With ijeferenco to the hove, thesubscriber begs leave to i_n_fo1-m his frien `s,1a.nd `the.puhl{c gener- ally, that he will continue thevbunsixiesi on the same nremises. ,.All debts .m;1n'a.-56:11.. nm 5:... QQQVIQQQ a'Ilu.ulQI&LI& `(U13 5 Situafe on Golliex` Street. adjoining the Market Block, being composed of Lots No. 46 '5; 47. This will be an ernellant l-hnnnn rm. ......o:.... mucus, ucnug cumpuseu 0! nuts NO. 46 -oz 4']. This will be an excellent chance for parties- wishing to procure Lots `near the Market for busi- neas purposes. ujllll :. . M93e3,`Jeiy so, ;1sso. . ,We have no change whatevi to notioein the `condition of the ma.rket.-- ,Flonr.ll;dull and quo- tations remain as noted-o,nrS_uturdny. Superne, $6 20`: $5 26; fancy, $5 75 a '36; double extra, 06 35 :56 75. For full wheat there is sgood def- msnd, but the supplies are liardlysnicient to en- gage the attention of buyers, gheymarket is cause; queutly dull at 81 30 9.31 35 per bushel." `Spring wheat rm at 31-10 a $1 12} per bushel; "Barley - and Rye dull and nominally unchanged. `Oats steady at 31 at 32 per bushel. ;Pee.squiet at 54 :2. 68c, and sometimes 60. . Butter, of which the supply was large, is worth 130 1: Inc for lresh, and [Ice 13c for really No;1tub. Other ar- ticles were unchanged. ' `Stores. None genuine without the Anxortrnn nxsrpnxrnu orvxnw YORK` cmr_n_sr1r`t:s " ' -mama coon tumors or DR. M LANE S cnpnatwrnu LIVER .PII.lIiS, rnannun at rnlmxm anus.` . . '. Ntw You, `August 50," 1862. This is to certify that l have had the Lioefcomplaiat for vo years, duriu which time I have tried,alr'nost all known remedtes. ut to no purpose.` Hearing of Dr. llvlaanets Celebrated Liver Pills, I concluded to try a box. - I did `so. andarn now almost cured. . I think one box more will elact a permanent cure. I can cheerfully recorn. mend these Pill: to all who may au'er from llvercomplmnt. I hate also known them used with the moat` happy results in cases of sick-headache. or dyspepsia. _ ' MR. SWIFT, No. 116 Attorney street; E'.Purchasers`will be careful "to ask tbr DR; M"LANE S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, manufac- tured by FLEMING BROS.. of Pn-1-swan: PA. There` are other ills public. r. Iv L:me'sA genuine Liver Pills,` also his cele. hrated Vermifugc, car} now be had at all respectable Drug signature of - [St]. V FLEMING BROS. urporting to be Liver Pills now before the No more shall the poor sufferers in our country languish, their constitutions racked and torn by strong and dangerous mineral medicines; they willcome to the fountain of health, found in simple herbs: and roots from nature : storehuuse, TIIISYMOUNTAXN HERB PILLS. of innocent mountain `um-_1vtuu1v'1`A1N PILLS, of innocent mountain plant: composcd,~ wrll~reach and stop their-,dist_ress. and cause the blood. renewed and cleansed. to carry through the body the-elements of health: building up the broken constitutiomettd carrying life and health, were but for them would have been the wreck of ht-pe--the feeble moan or -suli`ering. at last ended by the cold hand` of death; Do-not` let prejudice overcome your better reason; do not look .upon the Pillsnd only like others; do not let your despair, after trying everything else, revent you from trying these. The blood must be pure, an then exckncgss is impossible. \Vhat a great and yet simple truth is this i. it appeals to the common sense o `all; it is the gteut ky-stone ot the healing nrt. JUDSON'S MOUNTAIN HERB PILLS will purify and cleanse it as sure as the sun will rise to-marrow. Imtannta l\II mmo..t.. u-.t. nzn- "..`.... 9.1.: 1... _n nu_.u. yuan, uuu uaynuul: 5|. Ila nulu as tut: auu Wlll I180 ID-IXINTTOW. Judson a Mountain Herb Pill: `are Sdld by all Med1- cine Dealers. ' _ . (31) rreraranons decidedly the beat of their kind offered to , the pub ic.-Cl|ronicIe, Quebec. 0.` E. iI3 See adverl_ismPnI!.. ** nrnnbn ;_ nmssns. ;_tUU:l' or MUH.liU'W, Saddler: and` Harness Make,'fdljb;ve this day been Dissolved by -mut_.ual con'en't;-'ap`@ at the sameme return their sincere tha.:ik9.1o"--the public gohernlly, for the liberal pa ;ge`-`extended `to ;them while= in business.` -`;`-" Barrie. Jnlv . noon Mo1mo.w.. 1 HE Subsciv-iber has ieeived instructions to A \ offer to` Public Competition _ ' ON MONDAY, THE 201'}! INSTANT, on the Premises, in the TOWN of BARRIE, T?l1T?lII TIC??? T\_u-an up ---_. - -umc-uu Iucululutaj IuI:y WHLCOIDC to me Ioumam 1 nature's stn T[+IE-_MOL'NTAXN PILLS, I t_:omposed, stop their disu- Barrie, July 27,-i60. ?,s(ap1e premisgs. .. 'a=a11_`b`sett1ea b Barnfie`, J {y 27, 1869. --__.:_:__.-.j--_ At the same time and 1 1lace vill be sold also V TEN JYCRES OF EXCELLENT CLEAREJD LANE! n.-..; -1 -5 - ...u.; A-_-__ n__ u-_',u, . 7 PO-STPQN sH1`{IEF s '-sAg,i: (SF, LAj$IDs}` T71iii:ifi"'it'fiif>iiirE:"65i" z_ :o.mo'. nn nn'lI:...'. Qo......L ...a:..:__:___ .L_ n Dissolufioni i` vzgtgrlership. dllvva-Q-. wickets 4'1 and was * 39 the last his stumps I43 ; Ieav- V pings, and bR;_AToN's INFANTILE GORDIAL. New 2\hncrti5c11tex1t5. 7 HE PM-tnefhip heretofore xisting between Mnssns. RUDE!` & MORRO-W, Saddler: and` trucks .Mu.ke qi.-.'hh.'ve this dnv hepn nininlvarl rm AAUC'_'l"ION SALE. --_:-- PM-t neAf~ ship iieting nssns. ROOT & MORROW_ Smldlnrn AA Vrxm ispoon ISTHE LIFE. Eptcial Nolcca, lags. _u.L_g'e {led by him. ronoxro, uAnKE`1`$,` U `JUICE UI II By order, mu oonunue wgbllsxxmss the 1.LL1,ebLs by 'i:.w.S.m' _ . `,1 YT. TRUDEAU, = V San-phi WILLIAM ROOT. nun nopes uy~ V ' tnebest. n ;- v!}i$xin`bnaiuea1;-"` _` a ` '1 fL.nb!ir. }. 9..-2... JMNU.F.>U V .D?':600{l7S < :13 P 1R1.NG?j_.. ` $"`? tux, Auctioneer. 731-sin JIM! U, Secretary. ,3l-4t avndv Hopes by ahtx in. bnsinesgg ` -ailhareof ac-aouaasll-* `:9: J F: ` _REP41;RIpIG~.`z 77 A 3,`? ` `:1 TT(:Eoizi1;'% -HUNTER, 0oppet.-1'in~31eot Iron workggg -raunu 4.. :..t.._.`..'.`l.:'.`A`.'-_.I- __- ..,..' - g. g. Y: '*".*` " "'. ", """""'7 BEGS 1,0 iufqn hifsfends and t]:e publi g en e-` -rally tbarho-~hs=fg)mmenced business in the ihQv4aA!ine the ' joining Messrs. B.qot,&>M_o:-zjoy,.3aders, ` 3; - Dm."",9?v- `No. 5. `Lot No; 79, on Collier `For furnhgr puqulus apply ta) `.l'\l,JUl'l U33, 33 UIIUUIVI -laid out by said Ross f Lot 26. in tlie=5_Lh Con. 0,, No. 4. Lot No. '1, as- snrveye us ot..unts znnna 22, said Thompson`, on 3 ' said Lot 26, in 5th Con. of spra. . _ ___ .. W Lqcre more. or less. v ,5 No..._'l`he East. part of Lot` 32, East. of Hurontario Street. in West pan of Lot, 32, inlthe 2nd 100 acres more ox-"less, owned by " Wright. " - the lit Con. 0110, and the . of `Mono- 1'. William `j WIIILIAM PYPER, Secretary Ontario Building S ' - . '0:--to Moamson` ssAm . ` _ _ `-Solicitors, Church Strut,-T `June 27th. 1860., . V ' . . 23.83 , DI {mg 27th, 1869. - ----1 - _ 5 gr!~ed to the .Ontario Building Sdcity, and ppwrs bf Sale cntniued in cer- "ich-will be produced it the Sale, 'No.`l. Park -'1. .30,-p`n`1h'N6rth side`of Bro'ck V ._S;treetA,`int Q acres. - ,_ __-n-: of Barrie -- about 183 'N9.;~2--V at ' the;North .sid\eof God'ring- uin _" . A` ' _ab_out-2`ncres'._' 1 ` No, 3. Lo`i'_s- W _' V `BradfordjS_tt '-.au,dAlots 2, 3 4,`='* ` 10, on Ma'1`k_1' ha i: laid o1it.ifoi;;':tho a"la liarles Th'bmp`s`qg`1', `by us of.L6ts`2'1"sm`d 22.` 3 Sdcity, " -tau vwu \Ig .u.:c,)auI.`l P?:*_?` '1' :7-'I'_."' "." '-I """f" """ 7 AT 12 '-CYCLOCJK, NOON, _ .pf Mes8r,.- Walrqeld, Coat ` C'_o.` J` `ST-BERT, TORONTO. `- .m}.-. FUIIIIO Dy I.A3Ke. M For freight or passage apply to S. WALTON, No. 8 Front Street, old Royal Mail Office, next door to Axiaerican Hotel, or at the head of Tin- nin2's Wharf. uuqr Lu xunencnn I'M 'ning's Whtfrf. _'I`oron't<;, Jn`I'y,i 860. INL'l`4E. (30UNTY OF sI.\1coE,5 _SAI{T_E "PUBLIC AUCTION, ede';{day5'1s't Dayaf August, 1860. AP?! 1o`.'n)nI'nru7 unnn ` .7 J1|l,1l'llUll Kl1pI't.'3I1l||JLIg llle l.ll|lll5|.|"Illl IE6` sonrcgg`9'f._l, _e Qoumry, being the PRODUCTS of t.he.FI_E_I,'9_ ,2-1.h`e'FORES'1`S, the MINES and the ' -FISHERIES the PROVINCE, as well as all A A_A51I,TI0Iz8*`j}tANUFACTURED m cum); EAVE ;Tinning s Wharf every afternoon, at 5 ' 0 61_O!_:k, for CAPE VINCENT, BROOK- VILLE "and OGDENSBURGH, connecting at Cape` Vincent with Steamers for KINGSTON, and Cars.for ALBANY and NEW `YORK; at Ogdensburgh with Royal Mail Steamers for MON- TREAL nnd QUEBEC; and with Cars for B08- TON. The Boyl Mail Steamers consist_ of the KINGSTON, P Asszpnwr Ullkllf IULV , uuu NEW ERA. 7 This ii onlyldirect Express Line from To- ronto by Lake. ' ' Fnr frnhyln, All nouemno anvu in `KTAT.'I`n\T A DICE!!! - QKIIIE W1l'IllI'l1Sll IIIOIIVP pOW8I' I0 ny. _~ ' .`I?3laltiit=isdsired should be shaft? "ninoiou. T . The'.F:-eight of` all armies `exhibited, to and from mntreal, oventhe several Lines _of Railways and Steamboats, will be paid by the Board. . All Articles: fnrwnrdnd tn the Rnnrd. nddrnacznd . EH1] IDDCEIHUOBI-S, XVII]. DC palu Dy I115 DOHFU. All Articles foltwarded to the Board, addressed to the undersigned, and marked FOR._ EXHIBI- TION, will, if approved, be placed on EXHIBI- TION FREE of any charge for ENTRY. Rlanlr Fnrmurnf Annlimatinna fnr Snnmsn and all I.1\)1V 1` [SLED Ul_ any cnurge IOF D1` 1111 . Blank Forms `of Applications for Space, and all further xformation, may be obtained on applica- tionto eundersigned. - . = ' B. CHAMBERLIN_ Montrezii: July 12, 1860. 1820. LAKE ONTARIO EXPRESS AND ROYAL MAIL LINE or STEAMERS |NAEw..;1f0Ii7ii" f`"136'ii"rrf;.:gm;1g 1" 1.` A1Tn|~ll|:.._:..._v.. 1171.-.; `.____ - EALED TENDERS will be receiea at this . Oice until NOON of FRIDAY, the TENTH DAY o_f AUGUST next, for the-works connected with the ENLARGEMENT and DEEPENING of the-"`:Rock Gut near `th upper end of the LACHINE CANAL. ~ ` ` A nlnn unnf:nnIl and lI'|n`oRunHn;uu A4` -61-an nu-Tr wxumrus u;-_mm... '. ` A Ian, sectnons and specxuations of the work `may seen at this Oic, iuid at the Oice of*J. G. SIPPELL, Lachiue Cgnal, on and after the '|`WV.1\T'l`l lc`. l`l3I inntnnt ihnra fm-ma nf` l`nndm- {and three H. %R.-iIF."ti1vWl5_1'i7i1c': Jfiiirales. u vnuvn nu Inlays: THE MOST: COMPLETE. "EXHIBITION- Industrial Prod'u'cts of Canada Eve: gsiphered togethef. - The :EXHIBI'l`ION will be OPENED,on the TWENTY-FOURTH or TWENTY-FIFTH - DAY of AUGUS'I"rlx_t. . Y: special arrangement with the Board of Agriculture, Agrieultuml Implements shewn at Quebec, and Gognpeting for Money Prizes sthere, will also be received as late as the 23rd August at the Exhibition Building in Montreal, and allowed to compete tor Medals, &c. All Articles representing the Industrial Re- nonmen-n'f..Ll m Hnnnh-v. hpinnr thn PR_(lDIl(`.'l`S nf and-nnvucgy 1455341 U K V. ULII-`ll! ALI van nun MEI`! be renfiii-`and alldfved to compete for the Medals, Dip1_o'mas\1snd Prizes. "A Steam imine willfurnsh motive power to nnv Miuahin ;w`5h~J1B:=kdnnir9d salmnlnl hn ahnw orjrngc Pucn, - _Ba1-tie,`-Iuly 31, l80.! UEFIUI U! '.|`u.I~vunin5 4 The work being of angexcoptioual character, the Commisaionex gt` Public Works does not bind [himself to accept. the lowest. Tnder. The-siEznatu`re`of two solvent oersons resident. I U18] B150 3 Uuuulluu. Deparment of Pgdblic Works, E -Quebe, July 13, 1860. -GRAND lrnuv1m:IJn1. %BXlBIT1l|N!! --__.- _THE BOARD 01? ARTS .s='MANUiAcTiIREs A...-.5 In-sv vv vrvn-cvlvna vs ullv BOARD of AGRIOULTUBE_for LOWER. CAN ADA ssagaaamamoon, GOOD-S FOR -. . EXHIBITION WILL BE _ ` -. RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE , FOURTEENTH OF JUGUST NEXT. umueu pcmguo B. ,MoYITY, Orncior THICLIBK xxx or war: Puonf mr 'l`FI'I PEACE. [11 nf S'imnne.! I _nn. uvvu nu n... V... .--no ---u vuu suvw V: v 3. Cginal, and" the. TWENTIETH instant, v}1ere.forms of Tender may also be obtained. rm... .....-1. 1...:.... A ...R.......`.. ......1 ..I..........4..... Dllef I0 BCQC -IJIB IOWUSB -" LBUUCY-" V The-signalm-ee`of solvent persons resident in the Province willing to become security for the due fullment of the contract must be attached to each '1`ender. Thy analg- F. JOHNS, JUN., vTEA_ACHEP_. or MUSIC. IVEBMS made known, eitlim-_at the [dvame nmnn nr at his maiden":-.9 Rguohi Q9`:-on! ..B.a.rni. July` 16. 1860: VERVIS made Kpown_,. elgner _ at the Jdvanz Office, or at his residence, Bayeld Street. 1 ' 29 _.._: 5 0 ` A. M0berly- harried ZVEW Vi Notice to Contractors. Ki` ' "M6 1\If VI`%_] XI: ON THE OCCASION OF THE VISIT OP` -a V- .---v..w..._v-.-__v. _. u -- V-- Are expending the sum of between A Q33 `I Al| 4; Having tbe_co-operation of the -1 I IIIITIIYIY HIYIIIB I._ T t\TIl`I'.\I) II you), PASSPORT, V BANSHEE, . mm M lal statutes re: 1860. MAG1sgrnA'1fEs, &c. .'Ilu{'-I -" [By order, In order to make this urn any-nr wsrnn -nu: 3l THE -STEAME-RS 31121!!! CHAMPION, and NEW `FF ..-.. tr... , uh) '. ball from tried his bat B. GHAMBERLIN, S1-nrntn W._ BOWEN, gent. 3 `ZR ` T. TRUDEAU, 3 A ) - Secretary. _ . tl;e ' William L 0!` THE KIAUI, ' lty of Sizncoe; . ' . .` 3l-t. urbunu, Secretary- 30-4in' 30~3in, 19 I IIHILIIID I0! IIJB UU1VVDIIilVUDf L'1' UUUU5 1. can always be bad. Freight. paid on Goods peg Railway and fogwarded todestinntion upon reciinf a. written order Qarjrful Drivers, 'dis'patcI:, and moderate `charges. ~ ` ' - - `THDM AR l1Nl')l .E, Prnnnklnr :ly and Par-- Vity. In the I.` which the 7 r, contrary E,-and only ` arlain got four hit to ind a slip for hen wentin, ng and "mu- Ls given out, This deci- _ gle between _ hired witha two wickets, , andin 8' night bf W. I ns.--H. Tel- `l to McVity. ;liowe_d, `and ` inns for ma _OONVEYANCE;0F GOODS 'can~Ilways Freight. | -L:-2 nor Hilunnn gnu! 4'1...-u...-.l-.I 5.. .I....o:....4:.... ........ ; , n1um.5_n Dum.o'2`S'rnn:1-. Bzmsm, Nov. 9th,_1858_. Ban-ie, bra} 2,1355. .j___jq:_:-- ing, c, % Barrie. my 13, mo. `VIEW? `EARGE and corplte Assortment, of. ` La.dics"Enameiled Kid and Rruneila Gainers, 'Bus'kina,, Boots; Gent's Onif, Kip and Course; Misses andt`Children's, of `every variety and style, which_i_vii1- be kept constantly on haqd, ~ -JIn"r1\fn1'.Vcr-\Yt`\rn mn nu 'nxrn1:Inun1"nu' 7i3s$.==i Mji 18%" BTOOTS 3: >SHE)EbS WHOLESALE `AND RETAIL: . rr,ie,.My 16, 1860. .2 4--.- 11' -.----xv-- .---v-. `..`,\..,.`(a Suited to, the main `Tand requirements of his ' ' customers. - 1'. .I- SPRINB AND SUMMER 0008, I COMPRISING A - An Assortment of the newest designs in tnuovi GILT M 0 ULDIN GS and'Picture Frames made to order. 7 D. B. GARTON, , Carpenter 15- Contractor, - Near the Registry Office Barrie. May, 1860. V . 20-ly f BlNG:HAM BFv1-O`S.,A BUTCIIERS,.POULTERERS, &c. &c. )I-J ruauxunuuus xuuurlng EXEC-l1l9(1 promp' on the Premises, on most advantageous terms. Lefroy,'June 23, 1860. V 26 delivered either at their Mills, or at their DEPOT in BARRIE. ` 33- P.dRTICUL.R .'/ITTENTION mu) TO GRISTING 5 CUSTOM WORK. 4;; IUTIITZ s HEREBY GINEN that my"-wife, Bridgt _ Finnan or Casey, has left my bed and board without any just canse,I therefore hereby forbid any person to give her anything in my name, as I will not pay any debts contracted by her from this date. V OWEN CASEY. 'l`mmm.s..n. 9...: n-.. 1' -4 A Tecumseth, 3rd Con., Lot 4, 14 June, 1860. _v-,--r--.- --- - , V _ A-N active Agent is wanted in every County in the United States and `Oanadas, to solir-it orders and introduce our New National Double Thread $20 Sewing Machines. Warranted equal to any high priced machine. Practical for every family, which makes it the cheapestand most popular machine in existence. Alimited number of responsible Agents are wanted, to travel and solicit orders by Sample, and a salary of $50 per -month and expenses. - Business permanent. Ad, dress, with stamp, for conditions and instructions, _ _-- ---..-..-.-. 4 on, J. Huuus 6: Co., Snoi: um LxcAm_mz Excaman, BOSTON, MASS. July 25, 1860. A 30-2mo O08 MONDAY, . THE 30m. INTANT, the Store Stock at the ./Idvunce Oice will com- mence Selling, in quantities to suit purchasers, at 4%: ,`-u-1-0: paatugi-u- Barrie, J uly? 15th, 1860. are now putting them in excellent repair, and are prepared to pay ghe 'H|BHEST.MjiKET PRICE IN CASH 6`.-up .....- .......4:o.. A Depot has been iopened_in Barrie, West of the Market House, where we will constantly keep on hand FLOUR of the best quality, which we will -warrant to customers. OATS, PEAS, . BRAN, and all kinds of mill offal. Evprv p'nrt will hn maa in nlnnan Hanan milk Dlu-Ln, unu all Kluus or mul OII8.l. Every effort will be made toplense those with whom we may do business. All we ask from the public is a fair and impartial trial. ` * W A: _T,- MORSE`. Barrie, June 22nd, 1860. .:._.d.....___...__..____._:.. . ._ . dual` new map, And" may be bad at the 7. . ADVANCE OFFICE, BAnn1E,. _n-- B_1;.QkK.. TQRQNT0 PJ.qcLv1s.._,. sm TIONER Azvn Booxszegpzgs Bust. `NE-Ss_ FOR s.aLL~. . ` _o-an DISPdsED or on very advantageous . terms, the entire Btocits of ' `M _Bl_{0|_(, snrumsnv, &.c., ,, , . `I\-:_..'_._ 1112:..- D-`....2._ -attached to the Advance Pnnng Ofc, Harrie. Th nhnve business has been caftied cm with gutlaebed the Advance rnnung umce, name. The above business has carried me- cesa for nearly ve years, and (11031 59 disposed of by reuonof other eqgagemenu. U - . ' H3` For particulars, apply on the remises. N-.B.--If the above is not early ispoeed of. the whole Stock will be tetniled out at 30 per cent heIqw- ueual pri(-es,of which notice will be given. " Barrie. Julv 3. 1860. ' Fifty Dollar: a Month, and Eipemes Paid. A, J 9.. -_____ Ii-.." Oicers, Township`Clerks. School Teachers, and Stoxekcepera can be_supplied on tefms never before offered. All A-An... L-- `Dual .21! ....-..:.... ..-........L .._.l Gash Tfor.wheAat Cash for wheat FLOUR, o.u.'s, PEAS`, BRAN & MILL OFFAL FOR SALE. J lllllllhv I _ IIIIIIIIIBI I IIIUB IIU UIIUII for any quantity of V GOOD MERCIIANTABLE VVHEAT, u u o . ___,.._ UUIUFU Ulll`.l.'CU. All orders by Post will receive prompt and careful attention. , ' - FRANCIS JOHNS, A onnf, I sniffI31;;cvs,7I'd 1:"7r6f'E'}I3:-Si:hsonD 1' ` . A ,ANI)REW_GRAHAM` n.'_:..'I..`.-":n' an`;-vii: - on_u` igahfjl ! Leati BOOKS; SETIQNERY; . ROOM P4PERs,- are-. iiqnns or PATIIMASTERE: JTTQT` `P D I\I'l`IJ`h G'nocn__ns, nannwznn, vcnocxiggr, &c. ~ 5 ANDREW GRAHAM. ).`...:.. 1!-.. 12 101211 rm-o4' Avior bio :lJulAvLD_ ul JLUII Ibcoo, -`u/wn (II `l17i}I0145.,D'!'W !'8` .._C_'a7`rz'ages, Buggies and 0-_z;ejn.qf best .de.mp_u'on. wpmtsn `soie,s1imguzer,' Upiae}, Kn}; "cart 5 Harness, Binding, I,-ining, Shoemakers:;_F1ud. :0. Am. FANCY DRY` iebops, u_ mu-reueu June, 1860. FVITH S.PR./1 TT S _1MPRO VED P OIN TS`. v `D. B. GARTON, Acrnt for than mnntv nf Qimnnn IE3 Fashionabl ;I`ai1oring executed promptly _ an the Premises. on most ndvnnhun-nns: tm-mu I308] p|'I('S, Ol WHICH ll Bnin-Vie, July 3, KJLLV. Illtiw E31-3 55'? TAN_NERYhas on hand a mi Upper Leather. swoon SENIOR. ' 134: \HE YORKS , good_SLock of me, 2,1355. U IEIUCK lilbi UVUlI|llgu . The Hero was boarded by the news yacht of the associated press, and massages from-lhe squadron wete landed, b_uJ,.g;o;.till nine o c1ocl: V v ghis morning, the crew?! fildt their _'way' . 1 i\ lick fog. " ' , V The_ same jeduction on SCHOOL BOOKS. Na. 1, JH'a3"ket .lStalI, and Comer Marlee! and . ` Dunlap gltreets, Barrie. sPRINq_GooDs! `H-E Subscriber has received his Full Stock of `WHE Subscribers having recently purchased the AMS and BACON of rstqtmlity, Dried and Bnrrelled BEEF constantly on hand. June. ' '25-Gm 25" PE:R_ o:ai.\}'.r. BELOW FORMER PRICES! FOR ` CASH ! _ TOLl_.EI_\lDAL MIL.L_s: GOOD OPENING. SEI.I.IN__'_(_:`r40FF!% iueu press. 1 S1`. Jorms, N.AF.,_ July 27.-The Princeiof Wales squadron_ passed Cape Race at five o clock last evening. V The: Ilprn was hnnn-haul 1: than nnwn rnnhf of ;_\_c_;-ENTs WANTED. Northern Hotel, Lefroy, W. P. SQUIRES, Pnopmswoa. - LIGHTNI_I:G_ Rcps pansy 1u'\un -.....___ ___ --_, _ANn TU1=%rEn_ SE25", Zi.3"1IoaZ+7;ia7'"ch2'+g `THOMAS CUNDLE, . I`. Blmnm." ' SHOE-L-MAKERS . 1'.` fl ! AIXXTDDV Inna an FEST PRINTED, had at the , U. D. \1A B: 1 UN, Agent for _the County of Simeon} ~'rt9_ I"I\YY.`\Y `A ANmzE';`" W axiiam, ' T - -A20"-If mg tl'u1`(. . , Sickening details of thetnassacre of Chris- tiana in Syria have been__received. The general opinion was that the"'I`urkish authorities were acting in connivance with`the Druses, and that the Government at Constantinople,-L tvltich might have stopped the blbotlsheil, on an occa- sions left the Christians to their fate. V MOVEMENTS 0!-`THE Ptuivci: or-*,.w4u.t:s. Hnunx, July 28.-_-'I`here_a`_rez.mo(e ~!is'tl0I 8 in town than was expected.-_ ;fI_`_h`e _'city is al- ready overowing. No importantfincident has occurred, except that the-Priii:e,.,wil|'land at eleven n clock on Monday.` The G_9?'rn0r has proclaimed Monday and Tuesday hodays, but the telegraph oiees wiil be kept on for the purpose of forwarding messngesto the associ- ated press. . R1` [nuun RT Aw Tnltv 07 _'T`lna Drinnn VTIUL. \V. S: J.` MORSE. ' 26-tf ' "`3%'3 % 12:- 7n-u' LL` L), Agent. uwxsnumu Huusw AND GARDEN, en- -trance on Collier Street, and only 40 rods from the Mdrket. - _ A GOOD STABLE ATTACHED. . The. garden contains choicoapple, plum, cherry, andolher table 'frnits,,and excellent soil, with a spring of water running through it. ~ - For nnrticuhu-2. nnnlv at 1M".v.m... .. .. u. D;velling House and Garden to . B L ET. wall or wunoun H18 Lana. For partieulars apply to this office, to[John Alexander, Esq, ,or to the owner, MRS. `P. RICHARDSON. Barrie. March 21. man. In -0` -I-wwu 0 be Rented or Leased; with immediate poe- session, A NEAT COTTAGE BUILT HOUSE, containing`: Parlours, 3 Bed Rooms, Servant : Room, Kitchen, and an excellent Cellar; with good STABLI.\'G, OUTHOUSES, a Garden, and an`0rchard in bearing; ,si!.i1ate about 20 minute`; -walk from the Marketm.` Barrie, and fronting the 9 -n-lfIl\___ -v'nuuu,-v' About 20 Acres of LAND, cleared, 10 of which is under cultivation. The Cottage can be rented with or without the Land. wnr nornhlnpa nnviln On ILL. ..ln-- 4- 1,1 iuatt;tI;'?{3."" """" " *" LATEST `NEWS. 4 _ `;~..EUI3_'0l5!AN Tmits 0rnc:,- 3 '. g - "Saturday. p.m. A THE A'rRoc':I1`u:sT1N sY'nu.. Pints, July l3.--Both` _En_glatid nt'1dtFranceT gggtipn -pf the min- .lhey.wi|_l. {or_the " 1;`. "`_n_erferen_ce. -_ln itave agreed that, in 3100 of Fuad Pacha to" . Plesent abstain friim ," the event, hmvevet`,'., brief prov'ihg'in-. 3Pb|e of putting 'a " ween ~th_a_ Drnsea nd Marnniles. Englati ` France have con- certed tdentical tnstructibnIIi`lo bo given-to thgir " 9Pecnve admirals, authorizing the `latter, to effect adisembarkation-v:a{Bhyrout should the T massacre continue. ' ,%-, ;j . A ~. 1 Barrie, March 21, 1860.` lcorraen To RENT or LEASE, TIT!-I 20 ACRES OF` LAND l_) HCKBS Ul WHICH ETC ClPI'e0. ' ` Fuor particulars apply to the Postmaster, V Medonte Post Oice. Meaonee, April 27, 12360. 134: . 0 BE SOLD, cheap. the East hail of Lot No. 9, in the 8th` Concession of Madame, about 26 acres of which are ch-a'red. _g_ V, Ill uw out UUIICESSIOII 26 War nnu-Hnnlnna n-".1" on L. ulna nus. 0 on I, n. B. uuulsa Dlreet--l40l.S NOS. ' ll, 12, 13, J: 14, N. S. Elizabeth Street, and < .11, 12, 13, &, 14, S.-S. Henry Street, Perry Estate. . . S. hf of Lot 14. Berczy Street, Ro`e s Block, i acre and Dwelling House. ' . Lots 196: 20, East side of Bayeld Street, Patton's ' Block, Mill road, nearly an acre with 3 good Dwelling House. The E } of Park Lot No, 1, North side of Napier Street; 2i acres. 14 acres in the town plot of Kzsrpzxrznnr. Lot 8, St. Paul Street, Coxmxmvoon. . The above will he Sold nhpnn nn nn nacv Inning you c, on. ruul mreet, uoxmxxcwoon. The above will be sold cheap, and on eay terms of payment. Apply (if bx 13:2: post-paid) to ~ r - w. D. ARDAGII. ` , TON & ARDAGH, B.mnm. y 'fzIl':n new `IQ {nan "" '-` S. hof- Lot 5, in the 11th Concession Innisl; about 50 acres cleared. ' _ N. hf of Lot 3, in the 8th Concession N ottawasagn; ~ an old cleared Farm. S. E. l of Lot 1 in the mu Concession Notw- wasaga; an old cleared Farm. _- Ldt No. 6, in the 10th Concession Vespra; about 30 acres cleared. _E. hf of Lot. 74, 'in the 1st Concession I-`los; about 50 acziclearcd. -.__..-_ Town Lots in Barrie. Lots Nos. 6 4!: 7, N. S. Lduisa Street-Lot3 Nos. V 11. I2, 13 1:14 NT. R rm-...1...n. q..,.... .....a Iv aqu - Jawuuuo Lot 4, & S. hfof 1 1, in the 6th Concession; nnd 25 in 3rd Concession Elos, Lot 27, in the 5th Concession ; 25>in the 4th and part 25, in the 8th of Mulmur. NAPLI ._ N Team, July l3.--New`s7 _ 10` 8_!ales that the TKini,-,".-h_h" , A &manlla. It was believed ia! those `devoteil `D Ihn nl.l ..._.'...--_.-_4.I |._--;_a_:.. --ll'..`.I I- . :1\Iap:lqshto h_e 4 1'1 riimoned `the. Vespra, J nng 26, 1860. ]-0 V ACRES, being composed of Lot Number V 20, 12th Con. Vespra, with new Burn, 30 by 52,-Dwelling-house 20 by 80, Stable, Ont- houses, &c. There is a good thriving Orchard on the premises, and 40 iicrcs Cleared. under Fence and in'Crop. For particulars, apply to Tl!!! ntsnvnnnn In I (Pr l\'I'\ |DEPO'l`;5 1%1_m_ _\_IES_PRA `MI{..l-.- , on-uno- - ---~ Arev _reduced in prices beyond competition, at the ADVANCE OFFICE STORE, Rrfnv lhn Runni- May, _l'860.` G. 8: Wm. YALE, Importers and Dealers in . Italian and ./Jmerican Mdrble; also, mnnufac- ` tnrers of Monuments, Cenotnphs, Tomb and Grave Stones, Centre-Table and Stand Tops, Chimney Pieces, &c. &c. ' Our Olce will he (man 11?. all time; dnrimr lm- FICUUS, NC. NC. Our Olce will be open at all times during bu- siness hours, where we will be pleased to exhibit designs and specimens of work to any who may favour us with u. call. V A n .....z..... u..........u. ...... A .....'..c.. ...:n 1.... ..;...._..n_ ILIVUUI.` I15 WILU U: Cull. ', All orders through our Agents will be promptly _` attended; to. 11% [)1 . . ~ A _ A...........I..-.. LI....L 4.... \I .._I-.I.. 3.. -1` Al-.. ` llLLL'llUUU' LU. ` 5'3"` Please remember that our Marble is of the finest. quality. Our designs for the above work are of the latest styles. Orders for any work in Marble executed with taste and despatch. D. Cmnos YALE. Wznnmx Yum. Aununb Q IQKA 99.117 IMPOR-TER OF BRITISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE - 114 Yonge Street, Toronto, (OLD STAND) TWO DOORS SOUTH OF` ADELAIDE STREET --uuanlttl. It believed that those `devoted the old regimewoutd bcraghin 08!!!` '0 Pwer. The population was unqctiet, and ships 7 W_erebeing armed and troupe aentto Messian- tanella commanded the citadel, wheremn outb_reak had taken` place among the trpopp'_.8 Damon of whom shouted-Loniuil; forever others Francis II. forever. Twelve` 80141.9!` had been wounded. ` "A - - - UILDERS' HARDWARE, Mechanics` Edge, | and an other Tools , House Furnishing Goods, Cutlery, &c., and all other Goods in the line, at the Lowest Rates. ; 26-tf -:_-, W0 excellent Horse Rakes for Sale at this Office `cheap for Cash. ' Barrie. June 12, 1860. 24 IHINSI R11: LE S, EGS to return his sincere thanks to his cus- tomers for the very liberal support he has received since his residence in Barrie; and hav- ing increased his facilities for doing work of the very best description, he presumes to have a. stronger claim upon their patronage. Rvm-v rpnnicita, fnr nnnrtnms-n nnnniipd nn Hm struugul: Clllllll UFULI I-HUI!" PKLFUHH . Every requisite for sportsmen supplied on the most reasonable terms. REPAIRS EXECUTED WITH DESPATCH. 113*` Specimens of workmanship kept on hand, and parties are invited to inspect them ere they think of `purchasing elsewhere: Support home manufacture. ` ~ Rm-I-in. March '28 mm , l2.lv `June 28th, 1858. A M. BuP.N"s'",""" Gun Maker, Dunlop Street, Barri, w\`nf1c1 A_ __ _. -4`; rrie, May 28? 1860. TORONTO MARBLE WORKS, 1Yt\\YI`I1'.V cumnnnrn xrnnmrt nu l'\I Y'."l V\V 3555- saztwcrticcmcntss. V ~urv\-\'\ \.'v\. '\'\'\( --xx-v\.--.-x \ v\-'\/\.'\.\I's\ \I \..~. - \_\.\,~a-vvys. ' FARM FOR SALE. T "mm-'s1crL1r'. { 9 , - G3"0~_\o July l3.- Advices" from Pa!e;tI|o_ lb lhe Sthmst. slate that the 4'ica, wihihialop`-_ P9`! `:1! [ha mm nf Palm-mn nzi um` '7|h-.`m:n June, 26, 1860. -u-u-:- scHooL BOOKS, STATIONERY`, HOUSE PAPERINGS, ACCOUNT BOOKS, WRAPPING PAPER, HIUUJ (ICLWI Us Barrie, March 26, 1860. 7. UAISLUD IALAL. `August 8, 1854. smLL No. 5, r.`1A`1:{1`zVi::'1:';Ou-s:a::-.-~ won the sale `at noon BRAN snowr * m_n.L 0FFAL,~&o., oapnemy-&.y_ S nnnvr 1.1 .-un irnrrvp ..'-'.. Agricultural Implements )1? ALQL KINDS, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY,` for . nlrx hv U be bet, with immediate .1 DWELLING HOUSE Ap<;3ba0g3 we Collier Street. and rinlv an .-AA. 4-....L n...V i Virorx} ibe Let` wlihlimmed` -to ` . DWELLING nonsg 313%"-35:3 z' n'a09B FARM I_T_(_)_R SAITE, um um Inst. that the dfrictlg W_hih'93R' lh t f P 1 mo on me 7th- _Wl' ' Milled toeleggre i`: it: ahgf an hour by qret,of- ' Garibaldi. Upon learning this t_h_a_,-`n_-_,i_r';`,i.s";r . San} in theirresignationa, whichfV'l;!'`9'P-.9l` '4 his example wad folloy` .liy"!h_8'._ O$,lI_8l'"'|-_. 1i"" lh0l`ilielr -,., . i% v.)._,_:.. I` JSIJIJ A] All for . Sale by FARMS FOR SALE.` ONCE VS'17`rRF;E_'1`, NORTH OF JAMES B. RYAN, cc`-an Q11 QUQCLIG UL -Elli WITH 2b ACRES or LAND. OBSERVE. CLASH FOR W'HE.T, ' Il'Il\t" 1: .. -nu r.-..u-.n.~: , Or J`l \'O. C. TODD, Rfln Hor se__I_&akes. Wild L%Pd$-{ _L/\l1 `IUDHIUIU EIUUUI LY|IUi1lUlo ` The appearance of the` growing crops is tavorable. 7 Every kind promises well, includ- ing fruit. g;II|I13n:r\ou A.-.0-.11. nvf OI-mg n-ugm:nr'u-A nr (`In-in- ._ 1;`-Ii'.`I7;I:J-I-{;-(-).I-1,('}`I"i`JA Ron, On the nremises : _4,J; B. RYAN, ..:-~v1M'Y3n go Street, Toronto, Two doors South of Adelaide St. ' 3. 26-0` IDDIVF UIEUIE 15 I premises ; '|'\'I'\ I7 'I'\fIl\l'\ mos. `ROBINSON. 26-tf Luuu, Brampton, C. W. 25-99 -lU5]!1`l.LU|l. 1 I 28- ly Bnuzrn. llIJlJ`J LV 12-lf. y -.-..n...., 22-ly l)lU(}CUUIlIgS UI UH`! l1lU5U Ul l!UlI[llIl|IH- The London Daily Post of the 18th, says positively, that the Government disallows in (010 the lransferof the .Ga'lway Lina.-contract to the Canadian Company. . It in alntnrl lhnl nrivatn nrdnr 11mm hnnn 13-13 and .021}, nding`, - "G;i;inir_.;2,j Churches ofglls 5xialp_f!_ . 13- Remember :Ie.z:u3qzig(a;`nr::2. ' ' w|IP`I:\`.1 `Toronto, April 2}, is5p;- , Piper, to.` ' vuncI._v, wnu uuprrlur workmen Input ln('rn up. He has also at their sag-vice a full stock of I ninN and Colors, dry and in Oil, Raw and Boiled Lin- seed Oil, warranted |zenuiue,Spi:-its of Turpcentim-, Varnisbes, Putty, Glass of all sizes from 60 x 94; to 6 :5 8 inuhes, from polished. plate to the cheapest Window Glgsq, Figured and Stained Glass, many patterns aryolors; Brushes for Pointers, White. 'w\shers,,s' A "Artists; qlue pf all gnaljxlea, Sand v-`Hanan ant` `.;)'{p.'o.m n..':..-u..- I.r.("trr-;__ rupet, on: House ign and Decqpitive `Painting in` Watg; Ilnifhzif, ..0i|din.:` Gx3in.ir3I?.;a ..M,n_'.r Fina:-.~ , .Oh_Iu-ohes or H9lls-_6tx'IaltI_!_in~I_|I61!'I'af mm. ~-_-.._-_-.._ ....,..--7 oooaa.v;.4JL\JA1, AT his sfand, 188 King Street Elm, beluw St; Lawrence Market, is now offering to his old riends and customers, and the Public, GREAT BARGAINS OF` ROOM PAPERS, from the most. extensive, varied and cheapcal stock of Paper Hangings ever presented to them in Canada. They are most. suitable for decorating Dining, Drawing, and Bedrooms, Ilnlls, Public Buildings, Geilings,.01Eces, or Stores; Borders, Corners, Oentrea, Mouldings, Statues in great variety, with superior-workmen tbput them has also their service a full slur-It nf Pninlu ROOM PAPERS! ROUM PA?ES!! ROOM PAPERS!!! ALEXANDER i;AM_1L'rpN, _- ---.-v ---v-upv casvvaaanbag Made by irat-class lVorlcmen, from every variuly Qf oods, in dylcs to suit all cuelomers. N.B.--Customers may | (|) on having g;-..mc-nla made to measure in elegant style, and in the latest fashion. Rom-in (\..o-l..... Inrn A- - - CALL AND SEE ` Cloths, Doeskins, I Cassimeres, Twceds, . Salinetts,and 1 Canadian Cloths, ` T Barrie, June :3, 1860. 'U|lUU I3 UUIIIPIICU I Tne British Government is said to have re- ceived imeilligence of .:a `fearful massacre of` Christians at Damascus`. Five hundred-W'I`'T killed. among whom was ihe Dutch Cons|il.", The American Consul was wounded_. '[`kn Gunn annuals Iuh;nH nnann Ann. 04 (E-i-:._ III I-II-l`l`L-l I C) Eashionablo Tailoring. Clothing and General _0uttting Establishment, Duplnp 8t., Banio. , , __ , _ _______ _, Near the Market, Barrie, Where by attention to business and nnodcrrve charges, he hopes to secure n. fu_ir p:\Lronn__rv. Particular attention will he nnid In am-nu-in-v Hm cunrgra, me unpvs [0 secure n. lurxl` ptttronngv. _ attention will be paid to .<(`cu|'in;' Hm best Timber from Cold\_vale`r and other u ell known districts. rivarxnnq-n fi4'\InI . HE Subscriber bogs leave to acquaint the Farmers and others of the county of Simcne that he has commenced business as CARRIAGE AND AGRICULTURA L IMPLEMENTT MAKER, Gneral Outtting Estznblishmczztl lb1?iE a aU1;ct_23z;t:t;as vsncvsx-xx-.p..x\~.... ._ ` _ nil: SHERIFF'S Ox-`nos, mnmn, Per B. W. IlU:`,>`, May 5th, 1860. 19-13in _ . Dvp SHEBIFPS` 3532 or Lawns. A COUNTY our s11'v1c<')r-;_-.-; .. . ` ~ Monday, 2271? octabor; 1950, `V A _ Will be Sold Public Auction, '- AT the SHERIFF'S OFFICE, in` the Court Hnncn In Rm-rip, nt 19.`n nlm~|r nnm. I... B11113 I- , In the_Common Pleas, JOHN TIIO.\I.-\S (TOY!-I. Plninti , vs`. RICHARD REYNAR. 1')cl'L~ln]nuw.'. ~.~Lc:-~Nnmbcr Six, in the first Cnnc(x~:si:u of Hm Township of 'l`(-cnmseth, as the prop:-rty uf lin- Pluiutitf, to satisfy the Defendant for Costs in has `Defence. ' I.. cl... I`.-.....o.. I`.-.....6 A6` Ill (`nu-.0" A6 QI...,.,... JJIIIIIIFIIIUUIQ VVIUI VVIII IICHU PU ilgilllll IIUBIIIE1. NAm.1:s(1>ia Turin) l71h.-There has been a conict between the troops and the people in consequence of popular manifestations in favor of some refugees who had disembaiked at Naples. Several people were kiiled. Th hill` hfl l`;l"I:SIIl' IIIIIU Q El III |lIC lJU|lll|_V \.'U|Ill UI IXIU \JUl|H|.\ Ul IHJIIH WILLIAM DARBY, Assizznee of A.\'[)?;E\\' .\"- GILL, Plaintitf, vs. J:\.\H`.S R()l3ER'l` UII.-\I)- BURY,` Defendant, under a. Writ. of Vcruliliwri Exponas. The North half of Lot No. Eiglm-4-n, in the fourth Concession of the` Township of Tossorontio. V - B. W. S.\II !`IT 1 UL. .. :.I IV C` ox uoulugwuou. In the Queen s Bench, CHARLES R. S.\H'l`H, ' Plaintiff, vs. WILLIAM F. sum}, 1).-2:-n..x..m, Town Lots Number Four and Five, on the S-nxzh side of Elizabeth Street, in the l`ov:n of Hmrfo-, as laid out. upon the West Half of Lot .\'nmu.-r Twenty~Four. in the fth Con cession ut` the '1'um~.- ship of Vespm in the County of Simcuo, |)V William Gibhnrd, Esquire, for Henry Itunu.:l.~; Alver Boys, Esquire. ` B. W. S.\II'I`I-I, Slurry)`. 0.5`. B. W'._ ROSS, Drpzzly. o u . _ _ . _. nn..,_. uon - /V Lot 4111 Concession, E~r=n, E hf . 9&1) Urn, W hf 72 \ 9th 0m. and Villmze Lot. . Nine, on the. North Side uf Edward Street, int Village of Cre.-emore, in um Township ot Noun nsagn, nll in the Coun!._\' <-i' Simcoe, and will sell ie same, or the Intoro at 1,-1' thP above named Defc ant. therein, at my Hill.-.-, in the Court llousc-,i the Town of Harri--, mi n`IVl.`Qr\AV .1... mu-in nwrn .a......r um-1-u Sannwsis OFFICE, December 9th., The above sale is POSTPOA D until Tl'u'-?.\'- DAY, the 20th "day of MAY an at sunne pl-.u-u and hour. . R ll Q`.H'l'H Sm-:mrr's Orrzce, Bmnm, 1 March 20th, 1860. j Suxnmfs Ornca, BARRIE, May 30th, 1860. Ill ll: tzllllllly bUllrL Ul HR: Ulllllllj U1 Clllnrnu JOIINATICINSON, Plzlintitf, us. A. M; J. Ul7l(.`{ FORD, Defendant. The Soulh half of Lot _\'u.m her Two, in the first Concession of the 'l`uwnslr; ct Mntchcdnsh, nnd Lot Number Two on 1):: North side of Amelia street, Bert-7,_\"s mm-k, ll.-xrm In the County Court of the County nf 14mm 1171! I YA u nnynv A.u:........ ..r ,\ \'n.'iI.`\\' 1-,. L (Q DHIIKSIIHDD Ul`-UIUEJ, H\`I||!! UOHVE A House, In Bu-r`ne,`nt 1z'o clock, noon, the ni1deru_1entioned' LANDS, or the interest at` the gefendams therein, nude! Writs in the f0Uo\\'ixx;; uiI.a:- ` 1.. cl... n........v- n-_..\'. nnnunrn nn\r4\- Snip 0| . .l05S()l'DUUU, IUU Cl'BI., , In the Court uf Qneen s Bench, CIIATILFS MACDONELL, Plaintilf, 19. HENRY Pl-Il`J{l\', of the Town of Collingwood, in the County hf Simooc, Defendant, the Wcst'hnlvcs of Lots 3 and 10, on .the East side of Cedar Street, in the Town, of Colliugwvood. Tn {'13 Duncan : Rnnnh ('.T-T;\RT.F..q R. S\H'l'H' QJIIUIIIUI IUI ulcu. Lxvr.nPooI.. l8th.--'-Cottort in good d'eutandT forexport. Sales yeah.- rday, 10,000 baleg, in- cluding 4000 on speculation and lot export. Trade healthy and speculation is dormant. The ne weather and favourable trafc returns exercised a beneficial `izguence on the Stock Exchange. Consuls closed on Tuesday even- ing at 93; a, 93. There wgs a good odemand for money at the Bank rates. , Tlmrn man nmhina nf in-nnnv-Inn:-A in lhn July 16, 1360. `_...j?__.-__ ._.-.u. or Smcon: Y Virtue of a writ of _ Fieri .l"ur:imr, i_~"mL".l (mt, rt of Common Pleas, at Tornnur, mwl ed, against the Lands and '1'-nr-nnonn _BERN.\l{I), at. the `suit. of ('rI`2(|lU}lI 1 Lawn unhnul Ont` Onlznn :1: :.u.....x, of the C to ma dir of HEWI1` D \VVl TI H1 lUL' \./UUl'la IIUUBU, ll TUESDAY the T \`\` EN A n 10:-n no l`u~nlu.. n` LUDDUAI um 1 n :3.` lbll A.D. 1860, nL 1`wclve o`c&'.k x l`., The above Sale is -further POSTPONN TUESDAY, th 31st. day of July, at th place and hour. B. W. SHIT SHERIFPS s/lg or mans. couxry or suxcor-3. On Tuesday, 14th August, 1860, WILL BE SOLD { BY PUBLIC AUCTION", nu-run. vn-rv rx-nrsrnrw - U(`I9CC. In the County Court nf the County of Fivnmu HUGH \\'ILLIA.\I C.-\ .\lPAIG.V' Plninti} :- JOHN CRAGEMHI \Vll;I.I;\.\! BOYLE, Do-h-m ants. The West half of Lot .\'umher Tun. in 11. Seventh Concession of the Township of .`.1u1xunr- 100 acres. 1.. .1... rV......o.. IVA..- -6` I`\n (`nunou at` Q:..... .1 DUNS 3*` In the Queen's Bench, ROBERT KFZENAN, Plaintiff, vb. LAVVRENUE MCBRIDE, Def:-ndmlt, the `East; half of Lot Number 1!), in the 5th Uun- cession of the 'l`ownsl:ip of Adjnlu, I00 acr(-1. In tho Ummhr Cnurl. nf tho Hnnntv nf Rimmm CUBHIUII U| ll": 1U\V|llll!I UI l`\UJkIll |' 1"V NCrl". In the County Court of the County of Simcne, GEORGE KIDD and JOSEPH KIDD, Plnintin'.<, vs. THOM.-XS ROBINSON, Defendant, Lot .\'um- ber Six, in the seventh Concessxou of the Town- ship of_Tossnrnutiu, 200 acres, tn` the nmm. ..r Om!nn Beneh_'rnnnmr<.- OI um` H 1 l B. WYLLI tion _lJI';l1.V .\lSlI, {ID I.IlL' Hllll. (ll \rX'4\ 'l\` I In .I have seized and taken iu c.-.--.~u- . IUI IIIUIIIZY at MIC Dillllk IEIIUH. There was nothing of importance in the proceedings of the House of Commons. Th r.....Ann nan.) Pnsrf Sr lhn 1mh_.n. T ihc SIIERIFFS OFFICE, in Hm Cnrxrt. House, in BARRIE. at 1'. (fclock, noun, Hw- undermentioned LANDS, or the int<-rr.-st of Hue Defendants therein," under Writs in the fulhm 512;; Suits :- 1- n... n........,... m... rnnv -mmu an r'm~:.~ ttlcll HSHHIUH. Barrie October, 1859, F YOU want to get. GOOD and (,'11E.\l CL()'l"HING, go to H. [B-ENNETT S ?an`nnuoI\`In I`n31u.-2.... lV1-sI.:__ ..._.1 n.,, ,., u UU ECTQS. In the County Court of the County of Sir 'n|l\l"A'l`I\'|\'l)\I Plaintiff us, A, M .l D! AIUDICIJ, Klluvt, "iii: iiay-Made Clothing "III! In: rnf_nln:n II/'n.Jn........ J'...._. -_._,__ , - POSTPONEMENT. ~ g1EP.IFF s SALE 013` LANDS. ESTABLISHED IN 1329. New V Carriage Factory. `Aagasp1;TaET : nul Dulun UL` Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collnrs, Dt'rl"6`c:'8, Braces, Hosiery, Glove, IL,` 51;.- lU HIU L,anau|a.u LJUIHPIIIIYA _ .It is stated that private orders `have been given to the French `fares: to sayaa little as possible about Garibal T519 nnnngrnnnn nf ihn` nrnwina nrnnq `H -ms s1-ocx 01-` Mn 1.: I... an um lUWll Ul .'_m.rrxv-, nu ` ETII day of .\L~\I{(_'U, ck norm. 1}. W. S_.\IITl'Y, (`L '..-.'H' I` U GEORGE sow-:ns. B. &9.`.]ITU, ' '3... .`.`M' ; 31111111, szm-qr, c. .5`. LTJJI l ll, Shr":` , C5 [7 1')l\L`` 50-Smos. * 2'9:1an ' 4'1-lf J-`JD, Dcp 11. 5 ymsncu V./GIYU unuu at *2 U uluulk una lllurlllllg. The news yacht of the Associated Press succeeded m oblammg the `Cape Race cannis- tar, which contained, however, no summary of- news. but merely two qewspaprs, from, which the following summary of European_ inteili- gence is com piled : 'I`hA Rrilieh Cnvnrnmnnt in maid !n I-mun pa- s bowled by ' --T. Graham : nout. Eight ' and Rdgersj .n-n'uu- in the- l....... 1.I:u UCIUI HIU llIl7|UlI|I|I| B|CiIlIIC|3u _ NAPLES 14th.--Patriotn are constantly travel- ling the streets. The moderate party is full of apprehension concerning the stabbing of an Inspector of the former pulice, on the-12th, in the Stradar de Totda. .._,...I.._.._n..._ -1` I`_-2L_I.l2 -'__E___. .L_ Massacre of Ch7"i.m'ans at Darasct4s-Proclama- (ion of Garibaldi against the Bourbons--New Ncapolitan Iblinistry--Con_ict between the Troops and People at Naples--The appearance qf the . Crops favorable: _ - . R1` Inuua N '4` vTnlu07 crops _/uvuruuw. ' . . S1`. Joana, N. F., July 27. 9 The steamship City of Washington, from Liverpool 28th,. via Qnaenston 19th instant, passed Cape Race` at 4 o clock this morning. The news \'.'l(`.h! ()1. the Aunnnianul D:-can gut: [1l||l7II\$ll \.;\IllB|Jl VVBB V|UUllUu_. ' The two vessels which passed qvgggito-_G:g- M baldi are merchhnt steamers. !U . .. ... 1.4.3.. |)...-...._ ..-.. ..--..-a-..n_. '..____u U15 Qlrallf UU lulua. . A proclamation of Garibaldi against the Bourbnn dynasty has been dislributed. He says-[ am a Rnyalisl, but prefer Victor Emmanuel. who will head us against Auslria`. Mm. .... 1...`... 'r...:..\ 10.1..` 'm...... L..- 1.-.-.. Jdplliu IGUVUIGI PCUPIU VVUIU IIHCUo The Ministry had been dxsmissed and a new Cabinet formed. I . _ _ _ _ _ _ _- 10.1. -n_..__ :_ ..__'J _r._._.__| DBVC LU UCUIUU. I Although the epithets Coward,", SoapIiead,n &c., which was so freely showered upon us by, the Barrie Co. and excursionists may apply . nevverlheless, ws endeavor to do what we do do in something like a business shape. Let.the - Captain lay down what he wants to test`; we are ready than `without money, and willing with our hauds, to give him 9. fair trial, and if the small villIuge'hn.9 to succumb to the large town, we will be far from insulting him or his Company for_ their well earned laurels. D" :....~n.o:.... cl-do -vnnl ...:Il ..LI:..- _;__ J, .- lUUlI' WL'll Ctlllltu ll1UICl3- ' By inserting this you will oblige your obedient servant, - . Jxlnra ALI nu `way Steamship Company have had guaranteed to V T G._u.wnr Cosra1to11.+-:'1`h9 p_Ii|1ori have egq. ogcupied a great deal about this matter, __ and; the lgtest accounts ahoutit wereithai; it wasabont to: r be transferred to the-Canadi_an_ 0ceat_Stcamhip ` Company, for a consideration. It seem; the G31.` them by the British Government .a.1_arg_. yen], V subsidy. 78,000 sterling per annum. _ On: Gay. eminent naturally were jealous that these subsi. dies should have been granted toythe Galway and Cunard lines, while our own has been atogether neglected. For some time past our-Postmaster-. General has been in England enforcing the claims of our line on the Home Government, which led to negotiations with the Galway line for merging it with ours. Arrangements were effected so far 35 to need only the sanction of the Home Gov- ernment to ratify it, whereby half of the Imperial was to go our line--the other half to the Galway company, on the condition of the firmer carrying` out the arrangement of making Galway a` port of ' call. Whilethis bargain would be better for the Canadian line in a pecuniary sense, still the length of pggsage would be increased by calling at the western Irish port, and the prestige thereby ob- tained by our line at an end. The latest news indicates that the transfer will not be allowed,` and we have still to rely upon our own resources. -The article headed a Youthful Traveller, in our paper to-day, is_ taken from an Australian. journal. It is rare to read such descriptions from one so young, who, we maysay-, has relatives in Ba-rrie, and who cannot but be gm1.ie,d at the notice so deservedly `bestowed. Sm-In reply to Captain Surnmersews so-called challenge to.the Newmarket. Fire Engine Com- puny, I beg to say on behalf of my Company, that we are open to receive a. challenge from him, when said challenge sets forth what. he wants to test, his remarks in roference to our conduct at Bradford, and his proposition,Ido not_ consider a clmllenge at all. We regret very muchthat Mr, Marks should have interfered with the arrange- ments of the Captains; had it not been for that doubtless Barrie would have carried out the agree- ment, but as matters now stand, before we accept a. clmlleng,_everythineg appertaining to it shall be in|writing, the judges then will know what they have to decide. A Imm...-la Hm nnhhno. It I'1,.........1 u nn--,,: , . .. To the Edilor of the Northern f.d%vaiu:e. _.XE};1v*AL 7)}? THE VCITYV OF V WASHINGTON. T ; Volume % torrcmionheute. JAMES Annnx, Csiptain Newmarkel. Fire Company. ? - The following tour de force is recorded in the Hamilton 7`t'mes:--We "notice by late English papers, that ourold friend Caffyn has been astonishing the cricket worldiby engag- ing in a match.single-handed, eleven players of the Town of Winchester. This novel match came off, at the last mentioned place, Caffyn being backed for a large sum. Incre- dibleas it may appear,- Caffyn won the game --the Winchester Club scoring only 8 in both innings, jhilst Caffyn made 35`in one inning!. Tun ExnIar1'on.~..The Exhibition `building ' ` V `..'.fI`i`warxl state and rapidly :ap+ ygtiau. We understand that applications7`3`i'rbm - intending exhibitors, that there is reason to fear there `!will not -be sufficient space for all lheearticles offered. Messrs. J, 8!. W. Hilton are itting up. oneof the rooms near the` entrance for the"use of the Prince -`of Wales; "when finished it will pre_;e_nt - a 3 ,qg_lendid' appearance-.-`Montreal Gazelle. "E. * V . ` '-"`iiartl3of7% ; - ` 5` have received so many - uwzrstcc. ` I r T Mr. Bancr`6Tt ; the American historian, and Bayard Taylor, Iheicelebrateci traveler, ac- companied by their "ladies, are at present enjoying` thgrbeanlrful scenery, of the lower Sr. Ln'_wrence_' ."ml:_lh': Saguenay. ' '.n,:-_~.,,,, n ...... -_ nI._ ...:II. J` `:'0 ll"IVII\lY_ _'IIIl\l;IIIU` EICQIJQIIZJU Adairymande. ' s gmery as the milk of `human,`i'|_g"1pdngss *l' med` ini_o buuor. " Comwer Ptutcrrctttzs AT Eucnons Brr.r..--- The Bill introduced by .Sir'G. C. Lewis in consequence of the Corrupt Practices Bill expiring at the end of this session has been in accordance with all the chief recommenda- tions of the select committe upon the-subject, including the prohibition against providing conveyances, for boroughpvoters, but omitting the provision suggested by the committee, that as the Un-iveisity.l'ranch'ise is essentially a non-resident one the votes might be recorded before` a- magistrate; omitting also the pro- position of the cornmittee,.that.uny vuterin the employ of another person` should be at liberty to absent himsell. for the sole purpose of voting for the place where heiresides,Awithout loss of wages or other penalty. The ; names of persons convicted of bribery, treating or undue "influence," if placed on the register. of voters, .to be struck off, and inserted in a separate list to be published therewith ofpersons dis- qualied by aconviction. `The Bill has taken the rather inconvenient course of repealing parts only of no less than six Acts. --Lrmdon Times. ' r {ther over I the am; '1` 4|, . ' '~':a4:aa-3'.-.-.->2~ ,- _____'._`L,__ . ,. --r'~r.;~wz13`\3>"'* -'3 V Han MA.n:s*rY_ QUl9_EN' Vxcroma, To Nnw ' , . `-- `ur.L ~Lv--2'1-537"" ` 7... ~ . -`-r~"- >U"" \ '2-'iAV- .A Queen` `NEW Yonx m Srx DAYs!-TI-ll cmmx 01'-` Maui. SHIP-BUILDING. - There is a- scheme before some of the aristocracy of means and great" inuence, to set on font a national subscription, ostensibly to develop Mr. Cla:'e s patented ideas in metal ship-build|n,g-inithe construction of a ' craft capable of steaming? 21 knotswan hour, proof to re, water, and wind. to take the Queen to New York in six days,` and Lord Pal- merston round the worldin sixty days, which his L0I'llShip7h3.S promised he will'd_9 with the. inventor. The great object to be achieved. is to prove to the world that ships can hebmlt in at-cordance with Clare s -Life-preserving Principles, secure from the danger of the `perilous deep,and that marine transit can be made as safe as railways on land. thereby re-. ducing losses to a rninimum.-Mim'ng Jour- nal July 14, 1860. V , ,..___-_. -._.... -.. gauuunn-u._yo. The Courier de Lyons tells the following story: In 1812. a young man in Lyons, de- siring to get rid of conscription. could ndno other means of escaping "it except marriage. He went to a public ball and proposed to the _ first girl whom he happened to dance with, offered her a thousand francs to be paid on the marriage day`, after which they were to separ- ate forever. - She accepted, the banns were published, and the ceremony was performed. When it was `over, site went to Paris, and he went to England,` where he remaineduntil 1858, at which time he returned to Lyons with a` handsome fortune. A few days ago this gentleman was informed by his servant that a woman of a certain age insisted on seeing him. He ordered her to be admitted, and behold! his own wife, accompanied by a lawyer, who depicted to him the pressing need which site had for his support, and demanded 15.000 francs down, or an allowance. for life of 800- frands. The husband of an hour. and that 48 years before, refused. and his wife has made a formal demand before one of thecivil tribu- nals of Lyons that her husband be compelled` to receive her into his house- nr In nivn hal- ouvulluv guaru or me mcman army. - The British Admiral, Mandy, had quilted Palermo for Naples, and there were scarcely any but Sardinian vesseles in the roads. Garibaldi IILJ nwnnllnpl E`-.-Z-I ---I ---~ VI ucl 5 order. [ ulucr. . ' Farini is said to have had full power_from_ Sardinia "Io assume the` title of Royal Com- missioner, . as soon as. apnexalion was declared.. ` uulv ul uyuuu unu um" nusoanu D8 compelled into his house, or lo give her `the means of subsistence. . 7 ,,- Pu.I:nMo,-: Joly. 13.-I--T_he 'n'W_i Minialfy has been-formed, "and Signor lnlerdonalo Amari,_ lhe historian, and Signor Erranle are among -the members.1 The corvette Veloca a_xiter- ed imp dock. .. r V , _ I_.w:nl:c,v July sum. The Bohemian arrived here this mornihg. She, left Liverpool on the 18th, and Lou- londeny at 'midnight.on the ~l91h. On the" 18th July she exchanged iignalsp with "the steamship _ lhe29th at 6, a.m., she exchanged signals with Alhe steamship Nova Scotian o.Point du Moms. e .Melita; off Copeland Island on' -v an I WI, gIlCIl ly uenollnceu, . i In the House of Commons Mr. Roebuck attacked the Government for proseeutitg an unjust war with China," and encouraging the opium trade.` _ . . 4 _ Mr. Gladstone replied, denying that the war was unjust; and aserting that the treaty Tienv Sin was as` binding an erigagelment as could be made, and that its ratication, was most important. He also. stated that} the financial position of the conntr required` to levy on immediate duty o Is ml-ld per gallon on ardent spirits. This`was_` agreed to.- - -nu nu ma... . .... --_._-. F], and Bar- 5 t by to the hy was put 110 having Eps. Cres- 5 was oor- Erig'ru!i out. 111 made A caught by e a pretty wlod. by , he batting given out only 19 * McCnrthy_ jid be play bhmenv. of he umpire. D 1:- _l.:._... nn run-av nu B10114!- Sanguinary combats are reporled to have taken place `near Messina between the Neapolitans, umlei-iCo!. Bosco, and. the advance guard of the Sicilian Th8 Rl`il>iRh Arhnirnl nnn kn-I A--:H--' nu uut oarulnlan vesseles In the roads. Garibaldi had expelled Farini and two others from Sicily, for conspiracy against ll The_mascres of Clhristians in Syria ar said to reach from 7,500` to 8,000 persons, 150 villages have been destroyed." . 1 Th? shin Snnamnm_ nf Rnnlnn L... l......;. nnllh ' A "The royai mail stqathship Asia, {rain New York, arrived at Liverpool at 5," p.ni., on the l5Ih_. - ' ` * _ `:1 0|... IJ-.___ -" V ` ` ' uu Iuu um). In the Hbuse of Lords on the l6t'h,___ Eatl Grandville stated his belief that the dis- turbances in New Zealand had been greatly ex_aggerated- ` ' - t . A Juhnln Innlu id--. -._ .I__ a,.,,,, I74IEI:IlI7|I' ~ and the policy of England_.laking` part in the proposed Conference, in the coursaof which the annexation of Savoy to France was very generally denounced, In the Hlnm M` (`..m......... M. n--L..A-V "A debal look plbac on the Savoy vque.sl`ioVn,' ` wu uuuges nave neen ueslroyeu. ' ship Sguanlum, of Boston, has been M wrecked near Bombay. Onicxizx %"30.0 25?-_P3'_3' Hmgs ` ` ,pnr./pvt. ~ " .. Sane` S_xurs-'-`,8oc 10900 'I`nnr`Izv_5n in 751!` ch-1` Hu-.-s8`;peVr Ion". " - ' - ` .S'ra.Aw;--351013. per `I. h__ 1 7 V -Ea_as--8tp1oc=per dozen. '. Pxn-B9l:`pe1-bushel. cf `_ u `Budox-' .09 to.s`:.oo_. , - .' ` '3' 2'` xnuvnuvn u,.-._..,. __.,_' _-, Want, F3114-$1 16 per bushel. - ` __ Spri,ng--.90c a 93 00 per bushel. FLo!_n'i--$4 60 to $5 00 per barrel, Buzzer, new-.-5.4 per bushel. - A On-,25c t_q 30: per bushel. Burma.-10o to mic per lb, Cn_n:ss-8c .pr lb. = " " 3 A Nuw Po-u'ron_s50op or bushel. LV 3* Bur--.4`.)o 5 dollans per,100'Ib8;_ 3 `Mn-II-|Im `TA 3125' HI. I .1; ' .-rum;-3-nous. per 'I'IJnx`us-.-3oc_to 75" - . `arm wan Svicket win` ts. an ...._- ARRIVAL or ran BOHEMIAN. 7 BARRi_E mgxsr RE:P(7) R'_l`.` A Mnmed Man In Dxmculty; [y,_____} , ,_ 1 1- NAPLES AND SXCILY. s_v"*Anv.mon" Om_o_n,;Ju1_y 28. 1. . 1' in 2 ...._ Lu-1.1.1 ENGLAND`: SYRIA > -7_2;7Inl:c, July 30th. n..l L--- .u.:_ _,-,_,-; The abvd le" is pdstponed until Tuesday, Mzufchth, 1860, at spine place and hour. ' _ . B. W. SMITH,` Smmnrts O,r!'1c1:,B4_mux, Shenf, 0.-.51., Jan. 31st, 1860. = _ V5.51, ? The above Sale is .FU1i,'r1iER:P_osTP0NED um TUESDAY, Agnu, 24tl;,.g186(3,.aHhensame lace and hour", V , 5, ~ ~ . . B,%n.snn.TH. . Sanmrfs Oman, Bgnnngg , Slzenjf, 0.8. March.6,1860g ' `_ A ~ ' 10-7in . The above-Sale of Lands is.~AF-_URTHETI;Pos1'. PONED ur;i1"rUEsApA`z,,u;eA;a1s;.;1ay or_.mg ne;t;, gt theps,uxe_:p1ac,q.nd !;our.,'T _' I ._ .: ;Br` `-sM..IT`H:" I. 3|.|l'13I!!`sOmcx. Baum, `_ _ .-=8laa-if,-(3.8, .Aprilj24th,_:1860.4 V .. . ,. _ . ~ > 1.7. ?--,_A . vrrmubaae it It R'm,8P`9:s.a3P. - MONDAY,;._gh!3g=y of: .1153`: L aqag-plabcgud. is BAR : :f;g`,..~ :J;..a.....% % Kant; 31,1869. . ' _B.TW4 AHou_se`jn' tb.ejTown. of Barrie, `on TUESDAY; the 6'clo_ck, noon. ' o _ vsnmrfs Oman, Bmnm, M A C.S. :.a... _.;_r,- ' ` - ., . '~.'. , L,.'u.,. Couxnrlor Sm::on,o}' tjvvo several . , -roe wrr: -Writs of Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Queen's Bench, and to me directed, against the Lands _an_d Tenengeuts ' of ROBER1` STANTON, at the suits of.` ANDREW HERON, the younger; 2nd';H_0 METCAL-h_"a.nd _GI`a'ORGE_H. _HENEY,*-I__, in V seized and taken in execution the North.ha ;of Lot No. 61, in the Alst Concessipnof Medonte,-3100 ` acres; and the North partof Lot No. 62, in the lat Concession .0f) Medonte, _,160 acres; and w'1 sell-the same or the interest. of the above n defendant therein} at my Office, in the Thirty-frst day-ofJ.AN1IAny, A.D. 1860, at Twelve " 13; w; sma, ; :Oct. 24th, 1359. Hull IIl1l' l.L|_U JET IIUKIVUDLV next. ' ' Tenders to be addressed to the Secretary of Public Works, Quebec, and endorsed, Ten- er for Quebec'Jail, to be signed by two or more responsible pers;gpg, yvho are willing to become security for the die piirformnnce of the contract, and no Tender will be received, except upon the prescribed form which m_ay'he obtained at this` Ofiice, or at the Ofce of Mr. Bunnmen. * - RV nrrlm-, ' - Quebec, u1y+.?5, 1860. Department i>'fT I"11.1)1ic Works. WENDERS 'will be `received at thie office until` THURSDAY, the 23rd of August -next, "for the Enncnon of a_. `JAIL Ant Qm=.'a1-:0, in" accordance with the planeand specications, which ms. be seen _on application at the Oice of CnA1u.xcs Au.- Lyssa; Esq., No 30, St. Lewis Street, Quebec, on and after the ISI AUGUST next. Tnndnra in he: opnunnn-I On (Inn H Gun.-n6n_.. AP :j----.-.-----: --.-.1-n.V..._a3 About 2 of a mil from the Mtirket. For Termsapply to Mrs. P. RICHARDSON or to the Auctioneer. _ V n...-- .-us 1-4-\'--..-`on--. .._ _ A.-- -.__ _ _- -nu 4: Ilitvlvnavuu n ALI_s`. TO GOMMENCE AT 1vO CLOOK, PM. L W. B. CLARK, ` ` ' ' Am-.tinm'-.2:-, Barri, August}, 1860. It must he obvious to every attentive person that the first disease of infants arise chiey from the bowels, and in this connection we know of a. medicine which can be relied upon with perfectecoiidenca in all infantile com- liiinrts. whatever their nature may be. We speak of Dr. A'l`01\l 8 INFANTILE Connua. ' It contains no opiate of any kind--no pnregoric. and relieves the suiferin of iiifants as ifby magic. Mothers! by all means try 1 is-even if all other remedies hnve failed. See the advertisement in another column of Messrs.,Cn1mcn dc DUPONT. Dmggists, "New-York, who are the sole proprietors.` and also sole It cuts of lhe world-renowned `- Dr. Bnoxsows Bwnn 001). which is a reparation for the relief of all com- plaints arising from ecienciesot` the blood, from what- ever causes such deciencies may proceed. It is without exception the most strengtheniuw cordial any invalid could_ take. tail is immediately absorea by theblood without having to go through the process of diiz-estion: and us blood take. as is immediately without havin _lo gothruugh process digestion; blqod is the` Ife_ of the human body. by nourishing `and producing it, it soon restores to perfect heajth those` even who have been sutirin `for years. We `consider the above two Pre rations gecidedly the best of their kind ., - __-, .._.... ing, Rogers :ent sort of {L3, obtain- .-of vgteady phens fol- ow batting hens made nd, L5l'cVity, m Edge:-s,T 97 runs.- b.7' R039: wickets.--` ticer frpln tle `Jammy bthe wicket, 135 play, as 1 1...!) 0.-..