um puuucauon. `they may beibriely restated; Five pom of Japan are opened to foueignilradoi, in which Americans may reside. lease gound. and erect buildings. In 1862 Yeddo is to be opened also, bu}! only for nrposes oflrnde and Dies in 1863. Fpr theso*;:mrposes houses muy be hire}! in those cities,` Foreignfers*_;nay~ lake` religipn, ftaidgpt ofili_: lisldieif. jvsvdgolared to` -be :iIr e:.iImpro _ _or mediator. in" ' lb !; , " ,.b8l 7: V NT_ S .l'.'/QBLING. `..- V. vv... - ...,w_.` n... ..., EMINEMLX: "s`UccEssi~`U_L 2' .11 .45....` In: (hula In, 4|..- I ..o..-n `l'..4-n.:,-__ George Maundrell, (VlIL`D nrnrrmnnnn ie TWor1d s` Masonic Guide, (Rv sxnnamun-nun mu . "mix. A; LECHLER, Publn Mason_ioLTempie, cor. Brooms ., " Streels,N.Y F. JOHNS. Aannf ' "L E INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. Subs `bet begs most respectfully to errnn v and inlml.:.....o.. ......-_-1-A A iorthern 7 PK Qnrtrnnq n ........ __ W. P; SQUIRES, Pxgognmion. __ nun to can we attention ofthe inhabitants of Bumm, and the surrounding neighbourhoodo his ha.Ving' had considerable experi- ; ;enc"e in the CUTTING DEPART- _. fMENTj ii: the West of rEhlnnd`for: the last gevcn years, and trusts by` isLriq;_atten`tionrt>g orders to merit` A - a,shg.;e1of1o!g1i\c`eeupport. . ` `wonzx wA`=|m -.uv'rnn. . " u-eh a ...1nr:n. - ' .do , ,.._.._--_~... - u aqua cblillr inidinq"\iery'lot and poI`tibn""of lot` ls of `Barrie, 1ccura!ly'I&idr?'do_wn`tc ,1-wIth"a' plan bl`-theRailw'ny Station, iw of:.th_ej {1`ov?rn,-qlrawu*{mm> xi L'lth9- J '5 clecrea is said to have been lsvigned by Garibaldi confiscaling all the property of the * Sicilian Jesuits. D'Ll'eelS,N-Y _ F, JOHNS, Agent 1 ` ' dvapcc Oce, 1 5.30 AJI. 43.00 9.3:- l0.15 5.3:, and 9.09 Lu. ;.J. LEWIS AGRANT3,~ 1 - S1lnnn`n'ln...l...: fnaottliz. . . . . . ..u...- nvu A.M._ 4.00 9.24.. .....12.45 and 9.00 I:.I.' tn` nnnwnhn ` NGWOOD.` .n-an-Soonr A.M-` .... AM-v _ . - 12 - ;.exe(~.nled promptly I `antatzeous terms. \ u.\.:u.1*.l-`, f ` Supermtendent. _ 10 ' ; eithe} oh at'i_ V honor Ennlnninav 1 ...- .. Ivvln nu unv uuvu DUUUB g0l(] ID1083- A French armorer has sent to Garibldi a gift nf.a'coat of mail, dagger proof and bullet proof. V 10-ltzmq ` xon-rs, l Hotel, Barrie. : Hotel every mbusub )9 "As sI\r\r\/vvurwv---Vvvvvu year. N J gical . ems, vertlser has a an-' :2 re- :br- Wllb ehien-: save-r at dr having an Afactwn, an anxious to mnk 329 .the' United: s . -. GOUNTRY-__P4TIENT$..-1' V` ` Medicin_es- wiIh"full_'di@cIiq'n_I'-sgnt to any port: t aleo"`or'Canada3syl a/Iienu cpmmun ca_lIn_gth_eir symplom5`by_le;lup; . cemricdy ndemial. 1`. ;a.'.,. . ' `Address, n1;.Goo_D_ma,..- V 91; No. 3! Eu: Broadway. New York. wh' ` 'n n .1`? `a ii: A x_ oung men `whdare troubled with weakhesb, gen- erail ~ca'`da ..V.h_bad. habit: in math. lhe. _e'e.cIa of re amdizzineu, pains, Forgetfulness, sometimes ag V has inzlbe eats,` weggz gyes,;weakn,o-as oflhe'back- ` iuwer _extre1nitiei.c_onfusxon of ideas, I ~ szigttimelggcpoly; any be,}i|`il\ by, thci ie|..,_ , \., ' l'!f'HTNl"l`D'v nAll'|`I'J\`Dp-- . -..u u-ma m uaauw are very |ow._ '1 ne mills 1 are sgopping on the Audtoscuggin and Union ~uIor l'.II.OY `I:Io'. 5'1`, gtreet West, Tor>onlo,bC.W., nsunmsmzn BY H DR. GOODING, (formerly of Eng`lanVd.)L : A NEW, SPEEDY, AND MOST SUCCESSFUL L mode oftreatin%. - , - De -1 war Com lain: 5 'a,` ervous- iit 0 Mhrasmxfsor\{ asln%p::nsumpIion,Seminal Y ? ' Wakness, Disease of the Kidneys and ` Bladder,Rheumatism,Scrofula,Sall. - -V ' _ `Rheum , Mrcinrial Chronic Complain`? &c._,`6&c., I N ; hrge for Advi.` " ' ' ` - . Dr. GOODING is now engaged-in treau`n' this class of malada HE _ `es with the mag: `astonishing: . - 1`be; .'lreaJ.menf5adopled b him is new, it is ' upon ` aciemicprlnci lea,`wi1h new di:! covred.remedis, v -`without mineraor poisons, The facilities of curej an-9 s_uclI,'th:3aIi_enu cangjibe; glared` at their own s_;i,q"Ja,`t_=y b9r3:=0T'!li.'dhnlry.. % A vegetable re also a sample Tofithe mad I HE S` C.RIBER,for'severalyears an-esident of `Asi discovered while there, :1 simple yj--a sure Cure for Consumption, ./9,slh1na,;.Bron ' is, Coughs, Colds, and Nervous Debility. Fort benet..of Consumptives and Nervous Suerera, is willingto make the same nbiic. . . - ' , . ' p.To those Wh0'dBSI it,~`he will send the Pre- scription, with full 41' ' a beautiful combination 0 . Those. desiring the Remedy ' obtain it by return mail, by uddessing ` V ` * April 11tb,`18B0. vertiser having been` restored to health weeks, by 3 very simple remedy, after several years with 1! severe I/(mg dread disease, Consumption, is nown to` his fellow-su'erers the all who desire it he willsend` a used (free of charge), with nd using the_same, which Consumption, Art/I/m_a, ' to! the advertiser in ' fit the aflcted, and H having means of cure. copy of the presterip directions for preparin they will find a sure Cu V BronrIu'tz'.r, (S-c. ' The only sendingthe prescription isto he hopes every su'e_reI will tty cost _them-n,olhing, and may prove wishing theprespription will please a ' REV. EDWARD A;`WIT.. 55. medy, as it WI". sing. Parties` wlsmng lne.presprIp1non w:ll 1 REV. EDWARD A.`WJL * Williamsburgl1,.King: May ']5lh, 1860. J . President,--IsAAc C. Gruron, Esquire, Vice-President,--Tuunus H.uvoa'ru, Esquire. - omnomnsz George Micbie, T M. P.'l-Iayes James Beat_y, Walter Macu-lane, Fhw-h mnp.- '1` D D-l~--~- uugu Auuxcr, | fl". 1 . .l0DBl`tS, And E. F. WInttemore,Esquires, Secretary and Trc(u:urcr,-Rober1Stanton, Esq. ' Solicitor,-Angus Morrison, Esq. . ./Ipplicat-iopsfof Fire Risks received at the Home Oice, Toronto, on Wellington-street, opposite the Commercial Bank. Oice Hours,-l0, A.'MA., to 3, P. M. - . ISAAC C. GILMOR, Prasizlp-n I _ zunnv U. UlulVlUlX', V . _ - President. BOBT. STANTON, Secretary 5- Treasurer. Toronto, Dec. 22. 1851. ' ` JAMES PATTON; _ . ' Jgent fm County Simcoe (J. H. LAWRENCE, ./`Ivan! nnllinnannnn `Barrie, Jan.. 'l8_@_ ; AND 0,-55,1{Nin|gu-eel!!Ns1?Tr;N1iA\B.yl ' ES1`ABLlSnEn nv 39 ~r----9--~ --y A-I-vs-, U-no IIIDBIIBI, ID l0U,UUl. Halifax pgpers slate that . over 1,000 pea` are at work In the Nova Scolia gold mines. A Frnnnk fmllfnl In..- ..-_. .- I1,, L;l I IIEIJICS l)Ec!y, Hugh Miller, And I (3;mada Westem Assurance .---:- in CAPITAL. 100,000 [N SHARES OF 10 EACH. -HOME !`F'l4'l(`E, TORONTO. * - ` AFF,LICTED_, READ! DEUROPEAN MEDICAL H_OU sE" ` A . I AND " V Ul w_u Junta. A HOME .`\IANAGE;\lENT, thereby securing a speedy adjustment of claims, ` and liberal regulations for residence and travel. . ` No further nntlmr rnnnirnd I`.-nm bl... ........_-_1` U1 US n.ITlI'S.. ANNUAL DIVISIONS OF `PROFIT, as preferable to divisions at intervals of ve, seven, or ten years. nnmm \fA1\rAr1m\nMrm . `_ JAE. l A'l,"l'U M J. R. ARDAGH, Medical Referee. Barrie, July, 1859. , .uuu uuurul reg-mmons Ior resmcnce and travel. N 0 further outlay required from the assured. than the premium. ` ' JAQ Duwrnxr A.......:. Ganazg INCO CAPIT I'\ 1914` I.` D LL 51 Irl'.i proof. '1']. . - - - - - ,- -A u,UUU,00D the following real advantages to in- gAssnrers:- ' OW RATES OF PREMIUM, Con nent on the xnvestment of all the Com- prm s funds in the Province. ' prnnlinrna-nnvohln nnnnhlhy An I. .-.......: -..._.._1 unrxg FIFE puny a |IuIus_ III we rmvmce. ' Premiums payable annually, or by semi-annual or quarterly `instalments at. the option of the assured. ANNUAL AND MOST AMPLE EXHIBITS nf its nniru nun Lu uuxueruus 081113 If differences shou arise between `c imants and the Company, t Manager is fully em owered to accept serviceo any process in law. A! .Y A nmm grrmv A pm unauxs. `I `I i Which is retm ed country. The increase of `bus ess`in England is unpre-A cedented, as shown by_ e Parliamentary returns, andthe following taken mm the last September Report: < - r v -` " 111UUDlVU RINK`: IIULVUI U .`1N.U UIVIS NEW POLICIES, producing an a ditional `annual in- $15o,o oz Renrpnennrr prnnprh/Inanra dn Hm mrln nf` LIIIIIUBI UOBIC 07 111100130?! 1!} lilllllllli ' Honorable Jon Ross, W.P.Howu:m,Esq.MPP. Joan-Cimwro Esq., AWlLI.lAK Ross, Esq, .Wu. MCMASTEB, aq., Wu. Hnsmznson, Esq. Bankers-T Bun: or Momuun. ly opened last January, and sun income of ultpunz ` It will thus be seen 1 at the total amount of business done during'lhe st nine months of the Companykopemtions has eon TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDI `D AND ONE NEW I ...-....`I .'.. Pl`|I.I(".n4`.Q ....m1....r..... .. .. .:o:......I 1.... , si1i"an'ce, It IlAI'.I'. Ann 20 |`*.`1?.`:: ;I;1=2..:.22;90 ---- _-1,uIv-,vvw,'-.v, . W11` urvuuns qr 1000 samtommia. The ig t Honorable Lotm Knnn: Chair-tn4`m.= V P21-nu. M BBJSON, E .,~ bxrector. Wu.:.un gxwnu; _ 'sq., bSe?:retary._-A , 9 be]: 3501: can be daily seen dnwthe counter at the . .cAnAn_A 3nAxc.L'rono1u'o.T . - _ $1,334, has beeu "raised fdr Garibaldi, at all _ luvfcal Festival in/NewYork. ' Marriages by Nolaries Public have been (la-7 ared illegal. ` Boston is about to lay out: new. Park like the Central Park, N. Y. ` Oqlqronns' (nae-eighth negro blood.) the. Yrrgmra Courts decide are not negroes. Thn fntnl nmnnno nf ......- _-._ :_ _-W_- -- Al v --vv\aA,vvv~ \T')"C'(')-i\'|SUMPT|VES_. AND Cn.uzn:m:n nv Aer or PARLIAMENT. .__.-... ..__-v ---guy..- -.-vv `II RATED BY ACT 01-` PARLIAMENT, PITA _ , , . ` . m nnnn AND KVOUS sU-FFEI}ER's. m.,,. " V " ""' " "9" co%'1*nY;_PgrI-Er3'.'rs.. - z 9- }viIh"full dircIiojn_s' sent port 61? States" `or Cadudaisylgh/lienu communi-' symptomtbyleglul; Jvcnndnminl. *- ..= w ' " ROW S B!) IIICOIDO OI $7 ,ooo: Vhich ii rptm ad in this Dhllnfrl ii 1 >CA?uarter ;f injerid . Parliament. -.a...... --.....-u uuu-uw nlv IIUI lll$gl'0USo The total amount of guns now in storebal the Springeld, Mass., U.S. Arsenal, is 160,000. 'Jnl:I'.-...'._--; _I--~ -| - ` "" fife Assurance A` Co Y ATED PARLIAMENT. ' U RIIIJ VIVUUCSS 1" law. v XANDER STEWART, V Manager for B. N. ./1m ica. - 6 gent, Barrie. 47- I Board of Director`: in canads: 1',` Esq. Run? nl Mnn'rmur.. W.P.HowLA:m, Esq. MPP. LI AILKIOL l I. of its anirs.. nnrfqvnue n` 195! 21 JAS. PATTON, Agent edical Referee. ' - 2." -'.r.'4"-.-:' , W371.` P. Hayes Macfarlane, T. P. Robarts, amore. Esanirpn_ 7-vvll The rivers in Maine are very low.` The mills I9 SIODDBDSI on lhn Allahnannnnin .....I rr..:__ IV .l\a'l'JlV U! ./Ygent, sumpnon, /1.s_`tII/m_a, `oi :l WI. \ se ss RLIAMENT, 81,000,000 Ynnfnnnu In :v\ IUFI we'w.York. ' 5-13in ' 28-3mo w uuy caseneqn ` g`pljysi_."' 7 H 7 7'". Theyirogpu ` gin 1__form convenient by, mail.r- =' ~ 1`jen - _ 9150` package, ret ai_l., _. Physicians; rumzists and nthm-cl: 7-1:- A in any case iq D12; rnA1vc1s' OATHART_IC vLQZEIfGES, FOR G LDREN " 011%: these Loz- gfih an experience fessioh, often found to, takes; medicine` as They-'are of'gre;t" Indie cases T Teeth'ing;=';fEruptia:;:sI the skin,5"ad,d!i`a`-main} other di'seas'es'of ch ' vr lfnysxc. . Thevs.hamn .-.;.-_ - - if fM.*=..:' 1"`.3"`:`?"`.* ."3?."1'1"`; V .. v`:-"J .__._____._...._.._.._....____.r I IInInpI_' l`|IIl'\ I adapted to the deciencies-of the Blood in differ- ent. diseases; For Couous, Cows, Bnosoums, or any n.'ection whatever of the Tune or -Lurms inducing CONSUMPTION,` use No.`1, which is also the No; for Dar-nnssion" or S:-mrrs, Loss or Apps- rmc, and for all C1momo,CoLm.A'm'rs arising fpom OVER-USE, GxxsnAL D_EBlLl'l`Y, and Nnnvhos Pnos- TBATION. No. 2, for limm Conm.4ua)'s, No. 3, for Dvspnvsu. 13.4 -5113 already prepared for absorption it. is Tums BY Dnor.-3' .aud `carried immediately into the circulation, so that whatyou gain you retain- The -No. 4 is for Fmumn Imu:auL;uu'r1Is, Hysnum, WIAKNISS, &o. See special directions for this. For San Ramon, Enm--nous, ASon`orm.oAus, KIDNEY, and BLAnnnxi Oon:{t.'AfInrs, take No, 5'. .j In all cases the directions must behtrictly followfed. Price of the Bacon Foon $1` per bottley; Sold by CHURCH &.DUPONT, - * _. , .. .e .-No. 409A;Broad\u}y, New Y Vnd Byrhllge ` ` ' Jco'u'uu`-yg 1. . . . , March 28th,` 1860.` ' 4 `afpgthle5DruggiVs:um-thxonghou T: ` - uunulul-II-B-U always presents us with the [same eisential ele- ments, and gives of course the T301: STANDARD. Analyze the blood of a person suffering from `Consumption Liver Complaint, Dyspepsin, Scrofuln, &c., and we find in every irwtance certain deciencies in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deciencies,4a,ud you are made well. The BLOODFOOD is founded `upon this Theory--hence its astonishing success. There are ___-a___' v_ vrovvvv of any" kind, ondjlierefore relieves by removing. the suerings of your child, instead of by deaden- ing its sc11sil1ililies. For this reason it commends itself as the only reliable preparation now known for Cmnnnrzx Tnnrnmc, Dimnnoxa, Dvsnxmnv, GRIPING IN inn Bownns, _Acxnmr or rm: Sromcn, .Wr_xn, Conn in run limp, and ,CnoUr~, also, for soflening the gums, reducing indmation, regulating the Bowels, and relieving pain, it has no equal- being an anti-masmadic it is` used with unfailing success in all cases of CONVULSION on omen Frrs. 495 you value the `lzfe andjhealth of your children, and wish to save them from the sad and ` blighting consequences which are certain 10 result frcm the use of narcaticeof which other remedies for `Infan- tile C'0,mplaints are composed, ._ tukenone but'Dn.. .EATON S INr`AN'r'1r.n Conm.u., this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless, and cannot injure the most delicate infant. Price, 25 cents. Full directions accompany each bolI.le.- Prepared only by ' " ' ` ` nu I. 'I'\YTl'It\\ -n_ _..._..---1---:1 ii and why? because it never fails to a'ord_ instuh- taneous relief wlien given in time. It acts as if by magic, and one _trial alone will convince you that what we say is true._ It contains 11. 1-: , o - - _ DI`-ll. -EATC;N57`m " INFAN TILE CORDIAL, whv? becmlsua. if Int-mar fniln In ..#`.....,l ..'....a..._ any FIVE ":|:l{`l:;.'i.-`Au R.:'%r1 ONS- danted tn n:.:......:.... -1` AL- ru . Iiealthy human Blood upon being ` T|nn"n.u--1-n Thousands tire daily speaking in the praise of .. ..... .... mu; .9 vu.-Av.V 1|: uynnuulus _ No Paregoric or Opiate vilrinrl and Hm .-..`,..... ....1:-_-_ u_,, K;pdrFpEf_a3nT"`.".'-77-"""9 %'3:;:?i*%%n*P! viva: be .` 4.. V_ ,`_yA DR. Q` nnllinc-....-.1 n 1-. T. W, GEORGEN, Barrie. R. GEORGE, Orillia. P. E. DRAKE, Bell Ewart. WM. MAIN, Cherry Creek. J. HARPER, Cm_)kst0wn.' NOR l`HRnP A: T.V\1AN' N u. un1\.run,UOt_)KSl0Wn. - . NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastle. SIMPSON & DUNSPAUGH, Wholesale Am-nta, 'I"m-nntn _In the old man nat re has fullled her work ; , won ; and "s ,one_ tone measuring between three and four of 45 bushels to the acre. -._.-- .a--uuuuue Tm: YOUNGE51` Tim m rm: Bnrrrsn NA .- While the eet was anchored at St. Mar ret s Hope, a ne healthy male child, about zine- teen months old, was left either by de an or accident, in the engine room of the Royal Albert, agship of Admiral Sir chariets Free- mantle. After remaining on board,'without any clueybeing obtained as to its; rentage, the little foundling was christene by the euphonions cognomen of Albert F emantle, the ship in which he was left so lying the" Christian, and the Admiral the sur, me. The little fellow is a prodigious favorit" with all on board. His name has` been en red on the ship s books, and the Admiral, tis said, de- clares he is now the property oft Queen, and that he will give him up to no 0 a. When first my wife and `I we wed, Than she no sugar could b sweeter, I loved her so, I did indeed,` _I often thought I could h But now I wish, I do, egad, A I wish to goodness that f Ma, has aunty got bees it her mouth 2" No; why do you ask 8 h a question? Cause that little man, wi h a heap of hair on his face, catched hold 0 her, and said he was going to take the hon out of her lips ;. and she said : Well, me e haste. Quilp and his wife hadm bit of contention the other-~day. .l o n you. have more hrilliancy than I, said the woman, " but I haye the better judg Quilp, our choice in Beautiful is old ag , `beautiful as the slow drooping mellow a umii of a rich summer. the fruits of a well spent life; and surroun ed by his cliildern. she rocks him softly to te grass, to which he is followed by ble ings. God forbid we should not call it "be tiful. There _is,anot,her life, hard, rough, a thorny, trodden with bleed- ing and ach g brow; a battle whichthe grave gape to nish before the victory is ange that it should be-this is ife of man. `Look back along the s of history; there is. none whose r than this.-- Weslminister Review, ttawa Citizen says :,-- One day last week while some laborers were removing ston from a quarry in this vicinity, they found_ the highes fe in width, eight inches thick, bearing on it surface the unmistal'rable_ impress of two human feet, the largest that of an Iudian s right, and the srnallerthat of, a squaw: .s' mocoasined foot, sunkabouts three-fourths of an inch into thesolid stone.. We have seen- the stone and the `strange impression it bears, but have to leave the enigrna .to be: explained by those better posted in things` beneath the. ` earth than ourselves. " t " y ; A field of. wheat 'ust'cu_t_1'n the Township` of v Mersea, county or` ex, hasvreturned ayleld: _ Ilia sbarrest in , that part of the country' far {above an '- average, and the wheat isallowed to yield 35` , bushelstotheacre.~_ . y " . Tm: Auxntonr 'I'n,r:s`1-v'ii,vIr.'rr_1,Jii_ra' -\-g'l,'li;i_;s-I 5- interesting documeri.t',l,t;as,_l,ieen;pul,ifis A ' ` provisions were very ashamtte. hiin 11' wtslndpackage, retail, `L , rugists and others, who wish` to `~:w_ 1 have 9. sample, withfferms Vpon appli_catio'n`. - 5. a'i.+a.aI...Av---~-` '-~A "" ` Gin fora; co.nenient: , , .tQ.e`iiri rth'o packa:ze.ret`ail, v. z . " ` '"" 6 `ffx"`3 6a, c.w; ha 0 1 9 To o ' CHURCH 5; DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York. n K uuxV.31 AUUu, Wholesale Agents, Toronto. Ii` _ 8-11. -thin` aim nolioe thgey are off: V _ _ ,,,,,,, .. ..u_. :1," mown In the! glass. Daemon acoom 1' . V ` , n in each bottle. No. 1 is Ioidfbr lsper bottle gfur 75 cents. With red to the public, rely- ingon V itvittuesnn necomme'qdingthemse|ves.. gr W_.PASs-Mnnmanxr '0lds and all pains, whether" .TI.. 2 . e, the worst e'ecl of Chronic or Acme. medwinen will.e'ect CURES, not removbls lrom one part ofthe bodyla the nther.- / . ` H Remember, to prevent confusions, these Medi Eipea are prepared by 01.1: Docron.'Fn:namcx Dar. rnxunsuen, who has practiced in Bumilo over 27 `$53 simple noliunhnu. g... .. years. `_. - To prb'v'ant- fraud. 3 "correct likeness of the Doctor ironVI|;e,;1y r;oI,-euuzgh, botlleyqnd Dr. Fred. Deliubugh ` 0., Buhlo`,-N.,., blown in the glass. 4Dire_ct_ion acnomfa Tn` 'h No_.l 18.301333! bonl, ` 3. for 7 cens_._ Wglh ` .{.-.I uom :- 'Sshl zxemes-and to his reedy heirs He leaves; count est store; Hm week: has purcbased'- him `a tomb- And very`liIlVl'5 mow!` ` uuuu 1 U KIFIER, -'Supe_r=io`r to_ the purest extract of Saraparilla, enlirelv of roots and herbs of this and loreign tries, the best `properties of which are extract enlim new chemical procqss. It acl __a an active -physic, In amalle ones a alte wbrkinir directlv nn Hun r::..... .._i - - PRICE. 3 DIHE8. THE -LIVER INVIGORATOR and Family CA- THARTIC PILLS are retailed by Druggisls gene- rally, and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the lgrge Atowns. _;" gnu`-`u-~- _Dec. 2131, 1859. xne rAMILY CA- witb due feference lu fact, been compounded purest Vegelable Ex- on every part of Alhe are good and safe in all ` `is needed. such as De- mach. Sleep!` ness. L o i n s, _ Costiveness, the whole body, from ,g_n~.*.nlly, if neglected, .Headache, or weight in .'er Loss of Appe-. lictu 0,!` Cold over the I tory Diseases, Worms Rhem_naIis'm. a great and_many diseases to numerous In m....a:.\.-.. :. I gnu nguuly ("$313588 !0 numi:-rous to mention In ` nose. 1 to 3. ` ||uuIl.`fUllS I0 ` nose, Ito 3. -.._----.sua;.\l .l- J.:_l-ILIDU, COMPOUNDED FROM ` Pure Vegetable Extracts. and put up in GLASS cuss, sir-tight, and will keep in any climate. The " 05- ' THARTIC PILL is a gentle but active Ca- . , , lharuc whuch the pro- P"e`' ha` ed "` "'9 ractice more than twenty years. _ pj . The cnnmnnllu .`.'., lWlJly | The constantly in- those who have long I the satisfaction which 1 thteiruse, has induced the reach ofnll. Thu Pu-.\l1..~.:.... .....n me reach ofall. The Prnfession well lCaIharlics act on the The FAMILY CA- due `rs-Fm`-annn a.. cATHA1ii'fb PILLS, COMPonNnI:.n Ia-mun yr: IKVENTYJ Hbdies-`and his reedy Hm wean: Inn mm.L....n.:... .. .- All \ favor. `ll I \` `iC'i:; WATER -IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TO- GETHER. men, one Dollar per Bottle. -A LSO.--- essmn snow. . The dose must be !adapted to the tempera- ment of the individual ilaking. it, and used in such quantities as to tictl gently on the Bowels. Let the dictates of _. lvour 'udgment guide vou tn the use ofthe` > `LIVE ]NVlGORA- TOR, and it will cure- `Liver Complaints, Bil- lious Altncks,Dys[iepsial 2 g() h ro n i c Diarrhoea, S um m eor Complaiius, " :Dywntery, D r o p 5 y, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costiveness, Cholic, 'Chulera Murbus, Cho- mera lnfanmm, Flaw- lence, Jaundice, Fe- gmale Weaknesses, and may be used success- LI.l`l'ul|y as an Ordinar Family , Medicine. Itl gwill cure Sit-It Hea - ache, (as thousands can _. atestify). in twenty min- lites, iftwoor three Teu- _| `spoonfuls are taken at the t.-omtuencemeut of lattat-k. All who use it are giving their testimony in its " V menuca. ' It has cured thousands, I years who had given up' numerous unsolicited` _` essinn show. ` I Tim Am... ......... I... mended. ` , V ---- - _.-.v--.---`rolls NEVER DEBILITATES. IT is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact, a. Stndard Medi- cine, known and up- . [pron-d by nll that hav used i!,angl IS now re- Esorted with condence in all the diseases for O which it is recom- sun DIECK utur, wnlcn no monev can buy. 7 As a mark of mygratitude for your labor and skill in the production or so wonderful an article, I have recommended its use to many of my friends and acquaintances, who, I am happy to inform you, are using it. with like effect. Very respect- fully, yours, A. NI. LATTA, ` Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway,` and sold by all dealers throughout the world. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz: large, medium and small; the small lrolda :1 Elm , and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium olds at` least twenty per cent more in pro onion than the small, retails lor two dollars per bott e; the large holdsn quart, 40 per cent more in proportion, and retails for three dollars per bottle. 0. J. \VO0D & CO.. Prnnrintnrn. AAA Rp.u..t....... Anu sold by all Dc'a|ers.' . June 21, 1860. anu reulns mr mrce dollars boule. ' WOOD CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Strceet, St. Louis, Mo. And said by all good Druggisls and Fancy Gnods `_ Dqalers. ' El Cllu ' - l at once made application to the moat skillful physicians in the county, but,.receiving no assurance train them that my hair could again be restored, I waatorced to become reconciled to my, fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1357, your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggist, as being the most reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my tzrettt 8ali.5factt'on that It was producing the desired effect. Since that `time, I have used seven dollars worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coatof vet y soft black hair, which no monev buy. a mark of mv'm-atitutle for vmtr Inhnr nn/I .t,:n .ui!n;t.:r0m: pow? W M I ':.,.;A_nd'~_testimon ,s_`._ new, and: almost. without ; jiqngher, might h`e.5iveu:i`rout ladies and gentlemen .:_ yu':.: all;'gra'de,at ot'~.."o'v:_ietv, whose united testimony ratat; thtn.IP,n_st: Wood's` Hair Restor- ll It ; 1, p b'e`auty.p 3 _ve w'l`lliif'estore'th_e"5_tild`a'nd gray`, andlpretrve the hot the : to` old age, _in? ,'all` .i_ta' youthful a A Battle Creelr,Mich.-, aware 1858. Paor;\Voon':` Thee wilt please` accept a line to I` `inform thee that the hair on my head all fell otf over -twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease, attended with an eruption on the head. _ A '2 continual course of aueting through life having reduced me to a atate of dependence, I have not my -head has 'autl`ered_extrer'nely rout cold. This induced tne to pay Briggs 6; Hodges almost the last rent I had on earth for a dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the tire! of.August last. I have `faithfully followed the directions and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short, it'is also coming in all over my head. Feeling con- lident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and permanently, l t's'_el anxious to_ persevere in its use, and being destitute of-means to puochase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willingto send me an order on thine agents tor a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture declara- tion-the reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherlesa. Thy triend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Ligonier Noble Co., Indiana, Feb. bib, 1859. PttoP.O. J. WOOD`! Dear Sir :-In the latter part of the. veer 1852, while attending the State and National Law School of the State 0! New York, my hair, from a cnu:-eunknown to me, commenced ta ling oil` very rapidly, so that in the short space of six months, the whole ripper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its covering. and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part oi my head shortlyafter became grny, so that you will not be surprise when I tell you that upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual acquaint- ances, were not so much at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance,` as my more intimate acquaintances were to recognise me at all. been able to obtain atu for caps, neither have I ' been able to do them up, in con uence of which _ . - L. .- W mk-) Fiv hundred dnllanl have saved A layer moderate store--A 3 unnrun.u'o LIVER INVIGORATOR. \7I'n`.I7I7II I'\I.`K)l`l IVIV A"l\l:\ it. 3eptembcr 10, 1859} _'l`he `_only__ Preparation that` ha . swoon THE _'r1-:s'r OF mans, .dn:Lg*ro1os morn. and more popular every day. And leslimon"ls. new. and almost without F1VER MEDICINE, never: be taken excem. in z-_nn...... no not years prescribed for from 4,000 I :ona,'and.always with the greatest sucreiux. t_have baiedother medical men, ielded luureatment, and persons came .dai y from of mileato be cured. -The Doctor, how- not been table, like others, to cure every- one preparation, but has put up his medi- rp llwtlles, which arehumbered l md2 her nsa,. BLOOD PURIFIER, [0 the nuresl on-In-am '..r C .... -2" ` 5 o mm m ave become inactive, 3!}. 5 of the Ki 3, _nera bnlily n, 9' L. '33, Sum _r 11 ,- iver Complaints and lnci em Corgsnmp , on Ulcers, N qrvou.s`Debi lion, Sctofula, IV. Eru- 35333.3 Brofzdtoay New Y un .1: W . A.N `I Manufaclurer and P r ~ ,o ' 51-1., -anal! OF BUFI}-LO, N. Y.,_ 1:11.30,`-' QANFOFlD S I-'A1\.`ll`l.V u cu, x cnnicpnnr ten lhouu_nd_now- f _That s_ bitter-than before ; and 1 muywellbe satised - . Pvo 1 little more. T L ` T CA? `. `"'Y_') _ Somety thousand--'pri:ny well - Bul lbnve earned it sore; _ However I shall not complain When `Eve 3- little more. (A1 llX l'Y.)" One l:undred'lhousand-s:ck amfold--- Ah! life iahalf a bore! Yet {can be content to live When Pve a little more! (AT aevmrry.) `llapli... ....I'.- L.-- __, I - `TI rates. R 1Nv1ann2Ir3;`,'- ' . - ' '~'~:- :v -nu ll|.gUIl\' uent. H SANFORD S TQQTOIP Au 31 . T. W. SANFORD, Manufaclurer and` III any FAMILY `ul V nit IN V lUUKA- `i . . . ` L ' C I i 1 Her ompamls, I c iDyw_nxery, s_y, lCosllvc-n.ess, m Iera 3mal LU fully Ordinar1y 35 gwill mum Si:-I: Hun: , V _.-, ... .., ed Vsuccesisful practice o Iill about NIH!-inn 9':-mm log `3 |` Win '4-6111 Lpnnuu rlhh has | lhns well .establ`[shl]ed `om a vane! 0 le | trams, which get nlike , alimentary canal, and cases wheres Calhartic I rangements of lhe Slo- Painsin the Back and 1 Pain and Soreneseover N sudden culd, which fru- ehd in a long course 01 me, a Cree in: Sensa- b 04 Y. esflessness "W hed. all lnamma: in Children or Aauus` Pulfier of the Blood: Wh|_Ch esh is heir, loo - ` h I I advemsemem, 30- manor; 1. shal! be com When I_. ve a l!'llle'morg. 1.- ._-_-- s used the PILLS, and ` all express in regard to me to place them within \ creasing demand from the all 1-,tnrun in rung! o.. know that the diierent norlinns nf nlm Imumla ct Lof Sarspiarilla, made conn- Iich 3' an acts in I er doses er .h.......:.... wwilhin the last two ` fall hopesof rclieaslhe Tcerlicales in my pos- I uluw unu me unnerent aorlinns of the bowels. THARTIC PILL has hi \II 51 I` nnlnlnlinlunnl Luuoun, -lgent, Barr ,_,L Miran, `, parr 37- V 51-1) ~. (Al 0811.) - rll, I can count ten thousand n.ow-- `hat : Bauer. lhnn h.-rm. .. I-I vyucu noun, lrom I .`\.IVl.. I0 =_! 1 -W Efruonntrunv .No'ncx.-Dr. W. C. L'3Pl':: announcga, for the benet of the sick and ||Df".""e ,9 tube continues to devote the whole pf *1" "mg, tbs! treatment of pnvate diseases at In: 015: "GIIIEIO P'. Rot-heater- NI-ur Ynrlr. _ . , "187 Well! HIGH! Of f ":~:s diseases at I e Placb, Rochester, New York. ruary 20, I860. -::j__ : ____...._./ 13315` WEEKLI N0 .412 v.41vc. we$uB cdmfsd3}I1E|}1:E11a`:(::g, by Kw` 4- Olmrus V Muzopamu Eau,Barn'. ,lI'0m observation, sent I0 all parts ofthe worlu- . No_ letters will be answered unless they contmln: rgmimnoe ofonqdolhr, consultation lee. COW uonxaa Iheoice, -free of charge. W ` ` `"30mmuni'(`IlinmI mlalmsued to E. Jo RCW9 nun-`ll Ine'Utce,1'ree of charge. `Mlvcommunicltiona addressed to E. Rey! M_-D-s N0. 19 Exchange Place, Rochester: ` wt meet witlrpt-ompt attention. I3` Qfce hours, lrom 7 .-\.M. to 9 RM- v `Eu-an-......_.-. . _ r F Lilli u-vu uuu VVIHIUUI fl GUI`? 0| Sl|l|lCll|)Il 8|VZlI- TO FEMALES. . 5. ` DI-IJR. can be successfully consulted on all duel pecu iar to Females. .. - y N .B.--Dr. Reynolds is sole agent for Df- V '93:) Female Monthlv Pills. Among the m*"`)' `h"` M boxes of these Pills annually sold, not on}! 99"` r_ has yet been made against them. Lntlies_m 3 "0! Iain situation should not use them, the parW~`""_ .,,s which "will be t`ound'in the directions z}ccumP*"}l` rt .IIclt' box. Price $100. Sent by mail to *1") Pf" {of the__.wot-ld. Beware of counte.-felts. TN) II.ol_on sale at any other place. . _ in ' Dr. R. is the only rte ular educated Phl'5 ?f"l';w this city who 'devotea is whole time exthuttl The the treatment or diseases of a private `nature. cor Ialicted` would do well to make inquiries belt)?` lice extends through every State in the U"l the British Provinces. THE PR1- .~I.'A`1 E; MEDICAL G UIDI;`-BeaulifUY . trated with nearly 300 Pages. Price, 20 cenl5-m M, gggzperly attended to, and m icim.-s. sccl"'V. ` m ohservation, all wo min , l N0"Cl!cPI will be llllmllurod nnls lheV ('0 . suiting tlmse advertising in this r~ity.] Dr. R- 9 PT::; . Dr. REYNOLDS GREAT WORK- ' mu, 7 ' Letters describing age, sym toms, Ovcllpaliomw . mg utseases: - . Diseases ot the Liver,`Kidneys, Bladder. -l"lJ Dropsy, all forms of Scrnfula, Teller, and the ml) obstinate diseases of the Skin, Neurnlgtn, ll}'t'l`t'-"" Cnstive Habits, Piles, General Debiltty, N"'?"." Aections, Chronic Pulmonary A'ectitns,_BrunchtltS; Chronic Cough, Cough and Colds. lnnptent Can- sumption, Inammatory and Chronic Rhellnlllsm; Ulcers of the Lean, Ulcers of the Month, T0n$'l"~ Throat, Nose and Lips, Incipient Canrer, Glandular Enlar ement, Tumors, Chronic Sore Eyesrlllercurll and yphilitic.Am.-ctions, Pain and Swelling 0 Bones, and all diseases` nriaing from the impure 9" of the blood, whether Hereditary, Acquired or C*"_" tractcd. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. and mherChr0"` Complaints of years standing. Gunorrhmtla C'l"." Syphillia Strioture, Suppression of the Memes 10 females, 6zc., auci-esslully treated. - YOUNG MEN, Who, byrindulging in secret habits, have contructal . that soul-subduing, mind-prostrating, boly>dc>`||`.V'"5 vice, ahuld apply to Dr. Reynolds without delta) - . In-these. an. wellas all other (`uses nf P""'..n" . lure; Dr. Reynolds cummends an early Pl"""'" and without any vanity or aspiration, dv.'cid( ." -`"" - that nocase within thereaoh or mortal nidsltall eve cave him without a cure or satisfaction given- - To I-`r-:M.u.t-ts. constitution, or continement ti-um business. B3 8 `OHS Cnltrse of studv and practical experivm Dr. R. has now the gratication of pro-.-rnnng H18 unfortunate with retnetiies that have never 'u'lv1; .`In(`6 he rst introduced them-, to, cure the most :t!arnut"S ~ cases, and at in a veryshort but reamttztble nn.e _ without th id of mercurv or any other dclt-teriuus drug. Within the last fav vents, Dr. R. has mun! more than one hundred thu'us'nnti cases of the abnW'- character, and it may he said safciy that more Ilnm one-lmlfof the patients had been previously treatctl with mercury and other pnlsnns. DI`. R. can be tllnsnnnuxfnllu nnnnnhml rm lh ft)0W' DR. REYNOLDS would res Ifully inlurm his friend.-, an the public, that be con- Jmues to be condentially` consulted in his old es1u|!~..-lm.l Medical Olce, Nu. 19, Ex- change Plm-e, ON A LL Ill.` 3 EASES or A PRIVATE, - 3;: OR DELICATE .\'ATl'RE. _ ,_ -,1 His long experience anrlnl- _ 5 -lion tnlhis cln:-.\of(-omplainl-'5 hzs safe and speedy method of lrealnn-m, and my exlmprdinary success, during a long and exlcnsne practice, enables him. condentially, to promi`-C I51 persons 13 safe and radical cure, wilhnm injury 10 Inc consluluuon, from business. V I Inna nnlu-an nf nnulu nun! nu-n..c;..o.l ..wn.nunnt wnn mercury and Omar can be successfully consulted on the follow- ` ing Diseases : l)i.~un..... nl um I :....- -v::__..- nl--.m .- Y-----MA u - gun v_nrnua"` I [III man1-been plzblished, Its > very generally known before They. may be briely restated; pan opened In fninion a....a.. 51-1859. r. 5. Dealer! and Pnysicinns ordering from others than Hemiazlu, will do well to write their orders distinctly, pd mm but Dr. X Lane :, prcpami by exing Bron, Pituburyh, Pu. To those wishing to give them 1 trial, we will forwu-d'pr mail, post paid, to any panol tho United States, one box of Plus for twelve three-cont postage stamps, or `one tin! of Vonnifnge for fourteen threocent lumps. All onion from Canada must but compnnied by twenty cont: ext:-L 13- In. -ml` In- 'n......:-a. -...I n__.._ m... u.__. vv|u.l-||AVIl u_y "mus; vunn uni. ? for sale _by Drugnb Ind Country Store Iowa! szenenlly. Dr. M Laric s Vermifugc DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any fdrrn; and that it is an innocent preparation, not capable of doing the slz'ghtest 2'njm;1/ to the most tender inznl. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS, Prrrsmmcn, P... P. 8. Dealer! and Physlchns ordering from Homing Bma., dminctlv. in every instance where it should prove incfa fcctual : providing the symptoms attending the sickness of the child or adult should warrant the supposition of worms being the cause. In all cases the Medicine to be given IN s'nuc'r ACCORDANCE WIT]-l'TH mucnoxs. We pledgeiourselvcs to the public, that The universal success which has at- tended the administration of this prepar- ation has been such as to warrant us in `pledging ourselves to the public to DR. M LANE S VERMIFUGE Will certainly effect a cure. --- -v----v-- ---- U-vuvuu-H, IJUWC13 1| . iegulzii-', at times costive; stools slimy; no; unfrequently tinged with blood; belly swo]. len andhard; urine turbid; respiration oc. casionally diicult, and accompanied by hiccough ; cough sometimes dry and convul. sive; uneasy` and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, bu: ' generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, HE countenance is pale and lcadgn. colored, with occasional ushes, or a d,_ curnscribed spot on one or `both cheeks; {ht eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eyc. lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and som. times bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip. occasional headache, with humming O; throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; ,p_ petite variable, sometimes voracious, with , knawing sensation of the stomach, at `others entirely gone; eeting pains in the stomach: occasional nausea and vomiting; violeni pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir. 1-Arnaldo-` at f:rI-use 1-ncf:una. gang`. ..1!_.._, adm contention lVlhe em,-- Yes, said narriage proves that. .lm.....:t..r __ n - .1. an 1. 11 ILA 1'I.tAU'j`ED With the leastpossible pain; and pal-ticu1 tion paid to the Regulation 0] cI..'1d,,,:et. Teeth inserted on Gold Plate or Pivog T'.`~ filled with Gold or Silver Foil, or any M-he antic: of DENT/1L SUR GER Yexecuted with When hand dvtability. `*iI 0:`? ciuncns nxwnnmznv MODER.\'rg ' Parties requiring Operations performed `I . requested tovcome early in the day_ N Oice Hour: from Light o'clock a.m., to 1-',,,,, ; Anmm. 13. 1856. V m -"- * `- V WORM SPECIFIC, REECTNLLY um: 1.131 , _ FRASEIPS HOTEL BAI{"`be:` onlhceth 'ms8tho Jlugugt bc,o,,- RIB, L 1ebrva1y. pr-ila1ad J......f5.1 =ms.. can nu ! y, azyru (ll NEWl(ARKET,Von the m, 2 and BRADFORD. on [In DR.` s. SURGEON Q A SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. VERMIFUGE. RETURN THE MONEY air _,.._,__ R_ M LANE S August 15,` 1860 __ _,r,V--- ov;;l,O00 people Olin cold mines. we wurrumy m an cases will ceag TEETH EXTRACTED e leastbossible nnin: and ....-.=_ . Celebrated American T. w. GEORGE J ..-..` . ~. . old: ..l.d..`_"Iv.v..' ZQRG EN, Argg/:1, Barn}. .._-_, ....- uIuv|UV'II.lClV_f |Io:cK5o o 1` I > `V _ I ,_ " liecfeo of Garihaldiiprovicfe domino for 1131; claughletgof thong who bm!o,aod;m_ain- tonanco for orphans. - T - ~. -'- ~ = `._.',Fho New York and.Erie,.R; R. is to.V > o?'lho 2011: of Novemhor n'oxt,for`tho' 0 . Ihethixd mortgage lionid-hjodors. };-- ' I _.-- qu-cagli (GWEN opium in pmhibitqd. V M23?! (1 VS.` Cmnn Apr 21:4 mu 1'!` Jnlv -...-.. um o-o_`vIuIcIul.VJI' ugc country. J. _ halaspberry trade from Ulster Cm, to Nay` .York"is so extensive aarto amptoy ?a;3aleam,a;r,` solelyforiilscatryingmide. * A '2 ' 'l`.'..... I.-...... n-----Li- - - -` -- --.-.l .v- nu vuu ul5 Illluvo Two boys, Pe1e:'Jdhn_son_and Deniz,f`s,I-11.1%," fell ourof ti swing, tieaiH'I`ql`edo,7 (`)hio, last ::~ee.'--ind b".*.."."~`i." Iicks; TI .... -_'.-"n-In .1 . - i`--' '2' ._........, ...-pug-`J greu Iuu "vr,;:Q13_J,llKI,U(I . Twelve vessels left hicago, Wednesday; week, laden with 292`, 2 bushels of corn. Upward: of'200,000-bushels in one'dny._- I n~lhree years, 55`mnrdere have l)Veet',;`1:`.6 n'zf-"5 milledyin the city o {,N`ew `York , lh1e_`pe't'p.el_'r'a-5 tors of wlfich have been deleeled; ."-Col. Fremontjs cmshidgyebehtl Ilonaptol quattz rock daily in Califotnimit which yields? A him, on the average, a` netof $1,000. '7l'I-i- iq:JvQ`unO ah- ....;.I'.'.'__*:' ~ , r` - -- _...., .5. my Invcluav a nun ul l,UUU. ` jIt:.1B..8aid'that 1he;cranb9ny'A:cropV in Minn;-', sols lhis year will exceed-any pievions yehr; since the sejeuanl j9f ` tl_1"cbuntry.. . Th lalnharnv IIInI'n Cu... `HI-.--_ I1- - l l V p to me `present lime, 3,007 dogs have been. bolight up and drowned in New.Yoj'k ci`ty,Lat an expense of $751.75. ` ~ I [.`.l....._.I Is..- -.>,, , _. _.. \fIIVrY..`3v In 9101.: NJ. I Edward Everett says that the 1 us alcoholic ` beverages ; hasvj {cqst 1 ,lhe_ Unil Slates, direc;[y,_in len_ y.egt,;;$l20,000,000,_ TWDIIA Iuiaunla Info t'Vl..:. _-_- 1:7,: - the staunch friends of every. man thatlraises Tm: Ussromsss or Bums.--'Someiwriter very sensibly remarks of birds, that they are fruit, grain, or grass. They are the constitu- tional check upon constitutional insects. Every cherry that a robin eats he pays'for at least for five hundred times over by countless and_ nameless injurious insects devoured as part of his meat and diet. Woodpeckersarks, jays, sparrows, robins, and ,the: whole_ tribe of_ thrushes, are indefatigable friends of the `garden and thefarm. They never boast of their ser- vices. They seem quiteunconscions of their usefulness. They make no demandnpon the farmer, on the scoreof beauty, song or service. . I`he_v_p_erforn_1 their disinterested labor of abat- ing the insect plague under all discourage- ments, and even when` rcquitted with abuse and persecution. With these services they. also bring us an amount ofyenjoymentyin their 3 songs, which no man of sensibility can fail to ` appreciate; and which is not. a.wvhi_tl_ees de- serving because they sell no tickets fortheir ' concert, and pass around no per- : {ormance.-RocIrester Urzion; " " ' - .. .. ...-u unuuuu FURNITURE l`oLrsH.-It is made with one pint-ol linseed oil andubout halfa gill of alco- hol, stirred well together and applied to the furniture with a. linen rag. After this_,_ it is rubbed dry with a soft_cottonv_cloth and finished byrubbing with an old piece of silk,` when a " most beautiful glass on the furniture will appear. ' . - n1____ 7! ` .,.-__-- -- c-u-U tolll-I VUKUIO CEMENT ron GLASS.--A transparent cement for glass is made by dissolving one part `of India-rubberin chloroform, and adding 16 parts, by (measure, of gum mastic in powder.- Digest fo'r `two days, and frequently shake the vessel. The cement is applied `with a fine camel s-hair brush. ` `r1 - - _. ........3 -v.uuvu v| anuutuu ul B0083 Rusr on IRON.-v--Polished surfaces of steel and iron may be prevenled from ruslingby ex- posure to water, if they are coated over with a mixture of lime and coal - ' 0 n__.,, "' ` " '1- h'e"I:1artford T1'n2es has a pleasant storgof a young man who went down to New York to see the big ship. After anabsence of two` or three days, he returned to his happy home in Hartford. On being asked his opinion of the Great Eastern, he, declared, with a very: naughty oath, his rm conviction that there was'no such ship; that the Great Eastern was a myth, and New York a swindle. The--only memento he preserved of his visit to the Empire City was a miniature warming-pan, fashioned oi`. brass,"which hecalled a watch, and which he obtained by exchanging a gold lever and {paying "a respectable boot. The young man IS satisfied with his trip, and the wonder -he has seen, but he`has__lost all interest` i 7 marine architecture, and it is not probable t t Noah s Ark itself could again tempt him so in from Hartford._ ' - - ,',W_ 1, .- ......s nuuu IWIUU a. year and bring twins every time, and it thus alludes to the famous Chinese sheep `which madesome Slll` here some four years ago (what the reason is we now heard nothing of them. we do not~know.), In their live stock, the Chinese have especially studied fecundity, early maturity, and aptitude. C Their sheep are very, prolic; three of them were imported to London, and placed in the London Gardens, and the increase of lambs was so great, they became a nuisance. One ewe had ve lambs, another four, and another three. In the United S ates, Captain Theodore Smith began with the Chinese sheep in 1854, and in eighteen months he harl~an increase of seventy- four, one of the ewes having had twelve lambs in fteen months! He says `the sheep are large and handsome, and the mutton of lsupe-T C riur delicacy. - I"I-._ L__- ---l -' " __..-...vl - The best substance for cemehting glass ware is a suong solution of silicate of soda; ' D"... .... 1--.- n I- - - INciu:As_mo Ft-:ctmm'rY_1N DOMESTIC ANI- M.u.s.-The Ohio Farmer says the English are devoting much attention tothis, particue larly _as regards sheep, endeavoring to "have the ewes lamb twice a year and bring twins it alludes famous Chinnqn uum mu msease. Thirdly, That in the treatment of several of the well known serious diseases of the inferior animals, its use has been attended with the most favorable results, and particularly inall inammatory diseases of the internal organs. ulv UUUIBU Ul GUI lq|l|l'l9S. . F irat, the proportion of deaths to recoveries in the treatment of cattle distemper with the Turkish bath does not appear to exceed one in ten, whilethe proportion that has been hitherto usual under other forms of treatment has varied from one death in three to 1 in 4 of the cattle attacked. ~ . Secondly, That the constitution is not` im- paired by the treatment with the bathras it is by any of the other systems with which we are at present acquainted; and that this fact is particularly illustrated by the rapidity with which, in every case, the milk almost imme- diately returns on the animal "being relieved from the disease. 'I`t~.:..Il.. "l`L_. :_ .L_ .,, . . - ..._.___--j-- Up to, the `present lime, ween hmiahl nn `nu-I A-2--u . _ . . .' :9 Hang auullllD_u up g--- This nished our inspection,` and wemiw beg to submit to` yourcouncil the conclusinns at which we have arrived from the above facts, and the information we were able to obtain in M the course of our inquiries. First. the nmnnriinn of Janlkg 4.. . .... -4 ,,.__ -- -v vu-av JUL \JCl5IV In an aicle in an Irish paper, the water treatment in the Lung Cattle is thus summed up :_ inn` 1"- ..-._, , none as "- ncaualug 581188" OI y0l1I' lalllllly just now to do so on account of pecuniary straits; obey his call toelet the key` to h.s domicile hang in your from entry; let your, wife enter just in season-to see tbemstart, and enquire " how it" is that everybody oango but you and. I? and ask you further ina queru- Inns tone, why it is that the world is so" un- equally divided ? Now both of you pop your heads out of the window and wish said neigh- bor ` a `pleasant journey, with a pleasant smile, while within you are raukling with V envy, and wish him anything but more com-' forts; then last of all, sit down to a poorly cooked breakfast, washed down with muddy coffee or smoky tea, and my word for it if that day you 'don t enquire the price of board, or ongitate deeply about a change in your busi- ness, I say if you don ! have such thought that you cannot keep away, you are an odd sort of fellow, make the most we will of your. _:f The Bath as nA Cure'for Cattle _ ___J .. .... .. uo Iuuu uuw I15 BUB 030 06." How THE MAYORB ARE TO DRESS.--Th6 V Montrealers are getting things upin a` Royal way for the Prince s reception. The robes for the Mayorhas arrived. They were supplied by the Messrs. Ede, of London, and are really magnificent. They include a. scarlet gown, trimmed with ermine, cocked hat with steel. chains, dress sword, &c., &c., a fac-simile in fact of the ofciaicostume of the Lord Mayor of London. . , -av" Irv ovnnnv IVUIITUUII IJlI'llI[|pyo Take a time when you feel uncommonly uncomfortably, and seat yourself by the win: dow that overlooks your opposite `neighbor, who has all his wants gratied, and something over. See them_piling on the trunlte for a glimmer campaign, or an enviable short jour- ney; have a realising sense of your inability to on account of nnlennizn-v uu -uu-5 Iuul pertains to In or 50181158. . ' e mind drinks in its` `knowledge through! the eyes, and knowledge is placed: before them by the hands.` The mechanic whouaoe compliehes the greatest end is the one "whose. well stored mind enables him to griaep. the means through which his object is attained. Education, with: mind andheart in the work,` makes a man a better blacksmith, a more skillful doctor; a more successful iawe_r,.'a wiser politician , a greater author. .In short,` there is nothing in which a man or woman may engage `which cannot be` more suc- cessfully pursued with than without edu- cation. ' ` ` :-_ F1-:cuNm'rY_ IN Mu: _'rh.. n.:.. n.....- .- ___..v_-v.- >u-awn uauvvu It in solemn {act ithatjbnti rew*.-mn< have arrived at great eminence .h`u_t.;s_n,ch as have been well educated. 1 Thus evety one. who read: the litre: of great men. will learn-`for. himself ; and there is another leat,1on* which he should loam at the same time, which `_ia_-.-that education helps man to whatever they have to do, much better than they could do< without it. The mind, the hand, the e'ye,tnust be educated - that they inay assist "ea'chI other. T A` iv`rell- tralned mind will `guide aright the jttilgtitent which must be {ormedthroughthe medium of the eye. The eye oontrolsthe action of the hand `in all that it does in the accomplishment of anything that pertains to art or science. Th mind drinlra in `In lrnnnylnnn II.--.._La How to Make Yourself Unhppy. A aim n nm. ...1..... ...... 4-,... .... -.._ Education ;uid Vsxicisl . ..-..- uwuvnv IIIU . I;-I--Of. e'njoyment_in lhi:ir of cah :h uot.a.wVhi_tleaa_ for their nd nn>hM.'nfn:n- OKn:- .._- . ey 3.00 ; d`og:sT have Jwd m Nam 'Vnhlo- . u-no um use 0 [cost . United- ~s..:'r.12n.nmnm ' _.-.. van. No lVlAT'l ER NOW l-A party of belated gen- tlemen, about a certain hour began to think of home and their wives displeasure, and urges departure. Never mind,snid one uflheguesls, 1` fteen minules now will make no (lierance; my wife IS as mad now a she can be. "nnr frvtn II . . - . -- -- paper, the r;as.ult of Lung Diseases of Distemper. 3; ".9.'yle:_V;_c_;tn separate; L: r ramm or on _ , , 318' guitar: at 83. 9d.gaml` ' .%?is.'tm& `W v--in `IU- -~" ` fr __ . --~- -Ivy-7--ItU:g_ _I7l|uEI' l.U_T ran .91-,:n__o|A1n 518` Few.-rs 8;.`2`s.%?!s.'m& ,`I'Pc:1;eclivly. -,8 Barrie, Hatch 23rd, 1858.. 124: _' ` { pmplege _map of Bgrriq, :3; now {qr sale` at " a` Book stores of R, J . Oliver and Wm. Mann. .i PRICES. Ii, Mounted on rollgrs `sud .vamishe_d.. .$5 each- Plain.. ._. ..... .1 j ` I _, D" Io,ogauo`ouuauc_ig$`1vd `I Tbi iiiqapM`c6n!sih`s_ V ev'ery' lot poibn bf lob withimhe limits g'1f_Ba,trie',. a_.'cqura!ly,'I&jd:> d9zn lc: scale , ,wgellus`r',v -with`? (shin? ofihe` Railway `Station, and t"1`. 1intedviIi`w- of?.!h_di;TV*rn,-dr8wn*0v_m a Lhbo- -. ` gran . - { ` ? ` nmll-'.'.....`...'...`.. Express............ Arrive` Golliugyvood; I can : . _ ,__-___3:..,.'....-f..f...11..n+-:1 an I ` LEAVE` VCOLLINGWOOD. , Expres'a..,._.'..`..._.... Mail 1 ` ' IIOII-ovoicln xpres3..,._'.'....._.. Mail `.. . . . ;_. _. Anjive ',I`oroVntoV. .` . . ; - . 1 ' I , ---- .... ..--uu uuu ualulo AN old criminal was once asked what was `the ` first step that led to his min, when he answered : The first step was cheating a printer outof two years subscription. When I had done. that the `devil took such a grip of me that I could not shake him 03'. `v -_ UN 1.0 N "s1u'u1oN RAINS LEAYE` FOIJLOWS: I ' " " ` "-,FOR CCLL|NGWO0.* M `Mann;... a}..'...`..)..r..-..~.;....- "7560 U ____ __ . . June, 1860, > ouuca uuu uanaaa. RS Brethren subscribing for their names, business, number of the Lodge, which they are members, and hich will be printed in each, w place in -the" hook. print: Mn-no Hall-.. f. can be ascertained. e` Guide must send in res: nce,_ the name and Chap: Council, &c_.\, itspppropriate e-oice they hold luau: 1111116 DOCK. - : _= ' P_rice three `dollars- --one tobe pa at the. time" of subscribing-4-the remaining two `time of de- livery of book. ul .5uuscrlDlng- livery book llll'[lS OI me ter, &c; Also their abreviatio Ions Grand Lodges, dates `of char- qlossafy of Masonic titles, States and Canada. fa by A (3111/In rnnob ...._.z :_ making it a most comprehen-: ED'WARD' AT. BISHOP. _ .".\.T:'.AILRr- - I I call the attention of '1h e ts of Bumm. and Hm -- ----. .. guwqvusv U HLLIU, l _ (BY sunscnu-non oxu'.)` . be published" during the present year. this work will be found a Chronological ortant. American and European events, times to the present per-iod---the an- from rem cient cliarg turns of the sive vadc mccum, ant-A "I`lm nnvnnn ions Grand Lod'ges, alnnble as a` work" of _referf ._.x._._ u;, .- - _.-.. us any JVDI1 A South Carolina Fourth of. July` toast: . l?7oman. To her virtues, we give our love - her beauty, our "admiration ; and to herhoops, we give-way. ' ` The richest endowments or the mind are tem- perance, prudence, and fortitude. Prudence is auniversal virtue, which enters into the com- position of all the rest; and where she is not, for- titude loses its name and nature. - A -1; .._:..-L . I ,l0` -- -___...- V--, - \I BUTCHER, POULTERER, B.z1C'ON ./IND _ H./11lI'CI'_IR.ER, S./2USGE.1l1./1KER,<-c., No. 8 Market Sta'Il-R_esidcnce, Baueld-st. Basrie BEGS Io inforrlni the public genernlly_thal he - has comalantly on hands-a good supply of the primes! quality of Fresh Meals. Poultry, &c.. Home Cured Hams ana [lacon-smoked and whiledried; Barreled Pork and Beef, which are nlfered at !he lowest possible pricei ' Barrie, May 16.1860. ' , 20-ly t'm-na of` this K1b1on; Hotei} MO l`REAL,_ , L. W. DECKER, Propriclur. A IS pleasantly situated at the head of ST. PAUL ` S'l`REE`l`, amongst, the largest wholesale houses in the city. _It has (with business men generally, and especially with the best Merchants . of both Provinces) become so great a favorite, that it is now acknowledged to be THE Business Hotel of Montreal. To meet the extensive in- . crease, during the last. year, in the business of the house,_ the proprietor has built a. large addition. The Dining Room has been extended and made more commodious; there have been completed, in the new wing, at great number of well-ventilated sleeping rooms, and the House throughout has been retted`, and now contains ma.n_vimprnve- mentsnnd conveniences hitherto unknown to its guests. The whole of the beds have, at a great expense, -been furnished with NEW. SPRING .\iAT l`RASSl The Proprietor expects.that by continuing his personal management of t.he con-V cern, The Albion, .to say the least ofit, will continue to be, as it now is, the best DOLLAR and 8.`HALF"H0'l'EI4_ in Canada. - . , 47-lzmo wonx WA? ' Barrie, .-Mn.1-ch ,2, 1858`.- Toronto. My 5; 860. Barrie, ' HE infonii the gen y, and inlxubitants generally, that he ' has taken attention, &c. to me for a. few OARDERS. e above-Saloon, and trusts by strict ept, 6th, 1858. 36-tf mblned with first class Wines,`Liquors a share of- their patronage. Vacancies ' E WIN SIDNEY MEEKING, `Pr.o'prietor. lCx?icket`1%BoarAi`i'z`1g-. II;1s "and T estaurant, 'L R. lN'rr:m\u-nnsuu um.-... The splendid-'si.tua.tion of the H se, fronting on the beautiful Bay 'of,Kempenfe t--the salu- brity of the air--thepurity of the ter~-all com- bine to render this spot one of L most healthy and deli tful Summer retreats; d the Northern Railroad now places it witbi .three _hours of Toronto. T HENRY F ASE Late of the Gamma .' ` co'mpletely._renovated," so as to 'a9commod;_s _ V HA'RMoN_Y Ann 79359 `FEIZLOWSHIIPI The Premises yhivchohe his` now Aeiitebed -hav been grent1y`en`|arged,' and in'a`few` dayawill respectable `Visitors of `every description BOARD, iniPriv;ate:_Suits. of Apartment.s,-or t the Public Table, by the Meal, Day, Week;' M th, 01'; Year. He has also-very Extensive Acco_ m dation for HORSES, and CARRJAGES, LIVERY STABLE connected with the lishment, the whole of which he hopes to e able to make the most extensive and comfor met with North of Toronto, and he he ion this should be known nun vI| o _ of Montreal has established a rule that each of its oicers is to take fourteen days leave in the year. V -A - V A Canal. l'V-__|:_- n .n - - L uruu Lu. 11 11:11 It 1 1` ~ of Comma Queen : rms Hotel, Bw`ric,..?j Lake Simcoe, 1411: July, 1 6. _ ,2 G01) sun mm Um-:N . ' Han Columbia !! Viv la1?ra.n9aia!!! ~v--- -. .',--.-- -' _ ."`.'."""T" ` Formerly kept by the late Mr,J.ohn- Bingham, and- afterwarda by Mr. L. Oaisse, nnderthe manage- ment of bothof `whoniit was so - A ' . -.--------qq~-no _- 44-4-: _,_.;_,,_ v.|.':u.L_L;1.|.z4._V L 'A)_u \J\)l'Jk7|D.l` Ull 3 And since he finds, byvthe Latest Intelligence, that there is no more War, or rumour of War,_be intends to dcvote,all his-energies_to the cultiva- tion of t.he_ Arts of_ . ` ' PEA. E: w-.q...nuvr .`... A..- __._.'_ -____,. , -Bnbscriboxzwbhld tinhn-zVrL fe pbniqrmt he has_Leased;that wll knoyvp Hotelsin` Rumnr ' .1. ne nas_,uI=_II.seu.:waI weu Know/n .l:|Qtel';I: Bmnm, ` V THE Qunmrs nus, m-........1.. I... I... ai... 1.... 1:. .r..'|... u:_..u__.. -_.: ALL ovmz w,!mz Fashionable` Tailbringnxetmted promp` he Premises, on most. advantageous terms. efzfoy, June 23, 1860. ` , 26 WRAVELLER$ wil find the above 1 -_ way suited-to 1|) r comfor_l.. V ~ ._/:_ rs--...-.__ n. rAnii;i'[PHhIETnn.` The Mayor of Philadehphiadeclines signing an ordinance allowing steam passenger cars, waning in that city. ' rpm, 1}..,.|. __1- up, ; - -