ounlry, _v lelter, xpreu. V DUIUG LIIIJLIJIIII- LLIl\l|.|l IlI\lI-IL4_J O `I should not think our society istlikely to interest Arthur Kemp very greatly, A according to your account of him, Basil, observed Minnie. u 1- 1 ,, :1 ,, . 1,-___ n-____L4 _- _:n--_. UUSUIYUU. l.V.IllllIlUu ' ' ` . I should not have thought so, either, Minnie, if it had not been for what he `saidvto xneithis evening, rejoined her brother. But. he has confessed to `me that he is very miserable; that he can- not forget hishome, though it was not 21 happy one 5 and that- he. cannot disbe- lieve, though he pays no regard tofit. He says he despises himself for being such a fool, and that he knows it will not last long with him as it is now. And I do not think it can, either, for Mr. Rutland has more than once warned `him, as he did to-day, that if there is not an-alteration _in him he shall turn him off. A T ` u 11- `L ,,_-__._4_ 2!-..` `L3- 4-__._._'._____ That accounts for his temporary penitence, I suppose; Basil, said Mr. Marsden. I am afraid, my boy, we shall not do theyoung man much good ; but bring him with you, if you like, by all means; But. if your senior cleijk it the sort of man you describe him to be," how is ithe retains his situation ! ,, 11-- J_,_ ._-; ..x_-'--- :; _...1r._...._ _1'__v_ HUW 15 Ho I06 lcuuuo .1119 olhliauuu 3} 7 He does not show it, as`Kemp does, father: that is one `thing; `and another is, I fancy Mr. Rutland cannot do` very well without him. ' He is a clever hand at business, and knows more about it- than Mr. Rutlan himself, who is often absentfor days together, and trusts `al- most everything to Mr, Gi1Inian. ` A In. Anna nan. (Liar in I \I`I\.1cl`InVIl1-Q nr LUUBL UV 6! y LIu.u;; l.U 4.1.1.: . \.lllJIl1g.u' -A few days after this, in pI,n"snance of _his benevolent design", Basil invited Arthur to accompany` him, and spend the eviening at his home. (`The young clerk unhesitatingly accepted the imii-. tatiun , hampered` only with the condition; thatvBa`sil would rst hear him company to his lodgings, which were on the Sur- rey side of the water, that he might put on a suitable visiting dress; This was reasonable enough; and as those lodg- ings were .not`f`ar from `the water-side, and lay between London and V/Vaterloo bridges, not much extra time would/be eonsu med byithe change of route. Ti "mg a Gun aIIri1rnnrn\InniIi0,nI1l'] H19. CU1llllut1u uy l.lI,U _uA_m.u;.;u U1 xuuus. It was a ne summer evening, and the streets were crowded with passengers. The two young men crossed the bridge, arm-in-arm, and a short. quarter of an hour s'wa1k brought them to their halt- ing-pla'ce_-'-Atthnr s lodgings; These were "in afmenn street of dirtyshouses, the ground oors of which, for the most part, contained small shops, which ,matched, in theirnspect `and contents, the surrounding neighbourhood. A gin- palaceland a pawnbroke_r s` establishment were the most prominent features in the scene. These trades seemed to be ourishing. Next in importance was a. broker s4 shop, thena baker s, then a coal A and potato shed, thenn grocer s shop. - . Into this-Kernpiled the way, followed by Basil, passed,through it and ascended two _ ights oftstairs, opened` a. door, and bade hisfriend enter. , r ~ .rn1_- -..-....... .......n an-{all rinb and 11-13;. D306 ms Ineuu cuua. > The room was a small one, and nei- the: very clean not very richly furnished. A narrow press bedstead, turned up-.-for the hour of letting it down and making the bed was not yet yet 'cmne-.swas the. rst thing which a.ttract_edvBasil s atten- Gian tion. - . - - ! 4: Ah; my nest, Marsden, exp1aine_d the master of the. room) 1.1050315 ms friend s involuntdry .1-0?-f i|"1"'Y-+ `condemned a` double debt to pay; 1: bed by night,a ches_t of d!9:W<:Y-f3_1_13Ld9e}Va as somebody.s?,ys. nug,1sn 1: 1t? 4 _ _ ve,y, 3a;d..Bas11A;_-_-`but not qmte I ,_... 4... kngvn lLa.1\a:`_]nfhnl f` Very," salu nasu; um. uuu 3...... healthy, maps, tq have thewbed-clothes . `shut up a_1day,lqng. .. . ` _ = There was some grqnngl for ..thi,s ze- % mark"; for a:aiakly~sme1l.~whi<:h evn.the"`- perfume ofstale cigar-smoke, powerfully ._stron as; that wall. .`d.'d - .n9c_>t_qupnch_. man; about .he't99m,.and.L=-mnsgcl, V Baal nu praye- n nil BARBIE, C. w., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1860. CHAPTER XXI. to gasp for 5. breat}_iVof'fresl1 air, and to wish himself again in the street. A ..n...... ........l.. cats -.....`I.. 111'- _._2__1,. ., _. vvxau. ululocu. asunu au ouv DHUUI-a Arthur made no reply. He might not have heard Basil s observation, for he was at the moment, stripping off his coat, - which he threw . into a chair, and then proceeded Atoasmall corner wash`- stand. ` " u `l'l`,- _"_'.L_,," ,_ ____`__1 1) ,`,,_`,;4 '1 .1 The, proviso was not unnecessary. There were two or three chairs in the room, indeed ; butthey were all encum- bered with various articles of dress. In- stead of taking a. seat, therefore, Basil stepped to the window, and ventured to open it_suf__ciently wide -to give egress to his head and shoulders. There was nothing particularly inviting in the pros- pect below and around. It was a back room .window, and two stories below _were a series of dirty yards, some twelve or foirrteen feet square, inclosed with blackened walls. In some of these yards were children at p'1ay--such children, and suchplay! it made Basil melan eholy to see them: :in others. were clothes lines and props, and dangling , half-dried articles of apparel, which had once been white, but would surely never be White again. Beyond these yards were the backs of other houses like that in which he was stationed; and a. gloomy smoky atmosphere hung over all. 4` A ` nlnncnnf ]nnlz_r{nf fhuf Mnvnr]on acuutl. H ` . : ~ ` A T 'No` water as. usual, muttered the , 9 Jodger to himself. I must get it myself, I suppose. Excuse me, one minute. Marsden: do_ take a seat-if you can nd one, he added; and saying this, he left the room, watexujug in band. (111,. _,..-__ ,- ..-L SIUUIIJJ Dluuny uuulualluulb Jlllll UVO1 an. A" pleasant look-out that, Marsden, said Arthur, who re-entered the room be- fore the survey was completed. What do you think ofitoaltogether! 7 [IT `I,,,,1`I , L1'I_A_ I ,, 1 II wv --- -------- -- -v v---vovv---- . I should not like to live here, re- plied Busil, with a lookland tone of pity. It cannot be very pleasant, not very healthy, I should think. Andthis is your only room, I suppose '9 ? Of course ; why, what should I Want with more ! I am only here 0 uights, and ` Sundays, and not much of that. So what do you think of that. So what does it signify 3 - 6` hr. 17t\I`I 1\I\I'J 111"`: {Ian I`...-nil" 9 unsu IL] 1 Do ydu board with the family? asked Basil, evading the question by putting anpther. V _ *mI1nf flu: nnnnln Anurn Ln1nur') T puumg allplllef. '_ *"What, the people down below? I should" think neat; um would be too rich,.hat woiild. .I always dineat the eating-house, `you know; and have Vbreakfast and tea at :1 co'ee-room, and Suppr +anywhere, just as it happens. That s the way I do it, and the young gentleman, having by` this time given himself- a. wipe, as he said, commenced oiling and brushing his hair. ` l`| II- nnnvnfinn Inn-xu nnnn nun! flli` "1';', :3 [The van. Ulllllg ll-KILL IILLIEIIIIIB IIIB nun. This operation was soon over_,h and Arthur, having completed his toilet, the two youths descended the stairs, and were once 1nore in the street. V 1I`T,,, `I,,,9; , A I'I_. AL, I-_1, -1` VV CIIECLI. Ull VVQILIDV I cannot say that I `envy you, re-* plied the other, lshouldothink that you are not very comfortable `in your lodgings. `Hall urn" nrn n'kn'nI> rink} Chara `nor- WWII; \JllL'/U IIIULC Ill LIIU D\yl(J\ZI:o You don t seem to like the look of my crib, Mafsden, said Kemp, as they walked onwards. /IT , ,, 4.. .|I_,L `I _,_____ __-__ 9| M- l\l\4l5ILI 500 Well, you are about right there, per- haps; but what is a young fellow like me to do ! {I must have :1` place to put my headiin somewhere; and it does not much matter, after all, where it is ; for 1 take care to spend as much time as I can ' away from that beastly hole. 6` `Rnf 1111111 clfnnl -rrnn have In Imncu lWU.y ll.U|_l1 l.ll|`.al.|a EJUHBIJJ Il.UlCo . `But why slfould you have a beastly hole, as you call it, for a home 2 urged Basil. Surely you might lodge `with some decent, respectiable family, where some attention would be paid to your comfort . And if it were two or three miles `away from the .cou`uting_-house, you would have 9, chance of purer air, and the Walk would not hurt you. ' a n1. 9! -..:.l `I1 .-.w.... H 1' ..:.-.1! H-ml nn H]! about-the wickedness oflte hours. They ` didn -t like it if `I wasn`t in to family = .Then,,on Sunday_s,I must go to chapel . with l3lieIl},n0l'_ give an account of where ' . Ivl1ad`been to$hear,?,as-they said; and ~_ ` `if :1` was - sul_ky and wouldn _t -go, or say , 'xv11_at1'har1 done with myself, there was / such ?weeping;and' wailing andjgnashing n`.f .e.,tl!i ': ~ - n s e r uuu LNG warn \1'U||lu HUI. ||uL.la Oh, said Kemp, I tried that on till I was sick and tired of it. When I first came to London, .my father wrote to a dear brother chip of his, in the preaching line, to get him to look out lodgings for me in some quiet religious family, where IIn_1'ght have the comforts of home, as he said, and be `watched over, and all that sort of thing that you meet with in JULIO advertisements sometimes. And by that - means I was hooked-on to some people out Islingtonway. )1 can t say that I ha_dn t a comfortable bed-room, enough, ` and very moderatetoo; but, as to all the rest, it didn t suit at all. _ that out, and was not long cutting it. . What was the matter? Basil asked. _ The matter! why, everything. I couldn t go out of the house, at night, without having the old fellow at me, to know where I was going, or where I had been. ,Tf'I'd,i t get to my lodgings in what theythoughtlproper time, there was the old woman preaching to me prayers every evening? at `ten o clock; ,and,they"war_1te to get me out of bed - every morning to have prayers, before breakfast, before I started on` to the city. no '.u . nn'- " I soon found vv mung. Judsuu . ` Tis_ tn'1e,I assure you. And then they had such noses, they smelt out everything. What business was .it of rtheiiso if I smoked `cigars and `tapped a. bo;tle";o'f. wine,;now and then, with a . jolly fellow or two. T They made it their - 7 bus1.ness`,`~though.o Thelwoman couldn t endure the smell or smokein her house, `dhn'ni:fR'nh H-in mun tnnk to lentnrimz -_`Don _t A falk. iln th_at scgofngv way, Kemp, mterposed Basil; 1!. shocks me to hear you,?. ` T nan-1:_ .4_.~__' 1' -__--.;_ ...... . 1...`! 41."... "(.51-ll-llIAtU Q16 guugu U; muugv All pus IAu_uuv, 9116 nnia ; agd the_man took to lea_tVnrin'g me about _hb1f-8,` a`nd`uu that .5911; of - V - ---- v- v "`'`"J`"'`'. "44" 3` Not so cheap,` though; and I can t afford to pay. for what" people call the comforts of a home. Hang comfort,- I say, and give me `liberty. Besides, it does not suit me to be far away from the 7 city, and%I must have :3. room where I can go in.and come out when I like, and no questions asked; and your very re~ spectable people," especially if they are `unco guid, . as Burns says, make so much ado about nothing. Ill` Fllusv thing, _in a very imperlinent sort of way. I could;not have a fellow to see me either, without their wanting. to know -who he was, and what he wanted, and where he came from; and they must needs be writing home about me. So I pretty soon cut that connexion. I didn t M come to London to be tied Uown with leading-strings like that. ' 11 T)__L _4'n I911 -n - - ~7- ativdrnore passed, as the two young men jostled their wayalong the `narrow footpaths othe streets which in- tervened between Arthur .Kemp s lodg- ings and Waterloo-bridge. To say that Basil wasgrieved, and in some measure ol'e'ndcd,.by the tone of Kemp sconver- sation is not sufficient. He began to re- proach himself with havlng,`even with a good intention, so far formed or encour- aged an intimacy with his loose-minded and prodigal fellow-clerk as to have thought of inviting him to his own home, l and of` introducing him to his father and sister. He was not so self-condent as to believe his own principles beyond the power of corruption, nor so conceited as to think that he could by his example or precepts work a reformation in a ippant youth, older than himself, and `at least as well acquainted as himself with all the arguments which could be used in tvour of sobriety, morality, and true piety. ' And what would his father and Minnie think of his taste and discernment in the choice of a companion ! In short, Basil began heartily to wish that he had never spoken of Arthur Kemp to his father; or, at least, that he had never thonghtof inviting him to his home. Certainly,he would not have given the invitation if he had had a previous peep at the young man s lodgings, and had, a few days be- fore, heard, what, in'this short walk, had escaped his companion s lips. A ....1 ...n. 0;- ___L_;. .____..__- L, 1'1 7 V ,,,,.o ____..o.. --..u -.u..vg ` 7`7` But still, Basil suggested, ther are more comfortable lodgings `to be got than that room we have just left. 2: `kT..L -._ -1.--" ' ' ` ' " ""'l."" "" ""'l""""` " "1"" - And yet, for what purpose had'hegiv- en the invitation ! Was it not to rescue if possible, the young man at his side from the slavery of dissipation ; to shew him that happiness was to be attained in u other ways than those of self-aban: donment to folly. The whole need not a physician, pondered Basil within hirnsclf, but they that are sick 5 and Arthur Kemp was not so far gone, he trusted, that a helping hand might not save him from ruin. Had he not con- fesseclhimselfi miserable? And was not the very bravado with which he spoke of his freedom from constraint an un- willing-confession of uneasiness and real bondage. And was not Arthur the son of - pious parents--the child of many prayers ! \Vith all his assumed careless- ness, he dould not surely be so indi'crent to religion as he would have it believed. `R.-mil O`-anus:-rlxl 11`, O`-.:n nnrl rr\I\nr\ EL.-un |r\J ICAJBIUIJ E III; VVUUl\L IIEVU Ila IICLLUVUUI Basil thought all this, ancl'more than .this, 113 he walked along, a hundred ards or more, in silence, by the side of is companion ; and wl1en he looked round into Arthur s countenance, he was astonished at the change a Iew moments had wrought there. A .| 11- I A ` u 11 Arthur Kemp s face was a remarkably exible one. Naturally it . was hand- some and ingenuous, but it was capable of distortion by passion, or any strong ' feeling which was predominant in his mind. During the conversation, a part only of which we have recorded,-an un- pleasant sneer played around his mouth, and glances of recklessness, and some- thing akin to licentiousness, had escaped from time to time from his eyes. Now, these sinister looks had vanished, and a softened expression was spread ovcr'his countenance ; while the muscles of `ll is ' lips worked as though withsoxne emotion of grief or remorse. Basil `turned his .head-away.ai1d walked `on, still in silence. i"1ii{.:3'r had irenehed the foot or the bridge, and, having paid the small toll exacted from foot passengers, they began to cross it. It was comparatively de- serted; and, as though by mutual con sent, the two young men halted when theyiwerei midway over_ and leaned on the balustrades towards the west. The sun Wnsnot yet below the horizon, and a few of its strav beams shot slantingly across the river, gilding its mimic waves, and imparting liveliness to the scene. V AI-A unn.nnh1 AI-fhI1|'?. nsxknri Basil. ` uuu llllpilftlllg IIVCLIUUBB lU BIIU DUIJIIUO Are you cold, Arthur 2, asked Basil, as he felt, or fancied that he felt, :1 slight -shudder "pass oxfer the arm of his com-V` panion, which was locked in his own... - '1\Tn - it in hhfhinn-, Mnrsden- I PHIIIUU, VVIUUH I113 IUUILUU Ill Illa Ujvvuo No; it is nothing, Marsden. wonder, he added, after a moment s pause, whether you ever feel as I do sometimes. . How is that 7 - Basil asked, As'if' ai quiet leap would end it all, replied the young man in a low and I I hollow tone ; as if some invisible temp- ` oter were at one : elbow, saying, ` Jump, dyourfool, and have done with it -qas` if the best and _pleasant8t thing in life would be the ending of it-a.nd nfeelingv that. there is that way of gettingout of the world, let what will come, . n"`ir- A ;.n__... n 17-.-. -_`. ..-'..':... .. vuu vvvanu, av: vv n-n-v -v nu. vv.pv, (` Nonsense, Arthur! You are saying nthisv _to frighten me; on don t mean anything of the sort. ome' away; do not let us stay heie, said Basil, almost dmgginghis. companion away from the ogofofnt-he btid8..- 41'. L- n...a.-.....: \ nard a`e, e lo ,"--rg.!' (T9 9.} aa-_'n_m) , ,,_.._._ ` _J _.-5..-......... A man who accustoms himself to talk to his `dog, and.to throw expression into his looks, will soon find. what a clever companion a dog can be made. Look at the `collies ; how do their masters iuslil such knowledge into them? Why, by being always with them, and making associates of them. But the dog is not only badly treated in his training, but often in his keep. He' is thrust into a miserable box, which is searching in summer and freezing in winter; his water is often forgotten to be given to him fresh; and he sometimes has no exer- cise for weeks._ And of all animals, be de-. serves this treatment least-- he who knows no grief but his master s rebuke, nogreater 'oy than his master s caress; who never leaves is master, even though treated with the most culpable neglect and brutal barbarity. I will give one short instance of a poor dog s cour- age and delity as narrated to me by an eye- witness: -41 |IYL__ 4L- __..__._I__j ____- ",1 . . I - `among keepers, who seem to think there is a great virtue in it. What is the result? In the rst place, many a high-couraged dog bythis injudicious severity is tendered a pottering, cowed animal-losing his high ranging quali- ties, though staunch and steady enough. Again, pointers and setters have, of all dogs. the most cowed and broken demeanor-slinking along in a way that excites commisera_tion'. When will` dog-breakers learn that kindness and patience will do far more with dogs than all the whipping in the world 7 I will ventute to say -v u uuuuu us no ` son `yuan . ;`he' use of the whip is by far too prevalent! that the worst bred pointer broken in on a kind system willabe better than the best one treated with indiscriminate severity. A dog is a most intelligent animal; and, as Tom Oakleigh says, `a wonderful physiognomist. A ........... ...L_ ..-_._-._..__ L!_-, I! . . n . u - VVI|llC3-V Q ``When the wretched man, who came to his death in the autumn of 1850, by falling off the bridge that divides Hyde Pafk from Kensington `yardens, fell into the water, his little, rough, terrier dog sprang on the parapet, and jumped down into the water, where he swam about, looking for his master, who had stink, and when the poor animal could not nd his mas- ter, he swam to shore, `howling, as my informant said, `louder than the people shouted. The unfortunate man rose to the surface again and the little dag plunged in and swam up only in time to see his master disap- pear again. What became of the dog ulti- mately I do not know; but he shows what is the nature of his species, and he gives a lesson in humanity to many, perhaps to all. D..u:-_ ..h.....-nl..... ..-:,l- -L. . .._...IA._ .1` __. avcuill fl JIIHKJIJC Doa-BnuxmG.-Mr. Rarey has introduced a new era for horses; dogs deserve no less, in my opinion. The radical fault in regard to dog-breaking is ever-severity. "l`|-...'n.- -6` al... ..I.:_ 2- 1... r-.. .4- .._,..,I, - ... ....-..-....J -V uuuu --J, ruuuuru nu uuu Putting altogether aside the cruelty of ex- cessive ogging, kind treatment makes the pointer, setter, or retriever far more perfect in his duty. Now, let vno` yvrong-headed gentle- man imagine that I advocate the abolition of the whip in tote; far from it-a short, sharp, correction is` necessary sometimes, for every- dog; but the unfrequenoy of the (mitigation renders it far more impressive when put into execution. Spaniels cannot be made good without a certain amount of flogging; but even with them the whip may be used too often. Putting the fore-leg into the collar is the Best remedy for them, (curiously, like the horse-tamer, tying fet-lock and knee together) and if they have had a long way to come, so much the better. Retrievers, in my opinion, require very little striking indeed. Il.. f_nL__ L-.I _ f..._ ...._... L_-I- _ L-..) --.,-..- .-., ------------ -.. ---- r... My father had, a few years back, a hand- some black Newfoundland -a magnicent water dog, and `a capital, moat persevering game recoverer. This dog was very seldom factions, and if so, an angry word and a slight out with the thong soon brought him under control. The tenderness of his mouth was very remarkable, and he once brought a hen partridge otfher nest in a hedge by the 'roadside,.and galloped with her in his mouth some distance after his master, who wan riding before him. He was immediately told to re- lease her, which he did, and she ew back to her nest, safe and uninjured. He never gave Aupa search, however long and tiring. And Londnn Field. now I have said my say for the present.- , _ n.____,,_ r\ , ,r.I nearest to their high-bred relative. stinct is employed to keep together the droves lost to their owners. `drove of moles, the danger is that the latter -becomes dispersed; and this is the reason that, Jaunuyvv v.1 .. -(nu. Mum-:5 IN CENTRAL Am:tuc.t.-.0ne of the most striking characteristics of the male is his aversion to the ass, and the pride he takes in his relationship to the horse; which instincts '_ are met by obtrusiveness in the ass, and by in- difference in the horse. If an ass at any time --urged by the vanity peculiar to its race as related to the mule--l1appens to fall in with a drove of mules, he will, in all probability, be kicked and latned by his proud relatives. `A horse, on the contrary, takes a distinguished position in it drove of mules. The latter crowd around him and follow his movernents,_-exhi- biting a violent jealousy, each trying to stand This in- of mules, on a Journey, or at pasture, by put- ting a mare to the drove, with a bell round her neck, and called the bell-mare. This animal is led day and night by a co_rd, and the whole drove is thus kept under control, and will not leave their queen. It is, therefore, very dim- cult to separate the drove. The man is in- structed, in case of an attack from the Indians, to leap upon the back of the animal and take refuge in the waggon encampment, whither the drove is sure to follow him. - Even if the Indians succeed in separating any from the drove, they find it difficult to carry them off. The animals incessantly attempt to turn back, and the travellers are thus enabled to overtake the robbers, and recover the stolen animals. The Indians, in consequence, use every means to get possession of the mare; -and if they succeed in this the whole drove is If several horses are in a in these journeys, saddle-horses are not allowed to go loose, but are led by a cord.-- frtzbel. A 1]...- `I'.`u:u-nnsuvn ,'I L:n nn:|-uni. in lh ` IV V Iuuav . 5 vuu u--r -an Ir u `.v.-. _ ._,.,..,. A KIND Ex.i:PuAN'r.--'l hie animal, in the absence of his keeper, was one day amusing himself with his chain in an open -part of the `town, when a man who had committed a theft, and was pursued by a good number of people, despairing of all other means of safety, drew for protection under the belly of the elephant. Delighted with the poor wretoh e condence. the elephant instantly faced about to the crowd erected his proboscis and threw his chain in the air, as is the manner of these oreaturee when engaged with the enemy, and became so furious in the defence of the criminal, that, . notwithstanding all the gentle arts made use of by the surrounding multitude, neither they nor even his keeper, to whom he was fondly at- i tached, and who was sent for to manage him, could prevail upon him to give up the r_nale- 'nned about three factor. - The contest had ooutt f hours, when at length thegovernor, hearing ` T the strange amount of it, came to the spot, rung ; .waseo much plea3ed.with the persaverpnue o ' ` - =.-the honour gusdmpgd, rtnt,-he yield V s_laptwu's m.tprportmn,_ and . (to the . _.E;:}h. una- Nat_ural History. ...... nu- n_---- L. -.a.- n |Iv' The editor of the Buffalo Commercial in bidding farewell to the old types used in print. ing that journal, which is now printed from 3 new fount, thus epitaphizes the old servants: They have lived like so many great men 0! whose achievements in the eld or forum all the world has known, but upon who:-e private life rests the shadow of obscurity. Only at the bidding of a thought have they mustered shoulder to shoulder in solid columns come out from their retirement, charged vigorously on some battlement of error, and then gone back again and disbanded, to form anew in some other line of battle. How much that is pitiful have they recorded ; what sinkings of ships in mid-xean with all their precious freight of llle and treasure; what burnings of steamers; what fearful plunges of railroad trains down steep embankmenle or through rotten b.idges; what midnight murders and other ghastly crimes; what sad revelations of sin where most we look for `purity; what rottenness in stations where honor and probily should sit enthorned; what sad disappointments of re. forms; what wrecks of fortune which seemed on the pinnacle of prosperity,_ have they chronicled l '1 (`All u|......._L ll..- .l__-___ _l___`.___,- -I," I uuluululuu 5 5 A All through the dreary downoast tlmeu of this good city, what words of cheer and hope- fnlness; what labor of love in pointing forward to the brighter day which they said would come, and which, thank God, has come at last. And than,`too, what changes in the world across the sea, what battles offering up their hutocausts, seemingly to appease the craving ambitions of kings, really to forward the grand eternal cause of human growth iu liberty. V VVUDU UIVUDCU vvuu III-lgy As the squadron approached the frigate Nile, 1-he manned her yards, and the cv, in their white jackets and trousers, cheered vociferous. ly. A mighty chorus of voices rose also from the standing masses of people lining the wage; side, and great was the waving of hats. Unfnrtnnatelv. the weather um: nlm..h- ...:.|. aluu, auu giant. wan HID vusvtug UI DBIS. Unfortunately. the weather was cloudy, with drizzling showers at intervals, but not suffici- ciently to spoil the general effect of the scene, which was one of extreme beauty. On the walls of the citadel were seen the red coats of the infantry, and all the way down to the buoy the roofs of the houses were covered with spectators, and over the heads of these, thousands of banners hung damp and lifelesg from their staffs. A. ._._ -9_t__I_ .|_- _-,,,n IIUIII IIIUII HIGHS: .23: ten o clock the squadron anchored opposite the dockyard. The Prince left the Hero in one of the boats, and at a few minutes before noon landed at the dockyard amid the thunder of salutes from the six Btitiah wax steamer: in port. He was accompanied by the Duke of Newcastle and Govemo; General Bruce. , , HA . . . . . . . . ....:.....l ..o .5... I.....1:_.. -._.,, . , IIIU IHIEIP, IUUKIUE UUUlllUIliHlC5o I stood near and had a full view of him, He is very prepossessing in appearance,and elicited general admiration. In height he is five lee: seven, and slightly built. He has a small, but well formed and full-mouthed face, and his eyes, which have a very merry twinkle, are large and hazel colored. He has a OOH]? plexion equal to that of a peach, and looks very healthy. His hair is dark brown, and cut so as to show the lobes of his ears. He wore ablack cocked hat with g tult of white plumes, a red coat with a blue sash across the breast, and with a white leather belt round the waist, black" trowsers with a. thin red stripe down each leg. patent leather boom, white kid gloves and a regimental sword. This uniform specially belongs to himself. "rho Nlnvnr and Alrlnrmnn nf aha nth. .__.-.. --v - ----vv - ---vvgr--vu --t ----Hung Haurax, July 80, 1860. This morning at eight o'clock I went down the bay in the steamer Neptune, to meet the royal squatlron. consisting ol the Hero, Artudne, and Flying Fish, which were seen steaming -up in the distance. When we came abreast of the Hero, I saw the prince in plain costume on the quarter deck. We cheered, and he raised hrs cap and bowed in response. All the bar. leries red the royal salute of twenty-one gun: as the vessels passed, and guns were also fired from wharvee and merchant craft, all of which were dressed with ags. An Ihn nnunrlrnn nnnrnnnhnrl 1|... I.l....n... `V31- v uulluual ul uuu. He was received at the landing steps by Lord Mulgrave who was introduced by the Duke of Newcastle, and with whom he shook hands with self-possessed ease and cmdiality, at the same. time ultctitlg a few words of gratication, while a pleasant smile lighted up his happy looking countenance. nlnml nnar nnrl had n full wing: at 13... I1- crirnirial- The poor man, in an ecstany of gratitude, testified his acknowledgments by `kissing and embracing the proboscis of his kind benefactor, who was. apparently I0 lenliv ble of what had happened, that, laying aaida all his former violence, he became perfectly tame in an instant, and sulfered his keeper tq conduct him away without the smallest resist. ance.-Morris. kg Ids, .Y.- 3 l'-Ull-Ill UUIUII C III IIIII5U|lo y'l`he Mayor aid Aldermen of the city were introduced on the spot by Lord Mulgmve, when their speaker read an address of welbomp lo him, to which he replied, Afmr thin hn advnnnml n ns nan. nlmuin... IU IIIIII, IKI V\|)IU}| U IU`JII' After this he advanced a. few steps, chatting with Lord Mulgrave, who was in civic unilorm, and smiling at the restive movements of e few military horses collected in the yard. A fine, high spirited black charger we: now led to him by a groom, upon which be mounted with the graceful alaprity of a. true equestrian. Lord `Mulgmve and the Duke of Newcastle else mounted their horses and took their places, amt with the Prince riding between them, moved out of the yard, which was lined with infantry, alike with the whole route to the Government House, to which they proceeded direct. The Prince smiled amt raised his but at every cheer which saluted him. - rm... .......t.... .....- ....... I'..:.. -.;.z _n .L_ _-___ WHIUII UNIUIUU Illlllu ' The weather was now fair, and all the popue lationwere gathered to see him. At the Gov- ernment House the Prince was conducted by Lord Mulgrave into the drawing room, where, after a few minutes dely. the members of the Legislature were admitted to present their gt!- dress to him. lie was then eturtling. near en open folding door, withthe D33? fNewcpstIp on hie left and Lord Mulgreveegt in right, with the ladies of the Governor : family immedia- ately in the background, 4 ' Mr. Young, the Pr of /tl?Cooncil, then advanced and read try a loyfg gdttresa of welcome, after w_I_iich' hp document was handed to himyeitd by him transferred to the Duke, who handed him a epeet of paper, from which he read the reply, . He made a slight mistake in doing so, and colored, but open re: gained hie eetf-poueeeion, , At half-nut seven he in tnmline mint: thn IIIIIU UII ucUUUIl| UI Ill Il|uII|l'lIu'y The troops in garrison and the battalion of volunteers `will be reviewed by His Ron] `X-Iighnega ghe Pripcp pf Wnlargorr Iho_-Qmnipn, satzaleven o'clock a.m., to-rnoyrorr. 53 um Ihmnl I-I14-Snag. wfikhnhl A Ixnn -0 Han gllllluu I[|_U II|7U.P'Ul0"_- At heif-peel seven he is to dine vim the Governor and numerous guests. Thu ummhnr urn: lair dnrimr. (ha mnnniinn. KIUVUTIIUI IIIU IIUIIIUIUIIU gllaalp. The weulhpr was lair` during the rocaptipn, but it is nn_w raining again, which is unfortu- nate on acount of Iha illominslinno, Th; loaning :n n-or:-an and Ih hllnn A` `CI HIUVUH IFISIUIII II-Illa, I` HIsVRoya| ighnpas :51 Government opts pt i nasdny, In August " A ' The Prince's Reception at llallu, IJ . . ... . .. 'l._l.. nn unnz {And/$2 50 if not_ paid ""_ `I".- V`; 14 4Il\Jlc_1J(5. wlthm SIX months, 0|d`;ypes. nL_ I'I,.lI',l_ Jxe new aled 5 II innum- SPOII` as gen- 43,013 of umesa` e ' back ,u-no VI Ming { part are meted roymg V av- 15 published Weekly, in the Town of Barrie,` every \VEDI\'i2Sl).\\' morning, containing the current. news of the day, and all matters pertaining to Islllc umnrs of the County. Price $2 in advance, or $2.50 if not paid within six months from date of subscription. ,\y)s'i:i:ris:.\`:-Six. lines or under, rst insertion, me; each subsequentone 125:-.. Over six lines, 7c per line, lirst insertion; each subsequent one -3.3, Pmfessiomtl or Business Cards $4 per _V(3.-11`; $11 for six months, if not more than ten nes. Special contracts can _be made by the . V vp;1r,0I`p:1rtS of zt year. Orders to discontinue '.\drertisements to_ be. made in writing. , yo paper,discontinued until nll nrrearnges are pnltl, except at the option of the publi.-;_her. _ 1`x:x.\"rx.\-1:, li00l[Ill.\`l)I.\'G and RULING done on the proinises. The facilities of the Establishment` any more cmnplete than any other North of Toronto, lmvlng been cnretully tted out -in cvex'_v p:1I'iiCHl:tr. [`omnmnica1iuns should be addressed to the sub- st-riher, pr.-'l-p:1ld. R. J. OLIVER. ,_. (.`l{l'Il)l'1` (F().\ll _.-\.\'Y. Apply at the Office m`_\lv.: Huh, Suns & 00., Bill Brokers` and Gen- cral (luunnission Agents, Dunlop Street, Barrie, C.\\'.` . . ` V Nov. 8, -1858. \ .\`if1'x' CANADA LANDEI) -- ` 1-:.\'m5 15-. -1-1UI'i(~iI,*6ox111ty Attorney, Co.` of Siuxcne; `latrristcr and Attorney-'at.Lgw Eulicitur in Clnmcory, Notary Public, &c.-Oic n lmx11uph'11-cut, Barrie. - ' - V . .\l.-u'vl1 3. 1553. 5 9 \'. ILL].-\.\l S.v\.`\`DERS, Provincial Land Sur- \'-you` and I)mnghLsn1an, first house East of Hm U-n~\:;. 1`.n]lim~ Htront Haw-visa ' " . \U.\ Ul ulllll IJIIIIIEIII/Blllvll, III} the .\[:1rkt-I, Collier Street, b`arrie. Apnl 28, 15:37, NI`? -`"r:,\.\'n1:n s. SAUNDERS, Watch and Clock J .\i:x1u-.r, Jcsi'e1lcr, &c., begs to inform the in- lmi-itants of Barrie and surrounding cvonntryithat In has opened business` in the above line,. and mists, by strict attention to 11123 wantsof his ous- iumers, to give gcneml satisfaction. Melodeons, FIulin0e_.=, &c., repaired. ./Ill work Warrantcd. Dunlop Sl.,'one door west of Mr. Sanford s,Store., Barri, 5th March, 1860. I 10- v--.-..~ - - - >4`. \-w \,\~\~,\.\,-v\.v\ ' SAN~SbN & MACNAB, General dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Spirits, Hard- wmfe, and Crockery. ' Cash paid for all kinds of Produce. . . ~ D. L. smox . . . . . . . . . .`A. MACNAB. Urillia, 24th Oct., 1859. .48-ly _"ITf.L1..x IIUUSE, Om` prieton`. The above suimhle ncconmlodation. Ucmhnr 2`), 1853. V B. CLARK, Licensed Anctinner and Com- . mission MCl`Q1l:1Ilt, D'l7ll1Q1|4S1.., Barrie: 8 VF .\I(jI[}`lA'l"1`, Oril1is.,`Generu.1 Merchant, . Licensed Auctioneer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. .h-._ ' ' . - ` '~-- - -'\/\4'\_'\~`."`/`/\.\.\,V\,'\~.Ar\~.\/\/\I\l\. \t\/\I\/\o I li.\'}`.Y I; !I4)1 KI.\`S, BARR_IS l`ER, &c., has A opened :1 Branch (mice at Collingwood, for tlmplanclice of Law, Chancery and Conveyancing (mice on Huron Street. (.'ulIing\\'00d, 1860. : ' - 31 ~_.. .- _ . ' surr Tn. I.;\\\'I:E.\ GE, Inf;-,F1re s:.1l`1d ngalrfonteggent` I .' :uaco,:1nd House. .L5}d 9',d BOY` `Sm Issuer Cox1\'c_v,:111ccr, Uoxnn11.S5l`' m ' "S.e't `Q01- .0!" .\I:xrri:\ge L,icenses.-OIcn Huron ' ' lingwood. ' .40 [Int I I ` E .11`=lUfu<'Ui1'e under his owri inspection, and war- `w+:ui:J(:'in0mNSON, Boot and Shoe Maker ` ~(.7o1liI1g\v00d. All orders in the above line muted for nozxlness and strength. 7 .'\lilU.`\UI`} l1lUl`A'l\'DI`4D.*-JLFIILV 1XUDl?, Ul_ . Smmidnle Station has been officially nnnmntmi In xssue Marriage Licenses for that District, and will kccpu. supply _conVsta.ntly on hand. ' U('1()1\cI` 15, 1358. ` 42 .\\'I1) I)UUGAL'S Bedste d and Chair Manp- fnclory, opposite the Registry Omoo, _Ba`r1e- Hou.'~:o.-hold Furniture of various descr1ptl0S Wcnnstanlly on hand, or made to order. Wo_0d Turning, in all its bI`a!1cll95; excuted `mb 'nemness and despatch. Apr1|.l4, 1855. V > t 14 \/\I\ \/< IN I . DAVIES, Accountant, Collector, Con- A vcyancer; Insurance, Land & General Agent; Commissioner in B. R., 850., Bradford. April 16, I856, ' 14 57- -`.\.\.-\.\r\..\-\\\'\\\..\,\,\\/K/\/s'\a~`\J\.t\I\J\.\I\\r\ . 1 Br ` 1U ~:l`_S<-JN & SAMPSON, Barristers, "Attor- neys, Solicitors, &c. Ora-1cn--\Vestern As-V _Fance Buildin'gs, Church Street, Toronto, 0_.W. }'us Morrison1.- - - - - D. A. Sampson. 101-`nmn N.m.....v..... 1n=o 45 Q |l1lilDl\H'lH`.-IL HA JULIE"! IN J Larrie limuch Bible .\.`ur.'.ie1y _ ,,\~\ ----~ --~""""" `A~V~~~ ).\'l"I`0.\' it ARI).-\(}II, Bzxrristers and Solicitors, (j.m\-cymxccrs, NuL:u`lCS Public, &,c__J_ame5 lmmm \\'xHi:nn D. Anlmrh. ' |1IPretsses. Wedding Cards. . . . ..__ TWIN ELLIS, I.itliogra.pher & Engraver, King ; Street West, Toronto. County Maps, Plans of `Em. Invoices, Arms, Crests, on Plans or Seals, T July 10,1855. 28 , _' .(zInvimti0n5 . Pm d 1-(iscr ?-Y5. . - ades remen. T_h Mon ma11|{h:eCanadIan Fne BN5 have been xssued t0 8 f the. . for 9-PI 9 ~ . t to c0mP't' H be for `$119 compames who 11* " 1 ize aha M 7 other Prizes. The, Montrea P1` _ Co 0111' j - bance f' , ere 15 5 . . deaat , . m or na1w1" an fth and all the L`-ox_11p?s gig, during `h*W::1;`;way c)t'De_troit to mu "R9 my prizes to be g"k;ul silver festivites and c0}n~p"7 in 1111- A bealm _Bmck.- _ 1 the `"`1 Ot {he gift of .T1lm5 0m,real:' trumpet, valnp $2..) ')eLed for-, b) the V ' ' well, Esq., WI be 00" . . = - hdf 5 _ , _ my eerl.I,,19g `in many men mu my ggckes} If??? ` se and play W `merdqe for the..5`. 9 '*'m. arrangements 650519,- `. nedfdg me; Engines and a day 'w?`aunrj s'zrei*~ and qonveniencg Of 9' ` `' mu -- ho ` |l.LIA.\I L.\WRIE, Licensed Auctioneer for lmric-,*.-tml the Townships of WcstGwil1im-' bury, 'l`.-cuxnselln, lunisl, zpud Essa. ' ' June 1311:. 15:313. . ' 21 J.` V V , Vuh.'u:ar_\' 22, 1859. Fm-zmznxc K O'BRIEN, Rvenue Inspector," Co.- { of Sirncuc, Dnnlop Street. V Bunie, Juno 1-, 1859. ' - know- mL.'\:JI:l:a', 1\'.C -1"c1)ruary I RVHMSTOPHE-R 11.": RRISON, Depositary of the I Barrie Hmxmh Pihlu .\`nr~in1v Hnnlm. Rh-pnt Ans IV UUII (Jet. 14', 1351. )R0v\') N CH L f.\ SU RA NOE G(o.\1PANY.- B:zrrie` Agency, George Lane. -Vchruu r\' 2'3. L`s.39. 7 abs Nortl)mt 2\hnaue vi---so am! a day mentioned may msonebly be expected, of all staug P G. IIURD, Land Agent. and St_.ock_ Broker . King Street West, Toronto. . ` July 10, 1855. , ' 28 .`._.`__ u-gus morrison~- 'l`or`onto, Novembsll`. 13.59` ::---j"' ` `Piuzl-:3 Fon . lfenmn TI... 1: TERMS: $2 peryear; in advance; ' - * . ._,\,v\ AAA 'T{: :~{rL..\c.1`: LICENS S.-JOHN ROSS, of .Q......:.x..1..q.-.:n..1..., L... ..m..:..I|nnnnintpd' \r\/\J VOL. IX. Busincsa T J3itB[tUtl_j.- L-U pin, 1_soo. Orillia. James Quinn, Pro- Hotel has ample and. r\nn\Inr\r`nI:nn WCOLLINGWOOD. sUN1i1:15XLE. is 2:11" 111 E . BRADFORD. le na- anion, stale: ever ORILLIA. ea for we inrozmauon ;:'ge:gV;; great disjxlsy o , - , ` ." l'.iYU5ll.'dl'y U1 LL ,-Dunlap Street, 8-tt-` ( Continued.) _ The girls became the mother s pupils, with similar results. Poor woman ! what could she do, with the cares of 11 household .pressing heavily on her, and demanding all her attention; with in- fants around her, to distract her mind ; with a peevisli, an almost 11ypochondria- cal husband, andwith ill health in her- n4\`p ...k..+ ,......l.`l ...l.- ..`l.. .... .. 4......L....II ` VVe have said that he soon began to, hate learning, and to dread this severe father." He didmore than this; he be. gun to dislike religion. While. his father was attering himself that at least his boy was escaping the contaminiatingiim `uences of other boys, the seeds were being sown in that hoy s heart of` indif- ference to his. fatliefs God-'-of contempt and indelity. He failed to discover in his father s conduct, much of the"benign inuence of the religion of Jesus. The voice which, Sunday after Sunday, he heard from the pulpit, telling of "a Saviour s mercy, was the same ` voice which, duy`af`ter day addressed him in sternness and threatening. The hand which, in public, was uplifted to heaven in supplication, was the hand which in- icted on him chastisement for venial faults, for blotslin a copy hook, errors in a sum, falseconcord in _a Latin composi- tion. He shuddered at the sight of that hand--and that a'father s hand. A.- uut Il|.|D|lLl.Il\.l, auu wuu Au. ucauu nu HUI` self-wh-at could she `do as a teacher ! But our business is w`ith the lit_t1e Arthur. Time went on and, on. Thefather loved his son, and grieved over what ap- peared to be the boy s-obduracy. And the boy was obdu rate and hardened ;' or rather he was insensible. -He wished` hims_elf'_ anything but What he was; anybody s son but-a Amin`ister s`; any- where but at home. vw Il\rA\r nu- V... --v.--v- But it was not easy for him to leave `home. When his painful andiimperfect education had so far terminated that his father had given it up in despair, many - attempts to place the youth in a situation failed; generally from want of funds to pay; an apprentice fee, or from want of ineans to sustain him away from home, or to furnish him with a necessary outt. At length an opportunity occurred. [A kind-hearted man from London-a large corn dealer, and ;`,_ 'riend-visited the little tovign of-w-.~--, in Rustieshire, on business. He accidentally heard of the straits of the poor dissenting minister and called upon him. The xjesult was,a pm sent, which brought tears to the poor `pastor s eyes and relief to his heart ; and, In addition to this timely assistance, an ` oer to provide a situation for Arthur, in- London, in 'which he might earn his own living. a ' ' s 11-? ' `I -- -1. ___. 11.4.4 `LA `.-.4-`Z1... tuna CC?- Ers of nine- uwu uviug_. We need not say that the offer was gratefully accepted ;- and in. the kind- hearted Friend, our readers will trace the gentleman who had assisted Basil T Marsden. By what meanshe had;at- tained, or wasable to exert sufficient [inuence over Mr; Joseph Rutland,as to have the nomination .01 his. junior clerks," it is not necessary, here at _lea_st, to at- tempt to explain. T ` T rnL- ......c:...... AP 411:: -nnnl-I1 from his I-Ulu Pl. U) Cxslucuuo The parting of the youthb.fr_orZn his. parents was a painful one, yet not with-_ out some hope and promise. The father wept, and implored forgiveness of 1 his son for those instances of - harshness which "he had bitterly repented when the mood. ...... ...,.. ant` fnr. urhit-.h= he had: often he had bitterly repemeu wueu um Iuvuu. was over, and for which he had i humbled himself before God. The boy ` was melted too ; it must be a desperately hard heart that can withstand a. father s ~ prayers for forgiveness. A The mother wept on the son s neck, and kissed him again and again,, 0nce.and- again the parents entreated the boy to temembet his Creator ,in"the days of his youth ; to ee youthful lusts ; to . ;eme,mber the sabbath day to keep it holy ; to search the scriptures ; and Arthur promised that he would be mindful of. these things. And so tllieytparted. ' ` V swerihave epxlarged i five ; for: Ava. _know~much; Inf ; :Arth_ur- b Kemp of which he wasnecessanly igno-., ' hint." 7'We' shall-" vaotitin1i9*.t!;e_,_r;1a;mtive. V in-the f01l9Win`. Glipt9t`fllBl1 D.ItOWII: W931 : - VVho ll cilre for Ind when I am 018, And withered grown, and gray; \Vhen youth : clear life hns_lft mine vcyVcV, And I'm no longer gay? ` \\'hen I dmoldo, and roscia lung Have faded from my check, v `Vino then will listen to my my voice ? \\ ho ll nnsvx-ve.r when lspcnk? Ah I who will love me when I'm old,` \\ l'len friends of` ymith are ed; \ Vhn .oherisl1e(l hearts, that loved me well, Are numbered willi lhc-dead? \Vhen [um old. uh`! who will chooso_' Near an my side to slay? \Vho then will lisI_ to lu.-a.r my amp, Or miss me when away ? '\Vho, who will cheor me when l _m old; - ' Should I m` sorrow sigh? on whose fond bosom can I loan Whon lam called to die? ` Let the not kno\\` what id to lose The friends of yqmh s ln-igln day; "Oh! me let die when some will mourn 'l`hul I have passed away. ' I York Evan;-;elist.] Then let me die when I am }'611i1'g,; Before Pm old and gray; 7 Oh! I would die lcf'ure I ve grown . So weary of li(\:'s way. ' When I gum dead. alns! who ll mourn That I'm no longer hrc? Who `then will care to shed o'er me . ' A'eclion s-silent tear? struggles in Life; -bnis nsnnd plaint (`.9 P- $.itcmturc._ .V.V.I.IENI`AlIOI_.:1;. .--- ANDCOUNTY OF SIMCOEMGENERAL ADVERTISER. ' JUSTICE IS THE GREAT, BUT SIMPLE PRINCIPLE, ANDTHE WHOLE sE<;RE1' OF SUCCESS IN ALL GOV.ERNMENT.v GLIM?8EB.OF THE Hdlll AND HEART OF A YOUNG'PRO_- ' 'FIaI(}A1`E. --FORESHADOWINGS OF A . COMING ` OATASTROPHE. 'f`I1ow1oug'bas your friend been liv-T ing in London, Basil !. asked Mr. Mars- den, who had laid down his newspaper, and listened with afgood deal of interest ti) his sou_ s account of Arthur Kemp. Ahnnt 'fh1-an vnnrcr fhihnr ,- 'hn'f I Fl-I JIIO U3`!!! 5) (AUUULIHB Ul. JILLIIIIL LXUIH In About Lthree years, father; llgut I don t know that I ought to call him `friend. We are on friendly enough terms`, that s 9.11.. ' H T AL] u-"AG .9.-.n.... .-.........; CL`... 4.1....` ....... yul Alto, blluh D an. I did not n1eah mor than that;my boy. Well, I suppose that three years . life in London hasnot improved young, Kemp s cllaracter '! _ , .1 can of`:-nit` 1'} link! nnl nilanu "Dual H- Who is Gillman,'Basil !n asked Mr. Marsden, with an air of ' abstraction. "` Oh, I remember, your senior clerk. `f Yes; if `it had-not` been for him, I think poor`Arthur, rnightihavve been dif- ` ferent from what he is. But lam afraid Gillman. llasdone him a great deal of niischief. . ' 7 _ How, Basil '2 ' - . _ I can scarcely say how,, said Basil, and .I_may be mistaken, aerall ;7hut Gillman is not verysteady, I think; and he has such asneering way of talking aboutvreligion. He is very fond of` plea- sure,-too ; is acquainted with people who are in some way connected with the theatres, and often gets tickets for.noth- king, or orders, as he calls them. He seems to know more than` he ought to know, too, about gambling-houses, and l1'orse-racing; he always goes to Epsom races, he says, and boasts of the money he won there, at the last races. Kemp is often with`him at night, and `then on the next day he is just. t for nothing. And besides that, though Arthur has a good salary, heeseems to be always: in some diieulty about money. , 'T olxnnlri nnf thinly runs anninfu in lilroiv .I.L\.gllllI D unluluvlul 3 I am afaid it has not, father. But it is something, isn t-it? that he has kept in the same situ:1tion;al1_the time. `And I do think if _it were not for Gillman 99 V ' ience g_ the mace mung limo erioua cured -above 1 than rented