Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Jul 1860, p. 1

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auu _I.;;Uu . ` I don t thing you ought to leave the, lodgings because of that, sir, said Mr. Harebell: `Mrs. Hn`rebe1lvwould not veity soon forgive me if I was to allow it, I amvsu'r'e. If the rooms didn t suit you, that would be another thing, and I wpuldrft say a word ; but` to think` oflet -. `ting you go ecause you are getting a little loVw,[sir! I hope you won't think of7it,,rMr. Marsden. . '* V I (C 171.:-nuscon inns kn} tannin` `n\>Ig41`n\u::a u1\I-|1A'- . ,, .+u;- .L.I.n.;UuUu= ulu. . qucuu. I.ut:p_u , and Mrs-. 'Harehe1lhad' been so reckoning Iupon their, coming .home ;'and where Lw,ou1d Mr. Marsdn have .a- home for them at. Christmas_-..and x-Christmas. Axvbnid soon'if hele. his lodge`. . .\.. ,. .ings atithe Harebells 3. . Whore i|1pn',Mr- Mn:-gxlnn nr-ith- Abevlong; -th`aI!]:h`oQuld-ihelp ;. but `_t.t_ . hgd(L'4nd_t iefutddL. by. t.aL,-time}. 5 x. . '`1`"I. 38F a}..!`` T - . V L . . ' 1 Ddyou know where `myfsbn is, Mrs. Hgrebe l`? _ the gentleman asked`. M ~ " ` _ He-was._gon_e' out, sh_e,.said2:'had.- been . out morlhan halt. anV\ho1'n'--Va `nbte`\ 'di-" rected to him h'a$1A Iie9'n delivered; 'a`m'd he had p;it.9f.1;*11i3.h'i!d. gone-out in son-. sqnence, lc'myingV wotd - that h'e`w_ouldn ti Bis fatbeii ~ghc.:'i.1!'t!.`;xxi5ti waif Afcyrfhim f'1jg". ..'A, nntn..'..*.n,.-::nnta"sto:--Basil. ;v:Did.V lvllv DBL bulu IIIUGUB Ul ICUUVC` J I Mr. Marsden was ect _ uall nnsucbcesis-Q ful on his own aacoun . __ e had been -too long out of`, business; he was not young enough, not active enough, not pushing enough; . 1- * '~ A Ivan Ir no noun] a nrn1v-o fnlrfn ; 1;}: 5::-1 Jug an Ina .lu_uUuuuo _:. - ` Whgrg i;_1ee__d_! . Mr. Marsden Jvizith-_ jd;ew_hj gogige, and. sought refugejn his .chnti1be:.. . ""ft` `"3 1-'In`v'Ir:1 t`r1-n>a-rV~n` Hn>"rni |1rr4u:;r1 {ha Hgtb.ll.,h&_g1. ; but he` ;seemed-` 5 ..;_-- =1... "J... -n...`e`.:f n'.`..`sh..m;ha. V faihr. . Was &bOliti 94.215. .`Wh9}'. 9 891981;`: I `No ; h sgxq,`potb;ng 1110126 ,tha;n;.-Mrs, in :a:gU1#%Y; what the mks: jwm_j,-h'- ` sama,:'1iy`th.;.` W?.`?..`B"., ~`-KY; L 3_pV'0'l'I-'(ll`Si_ll.!u4` ~luuI uuvusjuo. ` . .M9,#1I.Wh.1.!i`.- %`kx1:=:;b9I:l2lA;` `- till it 1 aqdf, fthp .. iiithi.for`it.butTpatienbe`s%, Ttlfe%test,- .:}!'15-".t,hK9B/.hOlil'8J elqiadzzhefor_ L "..38i1 9f0f9* .We.r <> 1` ".$?tt'il1hef1i3l9"P6!` * Phbh; evaporate<.1.;. l.3.!1 imp. ~. j i vThsxbAyv_aa;;1ptih1y3t6?i? ` | World - an uu vu4_ uvgiualul-IILIUU Ulllp .` 'I`he'n, again, `Basil had no testimonials to offer; aadighe was b1untly ask,e'd,'by. Mr. B.-, what was the use of his going about: after aisittiation when-`he hadn t7 any references" `to "give worth having ! Elsewhereyhe. was too young, dr.to0 old. One former business acquaintance _of Mr. Marsden otferecl -to take Basil into his establishment-,` but he could} not think of giving /him a salary fer the *i'st.eyear: another was equally willing, but the terms were still mote unapproaehable; if Mr. Matsden would only-pay afsmall V premillmi with his son--say fty pdunds -he would bezput into_.the way of get. ting a. first rate situation ina few years time. But this was like the advice of 1!. fashionable physician`, who prescribed port wine and turtle soup, and advised a voyage to `Madeira, to a sick pauper,-as the certain means of recovery. ` Mr- Niarsden was nnnnllv nnznr-nous- mm nUh`[t:I.u;unu- V} 'r.|a'I||.l!\?I- V ::A.. note-`a.1n0te" V to V. Dii 126` .lea'.veT the`?-!1;_)ft_e; !.`7=V `Did ,!i,}"st'y-"VfVht`_ it was abot'1t, 9; dizhxeivhe Vxi2.s.ggipg1 ,5 . Tun; 'hs'smdhotbih2 maize -than}.-Mrs._. ;W`.1.W` - "._Y' P; %`.'.`L.`:. ..`l ,E?_..'-{*5} .. . y::e;`s;;`;!-9 !<.1id-: T : sth..Per|2;a1zu_:xz-swfapher; 1waa1:one;to-ha-,1; own! a!_1d`.at was-no_t '_. We .cs1rx1x1otfg`i5":l:uia_k, Mr`:?A'., { said Mr. Marsden. If`fI__ could ha'v'e` fqre-E sen, four 0; v6'y"'eai's ago,j"the"';?r'iis,ffor{. tunes which haie happened tame, my plans, would in (many respects. have _been_ _ different. Bi1t`I `do not think you would nd_ Bail',"6 very decient ; dh I am sure. "youf woitld` nd him` willing to learn. * ' . n 1511 ,4 -;,,. 11'-n. "1-"1_`.hat virouldift answer my putpqs, Mr. Marsde`n'. Ishouldbe` glad to`o.b.-' hjge an old acquaintance '; btnt---- 'FI1b'n on-n;i-I n Inn`! .1. naoiwunninla . .e, :9?-9:91:31; v-w_-.r- r~--2-'tw.**' "**.'"~"- ; gone.;.m--ha-:-&own, audit was -no} 1 w6rth?di,8%iibin8%h5m abonf-fits. - .......~..4.-.2-..-.v...;~.v.m.~.';.`.=.2r... "it Hui hn'tiii'p .e`: ' % SHAY JULYL4; 18160. 1;? "NoV`v`,i , . .. {:4 y , . F` .` -`,.-9.5;-..; A4 ..`. -if.`> T* E?. W d?'9 ?4'. I111- y illus- .lsIl(Illl\/D"lvL"JCiIro , Joseph Rutland-'!-yes,- it was his l place, certainly; but Joseph Rutlandp wasn t- in ; would -not` be in for an hour, perhaps two hours. Might `hfe wait? Oh yes, he might wait if he" pleased; and, receiving `this pernlission from a clerkto whom he had addressed his in: quiries, and who was seated at a desk in -a railed-in box, Basil sat down and looked round him. rt... 1: __1._--u ____- _ '_-._`__u___`I__--_- I . Basil --~Marsden had` itme `indistinct idea that Thames-street was somewhere eastward of London-bridge, and not far, probably, from the river side. I To Lon-. don-bridge, therefore, be turned _his foot- steps,,a_nd, hastened on; But if a person- is in extremehaste in London, he -issure to meet with impediments almost at every dozen steps. The streets were surely never so crowded as on this par- ticular evening. .Here, a string of loaded -waggons, carts, coaches, and drays, stop. pcd the way, and lled up a cross street; there, a crowd of foot passengers were gaping and ,staring .in-at a. shofi window: at another ` lace, an unfortunate horse had falleurd`:>wn beneaththe weight of `years, starvation, blows, and over- driving," and seemed in "the last agonies of `dissolution, for it didn t stir when re,-` leased from the pole and traces which ' had conned it to the hackney coach it ' had assisted` to drag; not yet- when its driver kicked it savagely with his iron- ointed boots, and struck it more savage- y on the head with the butteendof his heavy whip A A mob: was there, of course; and Basil was compelled to -wait A its dispersion before he could `advance a 556.1. . V V He reached ;his destination at length, howver, almost breathless With` haste; and thenhe fdund` `that he might have spared himself the` fatigue of running the greater part of the way (to make up for` stoppages) from the` Strand ta Tl`i'ames-street. T.'...___I_ 'l1.-'l_._J II ___._ BL __,-,, `L3, avutxuu ..,...... The place was a [counting-house, very` dark and ` foggy. There` were desks for four or five clerks, `but only two were present. ' ' Ara unn o nnnlrnn-4T `nan-I -nnmvlnn n .4`Are you a quake;-J beg pardon,-a Friend? asked oneof .the_cle;=ks, {utter nearly an hour s silence, whifoh toeBasil seemed intermirnable. - M ` ' `KT.-.~ ...._t.....I-- ._-L- 'I')__Z| __._ ..-L _ i any 11 vsu luwwuupn - :pn";donV for Amy b1hhder, stam- mered Basil, with a burning blush ; for he had stuck to` the letter of his direo-2 .tio.l1;al1d._askecI for Joseph Ru.tland-- plain an,d;11_r1va'r_nishe d ; `(I thought, he added, that as Mr. Rutlaud is a Friend, he might not like ' ~ ' pI'|`n`I1rI n n-nn`rrn-I T nn;1 `l'|n n :n - ns1,1_9.<:;.;: `:&=511i:s3$*1ififiii$r bi ".n "If .3 ?5i%l24re;;LI*:1a91 b12m- .;4I?m9_V5Y3F}-1.T%m Satled wnth you so ` . :ixit this` ;1.l.I) .,1!.;1.t1n : I` Mr; I,-GiIiiii ih,.??f ue:;,sp;;t}init%ed,.c_uL+ % -itii13 ;`.`sfh9iI't> .tIiTL.;nii1rvie;`.#9?1..t5PP18 `~ivil1vmk9.MutI?s:vn,nt'dbsk`on `my the _ho t which Basil had ceiiiied. If ransft'riply't'bus- ' ' ` - vnnrlfr `F.-`S.-_uu`-I `R MarcAnn ` *~ TC` I-LA U UIOPIJ J.DI.l Ivllllllls ` It may be -ieadily. supposed that Basil M did-- not hesitate toobey` the summons; and, trusting t6 give hisfather tin agree- able surprise, he hurried away in the manner described{_ - 'n_-:1 7uI_',,,1__-_ Lg: __..-. ~ 1-.- IH\a\4II-I\?\.l All I-GIIIIII Ila IJICI l_`Io, ;_crta.ix_11y not: Basil was-not a Frlend,-he'_sn1 .- ` (Wk 1' 9`!-.n.....!-.4 cu... 4....LL 'l...' TIT- .5. gquuu Qlu pus- V 011,11 thought yommight be. We generally say Mmer Rutland here; `if it is ; quite agreeable :` but just as you please. _`; `A: . - , M . ; ~ 5` T Han nnrainn Pun u-nu Lhsnnu ah-um- II5 Illlsljll [JUL LILXU. - Rutlgmcln quaker ! I say, that s in.-' formation, K`m_p,'exc1nirned the clerk to his fellow ; and thgseuppn A they bo_tl1T laughed merrily. `(`r|o`lrnr nr nn` nllnbni Lain :1-us` tau ucu. lUF'.",. ~ I hare :he 'ic5Q11a kBl'_ or n`f;;a the $1007 .o"ne$~,91 I ;._ . - . _ U1)Ul.IUKla [He had 8. rough jioice and rdglg V vl'Il.!17n_-I .ner;' hewasn t "stout;-and he was` forty . Th'e"pe1_'sdn_ who entered had none of the outward signs of quakerism, certain; lyj pdr: didhye beat "the slightest resem, blancdto _Basil s travelling com" uion. . yai's|'6f .8S_:%ll19re' 0: less;' but riagthgr ' less than-jmoze; " . . at V2... ........ -.._:4:.`-;._ ~4_-.s _---_ ___ _ an-. 1. _ ` \+ I-u uluuuu -v :2-Yes, it i'`a11`u-ght : you /hail better" stepmto my`room`,LI thinkg and ` push-;_ ' ins `0P.8'l.1` adoor atlhe fhrther Sidebf the` count'ing.-house, the` new comrventered, ' followed by Basil. - r. `K M noun-an 1'3. 'Dn4I-i..-1,9). .._:.I LL_- .___ I |r\lllI}VVW`3I U lJ.|lI I _' V. I ` .55; My ugme 13- Rntland-2 : sanuli-the- gen: tlgmnn, hglhting ai gas-burner ; ` you want a}situat1on`, don t you 1" A Ba,sil replied that-he did. . Veryrwell, let me look at `you. *Y0ll l1 `dg,I* stgppose, as well as-aud_tAhe_:r.; You can WIICB,` I dare say; Berso kmd as to copy that letterfor me, pointing to due" * vhim.,_ on the desk, and placing material_s_be_fOr `D.....I }x :H'I, ..\ _.~._; : . ;a..fu1l heart; but I--I' thpnglit I should; ~hav.e rqgt nngthgxj gentleman. ` ,Qh,; nxdgeg I ..but. it doesn?|_'. ` ,`!,1`30.1r;.1,fy9)t_1,grg_e \__1:,d wxttxme, 3351 i2rf nk* .- *6 Xes. iadqed,sis,ii:2j3ind 1sasix;i{u5};;ci; `Ill-I Qllllllll `II aw?` *.Yotmg ffieud, B; Marsden. If tho.u V hast "not? obtained` a-s'itu'ation';-`t and hitst` not forgotten t1iy"tia`ve lling companion, . and` .wiVl`t call; any tiin"Befo'1'e eight o clock in the evening, at No. -e-4._, Thames-str'eet,~ thou " mayeat "hear of something that-will sI1i1:- thee, Ask for Joseph Ru tlanda= `T? (haw `us {u3nA:l-Ir nI1v'\vu\(u.-' blend 1).... Macao vllull'lllUlFf ` `F V ` " ` I . ` ~ . Yqu.ate wmtmg to":s ge me_ ?`jhe asked,`as Basn1`ro`se tohis feet. ' ' ` T :1 Mr. 1)'..u....;1 '_'::__ 'I'.L__l _- ___..- ._ aoncu, GB uanll Luau gcclu Mr. Rutland, ts'iiv:--I ha'd 8; note to- day-4-`Basil`~be'gan to explain, in some qonflzsiqn ; for_ ifvthis wer e-`Mr. Rutland, he was not t_he-'.To_seph`=Ru_tland `_he`ex - pected to met; 1 -` - ' ~ V91 if 5'0" Snhf o urn `I-nu`:-ii`~:Lnl-lr.\u-'7 Cl"Vu() i: T 1 Co: alien. m3?:;1iloi)yel .s'ilAeAn`t,ly.. . ` ` B - . You `shquld always cross "your: tt s; Mr. MIAfSii0:|1Li."i!3-`prevents imistnkeg. You A W31l_M19;5h9wevt~. . Our time is; nine--`-`- from -nine) ito.aev_en ;-. an. hour; to dinner, . _a ;800d.13an`gehouse,'clds by`, if you ' likes . use. _it-U-_s,alary .a. : pound :1; week ; you-. - 0333.: ~ .n.9m e;.. :gon:_.:Monday-&. mgznigg, 2 1 W CHAPTER xv. A 8fl'RA.b1Gu.Ami`A nnooucmunox. . A gleam '-of sunshine had broken through the gloomy clouds which hung over the _M_arsden__s. ` It was not. very blight; but it was somethiiuglnd some- thing to thankful for.` . Basil, at all events , iw,`aVs not only thankful, but hope- ful ;' ilIl'd,`Witll 9, lightened heal;-t,he took possession of his desk in the dark, and dingy counting-house e in Thames-street, with` his mind full of strong resolutions to become the very mirror of clerkship. Here for the present we must leave him. Annflunr nvlnnrn np nnurinkin uuknn :- La-yaw nu: any r;u..guuy up suuoo aoavv untuo ` Another gleam of sunshine, when, a few days later, Mr. Reid looked in upon Mr. Leonard Marsclen, professedly to in- quire after the health of his 'principa1 s former"c1i(:nt,gand covertly to offer him, .if he found it desirable,a small appoint- ment,_with a small salary, in some civic court, which had become `Vacant, and which-it was in Mi`. .Thornburn s power to ll up. -.`It is not so lucrative asiwe could wish, said MrV.vRee(l, apologeti- cally, when _he had broken the ice; but `the labour is light, and the situation gen- tlemanly, and if you will aceept it till omething better turns up, (Mr. Reed shrewdly guessed that nothing better _.was very likely to turn up in favour of the ruined man, Mr. Thornburn` will feel obliged. The offer was too good to be ,sliglited,and Mr. Thornburu s deli- cate kindness too manifest nut to be ap- preciated; and .Mr. lvlarsden - entered upon, the duties of his oice with a grate- ful, if not with a light, heart. (`n I'3.QFI'|lIl'\l'I nnf lnnnu nnnu f`a::s nu- $99?` !!|-' PP`-'.`!""-vH- V9.5`? 9-U1`! ' 5` You don t know me, Leonard, I sup-e po_se,`said the -visitor, in adcold, mea= sured tone, _as she rose at his entrance, and stateily offered her hand, which he gfas'p`ed'witl1 a. paiufu_l_ sense Of embar- ra'ss`me_nt. ' Seen in the dim, . fading, smoky light ofa November afternoon in Lqndon, partially assisted by the fitful blazeof a.-sea-coal re, the lady; who- ever she might be,was not- prepossessing. She was middle-ag.ed,et,all,an thin. Her lips were-thin and compressed, her fea- tures prominent and` somewhat angular, her eyes shar;)_and piercing in their `steady gaze. Mr. _Marsden almost shrunk from them, as he stamtnered something about his unhappiness that he could not recognise the visitor'who had ' addressed him with such `stately famili- 'A 5 IT nnf nIInnno&'1vnII `CCYAIIIJ `runny ' GIBIFLIDU, VVIIG DUIDILI5 lollilv {L} IFa[Ull.UL `[1111: x`.` Basnl, my dearboy, where have you _been~ l` T . ` .- II All... _ _!L___4,'_._ P, L`, ,, _,, 1 I IlW\7II' I After a-situatidn, zther; and h_ave I got it too--a, wand" 9. week, ithegm-a pound a week ! ' ' r? . nmvan -nvv tun, 1:. lJ`\! ll' IVILIL uv Jlsulv, llliblllu One afternoon , not long after this ar- rangement, when Mr. Mnrsden returned ' to his home in the Strand, he was in- - formed that a lady, who had declined giving her name, was awaiting his ar- riva1-was even thenip his sitting-room. A very peremptory person she_seems, said Mr. Harebell; she would not be refused. If we were afraid of her rob- bing the house, she said, we might sit with her while she waited, and keep vvmch; but go into your room she would, and stir from it she should not, till you came -home. ' - - ' _,;I 0.1 AC '-1`! vulnlu Jlvlllvo VIt, must be_a mistake, said Mr. Mafsdeng .I' do" not know any such .peremptor.y. lady; but, I shall sooh see ;" and he ascended the stairs. ` It \7'....` J....Ja. 1...... .. `I ..._.......J T ....... -cous_1n_.__ anqu we .nen'1enqs,_s'f - Be` seated; c_oi1$in, said .M_r.5Mars:' "den, with `s9'm'agitgti'_o'n of manner and ~voic"e'; ` and letrus talk calmly and kindly. It sm_s"o'nly' `yesterday that we '-were, as you `say, ch ildi'enT together; lelmstliink of that'time. ` ~ rm... 1-4.. -..m....A 1.........1r 9.. I... 14.1 fn nlaih u_ V\ knsull-. '1 U,|I'U3` llllllh Lllillv uxuu. -The lady su'e-red herself to be led to the sofa, after IVI;--. Marsden _had wheeled it to the fire ; she waited-patiently while her cousin, with unnerved hands, lighted V-ae_candle.and reple_nished his re; but she resisted his entreaties that she would disibbe mid unbonnet; she still lgoked keenly intO`her"Dl1sin s,fa`e`e and` when ; he`i?ented'him`se1fbnthegopptlsiteside` of` the hearth, she repega-e d71.he `Sadie `tines - tipn in the "#811116" 'unmo`v'd't0.n}= ' "'5hglll we be `friends 1 v 1 **"wh*`y#shou,Id. we n ot`;b {rr{enqs,,"Miss V,Chestg':1 the` djejmanaga 1eb1=y-- as we :thvug*i"~ciri;:ims%m9, h:ii;'hthi`o'f8`* life, ."esm'w2'ed-`u.s.v V .. e l '1: n......:.. .`r...........:.`-9l:v .'.`.:.`I '*+'I.>. i`...1.Z' ' suxjely iieyerf hiilflapy 'fsbIi"et3{;i_f)%` __I.l'ltllEUU. u. ` ` _ :` _ .j Cousin V Leonard, said the lady, Kw} tangement 1 is enm.1t.-` , (C T! "5" Va" .5: ilini-Jinan:-nu; lljty o' ' , ` `(It is all .3` .sti'angVV'ar;'g]V unpleasant -*mutId1b er'tp` rh'{Penelope, f `resumed `Mr. . ' . `rshh'i"i"g?ii9g.: `,` I.neVr.kI1w_."hpw , . , ; 1-fahnn `iQI`bHti "f/Ha} inn : and rnlfn `no. it1i,1{L1);} a:j1_edf; it'_I?`431}':_f.iia.t o'x.u'r.`.p=ixe`.tits he-` cafihe s9`.=1ngrLy`\'vith:a.c4h9'_iet,as I sup- th,Y m;ist 'havp';b.een_;.s9 that when jY!`?;!1id.jY9i.`F1Y`d9I`?i'i!1s let: .14;-. :da.n. .Y9Ff???,{.'-.}YP?-' Ami?!-'61:`. `!F ;men1iued+ ===~ _ % cm a } Iy;ig_I_I.p:=a,1,. algulugi " 1>.l.IUVUI, Q_l..I_UW_V uyyv `morning. --If A hou1dn?t1 -be: helm,-jv`set_ him-to was-kA. A u \r.._..', .._--..;_.._-...-.. n 4L-....L1.4 n....:1 .... I-lllll `I-U ` ' . . :\/Tery':;xnystetiouts, . . thought -Basil, as `he tur,ned,out;\_ into. Thames-street; but 1; did nut care to unravel the mystery. H66 had 'got work at last; i that was enolIg};-+eno11gh fo_r the present. _And he hstgned 11mewards,w11exe he_ar- rived` just _in` time tomeet his father on the staffs, who, being alarmed at `Basil s absense, was setting out ia"s_earch.of him. -`K Dnnl Mn Ann`. `ants curl-an-n-A Lnuvg `Ono'- allbyo ' ' '1 did not supposevoll would know `me,` Leonard: it would be'Sfra|1geif you `had. known me.;, for we have never met 'before.since we. were children. These familygtlarrels me bad things, cousin ;- for /we_nre cousins, '/;\'1.u ;__4` . -_ ____-:,-J." 11,3. ,I-__V_ lUl'_'ll/U_ ill (3 \}UUDIllp, '`Not-- not,--rny cousiri Penelope, V surely '9 exclaimed Mr. Marsden, hastily: `f and yet it must be _so.e This, this is indeed unexpected. Ican scarcely believe it. ~ '9" T 11] _.__ n-__-1___- rn, -_;-_ __;._....'L_ UUIIUVV `lb: ' I am Penelope Cheste neverthe- 1eVss, _?__;eplied themlndygi and We are -ou1n,._ S_h;;1lw(e,beA'ieudsf! . - ~. (6 "R3 "n`:'1"|fnl`.' nnnaha. 90:!` NY: Mag; ynolds tf N .Y. AVERTISER. `noun a u-spun o The principal duty that will devolve upon you during this Session will be the Equaliza- tion of the `Assessment Rolls of the different Townships of the County; this has always been atedions, unpleasant, and difficult task, but from the instructions issued by you in Jan- uary last, to the Assessors, I trust there_will be "fewer irregularities and discrepancies in their various "Estimates this year than has usually been presented, consequently, that your labors in this respect will be much lighter than here- tofore; however, in the discharge of this im- portantduty, I have full condence that you wilt act under a. proper spirit, and divesting yourselves of all local prejudices or partial interests. endeavour, from the aggregate Statistical Returns of the Townships, to con- struot an Assessment for the whale County. which will give general satisfaction. as being based on the principles of an equal, a truthful, and an impartial valuation of the property of the County. The position andrelative value of the Real Estate of our County is becoming better known. each year, and I feel sanguine, that at the present- time, a nearer approxima- tion to a true and equitable result in the, esti- mating thereof can be attained, thanhas been in previous years. nn wrillnr Ihn QAIH wakrnaru hr `KT:-`Hr-nil III IYIUVIUUD yearn. ` ` On Friday, the 94th February, Dr. Wolfred Nelson and Donald E. Mcbpnald, Esquire, two of the recently appointed Prison Inspec- tors, passed through this town on their way to inspect the Refnrntatory Prison at Penetangui- shene, and the Building at Orillia, lately pur- chased by the Government for a Branch Asylum,I had an interview with those gen- tlemen, respecting improvements necessary to our Gaol, which resulted in a"meetin. of the Special Committee, appointed by this Council, and the Inspectore, on the following Monday morning. V . - ~ `I ____ _. .'r! I E 1 ' .0 -.I .1 vs unuu uuuuu \-U nun-_v-an nuu Ivvv nu-u-~- . In alluding to the Financial affairs of our County, "it _ie a pleasing fact, Gentlemen. In have-it in my power to state, that no reckless _r pr-exitravngrurt expenditure is incurred, but due `economy, and careful management of the jreienue are continued in every department. so 118 tegghnw a fqvourable balance sheet, and tend -10 keep ttpltha credit of our.__Connty in this .;bri3Ig];'o[jtte polity; indeed, so high does its `ldll-"19iW.aude in the eyes of Capitalists. and an inieetmnnt _nrb6ur Debentures con- ijlid_red,i tlIel the Tremurer is unable to pur- lheu_Iev,o`.; l-Tpgf. The Treasurer `I56 no to whether he ohould rigidly . y;.out !uur.in_rtr.ttotte_ ;_Ito,witlr reference to a lf [Allin-fhr'$n1na, nnJ""I-nun vanlnn-A I DUI I WIHI IQIEFUIICU [0 B I f.H4rom ramps Iviriaelinotified of a second meeting with the Inspectors, which took place on Tuesday last, -Mi'. Langton only beingrpresent. on behalf of the Prison Board ; the conferences, on both occasions, were most agreeable, and_ the out- lines of the improvements required in the Gaul in due time reported to you by the Special Committee.` It wi|l,Iappreheaml. be neces- sary to put such an amount in the Estimates as will meet the contemplated outlay of this year in the partial erection of the walls, Sgc. I have no doubt but an undertaking so auspiciously commenced'will.eventuate in such enlarge- ment 'and improvemeut_ol' the Gaol, as will reect much credit on the promoters of the .design, and cnnduce very much to the health and moral elevation of the urtfortunate indi- viduals necessarily conned therein. In Ilia rnnnflu nf l\/Inrnh I 1-anuiunrl a norm. decidedyupnn, the particulars of which will be, VILlll'3 IJUUCBSIIIII, UUIIUIIUU tuurelu. In the month of March, I received a come munication from the Warden of Ontario, stating that the Council of that County had instructed its Surveyor to inspect the Narrows Bridge, with a. View to its repair, and in order to con- sider the advisability of establishing a toll thereon; and requesting me, inibehalf of this County, to authorize our Surveyor to meet theirs, and endeavour so to arrange matters, that the necessary repairs might be commenced without delay. I agreed to the proposition, after `advising with several of our Reeves; a day was named for the Engineers to meet at the Bridge; the result of that meeting `will. at the proper time, be taid before you by our Sur- veyor, Mr. Creswicke. The erection of a. toll on the Bridge is a matter that will require from you some deliberation ; in the rst place, you will have to decide whether there is a proba- bility that the amount derived from such toll will meet the necessary outlay in establishing and maintaining it; a Toll-Keeper s House will have to be built, his salary will have to be annually provided ; and if. the tollage will not meet the cost of collection, and contribute somewhat to the revenue of the County, I, would certainly recommend you not to impose it; it willsurely be looked upon as a grievance by the inhabitants` of that locality, and tend to lessen the intercourse between the residents of North Ontario and Orillia, evidently to the in~ jury of the latter place, and yet contribute no~ thing to the revenue of the County, but, on the contrary, probably take therefrom. I . __4_!_,.l __ _1_?.,I _ . I , , .l \|IuIl|Ig'IIlU>lJU33!UII Ill lII3| \.IU|UUCl |U lJy'Ll'1\V No. 57, relating to the Licensing of Hawkers and Pedlars. having, through the negligence of the then Clerk, been inislaid, and not recorded in the Minutes. is not forthcoming; and conse- uently`will have to be reproduced this Ses~'ion. y reference to the Municipal Law you will observe that Township Clerksmust be supplied with blank forms of Licenses, to be by them `filled up, and furnished by parties applying for them; subject,-however. to such regulations andxemriotions as you. in your wisdom shall thinkufit to enjoin. The charge for License under the existing" law being `considered exces- siie. and believing it to bathe intention of this Bodyiufreduce it,il would respectfully sugest, that should any party or parties have taken out gter_ll_T. such` party or, parties shall have the %q.r|:_nunt. orguamounte, in his or; their favour, re- pjftmded, such sum or some being the difference or dpicrenceb between the.two_tarilIs. _,:Lieenee1or3Lic'mres under. the present higlr Delivered, by -Tans. D. T Mcconxitv, E-:q., Warden or the County of Simcoe, on the opening of the June Session of the County Council, .1860. ' , ' GI'.N'ruu_sN:- W..- -._..l -_- The Rev. Mr. O Shea, Local Superintendent of Schools for the Township of Adjala, having resigned his situation, I had to meet the emer- gency byhxercisimz the power vested in me as Warden of the County, and on the recommen- dation" of the Reeve of that Township, Mr. Connor, appointed the Rev. Mr. Synet to that ` office, subject to the approval and conrmation '_of thig Council. ' NIL--_.v____,n.___. ._._.l- I... .L!_ n-.___:I "-' "" 'JI r ' ' ' "4 "`-' """"`"" I also received an official note from the Warden of York and Peel. on the subject of ` the Bridge over the'Holland River at Bradford; he requested information as to the nature and extent of the repairs to said structure contem- plated by the Council of-Simcoe, to which note [replied that I could not accurately in- form him thereof, but would avail myself of the earliest moment after the meeting of this Councilqto do so; the subject will therefore have toreceive a due share of your attention, in order that I may carry out my obligation. FHL- fI-. . ll- ($96!.-- I _-..l O . . _ _ _ . _ . __ 1,... UI [IIIQ \JUIlIIU|Io The` amendment made by this Council (during-the Session of last October) to By-Law WA K? rnhnnn IA II-.3 fjnunuina nf author: ADDRESS -nssilgned l>y him, and which I deemed satise : factory, he decided not to lacetlge warrant _it1_f the Sheriff : hands` until, a ter this Session ; he `. will, Iypresume, lay his View of the matter . more fully before you. I may titty, however, that the lists and warrentl are prepared, and A ready at any moment for action. He also drew my attention to the manner in which the re- cords of lands sold for taxes are kept, in rt book _ now nearly exhausted, and submitted a new one, prepared under his own instructions, which is more `explanatory than the old one. As the oneiin question is a record in the Treasurer : Oice, constantly referred to, I would suggest that he be authorized to transcribe the contents of the old book to the new one, in order that the whole may he in one oonvenient and 80? cessible form. r . .I 1\'I,-_J II, Cllll CIllU|UIl| IJUPCIIIIIUIIIQCHI, lVlIo Jo Ll; \J[II| By the Act and order in the Council last year, the Road was assumed (indeed Iqmight say sequestered) by the Government. but was efterwgtrds re-vested in the Company, under certain conditions, viz::-A sufficient amount of new capital was to be raised, in order topput the Road in an efcient state of repair, amt to liquidate its oating debts; also to repay the Government certain temporary loans; these conditions have been complied with, and the Company has` been reorganized. The number of Directors under the new "arrangement is nine; three resident in England, and six in this country; two of the latter represent this County and the City of Toronto respectively . 'l"L.. l'!.._.___-- I.-- .I.._f.l_.l .._-.. ...._._VI', A ....... --1 gnu nu- In reference to the Railroad, I have to repre- sent that your delegate was very cordially received by the Members of the Board, and most courteoualy treated by them. I have regularly attended all the meetings since Jane nary, and may state in passing, that the most rigid economy, consistent with efficiency, is practised by the Board, and the same manage- ment continned, under the ever watchful and efficient Superintendent, Mr. J. L. Grant. RV Ihn An! anal nnhar in ilnn r'nnnn;l loan! "" J - ' J V V"' '."l""""J' The Company has decided upon expending 170,000. sterling, in works upon the line, the whole to be completed before the first day of November, 1861. The Contractor is Mr. Thomas Brassy, of I.,ondon, ,England. The contract has been regularly -e).`ecuted. and op- erations will commence forthwith. The main,- tenance of the Road during tlte contirrttan('e of the contract will be placed in the ttnruls of the Contractor, as a measure of convenience, safety. and economy. I have thus every rea- son to believe lhat the entire litre will be put in a thorough and permanent state of repair, and as a very necessary precaution, and one long looked for by the people on and contigu- ous to the litre, it will be well fenced through- out. The receipts ofthe Road have very much increased this year; the Financial Returns show an increase of 33,588 over the returns for the corresponding period of last year; the Road has attained to an average earning of nearly $100 per mile, per week, or-$16.50 per mile, per day; and the surplus revenue has been more than suicient to pay the interest on the first preferential bonds of the Company. which will be due on the first day of July next. During the present year, a general reduction in the Freight Tariff has been made, and r; uniform Passenger rate of three cents per mile has been established, which alterations. must, doubtless, give satisfaction to the community at large, Though a certain" value cannot at present be attached to our 50,000, yet the ad- vantages arising from the Road are so many, and its present prospects so cheering, that it can confidently be predicated. oi the invest- . ment, that upon the whole it is a good one for this part of the country. Through the polite- ness of the several gentlemen who have been j engaged in'the timber business in this County for the past winter, I am enabled to inform you that about 676,000 have been expended by them among us `during the season. in purchase ing timber, paying wages, &c., 8.20., and pro- viding other contingencies to carry on their operations in that "line of business; this, coupled with the opening, out of a market for the immensity of Lumber manufactured at our nurnerous Saw Mills, Cordwood, Shingles, Bark, Staves, Posts, &c., the natural protlntzts of our luxuriant forests, must be viewed as g, great advantage to this County, and calculated as some of the benets arising from our 50,- 000 investment. Knowing, as we well do, the difficulties that our Road has laboured under since its commencement, we havegreat cause to congratulate ourselves, and those we repre- sent, upon its being now placed in such a favourable position ; and it is to be hoped that can enterprlze to which we have so liberally contributed and sacrificed so much, and which involves so great a share of the County s pros- perity,-will be maintained in its present credit- able positionas an independent line. I may add, that the advantages of the Road to the people at large would be vastly increased were our leading thoroughfares improved, and would rejoice to see some steps taken either by the County or the Townsliips individually. towards such improvement. I could ettlttlge on this subject, but forbear, having on more than one occasion ltrirlrny Views on `the advantage of opening up our leading roads before the people of this County. I -__ '- _-.. J... PUIIIIIII IIUIJUIIIUIIID l`"|Hc`I |I|Cll'."o Gentlemen, ere-we meet a uin, we shall b ' 3 called upon, in conjumvtion with our reapectiyg Township, Town, and Village Otcer.-. lg aplect Jurors for the ensuing year; the law provided to guide us in this case is so get; 9;: plicit, thalll neeul not occupy your time in pointing-out the duties it enjbjns, but I win` take. the liberty to remark, that than in up: a more teaponsible duty devolving upon t1g,_ than thdgne m qnectiunyin selectmg persons` ` to act an`-Jupots, tho=greates t caution 'and`dls,-" cyiminuion iyreqnired, as the_lif6. property, andgoharactqr of the lubject. in often placed an `the diapoulg of this branch pt. our jmlipigt ecbnotny'.]}one_sty and i '7 nf ,' ' pombip, , with inlalli T ah..-39.05 scholntio -bi imx. . V ,nhoie,t_:. lpgut sofa: as the . ` ' In Inn mnnc 191:1 u: Pmnnpr` ` !IalIuI\:r, 9| lppa-I av nu an HID In I99 may em !'I,lD 3 alism, - ongue Enthrla; Gentlemen. I deem it my duty to call your attention to the reputed insecure state, in regard to re, of the Registry Ollice, sitrratetl in this Town; the consequences to the people of this County, were its contents destroyed by that de. vouring element, would be disastrous in the extreme, and the bare thought that a possibility exists of such a catastrophe taking place is sufficient to alarm, and suggests that every precaution should be taken to guard against the danger. I have always loolred upon the pm. sent building as altogether jnarleqttate to the safe keeping of the public Records of the County; already it has been endangered, put! I cannot refrain from expressing my conviction '. that the Council took a wrong step, when they allowed the land adjoining to be leased, and wooden buildings placed thereon to within is few feet of the Oice, tliereby increasing in a. tenfold ratio the danger from fire. 11 would certainly recommend that this Council thu- roughly investigate the "matter, and m_a,lre.every suitable; provision to insure the safety {mm yg of the contents of the Ofce, and by so doing, guarauteeto the public the security` of the im- poitantdocttments lodged therein. nanllnmnn, llfwll maul nnuli. -4. .l...II I... $ { ` within six months. ), uusalll plum ' `a car- lars of anying ny pan VlP penard ` lUDllC,j \ lime to- V , r' ` . b9a'&9 , sealed- as-1'1 vcg'.,_V 2 9` x 2 K5 2 Ex !:;~"`. `in : 19. 5 1}`. ,.c nun ulmxlxiu uu-smess In we auove nne, anu tx-lusts. by strict attemion to the wants of his cus- tolmcrs, to give general satis`altl<:tion.] ilfllelodeotui, 1 utinoes, &c., repaired. ./ wore arran c( . Duzlop St.,- one door west of Mr. Sn.uford s Store . ,;.rrie, 5th March, 1860. ' - 10-Lt`, _ _,\A,v\,\,.,.,.v.,\,\,\,v\...\ .,. PATTON & ARDAGH, Barristers and Solicitors, Gonveyancers, Nouiries Public, &c.--'James' Patton, William D. Ardagh. _ Barrie, Feb. 26,` 1558. A V `> I 5 H UlLL`1LIlL u\m1rn.;V1. AppI_y.u.I. um UIIIC-8 V of .\(e.~`.srs. Holt, Sons .1; 00., Bill Brokers and Gen- `eral Commission Agents, Dunlop Street, Barrie, C.\V_ 1 Nov.-8, I858. nnnunxx. ;3_. D.-\U1\'Ull(.b', watch and UIOCK JJ .\[:xk(:r, Je\vc1lcr,&',c., begs to inform .the in- _`haL\it:1nts of Barrie and surrounding country that he has opened business in the above line, and U`ll.\`[S. _bV Sll'i(`.`.-!'n?.inn tn the want: nf hi: mm- I 1a:\'fY 1;. HOPKINS, County Attorney, 00. of Simone; Barrister and Attorney-at-Law, , `Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public,` &c.-0IIice n Dunlap Street, Barrie. Marci: 3. 1858. , . 9 , , `.\1.nm.T, Agentfror the cANADA*LANi)EB \' CREDIT C().\lPANY. Apply-at the oicie nf user: "MIL Qnnq 3!: Pn RI" Rrnlrnra and (Inn- ` ILLIAV.\[ LAVVBIE, Licensed Auctioneer for Barrie, and the Townships of West G\villim- bury, [`ecm_nseth, Inuisl,'and Essa. ' Jlinc 13th. T556. A - 24 V B. CLARK, Licensed Auctioneerpand Com? ' ._ mission Merchant, Dun_lop St-., Barrie._ -xx... _.A.\\,\. - om: F. DAVIES, Accountant, co11e`ccor ,-GK veyancer ; Insumincte, Land & General Agent 5. Commissioner in B. R., &c'., Bradford. . Apri! 16-, I836. > l_4_. _ tensivo nisc all mm- published Weekly, -in the Town tor Barrie, `mg-y WI-:o.\'nsn.A.Y morning, containing the current news of the day, and all matters Pertaining to. isthe nifuirs of the County`. _Price $2 in advanoe,1 or $2.50 if not -paidwithxn six monthefrom date ot' subscription. - Anvi:r:'nsm;-Six lines or under, first insertion, 50c; each subsequent one 12c. Over six lines, 7c per line, Ii.-st` i_usert_ion; each subsequent one `2c. Professional or Business Cards $4 per year; 33 for six months, if not more than tan lines. Special contracts can -be made by -the year, or putts of a year.. Orders to discontinue Advertisements to bemade in writing. ' No paper discontinued until all arrenrages are paid, except at the option of the publisher, PIlt.\'Tt.\'G_, Booxnmnrim and Rvmno done on the premises. l`he facilities of the Establishment are more complete than an other North of Toronto, having been co_re ully tted out in every particular. _ Colxlmuriicntions should be addressed to the sub- scriber, post-paid. - R. J. OLIVER. ILl)IA;\[ SANDER-S, Proviuial Land Sur4 , `mayor and Dmught._smau, first house East. of the .\l:u`ket, Collier Street, Barrie. ' ' April 25, 18 V I ULLLNIDULV G DAKVJKDULV, l)lSX`l'llUI'3,'- AIR)!` 1` neys, Solicitors &c. Ormon-Western As- surance Buildings, Cfmrch Street, Toronto, 0.W. Angus Morrison - - - - - D. A. Sampson. `Toronto, November, 1859. -' 45 , Alutlnulu 14U;jL\'D1!aD'.--JU.R uuab, or] . _ l Sunnidule Station has been oicially appointed. same: to` issue Marriage Licenses for that District, and. - you" will keep 9. supply constantly on hand. _ - "Ltime_j1 OcLober15, 1858. ' , 42' )[._: ` .11 I tn 3:: JOHN ELLIS, Lithographer '& Enzfmr. Kins Street West, Toionto. County Mal: Pk f Lots, Invoices, Arms, CrestS,,0i1 P13?-9 01` S99-13:. - wihPretsses. Wedding. Cards. T `V Jn1y10,1855.` ' V s 33-`i:`:` SLAVERY AND Con'cas_ss.-The-`Hon.."Mi, . Snmner committed the grivoud hoencee `of V Presenting a petition to the "Senate from Negroes, qualifying them as ;-petitioner Mttcan descent. `Some of .the';tn9"tn, W13 V objected to the presentation qf"`:ubtt 5 i""_ee.l70.|i. 18 an .infraction of. the dignity :9fTth`o I the signers not being citi,ze_t_t`s.f}1.In; t'o;pl'y .,.?, V was _urged that coloured pelrdhe hairs" all f,l`Ilp'_`I ; the rights Of cittiz_enaVt_tipA it"t'._i:l1o"St:`at; jof,'fMI'f,'r A . .h5"8. Whettcn _tb'Q pe;iziqo .- 6iI.ta`nat9d";: f1L`t"` Weaemuton by ..!'..3.-.'`! med asgtnck t)qn.Al_ll.t`3.I_IoIt,ll9", .`_l-ti "jig `9 ` i......'::`:.*:=:,: :'::::.!'.st` 3% !._h n Iats.s..;; T ~A :e.'* *.;.-.v' ' HI .ISTOPIIER. nA1m1s0_i~f, Depositary of the J _Burrie Branch Bible Society, Dunlop Street. Fehrnary 22, I- amlular V rcurial :0! the e slnle yr Con-I bronic nhns A_pr|l2b,'lt$5 _7. _l V .' .. . A(`cgntinue,l_) I {REDERICK O BR1EN,Reveuueluspemoi-,Co. Mr. Marsdeti briey stated the cir- of_Simc00,DIm1_0p Street. cumstances which had brought him to Burma, June 1, 1809. . 22 ~ London. xv _ _ ` " . _ V ._-.4.-r.... u ;1'nnrws`u-- -. . . - an an '.o . _- ` __ -o.ema.;'::,~:i"' W` 937 qmxinn 9 T min. A'ie`po"{t ia1: ) R0 VISU [AL INSU RANGE COMPANY.- DnwIl!:l\ A man... 11---..- I ..-.. ` -`.x ND1:R SAUNDERS, Watch and Clock I .:lk(:I`. .rrt\\'.IHnr Knv Vhnnu In infnrm tl-m n__ '1 G. HURD, Land Agent "and Stock,B_tpker? . King Street. West, Toronto.` . ` w July 10, 1355. ' .- 28 % TERMS: $2 per_ year} 4 in advance; Tine Nortllerubnautef xxru\.\.x\1\\4\`w\4\\/w\n.\\4\;\4-/V\r\\Avu\.\II\r\IV\\l\' [ORRISUN ,8: SAMPSON, Barristers; ,A.t._toy_- nova S11!-ifnruln, Dnwn-Wenn=,rn An- /-f\.I\I\/x. xrx/\/\/\. vv ARIHAGE L[G5NSES.-JOHN ROSS, 0?] Sunnidule Station ha; been nfciallvnnnnin hut. VOL. IX, *i3J{:;%LiT{cEE_ 1'1 %;rL: `Ii DOLGK \ RAD1?oRD._ BARRIE; ,v\..A 7r6i1E~x71Y>'.` IA1AJUl\nLV UPJ L/UA'V].1'\1VI.: Barrie Agency, George Lane. 1 7 - Manu- IIB geuuuguuu, puuuy pun uuu uvu Auuu:J . ` Let "us go, father? "said-v.BasiI, who- felt keenly the cold reception "his father _hadmet. ' ' You have nothing more to'say','-I pre`-'; L f ,. . 1 sume, Mr._Marsden,v-said: the trader; I. yotrwill excuse me`,`I a;1n"s1jre._ 'My ` IL time just now_ is- -L.-.- "7. u T hnxna'tInH1inh' .r1imre to saiv/. sir.4r'es`v I was Weak enough to be over-per- suaded by your Mr_. Liglitfoot to take, a few shares; and ' T Mr. Lightfoot is .. , clever fellow,- intdrposedeMr. Txvigg; `.`-but you are awire that he is not our "Mr. Lightfoot noxl, and hasn t been foisome time. of is proceedings. 1 1 as not of Mr; Lightfoot a transactions [at he wished to speak. ` " t I Of course` not, responded` Mr. wigg: but you have some object in alling, I. suppose. He spoke coldly, ut not rdely, V _ _ v Briey then ; sir, replied Mr. Mais- en, I come-to you in Search of a situ- tion for my son, . 1` W111! in rnn 9 'nnl.rntt.Q`|n'trnnflnn1ri WE must beg to disclaim all knowledge l ~ ssuredly, Mr. Marsden said; end it' ion and r tune Just now_1s- " I have nothing mor_e toF.i"s`l"<"' ' joined Mr, Marsden,-=w1th'age_ntlemanl7" dignity :- nothing. except thatl ibeg*t0 apologise for .encroacb_-ing.z'on VyoLu_' ` able time-`-.-.- . V. . . n 1\.....3a.' ...;...`.{.4:...,. :5 ..:..L ,._'nllAnrv-t`nn 5 I am "aware of all that, Mr. Mars- den, said M1.-. Twigg. .I saw your name in the paper, the other day, inthe law reports. A bad busiufess that.wa's of tho D. B. Mining Company ; what could have induced you to mix` yourself up with it 2 ` ` .- " 1 -'1'. 1 ame tune` =~._. :- 2 Don t me_nt1on it, slr :-`-al1oW"mV-5; and he rose to open; the .d99tj., `;...GPd morning. Mr. Mazsdeai a 1;<.>.o<`c.1.-t,13s.>`I.I-L-*3 ..0HAP!1`ER.xI?V23-- nuunnunnnnv~_.n.Aunnsn1a AI IITIIIIISH; "of a series of,di$_app9ilIt- unan vuun-uIvAu-- uuunnguu v-. ---.-1--"'- The interview rcorded above 0115 ments which th;b11gh.;. gmauy , .-days_ - .0..f wearis ome ca1{vasing_m9,Mh9i.Ma!8d6".3~ V at every turn. V N9t'_gll:,tq.whd1n;he mad. - application weAreas \coql and mf;i8.R1,Y` as Mr- 4TWigg;.,bu2`t ' :.:tV.!1. more for success givbsen9h:iah*;? especially overjthg \1i`:1;.F0.`tI,l};lii(g8~ . ._ .-1} Vniir ann ' a" .:..`,-w.v. ...-.;1g.`;T.'s`.'r.. f U3FCUlully UvU_'.':|vllU wIuuuU! _ ' . Your son, r. `A,.,;,Wl,}J_ ackmw-V % 195864 to Wanting _a clelr {`.f1?T39!?.??9..1?w t9 lggsmess, I supgpge, V 9, ; .51! .. _ _ - I L. `V V J: ;.1;y_ ._`, `5_Se've_nteen. . _, . ` A bad age}tp'heg_in f \ _ 19,113 1li..OJ1g'1}tgf?. hiw H v three Y?-318 .eat1ir,; a d Vu sime.;he 1miM7}?0?,`wQr ;, ` . . educntiiitti,`;;v101;j;saL3T . Greek f9.-1.1.4 ;Lat.i.n, I 89x>`PPs.' . pf educa'ti_'on`mf_tA;g:man; ' T at; I~never1;ag*a3;:oda Marsden if I lrirfj tpyiradf f . Bin??? '39. dY?"??19?'1??..:Vi. ` . T `sort-9fpduen$:9n%~$i1.s GBIQLJI ' ' Mr. Marsden explained that-the call as in a great measures accident-' l; but, at beinghrlemiuded, by, seeing tliejirm passing, of their formerlconnexion in ade, he had hoped that the remem- ance of that. would he at least a'pass- rt to Mr. Twigg s consideration, . _ Oh, certainly. Mr. Twigg was always ad to see an old acquainta`nce'; was my to hear of Mr. Marsden s necessi- es; _could- not help feeling, however, at he had been much to blame in risk- gand losing his property as hehad (slcilable assistance. " Cold still, but not 1 e. ' . , f` If you'ha.d'e, vacancy in your c'o'1'mt- g-`house--- ?' , _ _ ; ' We have no vacancy," `returned Mt, igg,drily.` M " , , ` If you should`have; ? continued=M'r; arsden, amending hi's`plea'.' , ' I can hold out 'n_o` expectation that e shall -have, Mr. Matsden, "rejoined" ne; and didn t see, really'didn t_:_see, A W he, the speaker, could render any he gentleman, coldly 'still"bIt not fudely;- (T434 `I15 n-n {ail-nip. Who` `,Tl{ S;l`;.r n1:3u'!, asked 4 the; gentleman, astily. - . .. M`: `l\lI'.-.y..~'l.,n air:-.1n1'nn:1 l*l1aI".f1nn rid- " ' a long, wixose sinyple _nam9 ,".V. In with so many memies teeming,- . That fir min-6 wisdom it claim, Than mmv noun of wvin-_r'uI.r'ninu. -.-nu. nun Iuuru wuluqm 1! cm; calm, Than mny song: ofvv;viaer's_e.ei:ni`x13._V `V This little song. how chit cheers, ' , .~ . Ad lhrbilgb the `mm I friendleia roam! ' How manya long-lost fnend appears, _ \\'hene er 1 ling Sweet. Home I!) V UIIIGD F heavy ..-n A. bled Clllll, IV Ulla DVIIUVV-lll\-IUII IlI:|, Kind messenger: of mercy come,-; And evil. painful thoughts depart, Wheneler I sing Sweet Home," ` In T T b Those words I we lisped in childhood glee, Long ere I felt their mystic power; And sung, `wliilet roving wild and free, In boyl1nod s careless, happy h9ur,v ' And still each joy or early days,- Gone, like the ocean : lightcs; foan_1,a `Returns, before my mental game, I Whene er I sing - Sweet yEIom_e." . ' ._ ' Sweet Home,!, ah! who can` tell thy worth, .'l`o those that love thee," little song ! Yet all thy mem rieg are of ea:h,--- ' Thy brightest hopes to Heaven belong. My earthly hoine is far away, ' And while on earth Pm doomed to roam,-- But'n s joys" shall ne!er decay,, ' There may I sing Sweet Home. ' ` It solace: the. louly hur,-`- I . . It soothes Ihe weary, `troubled brain,. And palms, with Fancy : magic power, _ " Scenes that I near may see again, And, to the sorrow-laden hemft, Kind ma-nannxr'p|-n nf mm-no mum. __ -.\JIl1L'` .4!-`V -' - . -' 1>nsP_om>nscm-n\wx1,xas or; -ED091856 VI. .. .'..'L'.....'2 A...` ...L-....Jl -1` nknnn uid 's;ag;gi.Is"i;1 Life; V T [For tho} Mon"? .34!-V e'al}.`:al ette. I] - ierat urp. wt swam 110111?-.-A" -;JitI`s{ri*IeEi`s <'31f1:,i'i`; ii.iT'I5I1';.E WiQLE_`.s_ECRi'i.-bf ysuccss in A_:LL".(.?rOVERI\TMEN'1`-.' canI,uu_c- _ - V . We "must givg! 11 but lodgings, Mr; Harebell, I fear, sai "IV/Ir. l\ Iarsden, one afternoon, after a morning spent,in vain, l and utting into his 'audlords. hands the l wee ` C` T Lana nnf ozr T Innn IVl\I`I ova run} llblllllls Blllllflt . A week .passedVaway'-a. .fortnigiht.-.-a, 'month.- The daily pnpersiliad been ransacked for ad vertisements ; advertise- rnents. had been inserted, but 'not` answered. ;, appointments had been made. and kept, without results, and Mr.` Mars-p den s small. stock of money was tagidly dwindling uwayl. `All this. time,- asil had buoyed. himself up with hopes-that each foljlowingday would -be crowned with success; nor had he entirely for- gotten the existence of his travelling com_panion--'-the stout Friend; but it seemed that the stout Friend had.i'or- gotten him. He -did not make his ap- pearance. 5` Tn `mire? viva 11?!" bur lnrirrinn-Q, Mr. IV U!/Bl, --aunt. ` , _,`_`I hope not, sir. I hope you-are not dissatised. -1f there is .anythii_1g ewe can do to make them more agreeable,` I am s_u're we"shoul_d wishito do it. . e H 11-` u'a*nnI' flan} `Mr T-Turn`-sail vnut all-I VVU DlIUlIl_\.l. \'|'I3Il BU llo If is'not that, Mr. Harebefl. You have been very kin;l,'m1d Mrs. Hzuiebell has been very "kind, and there is nothing `left for ugto `wish fdr i`n"t_he way of com: fort; but you safe qwam how uu`is_uc`cess-A fu_l we hate been m on; seagch for em.- .lo ment. A . ' I _ P \)7,na Mr, I-Tnrn}m" tuna' if - ILILICIUIJLQUO It_ makes this diH'erence,my'goo'd `friend, that 9; we'ek_ or two hence [shall hav reachedthe bottom of 'myfpiirse; and then ` ` ` 1"" u"I ..l.....9a- `Lip... ..'.-us ...... 1.. 4.. I......;. 51.... UL. Mg,-J_.I.uu LV.lalu`\|\tlJI ; Excuse me, but most landlords would" `be anxious to get rid of such 9, ledger-as I um~, ?.said- Mr. Marsden,-with-a sigh. ' `(G `T urn nnf'*m1rn uh: T thin-Ir -lb 1nn`n ` 4- H4512. 'P!>`H- Win "uI.6uWI-I217 "MFG Many` ` I am not `sure, 81),`, I think it wo_n t be long, ~Bes1de_s, sir, if you were torgo away. from here, you must-have lodgings` somewbete else, yuuand` Mr. Basil; ` and` then t_he._you-;ig ladies . . .6`. My poorgirls, you mean . ?1 L Yes, ;Mr. Hat. bell-. did..-mean. thj,I.1,;' ......l Mpg: -`L'I'.-.-.-.Innll In.-..`l.l-..-..-u.. an ...-...ln.....'..... ,Ulli.5|U UV ' 1;: awnen h.e retund tO the, `sitting-ibm 11.311 ..:Ba.sil. whom he had; le"t,he t'e; aiiv l;c'41.r' be_f_ore;.hadA disappeared; Pres_e_I_1t1y; M'1j_;`Harebe1l brgught lthq tgp; `equipagga and`.f]_ight.` 3 . ` = ' ca 11' "-srnn Eriinu 1uh'4=,IAmir`}`\n:1'n. Pw3% I`-Iarbell. was _a\'va1-e `of it ; Mr. Basil had told him: but Mr. Hare- bell hoped _tha_t wouldn t make any difference; a 1. ;_-_._-3|_... 4L1- .1::r-..._..-_ `____.,_.-.:_1 `undice, ' e mbn

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