Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Aug 1860, p. 3

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ulauululu us ELF4.-WING _BRos.j altered to_ we LElvefli.a'nig3in. _ I &`3"" `J- I :1 V JIJLLLLVD-I T3.32inT . I-1m}; XUUJNU` 1V.|I`4LV..'1'AlLl`; 1. :-\.l.11lUU.lJA1C lVU.I..lUl!a. DR. AMOS; SON take pleasure` in announcing that they hgv invented a r_nuz-t important insuument forlhe cure of lheabove diseases. *1: has been sub- jected to"a-Jest b the most eminent hysicians in Londun7,'Paris, Phi adelphia , anil New ork: ilhas I-man rhunld}-all IhnLn}\In.||ounI I'naInuh-nan ! Aunr innnnnul %"% ; 9;'.m:'s;:.;.;;,%f"f' % OPPOSITE [WESLEYAN BOOK ROOM,` *- ` V1-onoarro, V ` ' ` A sruwmn max on Flmsy ms, EDIIII"ra 9.- n. uuun. u) UUUHUISBCUFB, 08 UH par 10- -0l' 0 IDS: IOT 178 Gd. > '-_ . . T FRUITS. , ' Good Valentin Raisins, 4;d per lb. or 14; lbs.- for 55 ;_ Extra Dressed do., 5d per lb.j'or 12 lbs for 5s; Fne Patrus _Gu1-mnts_,, 4d `per lb. or 14 lbs for V 59; Extra. Dressed do., bad per lb. or 12 lbs. for 53; Fine Table Raisins, 10d per lb. ` ' _- Fresh Soft Shell Almonds, 10d per 1b.; Fine ` Fresh Filberts; 7d perV1b.; Fresh Walnuts, 6d per l_b. Muscovaedo-Sugars fmm 5d to 6d; Rened Gd to 8d; with every other article in the line at equally low rates; together with a complete as- sortment of ` ` ` B.|SCU|iTS~,. CAKES,` CONFECTIONERY, &c., - M......c....m...A M.` 41. . .-..... ...:..... rm G-nQ_:-lac: mm-1.- .mptnmf&I"'o13'"6'f:TE"E.'B'"lbw, 82:0. A Mu1"-a.uu;.u'.up1u mu vr._ru 1u1V_. Anvinslrnrneng for the (Sure "of Genital Debility, or Nocltirngsl Emissions, more properly known as, Semi- nu! ` Weakness, 65c. Can be permane`r'n|y cured- in from ftecn days to two months by the use of1hisin- strument", whenusedconjoiull with medicines. _ YOUNG MEN TAKE` PAR ICULAR NOTICE. "'-l 8750 :A.menca.- _, - . . COUNTRY INVALIDS. . Persons in unv pan. ofsthe world maybe success- fully. lreatgd , by Jurwardilngla corr_ecvt? detail -of their` gaze with aremiltance fur,Ine,dicinEs.=&c. ' A dress VDR.~AM0.SZ GLSON. corner Main and ~..-~_-.-_- w pyvt, xuvvi . HIGH will 'be sold `at prices, for Cash only, : t,hga._t_wiIl defy co_mpetit.i_on, as `the annexed list, gndia single trial of the goods, will prove. PRICE LIST OE PUREJUN-DRIED TEAS, 6:0. v tlmrmxr mm A Q" ____-_ __.... -. ..g.u.n, uvAI'uAv&U Juana, wua _ . GREEN TEAS; . . Superior Young 1gIyson,~2s 3d "per lb. or 5 lbs. for 103.; Fine Young Hyson, 2s` f5d- per lb. or 5` lbs. forllsad. ' ' ~ "_3`v Finej Imperial Gunpowder, 25 9(1) per lb. or 5 lbs. `for 123 6d. . . T - .. 3'.v:.. 1` 91: uuperxal uunpowaer, 28 9(b per lb. 5 lbs- for .123 Extra. Fine. Gunpowder, 33. j>er lb. or 5.155. for 133 9d. - uA_y1z uuuwu rlrst. rlclllg xoung 1-Iyson, very rare: and seldom" sold in Canada, 33 9d per lb. [or 5 lbs. for l7s 6d.j - T _ BLACK TEAS. { . Good Congou, 2s 3d`per1b. or 5 lbs. for 103. Fine Souchong,' 25 6d p'er lb. or 5 lbs. for 113 3d. Fine Breakfast Souchong, 2s 9d`per lb. or 5 lbs. for 123 6d. - V J.'uu7 urcmslual. ouucnong, ZS ucrper ID. 01` 0105- 6d. Extra Fine Etiglish ` Breakfast Sducong, very strong and-`rich in~.av.or, 3s per }b. or _5 lbs. for . ` 133 9d- or 5 lbs. for 163 3d. Extra. Fine Oolong, 35 6d per lb. or 5 lbs. for `16S 3d. A ' ' Extra Fine Nyzigyong Oolon'g,`very "rate, 33 9d ner lb. or 5 17; ad. ' Extra Fine Sented Orange Pekoe, _3s 6d per lb. uauu 1'-xuc uyugyuug uuwug, very rate, 68 vu per lb. or 5 lbs. for 175 6d. . Also Hoqua. a_Mixt.nre, finest avored Tea sold, a treat to connoisseurs, 35 9d per lb. {or 5 lbs. for 178 Gd. '. ' ` ' \l\JJ.\J. .LJ\/LI.\JJ.)4.JLv.I., vvuc, on" the premises by first-class work- men,_which forquality cannot be surpassed in the Provmce. . . . . . Q.....'...o!nn inlm-.A!..m 4n"nnl> nu In... 1).;-ul>z.a `Db. .N,i_cs,nr,_Soireee,.wil1 nd this .:hoemb1iam'n 1'I'0Vllll.'1_3. . Societies intending to"get up Tea Parties, P-iVc_ from which to `purchase their supplies, as every article will be furnished at wholesale prices, and also. the cakes, &c., can be` made fresh 1,0 order at 12 lioxirs notice. I`lT...~l.J:.....`....l -41.-..` 11.1.... :n Juan` ......:..4.. lmnt IL : HOIITS HUUC8. - Weddinggud qther Cakes, in great yarietykept constantly on hand or made to, order at the shortest notice. . . "L " T N0 `SECOND PRICE. ` GOODS DELIVERED ms: or cmmca TO -- ANY PART OF THE. CITY`. T Remember the Victoria Tea Warehouse, 93 King street, `agfw Doors West of Church street, opposi,teethe- Wesl_e_yar1: Book Room. ` _ 9 . No connectjon with any-other House in the trade. `nhur A `l'\Y\ 1 A 1175311? Bu 'a`.]~.o5 M 6 al Dispensian, I nan-inrvuunrn nnn mun nnnv no : gsiznisaxan .1101: THE cam: 31: d I Scrofuld, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Great Impurity ` `qf Blood, Salt Rluzum, Pimplcs, Fistula, .ds_tlima, Incipmt Cqnsumption, virnrlnfmtnu nun vnnmtr ntn Ann 1:... Dr; Amos. & Son, (GORNER` OF M./9'IN`.dND QU./IY STS., . WBUFF./1L0, NEW YORK,) - pjlly Physiciansjn the State who are members of the-` Royal College of Surgeons, London,_ma.V:be"consul{ed_`from- o clock in the morning-Tunli 9,31 `night, in every "state and symptoms of Disaee.:..;j-Tr ;T ' . A MOST-SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An '1'naIu-ikunfpni fnr lha (".lIl'P. 'nf' G`-ianilnl nehililtn nr -JGCICG X0 a.l88l Dy U18 IIIUBI IDIl'|Elll' ylclll H] Philadelphia New it has . been,declttred lheohl.y~usefnl instrument ever invented for the c"ure_of I. Seminal Weakness, on: any disease of the ghenitql .o`rgavns,A caused by the secret habtts of you! . ' DR. AMOS 85 0N. in y0l d(-3|`. 16' ealisfv lhemoatv 7 youth. . n 7 _ DR. AMOS 65 SON, order to satisfy themost sceptical a t' merits "of their" instrument, pledge Pijice Ten Dollar_s,-gbygmail or express. themselves that in any instance whereiitmay prove uqsatiafactpry; -agrai fair `l_rja|, theV-mopey will he re- funded by relm-mng'th.e instrument in good order. NEW REMEDIES AND QUICK cUa'Es,L V'wnr tho Van.-rnl Dinpnu-an and all Private. Cnmnlninln 1Vr.'wnmv1nu,ma-Amu QUIUIX -guru-.5, "For the Venpml Diseases audall Private. Complaints -gleets, gtrictures,` seminal weakness, pains in the joints, affection of the ktdneys,.disgases of the head, throat, nosgnd skirt, and all those dreadful affections "arising fro|_n'a sec`n:t"h'a1}it,`O{ youth, which produce cbnslitulionf debility, render `marriage impossible, `and in the Enid` destroy both bddvhnd mind. "The treatmentztheyjdopt is the-reaultlgif _upvyards of thirty years extensive`-and sttocessful'pra'ctt0e in Europe and America.` ~, < . r ('.n`lTN'l`RV INVALIDS. gate a'reh:iltance fur,n;e,dicines,: 65. . Atidresa 7DR.- Ahglsj 6&.,S,0N, corner` Quay Sts., Bu'a_lo', f.Y."` _ L - '_ 2 Angusz;1o,1s6o._ - ~_ - ~ -A as-my ' pp v.M:u-tland, John (2)_ -- . . :.M8.XV;5fil1,I, .hilip-~. 3 _ :__McCord Jaines - Palmer, James . , ;'_Pat.1erson.Alex.V . ' _ ;,I- a;aIsall,gMar,tha , .a;Pierce,~Th.omns ~ Beitchie`,-yes. William Russell`, Alex. :7 . _ ` eu,,Miu F-1l.en_. P Cnrnthers, Wil ' ~ - gial_{8n,J Mrs, Jan ` ar, amen ;cqok},J,ohu Dedourtney, J. M. . _).9pa1Ia 1578- M.&l..'i&,r. -.' t; .I?9nav4;-n.'J,-*A.. `D()`lgh}',-.`1_`l'_'l_s`:';_ ' ' L Fahgny, M159 Bulk: Ella: v Jn%sT%nm1vnn AT THE? vmom -TEA wannnousn; ' 93 KING S'l`R`l'<`.l `.'l" .' [93 mi u.u.muuu.uuupuwuer, as per ID. 5.108. for 9d, . A Extra. Fine. Moyune.1 .oVung Hyson, 33 6d per lb. _ or 5_lbs, for 16s 3d. _ . A H. Extra. Curjqus Moyune Old Hyson, extra rich aV01`e'H.'3?Ud Der lb. or'5.lh:_ fnr ma _'-{H mum. uuxjsqus :uoyune_ um n_yson,~ extra, rich avor`e'd ,V3Ud per lb. or`5L lbs. for 163.33. ` Extra Choice First Picking Young Hysbn, seldom" sold in Canada. 35 mi mar lh Toronto," Augnxsf 14, 1860,. strument, when ,used~con]om1l&`wnh medzcmcs. YOUNG MEN..TAKE` PAR ICULAR NOTICE, no Aunxr gnu mu. nI...........` :... .....m......:.... 'Browli: Flo V D........ DnOD:tI Tossorontio. `_ uguv. mjne jgest gulf of Lgt Nfuinbm-Tn,i'i the Sevgnjtrfoncassidn of the` !l`_ow-n`s'hiP. or Mulmm-- lQ0 'a'ere; 1 V =21: 1 = _ ?:In' the County Court _o_f,_the County of Bi-ant, WII'iLIA'M, DARBY, Asaignee "of ANDREW * M0- _ GILL, PI1nti', vs;7JAM'ES ROBERT BRAD- BURY, Defendant, vunder_.&;'n Writof . Verzditioni . .k',l'he NortJ::h9.1 of . Lot; `.No.{ Eighteen, ingthe fdurthiCo"ncession'of the Tbwziship of H j"_ B; W; SMI l`H,i . % ~ * *- ` "SIie'rif,-0.5. Sanmrrfs Orncn,-BAnnm, -Per B. W. R0;S,_ 7 May 5th,' 1860_. V19-13in . Deputy. 5'ri.es1$ova saie -is'P(`)STPON`I4.}.I), >i1.11til_: MON- DAY, the_22nd day of Ogwozan ngxg, gt_t_he game plticeaind hour. A ` A q .; ; ` ' " B. W; SMITH, I V `- : Sherzjf, C'.S. . Smhmr s (jhs-rxcx, Bar:-"ie.,' APer`-B. W. Ross, Aumuat.14';1+mnT _-.a2_m:V.. n.....4-- -M of Sillicdye, HE H WILLIAM VCAMBAIGN ,,Pl inj.i" vs. J0 _N (RA%i;3 and,\v1L*Lmn Bqxa, Menu- ants: The * A 1 st half of Lint N umber Ten, `in the Sevenjlf Concession the` Townshin of Mnlmnr__ ` `_ -8fMCOE. _ v .; 3"`? `%'"? "lthe-SHERIFFZS OFFICE, inslhe Court A[_I-c'>oiP,;1z`ANDs-_-L(:oUN1*j1r.TA_V()I4' V. HO|l&.: BA`RRIE.'at'lf! titnnk nnnn ti-m~ 1. 'mee.:!lul.lf_1;,8 OFFICE-, Lin::~1he Uolirt A : Honi ;==.'in B.AeRRIE,'b.t "12 dcllock, noon,` the nxjdrmentioizd "LANDS, or the interest of the gfendants _t`herein,- under Writs in the following ..`i.`:e- y'7-: - =" p"7.:1`1 ' `No ME RCZIRY_ USED. uu;un9`1" S UFFICE, D! _ Angus} 14,; 1860. ..._:___..,-:.-j- NEW TR_l3lTMENT! ,Ll.S.Tf.`lO E'.:;LET1.`El?L xl A`1x`r1`M (1 3}. am DDR1` l'4"I3H".F! RAH` ,I- lv, -l._=-.~\J r;-1|. 1- _| l,,-I`-1`!--I.\U MMNING ii: the POST ormcn, mgizm, Nlgusl; _1st, .1860. ,.: = .----n a--nuns! Ul_UUlI UK ISIIIJUII. ll FFlUl.'rs, &.;c., &c., ITCU mill 1-... ....IA .-; _ _ _ . -_ 1-._ 11,4, *"i"%fs*7-iiannfr; DELIVERED FREE or CHAR ANY PART OF THE. CITY; _......_.?___.._...... * 1`.:L-.t:`-.1.-IL".-'1 2;} .`.*7' " ."`.'=:..~x. -F -*2~ v-s:-as :2:-aw-r . "u$_?z?:x2 I EDWARD LAWSON. I - , -I'Q_An I VI.` Do 3 33_-loin J11 VI IJLIJ 3'3-4in. I m;~m:s`-`tor ;ne' u,umv_1sx1u_w'1ss Ur`. uuuuu V `f_?`:au iiIwayS,b_e had. V Freight 179! in Good; 1 tier Ral1`#i.y`j.nd forwarded tode,stination. upqn ; receiving}! _I vI.'itLt_e1_1,_o:3der~- Ii! Careful Drivers, unq,aaIlad'Jispa`th,g modergic charges, .~'|'n:sLnnunr`.1a: pm-.'.m+_:. "-I-I-"vu-rauunuar 1 Harness; ` _ Dn'ver.s,- Carriages, Buggies` ' L ' `V 5? ` ih"'GONVEYANGE o1r_`GoOD_s T wan ma. Fteig ht..paid.bzt Goods A11'.m`.`.I'.-.4'.;-;...t`m....~..-.;.1...1 0.-."4hmo:...4.`.... ..-....... % omxo nxrnnss A m. T V ROYAL 1\m}2. L1NE"or_ STEA_MEI__{S l'0l1l0 Dy h9K8.:_ - For freight r pasaige dpply to S. LWALTON, ` No. 8 Front,St_ree,t, ol Royal,-Mail Oice.-,.next 100! lcffricm H0351; or/at the. head . of. Tin-_ ning`sC- . . 7 : V ` - h ' -" ` ' . W. BOWEN, l'nI-nnfn. Jnhn `IRRO; ' - ' ' :=2R. Eorqutoa July, 1860. . `:1 ,/' ` f` V }- `.x'o'v. 9gp.`,{5:4,::- Tecumseth, 3rd Con., Lot 4, 14 June, 1860. . Ea}: Enna -. I Fzfly Dollars a. Monti}, and all Expenses -Pa_id. ' Nactive4Agentis wanted in evcry.Count_vin the United States and Canadns, to solicit orders and `introduce our New National -Double Thread $20'Sew'ing Machines. Warranted equal to any high priced. machine. Practical for every family, which makes it, the cheapest and most: popular machinein existence. A limited number of responsible Agents are wanted, to travel and solicit orders by Sample, at a salary of $50 per month and expenses. Business permanent. Ad- dress, with stamp, for conditions and instructions, _ __- ..._..r__. _i._ A [Department .V cT Works. ! '0ie, '01` at the Oice_ of Mr. XENDERS will be r ved at this oice until rd of August next, for the` at Qunnnc, _in accordance specications, which may be seen on app ion at the Ofce of CHARLES BAIL- o 30, St. Lewis Street, Quebec, on c ls'r AUGUST next. . c Works, Quebec, andendorsed, Te er for Quebec Jail, to be signed by two or" responsible persons, who are willing to security for the due performance of the c and no Tender -will be received,except on the prescribed form which may be ohm d at this BAILLA n. By order, * ' - T. UDEAU, V V Secretary. Quebec, July 25, 18,60. 31-4t Qqebec, Juvly _l860. wcmcx,` I0!` Udrm V uvumn 1., DnUUn.- .u VILLE and OGDENSBURGH, connecting at Cupe,:Vjn,'en't; with Steamer; for KINGSTON, and Outs" for ALBANY and NEW YORK;=- at ogaersaburgh with`Roy'al Mail Steamers` fdt MON- TREAL and QUEBEO_,a.`nd with Carsfo: BOS-, ` '-TOIf.- The Boyd Maj_1_team`e:s'con`sit of the YTNHQTDN ` . -v.":\.IQll"1\lLV, anu- , ; . .NEW.ERA.' j is-fhebn y (1_ir:(-{ct `Express Line from To-_` ronto by Iiaklf, / 1.... Frniahf. 61- .;..a-.;;.. Amt. tn st. Lwnrrnw T s_m1e; L 2 OTI 1; )1"ei"f`d_1_y" gilw:reiVz that th SecondMeet- ' ' ing_ the County,o__! Simcoe Tncuns'. - ~ I ..:`1\.__ -4! n__-___',. ..;u. .4 be-.hld in th;e,T(_)WN ALL,`i` `in ;he Towno rrie, V ` ` `V 9 Ticktd canb procureii uithafommittev, or atwhe stores` of. Messrs. Sa.nsoq3 & Macnab, A_. King, Elliott, Mo`att,_and Ggor_ge& O'Brien, alndmthe dvawzce Oice, Barrie; ` V ' ' _ COMMITTEE or IMNAGI-:MN;_r:' " Du. Coanmm. . . . . .' . . . . . . . D Tgmsox S. WAINWRIGHT . . . . . .( . . . . . .11.-gf `O'l3_mn-N. Single Tickets, 50 cents; Gentleman and Lady, .75 cems;v'1`icket_9;dmiLting Three, $1 00; Family Ticket admitting Five, 81 50.: ' 3- 1 Orillia, August 6th, 1860. ' Barrie, August 91, 1860. D IXDIVIEDI UILVDLV LUHL lily. WIIE: nnugul. Finnan or Casey, has left my bed and board without any jnst cause, I therefore herebv forbid any person .to give her anything in my name, 3.51` will not pay any debts contracted by her from this do.1._e. _ - OWEN CASEY. ~ rrl`..............n.. 9...: (`ADI T A4 A J. w. iIAmi1s_& co.. Snore AND Lumen Excxumm, BOSTON, July 25,_l860. . , 3 NE`W'Y0ii 2;f"1?>3i i* IiERNEI%l -Pign-i;1;r -s g} ;v,_e-ry.z:':ernoon,.at 5 : Movclockyfor VCAPFFVINGENT, BROOK- VIIJJI1`. and nl1nI4'1N SRURGH_ nnnnnnno at III tun Lvwu vr " On Saturday, .92., `Dy'f -duiaust. 1860. ,3 at,the.honr of, '1' `q"clock,- in athe forehodn. School Teiachersmie ` the geiieral p_nblic r65 _ fully-invited, to" h.tl_,end. The Standmz Commit are requested to meet Q earnstly requested, _a.nd' 7 `Wm. an drvnzfm ._ '7; i.-TEMPERANICE ".HALL,V QR.I7LL`IA,u In aid of the Building Fund 9'f_?St. JAMES CHURCH`, - on Thilrsday Aug. 23, ~(`.'nm-m`-I In rymmomte `at R hslnrlc mm + < UILCI III} I-VII`; \J\JIlllI\;|rlI4IUlal ON MON Y, THE 20TH IQISTANT, on the Premises, the TOWN of BARRIE, Situate on-'4 Collier `et. adjoinig the M: Block, being composed Lots No. 46 dz 47. TM: will he an 4-ton _nt. ~t-J`mnm=.- fnr m DIUCK, Ulilg CUIIIPUSEU JJULS -{N U. `RD E `.1 . This will be an exce nt `cbancev for parties wishing to procure Lots 11 r the Market for busi- uesjpurposes. 73. .--Amn_ ADDUI 1 OF 3 IIHIC HCOIII LDC murlun For Terms apply to Mrs. P. RIC RDSON or to the Auctioneer. ~ .~."-- ....\ n..-.....vugv-nu-u noun a n.nv nvr Y\I SALE T0 COMKIENOE AT 1 0'01. K, P..\I. . ` W. 3;, CL K, ' AI innnnr DEPOT FOR VF.-SPRA MILLS H16 g'Bll|.`l'lI| PIIIJHV 1'08 nun -_|uvuI.uu, LU uueuu. 1 - Standing Commit gxfe requestecj .tob jneet - -at Mt. Misca'mpbell?a.Hate , n Sgtturda thjllth _'day of August, at (he huro ;in?the_ fotenoong = ' ' " l6_ven o" [the clock, -12. R('}HARD,' 1 Rprrntnru Victorib, Angus} 2h`d,l8;60. Mu;s|%cAL%EN1_Is_nI ENMEVNIII A CONCERT I _'C'ance1"t fa Commence at 8'p`Elack, p.m. ` A number of Ladies and Ge_pt_1je.ng2n have kindly consented to assist on the occasjo.` About & of a. mile from ih llarkga Fnr l`m-mu annlv tn M'ra P. RIC} `.,._, ...... .. .3..- ...... ..., .. ..., `7..~..;, TEN ./YCRES OFVEX LLENT C L E A R E _]D_ L K!" D ! `:1. u. unu` _ _ F. JOHNS,.JUN.,_ _ TEAcTHER_<)F MUSIC. %II&'1 S HEREBY GINEN that my Wife, Bridget Finnnn m- naov hm: loft mv had and hnnrd `I`J:[V ND Luuuu KHUVVII, Cl|.Ll|4'I' Ill: EH1`! Jl'lUu`Il I. ` -Office, or at his residence, `Baycld Street. Ba.rrie,J_1_1Iy 16, 1860. 4 ., . .20 June, 26, 1300? Oice cheap for Cash. I-` WU UJUCIIUUD IIUIBC IL! Ban-ie,_June 12, 1860. `.1- - .....,... : ; Kllf-TON, ` PASQI EIGHT :B\ELD1G LOTS: HERMS made known, either at the ./Irlvance ` Oman nr at lu rnuinnnn `n;..nn1.z 1rnnf._ STALL No. 5, MARKET Hovsm, {TOR-the sale of FLOUR, BEAN`, SHORTS, MILL OFFAL; &c.,`open everx-`day. WWO excelicnt Horse Rakes for Sale at this Dlllnn nhnnn Pr... nak . THE Sub {iber has received i'sh'uc`tions to offer to blic Competition _ ' f\\T Il[\KY A`, IIVTJIZ` I\II.-- D; - av H13 aresolu-., ue Reeve {cox -r_j.:achass~ cause-man. -q-run-u , _ --ALSO, , _ be same time and p19. will be soldnlso mrzmr aribnwo nu vv rrrnw-n \UQ T.lON sA;LE. ESTON, V `PASSPORT, `RANIEI CJSH F022 -vVHEA53.:-_ rnrnc `D1 Hdrse_1jakes. ' THE STEAMER8 . --anw-ml-II ~ o[rT j 11111-1.111 - rs'12m:n',T . V .~.-:CHAMPION, Vand= . , . .NEW,'l'`.!1 et. Market Lr Lnm No: 4:: A: 47 tweet-` I cuurgeg. , L .cUm)LE,~: Brappigtor. I ' THOS. .RbBINSON. org. 96' Secre tary'. L___.j.jj E15` 723 LARGE uid. <;'omp1e/eve Assor`im.n_t_ Ladies .Ena,meIIed Kid and P`r`u_ne'll9. Gaitzers, Buskins, Boots; Gent s Calf, Kip. and Course; '. Misses and`Ch`:Idren`s, of `every viu'ie`ty'un"d style, . D...-..:n >M.`. 1:2 nmn `which wi}l `be._kep'tLcdnst`un'_tl_'y_ `d}i':lE1g 1jd,,.. V _ AT `PRICES LNOTA? T_0 BE UNDERSOLDI I ~ - ANDREW GRAHAM` ""0." .. -' 20a'H"- ' I335` llll distnct_s. qharges, he nopea In 8ecux_e_ .n\.la,{r paufouugu. ,. Particular attiention will bezpyiiditp securing tb I 'h'8t"i.'iIn}5_e:*fl0!l;G oldawiten pad otherwell known int-hol- HE ASubs-riber Sega leave` to 'qdint the Farmers and-others nf' the county of MSim<`: oeV fga,ghe has'9mmep1`hpin`eas ag; . . -`QARBIAGE HAND` j` , IMBLEMENI : MAKER, ' ~--Nanj- :7za~11aasz:.:,%1;ao+~ze, - ~ btfe',:i..ti<`>.i1}td.:u8ih,j:h:=?I. nidem ihuimm ";hdt>.& to, necurs: 1-afaeic, patr.on,as9.: < `.'Pn|3m|ln\"` nmmtmn niiil he.unid to. seam-ind` the s HE Partnership heretofore existing` between MESSRS. ROOT 5; MORRQW, Swlrllers and Harness Mt:/cerg, hae this day been Dissolved by mutual congedt, and at the simie time return their sincere tifntxs to the public:-`generally, for the liberal patronage extended toiz 1.hem- while in business. ` V _ ' Dl\('\'l\ 9. \ll'\'DY)l'\\IY 'With reference to the above, the subscriber begs leave to inform his friends, and the public gener- ally, that he, yvi,l1z ' `no.-4.110 brzsiness-on the same premises. ' '3 ` ebts to andby the said rm will be settled bv him. GEORGE LkHUNTi:i2, V Copper, Tin & Shget Iron Worker, -xv-stun ., ZBEGS to inform his friends and the public gene- rally that he has commenced business in the above line, on the premises adjoining Messrs. Root 5; Morrow, Saddlers, - T\TT\YT f\D QWVDTTYBWV 1') A YITIYLW av--av., u ;;;;; IAJJ, and hopes by keeping the best material, punctu-' a.lity`in business, and moderate charges, tomerit 9. share, of pixblic patropage. M./1NUF. CTURED GOODS always on hand.- REPJZIRING promptly attended to.--R./IGS taken. in Trade.` Barrie; i,1seo. 1: Barrie, July 27, 1860. Slillll pl`Cl.llI5C3- ."L|l UC will be settled by him. Barfie, J uly 27, 186-`). l _ Ill'1.l'-IIJIIILVIJ IITUH taken 27: Trade.` I Bgrrie, May 9th," 1860".- nnauhl GIL T M0 UZDINGS and Pictur to order. A ' v e res made A D. B. GA N, I`I............I-... L`. IV L.._-l.... L/cify. BINGHAM ROS.,- BUTCHERS, POU ERERS, &c. &c. If. u It_..1._4 : 1- 1 n . THE suv criber ha received his Full stock of ANpmJ`1`Ig_:gann% scans, '1 '.'775oMp7Fi&7:j"": .' An 55.01-t_ment of _the newest designs in Barfie, May 16, 1366. ,--_-:--.-.4..:-._._-. ' BOOTS &. SHOES I WEOLESAI-;E.AND Anm4m:p `B%rri.e.{_i\Iay` 16) 1860- PANISH,SoleSlngi1ter;,IfrT K ,,.(.}aIf:' j : Harness,` Bind_mg', Lining,` Asuoemakg Find-: inc. he-. ` . NJ Dal`!!! kc`. _ V 5 PER CENT. }3EL W FORMER PRICES! FOR CASH ! 1 % Ofcers, To ship Clerks, SchooITea and Stoxekeepers c `n be supplied on terms never before o'ered. - - V ' g AH n...l4._.. In. i`)....a.~...:I1 ..._..:.... ........'...4 .....: ,. .3- hick rk- Bmge, .1 May,'1s6o. attached to the Advance Prlmingiofc-"e, Barria Thu nlmve business has been carried nn wit May, 1360. 8.-IIJVII-0% C-wulvuaansy vnvulaua -also u-vacant! ; - V-Oilttng-Bstsbliihment,-Dnlop-Bti, 'CALL ANDSBE `ms sroox OE M _ .Glots, Doeskihs, " " Hats, Caps, Cassimeres, Tweeds,-T Shirts, Collars, Satinetta, and - Drawers, Braces, Canndianvcloths, *9 :` Hosiery, Glove, I K .A.:1 I I\'I,A1-_'_;..' I-nan-\n vnvuuu, van.-J , V-v - v, T" A33 'Re':'dy:M1;de clothing % Made by rst-alas : Worlcmen, from every variety M Q) Gabds, ii: siylesto suit all customers," ' 7 - N.B.--.Oustomers may rely on having` gnnnents made to measure in elegant style, and in the latest fashion.. I ' . V . I Bgrria October, 1859. " 4l-tf l)|Ul'C' ULICICU. All orders b ; `Post, will, receive pro.1i1pt and careful aytengjion; A V 1 v - A i : "3 . FRANCIS JOHNS, Agent. .... an r... ya, V Barrie, July 3, 1860. A ` 1`e"r! 2 Leann: :1 Lathai 2 WITH s'151'2Q2i'1`".`s'1'n}P;t5oVE_D POINTS. ` D. B..GARTON, Agent for the County of ymcoc Gnocnizms, mnnwaim, cnocxnni, M. i ' , . ANDREW GRAHAM. Zarrie, 16, 1860. V . 20-',tf . LL DIIITCHCKI June, 1860. The sa1i1e_ `auction on "SCHOOL Bo_oKs. .-..-... ed to the m `E; .-__-._ jgustomers. . \n"~-..v\.-. ste and, requiremeqta of l1is_ . - _ -....._-.., - ,, .. ...--....-.,, W... W. No. 1, Market Stall,` Corner Murketand Dunlap S eels, Barrie. Pk`. MoNDAir,.'rHE 30m INSTANT, the nu: Rfn:-`Ir at tho ,/hhmnro inn will nnm- Dissolution Of Partnership. srk Aqgoonsz VAMS and BAG of - first quality, Dried add Bnrrned `HER nnnntnntlv nn lmm-I ,aT{. . ` `-``'`"V:' . . F YOU,want to get GOOD and CHEAP ,QLO'_P ; ,_ _ H . H. BEN~NETT S .-LI--AKI- 'lI42I-..:._._ lII-A.L_'_- 4-.` Anna...` fooxs, siT?rIoN1:iRY,. 11113) uuu D\Jl OI HIS! quauty, um cons1_'.aut-ly on hand. 2! `snLn:r::>`"orr: 5ANCY_ DRY _GE>oDs,_. L|GHTNl_l_\I_G gppgj 1VTew i`Uaiag Factoiy. Rodi 'I>AI_-Ens, !&c_.i Dt}Ii. 6I; STREET, BARRIE, `AR I..- I ..... ...._ 4!... L...` __..L-_...I . Linh -Nn1i:wgRAHAM. *)n_of . ROOT 8: MORRQW. WILLIAM ROOT. Us 25-6m ILVD Aent.` Lots Nos. 6 & 7, N. S.- Louisa. Street-Lots Nos. 11, 12, 13, Sr 14, N . S. Elizabeth Street, and ll, 12, 13, & 14, S. S. Henry Street, Perry ` Estate. ' S. hf of Lot 14,_ Berczy Street, Roe s Block, 3 acre and Dwelling _House.- , Lots'l9 & 20, East side of Bayeld Street, Palton s I. Block, Mill road, nearly an acre with a. good . ,' Dwelling House. L The E iof Park_ L01 No, 1, North side_of Napier Street. ; 2i "acres. , _..`_1_ _ac`1-Ves inhthe town pl(v't:.()fKEMPENFELDT. [ ._Lot 8, St. Paul Street, COLLlNGWO0D.' The ahnvnvwill he Anld nhc-.:u'\_ and nn nnavrrhu-tn: ~co1'TAGE'ro REM or LEASE, TV 'l`!J -)n J`.--. H lJll\JIJ OI .'.IlID,lI4 l1l.l_r\ L/llllllln ' "1`he/ Eat-'dn contggins choicempple, plgm, cherry,- and ogbervtablg. fg'ujt's. and e`x_cellenbt soil, with n agitiag are water rnuh_in`g through it. 4- ` _ |-ulna-. im.miaulnr'n..nnnlv at this office. or` on the iarrig, min-ch '21, 1860.` Dwelling House I and Garden jto I vb`e-Let, with immediate posseasiomu GOOD .': f.!ADWELl_;1'NG HOUSE AND GARDEN, en- ltrauce on Collier Street, and only 40 rods from the` .l1ark-;-~'.'.--- " .- ` A;GOOD STABEE AATT.A_.CHED. " Fln`n' bnidn nhfhihn P."lnl'A&l'I1R, 'nl|n`m, nhnrrv: UILDERS HARDWARE, Mechanics Edge, | and all other Tools, House Furnishing Goods, ! Cutlery, &.c., and all other Goods in the line, at. ; the Lowest Rates. 26-Lf i Lot 4, &: S. hfof 1 l, in the 6th Concession ; and 25 ' in 3rd Concession Flus, 7 Lot 2.7, in the 5_Lh Concession ; 25 in the 4th and -part 25, in the'8th of Mulmur. Ll}: `nargi, may 23,I1seo . Rodm, Ki-tchen, and an excelleni Cellar; with good 'S'1`KBLTNG, OU'1`HOUSES,,a Garden, and "an Orchaifd in bearing; situate about` 20 minute`s walk "from the Market. at Barrie, and fronting - . .-` . Italian and ./I/_ncricaIul1m'ble; also, mu.n_uI'uc- tnrers of)l'onutnents, Geno plis, Tomb and Gmve C. 8; Wm.,YALE, Importers and Dealers in J Ston'e`3,_VCex1tre-Ta'ble and: Hind Tops, Chimney 'Pi.eOe'3, &c. &c. ~- Our Office will be open at all times during bu- I sine'sS'hours,where We will be pleased to exhibit I designs and specimens of work to any who may v favbur us with a call. | A `H n..,J....~. al....... ....I. .-..... A ...,....4- ...!11 L . . _ . ___;I_. luV U|.l1' U3. VV {LII My Cilrlln All-orders through our Agents will be promptly `attended to. 7 ' . ` 7172: D) . . . . _ ........-.....L-..... LL-` ...._ Il'_'_1..I.. :_ _1- n__ I and. `I-llll I LLJII Ill` I} {\lVl.llAl\l\JJ'Il.` l.l[\l\1J V` I`J\-ID 114 Yonge Street, l'oro`nlo, (om) smxn) TWO noons scum or ADELAIDE s'rm:r:'r June "28tb, 1353.` 10 ACRES, `being composed of Lot Number ' - 20,1`.Zt|x Con. Vespra, with new Burn, 30 -by 52, Dwelling-house 20 by 30, Stable, Unb- houses, .\:c.- There is'a. good thriving Orchard on the prcmises,.and 40 acres Cleared, under Fence and in Crop. For pnrticmars, apply to TIVIY nmnrnnnnn m A 1-r nn Vespra, June 2.6, 1860. S. hfof, Lot 5', in the 11th Concession Innisl; about 50 acres cleared. V N. hf ofolfgt ?i, in L3eF8th Concession Nottawnsaga; an c eare arm. S. E; '{ of Lot 1 in the 10th Concession Nona- v 7 wa9aga.; _an old cleared Farm. Lot No. 6, m the .1011: Concession Vespm; about 30.ncres clean-ed. E. hf of Lot. 74, in the lat Concession Flos; , about 50 acres cleared. .` t -7` ~ -~f') - _ -V Abonggao-`Acres of -LAND, cleared, 10 ofwhich `is.gnde_r_;c|;ltivation,.; The Oottage can be rented iviior yiitboumthe,-Lanq. , . ' war `mrtii:`uIa'.r's' imnlv to this 01359. to John _3"U1_.,01' )VllDQllTa,I.I.l.B"lJll!.lIn . "For `pm-ti:'uI9.r's 3DP1_ this oioe, Alexander, _Esq., or to the owner, V '-:`- '- y w` ' MRS. P.'RIGHARDSON. Borrip, March 21, 1860. - 12-tf. i1 3"Please remember that our Marble is of the finest quality. Our designs for the above work are oi the latest styles. Orders for any work in Marble executed with taste and despntch. D. CARLOS YALE. _` WzLL1AM YALE. l Annumo 0 1611114 no 1.. NLLUHUUU LU. ` _ , IMPORTI`;R OF 7 V` I BRITISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE IIA \/,...._- C'I,......5 I'....,c...I.. iBEV SOLD, cheap, the East half of Lot. No. . 9, in 'the_ 8th Concession of Medonte, about 25 aces ofwhich gre c_'1eared. _ `I For `particulars apply to the Postmaster, `T ` _ " Medonte Post Office. 'Medonte',Ap;i1 27, -1860. _ 18-tf ' ` 0 be Rnnid. or-Leased, with immedihte fos- 3` essioli, A NEAT -COTTAGE BUILT HOUSE, containing2 PM'1o.urs, 2 Bed Ropms, .Servant. s ,R0dm,. Kitchen, an excellent with nnn "lK!1l'.`I"'N'($ GUTHUTTSEHX fl Garden, and IIl$[I& I IIIIIIII for any quantity of. dipb` iumvacilarrnnnla wunar, delivered either at their Mills, or at their DEPOT in BARRIE. 93- PJR-TIC'UL./1-R JTTENTION PJID T0 GRISTING 5, CUSTOM 17031: .5; A Depot has been opened in Barrie, West of ! t.heMo.rke't House, where we will constantly keep oon`h:ind FLOUR of `the best quality, which we will -warrant. to_ customers. OATS, PEAS, BRAN, a'nd'all kinds of mill offal. Evurv`n'n|-t will ha maria in nhmun fhncm with ._lJUlo 0, Bl ruul DUTEW, LUhh|NU\\'UUI). _ ue above will be sold cheap, and on'tcrms of paymut. Affply (if by letter post-paid) to are now putting tl-zem-in. excellent repaif, And are prepared to pny>tl1e ` HIGHEST * MARKET VPHICE IN CASH, fa- ....... ......._xu_. -9 iiuii , . , EGS to return his sincere thanks to his cus- tomers for the very liberal support he has received since his residence in` Barrie; and hav- ingincrensed his facilities foi- doing work of the very best. description, he piesumes to have a. stronger claim upon their patronage. " . Everv remiisite fnr sanm-Lemon gnnnlind nn Hm ,aI.I.'uuguL' cluun upuu Luexr ])5lLl'O[]lg(3. ' `Every requisite for sportsmen supplied on the most. reasonable terms. ' REPAIRS EXECUTED WITH DESPATCH. 1?'Specimes of workmanship kept on hand, 1 and parties are invited to inspect. them ere they think `of purchasing elsewhere; Support home `manufacture. _tfr,i_;1~IaycI1 26, 1860. j 13-Iy noun, -ogrrs,TPms, BEAN & MiLL ovvg A: " S``L.E- 'THE"Subs`ct-ibers hnvfng recekitly purchased the -H`l\l IF|nll\AI` nnunua-nu IHINS I RI]3A`LE s, . M. BuRN1","': Gun Maker, Dunlap-Street, . \_ l'l`l0, .;';}3io'1IGE sixmzmr, NORTH OFQUEEN. Gash fo1`'1{;Heat*%;j"::"": L`%;i.x?Lh"ftr:whe.t?btt't shhzrttmu-;u:a o Ix-V'vvwfvV v\.~vv u\,\4\J\`\'\'\`I~/'\\'~J'\-'\\\`v\/\rv\1x \l\. -,.......,- _. .4 aaaa trticcmmw 7g.* n/v\, \'\*y*\`s`a'\.\ \. ~~\ u\'~.'\\/\'..*-.`~.`-\x\'\. \.'\.`- .. . \.-\.`.`\\d v - vs. FARM F_O_R SALE. '1"() I*;(3I\.W)*_ V _MA P.-B_LE woaxs, }'xrnn arnnnnm vnnmn nm nnr.~r.~\v 7. \J}\l'.I.4UD JAME4. August 8, 1854. ' Agricultural Implements 4 )F ALQL KINDS, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY, 1 fnr . ale hv . ' 1` 111.111 l\l1V1J for Sale_ by TOLLENDAL MlLL_AS!v FARMS F_(3Fl SALE. g;;1:*h(if W. D. ARDAGH. PATTON & AI`.D_AGH, B.uum=.'. .. \t'.I.C no Hnnn . ad 1.. 7.7>.MEs B. RYAN, nnnnn nv-r-rvn nn To Town W13A9tTs Barrie. VW- u-v aw-.---- we --an WITH ACRES OF LAND. .. ....T t..\.......n..u -01-I 33:0. 0. TODD, RI-nmn Y?i14.LPS- _V)_'vlf.lI;3V1V1ZI7<:)71`t,CwEI`;i`JA;LOR, On the nremises: vuvb n LIL um: nun uvuv av, \.IIu~I- r Dr. Peter R. Shaver has practised here for afew years, and in}: private and friendly conversation with him and his assistant in his shop, the subject of Licenses was introduced. Ashe had not (as .. he then for the first time stated to me) the Gover- . nor`s License to practise in Upper.Ca.nada, he held that the diploma or certificate from McGill College of .\lonu-enl, and from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, of said city, entitled him to prac- tise in Upper Canada, without the Governor s v sanction, and I simply disagreed with -him and held a different opinion. He was simply unlt'.3' ed, according to the laws of Upper Canada,-.. DP- Shaver has the Diplomas or Certicates from 89-Ch " of these institutions in his favor, (printed in Latin) framed nndhnng up in his shop. I put my opimoh in the form of two questions, 9. copy ;0f- Which _I left at Dr. Slirtver`s with it note~-and liberty is _ en to produce and publish what I so wrote. '1'- .\\`as most ungentlemnnly, and also ignorantly d", for any other information as to the fact, to be made to you. The two questions ta-ld_'W.`' as follows :- Query 1--Is it necessa y by law for any Medical Practitioner before .he com!nY.1..9 " l0 practise in Upper Canslda, to havetthe Gover-t nor s License ? .Query 2--If the practitioner :: slmll only have the common and ordinary diP1" "`- (or Certicate) by any Medical iB08!`d_01` College in Upper Cnne.dn.--can he, wW't "'9. iGovernoir s License practise legallv ? '9-nd 1'f"' ' enee was made to Clmp. 40', page 436 of Consol- Statutes for U. C., and to form or indicttiiiillt F-{flinst unlicensed parties. This `was on tl1'e_23_1j`d tine. - _. \. ~ A - t J! L}: l\If\l`, : 114 Yonge Street, Toronto, 5 - Two doors South of Adelaide St. 3 3. 26-tf ` IDDINL` \J1lUL`A LA 1 I On the premises; T\TI'\ ix mnnn J. B. RYAN, rvn Rh-An! Tn:-nn fr luuu, Brampton, C. W. ` {ill I AMI 23. ly 0 . -1 2-ly vurx;s)', wlul sup:-.nu_r wurnuuvu [0 put. Lucm up. He lmshlso at their service A full stock of Paints aixtl Colors, dry and in OH, Raw and Boiled Lin- seed Oil, warmntduentiine; Spirits of Turpentine, Varuishes;P1;tt , Glass of all sizes from 60 3 86 to 6x 8 inches, rom polished late tothd cheapest vWin_dow,? Figured and mined Glass,` many po._tterna and colors; Btuslles for Painters, :\Vhilo- .wnsliars, and Artists; Glue of. all qualitieo,:8and ,P`l _rv&,c- ' -. ~ - .'-V - .' `s v. v~ ange. Sign and Decorative Pnnntxnxr in main ra.par,.o:c. _ V _, House Sign and "Decorative Painting in Wain; and" oii, ending, Graininp: d Marbling.;-r Qhurchps oif `Plasma nished in the` ichest l"_:_-eco,,i lRemnib;09;_;l;7 ;.E8l6IJlishmmt ~30 yars_ ;1g.:`, _ _ -*.u.nx. H.unLtr0N`.1 H: `ICuOF (ll":1: .".""JH,.`.`$ !WC'IIIIlI' UV yV"I *'_ `lg ' V ' , _, - `ALEX. H1ug1.L'.r0_1% ` f .. _ ,p _', - . $'91`*!a.APr!W.,v1`5-_.*; , : .s :1- - A/:-. .` !,' - _..\__ Notwithstanding of whsitlyou bane? virittn -in 5? J U13 number, and of what has been writtp. b.`' You to the Northern ./1rlvanc'e at Barrie, C.W1-, ' (1S.?-:\u`gust) I am inclined to adhere to the. 9P"1i0n that the Governor s License, for practis- . "*3 the .\Iedicn.l profession in Upper Canada, is necessary. The three exceptions in the act-Cl_m.}i. 40. are. nf nnnl-:0. mu-nntnd v7. I 'nnmmnna1.hit8? RUOM PAPEnsz'"iaT1oM PAPES!A! moon gyms : 1: \l ll`11ll." DALVUAILVD U1` lSU\ILIl l'I\I'Il1`a, from the most 'extensive.variod and cheapest stock of Paper Hangings ever presented to them `it: Cariada. 'l`bey- 616 moststiicable for decanting Dining, Drawing, and Bedrooms, Halls, Public Buildings, Ceiliqgs, Omoes, or. Stores; Borders, "Corners," Centres, Moixldings, Statues in great variey. with superior w__ox'kxnen to put them up. Hnhdfnln nt lhif nnrlrima A fill dint-It nf Pninll { THE M01S`:u(v3|(;:\if. vI.`I:"'l;-(V1 ' Industria Products of Canada. E ; gathered together. BY special at-ran emcnt with the Board of 'Agricnltnre, A9: `cultural Implements shown at Quebec, and Co pcling for Money I ri'/.es there, will also be re mad as late as the 23rd August at the Exhibit. :1 Building in Montreal, and allowed to compel or Alcdala, &c. _ All Arnlaa rnnrncn Ina tho Indlntrinl Rn. IIUAV L` lCl`A|'4 .01 Elly cnnrge I01` l`u\1 I . Blank Forms of Applications fair Sp o, and all further information, may be obtained 0 applica- tion to the undersigned. Montreal, July 12, 1866. ` Smznn-'r s Onrxcn. rARRXI-3,: I July .31, 1860. I V ""'. TCutm'rY 01-` Smcon, UTICE is hereby given, | To wrr: 2 that the Court of Gen- ieral Quarter Sessions of the Pent.-e nml County 3 Court for the said County, will be hold:-n_ at the ;C0um* llousrc, in the Town of Barrie, on TUES- gDAY, lllh SEl TE.\llllR, l8(50,.,pt the hour of {Eleven tclock i_x;_tlu-. forenbou, of which nll per- ?sons conerne therein will take notice and. I govern themselves accordingly. I B. ll . -S.\llTll. `SHERIFF'S OP]-`ICE, BARB!-E, August. 6, 1860. BTIIE B>&1-RD OF A1".'1`S & MANU1"ACTURES ' . VII-I5 ltII\. \l\I-\J1"vI|II.I\lll vn. -n4\. : 03.31) 0 AGRICULTURE for LOWER CANADA fa 5oT "{{&" _b','boo, The EXHIBIT N will be OPENED on the TWENTY-F URTII m` TWEN'I`Y-FIFTXI DA oi AUGUS1` next. lll-H1 unuweu L0 COHIPEI - All Articles reprcsc 'ngv the Industrial Re- sources of the Conntry,.1 ing the [ I`.0l)I.'C'I`S of the FIELDS, the FORES ', the MINES and the FISH ERIES of the PROV TIE, as well as all ARTICLES MANUFACT E!) IN CANADA or .\|L'|llHB', NU uaooavuuu -gsoguusaavav Anna gnu up-gu-.--.. will be received` and a1lo_wc to compete for the Medals, `Diplomas and Prizes. A Rh-run Wnrrinn will fnrn ` mnvp nmcpr tn Jll DIOUOD. The Freight of all articles hibitcd, to and from Montreal , over the several 1. xes of Railways and Stezimboats, will be [mid by I Board. A All Artir-Inn fnruvnrdr-d tn lhe H rd.ndIressed and menmuouts, wul ne pxuu ny l . All Articles forwarded tn the I3 rd, addressed to the undersigned, and marked R EXHIBI- TION, will, if approved, be placed n EXHIBI- TION FREE `of any harge for E.`I'l` Rlnnlc Wm-ma nvf Annlinnnna fdr Sn 0. and Ill ALEXANDER HAMILTON, '1'. his stand,188 King Street. Em, below St. , Lawrence llarkethia now o'ering' to his old riends and customer, and the Public, (`.Rli!A'l` muuums ma mum: vaprcnaw cdiI;_~_i.1"Y, OF smcon. _ on Monday, 22;ia:oo1gbb'qr,, 1360, WI?! be T the SHERIFF'S. OFFICE," Ibo `Court House, in Barrie, at 12 o`o|6ck; noon. the lundermentioned LANDS,- or the interest of the get'endante_1herein, under Writs in the following uits:- ' I'.. al..- l'\..-..._L. n-.__I_ hnnnrnn IPI.`l1\vAnv llBDl.lUUllCl' M) UZIVC: \VllO I)I'1`l.'(.3lalSI_}S l[l_ UPPCII nada. and in than. article nn unsparingond defam-__ awry method has been \1njnstia.b'ly adopted by you town.rd.s me in my oicial position as Clerk of the Peace, and no similar plan adopted" towards our worthy Sllcrilf, Robert Moderwell Esq. You could not of yourself, I am to suppose, have sor'- ferredlo these officials unless some-correspondent had communicated with vou.'- Your correspond- ent has misled you.--I `havoncver saidor done anything derogatory to your Medical Profesion*(a profession I esteem highly), nor `to your _Gol1ge of Physicians and Surgeons,"--and `I am-ce_rt.ain that .\h-. -llloderwell has not done so, either. TX. D,.o-.. n 51...... 1.-- __- -.:__.I L--- L`..- .. 3`... H Alver Boys, Esquire. OI UO|llg'WO(Ml. In the Queen s Bench, CHARLES B. SMITH, Plaintiff, vs. WILLIAM F. S.\llTll, .D-l'--Iulzint, Town Lots Number Four and Five, on tlu- South side of Elizabeth Street, in the Town of Uarrie, as laid out upon the West Half of Lot Number Twenty-Four, in the fifth Concession of the Town- ship of Vespm. in the County of Simcoe, by William Gibbnrd, Esquire, for Henry Runnels B. W. SMITH- Sheriff. C'.S. `le above nle is. pdstponcrl until Tuesday, March 6111, 1860, M. sumo place and hour. , ` ' . R T \H'I`TT. 1 ' . Sm-:xunr's Omrxcs, BARBIE, Z March 6, 1860. 1:. Snmux-*1g~'s Orxcn, Rnnnm, April 24th, 1360. -j_. ' The above Sale is FURTHR FQSTPONED until .\lO.\`DAY, the 22nd day of Ocromm ne._tt, at the same place and hour. . i R xx,` Q\!T'I`lI :3. a\`ia;JTa;;`LT:=;ii.ce .5: Wales. Ulvuul, lllllllllllil EU I I'II:I`3- A Steam Engine will furn motive power to any Machinery which it is dealt should be shewn .in motion. rm... L\....:..I.o -r -11 ..-.:..I.... I.:t.:o...l On an!` m"f:fThe .Qnee's Bench,.ROBER'l` KMNAN, Plaintiff, vs. LAWRENCE MCBRIDE, Defendant, the East half of Lot Number 10, in the 5111 Con- cession of the Township of Adjaln, 100 acres. In th' Ou9n Rom-.h. CH,\Rl.I`R ceasluu 0_l we Luwnsnlp OI nuyun, 1UU acres. - In the ' Court .of Quen s Bench, CHARLES MACDONELL, Plaintiff`, vs, HEJNRY 1 EItRlN', `of the Town of Collingwood, in the County of Simcoc, Defendant, the West halves of] ms 9 and 10, on the East side of Cedar Street, in the Town of Oollingwodd. _ In Iba Queen : Bench. CFL\RT.1<`.R B. SMITH. July 16, 1860. LEGAL QU.ALIF.ICA.TION TO `PnA'c'rIC'E - THE MEDICAL PROFESSION; STRATFORD, C.W., 4th Aug, 1860. Dr; Hall, Enmm 0? Nu: . Bnmsn AMERICA)!- ~ . V.f`.`:- ,. . 3: -)0L7IlN_AL, 31oxmi:ALL A . A Sm-.\Iy attention has been drawn to an article 1;: your . \Iedica\ J0`(l_7`1l(1I. for J idly`, regarding the qualicmions, necessary by ,law'` for, a_ Medical practitioner to have, who prnctisgs iq Up 1'. Ga- nada, unsparing an defam-_ p\|:.-......\6I.,.1 l._-_ L . . _ . . . __:..-.u:..I:I.. ...I....4...l I... Comer? or Smvcor-2,` Y `Virtue of two several ' T0 W11`: `Writs of Ftcri Fucirzs, issued out of the Court of Queen's Bench, and to me directed, against the Lands and Tenemenls of I .()BEl . I` STANTON, at the suits of--lst., ANDT .E\\' HERON, the younger; 2nd, ITORACE i\lE'l`CAl.F and GPIORGI-)_ Ii. Clll-`NEY, I have seized and taken in execution the `North hull of Lot No. 61, in the lat Concession of .\ledonte, 100 acres; and the North part of Lot No. 62, in the lst Concession of Medonte, 160 acres; and will sell the same or the interest of the above named ldcfendnnt therein, at my Ullice, in the Court House in the Town of Bzirrie, on TUESDAY, the Thirty-first day of JA:wAm', AD. 1860, at Twelve o'clock, noon. B. W. SMITIT, Suisnm-"s OFFICE, B.umur., .- ' S/zeriff, C'.S. (um um. mm Oct. 24th, 1859. SIIElIlF!" $ Ormcn, Bzmmiz, 3 Jan. 31st, 1860. [He fU)()VU Dllle 1:5 1'Ul\lHnu Iunlrunnu until TUESDAY, Amux. 24th, 1860, at the same place andhour. B. W. S.\II I`H. l The above Sale of Lnmls is FURTHER POST- PONED. untilVTUESDAY, the 313:. day of JULY I next, at the same place and hour. ' 1) `K7 QKTYVPTT GOODS FOR XHIMTION WILL BE RECEIVED cm on J21:Fo1a1.' THE FOURTEEN 11 01' AUGUST NEXT. M8003 and CIISIOXHETS, ll H18 1 llD|lC, GREAT BARGAINS or Rom: mrsns,` mm the moat 'extensve_vm-ied and ch:-snout gtm-.1: QUARTERNSESSIONS. The above Sale is FURTHER POSTPONED ...4:I '!`lYl .`Q|'\_\ \' Ann" -Mo}: I at fhn not-no POSTPONEMENT.V SHERIFF S SALE OF LANDS. luurinmsc, Dun Wm cuusu zgut um _/um.'_aan- W," T1ieymustnot_v(_)te for Mr. _Be1l,_.because he is quiet, "and again because he IS noisy- Mp. Shaw must be delighted with his Lake Slimcge champion, and the friends and subscribefa in mthurststrunge lovers of pm-addx`. I feeI*cou- dent D'Arcy will be telling us bye and bydhow to get a camel uxmugh the eye of - a needle. ,, " 1 mm scarcelv believe :1. sane man writing slih . vV' vv aw-vsr-x-vvsx/~r\\s\.r-.\.-v~v\ -4`:-v\r~ "s'HenIrPs %s_A;L_v_:`{or LANDS. G RAN D lV1W31L[BXH1IT19N! U U auuauavvunvnwc ova -u u -.. --- Ar expending the sum of between A A A` ' 1 A III\ A\A ESTABLISHED IN 1829, {7r"'1i'6 1\I-'-I`-i?1:`;1iI;/,7 | ON THE OCCASION OF THE V1311` OF Axuu un `Linux: \v ...-..vy-...-4 kaving the co-operation of the A I\`n1'II`l'!f llI`Y1 I)1'_` O... `I nmnn I! In order to make this .-..\...\c uunn :11: tub. W. sanm, sherur, c.s_. B. W. ROS3,De]mly. nn 10:... S.\II'I`H, Sherijf, C.S. 10-7iu to get 3. L`3l.illUl. uilvuglr Lul: cgx: 111- u ucculc. 1 can scarcely believe writing such stuii eoiitiniially, and `bewildering his readers with such incongruous material as pro-.\'onald`in one line, and r1 nti-Mncdonald i_n.the next. ,IWha.t- f0il0\)' this sage advice to the Bathurst electors, - whose weltiire depends upon their putting in, `.` an avowed rninisterialist ? . Why, one of those finished paragraphs telling us that the a.l1-absorb- in; question is, who will be his (Morrison s) sue- oessor, and that he should be a resident, and an uircainmornising `opponent of the present Go- vernment. Great is- D'Arcy, in punishing champagne, perhaps; but a. poor politicai advo-' cute for either Ministry or Opposition. His sym- pa.ti1ie.4,[l am glad to say, are all ministerial, for his recent visit to the Bathnrst District, the Spirit `informs us, was in doing good service for the Go- vernment, nnd fraternizing with such choice spirits as Sir. Benjamin, decidedly the best minis- terial lmnger-on in this or any other country. As- :1 friend to )lr. Boulton. I would advise him to act lmnestly, and not bring odium on tho-Opposition party by 21 seeming alliance with it. " Yours, sincerely, ' A Loni. Orrosmomsr. T)....-!,. Inn 1'.` 10!!!! ;1y- , B. u. szumt, Shenjf, as.` 1: lulu Hunt`. 13. W. s.\1n`r1, .Slz_eri_[)", C . S., ! \..5in-1 `B. w. S.\IT l`H, Shen`. as. 31-mm I}. \V. SMITH, Slwrilf, ( MEXHI B ITION ull LII lzeri`, C? S. `A1811 V, Sec mry. 30- n "'1 F` `I "*9 29-13in 32-4in yu/ ya.-a 5-Sins d that Mr- V onawa; M .14,-nIl 0IL [0 'yaul1.J`.7 - minlslen V whom, U lriends and subscnners .m we nutnnnu Division :-- V _ _ - _. _. u politically, the dxfference between the two .13, Shaw is an adherent of John"A. Macdon. Id gnd Mr. Bell a follower of `Geo:-ge Brown. -3; fm5 dm-erence, howenar_gfe:t m a Westemvconsti. . mm is merely nommal. zn yours. Mr. Brown de- dissolullon`of the unlon and constitutional changes; lllr. lllacdonald opposes both. (I should` like to hear both dened.) N1`. Bl`.0Wn:.opposes we present. xlug of _theV$e8t Of Ggovexfnment at r. Macdonald IS bent upon it. Mr,` 13,0 (and therefore Mr. Bell) o.dvocn.tesJess'at.` , Ottawa m!eresls ,- M1-I. in the valley of the Ottawa the futgu-e, greatness for Canada. On these great points your. selves and Mr. Macdonald are as one. You should cudmour to select. he who`-possesses .th_e grgntegc, weight and inuence to forward your _mgws_-that` magi; undoubtedly llIr_. Shaw. Hus mymterialism ` ` iS0}llLn(l.ul'0ll7Ii-flle 15 above betmyln g you--'1_'f . 01 dead to your own wclfmfe you_ will elect ,-,,,_ He is n staunch old conservative, (hic)'-and as independent (Inc) of the'M|n1stry as an Ottawa ' yeprcseulalive can be. Place HIM (the `avowed 'alisl) on the head of the poll, and you will have .` the ngbt, man m the rlgllt place. How very like a Bou_lt.on' all tl_1is;is-_-not one of ml can trace, ever had a single xed olillcal idea, and. therefore, `non expected from D'Arcy. He lms_g:ven_the pu`~superlative _to `a `ministerial candldnte ll] Batlzurst, adopted by 9, Convention that passed resolutions applaudlng we Government! But his logic is the worst fen. mean his compositions, as, for instance, _he says rslof Mr. Bell, abont Wl1or_n he knows nothing, mg he is a quiet, mq[feI_1swe man, who`ca.n do you mritlmr good nor harm ; and in a. few lines ` subsequent declares that Mr. Bell will`make'a loud noise, but will cease at` the rst hint of dun. .,..u l'l1:-wmnctnnt vnte fur Mr. Bell. hm-fnnan u LIES: VB member tit.-- Welland P909! Press 13 notl . 0ca_] addhth ` Qt ing the attic] 5-.\.-.- s ms..- E.. V .- EDITUKDIILK ,,,Q__` 1 the Edil_or ofthe Nonh,m;~ Sm,-Wha a singuhu. burles , P1'3lg( )!`81lf)l'l 15 your cgntempmiqrue upon in W e. avg so-often 1,`e'enhc.,.Y,`.the...,S-.3? .1 the atlgmpts 1: makes to ma Qmpellgmga uutnothmg that could g,a%.tYsa..c.pn3i3`tem;u` V i won`? s.*"P"5. um - The m `h V 9d-man/50,1339; note. he ag xn his other ,.1q"'9l`ia1.i v`1|,!ia_' ;pecxmen,w1}ness the article `lgxoni. ,A..s.`i`% nsets out With the anuouncv athu, Di . gfacjr we have many m Emeng that. $331933: good, it is gratifmzllgdioand 5u'b`s r%l`;;e.t_1Ii,s, ` us to k..ra.'" > no, 1 Division that tge ;t,s'in hence swee Cv Ed1tor,,I confess t?,sc0x: si:'11`e3r1ab(an:1_da,` 3'; T, . e, to nd mat 9 dlsgnsti M;-_. tena1_s{1pp.0rte.r, is re0mmendM1-.' S1,aw.~&n rpadv opposmomsth lxke Mr. 30 th ed over a 200 .1_1:;_n;.3-_: f the present ,h'inis` former up`;f(;3:1ent rY"'fhe Int `nk `er V every act 0 "m`' fi`f1 few who, 1) everv " 1-v,___ . Vote . .. r\\_he.!:e`s:i~v.e!.I Barrie, Aug. 13, 1860. %%%Vo1;i}ne ":'..' ':"~ EDITORSHIP EXTRAORPINARYE V , n1.'Im- n `the ;-. -, @oW?5999 f'_3.: [For m; 1\*q'niu.r`n Advaucg] .-...-.....n......,-..- ~..-. - 7 wire auier films `ui-po rting'- o Izv I urunnu uumuun - uu ;_u v nu. 4;-an-.-. umuuuu.- mud l)yVI5JI.IrJJn\'IING Imp . _of.Pgi;1.s)BtzaH. Pa: .'I`.hs:rc., _ ' _ ills now hcfordthe pubhc. Dy. IV 'ldmc s gcnume Llvcr Pills, also Ins cele- hraled Venmfugc, cgr. uo\_v be had at_ all" respectable Drug Stores. None genume w_nho_ut the sxgumure of_ ra-n |.`t.rr.Mnua nung ' be sgni County e . r MONDAY, August 13, 1860. l 0 There was not a large attendance in the market on-Saturday, and buisness not very brisk. This week we may expectrlargely increased receipts of produce. For full. wheat $1 20 was the outside rate for best old`, and $1 10 a $1 15fo r`_ new. Spring Wheat $1 a $1 05. Barley dull , but 50 9. 55: was paidvper bushel. Peas 54c`a 580.. Oats in ` fair request but plentiful, at 340 a 35: per bushel. Butter, fresh, 15c-a l7c for the best. Eggs are in good demand, at "lilac a 15c by retail, llc. by wholesale. There was a large sale of wheat re- ported on Saturday, viz : 10000 bushels of Illinois winter wheat at $1 17 f. o. b. The quality was ,very fine, quite. equal to any Canadian offered thus far in the season. chum, of Barrie. _ U ,_ ,__-.` _...., ....... v_. nu.-Aulvlllllf un vnu. Ai llarri, on {he 13th instnnt,`bytIie Rev. C. `Slmcr; Mr. John 'Caly'rwe1l,_Storckeeper, of Newmnrket, to Miss St_:sm`ma Gmvier, eldest daughter of Mr. E. Gravicr, Mer- ;.au.u a.rA4\.I~.rat org 4...... .4-.. -- No morq shall the poor sulferexs in-our qQur r3' languish. their consnlnli_ons racked and torn by strong and dangerous mineral medicines; th_`ey`w1ll come In the fountain ofhenhh, round in simple herb`: and roots from nature's slorehouse. - THE MOL'N'l`AlN HL-Juli `EJI..l.s, or innocent mountain plants composed, will reach and sum their distress, and cause the blood. renewed and, cleansed: to can; through the bo'dy. the elements of_hcnl1h;.huildmg up the hrukeu constitution. and carrying life and health, were but for them would have been the wreck of'~ htK>e;--the `feehle moan of suffering, at last ended` by the cold* and of death. -Do` not let prejudice,-overconwyour heuer reason; du_.nbt _look upon the Pills as only like others; do not let your despair, nfreru:yiiig.e_veryIl1ing else, prevent you from '11-ying: mess. The blood must be pure, )|l1d.,lhll_SlCVk_ll.c_38_ is -impossibly. me rnls as um) um: mucus, uu um um. yuul uuq-nu, bloqd pure, pnd jhen sxckncss -Impossible. \Vhm a great and `cl sim le `truth is _this! it appeals to tha cominbn sense 0 all;' t is me gteat` ke '-sIo'ne' ol'll'i[e healing art; J UDSON S MOUNTAIN HE B3Pll;l.Swill ' nurifv and cleanse it as sure as .the sun will rise Io-marrow. MARRIED. V At Orillia, on the 81,11 instant, by the Rev. '1`. B.ARcad, Mr. Henry Leigh to Bull, both of the -Township of Oro. A I llama}; .. L- 1n.L :_,.,,,- w vs - M`LANES LIVER PILLLS, . PREPARED BY FLEMING BROS, PITTSBURG, PA. , , ,__.._,_,.. . .__-_-_., ___-...-.._---, _--. Frbm the unsolicited testlmoiiy continually dhred from all quarters of :he'counu'y, itis impossible to resist a con- viction-of the great excellence of these Pills in all diseases of the Liver and Stomach. The following letter frdm TQ- ronto, Canada,`1s' one of the many the proprietors hlive re- received. V _ , - . , Mnssns. FLEMING Bnos., V - ' ~ _ St`rs:-I take this opportunity of infomtir. you of the benets derived from`Dr. ll\l Lanc s valuable ills. I have for twoyenrs past been uficted with a severe pant over the eyes, accompanied with a nervous- ness and sense of dizziness; a malady beyond the power and skill ofunr hysicians to relieve and cure, caused, as far as I myself courd Jud e, by u. diseased state of the liver and stoninch. Some of t to. doctors triedvbleetling. and various other remedies were tried, but all in vain, for the deep- rootcd disease still stuck,tnst., At last! ,pro_cure_d a box of your valuable Liver Pills front a Drug lsl_ here, tu1dTeel. after taking a portion of them. that the iseusc and pu.i_nful sensation over the eyes has almost` entirely left me. I will close by advism all tlmse alicted us I have been. to pro- cure the valuub e medicine at once, and save` much time and pain, withlittle expense. Withv sincere gratitude and, respect, I, remuiuyouna, respectfully, V , _ (:t:,n xv nImm.*.r.r. rm...-.m.. mineral medicines; they Wlll come to me Ioumam or nennn, found sum le_herb from ,nn1uIfe's MOU. 'I`AlN HERB PI[l.S, ofinliocelnl mountain nlmma t-nmnnsnll. ml] reach` and stun distress. ..}3o burned nu art. J UD.$()N '5 1\1UlIN'l'AuV 1_u~.t_u5'r1uL..-1 .w1u purify and II. use 1..Amn:. Mmmmin `Hm-I`: Pills7 are"Sold bv all Med?"-` purify and cleanse II. aqxue Wu! 1136 Io-mnrruw. Judsoms Mountain Herr; Pins? a:e"so1d by Medr: cine Dealers.` - . _ ' (31) .LfLV. .l`J1`lL.ULV 0 .I.JJL'.1.LV Axum uuuuguu. `.`It_must he olrvions to every attentive person that the first disease of infants arise Cllle)'__f_l`(lITl the bowels, and `in this connection we know of in medicine which can be. `relied upon with perfect-condencavin.nlhinuttile com- lnints. whatever their nature. may, be. .\ Ve-.speak of Dr. . "A'rox s lxuN'r_u.r~: Connru. , It contains no opinleiqf any ` kind-no_ part-goric, and relie`ves.the sulferiy 8 of infants gs if hy magic. `Mothers! by all me't1n$`try>t iseoveiiif all other remedies havefailed. "See. the iidvenisetnent_' in another column of Messrs. Chtmcn-& 'Dvi*oN1*,- Drttggists, New-York, who. are, the sole `proprietors; and iulso sole agents of the world-renowned `-Dr.- .BnoN`sox s'..BI.oo`n Foon, winch IS 0. Airemmtioti fnr__-the relief. of all, equi- plnints nri`sing from _ ecieticics of the blood, from what- ever canses such decienc'uga;.nmy proceed. It 54': ivithmtt exception ihemost stretigtheiiinv cordial `anyinvalid `could take. as it is immediately ahsnrged hy'tho' blood =withot_1t having to go through the process nfdigestion; -and as blood is the ife of the humnn body. by nourishing and producing it, i_t'soon,reslbren to perfect health those even who; hate been 'su'ering for 'e`arc.._ )Ve consi_der,the.,abqve two v.-nmmoinm: decide( lv the beat ol thcir kuid olTe`r[ed' ' the :>'iZ}1u.i,`1i:.:f3e?ae(i:;?7; "e'gror1i.*m k.'..a"`axre public.-_-Chronicle, Quebec. . `E; E See nqvt , `II -_--_vV -1-. .THE undersigned takes `thisdmeans of tendering : her. sincere thanks for the prompt and satis- factory manner in which the -P-ro`vincig1 Ipsnrance Company of Canada; through` theirfamantdat Bar-' rie (Mr; Geo. Lane)`, hhvejsatised and`dSscharged -._her claim for da.mage,by _`r'e,7 ixpdez; Mpo1icy No'. `I521 of gaid Gomphnyz` ` ' " ' M ` % .EL1zAB;u'g;`w1LkINs; 33-`2in A _._....n. u\.1'ocn ' : _A Now "Gov: _ saysvthat-` Sir Edmund Head will retnm` to -Eng-L land with : `t5e-Prince of Wa!es,;' afiid V that` Sir Fenivick fWi1Iiamjs', Dommandr-in-Chif," _'s \`ill beome `Administxfdtoryptil, 1he_.;n_ew Governor is" ap oipje;1._ `We see it also mentioned tha$.Lord Mngrove is spoken of no hia_p_rohnble'auccesso:;. - R803;-The 4 `Globe0f1`t`he 10th uuv. Iv. A|uus.7|.aA4La,..L_uIunuv. XL ? Pu chaise:-s will be careful to. ask for DR. M LANE C1~iLF.BRA'I`ED LIV!-ZR PILLS. manufac- by FLEUII\'G ,0f.PI_$`}i)B1.'GH re urpo'rtin'g- In`? hcfordtbe public. Dr. his lu-nnul Vnnninunn nnr. llnlu he had nl nll-raannt-lnhln, Hnur viva: vvn-- ll, 1}. BOOIlVl'eSl(Jrt:n tu [ruinous u-in--5`. . I __ , f9r ar.s,, ytwp Preparations decldet Iy beat ofthmr o"r'ed to , the mu.u.-_....(:Im'micle. Ouebec. C`. G Se naveilia`ni_in._ HE Su criber begs to acknowledge the prompt . and orousexrtions of `the Barifie Fire" Company, wh with the aid of thir"'new and powex-fu1e_ngine,,_ d the blessing of Div_ineL1 x_iojvi-` deuce, succeed'ed_ ' extinguishing thaire atithe Parsonage on Satu: _ mornings. .- . His sincere thgnks .aiso.p_reaented to gull others; who so kindly. rej: d assisganqe-on tbgst .mnged the furniture. H Barrie, Atg: .173, 1866;}: A` ~ occasion, and particunhujlyt _' ladies, who.:te-ar_- . SLATER. ' 33`-lin fmI_n3of`.t1iis.fI:9wh.';i .':-...;TI` -V ' Bie1e'm ta;xeturn. . ng `Esq-A; A`z'cnt.=f9.r Wed ' `Fire In`9r=.?'9:Q9.'--' for p rocuringq.Vsu n`1ofm6n' _ Fire Depart-u Fretafyf ~ Good CHOPPERS,` {`~'th e- 3``+`+S. 9 '61dwr- * A-`.COPI`1!ENT"GAKG - I1. -_!.:'I mamas ' w......r.... .... xegzu. opxmons your "o`1'_V'n Jaurnalo `off'V:'.K' lo "ind ` Ear . (semi-`annual July _shows,too- ll plainly ; `am suih ~ ' we ' ease; s'hb`u1d `Iiaie induoed som`e g`re :tr_1 egreei of modesly by you towards those Awhoimay justly dilfer with -you. " 1 perusal of your said _ar:_ic1o".tIuly"wou!d induce an opiziion, and a just, opi 4io;r,*de'r;og a tox_*'y, t`o,`yonr ` position asf.a?phys;i`cisi_1,ji"\Dr.- Slta A position when he" 'p:d$ci1tedgby iudictmentya. vfqnumd 53 ~ pracgising;;i}hyiciog,'-bf o`t11:is";::cue-,Dr; David Wauglx--who doeaonot hold"(I lievo!`) thg3.-_ Gov- ernor : than-D:-., Shaver himself. . I__ am, Sir, your obd t servant, A T H ._ _, ; . > . J. J.'E- Lmmnw . Tonya, .-. ...- -.....~... V ., 4%- legal. opinions yonrwn . EU-Y . (Semi-hnnlrnl nn;.n.'....` .4...-.n.r ugh:-ouc E0 HUG 88 HAY--$6 to $7 per Ion." Srxuw-42 dolagper ton; ~Ttjnmxs~5oc to 75c each; 1 wnnyr Fall.-.-$1 10-per busi1el;-.-"';:A.V-.*- `b..:Spri_n g--940 per ' -bushel." `HM- `Fnotm--$4 501:0 $5 00 per`b'arr'el.` - - ~ Bunny, new---50 per bushel. ' .0Afrs 25 per bushel. " . ` 'Bu'r'rmz-10c to 12c}gr_1b'. .. Cam:-sm-8c per .l_b._u W NEW Po1*A"rons`_25c per bushel. { _ EGGS-'-,8'tb 10 per dozen. . _ ` P11.-As-50c :3 53 per. bushel. . BEEF`--4_f0 per 100 lbs. Bncon--80-:00 to $30.00. Mu1"roN-!01.-per lb. 7 54 ' per lb.._ Cmcmcns--2Dc At"e~i3`_c per pair. i'___ Hmss+--85 per cwt. . E-*3` SHEEP Sums-80c to 90:: em: -. HAY---$6" R.-u'..... n .1. - Sf: .Bnrri.e,.`Ax.1g..u18;60`..` `owl as Mrs, Wan-r'Fnl1--$1 ` 1, .. `C.:Snrinu-928 Tug}- 5` 1866. ,Ayug1`lSt'l_'() :>;1f8.6V_O.`:' A.l.'!7:i3s'. 4 _..._._.._.A..-....._..!_- DR. AT.ON S INEANTILE CORDI"AL`; _, -. u __ _1.__:_.._ .- ..._...... ..u}...:.u. vu"n'i;t'I\ Ihn! . New 9Wvcrt%ist1II1t9. T Sawsrers ARRIE MARKET REPQRT_. -.j THE 13i.o oD 1s'*rHE7L1m`=_'. ocal- Eipbtial Notirca. `TORONTO MARKETS; A_,_C> Ann; A A R p).} N } F"! LP. 15:, H, - rnyyusnunn , . GEO. w. aussELi.,;' will lm nu!-nnl in nalr fnr DR Tohomo. April 1854. .. ...... . .... " .l'o,izrnal A<`> E1113 ` 3) 8nd JIIIV. nhnnn: inn .- ,u_u_a'n servan J LINTON. .., --- `150

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