Joseph Kent. . . . . Thomas Parkhl . Rogers....`.'...... Job MOrriS.. 9 0 on o Alexander Bass . . `Eliza Donllyl. ; . . , ; . Wanly. u 0.0 no no ova u T Robert Davidson . . ., . . . Samuel Robinson; . ; . .'V. . . `. 06.00000 Name , 31 Spence . . . .'. . . . BWYIOIUQCCDCOI ;1det Gilchrist. . . . . t OOOOCIOO-I }albreath ..;..._-.. Onailoonobuooooo Lee oooooolooouo :Commesky....... p J as-zin" - of Defendant. . A he W rd of the late Mr. R 5 _._. THORQUGHBRE Prince of -Wale terioo. M _ pp y at 1:. pt. 18th, 1860 O'Brien : farm, Shjanty` = `-MI`! '.-l`-.1 D Deiron Buil 0 A _ 5, from the` well -kno wk of Doon, Co. Bay; Oro. `38-3In obert Ferric`, .Barr1e, Sept} 1st,V -1860. ______________. Abetting and Counselling Assault A 1 Drunk and Disorderly. . . a . S Forcibly Entering his Tavern at night and using- - Threatening Language ; Neglecting to do Statute; } _ . LaLbo_ur._ Aiding and, assisting Assault `II-I`-I QIIIIIVV `III S - Suudayv _' Assault and Breach of the . Peace ` Drunk and Disdrderiy. . . . . 1 Illegal possession of a Ring o,ooo`oco`o:o;oono.`u"oo, -IJIJLU JHLI-IIIIVJ III`?-LIV UL lIl 3. 2 A Master , Threatening Bodily Injury. Drunk and Disorderly. . . . 5 Drunk and using violent and abusive Language on Q Qnnou .' ' ;,i::mI.4]vn;}')l.c2.} .t;;'c.>f.' '11}; " D M aster * 1 Ass5u1t....... "I' l\'I"I, V Assault...` ............ . .' , ; no'cooo`oc Assault OIDO coon - Drunk and Di`sOrderly.T.-. . . Drunk'and Disorderljf. . .'. , Druk and Fighting . . . .`. . . vusosua uuu uwcauug uu 5 the Highway Assalllt rnioouooccaoooioo OI_IICOOOQOIIIOO.`I OIIIOOO OOOOIOII Assault and. Dogging Cattle V A-sSaultvCC.COOIUODCCCCUCC A-'sSau]t'.IOOlIICC..II.'IO Destroying. Fence . . . .. . . . Tresspa;ss.'...... ........ Drunk and Disorderly; . . .V. Drunk oaonouioclnlooo-not Drunk................t. Assault [Assault andtThreatening . Selling Liquor Contrary` g - to Act 22nd Vic. Cap..6 1 Non-payment of Wages. . Assault and Battery . . . . . I I . OIVC OIOC U C III_` i Using Indecent and Blas-g phemous Language ' on. T-T;tI'1'|II1-nit ' nooooco '0}. I O O O I D-lnkOIIIC.Cl Drunk........ Assault . Drunk . `. V Drunk and Disorderly. IIFCIIOCCC-U... Drunk Hdtice to Iaumbererjbf orooiro I000 0 UVUO I` I0 DOC Drunk . `Selling Litiuor on Sunday . 'Drunk......... ...... Drunk and Disorderly. .. 'Assau1ting Servant `Girl . Drunk and Disdrdrly. ._. . A___, I. Breach of Buy-Law . Trespa`ss..'.._.. { Slng A Lfqlior wifhbut [ . License. Breach of By-L_a'w . . . Profane Language. . . . ll1 t-lI;>'4`IOCD`LO Natre qf Charge, )_-yum HI, "3 awn `QQJO ` Aug- ` Aug} Aug- "g ._J11y ' V Aug` .Aug. 16 . l July 9 4 VAug. June } Aug- V 3 July J'u1Y MW , M9-Y D3 , _ 38-3In May April .4. ` March19- 4 Aug; Jhdy June July July =My . Dday June- June `IE 1 _ Jul) Aug- Isaac Hai't.. Isaac Hart. . Avg- July July July July {July b July `June Aug. Aug. -QUE '33.: Aug. [ Sept. July Aug- Aug. June " J uue July A113` A118 ? A118` ` ug- Atlgf Aug. T1111) July Jul) ` Francois Corbeau. Jul) Ju1Y [ June 29 ` July 4 June. 28: J une_ June .June June .June a5! Aug` Aug` Aug? Jab - JulY `Julie 13 June 27_ 23 10- 171 18. 12 j 25 25 `18 25 31 -21. 22 U nl 1116.`. Wm. 27-; 18 DaAu -qf _ 179 15] 10 13 previous to the exah1ination.- A ' V _- ` * ' T JIENBY A. CLIFFORD, 3? , . ` . 2 _ , Scretury; Dalston. Sqpt: loch,-186o.j j _. , 37-sin, .1 . , reltinloniala, certifying `totha ate habits and correct moral amllicants must hvfnrw-"""` 21 14' 14 '18 14- .15` ` 28 17 John Rennie.` bn. - I ~ -414: uuuru ox rubuc Instruction for` the.North- - 1 e_rn'Division.of1.h,a County ofsimcoe will meet at the Court House in Barrie, on o FRIDAY, the 5th day of October `next, at 11 o elock, ::.m., `for the purpose of examining Common ?SA[Iool |Teachers and .n...o:.... A-'--2-L -" ` ` oooooooco_uH.laU uouooouo J .[H-. Drinkwater, M. Mc- Mullen, Eeqs., and George, _ Hunt_et',;Reeve I J. H;Drin_k}vate`r, -M. Mc- * Mu1_1en,4.i Mogratt,,Esgs., , & George -Hunter, Reeve I THE Board or Pubii txgingruiiaa rd: ch`eTzTnh. : `\ emPivmion.of'tM County of Simcoe will n`ng,n64..f`---*"" ` ` 16 26 00,10-vooqoo.o'__ditt0 oouooiooo `l`I-I-`Iraq.-.6.-... I` -II'_ _ > `John Rennie. Esqo} Q o I 0 ; Marcus Mcmuen, Esq._,`2 and 1'3 13; 21. \.I_\;_II|6V .|.:.uuIac.l, LUGUVU .7 -J O00l0o:fo'.ditt0 000000010 Thompson, Esqs. OOOOO'IOOO IOOOOIIIO William Simpson, A. A. {Thompson `and Samuel; EW. Simpson and A. :'?SA:izlI1t1eI--`Fraser, Es A.{.A. Thompson, .' an; snow: , _J.'J\1B. o0'o00'0000 06000005. 21 aolf on o-o no Io... -.--`ac.1l.\JC. --ouuvn-us A_ILvLu.uI|Ul.l, Jhali. . _ and . ' George Hunter, Reeve '. A:I>Ip\ Jdhn Rennie. 13 .12 14c 19 ( _ 6'n,-q.' .` Vfarf ` W. B. Hamilton,` and P. 3 Ferguson, Esqs. f and - 3.7. McWatt, J. Telfetfl T. C. Presser, Esqs. `A John McWatt, Esq. . .` . . . . Thomas Parker, Es . . . . . McBeath, W. Stoddart & _ ET. Parker, G. McKay, J. _ J. Fenne1l,TEsqs. g Ti Esqoouo-nocnoovo. O0-OOI'OIO.~ VC.I`I'IIOOI 21_ '10 -....u a.vnAugu, 431.10 0 0 on u I inaoooooc "ucololon J .Perram & D.Evans, Esq: John Perram, Esq. . . ., . . . `Peter Ferguson, Esq. . . "J.'Telfet`, J. McWatt, I C. Prosser and P. F ergu- ` son - "Renae- C>II'OIOI.O Thomas` Hayes, EsqV.. VCOCIOOIVCO OIUOI IO...IIIIIAditto ICCCI Paul Gaulagher, Esq. . ; Wm. Beatty, Esq. . . . John Perram, Esq i n a n - . . -- " John -Periam, Esq." . .. . u|.l.|\.|, 4.:u|vu' unu- nett, Esqs. John Alexander, Esq; . . . . T. D. McConkey, Esq. . . . . A. Gunn & A. Gillespie,Esqs _' Angus Gunn, Esq. . . . . . . . - George Tudhope, Esq`. . . . . George MMahus, Esq . . . . ......... CICCUUUCI ooonooonol O'OOOI0`0oVo Wm.Beatty, Esq.. ... Benjamin 'Ross, Esq.. CIOIIOOOI CIOCC ICUICCIII OIOIO IOICQOCIC OC._CI oooooono 0000.0 nocoooipgn cocoa ncqooooao ditt0...... 'ono"oo'o-no 00000 4 `Charles Bustard. . . . . - xv -Tl]! 0 I no I 0 0.0 O Thomas Cross. . . .v. . . John McLaugh1in,y . . `. . Josph Lloyd . . . ... . . Q A Jonathan McLaughlin Paul Gaulagher. . . [. . . James Mc Mahon, . . . . Mary Armstrong . . . . . 'l'homa.s Courtney . , Jolm Hayes. .. . . . . , . . Samuel Douglas-. . . , . J: `V : ROSe........'.. v - nnuvnulltll auu VV n U- [ ` Little, Esqs. - Q ...IOOOO_I dittO_oo,;oooun T. D. McConkey, Esq. . . . . James Edwards, Esq. . . . . . LT. D.. fMcC,onkey, D. Morrow and Aaron Bur- , ' A-.44 `D--- L T. *I)'riiilJ,-1:. J. W.` Barry, Es j T. Driill & T. G. Wallis, f f V V j Esqs, ' ~ . T. Driill -8; J. W. Barry, 2 ' Ems- 0001000- loo 0000-00000 vNam.e f.' Vcbnvicting Justice, .amo`uu of vPenalty,' Fine, or Dmnmn Fine, uid or to be I A - . , - I , lathe strictly temper- character of the tb:f0l'W8l.`dEd to thn nnrlnu-ah.-u.-I CE; ditto ditto ditto -wt next.` at 11 o'elock_g.1n.; ting Certicates nf nm.m:...., - McK?{y', 85; .,Esqs. 10030-IOIIIOVO IZO u .EsqIO.III'l . an, Esq... ouoonuaoc Esq.....'. sqooiouoot ?qIOOOOfIl IIOIIIOIO 419 A9 0 10 O" 10 010' A1: each George '\Vestl.-Ike . .`. , Thomas Leary. . . . Thomas Leary. A. .- . . _. .Es1her Wlreelevr. . . . . James Rainey . . . . . . John Rainey . . , .. . . Arch d Livingstone. . Edward Haughton ._ . . Seymour Webster. . . om i3 210 Penalty, Fine, ' _ _. j qr_Da1nage. _ ptndsqzd Justwe. 2.10 010 Yesnrp. `Sept. fun, 1860. A Horses, coming three years 6111-;m;n E31: ig two years old, am} three of last up:-ing s foals. Oh:-:;1il; will be given (If required) to `suit. the pur- c er. . 4 ' Illllnuro ' Sept. 5 l.l.'1l.ll' , - J J. Nbrris&C. King `I)..I CQNVICTIONS `Ordered to. do. their Statute La- a 1.....- Robert Morrison . . Tachr Wanted`, `OR;-Schnni Rnnnn N'nu-aka- o m-_ . 9'0 0 .diti0a.. 0 o 0'0. OIOOQOCIHDOUOOOO coo ooooditt0oI.QI9" '.`. .4..t`litt_o,...,..._ ' Eight agqg . . . . . . ; . .di_to .: on no o o.i oooouIuo'4'O . `.m.1.1Wi 7. I-0 . __ ` . . ooooaIuo'1'ou..... Tc`:-is-I l-|v9:}L Forthwiih. . . Twenty-one days. Immediate . . . . . . Immediate .` . . . . .T Thirty day. . . . . Paidcoool PaidIool`oLtOl Ten days.. . Paidoonoo'vo_oo Paid..... Pa.idoIofd.:`O 00"" Owen Onail . . . . . John Lee .. .. ..'. . James Campbell. . . Paid. . .` .`. Fifteen 'd PaidOOOC_`i ouotooro) CI 0'} Paid. . Paid. . Paid. . Paid. . Paid. . Ten days. V. .V.. . .. o o 0' 0'0 0'0 o { 1-'w'als_'._a"`1aAy's . . ... O I I O`I O Sara}: Tl1o1npSo11. . Seven days. .~ Twelve da ys`.. . . . ntpooo "ySo'. I I C C O O Complainant.` ' County Treasurer. up; 0 0' 0 County Treasurer. C I O I O ' Committed to [Barrie I at apnng's IONS. * , '1 -_ If`: V I. T..,-,,.,iH,,,,p,,,. 1. S.ELLI-.N~G OFF, E QUINN no 0 K s, smnonnnrg 37-An J1 Hun ,AnVnlYnzV nrmznnn v- 1 ` :3 czene ._,; g..;1=jme,1 Caxity same. Township T;easure4 Wm. Taylor. , . . , . . M. Burns ......... J-mes White. . . . .T . Catharine Walker. . Paid Conlplainant. - County Treasurer. O C O I I I One moiety to infer`; County Treasurer. County Treasurer. Cotmty Treisurer VCIOOCC 000000 OOOOIO County Treasurer ` 2 To whom" paid qver, or o be ' If not jraid, why. not, and . paid by said Justice. . _Gcnerkzl Observgtimu. Edward Pierce. . ditto guux DA! 37-4in County Treasurer Couhtyy Treasurer [ditto ditto" ditto ditto .-0: III-C V Clerk of. the Peace, V ou/my _._..-.,__.... qu-zuuu as HIV 1 ; .Barj-ie, Ma_y 16.:l860._ Wm. Hammell. ; Wm. Muure . . . . J. W. Morrow . . gaol for ten days at` hard` labour. - [ Bound to keep the * V - ` [Peace 1 year. Bound over to keep the {Peace `for two years under a penalty of $45. Power not given by S By-La'w to Magistrates to enforce parties to do . A "Benjau_1in Corbet .has ` notadone it. 2. George Maundrell; 1: nrunuv , .__ , ... - -_- a_n 9 Va! LIA! @- 1! the JD. VJZNCE 01v'E101'_2, ;\Uu Paula - Not paid. Committed 2 days. Commit-ted 1 day, No}: paid; Not paid. A , ' Committed 30 days` Committed 30 days. Not paid. Nnf no 3:] H Defendant to my costs. `Committed 21 days. Ewarmnf of Committ- ment issued. ` . _ Ordered to 1eave`Tdwn. . Not yet paid. Not paid. , rmer, one ditto to Town- ship Treasurgr. . ' Defendant td pay costs Eand amount of Statute . Labour. Jbhu ` Bound to keep Peace. Appeal against convic- ' [tion '. Committed to gaol for want of security to keep the Peace. Not yet paid. 1 To be paid in` 1 month. Committed . Committed. Not yet paid Not yet paid. Nat paid.` Not paid. E Goods `seized by Con- . tnhln - Wm.-I E Warrant `to apprehend ` issued. K uvnuuu | ._. ...v, -ac uvgt IUWIEBIS 01 men` graduates. Students entering any `one of these Colleges, by payment of $40, become entitled tdthe privi- lege: of the entire chain, comprisingjeight of the most thorough, extensive, pl-ictical and popua hr Bnsineu Schools in the, world. For Cata- loguea,ad_d ;O'u-culau, call at the College Rooms, or an above. 11,=`1nso. ' BRYANT-& STRA'l fl`ON. >'.; GENERAL INFORMATION. Our. standard of Penmanship is the famous "S em.-erian. . , -gtndenucan commence at any time, as there are no vacdtionsi _ - ' ' . 1`he_;Principals` and Teachers of thirchajn of Colleges`/Mn an extensive acquaintance-in seven ` large citilttyindnlwnys consider it a pleasure to] gum jmresu at their graduates. 0 c Stu cats,` cntcring of _thAeson 1' hip no.-and -1 but 1 puu nuu,--uorner -Seneca and Main Streets. N. Y. CI'l`Y,-Cooper Institute, Astor Place. PHlLADELPHIA,-Corner 7th and Chestnut Ste. CHIGAGO,-Corner Clark and Washington Sta. ALBANY,-No. 448 Broadu-ay. CLEVELAND,--Corner Seneca and Superior Sta. DE`I`-ROIT,-No_. 70 Woodwmjd .._:'uenue. - S1`. LOUIS,--0ornr 71/5 and Vine Streets. _.a__ ` V , LOOITED AT BUFFALO,- Corner Seneca mad Main Streets. CITY.--Conner Inxtilutn 9! 1.1.... 01.... -unzoxuui q UUo'1'Ull1 WORK. .5; A Depot has been opened in Barrie, West of the Market House, where we will constantly keep on hand FLOUR of the best quality, which we will warrant to customers, OATS, PEAS, BRAN, and `all. kinds of mill olfal. Every effort will be made "to please those with whom we may do business. All we ask from the . public is a- fair and impam'_alAttn'uI. _ 1 W. 8; J. MORSE. Barrie, June 22nd, 1860. 26-tf uuuug-U I lllnllln I ,I IIIUI; II` UHOII for any quantity of V GOOD MERCHANTABLE WHEAT, delivered either at their `Mills, or at pbeir DEPOT in-BARBIE. ' { l!3 P._lRTIOUL.R JTTENTION PJIID TO VGRISTING 4' CUSTOM WORK. A Demt hug. hnnn nnnnml :n n.....:.. \u,_. _p iI`isrIi``s"f`i\/TI(nii`Er%PnIcE m cm] any auantitv of _.-.:.--vuI1 IVII` are njow putting them "in excellent axje prepared to pay the mIIFT Ill Rll-$ 5--4- - wm. V I Subscribers havigg recently purchased the Tll-n--n: ----_ A, .:_-. FLOUR, OATS, PEAs_,B1zAN 4; MILL OFFAL V FOR SALE. Iv nu ut: 3010 on reasonable terms. Apply, post paid, Post Office, Oshawa, O. W. Box No. 7. 34-tf Cagh for wheat Cash for wheat, :1: &ij . OT No. 7 in the 9th Concession, and Lot No 6 -in the 10th Concession of Innisl, 400 acres; situated 5 miles from Barrie, the County Town of Simcoe, and near the Railroad. Good soil, and no swamp on either Lot.` Well wooded with Beach, Maple and `Pine. Will be sold on rea.sonab1e'terms. Annlv. nnat. na Pm nm-.. n..:.__- n -w Ull IDB premises; Or JNO. C. TODD, , - - A. Bmmp Vespra, J mm 26, 1860. - 10 ACRES, being composed of Lot Number 20,_l2th Con. Vespra, with new Burn, 30 by 52, Dwelling-house 20 by 30, Stable, Out- houses, &c. There is a goodthriving Orchard on the premises, and 40 acres Cleared, under Fence - and in Crop. For particulars, apply to WILBERFORCE TAYLOR, On the premises: o Barrie, March 2], 1860.` vnul ur wuuouu Ine hand. . For particulars apply to this oice, Alexander, Esq., or to the owner, MRS. P, RmnA Wm; , ,_.___, -----.--u s-nuculzul. Uttllltf; WIN] good STABLING, OUTHOUSES, 3 Garden, and an Orchard in bearing; situate about 2_0 minute s walk from the_ Market at Barrie, and fronting the Bay. -ALBO,-- Abonti2l Acres of LAND, cleared," 10 of xirhich is under cultivation. The Cottage can be rented with or without the Land. Wnr nnrfinnlnpu ......l.. a- ALE- ,m - - - _v_-.-`nan .L_\l AUJJLIL U1 ' WITH 20 ACRES OF LAND. TO be Rented or Leased, with immediate pos- session, A NEAT COTTAGE BUILT HOUSE, containing Parlours, 2 Bed Rooms,, Servnntfs ` Room, Kitchen, a.nd,a.n excellent Cellar; with STABLING. OU'1`Hm7sw..q .. F......4.... ....a 4_ COTTAGE To RENT or LEASE, WITH -20 Al`!D'l.`.Q rm 1' Axfn TOLLENDIAL MILLS! v nnw nnnhn. 43...... :.. ....__ PA ! Barrie, May 28, 1860. .._____________._ uuu. a, or. {am street, Connmcwoon. The above will be sold che p, and on easy terms of payment._ ~ - Apply (if b letter post-paid) to ` y W. D. A RDA GH. . PATTON & ARDAGH, Bmnxn. Barrie, 28, '7-9--`V {H10 I Lots 19 & 131..-! vv uu. uunus. Lot 4, & S. hfof II, in the 6th Concession ; and 25 in 3rd Concession Flos, ' Lot 27, in the 5th Concession ; 25 in the 4th and part 25, in the 8th of Mulmur. hf of Lot 3, in the 8th Qoncessionottawasaga ; an old cleared Farm. ' S. E. .i of Lot 1 in the 10th Concession Notw- wasaga; an old cleared Farm.` Lot No. 6-, in the 10th Concession Vespra; about 30 acres cleared. E. hf of Lot 74, in the lat Concession Flos; : about 75 acres cleared. . BARBIE--Joa.v smm, Ba.r}ist,er. Barrie, Aug, 23 1860. -} Wm FARM FOR SALE. M Six Million Pounds terling. The The `Policies under the original Schem for many `yea:-s, been innusually free from restrictions and imperfections, received` large benets. Prospectuses of this Scheme also may be had on application. HEJD OFFCE FOR GIQNAD./2, . . _ - - '- . JAMES GRANT, 9 GREAT ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. . 7 I mutt anhcrtiaementa. v\r\r\r\.'\.'\.`\.`\.'\`\/\.'\.\'\f\'x`\.'\P\/\.'u`~u'V'u`v\.-\(\4 -~. .. -\.x-s \ ., ./v.~~ so oom>LEfrn and suxsucronf a system _o_f m':cou\d:! n the arx-_ta.nge`11_1e`z)T'b:s )vt':x;y",`)tlier A.S8[ll'3lI8 Office; Expiainatonry P ENr1;.mf1vs'wq_1jn1:"rRoFL;T cuss on or before am that; wi11;be alloicatd to later entl ,, -gr 'I" ji V_ '1"Ior{ sgiornaup hum ` og,v_w'nih enunxyfgbvgam [ .17}: Assvzgzvi is not sicbjecl to any PREMIUMS can ever be paj/a.ble. A \t . v\.\.\'\f\'\'\.`\P\/\ ./`~.'\u'u`v\.'\(\4v*. ~.\.\\\\ s. `i=;`Av\RMS .1-on SAl.:E_. TO BE SOLD Wild Lands. A`. II 1.. AL- n.I, I1 mnnr uuu 1*.` TA X premises; G. TODD. Joseph Summers. ; . ---.:- Lots in Barri9._ M Q I ....:__ I U16 UWUE MRS. P. RICHARDSON. I. In M` xuuu, Brampton, 0. W. `2R-H' :e, to John II, V II 26-tf IPANKII 22-ly . I ...u umuu; uuom nas been exten 1 more oommodionl; there have bee` ) J the new wing, is great number of (sleeping rooms, and "the House t , been retted, agd now contains meats end conveniences hitherto I F guests. The whole of the be 3 ha v expense, been furnished wit ~N ~ MATTRASSES. The. g1fd;5riet, oonlinnia-up hf! nnn-an-- ---- V .,... ` -...; c1uuuu,' no say the least of it, wil qonnue to` be an now is, we best. Dphhgn `am dnt H0182. in Oaudo. - * 47-1 .'u1o > Wm. Taylor. . A. . . . Samuel Wesley. . . . unw uu U l]l\'E,' Q5 - e -. ..----- , great been wit? ~NEW` Skhmu Iftdliritdf expects qbat. by continuing his personal-menu 'ern`ez'n. of the con- c9rnu`fThe Albion, to say a least of it, will 00!! ugtqbe, an is. th haul. n......... -...a wuuuumg ms personalvmana 'em'en't.'o cgrn The qounue tube D ciauonn Oaudo. ' A ;A.1b1on_ o I-Iotel, ` M O T R E A L, L. W. DECKER, Proprietar. IS gleasantly situated 3: the head of ST. PAUL TREET, amongst _the largest. wholesale houses in the city. It has (with business men generally, and especially with the best. Merchants of both Provinces) become so great a favoriiv, xhttdt is now acknowledgdlo be THE Business Hotel of Montreal. '1`o m`ee't the extensive in- crease, during the last year, intlie business" of the house the propi-letor hos built: lar 'ruo:15ining Room lnishen ex't'e , I more oommodimn 9 am... 1-... I--'-'- J: I3 Fashionable Tailoring executed pmmp on the Premises, on most advantageous terms. Lefroy, June 23,1860. 26 -- RAVELLERS will find the above Hotel every _ way suited to their comfort. I1 `IRIYI-I119:--1--.._ - y Barrie I-Iotel, ' BARRIE,C.S., ' ' Queen : rms Hotel, Barrie, g l ..f._...__;_.-----_-----._...... - ___._. vi VLUJJJI 6 The spleritlid situation of the House, fronting, on the beautiful Bay of Kempenfeldt--tl1e salu- brity of tlzeair--the purity of the wnter--nll cor - bine to render this spot. one of the most healthy and delightful Summer retreats; and the Nor Railroad now places it within three hours of Toronto. - HENRY FRASER, Late of the Commercial Hotel, Barrie. Lalce Simcoe, 14!]! July 1856. Goo sun THE Qunsxl Hail 0olnp1bia!! Viva la Frangais ! 2! 29 .._..__._._.....___ them ' .-.-\u.n.J HARMONY AND GOOD FELLQWo'lliI"!, The Premises which he has now entered have been greatly enlarged, and in a few da_v~x will he `completely renovated, so, as to accommudute respectable Visitors of every description \vith BOARD, in Private Suits of Apartments, or at the Public Table, by the Men], Day, Week, Month, or Year. He has also very Extensive Accommo- dation for HORSES, and CARRIAGES, and n. LIVERY STABLE ' connected with the Estab- lishment, the whole of which he hopes to be able to make the most extensive and comfortable to h.- met with North of Toronto, and he has no objec- ion this should be_ known AGENTS: - T . . . COLLINGWOOD-W. A. , , , _ _ _ . g 4-VAJJL LIIJZ And since he nds, by the Latest Intelligence, that there is no more War, or tumour of War, he intends to devote all his energies to l.he,cuItiva- tion of the Arts of 2E3ZE3.A.(`f`_i;l:`;'! Iianunvrv . \Vl\ .- A .~- as Waliace . . . . V I O C O 9 an at -A-nan! U llllll-U, Formerly kept by the late Mr. John Bingham, and afterwards by Mr. L. Caisse, under _the muuage- meat of both of whom it was so `lI`1|II T\`r1.1-rrrnwr 1- ~-- A A _.v.v`.LJ) We a n. rA'niiAsH,_ mfrhnzrnn. ;_ me x Bammt, Toronto, July, 1860. zuu lu uy la8Ke. For freight. or passage app] No. 8 Front Street, old Roy: door. to American Hotel, or an ning s Wharf. _' _----.. -uvu vvuuul I. I3" EXCELLENT ST./QBLINQ. ` _ .unn.11KU This is the only direct . ronto by Lake. Fnr Fr-ninho nu ---~---- ~ -- -. vu.,. ;1uuLI lnll EAVE Tinning s Wharf every afternoon, at 5 oiclock, for CAPE VI.\'UE.\"l`, BR()(.'K- VILLE and OGDENSBURGH, connecting at Cape Vincent with Steamers for Kl.\'(}S l`U.\'1 and Cars for ALBANY and NEW YORK; Ogdnsburgh with Royal Mail Steamers for .\m.\'- TREAL and QUEBEC, and with Cars for BOS- TON. The Boyal Mail Steamers consist of the KINGSTn)N_ PAQQDIWDW hA\rc1r1v1v-1 QUEEN'S ARMS, Formerly kept bv the lam Mr Jan... 12:....:...... .-_: Wm. B; Clark . . . . Northern Hotel, Lefroy, W. P. sommaq n ....... -_ 1.111`; D11`J.*\.\ll`)llS NEW YORK & l\ 0RJ'l`HERNER Tvaxrn-m:_-r - - AND ROYAL MAIL LINE 4 _ r--u BEGS to return his sincere thanks to his cu_s- , tomers for the very liberal support he has received since his residence in Barrie; and hav- ing increased bis fncilitieslfor doing work of the very best description, he presumes to have 9. stronger claim upon their patronage. Every requisite for sportsmen supplied on the most reasonable terms. REPAIRS EXECUTED WITH DESPATCH. E5 Specimens of workmanship kept on hand, and parties are invited to inspect them ere they think of purchasing elsewhere: Support home manufacture. _ Barrie, March 26, 1860. 3-137 '1HE Subscriber - he has Lease man-3, would inform the Publiit that d that well known Hotel in _ - --v.av\`_,\.\,v<,uv\,v\,\,\A,.. ~a~ ~.\A NO MORE WAR! _..___:. "rim ,, -_ -..... vs uuunu lb was SO EMINENTLY SUCCESSFUL ! 1 :nIIn 1... c._.:_ |- -' M.. BURNS": ~ Gun Maker, Dunlop TStreet_.. Barrie, I'n lIn-n. l.:_ -2, , 11860. E LAKE ommmo EXPRESS A\'f\ George Maundrell. Q Pak -.... ..v_, ... uuul oummcrs consxst of the IINGST-).\', PASSPORT, BANSHEE, .CHAMPIUN, and NE_W ERA. his is the nnlv.1:m.. D ..... -- v - '- * _;---: %??wS#e;eizibe} 3 26,f 1860. L. `can wflhtlfaw a xed and unuually iarge pro- &!h amodnt ,- or .1 may wiliuiraw the ,_-, _-v-av . SQUIRES, Pnormsron. -.-:. - ,.. _, -_-.1 -u ulc Ullilli UI U19 letor built -a large addition. in has been eitendegl and-, qmrie I; there been eoniplete in well-rentilmiad ......-a manic uceu cumplele, In 'ent well-ventilated ad "the thrqughou; has contains many improve- aneeshlltgertoblnnkngwn `go it: 20 t_ _nve,pt a _:_isbed ii! -NEW .St`1`::(; :ww THE STEAM ERS |I'\I T fl - Wm. C. Proctor. . Wm. Morrison. . . Wm..Warren. . . . Wm. Lawrie-. . . . ml Aagumnce is not to be found I let! may be hsdbon application. DEC BER NEXT ,w'au secure - ...... .. v \.uucn'.u IIHVU and will accommodate its M811]. Dav. "091: .`JrmH- : promptly nntazeous terms. e apply to S. WAI/I`O.`I, Royal Mail Oice, next I, at the head of Tin- W. BOWEN, ./Jgclzt. -m fuidencc; and N0 EXTRA ---., ....u nu" nun Express Lide from ` Secretary. . Pannun, Broker ace. 0;! Au scfm1E or UNCONDL I or STEAMERS LEU- 39'-4t To- Peter Ormsby. . . . Tomas Wallis... `John Swalloxir, Inspec- tor, ` uaulagher. as v mas Hayes........_.. rel .ROS8....ooooa. O I T. D. Taylor ._, .; Thomas Montgomery. ?AIex ..Murp11y . . Q J . .. Thomzis -D; Taylor. . , , Before J ustice Omen or THE CLERK or THE PEACE, T I , '- b V A '- ` . ' Paw;-1'0 .qo}nIpvn7ang- 1 1 iocn ..AI-Iammell . av. -_._ __ ____ -w--:` V` -1 m Inatituvtion _-ree-n_tly `eatihhghgu ?l1TI(:',l,;o,_ the l_duca.uozr of the ` therefore, ubhc notice rs hereby, g'Iy3n`..1 th _ ua.rt_lIaps of Deaf andgbmlii children, reaxdent thus County, to bring inchw children, ggeg seven :1 fourteen years; the Gdnngy Glerks_0'xce Barrio, on VY9d_ue;d`y'A:r we 3,5 day of October -n t, at_. one o clooakl gm, in order to afford the C nrmee appomta by wd council to make a. eele on," an oppogggmty 80. 0` 'B", order, 3. _ BANTING, - .,_..., m..uu: s Omen. ' I . 1 W. Morrow. . COO. in 0 I40 0 . Taylor. . . . . Nameqf Proseutor, win: or run Barrie, September 11, 1860. LVolJuine yloraooofnton S-ovoololloo 1iTC.....'.o. - 3 VVa1ker.... 1onqEon,;..; D000-OIIOO I /OODIOIIIOIO 1npbe...... UNTYOOUNOIL 5 \ for the BOARD 8:? made. V mmmm} .. A. visio upil in ronto, . , arents and en, resideht this count ch e Inst`: t.` I1u'::::c:f:_tIy eatibghai ul;:i;:d?otice is heggyggymhd ; N18 of `id * , m, aged seven .14 fou te v0lerk's_0fce Bmi: `"1 to I ~. I an 9 r. . _ yr. ' dnv :1 t ' M cl0o k. DJ]: l NO_'l._"l_CE.. Benjamin Dusong .`. ._v;.;L ` Gum). 0 '1 o o'o}o_fA t 1 Vi}. H I... Janlles Shgnnoo 0 0 o o fi Benjamin ' I [James N01-Vris, Charles [ King, Benj. Corbet, ' A; John Smith arid Adam 2 Smith, . - Nichol Divine .. . . ..:. .-. McKay. o go op`- George Gow.......f... Edward Perraull: _. '. .'A. .-. . Bridget Carty. . . . . .. . . . John O Shnnahan . . .'. . . Mary M(.)0.l'e.'..n"7'on... James B1'llce.........-. Michael LaBatte. . . . .. . . I 0 0 `O0 0 0.0 Thomas Sheppard . . . . . . Essa, E` Lot John . Hugh Boyd ... .. .. 5 Henry Rowell .. . . . ) James Hayes. . . . .. . `I Alldrew In 0 n7o_o_ u Francis Phelan . . . . . . "George Faulkner. . . Ramsey... . . .. . Mathew Ryal. . . '. . .. . `VH1. Calhoun on 0 o on n VVm. Wilson . . . . . . .; Stephen Clement}. . . . John Neil....e_....... Andrew Armstrong. . . Eliza Ellisbn . . . . . .. . Samuel Douglas. . . .. . John" Hayes ..... . ... Henry Rowell . . .. .. . , Hugh Beaton. . . . . . . ;. 5./Iohn McLeod. . . . . . . . ) James Hayes . . '. . . . : James Noble '........ Edw/ard Barker . Joseph 0 0 0 to o o_ o Hugh McCoy.. . . . .. . .vMary_Ann Cairnes. . . . All uunualu olcwunu a John McDouga1. . . . Thomas McNamara. Robert Rogers '. . . . . . . Robert. Rogers . . . ._. .; _Tho1nas Personiour . . . John Bathie . ... . . .. . David Bathie . a . . . .. . William` Woods. . . . . . Archibald Stewart. . . T,.L.- 1|/r_1\ ,, I I I O O >I Sarriuel Spence BaH.'y..-...... Alexander Robert ....... John` Galbreath . . ; .. , James one bison 0 James .......... Patrick Commesky. . . .. Edward Armstrong. . . Daniel Prentice. . I. V.. . Moiroooc`IoooI Patricksmith. . . . . . . . James Butler . . . . ; . Thomas Newman I. . . I I Cv.-CI C O O 0 0 0 '0 James Wnght . .' . . . John McGurk. 2 .. 0'0 I Thomas _Poole'. . . OI! o o no a VVm. B. Douglas . . . .. Donald McCauchen. . . George Esson........ ,John McBride .-. . . .V. .