` Shoo! bqoks, `islalioixety, fuel , &c.;'897.219. ` 1 V * l ..' I .......- rI.......l.. 1|... .-..;.:..-5- I..- ro-__, , j _ Plane of the Emperor Napoleon. , ' Correspondence of the Herald. , The French Emperor is determiner! to ht. From an uqguestion pgyiixrce I lejttftifm 4 he has already gout 60% fitten to &Ie;i_'pe;.and ` inuietigxembqajkinggind eertding off nk MT: tdfers. ljljofe tiitnnonfttnd tfiioret army? etippli-.-a `He belie-es in'tbe*taqttoe_.thatso nale {this uttle victorious, e_il= thet he gjjollowgxlfup ftfvith euiih 'eifq'et`~in hiejown Italian ptfignq-`.-_.that of striking eeuddenjend vigor-= bfarelhis euemyie prepared orbm ` I any danger; Texeethat oft eon~ tested and old battle ground, is to be the grind theatre of strife. He poaitlvaly betieves` his star is going to guide him to the osseeeion of one of the States of American ton, and that one of the richest (with perhaps one ex- ception.) the largest and most desirable (to e lgiuropean) of any among` '_h'ilIlll)|'!'3I:;|hiI3y our. . -= = ~r ::-, , -. r--.,..:.- u v-svlv-J6 UIIIVI. Trne; the Finchiman cannot` dniiitiitill his very` nature is altered. and not until'F re'nch` policy is a` totally" different thing {mm the policy offthe past. `But there is-the vision. there is the belief, and this` is sufficient fot Bonaparte. It may'.b'e'hi's ZMD8,-`bis Actium or his Waterlqm; `no matter. hebelievee in it and he. acts. -You are to? havea vast French nr_n_yt on the soil of Am_eric_a.'ami you have -got to meet it.` "Yes. you must` meet it or submit to` any termdfthat may be dictated by a man who is an utter stranger` to truth. jus- tice,` reason orsontnlvpoliby. Andithoeeterms will {be nothing lesethan Texas,-Ixmieiena and the mouth of the Mississippi. - _ While he is ahmn it nnihnhinr hn ul2lI..-l`:sn..o.. ...._u-ucr may paamny- papers ur'Ihe;ir"po_ckeIo which. m.ig'ht-s compin = =eumen": infonhatibn - -bf ! qorumiqn- ~' Snob`; at yleaaw In `me: sma "300! `math In: .|Im.n...l....a .A._..-_-- -L-.. _ ' Education in Canada. The fullmhing facle respecting the progress of E in "Canada, are takn fmm an abridgementof the report of the Cniefsupero i_mendenIs.'_ for the year 1862, which appeared in Mon;d;sy. s (ilobe_:- - - V 2" i f'mr. I f anu me mouln DI the Missiasippi. While he is about it probabiy he will-d`it3laAle for a Suuthem Confederacy that s_half include M'a`ryland--" .IyT Maryland-`-Virginia_'.` .the Olslricl of Columbia. Nonh Carolina, `Penney- see, `Kentucky and Missonri.- with very likely a large slice -sf -Southern Califovrnia.` Tha r\'rckduIte a1.aYilI,\inV'r|:nl- an` In-`A I-III" ' In Up`per,-Canada. in 1862 the number of school sections` was 4,261-an increase on the pre_vioua,yeaI" of 107. The number of Com- mon Schools reporter! as open..wa_s- 4.10-1-an increase of 85. Thenumberhnf free schools wasH3.Ill--gun increase A ol'.'208; More than three-fourths of the_"whojle_ Corrirnon Schools of Upper ,Canada. now free by the voluntary action of the rate-papers` in their s'epara't_e school sections. The number of teachers em- ploved in the schools was .4,406-an"'incresse of 70. Of these 3,ll5 were male, `and 1.291 female teachers, . The whole number of pupils attending the schools was 343.733-en increase of 13.815. Of these 185,441 were boys, and 158,292 girls. - In Lrurnnr Pnnmln, tho nnrnlnnp nf ..|-.......a..-.. I.UL,y_U9 BII IQ: In Lower Canada, the numberrof elementary schools was 2 995. and the number of pupils 129,474. Elementary education in Lower Ca- nada has rnadeconsiderable` progress in recent years, but a comparison of lheI_e7 gures with the school attendance in Upper.Canada, shows Wharthere instill much room for improvement. The .-number of pupils. attending the public 9lmentary,sch_oo|e_in Upper Canada {in 1862, W33 _1 .31; 4 of,the_pnpulation shown by the census nf_l86l,` \v.hile'in Lower Canada the pn'po|at`ion was I tn.8. Allowing {or an in- crease of population smce the census, we should probebly.t\e'not lar from `the mark in naying that the `attendance ant-he public elementary schoolsin 1862. was about 22 per cent of the whole population in Upper Canada, and about 11 per cent in Lower Canada. I"lun rnlnl I-nnninin fnr nnrrnnea "g`..ll.....I _..- l u_|u HG, WIIUII [H8 rnnneyvcomes DECK: B_v the rnode"the Emperor is now pursuing. you will find yourselves comparatively poweY~ ' less in less than sixty days, unless you strike` the first blow. While your uncle "Gid is dreaming and stroking his heard, there will be one hundred thousand to one handrail aml fty thousand men lenderlin, Mexico, and then you will be deprived ol the great advantage you now have of sin'_king,`cepturing and dispersing the French transports and war-vessels with your iron-clafis. Your Government has a right to know what a great'European Power has to". do with a vast armyin Mexicr). It is not the policy of the Bonapartes to lot the enemy know when the blow is preparing that is intended to annhilate him. It is useless to rely on mere numbers when your toe. is going to catch you nappimz. The race here is to the 'swift.`and the battle to the one who gets his army first in the eld. ` u uugu alive In -aoumem uamornla.` A'rckduke Maxizhi|iah-or, an` we may as well call him, Max Ihe First, Emperor of` the Azlez-'cs-i's about creating an irvon-clad navv. He was an admiral .n Ihe;A'nslrian service, had a: palace by the 593,73 near Trieste, and believes in; ma invmoibilily of a great navy. He i~s,.lo my certain ;knowledv_.,ve, at this time in lremy with Alhe largest ship- building cdncerh m`.Grem Binain for Ih`e im- mediate bui ldin:z of six'iroAn-clad war steamers of me` most powerful dhscriplioh: A Dal`! of the nrnarnmmn in m ha a I\.1a.-1...... ul uua Iuual. puwelll (lpllni part of the prngramrne is to be a Mbxican lnnn of 30;O00.000. France has1spent 8.- 0D0.000 a rearly-in the campaign. and this is to baa debt on the Mexican exchequer. The British Government is not going to guarantee the loan, but is going lo'give it` every posieible encouragement. "Of `course, whatbver Lord Pa-merstnn and the self-styled leading jour- nal call safe and `flagitimate John Bull will be dupedinto purchasing. Far offis ' the day when the mnneyvcomes "back. B" the mmIe"lhn h`.mnm-nr in` nnm .;......:-.a~.. How Mas. Banana-rt DnI:ssl:s.-The Em- press Eugenielis umversel y conce-led to he the hestidresaed lady in Eurgpe. ` She sets the female fashinns fa : the world; and employs not only 1rwdiets'b'ul'artistsIo invent them. Her department `of xeaoly made clolhing- is some- thing immense.` ;To. say-that she has a new dress for every day in the year would not be conveying anideanf the extent and variety of her wardrobe. Inlhe from centre of `Ih_e cell. ing of her VMLnjeely s ptivele dressing-room there `is I. trap door bpening inlq 2; `spniotle hall "above lled with "dresss, each non- uiininiz 1 dress. `exhibited on e" Afrarnie`-.'-ldolr- ing. like `an-Ffetgy wof` Il:'e'E`mprass. ` If it N pleases he; Maiesly, the dress is lifted from Ibex-{time funds pls.eed;Il.P0 Abe imperial per- .-9.n 5 il. :'n9"`xi.":;i,`: -..-vvkipnqd. up: .!n..! camges ,dn,vyI;,,in ilmplsee; .1115! no.9-.9'.l!l7l7l3.<}'lnl'Y "I_`ns3lh!p'I.I.3; .1:lIBI; 9"!!! . .I"."e'3"9."i--99 . _. 1`_aj`"l if lf6ne!{'; ftlv'le;s'=x1l:1e_JIii`hIhe 69" 'n.~ '3 U L 5 ` ` 1? Kiidii `pi:y:'=`IIft` . ulidio J A 1 OaijruAmr.-The parish church hello tolled yesterday in commemoration. of -the death of Mie Mary Ann Margaret` Lennox, daughter `of Major the Earl of Lennox. who `died last `Monday rnornin`g.= Miss` Lenrtox, -by her father. wanthe grand-daughter of the Duke of Lennox and Richmond in the peerage of Great Br_,iIai_n, Duke of Aubigny. in that of` `France, and Earl of March inthat of the United King- doan.f By her mothervahe was a descendant of the Lacorne family. a_race which is emi- nent in the early history of Canada for its services "to "the- State. and asauch was` related to_ the ' DeBouchemlles`, 'DeLanaudieres,- Dn- cheanaye. and other ancient Canadian farni ties, . Her sister, Miss Charlotte Lennox, died obont `two months ago. The funeral :1-ervice Wee helu ye_ste_tday, when her remaine were pfaced `tn the vaults of the Church of Nutre Dame de Toutee Graces at C6.tea't't St. Luc.-=-` -..`.... \;:II||I`l Ill[o= ` ucu,` H `HIE. `I`B moot. `maclp. by _vI`ha_m.1el,vea`.~ Amongst them BFOA Sfmlfihpl aqd_ h_er_ three: `chjydren, and. one `, `W? jI{m9si..;tender, , ears-.1 of them have` for`m6ri1h`s' b'en . 'e'pi ,viith`in; |hq ;wa,UI. 1e'sp~in"ons qr` lvv'i9{insfoti'c'e`a',' f1pn`e'ru_t:gy ml -gtiilo scipe` 1'r'in_I i:irv x'lInnce j ;a n;un '59- 'h9`r M i'aeIiu" lo b"Une`bf `Hid `rims: 4-"091 e-rm *|i0W0L.'und vou e, use bringing`= o{ ,1;-.hI,,-1'4; to ligun ibrpoblin. m'sy~n.u: `oe`g|Itl `m 'il..980n9'I'Aln)A`hnn.llna` (`hint Damn:-*ur.. Acctoru'r.-On Thursday last. says the Mount Forest Examiner; while a young man named Jas. Mullen was engaged` in digging a well, in the Township of Norma-nby. one side fellin when he was at a depth of about ; twenty feet, rendering it irnpossible for him_ to move. In reply to his father he stated that he thought his legs were broken. His father gave the alarm at once,_and in ashort time upwards of fty men were on the ground on- deavouring to render whatever asslatancewas in their power. They began by sittlting an- other crib alongside, but the soil. which was very toose. continued to fall in. thus gradually lling up the space in which the poor tr-an was confined. About live o'clock Mr. Robert- son. Deputy Reeve, arrived at the scene. and Mullen. hearing his voice. called him down Mr. Robertson went down and ta ked-with him for some time. He was also enabled to lower him a drink of water. Mullen informed him from t_|tne'to.time that the sand was rising around`him,' and the last words he spoke were " For God's sake, work ; the dirtis. up to my mouth. This was between eiuhtand nine o'clock in veevening. and,until- nearly that time, thong I his body, up tothe chest. and both arms, were so completely jammed that ex- trrcationwas; imposs_ible,_he was free about the head, and exnresse.l himself` as suffering but little pain. Asthe.soil_ still continued to fall into the well, it is probable that the poor man did not long survive this time. for, about half an hour after, though `Mr. Robertson, who was still in the well and within five feet of him spoke to him several times, he gave no answer. Throughout thenight -the workof extrication was continued, and about four o clock on Fri- day morning it. had so far progressed that Dr. Ecroyd, who had arrived-at two, was enabled to examine Mullen s ` head and face. `The Doctor gave it as his opinion that he had been dead several hou_rs. ` ' Hortmrnr. Msssacas 31 A MANlAC.- A per- son wltoarrived in town yesterday from the country of t\_leantic, places us in possession of a few details of a sickening massacre perpe- trated by an insane woman named Clarke--the victims being her own children. It would ap- pear, a`c`cording` to the statement made, that this woman is a l'armer s wife. residing in the township of New Ireland. and that she basal-` `ready been derangetl to such an extent"-as to necessitate hercortnement in the Lunatic Asy- lum for atime.- She had, however, returned to her family, but had recently manifested symp- toms of a violent outbreak of her mental aile nient. Oh M'ond'a`y `night. in a terrible fit `of frenzy. she destroyed her four children-`-twn girls said fo have been aged respectively fteen and thirteen,-a little bby considerably younger. and an infant` of some-two orthree months. It is surmised. from the circumstances, that she despatcherl! the two eldest` with an axe. and the younger children w`th a razor. The unfortu- nate maniac, alterthie terrible deed. tried to cut o`"her' hand at the wrist`. with a razor. and alsu `made a desprate attempt to" sever her fact at the ankle with an a:ter,- inicting fearful wounds upon her person in these attempts. This shocking occurrence beats a striking resem- blance._i_u its sickening: detall. to the Arrhe- baslta tragedy _of last year. gvxhen artother in- sane` woman killerl her seven children. and t'he ri "put an end to her own existence.-- Quebec 0hrom'cle.- ' ' l ' -Quooa. - n _ I , `j k _In Lower Canada the claims of__.:.v'r_l,ntj:n.g celled` inptrior education receive munh`Jgre7lerItcentlqn than -in Upper Canada, in ymg.-1.25:. amount of cure bestowed upon .g0oznin'en-,`s`oh'oo1, education. The legislative rcnt'!gIiiberiorVeiin1 cation in Lower Ganndnfor 1872.c`"ni.; @3819. The total expenditure of these ineIiv.u`tio` " 11862 was $586,955. Their revenue from All sources was $542,346. The number of pupils in attend- ance then was 27,416, of whom 10,265 were boys, perior Schools "662`~".Clnaaica1Colleges 25"5'l_0* M _ I_,dns`trlal Colleges, 2,-566; Academies -for hoye: @111-l'l,`l5l girle. ;-,They were distribnted-thue:~.- or mixed, 5,916; `Acddemiee for"g'irle;' t5,8l2; Normal Schools, 200.` Th lIllln"Dl' nf nnmnn ( 1.eI.-l:.. Q-----In uurunu Dluull, ZUU. - V The number of Roman Catholic Separate Schooia reportedin llpperanada 1862 was 1-09-.precisely the name as the number in the pre- ceding year. The_,amonnt, apportioned them from the legislativeschool grant was 39 883--an increase of $197. The amount provied from focal sources was 323,494, an" increase of `$221. The number of pupils in the Separate Schools was 14,700-increase,` 1,069. There `was a re- Doried deer-ens in the unndnnnn nr mm nr Suxclbt-.-`A. fw months ago, a young" mun named. Charles Hill, of_-Dawme. A attempted to commit uinioida bylhrowing himself imoa well. On Wedubaday lul haectaled a knife abom. hIS person, ,qQ_d oul: his throat from "ear to 835:4.- 3`"'4f!nd;`Benc9n`-: 2 D."I`3D -l'N*J'A"{l..`-`-I-`r\n old man named Alexan- der_Sm'il'hdiad in Guelph jail on F ridav last. He was 81 year; qf age, andvhasl been in` the habit [nuome limagwhen re|eased,ofcommiI- ting some puy o'e,nce-`in order to be sent back In uih_al`w:u-. M him ` a comfortable shelter.- Weuingtan` Mercury. ' A'r'rI:m>1' AT SuIcxnI:.-On Wednesday evening a young man,Ain a slate ofnudily, was caught by a soldier at Kingston, as he was on the point (if plunging into the water, for the purpose of con mining soicIde.- He was labor- ing nmlera disord-real stale of mind from the effects of drink.-British American. Ac1'toN ran DAMAGl:8.--The proprietors of Le Minerveehave received acopy of a writ calling on them to pay a Mr.MNarciase Lalibene S99 and costs. as damages inflicted upon him bythe statement that he" thtew the first stone at the election row in Papineaugsqnare last June, and .\vas.,subaeqnenIly arrested and tried in the Police Court. UII IIIICUU I | $13,324. rm... ..-_ Tiaerrlrmber of Colleges ` sdsa-is 13, containing 1,313 students, with en in-' come. from public sources, of. $94,800, sndfrom fees-of $33,750. The number of privshsliools and accademies reported was 342 havinglsl teachers, 7,784 pupils,snd "an income {tom fees of .s5e,233. `II I'.m-n nannn 6|... -I-!.__ -1 e`. ` n" u r'.('.'*!?'!r".* "emu tam-pawn rriy~`wdl` 5'a*Iaa 9 ;'q't.h`t'F!Q' '5 9480 `cm! `H lb` Ch' 1' 9f .P`-1ie`:..; .1. `-"-~ "3' ` . `*3- a_b,eH,, .4`- z.;x:"_ 1. A. lnyitgluerl 4_a_ Aw.l_1|%h .; sf:/`\.A.:~ .-.1-1 `-5 .-1,-uv--auuncuac, a,vou. _lnCl'B WK! 8 KB` P0.|`$!!.,d.ecresse in_tl;e attendance of .1861 of 1,077.` The inereihed-attendance of 1862 brings np`th_e-numberto within 8 of the attendance of 1860. I.n.,Lqw`e_r Canada, the number of dissen- tient schbola was 165, with an attendance of 5,736 pupils, '~ = : 4 1 an}! fum!,$30,771. Prom t`aunioipa`L_'gtanVIa,5 $1-6.774. From feeaof pupils, T 2%?-groan ba_lances of plecedmg year anIi__ 1` $13,324. L ` BARRIE NORTHE RN ADVANBI: ,_d"from - .. X ~1'u'l3. Ez:p'.` ` sksliools _ - 1,51,. , an. . 1aVing'481 Toronto; on. 3_`4o.. iom fees bf ,Bradford'.`..;,.;?.' 8 20 ,5` 34.. .A .Scanlons..,.....H9"-32.-_f&42.~. . lled` Gilfo rdf`j...'.....'. Q46 7-:'B,_),5..L rmentiqn Bell'EI}`t..5...`e _9, 5? _ , .VPi|!f?tIje `Lefroy_;.;a..`..,.`9 Q4 :_6';oa.`., _ gp` `ehboj. Qraigv9_le`;j,. . , . . .10` 2'1 -_ "6 ._ Prioredvf BAR{gm_=1L 9i_,l!_1i&.f-.l,1.,4`2 cg --_ nuinlsez Hmuong_,;;.=:.g:$ c11;;1ow [li9B7;989;. ull sources `Is`.s8II"'.`."':`L .".".".. . .211-"I` in Angus . . . . . . . ..ll 28 7 23.. were Sunnidale ..... ..11 46 7 43.. :d-thu:~.- -vNottuwasaga. . . . , lg 04 8 00. . g9s,2j67_0; Cqllingvwoodr. .12 35 8 25., -for bdn. V . . It jg thi_1`}$rovj,ied_it_ha_t All unpatented land which has been sold.- or~ agreed to be _`sold,.`-l'3y the: Crown, or has been 10- catgd upon as a {rep grant, shalf bebliable tp,Ltg;a1iK9n'ine ',he:1st` of J`a;1_)t:_'uiry_, ` , 186,3; i.reswr.ins.?h.e right of et.he.ICro_wi.i . . nemseale. .-Jot: nauessmenjt: b,t`,pex- sjqmal;1pmpertyi_sgiven;`v; .>:,s U,:,i .2. , ?.';.'.|".I`\`l-.-..- , ;'.-`.u';__.,:.;-_: ~ y,.,,:_ :I._.`._.-: -3: button! '-'* ~" % iiii;lbii1t_`f|!T`:f:_`eg"9ins;i?i;= !h9"nfAin ii%8' s .x ` The. S'heri; beforq making sq1e _of any lands - for arrears of : taxes, will` not be" requiredto ascrlainrif there is any V rlistress an the`- lnnd;,"?or `to inquire or for!!! a9g9pini as 1 W ` 7.` - .1" ' `The assessorfs qce after this will `be be nb,_sinecure_; `and the` County Tfag- u_rer, whose work: is5 already `not; `ygll-y light, will-have his hands pretty full `oca cgsiunglly. -` - K ' V In pra'ctice,!;oweveVr, we beljeve the assessor does nbt visit each lot, and in fact in many cases cannot do.`ao,;although by the` present act he is obliged to`swear that he_ has examiped all the` lets, in the list named, and he\is subject to a penalty for any? neglect in, _this,_par- ticular. ' V T . In` vfbrmeb years, the Sheri, before any sale, was boundvto ascertain whether Or` hot there was"a`d1stress on any of the lands rhehtioned in his warrant--z_1 task of much difeulgy, and` butseldom pro- perly performedn The assessonf is sup- posed tovisit each lot for the purposes of valuation,fand {the does his duty under the above _provisjion,j'mtrch los_s conse- qrjent o'n: tIi._e'.'1(i'elessI}e.Ss of partiee puf- chasirig land without looking after the taxes, will `be avoided. ` ` " .......;.. m rualua wun ner, comtnillegl. a,aerie of crneltie upon iheiizf. ` H ei-4 mot,ivwoq_|i_[ hppear Iahava been giiv-.'~` Shia"-hdiliei 1hem`,gu la: hour. mosh`y sewing, from5;mhiITI'g- lill `night; `and refused ~lo,al1ow`IhenIof;miJoul}`dnd. if they as .,mqh as-< lo.-lied from}: the window,` would for. that pgnqo slap 4hair,meg|g, -~.W;he`tj (`beir"fri`ends Have 3 qbluinegi, ,gdmissjop,ghey hai beernfprq yen,fecl,M hor as.}pp;a'p!p...f:9m ooullinicaiiiia "wiih' Ih`qoejLwh 9m I o;y ::gim`e ` to D69`; was ,\lu'je_j`baing;`f.sStrohed,` tdjsea wheiher that hatl himm`-n in-=: nn`u;.-1=...;.I.--. I The first object of the Act is to pre- v'ent,as {at as possible, the sale of any improved lot on which property can be found to satisfy the claim for arrears of taxes, and to accomplish this it is provid- ed that the Treasurer, in the month of January, shall furnish the clerk of each municipality with a list of lands in such municipality, liable to be sold `for taxes, a copy of which the clerk furnishes to the assessor, whose duty it will be to as- certain "if any of the lots are occupied, and where they are found to be so to no- tify the occupant of the sum due,and afterwards to return the list with a me- ' morandnm showing the occupied and unoccupied lots. The clerk, before the 15th May, must make a return to the County Treasurer, showing what lands have become occnpied, acdithe Treasur- , er before the 1st _ofiJnly,'lreturns again i to the township clerk an accountlof all arrears of taxes dueon such occupied . lands, which arrears',are_ included for collection in the collecto`r s roll. , V Messrs. S; M . Pettingill & [C'o .,V . 37 Park: Row, Nw York, 5- 6-Slate St. Boston. RE our Agents for the Nommcnu Annual-:, in those ditibs, and are authorised to take Advertlments and Subscriptions for us at our Ldwest Rates. ' Change` in the `Assessment Law. An Act of last gession makes a change in _the Assessti1'e'n't Law, especially in re- spect to collection of arrears of taxes on non-resident lands. And as the matter is of such general interest xt may not be amxss to give the substance of its most important prdviscl-es. ' U U alwvaiallllauili -Wishing to l:now"how their s`ubs'c`i-iptibn account stands can do so'by referringtu the address on each paper mailed to them; The date following thsirrnames is that at `which their indebtedness _ commenced. Thus: Jonathan Storey,ma.r I 62, shows thathis subscription is due from March `Isl ~ 1862, to thepresent time; or it paid` in advance `Jonathan Storey, dec 31 63 would show that.` the subscription` was paid-up to December 3ls_t.,' 1863. The _s.rra.ngeme_nt is so simple that sub- scribers will readily understand it. |:g?(ortet%n Ekhlutnxe. nuxtuAusvu.t.n,. Tlctnu mast. April, l8th July` md nth October. KEENANSVII-I-E`. mm--rim \\'edrie_sday m the , months of Janua_rv, April, July, and Octobcf, ID ! No. TEN, West of Hurontario Street. Mulrnut-,4 ol) ' . the tint dgy of Jnnttltry, April, July, and October. . J . 1 . - ' o1uI.t.IA-1-`mt 'l`ue'Iday in ,Ia`nn,:py, April, my, and` Octob_er._ ` , V -0`-Vuotts:-vim r':iauy`in'January, 'Ap|`il, July, and _\.t-.tober. 2 `W b - ;. `_ -. . ` (y; ` "`Es l-`cage I $m-tie fohle uiion $2.11` an` our before the arrival of -each Train. ' R. J. l.J:iMON'S CORNERS, Amu.A--20th Jam.` April July, and October. MONO, at South- West comer of Lot 6. In the 8H ! Conces- uon, on In February, May,` August, and November. Toronto... . . . Bradford ..,. . .", ` Scanlona .._..... . Gilford` 1 Bell Ewart j Lefroy ,.;.....,.* Graigvale _;. _. . I ~ ,-`_ .4 _; C Tlnnnl-til` " ouull ON THE"G0 0SC."_-1-Thii 1'h e3 Nvv"b_ur'~ p ri [Mn s ;]:c`v'`ld ac'op'n\s'foI; mo" vilmeht-om: aof ithogwimzaeu :-'.'..Ii-`_l'He IIii\i;(:_deI9`.'r|intvp2?_i|l,!IiO'O'0*. Weir`.-*5aathm Qua];-.; E'9||n.~nsi9g,v';t_ha, =na,Iwmiwoat1)triiiays ` 3!;k!9ri99P!!aiRdi!.-IlA.ncoia;6eann.a . 2..- - _.a.-.n.v$. manta. on ihe nmsvennemayiu March. lune. sep- tember, and Deccnxlxen The March Flir will be pniucjpglly for the exchange of seed. ' ' 'NOR l`ll_ERN' :_nau.irv_A`v .-Note ~c Amm.;. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28, ]8$3. DIVISION COURTS. GO_UNf1`Y` sxmco. in" oi` MOVI Nd (NORTH. any x'r`ow`xwn__na. , TIME` rLf:-0CTOB;:n "2,1s63. :1-".A.`IlIB;S.`. ta... Ilr-.n_, ...j..r._...:.: auncnmta oo., 25.3 -_._:-__.._;_.- MOV.SOU'I`H. nun umulins. -mo :E6BlB:"cornoo'me4z hkaiv'.*Sauth/6;: F'9|i,a.wi9g~,~ Jhe. :'.nm.: A _ zwoathr. ihay. hgrsrteesu 2-..n.!9 Jlw A-;cs`-.9:-. 4.l=..~=9!'*;x+'. h gs! m9iwm9.s9:- .'I'.%:f!PJf3. .....~.3r`3i..;v.2s*:%z3 s:.%:.!'::":?r.;::z:.~53:? vs I .. .19-or 1"3~=gu*%1:*nwwgw'rd 6*. aav$`h4rvw%r- mt ww ems: bac1s;aws.amgree,~io Gull iculguv i_iI_t:6-. itj_1i`:_ho1Ic`_pIc! _ H M . _hI3-Ihr1ilu!0iIi|,||_'V V , ` _ -:`~.~..'mm 5` W 9`/M ` I M; 1): Km . Exp. 1.1. 10 55 8 30 63'! 6 28 6 14 5 65 [Ill of cash that has Iifelybeen E36695` diggingi ' her;-."9dT 99' 9'. mi $;9; rninzsw -zelis , 392-1. `*2 '}?`3? ?f`:?9-`;:%9.??`?'%*?` '3 ' " am the just km, the judgment of the skies, T1" ` They that hate truthahall be,the dupes of lies; ` ` And if they willbo cheated to the last. ` Delusions strong as hell shall bi_nd them fast. _ Gowmm.-'-Progrm of Error. The T sling towards England which preyaijs ? cvnon , hm __an p6d]d ;_3f`elhl).Qpth_1)v8l`i`}l$:; " from ' 36` iiighal `d `..,..Iy .q3:;_:u_ lhgg-`)m_` `gi..ruh,gm 3,9 5 '"flad |i`I.he sralmni? Wfue E` `On Wednesday night last an attempt, fortu- nately attended with but little success, was made to rob the oice of the Bank of Upper Canada in this town. The key of the back door had, as usual, beenfturned in the look, but not takenout, and the thief, or thieves, by the use of implements well known to such gentry, had, it appears, man- aged either to turn the key-back so as to unlock the door, or else to shove it out, and use a key of their own. The door, at any rate,-was found un- locked on the following morning. and all-`the ' drawers in the olce despoiled of their contents. With the exception. however,of some loose change, the money of the bank, both in notes and specie, was securely deposited, so that seven dollars`, and a parcel ofcounterfeit notes,'was all that reward- ed the enterprise of the depredators. The `safe containing the books and papers was unmolested, but as"the key of another safe was-f'on`nd`to be missing at thesanie tinie, the probabiiity is that it"'had`alsd been i'p_,d`rloined'in the hope` that `by meansof it contents of the bankcah migm have been laid` open to` ln`vles`tig'atiot t'.-"` Imagine ' disgust of the robbers,` whe'n, afti5 git` gig V tbuhle, iheirfanoiet-`olls`of_ bullion `turueii out 2:. e`eop'pe;, audvtheir hundlebf uoteifo *he'c6,g`_ 7 :'r're`i;.) `Th'e`y"`tnust' huve`rel't'm maul titans. ; ,, "vicfiiuis of s;p:a`;1`rcat `joke. V nmv_`er,, me. as . e'xiii_bi'tion"`of" tijrcuriai *-art , `uie `rt.-iv imag.i? u; -`,'.,'.'S - #9992 =s~;b:,ti9_,formn-*9 ltzvstsvts.vropesiw.wsxeabowsie` um; i '<*.'."**f'..`P'f.?3E'4`$?%*!#;`9e3h.` me-:`iin,:a - . ,s,re-`_r:~i!{.!a:9:.;1itng:`thsh!"nan t 1 i =`~,.`l 7``?,`?F`-1; ~s.`, .",`,"'-`;`. I;"?{?`??"135`*%`.i.t tpm?l$li`is.'-V `:'1`o._the no L miuetttts at e _ < _ L W, `The movements of the opposing ar- mies in Virginia have latterly been very perplexing. Gen. Lee crossed the Rap- _ paliannock and moved towards Wash- ington, whither Gen. Meade retreated with that celerity for which Northern ar- mies are remarkable. The latter suffer- edconsiderable in the movement, though the attempts of the Confederates to cut off their retreat were in the main unsuccess- ful. As soon, however, as Gen . Lee had driven his opponents back to the Potomac he in his turn retreated, and Meade re- sumed the oensive and followed him back to the Rappahannock as fast as broken bridges and torn` nprrailway tracks would prernit. The last news is that Leeis again upon the offensive, and has recrossed the , Rappahannock, again driving the Federals before him. Whe- ther he really hnslany wicl_;e_d designs against the army of the Potomac, or merely wishes to keep themin play while important movements are going on elsewhere remains "to be seen; In the West` Rosecrans has in his `turn been superseded by the pot-valiant Hooker, who it is reported has resumed operations l l against Bragg in Georgia. Elsewhere all is quiet._ T l T VTr7ii1iia1g}}$oa ypea}.1;,'}v_2'..'gEg:g - `stand, have proposed show should be held there next year for the cbunties*of`Simcoe and Grey. They have,` we believe, already collected a considerableisum for the purpose, and they ask the co-operation of tltfarmere inithis part of the district. The idea has much to be said in its favor; In the first placed the chief part of `those who _t_w'ould "benet by the proposed exhibi- tion are too remote, from Hamilton to be able to` visit the Provin_cial'Exhibition which istobeeheld there next year, while theyvhave every facility "for meet- ing at Collingwood. On the other hand those who" usually exhibit at the North and South Simcoe County Shows would have no diiculty -in taking stock to Col- lingwood, where they would compete with that raised in Nottawasaga, none of which has yet found its way to the County shows, as well as that from the adjacent townships of the County of Grey. \Ve have notloubt that if the prizes were sufciently large a great deal of excellent stock might be collect- ed, and a wholesome spirit of emulation stirred up among breeders in different parts of the County, which would have at benecial-e"ect upon our future exhi- bitions. The present condition of the North Srmcoe Agricultural Society, we may here remark, is anything but satis- factory. In spite of all e'orts_ to the contrary its operations are far too limited and its resources too small properly to carry out the objects for which it was intended ; and at the next annual m'eet-' ing its members will nd that very vigorous efforts will be necessary to maintain it even in as efficient a state as y it is at present. ` We_ would suggest to the Collingw bod people the propriety of requesting the Presidx;-nts`of the County Societies of North and South Simcoe tocall meet- ings of their respectiye boards for the purpose of taking into consideration any proposals which they may have to make,- f in;r_l3,e,; The act, as a whole, seems loosely drawn and carelessly word- V,%_.atxjifT'wnill;,4.probably give rise `to as i tigeny di'iculties:A_a'se it was. intended to .~di1'.5:afv;I1;y:vIz?ith, if=The great` desire to ."sh"orten;the last session has probably pito-1, duced many similareinstances of hasty y ;;;g;s;;gi9n,. the costliness of which : we `learn by`-aiid-by. There m' .5 .ni?b);_.exouse' for this haste it it cziused V` '",~_ving; but it did not, as the mem- , _,_fS;roeived as much indemnity as 1f they had sat for five or six weeks longer and transacted the business of the coun- try properly, and _without`apy.such in-. degoht hasteas we; believe xiias toads in tshepassing of this very act.` Triilyf the boasted Clear Grit economy is a very expensive article when. its real `vulige comes to be estimated. A A V Agricultural Show for 1864. A aim: or BUBGI.ARY.. 7 ' ' j coaomms. We beg to call the sattentibn of the legal bro- fesaipn, 6! magistrates and. coronera, and of the public genemlly;-to a._ new work now preparing forvpdbliption on the olo and duties of coro- II;gr's,.bjy.'William BoyeEsq.,' Barrister, and which faadv`ertis'ed`i'n our column : to-day. The portion 9! vgonfk relnting to r_ned_lc_al vjprispmdonco . P1 )4" `e:ots.@teiUnirseq1t:; coI1es`e`. r<'ron>- `SM- ,)_ in b1ppp.;3; `under `zha..u;sox-`mob .o! P.m.f- ' wag; gii ..:;2-{me ',v1_int,el,}u.!*'1i is-Sb-we no 405`: Qis _,9,E` iioiv under oh: notice `grill be found -'.a ~ A '~ .1. a. _'"_r;.-"var; gate, 932.. `~ `;>7h;i.9h. "1" f?` ll . V . 1!,-`.u(": _v__! '`_j;,-"`,% `,1 317' _V ...... .._,~--uvgu3 auxu Dy 930603011. V In stock of superior breeds Mr. Meeking will offer by auction, on Friday next, `the lnrgeet lot of Sheep nnd Cattle thnthns lately come under the hammer nt one-time; : The.stocl_: in the pro- perty of Mr`; John -McLeod of the Ridge Road, nndgwill be sold on 15 mo nths_ credit instead of -12:m'onths,`u announced in the bills. . j some them on the Emin ;n.c; 9 all are positio d 1 quid cheap- -being sold `:3; eizwm doubt be In smut: (if nm....a.... x._.-.._ .. -_ _, `~'*:'7'- 7:".-.-_ ""'-.- ,".5.'s"" "Iv: .v" * 150',|Itlgr.'baing_;``sahfohed, lo`see "**_'her they hadm'ny- maps m-*he;ie*=po_c'ke:. Flhlsh. might contain :inim_-n": infnrinmihri .5:

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