CA1: .If1`ALv Q -- . $1,000,000. \ nnnncu .1, , 0,-- .A.1b1C>I). Hotel, ` ` - M O T R E A L, _ L. W. DECKER, Proprietor.` - ' . IS nleasantly situated at `the head of ST; PAUL STREET, amongst the largest wholesale houses in the city. It'has_ (with business men generally, and especially with the best Merchants of both Provinces) become so great. a favorite, thatit is now acknowledged to be THE Business Hotel of Montreal. To meet the extensive in- crease, during the last year, in the bu,sin'ess of the honse, the proprietor has built ii. large addition. The Dining Room has been extended and made more commodions; there have been completed, in the new wing. is. great number nf we-II-vpnt.iln1prl E55 Fashionable :Ta i1ox-ing. executed: promptly on the Premises, on mos_t(adva.n't9gVe`_9_ns terms. Lefroy, June 23, 1860. _ .1 ` :Barr1e I-Iote1,' ~ -BARRIE, 0.8., Ll/U'I`n Barrie, March 26,: 1860. "The spleridid siluetion `of the Honse, fronting on the beautiful` Bay of vKempenfeldb-the Sela- brity of the air--the purity of the water--all com-` blue to nemier this spot one of the most healthy and delightful Summer-retreats ; and the Northern Railroad new places. it within three hours of Toronto. - HENRY FRASER, V Late of the ommercial Hotel, Barrie. Queen : rms Hotel, Barrie, 7 Lake Sinwoe, I-til: Iuly 1856. 29 ' GOD -sevfn mu Queen! Hail Columbia !! Viva `la F`:-nnnnn I I! -vs air an N0 3. . 4 V` 3 \ x . A'9Ii..:oell:::xt.ir9.3gh-R. .(],l,|0n I01` _I1UlSDlID Bllll UAHIVIAUDD, RUG E LIVERY STABLE Eonneczed `with the Estab- nlishmsent, the `whole of which he hopes to be able to make the most extensive and comfortable to be met-with North of. Toronto, and he has no objec-_ ion this should. be known _4 HARMONY AND GOOD FELLOWSHIE! The Premises which he has now entered have been greatly enlarged, and in a. few days will be completely renovated, so as to accommodate respectable Visitors of every description with BOARD, -`in Private [Suits of Apartments, or at the, Public Table, by the Meal, Day, Week, Month, or Year. He has-.also.very Extensive Accommo- dation for HORSES, and CARRIAGES, and IJVERV STABLE connected `with the `Flank. a up nu. -nuavvi 31 It -is astonishing that so many good firmers leave their pumpkins in the eld until they are frostbitten and stun-burnt, and nearly worth- less, before feeding them to their stock. As soon as the corn is cut up. take them carefully off the vines, being carefulnot to break the stems, and lay them carefully on the barn oor, or on some other dry place. This must be done before hard frost sets in. Feed the poorer ones first. When theweather grows too cold for them, remove. them to a cool dry cel- lar. There should be no dampness. `In this way, they will be good and fresh in January. We know thia,_ for we have tried it. p nenetzs. - Hedges shoqld now receive their full cutting. The best shape'is very narrow at the top and wide at the base. The narrower a hedge is at Z the top the easier is it kept thick at the bottom. when out perpendicular; it can never be kept close, for the lower branches. will die out, leaving wide gaps, making the fence quite on- sightly. From base to apex, the hedge should be open to light, air and rain, and this is best secured when the sides taper from the ground tothe top. A at top has always a base of dead or leafless wood, and the growth of new wood is limited to the upper parts. Water opt-outs or strong shoots should be pinched or out back whenever they appear if you would have a good hedge. ' 7 `And since he ndsjhy '.1{e'L;;s1 i.;teuua..,e, that there in no mote War, or rumour of War, he intends to devote all his energies to the cultivsn-f tion of the Arts" of A I-:;.Ac::.-2 . Suliscriber ivduld in`fonn lh'e-Public, tlt` he has Leased that well_ known Hotel in 'RAinnI - ._____ %7-?_-_._,-c_ ----w lrgmei-1y". kept by the me ur.`J`o1m Binghgm, and afterwards by Mr. L.vGaisae,; under;-the 1nan;ap- - ment of both of whom itwasso *` "~ EMINENTLY .sUccEssEUI. z INCORPORATED BY A01` 0]` PARLIAMENT. rm: `wonm: [1RAvI:LL1 will ndthevabove Hotel` every way suited to their comfort. T T - .4. -nun...--e..---... .._. -_____._ "F? m Qumrs Wnuunngu-1:1 Bani R11 I115 `ah: Ila Tn`:-u `I13-nu-In;-in 4--nl n. riniii iinrzrnn. .. -..-'_: u:uIUZQZQOYY V CHARTERED BY ACT QF PABLX.AHEN'l`.v Oneacre.... One-half-acre. . . . One-third acre. . . One-fourth acre. . One-eighth acre . :13; ExcEi;i}2NT. SVT.'BALING. wN6'VM b`F{'53}v%A a Hf George Maundrell, UOD `SAVE THE QUEEN} Hail polnmbia !! ~ Viva la Frangau ! !! Northerh `Hotel, Lefroy, 1!! DV Qnrnnna 'n_-____ W. P. SQUIRES, Pnornlniton. :._.. kiziiburuuce. .J'A.MES PATTON, A _ Jgent for Gov J. H. LAWRENCE nty Sfmcel /15...: t..n.'.........-...1 .".i.kSh':`Io,' pmron, Agent fm mu. Seaaottable `i met. . . Smut may be prevented in wheat by treating the seed as follows :--Spread the wheat very thinly on the floor and` sprinkle it with water, in which one ounce of blue vitrol has been . dissolved, for each bushel of wheat. Just water enough should be used to moisten each grafm thoroughly. This remedy was suggested by Sir John Sinclair, as early as 1816, since which it has been successlully used in Scott land. tor this disease. nmnci-ons : ikotels IV DIV UI! gent, < LBARRIE RN ADVANCE- ' as-shin, 1 3-1! ".':"`." `_" "?'_ `owguguuuilllln ` _ II For pcmculu-3, apply opyghe premhes. , N.B.-It the ho , - - `tide Stock w:I7'h';:ia :1 a?`w`:'a1Iy3J';ePf'f.';;,3 n.-2-I prices, ofivhich nbliozwlba 3"... ' `rrie.JnXv`3.1m).` I .wnmu: Inna`:-`A _A m. .*".{.,...`2`*;....'*m., ` n . `Vuo hand 3' coward ctvlhrg ' !**~.1*-;-:'.:.-san_ `- In on I , 3 `I re in no.wxv1o shah 11-4 , iaooo opemne. ' to the Advanb.P:i` ' "g Occ, Barrie. above bunineap has been aimed on with suc- cess f0l;;`88.}'&`5V;'ze_$l'l, ::d mg: licdisyooed of 'by '~rI-`l?........:....|.__ _;_., -- V sT.mi76i_vER T,dN1) BOOKSELLEIPS BUSI-' Hugo `DAD on-ru -_--`_ -- ujvuoanll 018` complete map ol"Barr_ie, is now fox-sale at le Book stores ofR.' J. Oliv_I` and Wm. Mann. ,f.; PRICES. -` f . Mqgmted.on rollers and varnhh_ed,. . . .$5 each. '_P,lin.... . . . . . - o-5.-\o..... 7..,...oo$4 do _ '_1' ` may]: contain ev'ei-y lot ind portion of lot wit _ the i _ sea together, with a plan of the Railway Station, and tinted view of .the Town,diawn from a Litho- 873 view: can he had separate,` either on still {qr framing or on posting paper, or enclosing V rs cl. 3;. 9d. and 25. 6d. each, respeclively. 1 hrri, March 23rd, 1853. i ` V 12-tfv ` .. . milsof Barrie, accuralily laid down to B035 Coihplete` Map 913' complete u Q16 Oliver`: ; 3' L . ,_.. _'_ vv----v---vw-v- 5.30A.)l. Mail -3.00 9.11. gArr11t l`oronto. ._ . 10.15 m. and 9.00 2.11. ` - .. J. LEWIS `GRANT, _ 5 _T __ , . wuperintendm. my:-I luuvua, ur. WHICH ll . FOR`COl Mai1..........V.'.-..... Expresg........ .;..-.. 4.11-ivecollingwood. .. J. .u.u_.1 1.1. 1211.1. Lynn 1. .l`4.lJ With the least posible pain; and particular atten- tion paid to the Regulation of Childin s Teeth.` Teeth`inserted on Gold(Pla.te or Pivot. Cavities lled with Gold or Silver Foil, or any other Branch of DENTJL SUR GER Y executed with neatness ..._;I R.n..'I..!I:L.. Northern Railway of1_CanaE;.. '- \.. Suckex-sf In Apple `orchards. and drtbbility. . . . 0l1A EXTREMELY MODERATE. .50 Parties, requiring Operations performed are l`.eqI1ested_I.o came early in the dn . 0_'ice'Hoursf1-om _E_ight o'clock a.m., to our p.m. August 13,1856. ` , 33-15 T } an .az.a.-avg: up u V4; 11:21.1. .1 ELUUULISH Will] IIOEUICSS \ \ r i r Ul_. LII! fl'UlCSSlUl.I. , He would also state, thatin case of failure in an work warranted, during the past Eight years, rt will be repaired Free of Charge, provided no other Dentist is, or has been, employed to operate in the same -n_'_1out.h; but should another Dentist be em- ployed, the warranty in all cases will cease. ' ,2. '-C . "f"I'."I'.VfT111 'I`.7'I`l1`l'\ A 1&1:-1-N-\ un vv manna 1, an we 1st, znaq am of each month, and BRADFORD, on the 4th of eath mvnlh When he will be most happy to wait upon those who"Ie,quire his services in any of the Branches of hisProfession. nn`nII`A alanuonha 4Iu.4:.. ........ -4-n.:v.__, 9 , , , --u .0. -- ......- u-nfuuuuvv I.l.lllI: uc Wlll III: III. 5 ERASEIVS HOTEL, BARRIE, a..z;.,e:;.1;m. 4} am of./zugust,` October, December, ebruary, pril and June neat , NEWMARKET, an the 1:2, 2nd& 3rd of each month; BRADFORD, of each month ---.....n,v-a D-R. T N'.mPECK, SURGEON DENTIST, `l\`l.'\DT.Vnmnrn' 1' v ..-_--9_ _._- Toronto, J uly, 1860. ruuw Dy Iaaxe. ' ' ' For freight. or passage apply to S. WALTON, No. 8 Front Street, old Royal Mail Oice, next door to American Hotel, or at the head of Tin- ning a Wharf. - W nnwnw n......: JJ _,:uu:|ucn, 'IUl';J."1l' V1LV.U&.N'1', 15l(UU.K- VIIILE and 0GI)ENS__ RGH, `.couneciin'g` at Cape V_mcent with. Steamers for KINGSTONH and Cars for ALBANY and NEW YORK; at Ogdenshiimh with Royal Mail Steamers for MON- TREAL nud QUEBEC, arid with Cars for. BOS- TON. The Boyal Mail Steamers consist of the `lrtvnc--nnxr -n A man;-`n-nu n . nun.-. , ,_,_-...___- -...v.a yvvnulblah N233 gag SALE. [TUBE DISPOSED OF on very: arms, the entire Stocks of o..1:".3."?.-`I.$i.`7a.':.`:u1'.3"" " ' Nxdumg or vndqil F EAVE Tinning's Wharf "ever afternoon, at 5 _,:o (-Jock, for ;..CAP VIN. ENT,' BROOK- Cane Vincent Steamers for KINGSTON! Luna glvc uu_yu mun Lywuulcrs UUUSISI OI U16 KINGSTON, PASSPORT, BANSHEE, - V CHAMPION, and NEW ERA." ! This is the only direct Express Lineifrom To- 7 rontoby Lake. Fnr frpiuht nr naaaann annln lm Q IITAT mnxr NEW}VY0I-{HKU "z6ii"iHERNEn - Togiwpto, May 1860,;,: `186V6. LAKE ONTEITIO Exrnnss AND ROYALMAIL LINE or STEAMEARS . 1 June 28th, 1858. . u1u_unmo' nnnu vvnnn, 1uecna.mcs' wage, and all other Tools, House Furnishing Goods, Cutlery, &c.,'a.nd all other Goods in the line, at the Lowest Rates. ' - 26-tf `Agricultural Implements t\`m A71 `lrvxtnn _`_._1 _bt1I'?1\v11\I'r\r\ r\ UILDERS HARDWARE, 'Meclmnis Edge, a_ll other: 'I`_qoIs_,_ Hon_se F_un}ishi_ng_(_}oods, IV , m.;on;Eg 5;` ` " " . BRITISH ANDAMERICAN HARDWARE T 114 Yonge Street, Toronto, ' (OLD STAND) TWO DOORS SOUTH OF ADELAIDE STREET taper, G0. ' House, Sign and Decorative Painting in Watex and Oil, Gildiugf Graining and Marbling.- Chnrches or Halls finished in the richest.`Fresco. 16- Remember the Establishment 30 years qf age. ` T ALEX. HAMILTON, ' _ ' 188 King Street, Toronto, April 21, I859. ' T 17-tf In Lovdsimpauxonod warfare,- The tale has ever been ' ' The: victory cmwns the valiant The brave any they who win :' Though alron In Beauty ; castle- A lover nil `may take 1!. Who saw. with Roman darimr. _ nnms 1}EArE UNION S'l.`ATION ; 1oLLows:. . . ` i6if,`"?K"fi}i+Env, ? &.c., AdvanuP:imi omen- R-r-in vai-iewy, wuu 8upBl'l0l' WOFKIIIGDIO pun mem up. He has also at their service afull stock of Paints and Colors, dry and in Oil, Raw and Boiled Lin- seed Oil, warranted genuine, Spirits of Turpentine, Vurnishes, Putty, Glass of all sizes from 60 x 86 to 6x 8 inches, from polished plate to the cheapest ~ Window Glass, Figured and Stained Glass, many patterns and colors; Brushes for Painters, White- washei-., and Artists; Glue of all qualities, Sand Paper, kc. Hnmm, gitrn and nnnnraiiun `Du:-Minn :n Tnhn ALEXANDER HAMILTON, IA ! his stand, 188 King Street East, below St. Lawrence Market, is now offering to his old friends and customers. and the Public, GREAT BARGAINS OF ROOM PAPERS, from the most exteusiveneried and cheapest stock of Paper Hangings ever presented to them in Canada. They are most suitable for decorating Dining, Drawing, and Bedrooms, Hall!,`Public Buildings,` Ceilings, Oillces, or Stores; Borders, Corners, Centres, Mouldings, Statues in great variety, with superior workmen to put them up. also `uycu, we warrumy In all cases Wlll ceas '" TEETH EXTRACTED VH1. 41... 1---; .....'...:1.1.. ....o_ . -__a _ ,,,.s , . ruvuur. us Win! 8 0311. . All orders through our Agents will be promptly attendedto. ' ` ` l I3 Please remember that our Marble is of the nest quality. Our designs for the above work an-eof the latest styles. Orders for any work in Marble executed with taste and despatch. T-D. `Gums YAE. V Wumun Yum. A.........e n 1 no 1.. HOIIM. mas:TonM mznszz noon _1>_A_r1~:nsm RESPECTFULLY a.nnou'noes that he will be at I `I311 A 0131190 `I*`I'r\rn1w~r -u. . -.......... .3 on gs, szrnnommr, &c., , Anny-avian 12-....- JVICUBB, GI}. etc. `Our Oice will he opens : all times during bu-` siness hours, where we will be pleased to exhibit designs and specimens of work to any who may favour us with a. call. ' All nvdra n.........:. ....- A _....a.. ..,:n' 1... ............o1. Are Riches wonh the gaining`? They must he bravely song 1*; `Rich wishingnndwvilh fnxumg-, The boon can-not be bought; _'l'o ail the prize is open, But only he can take it, Who says. with Roman uoumge; Pad a way, armalu it I` - V 0E twin. _YALE,ImVpoi-ters and Deale}-sb in 6 Bali`?! 8-nddrnerican Marble; also, manufac- turers of lfoiiuments, Cendtgphs, Tomb and Grave Qtnnnn {Ynnhm_'l`.I>.l- -.L.I L- .1 .-Q ll`.-um: lnnnnv .|_l I III-.'IgI_II_ gnu uu'llIl1I}uVD IIWI U66, ILDU, u.|puusnu- Cendtu ha, and Stones, Gqntge-Table and (and Tops, Chimney Pieces, &`c. &c. n....nm..- ...:II I... __._ .A. -11 ;:_-.. a....:..... 1...,` )1? AITL o;g{I: ; QUALITY for Sale by ` ' ` J. B. RYAN, 114 Yonge Street, Toronto, ` `Two doors South of Adelaide St. une A 26-tf M ARBL E 'W'O`R KS, YONQE STREET, KORTH Q]? `QUEEN. Io UAILUB 1 August 8, 1 5:1, JAMES` B. RYAN, 'IlDt\D VIVIBD I\`I3 . . . u o -Iaouuononono 300900 o .UU P. lingwoo. . . . . . .12.-15 and 9.00 PJI. L_Avf COLLINGWOOD. ` ran. ESTABLISHED IN 1329. 7 XQQ1CQU* 3 TV` .14 th .apr.a;v 1g;_o1micE; Jzap-ie, ; FOR` COLLINGWOOU. naov-`...a..... . . . . . . . _. lover I n say P; nu or ouverr ou, or any other uranch L 8 UR '.V THE STEAMERS Wwewwgg \JLLHVUVVU(JD. nncosooonocooooo-0 o t3o.i.-on... 7.00 AJI. :2: I! very` advantageous W. `BOWEN, .agent. 28 mucus 19 HELD-Ill 28~ly A 43591;: for 8: binary; I869. -, There is no roy_al mad :'~ Eric 1!: peer ndpeuam `lust ct-glnmb t:he1' abode; mmrec-.15 me Ihim fortmwiedge-, `In Helicon may slake 1:, _ -A I he has still the Roman grill nla way. ornate ill` muuu nu, nu euuuny one an a white cunt; whom he ovenqok a few miles from Little Rock. at` I am going: to heaven", my son ;J * have been on my Iionhemfor eighteen years.- Wallgood by bid fallog; if you have been travelling lonI"I_Id- heaven eighteen years, and v .. - Ih7|I_ Ari . .l JMIi _` -*"%.m%&a -=-- - anollnt I UWIICI3, QB- The_y ere; of great value In `cases of Worms, in any case requiring physio. A _ ~ They are put` up in a. form convenient to send ll. `Ten cents the package, retail. ` P yeician'e,D1-uggiats and at rs, whowiehoto become agents will_have a sa p1e,nwiIh.'l`erms sent them upon application. . . _ . Mo 'e',`if 1-egistered and sent by n;ail,,wi11 he at myirgk. Address, '- I - t 0ui.oo'dO.W. 4_Age nt!orBurie...-.' .;W.9G5gGE1V.`- ebrnmlaw. - - v - e- -A-- ,4_;_____.___.__________.__.___'_ DR. FRANCIS OATHARTIO LOZENGES non CHILDREN ARE a safe and eicient Medicine, composed of pure Vegetable substances so combined with sugar and peppermint aeto be agreeable to the taste. ` ' .The maker has been induced to o'er these Loz- enges to the public, from having` in. an experience of 30p ears in the medical profession, oftenfonnd it di Poxdetgi `get children to he _ - _ . .--. :1I|l'\ I I\llV' adapted to the deciencies of the Blood in differ- ent diseases. For Caucus, Coms, -Bnoxcsms, or any affection whatever of the Tunou or LUNGS inducing Coxsummox, use No. 1, which is also _the N 0. for Damulsiox on Sruurs, Loss or Ares- 'n'u:, and for all Caaomo Conensmrs arising from Ovxa-us1c, Gimxiur. Dsnmrv, and N aavous PROS- 'ra/mou. N o. 2, for hints. Coxrnunrs, No. 3, for Dvsenrsu. Being already prepared forabsorption it is Texas 3! Daors and carried, immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 4 is for Fmunu Ianzauunxrus, Hvswuau, Wuxxnss, am. See special directions for this.` For SALT Ruamr, Eauwnoxs, Soaorumus, Kmsmr, and Bupnna Couenuxrs, take No.- 5. In all cases the directions must be strictly followed. Price of the B5000 Foon $1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH 82: DUPONT, T . No. 419 Broadway, New York, And `by all respectable Druggists throughout the coup ry. _ A ` ' . e . March 28th, 860: ` * -ains .r_||InI. lLl3IJs always presents us with the same essential ele- fmeuts, -and gives of course the Tao: Sruuunn. Analyze the bloodof a person 'su'ering from Consumption Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, &c.-, and we nd in every instance certain deciencies in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deciencies, and you are made well. The Bnoon Foon is founded upon this Theory--hence its astonishing success, There are , -a-___ -_ vr-.-uv of any kind, and therefore relieves by removing the suerings of your child, instead of by. deaden- ing its sensibilities. For this reason it commends itself `as the only reliable preparation now known for CHILDREN Tmrrmua, Duumnma, Dream-nnv, GRIPING IN rm: Bowxns, Acmmr or ran S1-onucn, WIND, Conn. IN 1'm!- Hun, and=CaooP, also, for softening the gums, reducing inamation, regulating _ the Bowels, and r.elieving_pa`i_n, it has no equal-- being an anti-spasnwdic it is used with unfailing success in all cases of CoNvnLs1oN on OTHER. Firs. ./Is you value_ the lzfe and health of your children, V and wish to save them from the sad" and blighting consequences which are certain to result from the use of narcotics of which other re1nediea.for Infan- tile Complaints are composed, take none but DR. EA'l'0N 8 Innxrine Connun, this you can rely upon. Igia perlectly harmless, and cannot injure themost delicate infant. Price, 25 cents. A Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only by CHURCH 5: DUPONT, A No. 409 Broadway, New York. :_.--- -:- jjj TT1Um:, and why? because it never fails [to abrd instan- taneousvrelief when given in time; It acts as if by magic, and one trial alone will convince you that what we say is true. It contains `f_ f___ _ A` _ c .3 n . FIVE aPRE|'5ARAwT|O_NS_ dnnfn rn Hm .1..c..:.... -E-- DR`. i-:ATc3N's`W V INFANTILE CORDIAL, and whv? hpmmqn it nmmr rm`). 1.. ..m...,J ;....:.... Iviealthy human Blood upon being IIIII|lWl'l`- --nu-\.:.u\ III llll` Alu1.'ll. Observe.--77he Mountain Herb I :`!l.w are put up in a Beauty`/'ul l!_'rappcr. l','m'h Luz rm:/m'n.s 40 pills, and Retail at, 25 cents per lmz. All _u2nm'nr. have the signature of B. L._JU_DSUN g 00., on track lac. h Lam-nIr.g nmbmnn 1 There is royal mad the peer and` neuam -,_-_-__. _._._....._-... -.a.a.r-vggua.a I Femnlc_n who value lu-nllh. Hlmuld never be \\'iUInul these Pills. 'l'lm v_ purify the blmui, rmnove nl:.~xlruc1imIa of nll kinds, cleanse the skin of all pilnplms and blutchel, and brhng the rich colur of lu-ullh tn the pale cheek. -Thu l ln'nhu nlul Hm-I... nr ..-|.:,.1. u...... nan. -.. ....-- an... um -mu pun-n un uvvuul uu Ilm puns CHVISK. 3-The l |nM.~I and Hvrlm of which these Pills are made, were di.~cm'erel'in a wry .~'u|-prising, way umnug the Tezucans. H. tribe of Abmiginvs in Mexico. Get the Almnnnc of our Agent, and ynu will r-ml with delight, the vcry.inlc-resting uncnuntit contains of the GIua'.A'r |lnmc1.\'| of the .-\zl(-'cn. (u. m., u . . .. . -\... a Timusands are daily `speaking in the praise of Clmtl mxcaa LV/xlirelm-'9, , [)yxpcp.~1'a , lJiaI'rha:a, I)rnp.~*y, vuuc-_nl, cl:-mum; nml re-m.~xcil.nlimz uu-. vilul m-;::mn. - l h-mulnl imlec-cl, is it [0 ml, that wu are nhlc to hlnce within'ymnr reach. a rm-dicivw like the-. " .\!uI'.\'nux Hxlul - l ll.I.9, glmt will pus-in din-clly to the ulllictt-ul, pnrtx, through the bland and uids of Hm bully, and munse . the uuifferer to brighten with Um [lush of beunh mnl hcmllh. ' Judson : Pills ur I/vrr B:-st R`nml_1/ in exist- cm'e_/'ar- I/Ie ful/owing (,'un:}:luin!s: _ Hume. Crnnplainu. D_In'lx'l_:/. Illl(`t!)'(I Wuulmcu, C`:-u_uh:, . I-I-rwr and Agile, 1,irur Co.-n}>Ia1'nls, Chkls, 'z'IrmIe ( 'mn}rIain(x. I.mI-nc.vs :5) S}m1'l5, Cluztl Dixeam l]L'(1IlUc')lt'l, I `flew, Lhxlilvttrxn, lyul.m~n`,.n .01.-..... .....1 /v.......1 ' V sv ---- -.~ us: nan Ian`: \na LII. nalua, Liver Cmnplaint, Sick Hundnche, kc. This Anti-llilimu )le-licine ex;-421:4 from tho blond [ho lpi-Ma-n M-m],qu{ dis ease, and re-nders all 'llu- uids and so-cn-'tiunn pure and V ue-_nl., cl:-ring nnd renllscilzlfilbpz the vilnl imlec-d. it mt. nlnce B. L; JUDSON, 8; co. SO-LE -P1: o PR1 ETOR-TS,` No. 50 Leonard Street,` IVE W YORK., n- FOR SALE av ALL an-:nu'm~.' DEALERS. -a _ T. WV. GEORGEN, Barrie. R. GEORGE, Orillia. P. E. DRAKE, Bell Ewart. V `NM. MAIN, Chan-v arcs]: `Hue blood]: the life I, amhvln-n any lllrelgn or unlnon lily mutter gnu mixed will: ll, it In at unce diatrlbuted to vnvory organ of the body.` l".v(-ry nerve feels the poison, um ! all tlmvitnl urgnnu quickly omuplnin. Tlxgrnlununcll will not lligl-Kt the fund" porfeclly. The liver oeanoa to secrete :1 .-Iulllt-it-nc'y of `bile. Tlw ncliun nl the heart in weal-nevl. nnd no llne cirblnlnliun is I'm-bk-.. ]'he lungs Imiome clm.r;,verl with the [mix-mmun matler; In.-nce, n cough-mu! ull {rum :5 uliglnt imp|ir_il_r at line l'cmuu:ln- hcml 0|` lifn-tlle [Slum]! As if yuu lnugl thruwndmme earth, fbrvinstmxco. in 1|. pure upring, from which ran a tinylivult-t, in u few minutes Ilxu ulmlo courue uf um -Ilrenln lu-cmm-at Ilislurbenl uml (li. A34 quickly domdmpure hlmxl y to e-nry part. uud leave ilu sling lo:-hinal. All Ilne puxsngeul>i-1:unu- c-lmtrnu:lel, um] unlaw- ' the uhslructinn is renmveal. the lamp of life: an-nu dim uut. The-ta pills nu! only purify llw lulmvd, but 1`:-gr-nmvvte 11!`; the necretionu of the bully; tlu-y am-, lln-refore, unrivnllcd _I.lI no Llul gratin, {rum llm Agent for these l'llln. Tlmjnventor and xnuntzfnclurar nf Juduon n Houn- lnin I-hub l'illu. lmn spent the greater part of his life In traveling. having vinilenl nearly every country In tho world. Ha upon: mer six years among the lndinna of the Rocky Muuntnlml and :21 Mexico, audit was thus! that the `*Moux'm.v [Imus l u.u were dincm-nml. A wry Interesting account uf lgiu ntleuxlurea lhefe, you will nd In our Almanac and Punphlet. . It in II! oulabliuhed fact, that A" din:-Mel nriso frnm mmumc 121.009 1 Amu, ye prom: you.` with 1` perfect likeness ol Iutnob, 1 chief of a tribe of thdulrnngo Aztec Nation`, that one: ruled )lexico.- You will nrl 5} full account 0 him and his: people in our Pamphlets and AlmanucI-to be Lad gratin, from Hm Agent for these l'llln. The invenhnr "Juduon Ii ' me and hi *` In w3.."1?'..u J. templgh ' Comem to and II; The nhinigf I mine is wn ung, But he one can lake It. ' .n7.nso.2w s Mountain Herb Piils. .-an vvv nu-J no \l'AI? 1|; UUIIIRIHIS 'No_ Paregoric _or Opiat In Izlfnri and .`\l\ t|r:\ -..`I:-___ L_ __,,,,_ GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE 1 CURE` FOR nmmns nxsmasns, r f`.mm.l-zini Rh-I: 'lnnJn1-Inn I... 'l'l.:.. 4..:.' nu r. n. untuun, bell uwan. WM. MAIN, Cherry Creek. J. HARPER, Cookstown. - . NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastle. .SI.\IPSON 8: DUNSPAUGH, Whnlesmln Am-nu: 'l`m-nnhn r':,-mule (fmnplui ]1uI,_uc.\*/i:.n, 1.`;/lunnza , Ir;/luunuyalirm, _t 4-: a u u LV arxx u uu, Wholesale Agents, Toronto. r.1.I.m:-m:. Q] .s`}:u1l5, l`:'Ir.1, Slime and Gravel. Stvsnlulury Symp- tmux. t nu It -sins M EASURING LAND. -' Puona inj fu y treated COUNTRY. INVALIDS. A - _rt of lh , ,... -.... uculfvy pout bodv ana mind. The treatment they Qdogl ia the result 0! upwards ofthirty inn extensive in It tcce;"ul practice in Europe and rms u 7 H`. - ' ` INVALIDS. - Peuonsint '_ the world may be fully treatedj arding a correct detail of then- care with Inn nee for mcgliciuu. &c. E. . ; Inna - - nu .........c.u, wnen used conjoiutly with medicines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR. NOTICE. DR. AMOS&_ SON take pleasure in announcing thartheyhave invented a most important instrument {or the cure of the above diseases. It has been sub- ieocteti to a test by themost eminent hysicians in ndon, Paris,Pbi|adelphia, and New ork-: it has been declared theonly useful instrument ever invented for the cure of Seminal`-Weakness, or any disease 0 the enital organs, caused by the secret habits 0 you` 0 ' DR_. AMOS 55 SON,-in 0l'd_efI_0 satisfy the most - _,. .. ..-un5cu|Is, uonaon, maRr9be consulted from"o (:lock in the morning unti at night, in every state and symptoms of Disease. . A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. V An instrument for thecure of Genital Debility, or octurnal Emissions, more roperly known as Semi- .nal Weakness, &c. Can permanently cured in from fteen days" to two mnnths by the use ofthis in- strument, when used conjointly TAKE 'PA`R l`lrn1 an urn -"-'- mu uuu omyrnyaicians in the A members of the Royal Colleg London, may be consulted from until 9 sun A Il'\Q'l` unvvt-snnnp---~ --- , .. 3, ... _, V... vocals, L1-yszpetas, Great Impurity qf Blood, Salt Rheum, Pirnples, Fistula, . 7./istlnna, Incipent Ca-nsumplio1_z, V INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH, OLD AGE, 8:0. NO MRr.>.rv1r[D 17 "-* " _-.- ......umo Ur` IUUTH, OLD AGE, M NO _MERvC UR Y USED. Dr. Amos. & Son, CORNER OF M./7IZ\' JND QUJY STS. . V BUFF./ILO, NEW YORK,) A th 0n1V'PhVR;P:nnu in 4`!-A G`-`A ` 4|"? 35-: Builo 1 sum: 15,1360: rirnme A upinIion!`~ Ber xteep nnd M; niuho seeks the temple __ - - `I .. - ylullb V ESTABLISHED for: THE cum: or Scrqfula, Old Ulcers, Erysipelas, Great . Fie ./istlnna, Consumption, IWmlliTTDG f\`|'-` """` ` ' ` Buffalo 333 Dec. 21st, 1859. PR! 8. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR a THARTIC PILLS are relailed by J rally, and sold wholesale by-the 'I large towni. Q In In n------- zne rtuvttur UA- with due reference to fact, been compounded purest Vegetable Ex- . on every part of the are good and safe in all ` is needed,such as Dc- mach, Sleepiness. Loins, Costiveness, the whole body, from uently, if neglected, over, Law of Appe- * tiou of Cold over the I Headache, orweight in` { tnry Diseascs,Worms Rheumatism. a great I and many diseases to numerous to mention in a `nose, Ito 3. twenty years.. I The constantly in- those who have long I the satisfaction which : .lhteir use, has induced the"reach ofall. - TI... D...r...~.:~.. ...._n w.QQunQQQ&UJn&'\l J-Jululuw, ' COMPUUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in GLASS CASES. an`-tight, andwill keep in any climate. The FANIILY CA- I THARTIC PIL - 8"" 5*" ve 08- lbaruc which mg prielon has used in his - twenty years_ a pracuce m 0 r e Lh a n The nnnnmnllu in- . . . . - - me reacn on all. The Profession well Calhartics act on the 'l`l.a 1:'AMn.v rm Wk WATER IN THE MOUTII WITH THE INVIGORATOR AND SWALLOW B0 ' GETHER. . 1 T0` D-3-.. (I-.. 11--.. _-_,-n_..41- GATE-`f:1i1JTn'JlJ`Tii:)mi5i'I.L s,] COM POUND ED The nninin throne no wan ame ntms" ,Vho says. with Roman Emmett, I'll /iuda way, onnak ill Cholera Morlms, Cho- x lera Infanlunf, Flaw- lence, Jaundice, Fe-g imule Weaknesses, and "muy be used euct-ess~lLU'fuH an un Ordinary Family Medicine. It > Lwil cure Sick Head- ache, (as thousands can ._ ltestify), in twenty min- utes,if1woorlhreeTea- _] xspoonfuls are taken at the commencement of zzmack. All who use it are giving their testimony in its favor. I uuur cunnucn, nuutulal iuosuveness, Unollc, ll \ Mn? es.-non snow. V - I The dose must b men! of the Individual-l snoh'quantities as to actl ` Let the dictates of`. Von in the use of they` TOR, and it will curelj lious AllH('.l-8, Dyspepsia'- I Summer Complaints, ` Sour4Stoma(, Habitual _lence, Jaumlice, Fe-ll 'mny 8l)C("S3~ll ' nnhn. (nu lhnnanndn nunl ' menueu. ' It has cured thousands` I years who had given up} numerous unsolicited es.-zion show. "l"}-n Jnnn mum '\n .51.. I an-lav an` 1 AU: va.IaLLL\IuL|Io NEVER DEBILITATES. T is compounded entirely from'Gums, and has become an established fact, a Standard Medi- cine, known and ap- . [proved by all that have used it,and is now re- sorted with condence in all the diseases_ for O which it is recom- mended. 'lol...-....-...In.............l.. _.:.L:_ .1_- u,,. lully, yours, A. M. rm; Attorney and Counsellor at` aw. Depot, '444 Broadway, and sold by all throughout. the world. '. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three viz: large, medium and small; the small hol int, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the m olds at least twenty per cent more in pro than the small, retails lor two dollars per bott e; large holds a quart, 40 per cent more in proporu an retails for three dollars per bottle.` 0. J. WOOD An CO.. Prnnrietnrs. 44 aJ\J.l.'J.'JlJ4lJ JUL W RE the only'Physicians L members of the 12mm: on son black: nalr, which no monev can uuy. As a mark of my graiilude for your labo in the production of so wonderful an have recommended its use to many of and acquaintances, who, I am ha y I you, are using it with like ect. ery fully, A. M. LAT Attornev Counsellor at New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggisls and Fancy Go Dealers. . - June 21,1860. 25 U. J. WUUU M UU-, rropnelors, 444 DFOBGWJ III. {III- ' l at once made application tot physicians in the county, but, receivi trom them that my hair could again was lorced to become reconciled to fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the y 1-1857, your Restorative was recommended to me b a druggist, as being the most reliable Hair Restora 've in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my area tisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. ince that time, I have used seven dollars mm b of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich tof very so black hair, which no monev can buy. Au .3 mm-lz nf` mu nrmitmln fnr Imnr lnhn nml nl.-ill most skillful no assurance restored, I A mver mu may mice says, daring, Paldataayaormahitl ' (LG. 8521. lalnarucs act the The FAMILY CA- with Jun Illrnrannn on 1 `ASK/LIIJJ L LIVER I`1`WIGoRA'.roR. NEVER [)l3`.I}ll.l'l`A'l`l.`G. BIIDOBI. entirely D8113 0! H5 (30 mg, BUG mucn 0! `the remaining Portion upon the s _e and back part ot my head short`?! aer became gr , so that you will not be surprise when I tell you t I upon my return to the $ate of Indiana, my mo casual acquaint- ances, ere not so much at a los to discover the cause ofrthe change in my ap arance, as my more intimate acquaintances were recognise me at all. g1'0|Dl mare _u'uu -mun: yvyuw: sun, -"7, . ,might he-given front ladies and zetlemclr rsdes of societ , whose" united testimony . none. Id `resist, that- rof. Wood_ _s Hair Restor- ative w restore'the.bald and gray, asd preserve the the namninimr nortion noon hip of he youtlmo old age, in all its -youthful be t. '" ye i Battle Creelt,Mich.,Dec.'2lst 1858.` `Paar. ' D: Thee wilt please accept a line to inform thee hat the hair on my head all fell otI over go, caused by a complicated chronic on with an eruption on the head. A = of suffering through life having continual con , reduced me to - state of dependence, 1. have not been able to o in stuff for caps, neither have I been able to dot em up, in conseguence of which ered extremely rom cold. This in uced me to pa Briggs dz Hodges almost the last cent 1 had on cart for a dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about- erst of August last. I have faithfully followed t A directions and the bald spot is now covered with h r thick and black, though short, it is also coming in a over my head. Feeling con- dent that another rge bottle would restore it entirely and permanent , I feel anxious to persevere in its use, and being de itute of means to purchase anymore, I would ask ee if thee wouldst not be willingto send me an 0 er on thine agents tor a bottle, andreceive to thlf the scripture declara- tion- the reward is tot se that are kind to the widow and the fatherless. Thy triend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Ligonier Noble Co., I diana, Feb. bth, 1859. PROP. 0. J. Woon: Dear ir:-In the latter part of the year 1852, while a mling the State and National Law School of the State oi New York, my hair, from a cause unkno to me, commenced ta ling of! very rapidly, so that n the short space of six months, the whole upper p t of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its ing, and much of e nart A .- testimonials, new, \aud- almost without hm lwenlv vea I10 I'el8ll8 l()I' lnree (lO||8l'8 per DOING. O. J. WOOD S6 C0., Proprietors, 444 Broadw Few York. and Market Slreel. S1. Lnnin. M. ,- . ..-- ... . nuu1\A1U1t and Family CA- C Druggisls gene- _sold Trade in all the us. _ nfrioo, One Dollar Aper { Bottle. --A LS().- -nu-U.- SANFORD S FAMILY N'I"I' I vnlincnt-I lunac- -only Preparation that I138 STOOD THE" TEST OF YEARS, I grow: more and more pqmlar every day! .l a...Annnn:nln, IIQE- .Il'Il l EIHIOS` M EADOWS. S. T, W. SANFORD, ` Manufacturer and Proprietor. :33 Broadway New York. A1 1.. v TREATMENT? M e d El Dispensary ! yanrsnxn cmm nu- : SON,-in order to : merits 9! their_ inslrutnent, pledge [1 any` instance .whqre it may Prove ION! fair trial. the ...n...... ....- - i , --. .....- pncuaure In announcing wanted 2 has been the most eminent bilgdelphia, New nrlr-2 :. L.-. SANFOI- D S Znfff % 2 1 [within the last two mil hopes of relief, as the ice:-licnles in my pos- adapted to the tempera- `laking it, and used in genlly on lhe Bowels. ;_vonr 'udgnn-nt guide LIVEIK INVIGORA- 3 ,u| v 1211 UN v Iu`LmA- I `Liver Comp|nint_s, Bil- I 30' h ro n i c Diarrhoea, "' rbysenlery, D r o p 5 y, Cosliveness, Cholic, .4 Infanlunf. F-`lmn- . Ptirier of the LHAILLIU rtnb has this `well established from a variety of the tracts, which act alike alimentary canal, and cases where a Cathartic rangements oi` the Sto- Pains in the Back and Pain and Soreness over sudzleu cold, which fre- end in a long course of tile, 1: Creeping Sensa- b od y, l{t'b'lleSSllt3SS, the head, all lnamma- in Children or Adults, Blood, which esh is heir, too_ this advertisement. creasing demand from used the PILLS, and -all express in regard to me to place them within know that the di'e_rent ggruons of the bowels. HA-Wrm PILL 1.... BUSKES. , Banal]! nu luv uuwclv. ` your 'udgn n! `d `:LlVI-J1 ! 1N"hG `liver Cnnnnlginon 12:], muons 0! I8 DOWC ;`(HA;l`TIC PILL him u: n I I u.nnl.l:-1 _.. .,-.4.,l State who are one e of Surgeons, )m g o the III! II ulu auuu uynvv vs r of` `.be and lhat will my as ion to! , recelyi :1 again nled 1' I857. vnnr Io . and Family CA. I Drumzists Ananp- s small lie; : p_er 1. I Impurity Vistula. I U6 re- order, 514?, PUMPKI N8. STS-1 VEl3u has }.|.nA M Ennonnnunv No'ncn.-Dr. W. C. LIsP9"`!'j announces. for the benet oftbe sick andun{nr1_unIw' that he continues to devote lhe whole 9! ins umgr thojroalmcnl of pnvale diseases at bl! 05: ` chun 0 Place, Rm-healer, New York. _ Fe {nary 20 1860. 8"_7_ xrom observation, sent to all parts ofthe world. . B No letters will beanswered unless they cnnllllgr remittance of one dollar, consultation fee. C005" tion at the Oice, free of charge. ` ms $11 communications addressed to_ L. J. ReyIl1\9Y' M .,_No. 19 Exchange Place, Rochester; ' " will meet with prompt attention. n:r omce hours, lrom 7 AM. :59 P.M. THE WEsiLr NOR THERN AD VANCE we Wadnudag M'orm'ng, by RI' Wd J a"Wod nlap-mm Em, Barri!- ..... vu use at any other plnve. v Dr. R. is the only regular educated ph\'sng'nn "` `hi ~"Y Who devotes his.whole time .'(`(`/I(5Il'l/'11/`go the treatment of diseases ofa private nntnre. [ f alicted would do well to make inqtziries be-lo,re eon` suiting those advertising in this city.], Dr. it ,9 P"`d tice extends through every State in the Union an the'British Province; . Dr. REYNOLDS GMAT WORK- 7711!? F117" VATE MEDICAL GUIDE-Beauti!'uHy 1|U9' trated with nearly 300 pages. Price, 25 Cents. W Letters describing age, sym toms, occupation, K 1 Properly attended to, and me icines, secure-l,V' 5, - rom observation, sent ofthe be answered nninsn Ihnv nnnlal 1 U 1"1`4l\lI\LI`JS. Dr. R. can be successfully consulted on all disease peculiar to Females. V N.B.--Dr. Reynolds its sole ngent for Dr. Vii-luvs Female Monthlv Pills. Among the nmny thousantl boxes of these Pills annually sold, not one complaint hasyet been made against them. Ladies in a M`: lain situation should not use them, the particulzmf 0! which will be found in the directions accomp8n)` K each box. Price $1 00. Sent by mail to any pit!` of the World. Beware of counterfeils. Th9) 3" not on sale at any other place. ` R. in tin: nnlu ..-....r.... -J...--J -L---3-3--* "` xuunu MISLV, \Vho; hy indulging` in secret habits, have cotttraczed that soul-subduing, ntind-prosttjating, hotly-dt~stru}'Hl8 vice, should apply to Dr. Reynolds without delay. In these, as well as all other cases ofa private na- ture, Dr. Reynolds commends an early applit-atinn, and without any vanity or aspiration, dt`ltl(ll)'SlBW' that no case within the reach of mortal aid shall ever eave him without. a cure or_sutist"acu'on givett. 'rn 1.`t.`M A I we ;u Allacuacs E _ Diseases ol the Liver, Kidneys, Bltitltler, Jnunilico, Dropsy, all forms of Scrofuln, Tetter, and the _n1uil obstinate disc-uses ol the Skin, Neurnlgta, D_\'.~`p*p-ll: Costive Habits, Piles, General Dclulity, l\'cr\-nits A'et-lions,Chronic Pulmonary Aections. Brt>llt'lHl1`2 Chronic Cough, Cough and Colds. Inripient (WP snmption, Inammatory and Chronic Riwlllnall-`ms Ulcers of the Less, Ulcers of the Month, TOUEU59 Throat, Nose and Lips, Incipient Cam-er; (Plan-ltllilf Enlargement, Tumors, Chronicsore Eyes, lllert-unal and Syphilitic Affet-lions. Pain and Swelling of tho Bones, and all diseases arising from the impure slll of the blood, whether Heretlitarv, Acqnitcd or C0!)- tracted; Salt Rltettm,`Fe'ver Sexes. and otherClirnmc Complaints of years standing. Gonorrba-a,'Gle8l: Syphillis Striature, Suppression of the Mo.-uses in females, &c., suiccesslully treated. YOUNG MEN, hv intlnlainei ... -...._... L..L.._ u,_.,, ,' - --I vvlul mercury and olner pmsnns. . Dr. R. can be successfully consultisd on the .'"oI.`o\r-. mg Diseases: ])6.-......,. -4 .5... 1 . -_ vi u n. . . - .- rnrotin such forms: a uo.wxy1o n--` *' 1!" exchlmed the hem. i___ __ __`..._' v-cu-sauna The remark is often made, that the suckers of apple trees used to graft stocks in, are apt to produ-`e suckers. This is only true so far as those particular trees which sucker most abun- dantly are apt to be selected from which to obtain the supply, and of course the new stocks have the same peculiarity. Suckers should, never be used for stocks; but if they are, they should be` taken from trees producing the few- est. To clear stickers from orchard trees, they should not be cut off, for new shoots will spring from every stub left. The right way is to keep 7 the ground smooth, mellow and clean; and ` then about the middle season of growth, or during the first half of summer, put on t - cowhide boots and stout buckskin mitten, one sucker-"at a time, placing the boot upon It close to the tree, give a sudpen jerk with the hands, and it will be torn out root and'.brau'uh,i leaving no stump.` An voccassional repetition of. this process will keep the orchard. clear. A Suckers always-give` a slovenlyuagpaarance to, ` an orchard, and should notbe s redto Iv. .v-C'ountry Geutlentarr. up - _._ They also fatorthe l8pl'OdIl`i9`l`lI-Ofjlvlif `V r.: _ uu um uurnuuccu tncm,.to cure the most aiarnmg `cases, and that in a very short but re-asunnh.'c time, without the aid of mercury or any UUH'l'f(]c!t'lt'fil'ti? drug. Within the last forty years, Dr. R. has cum: more than one hundred thousand awn of the ulmve character, and it may be `said safely that mm: //mn one-luzlfof thepntieuts had Men previously Ircdtctl with mercury and other DI . 8llC('ESfI)"v rnxnulilfn nn Hun xnu-- 4; un uLLlL'1\'1b' .\A'l'L1tb. `E His long experience and at- \ _\ tion to lhi8(`i81`30i('0nlPh'||"'i his safe and" speedy method of treatment, and his extraordinary success, duringa long and extensive practice, enables him. condentially, to pmnn.-c all persons a safe and radical cure, without injury to the constitutiori, or connement from business. By a long course of study and practical expcncnre Dr. R." has now the gratit-ntiun of pl't`.~'t`lli!ll;. the ttnfortttnate with remedies that have never t:n.`-.7 ::nvu he first introduced thcm,.to I`'\`' 08363. lhl in R van! lhnl-I Inn .............).t.. .t.. .. V51-1859. in any -form; and t}1a_t'it is an innaccnl preparation, not` capa/Me of 1/nirxg I/rc .~'a /]//zlcst`_1'Ig'1u`_// to the most trader Ai:._I?.zut. Dr. 1\rI Lanc s Vermifuge DOES NOT CONTAIN NIERCURY P. S. Dmlers and Physicians ordering fr-rm .:`~r.-. than "l`-lnin'.' Bron" will do well mwritu thei: '1 -l~ xx -l.~ruc:Iy. gal Iul.-r '7m7u'. but Dr. M'Lann 1, 12,.-`mrerl by I-V`-mnj /Ir--3.. 4"ul:u'rgh, Hz. To u-so mi":-hin~.; t.-};n4~ ll :1: n rrml. wev will forward 1- mail. past will. In (my .1 nl tlzw 'u'n|i.'4l :`mtcs.'onc x of Pills fnr twz-lvu tlrv~--cent r-4f.c_`;~.- stzunps. or one vial of Vt.-nuil'u;.'e for lnum-en th-.~--.-1-ux .munps.. All orders from Canada mum bunc- "ullIp..IIi0d by twenty dents extra. . n :- l?... .n.l.. L- n.-.......:..o. -..A n......_ :u,__. v,--__._ in every instance where it should prove ir.:f'- fectual :' providing the symgtmni zmcn Zing the sickness of the child or adult shozuid warrant the supposition of worms I-c-'-my zh: cause. In all cases the Mc.'_'.icin(.- :0 be g'i1':;n .h\' STRICT ACCORDANCE \\'l'I`H THE l')!.K E.(Tf`l(`.'\'3. We pledge ourselves to 211:-;m'a.'ic,:.'1a1t `The universal success which has at. tended the administration of this prgr-.;r- ation has been such as to warrant u, in pledging ourselves to-the public to September %1sffgT _ .-_v mun-_y In-use mnuu. -IE1?` I--r -sale by Drnggisu and Country Stun Keeper: .I'I`il)'- ' our upuuionr ` h iixteep high; we 'h,T!,~:n'.~T DR. M`LANE S VERMIFITGE \Vill`crt;1inIy clfcct a cure. HE countenance 15 pale and l('l-lCn- colored, with occasional flushes, or 2: Cir- cumscribed spot on one or both ch:-cl:s; the eyes become dull; the pupils dime; an azure semicircle runs along the ir~.w_-r c-.. lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and soziyg. times bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache; with hunmnng U, throbbing of the ears; an unusual` .v.-r..-`~;';,;,, of saliva; slimy or furred toxzgtie: lrm}, very foul, particularlyin the murz;i':v; ,9. j petite variable, sometimes \'omci-:, uitl; 3 lmawing sensation, ofthe Stnznucli, 2:: r,-;hL'rs, entirely gone; eeting pains in ::;=_- su.,.;.,-v.`i; occasional nausea and \~::n?:ing; \'l*~l'.'Z)l "pains throughout the Rl')(l(:mz_'r1; 6-..-:3, i,-- regular, at "times costive; st~'}r,ls 213::-3:; n",~[ unfrcqucntly tinged with lxlrmrfl; l1`.il_V sw.',!- lent and hard; urine turbid; respiration oc. casionally dillicult, an.l act-ri:v.;\:.::it-cl by hiccough; cough sometimes 4lt`_'.' an-l um`.-_,i- sive; uneasy and distur'n=_-ll slr.-cp, uizh grinding of the teeth; temper \.H`l.:i_`lC, `nu: generally irritable, Sac. yVVhenevcr the above symptoms are found, to exist, ' reEe'i';3i 3'r"Jie"zn'Z'eE:': :{$ mK"3:;7a$'E55:' dressin Dr. CHASJ. C. KLI E,4 Fir 4New ork, Post Box, 4,586. the entirely new and bighly-ucE;;?n;r';:;:;],;I:nd H! as adopted by the cele-brat d uh f . by means 0! which ever)? orfeu borenggedexglane himself pexfeclly, and at the least poggjmc "' lhereb ayoiding all {be advertised noslrums ofcm day. Ins Lecture wnllprovea boon to lhousa;l;3: and thousands. an: umlnp .--I o- -.... -11---- ., ,. an- uuuuu J-II-'IIlll|'a " man` By Ron. I. CULVERWELL, MD The im nan! fact that the aw self-abuseprmy be effectually re!:1!o:g3v9'l:"ce`.f terns! medicines, or the dangerous applca.'" In- causyes, inmrpmenls, medicated bougiea, `mlllonl of empmcnl devices, I8 here clearly demonatralcdmh" new highly-successful lr and celebrated author full ee;m;m~"" every one is enabl e':d ,ga`9d . CU 5l.'3Z`i' .`,.ia'.a;.}...."'.`.`.'. `I.`,.u`.'.`.`. .;.'"...'3`_ ;9*?">"= cos'{'. HOW LOST ! -- HOW I;ESTORED Just Publislzed, in a Sealed En ' vdop, . LECTURE ON THE N A MENT AND`-RADICAL (91%? E TRE"T- ATORRHOEA, or OF SPERM- Se ' I W Debilily, Nervouuness a'a1:'u'5"Invox. .':.'."" Sexual - . W Em` ' Eggggnlemslgcy, Consumpuon and Mentzmg 12.. nnu 1' rev-r1 If!!!` n..._ _ FLEMING BROS., PlTTS8L`R(.H, PA. WORM SPECIFIC, K17` l"- H` SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. Feet. Rods. Pace. -, 208.71 147.58 120.50 105.36 `3.79 12,03 8.94 730 6:32 6.32 64 45 37 32 22} , RETURN THE MONEY VERMIFUGE. DR. JM LANEb. Celebrated American r.Ad11-ess all orders to .. u vulb un anualtult T0 FEMALES. ,____A,,_,1-,n MANHOOD. res cuuny mlorm m.- lm-nds, an the public, that be run- tinues to be conde-nI;u.|.v consulted at his old o:Sln!>.':.~!;zd Medivnl Oice. No. 19, Ex- change Place, ON ALL DIS- EASES OF A PRIVATE OR DELICATE I\'ATl'RE. His Inna A-inn.-.'n.m.. nml ul- DR. REYl\`()].I)S wn'J rpsnauvlfnlhv ;..o....... I. 1 ..-. Mn.` l\lul.VU.I.l)S wmrd res clfully inlorm his fr.-nus, an the nuhlir-- Hm: L mm- latest falhidn. ` ___f.__.. ..........,' ' nuswry, -uwvc_, And Ready-lfadqxlothing, iintylu to cudomeru V . .-`-Customers may rely on buying garment; mad to lll0IBll!'Bin.010IlII ;t`yl_o:,__ an inf *" ~M;d;o;a;;fm Women. from m A . Bnrriq=7QcI9bei, 18_i59.:4 }. . , , V T. \V. GEORGE N. I I n... with h'umm'nig. a n l]nU`3U`1}':5 .`L-"_`(.!m zrrcd tonguc: Irm}, n l'DUl`l1i'L'; 1p." nes \'orac':u;.:., uima :: stn:nac. 1, a:hc'rs,` the `.(v;Xx.1('h; I vmnr:mg.j; V abdmpcn; ir- c; str,-Q1; '~.}E:::_'.';n/1; 11 blood - lvgllv 5\w,!. 2 . lrbid; oc. ' pl by ...ncs u,nw..'!- sturbcll \`.;1ri9.b}c,fnu: )UI\\1p `,1 . Ago I, .Eam'e .. ratio, On outage, by ad- :0 First Avenue, 35-ly u_uN ' Strcc Lots, In Wi Prct. j:I`lU-I I T ruhioliaizl-o Tailoring, clothing Canard ` outtting lntsbljshnunt, Dnn1op.It., Dufriob; mm. AND. SEE ms srodx or `Cloths, Doeskins, . Hats, 0 Oassimeres, Tw V , Shirts,` 01,1311," . '_ Saqetga, pad; V ` ' Drawers, Braces, 05n,ng.dia_I' c1ouu,_ _`_H9sigr,y, Glove, V .ul 1`: I `I.\ ui I ht`! OM01 _Ba.n-ie. June 22nd. him,` ` nnuu, uuu all KIIIIISDI mm olfal. Every elfortvwill be"-.m to please those. with whom we may do business. All we ask from the public is a fair and impartial tri . ` _ s V - .W. t J. MORSE. 0,OP f<`I?>`| V.?BaTn-ie, June 22nd, 1830.` General Outtting Establishment !' .....u-nu ulrullu-I I nun. III UHOII for any quantity of ' emu) MERCHANTABLE wnen, delivered either at their Mills, or at their DEPOT in BARBIE. A 16" P./IR Hanna ./1 TTENTION P.AID_ T0 GRISTING 9 OUSTOM WORK. .5; A Depot has been.opened in Battle, West of the Market House, where we will onstantly keep on hand FLOUR of the best Vqualit , which we V will 7warrant. to: "customers. 7 0A S, PEAS, BRAN, and all kinds `of mill olfal. ' Ever-v nnrtvwili In-mud. o- ..1....-.. AL--- __en are now putting them in excellent repair, and are prepgred to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH for anv ammtilv n`f u-2-: FLOUR, OATS, PEAS, BEAN 8: MILL QFFAL FOR SALE. . wherihte ' , )5 - . "1 _ leman to, an e{clo:}f'y':>`:? ii?: d:-|;:n%,g.:?;: whom ha nnmnnh 1| fa - ..:|.. 4-.._ I:nI.' ,THE Subscribers haying recently purchased the TOLLEN DAL M`|LL`S! 01` No`. in the 9th Concession, and Lot. No 6: in" the 10th Concession of Innisl, 400 acres :- situated 5 miles from Barrie, the" County. Town of Simcoe, and near the Railroad. Good soil, and no swamp on either'Lot.3 Well wooded with Beach, Maple and Pine. ' s Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply, post paid, Post Office, Oshawa, C. W. Box No. 7. , _ - _ V , - 34-tf "dash for wheat Gashfor wheat] vu uuv ynuullaca, Or IJNO. 0. TODD, Bramp Yespra, J une _26, 1860. 1 ACRES, "being compesed as Lot Number 20, 12th Con. Vespm, -with new Barn, 30 by 52, Dwelling-house 20 by 30, Stable, Out- houses, &c. There is a good thriving Orcha_rd'on . the premises, and 40 acres Cleared, under Fence and in Crop. For particulars, apply to WILBERFORCE TAYLOR, On the premises: :`nuuU,"` ` About 21 Acres of LAND, cleared, 10 of which is under cultivation. The Cottage can be rented with or without the Land. - Wmu ntal-f:n|1InI-a onudn 6;; 41.2.. _t!!_- 4- v,` - T0 be Rented. 6r` Leased`, ivith immediate 1103- V session, A NEAT COTTAGE BUILT HOUSE, containing 2 Parlours, 2 Bed Rooms, Servantls `Room, Kitchen, and an excellent Cellar; with good ST-'ABLING, OUTHOUSES, a Garden, and an Orchard in bearing; situate about 20 `minute's walk omlhe Market at Barrie, and fronting. the Bay. `._nv:u\_._ . T` corman T0 RENT or LEASE, % \VY'l\lJ on. A nurse: nm 1 nun TO BE SO 1 esp! t:hEastha1f of Lot No. 9, in the 8th oil of Medonte, about 26 acres of which sire c ' Wnr nor-Hnnln-u A-\b\1- A- --An an aura: Ul wmcu are C! For particularq apply to Medonte, April 27, rsco. One square yard contains nine sqnaie feet. b The side of a square to contain - _- .- :vVhl CAL AICIILLLVI Lots Nos.` 6 & 7_, N. S. Louisa Street-Lots Nos. 11, I2, 13, 35.14, N. S. Elizabeth Street, and v 11, 12, 13, & 14, S._ S. Henry Street, Perry Estate. ` ' S. hf.of Lot 14. Berczy Street, Roe s Block, i acre v and Dwellingodse. ' ' Lots 19 & 20, East side ofTBayeld Street, Patton's Block, Mill road, nearly an acre `with a. good - Dwelling House. ` _ The E i of Park Lot No, 1, North side of Napier Street; 2; acres. 14 acres in the town p10t0fKEMPF.'NFlLD'l'. Lot 8, St. Paul Street, COLLINGWOOD.- ` The above will he nnld on... ....a n.......... a......... uuu o, on. raw atreet, UoLLiNGwooD.- will bg sold cheap, and on` easy terms. . of payment. _ . _ Apply (if by ltte; post-paid) to '_ . ` - _ W, D.vAARDAGH. _ PATTON & ARDAGH, Bmmn. `Barrie. Maw-2R. mm M '- _ I III `Barrie, May-28, 1860. F YOU want to_g'et GOOD` and: CHEAP V CLOTHING. so to - j`. Lot 4, 8: S.`/hf of 1, in At.heA6th Odncesiong End 25 in 3rd Concession Flos, " Lot'27, in the 5th Concession ; 25 in the 4th and part. 25, in the 8th of Mulmur. ------ VS.d'hfof Lot 5, in the nth Gloncession Innisl; about 50 acres cleared. N . hf of Lot 3, in ghe 8th Concession Nottawnsaga; an old cleared Farm. - _ S. E. i of Lot 1.imghe 10th Concession Nona- wasaga; an old cleared Farm. 4. 7 Lot No. 6, in the 10th Concession Vespra; about 30 acrescleacreid. . E. hf nf T.nI' 'IA Sn `nu; 1-4. n-._----9-.- I-- ' . - D'c1' 8taT_1/, Barrie, August 21; 1860. THE Annual Exhibition of the above, Society, comprising'Farming Stock, Mechanical- A1-_ts, &c., &c., &_c., will be held'in Barrie, on THURS- DAY, -the 27th day of Septmbernext. By order of the Board. JOSEPH THOMAS, .Secretar_2/, C.S..d.S., North Riding. 21', ` . 34-st Ooixnty of . Simgde Agricizltural Socxety. T T . V uuu. Teatimoniels, certifying to the strictly temper-7 ate habitsiand correct moral character" of the `applicants must be forwarded to the undersigned previous to the examination. tlflilxfbtr A at 1-an-.u\-nu; .......- ...... .. ....... .....u-u ycuuuuyrunuur , Vi 7')vne acre contains 160 square rods; 4,840 square yards; 43,560 square feet. ` nnn rnl IInnIn:nn an OK .........._ -.__.l_ . 090 0| 1--vv-v-u -v uuv vauunusuuuua ' HENRY A. OLIFFORD, ` . Secretary. Dalston, Sept; 10th, 1860. t - 37-Sin -.---------------------_ J THE Board of pm Instruction for the noun; ern Division of the County ofsimcoe will meet at the Court` House. in Barrie, on FRIDAY, -11)`: 5th day` of October` next,- at 11 o'clock 3.11:. for the purposeiof examining-.Oommon Schob Teachers and granting Certicates of Qualied-. tion. . ' v -an ouulcrmBr_ol1'el'8 ror..r5_uo ..two-young 1 Horses, comfng three years old `; one com- -ing two years old, and three of last spring : foals. Credit will-be given (if required) to suit the pure ` V 01183915 1!. QUINLAN 'Vesprn, Sept. 11th, 1860. r _ ' 3'1,-4in ` ytnul ucruncata Will IE 8369]-Gd. _ ' L . Apply to nuns, KIRKPATRICK ox-JOHN HARRIS, Txfqsteea, Lot 8, .4t_h Concession : Ilnlmnr. V sepc.5,1'sso. . _ , 3'1,-Ain Tm: submibei me. for . old} `nu {urn (nu:-u nhl ...A 0].... -0 I--. -.. ilauu ahbcrttscmcnta. - \J\/\I\.'\/u'\. \/\.\.'\'\Js. \'\. W/\\A - .\avvvws.v-vvv\A.av- -1'IWIIaIlT?& LUWVIIQI-V ` FOR Sbhdol Section Number 2, Township _of ' Mnlmur. One holding a Second or Third Class Certicate willbenecepted. - . Apply /JAMES -KlRlZPA'l'l?1('.Ir "mun uncut, an acres cleared. ' , hr of Lot." 74,, in `the lat Oonoessidn Flos; abou t 5 acres cleared. ' - H. BENNEj'T _S_ ._-I.I- llI-: -_!__ - - ...1-...... Junvu, 1u,uvU rqllalu Acct. One rod contains 30,25 square yards; 272,25 square feet. * f\___ __,A__, ,, I . 0 - 2 - FARM FOR SALE. FARMS FOR %sA`Li-5." WITH 20`ACRES OF LAND. 1`own I.;t;_1`-xi Barrie}. ..-nn_n-u-ru- To BE SOLD am FOR sALiT. `___ Aorm far sale; % Wild La_nf1s. -Az.s`o,-- A0 Y A 'ATI'\ Au nnavnlu hlll Farmers often desire to lay olfsmall portions of land for the purpose of experimenting with mauures, crops, 81.0.; but `sometimes nd diffi- cttlty in doing it correctly for the lack of a. few simple rules. The following table and accom- panying explanation. which` we copy from the the New England Farmer, carefully studied, will make the whole matter perfectlytelear nn am-n nnnu... 1t:n -......-.. ..-..I_. A tun iNO1"_l_CE.` IDEJISL` UI$U].`4' 1'3 X _ premises; Inn (1 mnnn LUUU, Brampton, W. 26-tf -two- young I : one mm- 22-13 nun um.-ru regluauonstfor residence and travel; ' N6 further outlay ifromthe . ?:= y"' %GaTna`da Life Assurance Co ;`r%l . 'I\7l`l'|lIIIl\DlPI|IIl\ `nu! Ann: nun -.....-_._ ,, _ _ --,'vvu 0FFE1'?.S the'f<'> real advantage: to ins mending Asanrversz-`- , M , _ . ` LOW RATES or rnmmum, lonseqnent on the investment of all the Com- pany s funds in the Province. _' - nPretniuurnu-rav.`hIn n-....-II.. 1... 1... _-- o ' " - advantage. They will seldom start much the -sprouts which ritgke their appearance-the fol- .-`-.. --:- Afterthe growth of the present year is n- iehed--as may be known by the buds for the next year being formed--the scythe may be laid as near as- possible to the root, with good same year they are out~-the cutting being usually the fotegrt of September--and if the lowing spring can be got at by sheep they will ' prevent their making much headway. Cattle also will crop the sprouts some, which with the increased growth of grass will weaken them. NORTHERN 8 BED. A farmer in Pennsylvarria, thinking that seed wheat from-the North, like seed corn, would ripen earlier when taken South, last year procured several bushels from Canada, two hundred miles; north, and sowed it at the same time with home grmvn sorts. It ripened. ac- corrling to the` Genesee Farmer, two weeks - later than the native seed. Barrie, Jgn.. 1859. ____._-..-_a.-.._.__--- IJLBIUWUIKH 3 ' George Michie, _ M. P. Hayes James Beaty, _ Walter Macfzarlane, Hugh Miller, ` , T. P. Robarts, 7 And E. F. .Whittemore,Esquires, . Secretary and Trea'surer,-Robert- Stanton, Fscj. Isolicitor,-V-_Angus Morrison, Esq. Jpplicationsfoi Fire Risks received` at the Home Oice, Toronto, on Wellington-street, opposite the Commercial Bank. . . Oiee Hom-s,--10, A. 11., to 3, P. M. A A ' ISAAC O. GILMOR, President. ROBT. STANTON, Secretary Q .'l`rasurer. '1`oronto;Dec. 22, 1851. A . 1'. A` nun nvn mninio CAPITAL - - -, 1oo;ooo INVSHARES OF 10'EACH. ` ` HOME OFFICE, TORONTO. 3 ' President,--IsAAc:C. Gmuon, Esquire, Vice-P1'esidnt,--THo1us HAwom'n, Esquire. hlnnnmnn n u AA. camwsnnn or PAnI.umm-r. Canada Western Assurance Ody! swuugur claim upon their patronage; Every requisite for sportsmen supplied on the "most reasonable terms. REPAIRS EXECUTEDVWITH DESPA-TCH. B3` Specimens of workmanship kept" on hand,- and parties are invited to inspect them ere they think of purchasing elsewhere: Support home man'ufacture. . . ' ' i Rsu-I-in Mnrnh 0!! Hum - `I0 `- 4 ' ' .""l' . EGS to return sincere thanks tohis cus- tomers for the very liberal support" he has received since his residence in Barrie;. and hav- ing increased his-facilities for doing work of the very best description, he presumes to have a stronger claim upon their patronage. EVBFV requisite for nnnrtsmnn mmnlind nn Hm BUTCHER, _ ;OULTERER, IMCON JND IMM cvzum, _sAUs4GE,vw115g:R,_c.,, ' ` No. 8. Market Stall--A.-Residence, Blawield-st; `Bam- BEGS toinform the public generally that he has constantly on hand a good supply of -the primest qualitytof Fresh Meats, Poultry, &c. Home Cured Hamsiind Bacnn--smokeLl and, white dried; Barreled Pork and. Beef, which are`o`er'ed at the lowestpossible price. Barrie, May 16, l860._ 20-ly EIINSJ RIELES, I M. BURNS, A V Gun Maker, -Dunlop Street, Barrie, i`1Wl1Q CA ..'.a....._ L2. .2 -uv-.v uunuunuunuua, LHCLU uuvu uccu curupieuau, I wing, a. great number of well-ventilated sleeping rooms, and the House throughout has `been retted, and now contains many improve- ments and conveniences hitherto unknown to its" guests. The whole of the beds have, at a. great expense, been furnished with NEW SPRING MATTRASSES. The Proprietor expects that by continuing his personal management of the con- cern, The Albion, to __sa.y the least of it, will continue to be, as it now is, the best .Dom.An and 3 Hum Horn. in Canada. ` 47-1`3moj -. -..-u u an The second growth of meadow is a good natural protection againstthe'hot sun and the dratight which usually succeed harI_re_st.`- This growth should not be fed down close. Every farmer knows thatit is essential to the protec- tion of grass roots against winter frosts. The protection of snow is a precarious thing in this ` pmirie country. ' Farmers often depend on the fallgrowth of grass on their meadows,_i'or in-. creasing the yield of their dairy, for fattening "such stock as they wish to dispose of. and for their horses. This practice is uestionable, so Err as "it relates to the good 0 the meadow. Heavy animals make the surface harder tha it should be, or, in wet time, poach it so that it is uneven ; besides the injury don to the roots is crften considerable. Sheep and ambs, calves and young colts, may be allowed to crop the, grass lightly, if it has avigorous growth.` Mea- dows protected in winter by their own coat, start much earlier in the spring than when Im- protected ; and it is an excellent plan to cover A tfeem lightly with straw or coarse material, if their own growth is not sufficient. Until we adopt the Englisbplan of depending largely on roots and straw, with little bay for wintering our stock, we should take good care of our meadows. V ` '