........... ..,5.... That in the opinion of your petitioners, the prayer of the memorials referred to lies open to every objection which can he urged`ngainst'the they belong. Such "being employment of public funds to build 'u`p deh'o-` minmioniil interests in the Province. Thetact that no aid is asked towards that-upport of any theological chair in denominational college, changes in no respect" l heir clenorniniztional characteninaamuch as f`rom`their veryi'na'tnre,_ the inuences which rule inthem, and proceed, from them, and the` intereetswhich lhe"p'ro- mote are ithose of the denomination "to 'which their elmracler, their olaims to public patronage andiuvpport reston the very same ground asjany other` denominn-T tional enterprise. ~ ` - 4 V " `A Al `I------ `I - ` *J:' _ -.'_!, .'g V." "" .3 ""- " if _`,{';,What shall it pg! A whole `world and ` :4; hiihall aman give in em): .-' ' 1.-` *`:;.`. .- 3 K. ylllu IBBI JGBI n Rug S;:Bf`ADAGm mwehg qdppyoxrog ' Report. Qns'B3 years 6 ce he hagfjoine I . .ib_oBibIe Sociyfmnd, since that-time}: fear ....a. --.......a :_ v_|.:..|..1.- 1.-.: ... .-.4 ...a........o...I :4. F01V2E'IGN:BIBLE soomrv. am... An hnlmlf nf thin mcietv .45 ---~ --- vvvA'L 1- UUULVUllJDc Such is the title-of an article in the Globe of Thnrsdy last, founded on mis-statements made in _ the`m'isa.ntlu-opio organ of conservative mind" in` Bimie. Thednotlon "introduced to the County ` Council bf 15%; Reeveof Coiiingwood, Mr. Hamil- iton,i15v`ds n)eithex-`at the suggestion or adv ce of anynf`-Mr.`Mbnison s friends `of this town ; and indeed; we ~51-mnximaian or it` xvehad was the i 7 trojiiiidousibngboo urine Spirit. Knowing the _se:;g1uye'nag:;q: so9ie,'ge'nt_lemen, we should not `hatii `iduhsliedi the" proceeding, for we are vvell. . `it is I failing with many to scan eveeything _, "P: `goggles. `Besides; Messrs. 3 Q) osxfixiuclj our County ` ` 1101.3:-i_i:t,a_n', _an`d'a_`n `evxjn-esgion`of gt"; omen `shotf1ld`- pa. gene- . 99..:'*'~i%" new of We-sitr. i'."_#f.,Q0l_{5J. _!oI,>i_:}ovever uiuch the, A _ M 91 _Ienti_n.ie_nt. .thei h_m_ ~ - }:x","$.;9vi:r`!`.`??; fv the local 4: .1 Division of the "1 9' i !?*`?r- CI; i I `W-:'.`li'.'.`.1 91' 999}? : `. ,. `.3? _ u, .`..,.,;..g-:: 2-. -;- __-__ ..._ ...... vnupul, uuu n-om `thence to the ; tropical island. of Ctnbs, making--Haiapna their stopping `place. i 2. ` ` i I - ' V 5' if Envard s aixcstry dat bacli to auvery erly period; b'in`g, IE! the British Prage informs us, ` in a. direct lin e_ fromimbelward, King of Diem. _` whose residence is 30 Dover,-_Street, London. E 1 land. Sir Edwsrd is nccompnnied by his lady _ y THE `WATERING SEASON Ar ORILLIA. Orillis, for a year or two past, has taken A prominent` position asoamong the most agreenbl _ inland wsterinpplnoes anywhere to be found The `sesson has opened up brilliantly this year the Prince de Joinville and suite being among th = estTy arrivals. At present, staying at Stsordj Nortlaem Hotel, _is Sir Edward Cholmeley Dex-in-i Bim.,6t`sun'em1'en;ne::ng, Asbford, Kent. d and butler, and cajne out by the ' .4pgIo-Saxon to this country on a bridal tour, On Saturday last he vislteq the, Indian Mounds in Medonte, and intends pshhg excursion to Sparrow Lake, as o well as to see everything of interest in the neigh- ,' iborhood. Sir Edward and lady are very agree- throngh Bertie; rrhich they certainly onght to do, I on .t.heir.irayjto Ovollingvood, there to take steam- L boat fouhdupper Lakes, andwending' their wn ` to- the`-Ellissinninni. nnui Am... u.-....___-- - --_- .--. -.... ..,.,m uuwa, auu wenuxng` their way to the':Missiasippi._ pass down that magnicent Itrebmztq New Orlans, and from `thenod Cuba, stopninzhlaoe. r ` ' , _._-.. ........ no-4 v] 55113 nuuu._ For information regarding the agricnural capa- bilities ot the Muskokao Tract, I beg torefer you to the report of the Surveyors, ollicially made, which declares that the middle andnpper part of the Muskoka are bounded.-`with finolaads, with oak and black walnut timber, which always bespeak a themselves good soil. to grow on." . -I trust, Sir, in conclusion, that however rnucl you may desire to damage me, you will hencefort have suicient patriotism to cease decrying agains the ettlement of our county, which the nnmerou enemies without--Etalkingl advantage of its north ern p_osition--are`slI'iciently able to do, wi1`iou' the aid of a local journal for that object. 1f._.-- '1 V - .._.a `up van-vnoallcuo _ As a journalist, you ought to be aware that the Sefvqrn and Mnskoka Road is only alink to `com nect a chain of roads that will ultimately bring into competition for settlement a vast tract of country, to the north and east, and one of the most important outlets must be by this road. _ Wu- 3..l'..._.-A!--- -- " Gentlemen, I begin say that Iforwarded A the Memorials to the Legislature. adopted by ` you in January. to their destination; also the address to His Excellency the Governor Gene-`f ral--lhe reply to which will be laid before you. I am not aware of any other matter to which ` your attention should be drawn at present, and shall not longer uccttpy your time. _ ,,,, __..-..- .. r. vast-_IlIIlV unc- A temporary? building is now being tted upfor a school house and place of `worship, and a weekly post will ere long be established. A: a {nu--...I!.A .._- M ...-u:\.uvo -The settle1nent,' though rocky; otfers desirable homes to industrious settlers. The district already I opened will averagerfrom 50.to `I5 per cent. cl '= laud well adapted to all kinds of grain, a. large portion of which hash subsoil of rich sand-cly. The crops are looking excellent, and the settlers are quite satised with their homes, being well aware that the opening up of the back country will make the settlement 1; protable one. ` A ; ____ ,_ . .... _..- .......- u. uuu uuccuua I: an uu.u:r." No rock-over which the road was exceeds a few .feet in length. Every clearing has its living stream, or well of water close_ by-indeed, no country canube better supplied with that pure element.` ' . About `40 lots, ptesenting considerable chopping and crops, are squattedvon in the rear of the Road, and will be puichased as soon as the land is in the market. V / i _ ' Again you state`: . The Government Bond, in many places, runs on a solid took for miles, without an ' covering of soil. The waterin the st:-eams is at bitter. `MA _....I. ....__ _.1_!_I .u. Now it is evident from the above that the Agent, hesidesvrect-iving $4 per day, must have an interest in the fees. If the government claims the $5 forever lot settled, the Agent must get the numerous ees paid by the settlers inthelr V anxiety to secure land before seeing it, for the Agent. would hardly take all this trouble, and be . put to such an expense for poetry, printing, and pulling the business, unless he was to receive an f augmentation of his income thereby`. Suppose the $5 fee does go to the government, if the Agent is able to persuadean unfortunate to register, say five lots, as a means of securing a valuable home- stead, by so doing, 820 isndded to the agent's $4 income for that day." A ., ' - . Again you say: In Morrison there are about six settlers; the next ten miles through Muskoka, tour settlers, making ten settlers on the twenty miles of govern- ment road, As for the improvements made by these ten settlers, their clearings range from a quarter of an acre toone acre--only some two, at least three, settlers having afull acre cleared. By a personal inspection the week before V your editorial appeared, Iitind, that on the Road 27 lots (Free[Grants) are in actual occupation, with a population of I18 ; -over 20 lots, with small clear- ings made by persons not yet prepared to settle on them; 120 acres chopped, 87 of which are in crop. Three settlers, have each in crop 8 acres two, 7; two, 4--the other settlers making up the difference in the 87 acres. `IVE : No fee is eharged for Registration--honcelno `- l"l`dl'aii1lll-;" Vnor is any man foolish enough to register for is lot before he sees it. The only chnrfed ' is ` $5,, when` the applicant` obtain`; a 7 Location Ticket, and is`pr_epitr_ed to settle on his Lot_`; and no ;second fee is charged on the same lot. All fee money is deposited into the Bank, to the credit of th`e'dcpm-trnent, and the Agent has no allowance for books, printing, stationery, kc. How does `this agree with the following extract` from the some edltorlal ?' A ",-auomu we cuawulur uuu uppucuuu; uu an an ahaw,.hb,puu.hia..nama-down f0l'r0n0J0t,-,ptpa1'-_. atoryto goihg into the Township to see the land, and only pays-$6 ; but for the purpose of draining the poor fellow : pocket, the Agent tries to per- guads him to put down his name for a number of 4 on. . . V ncovivnnuvnn --: u--r.- --_ ..-....- _ _Your last week s_editorial, however, seems to" have reached the climax, and may be taken as a good illustration of the old adage,` Give rope enough, arc. .. `n:J.b. 1-1-.-- _-1:_x_.'.*'n.'...' .....n.`...... -1 .. ...uh.- An Uuvubu, !'P'_xfF afugr cgfy)g"f'tji vgges of a. settler on gheyad for Awhng7b, flihd`ajn hdnest man. he paid the p tqr, and has a perfet right to disposepf them as he p!eases)--you say: ' V.-Should the customer (the applicant) be at all almcn M: null him nnmndnwn fnr..nnn..lol..- memr-. - POLITICS IN COUNTY COUNCILS. .:..`l. 1.9..` 41, . an _ .. .. ...u trvau vn JICI vvlulllltn ` Gentlemen, I sincerely trust that this Coun- oil will take this matter into its conaide.rat_ion, devise and _alopt some sufficient means by` whirh to testify their highsenseiof the honor paid` this Colony. by such a visit ; and also to" expr.-999 the true, Loyal, and all-"eclionale spirit that governs the feelings of Canadians towards the amiable Queen of England, {whose life, as a. Chri.-tian, a Sovereign, a Wife, and a Mother, stands forth in bold relief, as an example tothe rulers and people ofthe civilized world. May i God bless her-- her Royal` Consort, the Prince of Wales, and every member of item family !- ns the rulers of a great Nation, give them wis- dom. and direct their acts for the British Em- ]-ire e good I - ` I`....uI-__ ._ V l '- i `V ` ` V . anx'r s Orrwn, ORILLIA, . I J une 2-gMa ,'18IQ_.4 . ` 1 1 fl, ` i'o1IuEduoraf:ae Spirit .fzheag - ". V` ' ` -qw _ . . , , ; zasseig, :rggpay9,9 ;vi1_1 be in: I thoa.mIsokau.i-etttI6."e'ii`t%! SEVERR ANDVMUSKOKA ROAD. r _.__ Your, &c., ` July 4, _..__.V, _. we" use an-:_ |-uuuv III ungu- Gentlernen, there is yet another subject to whioh I-beg, permission to draw your attention. for a few moments ; it is a topic I feel assured will be gratifying to all, and is a prospective event of which our Country has reason to feel proud; [allude to the anticipated visit of His Royal Highnessthe Prince of Wales. Gentle- men, the eldest son of such .a noble minded, high principled,` and Que_en|y' Mother, the justly heloved of her subjects, merits, the ` warmest reception that is in our power to give. We are a Colony of that Great Empire over `vthich he is destined to reign, shoo!dProv_i- dence preserve his life; and a visit from such- a-royal personage, accompanied as he `will be by eminent Imperial Statesman, cannot but resultiiw much good to our lam|,`and [feel rmly persuaded that his reception among us will be so enthusiastimgenerous and warm, ,' that it will cause the heart of his Royal Mother to rejoice in her far-off isle-evidence the true and loyal spirit that animatesher Canadian subjects, unite still closer Britons and Cana- ttiune, and "make the bust of Queens value . still more the best of Her Colonies. `F.np-.tl.......... I` _:.____-r_. .,,. - pull the By-Laws, ascertain whathave been` "a revision of the kind could not certainly be There is another subject to which I desire to draw your attention, and one which. I look upon as of some importance. ` I refer to a conso_li(_l_a-, tion of the By-Laws of this Council; really it is diioult, from the multiplicity of repeats and amendments to the laws, since the organiza- of the County, to know what is andwhat is ` not law. I would. `suggest the appointment of 3- Committee, charged to classify and arrange repealed, what amended, and reproduce the whole now in force, in a compact and conve- lient form; the labour and expense attending much, and I have no doubt it would be found - exceedingly useful-to the Magistracy of the L" County and others connected with '_ Municipal aiairs, as well as the_ public at large.` rrnnlrnunn-n an... 2.. ".5 _...al.._ _..I_!_-. - "7VV1'_'vu- mv puury all!" ..0lH,' rllye vlv1lll_lUl6(`l} Found: only towards: Sorter, whilst its rival, Iiettawa route`, has `been, ` or several` years; annually receiving itsthousands from the Pro-'. vinoiol Treasury. Evenhanded, justice, ordi- nary fair` play, `should have dictated such h` grant as would have thoroughly tested by actual survey . the capabilities of our route, andif found impracticable, the matter would have been nally, and in a measure satisfac- torily disposed of; hot, as it is,` I only give uzpnessrion to the feelings of.ou'r entire comm`u- i `nity; when Isay that we have not received that consideration at the hands of the Govern-' ment, in this matter, which ourvgengraphicel position and growing importance ' fairly entitle Ill '0. ' V _ Onreceipt of a_ unanimously signed Requi- hon to that effect, I called a County.Meeting for the purpose of urging upon the Governtnent and Legis-`attire. the olaims of'the Georgian Bay Canal, which was held on the third day of April last, `at which 3 series of Resolutions were adopted, which, I presume, you have seen-; while I have no _desire to charge r.egli-- gene-e orimpmpertnetivesaupon the-Repreua,-5 - natives in Parliarnent of this section of the Pmving'g.l must be permitted to express my regret that a rriatter so momentous to the County at Slmcoe, and one so vitally affecting its detrest intereatsns the'_eooetructi_on of. the Ship Canal acrothis. Peninsula. connecting the waters of Huron and Ontario, should have receives} the paltry sum of Figs Hundred ` towardsa Survey; its rival", 2 n.I.'- >t\..-.___ go barge evidence to tliis tie}, it; E'g1e;A.}3 s -I mam '.`:tr be ietgtlemei;hn' f 1&3 ' made byxnethe corlujng ye ,.;?\viHrprove-`gin . e_very _prec;fm'ion ant,j;x1grn_IfG:hafbeen e_x_{u~ ` cuegi m4car:yi::g~oug;3his `vefy Tp$eg`pbnsible,]ie1;t:> M e !` offonr m71fy : "for, thd'ngh.th`e sekmtiou,-made us win here to be revised by a'Cou1'ty`Boa`i , inst'uted for the purpose, yet we must bear in` mind that we lurnieh the material for this re- vision, which the Boardcan neither alter or. unhnal, ' Ilene tmtsean the mines: gaming })rinoipl'e iii " locating Jurors, the more essential points, that lhave juarinentionod, bemg altogether over- looked. Out Courts of Justtce having hereto- Iare borne this fact. in a grealet or less dene. eah gncnaadtnaiargrmz. lr.i..m' Presbyterian Synod. ronumeix. ....V.. -.-v 5 -vvuuao That we have learned with regrenhat me- morials have been addressed to your Honour- able Hnuse praying,_'amnng other things, that the University Act may he so amended as in secure under cerlain conditions , a pnrlionof the University endowmem to aid denomina-f tional colleges. _ "I'`L...A :. AL- -._'~' "' ` -__..-.. ............_;, m-;-, was cuueq to/the, chain M The rev; lecturer, aftezj some preliminary temerks,t divided hie subje_c_t.into three, propositions-,-f:1.hal ' alcohol was either. nutritive, remedial or dstfnie-. V live. Be well illustratedmeny cases where` alco- hol was remedial,` given T: by "remedial dihreotion; ` lie on the prostration _ frorn,"c;xhdiis'_tig'e _fever1s,'i_.t"e stimulating proprletiee arreeting lo, , eome ._ eoxllgn-ll the tendency of the disease, and allowing netnre to commence the wo:rk,o repair ; but its -d,eetulc,`- .tive properties were most manifest, acting 881 direct etimulnnhon-the liver, kiidneys and ;ma:i,: and unduly exelting the `most'impoiffent`fun3lion` of the b.ody.: He showed 'b_y_'la_ut.h` 'rity've I1` ample that indulgenge, _int'oxi[Acet.ing Lwes "r best intellect wesieqcced halt Illih` 9 0?: ' man who eon` ikefor let elone llgn$ :. `he p IABachana.liiin"odj:`ileiiolng theefi?oni"thtThe'. " `was ` neoiseefif llfhnftgloe .6: lithlg` . deimpnisa..-hide`ii6n@>!.9f.nsge :re1Ihx.; u!..h:.J!dH!f .1 "seductive in iwetrecuy, imdfledg pop1:alh)oetjnh- V consciously .to .;excess,-inducing" glllthe diknl-` yes of chronic disease. Be'ol`aiI`n'edfalso_`that the aaudience, thoughgn`6t an overowing one, owing - Mn; Go'Ln.sxrra"s .l:e;1b:1t!ure fonL Thursday evening (last, in the Town` Hall, on . Tempranee, walisteued` to by a_ respectable to thearions aitrafctiong elaewherain theltoyxjf James `Edwards, Esq, wag ca1Ied`Vtolt]bie_: hi}':_ The`rev, lecti1rer.,aftz:-sonia'm1im:mu. n .......1.'. . T ` We had in ty,p`e`the excellentapeech of Mr. J. Macdonald, at the dinner giveh` to Mr. Rose, in Montreal,` but for want of room must` defer it.` till next w__ek. V ` A " A We_ have no'fobm_fl1is wgik to-`pnrticutlag-izetbe` ` ha1f-yonrIy Exnminhtibzj Of, put Gr_a_mma.r,School, ' which lmsjust taken place. . Wqwill do so in our hext. M " ' 1 V " ` Non-rrmm R.4Ir.wA1r.',-.--lAlhec.e`ipHt`or viek ending. ' June 23, $8087.53 ;' cori-espont1in'g_week_lastye9.r $4186.14-increae $3901.39. Total increase this. V year so far over Ins}, 46,770.-18.. `.- 'l`mz- WARDEN B Annnnss.-Comme_nced on the first page is the Addkesiof ihe [Wm-de.n, '1`. `D: McCoukey, Esq;, at the late Session of the-County Council. It touches ,o_n_a`ai1v-sof lpoal in-terest; and deserve to be gelierizlly read. . ,stcmn, andiati exbieedipgly fotii b'dt!ou_i, shemfer-_ -'7 The Great Eastern has_`rnb,ie her first trip acids; the oean ve_ry satisfactorily. She mired in_ New York on the 28th um, and is`ca.usinga great excit`- - ment_there. With a very niodrate prs`sn r_e,'of aged 290 miles a. day-ope gay running? 335 mils --she was perfectly munage:)bi_e,.nnd is expected to fulfil all thatis anticipa.ted_of her ii:_1_ regard to _ speed. A. " ' By tbe .dr_iatic we learn that th`e'Churcl_J-Rafe .Abo1itid_n Bill was thrown out or the Hohsq of A `A Lordsby a lat"-`go njajopity. I ` No'r1cs.--In consequence. of an Valtevr-A, ation in the business of this establish- ment, all accounts will b made up to the half}-year=` ending 930th June; and closd; -accordingly. I Long standing" . claims will re'q uire`to belforthwith niei. T .[\Ve beg to apprise our fenders. thatkwhile our Jpurnnl IS npcn mdiscnsaion. we do not hold ourselves responslbie for he opinions of our Correspondeuls.--'-En.- Anv.u - _ . . . u . - v nu vu -mnnullleo That we have watched with tleepinterestthe progressnf Universily College, since it was placed an its present liberal fnundmion, and. that we have marked with satisfaction-its grow- ing adaptalinn to the necessxlies and .circum- slancesof me Province. * IIVL. _a-__ . List of uncal`|et:i-`for lellers,-..Barri.d P. O. Stationery Bn'sin'ss'for,Sa_IeL' _ County Council [Nhfotice-\--_L:e ass'.x _ Execulors Nolic-Lale Mr. 'I"ipping. Upper Ca"nada Collega,Exh_mihation. Caution,-W.` Holt, Esq. ' Letter from 'l'exai!.V I3 Stages leave Barrie for thevstatio 4ha.a!f-a _b99r. bef9r.`h.a.wi9l9f ea~_.'.1,1,r2.i:r=- `. .. . . , I ' ` * . _.aozx( M311 'I'rain`.A.'; .' . . Express Train. . . .T . . jg:-aggggggs ;g_t_aq3 gs follows, yiz. :- -..~.=:.\ ,.-.-2;.r;~.'r'L-.:`1.':&z:a ; . V `coma `_ou'm:' v` T Express Train...... 7 00, Morning. Mail Traiq......'............ "450, Afternpon.` ` . . GOIKOIOBTII: Mn Train`. , : _ ' ` ' "11 nnIr;.__,- --' 7 N Infelligerit Bby; `one who can mid and write L well, is wanted to thg Printing Business, 7At 1}. IGAHVAXYRIF 3) nnnrnn I nu. gnu, Dre); 1]! numuuno DUEGI, nuumur, On the rs! dayof Janl.iI|'Y; April, July, and Octobe .. _ , ` ORILLIA--Fn'at rueaday in January, April, -my, Octobet. ` BOWMORB-l-`ire: Friday in Jmmryfgprn, July, am October. ' ' ' ' .1\m3V'ra ERIC; "3 `L i As A a an I-:_*~`s _ NEW ADvEnfris1MEri1?s `fats Twmnx. .nw`.`x.}.--1r:'s5 Imomha of Jmiiiarf, April, Ji1'|?; and October. 4 V 1101` No. TEN, West cpl` Hummario Street, Mulmur, the first dnv of Jnmunv. Anril. Jnlv. mu! Omaha: tcligious strife and jeal_nusy_ an noun our opinion possible to grant the prayer _ of -`the memntials without eniiangerin'g_ the) whole system of` national Aeqiuc-aIion`, fontring in Ilwhommunily. and virtually lending the alajidhal uniidn and. _ suppnrl`Iovays1em's pf religimis etlot. - { .~ " ` It is further :1... m.:'.:__` ;a- ' - - ' TTME 'l `ABLE. ' L graggg gggs `_t_aio3 rouowh, viz. . ,.. -4._~=:.\ 4 tltnn `nnmuo vv Apprentice Wants; u an n. ihge $4` . nnuulll Lluaulraa, '-7.nvANcE OFFICE nu Jvluntng .. . , . . . "J . . "11 00, Morning; 725,Evening,_ ------- " I 3*-e.%`%z!*r-M: 117x:-Losront."-;-`V70 V A I .`*he:9%9*9i9!3.9f:=nr9l hAz>r.6z=?.l:irs~ IP1- _1inziv.oad .line. . Kmegfzg, pg;...LaI;e -ntielsiz-Ln; :_n_9.n:s;.,9bg;gjgq,sgg;_gek. ;m1,;_eg.1g:1: indjmg; 5 thy-no :n.slr_IQ;_.t; -...1 -I ` 1""-".-' R',.`Vl".".'. !"`' `[99 Teller` `nu .;."?3": 9$:V!!'?`*!\.'.'3d. @"'%?.d.9k-hi 8.85 W45, 9Vv9=?1._i9.9 Mlwsukes-.: ._ ~ chimbermlid dahgfdhsly injured; __.,1lig, known, Jo `tmfr Areadets` whuilevai-"Ea`'edibI cg? `~ple_-aani.:,iH` I{,,ea at time: Zhavp been igrdu-A ` '*e_`ori, and in this respect has been the burden;_ . _i:.fr`_ wazgxaug iv haeakpuch cam fr g_raIiIl'- % Jc1.a;:;;;.;ifih bjgmrgxt `manfua ;a`cha m`:.iyy reigyjag We `lake _the_` `rs; iqpiaonungsty, :5. . `maying 7 %_pe;siu::rW 'I`[gi't!ijh g,'_"witli tm-:n%.'_fi_'ha,` weekly 1 c0t!V1,!1`I.uiIi_o:yl`;f._(iI_' .y1eaifs put his .b5n . . 1 cup; .h1'v{9.;l1i_e'ni A. sollj upqin ,ir_1di`vAkIAua.l Werhgva n1.aufghH_o compfain bf,-.-.-,n`ewapi;4 per life is sliahgely. confused, and combing: ` `the antagbnistio-b1afnenIa'6f biuen-"a'nd awat--. which "we=we_l|0kiIow when do enoounufel-ed," , tiny- aiid 9i_uleni!b_ly ra`gu'r'e frprp -n;j`_jaqiu;i_a. .- ........ uuumuuuuuu IIIUEHB 0] DIECK "I8". ` _ [ In being removed tram` intimate association [with our friends in Barrie, whichlseern to be the great aim of our journalistic opponents, we do not" proposeto allow this journal. to` be severed. from the `position assumed by.us.for a. _ -period of nelnr_ly-seven years.` .The candid and earnest journalist is as rnoclt needed now he fever to keep .np that epirit;.pl',- progress which i the Northern Division of this Connty has wit-. . ne_ss_ed.of lntezyeara. Thehigheet-Lobjeot of in foonntry. journal. must -necessarily be` the -mete- ' "rial interest `of`tlte'loo?ality inwhioh it exists, with me` 'incnlo`ation` on br`on'.`l'prinoiplea or` right :*mry- member `of. thecomntlinity, and 7' jgprompt to rebuke the faotioniete-"incl demo? 7 gogiie vi"bio h 'aje,}`to'be" founilifae in , ev`r}v,co`rii'rnunit')`.e This journal ever_l)_een 51 the antidote to__;thes_o .`nnn4atur,i_|_l;tgrowghgg and 1 rwe`guarantee59nr friends, `it will foontinue.-,to. j1 I-'exergispi|8A=P03Qnt'._yg.`i; I ya ,,,_- --.-J .v yuvvuuuun Luvu ' It is unnecessary at this timeto tronlble our readers by a reference to. the personal abuse _ that a local journalhas so long favored as with, " not having its origin in the Muskoka appoint- ` ment, or political antagonism, bntin innate depravity. Had that abuse taken only" the personal form, we could a'onl tobe silent, and leaveitheverdict with a discriminating jnny-- , , the people of the County. up But the settlement has been `the them e;_,of perverse and false ~ statement,` in spite.of',repeateddenials which have been, and are constantly being made; of its utte_r"unI'ruth, by men of -their highest:stand- ' fing and probity in the vicinitv.o_l"`the locality . affected. ~Weekly (and weakly)` the_lies go ` V forth, and so far do thergeneiic maliciousness of theinattthors carry themythat every local benet conferred nponf this County, because of` our;.Member s instrarnentality in theit'-_estab- ` lishrinzent,` havebeen matter for ilsjulgar iitns, : _ - -......-.-_--`uuuu-I ul Il}Ul|',_Ull8U` lisiirhuent,` have been its juigar vims, `_perali_on and dentraotion. Any and every object standing in the way or __1he_ ambition and _aggrandizemeVnl;of the Spirit e.d,itorsmu'_s_t be. "assaulted, either in the shape of simple abuse, ` or the more underhanded means of black. mail. In hninnu pa'-........-I` I----- 9-- Exrnosxox.--We ; Ln -.._I_'_ , Tn , _--.-..-v- V In furtherance of the energetic means being adopted t'orth'e reclamation of the waste coun- try, nndthe capable!-`haracter of the most of it, as tlerived from authentic and official sources, the Hon, Commissioner of Crown Lands, with a View to " the immediate settlement of the lately surveyed northern townships, has thought proper to renew our services as agent ' (an appointment similar to others made in the ` free grant wards) since 8th June last, which` previously, `were only temporarily enlisted, extending from "July to December, 1859. In ` `leading line of Road .runnin_g- fromfsault Ste." w_ ,,__,_ ,...J r.,.,..........`..,.., -nu yvguvlu `IIGUI of country within the 0ttawa_~and Georgian Bay. a The great leading line of Road stretch- ing northn'eet`,'tfiim a"`point'above Ottawa ' City to the Northjrofy French_*.R`iver, is inter- seoted byvanother. called Bell siLine, running Tnearly East and -West`, and will, by the Road . now being made through Diaper; describe an ` easy iouteithrought what isiconsidered the wil- derneee of-e3Canada. Vlnto these main lineeoii "Road converge ieveral leeser parallel Jines, ..runnin_g' North-and `South; one `of which, the 1 Bobcaigeonoad, ' is intended to iintersect _ the '0;3eongo;Roagl,_a'nd run.North one `far'_ae" Lake _try for.,ee,ttloment of` over.l204Amil_ee. In con- `tiuuationof the same scheme, is projeoteda Mariesome distance eastward,` thence south-4 ward along the shores of the Georgian Bay, 7 thus affording ndireot means of communication` `with that` country through our "County, which `now, inh u"inter,i is almost isolated from us. From this` glance at what is done, and being eptosecuted; our-readers will_ readily understand the ;rnag_nicence o`f` the worlr undertaken by `Government, and the great interests secured by attention to aicouutry hitherto neglectedtemaking up a third of the Province. . :Ni ;;iteeing_,"and_b}` this means open up a couri- M -_ __...l. .-.-_ -. -.__rvv--vu-.nz_ >vu well ya , u, wclupvu 7;} `e i in in conaulti thee _ -V , v `gig [go with theggng- r-`duo `a, riaymna Exlninrimiditlieu, competent judges, and whose. testimony has been the acknowledgment of e larfe available snperio. -Z, mallx tgaete that huge for some years opened .35! Zaithi semi `principle 'f(fne_e 8",P!5);:i-!11E.'5l middle cuntry.;.l.vTinc be- tween the Georgian_Bay and the.0tta4wa River. ' fil.`-he Se.9`eru._aml Musk-aka. Read, completed to a" length of 21 miles, is butthe opening up ..of_.~the_. vast extent bl` country lying to~the.-north` V of _I1,s,:u;_twgell ae_t,h'e"East. 3 At this mornenita` Road _is being out through thertewnehip of 5 Draper,:viihiohraljdihs{Muslroka on the Eastern side ; thereby 'a(lding..isomeetenvmiles more to- lhe Severn Road, `and bringing into notic'e"~ "another large area of surveyed lands. Penil- ing the settlement of these lands, other atten- ues will be opened up to intersect the great leadirlgi lines froni__the East end North, thus -bringing into easy connection. the whole tract Ar nnnnlpuv .o.:I|.2_ .L_ 1\.. ..... `nu vunculll u-vo That from the number `of dehominiacintie which abound in the counuy, m1d1h'e exlentlni. which they diffs: in their iespeclive views, it is not in `our opinion to era the memorials` without` en'd:inm=.rsn'a ma ._L , I ` `m the prayer_ cnsm` in-mi Nii -rainy" `i 393, . {$99.95 -;..hs%9'Ix-widen gs *'8'9V?t `-'5,1?3;" #?[,19y; 932,531 I`. VDur;n_ period of our sbiyiea; in addition` to any lackof experience on our part, vie have Jnlinn Anna;-I-I IIn:n- 3.. _....'...h!__. `lg--- .._LA Llasjt you, we were honofod by-A1. " >;~ .. . of vlhia connlryswilh Iheichn,@'e_;,f4_[A Vlhve gppginlmeng which ary, for the purpose of rQp 9i_gt `;ji 9 mom the capabilities country for settlement. L: i\ - rnnsoxwan VAN CE. 5* " ':-3:- ~1`7" ` F. 1; .. tmurs: no ?`.h' I amm9!?:vi.x=:4-s 'f9`!"h!~`!i-.=Iz,-,_ -iv? W1? .aow:n,'.1'n; 4r9ne,:gad :h'o,.who1g; . s 1 rc:-izaisrat`hiru-., IIee.`i,>":;as:ai,-5 --v-o ._-unuhw Sill UU IIl.l3nuu _ ` I V ;' " V. V e:gbdl'puy`1itq head uithem in ftp3_'e--thiki j"4lov v'nward cbu_rn_e`s`hAsll_{receivqa no chebi by;_oui~" `ti : 073;! S5 nch io .hmm.:- . ..a~ ~ pen that the Agent is robbing the setglers by:ex- ; etot-ting om `them regi_at'retion'fees, and p11tn g`.it h it into his .Qwh pocket. Let our readers-t,nke~theaa5 ;=atatemenlaea'ni15eomp_are them with the `letter re- ; A. reayahd .wnung,V.na cepabfe ;orsaying`:snym1ng'?` ......a .. nub une mmuy mere.". They alsd-re-V' ferred. to, snd`.eongiderin that not owofhthem` haumy pprosch hto;th_e=tmth, -they-will then see the full character of lhe"men, andvthehsinister mo- ; ves which guide them, when:.in}.tbe_it ardent de- fiim `to injurerllr; Mquiaon in an ridinfzey--e'ro -and dbiinganything`--ofvexi {Q tho !.`ed_1g_`fin":g o{:3hl`'- gene,"-`(3 theme yjxicaptlyehinlni iuqvu*week- er arc since)-.--ig lbyhafi doiug::an;-,;:pu1` aw:-zna-Inca can b6'w_isd tienior` ] _`___ ` _,.,`j,.?__,`., ,..v_.- u-an apauq turn me Sillgfl OI/l 1_hB -`do'.not,a,ve::age~`ovex-Ahalf an acre-0!`, c_1en.ri,ng e;a9h,_o1_'vq,sc1:ea in all, nnd-that they donot intend to clear any more, nd Iheywgvill u leave ,a_sfmu u pbssible.` ~ Again, In refel-`ring to the squstleg-sfin theirear of theohd, tbey;.say,_'A ~ Thai-e is not one family there.. V They alsiivrna-'4 lieat the Agent In ml-.hI'..'.. 41.. ....m---!-.., V: I Unto the Honourable the Legislative ./9sse mb_ly qf the Province of Canada; in Pnrliment assembled, the Petition qf [Inc Board of Management of Knozs College humbly shewelh : ` i That your petitioners regard the best interests of the community at large as-intimately beund up with the .pI_-osperity and efficiency of our in- stitutions of learning. 'l"l.-.9 ..... 1.-.... ...--ALL! -2-! I g :thre}'v`the'letter back. upon _ b day publish it, our read_ersA_will,se,e by the ex-. In peace we need it for commercial purposes- in war it would be indispensable. The Muskoka ` Road has been set upon and belied by the Spirit from its `commencement. ' And although we care not a straw. for the personal abuse of these men-- and feel deeply the [degradation to ourselves by notleing them in any way-yet to satisfy some respectable parties of Orillia, who were not will- ing that the agrant and studied falsehoods should plied them withacoi-rect statement of the Road, . by letter; but, aslwas anticipated,` their boasted , A independence, t1.juth,"' _ `(save the mark,) and `whatever else theyphaye. modicum of `_` honor," , claimed for themselveait once leaked out at.thir' -n:ger.endJs,A and, true to the policy of theirglender, the, Glqbeytheyt yrould not allow their duped; read- `erlsto hetyeoriected through tracts given from their own paper, and the Agent's reply to. them, how._mis_e,rahly `degraded they have ~'b=c9m- W. to besee1__1`,V- forlnotirithstandindgg the facts supplied f `.f.'.in. e ,l9!>:!h9! I pertinacity Ind boldness of yvhiqh` we could %'P.'991xib.*.i.9?.i the most nsesiizpettiforcvr seepa- Qgby :?L;gQiim gust: last issue that the_settlers'. H p!{d6;notjaverage\orer-halfanac:-cot from week to week go unrebuiked, the Agent sup- . the same medium, but ` us to.py_blish.. We to-` ` the depth of theindepravityisnow ` persist gr. theirtlieswith; . _-- ----- mvuuyuu cu Iuvupptf, Lakes gt` owls; miles, and got any thatlit-must? become the gnenuylnighwivay of Canada? A tract- of country capable of sustaining 9 population of Eiltht .MilIion.s of-wnnnln ~ ..).....I:..... .. _m-s,. ,. .. .........., unynulv U1 uusunmng population of I ight Millions of iphople, accbox-ding to oicial fe- " sums. ` A r ' ) v I _ `.|...:,., ._..u. -uv uvuuascuu Roads are doing well, and the Muskoka, now forming a link with the two latter , will complete the communication to the upper lakes. This is our own road, opened up in the County of Simcoe, and has already become a source of prot to` the Northern section of the County, As a portion of this - County, every resident in it should feel an interest in its prosperity ;. and should it "not be all that could he wished for, it is nevertbe-. *less.tbe perfecting of a great national scheme, that must ultiinntelyy benet Canada immensely,` atlhegreat vall({y.of the Ottawa, with its lakes, `a. sailing in distanoe'.from -Montreal` to the-Upper, Of over 300 milna. ant! and can 41...; :4. .-....-r and should therefore be fostered. Who can look A `rivers, timber, and large tracts of good land,w_ith- We have avoided as much as possible comingin contact with these.men-`-we are aware our read- ers will give its no credit. for doing so now-but ' havingegirownibold in attacking us individually, theyehave grown bold also in attacking the Musko- k_a settlement._ It is on this account that we now speak,-,The.Muskoka Road` has been opened by ~Gov}erninent to complete a chain of Roads, by which the whole country lying between the Otta- wa and our lakes is to he opened up to settlers_ These lands are subject to absolute uttlcment--tbe cnrse of onricontry, ' the speculation of the past, being entirelpigncired by the present government. TheAdding'ton, the Opeongo`, and the Bobcageon fnrminn n `:-\`D ...:n. AL- n/, I - .' ~`- .;`!`:'"` '=.`~.'.!\"i.i'. ~`.- ."""9ia7"; "'9 "'.'.`5`?-7."' "`.". .V".7!"! the -Fire-slide 0ompanion"-in short the 'IJY"1_E ix3iti*'.!:99,`.1`.i..9Nv; .p9pn1rl:/.calIed '.!hr9n.shout - . nth? `"n.7'T'.3-`Id these men l?*T*'i~`...`.i-`.l`.~i' *.'i` gin. ' and ate 'inlii:'ti iia'a'pite` ;rjf.`1_1 relnonstrance. to` "continue-their; unbridled cargo;-.._ From. the com- menceinent 6i? tgeg; gonrnal; they have pugsned 9! I most dishonorable ! !B,V.t,qward_s us. Ae_I,s9ecIl- ` "lilting politicians; not dependent on theiny paperw- ameans ofliving, not having a practical tradesman agnong them, they, have attained their utmost to .3 -damage our legitimate business. - An "attempt has i been made to bribe public oi;oe'ra.;:postmaster9. have been experimcntedtlpon ; privateinstitutions .. have Been solicited to apply thescrew; our. sub-- scribers and _busine`as customers have been pub- .licl1_an_d; privately tampered with-.-in" short there` is nothing too mean or too dirty for them in car- ryingf.out,t11eir- purposesl Weare not alone; Public ,men,..the, most honorable and uprighfin: out County iavebeeh made victims `oftheir potty spite,',and slander .and lies have;-been .hurled at them withafvnlgarity of language disgusting to . all men `of sense. But whatof that? ~ L 1`hey would fain do mischief, but they have not the power- the public have decided long ago that Their praiseis no honor; nori their abuse -scandal." In it they hnvebeeu gradually but surely pxepariug-` thein own grave,` over. which, -`ere long, a tablet` will be raised, bearing the following inscription: `L 18:9! oti'i-Hut` K-53? `A . }::.i!ir .. ` stretching thocas_o of his` client, without an entire 1 `surrender of hiedignity, but when men` can seize ` thepen.nn_d deliberately write falsehoods of the r 2?-s~31F; lit-ft. pnblislfiir!b!9i"!h~;3"*1d;` 3"`3'('*"~3`"`5*h9h=. sue mn;i mm: to; '301e9b`1rditoFs'tb their ritry roodi' an'w`tl!;"` in due time meet their reward-their Iycanthropy will become visible to all men, and they will be = shunned enn'mbre1han1swolf,` no premium being set on their skin. _ _ , ,, . . .. \ Rnnh rnnn nlen .l\:`uA fn`n-ulv :1 Ix-Hora he Ilsa get on their vskiq. _ ,. ,.,/ .- . 0f -lg:--.-the` Independent, the.{{lfeog. P193 P"-95:" $130 Only Conservative Organ, the .Hf1no.anp-com. ...A' u.'_-u.. n n._ .u 1-.1-..._-I- n._._ n 3; .Such ::ii:'eIi_*at?a,_" 1o3'le;fdundiifljviitei-5` ixgtho , 1'" 3 " """" `FV `lull UUHUCIVVIIUIVU Ulsll luv "`99';"!9E9 :91 Mbrala, the. : Family: =Ps9er. 'the" `Fire-side Cnmnnnir;nI9..in uhnrt II-m Lvina ' Impliznainr: Ncmo repent: fnii ' - ' turpiuimun. ' _,l__ . ... uuuII|IQ_|I"", wcu qupu lpelevate the qtandgrd gleatning. z and to train the youth of the Province forygll professional and public duties, as.members gt; a. free co,:n?muniIy,_aad bequeathedm .Ih-e`tn,..in, _ its stead, denonzinationsl coegeg, wbiehfrom, 1 their natnrg and numbe_t=_.ca.n _acamelv,_expr bebom otheywise than. iriferict and A ' QUIRK,. G_'AMMON, AND _ :SNAPP, . _PUBL10_DEl'A llRS, _'-OONDKXXED. `TO DEATH . nmnlnr mm own nuns. mu.qm;u_91t'e1 e, III. Anti 115 demand .fo;- (igua- dinin i_ecI`:`ri_l.ies way `so great thqt_ it yin; found mg- -` _o;ud'v"orIi9o tbnt'==tleroL were" no "m'ore ih bgen `Q -`(Q04 tinpgqtmqutax Thu speaker` than `qngi o9ncIi1g`ie'gl;vib the dctire that the `L*s=:ix=at=v=:**=72*'r vh==ish hr 4!. "';fnu a.f:s-u;3sip.:.uur--_:w1;icn7th. % `word `of V V :proI_c_nt.; 4; , /.. -- -15-!`- ht}::mntbti':-Iq oh: cue`,1oo;Ibo` ttiought the bible 1 * ii jggggesaukfacwugq as thql opgmions. or? .: qua.` z ~ ' V _ , ,_-- ,....- ~ -pug unllg I0!` nrmsn ' gem; 15 I1a1iana_.want,o1d-.-would l!l0|`t n . BL Peter : ,1 Rollie for British `gold. Bu; qen can` borrow `hi on` In "t`_en'-mg. Wh`.\;wo who, like the rest `(t-W6?) , have beegi living a"lit_tle ~ : too .gu.._.we, ,1, iittle, ogw-of-the-way{colon"y ask - 000, gng ._twenty_-gight millions of;Brit`-.1 n` 2-30; `gh.g9xa;s-V med _,.-.. .. ..-..u.., uu woum look at this` subject from `the lgwest point of view, It was` n6iv_.:ichIy to-I , pying Great Brithin for all the efdrtynnd bony: expended in its_ cirul:tionL ' Fieeyi years ago, th V A inViports`j_n_toXl1`.n'glan(y!4- wqre about qhqndred guil- lionb Iterling - last yeamho imports of thlainsigo nidaht islau ztlnee hundred millions `Where shullwve look for tho cu`n3raf~thi's 1 `Politicians wilrtell an that]: is;.th9;resul,t of.freq,t,'::de,;.Lpthers,.,`will give othert reasons t or.it._;; But jiqligicianmaqd _oglagtg dent. `Hangman: 3- ---3 V ' " amounted tovthe enormoiudum of ' .. ....... ........a, w vvunsper m we eat of the `met- chiuit ma stnteaixxari that there were other thinfzsi besides commerce and` affairs of state, which nright`weil chin` {shin of-their attention-'-twjo colutn'n,'in fact, devoted to 3-T'reviev'of*t'1iq opih- ions of statesmeh,` scholars and divines,` upon `qni fu`ilIe!`i)rbphed, v1 4-And 1: these me right, there` were ineonceivable'i>le_sings s"on`tb burst `rum i=eiror1s1;- 1-'43'!v'th9.1i.n;uexi' `whet bibis` tfzpon it" imtidn, he w'oiild ?look'a`t'tEii subject from] *th9,19WIt. point view.` It iron ..':.;.-. _=-..~_ , . V __._- .._........... .....ca av ueau or nightoto bring home a reporter with some grea1`t.po!itical.Ip,-och, in order to give it to the notion next m_orniug-'-- -this great p0Wl',:thi3 1'im: Ifewispnper`, which ne- ver before meddled with religious questions , and `wonlddisposeof the great religions meetings in C pznagrnphd a dozen lines`, recenyedevoted two _who_le `columne, towhisper in the of_the'me`r` chhht Mid n`tuLum'inau. nno 1...... ----~ --' V` out 1 C II . nation` i anal] 11 _.- ....t,... ..,...\...u_, uuug III we promised ume when the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea." And he who heard theprayer of his solitary servant, andsent highestiarchangel in answer to that prayer, is` still the same, and will answer the prayer of his church. He must however say that he thought the church was in danger of making a mistake as to prayer. Itjls needt`ul-men ought always to- pray; But it was also needful that the ehurch should work_--tbat it should co-npernte with God, in establishing his kingdom upon earth. In. re- ferring to the present position of Europe, the speaker said, the marching and counter-marching of her armies had been stayed, butit was only for be time; ere long, he"t`eared, we should hear'of fearful commotions. The_ liberal [governments were holdingin aheyance measures of `progress and :ret'orm,_waiting for and watching" the coming storin,7not knowing atvvhat moment they may be drawn into its vortex." .Direful scenes would, he believed, be enacted. V Unfullled prophecies of wrath were yet to be accomplished, and the horse- men `would ride to the bridlein carnage before _ the dcspot's crushing yoke would he removed from the shdouldersof the strong men of,,Europe. But out.of.ell this. seeming evil God would bring greatest good to the church and the world. There V was no doubt God had been preparing. the mind of his `people to receive a blessing; and blessings A never come to the church without the church be-' ing specially prepared to receive them. But God was also calling the attention of the world to un-, fullled prophecy. At the present. time this sub- -ject was much studied by all sects; all classes and conditions of men. Even the Times newspaper,` .whose influ_ence`in the world some of those present might have some idea o_t'-which spereseno expense ` to givejts readers the tirst,news.of every _inyipo1-t-" ant movemwa `ial. POHticel~ or nancial- -.-which hasqitst agents and~r_epresentativ'es in-"every capiuxf in therworlde--vvhlcb will despetehaapeeigl engine: "three hundred. miles` at` deed` of night 1 to home _a reporter withvsome in-eat nnmiml-, ..;...-......' it called upon by the _10hairman, referred to-the~ state . Since his last visit he'could~s_ee abundant evidences ------ -n-~ uuv .avavsuuvu' vvuuiu was UlIl'I'lEUg Mr. J omIso'N,the Agent of the'Society, on being of the nances of the Barrie Branch of the society.- -of progress and iprosperityin the town ; even the hall in which they were assembled had, he be- lieved been.bui1t`since then. With such evidences of outward prosperity, he was grieved tond the operations of the Bible Society. in Barrie were re- trngradingrather than progressing; and-the more so that this was the -rst instance of the kind he. had met with. ' It was important that5branch so- cietiesshonld progress, as a retrograde movement becoming general, "were it` ever so triing, would: have the elect-of seriouelyreduciug the funds of the `parent society. The speaker next referred to He did not think events of more importance than those of the presentday had occurred since Christ ascended on high, The united movement for spe- cial prayer had been a memorable event: Christ- ians of every denomination, forgetting their secta- rian dilfereuces, had heartilyunited to implore the blessing of God upon the world,`and to pray that? He would speedily bring in` the promised time when that I.-'m'm1..a...' -041... 1 -...1 -I.-II - events which had recently transpired in the world, ' 3 now--grpnl (`[ .[a`I|lPle [W0 _0l.' EIEQO me! 5 tpgguler 3:`: jhe ntut e_`pp'9x-._tf ot;;;:bor,_ one com- `meneed operetionejhy sending'a,_(ew copiesof the Bible: to the Welsh, untilnow. that _it occupies the whole 1,xg,l>ts.b.I xlohe-,-east west. n9!th..s9'19'.. `the BibI'e*ii"hi>v`nAhroad. cats on-the four `windiof gnti`i;ji;3','i6$$;iar_d'r"it `toga `hoiIing,.'oauidrpn ; hut} 1.. `the - politicel vhoriiong he _` dark, the spiritual was-;brightenning-states;re-_ ogntly el'ose'd"age_inst_ the Bible now ndniitted it. In 'Flo,r_ence` where` the ,inca_rce_ration for, Bible reading toolr falaee till England roused_herseIta_nd opened the prisons `doors; the Bible non: oircn_- 1.`ced`,_`_,n`d ta Prote_stent college established." Throughout the dorninioas of Victorx.Eman- " Leghorn, wlfenee the fanaticism of the priesthood ` kept the word of God for a vtinre. , Northern and V Q;_ntrsl,Italy is n_qvv_ free to receive the Bible ; g and it is penetrating even togthe seat of thebeast. These were facts oftanencouraging nature, and led tothe hppethat soon shall the knowledge of 3 the Lord covezf the ea,rth`as;t_he, waters cover the sea. In reading the Revelations he had often Society might have been prefigured by the angel ying in themidst of heaven; having the ever- lasting gospel to, preach unto- them that dwell on V the eerth, andto every nation and kindred and. tongue. and people? This society was instru- men_toI:more,theu any other association in giving to; the nations of the earth arknowledge of the wonderful worksvof: God. ' ' V VIN..- I )-.. n!_.'_ 1-er , , - -- - heaven. Eefrring to the state of Europe the rev- _ uel the light is free to shine ;' exceptjn the`,eit,y, of ` thought in his__own mind ,t_he.t the greats Bible .. van-vnoill run pug um uvuo The.I{e_y.;Ta6s.WxonmAx, in an able Ipeech," secondd the '1-esolution, whichvas carried; Mp Inn-gun. aL...A..-._; _n .L- n o - gmmencemont % ....c:I ......, e.'..... u.- 4':.... ...I...... o..... .. on... .....a l:~.---v--av-ynuvuu-u --nu-cv-w--av nuuuw -- --.---------- uTn_ti1 now-fr` m thoj` _e yyen two. pr gag-ea met ' E'.'..7' .` B. ..*I..-. . LI ..3.v--`.>.., . .... + n.t in tI.=.e';- ohm- 'f`.'nA1o|3ua' in n ..i'ao31H.f.?.a.v?ZI.%f.?.&':E:3}:-:.,i not passed in `whichhe had hot advqcated its claims upon the church; Progresshhad been the _..-A-L_.....A -9 ALI- --..2-L_ l.;._. 24. ........-_-..--..4 vuuu 9 " in 3 short and ea1*'ne`st, speech name; to read the Report which showed 3 de- craae in the Society's operations as compared 1rihlnst'yea.r.o ` ' ` '. .au... 1;... . u..'-n ,.L......... .....'....:4|.- -.hn.nn--an ` &:,mmting, when he called upon Mr-_ _ `on on behalf of this society ' Awniall. Ban-i, on Sunday A on; The preacher .....i.;_uw;..o .1..n it gm-mu. A _ , V 77., -_..---.- wa--vuu The University question occupied the atten- tion of this body on the last day of itssesision in Hamilton; The feeling was general against the recent `agitation. The following is the _memorial of the Board of Knox s_ College: l T_.n...u_ rr Iv -- -