Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 14 Jan 1863, p. 3

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' M .Subs".rib'f;'.-ix1. thankin gAhiA.,'fr_iends and` , zthe-pu,b1i`c gbnersxlly, .fo r_1he;_l;'rg_e _share `of _ 1hs:ir__pn_t'ron_:\ge \\'l}ich'l1e`):as r_eei`ved `since com- .jmencing business, takes this oppo'rtuni1y,ofi,n - forming them t11;\t'_ he_kgeps 0. .c`bo`ic`e'j supply c.f_, -T fJ61I-Af1`1IANi jK1L ' ~1s;uu'a, C. W.- in run _f3arrie, 13,` 1862. 7 T` .|_.!_ __ . '1`. BOYS}: .. J -Ia ' .9-tf gs; 4.4 1`IU'l."l.'AWJy1Ali.A.`,`-,3 1I=`.1:.9; l,l,3 ,Gou,_. Lot 29, ..-Vapd part: N bf .35 .:.iu 4:115: part,i;;;a;1.,-3 n`_ , ,``_H 4`_.._:: hr . V an fof~ d -M.W4.of~;R.oI d`. -.= ~ O?.U.lfllJ1\|llH_""l'll'F-.l\_,`n{ Z2118` ,5th,- E Ind=_.W ; it, b F _ " _ ,,-..- .,. .. ..,.......,; uuu_-in, auu ou1.nuua1,ng_.1'.* This `propLeu.y "i; _wel[. ;simu gd; only about _4- miles 'fromM.Bt1Ar,r:ie',.a_Ixd ,II_)e_(e a_ i1_s:nicient local 'den_ia,nd,fo r al1.._ghg Mills, can produce.` _- There is _ A'.sE Pmv;LEGE_f - A On theTL9t.*- 7` ` The-Lajndiis capaibie .of(beit1Aga>t';i.rirVt :.1l,:n.ud me}: 1 "is g,`good;cle arznce:on the Lot. . ` ' - Aif... I`... ...'.I..,n... In..,- 1". .. . -- I TH`E -Sl')b_`S1fi'I,)"Vl'_Qu``l`:3~ the. follqsjrihg -Landsin . T the Gu j'ty' bf Bimcoe_(or.Sgl9; on fuonmble` .terms:--'~, . . ELOS-E., hf. ,of_ Lot, 74, in lst`(}oi1cession ,V50 V 5 acres L-Ieured_A.with dwel!ing"'_hAouse spa oixj; ,bt; i_ldings. Lot 25;` in 3;d;;g;,Loz" _4`,' in '6;h; ' N ht'1o'f"1,,;in 7th'I; 7Pa;tjhf,,8.` E. qt-of 2,. ; _ig.n 8it'h:(}o i1cfe,s_sio:i,j. . _L LINNlSFILPa.jr_tVo,f.rN.,.l1 4,in 'h.h.1;N.';.hf 25in . ; vA8I}h,';_{nI; I_.ot_a. _:2`6,8II.d.-27,`,-ill 9_th. C0hg:es'_sion. MEDONTE-.-E`e hf-0f3; I!nd Lot[19: iii 3! -5.0`9n;:` ;--; I Mme" iviof,-=;--3"? V 10Fh`?.'5.!!:`. `-fajn`-.1mpro.v`3 ; . farm-_ I. A1if,';;ilt~14h=0!ii-`:N.'00a"fI1`m~. _M0;}_{0-W4 h_~29;bL1n;3rd~-(3pngggsiun~ ;:j.-; 3: xi 3_|ULMgIg-2E M5522 ad Indfl` , 7 ~ E1 ; - ~ % CARPENTER so `BUILDER,-1 _ IV! ,.' , : _ ;4?N_;` AOA'1`i`\ 1iE7;;. ;M_1LL',"-` ' a {pod DWELLING HOUSE,` and 'butbuildihg_s'` "(This bron`e1tv' 'is well 'ahn.: ln:I-' ....I".. ..L.\.-s :- "- '.'.yaA`-'--."_".","""""VI_I t_uc uuh ` ` _.. ` ~ Also-for sale` the West lid!-f of Lot 10 -in the 415 .Con;,vVespra.'.. '- ` - V -_ 1' " , A ,. "A.-.L.I_ Ill` I_..'rI.~p1-_' ,' _ '.r - -n.:, ' Eff -. '--'.`:;p1'.,v'-T(ir'b_;.V1ezteA,r; Aos'cpnid)?:g:` 7, _ V < 4..w;n,`x_R-nAGH,' ;- ' "V ._~ Barrister,-Ba t;`i3;~ r;. .v.4 ,__v ._.._g.. * N tgII:EnA_L".?1*r;n;\is,v ihe fnasc: hair or'L; _ No.11`; in the 5 th Concession of `Vespm, on` whichis;ercped au,.xc1le'ut_-:_ " *' " `- -`.-.-..v:.. .fA1'.so'V,` broke: Lois humbe'fs,. ';lI-i 11"nti'>'13, ih the 2nd God. of Vespra, ,ontnining`_nbout466 acres. This land is M`so'.will1`iu.n short: dj_s_ tanc'e of Barrie. any fmdtligr i)arii_ci1la.1-sA,>_<')n :A\pp lic_m.ionV to -11! 1 \'- A-nn A-rcvv Terms bf .liBe'ri;l, and czlpln-be ltndwn; "with V K1*Iovel'l-33.4}: >286"Li..` vlxu ue sum on "easy-terms. an -excellent; farm, .beiu`g _ ' ot No; 1'65 -in flhe` l1tlp` concession,- "fI`ownship `of,-Iuuisl, on the Penetnnguishene road.'_.; l_"he i'e;'a`re good farm l_)1ii1xI_ings," and` `d-w_:llinjghouae,on .me.1ot.r 60 acres cienrcd, ` `well fncd,n'nd' in `a. good smi of ci11'li}"aLi~.;x1. -`A ne._'<:rek'1runstlnjough the` Lot:..C For hrlimI|a|-A nnfllir nr. `this on-ao..:am 34... 4,.` .71` ]U_"1j[)'UL.U, tl1e-b'o11t_l1'l`m1f`of Lot 7, E.P.'R.,j ._ in 'the `lat Con., Om, b`ei'ng'a Farm of100 ' vaAcre9,w'vith n ygobd ":r:learance,>\v-'tl1'in _4' miles or. b'arriej;_and- ha vi`ng thereon a?1a`rAge and-comfort-- able DWELLING. HOUSE, av/gqod Barn, andti. v_()t1JC.l` I<,)l_ivtbL1-ildEu"g75; V V. -. . V 5. A1s"o_,,ro-jra1.Loes"u;nd s,-Vin" `t:h'e" 13': 'co'n'ces_-` -siou, Yespta, _200 acrgs, on whichis erected ; ` -.u-.._`.~ .u :_--..___.__. _ "HE East lmlfof Lot __umh'er 29 in tl1e'3rd!Con-- ' cessiou of Tosso_ronlio,?m'1d.1l1e.\\'esL'l1alf:o Lot" nl/Imbe'r' 9 i_n`- the 9th j_Co`ncc-s`s'iou'of'So,uth_' 'OriIlia;v ` '- - `V V - K ....I.. 4.. -n 1 ?1w'w\.1\r a. At`\Iivvv\>`I 1;\1- `In 'operaI}io_n.' ' u-..-. 'be_ Eold ion` 'ea$$' -V{erms,'a"x':`1`excAel'lent' ; fa}:-m, v ` No: fthe"l1t|`1 concession,- -'l`n..-..,.I.:.. -`..r 1..`..:`.cu '_.,, "n Inn:-_\;u:3:I\ -runs ll-l[()llgH me 110 A For p`a'rticulars gpfsly ' Von _'th _;remise, `ox - to: -tbi_spice.. ' - `Inuit 'nn'Amm. nf __,o,-.1 0:131)` -SOLD, 't1ieAsuih 1m1r:o? 7', E.P.-'RV., ' 3. infthe 1st vb ei'ng'a_Farv'm 9_f IOQ n-Inn ....'aI- .. `..`...r..'..I '.. -_..,_ __ "l"lxe'[.n'o;` jlajfticl1l:}rlVyf_nitib1 f9r,a,pe1{- `sou--iI,ith'some.;a[jital "desirous of settling in a good ldcality, -and nea1r?a_good_mnrkAeL, . Imn_:e- Jdime;-possealsiou cauibe given. , _ A _fVVA`."I?] 3fB. &jpivim*% mung, `in 'nnnr-izlinn ` `n':r`s_'of.Lot.,'I;Io. 20tH Efh Con? g:es'sion of tbe"l`owu'sh ip. of Orb, situated 8 . `miles fix-u'm. the 'l`o\,vn o`f~B:u~rie,' Gouiily Town` of- th C oun!.y hf Sihicoe; 110 acres cleared, gjopd V _bu_1ild_ings, vujell wal,ered-, and. good roads, -Imme-J` djale p_osses]sion gin-In, t_enn'sv1iho_ml, imply [0 . f . ' V D.-XVTD--MORRDWU, Run-in Ill` [0 3 fovenfbr _2'-2'nd,C '182g JTHE S611:th__hdf8ff;o.t`No; 1}), _f`nVtl'n-I; l2tI1:Co:I_1;, . " .:I1nI3isl,7a. valuable Lot for`-farming` pmtposes, well '1'-iI"b<`P~ds D'<,i Within a._f'w mileaof._B:_1`rrie_. ' (II, wi'!l_ be s()_l_d vei"y cheap. -V ' _- M -, V { Aplily t9-1\1r._ 1-_RANC_ISDALBY.,'Elorn, . _ Imco: "W.`D'. -A`RD}5GH, B:n:rie. sNovember 22nd..`-1862; ~ V -` 49-tf F101` f_n'rpth'iA-iparliculxir hply t-`av `J 'LOCKE, _Bm*::fc,.or to the Sn'Ibscri_ber, _ ' . . " ' EGS to teturil thanks to the .in!1iibitanIs of Barrie and the sulrrqunding neighborhood" of their past` favors.and_patronag, and wishes `gate that he.hn3 on hand a. choice win-ie_v,y of usury Stock suitable fog Sprin'g p1anling,vI`ai lsedo. ' . mw"n ;in North York -N_m-series, w.hic`h` .; ntousho pub1l:utleas_ '2_0.pe_roent.under the -- ' z>='l`ho"as3onme'nta ate .all; grafwdvj jli ed?'5fro1i'-'the hnrdiest kinds, and ' 79Iimat'j#"`d l9i|:` .l.l8|I|d|i'a -`A9919 . 1 ` ` 5'-snI.9nd.9vw'a.rds;-nil. 9a='.','.I.'I'-1.-1.,:. in inr090ron`;`h`hoi6.jiIt`!Iid ' . -. A'1'.r9ea .a`ns!,L;8h;;nbs;_ , V ` L. ..liuuhin.z-;- 90`-mneea , - ,H:'I.-;ri1.i1?9:petues1; Damask. .dhf!:s. Jiulhinx B0.-:98:-hardy * " J;.',""`1J~%more. * . J.` A_ ( f he!!`2:%`!-!*'&' tI21=N'|n-any-0 I3-unnul-, V6812: mu` _m um; 1.10. 4.1, containing about 55 `acres. ' . -. Tl_1ere aire.abuflt'35:ncre a ;:lem;ed,well fenced, had in n.. go'od'fs't_ate5of` `cultiiatipu ; i\l__'so_, a good. Plank Houses 20 by 30, plastergdi outside`, `good `Ex-game Bam,Stqhling,`&c;. ~ . ~;.'I`h_`:- Land _is of the bsf quality, and the clear-' ixng-m)`[-lnxildingsnrg all'.nesirly'_new, -The Land is" c-'mn'eui<-n lly s.ituat.e'd}-T-Mills fund Schools being, \'i1_hix1. axinqtt ditancey I - V` " vi Township Sitting aflst Co'nces_sion,`:.Nonb5West gnar- lnr nf Lnt Nn `)0 nm..~o..-:....._ ..l:..... 2. , _, cg!` _ .`,".`.* .`y"!5 !`F 3lIlIB_IQ-;_|;]nQ ,'L'_0'SDip aof Vespm, lst Concession, :.NortbiWest qnai'- ter of IAQFNO. 2?, conjtaining about 55 `acres . 2 ' . There. &|'9.&b0l"|t35 dnrn (`It-|I\I'lIn"IvA fan:-mi -undersigned." _~ ;_ 1` ?ITV111:we5i`Apa"n;ori}t;,iNo.-3: inf tfunve`-4th `coii.-' cession; of 'Tosorqnzio.-'.-,.9B..A:_:r'a.`=. " " ` ,_ . 'lTbeT Land in well aitudtd and bib8b1; .'bf` T" fatmedtogdianth. -A .- . -. -. '.` Itfwill bejso_l.d `cgjdp under- a {mixer of Sale in .a. Mortgage, rrrbm `om; }v;f11iz:ur"a`y`g'i11.zo-_the-E A 3 :1": ::waLr-Lam Ham-_. Barriis; 'DecaF2n;h1ar'9!Mh`,"lR'A")_ . an- `.uP-`y""Wf.' .. -.-JvO_H N A.1?IbL'-\'I;'1b",Pioprie.'t4or. `Decemb7`er1st,18_'(2.". A 4_9-3t.j A;G90D-1NVEiEi . FQRrsAjE; ;,9 mxf r'.mwn'n. `rnvniiu ;.._ an l iflhe .=1nnls'nrc vxmmned; they will. I.r- fumrd I0 he :1 .ll;,'hl" R.-\.D WA-YES I-`1_Ll.S'nrc jlue`only-purgmive ]h,l.(`.nlI he cnmumcd fur n "k-)_ug,ll1~nTlltrm in l_Ilt?'YV'ull1ll'lll0rChrnhi(! ~ Rheulntnjsm. Gum. _~l:}nl:Lr2~|)u-Int _0ffh(` Shh.-en. I-lug-vrgze-" mt-ul and 'l`m'piLlIl\' nftlm 1.i\'vr. mud tlise-zlses mdm'cdTrun1 - vu- the uxcessirv use bl"(`nlonrc-!;\lurcu;y,'Quii:iuc-. .\-_c , _ . ' , The use of mu cmnmnn_,dru=1i'c pur;>.'1li\'e.` piils -in these ` diseases.`shouTd"lu: my.dc(I,vus1wci_u|])' llnisc `mm nccuj.-iuu- - g'renl.pam. griplug. ._ I!:Ill.~".fl. siLt}nn7,.=s. in such c;tse:- [,1-owni.-h color. or lhm mu! w:ul_:ry. "l'hi4-sc dis;-lmrge's (Inf no gou:_L]nn on the cumrnry lv;u\"c -thc1:alicul \\ :':1l; and lhe .hmv-ls cusli\'<=._ V -_ - = `~ ' ` ml nrrnr In '.:nm~n:1- that I-as yvanv n nen :l'-nuH. up we `wuunncnnen. *vV _. LL PA-_RTIES`iudebted,t6itbefEltIteV` of R. J. ' ` OLIVER, will please'1nal:'e payment 10 either of: the~1ubicriben.'bfore tho`30_th instant, min`:-zhu.`a.`. nnnn'ktIanI`_:\hinn\-ill--vim magma `an 7 l1a_te pgssession gin-In, nbplj DAVID --mormow, Bar`:-ie` .Ba-.i oct..1:_u__la_, 1862; . - `.42-:..r.. fkllwhifwithbutvnspot;Shoqotu. 5.2 . 1`heovtnr%s_9_h..e'=*h_-me 51.270` wiA'1i1:1f. 1<`3j`xir`i2"i;;is;v;5a;w%i1y1II.f:., V :7 'Dec:b}r: 1862. E 2 .l.'!,'7n|;_2,A@~"'."'."|!.|9;In' rmimFoasALE/~ 1` P1 LLS. .'l`lu-ru inucm-.-r lnv nnw-_|Vs cusl|\'<=._ I _. L; 1 ~ ~ It is 11 (`wall error to vsum~n.=u that hccnnse n dusc d'j,p|_Hs ; gripe" \`uuoxcos~`i\'u`-ly. and that :nf'I_~r n pu\\'=rfn| 1 -`mi-Iullilul . ynulccl we.-ck. lhut lhv gri`pm;z_ is :1'sigv: 111,31] ) .l'l:1l:|}'`_lJt3l'| re'lieved-urn shmcdis--n'scd..'l1urnws, The grnpin-_r is no.1 chnsipneld from the imp:-rfeclm.-non ofih"Pills..1rrn:t1iu;: the" cams nftllc i|'Il{sliI'u`s. 'pll'I`,:iII`:1_':0'nly 'rlua'-'co_mvnIs cut` me hn.wels. Iris Ilu'.:|ht*1I(-4*. 'uflht.' lnle u`:(I'OlhC!'llI'llil)I r.-,II`m causes 11::-. ':zri;uug. ` 'l'1 Is c.\`!v-udi-d nvvl `there-nimc ..-\5- -. 1L`llI-Li\'I'.} . :~'lnm;u-h. Bowrlls. |\'idIw)'s.unda_1ll the lsccrc. ' linns}urc' rt-gulalctl nud'cmm'nHod .b_\' Ihusc [.'IL,.`S.lIOll('t no- i< uni .~'x{j\\'iIl|_' R.\l)W.-\Y"'S-; xmping puins, gr-"cat (leph:!i(_JVxI"'i1('l_1:_l_ x_zn-operation, or cuslive; Hess. ' :lA1v4`3* order} ';xs`b, " 11'" run:-gr.-Q.` .- _____ Eba%s:A:L E ; m~;.1%rors%a1i% . `W. -- --.5 f 7 . 0'ial;3IIB~`. Ohw T L1-?`-1.*- .`.`e`.V`=r`3- 3."i-` . oo .,._.u_.u,_..., .--.u.._,,.. .u.. ._.7.w._. , _ DOORS .5; SJISJIES ./1LH~2ijY'S+0NVI1.4ND.:.~ _,.____.1 nu. Innn ` L-3., rt-..y`u--avu uv `w. D.'A'RDAVGH, ` ' ,- " _ ` - _ _I3a=AirrisLe";',ABui'r_ie.. . ~ "47,-g. SlI_.'AS: E. LOGKE` OI .O.s..\` `lo l_JU,Unl v.31-`3mo . l{AU\\'.:\\".S -tusujUl.A'1'l1\'b'. l ll.l'.S. are" me -only F.-1n1ilyCm_!_::u1ic u}! purge.-1witmul;glcpjeunn; wilhnut pru_cn`n'ug uncr-i-_unsupauun and chfnpellnug u_ pm peluul re- sort In lhe__m_edicime. -'l`li'ey np<-ram: vnmr,empigll_v than nny _ - lhnslic auiuurul purguuve. never .nc(::'_'1siun ~ lcnesmu.-3. mid `inliucnce sinmlumeously the sluinncln, th-bowels. lheli\'.e:r_. V and the circulajioll. "Noform of ilidlgestioll. 'biliuusne`sn , vor inlea_n_na| diseases? can withstand il.'~iall:;rulKv_e and con`c1ive'_ ' u'perulion.. ~ . . V ., ` . RA D\VA'\"S KBGUL.-\ l`[E\`G PILLS are lhe nuresthnd , msI;I'.u:. . 49_.:r vouufttr _..v.-_.u, _ under 'n:3pteu1on;t,|I&t,if I, duclurgofot. . notvfollow ".IcI".`tikin[ ;'.,th \ym..u~..c.n`,`,; 1 ,55;"gda`d!W0!~` gl':i|"' 1.5i| IIAtA.I.iBl.Iko; K nil. in Vm,Ii.v.e.I.: V` m"I|f* ` cl ' ' "3-4:. -.4: -ii [fe;ie:i:b1s,;ia,' saickTi:{m :.nd{ hp- pearange, child `eating it is. whol~ly}un'con- . gciouii 6t_"liikin' ` results beyond descriptions, ; 5 : i``~-iA`~child'ofV tenfygus of gligo, of `Rev. J: .H'cDo1'1"-_ ginedlcine.-, Where worms exi_su giil, LDnndee,=puuedev`ov`.er 500 vior m_g`-in:u`.m M . Tdnys; which he. 1estie|__lhat ls'e"-'l_! a:li_e,v.`e|,by'(}od'f.g' ggbl-g-ins. nmd_.tho;chn*s life..." A'1'houj:s g`nan%or Iinnln -tealimoninlh 'I'ven (uiih`m.z`.`a;.:a&;u.. Mommas LO0K:T0`:YOUMlLDBEN.% A . UGUS or ~`SIirAne"forma-we '1ieiaf{-beril-in Munich. ` Worms produce their young. ; This ucretion` of Mucus is muchgi-eater.inAChiIdmn and -Adults. ` 1-_W;hen* theym-e"not.. in good lxeilfbiworma wil1~in- A cruise with. astonishing rapidity. The {Mucus or . pr neateb_e_fis iemovegi immedialely by the use of ' 'l\l9l\ '----v .. c-u nu. -._ .. `NISHES, Sg_iirit_s_ of}._'l`urpeut.ine, Gold Bronze, _Br'ushesuot' all -descriptions, Looking his,` :O14L's,= GLA:_SS,l `PU-T'l`LY, 'lV`AR- Glass?-lat_e3, ahd Lesjry article neededlin Pni,nting,j _ Glazing, Gllding, Fregcoing, Paper Hanging qnd. -,C`oloAring, _ . llwnotesale _'ali1_d.?`1Rtail, ` ` AIII .'r'nn1~nnm rc - rur- AA'_1` i_.'rHE_v'LoVw1;s"15 PI1'cEs ff FOR; .CASH,. .-T`-_ -1 ~--',-_+-- . `-`f""_7 .. A few dqors `East `of S_t._I}aw,_rAe;;ceTMarlget, by 4 A _ALE_XANDER_H.AMILTON_.. j'r;3;onto', May,` 1861. j T . _.22L.13t '!ll3d,EXl|2|ll>`lL'd hmly`. . 1* rsum_1ruuhh:d wilh_rest`!-:s.<:1ess. bad df6ams.'rix'ng,;iI1g .n0iSOS in the he_ul,7riue or lwu of RAD IVAY _S Pl l.L S`v\_'ill Jllaure llcalth; and rcfre.>h_mg' __sIe(-p. _' ' ` - v Jntvn nxrr ti 1`-uvvnfv nmvuv-.. . -A'_} .2. '_;.___`__u.u;._ _ 4-\`__ _1_' o.:_I."2_ _ : nuom rimaianm l';nooMll1gms::z PAPERS! !7 . }L ri) AND` ARRIVING; A STOCK. - 70.000 Rolls of beautifully assorted ROOM A PABERS,1in Veliets, Golds, Satins, and :1 la'.'ln, suitable -for_ Drawing, fDininp,- or Bad Rooms, `Halls,-Ofces, or Public _Buildings,_with decora~ . lions of_ llloglldlngs`, Cornicbs, "Centres, 1\ledxillions,' Pedstals, Colqmns and Sm'tues,. Cheap `and Bean- tiful in design; vas.nlso`_.of Il:e`_mo'st Rich and= El'abp"r;1te` -patterns, "all of which _the: Subscribe: . (offer;-1 `to l1`is,.nur'n_c.-rou's Friends and Customers, _ _`c.H1:.n._P FOR cAsu,_ac_ Affew oors 'l')c,1owA St."L;m5r.e`nce 'M;uk:et. . ` -LL COLORS UF STAINED GLASS, Figured T. ` ..'G1ass. -Ground Glass, "and Polished`Plate- constantly on`-lmnd,~ andwimported any size requ ired - withibe least possible delay, by `Arnv naunrrnxr '*`l_*~..1'` Is an - w '- , PA'n1:NTs iroin cRow_}.*_ `L"ANDS Qr'z1`uu"1~"iEI),- -cmmsj 135330121-3 THE .DE-P_ARTMEN'l S or T i V" ,CROWN'LANDS.PROSECUTED, D..' .(r `l....;...o:'.........a n-'___;_'s n,,_! . ' ._.....o___. .f.REFERENCES: [: Hob, (eo.:S. Bonlt'um Coburg; R; Mefrit, Esq,` _ _St-. Calharines; Hon. L: Renaud, J|[rmh'ea,- Hon. '.D I Mzicdonald, `_T0r(mtu ;_ Hons G. 'Alexahd-cr,7 Woodstock ;. Hoh; J. l`I_am"Iltou, Huwlcebury; lion. `D; Clj_1'itie, Bruz1l_for`d; Hon. R. Mmbeson, Perth; Hon-. G; J_. G9ddh,u,e,'Londo:; ; Hon`; A,gI'{ierzkbw-'- ..s'ki,-St. Charles. 7 - " ` ' 01"FI>CE_--Corner_ of'T Buade mid For V >St:gels iiI 7I3l)l3l1' ' ALEXANDER HAMILTON, 1 Established in 1829. T _HIS"'~is wftlioxzt `e::Lep'tion 11.10; Lchdpet and ?_'best Washing-'1\lx`\chipe"in the `market, and does 'it_s- work inftlle most satisfactdrj manner. 3-udies are invited to try it whether they-purchase -the machine or not.` Tliose wluibavo tried, it. would-rig: be.3wiv,hom. it for,doub1_e`its,o.`3t.,. The following ladies in Barrie um tested tl1_e_Machine-, -and are perfectlysatisfid W`ith_its`opemtions:=- ` `hing. Bingham, Mrs. Burnett, 4\I'rs.,f_Drni-y, Mrs. Fraser,` Mrs; George Lount, `:Mrs.'Rogers, and others; ' v - ~ ' 1 Q FP.:EDR'lCK"TAYV'LOFt-, j .I arlia1_n.911_tary,_"La;nd & General. T . I4 .%Agen1-.; h A mn\vmm vsrmn (11-\.\uv , _.,.:v 1-V._\ ;4_u;.u pug V1. 1;.vuL.`4\.IjJ l.41'4Ll,_ _ _ Pnltentiof.Inventionapd General Business with ' ' .. _the .Pul)_licH0ices ugyented 1.0,`, -. `Titles _Ea:_uminfed and _Legul_ '.ddvice'givc1'I - Free of -` v ` . - - ` C_'hmfge.`_ .' .` _......n operation.- - m m~:GUr.A'rL\'G 1>'1.I.t.s'are me puresi mid . hes! pnnrgative medicine kmn'vn to -medical-"science. ` While they purgd fru_m l_he s_\'sler`n`tgll d_isu-.:un-d and corrupl hinnors. llxe'y,i1nparl nuurlshmcnt, _ vnalny,_nnd "quiet the slglfermgs ' `u1;d,:xlmu.-u:d hndy`. l'-rsumlrmnhled with rest`!-:s. bad (In-':1ms:.'ri . A.1eVta.uderI.\Ig:Artl1Vur, - A1e;ander _ Tomes Emin Sc)t,W . I Joseph McPh_eleu, .9. Victoria %f V WAashingA Machine. .ANGUS_'; CAMERON. : ` JOHN`YoNG Wilngskea. f A. -F In ieferencc to-the above, I" beg` to inftnxn the `thepntrous `and _customers of thelafe firm; that I have t_akcn`::th entire business in `my "ow.:i baud, tpuisling by k`e`e`ping'a. good `selection and `rat-' classgoods, to merit. a share of: t_!ieir`furthcr_ on- tiluuanqe nn_d:suppdrt_. - ` ` ' V : `'We_E9sa, 22.nd_December, 1862. - 53-A4 . /_ DAvID-1u}:NnEnsdN.T V _ I -[nun ,.uv-1' an} 1.` IIIIIDI1 1_r,., fwgen` uqmq .333, 7 ' derson :ind.Jame_s',-'Smic a` Mercbtinis" aid, Genemt -Deo.1r,' awwmi 1:ssa;:n;m Uouintyj of Vsiincoe, ca`:-rie,d on under}h.'? P3??? 9fHende,rgon, ` "d:id"St'1`-ai:hnn,`{h:is this duly.`bee1i~d_isolVeii`.',{by ' mutual '_cons'eut.`- - All parties indebted` 1.6 gtha abov`e`.r_ni._ir9 reqnested.vto`mhk~payment ofi-their a'ccbtints,- on -oi-`before; `the-2151 Janunnry-he`xt, and ' ` all cluimsigainst the said flB"l\l8t be lodged` by Hie 'dbor'n4dut `with David H9};,defrsou,~ Merchant, at.TWest.:Ess'a ., who is -uiqthqiiged to -discharge 'the_ - , ~ , - : " DAVIDJHENDERSON, JAMES S'1`~EAOl_1VAN-_ .im_"1n'vr'1miri,` .) ___T .A 3: 1- :27.` ?7:, =" ;-".f-#2 V: (113300-PVARTNERSHTP3 ign Dufid ;HepL- V '_ and.Jame_s'_-'Strac syn` Mercbunis and, llanniuil .'l`bn-`Lad ` ..o';`\IT-mi `Ir.-- ' ._ .AL` i1'_.:_._-. .- I :I<'.31/3|,-':;l~62'.;::': lJl],.`vlll_ Uljll11Tl'Eli ' _ xiext, `1863, gt jn_o9`u:.+ , ,= -'..-B:. o rdiI"Pb`- Board.-i . JosEPIM=noMAs,; . ,: .'. r183' `K>INGf smxm : EAST,- fa-in l-`tuna; I .`....s _I D; r'_`_;,.._. 711,`; -183 mg iStre1etL%% Ea_g1;%,_% `ii -lig` gio"qa1is ghthtiri t9 Ah`is_:'st9 : ~T Boots L` _ Clothing, Cropkezy/, . `A I 13`? u A nut-Ii. %" ES1`A-1i.1s1~IED`T1i` 1829.; y $6-so; L_ Inv l)lI{l|lC HI QUE}; EC`. . V _...., .._, . . _ A `ALI":3<. HAMILTON,` . `_ _.. 183` K_ing`StreerEga L- I". ."'.'!"' * `?**:*P9`9". i`? "* "` Aalvittglq Ia oqav uvun v,- .u- ..- _ 4 '. . .~ -, 3 ' Huhn:wl!?s Erica`.-tit;-Pu1l`s.`-`are: perfect` oublmn`11ur_ afizcnmlg, {orhll_hl:e gfrors ofCompo_undPill:. wbi``ch>.i!_'rnjl :. . ~s`_" `Para qr an cure duenne, aqI_i_Iny the _ua`e<`o_[, l _ '3' ,. an alt: Iagverlqgomlnutx 1\oo,,_a_ssxI`nmlure; `an; M, 7` vwI.e1.c`'3a7" rA'i""""3"`."-""= B .1ww.-.m-- ii. `Liter 0., ~; *`:.'!'~"* "m-~L~r- - uffodnlrua ` K'.""' " ""' ." YT'."".|ber to-. Ezm; dr the ??.".;$J=fu'?f.i ;v"}=`}`*}1Z."r'.l'r '. x$"1.'.'.'i :2`-"`;'.`,`-"3 ' N` 11,1 x .oI"m'mu.-y will bu r;-rmidmi. V . c?.me_f`_rr I :.' ' gar \\for!ns7thi:j`avre,a` aim: cure, - ' -_ I . 1. `-,rgennl:'A`t:`f-s`1 _rlr`x!|_)l":_votf -J._ L. VHu:1nt:\\'l s s1gY1tqre.ov?rc9;kJ cw yiil UU yd-vv-I. For 1'vhicl:jla`.ahig_l|o`p ppm price wi_1:.;p;g ggia H 4 3 ` - . "f. ,-`L. =-2 ` :. -r; "T's "5 A - A.`_:11.Rii`l'.(),N~i.BR,0 _l`!l'lll.v A. -. 1. _ V ;; 1 . .40.-If T . 117133; Poviy I_ 0ld: H31`! ;ofE A ":.'.'-"."""". ;. ""1, ` - EGM inform the_pu_bVli9thtthey_hg!gep1g-Igrgis; `G'f:"::',::'?gV.: ` 1 .35 ihil` ?| 'V_I`!"-`'3'A`'` 3Y'.."`.`."P5;; Particular htu-ntion demwtl. fer, the-= A!"-. 9"!` W 9! .L_!"P`.';;`: rum: 'mmbe.:`rmm Gold! supply;g,genuit;g,at$19!e.of`ystgratc-.`lB&1]p19.;.u.m,. ~v - - ~ M r;%.aa;* % T L . . f V-V||..."f.|"T'!`ll"... . '- L P7 `.`-'.v,-..,:V ` " L for-fp u'sy'td{g;`vo:i'1,_ilnd oliit'IIi,;iug;gI1I _:?n'n 13- .18 thelx'bitionu`u.' a V. ~-- a,ooonum:s%na.1eyV w.m,A mui u`.y"I`.'t.-_I .? 1.`.|.':..|..`.a .....5`. mu.` .m 1.. mm _to return his sincere received sincehisi re. .v `having incieascil his 7 "tion, he A pres'u_m_es tn? -h'v_e stronger claim upon their patronagya _ T T -, - _ _. - ' 'l:V........ -.......:: - '__"-_'__._L_.__ _,-_ ;v9.`3 , 7 -'.'u -1`afmA.\'s-,f .G.UiN-it _"., MAKER, Dun- `V V lopStree .';, Barrie, begs ,. ~ thanks` 10` hi s` `cue-' . tomera: for the Very{ liberal support he.l1asV sidenceiin Barrie;'nnd facilitiesvfor doing wofk irnlnvrnwnnnmj qujsluua 9| l`1Dl".|.l,LV\1' ` `prices. t -` Ba_r;i_e,AAprlil Q3, 1861.; 'TI}.llPRO'V:.ED )1)? OR_"F:EED CUTTER, j `Which cuts dilfernf. lAeng4th`of Fegd. Prick -$l2L' -Fbi-Xsnle by - B`RY N- `-A,_ imgdrler "Hardware, 114 .Yonge'St.L; _ Iordnto, 0ctoher,Il86_2. V 442' . _ `UBIv.'ISll'l~`.D for lhi-. be'm-l':.1n'l as n v\V_Y"lIing"'!ll`1d-l.l. v caution to yuun.g men whn su{I'n{r f`rn'm'N_t'.ri'nus l_)c_l)i_lily,- ] rem1uur'c D:-cu_v..&c..: supplymg ul !he;sa'nu-June the means if Self-Cure. . By um: whn has (`I_lI"L1hilll5L``_1lCf -being pul'lu~.n:ca1 grxpcnxse ihrnugh vricdicul _,i\n|)u:itim'1 and`- gqxmckcry. By paying: pusmqc s1.\'Gl.E cumas nmy -bg: had . (of the author. N.\'l`lIANll:2li A\lA`\'l";\lR. .l:'..~ (l.. Be-Jfnrd. ` 1 `Apple Parin'g',i_ co;-_ing, and" Slicing ' jflldthv with the Latest. Impiovements. F01` Sale.WhlgsaleVnnd Retail, atLj'owVP'Vrio_es, by .- . _ . [Jg B._RYAN, * V` V General Hardware .\V'arcbonse','V- V 114 Yougc Streg. . .. . 45. ` 4 ' ton nurse-oxnv. "ALSO. `run " ."l`nr;'mtn. 1862. " Tb_rJhLo,' . nmr Goons, Groceries, _ _ 4.-Cdpposile` Llaiiefs Dn_4g Store;)' No'v_e.mbe,r`,-"1862. : - . . ; V LARGEA hnfi comyilete ;$s.sbrmerit_t.; dies Enamelled.Kid. and Prunella Gaiters, ` Misse_s",and Children s, ofjevery" variety,and~s'ty_le, which will be ke[xt;conslanly qn hand, mas, Books; Gent's ;Cu1'f,` `Kip and Course ;. 'IoL!; for ;Buckwhea t caxgesu .3UcK_:mE'A_1f _1$LoU1_t vac ('3`uOLD IA-1N Lsjmtm, ` ' ALSO,` -nr nvn n Amurs A I FLOUR,_ 0Af 1"ME-ZAL, _ . INDIAN CORN, _ uri A\T' Q : G'R(')CER1E-S, -LIQ ms, 41;, qt, 3 - T 1 - `A-t LAURIE &_DRURY S,; -':. " ; ` '. ' . ; Duulop Stljet, numg pm 1uuI.cuy.g::\p:1I_au Ilnrtlugu mculczu1,nu|1u:nIn|l aud- pnynl-.5 ]MfSl:I;'_t: .~'l.\'I'}l.E_ (of Mz_\`Yl'_`.~\J'R, .l:'.sq., Bevjford, KiI'I;,'.f. Cm. N.Y."- .. - 12v-vlyv ' AP-A'1 ' EN'Tf .lA:.P.h.LE_~PAB.ER; Bran-ieA, May 16; xseb. ` .Bar'fic, Vl\I`n_vV 16, 1A8'(750..- '_ kl lung 'iug, &c`.j B}'r_ig,' 7111. October," 11862;.` 'Which.he'wi:l1_ As'ei1Aver3?..._1ow' fdr CASH; . V )(A1h_s _-;'xi_;crr:o wits. uV:;s/,I~A-r_c:u'. .. {An kinsisxf I"`I'Si,n.Ne L-rAox;.n,va: madame nrcea. * =- . `The-'-puj-est `mgd `-best 15uij;:;tti\"e"' 'i\}edicin in le " \vm-mt. . ' FALL& WINTER GOODS. AT P1z`1c.I_;s, NOT [TO ..];E}: UN`u_EiRs:01b1 ii - . _ - ~ [ ANDREWTGRAHAM, 3ar1`ic, M_x_vv 1860.3 '._ _-_ ' 20-`tf . -V wrs 1a:ieien;"$iz'ea,' roismsp and -GATTLEQ ,J_ Price; 514. ' 2 . * ` ANDERITON .%BROT{HEB. A : V R8,` ' .1311 __,n_..._ ,_o`_;- Leather! Leather ! wrimrsa7s1e,._s1a.;gt:e, Upper, 1:39? daxr` 5 Har:_je_ss_, Bjnding, 'Liniug,-Sh_oemsi)e rs Find- nr..R.-_-. ' 'lloIloway{aPills.-4Dyseu-terya-UniIkcnther ` i.ip'cci1ica'.;n,cn:nmon me wish act as menf- min A ry=__n;3:.,', plies, {*l<)lluwuy s Pills so.-jze on the sifzil of the V iscasry and f - 'cx!c:rmin:uc _iIs prinmry cuu~e--1: vizzomting lIre'digeetiAvb .or runs, siinuuluzimg the-livcf.`purging.)-In: chanluels mid pa.` ' r|l};'i_i1g the hluud, lyljn-.y prmumo `u i5|)Gf.`d}"l`L'lu[1lli0Il{of I hallh and vigor. In Iynlliotxlmess, sick he--:dach,c.' acidity 'u'f _ V the sto'mach.'und`depression: ospirils`, they, are equally `efo cnviuus. ` Sold by_u|l 'Druggisl5,Vmv'J5c.',_,62c_. , dud .l,_ per.bux.' ` ' - 3 . Ms,- RHIF-.l _'E S_," 7&_c} NHE 'S_UZBSVCRfBEIi,VTt1`1iink'f1Il foilpamst {anti-onvizg, femind his Custncnunneisi _ Ta11d'tbfp3:,blig:'in generaIA,{thatAhe.-is`.' . __ ` T , ` . V `T `L `A A` ' ` `1dw}o_1r:mNq ,A wan.` -As'son_1-an, .~n \r&OI-J\llIul, End a Fiesh assortment." of o % Ba,m,1'sn`o1u3s;__ , % ' I .I 0TA"I`OES, `APPLES, . n'_-_1'. _____.__-_.--' -JV .' 'r1iLEj;T"(7"< 5i`~f"_1?-E"ssx0;\: s_.A'1_) Ex_I>ER_iENE O`F";- -_ Alf i1s`\'.{L1D. 1 ' _' :Bo`c1>"1:s i % Sh.%< >[es, d cTo. bfne `A hisf. ' ` V J very best descrip- 149,-l_rv,e ugon ' `AND13 . I _ Leati1`;} ;. GRA HAM. ` `20_-tf A ` 7-It "2-2: nu Hope: 10 Iecute sualr patronage; . `"8 I . . , . ~_; -, Particular attention will -bepaid to securing the `.| di|;ric;,. ; ._ g -yliviitis -;*'!'|I *9.1:.3jr1:`*6?_~ 1 1* , '1 fluent Timbeffroin Qqldwuer and omerweu known J ` . GEOVRGEL sums * '_`_2-1-.v_ 7 1;` Jfi.`IIc1latthcMarket.- ~ ' . .' ', . ` , - , it ";lI:huIlIkeu" .. aggro vxepured. 10 T , mm: I Ne_;1:r {hue Marigel, Barrie, V _ `l_>{4.!a.`(ten_tio1'1/ to} business,` and `moderate T chara, hopes to secure ufair patronage; :1 ~Ptll'cIlIll' dttntidn will -behnid to gennriny n... V _CAi{R'IGE'. A1*iD:AK}i(;IiL;1"U1AL J` ' 1M_PIgEMEN'1`MAKER," ' Fariegs and others `of the doungy of Simcoef fthat 319 hu_sVcommenc_ed bnsinessias ._ . : 'S'ubMsc_rib,er-.,b`vegs 1ea`v"to:acquaint th % ix ` , -, ,____ -_._ _.-u.-vyg. `0wing;to the `number of witnesses necessary '10 prove. the above i'in pormnt fact, it is not expected" that the Coroner's Jury -will come to any hasty decision. - The public will, therefore, not be de- priveglof the many comforts his New Establish- ment affords during the_investigal.ion; humus the witnesseslconsisteprihcipally of the travelling community, it is earnestly requestedlhnt they `will-call,.und give their evidence; without being subptnnaed, at their earliest `convenience , for .w.hichep`hrpos_e a`. conveyance markedAt,o Fmser s will lillelld the various trains a_Leoch arrival `and departure `at. the South an-ie'Smtion. " n___:_'v_,A .. .5..- I "oJ':.-D PAUL`. 1531*, ' bin` `on-bis mbvemenls, to acrtaih uwhetbeur lie has or has n9t 1;. right to.liv`e in his NEW Es*1fA_BLI sH.M;1z:N?I'v% .I\4\I5x-4 3 ......--.-..-. Jan_u!:u'.y' 2111, -I8_63_.V "i`.R`E E V M A SON s` An Ms, ' ` BY_J/JMES vM:cC.-BE,`- ` V V Mpxuzisox Ash 1SIzL'si Rom. V lfmiles`-from Sei'ern'Bridge;' 8 miles`: from Ilginskokn F"alls`;._a.fud half 9. mile f'rom' Muskoka` R, II_NGHAM b'gs. to inform 'lh"-tra.ve1Iing '. community that hc_hns taken lbnt. favorite old Stan'd,.the f`Queen s Arms, which is being tted up and renovated. in the most. tboroiIg_rl1f_mannei', and can assure his pan-obs that his 7Who1e..cnden- ivors will be made to place the estabiislmicnt forc- - mosti1v1.pqint=of comfort un_d accomrpodmion. V Barrie, July 3 , ;861. _ - _. _128 :_._._-. ;C`gOR.ONER S _INQI J'Es T, `IETDVVA-RVD T ,:_f BISHOP, . TAILOR, . MB-_REIfVE.R SBLOCK, 3.4312114. 5 . 3 I BEGS to,ca]1.theattm.;on of the _ A ` ` L inhabitants 'of BAnmn,.and'tlie . A surrounding neighbourhood, to_his _having- had considirable experi- zence in the CU'l`.'l`ING' DEPART- MENT in the West of`England for _`.tbe lastjseven years, `and trustsby strict attention to orders to merit " a share Of'pl1bIic`suppo." ummz mnin . mm:-n -- --...-.u V. ruullv uulayu __ v ' WORK WARRANTED. Barriegliarch 2`. 185 . ` ' .-`,_.. -_.-_ -. --av -vuusu .u _Barre, Jgm. 25, L862. my. ` HRAVELLEP.S'_vill nd the above Hotei every __ way suited to their comfort.` A 1 _ _IIu:u_cI_ I|'l`U,I!}':IlVIIBI;l>IIIV= .|II:_,|I I ` " ?;tIsi!!EVidj '.-`1`N"|'9.9" Gr|!nd9a.tndrLW.i'IhII.}' y. I.o.i_n_s_n `their smutuininnnn-l-,'~ -` - :2 .GRb0ERIES7&4HQ K RE repectfully' invited to call at the vg.-4 II- I). rA'i1Ii'1x'tiIgr3;_: rn5nII%nn; QUEEN-s_ Anus nm;f%L 711.1; _oOm1ENCE to "be "held, nolvydn-the -_b,ody'nf ~ ' - as-V 1XELLEn*r ST./IBIQINGT rnAsnr:'_HorEL. - New? Garfig AFa'cory." ....u\_; .q. `;.-JJ.4L.LJL.L-.LV.I..l.'4 which is exactly _ _01>P_os1T1a HIS ow ; --- ---vV\AAA '{ABARRTI1E HOTEI: . B-AR.RIE,VC.S., T P .A\/ETL L. E*B`S m).;c,In-. . B. ozig-,iin!i1'<>!i; ,. n`Oril1ia;*o:ithe.31st- Dec; ;,. xjn,[.go. pf ;th nies King; Esqi, jagqd _z4- ygfs. . ..u'.:.'..1..1.`..-;.."1;...:.:1'n in ...'.' ma cm. "Inert iii.-`w3e ado; Q: }abaP 1 zizoteug r\J\ s4\l `NA THANIEL. KING- .4il__ V '* l0-12mo. D zllf` -Mns'I-3 ` Main '&`Co. have acid as Pllenl Solici- M. `Ion:formni1hIit uiik1iIu years, in - -ovmectron :`-:*i$:.%.`.f:r..2..'z:`~::..%...:.7.::'.:::: ,_,-,., ,.,;_',-Y. ;:_v,vM_y ,., . Ni; exi--int:_~mt:os.eI-e- an .;,Mb.u;-i,vg::i:i9gs{gnl1f9g9s)rjIg;g.tnvu;u; . _ TO Tm: l.w'r-:NTon. an-Iy inventor, as it not only. conlaimsilluslraled dc: scriptions'ol`M-nrly all lhe hes! lnvc-lions as lhey come om_.'bu| each` llumbcrvcunlains an Ulliqlal'Lisl ol'Ilm' C'.aimu' of all , the Patents izmwd lrum Ihc United Stan-aTPaIent_ omce daring llle weelrprevious; [hm this country. We any also` race! `mi. very weak, and Germany ; Ihus~placing_ l our pauses:-ion nll that is mnspiring in mechnnicul science and an In these old coumries; We shall continue to transfer to ourcolumnu copies e_lI'l(:llb_ `njhenq journals of =wlma_ver we rnnyraleem all _ no our-re-aderg. Apunphlot ofmomteliou :3 -io_I`|Ic* bell `Inodqof '0bIImin,Louerg Pquem gn:no`v` inventions, in fur: ~nohc:d`l_ re_c o)I~I_j5pli,cl!:io_l.' . - v ' ' ~Mmix `&`C'n.1in -` Tl-Io" SCIENTINC Auniucm `is indiapennble id `giving in correct history ohc progreo 'wem"ion ili ' me best scientic journals 0 ! G! I `Britain, France. ` van nan`-4! in `P-um ...II..L ` , . _ . _ . _ v . . . .., .v....v \IA Al\I'A U IIIJIIO ` No_ man enVga g-ii iii any of lhevmec-hanical o1 mgmn uclnring persuils shnnld lhink ul duin v with: out. the Scu-:N'ru7gc AMERICAN. ll unsts mt six gcenu per week ; every nuinher vonlains lrom six to ten engravings of new mm-him.-.-. and invepliona, which `can um be found in my other publicuuon. pt` ,;Aiqn;es nI'|g,-'1|asq.!j_u;_;u}A fa {cutan- E ~ At`BQehhu:t',_Tnni:1,0.W;, .onVt!1_N;VBIh insli, '5 Hotribt, ':'e1icz-or _ the" late _W.'r. Q.ij.1py,V Eq:,`ar, '1_e'A!!r=x>l9th`orpe. Y<.>.rk5hir., Enisnsi"--_*_. A New volume oftig )pu1a.rv.`Imn-nnl c-ommezfcetl `on the lirst ofJunuar_v.- ' Us published wt-:1-:xr.'\'. and every-number (1-onvlains sixteen pages of useful in- formation, and frmnve to ten original engravings of new inventions and discovcrues, _all`ol which are pre-_ . _pared~ex'preuly,{or in columns. ' VTOLTHEA NIECHAN-]C `AND MANUFACTURER. If, [s1cI N T1 is` I c 'Ann1cAN. "'5 3531 M.E.".'1"_W W5". January 29 1862. H0113 (`I ]1l'0pCl'|y glllllSl.'_14UOnV UH LIJIJII./lli VBYFIRL`, including Houses and Houst-hold Furs niture, detached cnunn-y.Re3idences, l"arm`Housea nnd_Fmm Buildings and. their contents, Flouring Mills, Start-houses, I r6duce-in Store for short pe- `ridds, Veaseis building or repairingnand against the PERILS OF N./1 VlG./QTION (including fire) Sailing Vessels, Steumbonts, or their cargoes.- __2_:._ L B .. T.`A__._ Al A__I2`..A3.._ .._.l _.._`___ ...__ - ..... .-. 'f""`1 ~.--.....-.-, -. --..,...-. Forms of Application Vnnd every xcquisite info!` Innt.i_ou may be oblgiued from ' 1.`nuiV'\*r\ I I 1 v %nEPoT F01: } VESPRA MILLS ' _'tl)is Cuompiiny continus id insurenll descrip; Vci'0n`S of properly against-_LOSS OR DJIMJGE RVFIRIC inolndind Wnncna ant! Hnnur-Iunl Fur; M.m,aging DirecIorg--Tho:i1as_Wiiliatn Birchalh " ' T Soliilo1'-C1nrke Gamble. ' _ . Manager Murine~Departmcnt-swilligsm Steward. - Fire Inspec(0r'--E. RobyT0'Brien. , Murine Inspctor-Rodcrick Coumgen. Trustees--VPet.ef Paterson, Edward II.-Rutherford, ' - . 'l`homa.s IIel1i\rel!. ' ' 13$`: .'*`7."! -t -0 --v II: IIII hll m fi:'e"W_'diz'L'n. A mu iimn;-gvoLUnIE `Vl_II. NE-W SERIES. pany's ftlndsrip the Province,` ` A -` L6.\TvL'1`z}m:s on` PREMIUM, . Conseqilent on the ihvestment of all the Com - I`7:'et1ii:1r:t1si[>`ty'u1;le' nnmmlliy, or by semi-Vannunl` or qna.rterly_ instalments at .tbe option of H19 assured. V V - - ANNUAL Al\fD MOST AMPLE EXHIBITS ._r 2.- _n--- ANNUAL D1$ONS_OF rhomr, as prfernble to division; ut.AinteVrvaIs of live, ueyen or _ten years. 7 h HOME MANAGEMENn thereby`se<;uring'_a.'spccdy mljuslment of claims and liberal re`g}xla_tiuI1sfurresidt-nce and tr_avel. No further nnt|n'v rnnnirml I`.-nm nm ...:........A ASSURANCE COMPANY 1F|`RE ANDV MVARINAE,` Gorge Percival Ridout, J oseph BC('_k(`1l, " 'l`hom:'s 11-lhwll, I eto;r I zue_rson', oor}-m \\ Canada Life Assurance ,Co y% Iunhnnu-Arnnn u... ....- ....-_.-_- -equitably settled. . Robert Sta'nt 0Vtr,_ '> ""_"A-x;ou-WT, - John Mcllnrrlch, o Wm. Henderson, Esqi. Secretary and . Trea.mrer,-.-Bernnrd Haldan, Esq` ` Solicitor,--Angus Morrison, `Esq. " Tbelweatern being gui old established and auc- cessfui Oicev and "having a large reserve fund, can a'or_d todd business on most liberal terms and claims for losses by re are promptly and If\11\1',. A 1- av . urn-nu ' PA_1D up"cAPI'rA1., imd_ SURPLUS safely . I T uvested. _. _ RATES at,lon`est gure consistent with safety. LOSSES liberally adjustedhnd -promptly sealed, AGE;\'VTS at all (bi? principal localities through-` A 0Ll1_tl1 Province. - ; , x Ba..rx-ie. J.n'.. 1862. -V b0ll1cls7-i7lsL'/(0urs. 2 . * ` . 7?`."v .. `T 1mD\'\r.wv..s' -R1G'u1'.A'r`mG P11.I;siar'e`me-only ' Ba-n'1_5t9r5 Land Att.0Ifneys.: I".-uuilv C.'uh:u1ic than Durqes `without; dcnlelmn. rir v'nr&nri.i-m min" . xrhnvxxr . .:.\ .-......-. THE T .6 L DE 5 '1} C.`1N./11)1.k2N CoMP.a2vY. I. .0. Gilmor , George Michie, Thomas ~I-IaworIb,' Stanton, _Mc'MnrrIch, 0..v.....n,..... .._.l rn._ _ . Canaida `Western Asauianc 0o y omhfnnhn BY Aer or unmunxr. . _ I _ : -&-an-is " ,' _ .CAPITA.I-' -% - - %w0.ooc ' I .`mLsHAn1as_ o1-f s4o_ men, - noun on-nan c E. :Tok0Nfo, V comma or couosxn AND czjuncn snafu . Jqnef 20, 1860; V ISAAO (2; GILSIOR,-;EsQ., Pndmln. J `FRANCIS mommnsox, 1:-0,. Yncprnumgy '. Monmsoitt 8419363, 8olcilbn.: - QFFIOE1-_Weitrn Aunnuco Building|,.0hunI 7 Street, Toronto. . __ ' . _ WILLIAM PYPER, 5_ . ` Secrelary_Trea:urfr. The T6r6nta.i0nurioL Rama; .{ Jnont.Bnil_ding. Society, . Illnnnn-up-A -pi-.-.....'_. 4... 1- ' . . _ ' -I. & -V"-' v -" -"- nucuonnn n'm_stux'-r,'1-o 1-uilonot 1:`: that 22` -. vucux. PAIllAl_h_ - ' s"nAL:L No. 95, MARKETT Horsm, %V .10}: -the sale. of VFLOU-R,".BRA.\', SHORTS . JIILL OFFAL, 859., opt-h every day; V 15 ans. v14\vu -....-.. .._. %Farme%rfs %S7tore,%: . : :V . _ 0R-1 LL_ITA[. :. . -._ IIEAD OF-I.~`ICE, CI!UI:CIl_S1;ILll_ET, Tonpmo. Pffsitint,-`-VGxonl:h -moms, 'Esquir`e, ,- Vi'PTfCi_d9I,fMARCU8 Rossw. Esquiros .I'\lDl`l" l'(\D 5 Q )FFERS `the following real advantages to in- tending" ,Ass11jrcr:`r,:'-- - `-CjAPI'._l`AVL* -_ - -. $1,000,000. .('ovenzor'--Gor;_.;e PAerc.i?va1Ridont .__ _ _Depyty-Goz:ernoreWi)lia.m Pxoudfpoto INC'0lu 0I`lATl-ID'BX__' I`R0\'XNblAb STATL"l`Is INCORPORATED B9 ACT 0I'.I ARLIA.\lENT3` guano .7-v VQIUIILAI AADBIILGI-IUU `I or -$51-35 V - 1 3n_1'r1s1-.1 AMT:-:mcA cuzs F012 Ari/HIM 1'. . Vn'o/mn or nxnscwons . -I-\o1 . q... V lLv['.UjS'I`RATED I I, 4 _, | arts, 14 George W. Allan. --_-- of. its affairs.` 'Jo11N~.s.L1a: . * Agent at,_Barri. " THOMAS DALLAS, T . . _ _ ./lgenlul Orillias `,2_ ` ' . ' 1-11! ' 'mm~:c'rons : 1sD.\1U;\'D LALLY, ' ' ' -./lrrnnl R nuns.` I Martina Russia, ` Joshua G. Beard, Robert Giltnor; AND LLIC llqrel, UCDl'Al. UIlI;l|.I\'c Auliulclulf ".` Q \.vm-1:1!-_ _ H '. T` 7 In cltses'of Bilious Cha'Ii`c, IQ/lumm_a lion of lh_e ` ' ' Bowcls, a`nd_ iuail violmjt 1ltdc,/cs'urzfll`pra- - _ ' duefa`lLcrzltlgy_c'vac'uuton [rbm the " ` bowels.`-iyn sia: h_ours. _ ` ' .. . `n..v . xv. u-`sunny . .-nun v\nQ o-,..' TIIOS. HOEINSON. ' '-)1: ,0!` . {\:i]liam;I rondfoot, - William Cayley, . Edsv. II. I .utb'erford,. -Jns, Lukin Robinson, Allan. unuu 1 , ` geixt, Barns rld ` : N-r\rv\.\/\A`\o&\A.\r\.\_.\.\. `Kiln *,:{Sxi%cif:- tiSc%ii`1Tcu1t%=sL, % ~._.`,\. _, N- ,..\\,...,V_,-s.- -/-_- ,`\ . JxAI\.\.'\.-s'\.\4\/uxxxs- ? :Landff_o1_`?1Sa1e; f L ~ TRAYED from th premises -`Of-\Vt`I)._I_IiIOns, . _ - Lfot 10-, lljth Cont,`Vcspx:1,.-tllree 2:}:ear old C_ALVES'; oxie -:11:-i_relj,__light.` rd_m1d' while ; opg__ Steer; dark red and fl:-i->1;-', slior_t. hoi`n'5 ;' one Slcel`,.. red and white," _s_I1m`llV$pVeclded} \v_ideA-horirs. -Any pers'on _having'sen' the a b'ove`\v`jllA obligeby com-f municaling \_vilh the Sul1scril)er,,"- BV:1rrie.__ P.-_(). whenihey will ht; paid tb1'tbujr1",roubl e. , V " ' ' - ` `V. WM. `IIIRONS. Fi.oUri, ;m:A1IJ' sa snows, :-L- __:n I._'__I; ,4 A `L- 1 .Corner of Gillie)` ajyl _ CInp'p'c)_ la1;_ -Sifeels, D All) D I L` |'Appl_y to :1 V-p_.Ax:':rirox 0"1s1i1E$I, - ' - .' '.':\Hnilni`.: Ron- '7 .'l`6_ibnto ,_- V _ A {he Iraesit ;1:(irxa5ijtT37txfr(1'd 7thef;ds:v'est "prices: of I` DrLr1i';41)}fAY s "T;1.`-I.l"I:3_:(5;`;*v[-.:-3';E'vI}E(}AT1VE';` Av-.\\ \J\.\t\.\_.\.\. - Bnvgity is tki Soul V. ,.'....n-. .v.:.-...-.. Ia.-n".`~..... _ ...-I`-ni :3 W|f3_A-,__R1-E, ..`.._u _Vx.n-I. ' Ch:1_;'I_es :.\ViIVl1.a.i'db, .1 atri'ck Kain. D..... :. 1 .......l .1 EH H`-A l\l`l.lll. ' ' _. Rcgistcrcd V : '.Mrs_.` J oseph Clement, 'l't"\h'\1r nes _"'J'<)";"1Z~`:" _}ic>f":7 ' Pnsl mi `. 1x1I~:":E"'ni;5a"n3'rix7:;,1 ` ; > '22 -`2t_ I .. The h<.)icestw'1.3rtVznds l6.f Conil-non`: and _1;6day" [._Wbiskeys a.lwa._s_'s.on haqdt 9 V ' ' ` - ` xv. \.I'1)JVl1IA1,V , `Saicitors, Barri. V I _ 2-1: uupa, A . . `Postmaster. ~~-- `nu.-5`. I Ut:.SBtliJlA_LCI.l. H; lI;HOh.FE~ Iowa .,nuu_er .. H rm" 14!` A pearance-' `nda `dung who" neon ' __ . > "the pi;: ns;a%:n `o:='.e3?i9FT3.2"?J" .MN0--W%M~2`9.3n:3rd-icone-aso.5: .-`ciou`6f*tiikins inedxcine.; woniuxa 3",",'{,".`-""`,,v. - 1 `~".9 " -.`. " Derndant.JAMnHR%A 1313.? cw:maea.V`*3 `.?:=.* -Id. `V".5'ii!1I4`_h Got-:._T`;.`f,; ;`31'f':;*."t **!:"d `f *``."P`;."l`z =J' _ ` aemgfaroei1.e:.'2'I?;.`3"".Z`7L on, usine.`s:a: etc. ` -, tb` _ Z . _., o.V' "v.-`I-J-.' A A -:~ _ vs.` .._,; ,cl 0 BB yglo 0 `av. `Men .` ,- , ` . - , * . _., Oonntyvof SiI_ncoe).wh9' hI u_o;no _Aepriyd .L:;[I,.,g,, N9TTfiwA?(:A`;3-W19?i.5`3F3 =C0lI.,- I30: 811'. DI| 550 1_vprmAninA tb(:e' ::f{g:ag~:`"`9"i"`,im-=' -genes or me right to come-an gundev the Deed-;oTr=_ :T~;ga W .` . ffw -5:9 4.`:i.rP.`73.1:`:~.l','.15.'!l:8th;;\ dam, winch he tesue-Jhat 1ebeh.ev`es, by, God ; *rnezyf.uao`rezurn- tuoli-.i1'uinIn*u Assignment; `qr. `the thirty-lirat o_=` ,ocuobr- ~oR,m~.59l{m 1,5-a:`9 9u_.'. .9 :, 4..~,...;.I.v,Ie!I,-Ins. a_ved,.tho,V;.1c_hn.d. ! F0-.I_ '1'hou_ma;.~ or rorpAs':ra`ve`n,`a`nd aoIiit`.hin-an 1s.s7,`,. mm by the`-DeVfenqsn_t,'.IA!_ . -nun` -G.-.` .,,~T..5!" " _`-f-E~=~9`~ 8 ine:2ndy,_`._'."1'`IFf mumni-1"areglven. thekpibnjgg; ., L ; = . .smTH A mwhe A, , .1`-n_dV_ ._. . .- . T_;._~..~..t1bou').lo the present pmpnetorg, B V ;. A: A > _POLLABD,-inuzg} docr9emeJIt_;oaed,1tj,be `Q, N.5NtIhD_.Ed _; _ 2;2c ln'A_tll.;~-8]3f3;19,i`.; _W';`):;[q`;`I,_`3naV||o]"(}.oB_IOrln..f--gn w-.|i. -. ` ; T, . 3; `tk-a,`."a._.en"`f[__[gd-y0,_-`-Lthg`.klzeggtijhe`V L . .. . ?:_ :_ / _ . 3lI0l'tIIoll'll|'b`I'el.I}0l|_S)IQ_t,-l_. dmghnrgouwormp Assignme l,, .vn.1`Kl'vt>}pgr1.xcIpu.te~'.;u who` meal a` V ` . don not*f01l0W'1I|' R3598`-{'5' W."."|"` lrog` ..,'gg; pm I f '"L...,.-z- `.5: Lo`u';/1`qlivcki.7" . :3 - '-`a T` 11 ,. . V . :ecr,ee,mun, . ., `URSl".T'AAN'1`I.Il:ne xlnade in ibis"-mutter" by. the_Court of Oh cery.yf9r.- Upper Cahadwa; --.1... na..:`...:m. .`...I..;||.`m .1``.'n-.. 4.: `.1... .;:.e 'IN'_.kjHA1idE1iY. 1- J A `BREWSTER,3.jtn,d 1j;e`Cl_'1`YBA NK, :- *. 'rLh`-`JL_#' Bzmm. HENRY _MU_4I,VIiAOLLAND(,` iEi'JAMII . V - V-.f_ l,l.z'ial::V'AiV.'., ; 4 __T I-MBASIL HAM1Lro1, yy' 1._'i-A_n 1'p`.;(3,'. om. /ARD; ,mM-E_s,1m'N_Ry s1u_rra,; _ s, MAGDONELL, _.;.~us`._<}_;:_,onGE_ Of the l.`o'ndon,j New York, Philadeipbia, Roches- ter, Bu'alo',_ Gh.ic_ago, Cin ci nnati and` Toronto" markets aregiyen `in each nu;i_jber._'v All the lead-* inf; fdreiguwandp Ame`:-.ic':m juurnais are, received, . -and spcial p_ain_:V-uu-e taken t_o`g'iv the but _ar'id most`reliableinform'ation' in regard` _to the` state`, crops at home` and t_1bro ad}7 . `A cnnv nf` H-m nmisiu-. darit frmn in all` with iih vul Lu: urupa at IJIUIUK`-' uuq_ l_l.Ul'Ullll;' - . , `AVcqpy_of ih paper,I~l__ to Texgimine it_.. _T ,J()SEPH .HA-Iuz`1s,. ~ . Puanxstiuaguan PizoP_s1n1'on;{ , ` Rochealer,.'N.- Y. A -~-!1'3"z.&gexi_1?s'5wxuitel,_yrjwher,__ l.9:`wh9m _the> most libersgl. offers are madg. V -tnostof the two-dol1arV\_ve',eklAieTs. 1 . }5?5'EiRM1:R Tc2'2\ m1A}ti%b)1 `fro .B_EjIi"IiifI1- vouzr 117.` . ~I't cos`ts>-mily.-ixly cents aT_vear`l arid-"(: out:Ii_1_mf' more agricultural and lxurticuHura 1:mat'1er ._lImn_`I n 1l;C'?i'| A ow`:-n" mi"; -`cu ?-nu-u" "on ~u-.;-\.-.'A. [.01-ilwiia, Jgn. 5," (S63. %,ZE3b'iJiiI.'i*Ivf'iiE3TiiiEEi* fmzpc:ms ' 1IIB'.IQI'SI.II"LD'. t`Qrbfr.'tl1-IAyA;ye:ir"ivoe of :tbe' '- 1 best. :\v!1eu:t_*.nnd'fnuit r_eg1_o_x_1s of A'nIei`ica,"\\'itli': '_corresp(>_nde,nls in n'eaA|fly. e_.-vegjy State'and. in -Can-` a.du, it c_onta_ius inform:itioij>of great i7nte're st.'_ and -- importance to every.f_u'rmgr, gardener "and frujt '-gr.0w"e.r. V - ' ' - urn 'l.`11l)ll!."'l) n/{iv} n'1.v1-Vvnrnn mn n ,~rr'n-mn 'EjIiJnc>:r{13X1{i9; 'S'rr.s:n:'r, _ Cbnnlxdwoob. -' ~N'o VIe,mh-`r, -18`(}'2_- ," ., s . ` I43- - * % ES?'An1:rs!T'@?!~ I . '.1`;_1'E"GENEs-f:_E 1?'A1111j3I{.- r THE iIARMER*s.oWN PAPER 'l`he Che%apst%ffimiciillural Pap"r" > iAn,,thga 2 5 9 .cQM.\11ssz0N I~;,1; IN -*1}. 11;, _ _-T/Af11_.".5_'1`f;3.riI'1C > ,IJ3",1;`* i.,:.'17$N,[ L.L.B';, f Barrister V a1;__d_ ; Atbtbrneyd`-a_t-Law,` - : ;_. sg;'LI(:i'1'o1:, ;1j_vvc114zvqE1aY,T-:_ Notary-Public, .:Con1t3Y&ncer,` _.oxL_ I5:'1}Y_- i31;irrs; YEA1i. '. f % _ V-i~10\V Is '.1*-HE -'1_iiM1;j1i() 'SUBSCR1_I3E; _DIr'_ulop. S treet. - (4}1'atl_u_(1t.c`of:[1ar1}ur _l7l1ll'lff:'.)".\'l'{_I/, B})sl5h, .PVVes-'_. 197'" H07IlB.0]4{(hic"Cv.?1lrge, C'l,`w'('-Itzwul-,. ._ . - ` `VILE devute_.exl\1sis'e ajttezmion to `His i)r6fc's- I - s_inn,*{md'c:1n._b mxnsulurd fmr-,tl: e [)i:CSx`nt' a-(`his -ok-`e, uc:;Lj to='.\Ix:.; I n-, \v #5..` " H- 5;-xxneu :s Clothingv SLorq,P ` .- V.--u-u;A4s Jguuu Barrie, ;Fe bruary12.5,"-.1862. _ . _ if 1' "``f` ".-' -'_`.-_.'-r`'- :_ SOLI_CITO'RS`1N CHANCER~Y,.A_;\'_D_ CONVEY- '- '~mwm;aw _ '--. `.Lu.-nu1.'. .' W. _I.0UN I`. n (lie 1. Silve_r$he.':P.0.,. (`Sun-`A ' ' T. n_z'dc.leV .St,al_270r;,_ Jazz; 12th, 1863.. : " . ' JVJUKLKLI Ofillia; cm, _`7,'_j1's H:AYiN_reJed'i& x;1,;,;,' l&;g-i,.* "eke; or. % ' his V prdfessfon, to infox`-mih',in "sitanli of-;,tow_n and" surrounding "con`n_t,r_v that he -`is' for`thga_presentstaying,a; F~RAb_SVIfJR'S_Hot`e!._-:, . 1 ` .. Jan.11f- 1.j 1$62._ " `O'1`1 `-ICE, 4{dj}aiuj; J. \*'I's_'1avh"s_ :1 )mg-'sEore,'- . and AdAi1ectly _o'pp'osite t11eMctl)_odist. Qhapel.. N}B.;`-DrL 7 Kelly ha been.;ippoihied`Associate.` Coroner` f(_ir tlie_,Gount.y of Simcoe. :`P;S{-?SludenlsT})re"pfu1`ed`to eizzcr anyiqf the vixzffious f 1 -Medical Collcgs. - ' ('1.-Illhg `(115 `nn u-`nor,-n A ' ' >"'AA' " f ' oQu1_frY.cLE;:x; V. : I - ' L `attend. an, his i't[)t.`x`i<`:e,_fsic.`;'1"3'al rx'_!e:',Vi`}`e;-y j ,; ATURDAY, rum `:1 a.m,, til1.739,p`.uI.,' Ac- cording, to order of Council; ansi_every.ou_:e:vd:y . at hia_oic9 a_t,bCooktown',-: ' h._'_-:. `I! L .- .....`. - 1 -" ` A % _,-. _..,,..-_-_._..,_%? GR-/1311"-T.E' OF THE. UNIV1'1R3I.,1'Y_ OF _4_ . .1... -_ fc QM.\1TsI0N I~:,1 IN`-:J.%. (Iz'j,_ _ H V _ -__V`A.LZUA-BLE , T ' 1. T T'LAN;DAGENT-. &c-.`&d- : " A R.M _- `F fS A `L. E; .__n_._. II? mtgbcvzsce.*Tcmimsf1.22;~$;4 To,-vnb die s<> ui1"ha1r:or* EM " in 7the 19}. Con. Urn` hixfntvin Warm no` 11 F.;, u . `:.r'1w'xz1g':1 nkAi';-sizV;e W1 .._:.-`i,-in. i'>.ie;s:n!:. ~ sleighs. my `,0 cushions, trim buhlo robes, &c.`., at .G.-. H. ;Di:ns? ;Paint~;Shop, _ JOHN` [.`IAlOR_ _ I` Rnrrhnnnnnmiup `om!-mzn - . ~ no.2-- izdviri} " T H o `-M` (0 PIA 1% s A1-,%% II;-mhmh IL`: noun 2-,! 1.7nl:IlF-`In. '...I...' ....J 171. ..-- '- Jan;1at,al863.;, _' 2 _` j '....;,,..... ' . .. . which will be'sol`d at 1')`/rbi_ce.sA1.t.> gsbuitb th. .i'.8.. _ ,~A. ,,-r .. -.,..... . Q1-{a.rxj'Le; -,Nr)_v_.,V . a '.'reside'r:ce. Mulca$3ter `S'tr_,ee1.; late __i~:e.iic11ce:0f_I_ien;)"f DouguI,*Esq.',n:_`: 1 _ " 7MARKE"r~.BLoCI{, B;A;R.R1E _._-=. '- iar-Al-;'n `,V1`1$l\Vv-nun;-1; GR " 101:`) I ! 19 i;'L-uctlidiiegff fo}."th6.: C91ii1'ty,i` f_'rHoRNro5\;,_INN_1s1v1L. ` - Q.a...o' .`1 oh 1 4n` -`Ba1;rie,Fb; 17, V1sc'2-. ~ {REMOVED-%% T .;i:;Qs*#%9}:?9z`.15s ' - JULIE D1R':`EL."D';}MdR`TONi,? ; IDLMTE 5.n`1`*` 'i'n-143 rnvrV7n:n_t'r`v , ... nu- .1)rdmptly executed, at 1ow'xfa(es._. _ _ _ _ `nn/inc n. oavu'L`o .17 If.` _1=vo nnrv n/ntrn `-Every kind` of wrork` 'in7 ilnej: ab`ovc'aj_ b11s.'1p_'e's`3,

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