Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 Jan 1863, p. 2

The following text may have been generated by Optical Character Recognition, with varying degrees of accuracy. Reader beware!'.`. ;L_.1 -;o'.n_`;'_` ..-"--- -,~---v-- -------r-1'!-`J 0 . . .c.(ni'unI;6r_`nh:3A_:gvxs'ux._s, ~ ` _` C ~ '-A ap.ogial~despatch t'nom7 ,Nashiille,V:gntnins the ',!ollowin"g :-_-Bri`adi'er- Gen. Forrat,'olf[-the rebel "n`ruy,'.v_ritlI; 3 fo_rco `of about 4,090I:__'nd twelie_ piece: lightartilphyg niuagkd _o_ur rlie"und not-_eL amps coming` upA1u'g_ cugauerngnd,-'sh d iuoqedgdz in .cnpnri;;g'`v'6 uusinydau 1__5g!oVn :'vgi'tl| .'v_n1 u'al;le _-V ; eommisury toie;';g5id I h>O`glI libOd |` I C :51 of the goat:-"coh't.tig:ed _woudd.9`1Qje$";ihq, in 3iImPh_I'K fi"' W`! V .""'..*."`.'*'."!:,".'.f'!.r."|, 1""'iIL|A ; f1.l,n`e1`u t.e,1'.`._ " " ' V` % -TM ne 'j!%`.rit$edi'$`; % as pa.-:1-.ra:a`.4 ImT.%zoLT-m:u.onj : mm. " .- uuru; vvmul -'_-Luw q `ned ohdet: 8.6 thiovcul x `ed Sinus, not to" nledsb re .OA'f'l;'nllli' mu` ni- Gguteet wqrfnrg; `vr_y I u|'|I1|l'l__ll.'\J,'lllCl my c'9_2p3, of h_Q Unit-- helsvoious *9... :hei:'_ n Al. `DEBS! n . A. -\asvwv\wsv\-vvvv\\Vx\\NI\\.\#urs\'{ur\~.x~\A-I\n9\av- - The Amerlcsuhwar. V . : ` _e 7 . lufnllnoip "The W7u`g Richmond papexf s`aygVth e Murfmesi ;Yn_nkee Governmente having xefusedito "re_c eiveL theninnless the ollicc-is are also paioledt` The .la,t.`ter, some 200 iii huinber will be held in conne-4 ment'inu:_cordehceVwith "the Presi_de.n`t s: procli- mation, until Gen. Bmler _uhal_l have heenfdelivver.-` ed zip for pimlshment, end the men-._r`_er.ained unti `lhel'ob0Iition`-nlngnates consent to take them on `IIIDII nrnu-I {ti `BA -DQD--A` 3. -.__ _'.*-__ -4 -"I horo prisoners `:1-ejto belent to Riehmohd, "the, '_ In reply com; :+n.. Gems:-iuchier is-_' h . ..--u ..... vs VII: 0: 4 Van wucvlvla . A M;`.__mfin$r,` ii ie'uVndeni.sble and .;:;.;mea bylfaxi/3 parties having g public interest'e Itailway . Government relief it didin 136.0. _Nor would" Mr."-Cumberland, indeed, have ever-sincebeen. V of the rights'ot`e the Town of -B_rm:ie_ha.s been the T 'on.'usel ofvsuch ill judged conduct on the port of V in their position to have to full back upon. and -villi hardly rnisc them in public estiim_ation.. One b _ thingis certain, the i,nhabita._nts of-'Barrie-,-Svfvitch b purpose .tha,n to satisfy the anA1bition offtbe}_Maln-n and the pl-osper ity _ot' the County of Sin_1coe,"that` " vvithoutlir; Morris'on's'tvv_o y_enrs uncensing Par-3 linmentsry services exercised on theirfbeha_lf, the Company would not hove received the substantial enjoying the prince-like living which he now 055: tentatiously dispiaysg, If Mr. Morrison's-_a,dvocacy_ the Directors, it is` but a meagre excuseefor men, or no Switch-`-5000 :or' no 50l0`0--will never-' forget Mr. Morriao'n's'honesty_ of purpose, indltbe many aacricesimade. in advocntiig: their just rights `agninst `formidable opponents who have `A abundance of public nioney to "squander aiwny in fruitless Low and" Equity costs, and for no_ other aging Director,` vivhobis unable to control hi`; `ex-V e_itab'_le',tomperement .sin ceJudge -Harrison award- edb500_() against the Company} . ,' ' ' A'u'..n Inn 0|... ...|.:...;n ..9 -_.2u_'_1>,_' ~, - no -- -_ _ - -._- -a---..- clan! savulrg-All n" `V ._ Xguin, on the; subjetluf with'dra'.s:vin`g -Mr. nor; ;I_'ison s pass,` I will conclude by referring oupvnoblj. minded Directofsi t9 a` quotation from `Shakspenre S` I_hat.e ingmlitude in As man more t_h"n lyiqg, `vainness,;habbling;Vd1`unkennss,- `or any taint of irice whose _'stArongV corruption in_hn._bi:_oI_1r, frail` bxppdu ` i=iid%i=in3x.;;: nil] !>Ii'I_,e<.1{ `I930! I9"! 9.`!_":-!!!.1!ables-- "The; H (lie Editor of t7u_NoriI;em - ; dof[ns3'uent'to -ct -ti'f`r`hi-7 pm: mi1`3?Vnb5od1r .a.m nn.m_r'.; _ h - 1-. 8137-Th! 3110- Railway iiy a.Iig'ry-4.-a!,m6s$ in Qqnal Io Achillgl ofold; Hblhqsat liult oappod,tho_oljmax,`i_uxd ' hi'm's9lf to` an the most` mmspona nnjnin cma. . Good oAghi':|-it_y_a'a`1'_l,* within I few dys',_ii_. s jery u ebs-2 tlonnhlo |`n_Anue,I-, he inducer} A Mi '_`c`o`-diietorli toj T adopt : _ruolu'ioi4|'{ordcring the Oondimorslof _ _tlio'lh7ilm.y to 3IIIl\d'_f0rfthO futurq amt - 1 l!_f(5_lD' or vgtby.and indefatighblif mgmher, - llr. Mgusillortiiou. 7 '-'1`here:son ffofr: I0 _knovn`.' -But tolhowl the [5uhIic_ foeIiiiiiinq' ' s_u'_oh inoinneu, the Ind` `airy po;')|ilur'Odn-f- _dncIoi, - Mr; 8a:vey,ih `-my `pr'ej,e`nee. 7oher_ ,dn_y, blushed with"ah6me.iyihile`.denshdin` Mr. Morriibnfs {urge-`ho fo ell_n'g aensz`h1_e)hat_if s lifd 'pasI.o_vbr the R083 bad.he_en granted Mr. M. nnd funily; it Ifould hate ;heeu_ only a. slight ncknoviledgement bu} the "pflh of the ,0o.m'P9'ny_: ' for hitpdit Yllugbl 'seriices._ Doubtless, ,hohu v. oirr; h'1fCuIixhe:I'and"Vohjectin canelling the yedfly pas1s_v_ras_Vt6_ah_owVMi'. M. the! ext.ent'o! `hisji ` ` power and authoritygovr distiuiguiished and pub- lic men, such :5 '1`. "D. Harris, ;Esq.,; Lgwig Maf- fajt, Eaq.,_ ihg Hob, 3.1. _' BI. nob'in`sois,; M.P..,; and- Aldermtm J: E. smithfwbo,-iby'M;; ;q'm_nber.._ .la1_xd's"ordei, .re "ive_I50 p_er. a.nh_um`R)_r mere nominal l0l_ _Y.icSA,"vIIA directors) T wit.` nu.I.__` 2. _r,'_,` 3 6- -" - - -- A, 5 `Yours-,.&c_.,( . Barr_1e_, zpuy Janupky, 1:363. -_j:-:_ J%...%...=....... t.. % _ -TI|.V`,0IIoI`iIl.'. i`I |iIimfu_uy bf .let!'.3,-lJtvii .'l: V KI'IIIII.I| Mclif 'in-- the Sonthom 5 A Au-`tinny til` 'n:to lho"oImpai'gnI vtillyfg ms nu; `Anna ?n.`u'.`a, hi` ?n'ja}:4-/ - 'l~I..- ..n...-... .2 --_-_ ...:u-1.- n.;:|..I -:nh`i}{r.` i13,`xte%5TtLtltlvlituttg ~.svs-.?\}v\rs.x`~\.<.~';u.ss_x/\.-\:s.~.\.s;-us`)-.1 .-- _. 7'I_n.oxr Swrca. V . 3...`... yuuiueurlil grey Iroclt, coat and How- I; note). Captain Sammen enjoin`e.t silencer, ttnd xuad hingiotnmissidn as_post captain. in the Con- fedgrhto Envy. 7_lt via: a document duly attest.- pal"ht.`Richmtind,_Iqd' bore the siguhture , Jeg 'a.vis`. Proaid-gtttt__`CInnfe'darate`Smtea off Amati- _ ill Htethatt opened and rend his sealed or $ def; froth` tttu Pr_c'n`i ({ont.ttlirectin , when_Ih'a`_lrnnsfer was 'nc-Varlyeeornplete, the _ Bmish screw eteamer Bahenia carnem. having` _. on board. Captain Semmeeend the-mher, late . un eemnewhnt eirnitur pretext lo ihoscrglven ` _by her two_ predeoeseorylhe Pqrluguese fairly A .Ba'harne "atonce..cornmuniceledv'wiIh the 290, h :` nrgdgharving headed over to the halter grease! ; ;eve_rythin-;`deeIin_ed for her,` get np`etear'r'|5~end ' . barqge.` jA_ll three w;en:,'ri_'9Iriq see-ea they; bed A 4be`en{orde`r_e'd_to d_o,`bnI`;6 Augra`Beyf(n bay `in ` igiinnoleeted/rn'ulil the" fdllqwing diy (er- -.. -v- can -rnavu we '_ About the afternoon; of the aeooml day, and . foicere _`of the Sum_ler, b("e_ides the-290 : arme- -'ment,~em_|_ an `addition to-Iuwemy odd men lo her crew.` T On -lheBahema?e |rr'ival'e'ndVanch-brat,-e, .|`oat'_ell hpatianfceg atidvperemplorily insisted on- - the instant dep_erlu're 6! "all three veesele. The. . _V l_ef_q_, fqllowed, by ilho towingjhe non amply `lhefbeme islaujd,'end only ej few" `leagues dia- " .lt_nM'rum;T erieee Rondo.) '-Hem Ihey remained ; ~nnd,_ey),_wherI_. for the eedondme, all three f'Ir.eeels. _vre_rejort_ieregl out of_ the Porlugneee ; waqere__._ _: AIl .lhe'2$X)'e gur'1`,sAbeingAn;`:Iv1'vrnonr)!:- ed`, the reuse! oI-herw_iee ready, for a cruise, M `the order wag pbyed, end;-rgllixook lheir.deperI- b _u_r5.'_lO barquejrbefre. in Qlbw of Vtlw __ 290, f "w_liich5_ligv_ing iebnveyedj her irelf out to pee, her `off; 1 Iudiyvilh e` _fIvo|':reb_le`-- breeze aha - steered for Ca'rdi .`.Io?bri'ng on; a. fnrthereuppl-y : gofepgl ;{or,'!he,290?sfumre`qse__.. The 290.end , gthe ,,!3phnmavr1,of~y steamed round; rhe island, And: Cipfairi`-. Sern,m'ee' _oming' pm of his ~'cebin, ._ or-I_i_er,e_d_ higrevl.-rI,i_en_,I,enVr|nl: lo.muele'r the crew v mm `L! T|i_i1I';h e_virig' 'b`en~ done, Ifndf Iil{,Ihe .oi_- _ ' oe"ie-e_`seuibled~6ii.`Iiie p6op in_- their {ml uni._'_`_ Iforii{`C6nfedere|o grey (reek; -coat` and Irqw-` < furs). C`an1e'i'n 'SnrnrI|ne ....`..:.-s. 1 .:r....--r --4 ` , new aauuuccls. uns Drought onme Portugttese . in la fury that -their rules should have been broken hy the 290'haI_vi_ng`dared to communi- . cute. with a veseel that had still two da.y s qloare-_ A ntineto rum and they_ eagerly d`f_8tiBd- to "know-the reason why their regulations `had been infringed. . They were `told that. the barque wasju a sinking. etate',and the erection of the` shears was accounted for by urging V thefneoeesity for; an immediate temporary trans- . [fer other cargo, that the leakmight be reached ; and stopped; .a ndCjaptein Btl'|m'k xzally euc- ingito get in a_passion,.sayi::g he was doing would do fora.c1untryman in .distress.. '~__Tit6 Portuguese left thevessel, and the t:enship- those on shore. ' eeeded in bearing down all opposition by feign -. no morefor: the barque ` than-any Englishman`, meat proceeded without further hindrance train ` uuatrutzu IUI _llUl`, lI_U'V'HlcH~l_0KIe<'I "I8 Cilfo 1 of the barque., Somereasuns had to be as- s` Portuguese atttltutities for the ' 290 having anchored inetheir bay._. and ac- _thatvheI!5e_ttginesf-had broken down. This the`wee_ItI'hat intervened betwixt the arrival- at Tarissa. of the 290 and the barqn'e,the crew ` of the fortrt'er_ vessel were engaged ostensibly in`repairing"her-enginee; but really in prepztr-V ing her'to're.ceiv6.her guns, _&.c. V Abuut the lgpse `of ntweek from the arrivai of the 290 the barqueabove-trientionedisailedjn and anchor- ed,'; her captain a'legiog asu` reason to the Portuguese officials that his vessel had sprung a leak,.w'ht'ch would require to be repaired jere derstantng the Portuguese at oneeplaeetl her in _qttarantine( which in the Azores [nets 3 days) On the day after `the barque s_ arrival, Captain and `erected: pair or largeshearsi to effect the transfer of herAc_argo.t'rom the barq'ue s `hold to the 290 s deck. This brought 05 the Portugtrese la {am that Jhnir mt... ;.t.....t.u t...-- u.-- cordvingly `the excuse.fttrnished to them. was plea was accepted as as valid `one, during. eheeottld renutne heivoyage ; and. on this nn- T Buttock, of the 290, being anxiousto get his guns on board,.hauted -_aIo.ngsi_de it-he. -bnrque, \;uIl_r:u cu uluul me monotony 0! I see V0)'82,8-. ' Some` time beforethe departure of the 290 from the T Mersey, a, large" barque leflr the Thamea (cleared, for Dem'arara, Wesi Indies.) to meet the 2! at Tarissa, and there trans-. fer.l'o'l*be latter "vessel `the guns 3.1-J slares destined for liar, u_nd-Iwhich.f_orme'l the cargo" the barnue- Snmn mu... 5...: .. s... ...-. p t~ 'f':`~_lhe`_ _ It-. I_Vrstesrn_ ggtibqmg; Uncle`:-V r i`|.la s`ruo"!r ri te.- fmr2;. .8.i.=-Th9dI.e-gm-t.Fnlin;, ' nsuolttuge `glut `1si,nfajrnsttonv.tr_o 1 V, _ e lsjtephtiitivrein at-`=Tt_h`e '!`_299, f`7"irho is *no_tv A = secondioicer "of" lhVOmTl_|l.9l l,'e{.,3',-T1113 9290 - , was-hnillsby Mr;-La*ird,,theerninent shtpbnilder ` of Birfenhesd,"under`oontraet" with' a.Mr . ` l3'o`to_t;er. 7 She waeyregularly ,co_n`tiaoted-. and _` |; and as 'no'th,ing transpired during he ! s _ ounstrnetion -I9 warrant `the I_t1['>positIon_ that A she was destined toHhoi5l.`.lheVv,ensign of. the `Southern .Co'nt'ede'rae`y.. noflavrs -of.;_nectra|ity . 5 ' \I'e'ilI{I'_ihge_d. -Indeedgit tvsshinted tha_t;lhe_ . ,vess'elvuas intended,l'or.~the-Ernperor ol China- Her lteel was laidjin the beginning, of this ` year [I862]. and ._she was ' |annched__inf April thereafter, though she tvajs not read)f,,.for lea . for-the stroceedi; three months. ' The _290_ is _ sirnplyLs'ls_rg,e-v5vooden.screw `gonhoat, such a 7 vessel as is in European navies styled a cor-` . vet__te.; She is verystrongly. built. of the best ~ materials, and is-`o,onst_'ruc_ted to harry ten ~ gurus ,-vix: one1>rih'ed_l00-poond_gr. one 68- ponnzler, and eight 32-potIrtders-i.j e. fot i 3_,2_*-poond,ers.on~ese,h- broadside, throrving Mll- `_ leetively-l8'|4bIr 0.f,lolitl shot at each dis- : charge. and pivot`"`u'ns.- She is harqne-v ringed. andistitted with a. pairiof very , pow- erful en'ines,_'h'y Penn, of London, She left _Berhenhead'tow_ards thepead _ofrJuly,osfe.nsibly _ on e trielrnp. having on board a large [number - " of ladies and gentlemen. on getting out of t the Mersey. this'party Vtvas sent back in a tag- '_boat,_.end :5`.-290, as had been previously t -arranged , neglected to` return to` Birkenheatl. vbot steamed direct lorthe island in 4the Atlantic 4 where she was rotate` in her gone, avnrnuni: tion, -on` leaving England, the-290 had a ' crew of ninety-_thr_ee.rnen. for _'the_ truest part belonging to the English Navalykeaerve, all ` being. trained gunners. soothe majority ol-I . men-o_fTvIaLr bt-rnen," She. -was temporarily ; l commanded by Captain Bullock, `who, had - under him, theproper complement of com- ' rnissionedaml pettyfoicers. Captain Ballm-k . . having learnetlfthat the_ Toscarora lay in` wait for him in St. George s"Char.nel, tonk; his den 1 partore Thy what` is known as the North, Channel, thus jeludiog. hie Federal enemy ;`: lhot_1qheven`hail he been intercepted the I ' Northerner, would have found himself in ' a T dilernrna, as the 290 had; a set - of ` English `papers, and other presumptive proofs of V her. `neutrality, in, the place or - which it might have been` diicnlt for; her captorfto have _ acted, _ The ,290,at this time `carried no gene `or o,ther,warlik.estores, bnttconsistetl merely of the hull. spars. and engines, excepting,`ot, . course, coal andother requisites necessarytn enablehet to reaoh , destination, which was r . Tnris`sa,tonevol' the Azores or Western Islands lr belonging to Portugal. , Thisdestination the to 290 duly reached.-a_{ter a nerupn of eight 3 d}'8.. and came to "an anchor in Tarissa `ti Roads. nothing of any, moment. having as. n curred to break the" monotony'ol' _a Tu Some time befarethe dnnnrtnrn nf rt... mm A %asa-m- .`.",".r " WOIIJ7 L , 8}- _ `fed? by l_{r..,.[3l,gpe,. l,re _Ao'lered fut sale_ by Mr. f -uuin'_:arI_x 3'; $4.00, "one _o_( {hobo w eighs`632 bi... Land`inn-6hab1y`thg.L-bdviess ever brought to _; ,narke:=~ was smuilcr one" weighs` no nu.- ` , A in supply-at prices about an NI-m.,-I his . T 3!5"5-`g`,'773:1`'329P`i' .`.!'3d-. ` , fl;3,1'l,`; l.I.-."l3.~Q_.|`J`O_l`lZb. ' _, -- -.-.._....,. pp-uv puma nuvy nog!,. -_ V . V a;Ixn1uun_ua ' . .R"_.".7T`.(:<`3lii!mith, the reiidenoo 'of . [i"'?9 !":dIvhhot~th'o ~_ ~'-".?*.:`*.`j v`!-P4-1-_ ~ :_- -` ares:-go. w a nu. :. . < , . % :-+~-----r -=-r-i .-W"-." P'- 't.<]r g;;p,I l,l.;;QIi!|a.;`on'pnI% dsvllmr 0` .m r In. of_J.4_dt9s _ _ ...-..1_ul uu_r _Ip[)_l] II 3.09 30 `.25- : Pom; varies in price from '4.;ao to 3 .19: frvgood Pea-fed. prime l,{r..,.[l`14gi_o,_.V nxeVV'_Aole n'e%1 1 N.iiId|`'.l 014.00. Oil! 9! then wgij .__; 'g_.V___'_'1 ,1 ..Ianum-fl` 20th, 1863. I =into this market to-day. V y _ Seams "Wan-r brought -8760-delivered at the -Mina,` 69. _' V :. , 7 I ` ' One-3510 40c_per bushel... . V V A .Buu.n-We heard of no sales to-day. o This 1-gjzraih sells-`hero at Toronto prices, and would In wo_rt'h|onthe market 90 to 91 per bushel, 2 Pouroics--30` to 85_:.'; ' . _ _ 4 1 5 ' Foam ; ialxwoylh on" _the mirkot from 3.50 to`,4_;oQ' ._,the lane: for Fall_ What Flour. {V to 45oper hush|..'- . ' ~ BIu={o Am.-;_igpp1y.g:` 3.09 to 1.25. Q - 5 Pom: n.':.. 3.. ...:.. L-..` -- -- - A -~ '* rum "viaii Kin:-1;: amount of in`-ddnde brought ' l r`. nun ,_---.-' -III"! Ullful Cl` (0 1:12` pf ton. ` -Hides are. rm at $5 25` per cm. Calfskihs am also nn'n 90 per lb. Sheepskins $1 40 to 81 inch. Wool nominal M. 32c'per lb,` ' _V--...- .. --V -..-`n.-, uelu nuuugus 9. la uI_ a.oUc pllt ewt., {gr prime hogs. . Ifotatoes mode:-ally gupplis ed ':i`ss`a`o;nsa; Bahl; Lppxos sold .: rm. so` " to _$1.25per brl . -Fresh butter brought` 15 . to l'6c_ 19 peridoz T'fnr;ke`ys-gold 3; from 55 to 00 each. Geese freely oered at 4510 5045 each. -per pair. Hay was well supplied "at $10 to $20 -Hides are. rm at as 95 n... .._. n_u-._:;_ , , perlb; Tlnbldcl. 122.101-lc per lb. _Eggs 18 to ' iDIlCk5_S"_ at, 40c perpalr; and chickens at 100' Vpe|ttm"`; _Bn`di1!!`uf`bi'qnght O8 `to $12` ton. ---u- Owlngito` the rm? that thereis now npIend_icf sleighiug the mnrkel Ira: brisk tho-day.` A modes `rate supply or Fall wheat changed hands at 90 to. 93 per bshlr;1aind'Spring irheat brought 80 to. 820 per bohl. Bptlgy, of which there was I kw" loads offered, sold M90 toslq per bshl. vPcn `sold at,50 lo 52 per bshl.f Rye jnouiinal `at 560 per hahl. A Oats sold freely at 40 to 42c,pei- hhl. ~ ' Beef was we'll-supplied at 3.75 to 4_.25c per` cyvl Bork freely"oe x-ed, qnd brought 2.75 to `3.80c per cw-. for nr-imn hrma, Danna... -...uI...'-oI.. -...._n __-_-, V`-vv. Ho(:_As-A-Li'ght`,w.eight, 3.00 to 3.25; iiedidm, 3.2010 3.30 ;'Heavy, 3.30 to 51.00., Dc-upon-n. C15---` !)__I.__a in . _ .. vx -. .. -..- ------v_ V. .yu._-Bun-:5- V 'W }i::A1',-'-\Vbile,;1.04 to `-1.10 ;V U. (3. Spring, '92-to9V6c.A - T ` ' ' '~ T ' " 9:1 to 1.05. T0xrs-42; to 4-5g;_.. _. .. .P`mVs-V70 t'o>'l5c.> . , PoTnx--Mess, nominal at 9.25 to 10.00; Prime Mess, $8.00; - ' ` ' A n. ...V -1, _ . _ v - V V . vw, A1531 , o.uu |U '_~A.UU. . Bur?r:n--Store Packed, 1219 138; Medium irADaixjy.5 12} to 1-ac. 5. " . . ` , A `January ltith, 19433. _ 7 F-LoUn.--There were several transactions on." - Change to-d_a_v'in Super aui1_E:(tru Flour. The former` was paruid with at u nfduction ufg cents. `on ycsterdny.`spric_ds,' while Extrns` arr rmer and fmuch enquired fqn. A round lot of Extras was sold rim May. at 5.125, nnd 25 _inore' is nskd this afternoon foxf the sizmenuur. The. coarser grades areAdull,'there` being no loca| demand` on account of the absenceof sleighing. wI1n|nI' \UI.:n.. 1 An ._ .| -A Iv A *0` " Ru: tr. Rut. "E-mrr: _m Nnw `Toni.-- Thahexcitment at the Stock Buard has ex- tntletl to real estate, and smne at am shrew- dept wtiteti are a-vptliug themselves of it to. .re_a|ize o'n'.mvestnents which" have proved ltezivyvbf late ye_at.-{and which have only too gloomy aaprosfpecl in future. 'l`hin. reac- ` tiou. is the Inevitable cunso-qqence of an in.- fatinn hum of values am].-tents wltichucnulul ne\tar' be :it'uta.iuc-d. The great ..cm_:ceasions A Tm tents already` made; psuve 'im-Uicteut, un- the busin_esa_of the. city inns au_t{--u-(1.. This fact, with the threateneal bttrtiett of increas- ged taxtatiou to be laid on all_ property,,whet- ' her occupied '01` not, VII-A the effect In make buyers -.ex_ceetI`ingly. cautmn.-.' Sumo of. our cotempomtie-3 are ettdezwt-uring `to iname this spitit of specttlatiutt, by _her;:Euhng -an advance of real estate; Such speculation`, is hot only unfounded. tut azlv.-.rse to-the in- terest of our cit-'_y_-and peup e. Ntrmete vcti. lions values shuuld be ad led to th- cum- nmilities which'a.H _mtLst _usu.-N. Y. Tri- bune. ' T ` T fder the iliscmmtgetuents and -luoltlllttlsa` which . Guom.n.;-`1`hi: Tttrinuoorregoadont of-the` = London li'm'u writes-.--'l.`he` t.e_legrIph~ittlnm.x _ `uetlmti-Giriboldi landed ll Caprertton-'Phe... day last. V An imftortont printe lottery` nowv - before me_gire'Igirttereottngpartionlere. respects in _hio tlepartntje from Pin." The General left` tho `city {or l_.eg_horn,on_Ihe` 20th. About 1004 - `yqtllhl, among whom were several Venetian-, utndettts, awniteittho heroat the town gm.- T and cheered hiim. He addressed a few vionlg. . to them, expressive of hip undyiiige hatred fay r the Emperor apoleort. Otto of his lost {only at l ios'wu totteutl Colonel Cone to. the Pre. T .fe_ct Torelli, to thank him` for the attention: tho?` oioialoliatl shown him, mil lo'e.\'preu 1",, t opinion. that .Government was justified in to- moving the .monumentitl ilab,-.bearing a neat. tiotte inaoriptiott.`hy-which the Piano auiotetk to perpetuate the" memory of the Prisoner of Atiprotnonte landing on their show on lllavlui. val frotn Spezziu`. As to the health-`of Gari- ;baldi, my irtformant Ittlwe aogloomio-r view us {it than the new: genetally circulating among .his.friends wpttltl lead us to entertain. The extraction of the bullet had not the eflcct which people expected; the wppumtiun ie no 'who'hao become extremely jean. Whether -;it be oninccnuttt of some other extraneous body `al tltoalow rnctignt `of his O&llal1.'_ll_e(l` pltysiquo, `it-is at fact that; {I he goes on at thug rate, no. one can foresee wlwtt his care rnajtbe con.- sideretl he ciumpletma " copious as before. and it wastes the anerer. }atil|.retmtitt.iitg "u't'the wotmtl, or in cotfoequettca ' m a.a..;4 ' .1i:bgIaud,gsmrei:grigiue.' . Vrepehlelofrhe ereplhe ' ` {who-. , ;;,he1-lg.-jinriliri e|Ip6i'ntm`euIo in rhe- irhnrAi _iu!,ia'e`_.a"rSHr"1f -Alqblml, arnidar hung choerig hole the draw: of both, `perled eon. -parry. the forrnu pursuing her course buck Jo- Errgllnd, the Irmerein chase of e Yankee rrha. -ler,` "which lb! captured and burned. Thin` his now Io.-femone at I_o- sender I__ our-gle remark ` thereon mpernoru. The Alabama's crew receiie from the Corrfederele Government half irhe nine of every American` ship end. e-,3, .Ihey`desIroy,` and each of her` crew is now worth several hundred pounds. All obggionp `to mom haveehirlrermbeerr failhlullydischargc ed. in gold; The Alabama is reapplied" um, noel from Wiles by mm" sailing. vessel: mu.- oonrlamly employete * ` "sun her-.|r..usag..ona arr been! an khan...` . washer re! prize ;:e'.rrd hereeubreqnerrrcereeeu ' V -~\rv-u.-v~-_-ax . ---.-. xx . ~...-. .7 "m0x'Tm:.u. }.\1_.-`um-`,-'rs.' "foR0'N 'ro MARKETS._- : vmams MARKETS, Caintjiifftilf Junitxlgp. ? to 3.15. (`ha 13; IN) In-hum ltgg}... L-..'_ ----u... unto -January, '1 183'._ IIUII lpccic plies, H oxlermi IKWYIIII pangs: 1 lnrully a fwd ppetue quired .U0.1DJ ` them. lr - . 3! of gum! ncacwu per box` THE g nu-mm 1 bung p - qunckb ol: lh in King. @ -v- I _ ,-'- can frrmul nu-uni . ' I'M. P Fri.-. ' III" III I dJ.'|-(Iv ` inm-n and Im- imessm upon-.ui HA I) uI1I`.I~' grvul 3.. If Ihv ~| hrowm nu u. .. .. M The pi.` H ;\ I P`uIuiL\' prncuri Burt In I upcmlv hmll pl: Ihcy pr Hit) in nml .-1 IIIVM`. 4. UN.` " KI Tm- I1 ` ."~ in nu... , p.'I'Ip:n_ `|I(.'u\', J .?I"_' h'.\l|fH `will n tlmv-7:" ' Hzu-'ri.~: UI _ KIM npblic _ fur |(-~ Said (I (`null ||I'l II ` Dingo: 000,00 .1 '.4 II I.` gfllut y yuu IN` |'I'Hu (`Milan-, wt./..~j Jun _.l GJLJII [HUN 1 \ the Us ` .1. Of. [M4 tiling of n- `sumo .u a Cei Vhusf it wit ngmg, _bon.ts .1- the C ' Rmld Town Comp Barrie under kl . vc..\1'._ IA Steer -red It Ffsql muni when San. 5114 _L , Gmr v deleu .,, , day . 7 009: T0ror4 , 4...!I=:` man 2': .'%iii`!i -,.-,.--.: ,3,..:.-...7 ..,, up .u-un_uI.`nug_`IlnI: V : _So_oh-wi9 IhiITooi`IIm?enc`o_I:I:enI.'of tho papgrl ,w}i`)f-l!a_V aysyem in_`Grc_atgBri;lnin ul(_.i'rn`a`_g'ly .",'g'?;'f'9`a _;~A})_'y L: duc__edV ` uoh- galoujahing .',l_{cu;L whid_l)j;n jabjevd lhp: .e_n::pir I`Vo carryffj gin; {of loqgAg::po ' rviod-.sAo oopllyf njv_rdt,'anVi_"'_(6mainIz;inIfp:[yaqu' .e$"iih; (augment; grefater 1bn..hn_@ _bq'au- by . . . ma Romgn pa_t1:`p|;o`intl_IL6,.`!\ilvh Oltheii "point-." .1?`9.:;.??? : `T0111! llmlyllflh'@Cl,5I8lfibBd.iimlillld o'ecl;_ up '._dililI[0Dl_' .im1nadiiti.5' Vivi V- bon`es.-an h."_.,`ii[ I _ I Ap'og"i'.:b"i!.":;`: :f _ VV . `bf mdniy-:;'7=Ti`ipcrtetoedL T` feipoliyillihigi or_ssngniqT iug_gqgudvaigrg A clnsI es"'df_ ' " " 1:``.~[1>r 6.!!;1.-L:-.*.`f.t:.'1; .;-iiifiiiiil- !1ifi!7.WE?-".in`IIT , , . zllil "f0"l'Al`)ItilV'-i 4|; Te prvniiizig man}: 'I t ;N,w York-I in `arrigg aocordagiepv with "(tip _m:tI,;.ah_'d.V is a nglutal Qnqqu_qhpa1f well kI_|o_wn o__a_'I_1ie_s.` 1_Du|_'ing' the 'gus'pension_-of-?;Seci'a piimabhtvs fin Gteil. Brifaih, in. the .Na_'pol'e_'mio ";\_\.l.-ark},-l_l`1_o -bu'sineu'of tho Lug1a;sgkfL'Exhgng qua. - ;f_upld in qmqnm, gnd,ppgcuia{in, ign'wi}d.,. It -is. inslructije. ,I'o' study I:I;|.soane_u_novA1fo'g:c|:_r'-: ` ring in "Wall-street by ghoi light hf pm Yhiplqlfyi sip A-, Ajigon, `i`i.y.|iia.A-.HihIo:_v of .:Eurb;'>'o,~" (['v9|.*l ,f p: '447), Ilu:u-duIjib'e.I, _-Ihe`. sn_speA,n]sgon V of_spea ie_ -paymenllvby cup B`a_nk_ f3"lIn'g |and 5 u/Snnhlnin 'lh3'nn:}uiu.bu3`-.='..'-.... -.3 1:... ._-_ 2 L.excessi'_v.e` herpdrufrage,`,~,"i7Hef;;;eons, "with bright steel forceps;-`Tand` probes, and, lrnivea.` andsissors, olhgrwise resemble =bu.tche_rs:,1;vithr r_ others grindiiIgr.tliei_rVIe_elhrandblenchiriglheir , .5hands_ with` tonur. Ambulances ;are"la'king uguuulvjuv Tgthqsir arm; `crimsrpnedr, their`, `shirnr -`and even- their fIc6I_di1be_d'.'_Wilh_'[H003--', .- , L '- . , The patients are groanirig, some 'ho>vy.!ingv,A 'off`lhe`su7arer9','_faur at 5- !oad, Io Ilr`e_'blandin'gI hi_ai.- are p_la'ce__d iri charge of Drs. Burke Memp Jhesa b_oala_ lay at"tf_:fe_ [lrrding': `f.Why arlhey ;n,oI fsem u;:|re',river,;wber. they can "'aaeTqpo ?rrorlherri._h_'qspiial;ur? ; : 2 p|_a_ce} `Three. beats, lheC-Vo'n Pha|. Ro hm} and Gordon; The nursing delhilj nrei made. : 7'Tlie profuse auppuralion fmm`ao'r_:rany wounds .` Jengen" mvilialed atmosphere; `- Three days . jnhe ln0iv3"l_f0`_'V_0` this6|_imaca,aAnd' thy aid of . ~. ".`.-" ."'4" .-" ':'7"`35".'f` . ` All the` preparationswfox` ihe te`ception7 of _wo_und_ed were Asom'exhausled.. The few hospital _lenI_s which `had: been" prepared. for.- _p`erhaps.u.hundred'.or two deluged by a"tho'ni_- ' and.- Dr. Franklin hastily put up rants.-.-`for. '-his .brigade, " j The _ `White House -..was-{crowded ' lo.-`overowing, the pajvientjs being laid"-'otil!_i!`ie_V for ,.fear_ofv b{eaking?do.wn_-Zthe near, Jnside disclosed a horrifyix_ng,apeoIac_le.. Arms` and legs under-_ the three, a!,n,pm.aling. Iabl'e's`.. polsk `of blend .on .Ihei_ dor,_table_s`bVeded with .b're;- ."m..- -I-.--L--~ -,|lIl`Il'l_.|I|l Ul (Ill-'Jl'|| `DIIQ _ _ - ', ' "`_ Poor. au'ezers`! `Wound : in the knee, wounils `in me` side and , bow'els,. shanered liniba> {and "torn eVsh--the 'sheHs'-havi_ma'de' sa_d havdo; ;h'i's` |1ost:ils,'._'vHis_ _ _ _ off by a`hot.;,boIh~.mus{ be a`-[npmaIed.' ~_Hi-.~j_ is jdobmed beyond doubt.` .2` Hegcannot gndureilne _.excessiye` herpornageg The sufgeons, "with forceps;-`Tana and ficeh ,dimbe_djI_wilh bl_oo`d..-__ .. The nntienh nu`. nu---=-:- ---A '-Her`_~ia~aT pi:-la `ladyvjlh a -apongze 'i n'.fr'o_nt`o { '1 eyes glazes; _ One"| cm and ' sissora, tesembla *-_bu.Ich`e_rs:, with { arms crimstmed, `shins gun. full, moon .1: `ma ll00l',_l8D'l` :The s,laughter_`of_ mercy,.:s jlhan Jhat or `morInl7ha19,;. pnr -nhnara 1| .Il7;;...__`L ' :'l`here`uroIt;o`o!`a`tind_;'Ipoa. ` .-The udnnu - M 30 thaqeioul line of fmachu. I 3 Thiough the line of ynoki ip, `tins. ` o`fsiuian= in dark juhiiiii 'l`hoy,oro. gdv'|n'o'ing. ' o ui,w'hi[e . _I_her`ojio |.Ianiblo.`ax`plooi_onrof gamnll dtmg ll ;lhe `foot of we blnb. ' Tqn.`hoIsgnd;`rio~`pfu-. . irolujihnrpting And IhoirI_u4lo;_: j u |iugiyeuV_|uy huisvt-V ling into lho_It_ol_igl o;,l_gy'.'_fWba_x `is: it 9!! nblf .Yonde'rv ace. the 'Conf_odp|p1.ol `mnn`n g Iovnnt v;lh'o'l'i5h!. >'I?l1`a:l4:c_o:oVII__d_._III'I,_e of Vqn;,;in{r'q'n'bh-. -`mam. ate` won. ' Tho ags; adv `are ochoodfInd`B9id`bick- on 7 Ibo ' glanding, .Th'ou>foHoIn:_;j'_DnXl.'.; Firing jis guspendd for `n `minute. .~'Ne'xI':come'a'a glam of utillaty--lb: work: bland wink oh.` |..`.~..u:_; T. ,. ,..9n-VOui.n1on.`r . qmwgtm = into thc`p:II,;` ,'_l`lI101ohaa'u"go`I_: p,' dud an`. ' lIOl'U_l_53 .' I"ooVlIiIVo'4!5 ,'l-`he Ixldiint-Bf` cisier` ' `bullolh bu almon 6uh fitt work; [ T;hAo _II`I,oh _-.'rIire'd,; m_mi__e._ny or = .'ni_o` .2con{ed;f- mes are, g-`down Mm toad . lo "tho-`_lof|T. iroqd. I . eat_ed,'_ushed,-,= aug'rTily-Zgclining, weeping. chaining", ma,ngled,,-;b|_eeding, mule-V diction; on..1h.`.a. :...........a - A -v >~-[ ~ -.nl_I 'jMases'.olV:lhpm in dark l9lhihg; `_'l_`h'a`y itej ,!osing._in' upbn out man mill inj 'lh`e* iojld. Down ha come ling..ihlo1ho'rig ht- hand` ,-. .. uuuIiI_UIJ In |ll_0 ed 3' Immense army. `;'I`he oupporffdr some . reason of other, does _no_tTcomo' up. _ ' One brajvg. [officer imprcales... his [men and,. ri1sh'e's.-_i1p- to "the; fed to meet h'ia;~'insjtant_ ..deaIh.. [ Another. cowring,behiml a pilepf din, looks up ; .on l_y[ `in !ir'ne- `o see the ';t_Iez'ning heroes "in Mtho iface. '~ - ` " ' { .`Irongg__s; po_in'I,":i.'zI_cl-"l.|Ie_ro..aIi|`y;: It .i a"defoAnd.-' "U! r---vv -y una mvulug-_ ,1! IS` `CHICK. jeIronga_s: po_in'I,`a.'nd|y`,: .i 53' immense puppet; rnncnn ml ml.-. A--..- ..- - - V A-uapvlluvurlut I IIIIIIIOJ `~'.NBI|'~ C_0UIO'C-I_ _of millaty-,_-L|h_I ;I_vork,I.,I|lul' Riuuhej hauling :.hem_.,- P U .- = `m-I_n`nI_r_1_.s':g -`n._ '._ .`_'. .... .. ....,., nu -may... mmwmcn nond hm: mi- .they comepctl `meu.-A _ ~. . .. ~ _: All :na_u.;4qr;'or_:nm.'.r Fiv'e`f-huhd:ed- nr`_e.Jeft%~~deai! and.w_o`nded on` _ pheer lustiflygjr The ca_pnonooaa'e_Ihoir,oIamor. place igloo alrohg. It is" `attacked 31 the lot gr madman V 'wo'ul,d"p`lIi:ge{ tiI o}n,. ;Stil_: _the,`eld`;-three bandied nrefseen tlI_ai chi_ng'- up=lhe hjlljs prisoners; Thd Confederates- `A sadhislory in oi1e".wotd-.-rqpuIsa.d"!A' Tho- .`eIr0Ll2aal poin'I. a'nd "them mgl... n :;..a-:.;... . yup-ug. maunng, mangled,-;vbleediIhg,V&mul'o-V diction: on: main V|ongu_es`.{' A . pnal,~n' \s,naro ,` - a trap,` say-lhey;.. intp*'w,hii:h none hm: madman Ivould"p`lIhge{ them. Stil ; . they come boil m'ell.-7' = ' ` ` - " ' " ` ;.;.;;.f.;;;..'.f:.a:'.:*;:::a;I.:.`.;'*:::`* aholluH;i_$-iadoacr_ibablo.-'iv_ [ ' , 3-..a`n....._` ~_';.~... _` -, as manned-`A?vi`:l! I6. ant Sc: 1ou-nuiaph w-`o-_rIw:I,-iI"f7l.!i'!f*iII..%`of Ii???` hm 'ofIh'9*"hill. on the jgagm `; .;1.....; diiothoi` ;on Ich lpflk; Then 3; Jxbpging .rq7I`,ll`jI|9nl;?`n'Lui;Ti'rn``-.` ' fbelohi.-we '5-I-A milk?! . "I'h'e; furiji pr 1.531;` Mg... _ let` tom. .j1'nnuin_gxi._ cf tn : u_|`na_E_oi' .15.}; innnnn, Illa .-uiul- J }.:h.. I.-.n`_. ".`,' v_'-,"'~..','v`,',`. ;7_:"77 """ > . ~ :Ivtk_I-=""?l_'9;B|'Ifir'l. of Mb-L` ?1`l.=W..I|_I - Thitfi.-ao'r?ALbf-`int: -A-ch-d wGi+-~LV8-ni-mo % . I-In --iJ_abou1 I!`-If.- 1=.-.-'I ;t.w.o~*-'"iw iol * at |innnnlri`ni|n:uil'|hd' Ila. ah-vr.."li-.I .._" nu xwuuullnu groV_iIioIl,}; .L|'vlI`l_niag.too ' ---uwi-ml Coulodtiiia V . : `..u.ioa=<.-vim nu" " :-.....+ u;...,,;, ;....%%s....%...=.%..a;...;f nut; |_uu ulvlv Ilvpnlllg. `the oor,_table_s`ooVded with .g")'reT.-. ughterof, mercns even mun-"mnn I-'--A .1-_!__()VS _,l 1'l'A._9'_AvlH), ivgzoup,` '.,,.-.,_...um_a uuvquvu Iyl_lll gyro.-_ _ l6>l'0y.-IS OVBD [D016 IOPIIISIVS rial`-'haIe.'. - _- .__-.- v-vu-cw `nu ' ` L T9!"1199;f1iz!;1h@&?. I116)` -. verie;t`ty'rio-illijdhife "u7 .i`l: ah: .;'t_<:.`.his.`- - _g`_ ' ,__,,| `.o"'. '5'.`--` v oiaullfomgn supplliw ' @ Iu_I ll_lD|8OI`;DI "IO _llIlIB8l.._' - - -The bplnlionu -of - lho_ wn'r:l_IfnvI in Jim unin iglinfgototy. `The credit of tho i`I7n`liI|'ry1; his uogibos lo_ qnqcl.-,5 .0` '.h0""5!'.'i.'.I."."' ll. Ifl!I`84"|!.If=. -ms I-||`I!! '0 '|IIPi_Ii!f`I=n1:- . cud-devotion of the E Ii-` tvpfowitliono. In 2IoordI9!7!Vii. ' IIuu'lionn S9o_m"' "o:w_u.` -I-dlrriut-m-IT denlop-9-nss.-.-Isa. ind , :i ~ . Pa'rliainent, w Allean 1v,j"l1u_s Ibeenl sum-T * mdnd -for `the -dspaith Iof buVsihes s_ "on; Vthe"tw'lflh 'proxifmo.=.. C9nsidering_th,t_ - `two `of .'tl_l6` pfiljcipial-Jnembers of {lie-V _ `cabin; hja-vg -`bu: gjgm vr.eturnAd'_4'from~'_ . :Eng1and`, theitirne xed`11pdn is `hblyv early, but` a s'im_ilar'grom_'nd `fondelay `- "was, "ii" will be :rem'e_r'nbered',;byL no means -held to B6 (valid. ex_cu's3 (qr. -J_.-Af.. . Mae,d_onald'. amid: gimilixr cirVcVnm'stm_1ces.V A Whzifth political ffr_iIi'ts- of t_he"Vse_s's'ialAn V ar. 1ikely.t'o"b, it is not? Vto"gu`9s's.3 .Ixi_*t'le` ~mil1isttial camp the "e let1ie!1t's `off _ . di8coi'dT are: `so. 5s`i:toL`bs_ex1f\.' "ijnsmil mpuntable to a,n_yVwh'o haTv_e "1.1'(:>tV-v'ar`itnAe`sls,. `ed ..h .f3.itY With. `VV.h`i...*'..:"1l5'l|1'.53"-d.`*`V1*.-ill 1 'g_e_1's_.h uv' been o[v_erc0n_ie,-by._ o'.,lSolil.a;n"d: : 'sunscmpu1ou_: _goyeljji_mght. ?'1{i gh`tf-.j_in_ _ - ;thei|_-A" ph_th_st_ax`_uls fhgiiodster ofj Repfq-. . 5 `9`5`i.'5-5!`lPP`?1`i!1-"-??9Y.".`9 ' 11`?-;?i1_W.#iti5 $D?.z9.i!! in: 3 j .`vo}h; :`lll_kV88`IlI}|` ,I_ -..lImV'I.lsa_ .9`alridy, .~< : :~h'el,|{hi'I;v_it_ih1IL? _:aI 17=`tAlA1_og_`j:; . -,wli6_=`-laa ve`L l>`n soi`*loii1T to` I I ~Wil%`*!I 5#t 558,--!n9.~ofL ldniA.l':.6n_sahg tq. : T he sa%ic'ried.t6 ~%xPi!i5n1;nr .` ` .6giihs;sroigt_ijnti6:;`1: 'il`Wfe`f5i:1oI:lI ,)`_t; it; . =Th`il?zuuiI?in hiallllllfd#9!'l~A. ;ideI,0:!`!!:ii!.1l@1i9ir"9PPh9nts119% l } .'{....AL _'- _` A_I;'I'_*_`;_`..` SF.` - '37 -3 l Goniributiim #1 thelief rundj. "Will" }eqiv.eV:by` dzxiizg` *L;nTy;*' E_sg'.,TI_'ea's}'I;et;: ' 4- ~ - - - ` omvom: nomna mic A,Wiahin'gTto k_l:ioiV. how their shbaci-ijitipn eceoint. stead; can .dovf Aby 1'-dotting 4:`o_:- tie} address ea'c_h_-pa'p`e rd mailed to then.` "The date _foi16vr_i'I_:g` "their names isiihat gt wihieh.their inde_b_tedn(e_ss_ commenced; Thus is J euethnn Storey, mail .62, v ehovvs_;thd'ti-his suibeceiptibn is die f_roniMargEh..l'si.. l8'62,]to the_ -preseit time ;. 0; if paid in qdyence ` Jdnethan -'swrey.* deg: 31 63 "4 `woii1disbov.tha.t the fsubsctipiiolg was paid up to Decelhberl '_3m,_` 1863; `The Tu`-rangenient: is 36- Ifimple that Tinih-` :se'ril_J__eI"s, will_fep_dily_'-undeiptuidit. ` =5 _. a In: *.gc;; | .' 9 n..--~ .. i.` _ UCn'0 .,onqA o;'nVui.- ` '0iy1:..vI'IAe% ,;'.. . V._-L; ;31"r- go` . ugu-mn no llninnnn . ` 11 an Noam-nag {12 as .q_111hgwo9g,.i :_.; 1".oo_ -_ sage-j '} 5' 1.4. 'the s'z.:jioV:'L an _h9ur bofoyfc ot'?ou.6I`)"l"rsn._ ., V. 1 . ue giveeoxtraete from "President unganrt ` , uent note of Qongreeeand the edruinietretioni ' fending-of the outstanding Treasury notes`. 5;. ifedlthe withdruvel of notes tuned prrorto` the . ebell eeeoer qenoee tofI_1oound`ehd 1" ' of the war` our debt w'iiI be,le'rge, but,-itsyii be lllerely oalliettentionoto the repote ofth oethe enbieettot the njaneee." v u|.uaI:Iuu5 ecu VIIU-lll8l.lI'I'_UI}U0no " ` irre_Igura1,'end oornmente. {oily upon the sum -_- e urges the enactment of .3 lewto hagten [g ' `the. ultimate period `for this Jpn` _` {- ger then the `let day of .lol_y.enext'. so". Vleufi 1st of hot `Decem_ber. , It to `Athie be edded `.- levenneeirore adequate. taxation and nr"gouig`.'. tion of bonds guaranteed by, theeeverel Staten, *` ea hujbeen elrotdy generously propoegd.- b,_' , eeneof thorn. there `is little v;do|jbf.[h`.g,fv."' ntiafncrory condition. It ietrne, . gr um: grog: L` due to ourfovrnpeople, and neither the `interest 71 nor the capital rvillbe exported todigte_n.togun._ -. triee. irnpoveriehing-eoun _t'or theirjbe_nel(it.1; `A1-lg; .. A - . . . 959.9395} .7` teryot`the"l`reeeury,' and uh proper] ' `V `_ hl\AvnI:gn_._f cl.` _..--_.I.;_`_ I__: n .,~.-w----v~- --"----g '-'`1 `av. pa}ii}z_'.}VVzA'vI.T1r?1c,`e, eisza:as:. Bodega; - A` Agen;.s' Nonnuut Amman, in dhoso -fcitig -7an_d1 Ira Allthoriugd `to Links Adyet-tiannutsI qnd _ eriptions tbpns Itpllll Lowe nlvRdlu`.` ` ' * ) '..`../. . *i11in`ntg .: aftm E9 0 `-0'5: ' 'lllAtI'n'inl' ' ' V '1 f._ e. of - TI:l ar1i_ui1ei1:1t._M :TwEm'smsD4YT JAN; -21,7 i863`.j . ,1}. relation to .'Ptefsident .in':ot ;. ; ._.,',;,,;,,;`,V,,,,4 ` are doomed to extermintttion. while $f_lh.l|mg 7 fionof their-masters, by'_lh_e'_in;idiou_, _,eco.mv_. - necesaary self defence. Our own_detagqau,,M,f. tern lfortherimpotentrage which it diaqloggg, A. -lion proclamation, heeaye-he ,may'-wellv leave itlo the inlerestsoof -that common` humanity which a `benexent Creator hnse.implanlt'ed.,i',';- the Vhearletof our fellowmen of all countries to`i'!I`58.'m."|,l on nrneaoure by which eeverel' r Itillionoof human being: of an, inferior race` '_ peaceful encloontented labourers intheir sphen ; " time they are "encouraged lo a general aaeaagim. mendntion to abstain` from violence,` unless . fin` #099 F.-5 ll!" 3`-f e`d' "19 T "I081. --exenble Itaeeaore recorded in the hielbry' ofguilty. .man i ialinclttredjby-a profound sentiment of con-_ An: art a$`regarde`the aotion of this Government`. . on auoh oriminnla as may attemptita exec`utiong I confine myaelto_ informing you. that I rebel] A" . unless" in your wiederngytou deernjom, '-`me;.. course mm etpedint. :d_eliver to rnt.._.;ggyg.g _State aulhottiliesall geommiuiongd. 035",` dr- .Ihe United Statea tbljl Di ltereaftarbe caprm; ed by our forces In any o the Statea.e't'nbra_cgd. ;in. the pr_oelamation,tbal.the'y"r_nay-be dealt with : . in accordance Wilh-lha-.lIWl'Ofihobb-`sfqpg "m,." video! for the punishment of'oriminala';gn'.*.a - in.excittngaervileinsurrection. A ll: aivna art:-n":-ta "f'm;'n 'D....~:.a....' a s__;n-: .5 - ;int9L i H 7-_---u -_--. IV-lll|UlVIIIl" Iylllll, VEIRBQIIII Illll Of `at hip ui;sIoha,ry..1gnqn raj Atria, yam he re: * g .- .~ . &-`coking, gin ':6m_Vintemti ng uc_bun_t' , i4j!r:`fi.:0-fie`. 6_6tii:{I Io;uiI"'.',=` _-,-, ..... .4......'......,,A . _ _ _ .. A In op'enEing_ot' the war,:lto says :3--It is _my p%|'infuldutVy[ inform you of` tlt _r`ve`r'te\{v_-. ' -d`exaVmpl`e.9 of-every atrocity corn_n_iit_tod the . gmegt forcs of rthe,Un_iter_l, Statgg at *di_'eren_t ' pointtwithinrthe Confederm-,y.. M Sinoe r'n'y`laat` commnnioation; `one Goniaral NcNeil r_nItI dred' - `seven prisoners of twin in cold `blood, a`n'dthe. demand for hi_s"pn"ni's:hme`nt hapiregniaitnrf nu-. V ntiled; Tho Goverttment 6f_,llie 'lIt_:i_tod Statga, 5 pier promisingearnrniriation.:ir:d`9xVQl3n'gtion in g _ regard to the charges against Gen'.1B. F B`utle'.r, his, byit sub_sequent_. notion, after"-rep,atd_Vo e'or_t_e on my part to obtain sorrte'_ ansyvefon the` subject, pot only atlmitted`hi.s_Aguilt,{_but rsanc- : . tioried b'y_acqttie'_su'enc'e." I have oacordingly V bxeclttion -in e:rpiation.of hisorimeslnfjhe should V` `Gqnotal bytho name of 'Milro); who_{hz'u` iygn. of our .ciIizens _`s-vho_'ahall.'. rim .to-. baggy` . - their country by giyttnghtm prompt `notice of - that they '\v'_| gyinco anly_disopprobatiott oithr 5* bmtdsd hitua:s'_:'tn outlaw. xfand; _direat'esl his- Afnl-liinto the hand; of any" of our Ioroen. lie; oentlycl have rooeiied inl'ormatiori'ofe'.`anoth`er pd orders to one recusam bsideq hornin bio" trouser an`d'threa_tenjn`g similar atrooitiesagaingt` , the approach of on}: of out forcem 'Thil-attbject hug-also been nuomttted to the military aulhhoggt _. ilies of-the`United-States;.but with. lain hopes " 1 . _-.._-- _.-cu u_a- ougii nudlai, .-.i'm'd. l`.hq em m at an` Andean`;- snug ` _ out,` .=xe`n' `?n.-ao_;iu`.` A. aeepgin. fba_luVlf ot the'.IAiis;lonn:y?';ai1u,' veajicidliy that of nan v..s...'. :.o.;....:'-- ,-.;.__ . V :1...-.b`.i'.*"":?1`_.V'A'1`=.-"'*-"Ir.--' !`-It-t --id ' "ion, and-Ihd `:g.,,,gAr`,v,'s' 1f'elg~.`1'n 'gpp'_ea_l.' -.;v, ,,_.`3,.-;,, V _ :wa_xays:i".::ts'sisg' =mcueoa-in orjnuoyoi ,snudb"!;L`he 4n.jn_m.,? `yuan .*,._eio`exrm;'-e_, ;1 "` ' ` `3rdokint;n!i'I'.- - % '. .. . " `dlltfwiii-t~"I56"xinb!ic.... i lieidj. -nd.'hbt-A ' ; :imhsqu_udin_sho *nmubI'e'?suc 9: xI;"r6ud:, uvhi'!in`iu aL..s..a-' L: -n.. -.-.. _-- v.-..___-- -c--vupv-u - : ai`oI_I, but he,qned'e good his eacepef the night` he. - committed t,he.useu!t., `0ice|_-e" of police were `by Capt. Prineef M1-om 1.he.ChiefefLPoliee in Q. Ma, to ithe-eeet that Coulter was -in` enslndyin ` 9 tliontojuthoriliei. It il,-paid that on oioer will- g .110. desrntched Vto-diaiy to, `bx-ing;hinI' "0 v'l`oro'nto. .-Ivr; sun as wnrnuu was Issued {or his eppfohen- i deepatehed t_o vu-ions points, but withoutfeuccese, -Yesterday "a. ; IaJe'};nphio despetch ' "was received ..-thsttown,` `end Iivsited the instructions of the He, it is'"rep}l_`-"ted, wns tried gun I charge of mu:-; . zderjet .Ben-ie%ebon t twojean ego,` -and so-` _quine`d.A_;. A _ I _` . _ '_ . " '[h'Ob0Ve5il.fr0Il'_Ih0.G10bC of 'l`|mrsde'y.'l`be. 3 use? gllndefggto: in-~ llobeift,` - not Williemg coerce;-.' ; Beau h'u`u'fertl_Ie nrder of emu nuied- . ' '._g.;A` g"],V.`||d_ ghough fevhjsd eny.| no1-`al- = Jtloqibi bfililia guilt, 'IlI-.,BIQd envieiiolt. On I "elncge of_ejteollog ,3ho:wev'er, he wu feundgnilty, J E =oud_;ie'n`& :10 8he'~P9nih"liIry, :_ ihdnly `mes; ' 5 5t.h'ninIrVnlim'|-.n'l` hli Inn-mvnf nnn':.I....4..s n.__. 1:- : 1... V 7-`; guy Qwllltjllill , VHIIIII lilfy "IQ! up: of puuinhlpent thgzq ho- `:l?0 l_Ill3llDd$tb;oi1ie`If`-for-`ll,Ii_chiho`hI8'DoIV3IIe~; V Over Ln ygnr {mo} Innnvnamed .w.ja.-`cqun: nssanlted an old.mon'-nained- Kenny, in ' his own ' hbuse on Oenh-e'SIreet'.~ He knocked` him down,* ant} kicked him severely on~(nany pnm of his `-.prAson. Kenny : injuriea wereof such a serious -chmfacter tlunt mdignl nid was brought; in, and on the following` morning he_.died.` 1 A.coroner s inquest was held `on. thnbody, and the jury to!- aion, but` he,mud'e mod oacfnno the nioht 5.. tuned jnn iordicm to tha `etYect 1.h_at Kenny had V died from _inju_ris rec-eiv'ed at the hand: of Con!- . ..tor, and a warrant was issued for his nppfohen- 7 . -_Aoeordihg`to%_t'h4e 3 Mr. '.Pcars()n,'4 7: `of Iloyd'tow'n,' hasbeen appointed` neg. : :is_tl`tf of N0rlh Ye|fka Th_.xs, is nvoldoiubt, ; cvefy ilndying lo _Mr.Boult_bee,j;who hhd, as ce_ntra_ct_ withft.he So,licitorGenei'al, gotup the cexcitement_ necessary {to ji1st_ify-ctl1e:Cet ti_n"g apart of the County. * 8trcn`g 2 sympalllyf fcr that ; gentleman, " agihisecse may izppealf, for such V; hargaitjslare not v`er_y cpeditablee to either l;o_u sp,ledge'- ijun {allot of Mr.Boulthee. _ -`with Ath_elcOl1d_l'1c,t of AA-dam Wilsjbn hilt},- ;_self, in Mplacing-_appoinTthmfent's "in Ythe V. hands or the C1"ow'_n_,Vat the disposal .6! 5 llnknowh to the ,c6;n_stitu;t"i'on , which Mr; m'iziister`?ef I-l`1`8.C,`f_)'f\;\7'!,),'_8ll_(1" so ready to , lar.i]:`y?,`r_ights: which hewas. sworn` to We` `cam;ot,_`howeyer, express 'anyverVy; par`ty-,e'.nd, m_oreov,et;litcis said that Mr; -was-noVt'f;1i:I'l,y' vobtaihedf ` ."Bu_t: an this] sihks into cinslgnicance when compared Tayignaucg`.`cmmine`.` .'Wh5._t _this *`.vigilanc'e comm`it't'ee_' mayf_ be, `we .' neither knowjncr caye. 7 It is-",9; `power; Wilson gros_sly violated ihgdelegali-ng` tc 'it_his,c,wJnf pioper ;res'ponsibillt_y. .. For: ` be soiregardlessef his" owdlposition as _a V _a'cri_ce _'u`tVthe shtine'of'.vliis owrlW"p_opu'-_ .- 'xnai11tuil_1}'[Vv|"t; doulql scarcely ~ho.vefba I :l5;v`_3.T_ ` " ' . - ` * :Mr.Wso_n s'implyto write "himself down . an" `ass, as he hashdoue l.h1'jougl1ontltl_1is5 T; tmn.act`lo',n,'is.j' nothing n_1oreVthan_ We ` s_hd.uld have expected, b'ntjhat heshbxild c % ; }wa:ym.u.:;;:g;;4`g;.pu man and ' "ilo1g.-dj'op'5i_s _f8tnIi:_fal9 of; our ` Tusouang ;iow`er.. J has its advant-J, _ hges,._ai[d-,patmnago ngdyvscure 'wa-v,e'r-V-3 . 'ii.Jg4f:i'iI';-Vllalf.dbibtfn1=friend? but grill -our Viin'preVa_.sio`n' that a uhort_session lfolIp_w_d;by' 3 dixgoiucion : will ` `be `the -;pgbb\aj'Jl'V9:der "of _ev;u,ts-. =w-ho afI.aill faithful t'o;_the tiglitpof Up- per-:,Qanada;,,t`hen', belprepjiged for `every elgction `let ho" lukt_$warmns,- no party jgalousieg, I-no pefsonl auimosities divext emergepoy, and Vin"t.he1e'ven't of ' new'emTf_Tro_m_tl1'e mmin 0b;|eCt8.iii':Vie\V._ A : Howlu; I f."_f- __.. --v-.- u_.vuuu- car ,0 - .90 gtch 1'6: Ga1tjz`oz zheVphsi `iogghi?-l`Siotta,"`fdt maiagxy canign A f'1`here_-'is:'Ii1ttd,; :;[p4'o_I?:it_dr i';i use} ministry, gpauuc %;s LD?4:cyMogee;bu;u. `Aohil|es."A$aimxpngi_: indieotor a A _ :U_Iyne_I= ijjdeed .- wlgol an managb ' , Our'-his never been oonoetlvdr ;l>`_':`f `V eirneit been an winhffor 39100:: 3"` A u-l_r'eu_ been our encrioen end.:w._f5!P: _ _aa:tn'.tt;urn,' the deterrninetieti or this p997 `: pie-hue iith efeeh Ittceeeding tnett_l,li'A 5909'!` he eneltorehlyxeil te `endttte |'l!.V'!?.5: ."-i "tags, and continue my ewrider -h'_.'!'l?_'..,'- = ` .'Ie'nge`d,junti_l their. ri'ght'.tei ielf-gbvetfnmiin v ' istjtee eheli h'|ve_ been triemphentiy-ev tntibit_:,I'lri_ n ';endeeteIilis,hed. : Be thnn rei'ere~haol; tojlhelt L . new `forming -'1 portio'n3ofA the-_ V I"|ey,lvrere rejeognixedrlla `itI |`9tA?eVI!|.".9_&||`ng9'L`?' . _'-Ieignties by two -ntet'i_titne`P'"l.T/ f '- t`eder"etioI,.eed ruomuuo reunion nho'f8tI- f -m were tnotlltereof nu v'n'iqtr;-wictsixt.:_qi'ht.' i - no . independent oo_veroignt_toe; tn ` secede "-when j fqnired inch 3 step. . VI!ejepee,Ii of lh_O57I_t,|__:y`[- A" `ethrer-Rnropeen po.wereto__oonBtie themeelvee ' _dto recognising the self evident feet elheir ' j existence-anti trictrrentnljity during the pro.. -grass of the wt lint 'd.tawe'~fr9_m thin: the hen; : `the eDol,i`shi`ng-`of prtveteering ;' thus preifenting gthe Confedtaretee fve'tn'disposin g __of, in `_t_'ore'ig:_nN M ports, the prizeurhicht their privateere captured 3in~el'tnor2t unbroken `silence,-`-eubrni_ttingito the i" ' iwrongr indicted` ttponi. her Tcornrnerce Iby ` the i` `no cnmplaint to rnakethnt these -nat_ione_'jhaie* ' A"-deelnredthetr neutrality, ' ' - V -- --uruueu-I uuiuunivylliv 'U-J"-.' - The of.-peace wi_||:be hailed '.m".Vi and the'_eeverinty and independenee of 15?; his,tory,1e_nd`to_'t_hejdiy'e when ,tonr``ntthe-St`-te'.-.- -` ._lsi-rror>e'..ii-i_ a row of 42-.e h'nded'iP 717334 vve. revielre the hiatory` the t;`iuory;.o_f.-tho. Con` " tee, apart : that the nah-.onedu,ru`. Ste-. i in their judgment. their ieIety- nrrdi i_tonoer= to-_' . id'etermirie`trion- on Engines!` mt Frgnoe end elttsinn lhat,lhe_ir=cotrree of_nctien' wee-but an actual decision"-egain:st`the"Sottthgnnd in. fl !-. 5: our of the Union and_ at the settle time t_e n(,!i_n'gi 1e prolong hotu_ti`l_itte'as_ H_e"oo_rnpl'ains of 3VEttro`- j pein injustice. in- other 4rnn`tt'er_e', .citing the con- eineien of n,trenty__with the jUnited_ `Staten "fen , Thin he-thinks one of the direct shaft; aimed . at me` gucceea of me com;temy.f ~ Not_w'ithV-V 3 standing the repented; re`rnonst_rane1by the ~ ` Cenlrdenoy to the neutrnl Eure[iean_ 'part4b,'{3~ A end their own:ndrnis'aion' he to the` `ineioienoy not the blocltaiiaof-lh_e_ sauumn. ports, 5 nentnl Eu_rope_ has received itbeee rentonstrrrnce ' United States; He, however, assert: that w,hi_le epeaI':ing,thue_ _of 'th'eiEnropean pom-rs ,_he-has? .' r. ...-....t.i....`.-..- .1- __-_ 1, -, -v -v -- -VJ-Ir his` $ie3375o;t ,1. I"i-_._I_.._I - .'.`._a_I_ Kn" r1 1. A 1.t_:A'rr'u_n3jor' An_A1{z.:exb _ --infnnoirA,!?I#nvIoi~.' %1ro_:th ' ., .96.-N-"fd !.|*9.'P'.`*` ,d9i. i`o=.i9f6'!66ksIiat % ".3. uneasy - yonp. j vr_~ :og.'s;u&*_eI_nug;;_a ;;c3r:p_rigojpgn ' .'i6"5'!V=33`.-1141 -.5!`W2?-99'::!; Jj9;99i it .i new #1111; .6. |I'i.Z-V;-$9.?-,:1993 ;-`whhioni[L of -`-.Ir,-. .'Rehr Ada-WET. I?!_. .`.1?a1P9rsr;%':::ihs: muidii-L`: h9yT.IIII'V-`-.s,.I1-I-!d? !-p.-..'1'95s.=.t.isrs;I3i. -hid-~ '| >i~.i1_-.5 lisntlx b-6b`n t.adMi9tc9-9!i' ihia .}Iip1-'Iie' H ;`.".a. `v V`.`i'i"T-.1; 35 FIl]la5]el.- "The A.oiee_rs, slid? o}diet:....yrg:c qgripmy of Mh';,,",' f nuns zom-.n'::.:x nix f;_. .., dui`. iron`: 'e1aek.`1'n9`:a`a '.......~T * \"'.!:_'~"i||.1".||9'.."/1.|"d`!lIboIi=of'4;-k . 9... '._.,_A ~-.-v-- ,. v-, _--on-vunuulu, _. 1"-i=+4 I?-t,-'1!9re -bs-{ % .m,sz;-4.2. m....-. 4 A `?`'L *"'? .; , I have ;h_q_ il.9qQIlf:IQ.1'gpo:t/ gndeti

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