PILLS weiqadopied inflhuir Irt-_atment.- ,. _ . - ~ome advocates of Drastic Purga'I`ioi1* er_roneousiy_ {old that gs-ipil_|8. Ifansea, uVickne_ss,`.lenc-`mus. during. Lhe operation "of lheif pills. is a fuvdrabia `sign: if their pills, -expelled With lli {areas `the diseased` f|uino'rs.lei_`1 circulating in the aysiem, (here '\'vould'be but little painvor gripiug; It is !he'absehc1of'Lhe_ bile and oiher hmnuls. whitzh ihi'r;impc;rl'ect 'pi[la*,' I .43 .U'.5.`?`M."r .- -. Solicitors, Barrie-. ' ~-' - r mar : `l"K.:l'JW1" v.R;LT.0g21`r'it`,fr' -s"9`4'91., FIX. 743:` . Bllhigavgrlcasis-woxld-prove_lzIIaI II`-n.Au_vu-L;-'0 .. . V __ _, . _ _ A. . . _. . ' w 9 'n.'lb"' ll t.~ , J ` ` ". '. 2 71"] j " -~_g:" '-_ .S_ome acieslzoctlagglcff 'l)rasI`n:::rPr:frg:?Il`?()"i1'erroneousiy L `he 9`-_fi~'9`A' t- '5 9 .'- ""`9 031? .h.~I"-99? . - - T QN-`-,-=&` .R.=7I~3E_N 3 Ilild that n'ausea,sicknesa, .lenc-`mils. during. ' -CU'l'l'1NG:au.d LOKRD I PR-[_`N mN._.G' _ .(P-`:*_idx,.`,` _ - 1 3 2. ~ ' ":` opemaon of their M-ACHlNER'Y-of-jthe(day.this kind of ywotk can - A -3"33! "'3N l'0:) ;`- *_ ----- lheii p_il|s,'.expe||ed me rm-eeawhe diseased be`o'b miI`:ed`n-`the iho:tes'npti`", M. a.'c'(`l:I'Ii_t;ie__l`.-_-If ' hulnorsleflcjrculatingjn the,s_vs`em,lhe_re '\'{vo1ild`be able,1-eauc|gio|i'onTotonto.P1-icgg; .. V V _ 2 ._ , _ ` V_ _ ` _. Ilfis I_h_e'absence1pf Lhg J . -- .v I 3 ,. - ;`. 'Notam7s', Canveyancerg; j-- blle andolher hmnogs, _whi(-.,h_Iht:ir jmpggrfecl pills,` M ;.;-, .j _, - ~ ` V 1 H _ ' """'a`3 ;`."1a-1.0-`x.Q, 1 "` ' 4 l'ai|'to ' urge oul_'of xha. syslenn, _tlmt ocjc`asionq .-_ll1e ' -`_` ' 1.; .1 _. Barrie, Jfa-nf 1-. I863. . hnin.` v exnmlnimz the slnols evajcualed-nergeilere > -m... r ____ .. ....., L'.'it.r 9 3ii!#N.,.;I4?.r-ins ' . E ] L %%B0s. Townslup >0 1y2`e|pta,e; ellnere `Dy ; ;n9pu,gu_1:e,_- ur 'otherwie.lI?I_r. . _. .. . ` .. ,-`to thc :subfI|-ibe ;m._jthe Grgigburst -Post-.0!,_9. in the'Township o 7 ;day `Of'Apl'il_wney_t'. - v 1 " g .'.a ..n";....;..;... |.;.-: ' "`:-Ivluuun :n(`6i-ivuulr. ,erehy'~,:q:o;i6ed_; .,to_` payhe game qdo'xm;,_ on "at b_gfo`r_e'-the _lst{ 1 , `And alljigrgdus h;ii*iV., : me v'vil_l~ ptbntithemt .il.1.Mmeint on~"9r~bB.f .10 ' 51$! 0! l|pl'll_~llES}. " 3 1. `I "tc1jeiizsV7aa:Et-'itis,v .ti5'3..1`1'4 e fs me'_'p}ace V=for'ad'-5 ::.f':oHNTc1zAxa.:Ai' . :, ' % '~AI4EX.ANDE1 QAIJ: -' I! u`. . ....c o ~"4 .....; I " j AG `BRUCE, in; her .life_th'ne o,t' .tll.e: 'l`o,wnshjp 10 'gV_eij)Ifti,`e either: `by Bond, 4_;Note,_T or ~`..;5;;;.*a.st..;g;a.agn;a;.LA;eLu; mg otherwise,` _. at . pay.` the ' m. 1he'Ci-aiinihul-st` -Pdt` .0i_. A _ ~'#1.4%55..A'.1.`j.3 5' V1.41 hnr_o,_t,24Ath Ja.n 1863.` ER? 16; ` L fB`ARR-l'E.j-fr` promptly _xciiTds.:i.'lqw.`tatea,._ ' = DQo_1_e_s. .5 8Jj1SHE8.a_LW.'d`Y$ 0N:H.&,ND. -_._.~_...1~n"n.-.|`ang-- .- V 114' I . 1 ._ CQriLrIqf_CYollier_.1znd c'1appe:_ton-s`;_'r'.i:;`,._-f,. 0? : W6:-}"'-'.in`. th gbove :vl`SiliE3.V HE`Un3Irigd vr}i?i1:~uizh cuitc; an.p1eas}:ni ; ' "31iyiB:`i!I}\k'liirisgftrim balo robes; '&`e";.,~' ' at G. H. I.)"is't,i'x1s ;V-. Iaint'b VS.i_1`p_.-Woi's1gy,`;reeAt;` RL M-in. ' V V 1 :~..S30.U1.~TY A ~ II/2'1; attend a't,f'm, jOIc'e, cit. `B-rie,j,eve`ur.V v f;_SATURUAY*` frm /I1" a .m.*,="-jlill'r3 p".m.,;f&c-'. ;:,oArd'1_ng;-"to `cu-Ad'er of?C6iidil" and e_,1ery blher-3&3 z_1t his oIce_ajt_ Cogkstowin; . .- ~ . . . -- .- -..__.. n ,' " 5 -.Mc_en`uaze Q] ,me,.-('qcIugy, u_[ >.ru.ys_u.Iu,Iu uuu pm-V _ _` -':bg'o7z*`,:"bf`cotlaz1Vu:l.`_ -. V Member .of_ I.1_1e: Go1lege_ o7f_Pbysiciaps; nd Sm-,T' ` u '_ 'g`eon.'Cg_ti`ada... , 'V , GOR__QN_E_R'_ 1ro`1.%f'lf,HE "_0.0UN.TY or .smcoE.` _ . N.3.--:Dr:iKe1fy.-?`ba`` beak-apfsoizea -L : adj})i|1_ing-.' gl;v7en . Drh "Store; ~ ( A 3nd d(ir_Ll; -qpposite .the5-Meghodbist Qhapgt.-` J.-1 Qoionerfor the County of`-`Simcoe. T ` - . `P15.-j_-"SV_!ude1`l|tS pitcpafeli lo 1'zt.cr`any of [he pafi6s" 5 Medicallbqlleges.` j 3 . -n..:n':.. n... sin? 1amq.`.- '~ . n __2,1ssoi':_iafb_ . ' RE 'PER F,EC.'l' "PU Nun l>lVV :49 . they -.are dp'dn'enI,' "tonic, laxative, stimitlam, nter-irrila,nt,_ sudorific; __nltervtali\{e. They_ are- 'rely Vegetable zmbstitutt:-for`Catomelg. Me,rc'ur_v,` ituotiy,'Blue_ l"i_l|,- in the 'Arcan'of ~Meli`cine; evactmnls, they tire ntore;cer_tain jjtd thorough the Drastic Pills of `Alocs, .o_r1C_roton `and Hat'- h'ali_ng than Sctm'a,'u'r Rltttbarlt; or Tamarinds, _astoxOit. .- `-. j ` -` ,AS A'_LTERA I`I;VESx , 1 ;. ,4 4_-.__:..- - ._ V. ...........a1.l.tnmiuhn -nveir the Oi|,,or. ~Elm-tcrium; nndimore sn'nthiu'gi=and.. `um: um j(.)qrillvia,` 0,ct.?2 7`; ISQZQ. z;a;i2:,- _fith Jai_ri`,1,':183s3. A .--on urn--1 4- ` -"I-.V V Banri; .I*_`ebrua',ry `$5,: Al-8152.. 11.; I5. _.-U of 9 u _v_ vp_vP,1.-.\__..: Liceiitiqt qf Ilze j.-Fqculiiy, of I.?IcyVs_ici;z.n' . "1:-nn`qu`_V .\`tnlInn.'l .` - '.'.f*"."A..-"-A'.'\'!'Y',!.""1.1;. :. GR.f1'DU.> 1'TE ~ -'01? THIJ1 U7NIVERSI.TI_7" OF` ` 2 4; V = To1gpNTo.- ; ` --~ ,-.6 V_._V-.-w-.'r -_?_:.t_-.\ 1 1 .. - '...:ioucxia.:k2;c .,_,_,,_,q_ <~ . _$.'~`1!:>` ~ > ` _ " Wiiod1-Ikrtijzsibi?`0oizRI:onb.-gMany _are_ ` .,. ,/.,>_,,._.,.._,., N '1. Q . 9- `_ sol;-tm'oRs = d.H.?cNcnf`: 123?`; 41:: nsm_`o1o w- . . . ` 1%.`-=.f:nfiIe1...:-.r' :ra-A-.`& !hi9:i#.!=8!95`vW'9`' V - -. . _:'.?~ . _ * J g`g`(he Omit! `.i-`infov esthe"n`si"of wojrms, the` '- Baum C2 17- ":te'rg'ti*disbIi??> 3 a.m;vaim.A::-L "un:i.erara ;by{s:sd-sehavcoels .L-ILn;y_L_'A.~i!- g&h`A*1t(D` has lloiin hint: I _ a 3: ~ .,nm.. Edixnhft >fW.?ms." "" ""Wi '""7`su-i 1j.;.1:%'.?_~.`.; ;f._t1ses wom;oana,,- . K can .Bnl;'_Iio_oiu yvvagu u, u-.-:..--., . Jaiuua`r:y_;2_;h,: -1`se3'.~, `AD A._lJ1.Dl;\.n11;v,n-.2 _, - _ ey ext-rcise a more ppwerl,`u|vinue'n'ce -ove_ r the j r, and fl: aecrelioninhan calome1,"me,rcury, blue ` hene lheir.impo'rlance"in cases of Live; Com -7 'ms and Spin"-en difrflnlxies,` _Jaundice,_ Dyspogpsia, V our a1lacks,'HeaJV-a'che`. GL9. `In the"1rea lm'r-nl or ' ver; enhcr Bilions, Yel.l_ow,.Typhoi'd,` gmd other. 4` u`(-.in`g fevcrs,lhey are superiur19.quiu'ineJ "l`hc`.-it" : uenceextends o_v er.lhc entire syslem,` c'onu_ollin'g. niglhe`ni_I_1g, and brag-.|ng-up the relaxed and `was!- xncrgies; a'nd_ rcgulang all Vlh'efs_eL-rliuns-lo'1he` l`u|_'a| p_cr:l`oimun'ce_Vnl` lhcir _d(m'es.' cleansing mid - "rIf_\~ing ,lhe'l!bod,and purging frum the sysu.-ln,nll' .......i.1`.-n.. imnuni humurs.' - ` .. -' - V" 1} 7 JOHN 1w. -1ioniiow.-- ~Barrie,Qembeg`2ndJ;182T.. '-.49-3m"; `I: III Ulll\iU`D_l_ \.Il.f\!l\Bl:\lVI'Ila , ._Barrie', Feb. 17,.1e2_.._ ',_ "A Ba}-g_,1FbA;*;l6', 1:_863_.-T >.R:.;J "u A!` Dlninabvon-ng and Q1 9'. A Tun. 4-H:-fAM,|,,_l.T'Q F-FICIE`. `and _ residevnc` `Mp1ca,terv4Strei;{ Tat? ,-resi_fince.6f.--H`emfy-Dougigl,Esq., ; T ' -n1A_rKE'r~.Bts,dc1;,j_f1;A1n1ns_ _ ..--:.:' D..l......;.... n:v `mm 1 .' n 3: - L` i._.IV.,,e%3'1;'_1~'%ftAv'11`*`II1m- v1;IL ".4- . 5 ; `'A'Aixtioix6"agfor};:tl;g;{_;.g % ` 1 `gag-`}:"_:Ts?c*333asw 1: 'rIh6vc; Q. hi; 1 residxice b`dj`oi. ' old]? Pdif` .3` yiinr %GUTTER:& TFIMMINGA AB TEIIIOVC ; '1!'i .1 `?"!T`A7;f" H N, A:1?ubltc; ` V ,1jzA1`za1n`,_ co; sxncps; 'q_.w_.. `_ , 4_ * *#9n-wrsnt- 4h6:mnf-: ` . hnrvuvmrr -11!!` nn`I7 - ` ke_from one t,o'mrv=e;n a nrlsx` jlnu: uIVu_Ivup-> , "is desird, nke [rotn f9ur`t o'oix.' . '=`i R CE 95 CT!`/S, perl `B61 . . cuntxining [lb-' =SOLD..BY DARUGGISTS. ' In 1 V - R-ADWAY gs co yt. .3 ` ' .87,-MAIDEN LKN .2 ::ARI4aeH;y:iaa}%:ARDAGIs '1-' _: .; --- =._ __.__.A_-_ .. _._. _._ ;5'6iLi 1 5H iii:-I-T1170 1) (vi :b6:rxsIrir`:isSnkA3 n'v`.|`i1a .'~-;~'.=a .1). -4 i; 5. .i~.'.'*.` :" 30 135} . ngough gigkneu .2 14 500 = ` -3': :5": I IV.` ' " -' ' '0i'{J'y15i5i:'i':t3ou.i33{w pt. ,_ A <.LJeP9&~r;9k.s.r9m;.9f` W1" V, .0nnt'lnIent. cxnensbs '3. `; 1 u"0> u nf_q ndlgeuoo` was-- - L2-ly 421- `A ma; R A`DWfAY S -` ':l. ."I:LLSj`i . _-__'s- ;....a.-..;......a ma. .'m.$m-'mnc'e of nufzm f H - i'e'I\,ei)x,I'a.'zl]e'a_Vt"erL`u'1a; "one,:,scr : Land; <'on-+8.. w.`.c:m'-a`er offLbt~ No.?5; in , _?1t1G16n.,-gIt`1os..(K.W Survey.) ._ There is a_ Frame Dwelli1ig".fIou'se`24 `by 26 rerected on-"tho Lot,` with Cjsgerns, Ugit-h_o_'us's; `& :_:.` '_'l`.he_:_above; not is inf; very de;i;rableLsitta,,aTtion for a" Shoemaker. ~ ` '11.- m.;`_a.... ....4..l..vo..-,. ' 0 BE, SOLD on reasonable .tjerma`.v50-ac:eI of . ;`~Lan,d inigbg '_1`o'w1}ahip of. In.|1i3,ls7b9iE'N'-- Quae:-"of-L'o t.Nb.' Yinjlhe _8(h'_OOIi.[ '=Tl_leALand _ ia`npximllb.nt'numlitv. and -25 acres clm-ed-I8 Quartet UlL`Uo I III _IIIC Olll _\_JUIlo_ `J.IJ|3`lJIll|I _is_` of..excellent ;qug;ligy_. _a_nd- -2 acre:-1 . clnrd--_I8 iof. whicp are p1dnghed`an`d;ready for spnng"crops,~. nndfbne Cbnce"ai6n" frdm"Tl1o rn(oIi. ~ V or Wglcp aw 5pI.,v Il_|xu\=u> IVsl|,utu`u_y wt 3] a_Vnd. one C_onc`esaIon~' fromTh);-nton . 1!; _ 1.. N consequencelof somuch vDAMP`W_H_EA"l` being.o`ergd foz';a.1e.7in .lh_is max-_ket,_ we. desire ' to'ix;fot:i1 Farmgrs a_ndothe:sVhavVing,.Wheat- t_o _.seIl,-[tlnit weimust absohxtely refuse to purchase? ` anv which` hasnot had bestoy'ed;u po`I.1' it Que re"- p . . _, quisit(;'_a.g,e`ntiotiin dr~ing,. I ` I A _ Sellers willsee that 1!. is nniiossibla for the our: _Iu\|-.voIv vs----.... - -... f A .F'o` par't'j1l_1r_s` gpi31y :; V` 5-4t..p,_ i '- JOH_rf 'DE AIMPORTANTJTO%*"W3RS-{I qulslt_ag,r1L|uu nu us"-11.13.. ` ' S!lers;_wi|l.se that 1s nnpossibla for the put: clxasgr to bestow that care upon -.lu-`gejots which Vthdfnrmer caxreasiiy do inihe a_i1_1aller`1_p':a:g'c;ls he gay ha.ve~t o_disp.osebof."' " ' -.w~.7& 1.-_Mo}sn._."~ ` Tubs. -L; HiLLuw;x.L,' _? ' ?THos`. Rpmisori, I ` W: (."?nr . i%n-s%2Ae;nss2a] lance fugln lAnsvt.'A'ecd|inl.. . . alsh from-'l`o,wnsh_ip`0ol|oc!.oTr; Taxei 1861'. .1... .. .. -* - ' 'Goun_ty. Tre}si1rer,.`Non-Resident-Ljhd >'Ifa"x>je |' ' .vReceiverGeneral, Municipglitien Eund .: ..` u -- 1 cl` ` ` Land `I_mprofV.mOnt Fl_ll[C`.; > ' .-.` ...n-_..'.... c,..`-mmmrn l`.icenae'.;. q 1 ' 1323 fisnsi PATE"$I?1 -.':"`, A 3:`Es.'e'%i=`. %%?`%.%-TA? V?`?`?rWash~i8:.*1!1hIne%TPATENT ;Js1?1?IaELA:PARER.% ` g %_rme-N4 ' -' . ` T T ' 'An`n1.'s- Parimi. corine'.'-an s1io| 1':g9laohino.>. --- `-any .13 W Ivggvuu. uaucyuup lauvf vuvuyvnu cun- bes \VaslliII;g:AMa'h_irie.'ih,the market,` and` ' M:,;$ix}gh m}: A Mu, I Biirn(t,- Mrs. - T .pdoe s":Ii" V` work in {lie niostf saysfactoy uia`:iife_x'~`_; Ladies 5;-,e inv,_ite`-to try"it whether 1.hey_.p\yrchase .,tl'1"e xn:'\h'm"o'1"i:6t: Those who hho tried it wotiidfnot; b viithoiit. itjfor double Aitsvcostff "' The 'fol|o}vinjg11idies5in'Barri have tested tho M`a'hii|ei' 'nnd;t;1~; satised`w,i_th'its qgrgtiolis :- r__ < wry, .__l;(r`;s.' Fraser, Mgs . '-=G'e6rg_-*Lqpt,- Mrs; Rogers, fa n_d ' nihern. ' _ .~ 4 ihv."h'apa:t `and: I hes "Washin'gAMn`ch_ine.'in,he ;\_n_d doa's"I.i`f wm-it i :i- Hie mosit! nn.ti'fa.dto uiamfex-`. 011153113: ,1: :2 , V7 X. I` it --V 2 fI1l_1,n;:`_ Vdexgigned haitin ,.'x`>ur9u:dLthg .P9tent 1 Right fox-*_the Gbunty _ pf; ixi19je`isVnov;i1_prepn`red _ In an rinlv `all: nrm-a. -"or Mucus is I1ucl_g.g`1jejiter;in Chi_l.d_nen'n'nd' Adults. iij'rsui$is`f9hai Si; Si! t`ais: % ~P'ance, Md a..9hi.ld.i e.a_Iir;z.xI."is` `wholly`'.nc9`n+ - Mi "' :mi1s:i$iihn,rm.['sh..;;1e;ai:e&i1in5;i.ii.`` 1: ?fWo1-ms; produce their young. ;._(1`_hiI_secrgtion, : When they'aEeV,'ot-in: @506 ,liilli"vo_!1i I'V:i1,Iin- ' cre'5a".e' `ithaisoniliipgiapidyfvi The Mucus pi-` - 4 9n'i:'gsil'5hd gis'": fembvgl itginfeditely ghg gang ._ `gt-1o,ua_,pA`f_t&!ig'gflhd|qiiiei:xwhre wonns` exigtg ' V t,|ie`r1a"sult'a?-_r'6*b.:yu,xndfdescription; - ' .= - 7: ' ; A child?of~.-1en.years}ofTao...of Rev..J. McDoq- - 1: Vruaur, 0| ,to;s\I_;`pply 'n_ll3 order; " 1 T116 :'\i`ride`x'sf,igue,1 'ba_1i',i1g1fpuioh.sgd the ,P;zt_nt V i Right foi`5 the`Gbunty of; n`19'e`isV now} in-epared . . if `.' w;1`:, .-*.`; GE_0`RGE :1 HGa:tpepterf__aI3d*Builder.f Ba&fe;F:N<;i ' % .14-W` i V % t,ne`resunn a-re'*oeyunaV u_eacnpuo,n.' AfchiId7ofa-ten;yearsof_agc,..of Rev..J.'M$D6q- -A `Fall, Dun'de,_ pa_,e, V. gwgg; 5Q,0; gqggms " in `three. ays,'whiclj helisli ' 5:-g! bi he1iaves.b'yVGoAd',s blessing, `saved my chi_ld!s.liI'e. T'l~`housan`ds of 2 ".i9h319:1!`r5!i P*9P5'?-`"'*" A _ .. .. '. A Wuoxa --Imrnts ,bx*Goimacnb.-'-_Many are ..-.'..=.:..`.-'.vn.m.`:'.:-at-.m"a::.'.: `nu-`i 9:19 .4.nanI.I.'u`-db hfivai-mg` ' .`_'I1l_t?,vt!}im9Ii,,QlI*:pr giv:,n`;(v~:_!1:,_I,1_:_"_gql_i_t;i`,t.b;-V7 . . wh: 0 '3 " "tn ' u. -A -" "5 7;", v'.~ v3 ega `'v 6i3's, `)it::vto;`I:Il;s'3b:?:' . =!1!!-31!!! 1-: I` IE5 XIIIICEQQQ 1 :5; _-|_a, p:ggwguu|anunv, 5. ; a-.-_. - -q .--_- __ __ __ :nsg:a1ipa.`.au-muonsmerqpitheynugdiuhaw; V ' ` .4: `T `V `"?`!??"!'?"":'*!!I1I`;T- asxna ...m 1 `to " 1 : !r i.'t`@3.a"i&II@x`(1E $335` . J J_,,~,w;; ;'2a;`.;,A 0:{.%.nAxnfAril::gg;,I_1.`"f1g', . FM 77*: ="` f A2" .n:o.h1n..fnr.DrAu|h 4-S ? P % %*a$.&*z,$aoK:?%z% H;USE& 4I++~ND;{%F>11.LSAL 3r='7 3 RQBT.` :OROK ,~7_ 34 ll _ Vt!" Il_VA_lnuni_uuun . ?_F,'9rV Tijma ._a.pjp!y to` :' %%1FARM%i i% rO}R isA1.s; xauve,-.lhat wnll purg and heal.-soulne anu renglheu, |ikeV '-BA-DWAY'S- '-REGULATING V .lLLS,:'i required. .- The cause. of. so many death; ghesediseases is owing {o the wiqnt or `a purguve 'ke.RADWAY S PILLS, 1115!! will pmjga, without iepleting or ,inte_rl'ei-ing withthe `I(x'nclioIi_s ',aif:-other Iecro.-lions; 1\ln_t`ohe`in n` bundred'of`~Ye]|nw' and nlher feverlcases would-pro'\_'e {anal if -RADWAY-A S. PILLS inflhuir 'Irt-_atment.- _ Same advocates of Draslic PurgaTi0i1" erroneousiy 75. 953?`? :39 , A JOH ' I>EAt3(i,f:li__>}5priez&r;.. 1.. uagb` V; ,C_. J .1-1DVR_URY 19;. SA-NIDERSI, ' " hrniahnrul "'1-'1. .'.>~ ' ..'.-L ::%1UDl l?0ARl . Dill` UBBD (f3.braig_hnr stL'.-_. 32949 39%| Lilli? :51?-130; .: 648 46. I iGre*ies, ":7:-z,$_.1 .'fvfhiii{.h'?xi11T~`aeii liif1 Jfo:.fAsH:" V -V , . 1 _ g LNATHANII -B"*._7t_h-`?'"9r;.1$5?,_.1_;* .A 1 % ' % 4, :3a`:rie,5_May i6,V'1sp'o.' 'n,_-,,9_ Ir-.. an 'l!'l!l\ - . SPANISH `S019...Sldz5fr. t7bi>ef.`Kil5.`- c`-it - Harness; lV3i1 1di1_'_ng',.'I`ilIi |1.8;.39ema.kers .T Find,-, ihz.`&.c.- 1 V-; . _ -- ' .- ANDREW-GRAHA.M,.A? = '-.-on.1f . % Bfojorrs snags: ij% j ----- I. , VERY and domt T Ladies Enax'ne1l'e,d`Kid .and Pr,uneIla _Gaiters,._ A `Bnskihs; `Boots; Genfs can, Kipand=Course;~ Misses`an'd'Ghildren s, of eve_ry` variety` a`n_d__ 61316, which \_i1.l be kept_.,on stan11;i)_n.haxV:d,` r__ T. :_ I A1` PRICES N01` @110 in .UNnnR'so;.;'>1 V ._ ' V` ` ' ANI)_REw}; 1XHA`m, ' ' - i 'm.u' - ' - uI~ ca `nn- _`Ba'x-A1,-line, May 1{, ;11_3'9;_ I III-IAIILWII U95 Iv` , ., ---uu-V--u, -couitsii';ii:ig"fI)utiea `of `P u\h'minste'n'; and `Rxil_ed.' Fo`nns fo_r' none; ud")Y9xfk Accoutiga. M - `These '1 f_ox'-x_1T:s_ are 3f 1:0 :-`y ooh maaI,qrg.I, . K. \ Nces` fo ` 4 nnnr In A vnn\rfn1I' Ii`-RICE: vekms; Ator%A%`rs;a+ --..-__. .4: .J.`_Ula1UUB 99 lvvyagwun ~.v . 4. DE9I9A...'-%"1.'i9- or ("E1C.E.i{. j % I ~And"u1l other_ .muuicip;a__ B1ank`s_-rorj.`are`;cf tm; . V. ;.n..:....m Qfce. " . .-1-.`|-W. ""f'aI -----m -- _-:-~ --.. _. ~ f*Bd_'1h ='w'i; th53L;iei in `:1! 1a`9W~4Pfi9f b! 1` .f R,.ILYAN'.. f " _ ~1_*o_`:' sag, W`53ele1'e_;aid;I{e:` `3_._RyA};,. ` -A `X __(}epqra1-'HnrglTware Wgrthouse, . 3 ` ' - '"',1l4"Yong9 S_tr_e _et." A .J'ror.9.ngo,.,Oct',,=1Ass21 x "IQ:-_aa|o_y_v g|=1_v`npau`,`nuu .`;y::-4`-.5 at V" ->._.,-.'.`.,, _,_. mpo12%RooTA4 ----' --- " A ' nuvininh -_;'I :1. % . I "J. lJLIu.'Va..L_ _\:a.v-_,o`u\;_rZ\`a - - Tdiflferezw r P1399- .14 `--" I` -3-` .:f...v.V `.!;.V.-. L .11.':1.I?1i0..V1... . ..'='.-. ...1.. . !.3 1"< ,5.EDv,. . 7 ` `Which cnts.di'6?`l_i!g~lh8f6f`F_1 iv 3:} 1:14.. _"_I- L.'. UTi'1;`1V?{i"'A o'e*'$`12.j ' ' Imprter of E 9P.`2t. 9g :!3`. 7?': , r BU RNS,- . f . , `o ': Ml` _ `DIIIIIV-":1 1;" - `lppSt_r'ee5g Birric,-bog; -. -to" return his aincerei ` . ` t,!,m nk.a:.,t1i :1I.i9:'csI.s-; = T tiomers, for t_hg,.rvery A ,.libera.l supp9r'h6}hu`- X _ -* received sincajbis` ' .sidenceihBauie`-;;In(l1-`1 `f,_.1 W ,. , ;hayinx.V,inm9s9d;..hia _ r . . I .:fai1iti_eaf; Qibc, .._6rl.< ofithe; viii Bwdamipei vti<.>.n.-,.~ .9 .`Prew!!.M .1- MI =.. st'r0nc9`r.~;.clatim .--in" xi- their_`pgtrqnVa'ge. `i ` 9` j 4 _ ` E4vgy`rqhlsite f6,r `_spo1'-umo?_'nsupp1ied oi the InostVreasonab1e}term'a . T ;;.' ...? .. ' : nIMt_u.VX:cu1':p`:~v;|'ru, ozslA`r9'u.--; _ 44." .kid 9: F1353?!-1 1`.A`.".:K 1-..`.'_"*.=*." 'I'-i* .,.'A;I xgnug (_)!_-1"1n1n_u. ` i\ `_-. V; Bgrrie, April 33,- 1__se1. . ` V U V~I"*lib`5i"`?F: 1.?.1fV *=`!"-3-`,";*?f"i'V'53t'!'.: Lot ` 1Hnlla`,.0iocls, for ifu, ic - P "1`>IIjIS. ..iiI;, , miesiaii; 3G6ld'f$555ig`Eld "Plains 4 $911105-DOOVHWH! 95F? .s..;.. .1 ,u....ma`..-5; comm. contra. ng. mey Will 06` Iuunu nu}: nuu nun.- `AVOID ISALI-NE PUR_'GA'l`IV.E_S: :7 -- -..._s....- ...;. :..'."h.`-hnhii nf lillziril S` .'lZT..f."z".TA"`53"`.?'a"`~f`..i'-*'5)T`.i`t`A '7"`3-{"`": fAp`pl- Psrin. coring",-*-an _S}iG`iI8 Nhjin` ".;',I~i }i-"_~l.r~r_'-;_`.@' `...L...... .'" `.55 _ Ha_lla,.Umees, srupuc n{l}_ul_I,,yuu ;guu:uru- -Olxeipaii ."'.-:d`("`%.`_,"9'-.`?9.'7- `||`.9"'-*` "".-`='.F." -"". _ti9s'-5. -!91=;:,v!`i9tI9%3hr.)Ie. milsunrntee miqn inn-vrhwm Tfavot him `with their ` -new um` i} o~ptid_e in th`ai'r.lu`mes,' -ii l.ih.-.:4`oA -.-.Ih- iro1I;sh.a;wu1- As-.-d.:o:n xiv- : :ue,.:13'A'.'.'."." mi` A N A, A _ .. xii` nnazn-.m`nnn'er. Jndiathlli ! zem;: j .,-.;..now_.ursamu-A way. A 1;. . >,. -" ` ` -`I ' ` , ._ . - J`. , . wt-It fr,-At 3 i3"!?.1 1315:` V17 zziiegv iied$it;'i?`i>. nms,% ., 3.4 1\'_.4I.'.; .-h.'..', ADI.` "Du! nu u v-_-w `upw- I-3.9`? $.19 .-!*`..Y'.;: .=..,C.~;1 -4 ':r.._L. . 3. ;~` V.-',_s;,i rRmLES;&c, *3` c*.-.-.2}. " : %UNs 7;`: Arwtim; 'Z-:;7e':: <`:`.:"': V: ..=_: . :3: 4, : 1'iuII'QllO8``i:;Vi'9il11;'1!f!in!11'3L(.3!`393n.3 V. " . 2;`-? -T3 1. BQRYTAN, '. ' ibrter Haxdmagg, 114;:Y9nggSkt. . e'r..1ss2.. -~.; 44-? 1 `)1-iz W.L:51z".: __ 1 4 ` IA` ` ` I. .:.-um -.. 5 . 1~ 1;: hgvg _ __ ` Qjehce ` ' 51;` at :t.e`ee;ry t`s,e`t.ae.`-`cg-_;p; ,. L_ , r A A the] .hv:s9"?=*>-9!i9 % .,19!>,#; . ` ntnc `,;:#3h.= ..`3._b ' _-9 0 ~`_ .'Hs1";'_.".ER'l`w';'.: - w_a:_1m V g . -> -.'_.'9..HI.nn4`In` rfn;m. A 20-11 . x`1~t'GHA~'nt,egsV iofinform thekmeixing . oommunity that he has taken that. favorite old Slaxid, lhe_ `.` Queen : _ Arma,_.whih "is being. fitted - up and i`enovated"iri the most thorough marinr, and can assure his-pan"-oxis thathis wholo.-__ caden- vors Willvbe made to place} the es,tablisbme`n$- fore- " mostin pointof comfort and accommodation.` V B.arrie;-.InIy3.o'18_61-`.v; 4- ~ -A , 2'8 - V -.i 1`= A'oJ;x i?RY,. ` h1it._onhis niov1emeht,__ io a'ace`r12`fn whether he 3 his of has nqt__a_Hgl1't to livewin his" ` ~ --no-up-in 1.-'1? --r-1-1-!-1 Aug f:.;;e:k1iy}.;{d @5115}, {no ._-F ?l_ -_1VIiA'_S O N 2 s 1.11 M-A, L` B Y' J.:Z1MES. me./1132'; ` Moniusbx AND MUExvOK'A..-ROAD : A 1A1_mi_Ies,from thAS_evrn Bridge ;' 8Tn_1 iI es frdm ':Mubkok;: -Falls; n'nd_ hdlf `a mile" from Muskoka' . June 2451861.: " ' - T_ ` V 26~ LVJZ " - LLJ.I'.JLJ.L.I.LV.LL.JA.` A V b- hichis-`cptnctly V . V _ ..QP1_ .9SITE HIS OLD `ST./2. ,\{TD. ' Owingto .the_n'umbe_r of witnesses necessary to pro}veithef Above important "fact, it` isnot expectad tha'f'th'e Coroner's Jury will come `to nny`has t_v -detsio'n.' The "public-_will,` therefore, not be de- pi-ivet} ofgthe many "comforts his; Nw Establish-' ,ment:atfo'rdg during the investigntion; but. aathe. witnegea consist/_.principa1ly of the travelling Vcolhmunity, it is _earne`stly requested that they wi|lAcnil,~and `give their e'vid_ence{v'v_ithont beingv _snbpn_enaed, `at. their earliest .con.i'e.nience; . for` _which_ `purpose : conveyance marked -to Fraser's wilrattend the various, trains at each arrival and . yiepgartnneunt.`t.h`eSon_th_Ban-in Station. A; . . , f__ `nrfinnn __L ._ __-- ._ % ; ;T,mmEVs;LrxcEy, % t;.Marl:et. A " _ n;.hags &iSron.rthe.ub1ichuhabaaiaixen I V` . S123 d!.:9ffB.1-'L.ls!miih Wnrkon. 111 most 1o__et`I3ggl'.."" '- ` : '."u:`iu`Inn'|`--Ink`: I;n a`3.:\.n;n'" in: pan ;fPoy.oy. a Old: `suma, Awherg heia prepared to A +.'.9.'9%'!!',!.v.`9-!!.!-.....: 1 ~ ~ .LIh`thh'_'Slioidg .5riihfoE'-his business he can g:oi)p`et6' wifli tiff`-t'i`igi:`dui_an 5i`n"this`s'ection of, . agnadi; `lldjviligailill fcousidethbie xperince xin '[al_l;pnbu;0l'..11InUni@eKiggdom.1gaa1\:o|l {as the 5!a!s8..;9!an!9!?94!i -meshr tv-..`-th.-m.era1 -mt? ' . .tie_'e.'qI=`i:!$!.' ,.H,9?:eSh.o.er;;1re.T.c:sxi1sunrantee ` ' "gm Mrnin -`fstot mm `with Inna; um: 1: . ..`a.;:A. :. aka . mung. A T Goier`norT--Gcorge_ Perciva1 Ridont. 9 ' A Dpuly`-_Gave'_rnor-\\"i_11ium Proudfoot. 1\`*'r'tr;f;. -nnuumnnn-.n"tm` mm -..;.a .`...-n..A . --- K : 63` % A}._a'3`.v`_97`3.314!`-'3UuvJ"I,a'I3:31 3. `v . 14' DRAvEi.LiRS Hill` and the abosie new Avery ` 1 ya; s'uit.ed to.thei:`:9mf9rt_. " V :EDV_V:A~FtD ,1: ans;-|oa,& fB_:RE`W.E` S.,B~L0.CK, BJRARIET I V : EGS vto=_c'a1!=theat tention of the. X H .xinhabitanVt|.-of B_Ann_n,'andLthe , , ;.IIn_rqnuding. neighbourhood, to_h_ia . having; `had considrahle, experi- 1 X_I. ejnce` in "che_. _CU'l"l'IN G. DEPA.R'l?- ` `_ _MENT iI I t_h9;.W_e'Qt of "Englaild for J: the l'uIt_seven' `y_d`ars,~ and trnstshy ' attics atgengipn to -orzders to merit , : -:4s1;sre'9tpublic;snppoxt.,. ' `Ti f..7W9,RK.WA;nnANrsb-`.. -. .?an-I e,Mnrch_2;__15a`," - V ': o-_12moH .~r,3_...-.- -. ---v ._ ` Bar_ri_'_e,, Jan.`-25;j, 1s2;7_ n,saamagpiaaunan. Ham. E3grc1;LLEN'1~.A`V.T.aBL7 I1vs. ,5 ' . SI! ;. 2ag2.2_;;1ngV: FBASE1 __H0TEL- _, .5--,'_lV`WHjI:lu _l.|llI sun: a 5 aggggsgig V-9"-' `-"' '. .7". ' `vi _"""..*v 'IL'L7 .-comxmucs-_ to held , `not, on 'the` V i3ARl;2_VIE: Ho`1;ii;, ,V_'BA,RRI.E, .C,'.`S., . 4 %T%aAvE%Lums ` l3.tB I.i-. {1~I__1:s _KI'1$I..j IIAJAJ M-g v .v-----_..__ _ .yI ._v.,-v, _m:sH.m1':a of .4o.mom~ ; -1. ~ . ` I I . \ _: , 4:6`:-,..,_, ::~il.l.0MI-3 `,`FFIC.,E'o, - -............ nu t.vnt.InIzI'l.`AllI`I!I|1I.III'-`Xm' '1-`o'1t`d Iii` o;~' ; % _ a-4e--W-Ievwu. a(*:.;g_.;j..-;_;';. 'ol_Iess,_and< ind:-vesuon. , In 1A\(-.uv.e and-inlf the b.owels,V bilious cholic,irheuma1ism.'gout...6zc.., ' mg ~lim,d:ol'7pills to lake: :1: .nAD\v:*`vs PILLS re lal;en,a cure-wil|'t'olIow. -' '? " ' ;n,'Goul, Enlargement of the I'4ive:_r,,-S,ple_en ; En- , rgen)ent,;di:eas'es chusedjby the, excessive. use_ -of oiad areoprescriho-d'freel\'.. _{u tli ese'rliSe88_ev,'_RAD'-. :in,,and1he'paxient avoids the c_Ia_n`ger=which-ail ver dose of Culchicum woul_l'inic'l_. . ' - ~ ' las, Small Pox,` purga_ti'_ongls lalghly sseiilixil; `bn1_ ,IduIinisler'a dose of Daslic._Pi|ls;,lhe_f-ir;iI,alion_- `av would produce ,:a_ml1he relaxation anldeplelionv. at would~folluw_,Awo`u ld be likely? 'to"pi'ovd,faIal2-" n'th_ese cnsezi, 2; mild soothing and erilly'vs'_lii_nul_n_(in_g- xauve, -um! purge and col. -ioulhe and I ammalory discgas.-; the irritation ~ need by _llae_:v'Drns`u'c Purga>live`PiVlls will not only v crense'tlIe`disease, but induce.ulcerg'|inn :'~lher.e[mje,` ~; real cuulion is required_in' `nuacks 'of_i_ull_am n_1al`ion 1 'l`here in aclnss or clironi:_dis.--nse`,Chronl <: Rheuin'la- " alomel, 1VlerVcury,v-Quinin, in `which Colchicm n,. A'Y S.REGULATl.NG PILLS are far `more cer4 _ In Yllow, Typho_id,`and Bjlious I-`even; .{.`. El-ysi-' % n-milhen. likeV '-RA`DWAY'AS' -*4:-;~;v=::: 'un;.;.a"r~' 5.-.`.-an-htnv mm a canadag jLife Assurance Go y . _-'1--vy 4-war -; 0..Gi.lu.:or; . A. `Karon! -Dom-go Mickie,` i . ' JOchiI|':G. Bend, . ' Thomas H,aw,9:th`,V ;Roherj_Gll_nn_t,_ _ _- ,Robrt Stanton, . , . - Ann V ' .' `John McMu rrich,`T ' ]Wm. Hendencn, ' `Secretary ' and b.z1`1_'Ae'zs12g{1_',-`8ernu rd Human, Ed` Solicitor:--Angus "llorrIwn,- Esq. T . A V Te Westerh beiu'g`an-old eshbljshbdlnd no-Vv ` esslul Oice ant! hating I largo` reurn ,l'nId,_ can aord to do business on. most libenl un_nr A- `dnd claims for"-losses-by u nnrpromptly an e.g_uim_b'ly5settleda ., I . A , i - ` V - ? - . T JOHNALEXANDER, . - _ .lgon:at V Bands;-,.Jan..1ss42. [ __ 4 my Barrie;-,..VIan.. 1862. _ J ` uv Iv Luftnuu -Q.AUAannav-1, I Conseqnent bu` the investment of all the Com pany s funds in -th,e4Provin ce. V : - - u 1 ., ,1l# __ L_ _-__! _'.__.._I 3"": -' ---'-- j-- --.- - 7 ~> ' j- - V t . [Premiums payablef annually, or by semi-annusll or quarterly instalments at the option oftho aSSuxted;- V ' - ' ` ' _ `ANNUAL AM)` Most A AMPLE _1~:xH1nI'rS Vs :! i'es1'4Vie1,n.t,--'_(':`:';V>)fII nI_c-xI.T.li'- :-:i!`ro.f _Vwe-Pra!!!et.1rl|#I9U`.R9-!.1F'%!`. , p-mw,!; V` 1. A .u.'., , _-, I ll.-mun I?nnnIl| ' 'A.wN'tiAL DIVISIONS or "Pnon'r,7 A ' as preferable to divisions at intervals of Me, IOVQI A orgienyeara. j _ .. -. ' ' HO_M_E_ }IANAGELIEN'l`,' .the1-'eby'. `securing'a."speedy adjustment of china: and liberal regvilations for, residence and tniel. : Nn fnrwr nntlnv remiired from the Bill!!!` I`)-t9_.Vid"(;`v;8I\lv\-0l'l.,_f()_lT'." Mr.`Stratl_ry, 'o_n ac-cc ._,;Geor_ge Iiasvreuce, I and liberal regumuons 101', resmence lll1(l'l|'IVl. No further outlay required froinvthe nsaurgdr than the premium. . V A - ' ' - `V JAMES-PAT'l`0N,..gent.~ R.G.S., Medical Referee; ..- --.---. --.`--, `l3VVr1-ie, "Jam, 1862. vALsSURANC,E C0m1_ ANY % ._FJ.|R'E ` AN7D N.|AR'lN E., All) ' up. Uni J Linn, nun nun: uvn ISIS! investgd.` V ' RATES at lowest Jtigizr: cohsistent with safety. [LOSSES liberally pdjusted and p;o1nptly'Set1lgd _-AGENTS] aVt_a.1lVth'e `principal localities through- ou} me =P,toviuAc_e. ` :---.- Ma!nVzgAing Diiru-lAo A---'I`hom_as William. Birchd. . T So`l'cito1`--Clai-ke Giunble. I Mabndgef ilfafine DephmeM-i\ illiiim Stetlrd. . Fzre"In,pec:ar.T-`E.TRoby o;Bx_1en.,f . . -11a2`ii:e'17Aza1'2ect1`1j- --R<>`ds:_tick Couuu;-on . ;"l`l1"i..:`:." (V3Ai>_m`[::9;,r:'y coziiinxns to insure all dscrio Lions of prop`crty.ngninst LOSS OR ,D.&MJ!GE" ~BYFJR.E, 1'ncludihg_Houses and Household Fpr-b nitixi, dEtalie_d coimtry Residncs, Farm Houiel = and Fmm`BxiiLdings and their cohtenls, Flourlnj ; "Mills,:Storehouses;_VPmduce in Store for short pe- riods, Vessels" bu ildingf_or1-epairing, and Ighiglt the RERILS _01",VlG.d TION (including the) _ Sniling _'V_essgls, VS,tenx_nbouts, ox-Vthei: cqrgqes. . 7 - -` .A . `I ' c -' .' ' l'......C. nl Annlmnhnn nntlnvnrw I-Munoula Infnn . HEADOFI.CE,. c'm;~ncn smug -ionomo; THE go L'DE'S"1', A b._/1N.aV1)1.-x1N compmvr. p;m)% up. CAPITAL, ` Vnnd sualfnvs _- ufely . invnatadp ' Gi:b"rge!PrcVi`\7aV1 - Joseph Beckett, A ` ` Thomas Belliwel}, VPeter.vP.u.te:son, V ` I - Gear:-he VI Dllluu` _ I caagna, Llfusnnlnnnlvuuua, v. `vulva: \_rI-fagcwwc .I`oniia of 3f)plinioii and every Arcquisiibl. info!` : mation maybe` obtained t_'rom_ _ I . - . EDMUND LALL'Y_,* -` ' _ ._gn!,'BIrn`.. ~i...a...n 69 1am; A" `J ajnu m-y '29 186?.` 1A'r:ustecs-7Petex-.`fnirson, `EAdwardAH. R'utherfor{l, ` ` ' " " H _Thomas_ He1Ii\vl1., Amztucang Ins. nst%%%%McuA?rggcgL ma - A \'olurx- oflhis'pb_pu|ar}oI:rIial ' "on the `tint ofJan'uary._' It is` pnblishafwnuu, dud `every number r-mnuins sixteen pages of useful in- '- l'oun'agion', n_d-frmn _ve to1enVonginal engraving: of new invcnxmna and discoveries, pared ex'pres'l.y.for _iu igolqgnngg _ all of whjclg ago prou- TOTHE NE"-..`~?`.`" A*ENPMAN17F45T`?RER-. ..- __V_. - _ 7 __W- ,_-____...__-.` ,` N6 pe|:'sf0h nigngeilvin "tuigv IlaAe InieehI`_nic'|l an` 'Inumfncturing pensuiwshould Ihink 61 doing-will. oul."-.lh_e Scuanr1v:c,.`Ani5nI:Au_. It cqsu It! as cents` per week ;- every Ihmiller conlains In-out six tq -ten engt-uv`i_n`ga' of new {machine's and iaun5ioIu,..` . `,`yh_ic!h iI'l,I`_uo b.?~{ou_nd iii i|_h_y_'olher pubHgatjon,. '_L_~-.__-__ .-,. .=.l|_|3` , chi` I ,, 5Th'6 `Sii:N1ii5n`($ ' lninici, ioxdiuennbie to "evoiy iuVemm,,is it notuulgr-`con*tainu.iIlm1riIed dov -scrinlionl or ncarlv all [he hes! imielionn an lhtw coma CVGIY lllVQ}llUI',,Il ll IIUIUIII-Y" QOBIIIDI-IIIIIHIIIOII 00` ac ' tion; neatly all [he-lycsl invicglionl aalh p.-one dilwbnt enb nun'aber*c(rnl`nins an Oihcial Li?t ofllao liiunihf -ll `ILA -| nln'nn- hunu `main Ilia "nil!!! o'uI.*_bm eat-Ir nunooercunlmns a_n Ullicnal but ol Inc Ol;I',iIlI'II0l';ll| l3IB.'l?alehts.imw`(! mm lhu United 5lglegj5_PnfnQicnduringylha week pnvious; thll `Vgfviihgi b`i`slory`._o'f thy) pI'9g[eu.0f invention in |hW00Mfy%"`w5 are also" receivin . every. week! ` 1K4 [fl-nipnhn iainlrnli 111' Gr:-,2! Pi.-inn FIIICCI Iv Ill - no-III_G\:I ulmvu .vl [Iv yuv.!\pvu.vn up-`no-vuu nu- :hi8`~conIry`s"*=W e ure`alsu" ` - ` ' ` I `('6' x `tin Franco '**..'?&",*::.*;":`::;::';'.1.:q-2. ~'..':*.,... .1: an-...:-:..... ... ........|u...:..`.{l u-Senna nml art in. ]0l||'|llI!! olurcu prlluulg I_`v-ucvq ;_l`l_|_d`_ gmzgyy; mu `placing in our pouecuon qll: ,tIItii`n*n spiriiagiix li1c(:haIiiqnl.sL'iencc8n[,It pp. xhuazfold uuutrkjasj. ?W:h nl| contjnue :9 mn-an 19'- `quggplgmqa gopics exuactglrom than jouruibiuf` v}Vi!l!!'!',VW'|nV.dmf1i|l,"*=$"9,'!" . . . ; f-krjidgnphlbgl a:`.Inu'ru-uap an - lo_lhM _Izgql_. gnqdo qt` ghnmihsl;eueu'Pcm_n our newnavgnlodu. for-*.A gigbhedtfxeum InP.N,I'$I,0-7%` ` " ' ' j :me;.r.'.`mam.1aAc.;..1.g9-.g;du.rgi..i;a}g, V , iti5i i`~litv*.`i1i8r`iIidiin gI:v`Ex1l"`_I$i:xg'h"`?"U","7al;V.on[IoTcli'on 1" "n (_o _I" :2 Vv- nnjctx. :nh3h'.: n=2:.;6t&'mtcowufmMhd&oy:hv; b; rm 2:'a.fisVa.>..? 1 'hI",'.',';"'f.;'g,T]`{ i=_Ili Sutnwirnof-A_uin,tcn . 1 '".gI'sxy,:'re;r==s?21 5'95 rn-t!'*!t**'-*'!-ve*-'-'- V W ` .` =.'?~.-r ; `;f$3>Nd*i-hI@Q i'diado 'fohqnhnhIn `lkalclh unq ( ~ ` - ,: . .'.- "Ens: z;..-.31-1*` `5"i."*` E ., . . . . %:-an f!*?!3583`*`* ?` morgw in'vgggipgsIni:for`HHa3_wni6vb V ,1 . .'-,x,z11*::`1' .sw'm{ N.` (3_-API I`vAIV;_ l_- 5 - ` $1s0'00,90j FFERS .the t;oliowin.;; real Idmntageofo .A ,tending_A5_aurera:--u . ~ , _ ,_ .L . ___.. .'_ "_"__`....-.'. In `me want. 7 - 181-ixtYIs;.AR.--\'?OLUM E `vux. NEW stung." I101!!!-J ','I"I."I\i`l_:4'.7 Ivlnvnuvg oom_n_:n.or cAox.nov,n--nn'cI_u|oI'!*o!_nIw "}.;u}i..{,7 3}.'1I:Ea7.f" xxdoaronusn 3% A01-'91 xum.unnxI'. `supnmim Ansexe No. 1 Fnotm ffilq . /awn-..J. 2FARRAGHEl1_ S Store,` name. r u'A|___.____' It Inna. VA .-. sell. by `SA-`LIE, % an-`(ha mremises. Lot 15,- v fxco'm>o}u'rx:n.1zv _pno`vmbm. an-1-u"r:L.V Low `RATES (>1? '_I":REMIUL l, ,,_._.__A_'_.`__A -E _II AL- BRITISH_ AjMEB'1'cA A `n1oAnb_ or b1m:c'1'6_ns an-u ; I trvonh, "ro'miE 1_m}:n'rQn. -. CHIS: DI George Allan. JLLUSTRATEDA * orjiu mu-s.A -nv I uuu Williamfondfoot, . V William Cayley, . ` o ` Bdw.` H. Rutherford, Jas. Lukin Robinson, Allan` '- -2 - -- '." "5. -..'P'!' *5"-"7 9a"rI,~ v1n*..-onsyqc_lfon- nvmno- `AIIIIGKR, fasfwiv-fti!-rah-n r i .3}; 2;. `:g;z`V2;.j|`~;;';: ; 1 ; s`.=i'1~t`1` 4 *3 ' \:y'v _ . . AG-E504 ' E Subscriber will sellfby PRIVATE. SALE, wit_hout_ resrve, onfthe premises, Lo; Con.,, Innisl, 'b_a1f.'way'bjetwecn Bar_rie:and , dford, on _ Pen_etnhguislieuej;.Rogd,I and tinted es frbm 'Lefri)y Station. a DWELLING USE, BARN; & .SHE_Df aud;12 a.g|fes_ 9f excel; ' tLAND._(cleared:) 3; -_ - _ , _ , bis.-property would suit. vwe1l.'fQl',.any pubiic Iine,ss,_s'ucb as a Store`, a"la.y-era, on; Mechanic luiring a. small Farm. ` "For further particulars .p ly on the'premiss,to.the'prqprietot, " ~ I ` B`-f - _ `,'M_ARY,-ANN-LEE; V unuu ;_n-gr. -.. 7., riori,,foj5.'l av{_ern License .4 M _ V ', account costs in, case`-o, . ' ' in ' 3 -.-4`- -->?-'8 no - 3'.-1 YP1`lt.i6n56f_; yin "l_|l.IpII_:.1.i-awn for T. l-`avlern _I`.icens_:_e'. --'~----' on` snafu in 8.34 .,.... `$3.35: _ nooioonn .B{mie,' .i+en. 1'); jaoa; ` = vr;t.'.'p. n};a,s , `iude\ted19`fu:ae%`VE'tit 'or.}th`e,1at; TOHARLESJJT DRUR:Y.'of. Barrie, `are `hereby ` [notied to .pay_ t_he :sa`m'e; _to _Mesfsi-a. LOUN-'1_`. J; B0_YS,:B_ar;is:`rs-, Bagrgg, '91: or be`fQr'e_.Ih_O" '-Fz'r'sc_- fd`ajg ._fq`f i_4__PR11: ' nea_:t,_ 1-,,-.1 _n._'_--_-.._' |_-_!..`.. _I2.:...'- ......2...ao "Alan h:l` as.,vvvv_ I_-vvfy '_wJ .33. -_v--- -I--~v,-,_ iixid- nlljyersons having _cl.mI- agginst ."the sni: ; Estate, are_'reqnes_ted1to-hand in` the; s:_:meT 91: or . bg_fjore the above_ date. ` ' ` - ~ . -. ' ~` ` n`..nA'rr nnrinir .' E lJI_.\o 1\l_'llJVI_4L.; gs`:--_.-.,-_...._ - `If; people hndo;-mood the importance of,pufgation' llr RADWAY S PILLS, in oonlradislinclion 0 'ing'w'uh`other pi1|s_o|_- powders`,`sa,hs. os, -Se id- waters, they would need legs Tphyfsicinz, save `elves fmm_much:suI:riug, uni! gnjally `impypve .. _ R_A`DW`AY S"_PILLS' A '_ 'pE_n 1u:c'.'1* `-1>URGA'r]1vE,s," ~~- ' 'o...~:.. lgvuliun. slimiilarit. Cr .r'z'da;;,, i2?I}f.i_86?s at 2 M ' _ A nnnxA1`se._.._,frjsVt_:.1u:'.,?1.._;-'__ 3 1: f . = . 1Noh.' 8 tb 18, No. 19 (larger) gt At-AU.pse't. _'{e_e'ss, 'ga;._!;;ug=r:.,m :49 us $eo,.vis:.f:_ ' n_- tlip._" Penthniiighene VRoad._;` ht ' I 850'pr qu`ar_ter-of ;anjacr,e._ ' 1 ejupset pg-icye pf'$60.[ gr 'qmr- .. . , * r .`_.i1 i.x-`sit `$tiet; perv gum-9 ; -the upset pric . (er ofaxia n.('::_e>.: 7 _ N_os. _20.,to 36,' West!) AF n-n ni-J-A." - .. L195. Q1! ,l:U`_<)u, I! can Ill} `u: ofan,ncre.' Nos. '3'lAand'-.38, `ofith , V ,li9e,, O69_ per`gi1artp:r qf_L'ac1{eT_.- L _T `T The ,thr`iv_i'ng Vill_a;g_ "of Ufa ` hm-st being at -the 3 .junction;of' the foxu-i.Townships_ f_Vesp`m,- `Flo,_ in road from Oro,- nd .Medoujt'ev,-_ `and on thef , Balirie to Penemngui_sh_e'ne,is `fat bl y situated _' for business purposes. _&iid_`n;1'-a_Ji-e.'cl:x jce__is' now , > `offered to parties desirous of Vpugghgsi .low prices._. 3 n :_'1iu-o.n;. _-n"'.'L- 'n;-..-L-'..'.. 11).-.. A.-nu:-ii; r-n ` t -ve'r3 JUW `ll lIgK`Bu-. ` 'one;1a'%aru1ns't;"._t1:e"i>urc1;asa Money doviffi. _ t}_1e'bn1n`nc iu;_two yearly in's.t,a1n_1 nts,-with tereatat Si; p'er'cen`t-. _ " nu-.. ;-.._.u..._ --._._.:.'..1'......` '....'...I'..--..o Vdlavg" ..`m.-.-no ' nr On `I ha Iinan-aft-Iii`!-51",. lvEl.'U3|;`ll|; L?I_A pug \;cup_ _ _ I. - -- . .Fbr. furlh'er_-?"pu ap'ply;`af.A _tljef ofcepf ` .\[essrs;_ PATTON, ' U "0'BR_IEN,' Sqlxcntqrg, Bgrrng, i\l. SSI'3._ l'!\l |.ULV__ _or to `the unde_|ts_ign'ed`." ' ` ' n - - ` niuu-.~1 . HE at; -lia1fv9f'T:40t n|-l:In.b`r 29 i theA'3`rd CoV1'1- .' ceAssio_u {of _'_I`6s..oA1_'.dnt i'o;-.;|'r,n_d the 'Ws_t'. half (cf A Lot, number 9_-.in,1he L9th -Concession _of South -Orillia; g _ . T ' - - "11-.. 41... r..1I.\'.a...`n irn`IIl;"|`.1:*I-'l\`-;4:vII.i;I\DI3 55` -Uruua; , ~-_ . -. - '_Ajlsc the fulidwing v'a.1u_:;'ble`lots :---Number` 55, . `and 1._he: Nor thjhalf of- 64;TE.'P. -R... lstA Conces- _gi.on :o_f'Mndome,'v300`acres1.A , _Lot_nuI_nler I'Z_ inj he 10t11]Co_!`1t:_essAi:v.)n of ln'ui_s_|,j209__acres._ _ ; ~ . .. .`.'App|i 5 `l?_A1"l`_0N .8: O .3R1EN3- Solicitors. _B1rrie;iJ:in1Il,' ` 'rIl_\`Ing me |IlU_Qu,lllIu pltI`g|I1_g ;u`um mu 3, atrcluruu u:eJAcl`cp_uvsils and _i,mpun$ ,humurs.' V `They duller from` all purgaliy"e__}3i_lls.` not local, of conned tn :1 potliqn` of-*ll1 e liowels. rismltic mo_s-cmcnl of the bowels "by iruuing the nlsoflhe mics-lines. ' ` ` ' " " . Their ati,bri' ` a_.-tic Purgauve Pills` allgnnem whal islcallcd 1vhe_ V-A'la`rgc_dose_ol" llpc Drast,ic'Pi:lls'.\'\_'il_l, i_rrl_la1ing. mm-numembmnmnroduce a- viblenl. expulsion . _. EST -ROCK: `OIL;-34. cts.- ipr. ga llo'n-,V by `the - V ` -barrel; of 40 g'_allons,, and 39 t.;s., per gaonv by t.h.e=ca.n,of 10' gallon acli. . . .-- T ` ..A.'...1..-...-` `J. 'r:nm'aN; 0;: t6_' t!1]e_T S_'t'atiTo/in .`.\Iaster..' ' 411.1!" I UK pv Sup hill-IiI\lIl.JuI-u|V\..u' , , p.s_,;-poA1,- rQ1; `s;m:_3.`. V Qrde,u7lgftn.t_tbe './1dz5anc`e 01ce i1l'f. i!iv attention.-;_'1 ' . ,; - ` ' _- " B "`i.F91?{i1!_.'1363-` { ,A ' 1:25,-'9 .Til| ' fiery,` _ Ersarpxevl Cards: f - J) ;.L 1..-`?! :l5fiMedfrhm : 5 WW uuuvw `J.'l~uuuu'-,Ir vuu.-. , V T` AE`rl,:.e:'e-(;j1dn:"fg-;"e";;xi;iiI,t9.;xid 1tiuhothe`Tdii{iii-,T su,isbe.dfroh 0.W5r`~.1 J5 _ _ _ _ _ s1iamczEm.zhey Fill ) ha. nemhcaa-nu anisfahii ` T `These (33x,dI*"i,e ,qnq;.I9,;-any ,CUIll0Duuuu'j mIishe.dTfr.0'n! .t*v5.r`:1 ` `.iI%'1!*!1'!li~ihJ' .ahb9~?p**'1'1c``\5'9`5!* " 00hn'r` mm.` 0. V} .L V . V 0.3`! 9.04 P 4 PW *=`!? ' '-A'largc_dose_ol" Drastic t'1_lla.\\_'H_I, py Irr!_lanr_Ig_ __mu produce _=a- viO|eni_l xpulsionv .- the c_un(cnl i'n"1'he bowels,i_ml in s_o'doiug other ' re;ionsvare' suspc-ndjed. .'In_suh cas'e~:,-`the slublq; illrbcvf--1u\d_l<') be I|g hl-coflored and wfery, and at- nde_d- with cramps,vgn'pmg mains, mnn's_1ea,'.si(:_`kne'ss. ,'4 `(his int-.r_e'ased u n_na1ura`l action; of `the b6'wels, _ '9 genrelinlls ol lhe kidn'e\"s.`and` muc'ro.- as are-ulimin-. % L1; Jngqgunnt~:0:gQtgog5,,$& Be : u1.a;rga gue&. is ihstrdc_ai t6.6'`t'V :5; sgle.-' - at `Crai_ghurbst, ~_. J I .._. . _. 7"A.g". `Ann .,- ; ti _; >.~-_ _`. ` `-'0 mi`... you 50,. 'n',_u Ooh `tihnifkennr: l'ai_l'lo ouljof llm sysleln, _l~nzu occnsltinq '. _|uc pn`n_n..; y exnmming th stnols eyajcuaved-ner_se_vgere ynpmg. they will be.fo'und ghi_n and yvatery: A 'r. - A'I7l'\I T\ an I . I.` Dl.IDCA'l`lVF.S ! ' B'U:Sil~:_N_ s;ssi}ij AIiLB7%$~,4V% -`.u.., an"; _-._ .AVUll) 5Al'4l'lVI5 l'UK_\l`l\,| I111;-V, s, h_)Many rsoni . are in'*'_the'-~hnbi't of Ihkig e`idli1z Men. `Magnesia, &c.. to regulzitb, titpic wels; This is eri-on9'ua.' -They` `succeed in"ub- lninjing an _eIfacua(ion _o(` the .\_w`atery- parts ohlvs aving`tho,c6rrupl,hujrhors.ind that is`all_.; but at be expense or-me` livcgr, .pn'nc:-ens, kyqluq.-5'3. ',6cc.: `oi-one atom of bale or5o_lht_!r*iIn;~ur,il_Iea _is'e`li n_u'rI_.-- "led l`rom._. t.h`e bloodjor nevi-uus? u`id.-. ,_>lf -'\}otI',-an}: ; yspeplicyor lruubled with hear!-burn sour, eruc_-L 1 us, _h,e_nd-_n_che; -:indigeslioIi,"lhese di ,,:ultie'sIslilI._ , main Jo tdrlure lndwvek you. Yougdo xnolg Id_-`- ` nce one step towards a c_ure;.'and'the continued" se of V these evacuangs are aptqto accumullj-nd. ` rm coucrelioni `In the stomach. " A dose 4o{.:llAAD,-. _ AY S.'PILLS, dnce-`or twice 3 week,` v;vijl,_kgep; ; the lactation: in n` henliy l3_i)_IIdi|i0n`, qnd.. c}1re, j e-"worst _cua`o`f dyspepsia, indiges;iQd,T'uId,oow:V Q jIf_I. gentle; movemnt i Akefrom to'lhr'4=e ; [if a -brisk_ ;and[`lh f ulh .'..' in rlaniu-SH nlm (mm 'l`ourNlo-six.` `I! luv n 1.m`sm>n 'I{ .C_)(:`rI_RS`A,:;`:'t<:f.t'z:'_cbr1.:ee,1f. ' B.`""'E' """'" ` 2 . ';A"'1`t ?J;fGREEN' ' 2 9 r-~ . .-N.`n.R;'1 , s`A1mtr',V1)1Az_II r';!1r.~-. 2 AdminisAt|-a.triV.. ,~`l`hisin(-.r_e'ase(! unnatural acnun_ or me D0wcIa,_ slned,`{ullowedVly a'ec(ion_s oi ;ne k'idn`c-.y_s, bladder, 'gt_Ies,__ai1d< jndiaeslion. ` . ln a(-.uv.e `..l.m.-.1 lm |'hs3.'l)rns`li(-. Pnlrzaliliepills will only 'e secretions kiduieyfaud` paguctehs armlimin-. 1lx:a,"pili:s,teu1esxnus, general p'ro_sxrali_on,_ cos-V diseass; ihe: 1"}-ri"tat i'Vdn'