Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 24 Apr 1861, p. 5

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uu-_n'| u.l(_\rUIllIIllh.`.lUl| U1 xlplll, naut- 'H:ey will tlwrefnrc be pleased to call` (or schd ' for them) at, his oice in the Court House.- `W. B. Mc\'I'[`Y, . ('l0rk nf the Peace, County of Simcoe. `Orrm: or THE Cmmx '01-` run I EAu)E 3 _ V _1;m-ric 11 June 1361. T24-1t AJILIZI I4. L30 Fer B. W. ROSS, __DcpuIy S/zer*{-[7, C`. S.. LVIll I by 0` Per B. w.. ROSS, ) Deputy Shenf, C.S. B. W. SMITH, ' .Qhm~iIr for D. W . nuo Deputy Sheri ?, C . S. 1;; W. SMITH, ' .QllIY)'l' 0` `B. W. SMITH, $'Inn 2-1' Ir 13; W. s.\1`mI, I!` 4 CL ,.'.. .` D311 1 1'1, ._ Sher`, c. s. nn.QR . Dnuxn, S/Lcrif, S. 'R.Q\` . L7." '1 ll, .5`/mu:/I`, -0.3. V RHRQ o sag` 3.: I 111, Slzcri", S H W, nnze ` ' 3-1.3't 24-9t ' 24-5t K until` a same` THE Board ofPn1blicI1trl1ction for the Scdnd School Circuit of the County of Simone will meet fortbe Examination of Teachers, at BOND- an .In An - - ' V .u.u.uu, vu. _ WEDNESDJY, [the V 26/}: INSMNT, . - At 10 o Clock a.m.' ' Candidates, in, order to being: admitted to Ex- 'amina.tion, are required to furnish certicates of `moral chnmcter from the .Clergyman_of their reli. gious denonnination, or from the Local Superin. teudeht, or Reeve, or from a"Justice of the Peace of the Township in which-they reside. T Bohdhead, June 1, 1861'. Wm uc uunrgtu. _ __ . The Pathmasters wnll recenve all Commutation Monies. ` ` .. n h .u 1: u Barrie, Juhe 1st, 1861. c o/IL. . ,l."UC|t IUI LU` . HEAD, on `X71371 > HE rate of Commllitation fo} Statute Lgibor ' -will he 23. 6d. per day, if paid before the 25th day of `June instant, after which date 33. 9d_. will be ch:`orge,d. _ ' 'I'`h'n Dnthrnnal-nr.l will rnnnhra n l`.nmm.m.o:m. ON. Fridny,.31st May, 9. POCKET BOOK, con- taining a small sum of money. The owner can have" .it.. by proving property and paying'ex- pe'nses.` Apply to V V _ ' . - 5 MR. ROB_'I`. HAMMIL, - ' Lot 9, 13th Con., Innisl. Barrie, June 1st, 1861._ ' ` 23-3t \/_ vux: LU um ululurru uunurs. `Apply to EDMUND -VLALLY, Office, of the Brit? ish American Insurance Company, Barrie. ..Iune,1sc;1. .v .: Z23 -tf LL'|I\lL'lIl}l\,', l I|lU_ L'll|lK'l3\|lI1.'\1' IJI U"`U (,`,.,,."a,,,_. ,,.,,,,,. ,....5H\' Hun l'.'_;l,!Y'. of liauiliug (.<. ..po.. Ation. My best etllirts will ngnin he nmd to lmvc -the lnw'i-bpcnlexl in so fu1j:is.itn[l'ccls Lakes Sim- - c0e,_-Ilnmn and Superior: ilie pmvisimns or the act are-not adapted to the condition of the com- paratively new sgbtlleniculs bordering on '..1l(.`SC Lakes. ' V ' - ' " ' 'lZ&'l'|iHll In conclusion, gc'nt1e_men, Irc.-ly, without pre- sumption, for ii, continuance `of your condencev and support,` at_-the coming election, which is the` highest object of my annbition, and the only re-_ ward for past services, that n represcnmtive has I ogright to expect from his c0nsliLn'ents.. _- I I have the honor to be, - - A Your very obedient servant, ' A \rnvrC1 \vr\v'\rrrrII\\Y Barr.i'Ae', ]2_th_ J une, 186:1-. ,_, ,__,__ `. ,,.,_ "" I. - " . V My views on the Fishery question are well knqwn. When the Act cf-V1858 was in!.m_duc`<-d by the Hon. Mr. Sicolte, I pointed (mtits injurious tendencies, and endeavored to ` have ~cer1air; n`"~'nrrrw.~ vn-\r`n,,-~~5H\' l'.';l.!Y'- lisuinu ;(.1 _...:...~.. Whitby anti Lake "Huron Railway, thel North-West '_Steani `Navigation Company, the opening up and, settlement of the North-West "Territory, Inland Navi,<,:a.tion, Colonization Roads, the Manufacturing Interests, En`co_nra(*.mc-nt to A'g_ricnlt ure, a Grant of Go've1'nment Wild Lands ;to .the _N0i'LlieI`n Railway of_Canada_ to raise money to construct a double. track, 1so that. the ` Company may be ableto compete with the local 'tral'c, and the -increased trade of the far West '---and all other measures which may tend to `our country s prosperity, will have my earnest advo- cacy and _s'npp,ort. ' ` - 1- --_,.1......... _.,.'..n___,_; 1- 1' -.'. ' . l 1 I 8.ln,-thcl"0vl'<)r(`, opposed not only to the Disso- Vlution of the Union, but to the designs .\`(.`(`)_`t`l and nvgu,-ml of tlmit party, who on the H or of-the Legislature have noi scruplud to Ilntonlen an ap- peal to Washington to aid mum in their efforts to trample the Constitution` undcrmcir feet, and ob- tain -place and plunder. ~ ~ It I .I 71-`) ' .n no (_'ullM1II-IlvL'!ll"Hl('Hl. ` J ` '. _ _ g'l'I.w~ l`:Jl._- It-:11: with disease as 1! rs. and wnll not only - (`llrv M r-`xnu\'in;: llu: czulsc, hul will buildup and rcsturc Ihu1:r:k-`nc--n~uIulu-u. Hncrc are mrmy who have {ried ,u'iIh 1)..-. I-...s-vimvinn<`Hun Ihex" lhivk nwliviue mmu.-I. hrlp mum: lo-1 inn 1-vvn llu-sai dc. im-rcdul'u':md sca_:pu- (`Mn is m.'crI|n'am'n h\' :1 nm.~'sul 1:.-sl|m0I:y which is trnlv m~.~.. Al hrs! Vlht: vnrlm-s_.m~'cr:hcd to these MUl7.`\".. 'l'.\l.\ : Hlillll l lL|..\' \\'L~rt:'d1`Hll(`d fabulous. The >>ulali.' _h.-ul !u:v,n,.-n .I`u-u (]2('Ci\'(`.(l that they could not .~I-.v \'-~ the .~;'xnplo-- truths :u'!vnncz-d by lhcir (_!lS(`n\'UI`cf. Ym l.u'l.s` unr|v`ui.'1Hc. mu-su-(I by wiln_csseS, 0f1hchi_-.:hcs1 chznrzwlc-r.'1I_III ruspux-sul-nliI_\'-. hu_\3c provud und nrc proving cnvn lacy. lh4:'\'Il'Ill's of this mighty lmaler. They mink by lhcir miraculous cicucy uxutpmvcr n new era. in . rm-dxu-inc. - `I. have been '9. firm advocate` for a law to re'gn- iI1i(;'1h(` position `of Debtor and Creditqr in Upper : Canada ;' mind for that renshn supported the _B:mkr1_ipt 1$i|l,of the last session; v Knowing, as I do, that relief is now wanted by 3; large number of nnformrmte debtors, I feel it my duty to sup- 1, port. a 1m_v for their benefit, comprising: as they do in considerame number of-our enterprising popu- lation. - ' ' i i r A i I -- _ ...... ..D.... ... vc-V vv....;v . lrunouhlln 1;` I am sensible `of the importzmcenf the tl`lSt` al1'ead_vlwice -reposed, in me, mid ifI lmve il.e3 honor of being elected , my best nftcntion, mid. SI)Cl) ability us_I may possess, will continue to be given to your local and pCX`S.Ol]`:ll wants. ' - __A__ o . V__ _. ,_.__,_,., 7, tempt ti) hide it from` the public. VDisolu.t,ioVn would make Uppei` Canada depen- dent upon the seaports of the respective States of New York, .\Inine and .\l:iss:ieliusetts. This state of d'ependence, upon :1 1'01";-ign (-mlntry, w(_mitl ultimately lead to H. sep:1r:v.tinn of Cnmuhi. mun the mother 'C_oun'try, and the Fact is so clear that even the advocates of Dissolution cannot conceal it; from themselves, hmvever much they may at- r,,,, .1, 1- ,__n . 1 . .1 n- la As .belwN~n l.lm' t-xvo political parties` in'tl1c ' Legi_slnturo, I cnuldzv Have" but one choice, rind I feel satised, gentlt-men, that you will agree with 1 I me, Lhatl was right. in the couj_-se l`p1_1rsucd. .. Y -.._ ___,_91I_ ,0 .1. ' ,, - F -- _ The construction `ofthe Georgian Bay C21na1,! the sur'vc-y` of which I am lmppymn say has been cdmplted, and now in the hands of tbe'Govez'u- ! ment. ' i `I sxhnll continue as heretofore to advocate Rop- resentatioii _b_y Population, irrespective of'terri,to- rial divisions, believing, as Ido, that it will prove to be the bulwark of civil and 1'cli__fious liberty, ensure (`0mm(`l'(`i:tl' freedom, and those political rights which nre_the glory of the llrilisli C()uslitu- . tion, under which we live and enjoy so much imp-I piness. " -`Y_ "7 _ _ ,' ..-, 1 l " A . .0 r 1 I am'in fu._vm-p of maintaining lh'Unioi1 of the Provinces. l`o dissolve that union, in :1. political senso,.\W)uld bosuicidil to the best interests of nll--n Dissolution \vould_,deprive-Upper L`ami(l:L' .of the only seaport tlmt tho Provinces possess, and revive the old dillicultics nhout the revenue of the Proviu(-.c, which would have to.bel-collected in Lower Czmadax, upon all imports cumiu.g- by the St. Lawrn(:(-.. ` ' ' ' ' 5, __ _, .___. _.._ ,-..,,.... T In manykvays your interests are truly identical with my own. ' * 1 ,._ V , ,. .,... ,..' . _ ._ - ' ll)` Ul LUU .l lU\'llllJl`; Hi 1:1.rgt'.. - - ` 7 Q The public improvements nlreadymade, the con- 'of importancein cnntempIa_tiou in your extensive 1, and progrssive Ridingdmve not been.ovrlooked `by me. ~ - . ' ' '1-. . `u u 4. . struction of-Cnloniz:1Li'on Rmxds, and other works? The personal interests (if such of you as I`( (]lIi['f ed my assistance at the SozttofGove1'nmcnt,it. ' has been" my study to uttnd to. In this matter I I have acted without making any distinction be- ; tween my political friends and those who had op- i posed me. ' ' - 7,: n,,'.-. . .. . . '1. At. Vvnslnag, Mills, North 'Orilli,T `on the V5"h `inst, by the Rev. W. M. Ross, M. A., Mr. Geo. Mornir_xgston,' of Fort. Erie,'_ to Miss Rosanna Annice, of Orillia Township. _' No gzovprnmcnt will have my snpport thatkloes I not grapple wilhthis vexed queslioh, so as to set- lle it. in a manner that will give general satisfac- tion to both sections of the -I r0vinc e. ` ' guluuug ueruncates or Qnamjcation. ' Testimonials certifying to the strictly temperate habits, and correct momiclinracter of the appli- cants, must.` be forwarded to the'uxider.-signed, pre- vious tolhe examination. ~ GEN'_rLmm.\"-Parliament having been dissolved,- _you will be immediately called upon to exercise your 1ndependentsut_fra`ges.. ' ' I thernfnrn lnan nu Iimn in nh>anu-Pnw nnnnn4!.nn' Juug; nuuepenuem. su1_xrages.. . therefore lose no time in cheerfully accepting the unsolicited invitation of the most inuential` Electors ofthe Riding,.to otfer myself once more [for re-(election. ` ' .Q:nm. 1.4.. unzk ...L:I.. _.____..,n," 7, ~ I_,u l'U'lBCUOD- I . Since Ju_l_v, 1854, while representing your in- terest in the-Provincial Parliament, 1 have endea- voured to discharge the'o.rd'uous and important duties devolving upon me, to the best of my.uhii- ity, and without the least desire to make the hon- orable position subservent to" my private interests. Itherefore feel satised, that the judgment you will have an early opportunity of pronouncing uponpmy general career, willbe a favorable, one. Th write: Thavn criv pn- mhiln innl.-inn ufmn oi... `uIJUII.'lu`y gcuerui career, \VIll-DE a mvorame, The votes [have given` while looking after the interests of your Riding and the Province in gen- eral, on the many impo rta`mt questions which have arisen or been legislated upon, are on record for your perusal, and without the slightest, hesitation lam px'epnred`to come forward publicly at the Hustingsond give at full explmmlion of them and of the course of` policy I have thought it my duty to pursue. Looking back on that course, I can conscientiously say that, on all occasions, I had ibut one objectin vie\v-the true interests, of my- constitnents, and -the peace, progress, and prosper-_ I ity of the `Province at large. ' i Th9 nnhlio imnrnrnmmnq nlrnndv mnrh: Hui nnn, HE Boar_d o f_`Pu,b1ic In,st{ruc1idn"f'or the North- ern Cu`-cult. of the County of Simcoe, will _ meet at the Court House in Barrie; on Tuesday, I `the 2nd July next, at 10 dclqck a.m., for the put? pose of examining gommon School Teachers, and grantiqg Certicates of Qualication. TeS'.lD10niA`Q nprfvinn din QB}: nlu-it-Ho Innnnnu-cn fro THE FREE AND INDEPEND- ENT ELECTOBS OF THEVNORTH RIDING; OF THE `COUNTY OF SIMCOE. A -A ~ V N FARM '1 R0PI1}R'l`Y, in s'nms van-'ying from One to Six Hundred Dollars. '}1....u.. 4..Irn\1n\vn r .\'v x v nm-- -n .u,, n,,-. . _m-_mI`iENRY A; cL1 m:*o1u)`,4 ' Dalston, Jun 10th, 1861.. ' ' secregitl V I In. Torohto, at the residency: of the brideA a' uncle, 10 Berkley Street, by the Rev, Mr. Marliug,Jamea Qui11n,'Eq., Orillia, to Mary WiIso4hT Thornbum. \v . f\ u... .. _-.- Niiy order of the Council, M I Money to I 'nnnr'\nnr-:2`? - ~` V Statute` Labor._ NQ T [C E. FOUNQ , 1-u\r5111ru1 N OIl C E. W}{.\i;z}s"Sil3n1z1soN. ivy. FRASER,` . ' Sec: B.P. 1. . - 23-,3t BARBIE N%orTT@ N A D VAN C E. 'GEo. LANE, ; ' Town Clerk.` vBY:_ PSUBLIC AUCTION," uu:uu_\ 0 zuzuu levl'l J. w Bu1lonRicl1:u`d Bnok John I3ro<)k`.Iumcs Czunpbcll .\r<`h'. .- Cnrsnn Andrew Cnsnn J()S0ph ' Clark .\l:xlcnhn C1(*m0nl.Imnes "C:-ydomnn James Currie_]\'ute I _ - Cnmlinxzlmm Abner. Dixry William Ilarvy E Donnis Isnztic - ' Do`hbin.=- .\Ir. Douqnl David I)ur_1seith James Gibson John ' Golingzcr Benjn. Haggcn Mr. M. Hallidny R. IInt(:h_\villi.*1m IT:Lytbr H.` > Hinds George I IIursL_ Thnmas Johnston Lzlchhin an IN returning his sineerc thanks to his numerous` . ctistomers for the \"ei'_y liberal `support extend- ed to him during the last twenty years, hegsto inform the public, that having completed the very large additions to his Brewery, in which `he has introduced steam in its fullest extent, "coupled "with all the modern improvements in Melting and Brewing, he is prepared to supplynll orders with which he may befuvoredp with such promptness laud regularity as to warrant a. continuance of public patronage. - From his long pructicnl expe- rience, together with his increased facilities, he utters himself that he can tnaniifactiire a._n.arti- cle of ne Ale second to none in the Provinces of "British North America. .' h 9 .._..'..I.l ....I:..!6 n h-in} frnrn H-Inca '1`nvcu`-n nrmsu .LV0l`ln-Amel'lc&. . - ` R.S. would solicit 3 trial from those Tavern .Keepers who at present are not using his take. All orders containing remittance or reference pl)nctuaIlya,tLended. to, frezglzt free. Smcon Bnzwmy, , ~ V. Darwin |'nn|1'a'I'Ir 9'2. . V .US'l` received at the ADVANCE OFFICE STORE a. new stock of Account Bdoks, -well got. up, and at very reasonable prices. : 'B_a.rr_ie Dec. 10 1860. . 50 Barrie, June 13, 1860. UlI`H_.|'gI'3, MU HUPU5 I/U hkiulllf .314 ll|l|' |)11|.YUI|ugU. _ _Pm'lim1lar attention Will be paid to securing the best Timber from Coldwuter and othqr well known districts.` . 4 , , - V. ` ' ` ' rlmnnrwv cnurrna CARRIAGE A.-ND AGRICULTUIRALI _v ,IMPL,EMENT M_A_KER,T I _Nea;j llae Murlcgl, rzffie, Whereby attention to business and moderate charges, he hopes to secure .9. f:xir'patronage. T n1'Ii:-.|I]ur nttpnnn will he rmirl In en:-nrinar Hm `HE Subscriber begs. leave. to` xicquhint the , Farmers and ovtht-r's 0%` the colinty of Simcoe that he has commenced business as A _ 1 ~-\._.._.. \- .. .V .,..:.A., -< ` "DEI .\RT1\IENT 0'1? CRI-)WVN I..-\.\*DS,- _ _ Qm-:m:c,31-d Way, 136]. ' OTICE is Zlmrcby given that the l:uuIs'in the j 'I`0Wnsl1ip'nf s\I;\c near Sault Ste. .M1ll`iP, U. 0., will.,b open for sale on and uf''- ,1,11"'I`H of JUN I, 011.-`l'L|(3lA1Sl_l:11 c()n(1iti0.n of actual , sovltlcment thereon, upon .])pH(`.`l_Ii0n to -JOSI-Il l`l Y\&1I._so.~:,Esq,,_Crown Land Agent at S::.ul.L Ste, 1 nne. . _ i I \vr\r\1117v ~nvvr~,~...- v )l_l,(l_\.'(ll.\'(}` to .\lr. `Gsonmz An.\(sTnoxn, Lot 27, l.'ll1_Cm1Ces$l<)11,' l`mvnship of Inn_isl1l, better lu.10\\`n as llnyter .s' Old Farm :' L Sp:".11ufl'\l:u'(`S,4 and 9 1 Heifer 1 year old. v_w:xrs `Old, _ ",1 l)'ull'2_ye_ars old, llnxsx: ll! _vt-ars old, 4 Spring U.l93a ' S1.-an of Uults 1 'yc9.t'"20 Sheep and 15 Lambs, Hlrl, . 2 Supel-'io'r' Double Wag- :" .\lllrll Cows, - gons,` -- Yoke of Uxen 5 `years .1 Light Waggon, _ -nl ' _2 l _lo'u'g1_1's, (one new) L Yoke of Steers 3 yearsl Pair Seed I-Iarrows, old, _ ' 71'. Drag Harrow, . Yoke (if Steers 1 year 1 Cultivator, V ` old, - 2 Fanning Mi1ls,oneAne l" V}['~~iflI[` 3_vonrs old, T 25 Figs, l l.l(-lfer 2 vonr: nll, ll.-'_\l)rVnh:i1`l Rev. A. n. Appolho Sampson : BL-ck Jacob - \ I)-I'I Y - Begs to remind them that there are otl1or'wn_\'s ofi making ,money than in gettim: the highest price : for their wheat, oats, potatoes, luimor. &c . viz., by buying their G1'0_c0ric:x, Prmrisinn.-`, Clothing, ($0., at the clienpx-st nmrket; he wonlnl bug; to sulnnit the following Price List, audtullmvit to speak for itself: - - Gnnd Bright S11gnr,4d por lb, or 14 lbs for 1.00 `Yellow ll:-ned (lo; 5 ; "nor ll), 01` l`. lhs for 1.00 `Gruslnod Sugar, 7d per lb. l`.rul l.(mf Surmr. .'7.}.d. per lh. , Best Soup, 7.} porlmr. _'l`le pun.-s_t` '1.`/amdlbs, 7; per lb. Filwst llnisins, 741 per lh. (',`vnr-rants (the. top of the II`(`(`), M 1-01` ll). lvst i .\rr:1cnn liico, 3;d per ll, or '30 lbs for one dollar. i ` Tens (the j-ridv of the teapot) f'ron1'.Zs Gd. i Splendid Cull?-0, ls po1'lb. "l`uh:_1c`co, ll plugs for one shilling.` ;\\'a;-I1 l3n;1.lx]S, Ugd each. ' Brooms 13 each. Pails, '13 e:1ch_, and so on. ' ' I us 1 . 1 'r\ I .---j- y i Pc)_`son.s culling zvillplczzsc as/."_/":n' Stage Between Thornton V-3!-I-Iud A T _ A Barrie. `HE Snb$cri'ner inlondsA running: a Stage on 'l`_uesduy4ncxtz 21st. May, ]0a.ving.Tliornt'(m at 7 a..m.,_und liar:-xc at_3 p.m. ` ' JUNA'l`UA_X KILGURE. t\!\I'V!.I`|V`I, \Tnv 1Q. ' ' `)l June 5th, ism. parties indebted `K0 the Exlate-of the late . Adm P3`-CF50". Of Orillin, Ire requested to make payinent. on or before the {st of AUGUST -next, to Mr. Thomas Dallas, (-Jriln, who is also duly authorised to settle all justclaims against _L1_1eEstate,`hauded in on or before the same'da,1e_ TQADYPY r A rs.-u`.-.n.n.. Barrie, Aprii 5111,. 14861. - _-_ . nllquu Barrie, May 14,1861. Ivlncourage the I ib7ze cr in Rcduczvl } ricr!s, not I/w Old Fogics who now reduce u-hm they cannot - ' help tltemsclpes. ' I A unv; U1 \. .\L'll J JUHIH -1 yearsl 01 d, l'_ Stcefs A1 011}. V 0 ` .'W'vAN'I`ED ` immediately, a `_ ' Second `Class Certicate i the School in School Section I\_, I Vespra. Annlimtinn tn mm-In tn cl-..`. V Capra. . . { Applicatnon tqbe made to the; Mills, if by letter, addressed Ba`: .FT Mrs. -Gathn}'.ine N89, dim `r of the` kite James Loftus, of 01-0, Pensi `ifwill call on the Rev. Jon}: Smxowr, of Keennhzille, Adjam, she will nd something to her it(wanmge in the way of money,` left by her late fajaer. , . I{eenaI_!sViHe. M3) "'35, 1351- ' T 2?.-131: _u.uv uasuuug Auuuuvu uu uu um UCIUII LHU Sdlllf ISABELLA PA'.`ERS()N', _ ' E.L'(. t Orillin, 25th May, 1861. ' 2 Thornon, May 18, 1861`:- lyrlzu.-Uznmr m me rug ." ; 1; June 151, 1861. mic,` Juno, ISGI. QIMCOE DREWERY, Barrie, January 22, 1861. :._. 20-Gt [N drawing the/nttc-.ntin7n` of the InrxArxc-r's_; nndf \ wives of the County, t0hisl`1'iccLisl of` , ___ _, .., __.-_4 -. __ DP the New Col Yard, `Toronto, would respect- fully intimate that they have .\I)I'.`\V\'\r\ . ._-r.--- - --*- -""""` " 1 . N Security of`In_1provcd Farm": in the County -of Simcoe. I ` Apply (if by letter, post-paid) lb TDI T\'1`t`\\ L ltgrn lriv-V _, _ I "HREE'Tnwn Lots, Nos . 1, 2, and 3. on _the West side of Mary Street. 'lferxns_oay'. . V Enquire of W.1Il_. CP.(')SBY- Lrrie, _ '20-3t. ANGUS _McBRAYNE, ACCOUNT BOOKS. LIS-T or LETj'EP.s NEVV, 1vnEs1I- GRO_CERIES, &c., New (gfriage _];;;tory.T . ..,c_. 13.n'1-`11:I;1) `STREET, rgmnm, To School Tea . -_J ..__-____..q . Apply to M. GREER, Agent, . _ Railway Depot, COAL. mum OPEN EVERY" TUESDAY. Julie. #861-` 24-3t . T Notlivceato Qualied Magistrates. ?inos.'RoI2INso1\?*.- ROBT. McGOWENr PETER ROBERTSQ Roberi TSimp>sTon, Money to Invegt r3hr nf' Tntnrnun "Fa-nx'.:.. 4 1`1~:u.\1s : (`ash or Prorluce. NOTICEL7 "r3;`%}s`;1;Ij NoTIcAz-:.j ANDREW RUVSSELL`, Assistant Commissioner Konk Mrs: Lmnhv(V}. .V Livingston Alex. J\li|lhoe Robert - MCC`,(')y Ml`. Mcnnnald Fun):-.39 M(`.Dnn1lId Rm1Cri(.'k V Mcl)i}'ilt l):u1i_e1 Mcl nrlnne John M('.l\'v;L_rm-_v Al)(`ni3 UVBriL-n Jmmx;-1 V 1 zuu-.rS0n Jolnl I e:1rsm1 (}(-ur,r_re V Pt-.-xrsnn ltuhvrt (`-3) . I la.\'mn \\'m._(`_ ) Rmngmnn Jn.=,c[\_!1uS V Simm James Train:-r .\Iicl1:_Lcl V Todd \\'illi:un Wnrd John ' White Estlmer \-\ illi:uns Francis "Williams Mrs .\Inr\lm Wljight U. F. {(*C ? . 2: ml I Axats V ' I .\IcI R.-\Y,.\'F?. ) . ........ .. Q._......` Baker B:u'uey. JoNA`r1-IAN LANI GEORGE S0.\lER_'S.- In nrurnun, Barnls-Vtcrs, Barri. ' 1 5-tf m~:a1sn:m:1).' kl -`Ill4l)Il.'\I,A\l'A` Bur-`11~;I.1)' :~`.mam:1'{ n-3 u I IIIIAV 1.1.1-1 l`0s'rf\I.xs1`En. h`::'`i Letters { :\'IsL`1GAN?s ELVGLISI1 Vwo1z;\1 TCAii5(.V ASOVEREIGN RF..\IEDY. VII ________ _.. ln...__\. 1-. non l.Bar:ie, June 22nd,. _l860. the :\Iarket' House, where We wil1`constant!y keep IIIIIIIEV I IIIIIIl!\I- I I IIIUB IlI_ Univ-cl for any. quantity of _ V 7 , coon MERCIM NTABLE wmaar, V delivered either at their Mills, or at their DEPOT in BARRIE. ` 9 _ V 7 IG"P./IRTICUL./1R JTTENTION P./YID T0 ' GRIS 1_`ING 5-. CUSTOM WORK. 4:11 A Depot hzis been opened in Barrie, West of on hand FLOUR of the best quality, which we will warrant - to-. customers. OATS, A PEAS, nn A V ......I ..n i-:_.1_ -4` .n:n nmd BKAN, and an Kmus or mm omu. I ` Every effort will be made to please those, with I whomwe may do business. All '_we'ask from the public is 9. fair and impartial trial. ' W; 8.: J. MORSE. Ban-ie,June 22nd, 1860. T ' ; 26-tf ITiZjI`iIIi I'lIfI1X I are riow putting them in excellent repair, and are prepared to pay the ' E-IIGHWESTT ._MARKET Pmca IN: BASH! AFLIOURT, OATS; PEAS; un,-xx .2; MILL OFFAL ' . FOR SALE. ' chk fo{v;?HSe{{E5EIf}%A}hu `YIVIIE'Snhscribvi's have "ween-ed moil-'smu.\'_u .\`Ul l l.\" of _ _ West of En;:l.-|,n and Yorl<. l`.m.-ul l`-lnllml, West of Eng,lnn $3 ,Ynrl_<. I)-'w.~' C\"(}:1.~`slxncx`0s, \" and l_~`a1n(.*_\' (Tu:1ling.<,. V Sc'oI(-Ir, _Yurl{. and \\'(\st 'l`\x:(~{~l.~', Clmvint.-1nd A I1 ()l:l. (`r(`:1ti:1gr.~; and. '1`rowserings, l5Nlful' and `Winilsor ,m d.~`. .- . . Russell Cnr Jmluna, mid ;\ln:1<`:\s,' Luslres, ll:u`1'i.'4!or ('}loih.=, and \"-mup. Scrgcs _\lnli'skin:`4, _\'clveteens, and (.'ur(ll1rn_vs, V Silk \', Sorgvs, mu] \\':Lisx'cn:u. Satiixs, Drills, (h':v.mlrills,`:1nu1 `.\'mxke-ns, ' y , I Brown,` lllnck, and S1,-no Linens, (.`-amvrxs, I :ulding. and l3nCkr:m1, ' ~\\'s1istco:uim,:s and Shirjtinq Fhumels, `ShirL=, Collars, lI'osiery, l-Imccs, . Br.-Lids, Blll(lll`:g\T, l-`mttoni, '1`lm:-ads, Scxving Silk-and 'l`\vist., _.`lrc.,- _ . IIENRY ]v`(),\\'I.lClL 8: C0,, ~ . ... ....... C` ' \\'... . . . _.._...._ ` Toronto, my 12, 1961.] 1:. >S'l`AvI`.}\"S` HE Subacribcrs nregnoxv re-c_L-iving and will be prepared to show on Friday next :1. large us- Lsortnwnt. of RA Summer DryTG;oods nm1>IVpJi1{{tsplu MILLS S'l`.-\LL No. 5, .\l.-\l{l\'.I`}'I`VII()l.'.\,'IS, {on the sale or` m,.o1:,:, ,m~_..\N, SHORTS, MILL OI"[~`AL, &c.-, open every day, IVJUIJ I:`f)D Hfllh`/) I' -Bnrryie, A prilu, THE OLD C<)UN71`"nY s'r0m: .l.ll'\JLV Suimhle for their tr;I_do. The S11h.<('1:ih'vrhr-Eng` thu- hr:-'t to rv-inlrmlmtu-, this branch of lmsim-.<.~; inn ; Barrio. I1:m.urs him.~`clf that by strict zute-mium, 41-A-.4: an :._:,::4;1, - ` :uul the x. imhIe Sixpence, to secure the custom of the W(JX`kt`I`S of Iron. \' \ 'l`ilV A vrrrt 1:: vn and Clothiers Goods, .\lUSLl.\*S,1!ARE(}ES,_DEIu\IXEF,ALP;\F?AS, l'[{'l.V'l'S, \'[LKS,' [ A|l;\.\'( FLS, IN )_\'.\'ETh", _ HATS, HII .Il(lN`4, II.()\\']`3H(", Maintls, (:'-Iuvvs, H.>:icr_\', (,`:n`[wt'.~1. lInT_!:n1s1.:_ Ca1icOcs,&(., &c., with on`-ry<-tlu-rwlcsclipgigm of 'DRY GOODS, Thn tvhnl nf \\"hh-In lmvhur In-nu Imrnln-u:m] r-hnnn `-L_/J_.\I-I- . The whul of wluic-.hh.'1vin_r hv_'(`I) pnrclmsod cheap for Cash, are .*I!2Li.l.\'.\'G C1115.-\L on th(: same ; terms. ` V CASH, .l1T%1fzi:1f)t;ici:D% i RI_cEs. Nun % C3hncrti5c111c11t. ..-...._.., ___ __-__ - ___. - --_-...... .l>l_e would call the spovianl zmt-Inimx 'uI' l-}l:u-k- smiths to his well :\. Stuck <>t' all kinds uf New 'G|'ocm'ics. Ulnrap for Cash. TIIE OLD COUNT-RY s'1"o1~..1:, Rnnnumu-u Q ----- ~v,~n - iGLAss &1cRoCKERY, Shelf and Heavy" Hardware! BUUTS, 51111125, 1.\'111.\ 1:1'1;1;1:11s, &1~., v IIlJ.`l\lH_` : Blisscs , 1 which \ ` run I {TFIIE SI1b lmnu-1 tn o\;u`v.=3 bi \- _ , core l|1;mksI0l1i.~' mum-mus'.'ust f Hl(`iI`UL`l`:ll p:1lrmmf_v;c .~`i'u(3e thv :ulupIimu ('41s/I -"1/ale/11, mm` ovor two y~;n_r.<. {u v call the nttcminu of the public _'in gcncml l large and well nssmod Sm`(`k of 'L'|Vl`Al\r I.` l\l\ ,'l1l\TI`I\Y DRY GOODS, .R:-ml_\'-M:ul-, (`llollning ! T/lg B1551` 9/ (1/.z}()c'L`I.?11;.5l ..L.|. Iuuul `kins, , _ A . }:\rrm_. W.-1) r v./ ......u `ing. kc. R_EDUCTI.oN_I_ INPRICESI AND PtJRE BLOOD, ARE . _T INSEPERABLE. . I $nr1`io, Dec. ism, mo. SPRI`.\'(} DRESS Goons, 'm'.\'c&' ,\.\'n S I`RAW no.\*x.m's, 11,.yrs, mm- SOLS, uosumy, GLOVES, &c. Jue 26, 1360; Subscribers Mving recently purchaed the` vnn,u A 'l` April .2; ]RC0_. I9`-..'.- 5?. D5 '.- T T..'V'.' EF{_. nc\v`(-st dvsins in.1')RY'GO0I)S, (`rm- sijting in part of - mm. I\v."1 IuAv\r1;\r~(I nnr ll\vIVf`I .r-snnnru 1'1`.-\N'I.`\'ll s.;1o,.s`1m}ghu;r, 5 ll_:m1e;'s, ]3i11di:1g,.I.ix1i.xg_g ur X` (- GENERAL ;\{ii11c;1.I.4xxD1z1: CREDIT SALE! YBR.-\ DFORD S'l`REI-IT, I3.\R[{I E ; ZSTAPhEVKX"fANCY stew _VI){ :()L\; ;}1)Vj)`_ E '1L'j?:/:`I}',' . z.. ......1. I:|.~.... 1. Ln \ l"l.n \`..'...... All of \\:l_n`i(V'l|- V &L1L} 1'6}: 'i'ir}z'r;.}1"}v.` 4` 1.|.v..L Bu.-u>1-`mm VS'n_u:+: r. I) I) 1 Springiaoods. I-I.\'_l` \'Al`(|l-Z'I'\' (ll- `LEI. 1' V 7.5` ll FAIL |\a \/-ll. \\'HLI.I.\ (:'r(>,\' S1'r.m:'r, Opposite U(nnu1crci:1l Iinnli B1.- H . 20-Rt. `Volume X. (IF v run .\'.;\'1fi1;x.\-`rm, 1 THOS. ROBINSO _\'. /VG \ RIISsEL L BROS. , I'm`(-1'. Kip, `(Half 1 Sln,m,n1ul\'_L'l`s l"'mLl- z1._\L\-' (:1: \ II.\.\|. `_ n._at' , I`rnpriolm'. 11-9!` \ !|Il vr.-*4 f`-n '1' .'I I IUUUD, Va (`(1. ' ~ Om`Olllcc will be openzat all tixxws luring: hu- siness hours,wll0re'we will he plea.~4L-cl to exlxihil . designs and specimens of \\`o1'k to any wlmmay ' favour "us with 9. call; l A II .on.'.l..... AL...... ...I. ;__,-was ` -I 1A;}\1:"iI: I-1 llhl/L'llUl7U LU. ' G Please remember that our Marble is of the riesvt quality. Our designs for the above work . are of the l:1test.st_yles. Orders for any work in ` _.\Im'b1e executed with taste and despatch. . D; C.u=.r.os Y.u,z-:. Wu.Lu.M Y..u.a E A......;.o :1 19:4 ` - na 1.. Iuvuul. ua \VIl.ll 2!. (full. . - _All orders through our Agents will be promptly attended to. !'r .`aDI . . . . . .........,L-__u,,. ,, It 1 1-3- -1` 11,- ` V _ -'1`c>11oI\``o _ _MARBLE WORKS, YONGE S1`I{I3ET, N()n'l`H-V01" QUEI`;.\'. _ C. & Wm.`YALE;hnporters and D(.-:i1er:' in V .-Ilali(m and ./lmericun Marl/le; u1. ' fnrcrsufMouuments,'Ce1wt:xpl1s,Tomi;and (:.-m-.- J Sfonea, Cen Lre-'1`al) Stand Tops, Ulniumoy Pieces, &('. &c,. - rhlv-'lHnn urill kn nnnn]-.4 t\ L:..... . .1.._e., ,, u fl`IIE portion of the ubnvc I-Htnte still rm unsul-I In the hands of Ilw .-\s di\-pnswl of hy px'i\';m- .~nl-.1.-illn.-1' :1~' u \\ .in purti{n.=, to suit 1v\ll'(`ll:I..$(.'l`S. vlt inc my valuable - a. prvf'ur:1Ms2 todi\'i.~:i or (cu _\'c:u's. urn \'z I` situated no'ar,the luilsvuy lhppnl, (full and close to [hit Imkn, \vi1l1_:1h:ml tug Lamd and 21 l:1rgc \s`-.1191` I'x'un_t:ng_{u :m:u-hc }\1. :1 number 0!` H!lHt>i::ll'_{7LnV_~` in 1 of Cnl|in<:\vm)d, mm! in the \'Ill':u_:-5 nf %nn< l NnHn\\':\, 21ml 1 ' _, 1.. 11. I` ..._, l he t`u1ln\i`in;_r mnur , 1 an 1 Ul LUU `V Cilia. 1Im'i 1;: llmrohy .=c=onrinu' .1`: :1m!lil-(`mi r(u_;I1l:11iu `\'n r....n..... ....oL.. Cnn.~'m1ur-m. ,p:1n_\".~` t'l:n rlllll II|'llI| I|"_','IIilll\'IID ll! No further uutl;L_y rm] 'lIr.m the pn-mium. ' to commence at 11 'o clock fifecisely. 'C'o1Iingwnor1, A_pril,A '1 S031 . _ I _ ,.Il1'[I'v/Hm v0FI-`ICF-`.-C\>1HCISlI`c0l, I-I:L.~:L of l1:c_.\I:u-`.,-L lJmx.~:< .:m`1c. 'lIY`\'f\\ r'r>r.`uu'nu'r.* -l'llI (l' ll'III\'/(II I ll!" (Hii(`(`, 'l'1r1`:x)Iz>, on W Hw (?'mnIm-rcizxl llmik. U1liccHnur.~:,-IH, .-\. Canada. Life Assurance Co y l V . ~ \ InrrI0,..T:Ln.. Is`.-39. ` [H .. 3:1x`1`i0. (H-orgy: .\Ii(-hi ` .I:uu-~.<-l}r:'It_\', , Hugh .\1ill<-r, \ `V\|` llH"Il .IIIII\I, 3 .\ ml ` S't')'c/_rn_:/ 4/ur K` . , ' I-`.`\.\\ `- .q..T. {\"l';\..\"1`.\'. .\'r"I`It'/cl Toronto, Duo. 2; , l.~'.`.l: _ Lu/1/IA` ........7 nuuvu 1 m'I' .\zn.~Ynur I o\vxler.<. (`:|ll'(l~'JIc'rra Horse Cure. is lt'll.`t` llml \\`l l-v 131' the g.:l'1-:m-st hemgl to Farrm-rs. ' llvzllv-r<. .\ -.; HS] lmvc found it to produce the Inns! l\;xl,l.- rrliu-1 upon lmrscs un(lL`nI1lc. nmkin;.z.Il_1c pl-or n.lmr'r_\- ~xmn-_: uml In.-ulllny in :11. c.\`(`celingl_\' shmjl_ llv-r.<-.< lclw II. and I-'lm\'c .I'uun:l it a sure cum for :11`.-ll'vIII_;'l1~`., ' H is producing the best p0ssil)lc I ll-vrkr ux`u'iinn wlulirlx has the Ilci1\'t-S. nlllmngh I nux ml-.1 lllcm long, but will let _vnn_knnw, in a month . , ' DA VII) J.,_\VHl'1`_l'}. ' mrml liy Ruben Stark. .`(n:1lylicn| and Practical N (l:m- Sllnlvnt. of Clwmislry. l\l:m:ria. ' l\1e(liL':1. llu'-U-my M,-.. Lilu. lI1|_i\'cr.~`i{_\'. S1-u1l:uul._) )fr`x.l.~' pct` puL-1;cI,ur~'livc fur$l; Sold by l)rug.:_:i. I A` lwlt-. 202171 I .'I`_1n1rsday, the 20th June, 1861. Canada Westc1'11 Ass11ra11Co Co'y f'lwz`: .~u....-.-...-.. .... .. 1" [ ('.x1>1'1`,-\ L 1- \JAl'u:Ua Anna. August 8,_l854, A x.\`LC\ 1. n uuxx B:v.rr`i'e, March `.2. I8 TRUST AMLLUAVNM..c%arm- EDWARD T. BISHOP, _ . '1`.m.m:, B,REH"ER S ]}l.()('I\', II.'lI\`li I'I:' .II on I; as l~` xv I rcsil~1z/.--I.<.\ AI` 1.`. 1'_,__, H, .,: l`.. CA PIT. dlvc-1 that nll sicku.-nss arises frnmnmpurlty nflhe I and that JudS(`ll'S .\Tounlain Ilerb Pills -will us Inn] om and jclennse lhcse impurmes from the. . 1h:u'di+c::. cannot g.-xisg. So sxmplc and mu. 2-.lhC herbs and plznus lhnl cmupacc them that It is '-u:<.<:1rly in hzwv the-m sugar Cmuvd in 0rd'e,r that the 1: can in-nr`|hu-m. In most cases, Pills are sugar .- Hm nx:uvri::l.< of which they nrc mndevnrc so `:Il_n`l nIulix:u:1u1,lhnt othcfwisc u dclibufc slomuch u-I lva'.'1l"lh(`llI. ` ' )1-_`I"lCRS H-. Lvmlincf .-` - '7/I/'VII'I`III1'o1) Winn, l`.n-1... REPAIRS EXECLi'f7ED \`/ITH DESVPr"\-T'C`H. AHkim1spi' l"15llI.VU 'l'-\Cl\'[.I'I, at I:I<;-Cu-x':u l|'|ll_|Ill|l3l :1u:u'lc1'l_y .m'r-:1 .1.-n`. ,\hr>.\r.:1r,, .\'u-.1a'c;.1 ::L-tam-. GUNS, ~ of. its :1H'uir.~`. .\.\'.\'U_-\L l)1\'I.\`hi_\`.s` 01.` 1'[;(){.`[`[" H 1 Ill`: .\ I (mil ' 'I'imlu'r av/ur, nn:/ ('1 Cn.u:1 1,(>\\' lIu\\{I'| \..u|I|[IH|lIIl..<, l;ulu,l~. 1Vu.urulgiu. VChu)1t'l`&l._ n-. Hurn,~'. l"r<-st Hnvs. lrui.=v.<. h`lruin.'~`und (`Inl- l rcpun.-d by R. S'1'ARl\', from: Ulu. L'mn-r. . ` 2U-21' sT1:.n'I SAW mLL, nderwood Estate. ;\pril '. I.'l`I`l~2R L.\x\`..\1>.\f III`) N P Y I'.' L .. ~ .7 'I to call the :1l_tontinn 'n{' the f- in|1:Lhitnm.< of l3,\I:I:m,:u1l the - slumumling;`uuighlgunr|mm|,'to hjs ' having had mx|.~i v,\'pz-ri- 'om:o in tjln-' (Il"l"1`l;`\'(} [.>I'Il .\l{'l`- , .\H`I.\"l` in the \\'n.~'t, of lC11;:I:1Iu1 n- "thc l;i.. yt-:xr.=, :u1vl 1rm:.< by .-. Strict nttvntirm to urdcx'.<- to merit :1 sllrtre of p1|lulic-I:mm;-L.' ` VVORK \\'ARRAx\"l'll). In-n `A L iho fnllmviug real :\ .\ - - - ' .- .\.\"n .\_:h.<'1` 7;\.\I1`L-I-3 `1:.\.n11:rr.< IIIIPIL 1:1} :10 Mfpctiul . Nntircs. --...\-~.vvsAA,. _....v..-vvvvvs.-. nn .l_ho in\'(-.~`-{mu-m, (Jl';1H [li(_' 4, . in the l'rm'in:'c. 4' [n'L_\,'.-51:19:1u:m:xHy.-01'by .!nnxi-:1nn iusvlztllm-ms at the o1xriUn_ of IIIIII |.vlIII uvlrl `111':.\j1:\' (;I:I.<\\'l(`|{l, Eumu":u1rr. ll.\TIC[\` MI-7 I'll!-I.\IlI`.\I, 1-`. \_\'1A._z': .. ~l_IIrr r-u J; H.` .1."\'\\'1:x-:.\'(r`i- u `V ,, III J.\ .\1 I-1.797 A - . u.... . --.\ n-_: ` F141`:- - - \\f .iVU|lS at `ill1U1'\'al]S of Iivu, .\11;c;c..x Ivxonsn CURL`.- :\I.-'\ N .\ <`: 1-: .\1 li .\'T'r, RIFLES, '&c. C`. rms\\'1 /I/ .\'urL'1-yur 07 ..\'u '.I'\ ' ' - ' Illl IK.`l|ll'Il| I` illH|l _-qu`ircd> from the` gs. 1*.-\"r'm.\', ,\.h(;., ..lZ..,. 1 I} ,A'._,. v.\'1`r1' >.\', i.-L11)`.-m`lry_:1nIi;:1nnu:xl 01', the nclju rn-nl` 'run n X 1'0. Shld 1., 511,nIcu;c;ne. Deniers. IL .`t|I[ I"IlI |||l|'I ~\s will In: ' :I.~' \\'|m!- or . - -ll; includ(,-.3 M. $4 I ,0m`),(m0. .\ \. I), at "[1]/I-31 (fr I/II`/y Si. N ` I-`. 100; you :1! (ha ._-. -,..,-. -..... ....\\ 1., \,\vn|o|nIIII\lIr.Il- The above will be suld <'hc.1p,_:1n-'1 on c:\:`_'.` of pnymtrnt. ' is nvc 7 Work Apply (ifhy letter 'pn..~' tn h. ' ` W. D. ARl)A('.[. . ut I _ PATTON & ARDAGII, B 28- 13- _ B;1rric,'May 28, .1860, " I713` I4 hot, 1;; .\ _ \',1..X.`I.'h'H\,lYI lv::_'- |II l(! .`H'|' _ Iilock. .\liH .rn:u1, mr:u`l_)' an new ` l)w<-Hing Huu:~'('.- i` The U1 0! Puxk Lot No, 1, .\'~:`-rth si-In Street; 2,`, ac:-o_s. I-1 n(-_ro;~' in 11w tmvn phvf HrKI'I~.\'I'V.\`H-ll. Lot 8, St. [ a1uII~.7tbx(-et, (_'u1.u.\`a\ru.:p. '[`I... ..k...... ...':n 1.. _ .1.) n , \ . , v '| 11 doubt the, gm-nlv.=1` cure m the world for. Sure llnx'a>:Il; l l-ur: . Pam at` all kinds, '1`! Cnmpluinl._=, l.`uluJ~. Nuurulgiu. Chnlvral. x_mI.~'. lrui.= Sxmin::'m.H'|.;|; ` g S. ..r';;a.; ....! II D. III III J4Ul_ I~o. I and I)\\'L-llin Lots 191% 20, En m,...v.. um Lots .\'ns. 1: .i: ` IAUL4, ()x'iHin, ~!.:z::I1 S:7~..:z,m`.. ,Va1uab.e Farm for Sale, ('1\l'\"l`\' 1.!` -`l`H-1. //C A /)A1'/{I .][l/, 1U//o CU) 4\ |'-r`i` FARMS FOR SALE. `mmgrr nasanvs,` ox 10 Town Lots in Barrie. June 12, I86]. (..'()| : (H-'1 Ml'I.H('K Vfild "Lands if!-l_\` 1 ~l\lIl. mm ;n\' s the con me. Mr. \\h1u: 5:1 [mt side of `l'l"l_ n tsirlc of I3r:'.'I:vh`. Ft1'u* `rad, m.-:u'|y`:u1 \ |.'\'(`.` For Sale. |- :7. I I'I.ixIH'l lXcn2:y` ;-my "l '1 IIGS. '.-\R.\I, rs I-EAST I.\*1)m,\' 1 ILLS._ , lanmn. 2'. -Iy TO ma sou) . {FUR (70ns<)l`ir1n t*d'Statnlcs for Upper` Canada 7 lmve been `reicived by the Clerk of the i`c:Lcc. I().1N) .(lisL1`il)uLed anxonglst the Magistralesv -in tlu-.` l)`-nunty of Simcoe, who have qualied mul--r t`:m_(,mmni.=,sion of April, 1857. '_ TIN-V will Hu`-rnfnrn hn nlnnaml 9n 1-all {run un'n:1 h, 1861`. Tm: ml.-'Low1N(:' ;\I}\ GIC.-\ I1. I .\I.\`v KI-;\'G. ... \I,_-_.,, AMARRIED. . mu . 1 1-.1-.. .\1.'1L(.`..\.`.l:;.. 275 New lug.-'|:md._ Sold by all ,Druggi. and is (`0LllIXr}'. v - 29,21 , I - used your Pain King in our unily mu, wnh cnnfimlencc rucununcmfn to ` articles too numerous to my` :6 all other prop:1rauons for the L`nn__rl:I<. &c.. and as :1 Cmulilimz n-_\7-uul h-. As by rr:m'_ov- - on the hh-nd. it s1ren;.'1hcns the u! ;:in-s the cum :1 glussy, smo()I_h" r. .<:1\`.~'of ll1-- 5 ....\.,...., -..;u xx: , lute `,\l:1'yor `of Dundns, A JOSEPH ROGERS, ` T ./Iuct-ioneer. l`. . .24-2t . 1'1), 1' Ht.-i-1'3_\'(.`.'1l'S A 1 Ht-if'c_1` 2 years Old, And sovcral other mention. ' um iunm, Augusl,1S60.> us n..1|...}.`I1'..A,._ I1,._,._ IV, DIAD lAIU\1IlI`aU Comnnssmn` Merchant. STOCK1 Pl . HIIU mrvvs NIL` nu.-s impure angl '1-hrs. I I cud:1chi:._ wk Pnvc nnunr I S.E.. 2'75 1\'ew I)rnn.ri_c.~ um! mu nreu 20-6111 SnE.Vn1n?`s Ormamg BAniz1r, 2 April 20, 1861. V 18-'61: Th above Sale is furthr Postponed ` until the. Twelfth day of Augn_st 1861, at the. sgmg place and hour. . ' , 7 ' R. W. SMITH. Sqmmm-'s Oman. Bums, J_une 8th, 1861, _ '~ ` fendants. _ _ _ . 1 _ In the County Con'r`t-of the County of Simcoe, THOMAS COWAN, vP1ainti','vs. WILLIABI Mc- CUTC1lE()N and JAMES MCCUTCIIEON, De- fendnnts. Lot Number Thirty-T woin' the Eighth Concession of tl1'e_T,ownship of Mono," TWo_I1un-` dred Acres. . _ B. W. SMITH, ` `Sher1:[}.7,' C.'S, Dan-R `V, RIWQQ Sua:nms"s OFFICE, Batinxz, January 14th,.1861. A , ........ .-V ..... ..._, ......, OPENED A DEPOT AT BARRIE STATION of the Northern Railroad-, for thesale of the above 0091, and will be prepared to sell at, To_ronto Prices, with Freight added. , p Scrap Iron and Cordwood taken in Exchange. b `C-09.1 Yard open at Collingwood on every Monday. ' at Barrie on every Tuesday. _ at Bradford on every Wednesday. at N ewmarket onevery Thursday. at Aurora on every Friday. at King or: every Saturday. , The above Sa1eV is Postpbned ilntil June 8th, 1361? ` '9 Tm, - `um fwd i ;`"iv. sMITiI, Slxerzjf; c'.s.T Per B. W. ROSS, 1'hm-uh: .950-re"? R V I l-lI-l,\I, Iivvuusruj ` T the Sheri1f s 0fce,_in the Court House, in the Town of Barrie, at .12 o'clock,-noon, the undermentinned Lands and Tenements, 01'. the Ihterest of_tl1e Dcfenda.uts_thereiu, under Writs in the following Suits :- ' ' 1.. ma nmmm (`.nm-t'nf tins. C'0i1nh;' of Simone. me r0Ho\_v1ug Duns:-- . V. . In the County Court Of the County of Simcoe, JOHN BROWN, Plajnti", 'vs. WILLIAM MC - CU'I`CHEON'_and JAMES v_MoCU'1`CHEO_N, De- fendants. r.. .1... n-.m`m r`.nn'.-t.n Hm Cnuntv of Sim(-.ma_ {On sacm-dag, eomday of Ayiril, 1861, 1): `V. IJAVIILII, ' ` V ` V S/I('rz",_ C'.S, Sntznm-"s OFFICE, BAmm-:, E Per B, W. Ross, March 9th, 1861. 12-13%. Dcpuly Slu:rz;` I The above Sale i furlher_ Postponed: ntil itli 'l`.hirteenth*duy' of July 1861,: 9.t.:tl1eVsam e. place and hour. A . . . ` B. .w.'s.\m`H, ' .QI:nr:`/F (V .q, ~ Sm~:mF1~* s OFFICE, BARRIE,2 June 8, 1861. . _ . . _ , V T the Sm=.n1x~`F's OFFICE, in the CoI'm'" Housn, _ ' in the 'l`o\\'n uf Barrie, at 12 o cln(tk, no_on, the undermeritimxcd Lands, or the interest of the, Defendants therein, under Writs in the follmving I L1`:-n L3 .-3- I I V'l`he abdve Suaileiis further P0ST15ONE'D. i Saturday, the 8th day of June, 1861, at the .1 , place and hour. I - ' `RI W R\H'T`H', _ oIu:I1_U, \/.0 Smemn-"`s 4U1r_1rxcr-:, Barrie, 4 Per B. W. Ross, T Feb. 1;), 1861. ' 8-3in'-1 Deputy S/zerz". \ .xI.kU.+\Bl.E FARM Lflul ."* In the Conhty Court ofth`e County of Simoe,` R()BERT `RUSS, Plaintiff, vs JOHV M['l`CHEI)L, Defcudalnt. 'l`0\vn LotNumhcr-OneHundred and One, on the West ?sideof Brzulfnrd SL'rr.>L-t; and L0t. .N1nnhm' One on Gmh`am's Strcgt, as laid out on the Suutherly part of the Easterly hn.1f`of `Lot ;\'umbm` 'I`\\`c-nty-four, in the fth Concession of the . fl`mvnship 0f`Vespm, (now included in the Town '(`>fBa1'xji-) cnmninin',r_r onemnd and twenty perches. In Hm (`.mn-t. nf` nnrnmnn Pinon {lT`.HD{`.L` I2 A:IlI _IlJI, L/.0. T 9 - , 1=e.'iz. W. ROSS, Sm:nm".'s Om-`m~:, BAr.mI~:, Do/)uly.S/cm`z:[f, C.S.' _ November 7, 1860'. - ` . 46-13iu_ `The above'Sale is POSTP.ONED,un.til SATUR-_ DAY,.thc 9th day o,f.MAncu ngxt, at the same `place and hour. - ` ` R W .Q\n'I`n ;'PQSTP9MENT, SHERIFFS %.SALE OF LANDS.. " f COUNTY .sI.Mco13.' ,0n Tuesday/, the 19th Febm"a7`_1/, 186l,_ un nu|L_n:) umuuum;_' Ulll:-IUUU unu t,\H.'III_\' pL'l',L'llL'S. In the Court; of Common T lens1,GE()RGE 15. *WY LLIE, Plaintiff, rs IlE\\'I"1` l$ER.\ .~\l{l), De- fendant, under :1. writ of Van/Iilioni ]:`.r,;o'Ims and _/i.fu., 'resilneLot Nnmher '1`\venty-f'nni`, in "the , 'I`wenty-four, in" the ninth (`oncession_ of the " Township of Oro, One Inndr`ed.:1cres; the West. ` ha-lfot Lot Number 'l`\ve nty-one inthe ninth Con- V dred acres, and villageI.otNI1n1ber Nine on the fourth C0nces_sio,n of the 'I`mvnship nf Essa, Two Hundreil acres; the ,E:tsL half of Lot, Number | t cession of the said 'l7o'wnsl:ip7of Om, One Hun- g North side of Edward Street, in the V_il'lage of! C1-eem0rrf,' in the Townshlp of Nottawasagu, all in, me County of`Sm1cAo_e; 1 n r Q u`r'm n .-___, -..... . H- ..-..... -A iI3 Specicntions for-cnch of the nboveworks will be exhibited, and any 0Ll1rinf'orn1:1tion given 4 by the Subsvcribcr, at the (place of letting, `on the day prccgding it. ` ' T} A VH5 f`.TRQ\T '. `1J.`\\ ll} U11)-DKIN, ` S1/pminlmulc/zl Culn; Rmuls, P. U . Wil1o\vd5.Ie, Juno 1?, 18531, - .24-3t. Which will comprise the mostselect and approved portions of Shakespearejandithe greatest British and American" -Pioets, interspersed with genteel humorous selections. The Programme being en- tirely unexceptionable in its character, and highly I . instructive. Mr. and Mrs. Fredericks have every- Divinesfand families of the highest standing, who endorse "their entertainments as being` worthy of the most liber patronage, and of the VERY HIGH- EST ORDER. They are,` moreover, universally admitted to be the best chaste and effective Re- citors and Elocutionists of the presentidny, \Yl{.l]- out exception. 9 ` ' B1 ? For pnrti;cnlnrs, see Bills. o -` '!.`ickcts,: eoccmrs`-,"C1mdrerr,' 10 cents. A libe. ml nllowance to Schols. Doors open at half-past ; '7', to commence at 8. ' ' ` A ` j I I where been honored with the presence ot'.L'iterary v,V . ' - . I 1r `ENDERS will be received by the subscriber e for the construction of the following; Roads, 1 bu thedays and at the places aftexf specied, v_iz: lsr--FOR THE ' OTTAWA AND` OPLEONGO A A -v DHAH . V I '1aL""r\.1u: 1.1; . \Jl. Ann :1 .`1.LVlJ UI 1`4ULV\JU } p . R0AD,T F from the termination-of the contmcthof the. ]ate_| David Brvmner,-in a westerly direction towards i 5 Opermgo `Lake, at Renfrew, till noon of TUES- ; DAY, the ISL!) day of JUNE next. .. ' _ V i2:~:D--FOR THE PRODUCTIONTOF THE BOB- ' ` CAYGEON-,RO,AD, - ' ` . 2.. .. ....\..oI.....1.. ;1:..,.,.;:.\._ 0..-... _ -1--- 1- L- __,e, 1 ! TI~3RE\IS:--A11 under; $10 (gash, abV ` sum .9 Months` Credit`-or! Jomt -and- a]EPl`f0;:E Z\';lcs, puyublc at. the Bnrne Bmncll-Ban 0 roulo. ' ' in _a northerly direction from 9. place :to be_point- ed out, about 50 m'ils north 'of'B0bca_me0n, being 5 the termination of the prosaent cox1lr1ct,' at Bob- } cnygeo_n, liIl'_uoon of M()NDAVY,: the 24th day of i JUNE _next. ' juwuiui - HE Distinguished El`ocuAtionist,'from London` England, wh6se.c1assic`and chaste imper- sonaions,(entirely from memory) have; elicited. the highest encomiums from the Press`, as well` as the most rened` `and appreciative audiences, throughout the principal cities of Great Britain, the United States, and Canada; resnectt'uIlv'an.~ .4... .. V.-: ; :1 n`;.4nu.~u4v At\.'AlII - | from the Bobcgtygeon Rom! in an CnStOI`ly dir'ec- Hion, for such dizxtzmce as shall he pointed out; f and for n. Bridggc on said Road, also at ISi;bcny- ; goon, ti1I_noon,of the said 2411) of JUNE next. ' I I ,, 1, TVA\I'\ uvvmmnnu. n,\..-. ma" 1 1. _...... - ..... u \J .u u uunv. 74}i::F:(:)Ii.-{ ICT0RIAV ROAD, j in a nortlrrlyudirnclion from :1 pl.-1cet o,bepointetv1' out, about 15 miles north "of the cummem-.-ment _0f' the loud, being the terminntiun 0f'ALl_]e existing contract, at Fenelon I";1l,Is, till noon bf T11 DAY, 271.11` day bf JUNE next. ` _ ~ -.2 In`.`v':\vv A` ~ U1{S- nn 1 T Z T ` 5'rVIx-`-.Z\lUbSTl{OI{A 1>.0AD, _ in :1 nnrtheasterlyv direclion_ from a place to be pointed ou_t,:1ho'ut 4 miles north__ of the Gror1t._ . DAY, IISLJULY next. , Falls of Illuskolm, at Orillin, till `noon of MON- scan uuuuguuul. me principal cities of Great Britain, : nounces to the citizens of this place . that he, as- sisted by his ACCOMPLISHED LADY, will give ` one of his popular LITERARY AND DRAMATIC ENTER 1`AINl\lENTS,. ~ ` States, Canada, respcctfullyana' .__.._. _...,, . A'17 'i`1{E TOWN HALL, I072 Friday Evening, June 14th,` 1861. gG~RAN D D_3AMVAT IC1 I Choice, .HumozZrous, anti Select-.-Mr< zl. and Intellectual. -. T 4 Ma`. J.;C. FP.EDER|`CKS, HI-IF`. T}..a:....... L A 11 - Indisl, June 7th, TENDERS WANTED. PQSTPONEMENT- Sheri"s Sale bf Lands.. V COUNTY OF" ism-com; PUBLl`CT AUCTlON,' `Hun Qhn-H`7n ITEM: 3n lhn (`.nnrt I] 1111 at PU B L l`C.;-AU5T|,O N.,' .'.. f\......... . , p AND V T Poetical Entertainment. *E}1$-Fo`n- rnmnsox ROM), Pl Y)AL________.. ` WILL BE SOLD BY wu;L ma son) It}! Dun gy, u. a. Per B. W. ROSSS, 1. . Deputy Sherz C. S. mmr) GIBSON, I/A71)/llml r'u/n` Dun:/e Goad %{%f%%?. % ' Founders and Brewers , ` WM, MILES &- Co., ATV .1

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