from" ` . ;enta~; Iratedv 2 StatEt_Q Labor Comxhutgin, EMOVED torthe 0 _ STTORY BUILDiNG'. six doors Westward, me Street. ._..._ `l .__.. 5 In:-n no 0!... )AR'I`IES (x9115 of commuting their Statute ` , MLa.bor can ` so `on or before - nRA1Ns, LEAVE UNIONV smwion "A L FOLLOWS: ' . A _. ran an: I ILl`Aull\I\l\ HOLT,\$\ONS &. co., CEAMP MEETING-- pV.-wi1l be be1d;b_n -(`J-non-Inn 'DnI~h-Linnia . farm. Pbnnfnhalui- Informnation Wanted, `Ivar! v\ . -nvvvsu-4 rv . u u '*`?5 1;.;:;g;1;icbHLEi%;.i>an1asne:." I "'1`emple,cot_'._ Brooms & `Crosby V: ; tr.ee15`,IN-'~Y<:: % ' ..r;ennuu `4:-ant ' 1; un: wiaucs Ul um u1u.JUrlly ()1 H13 uonsuulenti. But it. would perhaps be committing the future legislator to some p_lu.tI`orm,soine decided point by which we could form an opinion of his political creed, and that would be unsafe. It is more suit- able to him to be everything by turns and noth- ing long to nd.i`a.ult with everything, and every one in the meantime, in the hope that by contiu`uu.l claim, he may at last be exnlvted above his fellows, and have smneshare in the bestowal of that pub- lic` patronage, which he now so pcevishly envies Ml`-7 Angus Morrison. ' ` mm... ..L.\..._ CONTRACTORS. lllVUavno: 5 or .|\`rI.Au 5.4. n-nu v `("7 J; LEWIS GRANT, ' ` A -`Supefim ran coLLm`e-)_v'ooo. . II-I-I IIuII\lvu- . . . . 5.30 1.21; - o-s`u'--`-Qnnu P-no` . 10,15 AJ(. and 9.00 rag . . cu.`-nu-. luvs . `on- IIUUUQ . 7.0b`A,.l`l . .. 4.00 mg. .12-.45 9.00 ;+.'u._ I1u'.uu., ` I A8uper.int_e'nden`t.'.` ` ` -"l9'i ' 23-3in w, - ...._- 23-3in` - 1 l:.\lll.`DlL`\L Ml UU CICULCU U) ljfllllg VULUS. I beg to say, Sir, tliut I rely first upon George ! Brown ; second upon personal popularity ; having | been an active politician, at different times, in all ` the political partiesof this country, and a faitliful nltemlaut at ministerial banquets, 'wl1en7 invited ;' ' and lastly, niore because I rim not tenacious or bigoted upon any point, and have always yielded to the dictates ol' policy. Yours,-&c,, - Barrie, 1800. ` D ARCY, til` [2, wn Clerk. _ 21-5in A T re,ceive"d a't ``1v`h0i`d UonutrySt6x-,5 V Bradford St., Barrie. all the. newest. dosignsin ' DRY. GOODS, co_nypg-ig,i_9g( ,1 _:;ip;s,. Muslims, De ` Laines, Robed and` Flsunced Hats, Bon-V 'n`ets,._Shawls', Capes, Parasols, Carpets, Furniture - Prints, Shec-tings, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, &o., ` j '&c., and all othe5_.ki_nds._of1Dry Goods and Gm- ceries, the whole dfvihih` `Ante -selling fog-.CAS}-I at the same Low`._Brg;e.1Ifas'l1_ithe'r!.o.` ' :.'Not,o the addiss: ' - A ` ,__f'f"TliVI_ Ow, Qopxv S1033, Bradfoi-d`St.,; . ' ' Oppoit_"D}1rIiam'L9 Steam Saw Mill. > ' kn A V` P. PAR. Pmnetnrv. : `FOR. April 23,'1scVo.Z_A L BQo'1:s.sp sH0Esi WHOLESALE AND ` RETAIL! 1 .`"',".'cohuz71E1's'ii;'.'.' , An Assortment of` thenewst designs in v. Suited to the tasted and `1-equuireaents of his` .' ` cnstomeraa . ` I E GR.0jcnnIES. H41DWABE._cRocxm_;Y.. an, - : ,_'.f, v 1" ` ANDREW GRAHAM. Ba.rrIe_;Ma'y_ 16, '186l_)_.j " - V " _20-`if ' - : VERY LAB./GE vi|~l`1ji cnyplct Assbrtuint cl." Ladies? Euamcllcgl Kid and`Prunella Gaiters, Buskins, Bqots; Gent's Gulf; Kip and Course; Misses and_.OhiIdr_eVn?s,)of Veve_x-y variety and style, whichiwilil be_ k,cpl'. co4nsbtantV1y on hand, 7 ' . . AT `PRICES NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD! ' ' ' ' . ANDREW GRAHAM Barrie.,`May 16, 1860. 20-tf -.-.- _...D--. _r_..._..,... The above casigation is rather severe, for we have no doubt tlmt. before this n. commtluicationv sometbiup; like the following has appeared in `-the St. Callmrines paper, not yet come to band,\vl1ich will set nmlters 1'ig'bt:- _ ' To the Editor of the Constitutional. V Sm, ---In 9. recent issue you mis-stated ihe terms of my card' forpublication, in Saying that. l'expected to be elected by Orange votes. I hmr tn .:nv, Sir, Hi.-1?. T min rqt nnnn Gnnrrrn KJ nuru iug, &c. Barrie, May 16',:1~8,60. L20 .I..Io \J-A Agnt. for the County of Sirncoe. lo order. George Maundrell, BUTCHER, POULTERER, IMCON ./IND ` H./1M CURER, S./YUS/1GE M.4KER,-c., :7. n Iu._;.t-..L 04..1l D.....',J........ `D....4:,.I.l -4 D........'.. LVI my,` 1860. JLUAAIL \./v......-. ......- .7 V-.. ..._ .._.......E., 5..., No. 8 'Mai'kct Stull-Residence, Bag/eld-st. Basrie BEGS to inform the public generally thathe has vcgnstantly on hand a grand supply of the primes! quality of Fcesh Meals, Poultry, &c., Home Cured Hams and Bacnn--smoked and while dried; Barreled ork and Beef, which are offered at the` Iowa _t`po'ssible price. I Barrie, May 16, 1860. `- 20-ly `Copper, Tin Sheet Iron Worker, I wxnnn ._ 2.4.--. L:.. o_:-_.:.' .....a n... ....m:.. ......... ."' IA EGS to inform his friends and the public gene 1'-ally that he has commenced business in the above line, on the premises adjoining -Messrs. Root. & Morrow, Saddler - runn nn .o-nnmnm `D. Alnnrm _ ..-....v.....-......-, .. ....... .., and hopes by keping the best. nmterial, pnnctu-. ajity in business, and moderate charges, to merit. a. share of public patronage; lt'nnTTfZ'Al1'rYITlluV1\ rvnno ..1......'... ..V.u l.,...J, ' The Owen Sound Times learns that a. requisition isvbcing gotten up in the County of Grey, requestpv izlg Mr. J. C. Morrison to become a candidate -for the representation of that County. In the event of Mr. .Jackson not coming out, no doubt Mr. Morrison's triumph would be easy. , ' I~I\1>\II llsavllw 1..-........5-. M."/INUTF./9CI'URED. GOODS alwmjs orz hang: ' . V REP.z1lRINGApramptly attended to.--R./IGS . talcch inV.Tra:1c`. _ - _ Barrie, Maystb, 1880. _ ' ` -R 19 EIINS 9 RH: LES W M'._ BURN."$M:"fw Gun Maker, D:1nlop,Stx'ect, Barrie, wsvsrun . . , . . _ EGS to return his sincere thanks to his cius-I tomers for the very liberal support he has received since his residencein Barrie; and hav- ing increased his facilities for doing work _of the very best description, he presiinips to hizve 9. str_o_nger_ claim upon their` patronage, V i ' , Wnmrv rnnniaitn fnr-'.:nnrl.:m=n snnnlied on the` sI.1'_o_nger, cxaxm upon weir p!lU'UuugC._ Every requisite, for `sportsmen supplied on the'_ most reasonable terms. . _ REPAIRS EXECUTED WITH DESPAT$H. ' I3 lSpecimens of wonkmanship kept on;-hand, and parties are` invited to inspect_them-`evbthcy think of purchasing elsewhere? manufacture. ` V . Rn'rrie_ March '26. IRRO. a. *-suppgt -.*:faame `. BE Subslcriber begs'7" to acquaint the . ,Fa.m1'ers and others 0f the count)L,oSimcoe 'tlxa.t h_`na.s commenced business as ' ' ` HJCBI4 LILLIIJI districts; b run. In. nun uvu-un.u\.uu vug-u-.... .--a :CAR_RIAGE AND AGRIC_tIL;I'I;I{AL ` , _ 4 IMPLEMENT MAKER, .- .. -NeqrLthe Market, Barri`,e,b ,,.) 'Whe1".5by yttyention buiness ` and . Tdebate nhnrrrog he hnna: tn npnnrn 8. fair nntmmme. . VVlJl'_,`U uuexu.luu..lU uuauwaa nuu- Illuut `charges, he hopes to secure` a fair patronage. vPnru-.n1ar attsxntinn will be (mid to sedurinz Tliero is` a prospect of Union between the Pres- byterian and United Presbyterian bodies in this country, the Synods of both branches beihlg just now held in Hamilton, with :1. view to-`tubal: object, and in which a spirit of conciliationis exhibited- I for W312 i*i1INi;T AND f sums strong, rvriunnr e nwn woo L%! _WOoL';!;W OOL!-` 1 BEG-,m`_tn?rm guwho xjeqtiire?DRY Godps . that Ihave beach: the `.15-V.,S`.toG1`:`l?-`Ely sold. .`*.Y V?1:3T`*f`*'l`."-.'-'A "A"`1 vsrll T;9n!'umL <.>>ssu is as fl . liiit . .`Ix Pes Seldin? `in romza; xi riii1?t!1ea`l*v'v`Jiiai""is`t:iard o::"t.*'f_- ._ . II `DIR A DQIIIT- " 5 WC6r?t4i?ceil.'e`ncA@``Iirs`-of :. _-ogne cheap row` our ' i Rni~ia.`:.l n`ht l`2. `FANCY -DRY` abons, - 4...: .#,. zlieather !-' Leather ! Leather! T s>i~f`u'ip?`?.e,?roc%: t\'!1 `I1 1-urn -:1 1-uxr\'-:7 _.I4 I1_`;:I-SY.l"1V2.-di`1"'>`S.V 12519120 V'JE_Df 1;oII\rTs.' M D. B. GARTON, | Q.-. '1..- u... 1'1...-.o.. M` Rimm... Tm: Ni-:w Towxsamsf-There are now aptuallyv settled on the ;\Iori'ison and Muslcolga. qqd, (:3 we are informed, 9. popnliztion nurn_l_n-ring 118. About 90 acres is under cultivation, the result mostly of last winter's work, and promising "well, `Forty families ontlie Crown Lands in the rear, "awaiting the? opipoi-tnnity to purchase as soon as the" survey is completed. V *S-P.RI.N(_g`rG.90DS`! [`FFe. .:s9b$; riber kg; weed Lia niun Stogk of _ .o. ,..-.n . ` ': .""`ALs"'. ' . V ' GILT M OULDIN GS and Picture Frames mad .. .....l.... 1i3ANfSIi~ Sol-, Slaughter; ?Up};Er, Kip. Calf 5 Harness, Biqding, Lining, Sboemakers Find- nrr. kn-, 'lU'IlUJ UACL (`I U. Barrie, March _26,_1s6O_.. : ..-:-<'-v.. .. ;_c; }_A iT2'A's?: L I 7H%TTN I'_r_u_<; _ aofo s j1fg1: meamsr PRICE mun m 'G`EORGE HUN?E 1; f gaaagaNg;EEif MAc}\uLLAs s MAGAZINE _f{)t1 April has come Ttuo hand. Besides a fair instalment of Tom -Brown at Oxford, |tl1ere are otheigarticlesvof,inte1jest. Ougthe Revision of the Prn.yer_l3_bok, by Rev. F. D. Maurice; Euddbn and Buddhism, ~Rea.d- rs in 1760 and 1860, Sac. - V VIM... 11 . .. . ... . .. A .......... ............. L`... `I ....... 3.. A... l\I`0I _ New Carriage Fa7(Z:r17:7 oi'$r, .LJo .lJu \_llLL.I.Il.L.\JL`. ---w Near the_ Registry Oicc Barrie. nn - `20-Iv Alnvnnv u , -.n...\.._. _"1 . _ , DUNLOIPSTREET, VBARRIE, ,,, __ Al__ I.__..A .__'..L-..2..l at. `( E:;w:E::,:.*" s'ib..0'Es, - .. BARRIE- 1 R80; v . ` .r_ ' ' 2` -if. .-..-r r:-- R7 63. Ti shi? L. '..Zy eqf_the M'1r_/cet, A .;-AL`.._L1.... 1.. 'I.....'....-` -. ..-I `SAL: V on: THE ANDREW GRAHAM. * 20-tr. . ..... ,.,.....v.. `....... ...,,.I. .3 :PPAE, Propetr. V __ _` _17-tf v... ._ _.-, ..._... _.,.,.. .,.-. Tm: G.a.\'An1,\x Aan1oUL'rUms'r forJune is on our table, and conmins,l besides many ' excellent nrticles, one on the Cattle Distemper so fearfully prevalent in the New England Suites, and extend- ing northward even to the eastern townships of Lower Canada. ` I `:3-Iv Hwy v.-DWIAIIEQIIQQ-.wuv . * jannxdia-5; Barrio. - A 2 L A. .3}, i ;{rii5}xEEv~ HI S.'l"0C-KH0I-` 'Gloths,;Do'skina,_ - ' Hats, Caps, cqssi:npr,e.a.J3.`.%veeds,A, Shir'ts,`CoI1ars, S_a.linetts,._4_Lt;d ,., _ V Drawers, Braces, . Cqg13giign.CioLhgg 3; _ , 9 Hosiery, Glove, , ~An;d":B.eady-Made Glothmg, Workman, om every variety of Goods, in styles to suit all customers. N.B.---Customers may rely on having garments made to measure in eleganpstyle, and in- the lnlestfashion; , L > Barrie, Ocvfober, 1359. 1 414:: 3%b*ihmni= |G,0I`=N VEAIE',TS ndiv p repared tq execute "qrders in ejyy thing in the above line. Pgrticulat attention. is .cnl1ed to their make of Saddles. Their Spring Importation of . ' ---.,-.f..T .) ...._.. V..V :..`.J...._:_---- -5.... ..., Is.daily;expct'edftoy1i the-rst._Amanufacture_r on lbe._qontiuergt, and` will be sold at the lowest. pos- sible pgqt for CASH. ` '(h1r ~ l`ex-nlis for Saddle`; }; lnn4rh-Hnrnesa. and _cvcI 3.00 C..&' Wm. YALP}, Importra and Dealers in . Italiannnd ./Imerican Marble; also, manufac- turers of Monuments, Cenotaphs, Tomb and Grave . Stones, Centfe-Table and Stand Tops, Chimney Pieces, &c., &c. . - nnrmmi, ivl he nnhn nf. nnltimpu nrina kn- IIUUCS, GU-_ WU. `Our Olce will be Qpen at i_111'times during bu-' siness hours, where we will be. pleased to exhibit designs and specimens of work to any who may favour uswith u. call. A n .....:....--o1..........I. ...... A ;......a... ...:n t... ...........n.. .... u y. \1AIIIu:\AnIo 0UR..MUS1CAL Fm:Nn No.' 80 contains Tyro1i- came, The, Convent Cell. The Last 17056 Of Summer, and the song, There s -no Home like my own. ` ` ' " A .'z'.RU1vgrs 5- .E}vzfM1LLED BAGS, ravour us*Wuu can. . . All-order-s't1uougl1 our Agents will bepromptly attended to.- wk 91...... .............1...... 44... ; ...... 1u'....m.. :. 4: u... IIBIICHUCU LU.` ` . I _ E3` Please remember thatiour Marble is of the finest quality. Our dcsignsfor the abqvework are of the latest styles. Orders for any work in Marble executed with taste and despatch; D. Cmgos YALE. L \Vn.I.1AnYALE.- Anrut.8.1R54. 28-lv (ow sumo) TWIO DOORS scum ow ADELAIDE sruznzw BRITISH AN15'X;\?I.i2'iz_1-E:A;a'1->1 HARDWARE 114 Yonge Street, '1'orontq, ` BUILDERS HARDWARE, Mechanics Edge, and all other Tools, House Fuygislliug Goods, _,,_1 _II _A_._ rV,..,1 12-.. -1. BUIMULLLD Lldu.u\,vA|uy, muL'uu.un;3 Luge, V Furnishing `Cutlery, &c., and all other Go9ds' in the line, at the Lowest Rates. _ ` 26-tfh June stb, 1858.` S.'hf of Lot 5, tinltlr lllh Concession Innisl; ubout. 50 acres cleared. N. hf of Lot 3, in Lhesth Concession N`ott.a.wasaga; an old cleared Farm. S. E. { of Lot. 1 in the Ian. Concession Nottu-T wasugn; an old cleared Farm. Lot No. 6, in the 10th Concession Vespra; about 30 acres cleared. - E. hf of Lot. 74,'in the Ist.l0on about 50 acres cleared. - cession Flos ; 3 l 1 l 5 1 l l i _|_., Auwpzuulmu u.uu,ar.' ALVU uA_m1I:m, en- .ti'imce on Collier _S1"e_t, and only 40 rods from the ' Mgfket. * [moon S'I`_VABL-E ATTACHED. -A URL- `.__._.l-.. ..'....'5......- n`I\r\1n nlnn-1 nhrn-r17 A. .\I. Sfnith 85 .Co. , wholesale gfocef 'in. ronto, some` time ago -despntclmd 9; lvessel-lto Halifax, Nova. Sotia direct, wlxicl; rjeturhgd last. week, after n. pxosperous passage, with a ca1`go`df `sugar, molasses, ,_chocolate, 'codsl1, &c. The Messrs. Smithv contemplate dspatching shortly the same vessel to Liizerppbl. _- vents Lot 4, & S. lxfof 1 1, in the 61.11 Concession ; and 25 in 3rd Concession Flus, ` Lot 27, in the 5th Concession; 25 inthe 4th and part 25, in the 8th of Mulmur. ` I _ . ' Lots Nos. G,~& 7, N. S."Louisa Strcet--.LoIs?"Nos. ll, 12, 13; 35 14, N. S. Elizabeth Street, and 1l,AL2,Al3 , & 14, S; S. Henry Street, Perry -Esmle. . . S. hf of Lot 14,, l`.c'rcz_v Street, Roe s Block, i acre - ' and Dwelling Ilpuse. ' Lots 19 as 20, Easrside of Buyeld Street, Patton's `Block, Mill road, nearly an acre with a good -`Dwelling House. - _ Tl1e'-Bl of Park Lot No, 1, North side of Napier ' ' Street; 2; acres. " - 14 acres in the town plotof Ksxrraxmnnr. Lot 8, St. Paul Street, COLL_lNGW()0D. l 'l`lm nhnvaa will he nnhl nhe:1n,nnd nn pnsv terms 0. HUI: 0, Din .l'U.|.ll Dll'Et`|:, \JUl.4l4_lNU\V UUU- The above will be sold, cheap, and on easy terms of payment. V _ . ' ' _ ' Apply (if by letter post-paid) to `I? T\ l'l'3Y\AfVTI' COTTAGE T0 RENT or_ LEASE, "l'f'J \'_` `J _""" I""" l"""'I "' 7 A w.,D. ARDAGH. A `L, " PATTON 8: ARDAGH, Bmmm. .Bai:rie, May 28, 1860. ` _ ?.2-ly ~ 0 an sow, ohenp, the East mar of Lot No. I 9, in the 8th Concession of Medonte,i1bout. 26 acres of which are cleared. . ' For particulars apply to the Postmaster, ' . Medonte Post Olce. ur_.1......_ A...._:1 n 1o13n 10 ct` Meddnitg, April 27, 1860,. _L sessxon, A LVDAL DUI. LAUH nuuu. uuuom, containing 2 Parlours, 2 Bed Rooms`, Servumls Room, Kitchen, and an, excellent Cellar ; with good STABLING, OUTHOUSES, a Garden, and an Orchard in bearing: situate about `20 min`ute s | good, DL`:\lSul.V U, UU Lnuuopo, u uurucu, uuu an Orchard in bearing; `_20 walk from the Market at Barrie, and fronting thejBay.` T " ` V ' --A LEO.-- Dwelling" Hotise and Grardn to " B E L ET. Dr. 0. W. Homes. of literary celebrity _as the Autocrnt of the Brcnltfast-'l`_able, ar1dHPr9fes_or of Anatomy and Physiology at Harvard: Univer-` sity, Boston, lately` delivered; an address`-before the Mnsachusetts Medical Society, in-,which.he declared in plain language, that mankind had beendrng_:ed_ to death; that whatever would injure a'wo'll.m:m would injnren. `sick 'one;"nnd that the world would be better off if the contents- of evry apotlxcary shop were emptied into the sea, though the consequences to the shes would he lamentable. A long di_scnss_ion was held on the propriety of pnblishingjthe address, though it was nally voted by thesmall mn.j0rityo_fr hine to give it to the *-public, but with a. noricabalyon the first page that the Society were not i'e.poiii- ble for the sentiments it contained. .. : . ' J.` \I- It 5.: Au-1.1 -J, _ WW0 PARK LOTS, in the Town of Barrie _ (containing an Acxe; being Lots Nos. 7 `saxid_22, as aurvejfed by Robert Ross,VEs uire, form1`n'g'_ part of Lot No. .26,` in the 5th (Eon, :'1"o\vnsli1pV of Vspm. _` These Lots are well s_i_tu- .uted,"a'n`d-txelng near the-Barrie Railroad Station'I'very3ra1n able.' " ` V _ v ` ` ' ' IKE` F11]-I nnrtinIlIn can -bezhad. `DIED ';Szi.(.1"i41 eTe:,iIB1"i<;1les, Maiftigales, T ......-, _ `About 20 Acres of -LAND, cleared, 10 of which is `under cultivation. . TheC0ttage can be rented with or withput the Land.` - ~ .1-. ,n\,, ., 7,1 For particiglars apply `to this office, to John Alexander; Eaqi, or to the owner, ` Z - um: I) ntntrannsxnxr Barrie; March 21, 1860.` -are very yamame. 7 K5` Full particulgirs can` be had, with (plan of .the property, on application to _:_ . ~ - '3` .'H._ B.`HUPKINS,` . I -. __ V _ - _ , Burrler, &c..Ban'1'e. ._T _~_:; ,.;_. ` `CHAS. A. M0lDELE'l` . .5 7:53; . Land gent, foronto, `_{%413,gs:r1%e,-.s.'; p';.7j2:; s,,is84. - 35.11", A vUUU,U DI .`\DuI:4 nl. xnuuuu. ; The garden contains choice nipple, plum, cherry, ia'nd other table fruits, and excellent soil, with a sprihg of water running througzh it. V ., Wm! nnrticulai-s. nnnlv at this ofce. or. on the -Bani, mama` 12,~1'sso. AN I- 1l|'lElll0!`lS80 person UU'.l'1u.V_\:r Luuunu. V .011 Lots 1 t 2. an_d`8 & 9,~in`I.he lat Conuession a_nd,I-ao_t.s;;1,,2-& 3,.in_1,he, and Goncession of the ='I'.ownsl;ip; of N ottawnsaga, will be pqoseguned. `tugging. mmmnn. Nmmas. and Gamma Walker. -TORONTO . 7 MARVB LE WQ RKS, trnxrnn xrnnmvr Ara r\tv'nvn\f Soumwarno L(0l1E'-.TH5N .A:.=wAm. , ll .....---A-on -nu-u - .u-.--._. I _--_ . _, -premises to- : spring 6! water `running wrougzn 1:. For particulars, apply at oice, ox-.on MRS. POVEY. -Barriia;M$rchT12,-:i`sso.7 . _ V `ll-tf . r.1_uu_unx.\. uu 1 Jun. M -fNYA:~unnuthorised person CUTTING TIMBER `. on 2. and:8 Concession. `qua t.M..,1 0.1: n 1.`. In, and nni-ncnlnn nf the "l;pWpup:oI uouawnsaga, _w1u be pgosegurpu. - . .;1_1_Sf5gH&milton, Nge!r;ng1s,_a.nd George Walke;-, jz&s1<}1pg_ on the, property`,a're~agents for Its iprorec-y on. .T ` . SIQII ka.,,;e,_Jeay z;,j=:as. r 1 gs?-. and CHEAP V1 '2`. j". _.: '_ L _ j. .9 iHi ;;%..BCE*NsN%:E;T T S J % 11,.` ,' ,_,g r:n-A1_.._ __.S I Va \.l.Lll.lU L A145-u Anguish 8, 1854. bYONGEzS'1`.RIE 1`, Nolifn 39 `IZEUEEN. ianil a5i'fI`igrticc:ucnt:a. .. \.`L`\I _- _\_- ..-\_-v\-.-. % \- xx/1~t\$'\:~.'\ V-vv s,-\ \.-v `xxx/v\\.' vl V-V Agricultural Implements . F` ALL KINDS, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY, for Sale by ' ' ' _ V - V J. B. RYAN,` 114 Yonge-Street, Toronto, Two doors South of Adelaide St. use 28th, 1858. 26-tf GGS-$0 00 pct utmqu. `V ,` . Pms--50c per'buslielS' BE:-:r-4 to 5dolla.1-'s- per 100 `lbs. `Po1zx--Green, 84250, to 85: j ` Bxscdx--$ $9`.'O0. `_. ' _ 'Mu'r'rox--'Ic` perflb. `. LAxl3-8cpe,r1b'._-w` ~~ .. " Cmcn;nIs-,+25c ,to;39d_per` pair. * A Hmns.-sperjcwt.;, 5 .. t Ru-nun QIn'u--R01`. CO 0 be Rnid or Lenscd,with irrgmediate p95- session, A NEAT COTTAGE BUILT HOUBE, unmininu-1 Pm-Inn:-a. 2 Red Rooms; Servnmls 0;he Let,.witK immediate possession, a GOOD *.nwm.I.nm Hnnsw. AND `GARDEN. en- F}<>L}$;'n)iATL L% fF.AR1VI 'E_0_R SALE. Let, with immediate possession, `DWELLING HOUSE AND GARDEN, en- ..... .. n..n:....Qr..z..;o .-ma nu-ill: m mrl: frnm an JAMES B.` RYAN, Intnnnrnhh nu ___._-. Town Lots in Barrie. WITH 26 TACRESTOF LAIND-.V ' 5I7:I'M'l3ER" NOTILSE .-_.....u._..:-...a .......... nrmvrnrra "F FOR SALE; AT)? T f\'l`Q =v\ {Ina Tnnvn AnvAxo1:" Om.xos,.Jnne.9,T1'860. V Wmcu, Fa.11--$1 25 per bushel. V Sprinz-90c a. 95 00.pe1'-bushel." I v _FLotm-.$4 50 to $5 90 per. barrel. Banner, new`.--54c_per bushel} V OATS '2:'>c to 300. per bushel. 1 ; BU'r'mn-10c to 12,1,c_ p_e_1j~_lb, \ ` Gm:esE-8c per 1b_. . _ _`j A - Po'ruo:s-Good suppiy; '12cito 15 per bus. per dozqn.-7 '/o Bags. 1>ma_5oc nm-"bushels" " ' ' * ' V r Wild Lands, IMPORT_ER (r --ALSO,-- 41.` Y AlYf\ _W ' Enwkizni A. WALKER.- `- ' 30.1 v I nun vvvuux, MRS. P. RICHARDSON. Imus` .lU3[l.|4\IlI$ . 1 VVLLLIAM YALE. . 28- ly 'AVPQSTPONEMENT. ` ~SHER1FF S SAL_E OF LANDS`. `Coax-is or`-Smconz "Y Virtue of a writ of .,'m Wu`: Fieri Facias, issued. out I _bf_ the Court of Common `Pleas, at Toronto, and to me directed, against the Lands and Tenemnts `of HEWI'l"l` BERNARD, atlhe suil. of GEORGE B. WYLLIE, I have seized and taken in execu- nin` - 2 `Lot 24 4th Coucesslon, Essa, .E hf '~ "` 24 9th - Oro, W M 21 .9th _ Oro. and Village Lot No. Nine, on the North Side of Edward Street, in the Village of Creemorc, iu the .'l`owuship. ol Nuttnsvnsagn, all in the County of Simcog, nnd will sell the same, or the Interest of the above named Defendant therein, at my Office, in the Court House, in the `Town of Barrio, on 'l'T`.'l3nAV Hm 'l`\\ Tv`.N'|`H-`.TH dmr nf MARCH. .1101! ' III we uoun. nouse, in ma` IOWII or mnrrw, uu TUESDAY the TWENTIETH day of MARCH, 1860, at Twelve o clock nonn. `B. W. SMITH, S'Iwn`H" C` R Hmns--u:> pezcwc, . sum sxms-.-soc to 9(>c;e,'c'h; .: _ L Woor.-20c-T 25-.per pound,` HAY--$10 to $12 per ton. B1~nAw-5Ado1s. per toni . Tmznva-50c 1 ._o.75c,eac_h.__..,. .SImImi's Omen, B/mmx, nus: w, v. 9. . December 9th., 1859. 50?3mos. "The abim sale isVPOS"l.`_I- 0NED until `TUES- DAY, tbe,29th day of MAY next, at same place and hour. B. \v.snm1, Smmmr s Onion, BAnnn:, $ ' Shcrz:[]',, 0.8`. liar:-I1 `)lHh `|RL!f._ I`)_]nin SHERIFF'S g March 2(_!th, 1869. I Illa On Tuesday, August, 1860, II, III?` unrn _ Duns :- - In the Common Pleas, JOHN THOMAS CAPE, Plaintitf,_vs; RICHARD REYNAR, "Defendant. Lot '-Number_Six, in the first Concession of the Township -of Techmseth, as the property of the Plaintiff, to satisfy the Defendant for 00313 in his Defence. 1.. n... rv......a..' n......o ,.r n... rV,....;o.. ..r e:......... T the TSHERTFF S_ OFFICE, in the Court -House, in BARBIE, at 1?. o'clock, noon, the nndermentioned LANDS, or the interest of the Defendants therein, under Write in the following Suits :- 1 ... 9|... (`nu-.-nan Dlnna T{'\TT\T T`TT{'\\I' A Q n A T314` IJUIIL` UKVIXKIIB uuu UV l.ULAl.I|.U. DU 1 11 FA, IJUAUIIU` ants. The West half of Lot` Numbz-1' Ten, in the Seventb Concession of the Township of .\1ulmur- 100 acres-. , A 1.. cl... f`\nuO11 (V,.....o at nm (`.m...4.v A`. Q:mmm .UL`ICnC8. In the County` Court of the Coutity of Simcoo, HUGH \VILL[A.\I' CAP.~\I_GN I l&il]lf, vs. JOHN CRAGE and VVILLIAM BOYLE, Defend- anfu Thu Wont ha an? I nt Nllnlhs-I` '|`un in Hm .lUU H:l'8$'. ' In the County Court of the County of Simcot-, JOHN ATKINSON, Plaintiff, vs. A. .\I. J. l)Ui{.\*- FORD, Defendant. The South half of Lot Num- ber Two, in the (irst. Concession of the'Township of Matchedash, and Lot Number Two on the North side of Amciia street, Berc7._v s Block, Barrie. Y. .1... {`.\....o.. 1",`...-tn-J 6`\n l"n....o.. .-.6` I;......o .L\Ul`|.ll Slut Ul 4`\|llUII?l3|lUl`I4, 1)UlL'I4_V B IIIUUR, lJillIII'.'. In the County Court. `of the County of Brant, VVILLIAMDARBY, As.-wignee of ANl)i .E'\' Mc- GILL, Plnintitf, `vs. JA.\lI5S I (_)BEI .'l` } .I{.-\l)- BURY, Defendant, under a. Writ of Vcrulifiuui Ezponusl The Nurtln half of Lot No. Eighteen, in the fourth Concession of the Township of Tossorontio. .' .!2 \V Q\H"l`l'T WW do 000 ury-.1:-. on do_ fG:oen~_5;sg ` ` oIu'I`([I, L Sm-mix-'1~* s OFFICE, B._umm, E Per B. W. RUSS, May 5th, 1860. 19-13in Dupz Couxn 01-` Smcoa, Y Virtue of two snveml T0 wn': '|`itS`Qf F.cri Fm-ius, (`issued out. of the-Court of Que'en'9 Bench, and In Pme directed, against the Lnhdskand TL'I)C`IllL`llL'~f [or ROBERL` STANTON, at we suits of--!.-zt, 9 A\'l\DI.V\\V II'|7[H'l\Y flnn "nu-....m... 0...] l,lf\l) \I\l.' ;4|ll`lI.\/.`\IJL' MINI \IIAUl\:LXl`J I1. \JlIL`4`.\1)], L IHIVU `kseized and take in execution` the North half of 5 Lot No. 61, in th '1_9t Concession of .\IL-dontt-, I00 lncres; and the North part of Lot No. 62, in the Ist Concession bf Mcdonte, 160 acres; and will `sell the sitme or the interest of the above named {defendant therein, at my" Omco, in tlre (Jnurt 3 House in the Town of Barrie, oh '1 I"ESD.-11', the `Thirty-,rst day of JA!\'L'AIl\',AA.D. 1860, at Twelve o'clock, noon} ` ~ B. W. SMITH, SHERIFF'S Ornca, B'ARRIE, "S/wrz , C.S. ` Ht-L 241.11, 1859, VI I\\}Dl`Jl\al 0111'.` LUAV, ul. `LUU Hllll! Ul?l.`sl, E NDRI~`.W HERON, the younger; `Incl, HOR.\()l6 QMETCALF am] GBORGETI. CIIENEY, lhnve uni /.011 and fnknn in nvamlnn Hm Nnrlh In-,uH' nf S1Isi'i`I?s OI.-`I-`ICE, BKRRIEI, _ 3-Jan. 31st, 1860. . L-\ ~ Snann-'1-"s .OH-`non, BAnnu-:, % v March 6, 1860. Su1mn=r s 0:-`nee, Oct. 2411:, 1359. IUU SUUVU SIIIC I5 puaupuucu Ulllll LUUSU Murc1_;6Ll1, 1860, at snmtf. place and hour. 3: . _ B. W. SMITH, .Qnr.~nn:i.'~`u rsmm: R.\'nnn.`- 7 ' Sim:-HI` (7 LIIU IIUUVU LJEHU I3 J.`UL\ll}l'Jl L \J|)llLI.\L'4lI' ntil TUESDAY, APRIL 24th, 1860, at thesnme place and hour. B. W. SMITH. ` next, at the sau_1e place and hour. The above Sale of Lands is FITRTIIER POST- PONEI) TUESDAY, the 31st day of JULY 1) `If Q\lI'I`TT VdllrIlhe'jIX;fv j I SHERIFF'S Orncn, Bmnw, April 24m, 1860.- Crown Lands Dcpartm cnt, Quebec, 25th May, 1860. - NOTI-CE .is- hereby given that Collectors of Customs throdghout the Province have been authorized to refuse clearances to all vessels hav- ing Lumber on board, unless certicates are pro- duced by the parlies inlerested, from the local Crown Timber Agents, that._the Timber Dues on such Lumber have been paid or secured, or that the said Lumber is not. subject to 'l`imb.-r Dues`, as the case may be. P; M. VANKOUGHNET, Fnmmlacinnnr nf (`.1-nwn Tmnrlu ....~.v- , -- -... ___.._,, __ .._ THE undersigned begs to notify Lumbcrcrs in this Agency`, that to prevent delay, trouble and expense, they should fuxfnish him forthwith with sworn statements, according to the forms to be had at this ollice, of all lumber out by them in~ tended for. exportation. A. W. POWELL, A nI.`\l'l`, . Cnowx. Lums Dlcr-1m1~.\xr':.vr, _ ' "Quebec, 28th May, 1860. "U E. Loynlists, lllilitiamen and Military Claims . ants, whose claims were actually admitted or in support of which proof sufficient was fur- ` nished previously to the Hth June, 1853, will, on application to the.Cummlssioner of Crown Lands, and proof of their identity, receive scrip in sinis- faction of their claims under the provisionsof the provisions of the 12th section of the Land. Act, pnsse,d,.during the last session of the Legis- lature ; previded the same be taken out before the lat Jimuziry, 1862. A Am! All Land Flmvin nr Certicates entltlinr: 15: January, Law. And all Land Scrip or Certicates entitling parties to purchase land issued prior to the 14th Jung, 1853. will be redeemed in Land or received as` payment for Land; -provided that such scrip land certicates be presented and established in thisA0tc9.befora the 1st January, 1862. . (signea,). P."M.`VANKOUGI_INE'l`, --33-4in ' ' Commissiongr. ` Hay, 1860. scx;ooL Bomcs, _ _ STATIONERY, . . nousn PAPERINGS, ' ACCOUNT BOOKS, TIWRAPPING PAPER, \"... }5P``"- =* W ` ; ;.[A.D ,v: *Ro`VE,.0FF.IcE` storm; . Rnluul BY PuBi; i_c"XiJcTIoN, , nv1nv\1--nvwvn nvwnvnn I Eiirms s/:_L "OF "Lmnsf COUNTY OF SIMCOE. The shove sale is postponed until Tuesday, Lu-1-_hHll1_ IRGO, at same nlnr-.9 nml hnnr, 1ARR1E MARKET REPORT.- _:.- YPOTPONEMENT. SIIERIFF S SALE OF LANDS. WOODS_ ANE) FORESTS. . .\ V . _ N76 above Sale is FURTIIER POSTPO.\'ED| .2! VIVYTL`QY\A\7 A-nu: 0,00`.-. 101*!) no OLA nn....-. Pu'b1icjNotice---Land Scrip. I'VE UU'I"lUE, DARK Ma.yV30th, 18130. Notice to-"fumberers. .10 ll . L U H 13111.1, Am:x'r, Huron and Superior and Peninsuluof Canada West. Tqrritorics. - 23-o'in O BSE_F_lVE. Crown Timberice, ` Wiml-or, 90!}; May, 1860. - - 1- L. W- A- .__AL`.. I ..__L-_-.._ 1. v.=mn\Lruuusu-.1, ` Commissioner of Crown Lands. TORdKiT6l>;M1Af5;iif:."V U V 1a: 1565:: : E Floin1'uhhvu".n'o`:signs ul'"uulnut_iop;`.~.lTho ` `letters-gby lhe {Viaaa-ra; mpre lhqn -eonrmJ_h9- nnfa'v_ouralg|;epor Telographd; `and lh`te'7I`-V dency`e'v`fy "whom "ppeu`16 be`-' tov`Iar_if`a` doqlinw ', A,'l'he_If ..,vIe,:r'gj,,_.,._n,i11' 6 iranlsac';ipp;,n`,.9hH SalIir,day,: and wu have. In rapeat,oo:.';piav`ioug_ "figures" as nominal quotations; snpetns .551 $5 5`; funny 35 a $5 50} 'exlra'$5 75 3'86`; double e`xlra$6 25. a _$_5" 75. :('I h'"`w'he't niarkel. y1v,e_1;si.i..lo viilhouz-L spirit . the _ best samples realisingonly $1 33, which was only- paid in.-one`*in'slance. 'The gures -most, fiequenlly pa.lil_=for good lotsowerewsl 28a-$_l 30.',l'o1j common and low grades 31 20 to 1.275 '.\'fveie,the`p'1fincip_al tales: per bu sn_el. , f Rnrino whoa! man in fair I-Vonnnni nl RI in B. W. smwn, .\`Iu-riff I B. W. SMITH, S/Aeriff, c.s.} 1'0-7iu *i nvu-no B. w. smrrr, Rlmriir I Dnllllfl, ' SI|er1_`', C. S. . DJH Ln, V . Sheriff, C..S'., 51.5 i n ;x omun, SImri[f, C'.S. V R()s`S, - QJII LII, - Shcrijf, C'.S. 17-Min (Jul, .\4 U 22-8in l_u,.l/.u_ 12-10in I U-DH, Deputy, ;rl;:_`NllLLBli1T8,PARTY or 'rH:_W:u'r.--The Coalition is doomed. -'=The 'li|t7~ between `-the V Colonist `and. the Leader'is_b'n'ly,-a` slight ihdi.-,1 cation 61" the feeling Wlii xisjs l!!lOl)g lh_'e' rank and Iq'oT,!he h}arrnouidn a"`.` Modraie. ?. -4 Toronto. Daily Globe. 7 `Vin: (Inna Ihn nrnnhnauinn -knnln-.. 6`..- 0|..-` HARMONY `AND, GOOD-FEiLI.0\V:SH.lP! The Premises which he has now entered have been greatly enlarged, and in_a few days will be completely renovated, so as to accninmudule respectable Visitors of every description with 'xB0.ARl), in Private Suits of Apartments, or at the Public Table, by the Meal, Day, Week, Month, or Year. He, has also very Extensive Accommto dution for HORSES, and CARRI.-\Gl".S, and II LIVERY STABLE connected with the` Estab- lishment, the whole of which he hopes to be able to make the most extensive and colnfortrtblt-, to be met with North of Toronto, and he has no objec- iou this should be known " V. BE Subscriber would inform the Public, that . he has Leased that well known Hotel in. Y! A nnrw _I_- Ill} L1 Bamcm, _ .l.'J1lL\.L'A.|.V ..l.1J.|. kJLJ\.l\./.lJ'~J|-ll. U 1.1 . And since he nd.-1, by the Latest. Intelligence, that there is no more War, or tumour of War, he intends to devote all his energies to the cultiva- tion of the Arts of . ' I3E.A.(32E}__ ____ I Fcwrmerly kept by the late Mr.7Jolu; liingl;h:n,'n,nJ :I. fle_nvnrds by Mr. L. Cn.isse,' under the tmmugc~ meat of both of whom it was so ' .._------.-o...-~.- rxvvrardifhrifvv . The splendid situation of the House, fronting ou'\he beautiful Bay of`I{cnxpenfcldt--(he salu- brily of the ni1'-the purity of the muer-all com- bine_to render this spot one of the moat healthy aml delightful Summer retrcals ; and the N01-tlieru Railroad now places it within three hours of '1`.\.-mu-n - l|l~`.N|:Y FRASER. M|ll'0(l now places It wluuu ulrcc uum: on 'l`oront'o. IlE.\ |:Y FRASER, Late of (In; L'u:/Luwrciut Hotel, Barrie. Qut.-cn s ./Irms Hold, Burn :-, 6 Lake Si/ucor, 14!!!! July, 1856. G01) sun: TIII-I Qvszx! _ Hail Columbia !! Viva 19. Frangais ! !! 29 Cricketers Boarding House and Restaurant, HE Subscriber bogs mostrespectfully to inform the gentry, und inhabitantsgenerally, that he has taken the above Saloon, and trusts by strict attention, combined with first class Wines, Liquors &c. to merit a share of their patronage. Vncnncius for a'few Bf).-\RDEIIS. unwnr \nr.r.*.r:nrr: Prnr.rir!nr_ l`1|lV\ IL` |)1U.\ D ` Barrie, Sept. 6th, 1558. _- J UIUIGlU~ J-I(`Nvy IILUUUU Who dues_the propheayintg `bosinese for the Toronto Globe?` The. Coalition ha!` been doomed {of the last six )'eat's}jn Hie" same terms 1}) the prophetic genius of the_';_MIesteMi.n organ. tn each`:/la'y, s'issue. lstiti not time that this Millenarian or Milleriledodge`shou|give ;_place to somethingmore feasible? We have no objection to a time prophetic nonsense now and again. But the pregttcjot: the Johanna Sonthcoate of the Globe, islno longs; even'a heatable joke. What say the laily s charlie! {alt owets _(-- Quebec Ultronicle. - . ____.-.._..i-.-_..._..j. Albion Hote 1, M O '1` I`. E A L, 7 L. DECKER, Proprietor, 1,0071! 1: I` .' ` ""1 ` I IS plensmntly sittmted at~the head of ST. I .-\UL ` S'l`l .EE'l`, amongst the largest wholesalo houses in the city. _It has (with business men geuemlly, and especially with the best Merchants of bull] l rovinces) become so great 9. l`:wm'ile, that it is now acknowledged to he Tllll Business Hotel of Montreal. To meerthe extt.-naive in- crease, during the last. year, in the business oftho house, thoproprietor has built. 1! large addition. The Dining Room has-been extemlul and mudo more commodions; there have been compleletl, in the new wing, it great numlicr of well-vutiluled sleeping rooms, and the House throughout has been retted, mid now contains miuiy improve- ments_ and conveniences hitherto unknown to its guests. The whole ot' the beds lmve, at at great. 0.`(p`nRt`, been furnished with I\'l'}W Sl lKl.\"} .\lA l"l-`R.-'iS.Sl`IS. 'l'he Proprietor expects that by continuing: his D(`l'i'IIl.` tn:umqs;niexit or the con. cern, The .-\'lbion," to say the least of it, will conliinie to be, us it now, is, the beat DoLi..-tr: and n ll; IIo'ri:L- in Canada. 4 47-l`. ino `iii. Wovmz THE WORLD! _ HOSE indchtc-d#to MONTGOMERY 8: BRO, are hereby notied that nll ('l[."l`.\`,'l`.'\1\'Dl.\'l`r ACCUUNTS due them, [ IlU.\HSSORY .\'0'l`E-S In: rill kn nnrnnnrl in f`n.~.-0 0'... I...-.u.rI..n.. ...\l 9`IEPj1iiS.__A%!Y{$a ' N-1' xlsu-t \-I-'-L97 1Iors(-s m Smldlc or Ilarnrss, mm or 'u2'//zout Drivers; Carriu,g('s, Bu_._:gz'c3 and C'uttc7's of the 6cst?Zcs-rz'1)tz'0n.' EAMS for the C().\'VEY.-\;\'(`E OF GOODS can always be had. Frciglxt paid on Gum].-2 per R.".ilwn_y and f'ox\\'nrded to sh-slifmtiun upon receiving a written order K3 (`urrful I)rivcrs-, unquullcil tlispulc/1, mul morlvrnlr rI:nrL:t.s`. 'l`H(')\l -\R I:lT\'f)f.I` )l'nn)`;rInr \\J\4\/UA` LD UUU IHUIH, l'lq.\'.\|lDDUl1l .VU1I'1D &c., wxll be entered in Co-"rt for immediate col. lcction, if paynlent, is not made. 7r E2l\\"I.` A\'l'\ III I __ ;\In1`ch 23, 1859. SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER? 1 l_l\ .\| .`\C Duxmr STREET, ll.-uuzur, Nov. 9th, 1858. This great medicine has supplunteii till etherslfor the cure-of diseases of the Liver. .115 etfeets are so salutary and ' .speedy, and at the some time so perfectly safe, that it is not surprising it should supersede all others. Invented by u very 'di_stinguislied' Physician oi` Virgiiiitt, who pr1tctis_ed in a re- gioii ut` ctiuntry in which Hcpatis or Liver L'0i_n luiiit is pe- culiarly forinidiible and common," and who ha spent years in discovering the ingredients and proportion their qualiti- - ties, these Pills are peeuliurl adopted to every_ form of the disease, niidiiever fail to :11 eviute the most obstiiiute crises of thtit terrible coinpluiiit._ They hiive justly become cele- brated, and the researches of Dr. Mlhtane have placed his mime among the beiieliictnrs of maiikiiid; No one hnviiig symptoms `of this formidable compitiint in the right side, under the edge nf the ribs, which int-reases-_ with pressure - iiiizihle to lie witlrease on the left side--\i'rit.'i_oecnsluiitil. snine-times C(_)llSl_mll. ptiiii uiiderthe shoiilder-blude.t'requeiitly extending: to the top of the shoulder? Rely.upoii it. that althou rh the hitter pniifs uresnmetiines taken for rlicumatic they a I arise from diseases of the.Liver; and if you` would ~ liuve reliuf. 1:0 iiistuiitlv and liuv u box-of Dr. M Laiu-is Barrie, May 2, 1859., . Stbles Iarfir 7 iistel. 1171111 tin-I A RAVELLERS will nd the above Hotel every way suited to their comfort. ..;n_ rvcrpurvrrfxlfllli unvnn-rrnru __ ROOM PAPEns:"oM PAPERS zz -ROOM ggnns 2 z: \Jl\L`1l'\l. unAIu.'11LVL) U1` RUUM 1'.'\FI`Al\h, from the most extensive. varied and Cl1Cl!}I(`Sl8lOL'](` of Paper Hangings err presented to them in Canada. They are most suitable for decorating Dining, Drawing, and Bedrooms, Halls, Public Buildings, Ceilings, Oliices, or Stores; Borders, Corners, Centres, Molildings, Statues in great variety, with superior workmen to put them up. ' He has also at their sxervine n fnllatm-1: nf `Paine: VlIl'l|1L_)', \\ ILL! aupcnur VVU|'liI[Il'H (0 DUI. [Den] Up, He has also at their services full stuck of Paints and Colors, dry and in Oil, Raw and Boiled Lin~ seed Oil, vmrrnnt_ed genuine, Spirits of Turpentine, Varnishes, Putty, Glass of all sizes from 60 x 86 to 6; 8 inches, from polished plate to the cheapest Window Glass, Figured and Stained Glass, many patterns and colors; Brushes for Painters, W him. washers, and Artists; Glue of all qualities, Sand Paper, arc. - ' Hmum. Sirrn and DA!-nrnlium Pninna in Rh-nu ruper, EU. I House, Sign and Decorative Painting in Water and Oil, Gilding, Gmiuing and ;\Inrbling.s- ~ VChurc11es or Halls nished in the richest. Fresco. : 113' Rmember the Establishment 30 year: qf age, ALEX. HAMILTON . ' ' ' 188 King gtreet Toronto, Aprll21,'l859. . A 17-ti XIAUIIIIICU UH TUIIVUS uuu Vl-lI'Ill3UC|.I,- u u st) UEICI]. 'Plaln'.....;_........................$-L do This may contain: every 10: and poion of lo: within-lbe limits of Bwrie, accurately laid down ta scale, togeter, wigb a plnlyoflhe Railway Siltion, and ll: _timed yiewot the Toy,vn,drawn from g Ljlho. min ; ~ ` Boys- Oomplevtr Map of Barrie. T'\l\l7V ___. xv 1.413 .w;u1_||u }IgIl|ul[{u (al__I:3_1lelf Dlll_l_el. : _ , Spring. wheatiwas in {air xequeslyai-:31 to $12.10. . A ~ - -,-large` uppiynt 2010, 25'c.`en'l`s'. ~ Bnl(er,v,ery"p1e_uti_ml_':md`;1(1l} of `a'l_ fat _10{' to ` l2}cenl_s. . NO MORE WAR!! __._7 _ _ _ _ V V V 7*, _____,____ -_ ., _ T /his stand, 188 King Slreet', below St. Lawrence Market, is now offering to his old riends and customers, and the Public, l`,l")T.` \'l` 11 A Dr! AYXYQ nu D!\l`|\l D A`DI:"D3 xlnefvncxgtqnn De mm leperale, euuer 01'! um I or mung or on pnoung paper, or also ouin gxterl at 3x,.`94.,aud 2:. 8d. each, respectively. . Barrie. M305 .33l_'dn 3858 . - .12-if T--:_._.- ....__V_____._ BARRIE, c.s., n. FARRABH_E PROPR|ET8.i %"1':V11"1V~.71';V1I'1'3f."(" "S{JE:(-3'ESSFUL z ,- A..- f-a..,.| 1..A..II!...._ EDWARD T] BIsHTE>i5," TAILOR, ABREVVER S BLOCK, BJRRIE ._` in 1'\1'V11(V L, n n .. .- . .. custnmers,'n.nd Public; GREAT BARGAINS OF ROOM PAPERS, "rnm the mast. exlenivII.vnrh-d nnd I-lmnmnut arm-Ia ..-.' __.___.. II:,"EXC'1".'TI.-1Ei5iVV!7'7 STABLING. .51 TO SI1OE-MAKEl .S.` HE YORKSHIRE TANNERY has on hand a ...,..`,I Q..\..I, no` u..1.. .....a n.\...;.. I ,....x..... _.._..._ ,. _. .. ....... ... VVORK VVARRANTEI). _ Barrie, March 2, 1858. l( HIE) all 81158 lI`0ll| (IISBIISCS 01 lfIB.l.AlVel'; (1110 ll relic-.1, go iuslumly huy_u box-of M Liver Pills, prepan:d_only by -F It-:l'lIil)g`,Bl`03._ of Pixlsluurgll. #1:. I)n-nlmanu-.~. uyill In-. nu.-nfnl In nob u HP ' . A . N U V F OY-S` co_u_1pl_ete:_j map of Barrie, is now for sale at the Book stores or R. J. Oliver and Wm. Mann. " PRICES. Mountedfon`ro1'ler3 and van-niahed,. .35 each. 'Dlnln'.,__._'-_'_'_..'_.-..~ . , , . . _ , _ _ _ , _ _ __n t`n U11) .l\Jl\[\L)llll\l`J Ll.V.Vl'4l\.l. IIXIS UH III ` good Stock of Sole and Uppr Leather. \If\l Cl.` \.'\ll\I`Tl') Qt. 1 n. A lvhdvicwstonn be had separate, either on ni par for naming pocunz paper. enoloninu few mi.-\I _ EDWIN SID.`\'l`}Y MEEKING, Proprietor. . Rn... mh 1.4-'._ 36-U` AI gm 29, 18% ESTABLISHED IN 1829, i=w m','x"1L'r,n ,5, JOSEPH MON'I`GO.\IERY. `PQKO II) :5` NOTICE! ; E. ESL`; nu; gum, fun.-uu.;._\.uu u AawIullII5,uAvu5 vl Al\ny;-ulbun __\ Purclmscrs will be careful to ask for. DR. M l..~\N1$ S tl`F.l.F.BR;\'I`ED LIV I-IR PIl..LS. manufac- tured by Fhl-}.\[lNG_BROS., of l 11"rsnvuGxx. PA. There me other ills purporting lo be Liver Pills now befbre the public. ' )r. M L.nne s' genuine. Liver Pills, ulso his cele- lnmu.-(l Ver_|nifugc, csin nn\_v be had :1!` all rcspccIable_Drug Stores. None genuine without the signmurc of . [25] A I'x.E.\uNG BROS. _ 'BEGS to call the attention of the inhabitants of BM:n|E, and the surronndim; rmi;,rhho'urlmod, to his having had 'c.onsidernl;lc experi- ence in the CUTTING l)EPART- MENT in the West of England for the last seven years, and trusts by strict. attention to orders to merit ' a share of public: supp.n. IIIDII l.IIlI )I)A`!"I`l`."\ H.ll(,ll' UIHL I/-'UNC'I UK. I'll"/I711 5'. 'l`I_I( ).\IAS UUNDLE, Proprietor. I`; H-\ltl`.l|`., vunnxn vI- \4 Va "mi. sE'i'.{x0UI;"Nx)R 19 Al` 10-l2mo up: u put 36%!` 4u`lY `The R1-:v 'lVn.L1AM Cosanovz, while `laboring as a missionary in .[npnn,wus cured 0! Consumption, when 111 other mennshud failed, by a recipebobtnlned from 11 leurnc phynicimx residingin re great city of Jcddo. `This recipe I has cured great numbers who were. suffering from Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. ' n '0 hnve varied feelings in reading the advcnisemcnt _of Dr. B1w:tso.`t s BLoon Foot), in m_x`utll_erVcolumu; but we think gratication prcdomiuntcs; for, though we regret to see so co.-lehrnu-.d :1 man coming forward, even in appear- ance, under the same ugns quu_cks,--tlutt is, by resorting to advertising,--_yo`:t we take satisfaction also in knowing that there is nnwu rehnble prcparutiotl before the people` furthnt most melancholy and fatal 'disase-Consuxnptxox), zuul other orgmiic complaints. ' ` . p` l n.. nnm.-_-..\'~ in n I.-mm-"pr nr nnr l\`l .a}Ilr~nl Hull:-m-n. mu! l.IIauuu.Iu. ' J):-..-irons of lxenelting others. I will send this recipe, which I have brought home with me, 10 all who need it. free of churgc. Address _ . _ REV. \V.M. CUSGROVE, ' 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn. NY. [ mm ulncr orgzuuu conipiulnw, , _V _ Dr. B1:oxsu.\' is u lecturer Ill` our Medical Colleges, and his sue-ccss.u1 his spec-ialityA has been so wonderful that he has couscmed,'al variance with llie prejudices of every _regu!ur praclilioner, to make iv. known. as he is domg, for me benet of suffering humuiiity. IL. I"... nan...-...l u Ann-nla hanuyiavnr n rm urhnan rn_ llll: IJCIIUHL UI BUIICIHIB uuIuutIu)- He has secured for Agents. however, :1 firm whose re- spectability separates entirely his preparations from all tinge ut quuc'i;/fry. Messrs. Cinmcu &. Duroxw arehis V sole mtttmgcrs, as theyarc also for that most ittvalunblc of prcpamtimts, Dr. E/rroxss INFANTILE Cun1>r.u,. Iftnotliem could know the great care taken in putting up this article- some idea of which they can form by comparison uf it with any other article of_tlte kind-they would prefer it to any- "thing" that has ever been olfered them. - For our own part, if we had :1 child suffering, we would not hesitate to admnnster this preparation, knowing that such chreful druggists would not engage in nnytluug that was not per. fectly snfe and _c[l'cctual.--Que6c "Gazette. ]; ="See advertisement. ' ' /23 TIE BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION for - the` Northern "Division of the County of Simcoe, will meet at the Court House, in Barrie, on FRI- DAY, the .6th -July next, at 11 o'clock A.M.,_for the purpose of examining.Commo_n School Teach- ers, and granting certicates 0f v_ '1'p:timnninfs'certifviu:z tolthe correct more and grantrng cemn_cu.tes or v Testimoniufs `certifying to 7 the correct mom character and strictly temperate 11abits_of. the sipplicnnts must be forwarded tovthe undersigned nrnvinnn tn the li Wl Dalstoh, June 18th," 1860. appucums mush previous to theq BINGHAM BaoTs., % BUTCHERS, POULTEREBS, &c. &c.` date. IS HEREBY GIVEN that my wife Bridget Fir- man or Casey has left my _bed_ and`bo;argi without any just cause, I therefore herehfforbid any person to give her anything it; in name, as I will not pay any debts om'x`ac,ted by er`fr`c')Mp1thi`s_ .owEx,dsEy;? m ..... ....n;` 2...! .u)'.\ A " ND OF THE Bzi1i\?Dl b A FUBLIC ` A1u1NATioNA;r.V*zne"upn or '- A _ _O_n' '1fHURSpAYfe L Thg Chair will` be taken `at `drnission 12} 9 V Tecvumsetli`, 3rd~Cofn.}&VI/if V ..___ 14th June, 1860.}. - mm negugar -`uammuuication--'0 L -_ will be heldin -lz e`.*1[:is{gif1'_(:`ff {A Street,` Barrie, on Moizjday` ' - gI`ass elds; 1st..s-2.00, p.I) o've` .S0i,e'ty hrgbi rizes will be awarded for T "a mo: and $3-0<>;.and* 4th $2.50. Entries to be. r .e,with thesecretary notlater tbau_1s't'July., ` "I -<= "I - V ' By o:der,~; en T Vespra, 18: June, 1860. L ` EMBERS of notied, that fo E J99 ! uurwu,` DIIITIIB,` I Jnn,` at 3 Vp.I'n. _ Ves'j)r3.\ ZIAHS and BAUUIV. Otjnrst quuuny, uu . Barrelled BEEF constant-ly on hand. June, 1860. V -` ~ V V, No. 1,` Mafkct Stall, }mt.come`}"1tiarke:an& ` . - Dunlap Street;,13arrie. _ L K . . --:3` IAMS and BACON offr`st quality, `Dried and u........n..A ummw nhhafnnv nn lmnd. mgr;-_-y\.-v\/\4\.\4\J\I\\;\ \J~.\w.-y\I\rw\av\rV\J\'\IV\/\(\& "BR. WLANES LIVER ,P1Li.$.V 3 FL}?-ISIING BROS. PH0PRE'X>'0l3.-Q. . ' Ntm A 2\bnerti5cz11eA11t-3. In}; A rye:-, - P13 I Mr. `BLOOD FOOD! BLOOD FOODTI: A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. as orsr; Epcrial Notites ;~_\.A_\AAA_\..aA.\AAn.\\.~\n.mAAAA.wx_. St. ne Iorwarueu Lu_I.uu uuuguangucu B . . + Nncretnnl. G; .54 e. 195- 5860-. T Notice `izin II 4,` nv ri_ ocie'1:y:` V iun: wrsu Lu |uu:ut:l.`u wuu ms amusement. But we would warn our cotemporary against indulging too frequently in theacurrilous vein, when in braggnrt terms be alludes to our present. Memberas holding his position by the use he makes of the public purse,.a.nd in mock heroics `declnims `4 come on, your grave is dug! If by these arts the learned gentleman expectsto gain a majority in North Simcoe, he will -be woefully disappointed, It is a fair criticism to allude to particular conduct of our Meiuber, and to point. out political errors and inconsistencies, but to nssert in general terrnsptlxut he has betrayed his trust, and'th:Lt his constituency have discarded him, is the disposition which "we should expect to - find only in the Globe. ",___ ____ 5` ________ _ AV, _ . . - n - ,- V iS`c-crtrzury. 25-Bin Ll. _ 2?,-6m '25-3t ` i in all madesvof-.. socfetv; unoneinould.`-z M M, V be `-"-I'.1l'illresI0rellie= `PI`wm`.H ` I01) 8,'1:i'- _. v'"y..">`~. _ > *,., ~,_.. -,< .11 ` ~ _'continual citirso'.*'o'f.: 5ua' iihglhrough Ilif having` _ b'een.tthie;_1oV. i5btain stufl'for_ caps, neither .898}; cent {had unearth for Q` dollar. bottle -tIf.ihY;,H&il' ' faithfully followed the dirur.`-ti'o'ns and the bald spot is _ it is_gla?o cousin`; it! all 'oveE-my head: i ' 8nVfnore, Iwoui8 askftlieif thee ivou V. .01`. the year 1852, while `attending the `State end -.- :1 5; 3-_-, f.'\. .; I `.-*.""' .3. `niaaibr,-n:igin:.he. g`iven frenHudies:1hd'ng'eqtlemed; 5 that -ProiiWbt)& {:[ail'~ -BBI:tJI'~ J? . .. - "i:._"|Bnttle`0reeV` ne;;.2is.:.1sa;,;..< `~`_. 1 or}W6o: ~'rn` " wit:"pte ue ajccept? rinse` t`p" inform thee thafthe hair'oi`mj head all fell")l!`-_i)vet` `tvyenty yeurga'go';`cused"5y `a con'iph'ca_ted* {,;h'rQ_IIi`- `disease, attended-within` rnption on` the head.-WI" ifeuced me, to metals IFttepen:1n'."=- I "3 0` been able todo them up,-m consequencq-0 which _my, llea :"'hs eu`eTred /e':treinfe_lj ft-Em: col d.',- 1`liis tndu ced me to pay `Briggsz Hodges almost the last Restorative about``the'n3' `of lkugtist last: I have now ctwered. \iil|I.:" and blunt; , ongltelibrts edling con-`I -dem U133 another large bottle ,woold`ore ll entircly~ant} 'en'lly,'I feel iIiixious_to persevere \ in its use, an_d,bo.-jog destitinte of'meaus,t purchase. "last not bet _wil_ling4to_ send `me `an to eron thine agen_ts`t0_I,' a` `bottie,`and' receive in th, self the scripture . dveclara-.7 'tion-the reward is to those that. are kind to the. widow and therfatherlese. . .- ' - ` Thy triend, : SUSANNAH KIl_1BY.- Ligon ier Noble Co.`, Indiana, Feb. bib , 1859. ' PROP. 0. J; _Wooo Dear Sir:--In the latter part National Law School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cause unknown torme, commenced falling o,`.very mpidly, so.,that inthe short space of sin; months, the whole upper partfof my ncalp -was; almost entirely bereft of its covering. _and__ much 0!. the remaining portion upon the side and back part. oi not be surprised when I tell you that upon 'mY "5`!' to the State of Indiana," my more casual acquaint- ances, were not so much at a loss to discover. the cause of the change _in my appeamncqg P3 m) moielinlimate acquaintances were to recognise me at:l._'r" ' hoe! A - whe:i-nnitedu teatitnpny; ' mi head shortly after became gray, so that you will . ~ IIIDIC II at all. `I nl 812"-. u. . .,. _ 13 at 'once'_1Ind_e' hppliation tr} the most skillful physicians in. the couhiy, but, receiving no assurance train them that my hair could again ' be restored, I was lore:-il`to ;l ec0"Ie reconciled` to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1357, your Restorative` was recommended to me by 'a druggisl, as being the most reliable` Ilnir Restorative in use. I tried one buttle,`and foitnd to5my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired em.-ct. ~ Since that time, hi; have used seven dullarg _ worth , ofynur Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat ofvery soft blah-I: hair, which no monev can buy. As a mark ht mv 1'.-mtitude fur vhur labor and skill : SUII Ullgtly mur, WHICH DO HIOIIBV can (my. a mark in` my gratitude for your: labor and skill 5 in ihprodtxc-lion of so wonderful an article, .I have recommended its use, to many of my friends and acquaintances, who, I am` ha y- lqinform you,are using it with lxke effect. erv respect- fully, youss,_ " _ A. M. LATTA, * - , ' Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444.Broadway, and sold by all dealers lln-ou'ghout the world. ' -. - - . u 'I`l..- D.....-........._ .- _... .-_ :_ |__..|.'_ ..r .L.j._; _`. I uu\-usuvuv Iv: vvuuuo - ` The Restorative ia put up in bottls of three s`rzes, vi_z: large,An_u=dium and_'sma_ll; .the small holds i a int, and retails fur one `dollar per bnttle; the medium olds at leasptwenty per cent more in `proportion than the small, retails tor two dullztfs per bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent more in - proportion, and retails for three dollars per bottle. , ' ~ 0. J.-\.VOOD K . C().; Pmnrietnrs. 444 Brnmlwnv. uuu l'BllllI8 IO! ll'lI'e GOIIEFS PEI` D0lll9-- 0. J .-WOOD LS . C0.,~ Proprietors, 444`Broadway, `New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And snmlni nll trnnal nrnmtrisiln and `Pannu Gumlu F JAMES PARKINS HALL, a" boy about Thirteen yenrsiof age, who left this place two nights ago`. ' He_ has brown hairinclined to curl, middling "stout andvactive; had on when he went away it cotton shirt, anapology for a cap, and a pair of trousers of 9. brown color. Was seen last near McDongul1 s tavern, on the Bradford road, with a bit of mg in his hand containing biscuits. Any person seeing the above mentioned boy, would do me a great favor by informing him that, if he comes home, he will not be forced back to his old pl_a_ce; but if he has secured a good place, to remainthercin, `and inform me of his where- abouts. . . ' ' WILLIAM PARKINS. - -LI Ti`...-6 nun IL. Olab `IORA following article in the Collingwood` ` ,,,.,,,,z. 1 ~ - =4 .-.-_-.. <.:. 5,.` 2: - " . V I. ` om AN"-`t"`_"-"`.3-"i'?.*:`, .. `~`5* "-"F? .: i Q {iv was ors1cxAp,oa_A,,xqI;A<>;ntAx`,?>i as on _ __z to save ovate-eaovr-i:n,jm1tsnI;r'<,i'-'*i* 2 4}: Under the heads? c">f-i;:,.*wt;e.&;-.:;.:.r. `)7 hli"t!;e-`i last week. It is 8i3niW-`Gut, ra_ *`6_i"-`lidi Editor being I P' 3`m9i1,;0"?'.'?'C.,'i5?`a.`=`:- locality, and as having. lled various in the Institution. We cannot: wonder-;that-zthe,. intelligent and consistent, men ofthe -`party*shoul.d" l mug!) at the absurd DI his antecedents yet gl`a.ring,,and. which no ._ of self-abnegation, 'or whitewashing: _on thc ph.`r't of his friends, could aid to a.'Jpositibo`_highergthag` to be regarded as aburlesque iuponf sincerity iii matters political. ' Webelieve the peoplegenerally estimate him as a good-natured, jelly little fellow, and would not be cruel enough to `nccuse `him 3 of anything more serious or weighty than what. is M the accompaniment of a pleasant, frolicsome, well got up articial man-fond of excitement, and - bound to have it. eWe dosnot believe with the Enterprise that he is really ambitious-D As-cy ambitious"_-ridiculous--he is nt stern enough`-- the stuff (to borrow from Mark Antony)"is wanting. We do not think vweiare saying too much for D'Arcy, for we never suspected his pen in dc-fuming the columns of the Spirit, or that he . wittingly-a.llo\ved his good mannerslto become '1 corrupted; evil commuuics.tion, &c., explains, I that. We might say, en passaint,ethat the Editor ' of the Enterprise has had overtures made him by I I l 1 D'Arcy to take the'Spirit, which is pretty `co,n- vincing proof that the latter has unlimited conti- dence in the soundness of the political views of ` the Enterprise, which thus says: ' ` 1:`-.. L.......... ......l k..- _..__I__!_ __,I , , , ,-. 1' new xorx, am 114 LV1aI'Rel aueel, :1, hours, Mo. And soldjby all good Dxuggisls and Fancy Goods Dealers. " . 4 June" 21, 1860. ` ' 25 % Tlzxe. 1521i? anus` ,.s1.`ooI2 THE Tsrtor. YEARS... .A.. East. Oro, May 31st, 1860. Barri, June 5, 1360. EN RS will.` be received by the undersigged -unt Noon on TUESDAY, the l9lh in_st., ving Artilicc-rs -Works, required in ildiug at CRILLIA, as 9. ` _CARPEN'l`ER_ ND;I0I1gE1z, PLASTERER, PAINT AND T GLAZI-ER; - seen at the Oice treat. West. itect, P.L.A. OCLQH-u` Plans and. Specications to of the undersigned,-Nb. 8, Kin KIVAS TULL m....-...a.. 1'.'.'.....4 Ion " . . a.snv4Ap.4 4 Trmo, ;Iixhe~4, I860. . " Barrie, May 22, 1860. 7:"-"""`-"`"`k' at the rate of'2s. 6d. [1 day-after that date 35; 9d; per day will be char . ' The Pnclummxtersrnre ml rized to receive am} 90. per (my Wlll ue cuar The Pathmnstersnre am such commutation money. I Z`By,orderof the Com . ' ' ` I -1.1` GEO E LANE. rized to receive any C nu. .._......t.. 79- , .. ....... ....u.; uI~`Iv s For bounce and braggadocia. who on rival `our _ cotemporary the Spirit of the Age ? With a long- i ing eye to every appointment, whetherit be Deputy Judge, Muskolm Agent, or Member of Parliament, the ambitious little gentleman con- nected with that pape_r'sometimes'ovcrcrows him- ' self in his anxiety tomake a noise in the world, and to solace his disappointed hopes. It is how`-A ever all that is left to him, uud much as we dis- like this sounding of-ghis ownetrumpet, still if it is recreation, it is harmless, and we do not there- fore wish to interfere with his amusement. Rut urn urnnhl luau-n nu... n,.on......._...... -_.._:___t` . 'tendent of Wesleyan Missions, 9. Ulklf M.I`1l'J11`.VlJ"` `Charles Partridge s, shene Road, commencing on of June next, in connection` Flos circuits. The Rev. Enoch V.-W1u uc u:_:Lu; u_u , farm, Penetamzui- lh-the Barrie & ood, Superin- _Dr. Ryerson are expected to conduct lbe`Sabb'u ` ` n....;:.... ...:..l.!..... a....o.. ...... .......`.~.m-om! urdgty,_ th ?3rd L316 onyuunuu vv vvuuuuu \-lav -.u-u-cu... u. ._-_... Parties wishing tents axje requested make ap- -pation to C. Pm-tridge,Esq.; or to W. . Clark, Es'q., Barrie P. 0., one weekpfevious to 1; Meet- ing, as the Committee` ..;1gQfnot'gu'giLra'ntbb `tents 'after'tha.t time.` , J N. B.-Good .PasturageAneVar at hind. Banie, May,23, 1869. L `- 21-3in ~Norther'n* Railwayhf Cadaf: . . `LaA.vE coLLINcwbon.' V'M'n .:_".;.......':..o.- n-.`.--.Q.o- Rlflllouoo-o--cu-aosuooo Express...;.....,..... _A_rrive Gollingwood. . . l8.Il_.v,..'.".'..`s.-......... Arrive To`ronto..-.-....`.`; V - - ~5.~'- -r -r.1: ' The World's Masonic Guide, " ' (BY snnscn1r'noN`om.y'.) WILL be published during the present year. In this work will be found A Chronological Table of important American and Europeanevents, from,.teu1ote: times to .the present }eriod-lhe an- cient charges .ol';a rnason-'-e. synopsis ofuthe re-o tnrnsof vtheazariousitlirand Lodges, dates of char- ter, &c. ,A1so.a glossary of Masonic titles, with their abreviations, 9. most comprehen- siv_eAvude.meg-um,`_inva1nuble as a work of refer- once.) The names, .nuxnb,er, .loontion, and time of iheetini.0f?eVs%7.G'd and Snbordinste E04380 `ii: the'wor|d.1,;With name :gkf3d.dF.35 of the ...,. ..r.-9f.:. ynha lube - Mizstr7.and;Seprezry, of `each L` go in` the _Unit-ed St5.is7an.d Gixnada. as ferns can he ascertained. : Brexljxggggnhscrihing for the Guide must send in ,,, .'hi:,_es,,._rqsini_enqe, the` name and t.h9..-1'; mghnnter :;0e-mil. filter.-.!of s_'tg,,_nnd 1lge:o_iqe. thwrbold c,lx;;g:11,.;bq;;pr}:,; l -8 smepviate m-me` ;to'be.pa_id-nt;_iie`ffi iiii Mail . `I.V...... _'I`HE eon: DNOF JUNE NEXT, To us it seems a. great argument in" favor of the political career of our Member, wlien evu his in-A tended opponcntlms todescend to low abuse, iiistcutl of the moi-ezstraight-forward course oi dil-ring with him in principle, and pointing out, what iu_ his idea. should be the line of conduct to be pursued by Mr. .'\Ion'ison, in accordance with- the wishes of the majority of his Constituent}. But. it. wnuld nnrlmna lrm nnmmtntmr Hm &`..o......