Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 May 1863, p. 2

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' } 3 P`?;" ' JV 1 V; i`nn,enc`o. lins 1 wns:u bro-sh: Awbw .7 L "_1!iil|`{'.0i|dVh5!I hag. " 19 ` In teturi pf Barrie repay him .f4ii5;gn..Anopposition' candidjtp qgid ".;v`_.-_I:.`.'."_'."`....'...-- n.a;IiIIh' Iillfll `The 'tsuit- is -`allvL'ays- -j "5, for`h6wcver,gre_at may be: the_ _;b:'teni9us on. jew injretemte Gritsr and I "loudly Jas tlioy caulbellow .abuut some 1 Limaxi-mtrsrievance.:i{avned-}!!._9"i A 50105 ihhitiinnnce ti`? 5 6f, the eiabl{ng.th6'_m`\ .54 `to judge a man ashey nd him 1-athe r_ " than by what they hear of him. `cn"i,9-`? g.,~:agy;_ n~.T-jut-qt-'psiim.V'_:oi.% _ev:1g'=`one;_i:`nI 2ji:. ;isxa7ti2s' general 1 cgandugt itsatisfadtorgy. and. he sjgows a.. `~ disppsition to full_nn'y trust reposed ih ` uscuxza may Bst~of-his-~Aabi1iiy; sepguug man with,.a'n` ,oc.ca_aio;nal`. shun-. I cunning`. oi-[what "may. seem `tn. them: to ; b_e-aIn1i_,'ind' wills bi :veIy.;ca;x\3pfu,|{ ip_1 : _VmAaka'ng;a,chgngg high-_mny;;be fc'>r; th`e, ` worse._ , --.- ->-va:4':y.-g, .. " '_wq-ag'.l`glad ta h_e..;ab|e' to iate .035: ; Angus-Morrison, Es_q.,. etthersolicitation. on vbid{nu'n1erotls friends, `has consented: again to allow himself to be "no'minaled as `sl candidate for. this rildilng-, ;E\ten- if; omyosedy;y; doubtful, he will find no d'ii<:ulty,. in being retnrued._ "There is. no reason, however; why his supporters shoultl `abate any_exer.tion to insure his T teturn. .by.a. lnrge ; majority, if ogposed,`as.the best. meansof -preventing . opposition} istto be fully }r'ej}a_red; fpn it. A Committees should. at once he formed in every township, andyan. active canvass commeneed. . _ "Iq thii _vidi_h-Ting 1 I do notithiak w'9;s:lmll heqiofiany better 1 _,.,A 4.11124. '.__... - - _,...--,.--_.v..- - "Mr. Monim arrived in Barrie last evening ahdvwtwis. met and welcomed . by n numerous` body of his friends. He will pfobnbly visit the principal `points in the townships at once. I u" not-r vunuu vvv unsung -uv--wp. hIah~cming_foiivhrdztQf8K.- ;';a;s.;a=s `than Mi. Mqi=risbi1.; _ . % o'Sh`60;;" Great Britain 8nd'_Ctanda- Tjsn .5`.-no-I.'.Ig ..'_-__.._ - Juuuvu Iluurlu me on culau pun (Il~Larls|q4InI. A\C'Iacow cVorres'pnr:dent-nl the London Tiilnef any: that Irappean from uicial in.quiriesAun the part of-Ihe nau'onal government nf Pi||alld`,l`hDl Ihgre are 150 bands uf Polish iusurgimlsjn the Kingdom of Poland alone. some" fuy ol which its from 200 I0 500 swung, while olh'e'rs ' num- Vecce of \i'vlnch nothing is known by the national her. only 50 or 60. - Many`banu|s are in exist- nvernrnevl, heyomllhe fact |hal'lhr'.y due`_xisl. The ("ink weal_-hm` irfcreasea the number of In- iunzems, But i! will nlsoermblv the Russiamzlo Oiluplof-lli'e~i'r' irllery. The ,_Wnmaw official _ giutnal conrms lhe news that )0'R ussiaus had ,_ can defealednnal {owed to seek tel'uu_ie in Rus- aian territory. Thl'ee- Russian inf'mIrv c'o_rps had been entirely llelealednear Hosanna.` The insurgents are spill 10 have been defeated at fmrowo, near Kalish, and lo have had` 1,000 taken prisoners.` T Thu lhulurlnn mad In_.Inn '_.I:n.L!-II_. '._-; . ,1 V VII 5933.. of into ad- uu Illlillo l_ The Peteneburg of the ' 15th says, the tetnlialory resoltttioua qdopjcd tbythe Confederate Congress provide that every_,eommi`saioned, ujeet who shall ltm'0e.|..l`or- military service #813!!!` eI0'-'.CQ|l`&_iel'Bf8 States when cap}uted'nlell be put to` tdeath, and neo V captured shall be de- lltvemedltn the`-stetel authorities to` be dealt .with_a;ecord`n .t.o= sh" t. I t sin. ferment? "or -u m _'_he. ' ` f e _ =sta`tee:tht' S6111: 3` fxqu`; ..._ `:n.non:.%u:: tmnnn` an - I v y->23! Pmvost _,Mor.shals have been ordered to proceed wilirthe draft [orll_1_with, but it is supposed to be doubtful whether any cgn be made hetbxe the middle of V July. Volunteers may be _cal.le_{ before that time. - ` . -'C1ro1N;u1'x, May I8.--Gehe_I-nl Born's aide : general order recites.the' proceed- ing of.Vallandigl.nm court-martial, the nding Of`-:Whi0h iseaentence to close imprisonment luring the war in some ' ,row`e:_:s to? bejjchoaen hy the tcnmmander J'JIl[x_ imen Wm Yong, May I8.-2'-.-The . spec the morning papers are barren. of else than speculation. . 4 V - Th qv,_`._,9_ `..___-_--1 1 - Yonx,.bIay I8.-='.-ThejfspecVia}s in I of much I M The Trzbu'm> s special despatch says that a movement is on foot, and which is strongly slnppurted in and out of the Cqbi`-, net,nfurth e appointment of Gen. Butler. to the eom.nnnpd of the department 01 the West. . ` D.L......_ . nn:..,v'- - ` ` `font gen_rations_," tho, {om-_ great Rgviews of Great R_eviewa.-t_lge_Q`uure`rl5_L, Edinburgh, North British nd Wes'tr_nin'stor--have stood coufesaedly at the head of lhpir class of publications. The same faok alog. periodicalslias been univeisaily ac- ordedi, to BlucI:wood`s Magazine. To these pub- - Eur gens, and we might say_ of_ song off them I . I licationo the best. intellect of Great Britain con-g tributes, and no one cmibe fully [mailed in regar_d to the grant social, political, scirnlic nod ljtemyy questions of thedny-,' unless h_,rnds those vgorki. Tho cost of the original editipngip this, qonqu-;y would-be over `forty dollar_s, wh_'xlst._ tho reprjnts .ue'furnishd_at_ t,en"d*o`l_l_a`rs pet year. Np rt-hdiog is so cheap gpglag the some time so valuable as `this. i . ' ` I hgng -LL33.-vA Egicskg Q1}-.O_uppage. of Orillia, last lqnb which weighed 14.; lbs. .._,_______________ The April numbex; of theuwesjqginisxqrj qon-_ lain:-eAust`i-iisn V6pnali,xu,:iona,|iam, 'l`h_e'otma- (ion A'grealed','Th_e Rasoqzcen of. I_udip,_ Th: J_cyvs ` of Western Europe, Lgdy; Mprg_:.n_,, 'J;rutb,v_e;su; Editsntipn,` 'be Antiqyiq of Ala.p`,'Gpql_emporary_ Litentiare; - ' " T ` " T - "CDC" I" Iullcrso I V The Lontlon Times` to-day.'eali.toiially, r'e- commend: the Americans. it? they want lobe idviaedl. lotake a lesson from history and lock (0 what England and other nal ions have_ given` 'hp'withcnt being any the worse for it. Englaml . has been proud of the United States` and has foundltlie latter quite as useful since they ceas- ed to be herow-n. All just men have come to- the conclusion that the'States had in right` to bo- independenl and it was best they should be to. `he inference cannot escape the Federals that |`e' will oomevto the same conclusion with re- gul'to"the Southern States`. The -Times `up-' laude th9_coun':ge exhibited` onbothisidea. and` V Glyn the Federals ought to admire the gallantry oflha Soutliefners, who have shown them- lfes worthyvte be sonsol -freetlomaml capa- - .b lo_of lalf-`go,VemmenI,-and neighbors worthy of Being t_$tiac5.ed'to tn` 3 cordial and ft-ieud.y alliance.` v V t ~ ` ` . TL- 'ID;;L.`__'.-_-._ hi--1` , u`. o- AI 1 ' 'Goniv s LADY ! Boo: for J_pne is" xgceivpd. The fiashion plates are eleg'_t1I1,ti: got upgnnd there I e a. good many. illutr_a}i'ons_,of, uoyelties in; the fashions deparun,e_1;.t,; vith`dsq;iptiye .lg:t.t;r_-press. Godey s Magazine fa`: s_uperit;r ip_i_tgi1lustrn- tions to most` of_ the_ ._merica_n .magazi_nes which combing Iahionp w_i.thzv,-neral iiterutqge, though `not eqpal to'su`g_h as are devoted entirely to the modes; :KI"UlU8UvI'>llIlI|_J I!Jl'UIlIU.c 'V|_|V; ",_5'ffP`f. . Another qgtemptg is now: beiagjnu`d_9 101mb` ' 1*! -I 0.-,-mien Iterative. `"1.*'5!--P`!F""" and `at. a price. to ,eompete.with.,A,.meriean and [English publications oi tb,9.aau'te qlauv The 51' 13- now beforefua, apdprgsents a. very re- spectable appearance, though noteqnal tn typo-- graphy to what might hago been expected front the. Queen` Gij,,y._. In regard. to Aq'nt'tttlity, we have 112'pages. oqtavo for twenty-ve cents . Profes- ` sor Hind. _contribu;m largely tmtlae first number. " North-West British America wm be.-`read with interest, the'Prhfessdr,bei'ng perhaps of all living men best qualied to- write on. that subject; his "-Sketches of Indian Life" is also a capital ar- ticle. -'1`~he.nutnber contains beside the following papers. r My Cousin Tom, by lira. 5loodie,_ .` Early Notices `of .Toront_o,"i-by Br, Scadding ;._ _and canvassing current topics of the day,'_w.ithout trespessing on par}; -political grouud,.t've`pd an article on The Bank of Credit Foncier." Holi- day Musings of a Worker is a, pleasant, reverie for a leisure hour. " Flowers. and, their Mom] Teaching," _ Given and l`alt_e_n." ..T,he I.fust.0iXi4:e and the Railway, _ "Ipseqt,Life in 0apud.a, . and Reviews,and Notices of_ Current Literature make up an excellent; nutnjier, We. trust the -public will supgnrttliig unxjercaltfingns it deserves. To our diser_e_dit,be it said, that hilherto every effort to establish a good` magazine in Canada has failed, owing partlypto the want of interest in the people, and. oftener perhaps to the inability of the i |7.l,i!1 `-0 0mpeIo in quality and quantity with older communities. We think `these two ,obatacles are removed in the present undertaking; A and though. the number before us is purely (Jana-, dinn it will compare favorably with gnymin` Ru, get from the other side. i ' I . THs.Wxsr:axsf::s RxsiI1=,v`wr.-Leon_a;_a,.s;o;c Co. 7 New York. ` ' " ._.--'1 "" o`c`(3y69i.9"" ` I u1- v-_ .. -_,y_--__-v ,, `IQ; Bmxsu; Lhnnxcul; I Monthly Mggpzine, jdey,ot ed`_ tojliteruzur, sience, and art. , E,dited Professor Hind Toronto: Rollo` M Adgm. . t...Lal...- -5'n......'.o S. -.n- Inninn maria In Olho ._,.. ~-~---.9.---.g, `New York. April um mm: xuteutgeutc. % 1[iz_w rnI;'x_oAnons., A em to Orillin. lull. haul: ..-...I.....I 7. CIIU Iiuglll UUIII|lI?IClIUIlo _ I . - _ la`sfate_d lhal Russ`ia_ wiYl address z'merim- 1301 lo ab Pa gvera` u pbn` _P`u|ar`:d=,Vs1au'ug Ih con- oessionsiniazie, arm! the cause oflheur oomin'ual `iuuutrectiond; I. :- -1..- _----n-.D.L_m .I~_~_'f\ .1.-. 7!`. J -4.. . V1'\`l .'.V'VIfIu Qu "W5; prgodixged n - . -...V .,..`-uvvu '1 4 Au. nu w'PI- Iho but upon tq ..;_u' gab; _,1_,_..... Y`, u!u UKOWC 0! U" pom.-In `Inc Mbnnnnu the Eh-culive in in count! In: (ha Goqgqnor Geneva! to nomenl` i'n 5 the payment`: passed on Robert Conner,` auho late Anita humor : not Ieqin [ho use any I atunoulo wa_I;nnl ccompl Quinn. CoI_I_l_q{' int nqaiqit :of:...hum V 90-_vIiI !I,""'_"- `P3 9'" '4 "M g:Le".:.-sveezw. mrrwv .Pau ?"l'ho expmpltwaq` _' _ V V V time: ago. Midlo. Chew) wag iltm-y con- pnInlal_od*byV M; Mi!n_o_ _dwards, who way it: iho chair it [592 _x'un'maIio'n, and loqqllx `clgegtgtl I b_o' ovoid of smdenls. . . , ~ o.s...... ...- n---j -. --,.-.. .....--n--nu onulouue. on Salu- duy hm, a young lngly (Mmla. Emma Chenu) passed a_ brilliant oxamimlion, and was ad- 1IIilld' to: the dogma of `hloholot of sciences, This irtho _nl:-_insIau'aogof 1` -mm... ho ;-m -n-...__. . ._ ,.,,,..........c.. mm a eoctety tar tt'.,0 -pnfpmte tn? etnigmting to Canada. In a few weeks 1.000 petnnnq. have ontplled th_ems_u|Ve5 on the {mm the small pittance rivinl out weekly to them they subscribe all they itt to the`-fnrtheratttce of their object. It has been uh}, by some of the public papers that the `aatIc&B_hi[8 operative prefers a " pa_npar d neryty tn the |_hi||in he haqto wngk fut; but. Sir. I think lhallbe. (R91 of g I!0c.iet-y like Ilus` Qpringiag upgtnongthetnselves is a practical refutation of. this catttmny. The Government 07 lh cmmtry has now Ieinsed _to do anything went from you, `litlllo w T ' W!.,CIonu, Henson. Manqheutet ontployed-0pe ' Co,-: us. we live only onrselveototmpt Io. it re-' matmt to be seen whether we lnllttl stamt or fa!-L by our own exertions alone. The Committee: of this Attsoeintinn hudeeired me to tespectfuh tly reqttutyour notice. `and to uk 3 favuvat-`ta knowing tlhgt `uronf tn the, I am,_S,ir, tnoqt` teapectfull}, Etntzmion Asmcintio { 1`7'v'k'{'4.'"'l?9=.-;~s1t\-.1-tut.`-:hrA"ctro_-t; unhoam. April- J No. 2.--The several Corps of Volun-_ teers in the Province will assemble at, noon, on Monday, the 25th. ipstant, (the 24-111 falling lluis`yea`:_ on g_ Sunday,) und_ re ufeug-de-ja;' tbp usual manner, in_ .pnpur;.of M:pjesly s bir'U).-day. At. - t_l;,e (igrrrigorrs o`M53nt_r`a`l, Quebec, King- s__tou, Toronto, Hamilton, dud London,` the Volunteer; will act. in conjunction with Hg; Mt;jeaty`s Upops, in case the`. oiper: ou)mu)l_ing_. tl;_e gurrisons all those stations allould-desire co-operation ; and the ol_<:er,s_.i:1 commnlid of corps of_- volu_q1_eera will place themselves in com- mmiication with the of/.zer_s commund~_ i,ng. I-Ier, Majesty ; lbrccs for tlxpt purpose, at the s.1ati.0n `.\.l?.". r.1.a.u.1.ed.-. French eeuo !he Swedish port of Carlskgnna. up pm; In uullulllalswu al.u I'll! Erin)` moomzeu. I , Seven shipa-of~war. fully armed. including i'mr_u-clads, are at Cherbourg. and Ihb pzu'li- ` guns `of. war anserls Ihal n is d'esi_n.u-.d`-I6 sieud I Miannu: nnn-Vt:u:'nnn4h`ant.`nl aka I niuinn "I.-`..;..-" D:\.8'l':\(lltlCIIIiC- VII II!` lhe _R11ssnan .r.e.ply to the APow crs on the Polngh quf-s_11pr;'i_s` yblished. It agrees` to _l~}.8guc_m}e m agacx c manner on the 333515.05 `he `l.!11) Of 1315. 'l:hc- reply. l8.n9t`g ener;1 y.regard_ed as sa_tnsfuclury. Tug 1_gtgrgents.cont_1nue acnve. I_;l;v1-:RPuoL,_May 6.-Cottou has been.` l1:lI;I.t)s,_a1_Id pncgs have advanced ; to gd. get, .,~smce Fnday last. Militia. General Orders. V ' A Qusggc, May 8, 1862.. ND. 1" In conf`pr,m:'t\y with the power. vested in His Excellency the Conimader-_ in-chief, by thp.6th,secqion qt. the exist- ing Militia Law, the annual muster of. the Sedeutazy Militia of Upper 'nnd Lower Canada, under the ' said law, is. hereby dispensed with for the present year. rm. 0 `rm... .... _-- rv --- - _.----=v-...u-- Ihp Hquse of Comxons, explained_ the hgzulipg, down of the` Amer_1ca_n _pg_.t,t'hg Islzipd of Sombrero, dur_ig1g the stay thereof the British man- of-war Phaeton, denied American) juris- Adiction, and cinimed that the Island had lungbeen_ ip thne Btjish possessions in the` Cachgap sga, '1`t;_n:;=: had been no cora r,_espond'ence on the subject. '1'}!!! Rnsinn rpnlu 0.. cl... D,....;..... -._ of New York.` gjvgggqu V, uupauo, `luucvuluu an uuultbtk adoptdiut 8/ late meeting, sympathizing with :the.North, to tlie.Minis;ter Adams. The latter, made a, speech expressing, great pleaajtfe at` the, reception of the" address. . He udmittedrtlip difficulties of. steering. clear, of,collis_iox1s between the] two natioiJs',l,t1tVti=nsted thatjriendly re-_ lations \t_'onld',be n1_ai_ntained._ Uc asserted thi1t,not\\_r1tJistonding the tone of some Anierjqanspeakers and journals, there no nation fofwhicli America mitcttuins greatr,`:egt_ird,tl;;in,f9r,' England, and if` the?rea,l sentirnents.ol each people could be clearly estahlished to each other, he wotilgl have no fea_r,9f collision. He he-. ljev_'eil thgt. the 'I.'rade s Unionists had taken the i-`ight. course `to produce Sllth` an understanding. I put. tn, I, I :1 o V. upon Adams speech agrnqstzrqasonable and timely, and luoksl I'q.:r._wqr,i,wi_|1out. mistrust for mutual fur. bearance. England. must` expect. some- interwptiomr to trade, and Americans mustptolerate the shortcomings in con. sidentufipn of the diiculties of neulra's. 1.. ....,.o'l...... ....o:_I- .I.. In.'___ __ -uuvguupu vu ulw uIuu._II|uC U] u(:lllH.l'S. lunnother article the Times argues -that it behooves England to look lenient-. ly on `the proceedingsxnf Wilkes in view of the maintenance of her own" rights when she becomes a belligerent.` , I.l._ `l'__-__j -, .1 fl :1-. .|u1InIry Ill||:_'!',"?!$'3 w 3. -f .lIIIV9lI"l"t1iFii-lr .fI`C the, ' " ;:"l`,`::;:lr_:nt Gu-aookerpeems` `ggl gflfll riyhxgin froni of the. `ha;i}];ep.Ii',l'recox1`g;9iteron`{. and the. 1hg"14t~l1`,' they th'rew_np new and exten-, hie ehtthwotks' along the ridge of the. -hills in the rear and to the left of Fred-, _ ericksblirg. It is teported to-day that every available soldier now on detached, service in and around Washiqglon and 4 Ba|q':.p_p;p,ap_d.on the railroads m Virginia Huok,e'r. ,a.command m;d,tl!e_ir places sup- plied by, Penusyllvanigmnlntia, which it :3, s;:id> h$}'.6. `been. tcndered by Gov.` (V . . unul;1|, ' . _ %wujn;gqqt6;! 7 aacertah:-g " "With l,1;t'.rooen,t visit to, dgogfggy maghat dxuing the night of; zn.d.Mi1r;=.`|a,ud,~ will b_q fotwnrded to, `unj- H-viN tr;_"'Y3R`K:; May I3.--The Inman City ofNewvYork, which left _.Ljyexpool.,on the 6th, m'a ,Quceuston 7th, aztived _here at. midnight. ` J C "7 o `mt;>n`_g._.1gs.1,tpc rnnlzc nv zncmno. _ :2 ~ ; 4 V. 4xu-rqugqs A.(_De't`l!lPOI.lBH lN8URRE("l'l0N._ I counter-memorlad. 1 There iiwaflike news` frn'ni_ Cbvpehagen. D M ii stated that all lhe Danish'~h'Ips'-of-wnf`aI I6 be purin cummnssion and mu a'nn3- mobilnzed. Svn nhin:-nf. IRE `Hill nlihn ;nnI|I:l;nn 1 Rain}-iiask:a~p}};1aj._;;uijgs..ippi s,,,;,,;, when he liuheen rqigfqrged-with hi, infantry and uiIi?!le;13 _rVZ?*::-~`- , - ` __ __... |n-.."1V ' `L1: .'-.'`.;......_g - "37'Je}{u}Li}3"'$}"`Hides Unionists, headed by Bright, presented an address: .'.'.IAnl::nALoal' a` lain nu:nh"nn :nnnn..ol.i~1..... . Hula. lay April SI)";-Auhe Sotbonnd. Salu- young: lulv (Midi..- lo` Inna- l"|-----~` " "'3 9"` n` Wnlh hg [lly I n 3.!-.f;i""*iIr -0-%.fe'3?.'."","'%"-,",.' I |"."l nun-i .. ;__' - Eng:-anon to Canada. a ,. .. _..-.-u.-u nu ucIeI_u_!eS_. nlr-inolaucogof woman being who human"-in l|Io.UniIorsity of Vol.3"!!! Inn 1' _t' ll. 31; c` Mid]: Che.nn".=n.n "Lit:-8.: ..-I- 3;i.;=.:.;;.m-.3:.;..r.;`;:',:;;: I-"` q;`. .h*!?_'.' 1 C39Imn(o `ta can-I ` "'9. Pesutonuuy, `Ibo aemenco Ib Conllnr wk. .. . . . . _ _:-._.n IIIIIII IUUI IUIIHQ II is also asserted 1ha1 thfe'Pul es` wiil ptiblish ,3 counter-memorial. 1 ' "I"L..-_ I_'...__III._ ..-___-(.-'__' - in . i 1 :(W`FU'l-l;l-l(`IR.-;-A petition in C00 0' liannlnnn no- ,.-;.........-.,, uuu Iemencv Conner, who was convicted hIl,0-ol' Iuntder. W e can- `! }I.n[-mjngiling circum,-. i l?`.9`uIplionowilh this By- nvnnl-'--I - '- gqovgnl olnot V M an Itid. m_d be from Iha evi- nciuinot under- .e i [t nu` Iiiod. and .4. h` K. `-5 __ 2.. I VVI othot I _..4I Tliig;,_RhisiI|\a_|imy1 ifeen 1g_nl'c(HV];.3 ,. Ujroiuianay-uglflbo and Duh) Michal nut -` ln-lI: Annnh?;.I" 5'. nl n pl: Krrvllviictv -' ilnlrax; Mi} '!`-ljgITecn| Ibip {ion Livor`poo|._.on tho 2nd,` _vi_a Quejdnolown on ' `V _ 3gd illllq` jtgivm|.`hgg 4:10 ofclocku s.1Ii`.` "VII ,, IIWIICI f o'ou`eoF.' .:..\`.s..u I. - A . g. .. an; r -_n_w_v|iu. I jliltls Iu;.ir,a.II,I..IV',\'t'.*|0.-.-!IIy`_9`I'.!9-I4:92:15`Ihgzgiiii * ` "s_v`e`I"o` 1 mg ; gs "` Iticl I Mi 3. . evening. with mdkridnculauo Iio`a`dingiof `V -l'he', i_s nluioult ;InA doaujsiu my o,pqci_;_m*Ihat _ ]l)p,B|'9_l9,`,i|'I the `_qld_,mIrkll,,,;?Coneapom!enlq. V .'1rm`h.imhe `gssildimpiea d1iieh?3i;a`y?para `obtain V .9'9'!I!.".*F. 5 Ph"'.d1P'i5`3|*il3`.1!`-'7`:W!5$ ` -Sm` -nho*`Governma_|L_n -u;Vuo:-jwau1d " -0 Philip ` Ihev\V|ql1ii.gloIi,qo:fQ!p9ndenl. of the ,B.'gsI,org Trqreller.. wgilesylha ..fullo.w mg. :-f Sauna ofthe 'Nunhern:1_miea _sei3la,tnjIhav * gone crux ; witliin ajday of Ifo .nvf_igt?_u,rj;j.i;ful- one stnty 1haI Gon." Feqk ha : l'1.kQ"l_'l',I_{_ig!liind! The "Pm lutlalphil. ,EnqIn're'r t_5in'es "Mire? ` iliis V vSIa`rn, iImI'.Su'ips' Floating -dig`! glichupmnl I -`: [I prom` hi:zh.rarIi3.`-= have ,ns'| hr'6hdvoIii9<!`iiif'a'in r;e8',-9:-.;ts9::Io|%eigt=pli. to lheirlriends` that" Ihere'*I"I`!'\IAquI{l"J:\1of1l"6l_ .c i 4IIa:lgnigl,'! W uunun DIIQI, ac... " :' u I0!!! .~.,- `lftopcl ' v5'h:`4.000`brls- I- .ov!=_~. i:-- > V ' l 2'li--LPropey|!o, -`~".99JF3'!9h'? 3.99!-*3 H . ianinthm;-'who.eucum1L. lm -ma % Sound, wiatwqgnaon :1-;m_ Cortlilaqoop Di-i I pomma Jonhaf-`eck `ck:-|in!='M.Iy"jll_":-i-`j _; 1;: _ 9 Im-inls '-.- S!B.I!.IIer_ 1 `"_i0.Iurr" . May .1?2`..':'..*:s..`.`,*.~ ."'.'A.l; . X % 1:6 :5;-an. SIC. M84ri:, Vlriio?Miaou,'Ec_;:-" ' . u-.uuInuu.ugIua -' IIIU |'ll'UIt,WlGlIW'I'IIUUBI"' aimed was _sneash[ul.. beca'u?so`- it :Iv`u`'-con`- ; d`a`Ied`withAse a*euv. 'nnd1'h*_pino Bough: 'o ' the mnvoons:-uverbapniqd ~.l,T9|H!r'. it a` 0'9!-ng. . di.l Bung.-3:19.. Then ` cgmt his. oqrpmnuding` general ; absurd onjar. umhhe mamlafoiogugoig: efnmen} reports ixuejgarul Io our loss, `Oar |u_'.`. . ;..9-! W,-41.-.2.-.9,3.n. .fl. .9ml,h9jntm7i 53\!lWlhd9 ..ix a[ 1h' .~: ilibne. ivhich com-it-`Iv vii!-; um l.h9::p;s: ` Tn well as pcmsiblq for AoniLI_a;iIiikQ":docJgiuAseb7 `l1_'i000.' insfIeil"oT I0`. )O_`ais'-'II%II" |`eL[i9`tlfa_4', god -. Loe. inpIe'a`d"6f" 'Hniax_~[csl}l-@930; 1h.t'o =tini6s ` ._lhal number it-IidA-I`obo.~'m'ihnu IBJXJO `of jhis ; _argn_v. . TE! 7 ~.ilh_o!o "lrn' v_.`. .if45-it . weI"o`-_,giv'en ,A ,-vri.--.=.l.-t'>i'T.hab!r`V V -ho-w = anker ! h- I-W! '=`ureaIer. .an'ql `I_lm1"ofA keggf Al_io!ol'in-lheziield, , ` ;m'u_9_h leis than is I~hn'm's'.I'I`led. ' ` ' " ' ` A -..I..`.. ..}`....'..A..'.':.. n.- :.`.`.`.; =.'...,..r.n.'- -.a ' A The Craoow vcmrredpbndeinl -ovfv 'lh'e ` 'London ' 'Iimes says :--Yest'erday'a person came from Wansaw no this city.-and .b'eh'as lhis` `morning given me some valuable jnI`ormotio_n `relative lolheslnle of affairs in Russia. ,'l`hegRussian _Gov'err~.mem is straining; every` nerves in. orders to send powerful reinforcements "Io lhe army In Poland. but it nals -great diicully `in gelling bnckfthe men who were allowed to return` Io` `their homes after; lhei war in lhe Cvri_r'ne'a'. The distances are so enormous. and lheimeanoof . oounmnnicetion beureenlhedi'u'rent`provinces` of the Empire ere so.iomperl'ool, that from eighlf lovlenmonlhs mast elap's_e._be_fo_ie'_lhe-Rossian ' armies can be `on a` wor, .loolin'g.` .5 Al ,pr'esen l. Ihe Ros:-ian Government has` 5: latgerpplyiof gold,bm when |h_a_l is;-.J_r h's1asla`il jl has no n`Ie_e.ns ol- obtaining haul cash. 'Se`c,rel e'oeiIi e'e` are form- n"n'2*-. in dniferenli pans of _Russii;.-:9-.a,n;l -you may h'e_lieve`Inhal theorernmem; its wils` end. My i nr..rmana rm:hm. smell that (he wim) Iinje of re`n1"rnad` liiitwen \Vi|n,War`rsa_\`v,VThnrn ,' Czenalochao'. `a/nd` Crecow is gioardejd `thy .Ru's"-' ztihn soM`ne`r`s'-." l'e`w diays ego'tfr'oops`were's9nl . from W ilna lo disperse` some `bmls'ofrinsof~" gems which were roving about ,ilM'h'e.neoIghhor-' _houd,of uheeily. ha; in re -few hours i_hey=re.- Iornecl/sgre_atly:[rec'1uoexl in,'rs,;. H , x . . %..-Eth .. " hit60`.lI)0;o`t 470.000; : Vf; was 3 fin ind u{IuiIiiii'f "hu',. - _cri!ic| gay; hm Ii tijiiety |_lb|umlr,_ Gan. Hooligi win foolish:-9noiI*,vh`5: L :nnoum_acSi - (but the du!tuuIioirof'hiu`vo'pI)nciIl _; ins npwi 4` inovilnblo. Lue=alful;e4[15`i_ '5 51 :9; V ,1 " nnnv which IE1 ISM 5 % -WIIIHI1, IIWII VII` .llI.\'l!.!I.Iy-.9.lIE|P!! 1| ;..ll,uI.II.Il7I" pm'li9H'.' yvlrih Iii'fow'l)% e_s'a'p_od ;qni|uilmio.,_' I H o'oker Bi.-'i'ng'.in the m'e'|nI.ime unihla lo`_nsai"aI~i f is tltppggling and 6verpiiwer`od1_le`f|,_`wigh_ "big, = `dhifxresl . ri'liI 3` l'*'l`h '"f'a!t'a"i`l "."\`-}i i5Il"`-i311"I:l7ls`3i`3 ~nhnImC IZOD nnuinnnnfnll I\A4in`n'n.`_ in .-`-A. `n...- -.._.... .......,V.,`. .V . V V . _. 7 It` is a shame/to conceal from thercountry the conditiuvn of i'ts.faoort`le.I1rmy.. It hasnol amdence in its general. still less has 1'teon- L denc in tile ` War Department anftilw [Ga'r,ve-T -ml-tn C/tuiqfi T _It knows wh'o_viithdro`yv it from . the Peninsula and cheated'i_t ofi-thooasplnre` of ` the capitalio tho-Con`l'edberacy.' xhjknows`who placed` Pope in~conImand'. and ,w'ha_t:-_(lid' more than Bumaide inoompetenoy `to shone"? it anew But if the armywere all jtlintrwa could wish it, it is loosmall, or soon will be too` small, for any olfensive movement against Riclitnontl. ill has lost fteen. ihonsand men" in the` late .b_'a"n|es-==mote`rather than iss's.' T`we,nty-lwov tionsand`-`Tmore,rne,n, whose tofm of: seivice is expiring, will leave withimhree or fnnrwjeeks. : By the statistics which" the Wen -Dbpartment took pains` to publish through Iheicoontry just liefofe Gianeral Hiilokesv advance, aprtmary` : oi-tliool'boyicoiilil calculus (with; aoconacv the-. total liit_of.oiIr a1`m__v.' h >vra_s about ._l4I:,000 men `of tili ninis`. L Dedttt. 37,000" from gllus nttmbsr,_a'nd jm-. hgVe,bnt_litt'u more than .100 ,- '000`men left t o fiiiht Lee s 'nini y to-day. It has ireceivexl nu t'aitifor_in'eitts'l'rotn Washi n.-:3.on-" ' that was it Jepamneiit canaril ;.none fmm Suf- folk `or Fortress Mon_toe--Jllill; was aitother; ,' \-Vhal Hooker failed "to a'ci:"ofinpl_is_h viilitil-l'l,4 ` ` -000`men, is he lilselv even a(:- 1`wEth l`00'.000'?i . "Fho T'r1'bunc~ of the Nth s_`sys_:- All ieports of the movwiants siocgffien. . Hooker cmsseli the Nmlhysiole of "the Rappo- `ltimiiock are utifotiittled. " Tho" 8t'll))' 4oocnpies_ its old catnping ground. The troops are in gonil Splills,` though some disappointment is `felt among. the rank and H19 at the teiraat, but their is no (|e moraliza[tion.'. ` 11.... Qn......._.._.1_ __:,| L__ `- ` i . -5 uulcv -u,umu-uutm-u was rnpatteu In 24 hours. H Ohr loss exceeds men. whnlo Gen. Leeiis` saidtlu mlmil-the lo'ss_ of 18.000`; Our army still oulnumberolhal oflhe.Co'ufaderles. 13 III: uulllulG_alla!ll). . . I` : `Gen. Szonemanls raid has `been overrated.- The` Rachcnondimd Fredericksl-urg toad ate so fifila icujaxracfllitat-il'wa's mpaired in 24 hours. Ohr Inna `ax:-nmla mmmnn ...|..|- n-_... I . , :` 5: 5?.,< ; , nqny which te ,4 Sunday, and -do _I1hff'aj-.j nggl u_nn;.i fiilibti IIIIQVIIIDIU. IJI'Q'_lll ` lm nu.-Iinnu u-Iri'$}\ hiinml nnnnhnl `innilnilnahubg ` " We-are ml in any S79'fJO'>'dll)cd_e'9ifl_L W9. med o`iz,I'~Io cnplIu` o`r'II`nnil:1iIaIe1Ihb,who) ; army. -' Wodid-hqilhf. `\N5`_i hol'e(_{"Il"_l6g'.a| ` `Io I|| slaps: backida-Is; .Wi*|I7a'n~l`a'Ifen them- _ V . ,9 n I_,!.. a_._I3._. 2. ____ __-. _,, ,.- r . I ||ICIIl- - `. ;,- .- 1 Imitjs __o:_u1igy, 4_i!.'\VV'l!rVl'I,I!lV oI':!I 1'%.'n l ="Inui hauls, we may oometinneiq h`avp_:h_Jd_on 1`r_g,iroujml_.T 'dn_n_ring _lhe `day,._b_ul then `we [all back: ;|l_;lig_hl. W0 imelimes have rlerv32lSed"Ih enymr 'ftoii\ certain -positidno, but" than LIho`y1Ta"l \`yays you than vlhe ,nex1 mnrnin2.` '. Wdsdid` rid! _hold our bnlIIoe|l(vphieh'.hih mililaryscirc|ois:pro- nuunco almost Ihejnuripbie sign of .dfea_t`;) ' mus wounded a re. in the enemy?s;hando;;, we have _reIreat_ufby the way .v.v_ came. and `(n_a_de have to piaee a` deepyiver htween the nemy` we had talked` of` hnnihilalirig and ourslves. . 0` WA hni Ind! hbniilu in vnriiiinnrn Lillnjl -IlIrlJI}_I_I guns uuul -II |1l_lll__S'.I}89t _ ; _"- 5' Z = Kc.-Itiia o5seIi vr in Ih__o;i`mfer e,t~L of`- tho;ngl.g " Tniritioti. `th'e=corr3p`h~nJim mt jlhb` Cinn- . Inuiuattezmrt na_:'- ` `- 4 ` ' ` nu nun Inlnvu ul wl|uI|II|ulIllg uuu UUIIQIYES. We hgt lol heavily in*priab ners, kilvld amlswonmled.` 11ho-`u`my`c`annot be` fit Tor weeks-`fhr monlh1'r.>if' the ;ideaoof the old r'e':im e prefaih-=)'rV &~1n_w nllack- .._WithouI hener fottnne than who dare hope wgithlin the next four weblcs. the dbinugs of the lab! vednya will pm us hackgix month: at `lea-l.-probab|y` even fnnher-in roac'hing'Iha" 4.-ind? of TIhe_ _re'- bellion which we had exultamly thought so neat. ` . L ' A _ > V A PL- L!_.._ If__L ltr_,_).1- ,,,._ ,c__. o run on Monaoy. : . A Tho only {our outside `Iuombore.i`nnlho cit'y no whohos been seen -with, MiniltlI;.Mt. HucoorI.`;v'vhoL gimu any in Hlldimnud {or Mr. 20.; 1',hooipmn;- Mr. Not: , who waiuod ,Io ._nho fo;_.;1ho.`SolieiIor Promior it, ._`lI_i|rI_f:;'IilL,. Ill:,_fI,y` .- .!'%*-:a`gIvi,`n,i:-?l? .. * ` , ""1'=':L{ New fork uroria= g.;a.:._;sn aesimflhr slrain; .1`! says}: . A. % ' la-.'- _ _1`.__._;;_ Q.-. I 1' ` L!- omu Iusu-rqet1pn.'-' ; u_uncuu:_Iwuv!a9 _u;_II`-|II_II_ ; pug IuIull_ l -am: Ill; Vnindr -til ;-mz9I; z-vita!-I-343'! I5.-1 mum- pIil|T."3und`_;_ ' 1 ` ,`_brg i)_nitI.`ltdII|` I`I'io;ngld`roo,s. : 9n".!.h'"*l . 1he.line I`f`~|Io35fo!`.'L.~../'Il,,I"v=`l!tO[l I|,U:' ulvocall % :-'esst.;*?eAL#!9,.'i::,;'**si%3%w.-aw-- T u Hcuguun uqIU_IuIn_Iul|_ U! .I_l9_Il!II VS _ `V V ' .71: wand ta_ 5vI_s_!e qf aura . no point one go 'yon,a!'.|0n::`|: itho. Iinsem-vizh vthich Mb I `smctof .1 Mn `b:.`ii ?_pr_egnant ;-for m)'a'II'. I win` on|y.:I_anihn_l6iE:vlionooto'1_A with yam, onnfi-lmeo, at aunt;-A!.5., *!3s `- f I A , H3. `\ .55 f L. '|"1$U.**'l. .3',."`.";:`!|`*..'i.",*[.'7,!li.!|* |3!!?5I.tfOf ' 09!. dnpiulltg g 7` Ig|airi.3 , n ._L,,I!'!1!!iil1 .1?-Ko iio __ fiinIof,'fgn6b'.i'nd . A __ : _. ssppdy:iigy.gg_o.3_ugegu;gy1q1:1ji:i: : u- ' --ujuuu U.'II?sj'_X!vlQl1!S.`IW_l~|,|g.'}:`||wu. "Ian `P; . .`.9i'!!,1~;'l!!9!'._!If0|lIIg iinnpouum or. - ...'IeI`0V=.|'"'0.9l'kI='-'." nIn.nnIIiqg-: -siuk}gu; aim`: .Iill.L-'..".:.i...*.-Im .'iu.;`:|a -3..-.. -.. --...... ~ VIIVFWIBIPJ II_III Iuu`\n_uuI IIIIIII Lguvuqql upc- . mu. ItI"d"`n!urh- T 'l_$n don'5 t'n8"hIS7l'O|II'k`l1'lfl"tO"I'tI|)` SEE! of matitimq sights, mm ny's}"-uitfamrahte" A, cfthidizdtrihoo t'egurding*the ngtsiof bullig r 7 ' {fonts-'IAppeur (0: our merchlmtq Jud" ship _ ner: in the ppebent position of aaigo. there. `i:)` uninimonr testing In to the pruprietyot . faithfully Idh'aVI'i'ng-:t`o'the_m._ |l_Am_ericu' iiuio, ' h-gvp two oudestot on while we limit nurnelien to` oneptha precedent must prnvpv-fa_tnl to mu. V -A'guin',-.15 -regards the Petethr-tl"case. ourmere chant.`-fut ihtit-v."as!.'*!-h9..r,-:11! ~,5'!AbLt9..t.... math? a"p`riho`iptoto `g6 'l or`th=`ih`u'toiiii; " ii :`-" A glfoirouymignces cause our ccimmurco to f be` h liisaa-`:hd.even suspended u'n*every`- pin; " :0` that gorld. J: is t_5s had"1not` lhltVilIlf.` . h but `in _to be the deoisiuth we,a'wno_wf- tomlopt ,; dntliadusectite, there shnuhtj if puisiie. be` . something tilca "an-.3!-plioir nnalerstanulinm that T - .!h!;9.9|-:6` P1_ili9iano:i"r"li!v9!I!!'."! :,WJ=92!1f&:2 7i.)"i`e?Iit'titot' Vjgjlint fin itisiqlgng IIPOD '.eyg_I`y 4 , iii"vmta ge-beingzgiven to the ?Fdeu i!k, a're"td_ "l'itfmn5a"dio'ti'not'ythu perm'anent7. fchufacter` off ' ptbcaiunttto be.etItablI5hed.;anl that they" `llI'u't not at any future time omler alleged cir.--2 -' dtltlistunoea stand. that intha interest:-uf` pepoo`: 1 Qbzshull umfandor our ownt-nnthioeopt my 111-`. ;jVgIu`comtr|notion which may .t'nen spam swig "o'ab|p, unless a mnjyrity ofthe,"pubtio7orgnn`* 1 Stud apohhm in= ! :\mcriot ato"~'uti i?)` 'IinIii'mt3" ` . `oI;thy!- = * ` ` `It-_ is oinlyf a qeu_tfon`-of tim`_e', of: ohtya? yup ' "6? tw'o.`iI'Iord or less, `when Engiamd will have rth cm into_pl_ny'whaIev'et weapons `she may ' n"|l,"in..nnal nhhnnnh it "is -nnnnnnmuI.thnI Ihn . :3 cu` Bl._|l`Il:l.: _ . . , . . ' ' Ciusas our whichie oan"ax,orciso no can- Irnl may at any insIantin`v_o|vo us in V; Awjr of `rho, nuw. dqapgrnge nhngagler. gm!` him ill we -(:6 prgpuptl to endow such 3,0-Aluvnity may he judgaaI~~f;gsip".Ihe"Iacg:-.1huu_ pnj_ `ngw; aiflct My i)'l"?`!*"1*i'.ffT1*'*- *`15?9 55 `5!*IP'!i?"Y' 'uti ubl&'.Io.~f~b(ing aur"'3 ,x Lpond_itn`n [within out r'cxr9heh!Iie)il;iin7|'uced"Io' Idmitnn bxoeu oi `three tni|luuis1a;\'peh1liInre*in one `single .ou'r..-;` !f!.3".`!.H?!!!Ii!9.:-M!|l0...II!nro= Halt z:n__ `lg log`u'nn_ua'-incomb,-`_chu n:Mn'qiimcy9plcded :6] M Il't_!.Q.O inle mg was mquurucu ml urlnlay mgm." Pne_scu'r1'. -- Mi. 'Snn de|d~ Matiddn-a.|d_ has designs tulyon Ihi_9. conuly, but -if the elector`: ligem ya we be|ieI9`lhe_l|,!o be` hi; `pplnlucaq pxggigry wiVll,neVe) its nwaldr He. has l9n'a__znuiqh-t,o'fotfe_Et lhq. griml_ opinion. he _ofujpya`!'up LIo `wi`l.hi_tl|:amonth ago, gnd we -mis1_ako_jIhe_`sigps ofqhe times if hogtscape [he just c'o_mfemn.ati6iIi' of .lli9` pgbpld. ` ` Hi: ' coiitse at; Quebec doting` ma .pas&iformiig'hI, is cnchgh A um1torially`.'inju're hisvpolilicaichanclerg _ ` S1. `Emma'u ur_M.- - l..I.'..' .|ll:I-__ w -muwuuuy uqutu ms pullllcitl cnancler.` _AS1'._ ;(,`I.Am LDwxs'|bx,;_--Mt. ;Joh_n?:Wi!jon,: Clnir.DYv_isTon. 7 '_` . _ . ,,. -,`s'.._",`_ -. fun... ...a. A- .... -__.. ll. 1-: . of Lrindon. remrnudv by. pagclatglglidn, for..St.- U!I|f_ulVI3lUno _ ` ` _ V * ' , _ `-_ Lzuugx.-inn i`Anpina1-on f--Mi-.' Cartwright h88_ip' an addgagt, `of which-(Ina following inn. ax'.lri'::<.: * ` " lV.`l..;.. A4.-- ...I.:-I.--.-;- _-_-_ ,., -mm; y.vt|tIzI_| me tueqszltlg auJ`o`_I'nE_(l. . On the some evening a meeting _or Ih friends of th'e_Miuia`tty .wias_heM in the`Com- ` m'e"ri5!Mart to'nom(inate' I_`camlid_z_Ite to up. puss Mr. Mecglcvnsil should turelectinn. take place." O`.'S. GiIders`leev`e-\tvhu'tltatafter- noon" declared positively that the wonttl `not um -, deruu y oirettmslances. joume nut in oppntion to Mr. Macdunatd-wae'neme.d es the Grit can'- didate and a'oce'pted"_th`e`.tiomtnation.` { 1' Being cal_letl, on for a speecvh. he briey Htltl|'QS(`.d: the meetin tle`nout'u-ing HI&,po'l:icy'of smmae; gm- T `ernment.* atuhrentiuq his h-utters to e techs: at the alleged. grievances` oft U.*pper Chnadn. cull- ctlttotll t_he Globe and kindred 'pnlittcal jour-A hats, `The speech concluded, Mr; Flynn mhvml that the proceedings of the meeting: be ?pu.h|i.ah- in th`e_G.rit organ. W`.'B. Brittohop. posed the`mqotion',etatin':_.-, that "it viotdcl be im- mnitlasht In main um}.-".In':.... . VI. ..... ...; ..` .L.. lruguu nu: [|I".llIllll DIlI|lII`_g ISHII. ll W0lS'|_I DO IN! pvnitieht to make vtheir things 'kl_l_'!WQ no lb ftiends of Mr. Mnclbna'il, who,` he` Icklini-I le'dgeul~, was qt 4pmne'rfn| ;nInL . 'Phe_ moaning apbeared: to a;_:ee_woIh Mr. A-Brimn. pm! in was de'cide'd1o~`|u-op dark? An nuemm was mayhq lo formT'aconm'ill_ea.' bu! Ihere was not`: hni. uiem numbr of v'ot'ys'Apresenn'. anql the meet- ing was mljourrienl "till `Friday night. ' A` ' Pnmmm-._M; `.Q..e;I..'m. u....:.I.;;...-a.a u.-- _|'lIlF_AlI|l\lll_x,`I!|lQ`WI_llI ~`lI[[ip[0sJ)e;o{ 0! IBQCBIF. MI`, I . '_vahQ9 of_ Tbinxgcb ilpfyigij i)u'miond'; -1..` pm; ibldiogligintqaih; pfioilion lo" ` Mr. i` Ferguo't)n._ -'i.'hi"r_m8"iV `Biro ,?!;limbb, however ; will :i!oubi|eu~-a1'I'1t :lh'oj mm. V "gentleman safely` /,,1l"Q'&hI: `.\ ._, . . .. . V -` " " Mnuinr Au!`-T` n;v-nn`- __'I`|u;- l'_-.1..--I ` pidat Ito m`a._:n..hi-_.a.;ii, i'uV5(:ahns`- ?iv.'-503% ' -Fa" {gander inwy r,iainI:y.;,aus-at;-At`-r_o.`l:Sg:j:~TIo~ Nd cc-.n`.I'I!2~ . `"- tlioug M5 gq-bpelsgqilmcilli` AMr.;fML'|ecloogllI I :slolod;~ 1!, Mn. _. ` "CoiiImi1isionc"rof' exec;-pith" my task-befofre him.`"` "nn' ,- `In L. wgnxgwtgmn 9?! ;ci}rdsly rioprhsanted this counIy,i-1 dosiromiof ' grgliripig _[mm'Iha_1nrmnil of puhlioelifo. but his giluaund` thuir:raprunm_ivo':Mr.' Daiy --um 'in!e'rpoio do . J'ui1he_t o_binc|ion-,. and Ib`e.q`qesIion will bn_set- . T aq.{;Hy'/sputlia m 56 hold ' ;a;;Slritf_or_d_on Tlmmlny. If Mr. Daljmus - 7V clifovno doubt of ' 1 : ~3N6n1'u$.~YdrC--'l hh~*nbioiibiI5;'.'9:!5I`!Ineo ` ` emmiuo1 .*wa`.lo mu |lICl~ on--' lutdpy ino T A fulaou 3ndid`clo,, -- * `IVA.- l;l'l,IlO. DIE , .Y ~ `_ ..= _ ` ' _ V A5--'m;,'e`1~;riI:~ _ % -?..'.":u.sai-iext-inn a..,:n:. my. . . ._ __V, ._ M. may.-A `uli"o"3hu`ijuo_- = t.|I|3e%'i`t%`It'ng nt"l"h' 'itil`erejs?of Igga obt;a|_uqnc;. , A ` im5_I'|r|i3`m?nl._, lhey M . ;IIo detfe miried` um hj;tia`l_l. mnyoo to` ho- ....`.:-A In; s.i.-'6'.}u3 -11 ur_..}-__- :-- .lllU UIBUIUII ;Ul- uunungh. Q IC,IItuii'rnu.--The Dn.i'ly" of Seiturtfayet 7has the follvowing:-*Oii_ Timr.-tlayevening _a `large '"nxl`int'hrential' meeting of the lriemls of t'hu_ I-Icin; Jtuhrr Maedonaid`-_I7v_aa' held in Buck - ley Builtl~ing:i;~to Atnake `the necessary grrun- ~ger_nems:for. securing Mt"-L 1Vlacdo n aid ahre-elec- - ,tion-as representative of ICmgaton `in the even: _.n a disaolmign of: Parvliantpnt. Nht-wiithatentl- , ing the i n:IBmency. of. the weather, the mom was crwded `to excess, and a large number, 'unn5ie to g_ain edgnitt_an'ce,. were compelled tov itd"ancomrr_ui'tletiert in the he]! andait adj-viri- itrgotihe. The meeting having been nrga_ni2- _.agl7by.rno'uir: g J thn_. Creighton, -Ei4q`..` into the t uhair am !-appninting` Mr. "James, Shannon. See- retary, Mr. Wm. Rmlston moved. secoruled by Mr.Jarnea I-I_a)rty`. ~ .'l`ha|_ the Eiectors of this mealiygg hereby pJetlge_the:tn_elves to support the 'l`l: :_r1'./2_TtpI_tn 5.- \'."" Mrictlerigxid ':i`s aferiqiiiiiaite for `t tte_-rcp3,8t5tIt tIti un of-; thisc_it }' dri The ensu - ins z`Pat-tiam`+mt.- After :1 few brief remarks by -the'mogerih`e resiiInt`ion_wns p_r.t amt em-ried ..u nariimnus|y.* '0-uirnotion of-Mr. W`i|nmt. se. eemledgbvh Mr, M.cDrrrm)tt-, M was iappeinted-chairman oi::the.G0.ulral Cbrmittee.` A rafter which the rnee:irig'.atIj_o__urne_d. `A".'O'(A]"Ih'.8 szimu avamnu n mkmtiwa At` uh. . .'|II.vIIr uuu_.uu, wuuluvuu wunyu,ur- L-III! llll p'e3%;,.and I.|tl_tongh it "is _anrtuurtced-that the aop_Ie,o`f the United States will nntthott st_attd- . Tupon more lega1'reatri'c'tions.'it w?i_ll7`not" to-co}.-. nnant with our-tmlitiotts or prncttqea to ohtft 4 ' ' Feterhotf and tits detention of Her'Majer~ty"s_ - mnil had beenthe subject 0rtct)Sittn'il might be convenient that-he slmutd state the substance _p$jutimetiona -he had received from Lord ,Lyons.. . `Bord Ilyous`-stated"ttiat in answ_erto ttia_oppIia~ tiou v:Mr. Setn'rd' -hex! infontl` him` that the _ American Government-,ha`cL, detetmi_ttedo A if!!! to Release the vessel and cargo but i to? send them `Before a prize court. With-regartttothe mtttle, _in conformity to the letter of.-the 3`l*`nt v0't:tober, they would be forwarded to their tlestinat,iofn_._ Mr. Seward stated that in any aimilarcase the T nme course would bepursued until 'some`a2ree~. Jhent was arrivedeat upon the subject; The law 67 nations-did not appearto have laid dntvneany our part yiepciof ftg'I|I,~0l'~&u9\$% lhemuto be oetg hr. the Hottse of `Lnrdeon the"'3bth of"A_ p'r`il,- A Earl ,Rueset| said` ;that as the, qtteelttm of the 4 ` i:i'se-and`cIear rule, with rt-gard"to_the ptac-. :1 e,.which} wae somewhat novel; ofoaertding Jl'IIil'b0_g;l` by private ships; therefore Mr. Sew. T 'a?d"wu' e'nxioua~tu make communictittoue to 'Hr Mafeit`j~ 3 government on the subject. It .,q_'u not stated what tharcommutticottutt would he, nndit-woultlthert-{ore bet`.-ume o.mt_ttter.Ior . "6fI'\nl-iizlnni lIl\l|Qr1'n)nI:nI| V %r-anon-%%~ ; _ `dougnll `lg II_B-'afQ"fb-".v|'0llI l i`u.. ' 'vIunI_qI,no9-ezgi. view: oh . . ` _?1\a`opm:4,eaCI!Ir. .-Tn.;Mnnareql.aaague V of il'.`t?i1s-1? M`! e:-... TAiI`i,nfvr.mpl "maxing" 0f. I `in'utI)bliof'i oo j *frigqcl.,ys".hhl(i`)'qqti`4 V iliyg it `which ; it wanznunicinouilye fa-oyvgd {I6- inviaq g`:'im`r_ngai_n`~ ao-`beeo`m`e- _n`- bin_`cli_;_+ac' for nMon`IIa}. (&eu tio; cl lh'o"`a'pptoachir`np oldetien. ; ..-We buliuvn hispto-election is certain ;hy_onclu ' peradienlure. . The-organs of Mr. I-hllon in-T Jqnn 9: .t,t_1gg `ghia .gemlem_an,f(forgeHii:g'-Ih`oL dis- .creIion he exercised on the occasion of'_Iho Isl eleblion; intem'!p tn_inv`ne`yoIV gnoxhbrdefeai, in '6ppmtiIion"lo Mr.,Rose.` - _ ` ` ' ` ` '. annthb Chan u-Ramon Ulllillllull I0 XVI ; I\0SUo" Gititv;-`--"Mt. Gentfgen Ih`:ia_bh-; than whom than is not _in' Par]inmnt"n`Aniofo- t:lear< headed man; or,o ne`his "principles; will - ,again.o'er Limdel in thin county. und_ no doubt _ex'is_ts that hg will hp-rg-loclsd without di|'-- catty. .; a..pra'c_tiuaI man.~ a , oval: qf h'is,c<'n_1ntry, a fnend. of` gems gnvern-. *`ment ,`_an`d"has tly, tepresented the itnportnnt constituency which made him its the House. We can hardly belieie that `ha will receive any appsitiun. although "it in said Mi.` ' Sherilftsuidtrhas some intention 05' prqseht-. tn.l|im;e1_f.' ` - f'--.__--' A- _iJ_-,,'L u. my n;ux.oerqro_nim.'"- N , `-Nntn:$IIu--+`l: is not - Angbl Mcmisou ;\vi1|1nee'l with `hiya; oppniilion in this ~l idig.~ The C6p'par_fI*Id njniltyinl no '|pgh g gugtgaggngiixlivo. but I ' wilt lmglly _pd {la n Lnnnlni nlifilhf v?l|fl`. ugg. ||Ilg|_.VcI_|u __ . 4 - ~ I .- __ [.'on_pps.f-_-An :_ui< .re'sg'h_as.bo_an. very ununi. "mons_|y;|IIt._!n_el_ by the`,,el-`ecloraof _ Lnmlon. ,as|s- i`ng .VIr.'J'ohr'r'-C'ar',|iiu:`a'gai'n lb bacmn a apn- didale. It iqeanneslly to be hapuad that`-ht; will `ai:cede'toTIH_eii- wishes, although I; is Imown -his-feel_ings`xia averse lo a` [return . lo Parlia- mom. H will__n'd'-it hard, how'over,ld mist airnhst _:-hiaiznnanimous. wish `of .lhe eleglofa ;off Lohdnp.., l(lIl|1'l'nIl,-.-'rhn Vnn;Io:" lhlnvogoy. at ;o....I; an . wgcug. ,~: .. V . V, ..i A.Is ..'f-: Nit Jnh.m.Bw~.T-of.-:Wwm'. is` spoken of_n likely Io ouposg, Mr, Hh,wlaLnd4inT g_hin_ .tidAin`g,`ndvvI4i,lh -gfairf ptdspeon of 506,159. s nn-rii`*su';.;-.M., .I;.;..'.:. "r3`1r.T....-. ..r' An the yhelol Ih`Com - } cal|(|i(|_}_Ile \ `an election. -4 ...I_,_..'|._n-l`..._ . I`, Snndeld Macdenald, Aliorney General.- H g: A`. Dorian, Auotney General "Easel; " . .WbI'Ks'Id Sbllcimr General Ealnre lefl"vac31I::' - of; _|ho,gaipf.`nim, ihlm ,aecep!ed:n.:oi'e;:in:1hii 5 Izatest from Quebec, . ` x!) N :w mm:-Vrnv' ronu'i:n`.` ' nu nmommou pnocuunrtnx. . ` Qcnsc. May 16 1883 L- _ f.K`!`l'vid`o'!lolE-_lo-d=a`y lhe Governor Gein.ernl nvore in the new` -members of the Mimsuy, :.h_ic'h now consislstof lbe following` mfm. |_.:__ _ . . . ' West. A . , Wm`. McDouga|l, Commissioner Ctown Lands, . Olivef Bfowal, Pollmlsler General. . . _ Howie Waluidge, Sblici!9rGenernl Wee}. V V - Wm. P.` Howland; Receiver Gtenerhl. A. Ja Fergussen-Blair, Provfneini Sedreltry. ' L. H. Hollon, Finance Minister. - Ilelelliet de _St._Jusl, Miinisterof.Aricnlmle.ji'v 'To'Thiba}I_|enu, Preaidenl.of.\,lhe Council. r :. ' ._The offices of Com_m_issioner _,of_- Pnbliq Ilniil Ifleha General Election} `nnlguua H9"; 1 Mb slllbli who represents`We!|imzIoi1>Di3`r home!!! be 'PU|`O!Imled lo joins" My Stqolli "had" 811`;-fihl`_Imuble`._ M. Dorian relnmecl` friiln * _ _nfI_'e_Iilh1s'_gnornnng unable lo'dn*|ny4hi`ngT-I A '!ilh,h3"1- ` . Msere._AhbolI,- and Teasier Ilho` refuse? toj: ` II|ve"Iny!|_Iin.lo{d9 w`iIh 'tlo;a`_'air.' W ' eg,;_;_ "My, Brown left `he! nigh7b_efot`e the arrhngilf 5 Jlem *nfw ete`fcoiiiplet,ed.' - 3 `_ .-.M.` Thibaudaen ii'Hn.rnn~for'Quebo~; Ciurgy A against-M.:Siu'nrd.' 7*!-}e 'Iq1nol`ihe_f g'gni|g`_iug`. 5 Bmwnsprinn;-Ggr__e;n1nonc,:ling:-{gnurchunlipeae _: nidin g'i'nAth'injciIy. ,1-_,~ ;-1` -,f.,Z./V; - Mr-Jno.-. A-.,`iMicon~3,,iri1.!.1193:: nhd-* iuron Momgy-.g, - I i1'|uu...n*.'r.....~*...;.;:.u.V' * ` -`J - `,' "" ".' """" 'I'I""""'- "V "'7" ' ` To thoI_`u_zha3have known an'yll1ii:g b `of ;-_BvlI_1.h_l_`oArg',i,a'tT>,If1"s:e:_ex'ti9l,:s on behaff of ; fthiaa Tou_I),'.it_` mast:-'Lbe.a` mutter-of slit-: `priso{iuniiV_i6nish menthat Barrie; of all V [ Tthef |")l6c,~_shoqld Iym!iQml"0Ii|iy_ oht . } dppuitioui i`o.._hi:uj'_.1 Ye; may/.iq\.tlj_ e.`._`e. w.ho::h99ld'beThi- I!'!l8,.Indhe.e f : .-u>n:Voj-.:hgv;o;ggnegally;;be9n;- hiIbinerst j wile Iii-1.119 of }'_h 6,? - `"4 - ii; `eveuf a;i]i(i flly'i'ricdhsisteut with hi: ' V pboitidn Canada. member; em. tuugwn riding, it must _ /We do n'>,_~ think that any mio of Mr-. ; Morrison_ s' omionents -eeliea {Phi A He ` eoitld be cfefegied this time by any otlier qqndidhte"t"ey migln be able in `bring into the eld, some never at any `time ageod `bette_n` vvitI1 hit iafdi oonstiments than. heAdocfs__Ii_t: present. [His bitterest .oppdunts`,i1jifixie_ past`-can hatdly point to any vol'e;gyve_n since his, _lnst _.;;eti1rn 9h.d'.in; `*0--.1 f8; affectiils 13" that: no -`u1n.n could mare ,faithf_:ll.yvdisl_gerge.his t.tIIltj,thaAn-he huh eeaoua"-snnaearsteeleotion 'f<>.r` Noun f1~_1;`:e member in the luosg 11.1,. - .;hqiii_ gnpyg. : in? attending, .an_d V .-.pwIotiiigjt_he'-inteyestsof :11}!/; Jcbnstilu . enu, j deIerVesv.t6`.iha". `1 h_hedii16tnfo'pneiti9h`he7foe5u;;` A ' ~ ;r, .~-J12` -.. V blieire t|iaf`ev`en here in this xidi,ng.a,n _; ppposition `to; Mr. ,Morrison w)`lI be g=o*- (up if"for ,'1i9}<>tl_Ier.p1tipose th_an- to , pre- -~':~ ;- ~ ` r""," I'_"""'A The contest at the approaching ele_c- Qions will g.-`ldonrbt be a st_rong._a}3_dV ex. tiiting one, gmd there is some reason . to iren -hirgtaIrn b)'*5aaclam6.tion.; . '71-15",` 1 ' ,."4r-. . -- _. ,'*. |},[..,,,, _ ~` ` V . _ cnvi Vic. I V, nggengs mun , ` V _O`VlIl'iiIIyiII*l|l'I`r<`sli~J|in..~8oi.. pi?!-cit!`-1'.f'>.v-ahsfv -.=!...l-nth: or we. ' - as). us ns%c6awi:ns;`1uim;.-ao:a-L spur July, ' _,O,cI6|I'er. 1.` , `MON0g_ at In in; the h `concu- ' oils !L!`d' Phcqtryglhy. A_qgua;,`|iIdf` ovetnber. - |)lJ_R3Ah_l ,sVIu.1_-`. '1`-ncmurrn--!8Lh A918, $11!. July, , _ uibdlhl til` Jixnuutv. AiItiL Jnlv. .- tel . The much can ` Nangrxn-.u`:.. Ajnnu-.-I-'im. \';eds'yudI`y.-m lie` 7 and a general election will very. shopt-1.3: - V takeplace. . The writs are retnrsrmble on, .7 . - "i_'_A:Ne,w Election. Parliemeht` has at last been dissolved, `the _3rd_ of July, so that it: beho\ those tvhoiuterid to.take an,y'_pa1:t in the ;c"om,in`g performance tobe upnnd doing; -The Mihistr-ye \v.hie~l\ go to the coun-.. try is ,noh\_yeti foamed, theme being run; .mem.bers:.l)_u:king to make uptt-he dozen ;- and ol'lt-lroeedvho at 'pive'sen`t form the Agdarrinisttation six are `new men. This wholesa-lie change is tantamount to an _`edmi`ssi on on the part or Mr. J. _S. Mac- donnld that` deserved the vote of _\_v.aht'of .cor'$de`nce,.'and could "not face _'the `musie hat the polls. Indeed they Canada, for theywere not only xlse 1.9. ` their pledgeelon the represcu.taAtionques-. Ation_?,`b_ut theyalso did much to weaken ' -`wish. 'n,or,tl,1e interest of the people o bad Iaiith-on1:tbe_InrteIc 0k>tnial Rajnmayi; question, end their conduct in respect to. - ghgufhe v;r|`8`r_1`o\\t seek the aid or the)` people itof reiostate thern in power. r|1|__ _,__.g._-o .9 cl... _._..,,-__L could ;not `expeet rriuch `favor in Upper: _ the gie`.whh.. b_inds.~'ust to` the mp!-her i;eo.&'nt:y-('a. tie which it is neitht the" ; illpper Caniidai tosee loosened)a-hy their - the Mil.itie and other ma.tters co_n,uected - gwith the" defeooeiof the Provlince; `We 1 `believe thutno Ministwlms ever carried ' lessAs;yr'nput`h_v with them in their defeat . ,.a-vnq;'; N0.` 'nv:N~ 3 7. 1,?! `an. 1 <.'.r 4 Wear o{`HurmiinfkI `street. Bfhlmnr; on" yo!-`hungry. April, July, gnclroctr-bu." ' mil `Thu-day in-Junmm Apfils.-Iulinlni pil; July, Jud l'-i'IdlIl`q' , f:_ ihing to $101! 'h'o.w'vtheir' suhierffion account `cn_ch puper-ggailed to thenn T56 data-following their names it that 'ntAwhio'._h their indebtedness . ciomm%i;c`;`"Joxpinhau Stprey. mar I 62, sbdvis that His suliscription is due from March lsv. ` Jonathan sum. doc 31 as H .....m- .1..- n... `stands em 6690 hi rferring tn- filo oldies: o_n *l862*,to_tho;preaeni tiIhe-;- oibift paidn ladmnce " `Oboe:-oer.` i n D '& uI15!"`.;.' ; ?PughMu5I,~i :gW `1 . ,; I l(I'unI`:'duiro m:iuuiva fghoul;,:mendl a'sln.-_}'- T lions .w_ih'GreII. :itc'6ti',_ dijidj givigig pp)`. -.ain'nan:I'nnof o'nn$nn$.' - 'v1i0 l"'N'o;- 'I`F}N,- ,VVe'l- of Hmmnluih "Street; L ql,J'u|ua_`t.v, A_ju_'i_l,}nIy. _ 3. _ , , _ A . plant , y 1;,|l!.- E"! (H! of%|_unI`ry. Apr. July. undz0cfnbor.' MU`P..V||iloI:2.~ Annu-.-I-`int. In lie` thmnener ma 1862`,,to_ th9;preaent time-;= ixdmnce M Jonathan Sjbrey, dec 31 63 would` show" that the Vaubscriplioln wag paid _up go December 312:, 1863.` The arrangenwntv is so simple that sub- |_crib_ers will"rMe'a4_ii|y>.-uI_xi_Ve_1-stand it.` _' ?ir2s{JS;'7 kwrkews ._1,-.|,- ., Inul__q=uIv.I\'I{;nn_u ..gre`_olNl_!ortseu' to Iii! Bdvortisennnu I`:l'vSi1bI~criptionrh_t up About ' LRJu`a '7 ` aft Pdrlc: Nd =iro?1:,? 4; 3 8IT{le god... '- on-n` '. *Aws11~it;.- r,eeiv`ed;-_ br_ Ed'mnnd Lany,` !n 7|-`pndun ;nn. ' ' uL1ulv!i1`}-' ,9? ll-Wulll l8l'l`_I`()l'8 I `ib qnent consideration. I ia`sfate_d Russia 9 4:45` .- .L:. n _ ._-__- .__L_: I`\` ~ ~ W, V, V _.-.v _-. _-.._..`. ._\"en7tI` for the ANo`n11i;:ix.'.-xxvinuei, -_in L .,~thoaq?citi|/`mid .are~amh'vorsed- to take vnbtiannnln ld;v.|IBndO=nnL .-A..- u. -4 ....- *WE]`L)'N?ESDAY.' MAY 20,1863. ; _ ... ...`...- _, .l[l8'0I.!lBl p - _--V-v.. --V."-"I`!`1E`.` We are? uoryy to see thattho {eelfng 'ofth Upper Hol_1_ge_ was in favor of. con- {inning those public exhnfhigiqnl which are. oaitaiuly a di'sgrace`}toFa,Iiy, civilized goiujtty. We tguit-they failure _o the bill this time will not prevgnt _a- rengw - = 9"I!?P 1 Fi degrhdihs _aind.,bnrhumnp-.cIutom- ..-Isxdzinroui. WW6 ,`fi"i5'7?!'-T`[f- A `xyhcli inte'f-mt pnu;;~th:;`piy}iIi6s}9nd ` `rii9dihs..the~.-Isl-btI 4!i|I;Ii-ext! J siLv'!!% f T ' % * '%!i!,!?'*!1-`5355 `5 I . ` ' _._-.`., __-.'-.. U. vuudll` Lt3.l$- Engl'ish_papeIs oont:;i.n_ a, long re-. on the position -of, England wards her Colonies in the riiatlrl of de- fence. '.lf|.1'eAI"tbifin(:'e i handled` very `severely in dnieqffence of the defeat of the rst Militia Bill, the people of. Can- :-af it whole, _ being` held. responsible- for the oonduetpof the part of a_ portion only of their representatives, and which; in faet,..they. bypno: means approved ol`._ The injury` "which such men at `M_c._ Dongalland rothers, VIhose- i:ympathie_n point to-` Washington, dd thojPov5.ie_.1,, pjtimntd- ' u 7 ' port of a debate in the House of?` Coma.- leseening the re_e1ing_ of cordiajiixy bef ,twoeen-.uo._and lend, cannot ~o_ye;- ` : eels :/, is, weluelieve, r.eif1Iped imo;wtitit_ig, `fund: can at any time future be pro- 'duced it` necessary. Be-lbre Parliament ' {meets `again. however; the matter may possibly be adjustedxso as to, require no :Istherlegislntive interference. 1.: the slnould not be` looking after therright of .way.- .If there is anydiiculty in'tl_1'is;: particular (we_h_ave not heard of any) the sooner'itTi_s overcome the better; ' . meantim_e._there is no reason why we ' V1 ,--p-- ~ `The defeat_the Ministry anclphhe ` ` consequent dissolution ofvthe` House has again Jen this matter unsettled; We 1 had hopes at one time that_ thjs, withthe other private unopposed hills, _won1c_be- come law before Pa;;lia.menI was dis-. sol>o:ed'-;; and. w,u._thinkf'ha.ta_some provi- M `sign mnd' emergencies. of] thekind-,, so._t.h'a& tbeodefeat of a min-. ismy should`, nob result in thehlhoss-of the Ia-giislal-i.On. public; and .private of the whale _sessioii in" case they decidedpon appealing ;to the counwn-y. _Private un-.. unopposed bills ought, at leat, to be car; njied through, in all cases, as the loss en-. toiled on -individuals or corporations. under the` present practice is. often very conxsidepble. V . ' `I11 V ' W'e are, ofcourse,_in in . he_VttVe1`;' position. in respect -to the Switch than we were .05 the B.o.ilWay_Coa1panyf in-I of the -bondholders, who hadgteonise to Chan:. :_ ____1_u,,, - at the coVm.mgence_meu`th o"the sessi0n,; for the temnieo the `bill which has passed; : tihnongh committee-had been agrged to. 1by `all linzties, and the consent not only i IIIIIIIUU-` _ '_ - V The Morning Post ed`Ito`ria`l|y Tdeptmfen the Vlrlika bravado of` the A|'ItchI against Eng- landthat hasprevailed Alt conIemls,th_at.thero. no no gcbunds for war between thht two conu-`_ V L Witnnd does notjbelieva in its ptf_obai_ul`i_ty.V

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