Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 14 Jan 1863, p. 4

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vs! V 1 V r s . V V A Vi-jg?-TheVtlieetinglofirerliannenth:._ 7 Notl'1ingwas"so,muchdreadedin-.onr, V . T` ` `A V 7T T" 1 'schoo1boy.clays' punished by.sit-;iyf_ . A. . .- V . - ting` between t\vo'girlsg? Ah, the. force T ;,W;5PP95?V-lb? mes-gig fP:'a':lent' of education ! In after Vyears we learn. `W1-,dePEl'd l't_`Y_-` 197: ?-`.V. f_.n.V`_"` -',to submit" to such things without shed? M"Ss-'5fb`".3'"d-..V `-"-W 3. a""?';'m' dgnga fem-_ VV - .- V T England.-_v'-We_not-nee-that rMr..;_.[ 1lley- ` i T ' - it reachedjalifax byr~tl1eEur0p8,1}l.1d. 1118. "impression arnon'gV"the press of the Lower? Itfioritreal -`!`.r:nnsnpl.),: ` T?` J eems, me front the? _ T gals , Vvenixyou `gc comi'ng',: dodge,` Px;o..vinces is,`that.Interc'olonial Rail- _ Just such a -critter asthat y.oung un road sehen1ehas been-_set'tled ,'as fair as ._ cleaning the doorstepVt other side of `the. lEnglaVnd iS.'0n9?.F-`1,- "_ `Wei "113l.1~-.bYv street, tooled poor dad,:.Jhnmey, ' If tl}'13_il111F E9gla1?d;W`u`-el`'.P ","?": 'it.ha'dn"t-been-for` her; you; `and yet dud . T-guaran_tee-t_l_1eT mopev; and t,h_a.,t'~:he:smk- T- might ha- been in`.Califor.n.y; huntin di- -ing f|ldT"\VTliY9W"._h ,`?'Pa-.Y }t.b39k ,.i-h*15 . ' muns,in'1yi son. V ` . 1 1 .been`ag,re.e1 VUPAQD-`_. 1`$'8bJe`?t: V - `- .:of course, to the determ1na_tion_,,of_the Provincial Legislati1_res..whe_n they- meet; r in Session, and Titfxvill be`_tl1ere, in.-' reali- ty,7that the-battle for the Ioacl T'.Wil'1 haw 1to be ion_g'ht,-.r f The England & had decided in its favor,`-and"*agreeid as tol_the'princ'ipal details Abeforeithey `left. _I_t rests-witlz the Parlianient to ratify, or x T . = VVhenIfAw_as-"a boy, says `Smith, my . ' fatl1erVordered.a.'co`at f'or"n'1e_ from an Is`- ` Vraelite, and when it_he.~garm_ont` earne ' '7T.f_'home' it was large -enough -lfot two or. three of_rny size.` `A The _-perp'lexe_d_ Jew, . V a.fterT`vainIyVtrying to gather up {the fnl-' ` L VI'1essin_tVhe-`backjwith hisha'nd;_so that - the front mightset tight;.declared _:_1t lengthgboldy the coat_;'wa_s- goof, it was A , T no fault .of.tej -coat, te. .',coat_-`t goot , enough._but.'te_ boy was too shlim.` - Trefnse"Vto.'ucknowle'dge'tl1e*-5331161118 ; and _ if terins`hz1ve"l)ee'n .come `to with -the. British .'Gov_ermnent,' the project 'wil'lb_e_ a V V m-inisterial one upon whichV'6u,r-mi`nisters.- ._ t . . V - .. ` T V must_stnndv-fortall. ' Itrssuid that Messrs . , .T0-..,-my pom-r.`-A1ZfI.t6 fe_V91'.'3'"d_f 30.3.` Sicotte and Howland-`are now, on their t01'3hi1d `.1 Sm 'h3'5 -103) -manner 0,` 93-" way from._England,{.t.houg_hwe have not `preSSing himselfe-__ I!1'1`h'87.|1.r.Se, 0f`Vi8it- this from any reli9;ble.sonrce'. VBut`itis _ Ting his parish.-he ,ea'Il,e.d '.at`t1g9 cottage. not_Tat'alI_unlikely. , Qur`rea'ders will re- . Uf'&teldT'lVY` fem-leis `_V.h'1m`1!8TlY ll-. rnemberithiart on the .t-27th of` T b Jited him 10 ;00m,,m _S5'd0WD-,` adtlress.was.earr_ied" in 7 the _Legislative - .Tl16 `M0301 , `WM e.'.XP908d .8_ H1036 18- Council-byavo,te-o'f33_ to 9,'to'the-follow--. spectful Asa`liii`tat1on,4-gait: gm : fstatlely ring effect :-,._..- We,'he`_r M_a'jesty. sdutif'u:` tones, inten ing to 0 83 any. III`! 01' aindilo Al:snh'eets,theLe islative Counci ` attemptits1mi|iI1|'itY-iWm3ns'IR111" ofCenl:da`,in iidniament TsseTm'bled,desTi:e, _ * a servant ufrthe L0! d)'-m. 1 8P_e!1k5 respe', that'e.hurnbly A Wm` Y0!` Fm "3 9nc_rns Of Y0! `5f9l?l'g""" of opinion am `it .-would .-best" isubsertge ' . . "1'-he Ye l1V*b9*a-111Im131e_V.mnulIkejY9m` `the.c_onvenience ofVtjheV.members -or the T -_ Masters adm1rabl`y`reJ01n'ed-the gude`-; Legislature; and m_ostconduce to"t~he_ drie `. wife-` The=dQ0_t0I` feltlhe reP_f0_Ofd_e6p1Y,_- Tt_ransacti'on."of_ public. g1fl'airs,if Parliament . -V and never again 5F'ht toma-gnify him}-; fwere` in future-su`r'nmonedVTVfor use _de_s-:' V _ self at the expense of his .oiee'.__ ' - patch of business 81 periods "D01. liter that . W M T A` 7 : * ` V` ,> C the'latter'_end-of.-Ja_nuary,, or ''A . . .33-N 3..V".' 1 A-VV'""m-G.- -"'1" 9~`t?"'5`lrv. -February 1nAea;chV.y.ear.- The-`,present + ' ' an the benet_0f Advertising, Chum-_ .ReceivervGeneral ,T on -the _partV of-.ithe. V` _br s Journal" has the following :f.- One G0V3TDmn"5.t?'-`d FhY:W*3.Hitle-_wil,-V ' .w'ould.snppose thatatgreat hoeuseihaving, .l`-gTt.h't thg %d"88 3?;-`Id ;'_`d- - i .l ' V tablislied a re imitation for excels on trheem-1" llngrepo-eV 0-rima-A Ty "that" , .~" `:5-. _ -e , P 2 __ `.`_His Excellency, had eonunanded hunt ` . 190 111 WY xPeU5`V: 'V`!1"33V""-$*31_| `1.l_S_ -to acqna,intItheTco_uncilf, tlratjn the exer.-; T ` peopleheverf -buy _out of mere Tw'hin1,T tciseofthe pr_er6ga_ti__ve of the*cr.own_`in_'t_he [3 but which 'nr`e_-heirlooms, `from genera;-; surroundingsof`Parliame.nt;he wolild-not, I . tiou.to7geTne.rntion,`and.-not to be indulge `fail'I;to' give dNue,=`c,onsideratione to `the . ' T _ed in dnplic_ate--r-might atleas_t-relax its opin'ion_.expressed bfy__.therHo4us:e as to the. ti ' Texertions, andjsuffer the ;,p'ubl_icj to period m'o',st,convenient-_for the menibersi ` oocesionally upon spotsuunoticed. by ;,its oft_heLegislu_ture, and: most fconducivez. "name. ; The writer of the present paper`. -to,:the despatch; of piiblic":AbusinessT. . > once made so bold` as to `ols_erV.ek_sc;]n1i:ichV 'Bea'ringIthis lli'lI`l1n(]l,lt 1': not likely I-His . V. ftothe 'nn_ior partner `o 19. rmeo t is e- .Ex ce1lency. wil;eay tVe.s`n"rnmonin' -*1 T n scriptidn, e and `this ` was his reply-.j-'.`. of'P arl iarnet' longer`than?thVe',Iirst;WeeE' i I `S When :I.rst enteredgthe bnsine's_s_.I :of February at fzr'thest-,bVnor' =-woT,u.ld it thonghgaws yoi1do,and`_persunded tl1e'lio_i1se look iwe 11'rqr-`Mr, SieotteV,or`. Mi`, V_'Howj - , - to reduce its` advertising V'acAco'un'_tV from land torbe out of.ft'he_w'ay ht that ttifne. `V . . 9,000_ to _6,00_0 per aunnrn; ;gbnt `the. eWeghave`reason_;toknow that, during Tl `loss of customconsequent npon. the re- the re.cess_a- vast. amo_u.n~t of ;work,has V duction i`ar.e'xceeded..Tthe M_3,Q00` saved .been_do`ne', a-Anni rnany substantial reforms V M. '_- g `so that we l1ad:at.the_heginingoftheifolm"will ;l_)8,'_;8I1_l)ml_lt'e_(1"V,t0 _t-`he H_I4egisla__._tnre.-V_ . l_ow_m_g yenfto advertnseemorTe,than._ bes___-In_ pu-rs`nance`of'tli'eir,deterrniuat~ionto ' T - , fore, In order to, recover lost ground.Ps_ gfnomise and.retrench;j_Min`isters_jwill . `V T S.`-"V.e?3l fmsxpehded tlIe_ nbo\_'e Ve n;Or-T ireducevtby twentytiv:e'Tper .cent,,_'a.IVl_- the 5 `mous aemoun't.up.on `advertising, land so g'rantTs`;an.nnnlly,_...mgde.;_._ Any` -grains much exceeded. it asto reach..`l'I,000. at ;1\v;i'll ltogetlier ' ' V " . ge_netVa,l,r the pend rnoreupon I5f| -it ; 95 Pub.1.i<'- " eSor.n1mzs" A Bxecncn-{An ` V Vintelligent. ' and gallant oicer In the 'VUnit_ed Stat_eV .hd`y''e`njaus' T 'armyIwi-ites1ovthe_-Drawer,and"heisalai-_.n5gh;n g,;s`to { . ways wel_c_ornAe-.-`F When ._.the_ UnTite_d~ ealikel-ydw';Ha`ve.,, States army started -for Utah, tl1t.T@S'11. whichthey as V scar'cit.y of transportation`, ol_',"`inT other ' ' 31 wor_ds,`there_ were -too few baggage-wag; L _ ` ' ' goons. 1No_\v every; soldier knoiws like the ; apple. of .:o._ne_ a- eye are: `these ; wggage-`wag-gons,'_dra}W,_asfthey are` by V 1 1, sixmnles, on the long. eniar cl,ieTs_.Vacn osi ` - the `plains. .i A -colonel of drngoons,-Vwho A` -`hadgeomnrand.offonejof tlie;~__col " . `restricted theofcer Very T 5 allowa.`nce.of bagga ',.;i; ' `_- bitter`if any onertri ' to emonnt, . One ' moming..1hg`~: ', one of:_h`iscaptains (adragoon `when 7 he burst rent -' as ' folio Ttuinjfdo yon-.-kno V Yiofer Wu ' 9': y`-7'-%'-act'_5Uuiu%s-': e'-.?{o =33" L" ' 32 371119 ucnzws. ` - T 5 _ ]'I*om')1\_I'1_``.0 : j B 'B`_L;iE % V W; o K ,8, uo1\.vru- (nu-us`.-in-.- --.\__.. -._ -___._._', I. UAHDUB IAI1E. .- V August 8, 1854. QUIU 1-j3mo A. map: aSTR:l`_EA'l-`,_.1{()VRT1iV`7:0F_. QUEEN. _ %&wsa;i.%ueIumi%aa.%:ja.g.a*}g;;;:;g 1. pm! myrA_nnja.bel~ me-- T I 99Y!0!3 Iii 1 . V 2 vwiudbxie-"r.-,>utot`-%c1oju; chi?!`-ck - _ _My beautiful Annabel Lee` ; - nu hagh-t_.or_ug:inam'qn;"es:iu,; , f ' " * f?AI'1d b9=4*9!--I?Iyf!1>m`~n. V f l`o_`shu1 hex-Vnp; initngpulchrg ~-"n;2Ans;gxtpgaamb,{mou;,Ai-` 2" * .11HUBA1`{'B EEANTS.` lllll XVIII` IIIUIIIIIQ5 U `B9; 302- BOSTON," =v-.~wu- Vt`z.uAx; `YALE: "-)Q.`Iv uu -uu nu.-a uvvvn Luna uxu_1.-':c_cI um ungnu UJUSL orum bgidtiful Anna'b1`Leo I ' so aIl.tbe'_nig'l::`t-t'idg,' I-lie down by the} . `Z 9: my dxrling-my (_!ar1in5gg-z_1'sy_lifo sud u;ybzide,_ ; .I_n {he sepulchre Athe:'"I'In_eVseAa,; " _. ~ - ,1; "her tomb by the sounding sen: L . -- - I7 H H Vin" ev:y.'.Ioif'or the jroliuduch pot or box ;. the amp * '*.'f:"!*'I"4:.`*- . ,.Nuq Tdl7an'Jfa;nd-c';:"" ,~ :` L_n.. _. sqygbr, n vvu; nu lfufl V lJVI.1D'g ' guy Other .mIgnxiu, .urofo_nn misInLe|.'l`or do Thgy aleaogh-_;uperioI{Ioiinyolhs:rI _. . -' ~ . A -V _1`z_1;1'.4z'1oNs.J. L ' ` 5/ r ` . ` #4 ~ . -' - _ : v - ;1g::ryIhin` *thnt,iI"*?I"i,Tn:I! i ab :'YiAniI-Ann` ' oi which we give wieahr three times pi mun} A A of. -"II!!!- : =' R'm bt .{t|-`Ii!`fi|.If-i .1-a.ii"a_ ' ' ' ilphlvytiouannd `:"|h'o"'cli6upeu__l ". , given a_n'om' `o`_l;'Ao_u_n"r; 0ojcIi!|ed=Hhi0n --. -uuv V-u you ~'i~i.;.fa.1.a,,.. can;3c".r9|ied .... u.` mndeitlerilhem, anihha weuivuwnllnouubject her- ? self to" ndu-uh-,f`a's would -be Ihe= cu'e"~if sire viaiIed' the large citietdfeued After the-aly,l=qf;.|h e* platen ,. In-nxinu -him w(inn'=r.naLu:nv:nnb.: Godey'niulw only w or]:' in;Ih`e`I;vor|d that gives mesa immense plates, and they are such as; to. have `excited `Ilse? \'w_on'de_t_- of publishers and} public. The puicfliou 'ol;l_Ie_ne plates can V I` ORE, , "II !`|`vlI I' l"_II.liion-bl|lea_o;(' the qld pgylp, nndvinitliinjxlg ` our 'VIondtful|y. lI_r'g`eAir_cu|atio_n enihla _ L .11: torgive them". ` Olhut vmugniuen-cinnoL_ Il'otd.- 2' We i _:_u_ayr ""v1'%~'i. '.";`_. .'~l ; a::;:;;m'::rd ': .'.'.`3 .._` _. I .L:GODEY_ .S" _ . .. IIIIIISE DOUBLE SE83`! FABllVl_0N-_Pl-A'Vl'I5-.-CO!(1'L'l_NlG Fiat amo truenfull zeugu Tqgima on _- cable plate. Ollrer mdzaziaa bin nnlu 1.... A'IIl_I` cure to crueujuu ullgfl UOIOICII link" 19:! 140% Qllrer magazine! jive. A ;_u11~:An OI-`.ANY.,FASHlONSIN L V , H OR mum`; V _l_'2URoga .Godev'aiA (Bu nnlv m .-me-' 3.". u.-.'-. .....1;r.._-.' _,,;. .'(')?:1:e butfI;Ahnahe1 x_e'e';'. . . ` And tbetars never rise b u't_L-fe_el_tbe brigilt nrmn I.}..'.`n:r..I A......-`;...'1-r,.....' -' 1 V __f _.V_._..V_.... _>..`.u,u-anus. VJAVWD A All eijm lo rival ubinlthis {hnie ceIn'aod,'und we`-. nowpland alone in this depamnent,giv_ing, as we do, many more `and. mliqitely, batter engravings than dye publuhed in gay olheaywoprk. _ v_ . - ' . .. ---+ -_-on.-aa.v4_A..L |_IIv.l-'Al i's9_f thin klnd Ihal_ can be Ieqdvnloud in the , `circle, and the clergz in_ immenba numbeti an acribenlor the Bob -. v - ' V _~ - -_~V.llD, JVIUBLU` . I all origi>nnl,Va'nd would colt 25 cents [||Ie*pric'e 0! Ike Bouk].in Ihemusie otmjes; but ||ios_l`of it In cop - righld, gnd cqnnot _he_'nb_Iaind_ exc_ep1f in 'Godey . - V I'f,TT`Dv QTDDT nrhn 1-up-`.`,).'..; V Juiizoiiiu o "`./1blo'ne,_ Hidden Path, l_ Mos; SiiiT,"VT I .. ~ H Nemisia, ?.a`nd -5 Miriam"? zwiho will furnish availory fbr evt-ry n'u_mber'-ofv glie Ladv a Book-for 1863. . This alone will place the .`y, a Booklin a` literary pom! hf View tar ahead of any other magazine.` Marinn `Harland vwlnlca for no` oiher publication. - Our other favorilp Twrilen will _ all continue tc) lurniah. nnicles ihroughoui 156- ycaf. 1-nus ma.e'r' I .An'Va - uA`nArnnn.i n. .A.-.._ _- V "~~-V" -"'V"u"j". W )f_"".' THE BEST 1LAD_Y S'MA'GAZINI_'}g,l_N THE - v , 1W0R_LD,AN,D 'rns_onnAPm1'. s ` _----_---- a-vs-u The Publishes; of Goaeyi- mar.` ABo'okV, uuukriu. to that public which'haa 'en_qbled him to pubhoh a magazine for the East` 'rum1'v-`man yeprs oftlargcr Tcirculntionllunnny in America, `has 4mavd_e. an -ar- rungemenl wnh`Ih_e most popular aughoruqs in Ibis country-- . ' * A ` M A at o N I-_l;A' RL.N_D; _ A n__A1-_ .-.,, ,0}: An" -- -- -- - Gonmrs LAnY's% nook _ '4.-"F"-O_ R__1 8'6_3.._ .. Great Lite4ra_Jry and Picjtorigalk Yearl; 'l'|.- l'>..I.I:.|. ... .: nA.n....y'- "V ;and' bus`iV'nVesg men cq n_ pr[oA-_ .cnfe: QMADS, `BILL, HEADS, `H'AT_1_\I`D at"ds lo.v5Ifj'a,t.e'sj as are" .C.lll"_l'IVl/t fin Torbnto. H Is now in :_1 poitibh tn} _e'xTe/cute_ Prihting 61` `yry-'4description 6.; Lawn 1?n1ic::Vs thgn`. h'itl_ie,ttQ.haV'e beq bllarg in this> v vvjnw no--_-u..m war`... v---- _- f.5`_ omen-`who, wmonau-` aim .. T _-Of mdny far wzaer than ` 7 And neither the In ge'Is'in hcayen'_ab9v e,:" b Noifthe deino`ns dbwn under the se'n.,7 1, nn`e.v`er diasever qoul {rpm tlie `soul. Ofi beautfu1.Annhbel Lego. L ` Power Press A * THE" Sxiliscribef Iliivinlgf, ;at'.g'rezA1t'eVx- pens;e_,. _in3t'roduced firlntd 'tl1_e AnvAis'cE. -(.)' ic`e z_1 '.rs_tcVl#a's's ` `PAM ms, MAGISTRATES rc>1;M's,%_ F% %v1s;n}rm: cARD,": p _ ' I `, T4_;>A'_w:'1:I)1.)i1~iG A:R`1A)j,_% .-' ,_ 'V .'Z"-':" -"_ ".'_""?"_ `V\\4_F"l.|. III OUR STEEL ENGRAVJNGS : III ..m;.3..- i. ...__n A.-_ = ..FoA`f the_'m6onA have; Tb'ei'r`ms -i1'vit`h'1ut. Kine ` ' ` ' T 3 }\n.u n . `Inn; '..--- W3 -'m~Tm= - _v_-u, uvrvufucu '|C_ulUIl 575fz}}T w6on; V-1z1vq1m _'1NasV, I I`. in . nan`. on-2.4 .'.- 41.... .':....- "4. _., ' And.eiriar`y"otA1ir dscfiptioh-of ~ ir_rH_E 1;1z'1:1z4 z'v1E_ I.a_.l .|__. _-.. I - 1 poi~;ivE1';m:cEI;`siL]sfoRniVs,' M'Us ov flu` ivnnhl Ann 0: ...._a. o-_-u u--an-u uuu awuuu wv --all .- `---- ~'v-, T "Went ianvyingber and V . w:-.'..: mm mm fihq mson (as alI1vme1i"kni)'1IA`, . _ - In this kinigdom bynthe sea),-- ` ' "thaw;-'.wina came out orn.-_Ioua`by` iiiiiy ` -nn_2&o:__ -1; u_n.'s4 _ '_._ A..._-L..I I ;- CHEQUES. ma uloiufiruhe ,fa}:iil: 1 are Vnqb-_ c1nc;m.An%s; `D. CREW. h I,, .ons_q-I4: po`I._oI:`l}qx;`l`|:Isi# F r:."::::-;::- -..;-E`.-:. '- ` ` Viaiugubo. I . .1 > F . 5.'||||!|||!- V sAxckLY`[F_E MA`LEs . hwld' `loo;-_ no. time ilrlrying. a few doses of. IM3 _gteguln _lin`g -I`nd:renovgling iemedy ; whmever may be bcir.`com`pl_a`iiIl, i_l'9I*p' be-taken will: 1-aI`e|_y_in_g|| pe. Iiwilif and onllpc Vd|sorgn ni:aIions`;.iIu e'ecI_ is, an :_h".-*-mi*?|9"!.*`' ; W k % u-_-cow-an-fun: -una`u|a.4A I A 11111.} 1! DAIXLVl.`lD " ' From whatever ctmses, I.owm:'ss or srmrrs, and . all other night: of a di'sensed'livr. and other disorgan i,zuti o_nv of the system,-_-vanish under the eradicating tinu.enoo"of this _alVl-bpowverful antiseptic and detergent - RIl4.V~' mu:-.1: A f.l'a`Q `suns }_ue~Inna caln_e ourox lcjouu u; Wily ) A ._ _ 'cn=-mag ._`.j.d killing my _An9.pe1 Lu. W _ :_. u.t- oj: rj_1'ov'eV-is was sni,n}"ge:;by_ ring a..'..: t_.h; 'l'oI_e7 (If lhnnnirhn nun-n hii Chan tin--' . - _a.(auus all. unt V f `The great 8drge'of- this cohtinentxieldsnquickly V to I coins: of ' the:-e anlis-ptic Pills. an the digestive` 0' nl `(Ire restored lo"lheir proper tone; no matter in w :1 nidcous ahapelhis ~hydrAg.uf disease exhnbns it sell ,-this searching nndunernng remedy disperses it rou:'-,,lhe.paIie'm a system. 1 A A ' A WGENERAL .DEB[LITY AND! VWEAKNESS. . Fem... hohalnyni nn'u...- 1.u--....'.... ,.._ __, unvu_ry_ing`resnlt.' - VBILIOUS DISORDERS. ' ` . Jn whalever foxm disease allaclislhe liver, `it is re` pelled" nu`d(exlgrniina'tc tlifs searching, pginless andirteaislible curative. V ' V V _, ' . - Let, Lhe sick whom thefacully have abandoned re- sort with cbndence to this powerful unlibilivius agent, and` aiu-ebtoraliou` to'hgalth and activity will be me A *I'\\-750:1-inc-uns . . The history oI':'this great re`medy'is- the most won- derful medical revelation that` the _'wnrld has . ever known. ,1: is not-a history Written by one man, or even derived from the e'xperiencs'of one nation, "but consists of trcompilation ortexitinnorrials from the z-ik ofeverv counti_v--of record, the like which has never been` adduced in favor of any` discovery or invention are time began. - ' . 1 l-are l'I\D'I!I' -\-_.-.-_____, ._v gueumwnvrs ver_\'-but medium of publishing notices` 01` any kind. Rati:s-for`-Daily:-four pence a_ line-,.fur first in-'_ sm-tion,.and one. penny each sulisequent insertion; _for: Waklies, pix" pence a line for each insertion. up, ;yn.aln|.A atJ1 l\.L_\lJ ',ijl'<.;_%7 :EA>1`-1:n:11:1'. :nr11%g1; ] 'GO TO . 1.\( nuv;A`;At1lL)lZ4l_\sJ- _ _`The large circ.nlal'io'n of` 17:5 Lcader makes it the very-b_(sl medium of publishing Rates-for`-Dai|$ --four nence a linia-..fnr first in.- ._.... .-.u.u.5uu-.o uu:_y ruulu nculvc gnnu u uullv. _ V THE` VVEEKLY LEADER ,' lsipuhulished every Fr'idnv..and THE PATRIOT ` mid the NEWS OF THE VVEEK are pub|i.~hed Vever_v Wednesday}, "at tlne`.'ra'te:ot ONE'DOLLAR in advance. ..These/papers are printed on a lnrge_ , sheet, and contain the most _iInpnr!Aa'nl `part.ol- the rggading matter of the _Dr/fly Leader. Market Re-3 pogtl are parliculajly attended .19 in lh-.-In. These are the cheapest papers in the Provjnm-.~2. ` Onednllar 8 -In-mr i lldlln-1| lnAoIn1-II Fialilinh I-`hon V'_ll0l paid in ad\'Ince._ are me cneapeztl in me !'_r0v_Inm-.-s. ` One dollar a -yearjs added to each Edition when {IJIJ L1l.JlIll' VI IJIJILIJL LJLIIILIIJLU ` .|s published on Tuesdays and Fridays, at THREE `x.L'M:s n year,/in.a(lvam-e._ It conlains nll Ihe reading" mallr oflhe Daily Leadar ,' and fur parties who.` do not reside near enough lb a Post 0_ll'uce' In call everyday, this; paper will gupply lhem with all `the intelligence they could r'ec-give from a Daily.` 'rm::' \vmr.m.v 1.12.: mzn "ri_z Jgxg }oi'1u1rIn mp` 'yi>:nV`!I1:e>a.jenoA_ `In--. '......-a..v..1...- -...I 1|`__'. L nan; cw.-'r_v morning, in .time Tn? the enrfy yang; guxnuunn ls` }'Ihf)liubc-#1" .l rains, a'l S|x`Du1.I.'uis per annnm, in Edyum-eL,' 11 is n,lnrge` sheet,-and` contnimi lhe earliest and most ieliablevinlalligelnce that canbe obiamed -fnvom every part 01. the wurldl ' _ ` 4 mum dblll`II1l.`I.`I!I' tr I 73.; turn I -_ HE [favor wi_th.which The Leader has been l'9ceiV3d, by the. Public may bejm-ir_rr-d ._by the fact that since its commencement, in July 1852, it has sxcadilvincreasezl In I-in-ulnliun nmii, in its vari- ous ednlinns, it has several thousand mm`: subscribers. that": "any other paper` in Canada. Ev:-ry exertion [is heinghsed lo make -it more and mute indispcziy sable {or-,evei'\` family in the Pro"\iiu(:e.' _. .1 ; n n . r.--an rnviv I-\;i k A L".'l.-'HE LEA DER, . V j "-THE PATRIOP &-NEWS TH-E A'_disr'oun! of twenty-vc per-`cent from the above prig-es WI be allowed lo`C|ubs ordering four or more nples of any one or [mm-e oi the above works. Thus :--Fm1r copies .(_)f Blaqkwood; or of one Re`- v'iew,.-will be.senI'lo one address fog $9 ; four copies '91iheffguu-Re\.'iews'a_nd Blackwoqd for $30; and 50 U": , ' ~ . PTTKTAG-R, ` .4Canatlin`-MailVSnbsciibrrs suplied free of U. S. I .-Postage. I _ _ ' - ' ' - N.B.'--The price in Great Brilainiof the live; Pc_riuilict_l|s bove mum-d_'ia 331 perannmn. ' ` - mannnnl) .q(:n'r'r X: an. 7 Fer any three of the four _ReviewI. . . . . . . `Money current o " [Per ann For any we of '-the four Reviews" , . . . . . . 5 00 . 7 00 For an four of, the Reviews. . '. . . . . . . . I 8 0 \ For Blackw9'od`_s Magazine. . . . . .` 3 00 For Blackwo_od_and one` Review. . . . . . 5 00 'Fo'rBlnck'wo'od mid twoeviews. ; .'.. 7 oo, Fox` Blackwood {Ind three Reviews. . . . . 9:00 For `Blackwodd end the four Reviews. . . .- -10 00 in the State where 1.5314841. will be ' V :received at par, . ' CLUBBING. .v.. 4 I `Foe any ouefofv the `(hue Re`viewa...'..'. . . $3 00 I on c|_m'enI e.venu,l anu u Iucn, Ill auamouv Io |lll'l!' "well an-lahlish lilerary, sciemic, and theological character, We urge them upon the conuideratjon of the reading pilblic. ' . -~ ' I.` A III 1? IVITDYDQ nuv emu:-nee rs--ruuu EARLY cop):-:9). The receipt of_Adea}ics Sheen from lhe British `pub: lishers, give : additional valuelo. these reprints, inu- much as they can-now be placed in the-hands of but aula_seribere.abqut an agtgtagne original ediliens. 7 V The yironent "criticalistnte of Europe_an`.n`'nirs .m render there publication: nuuluallv interesting during` the forthcoming your- `They will occupy I nniddle ground between`-;tltc hastily written news item's`,crndc "upeculntiono nndrying rumours` of the daily. Journal, and thoponderoua tome of the. future historian, writ- "ten liter the living intereatjml excitement of the great political events of thetime shall have passed ' away. `It in totheso periodialtthnt reader: must look_l'or_tho only really intelligible and religble history of current e.vntl,, and u ouch, in `addition, to the-nr "nu-,l|` sznlnhlinhnd lilnrnrv- u-ia-ntin. and thenlmrical '3f;;a';;`;;;;:.: im'.'i.-.`-.13.}. Ia.-. "a`u..1 =.`:...'.. `). L f7sco'r?r 1: 00. V new yam; ontinue to. ' - vying xadjqg Baum pgn. 0 . QUAR;l'ERIgY. (Couunuive). ;~'lfIn_: En1uguRqH`n1h Ew;(Win;). . i . '&1T'&`x_1=:A _NOn'rH BarrIsH`iu~:vu-zw (I-'m'chu _:cm 'mE`Twzsm'1Nsrzn6hEvxaw (Lienl). V- nx,Acxwoon's.EoiN1i.meAzmn[('rory,.V . _ l.!@y`ll.C _! 'uauu4 |oae.y_..:ro.r`43B.- . V ,Gahr.nlhrnu.' `aid % _;0;0~`!.cnrfof`.=6D;"" q..a..\ %., .5 , ';on_e-ya-`ac, _ A S'._ Treasury Noleft 3`!hn,aI.|Ilr.x," ` Be careful up .A(_Hnpg. ' _. a. _ 931.. . _` T 's:re.i,1=1..2,;,zez,.2aza;1=, " tuna? ; t3.;tn=.i._;nvl'eu_:.`1sV-_upi_xvgw letter, ; M .:..'!"z-. :.-s-:'--""": I . .` B941 !-30ok,:-M and V!lg[i.gt_ o.l,lIgnno .....;;u... ran - - ~ J%%m+r%:%su Fuavjswjs. uu 10 V ' . LEADER` or-*1`-`.1cr_:, `TORONTO. "cnEA`Pj;s'i', mazujxsr .u_*n`B1~:s'1' " 1 L.- T - snn_n.|7N_c."nv'r 'mUI-:::( : sun-v"1vt_:;oR msnlsng .7,yI'_\`-.-=.V'ia...!:`.!V.`.'!`.`..A'..":.. a....i...o. t.'..'|..n.1n`...|. ....a Aulmm Hismu Mu: ':iii'l:3`-;53Ml4\VEEKLi - `LEADER "i';.X':i-A7 }LE;}{'i$i7:} ','FovriidA `, ' , ~l'I.II{aIo_ 011-: M Tc) ADV_-ERA'l`ISI;3BS.A ,.. l1o \ v':'-vriaunin:-d. ' a_nr',Ini`n'r-1., LEONARD SCOTT. 65 Co_., NA RA rlnl nlu-anal, Nu! _DYSPE_PS1Ai 4 POSTAGE. ; nuunu auux 1. cc uo_., ' `No; Gold street. New Yo|_-k. I I00" ll HIE TERMS. 1-fs'u'o"; o*fs::a.a:-"eel, ` 8I.N.!!'t!-.Svn`p` lolnq ~ : .'l3ii';2. ."..`}'". `..`.'.'..'I"'."15.';4'c-`.?'c`>`..'."}'z'i..'u'si'.', '."'n...."'.'u.' 'v'.'.'2 ma Kbolllei fair Fe. uonm. Principalolro pt ` _u`idenj.Lun'e,' Now` York. sou -by-Dnnbb on 'ivlcr_y.tqIAI_rQflbb 'UIilVd,8lili n_nJ0tudu.V . . .v Dnlsnlnlr l.l'\l| " `n.pwms REIOVATlIG m:soLv:N`r swetrin dots: of 1 bill lea`opoonl'ul_ than time: rvl Iv, will cure Sons ofvthe Gums. ,.Canken,in-tho ,Moulh, Sore Heads, Bars `nndl-Zyes, either Imus _\Vor_lnn,,'I'e_lhing,-or nnyIoIher, onus. .lI' Itouhled with-Cough, Reulchneignl Night , half a mu-urn! willinsureavcnn. Prion Ono Dnllun hmlrm `Ii 'clea;.r`:`sVn.nd pu'riAea-the = Resolves HS dneased._'depusin_, and renovate: the nvstem with health and vmenglh. ` In all cases" asli for RAID- WAY S RENOVATING-. RI`.nl,1II.`M'I" I u.:... wnro 1u'.'LV_4Uv4IL'l_'lNU`g KISSOLYENT. Pliuo per bottle 0n_e-Dalian. Pcrsohl calling I . Dr. little way 6; 00- : otce, 8`l_ Maiden Lune, will ho lup- lied wilhsix bottles for Five Dollars. 4 `Sold ybo M B-vuim V - ' _ . . A , |"\lUlIu IJIJ OIJX DUI. .I I.AI'J3a' "Will cure scmruu, Sy"phi]is,'W|iiIe Swelling, Sort Legs, Sy hiIiIic.RheumaIism, Gout',.Chf_0nic Dis;-1-on Scurvy, rdnchilis, Tubercles, Ulcirs in Ibo Thmn 0; on the. Lungs. or Liver. and .di.~_eases cquaed by . the excegsive use 01 Cnylomi-I, Me_rcury, Quiniuo, vcorrosive Sublimale,T4+:. There Is no dweue 0 '. the Skim. Joinlsg Bones, orGl'|ndI, bIl_- than this ' remedy will c1_)re.- ; i lll9ll\`VC\l.V|lC"II3IIF_, Illlu ren0Val_e3 llle F.\'3`em ask WAY S RENOV_A'l_'lNG`g RESOLYENT. him-0 per Iiollle 0ne.Dollnr. Pernnin nnllinn .- n., n..|. .|.|AllL-OLA uvzlunou - \Vi|l cure FB\'E[ Sure.-, Ulcers, Tumors, Sores in V-Ih Nose or Mouth, Kmg s Evil, Nudes, Discharge: from the Ulerns, Chultirmsis. Glandular Swellings, Ulcrs of the Womb,` Riclrols, Sollening of: Ihe. Hum-:4, -Fits. Drnpsical E_'un".spg, and Diseses Induced by 0.-xjaosure, 5-c. ' an-on ...-. ._-__ _.___._' , Primary" Syphilis, - --- n lIul.'IC.\ll'II' 1 tfwo BOTTLES- _ ,\V'il1cur'e Su Rheum, SVRW _Hc_nd. `Sore Eye.-II, Slrumereus Dischn_rgcs from the Ears, Swelling In the Groin, Falling of lhe Womb, D\'sp:psia, Nun- ralgia. _ j ' . . V ` " ."'1'.HRI'_IE BOTTLES. T `I7`II '` 722sqqnrm:!i3i-1B8a!1:i:l._.;.. _ . L V M t `H61-v"'? 16P9P!"419P?-t'@v .849. "139; _ F . J t;;i:;a;ewye' A iamu.` ...tliis_ mnlzeltt 1.3.5 V 1 ..tli'e`?es_u7l', ted PP`."E`i?.'.953i I.-h':Wdi'-~:`; t ' VI?}Ii_ro..ih.e ?f?ti*!P`l'iifi9!1t*l=.uh.itb9* .1 cmeau. isyty tetxiatkdzlo;-' '-E,8,1li1_iii&:: ` ~ ,._L@dmfi6m:*!&ideia.1ian`,;itnvilPbfdmid ' tixi the$;IJlonies'-tin`1ho! .tpm`peraoe.cli- and7s!t!ed `?'!'1.3"l9PPf`!!':`?-"*`hr58 twiis1.i4AaI;1 A qb.a::-4. 7` .. .. _"'D. 7 er`-1 .. . ` *` .t . .s~.:`-n I : t twarshit bantt*b1d`!*9'W"`~ "A3ic"%z? 3n `3o35n .m.;?." "1r'$3 _w|'tds'-I,?20,790`.j 'hIn. the.'tl|ogieal'. o1;lonies""5,on.x,.V - -- x a , " .' - " F ajn ooonieiwit xzqmallt -y .. _" - V 'lations-t'he wgstngaieg, tAf:ica_;;C9ylon;t`Misix!tiIm516n:=,:!9n; AFR: 233?-315 13193 .41 . .St.`Heleng`,Benmndqr-thg._pppnlgt1opin> H 1'3 .__.-; : t- 40-C, ,1838.w9,s2,283;606;;1in;l 20;yea'rs"a e|f- _ it - .- _ Warcls_it.'hta -n ot:'n_1ear `doubled itself," Ibtrtw `S3133. V , . ._beingon ly3,227,8'5l., ...Th'e`impom_1Vitnto` ,`-:"`-.j ` V . _ _. . `tbdformettla8$..i19nies,- S.80..1.4l.5. t t in-l[838,Ahad behjnore than qu'agiruApl_ed: __ . g . t 4: A. . _' T, - 20 years.a!terwards_;-jin,thelatterfclass, ri - ".'-f , .'" . v . "apt; whol_,.theyA'wer_e pot dou_hled. (The? ' -- _ T .. _ ` 1 N T I exports from'_the formerc1ass,ofc`o"lonies A`; _ -`P03-TPLQNE: E'N.-I-_.. . ji.ncrea'sed`;1`early sixfod_'i`n1`theitwepg . V ".V.A."f . ...___i ? -4 -' tyears`in_'jt'_ e'latteion ~_2oper-ce`m,"t t ' s '" ' `f ` `_ " pzogrss of"Ceylon -and?MauritiusAbeingf ; _t'o',u great extent cdunterbalapcet 'b.y_t_he ' ` ' V , _ . " falling otfon'the_paxt{o'tha-Vigest.Indies.` : svIM,CoE -_-._ _ V. In`t1ieYear1850'ch`tf e :I>res.31,it A T r ., ' - volume especially; rglates, th'e.- imponsxot 0" S-`?`,""=`-?"."9"` 4",? `. [4?`8`,?' `.85? 'me'r_cha'ndise,aud .treAa4su re into` Brit'ish_'-Q ._ _t _ ` _ j - -Id t dt '.40,6'22,tQ3',.d1hf , 3 -.. 7` . ; to ;o:28`,8,89-,2l0 ;1th`(1anNp1fl: .3-Y _ jP;U- 3L l C , AUQTI Q N .- L Annerican clon.ies'had imports of; the- - t 'A'1'-'mIIt [ -A ' value ofv11,985,1>55,-'_upd_1sent font, ex-, '_SHERIFF?Sl0FFICE,t in "the" CO`UR`l`_ HOUSE,` gports amouutiuggto _19,4993',`722; the "A ' ' ` " ` . . , _ " thj.,T` f-"B wk?` West`Izjd1es,1mports,:),339,528 exports," ~m 97.0-WP t_~ .`.'*",` I? 0c` ' now j 5596s435 i AS"a" "1`P':F"S:`>.997s73a- T"`.`.;2`.`3f:`2{`Z`?`1?.`i}52`3.`i:23?J.`?!II'$.Z; aI~ A ` 0 I. l " ..- `v .- . -- .' - " '- 4`4`.9: .3 -`Prt5s 21.98~2286 .1 Ceylon `m a wut of Fzerz_Factas,..m the following suit :. . `ports `3 551 239- V.eAxport's,~ 29136 640 - '_ . V -. .. .. ' `j- ~ ; 1 the apef i,mfm_t,_.2;665,9o2f_ xiaorts: - * *,";';;;,'g;;` A; ..`."'.`,`At".:_`.`F 4",`: 1`-1". d`S,h"A"'`_`: 1:08_0;:3'98- '7 K` .- , - " ` Atria. " _ V:vyn..x.'1:_n "sour \IL1'LI4 l)lJ I. I. DID. In all pave.-s hf Pimp`;-s, Bl.-u-hi-s, Pnrules..'l`eIt-:10 CunI&er's_. Skin Eruptions, Buils,'Bn kg-Is uml Baibevi In-h, one In-ule .will'cure and':mparl;pum_\- and clear ` ness lo lllC_?kilI and ('uu|pIexi'uu. 'l` \l?h Lu vrrrv I5:-_ `uulltfu ruur.-\I *5 1u.'.\'ovA'l`L\'G RESOLVEN I`. v-lhal will mm-. on-ry species` of Skin Disc-use-1, `Sc.-rlofulag Svplnl'iIi- Ernplmms, Fox`:- r Sort.-.~, Ulcets. Tmnor:-,1 Sal: Rhemn, Sun-s at all kinds. Humnrs, Puslules, Pimples, Blululu-3, \\7('., nopidlv and 'i'c- `m-ely,;withuu_1 exposure qr subjecting the palienl to lh*._Ik:nsl in_co_uvc-nxevnx-9.. ` i.` DR_. TRADWAY . -HA-S DISCOVERED .-\ CLE7-\l\'SlNG SYRUP `Called I:,\n.n'~s RE.\'0V.\'l`l.\'G RESOLVEN pm-.._ N-.....y. .m,...;...~ no RI-;.. n; ..... .. There` is a variety of Skin Diseases that have bullied. the skill of Ihc ` Innsl e-`ntitient prnclitionen. and have resisted the rm-dicavl treatment of the mun popular remedies of modern gr-iem-e. BY DR. % RADwAY S . o%LANsIAus svnur. ~mo1/2 rev/rs' anu gelmrul dc-Inmvv. ` ' Thnl or-n-lcfncce shut] "not be u.bnsed,~and knowing that the above art . refmedirs Jor (Ii.-senses .70 "M"*' they are_ re-con:Inen I ask the cun'JenL-e'Iu lc.-at them, and will be rumly tn refund the. money lo all not pa.-rferljy saiisc-d.wilh ressxlls. . Joxm VL. HLtNNm:'nwr:1,I.. Prnprielnr. , v ' Praulicnl Ciwmisl, amlV Plmrmanmlislt, 3` Fm:-suiule of ztignuluh: "ow;-r cork of genuine Bottle. . - z ' TL W`. G:-orgen, and Geo.` Lane, Agents, Barrie, Canada West. ' - , is/An \I.'|1..l......l.. A ......g. `I ..`_-__ ru_- L n, Q \V'8|- 3:3-= \Vhu|-sale Aszcnls Lyinam,-, Clare 5: Co., Mjomreal; Lyman, Ellinllds C0,, `T`mvn1u;' Hamil- lnn, Muir. c Cn.,'Hami|lun; T. Bu('k|e:& Sons, Hgmillon-. ; . . . . ' Also Ior sale in evervy City and Town. !3'_D;nlers with good n-fen.-mic au['pli.-'d_on com- mission. -I V A !'t`H_I:\'lll...' pains wlulc Atullm-'.-o work Is lllI(h~llll'l)(`('.` The Ec1.c'n<: PILL. scidmn -ruqlllrlng lml a single P_ll Ior a dose, saves Iru-,v-.ri::g II.-_ sumisich, and in Nlure s a's.~'islam- in D157. /m'/r.-`III /iutm/-.r.c, 1.0:}! of '/1]ipelI'le, Jaluu//re, III! /i_r JIIUII. (,'as'/i1'mr..!. 11:41}!- ac/ze frnm tlisan/zrrd .v!z}nmrI/.,.]Vim/ in _S0md`/1, ~SMw For/rs and gemarial dc-bUIlV\'. - ' Till` t`l`Il"t`ll(.`t`. Mm `mu hu n1m~u~I_-anal L-nn\l'in'o cures. ` - . _ - > _ - V The Tmml! A .\"nD\'.\'F. r'i1rt'.s . `twin/,gr/(I. j]\'e'rz-mu and Si:-, }Irarlm'/:*_. J1 !/I/`IfI`/'7)!/I-"III./ifs. Tool/L and ]}`(ll"lll']l', Dislrcss, /rflrrv e"Il/'2/g. (/nut, ]x ~/:ujmIun'.Im, and all minor N-'r\`uus' c-mxpl4:um,~, und lz-.~.~ 01 sleep. For Vlhv mumlalv :6II'n:IilI_.\' of 1}-malv:.~`. frmn which - anu all mlnur 1\rr\`uus c-mxpL:um,~, and l-.~.~ lIIuuIIal_\ I},-umln.-._~g. whi(:!i_- cIa.~'s- most, if nut (2/I \Ivrcrk>' lo the ;\cr\'qu< 'S_\'sl*m ` (-mm.-. the >A.V0n\'.V1=: In.-N In.-1-In-xnim-'nll_\' :-u~('c.\.~!'n|, in. rt*ht:\'in.e.v pains \\'hiIc ..\'ulIm-'.-o \\'m`k'Is I.Imh~lur|n-d.` The Em.L:(:'n(: PILL. se-Mn... ..-..nnn-um` l.m g innln ' "'I`ngA Caren, l:.\n.n'.'. 1-un-.< .,-wry .-pt-ies ol. Thrt at and Lung C":-m'pIaim.~ Iimn the (-uu_nnon1-ore 'I`hr`uu|, through the cnnrc nxe,Ll_hvnl. und in L-unsump. Hull; ' ' ruly, 1862. Vk"VF`(`lF\! , ' .,._ .~.\Lvv:...4VC,, . I U\IIVERS1_L f::~+ F.::.L'> \ I `Suit undevr seal, "in a plzfih enveiope, to any address, on the reccip! of" sxx. cents, or two post. age stamps, by gddresamg, _` E This admirable lecture clearly proves "that: the _g'bo've enumemte_d,_ often self-inicleil-enlng may be removed without medicine, and without dangrods surgical operations, and should be read by every youth and every. man in the land. H inn I9caled Envelope. Pm-; m Lncwnnn BY on. CULVERWELL .,;.,,,, Cause nnd_ Cure _of 'Spc-rmntorrhtnu Con. eumption, Mental and Physical Dcbility, Ng'",,,._ ._ness,- Epilepsy, Impaired Nutrition of the Bod D Longitude, Weakness of the Limbs and the Bac Indispopition and Incapacity for study and 1.50 . -Dullness 0! `Apprehension, Loss of Menwr Aversionto Society, Love of Solitude, midilry Self-`distrust, Dizziness; Headache,` Affecfjoh ' the eyes, Pimples on the Face, Involuntary Emis- sions. and Sexual Incapacity, the consequences of youthful indisc-ration, c., kc. ~i}1;u.-rtled fun the moat ' d -, ' [u be` has made qrmngemeni? e'v,l. ~ pionth, he itprcpared to execute an ,,'o,k -:0lII.l'llllBd to` him,- as cheap as any on. mm in the` Pruvince, .4... .o I',_,;A,,-9.,_>og _ _. _ .,'?;&:.:'.`:2:';;:a%? P*`*"~ 891-on : thnhhfto his friends In B.` m, M " surrounding oounuzxg who have pat]-onfud hi` thirteen yen-I be t - nut in raw. he` will be; iu.BA'1m1' or? i",`,'. - and` llith of each month, when he will ha 5., to wninapon those requiring his service: in H, of (ho/Ibranohen` of his Profession. mu; . ' . I . - Its simp1icily'allqw.~ its uge homlv, _nnd b_y_such it mres. ' ~ ' ` F1PVE3!`8EME;i T i :1 K; 15ENTIsr. SKIN`DISEASES CURED RAPIDLY AND R.-XDICALLY. Avpn'1-19', u _ "1).:..c11A.s.` .}.r C, KI.I.\ E, as Co.. l27'Bouqery, Ydrlc, Post Oice Bar, 4535_ Wu 1 DR ) \}`\'.'; N N E'I`V EL`:.) T EQLECTIC. "V'V,'.` - hung. `W031 WARRANTED. To` THE PUBLIC. `noun so slx BOTTLES.- .. u.....-r..|..' a.L'.;1 -'n-, 4...`-. .Ci'1'1'L D R .:..N. "33-3':5"i;o*r`rLx:. . The Great Cannot [HUMAN 1v11s1:mr_ auunru quu unusua- 17:r holding; :5; for}: p 1_TTn"xIre`a_aao._.T `um-. . 2: .}.t'6"1;"abbtl:";I`\1cl`i:i ford. I6. - ` ` `ax? irerse, 2: :.io1;"b`oth}_thIhi1v`e,'*B6ith"Wit 6:53:53,` no-T; &1.o,s'=.,14 \e..st_: .;=1r.1.-qe.,ni<;aaB:;;nt zm owl-.: L J W`, P `W _ .5 em -..v,--...-u av --ova-A-A, .lVlVIU_I>l_|-IUIVQVUS " 7 ' 'nf. Coiu'nov;_Pl(u. I ' ;- 3oH1~.r~sNA1_m.u. THOxAa~'n:-man V` V . W1`m`IAufL5NGl!..E-:9f~'f9P! 9-5 ' 4 In`; Cowl) bfwh 5.1" ffniied 'l,7orlc_11?"u.l, T ~. . _- - - 1; wnI.Lx.uI.- oss andw1LLum RUSSELL zcoss;iPIain,:.inrs,ru.;; won-.4s_;p;nnunar ma; VwAx_1.Lmtmxvannvyperepanhu- v -11'.-M_>o-.=cr. ~ ,9 V, GOEGE EEDUGGAN. V. 150 `!".V5||,?I.iI.3".-VA 7' ' PH0ilA8__'DEHERY.;D!eniut.;; I Lbllj1,.2_}3,`E|_'bf nu; Bond. .1 : -.r 11,10 17`, bgth inclhaivc, Wgnt of V r`~`~ A.~l.1ait:bf*Ii1ock?89re!:L.= ` ff; r 567,? .8,9,-":1o;,1'1[. ind -12. msrorzm ifs: .~ 2 gallallttofeer t11e"vUnited`Stat. `army writes tovtbe_-Drawer, and" he is_a-1+. `Now how ._b1ggage-wag-gons,` dra`,iVi1,_ as tby aref:hy? the drngoons,7!fv,hoX =` - lnad-.c'om maud. of `. one` of tlj:; I0,luuxn's,`f' -V S>or.n1ens : ']3VAr;:;1trcr:-`-;.V3A.r 1: .in_tellige'i1to- ways wel_come.-V-5" ..the`` United` 'stz_irtedt there was `:1 A transportation, or, `in few the3apple_ one - '.thes"e":4 . a SIX mules, Zmarcheoacmsiv e # restricted theofcer mq_h;:,in;'=their .a, allowa.t_ice.of ',. vAtlii,d',>Wf,$ f=mUCl."f _bitter"i any ,4 ~amognt, morning-.the:5Co1o1ie1. 31 hilalnlniha (.t!I'nI|n;n'. `A'l`,.j.=.r..`.i';;'. ~ .~ '.GE0RGE.' DUGGAN`; {Jan "` L "Pleat; _i .. M V '_Pllintil',=-"ba.< moans nnuupar, pgregaags. - "1. 5).`. IV...-...a ._4- n___-,__ -u %z%jv;e7c:.2+:ax ._ .. ...u._.u-{suc uunuvunpg I|l_l_lI 1-` > ' 7' -"the Coggr; of Illa Um'ledfCmVmt:'es qf ' _Yo rlc'A.:' Pel. ; j;uuLuoLLANn,*w'tLLIm- Sm. V ' _ QRGE W_A R_D_, ,ExecutorAsT oflbe. : CD` (If GEOPDA ngnnnnai ':1".a.7"}`.`s k`iI1'iL'1-Vie " ' um w_Au__1_)_, __x-cutorsi of the V V ent_of George Bond, deceased Plaintij, in; T LIAM LANGLEY, (I As mwmr -"E4 Wm? [szjmlm-*r?s c`)1r'_1r 1(_}f_1:`,.jin'= the V C c)`Ii1z_'rf_1A1o1:r_sI~:, } { .in_the__,'1`ofwn`of Ba_x_-tie, at >l2.o'cl`o'c,k,_ nooIi, ' L HE ,u`nderme:itioned`Lands and 3'l`eI'1e'ment,s, of the Writg_in.the1ollowipg suits :-`- the-interes.t .of`the Defeudsuta threin, junderl (Vanni A! ll- r1>.-..-._.I ,:v,' -- -`I ` 31,, A ' ." . j P ?OHS'TPON E_|_WEN f/ sm:Rm`?s%Is&Ln~Aor Lmns. ' `Bum _j_ Deemb_er'l3, 1:862, n,ny.:_n'oI uIpcl'_aree.,. :_. ._ : _6f7, 8; 9,7110`; ,l'1,_ Ins! ;1[g.1!ut`'fi~B!dckT8I,;" `_` ,1 `9`14.'?9*!!i.i!!!1.'I;-..!'..`1:7!I;IiI.'0;f iiojwn-hip * so uyt-'1' ,;3'5 . 1 m1+n.;'.n -1 - III" `II. Wand. Al. C.._'- "II. [The above Sale is POSTPONED until Thurs-' day, the} l5th.da'y of January, 1863, M the same -placem1jd.Vhour,. en to be so|d,underj Writ of jV_euditiom' , . . ' ' ` _ ll `Illll`l!! ` vsvanhtillirfhv Onion; liinn Oclobgt 6zh,1s6g._ - 'To`'r*ii1:'Por*s:r.'--Al'ga._te reverend,` - somewhat}loi1y.rn'anneroI ` pressinghimself.` In-the',cou_r_se ` `ing parish,xhe' at `the `cottage, ufan eelderly in-_ . viited zconie`-`in;-and sit` down. _"1fhe doctor, `who e'_xpectedqa re-' spectful -saln\ta_tion,`-sairl`, _-in st__atelyj intending check; any _ further attempt atf'amiliarity-iWon1an,-I `ant `servant Lo'rd,:con'i_e to with you on the concerns your `s'oul'."- V "l`.hen jve llrbega -humble man 1ikef'y`oiu- - - Master, admirably `rejoined,-the gude-e 'wife.` 1` 'felt~thereproofd_eepl'y,. ` nevera`g`ain tohma-gnify him -f. ' the Qexpenseoof his " ` VBnm:__m_- or A_nvER'rrs1_N`e,s.-In an article, benet of Advertising,. _6r s Journal ', has following ::.-`fOne- would. suppose that ajgreat . Conce-es_tab]isl_ie reputation excels Ience in any expensive: W1}_l"e'$,-'-.$llcll = as . out `are; heirlooms, ` from genera;-; in'du'l_g-A ` atieasvt-relax, anti.` suffer jest spotsuunoticed; so {to `obs_erveoso`nmch: " f to the jnn_iorv `offa rmrof this de- " Ksc.ript,'ion, ` reply;-'-.-. ' V.Vhen1I.rst b,usine's_s_.IAs thoughgas you do,andA_persu,aded the" liouse facco'un't from, 9,000 6,000 per. uurnurn; `the. ofeustomconsequent _t_1ipon. re - 363,000` that liad: at.the_ begining of thelfol- 7 lowing year to advertise more than be-A in to lost -grou`nd..I rms expended tlie above enor-f amount ilpon and ' . much. exceeded. it as to reach,_l7,000. = -vear. 1A~- . The , gum _ smug is hvtiranit ..POS'l_'PbNlD iunti} Satnrgiay, 31:6 l3_Ih day ofbecelgber, 1862. ' (B. W.`SMI'l`H,' V 3. ' '.8f9.eftM_f, C.S.- ~ V `V. _- `Pe;-TB.W.ROSS, _ Saturn's Onrmn. Bunnie. ) V. ~ . ' [n----A Tsherixrsjbjmce, Bin-'ie',~ -T 11111 Augu;t,_'l862. :sue::n*"'a.bhiee, `am-:e,`: "Ap_ril3_0t_h, l,862. _V ' 1 ue uuuve.DlIIe_ Is rucnruu EU. to Saturday, the 351.1: day of `0ct6ber`,_1862, at the. same place and. hour. _ . W . . .. ' . B.\V.,S-WITH, Shen]`. A -.13`... R w nnu ;BY%% P U4B%LIcj`A ucryo5,% A ':'A;l` ;.l'HlI, I ;.s}1IsR1rF?si-.d:*i*1cE,[ 1;; -`she C#()_`UI_{_`l[-`_ `Hc;m'sii,V" ` in the\;,h'1`o`vvn 6fBAnn_m, o."t'[1z 9 clk,:hoon, 'V ` _a writ of 1"ie'ri_Fqtiaa,:'.i_p following n_i-t :. . ,!eT:n` . _' `_.-...v....`...VE:T19' 7 '1oc_ ' .- ' ~ '` on ' g- . ns- . V HE`,Lv1indrx1'vnenti6hed`V Lands and Tenements, or: - the interest of tbe.Defendant' thereilyunder" ' G'.'oi-`g'e"S. .\_iKey`,-pAl:qint.'f1`,_'jpa.`Edwar;I`Shbrtfss} 1wu.sI.zp.=~ `Lot.-_ ; Ara. " { JP _ samrr~s ior LANDS. VoF7s IA-MAoE.1_: v -~ T I08. . ' 6(0ri|_l nIil_ -. " "I'~||5lh50| , fthfo` = ofvjgsuniaaoaa:_ip%'=ths :~t(i1n ; oz. of;-am... and " lrlll Tb! GOOD `ODE? v {KATE [-OHABGES tomgrii 3 Ao! . puhli ;_ it`. A f % % inn. :o'Bimts A r,onm< .t: g 1`;:.`1s;; .- _ V __;; _. 1 . ~ . 4o-at,` "i`Th e is`POS i`PON t'o'Si't.t1riny,. the. 25th day: of October`. 1862. the. same nlnon and I0 ` - *9 !2!.;.-2si1av;:t9vs' A :, "-"Hiig`i_'insir".xia ib"'isi. .`c1_;a, " i 3 _ In the khgdoxglg _~ L V . _~ Bun.ynanvn,ggi;h a;l_ov,e_ _ _t_;_1zas_`Ino:I.e.g_l::ion'l9ve .;,|r. - JIIUI-|_U_ 4.:-no I =Notl'uw_as ag'a`-. .g. . , 5; _ ` -Sunni;ial T3}::.:.Q.; ..._.' 1715119 "I. . . .` J `V fQOUN1`f .'oj:?f'S`IMCOE` T 3' ; V ?9#iir1; 2,5`h_dag` 183?. win`; -In: darn ; uunuuuz ._...( ._' 1- 9. _ ,_-3._._.'..:,.._.-E ;-as l A. . .A Tqwx_o'r f_l3uu_uz-. _ . Z Lot;-4'4 `North side of .-Blake _Str._ee Lot 13 -Westfside _Nvelsou-.sqtr`eet._ -,' Tu... ._ IjV1.1..I}::Bl sow _ _. VVl1en.Ifw_a'1s-':aAbiby, sdj `Sri.1ith,' fatl1erTordeAred. a.'coat for `mg from Is`- rae'lite, the .garm_ont` came _ home" was -e;n oVI Igh 't v'vofor. size.` 'I`I1e ~perp'lexe_d_ [nl-' tress in'_tVhe*backj'with l1isha'nd; _so _t1ie _:_1tj length-, boldy coat _-_'wa_s- .of.tej ,fBn . l_862'.`A" '.` riism-*=. 1863, 1- - , P_er I f 1; '15V .- _.AS Ml'l.'.H, - ; sImw',,c.-s. )1>e:._B.;_w. 11088,`; _ her ..B.:-W; nousgst : xtTri',\ -13. , W. "Sn ` 1 Sliehf.' D"... D `nnaq eems,` me lad,-kfecpjVaway from-. th e` `Yen ;you see oneicoming; dodge, -critter "as what 1m the doorstepfother side of tooled yer. dad_,:.J ir'hmey, If it.ha'dn"t-been.f' l1er;'you, `and__ye r dad mig'hAha- V di- muns, n'1yVs'or_1." ' ..3.3-njz.-_ . C.-It`, :.4l_.5" RASALE gjthg,_1givanc__e Omce, the fqllowing; ri:I;,n`t vrednc6"riIles:- --._. - - ' ` .- ` ;EjeLjlih'ej1Al8qmiriuna-Queen : Beach A A_ eOn'inty9'gnn Sugnmons ` . .- T ` A _ Summohsto Sllmmdnl.` - V '~1\.Tol_ico:lu-PVrod,n6a -A -` -:,.1\`ToIi`t;ie.lo,Ad1niL ~ , Fnch and Comdidg. It;;!entijce`1'or`Ap}'>rgnticI A` L . : -*rtil=?"vi4 !!~men!`'`i,. - T - 3cigl-Law, Gommercialm-ithmetic, and Penman- Lship, ll`: taughtin. the mqat thorough and prac- liclil.-.Inaune`r.; - ` - - " N rv-vw I7 u_IrvIu III hula` wIllllll _o Bvook-Keeping inll its depariment, (iommlelf-T .. '1`lie'Sp'gn'oerinn Sjstem <';fi_"en-mt'insl.1ip:is fauil, Vbynompetent and ezgperienged togcbelfs- ' _ V_i _` 'Scholnrsliips payablg in`t,ItlM!aTqce ,V$40; I "College openvdny and evening; N_o iaeqtions. '?R.aident _Px'-incipals at B_u'a_lo, ".1. "C. Br_yaht,' 5` 'For`fdrther infqrmhtion`plea$_e call at the Col- lege Romns, orsend for 0atal ogg1e_ and `Circular, [enclosing letterstamp. _`Addm;s, * ` ' - 1 BRYN_T" a;.Tsr1:Av'r'ro1~i" Bnhlo, N.Y.V ` ..,._- V`--vvIuIvIII _ j -, TbesrOo!leges aEa 6rgahiici `and: jcdnducldv. upon.a.fbaais \v,hicb.must_ secure,lo sepax-ate" Institution {has best possible facilities for impart-' ingj Qhbroiggh commercial education,;and fender i388 A whole. the most. comptghengive and com- plete sys_u_a'm in this; `country. RhnIr-V'nnn-in 1.3 all 83.. .l.._--A...-_-- I5 __'-- --. nu. up----u-you mauv- .' The` deiign 6`lh'ese. Institutions} i.s[to'im'part to youhg men anti ladies, aithorouglt; practical busi-' ne'_n dz_zcqtiaa. * - _ .. . " 'A_ V"-DIFFICULTY. -.--, You. Vhaxnre. bnlj; ' yourself to pleaste, ; sand` ufniarried `man to arfi old '1m:chelor_.- Time, T replied he, but you cannot tell,-whatva di. 1ndit`,_. ..' = V I culgt task - ___. A..__-. V \'aaaa4\}IJ . ."C'}r}t'r:'.;`f'31ain drid _sm;ca smug,-. L - -1 :S an important Iihk in the crest chain of'NA- . TIONAL MERCAN`l`lL`E~ 00LLEGEs,`1o- cated in the following Cities, viz. :4--' `- '1`0RON'l`D.O.W.._ L . : PHILADELPHIA, KNEW Yo-R-KcrrY,. " `ALBANY,-t 4 - : BROOKLYN, ` .cLEvELAND, . _;x'rno1r,x _ - `Cl~lIOAGO,nm_, - DETROIT, ` ~ '- I 51'. Lows, r Aseholu-ahipis;sue`d_ fgom the B_h`ala College < entitles theholder to attend either '0: all the Col- `leges"fortanfuglimited time. 7 - . " ' V L . mi.',. 5,2.- = _ % TH E %Li31TLU Fjlv-"A"LOf % % MEI39iWT.1LE.` [.C0I:LEGE, din omge win he open :u;au ti;11es dur_ing bu-H isiness` hours, when-e.weAwill be pleased-to:exhibil . deI_iEI_iS _und specimens 6f_ w_ork 9 guy-whovmay ' kgndd _t o. rour us with a; {nil}. A _ x -,;Al'l orders through our Agents . P1eaSe nemmt;e,f thaf 6ui' is `of `the , __ne,st quality. `Our designafor the above work ' lmflexecnted withusteiand deggcln " ~ .D.. 0AnnosTYA1.n:..- . - Wl`I.L`IAI`-`Y-ALE". A.........a a maxi . -'-n - V :`:1:1.3 9V"P'`P.`1` ' are of the`lates't'sty1e`s. Orders fa ?-1'tny__,`vvAorki1z, Newhkiuds `of French nnd- English varities, of. very eqr.ly7a-r_1d' large vkinda, consisting of Early Scarlet, 1x\_lyi1t.l. s_ Linnaeus, ,VicLoria.".(very large) Marsliall Royal" I2iu'na:us', New English `(very early), Scarlet Nqnpareil, also VCl1ampagneVa,hcAl. Hybi1_'dl,'nt'Ol,50 per doz`t-n. 7' - n;.1:........-.1 !;...-x`:.'..c _u_;__, -. n- -' - V-'3 - ..........., ..,_ guy v-.u u--J 9: .ua.J', ;up-vu ~- ,.,All' `be sent to"-.the nfce o_f_ti1i. -paper,`whe1_-"e di1e'._attemion7will be paid. Terms, CASH on-delviveryg A- ` Farmers `band _o_thrs we solicit ydnr yiatx`-;r 1age . 5 R; S. EDWARDS, 150-_ ` , : 9 North York `Nulrderigs, G;W._ -.-4 ~--.- -" "59"" r `"- "' ' V " ' - . " Dli_v ere'd, free`57:of charge,_at Bingh,au_1 s Hotel,- -.Ba.1fri',.by, `the'6th' day of May`-, 1863; ' ' A- A`! nu-rInnn.un'n-v -kn a..4..a 4.` cl...` -&_- .3 .1.-' '7L'A'RGEv .T(jVl'1V x1n1.ity .ot' choiev Sirnwherry - . Plantsund Rhubarb Roms, etc`. . Straw-" jberly Plants, with {sud-without R.u_n4ners, or nll_ ,tbe leadin'g varielieg. V `The `Alpine Bush, ' without . 0 Runnetjs, at $2 p9r_]00 ; Bur: s New" Pine at $v1'.5l);7-Triompl/1e De _'Gnn d, $1.50; Jenny Lind, Fav-oril'e,' 81.50 . per 100,` and many otherchoice 'ki'-nds." p 2_sv-uru` ki-nd_s._'_ % Bh'_nbarb.. Plantq, `$1.50 per 4102. _f % son LE. .:A' '1"'n'Dr1n .1."L`....a': _ '.p r...- . f A Base: SlTandr.--`Pretty - Wdnxn 1 >o_ne, another `in cominginto a room be-5` cause it_ a -gracefui-;_cutom'; -theAy dvoA the same on" gomg ajway,fbe`cause `they _ are :de ligi1tcd* to [Use sight of otie:_anVotli'- El`. `Pieces. `kc; &`c. -:--p `-0'. &"Wl`n.-YAI:oE,-Im1.Joriebrs ind i)e`a1e;-a in [Italian mid ..d_1ne1-it;-an Mafbld,-' also, manufac- ' tnrersof Monumdnts, C_"enot.apha,L'l`omb and Grave V Stona, Centre-Table_ and Sta_nd'To,ps, Chimney" mm, venue-I 9W. V _ l_.Pi_e`c_-._es, to; &c, 1. _; ~usguu:_uuu, knuq xqup Ill upalrlu manual. nae Asent ., improvomenu render. ~-thit llachine tho ehocpnt. and"moit'populTni;Tin` the market. For Vfnl|Lpsnisu|hn.p.IId;!, address,` *w_ith ugmp for return,.: 7 " T . - . , _ -`HARRIS BROTHERS, . ' Solo Agel'.|t_l'Fl`lIklin Sewing -Ilnchine Co.- 1.`:-mm . = - Tn... 202- nnsvrnnr - in - r. 4; ` 'B_'in'| Iinuinn` n ` 4 1 %f*""'1'i W '1 E=W=m-t` 9} L`;-j:;-4enu:s commission ouo poi. .oen( on- :u1V.s,.t.-__..v_. u .- V - v 'Ir-..... u..|.`:'.`.. ':-'~.'..`...-.-.a 1- .2..- ...-:_...~.-1 ..:i uji_1:e'd nu`ua1`uu'..o;_ 1'uve1Iip'_j j A..... _ .5 xv _ la chin vnniierul vistisfactionand keep in u`pairTsix months. cant imnr'nvnmon'n' vendor --thin Ilnmhinn Hm -`F ` -~ uuvu. . ; Iz; Pa ; q ~ AlIlVIc:- .: .- 2 ` :~ _ n '9 o':A,o'o 0 lxprcu " o,_._1,ora;--", L ; lush "1'`.`P.'`:j_`"F .!i 1.862,-%'; "No'tl'1inVg yvag `S0__nV1ucb dieadd. iii schop1boy.(lays as-to.b9 by. sit-;i ting two girls.}? force of T` `In after leath- . to submit" thivngsv Shed? iding 9; fear. .

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