Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Jul 1860, p. 4

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F.` __ vealed an individual who had posted up in: T cafe :1 bullelin annonncinglha!lG1uib;aldi hug! Lampcked Palermo with V9,000,,.1nen and` I A few days `ago the police at R`omeV._nr-.1 . mung` l'orco_-_bf'.: qrtille;y,, ahd- Rut 'l1p'.had. '`.an_tored -lho gsitfjlm _:iP9P .._ :; K `V i45:dI3 .g-`at I luI nu IIIUUIUU Ul. _.$.';'5,oooz I7!-`huh 35 ....a..:.....I :_ A.I.!_ --....-_# "r'10.\u:. MANAGEMENT, nun-`nap n nnnnou ...`l....A. ._-_L m?` zuaurm- .:; nmmcronn : I II C QANDER STEWART, _ _ . Manager for B. N. ./fmerica. .4 D.......~- U31.` P. Hayes V Walter Maotgarlane, T. P. Robarts, emote. Esauirpn, IV DIV VJ]! aflgent,` 4 suuxy, Preudent. , Ilrno ' 28-3mo V vc u:cu lUI' cuuing or puncning purposes, Mr. Ewbanlc, have you in Japan large man- ufactories, for the making of one kind of article only, from which small dealers are supplied? Interpreter, yes. . _ ` . ' - Mr. Ewbank, do you use the water wheel as I power in driving machinery? , Malsemolo, we use it invthe rice mill, for ir- rigation and grinding grain. Ml`. VCotheal_ (`In 1-mu nan lflankinnnuv :. l~.,.-:.._ vu.ruuI.Bu_ Bug] puccess,a}ndlSl ' jponsblegg. yr. Iurll. rrenc iaxtracted agutsgo puccess.a'm1.i>m ` Q -,.- -7-,`! n Ina syn utyllll -` . D. French, M.D., and graduate of the Baltimore Col- lege of Dental Surgery.` .1 have been acquainted .with Dr. French about ve years. a considerable ticel A e is agent emttn of irreproachable moral `character. ethozonghly educated Dentist, and racticall skilled in every department of his pro- .sion. `therefore recommend, him with entire condence to all who may require theservices of a Dentist. e ' ~- omm A. Human; 3A;M.. M.n,, D.n.s., I. `_f;; ;mLr1s101n RnFEaENcns:. - j .THQXAIE,0X{i),A.M.,,M.D;,. ` ' Pall-m.-H..AiU_'sw1N,A.M., Li.I_).,-D.D,S., i WumnarouR.=H,u`nv.,M.D;,~ ` _ ,.;i . -;po_r.tio of which .ti e be has assisted me in prac- ' I;rot':ot'tho Baltimore 0oll_ege=ot`LDentAl` Surgery T . ,.`.Brofessers:otrg:.lti1nore College at ' -...-v..-r--uun.u_;.I|:nI 613!`-/r _ Dr. French hes the honor of publiehiing tine fol- lowing recommendations, and also of referring to the following gentlemen :, To the C`itizens.uf'1'oro1|to,-u-I takefgreat I -sure in introducing to--the public my friend M. -_FrencP,_M.D._, gnd Bnltimnm nni. I, "O'meet-the inreaeri 'dem'an A .Dr. F. has secured the s I W 6 for many years has euj in the States, and who, 1 t D. 0. French, in his hufmess, fo' years, is well known in Toronto, 4 accompli3hetTjDe;xtis1:,. ` T\.. `l.1.._._AL l ' ` Dr. M. -D`. Frans}? Xtfnntnd and .o....._-.-'! No 409 B: And by all respectable; Dru country. j `II . ....L nnu. - -I--; uacu u_y mu Jil|lEll`.E8 Y ' . _ Interpreter, 250 years. It was brought there by the Portugese. . -Mr. Emvbanlr; (referring to an illustration of a pump-bellows, worked with a. piston)-ho`w kmrz has the pump-bellowebeen used in Japan`? rMa.tsemoto--it is about 200 years. c The representation ofa man quarrying led to . several inquiries, to which the answers were that the use of gunpowder in blasting had_ not been introduced. .The tools used were all iron and steel. They were not acquainted with any composition of copper, so hard as to be used for cutting or punching Ml . Ewbank. have vnn in Icnnn Inrna --an it is Tzumv av _ _---,- In -TIWT adapted to the deciencies of the Blood in differ. ent diseases. Fox-'Couans, Cows, Baoscnrm, or any affection whatever of the THROAT or LUNGS inducixigf CbNsum>'noN,. use No. 1, which is also the No.10: Dapmcssiox on Sgmrrs, Loss or Apps- -rmc, and_i'or all Cuaomc Conm.ux'.'r_s arising from OVER-us1c,`G1-:Ni:nAI. DEBILITY, and N Envnus Pnos- ; -m_u-xpx. No. 2, for hlvnn Comwuuvrs, No. 3, for DYSPEPSIA. Bein already prepared for absorplion ll0PS and carried immediate into the ci17culatio_n, Aso, Ihatwbat you gain retain. The No. 4 is foc_F_I~:.\xAu: Innnam. Hvs'11snu, Wuxxsss, Arc. See special ' for this. For Sam` Rusuu, Exwrnoxs, Kimmy, dud BLADDER Com>m\'m1's,tn all cases the directions must be Mr Price of the": Bnooo Foon $1 per n II n I. I L I. I! always presents us with the same essential ele- ments, `and gives of course the TRUE Snsmnn. Analyze the blood of 3 person sulfering from; Consumption Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, &c., and we nd in every instancecertain deciencies in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deciencies, and you _are made well. `he _Br.oon Foon is founded upon this l`heory-hence its astonishing suecess. There {are --w n._vIa-VSVLLU U1. Vplb of any kind, and therefore relieves by removing the suferingspof your child, instead of by deaden- mg its sensibilities. For this reason it commends -itself as the only reliable preparation now known for Cmnnm-:2: TEETHING, Dmnnimu, Drsnm-nut, Gnwum IN 'nu:_Bow1u.s,cAc1n1*rY on THE Smzuca, Winn, Com is THE HnAn,`and Caovp, also, for soflening the gums, reducing inumaiion, regulating the Bowels, and relieving pain, it has no equal- being an anti-spasmodic it is used with unfailing success in all cases of Convunsxox on o'r_m:n FITS, .65 you value the'lz_'/`e and health of your children, and wish to save them from the sad and blighting consequences which are certain to result from the use of narcotics of which other remedies _/or Infan- tile C'omp,Iuinls are composed, take none but Dn. EA'l`0N S INFAN'l'l[.B Connuu.,,tbis you can `rely upon. It is perteotly harmless, and cannot injure" the most delicate infant. Price, 25 cents. Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only by ` nnnpnu 9. nrrnnum March 88th, 188$: __.-_ _--- ------ vvovavacaaa, and why_'I because it ngverfails to ford instan- taneous relief when given in time. .It acts as if by magic, and one trial alone will convince you that what. we any is true. It contains N on Paregoric or Opiate am kind. therefnm rnlinvna 5., ......,....-.... own; I denoe I "FIVE 'PRPXH;TIoNs uuu nave we meutctne sent tnem by man or express. ' ;' NERVOUS DEBILITY.` ` Young men who are tmttbledwith weakness, gen- eually caused by a bad `habit in` youth, the effects of which are dizziness, pairfa, Forgetfulness, sotnetitnes a ringingin the ears,` weak eyes, wealrm-ssvof the back and lower extremities confusion of ideas, loss of 'memary, with `melancholy, urn) _be cured by the new Batdnic Retnedii.-s. , - r .. r'.nrmt'rnv DA"l'\n':-run-n .ieal;lgy hunnan Blood upon being uu uuuni _ - V ' Ma.tsemoto-Within about fifty years, they are stamped. Before that it was not so; per- mits were not then always required. ` ` Mr. Ewbank; how long has tobacco been used by the Japanese Y lntnrnrnlnr 0:n ......... 7. ..._.. n.__-..,1.'. .GO0DiNG, (formerly ' Liver Complaint,` spepsi . Marasmusorwasungco um ion,Seminpl of maladies with t -treatment ' adopt 5 1.. . . 3:... .'-. 1 _.`V "7i"' ' `T " ' I / No.61, King Street`Weat,Toro_n ;C.W., ' * ' ' na'rnu'stnn it!` ` A NEW, sPEEm"r, `X1-v'13moV sucbnssni; modeof tmatin = ~ Nervous Debiiity, . Wealmeu, Diseage. they _'_dneys and I Bladder, Rheumat' , Scrofula, Salt Blbeum,-4 Me urinl Chronic __ Complain ,6zc.,&c,, ` ' c. - B3-No arge for Advice. ` Dr. GOODING is wverignged in treating this class b,him is new, it is based upon - scientic prin as, with new diwnvered remedies, without mine or poisons. The facilities of cure are such; th patients can be cured at their own houses without expe_nge,;in any part of the country, from an accurate description of their case by letter} and have the_ medicine sent them by mail or . ' DEBlLlTY.- _most astonishing success. The . T "'BE;"'E TF3 i\":7'W "1 INFANTILE GORDIAL, and whv? becauisza it nonnr f'm'l In ..m....: .'....a.... _aIwcno.nuur'preparmg unu uamg -lue aame,vwnIcn they will nd 7iI lIIe Cure `for Camum ' , Auhma, Bronchitis, d-c.- ;T!le,only `cc! 0! ;t_ e advertiser in 'oe.ud_iug.3ho_pl_`,ecrj ion is to nefi! the nllcled, and com l `an nothing. and may piove a blessing. `Pafrgies yviglzjng _|1he.prescrip.l[on wmpleuo address I0 . nmv`- `lahurnnn A mu anxr every lid erer will tryhi; remedy,_a il_WllI V Msmmh, 1330.1 Thollsands are: daily speaking in the praise of -n EA'I'A||I1\ Y` YEW` lgll, IUIHIKBU I0 _' Ell J; in axfew .1veeks_,-by: ve;-y_.sim remedymu I boviugdblred` aevent;.yeanx.wj1h; ,.lVBl'6` Lung -and thtulmad; djseu.e...Consump:iou, JG nngious;I,q.mlIltc. known to, his.:feIlow-ooaren the means of q_In,. .T,'.lV'9 all who desire it hevfggill ._eng n_ copy of lb: prepciipon used (free chzr;gk)',`with dimclicns fdrj preparing and mm": - e same, which = their will nd inure Cure for C'nn.nLnu1lIn)_ Astlznuz- . HE>Mri'r'tisr:h I!in heen. mm to 1-mu. -in s`:ve:y.._aimpl;`s remedygndr h1ni1 nr~':ihrai-mvankyennxwithii savers Luna. "UUU-NIH! t'A'l`l_ENTS. . . Medicines with full directions sent to any part of he United States or Canada. bv natients cummuni. rvty uluull IU UB3. ' Matsemoto, (through his interpreter)--There is no objection to that. If you let us have a, 7 list of the books you want, we will be pleased to eendthem. We have not them with us . now. Mr. Ewbank-our society would wish to be put in correspondence` with some of your learned men. Can that be accomplished? Matsemoto--[t would be very easy. . Mr. Ewbank-Those who write booke,ll1ow are they paid? Mntuam.m._D..:.I I..- 1... .t.....- `..I._ -.-I % A1;*1sfL1o.TED ;3EAD % "_EI;',BO?E#N M!;3pI'CAL` _H N- xi In..- c..._-..1ir__;' mum. I! no I.h|l1K.."tP"9"J2'l!1 W!"-PIE! WW L 1 `g-`:3 mv: nnwwo -.5. wmsdx, Vur.-u:......u.......n. 1r:;.... n. 1: signs Prrwts. fD E.N 91* I u-uncuacu ueman fthe business, theolclzs, of D. G. F., Years eni .d n I.;............-.:-_ ll. Ull.'8. COUNTRY PATIENTS. I Wilh fl!" tlirnlvlinnni nnnl In . ` ovmmlmr Hons: `. ."?`?.`s January 15th, '1s57. nga$:_;.:3`9!A99', hmmn; ieaiteatmsr "n1;'G;7iz1;'";3'e:_":"E`3 ; 5 P939 $9 m " fthan I{thou`gh* ` M oucx.u`,'A.D.O. . .. -- -'-----` W1 rass, Inc. ctions 1* orvnocs, man Conm.A'm'rs, tn o. 5. In ctions must str' ILIUII lIllll' unep. Mr. Ewbank-Can `we xchange books with you ? There are some works our socie_ly would wish lo send you, and we would `desxre very much to see. ' Malanrnnln ./.|......._L 1.2- :_.,._-, ,.,,. nu ' CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York, M Wu 0.1 muumore Uouege a M ' . ~ 13631101 Surgery. '1'on'.ox'r 0 rlntion~thE : I:::`n r a..8.a9x'\; `3 _ $Ri#:'A.`Fg:;nI" Flinhun-\ I 'i'- ,I1lRl|lK- 2`: Vs; Esq, ' . ];nhng!lI;n.:.-- lv;r- H-w.wK;_ tnev. A. r`-tn. `A lg! vvaoavanli on: ~vvu:.anavA.I)' 'fi`'.%3a E'1-'ia2i`%i7;`a s.`.iu?."fa7&.i. `xi-`!'-it`. am. an A. u uses 0! U. G. l"., d a high reputation 1 his Iconneotionwith us, fo_r the past three unto, as a. skilful and Eu-ny, New York, 15 throughout the -lA3i:,1s suct-uut. nut t:1'l'l~)'tT.' I Having been introduced by Capt. Dupont, they retired to a side parlor, -and being seated `round the centretable, Mr. Ewbank produced a Japanese book, illustrating some of the arts and manufactures of that country, which has been in possession of the Society about "ten years. The book was at once recognized by them, and they mentioned that it was com- monly to be found in Japan ; that itsprice was about ten cents of out money. This led to inquiry as to how long the art of printing had been known to the" Japanese. They replied that the art of printing, as now used, with illustrations, was practiced for three hundred years; a bad description of printing had been known for somesix hundred years. The illus- trations in the book were ol` much service in aiding the committee to explain theirfinquiries. ' Illustrated books, they said, were very com- man and cheap. _ Mr, `.Iol1nnlr__f`an - . n A A -.-l----- L--`-- `V '09 969. u'eIIeplj`\)I:; d_5a.Qo., Bu'ulo,; N: 5111,80. '~ _I'ccuon.a_ccompa1nvy|ng 4 wlo|d`f'ot!.-18 yer bottle; - o. I`: this aim _no1u1.-gtlngy Ire offered ihn no u .- --... Ir. a. gar name; No. 2 for 75 cents. ` {his name they to the public, In; on { Ir: entire new chemical process. uuvuu I unu` 1191?` Superior to" the purest cxfract,oi' Snrsparilla, made enlirelit; of roots and herbs of this and ioreign coun- tries, I e be!!! properliea of which are cxlrttcled b_t-an ` Itacts in larger doses as an active physio, in smaller ones-as an alterative ,workitig directlv on the. Liver and Kidneys, ex el- lingtlierefrnm all morbid mnlter, thuu bringing IDIO `8(`.|lOh all life organs that may have become inactive, and miy be relid n tticure Liver Complaints and Complaints of 'lhe idnoys, lm-i `ient Consumption," Dysbe II , General Debility, OI Ulcers,_Scrnf'uia,` ` Salt R em'n,jPimpl es. Sores, Nervous Debilitv, Ery- iipolu, Incmitiea of Youth and Age,` and_nllother tliseagen whiclmzhuve their origin ind disordered or. V ;f.'5*f`.,';`t f*.': .`3:':':..;.{`.:`: _`:`_9;.sw-air-h.=nins~ ' J: lo ' 1 Hill in-nlu Ar l:\. ___.-- -9 q-pa-an-rs A1131-llllllp` U U11, ' or BUFFALO, N. Y., AFTER an unprecedented successful practiro o - our thirty years, being about retiring from active practice, at the request of numerous friends in nll parts of the country, has consented to make two medicalpreparations upon which he has bestowed the cure and knowledge oi his long experience, and has left them with the dierent druggists for sale. To those who are acquainted with the,=Doctor nothing need be said-to others,rit is but necessary to say, 5_,M0, persons,.tt_ntl.slwa_ys with the greatest success. Ot' at have baled other medical men,_ ielded = readily to hisitreatment, and persons came (la: y from =- hundreds or rnilesto be cured. The Doc ;'e't`3_9I-;`has `h6t`been able, like others. to cure eve - thing with-one repttrntion, but has put up his medi- ctne-invtwo ties,` which ard numbered 1 and-2 '.l-`ho-`number.-I is: . . . " w jthat heehas for years, prescribed for from 4,000 to ` ` PRICE. 8 BIKES. : THE LIVER INVIGORATOR nn. Family CA- THARTIC PILLS are relailed by Druggisls geno rally, and sold ._wholesale by the Trade in all the `large towns. - ` v 1 .- S. T. W. SANFORD, _`_ > nnufacmrer and D.-n....:....... He`adache, or weight in `Iory Diseases, Worms uaunarllos am on the _'I'hhed FAMr[LY CA- `wu_ ue reerence to fact, been compounded purest Vegelnb|efE')`- on 'every part 0 I 9 are good and safe in all is needed, such as Dc- lI1JlL'_h. Slaepiness. o I n s osxiveuess, the wh,)_Ievbody, from gpantly, if neglected, Her, Lam of Appe- Ilou' of Cold over me I Rheumatism. a great 1 and many diseases to numerous IQ mention in 1 non; 1m 8. uumcruus I0 I} } non; no 3: F - uv w ulusuuuv In New York yesterday, Mr.` Evrbnnk, Pre- eident of the. Ethnolbgical Sciety, tqgetherl with Messrs. Cotheal and G_.eGajani, had an interview with Malsemoto` Snnozio, Gosida, Sagosaiemvon, principatoicers attached to the first and `second Ambassadors , and Tokujsuro, one of the interpreters, ot a very interesting character. which is thus reported by the Com- mercial Adt'ertz'ser: ' T Havinn hnnn int-n.lnn.-ui Ln (`gal VI'\.._--A twenty years. L The constantly in- thos who have long` the satisfaction which n their use, has t induced the reach ofall. Thu D.-..l'...:.\.. --- II cATHA1i i"fb PILLS, "`f\IlI!tlI T '3fk WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TO- GETHER. " .. Price, One Vnollar par Bottle, N .5 (_en__ ._uue commencement 0 All who use it are \ favor. ' `MI? I A Tun nu LUIX, anu_u will cure ` lious Attiu-ks, Dyspepsia S u m m e r Complaints, ` Sour Stomach, Habitual Cholera. Morbus, Cha- Alence, Jnundice, Fe-` may be used auccesr J Family Medicine. It ` ache, (as thousands can I mes, iftwoor three Tea- ._lhe connmnceinent of ' All urhnn-A it own o-In csston snow. I The dust) must bei men! of the individual such qnantilh.-3`as_to act Let the dictates of van in the use of the TOR, and_it will limm Allin!-Iia, hum...-..`.n ;lI:3'VER DEBILITATES. IT is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact, a. Standard Medi- cine, known and ape: . `proved by nlllhal have used it, and re ,`.~'orIo:d with K-ondence in all lhe'disenses for O {which it is recom-_ mended. It Isnnn-.-...I uI.....-.....`l- In 1.-.,-.|,~ .- menuen. . It has cured thousands. I years who had given up} numerous unsoliciledl` niinn chnuv Ioalluuellvul nu; vvuuun The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz: large, medium and small; the small holds J a pint, and retails for one dollar per battle; the medium holds at least twenty per can more in proportion than the small, retails tor two dollars per battle; the large holds a quart, 40 percent more in proportion, and retails for three dollars per bottle. 0. WOOD 55 CO.. Prnnrintturm AAA R.-.m.l....... ` IIIIIIICITIUU ll essuon show. Th- . | I|II |II Mat : tmu solu uy an Dealers. V June 21,1860. : anu relans mr lnree dollars bottle. J. WOOD 65 CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway; New York, and 114 Market Slreel, St. Louis, Mo, And sold by all good Druggisls and.`Fancy Goods ' um omen mur, wmcn no monev can D . 'As a mark of my gratitude for your I in. the prodtu-tiun of so wonderful have recommended its use to many and acquaintances, who, I am ha; you,are_, using It with like effect. ` fully, yams, ' A. M. V Altnbnnv nml nrnnlnuuli xuuy, yuuna, . A. N1. l.;l\'1`1'r\, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. . Depot. 444 B'*""Y `M sold by all dealers lhrnnghout lhe world. . \ I`L.. D.....-._......- .- ___. ___ 3,, I ..'| 4! ,- at an. . , ~ i I at once made application to the most skillful physicians in the county, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored, I was-lowed to become reconciled to my fate, until, lhrtunalely, in the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative was recommended to me bya druggist, as being the most reliable llair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my izreat satisfaction that I! was producing the desired elfect. Since that time, I have used seven dollars worth of your Lesturative, and as a result, lmve a rich coat ofvery soft black hair, which buy. ' An 1: mm-Ir nI' mu nu-ntiamh. 6`... ........ l..|...- .....1 4-,-u \.`l.LV.L` \JI.b 1} O LIVER INVIG_0RATOR. unurnn nnnuu m ....;...- II II IISO COID dent -that 1 an-lipnln uncl 1 The` niy;A%Pre1zaratiin[w`$11.16!; has STO0D,..THE - TEST OF, _Y`E_l:l`l`S,;-H" A..l.__.____.___-4 ....J _..4.- ..-._.. .. "'"'V....--u--' -W-VP v- so-A-avg andmare popular every day`! ].And. lan1imon".ln.,new. and almost Iwilhnnt -`I'll nu-1 `ue yy years. .he cmmvs `um. _ _T i1qggg;ua rmiffiaqggngu Wordaarq run 0l'.iJI`6Tl!IaIIo _advia`.as well u`11eau'lifuL`.`=imIg'ery. A ;qn_vcy19,u_ae yqnlhful. dreamer a lesson`which CI] ICC -BLOOD PURIFIER`, `0' [ha nun-mu .m5...... .1` O.--- - SAN i-`E3 iiD's FAMILY , , ` PRICE, 1 R Ilvvlar SANFORD S CQQGOQ in nu - unw uucwu (0 me public no9mIn'und' uzeznqelva s. Txfo mom, ` ' alumni; H .. w. aANFORD., nnufaclurer and Proprietor. iwuy. New*York. we run v an 124 V ILiUl{A- ure {Liver Complaints, -Bil- nja Z `C h r O n i c Diarrhoea`, ms, "*' ;Dysen!ery, D r o p s y, ual CosIiveness, ' Cholic, ho- glera Infanlum, Flam- Fe- :male Weaknesses, and 233- ll.l";ihllr as an Ordinary -It > `lwil cure Sick Heml- ban -- ileslify), in lwemy min- `ea- ` ;au:u'k. ~ _ giving their leslimony In its _J ispo0nfu_l8 are taken at` H15! ` | `adapted to lhexempera- ` 0 linking it, and u.'~'e1l in gently nn lbe Bowels. __ your judgment guide }'_cuu in _u long course of * lite, a Crc.-caning Sensa- u b ml y, esllessness, l the head,all Inflamma- in Children or Adults, Purier of the Blood, which esh is heir, loo th i s adveuiaement. 1`Q1ae r6i19_wgg;una tm:T1aq;,g{ga Wordgzlfg run oflliloiib diciau vie .13` dlifuliiimlgery. - y convey to the vgnlhfgnl. dr amera lgswn`,which iwould be wcllfer an to~pon' er: - ' ';'Q'nuk. 41.}. :. `_`.`__'_; , ' Arima? svuu uciu useu In It-. Gtl0. . v 7 Mr. Gujani. Is your Embassy the first that your Gosjernment he.s_sent to a foreign country? Malsemoto, Yes, the first.` - Mr. Gujani, In 1582 (278 years ago). were there, in Japan; three kings, one of Bongo," (the greatest) a second of F aogo, and a third of The interpreter noddedaseent. ` . Mr. Gajani, These three kings are said. to hasie sent an embassy to Rome, which was composed of Prince Manzio, a nephew of the King of Fuugo, and of Cingina, Prince of Omnrn. These Ambassadors were very young, and had two attendants, also very young. - The whole party was under the cure not . Father Va|ignan-a Portuguese. .is~lha!.eof 7 Tho Iago 5...- :..'_..:_:_- L1 - .. ,,_.. ' know that tI\"di'eren! flbgrunns of` bowels. from a variel of lhe | Iraqis, which act alike , alimentary canal, and cases where a Catharlic rangments or the S10 V Pains in the Back and I Pain and Sorenesm over ! sudden culd, which fre- Lend in _a long tite. Crevninn Qnnccu n. :.,-'-mown In me E! each home. No. I for 75 `cents. With Ed `lh nnhlitn valu- ` Ecnuy UH I06 DOVVEIS. 'udgmt:nl guide ` 51.-IVE { INV|GOl{A- V !I.iI.'n'r n]\nuv\In;nIn . L!.'l , !within the last two ` Tall lmpesof _reh'eI; aslhe ccrtig-ales 1;: my pus I: scan. `will! Ilge rely- thexnqelvea. . nwnw av cull uuy. )I' labor and skill nderful an~ arlicle, I of my iriends hayvny Io inform ffccl. cry respect- LATTA, Counsellor nl l'.nw, 51-1859. ' , ., . WWI 3, I . ,7.'b$r`}?: 3uub;wm m. I - -2- vuulvru Illll rnyusuna oruenng Iron: omens lullll : Lfimgltgtro-4.`v{.Ill`do wan to write their olden distinctly, :' 7.01.-u Embark, BI. To thou n to glvre thorn, NP orvard null, tpnl,tonnypnno `M . of In for twelve three-cent ` P!_I_80 lillnpyor vial of Vermlmgu` for bu-teen lhron-oenuhllpt. All onion hon Guudauuutbonoo mnmled 3?! mm nub atri- . 3!... -1. my `lb....I.o. ....I n......o-. am... Irunnn D`. H'I.m'c, `b I'lam'n0` Aai foil! in` me `ght ate `goIi:e` -Your placein.1h.rnnkaawniuyon=; 3 "' I Eaclymgn hagsva part to_play+; .; V be. phst'!_ind_ theimure nae noihing . In the face of thehuern to-day. '. Arise from dream: of the future-'-' T L Of gaining a- hunl-foughteld,` Of storming the airy iomess, Of bidding lh_e_ginnl vivid: Your future hm: deeds of glory, OI`. honor; (God gram it may I) ut your arm will neyer besujonger, as now-_!o-day. V - I..:...'l `Ir 41-, - - - - --`!".". l'V`*W '.'J "WI-V want! Uphill- Iud am Know! Phydsiun ordering n~oxn`others thin _ P. s. b we do um: D . Flam ; nreoaratfbr Fknint , . - 2 I M'Lane s Vermifugc _DOES NQT.;-CONTAIN MERCURY _ iii any form; and that it is an ifmoccnt " pfrcparation, not `capable of` doing the Hightet to the most tender z'7:fant. A " 3 Addlfosa :11 orders to BROS, Prrrntmcn, PA. j 1u3.'rU_RN- THE.` MONEY in every lnstance.whre it should prove incfw fgctual: `?px_'oviding the symptom attending the. sickncss _of .thc child or adult should `warrant thc, supposition of worms being the cause. In ll cases the Medicine to be given IN s'rluj.'r Acco!_u>/men wxm THE nnu-zcnons. _:`W/c_pl`cdge ou_rselsfc to thc public, that DR. M LANE Sii\;l'I 1MIFUGE Will certainly e'ec_t a cure. The universal success which has at- tended the administration of this prepar- ation has been-such as to warrant us in pledging ourselves to the public to HE `countenance is pale and leaden- colored, with occasional ushes, or a cir- cumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower cyc- lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and some- times bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; ap- , petitevariable, sometimes voracious, with a lmawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; eeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains thxzoughout the abdomen; bowels ir- regular, at times costive; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood; belly swol- len and hard; urine turbid; respiration oc- }c:ltsional}lly Cllitilult, and accompanied by 'ccoug ; coug sometimesd and convul- sive; uneasy and disturbedrysleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever` the above symptoms are found to exist, mug. _ -__ _..___ . February 20, I860. _ " E7'mAotznm.un' 1\'o'rtca.--Dr. W. C`. Lispe all!lOun_('e8, for the benet ofthe sick and nnfurtm that he continues to devote the whole uf his tin the treatment of private diseases at his otuc, change Place, Rochester, New York. 5- trom ouscrvatton, sent to all parts onhe world. No leltefs will be ahswered unless they remittance ofone dollar, mnsttltation lee. tion at the (Jllice, free of charge. `All communications nddre-ssed to E. J. Rt-}'n.~.. zl<-, (`Utllnin u (.-ullaUll:1- -M.D., No. 19-Exchange Plate, Rochester, .\'.Y., will meet with prompt attention. R3 Odice hours , lrom 7 .~L1\l. to 9 RM. r 11 l. 1: m a.luU/I L 1:` (."11)l;"-- l3*aun'l`nHy (rated '1! nearly 300 pages. Pm-e, 2.5 cents. Letters describing age, symptoms, 01-cnpnlion properly nu:-ndcd to, and medicines, secure.-l_v s from observation, ail unln-ss lhnu ,...... uuncteu wuutu (to well to make illqlltfi1`.$ I-t-tiirg-'t~.n. suiting thnse advertising in this city.) Dr. IL`. prm-- , lice cxtentislhrough every State in the Umun and the British Prpvint-cs. h- nrrvvan ha. nu`; . ....-----_ av ; uanxnuuoa Dr. R. can be successfully consulted on alldiscasc peculiar tn Fcizmles. - ' ,N.B.--Dr. Reynolds is sole agent for Dr. Vi:-b.,:'.w Female Moxithlv-Pills. Among the many Un.n~:inl boxes of these Pills mmnally sold; nut (mu m-rnplamt hasye! bee.-n'made against them; Ladies HI 2: (`cr- tain situation aliuuld not use Ihem, the [`8l'lIl'lll.'lr.'4 U` which will be found in the directions act-oxnpaiiyiiu; gach box; Price $100. Sent by mail In any purl of the world. vBewnre of countcrfcits. They are not on sale at any other plm-e. `Dr. R. is -the only rag;//[Fr rrlumted physit-Ian in this city who tlevmes his whole time (.rdusi'n/// to the treatment of` diseases of a private nmltrv. [The afflicted would do well make liq-irt: mu. advertising in this 4-in: 1 n. i.- -_ . WORM SPECIFIC, uu. AIIIIIEKI A l"U\'lllI'C S. Dr. REYNOLDS GRE.\T \VORK-- TIN-I 1 I`. I- VATE IVEDIC/IL G U'IDE--I3:-aun'I`nHy .1i'ua- `, Price. Cellls. 1 uu nkr JVILLV, Who, by indulging in secret habits, have contract:-d that ton!-subdliing, mind-prostmling, lmd_v-dc-stroring- vice, should apply to Dr. Reynoids without delay". In these, an well as nltothcr ca.-es t-In pri\'I1lL-im- mre. Dr. Reynolds commends an early nppm-aria-n, and without` any vanity or aspiration, dc-cidnliv .-ran-s that not-as-e within the rem-'n of mortal aid !4huH cw; cave him without a cure or satisfaction given. Tn I-`l?,M.u.Ire lune Arovs-In-I53 w Diseases ol the Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, Jaumht-0, Dropsy, all forms of Scrofula, Teller, and the mmt obstinate diseases of the Slain, Nettmlgvtn, D_v-spc-p.~i;., Costive Habits, Piles, General Delulily, Nen-nu, -Am-ctions,Chront'c Pulmonary All`:-ctions, Brucllllls, Chronic Cough, Cough and Cold.-A, Incipient (tam. sumplion, lltflmmalury and Chronic Rhemnutl.-m, Ulcers of the Lens, Ulcers of the Mouth, 'l'uncm-, Throat, Nose and Lips, Incipient Can:-er, Glnmlitlur Enlar emenl, Tumors, Chronic Sore_Et"es, l\lervnrtal and yphilitic Aeotions, Pain and Swelling tit nu, Bones, and all diseases nri.-.ing_ from the lmpun: ..t;.g., of the hlood, whether Hereditary, Acquited or Cut). tracled, Salt Rheum, Fever Sales. and other Chronic Complaints of year : standing. Gonnnhgrn, (Hg.-1, Syphillis Strintnre, Suppression of the l\Icnsc> in females, 6zc., successfully treated. V01? Afr! `:7: ur 1 .,_\ mm to this class at complaint:-'3 F his safe and speed; method of treatment, and tn; ' l extraordinary success, duringa long and l.'Xl|n.1|vg prictice, enables hi: condentially, to pw...;,.- "5; persons a safe and rrical cure, Wilbnttl injury to the constitution, or connement from business. B a long course of study and practical experienrc Dr. . has now the grulit-ntinn of presenting the nfottunate with remedies that have never failed Jllnve e first intmdtted them, to cure the most alarming cases, and that in a very short but reasonable mm-, without the aid of mercury or any other llt'lt'lt'rtmt drug. Within the last tbrty years, Dr. R. has t'tt!(-if more than one hundred thuttsnnd cast-.0 of the :tl>fn'.'n character, and it may he said safely that mrmr M,-,, one-Italfof the patients had been previuusly tn,-.,r,_. _ with mercury and other poisons. ` n. |'1`....... l... .........-..-r..n.. _---..I-. I -- - -A , vv nu nu.-vu- uuu -nus; PIIIDVJIIJ4 Dr. R." can be successfully consultozd on the fuHu\\._ ing Diseases: ' `h:,.........- -1 .I__ 1 r_..,, If-I n. . . _ SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. VERMIFUGE. . `pull! Lu uwm upyn appucauon._ . 1a_t.Ll:<>,:1:?ki:!.:Kgua:ee1;c;11: and sent by man, V f . DR. FRANCIS, _ U Collinmmml -_-_ -v "V" ---v~u- g u * Arise"!-Iflhe pus! detain yon, V ` Her sunshine and norms for L! s No chums so unworthv to hol you, An lhosevol a vain refuel; I Ball or bright, she is life eta` ever; Cast her phantom arms away, ` Bur but back, save to lean: the but 0!` _n noblenlrife goday. . Aw-i.-el for the hour is passing; - The noinud Ilia; you dimly ear Is yuiar enetn marching to battle! Riw! rise for the foe is near! Stny not to brighten your yveapons, ' Or the hour will strike at lusl, And from dreams of a coming baule, . You will waken and nd it past. , Agent. wt nan iliebmary 20, 1859. _.-... `V,;.`i ..:.f :1 - . , """ '* .9] are 0 great value in` elfeethnng, Eruptions of the. gk;?s:sndfmW'm5 gather diseases of children ; they my 3130 b " .``.i' in any ease requiring physio. 8 gm l`h6._Y ate put `up in a form convenient go by mail. ,_ Ten cents the package, retail. send -`P*hyafc|ane, Drnggists `and others, who wish beoomaagents will have a sample, with Temgo 3 Iaent-to them upon application. Monev- iftraniammd and ....:. 1..- __ .. uuw. " " ~ ' ' " "' `"9 Wlihe maker has, been induced to offer : 1:athg:)::lic, fagm ihavigg in an +. . 1'81 6 me Ice. pro ession often! it. an t ' . .'"=d ..Pdg?:$=rs,. `at: so]. clnldx-on to take medxcme .3 , 'I`hi$v m-n"Af `m-an .1... `z. `--, - these Luz, experience 7.O'A`{1,'HAn,'r1.o LOZBNGES you cuxum jcvg -QQ'$LI\ lu' 1 % .rrr:.o$fe.s,na'emae;u Med - % E . 1 B:`d.9th19"%*tbsuc%sl:5nf:B:`.(i'?h`? J,`if,f . a . - . . . xme J V peppemxnt as to be agreeable :0 mg .. In. cum]... I... |.__._ n 1 . . , DR . M L AN E S Celebrated American A ` un. IIKALVUIU, , '_ . J Collingwood, C_W` -Agent for Barrie. . . . '1`. W . GEORGES. )1'i1ary20, 1859. ` "ro FEMALES. u Lulc UI aUl!lC| ..-u- run, |lI:llll`Uo YOUNG MEN, nu in -.......o L..|.:.- 1'. W. GEORGEN, A.....A D 'l`heV Japanese. ' July` 4, 1860. uu. nun nulall would Jespcclfully inform his friends, and the public, that be con. tinues to {be cnndcnhully unsuhcdm his uld es1ul.!i.~},{-4 Medical Olce. No. 19, Ex. mhnnxze Place, ON ALL l)l.~,`. } EASES OF A PRlVA'l`lg` 37- QR DELICATE NA'l`L'I{E._ "T: His long experienceanvl ax. {ion to this clase ntcomplnim.-1 `d me.-lhAod treatment, his ....___.__-.__ nu. nEYNo1.ns llbeclfnllu inlnpm l.:. r 4.u1:.--D`8UHlllH)' mus- I m:o:, mptmns, occnpalion, kc-, `din-inc:-, .-cam] narls ohn urnrhl aununu , Agent, ._Barn'd. 8-1) i], will be man} `.:u.. an. 8-ly rfiFn:|- urely, such a land, a land of plenty and contentment, and a land where these much- ' coveted blessings are easily acquired--2is a land of promise for the emigrant. No" country could offer greater advantages; land in abundance, of the veryrst quality, and cheap; and free- dom from taxes. Ofcourse there is the one I drawback attendant on the isolated position of the colony. But that is a drawback which must soon be remedied. .We look forward hopefully one day to see the Lake Superior L route opened up. Even at present, however, `we are much less isolated than most folks in Canada and England believe. Making some l allowances, the routes atpresentopsn through It the States are pretty good. With Oxen or M horses, and Red River carts, capable of oarry- ; . ing -800 or 1000 lbs. each, you eertainlycsn . bring any quantity and any class of goods safely ` through. It is done every year hundredsof i times. This is a factwnicphoannot beiguored, . So far from beingmtpracticable. as has been 1 advocated. it is not only a praoticableroute, but amorleratelyrgood one. rltrcanuot surely `be- ` A verybad when American traders, suchas'Mr. l` Kitton, and others, were able to `come through,_ light, in 14 days` this 'spring.` ;fl'0(lI ~St.'->Psu.]. A Had they beetribringingegoods, `it wouldnot have taken ino're1han' week or-lodays" ~l iat farthest. When `such travelling nnbe ac- ` ' ' cannot, has xeryybadlone ;Ha,_nd.,even ilf.-it tyere . Vtnor_eimpassable atth`tlt perihd,'it'vviiuld;sprely, t ` he_"travelled mu_ch.easi'er in :sum nterjand,sn'- 4' tumn. The people here are most-,atg'_xious to , see the'Cansdianroute opened. I heir`feje`lin gs ` are thnroughly"1British, and if .`thej-itlatllitn. - l I I r I t I l f complished in thespring of theyear, the road ll (1 I o '1 n r \ ,: xx ; 1` ;route_ here once practicable, ;.th`3g-___\'I't"t1`t,l_l(Al.,~.Vtt{tV,tt`; :"ltii 1': In upmer-,4; won, securing four"n_iI'u ,I Ina-{mu-non thnnuiagbgnn. M `Wonrnun-or . Mum:-nn_aa.l-Dr. Wolldston ob- vtalnedpiatinum wire to` ue -that.30,0o0..-pieces placed side-by-aide in contact; " .ou1d' not ' cover morelhtn; an igwh.-' Ii.-.;;:`.t.)nl,tl hko mayo than`. .1 " I"'O '1" "Since the commencement of spring, sports- men have been busy on the prairies, shooting game.` Such immense ocks of ducks, geese, and other wild birds are constantlyon the wing now, that any number can be shut. A day or two of sheeting will procure fowl enough to last a family a couple. of months. In the fall parties frequently goto Lake Manitobah-, some thirty miles distant, or elsewhere, and manage` to shoot as many wild fowl there in `a week or fortnight as will `last them through the winter. Or should they, prefer it, they can have as much . sh from the take` art they want,;a'nd that,1oc, of the very lines! quality, by tishing, bny'- 7 ing from the Indians, -which can be `done very` cheaply. - - ``_`_A``_ H L . . .. '. -' . f V f auspices as could have been looked for. I t l auay `UNI, .lO0U.r _Spring farming operations have been just `brought to a close here, under as favorable The weather has been magnicent, and through the influence of a couple of showers, spring crops are-now looking greenand beautiful. . As` there is a better market than heretofore,/farmers have this year put under cultivationa much greater breadth of land than usual. -`The care- ' less tillers ol the soil look_ forward to a yield of from 10 to 15 bushels per acre. Those who really farm their land `will get 25, 30, 45 and 50 bushels per acre of wheat, and if anything more prolic returns of barley and oats. Pota- toes give really a prodigious yield here ; and tnangold wurtzel would thrive splenditlly, but farmers do not take the trouble to sow it. on the prairies, at the rear of their farms; and here, too. the farmer can cut any quantityof `I hayin the season; and has only to haul it to his yard. With such _faci'lities lor keeping cattle, farmers mighteasily keep a-stock farm and many of` them will doubtless turn theitfatten. lion to it, now that a better demand for cattle is likely to spring up. Q_..__,. .L_ --..__.A---~l- - " All ` summer long their cattle get splendid feeding ' vvuuuul. Jalilllg muuon. p ` Pnorrrs or Fiwr-r.-ln the N. E. Farmer, mention is made ofthe Messrs. Clapp, of Dar- chester, Mass-.. who, Col. Stone says, by. sys- tematic culture, raised each year, on ve acres of l_and planted with apple trees, $600 worth of currents, as an under crop ; while atthe same time they had a large crop of the `best apples. Their profits have been from $2,500 to $3,500` per annum. . ` _ uvu rlvlll M _ .. uuuu uumn on` PLOWING.--A corres-. pendent of the Country Gentleman says: I believe there are. some_ soils which should not be plowedldeep, suchas the light sandy, the gravelly, thepeaty, etc., when quite porous and friable, and, resting on` a subsoil of the same character; that all clayey and loamy v soils may be deepened with advantage, pro- 'vided itbe done at the rate of an inch or so in a year, and with theaddition of twelve to twenty `loads of good manure, and provided there isino stagnant water near thesutface, or a. necessity for draining ; and that the safest and best sway of proceeding isto deepen only a little at a time, as aguide for future operations. ' Docs AND BELL SHEIIP,--An Indiana" sheep farmer, in the Stock Journal, saysthat a num- ber of sheep wearing bulls, in any ock, will . keepaway dogs; he would allow ten balls to every hundred or hurtdred and fty. `When sheep are alarmed theyltun together in a com- pact` body, in which act all the bells. are rung at once; which frightens the dog or makes `him think some one is on his `track, so he leaves without taking mutton. Pkni-`ITE nu Fun.-u-_ 7.. cl..- Ar 11 n .ay`sf:` We made last year ...,.... ., or our exchanges - games, manured exclusively with tbbacco agalk, Ihan we have-ever made wilh. a; free use of guano. The stalks from four acres will manure one acre abundantly. V a better crop of po- A Goon Cum on P_r.ow(ma.--A corres-. iln-\J.~_| _r .1. Ir - . T ACCO S1`/u.xs.-`-Ono of . says`: We_ yeara pg lxilnm: -n'n-u....A -..,_I:-~9~- --_. ...... ...-nu u uvu 1u _nuu IS Cflng 011. To Kru. Ynnmm on CATTLE on Fowne.-A writer in the New England .Farmer,say,s:' Take common lampoil and rub.;il inuwell back` of the ears and all dowp the back. Do this once a week and the vermin will disappear. It is safe. Tobacco will kill lice, but should be used cautiously. Rub lampoil on the back of the head, under Ihe wings and ovet Ihe-posteri- ors of any fowl once a momh,and it will clear out all lice. ' A V ....7 pew ;mgm._nu- .1` grmer, a correspondent gives the. following, remedy,` when` horses or -cattle injure therr eyes so as to bringon a white substance or lm,` Hes_ays: Takefresh but- A ter,'nawly churned; meltaboutatable:spoon'-; - l'ul,Aand turn it intothe ear opposite the eye in- jured, being careful to hold the `ear tight toga"-p ther, so that they shall not, by a violent shake medythe says may; be Safely appl`ie_il, i_fyouAdo not use themwhen-the'_lilm is coming .35`. Krm. Vmmm nu r`.-mu. .... 13-4.- of the head, throw item of the ear. This re- . ..-..y--- .- -y. - ` - -'l r'cA:4spon'r:t'NoeB.u:'o.-A correeporident ya lvu avg:-J agalqglo _ N. Esfarmeregives thekfollowing -directions k for transporting bees: S_preadtdovrt!'ez_1slI'eel inchealrquare, fastenedatthelcornerewith car-.' V pettgcks. A waggon witthelliptio.epringsie : jbest for conveying them. In all cases the common box hive should be bottom up, to avoid ; b:e..kiug combs. - When moved late in `the: A season they should be set several feet apart. _ Tm: Ens or Hoaxes AND CA1`1'Ll.- In. the New England-Former, acorrespondent gives the.followin2,remedv.A when h....-.... .. .,and settliei hi7e on, it, Vthetrbringe pp`1,lrre`cor- ` `ners and tie foyer the top,or inv"ert`tlfe `hive , "and ` `put over the/`bottom a piece of muslin eighteen _ squeezing of. the `wool, and mac less lime .Io - gave a fia descriptiori "of thin, me!_l_1od in age` * ; Sunpnw s11:,;axa.:-L91): `rgof Ihe Americmi A i*1lii'is~_g i?ec-`Iii?! ifoowinge win"-.= 4! `arse ".a..!<.m.a'd..-. 9f :21 5:: >2 ~feeI`_lon`g, foil : feel wide,` a`ud`I `aid 3; half fies! deep, `is placed neir iv,/blr9_N'3. .`.V'.!90..;|!|f: 7*. spcienl full. \ ;'I'goug1z_s; ttel:ii;I,Lt`ea:. c.{_If`p'il1=Vl .I nge.w`m;;_`wznzpugiugwgg`ends,-aandins'al2! ` Iivnfeet 5V.a:th_3'a t. :- .1Two-b)'9-GM! "9"`.`-'- : ing a `sheep soaking at one.*endol zlha 19; ` while-lw.o men standing on the ground oumde the vni,each hold a sheep under the stream running frumthe troughs; VII uire buHilU_8r wash them well than by !'hLeeoldAmet`hod. L We Genesee Farmer for May, 1859.. mngnnnn nnnn v n I )-.-. . A _-_.__..__',l,,. in,` { i3.P!.ilt`v `n_-_..u__ n ,, IIIU UUW I Malsemoto, Yes, at the present time. It has been but a showtime introduced. l_t is a. good deal used in Yeddo. Mr (1.:-nu I - ......- `D- l._-_.. .I_-' 1! . .- Rgd `River Settlement. V -the 'ex'u-age 1'-`arn;er. I.) _ , A , _, , ' n u 9 ._",., _ _._. ..,. sun-`.1: oN` Pnowma.--A corres- In zre. shouldh rp, the peaty, quite nd, on r: lhal Vnll nlnunu .....a I---~ May 26th, 1860. --._ L," I exchanges Jelter cmn nf nn- _ ,_ ._,.,, W. ....,-u~uu;cu;uuI. U; `am will ,7~v1_-b_' iutumiia '- the `$9, \-..,,...,;- 11-Iuoifll _ a mu uc;u'ev_emenI:o[ Mr}. .3-Whip, :mostin(a'rcntin1riumphs , pl: none aft phnAtog_'Y;:_jx;r.--&i;ctonz_ i - I e spiac Lnxfftutu . L ma tan i j `f0.110\iili..vhu rim... am _...:_-:;`~._..; .4 .- ,...!-` k izm-usbi.:enaeac:o:V:hesernuata%nu$-. not suit appears Jo , / at _bocfy'of light. but up a sphere mark y the lights and shade`: of ` ' ' ains,,deep valleys and pro- ia amore perfect View of `out V can be nu``eyo'ev n when` aided by the `moat powerfuf `telescope; ffofigdemiibttii`I1:9`|li\ii_Wn.iii:hil- in im- ..fB,:'u.,'E`-'9,;d31,,9|"n.in5..,5].-\lh0,J9|l8o:`0f light. % `:i'p3,:_ieg;iiicn::o~l`.:LMcf;;. % :,; ~"**"*1*-=!!s4ti!!9P5=;? 3 . In me most extreme points on` the r earth where pictures could-Abe simultaneously . taken, the divergence of the line of vision I would not be sufficiently great to produce the t stereoscopic effect. Efforts haveabeen made to 1 overcometliisvdifeulty in En land by taking ' pictures at different phases of t e moon, but the artists have only succeededin obtaining repre- sentation: of an oblong shaped body with a ' very imperfect delineation of its 'surf_ace.f It ; 7 remained for one of our Boston photographers, t Mr-{John A. Whipple, whohas attained great. lernineuoe in his`p/rofeseioln, assisted by the ob- servers at the Cambridge Observatory, to secure a a perfect stereoscopic view oftheimoon, show ing the surface as it appears throughrthe large \ _ telescope at Cambridge. .The_: problem wu ' solved in a very simple manner; Mr. Whip--r .. ple took a view of the moon when it was nearly ` full in Febroary,_fa.nd his ccrnpanionpicture.` ' when the moon h`ad,attai_ned .exactly the ea age in April. The`*oh`a ngein thefdeclin of the moon, l\'etweeu`1the two period tvieyvs. of points.on- th_e`moon s surf ` soiently distant to afford Hie `store , The*'resulft iisa pict;n_reiwhich f as;asp:herical.body-arid: = L _ ,ce.;ni'-lbs `in; - _1r.t,h.ost.=-`tie!-a.~ x'iot.; : .rza;urs.4'o.; c bodn*`>f_l;Aight.\bnt .--`i. mns and fvalleys 'opon."iti -' :fsct.,i!..-. seszrgnhve as we ` A TmlcM'Prr`or' rm: Puoroanuerrrc Ant.- ` The stereoscopic effectin photographic pic- tures is produced by simultaneously taking two pictures of the same object at slightly _di erent angles, corresponding with the differing angles of vision of-thevtwo eyes. Thus, views of two . surfaces, as it were. are` obtained, which, when placed side by side, and .viewe;.ltl`hrough' re- fracting lenses, appear as one body; [But the` range of `the stereoscope is limited. Distant objects, _suchfas mountains, d_o-.;not} give the stereoscopic effect, except by`fus_in_g reflectors in taking the pictures, to enlarge thebase ofthe angle of vision. Attempts have been repeat- edly made to obtain atereoscopiomisws of the moon, but such is.the.distan'ce of that luminary from the earth that even if instruments were stationed at the most extremepoints the 7 earth where nictnreannialaf ho -i---'-h-----'-I-- uaua. ' Mr. Co:hea[l,T Has Vvaccinaiidn, ben much introduced--lhe use of vaccine mallet from tho cow? ' lnn . _ _ _ .- Ir . VI ' ` ' ` ._, ... ......r.. 9- |IuuIuI|] yultlo" It is the felons who have done such jdeeds as these, that Garibaldi has driven from the pleas- ant palaces. so close to which they built their foul dens of murder and torture. It is for put- ting astop to such barbarity that he is worship- ped by the people whom hehas erlieaved, and is pra) ed for throughout the world, that in the .political'coniot in which-`he must shortly be engaged, hemay shine as brightly for rmness, sagacity, and djsinterestedhess, as hehas here-i tofore done for valor, promptitude, and military sagacity.-- Montreal Herald. ` V " " 'v plastered wall, . the senseswere almost over- r.-.- ..- .u-ovauuu Oneportior. of the building had no means of ingress or egress, but on pulling down a freshly powered by the streaming efuvia which issu- ed from seven dark chambers communicating with each other, where there lay human bodies and the mutilated remains of such, in every state of death and decay,-hundles of rotting rags, mingled with bones, and limbs, and lilth, lled the corners ofthepsmaller rooms; chains hung rivetted to the walls above, whence some of these remains had dropped as they died,- or ancles of their famished victims. Skele- tons, almost eshless, were piled upon `others which werevquite so, and placed on stone shelves, which had served as their beds while hidden` beneath others more recently dead,` yet alive with maggots; and greater hnrror still, two human bodies, in writhing attitudes, were chamher, the reeking, blood-stained stones of which held rusty spikes, corresponding to the outstretched arms and feet of otherswhich had `been so suspended, and still retaining the `which the heavier portionehad dropped, and {lay in heaps of putridity 'beneath.? to in M... f..l.;..- ..L_ L--.-- - some still holding in their iron grasp the arms t living;_naked bodies, black and pttlpy were _' hanging crucied upon the wall of the largest ` stringy remains of ` muscles torn to shreds, from . nu uu auru-I;t_|au aul \_IH_l l'Z0f8,. Wll I8 under it; and so forth. But, perhaps,_the discoveries made in the police palace at -Palermo, in 1848, and of which some account has now been pub- lished in.thc Times, by an English clergyman who was an eye-witness, aords the most frightful testimony of all to the character ofthe reign `of those `--pious princes, to suppress` whom, is represented to Catholics as an act of treason to heaven! Such a- narrative as we have before us would be too horrible for cre- dence, it unsupported bytither facts, and un- authenticated by a respectable name. . As it is there can be no doubt. The writer at the time when the people of Palermo, in 1848, captured the police palace, went with the crowd to ex- plore its recesses. (\_,._,_ r.I ~ --I-we-..t.-9*,,rr. vuwslnsws !.srItt:`!=0!P .d :a:;.: nsa tuuaatshmenrstseouysum;=ev'en these wer__e to'somep`extentyat_rolt~es in open ght .. giyen; hy=pa_rties`,- eqchifilkiilaviillgg (t>t'3|t'I:hhpe ' gof "gaininig all, and-ready,;to;gi_v'e andtalte, ac- ;%cording lathe ro1es`of_the_ same game. The laws against the pressand other form_is,9f ll_'r_ee.- =dorn'- a`re; arbitrary, ` but they" are not; harba'r'ou_.T .. The t_na'clr'inery"is_ strong, but the working.-gen- , tie; and if no trespassfer is allo_wed`t'o obstruct the passage of the Empernr s" railway train, 50,0 offenders} are handed .o.tha.t'rack almost with as much politeness as rtnness._ 1 But the Sicilia'n__s got rid of a_ty.ranny of an entirely dif ilereut character. L The Kingof Naples has ex- -ercised a, rule, such as has been unknown during this century. under any other European"- Governtnen t`,Iand in which physical tortures t `have beenthe recognized instrutnents for main- taining obedience. We tnust go back to. Pagan times--to the Domitians, News, and to the . ;Dionysius of this same island of Sicily-if we `would. nd any parallel to the horrors of the ' ;' ;glcomy'reign of their present king atitl his im- ` mediate predecessor. It is no question` about forms of government; nor electoral franchises, nor the`disposal of offices, which has been de- cided by Garibaldi s hold march. The eect has been to relieve the population of the island which he has liberated from habitual subjection - without trial, at the order of the most infamous wretches who might be invested with the functions of "the police, toscourging, to partial . burning, and to all those modes of producing exquisite anguish, which human ingenuity has '- invented in by-gone times, -or which has been suggested forthe occasion to the agents of this diabolical government; We speak of things done inn corner, indeed '; yet not so secretly but that they have become known, on the tea- timony of unimpeachable witnesses. A part, hut` not; the worst part, we have known from - the words of Mr. Gladstone. M. Fould, a Minister of the French Empire , isthe authority for another example, in some respects of greater horror than the revelations with respect to the Neapolitan prisons. _ln Paris M. de Varennes ' ,l-as described .the varieties of torture inicted by different police agents, including thenthumb screw; the compression ol the head tilt the eyes start from the socket; seating the sufferer in an arm chair set with razors, with fire under ill so forth. Rut. nnrhnnn II... A:_..........:.. .-.-2. V93 `.`!"!'.*"'.';:`'- V-.!-.9" ws=..J"Xi.'."l :~.'V`l ' "Al. ._nce l1`l.ei.and.:m_Is1!l9!l0!o. ' wllr. i=Inlt99=`t!Ie.iworld tesiardgthe .conq!w8*.`0f :SiciIy,l`rom Bombs ll;a_s onapr the rnosi glo- ` 3 lion: Ieients-'of.Abnr age. `Tyrannygiste some ` extent a` comparative thing. . 5-?.vWu hes:-of it in` ~11-elend, in England, even amongthe white populationiol-the United Statesfand with more reamn. in France. But in the constitutionally .goveme.d1eountriea which we have the tyranny is of a very sentimental sort--a matter which people Hwould_ hardly_ know anything about if they were not` told `of it, and, though ` sometimes not yery pleasant, is only considered corrosive, because. we happily Itnow no'thing.ol the extremes to which oppression` may go. Even in France, despotic asie thegorernment, cruel as were the assassinations ofthe coup e't_at, Ind the..banishmenta loavennn. mum --ul-Vv--qr vs -vV> .UVF".U. '- m1 -.-. n lt` is n`o5u_Ignp gympauuyv 9I__Aill1';t`a.lolulior.-.- - no fa'nnii'aTd:'alike of_z`oy_a,lly--n`ot. even 7a tea. .wn5b!g cugviclion Ibnl. tha._.royal race} of aha Bourbon" is "at `once emu. `and miuhiam'm._ Wm SM: cam-.1: .`"'7!!7"\I.!*!vr-|5'Vrri"19 V Liiliclocjr of Na1`oolltau`~ciIoltie'3: In 1- -.'_ .--_s._....--_-nl.... ...:.I..;_.._I__. . - --A-.--.6. -PW -'*"'.-`F`\r"""`*" With the ledetf ssible sin'.!nti.battenI-nation: . tion `paid to. $22 By 1ati;n_o_[ ,U[u'lgl_r_cv_: _a. _1'm'I;._' -Ifeeth, inserte'd`_on, G9 d_P[ate 93: P_mo_t.-, 0a,y=it,ieg` \ lled with Gold. or S1lverFoil, or a.I:ot.her Branch fof DENTJLV SURGER Yexecgte with neatnou ml dM`sbility.._ V. .- . _ r-.- ` g_2aguo_a afggmgutlons. performed; uh? V =, vzga; cg %``" -=%~ una aull IHIVB K) 08 3 qualry 1713 . Matsemolo, no; he may follow anolhertrade. But the son of an officer must bean officer"; and the son of a merchant must be a merchant. The sons of tradesmen may follow different trades.` A I], f 11.: 17-- v. 1.... - .-an-an-val!` ` He wouldalao stateA,thati'n cse of failnfdin n;y jwtvrk wa.rrant_`ed, during the p'sjIt"Eight`ye`a" xv. willbp rg#p:`1ired`I*'1'ae_'Aoj-filaarggz, pyovided up at at Denfiafi,'pr huvbdgn,' expploycgitoxgpernle iE1he sam`eT'x'11t)'uth T;"bpixt' `Eh01l1d.i,0tll!' Dixtist e`iI1f "f played, the in-1;all'caaas. wit1 ` _ 2` nu vvuuun-nnx, on me 181, 11:49` am qfeachwnontly and BRADFORD, on the {it}: of e_achnionlIz When he_w.ll_I. Lb: 3-zest Mipy *0 Twaii` irpoii those who require hip-setvitces In any of me Bgancheg f-.h}3"P.Pfssion+ " . ` 4 A .> - ' - . . -- t..- ` "tw- TI-_.__I.I`_I__#4,A n .4 -- -A spovunpi Vannounes'u`mi-hue wille at RE cn'g_eu.Cm;a':/z `on " 5"gbr.u?zry. NEWMARKET,ontIu ii and the 4th of eaclmivntlz `Vuljd FRAsRts r1o1`:m.VBAI:RI4E.` dueiusi, (5t_qbpr,DecmtI} rfil and ;J;4ne mat r.:,.2mu, srd qfeabh er, montlp,` DR. s%.,fN. PEGK, % %SUB_G.EON @-QDENTIST.` "I\ `IIl'l'l'\'IIu-uo-o-o- - ... 1:- THE SUBSCRIBER, 1- several years a resident - of Asia, discovered `while there, a. simple vegetable reinedy-n sure Cure for Consumption, sth-ma, Bronchitia, Coughs, Colds, and Nervous Debility. For the benet of Oonsumptives and Nervous Suferers, he is willing to make theisame public. - L To_those- who desire it, he will send the `Pre- . scription, with -full directions (free of cIu:rge) also a sample of the m_edi'cine, which they wnmmi a b`ea`nti!ul combination of Nni.ure s simp]e'herb s,' Those desiringithe Retnedy can obtain,iL,_b y return - I:na.iI, by `ndde.ssixi`g ' ' ~ ' ` . '_ - J..E. CUTHBERT `E ' . '- ` Botanic Physician, , . r .?!q.249vB_rob.iiway New I .Apri11-1tb,1so.' -~ _' 15-1zg' 1.; -AND` T - ' NERYQUS: SUFEERERS. Barrie, EOBT. s.'rAN'r`ON, secre:ary a; Tre Toronto,~~Deo. 22,- 1851. T 7 President. C8117`, v JAMES PATTON, gent for County `.S'im_`oe J. H. LAWRENCE n.......a ` l`{..I'I;l.._.;_:_-J. uusu Auumr, > |k '1`. 1'. l1.0Dl`lS, And E. . F. Wbittemore, Esqoires, Vsecretary anrlv I`2'easurer,-Robert Stanton, .E.sq. Solicit'or,..-Angus Morrison, Esq. - Jpplications for Fire Risks received at the Home Oice, Toronto, on Wollinhton-street,` opposite the Commercial Bank. ` Oice Houx`s,-10_, A. M., to 8, P. M. ISAAC 0.GILhlI1QR,J` I George Michie, James Beaty, Hugh Miller, And `E. vuc 5.-uvcrumenl or by individuals`! ` l Matsemolo, they are paid for" byathe fathers of the children who attend. There are large schools for the oicers, which are paid for. by the government. ~ ` Mr. Ewbank, how is it as to a particular trade descending from faiherto son? Suppose one be a quarry man (pointing to illustration) would hisvsonhave Id be man ? Matsemoln. nn 2 ha mnu rnlinnv unnllnnp 1.-.]- `JV-Ga.nadaLWe ste1fn Agsmance Co y'l 11,, ` - - CAPITAL. . 100,000 `1I_N SHARES OF 10 EACH. - J. 1:. ARDAGH, Medical Referee. Barrie, July, 1859. ' V ` I --...-.... - unnbsv snuuunusi 1, thereby securing a speedy adjustment of claims, and liberai regulations for residence and travel. No further outlmr rnnnh-ad rm... n... ............,x uuu uucrux regvuauons IOI` reslaence and travel. No further outlay required from the assured than the premiurix. _ JAS. PATTON, Agent .1. A A \`n(nn1 Dnfnnnn - :ANNU.\L AND MOST. AMPLE EXHIBITS of its affairs. "ANNUAL DIVISIONS OF. PROFIT; as preferable to divisions at intervals of ve, seven, or ten years. ' I'Yt1\l'n If A `II . nu-...-.--... C moom-onuzn 1:: A01` or PARLIAMENT, c_ArrrAL. . . .. . . . . . s1,ooo,ooo OFFERS the following real advantages to in`- _ tending Asaurers:-- LOW RATES on Pnmxluar, . Conseqnent on the investment of all the Com- pany's funds in the Province. ' Premiums payable annually, or by semi-annual or quarterly instalments at the zoption of the assured. `Ill-"$155, I J. EDWARDS, gnt, Barrie. Caiiada Life Assurance u_n'tu numerous came 0! lll_8[IK8. If dferencea should arise between claimants and the Company, the Manager is fully empowered to accept service of any process in law. A ALEXANDER STEWART, M........,.. 4:... 12 A7 a._;...-'._ 11 ans} I I'e' rte .Iavg?\ f` U ` 1N"?11%;s' 0'1-` 'm3"a`A: z . U" 0 - HOME hwnca. TORONTO. President,-I-IsAAo C. Gmmm, Esquire, ' .Vice-Pr.e:ident,-_-Tnonus HJ.won'n1, Esquirp. nrunnmhnn - T0" coNsgnmPnvE%s % uusucu. 1 A" losses in Canada are submitted to the gen. `liemen. composing the Board who examine the particulars, and if found satisfactoryml once order the payment of the claim. This system has called `forth numerous cards of thanks. T? ("H31-nnnnn eknnld nil`.-`A L.-A..-...._ -'I-!-.--A- The Report" further says, that the Directors congratulate the Shareholders on this sa_tisfac,tory increase in the [business of the Company, and they have` every reason to believe that from the `con- nection now formed it will continue to increase in the sameratio. . Winn l'1-..:4..I ..laI... lV....__-.._ L J, - - -- - Ill IIIU BEIIIB THUG. The Capital of the Company is devoted entirely to Fm: Lunmlrms, having no reserve for a Life Branch. All! .... -2__ I\_..-j_ ,,. 1-... c. w--ww %CI Repxjesenting Property Insured to the extent of THIRTY MILION DOLLLA RS! 'l|vI? PHI` '1 3 ' It will thus be seen that the total n'monnt of business done during the last nine months of the Company's operations has been TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND ONE NEW POLICIES, producing an additional `annual in- come of $150,000! Dan:-nanndinn. 'D....'_....5.. t_-.-_._.1 4- 41.- __.__,. .1- Wlch is lretnined in this oonntry. ` I The increase of business in England is unpre-` cedented, as shown by the-Parliamentary returns, and the following taken from the last September Report. : uuu IJIU Report: _' -_It wi This Bralnbnwas only bpened last January, nd > now-has an income of ` ' ` T11 _ 4 - A ..m uacu [U carry ouruens. To an inquiry whether they used wind-mills, they replied they did not. _ d Mr. Ewbank, are your schools paid for {by the overnment orb individuals?` Matsemntn- lhnv nrn nanl r... 1... .1... .. -_- . A T Trustees a.!`;1A1.'3B8!"d`of Iuiii-eiitiir in cixadn: .- ` Honorable J omz=Ross, W;P.'How1.4Nn, Esq. MP1 . .Ionx'C1uw1ronD, Esq., Wn.I.uu'1-Ross, Es`q`.,M . ` Wu. MGMABTER, Esq., Wx.Hmn1msoN, Esq. Banlcgrs--T_nz BANK or MONTREAL. _ I V ., V Solicitors--'Rbss,` Cuwironn um Cnounm. " an Inn. s2L;0;o;;;0,0`o:`. ,_ ; wru; u_nr_Auna:o_r.1o00 smnanox.n_ans.' The Right Honorable Loan Kuzur-,Chairman. PETER Monmson, Esq.,,Managing, `bzreclar. `Wxuux Oauwxnn, Esq., Sec:-elurjy. - A cppy of Stock Boiok canbo daily segn on the _ L L V onr1terat'zbo" _ HEAD OIEIGEL CANADA BRANGH, TORONTO. Egabliahgd iu_ `18.6;_ uuiler Charter qftmjney-iinl: Pqrliamm E State Fire Indtahice, CHIEF OFFICES-3 P-ALI . MALT.=`AN'D`-"332 7 4 `And maybe ihe ,4` V} ' ~ bu D_YANOE" ,OFF_IGE7'~ : ; -- . ,. . L mm :37 BE_LVOWATORON3`O;I 1_l___l{JfE8. Le, Jam. 1868. . .. I-_ .'; .. .`__.-:LI _ "norms rmmtgsmgs, v -I1-van: nnonvoni-avg. . .-:-- Gmnrnnxn av Acr or'. -6153} :91-130-1573-:3 P:aI'3.;1ALL=LNn!32, LUDGATE HILL, - 5 ngauugl uuu gflulllg gram. Colbeal, do you use machinery In boring ' cannon ? Malvsemotn, man power aione is used. - Mr. Cntheal, are animals used to dnve ma- chinery 7 ' ` Malsemoto, no; we use man power. Oxen are used" to carry burdens. - To an innnh-Ir mhnohn. oh... ..._.I ..-E- I ---`

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