L|GH`TN*lNG -P.<: )DS V _mTH..spgaaTrs `IMPROVED -1>o1'N1's. b I;)}B.G-ART?(A)N, "Agent fdrhe`-Gounty ' . 5 ~ I`) JJIIIHI ing, &c. _Bai'rie, Ma.yv16,\1860._ V VERY LARGE andcomplete Assoitment of Ladies Enameiied Kid and Prunel!a.Gaiters, Buskins, Boots; Gent s Cglf, Kip and` Course; Misses and Children's, of every variety and style, V which will be kept constantly on hand, A1.` PRICESVNOT TO BE UNDERSOLDI ANDREW GRAHAM. Barrie. Maw m.1sznn_ ' " onw Barrie, May 16,1860. iBOOTS 3: SHOES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! enocnms,` 1mznwAnE, cnocximv, ac. . V . ' . ANDREW GRAHAM. Barrie`,.Ma.y16,"1860,. -. ` 20-If s*rnma AND SUMMER nouns, _ COMPRISING An'Asso1_{imex'_1t of the newest. designs in _........-.wM\, 4. _Ia4.v.L. \.JI\J\.l.|.JkJ Suited ' t6' vtheM taste__ ank1 reqtiire1Ii`:Axits of his M customers. umur n1Eu&l'1zVU'-U-V.--_WiH be held on Charles Partridge s, Esq., farm, Penetangui- shene Road, commencing on Saturday, the 23rd of June next, in connection with the Barrie & `Flos circuits. The Rev. Enoch AWood, Superin- tendent or Wesleyan Missions, and Dr. Ryerson are expected to cbndnct the Sabbath Servxces. .- Parties wishingtents are requested to make ap- plication to C. Partridge, Esq., qr to W. B. Clark, jEsq., Barrie P-,O.,v Que week previous to the Meet- J jug, as the Committee will not guarantee tents .after that time. H ' N. B.--Good Pasta:-age near at hand. 1 - Barrie, May 23. 1360. .. ' 21-sin __,__,,-- .._, ..`.c_.,.uau,. uni not `sumc1enny_so, _w,.ef lcgrh, 13-5. to caiuseigny serious gnpiirghenibnd.` VI): the other townships` appearance: are very B761-,, able on ghehwhole, a.ndvtheAtesult no donbt{wil14b.e~ a plentiful harvest. - ' ` J_T.u,1L1_r,;`_V xcr.1'_A7rtox_.-=-Mt. Duncan Ma.-.Gre-. 4 .- gqr, of Caledon, has sent us a few ears` of Rye,~:'as'a sample o_f- ahzeld which the state: was.shot'intq earhasiem-|'y'as the fifteenth `off 7- th':s~~momh.'* We-vbelieve -this is mxldhr earlier than has over yet been knriwn-'in thi;s"' par; orme country.-_Bramptou` :~:1. ` ` ` n__A, nu ' .. \\ 4, __,:_-._.j g ; .1 .`?_ V ' * Barrie, May 22,` 186$. au. pct uuy wxu ue cuargea. 7 - The Pathmasters are authorized to receive any- such commutauon money. ' ' By order of the Council. (1`l:`.n1)t1'I:\ `r Axm v saw us: l UCIUEI: THE 20m DAY OF JUNE NEXT, ` at the rate of 23. 6d. per `day-_afm. that date 33 9d. per day will be charged. . ' Pmhmasters: am nnnm.-:-ma 4.. ......'.:.... ...... \lJ.'.L'L\aJZ - OoHingwood,':186Q., _ LAW, clmkiii,"&65nvANmNa. f\1.11:VrI~nr,1 l'\I? rr-my-.-- __._-_._.__ `Leathe Leather! ` Leatghef! GART(51~}, Cnrnnnfnr b I nanlvnu . I = : I ` `V . forWool,at. % S A, _ . 1=ovv:J.~.:I:.=s STORES, -, , A `BARRIE. May 23, 1860.` T _ 21-t_t'. Barri, May, 1860.. .. _, ---_... ....ua.nnsuL] weu. A IGW lieldsiin" the Nowiches (ind; Dere'ham7hnve beehisomewhit d_a,m:_Lged' by u;e_r;-oat; but but [sutnie:;'ny`_so, learh. 9`-5. cduseian`-v sex-inn: m{m-.I.`...L.`..'.....' ' "T- woou-wooL! woou THE HIGHEST iPBICE"PAI.D IN LA :`.;._.:_ (I-1HE'[Sul.iscribf`v;?i1l fgay th _HI(viHES1`4MAI-V KET PRICE for good Clean vWoo1 and FANCY DRY Gjo` oI>s. VPAANISH Sole, Slaughter`, Upper, K{p, Oaif 5 Hgrness, Binding,Lin`ing, Shoemakei-s Find- 12. c. { - it 6.59 pan. pf A ext regI111;.rE}bxmuu:` tion 6!` this Lodge : ~ ` will be heldin the Mas" Ho.1I, Dun1o Street, Barrie, on Friday evenin the lat June, n. D.-uoou r'a_st.ura1 May 23, ~,lVl i.v.V1s6.9j.V 9` `%"`21?b<~15h:.1F 6 .1- _ ._,,.y- - v-vv._, -v- In.t!:x_e County Courtzt` the United af.. 4 v York & Peel. . JAMES _L{ALL, vs. ' QERNARD 00339141333;-:Defendant. The East half bf Lot. Nnmbuxrwo, in the founhvonegasion :E$"r-Lcnmqetlij. - A n.{.;-`BTW SMITH smnva om*u_`.7i`=. `szw?;(rl,;?.s. -' - > ,: - ` n -m.,._..1m.. o; am:-.?j1aosurr-o1'~rr:,1>`, untiL~'.!DES'-' my, the azunaay of JUNE. am, at same g1ace;urah`ou:::'V.Lz;w.j;.r;;f;_s: :. __;?: V . 4; , ~ : EBY a`u31}.|V**AVu?cT? :N,M % -` at In, ig '09i't`HbnaE; ne: TOWN aTue8dar5; 29th daiof May. #60. ` at Twelve o'clock. noon. b__,_ ___,r. K-.. "5-'9 nqfgqa,t{lE Gulf` 0! eaig;- is gvers Md 011 hi.-'1!!9*1S..fai'm6f$5i;i9_:!!;9 rain, are `g*et.ting.well lt;l14toug;l;'. ' I ' ,0x:ronn.-'-.T`1'Ie Acr9ps;,-_par_ticIi_Iag1t1ymthe winter:-V-,-.. in this .;';'a1ft'of; thex.dou`1i(ry,a.r_e, with-j few tions, looking remaikably well. A few eldsiih" the Nowinhnq anA'nn--st`----'-I---~ -'7 ` ` " ` srn1NG__Goons: 2T ---'1'. 'v'* 13,1: Tyzglye` o c!ock, nobn. ; 7.. ;I... II.L__L_. fI___4 ,1! `HE"Subscribe r has received his Full Stock of A .HENRY-B. (HOPKINS, A BA_-RRISTER, 'ET.'c- Iain Ann-'n-. . . Statute Lafzor `Commutation. if0Q]_n1`Y 9r__V$4i_u_oo:,_}. Y~Vh-tne of tlaiseverdl ~*.`m?vr_1r`: .. : . b`u ',. )ARTIES desirous of {commutiug {heir Statute` Labor can do so on or before ' 'n'r1'-n n}\_,_, -n .17 an -___...._ ___-,, BRANCH OFFICE AT coLLINGWoo_n,7 -_._-- CAMP MEE vI`IN('}V--D.V.-_vviIl be be1d on ` Charles Partri.-lumvu Em rm-m D......o........: rzrvb i:nr1frnnn'r:vn` ' e.`- ;....~-- . 0 , . V W`. F`: f` Essnx.-'-since ourlhs_ti3ggqwbliiVeb1ix;`isited by much nee=1a_dsud"'Aw9l69m_o rain, ' N crbps are lofiing a1I`thhtTVcou1d"u,di1ia.' T56. fall. wh_ea.t_ on song farms . b8`."."8 W `Md 9."!-`;*-*!13"1@1!*l?=!9niih2.tii damage done by Winter ki!1ins.8iqf'i6T:iih at`; good crop. L0n1ii:hg1qm_1sthe*bd1k at.thhieaia;;= - Over) heVV lndn. fn'I'nnI-u' ch}... 41.. .110 .14. \.ll.1_J.I|..L gzg` ;; n;.;aw`3s':.@:::?1:~..*:.i?=?*r**rv 0.`n _ y CAMP MEETIN: `SAHEVE P` s K,'lL I1 YTATII-HIE n'i'=v.%."." -i T9 '- ~sE_"'}LY=.5 f()R..I:1:I`_'EHIl1:N' ODGE; OEFICE (SN H_I2oN STREET, ma - 1 on vvoonf ,, _ _.__ v----cog! FOR. fag. mmcuon or Volume: M ms onmtn A f'1_NDI{EW GRAHAM. 7 f . V 2o.;r UUUIICII. GEORGE LANE, Town Clerk. 01 K:-n E:.'1iA1`uirsoN. V ' 21-;4in - 21.-3in ' 20-1! ' .1monTna or _ BRITISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE: % . i ` _ `I14 Yginge`_Sti'egt, _Toro7itp; `(oI._n.si-Lin) two nooiis scan: or .LnnnAmI STBIIT ` "ft`h;.bIR8?',' HARDWAnE,.`i'ne}hanics' :Ids:.: Gut1ety"&o.;md1a1l._othet Good{in'. the` lin, up LI !1.".'. 3. 1g_ . :Beadd`aU btr Tools, Hbusa Ruiziishing Gcogls, ' CANADIAN Pxcxzr SfA9} IN. Ins_LjA1bvn.-,_`-v Among our English news. wxll be fsmndv "'9, reports of the progre_ss of, Postmaster. Genetal Smith, in the aelectionzof a port of call .fo1jll_Ie Canadian line -of ocean steamers. =_5L0nd0n- ' deny, `if not aotually"slecled', s_eams lo 9119: place on which the ch,oi'c_I.i,sL Iikfalmo, fa_I_l...' The dimance fro'mVL6ixgh F'b'yle ;_to the _S.lltIll 3 * of Belle Isle, to'which*Ihe MonIta8|`Telegrl1'phj Company is go exleddlils ma, li`shb9_IIl.,1`%0' miles. Ti, This di.slance`c'nTd be, rjiadg _Ibc_uit{ six days steaming; .lnnlheasxlolegrapb-:':ni>in-e A V municaxion will goon-be compll 71o Boll6`IIH,. I we shall regulnjly (`1.b`.`l.i.::l'ie_',\`I`.Bf-_fiV(VVll:u :VE"!"l`l"`l_) Ar, e * Mamet! .;i"l';f.=.i; .li .-.`.i!i's.- . ~ D_ar.IY.~Is:a .pn,ukat1;otitix;;\Iill,;mgko_ A dnhrenoa`, inane; steaming ;'3*m.h; tho; : :of. V the J new . .s.."9s-,MnIs- -riw.|9di.. L ` : iqsinn$f"`iest'i`,!i fl,o'fBoTI , mike 8.'3'i$,@f.F!s li&';`." .. .. A glen;-,o_;.lo`leg . hm.;aom9g:_ pgp - :Bu`I thovwholojb .1:fm:Aga!q:;;z;!t ` ohirihi l .m.dca%.. \: .. ` _ m-'i`*`T' 59~lbE;iho_?`Pb?n -1u.i.ll,, " ' raw auruuger claim upon tnelr patronage. . ` Every requisite` for sportsmen supplied 6n `the most `reasonable terms. nI=An` s"1-:xsc`u1'sn_wi1'H DESPATCH. v V I3 Specimen of wonkmanship kept. on hand, and parties areinvited to inspect~t'hem ere tbey_ think? of. pm-cI__1asin g elsewhere: Support home manufacture. .x V - _ . ' - - .:'BP.rri:!-9h =`?-1-_86.- ' 13-It nun IU return ms sincere tnanxs to his cus- ..B tomers for the very liberal support be has received since his residence in, Barrie; and hav- jngjncreased his -facilities for doingwgork of. the yery best degcription, he presumesgto have a. stronger claini _u'po_n their patronage. + Every requisite` for anormmen annnlied km Hm %u.sua~"a'"{` Gun Maker;- Dunlap Street, Barrie, 1\:r.:ir1c1'o.. ..........xn.:- _:_-__ 4., ,. , . ms: RH; LE 3, I 'l`he"garden conta'in`s 'choic apple, p1m,herry, `and other table fruits. ahd excellent soil, with a` spring of water running through it. Fog pgu:lticulars,upplyAut. this oicelqr on the; Ba.rrie,`liarch : 12,` 1850. syn nus uA_ uvuwr ruumug uurnugn II. For this on premises` to ` ` ' MRS: Rm-I-in. "n"I!`9. mm . . - I I or ' 0 b`e-Let, with immediate giossession, 9. GOOD DWELLING HOUSE {AND GARDEN, En- hnnnnn n l`.nlI:m. Q+......o .....a A._'I.. -A ,7 V r wu ne-net, with immediate possession, ' GARDEN, en- trance on Collie: Street, and only 40 rods from the Markt. * I , , _v--\.--I 13 daily expected from the first manufacturer on the continent, andfwill be sold "at the lowest pos- sible prot for CASH. . " - ' ' n.-- m,_,:,_ 1- .-. ... -.- - -- -- -1 Mi. Williamson;-"wink; ridingi_h.ar15eurs- burg, V{'irginia,'was 'a`cciast edr by, a woman_' who appeared wearyhndnsked -a rid_e.7 `He complied; she handed up a basket, and a_bout In step in hetaelf. when, thinking he saw masculine indications,` The .droppo.d his; whipand asked (her -to pick it up, and ,t_!u_anj quick-lyslaried` his horses. The basket can-in tained pistols and, 3* ibbwie ' knife. "Mr. had a`iarge `Lsu'm u_1`oiiy with" .5, I l ' \ UV UK I'll `to cust} .THE Subscriybex-s are now prepared to execute 5 orders in every thing in the above line. ' Particular attention is called to their make of Saddles. 1Their.Spring Importation of cuurge. . !I3 _Place and Evenings of meeting made known at a future date. . comm ONE _z_ ALE, `For this purpose be will devote two Evenings in each week to such persons who may patronize him. ` ' ' _._... .... .... .- -u-u-Aw uuucn .Rr.s1bENcn-FRASER S HOTEL, BARRIE. Barrie, April 13, 1860. - 7 1,6-tf :T1zUNKs.} EN-AMELLED BAGS, 1'- .2, _...-..-..., ya anal. AVJ\IL` Ill. `All pupils of Herr HQ, receiving private lessons, will beadmitted to the Musical Society, free of charge. 33 plane and '|'4`wn----- -` ---`5--- W" :BEGS `to sta.te_-to tb Ladies and Gentlemen of 1 _ Barrie and neighborhood, that he has taken up 9. permanent residence at Barrie, and that he isdesirous of organizing .":I;*:>;o the address: . Tm: OLD Couxmv S1032, Bradfoxjd St., A Opposite D_ur/tam ; Steam Saw Mill. ' _ P". PAE, Proprietor. April 23, 1860. A . _ 1_7_f A tninister held forth to his fema'l':e`:tnd'ifors in the -hfofllowing manner: `B"a,`.not proud: that our blessed Lord paid . on tho distin- guished: honor of appearing` rat` to An femald after the `resurredtion,fit waydnly dojie that the glafdj tidirigs"might hspre`adj the -_sooneV`t" ._! . . !U_ST received at The Old Country Store, Bradford St., Barrie, all the newest designs in DRY` GOODS, comprising Prints, Muslins, De Laines, Robed and Flounced Dresses, Bats, Bon- nets,,ShMrls, Capes, Pa.rasols,ACa.rpeta, Furniture Prints, Sheetings, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, &c., &c.-, and all other kinds of Dry Goods and Gro~ ceries, the" whole of which are selling for CASH at the same Low Prices as hitherto. ' `~u_., `.1, 1 4 CASH BUYERS.` 5 ' ~ : JUST PRIN"l`ED,. And may be had at the . - . " ADVANOEf OFFICE, . ` . B 93- BELOW -TORONTO ,1>_1ucz:s. m '95! Messx . on: non- ,-` , _ _ . -_, -____.., gnesio n.'cu}n*his sincere thanks zoi:is'cus. tamer: fnr tho val-v In-.......I ........;..o I... 1...- ;Ex_p`resa.'...'...... MailA.'.......v....A A rrivn 'I`nI-tin tn n1uu..,_g.,_.,.........4`...,.-.>.V......* 1.00 Express._,...,..'.........,`... 4,00 1>.51. Arrive Col1l`ngwood.'. ; . . , 12,45 and 9.00 mm. ` LEAVE COLLINGWOOD. ` 'n-,_;,,, , quuu . I Arrive T01-o`nt_o.. Dwelling House and Garden To 35 LET. gioifyhein Railway: of cam. HIV IIIU UI| 3' ' ' - It was syhid that the Sardinian. govern'me`nt_~ had ordered the trpops'in lhe'ga_rriaons'of Can'- traljltaly to march im'mdiatelyftowards the Papal` frontiers; _ ' " Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, and Trunks. 'M9s19p;*P.41.i1,?,7- 1.869- 4Bai-tire , my` -921;, 1399;. . &Sheet I1-_bn Worker,` 13 iniflgx _hi3s'f_`riend's iuid the pubA1icA'gene- _ _ '.'!"`I:l1y_that. ho has-oxiiuienced business in the ahbvq tint,` on the premises adjoining Messrs. Bootjlimrrow, Saddle:-s, _ -.A.v.~`nn'vr nn` nuinmnm D A`bnrn -w.wu_yI g}IIrfIv,II , Iuuuullv, : ;~--I Z}-_ = aDUNL_0P' STREET, BRIE, _ A _ !{d by keeping the `best nlsherisl, .punctn-. :alny.imbusiness,' and moderate charges, to merit. Q ihhrezof pnblioJp'An-onage. V _ IlH`m'l 1ri!an1rhl-Fnn nnnnn _L,,_.,, ,,, n 1 U: Cantu-UI yullllvxllblnllllllsa ' . ` _.Nt JsE.ae1!ti1zED ,:,oo1Js azwaon hand.- .' ~1zz1_=m11u1vG prompayvam'aded to.- -IMGS takarn'.nTrml. 7 - - r `DUTIES or PA1fnMAsTEns, TTTQM 'Drn'\Yrn-nn MAA `VOBAL MUSICAL SUCIETY; If} flrllffl y'-_.I V. Brrnnnrnhu 1\_ j ' 0 `BE-'S0ALD, cheap, havlfv of Lot No. ' 9, in'"the` Bth Ooncesion of Medonte, about 26vcres of which arenleatedl; ~P t~ w . ' `l1ote_osxnas,r at 0` `pp y . Medonfa Pont Omma yI|UlIULl [U UIIUUIS llllllo _ _ ' - It is positively Aasserted that the From: troops in Rome had received orders to ever: u- are the city.-* -~ A V L ` 3 H urnh ihhl that II-an Sh!-rlininn `anion-iirnn nt .`.'.!1: A .ium'. gag. n`5Jm.'.T.)' .3 J` . In*v'a.i'n'&id` `Siiy`e1"s"aec_)nda4v cry gift `f _ ` Sayers was deaf. _ -Gxve me "th1sght`$-'tns .-1"?` pr . ` ` The ghtjs mine, Heena._n,'jv_ith._afro*;4vn,i_=;; And in two ucondaxnockodubothigcaqda Henceforgl; put day,:';pnatsus1bly:.d9_&, _ . Hegnan twp i6qogdI? l " Toxfonto, May ;i,'] 4- cool) STABLE ATTACHED. games L3; RYAN,` `IIIDHD "lI'.VI) nu 1 AAO_f5._;RD. Mj HERB HEINRICH FARM 1_'g_n TIMBER NOTICE; TERMS, :1; PER MONTH. __.,u_ [Irv NEW_SPRING ,;A.N n SUMMER ' I:.EWIS'.GRAN`T,` ,1a_s_o.. , 5.30A.u. 3.00 ms- ` 0.15 Ant. and 9.00 mt. ....:..l IUI lUIUl5Il |lIIUl'C.7Il|lUllo ' Among other questions, it was `rumoured that "a treaty offensive and defensivehad-been concluded between Naples, Rome, Austria, and all the deposed Italian Soveroigns. ' ' I. ....... ..-..'.a 4|.-. f`......-..l,l _'_-:_:_.__ 1.-.: mu ruaupuawr, Medonty Post Otce} 1 9,96` 1.l\l).V J. ' Superiniendent. 19 . LU In, Baum I, by grat-_class Workman, from every variety - _ ....uL .InvnuJ'1ll.ll:llU uxubnulg, -of `, in styles to em : all customers. A := `EB;-I---}ustiomgra may re1y"on having garments V Lmhdogta. measure in elegant sfyle,` and in the . % .ruhion}si:io !l"a.1lo:-ins` ' -,-E311;-hing `and General _oumtung zntgbuanment, nunxop 8t., 3a._rrie. " L ' CALL AND Sm: HIS STOGI or Cloths, Doeskins, ` Hats,` Caps, Onxsimerin, zrweds, _ ' .Shma,"Collnrs, ' Satinetts, and Drawers, A Braces, 919$!-` ' J ,1.-, jH!ie|'a .910": -`nu-J; `l'.'J- .lI1-41, 9,, , -'flCUUB, GU. Co - . - Our Olce will be opeunt all-times during bu- siness hours, wherov we will be pleased to exhibit designs and specimens of; work to any who may favourns with. call. . All orders through our Agents will be promptly - attended to. ' Ir} Dlnnn -...........I.... A.I._n. _-.._ 11.4.1, 9, u .. nuenueu H). 113' Please remember that our Marble is of the `lines: quality. Our designs for the above work are of the latest styles. Orders for any work in Marble executed with taste and ties etch. .D. 0131.05 Yum. - umuu Yam V A.-......|-0 19:: .. . . : . TORONTO MARBLE WORKS, .-YONGE STREET, NORTH OF QUEEN. 0. &`_Wm. YALE, Importers and Dealers in Italian ind .dmericizn Marble; `also, manufac- turers of Monuments , Cenotaphs, Tomb and Grave Stones, Centre-Table and Stand Tops, Chimney .-Pieces, arc. arc. Durln..will ha nnnn no .ILo:..... .a....:.... 1... `General Ontttjgig EstabliLsJh/n'1;nT! -...- -.. ...- uvrvuuu .-u--u-u uauvv| \1;IIlh)- It wzisv reported that General'Lamoiciere had "made a `forward mpvment with the Papal lroops_and 5000 of His Piedmonteae ; __ere _d_as- patched to clfeck him. ` - It in nrmilivnlu vanes:-Ont` H-an! {Kn bpnnnh v-s -.;.L.|_1J_'A, W0 PARK LOTS, in the Town of Barrie containing an Acre each; being Lots Nos. 7 and 22, as surveyed by Robert Ross, Esquire, forming part. of Lot. No. 26, in the 5th Oon., Township of Vespra. These Lots are well situ- atd,a'nd being near the Barrie Railroad Station are very valuable. ' K3` Full mu-ti:-nlm-c `(Inn kn In! "an. .. -1-.. an: very vauuuule. ' I3` Full particulars can be had, with a. plan of [the property, on_ application to - ' H. B. HOPKINS, Barrister; Q-c. Barrie. CHAS. A; MONDELET, T.....) /).......l '1'.......a.. ESTeha1f of the East half of Lot No. 16, in the llth Concession of the Township of Oro; 50 acres;. 20 acres cleared, well fenced, Log House, quarter ofa mile from a. Post Office, quar- ter of a. mile from Church of England, 3 miles from Bresbyteriau Church, 3 miles from Grist and Saw Mill, on tI1eCcntre Road from Orilliu. to , Barrie, 16 miles from Barrie. Terms liberal. A _..I_ 4- nnv 7 111- 1-. . v\r\ . I-iv-v - . - 1ne propr Or to DAV." Barrie, 10th October, 1859. `Barrie, March 21, 1860.` v Iu uc .l\v|`Kl.ll|J|4| urv uunsell, Wltn nmmeamte pon- J. session','A NEAT GOTTAGEBUILT HOUSE, containing 2 Parlours, 2 Bed Rooms; Servantls Room, Kitchen, and an excellent Cellar; with good STABLING, OUTHUUSES, a. Garden, and an Orchard in bearing; situate about 20 minute's walk fxjon_1 the Market at Barrie, and fronting the Bay. :1! :n_.. ?nunv,`-' About 20 Acres of LAND, cleared, 10 of which is under cultivation. The Coltagecan be rented with or without the Land. -..- v- ............ um-4 unnum- For particulars apply to this o1Iice,' to John Alexander, Esq., or to the owner, 1111:! Tu Y11l\7!A'l\'l\(Vr\uv COTTAGE T0 RENT or LEASE, E WITH 20 ACRES OF LAND. ' 0 Be Rented or Leased, with immediate COTTAGE BUILT nnnonininno D....l........ n D...x n--_,-' i The important gnnonnceiment was mndii via.` Madrid, that the King;bf Naples had "applied for foreign intervention. ` Amnnn nlhnlv nnnalinnn :0 In-an ionrnnn-AJ wuwu Is meareu and venceu. Terms Liberal. Immediate possession can b given. ` Apply (if by letter, post-paid) to JNO. C. GRIFFITH C0,, 001 \'A-...... -......L , 13-2mo xs. w. SMITH, Sasmrfs Onrxcn, Bmnm, 2 S/aerrj`, 0.6`. March 6, 1860. 10-7in_ The above Sale of Lands is FURTHER POST- PONED until TUESDAY, the 31st. day of Jun next, at the same place and hour. 11 `I? an rrnurv Snsmn-`s Omen, Bumuz, ' April 2_4tb, 1860. :j. lb fljii moli LEASE. CONTAINING 150 ACRES, `situated on the Goldwater Road, within 6 Miles of the VIL- LAGE OF URILLIA, about Forty `Acres of which is Cleared and Fenced. 'l`nrvnuT.il>m-nl 1.-..o....'.l:..n.. ...._.._.-_:-_ -~- | The above sale is postponed until Tuesday, March 6th, 1860, at same place and hour. ' , . ' B. W. SMITH, Smcnm~ s Ormcn, Bzmnm, Slzerim C'.S., Jan. 31st, 1860. . 5-5ins- The above Stile i's FURTHER POSTPONED until TUESDAY, Alarm. 24th, 1860, at the same place and hour. r ` - `D 111 outrun :.-- Counrr or S1ucon, Y Virtue of two scveml ro W11` : Writs'of Faeri 1-`ucias, issued out of the Court of Queen s Bench, and to me directed, against `the Lands and Tenements of ROBERT STANTON, at the suits of-lst, ANDREW HERON, the younger; 2nd, HORACE METCALF "and GEORGE H. CHENEY, [have seized and taken in execution the North half of Lot No. 61, in the 1st Concession of Mcdonte, 100 acres; `and the North-part of Lot No. 62, in the ist Concession of Medonte, 160 acres; and will sell the same or the interest of the above named defendant therein, at my, Office, in the Court House in the Town of Barrie, on TUESDAY, the `Thirty-first day of JANUARY, AD. 1860, ntTwc1ve o'clock, noon. ' . ` ~. . j B. W. SMITH, Snsmn- s Orrxde, BAruzm, S/1er1'_[f, (IS. Oct. 24th, 1859. T . V. UAISDUB [A1450 August`8, 1864. Barrie, Sgpt. 26, 1854; .-..:_._.:._-..:__-_.__--._ u unn me or Ameua. street, Bercz_v s Block, Barrie. ` In the County Court of `the County of Brant, WILLIAM DARBY, Asaigneeof ANDREW Mc- GILL, Plainti , vs. _'JAl\lES ROBER I"BRAD- . BURY, Defendant; under 8 Writ of Vendilioni `Expands; The North half of Lot No-. Eighteen, W Tossorontio. in` th fourth Cpncession of the Township of B. W. SMITH, g ` ` shmjf, as. Sm:m'r s Oman, BARR!E,; Per B. W. ROSS, May 5th, 1860. ,,.. _,_ . .-4 v. --1 -vva-vs: out InU.|nA'l`l Illllllllllt The aecuunts from Gariba|di s expedition are still meagre -and contcting, but `reports generally concur in stating that he was mak- ing good progress, Some say he hadcaptnred the most important positions in Sicily, except Messina and Palermo. After his landing at Marsala, the Neapolitan war vessel bombarded that town. without warning, and `the British vessels interposed for the protection'of Englih residents. r ' T -.2-__- F :YOU want to get GOOD and CHEAP CL0f1`HIN G; go to ` ` B E N NAETT ' s % ._I.l__-LI- rI`.lI-_l__ ,, an . IUV BCICEB: . ' . Igjho Cnnntyzcourt o' th County of Simcoe,. JOHN ATKINSON, ,I .1ain`i(}',_vs. A. M. J. DUM- FORD, Defendant. The South half of Lot Num- ber Two, in the rs: Concession of. the Township of Matchedash,_4and Lot Number Two on the N am; side of Amelia street, Bercz_v s Block, Barrie. COIHMV Court of the Cnnnhr nf Rmnc }7E&%*i;"ay.m$5L"'iIiZg, 14: by rat-class u 0r]tmnn_ from on-u nun . uexenee, , . V - In the County Court of the County of Simcoe, `HUGH WILLI-AM. CAMPAIGN Plninti`, vs. JOHN \ OR,AGE and, WILLIAM BOYLE, Defend- anta., The West half of Lot Number Ten, in the geventh Concession of the Township of Mu1mur-- 00acres: ` In 6|... !V..__L- II__-_A ;n n , I1, . A I-- DUIIS 3" - In thelcommon Pleas, JOHN moms cams, Pla.inti ,'.u. RICHARD REYNAR, Defendant. Lot`Nun3her`Six, in the first Cqncession of the Township pf Tecu_mseth`,' as`the prdperty of the `Plnimif, tosatisfy the Defendant for 00315 in his `Defence. . `I ... n...; lV......a.. n-.._. -1 n__ n_[j_ . p n- ..-,p, u vuu,uv_ nvv I Ivl, AT hm sHERIr1r*s`6mr1cE ,'in the` court " House, in TBARRIE, a't'1'2.o'clock, noon, the` nndermentioned LANDS, or the interest of the Defendants therein, under Writs in the followipg Suits :-.- - In 0|... IV.._......._ 111.... rnrrn nu-rnup . on A . .-..-. %_iE;1`I1+3-h.E;;Aicmcuta. V"\"\l"-\`\\\. \./'\.`\.\\.-\1-xx/x-yzx - - \l\ V-v~V% % suznm ' or LANDS. .oom&'rY ,O1?':SIM(_}OE.` `V . _ j0n1Tu9sday:14th August. 1860. `WILL Ii! SOLD BY. PUBLIC AUCTION, A '1' 31.. nnvnvvvvu hnurnn 2 _ L . n . . . _. |s?i:a%a;aae:g;cu:a; --- w-`\ FJV4iVl'1'l\`/i~l`-'H<'D"l7'..WSN.v L f\h 'l"I'.1Ah'r! The accounts from Naples represent that there is the utmosl consternation prevailing. The troops_ are dispiriled. Tumnltuoue mani- festaliona a`re taking . piace ;.Ihe Royal Family are packing up lheirjewela and valuables, and there areolher strong indications that a gene- ral} insurreotionwas looked for at .anp mome'n`t. 'l"l-... ...L........a.. r_'__ r1-_:I__uua, ,_,,4 I.- POSTPONEMENT;_ SHERIFF S SALE OF LANDS. 1APP1y to-7 VFOR SALE, QR`? Y."l` in nu. Tn..- For Sale. uuuu11V JJA1tltAUl\, The proprietor, on the premises, MORR()W_ Rarrin. --ALSO,-- Al` I l\7f'\ : pruprlewr, on me premises, DAVID MORROW, Barrie. IRKQ ` A1 #1` "66i,n}'>T{n'{.{};&, Drom-ietor. on the nrpmis i{ii_i:';*:. IzIcHARDsoN. D 12-lf. A; xuu.x\'unun1', Land ./Igenl, Toronto. 7 ' 35-if -..-.- ...... . uu-vv _-n uvw using The British Government has issnda. pro- clamation against enlistment for the Pope in Ireland. T _ - -. .._..----.. \4vu, 221, Yonge street, Toronfo_ B. W. SIHITH, - S/aerr 'I-7in W15... `W. s.\n'rn, Shara]; as. I7..Idin 3 Iubcll. - YALL 28- 1: ML`! :1], uua 1V7-14in .0... .~ 41-tf -v--In-vvv suwr VJ. auzutzua , v _ `BOYS complete map of Barrie, is now for sale at the Book stores of R. J. Oliver and Wm. Mann. 7 _ ` PRICES. . _ , _ Mounted on rollex-`s and varnished.. . . .$5 each. f '_P'la.lVr'1.....`,.._ ............... ..,.....$4_`do ',"`ThIs'Inap_c_op__m'na qvpry lot and .porl|'on`_of lot ',W`iI'I1`i n_lhe hBa:rr'e,"qo.[g`u;`rnt;:ll)' `laid glen I In spa 0. `p aiwa tation auoaii ' M A :3 E w'd4'io\#12!3t..l1`e;'lfa`1}v.g1,'dra\jrn from a Ljyhm Boys Complete Map bf varrie. TIOYS` onvnnh-in Inna ..r n.....:,. .. ...._. } Toronto, April 21, 1859. A` Tne-iilnglish funds were veiyV heav under A Continental politics, but were more steady at the 61059. v - . rupur, ac. " House, Sign and Decorative Painting in Wagr `dud Oil, Gilding, Gmining and. Marbling.-- Churches or Halls nished in the richest Fresco. D -,DnqnnnnLaa II...-'t`. 4'..l.1_-x,. , . -- - .,.._. ........ V. -4-uu uunaucu Ill Luu ncnest l"l`SCO.~ I3 Remember-the Establish-men! 30 years qf age._ _ - ` ALEX. ,HA.\IIL'I`0N,. V 4 . 183 King Stret /1b'Oront,d,,Apri1 21, ` . I7-tf V vunt:l_y, wu.u superior workmen to put them up. Helms also at their service a fall stock of Paints and Colors, dry and in Oil, Raw_and Boiled ma- seed Oil, warranted genuine, Spirits of Turpentine, Vamishes, Putty, Glass of all sizes from 60 x 86 to 6x 8 inches, from pol'shed.pl_ate to the cheapest --Window Glass, Figured and Stained Glass, many -pimernsnd color.-1; Brushes for l ainlers,Wliite- W8.Sh8l_`S,_,8nd Attism; Glnexof an qualities, Sand Pa`per,l&c. ' ' . ' .1 ' I-lnnun gin-n and n......_...:.._ n_2,,.- , - - uxuunx D:u\uAl;\ Ur` ICUUM PAPERS, from the most exteusive,variedVnn'd cheapest. stock of Paper Hangings es-er pl-es ented'to them in Canada. They are most suitable fdr decorating Dining, Draving, and Bedrooms, Halls, Public Buildings, `Ceilings, Oiccs, or Stores; Borders, Corners, Centres, Mo'u_ldings,n:Statues. in great variety, with superior workmen them up.` Hehns` service fall ntnnlr nr mm. RUUM vPAPERS !_RT}UM PAPE8 !! ROOM PAPERS!!! ALEXANDER HAMILTON, : AT his sfand,-188 King Street East, below St. Lawrence Market, is now ok-ring to his old rienda and customers, _and the Publi GREAT BATH},\I\'R rm nnnu n A nrxncv -SOLE AND UP~PE T iEA'rHER. Barrie, May 2, 1859; u Iuuon muunwu w .m,r.\1|.v'UMh'KY It BRO. are hereby notied that all OI"['ST`;\NDI-.`1(} ACCOUNTS due `them, PRO.\IISSORY NOTES, &c., will be entered in C0':rt for immediate col- `lection, if payment is not made. 113` ONE AND .~\LL!,r_1} <-. * JOSEPH MONTGOMER . March 23, 1859. 12-tf HOSE indebted to MOXTGOMERY 3: mo. Af`("f\YY\Y'l"Q A..- `4|._.._ nntuuuvn . u ; \ n - - . . A .__ - nvvunno The Government project for .e n"'extranrdi- V nary credit of 9,500,000lhalere, for temporarily agreed to by a vote of 350 to 2. a * vnussm AND Tuizxnv. Russia again rnenaeee Turkey, in the interest of.lhe Christians, placing the army upon" a war footing,_ was The attitude of Russia is regarded as deci`: ` dedly menacing. An understanding haebbeen brought about between France and Russia, in reference to Asia Minor. Russia is stated to have collected near Nicolai a great number of transnorl. shins innlmlinrr nnvv m.r..i..... .A.1b1o:nl.i Hotel, ._MOTREAL L. w. mzcxmz, Proprietor, IS pleasantly situated at the head of ST. PAUL STREET, amongst the largest. wholesale houses in the city. It has (with business men generally, and especially with the best Merclinnls of both Provinces) become so great a favorite, that it is now acknowledged to be THE Business Hotel of Montreal. To meet the extensive in- crease, during the last year, in the business ofthe , house, the proprietor has built n{lnr,r_ze addition. _The Dining lloozn has been extended nnd mmlo more commodious; there have `been cornplc-ted, in the new wing, a. great number of well-ventilated sleeping rooms, and the House throughout. has been retted, and now contains many improve- ments and conveniences hitherto unknown to its guests. The" whole of the hell have, M. it great. expense, `been furnished -with 1\'i\\' Sl lil.\'G i\lATTI`.ASSES. The Proprietorexpects that by continuing his personal tn:u1:xgo:xnent of the con- cern, The Albion, to soy the leiist of it, will continue to be, as it now is, the best l)om.,\n and to HALF HOTEL in Cnnmla. 47'-1 3mo VH-$0` `(I-45 L7.-\_:.l|sv'- Horses m Saddle or Ifmvzoss, "with or without Drivers; Carri(1`gcs, Buggies . and __C'uttc7's of the best descrz'_77lz'on. 1.*...'\.\1s for me co.\'v1-:m.\`<`:r; or-' Goons can always be had. Fr0ir_r,lxl paid on Goods per Ilnilwnv and fbrwnrded to dcslinntxon upon . receiving 3 written order 53 Carl;/'ul Drivers, unequalled (lisputrh, and rnorlrrnle rlutrm-x`. 'l'I-ln\1.\~`-1 l`H\ l\l r: V n.........----_ '1 HU.\l .'\l Dunno? S1'nss1-,l:,uuuz-:, Nov. 9th, 1858. ac. LU menu 11. sunrt` DI Iuelr pruronnge. vacancues for a. few BOARDEI .S. EDWIN SIDNEY MEEKING, Proprirlnr. Barrie, Sept. 6th, H58. 36-U HE Subscriber begs most respectfully to inform the gentry, and inhabitants generally, that he has taken the above Saloon, and trusts by strict. attentionjomliincd with first class Wines, Liqnm-3 kc. to merit a share of their patronage. Vacancies ` for a. few ROAl{l)F1l{R Gricketers Boarding Hovuse and Restaurant, ' I.A'l`I: lN'l`f.`n\.'.|'r!n\r1I uuuuu rt news and customers. and Public; GREAT BARGAINS OF ROOM PAPERS, "tom extensive. varied and nhonnu-at aim-la `.,ALL ovmz .'1`I-IE WORLD! The splendid situation of the House, fronting on the beautiful Bay of Kcmpenfelrlt--the salu- brity of the air.-the purity of the wutei~--nll com- bine` to render this spot one of the most healthy and delightful Summer retreats ; and the Northern Railroad now places it within three hours of Toronto. ' llE.N'RY FRASER, T..l- ..I` 11.. n...__.._,..-_: 11...: 1: L HALIFAX, May 28. Sayers and Heenan have nally agreed that `each shall have 3 new bell. { . H1: :1 A .1 uruu Lu. u on It 1 I` HAD` [L IS, - Late Q/' the Commercial Hotel, Barrie. ` Quecn s rms Hotel , Barrie, Lulre Simcoe, 14th July, 1356. S 29 . Gon aux: Tm: QUEEN Hail Golumb1n!! Viva la. Frangtus ! !! 1 ur xcur. nu nus IIISO very hxncnslve Accommo- dation for HORSES, and CARRIAGES, and a LIVERY STABLE connected with "the Estab- lishment, the whole `of which he hopes to b6 able to make the most extensive and comfortable to bo met with North of Toronto, and be has no objec- ion this should be known H{iRM3ivY AND G001) FELLOWSHIP! [The Premises which he has now entered have been greatly enlarged, and in a few days will be completely renovated, so as to accommodate respectable Visitors -of evcrywlescriptiun with "BOARD, in Privntefsuits nf.ApartmenLs, or at the Public Table, by the Meal, Day," Week, Month, or Year. He has also very Extensive Accommo- dnlion for IIORSES, nml (tannnnwa .....I .. -- -v -3231 Fo;nJ::rly kept by the late Mr. John Binglmm, am? -afterwards by Mr. L. Cnisae, under the manage- ment of both of whom it was so -I-Inn-r-n-r-wavy-1--- .....-~...__--,___, .|;uA1.L1.|J;j.I.1Jl. lJlJ\.(\/l`J|DD.r U14! And since he finds, by `the`La._;eql. Intellivcnce, that there is no more War, or. tumour of War, he intends to devote all his energies to the cultiva- gion of the Arts of PEACE: 1-v . *l'\lIf\\vvu . -.._ ._ A .._ _.__ _ ___,_A, In -uuuv \I| ,:ulJuh allylllll In '{V'()RK IVARRANTED. Barrie, Mixrch 2, 1858. - 1( I\HE 85s'ril.)er would inform the Public, .;rIt "' be his ? Leased that well known Hotel in Hunun . _|_ I18 I Bxumm, ;TRAVELLEBS.wiJl ntlthefgthaoic Hotel: every I ; way suited to their coinf'ort."` , _.,s_ o.....__._ _._'___ DWIARD T. BISHOP, V TAILOR, `BRETVER S BLOCK, B./YRRIE M EGS to call the attention of the inhabitants of Buum-2, and the "surrounding neighbourhood, to his having had considerable experi- ence in the CUT'1`lI\',G DEl .-\RT- ,'tIEl\"I` in the West of England for the last seven years, and trusts by - __ strict attention to orders to merit - d _.. a share of public support. Ivnnu I u no I urrnn uuvu uuuculcu near 1Vl(.'0lUII a great number transport ships, including navy merchant lseamers, they have concluded to act onthe` defensive in , of the Legislature to take some action in the _ ofiheemost magnicent description-`-sadd*le's. -V richly-embroidered and embossed~'with"goId '.;n':.r.-than ?ex'l_,`ti`i:tt`I.tlIe:sur.tji_e!_A tiirhii v uu,uubtu. L 1'4'Ilt1wL1'CTo ALARMING Pnomu~:ss.os THE C`A"[`lt`. Dre- s:nse.-The investigations of the-6`o'mmision'~` ers on.the cattle disease. this-week,"`int `the towns of North, West and South Brookeld and towns in the vicinity.` hate ;a$&l)|T9l them W they have not succeeded in nding the limits of this dreadful. disorder by any means as yet, but, on the contrary. that the most difficult portion of their work may yet remain to be accomplished. In this emergency, without the power to go forward with the energy whiohie required` in `order to make` their work effectual, regard to the disease _for`the present,-and direct the immediate attention of the citizens of the State tothe necessity'0l' callingan-extra session matter-.-b'osl_on C'ourier,fMay 19:" ` ,, ` The Japanese -presents to the Presideutware and silver, bed curtains andhed screens. nimf. lar- -to those used hythe princes_nf,.~Ja,pa`n. and ingeniously elaborated: two swords, _1_sqh;as are worn by the princes in Japan, superior to anyever maifufactured either in this ootintriyl or .Ftan,ce .;~ .rP?PEF;.hl.'E'!! P"!9t`?;9'a`S`;'l: !t'i'. sold ; 1a';quesed,,w`ere, tncludtngwritigg ~ in _ .'-ga '19: iof " 'bi:,1r.i=I."*!*.!9J" *t*'`..~. .g`q q_:: y`t_ygiicd ~`iartfe'll& r. _ :Lt.}. _-r- -. -I` . tiny-.e1`IlI'II?_|:I' --!`!,";= TO SHOE-MAKERS. HE YORKSHIRE T;\.\I.\'{R1f has on`Im.nd it good Stock of Sole and Uppexf Leather. \Y'\Y ctrvnnrvn on won-n DARHUK, THE . QUEEN S ARMS, Formerlv lmnt hv (hp hm Mp Jnl... n:....n....._ -_; .;:Ba:nr1. Iiotel, ` B;41z121E,.:s_.,_ A/ "NO MORE WAR!! -Ei\}1f1'~i'.iaiI'1'9i3r" 'SE(3(g3?ESSFUL! tr] cinnn hn nd: lnv`I1u-..I'_..nua l..A..u:.__,., 1t1`.[E"4CoSo, ' n. EA7t1AsHgqLrnumI1nn. un_ gupscnoer woula mrorm the Public, that ha r""L'ea se'd that well mus." ~ I3; . S T.4BLIN G. ESTABLISHED, IN 1829. _, _,- ---_._vv-w, LA_TE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. nvlu In Gerneful Lamoricire continued to concen- rate Papal troops at Gabbio. Stated dates had been fixed for the evacuation of Rome by the French trooya. The first dexachment would leave very shortly. `L ~ NOTICE! May . IUHW, mm. Inom r/IN r/mr_r:(-x . 'I`H0.\l;\S CUNDLE, Proprielor. r. BARBIE. * .- ...... yr!-nu au~.uvu\,n- rm. SEYMOUR SENIOR 1|! G5` V10-l.2mo 5 Din: 17-ll J......- -any vwwwl W- The Paris Presse received asecond warning for an article xepreseming France as an accom- plice of foreign coalitions which overthrew the first Empire.` * V hnnnin -v---5-4-ca`: nun uarywut sulnugusuu. I Prince Npoleon intends visiting lhn sea-V ports of Canada and the Umled States, in his new yacht l_he Oaxard. ` v "`L_I'\,,' 7'1 " " ' -- .-.. .- nnub an Ullh u|Ulu0UlVCa '{Ihe relalions frelween Franc mid EnglandA `require such gentle handling lhal the Govern- menl press have been polied to use no strong langnagewilh tespect,l0_E'ngland.' ' Drhlnn MO|f\l\'l\t\r\ 2._n-._J- --5-3-` -' _ . _ . . _ _ ..u .4 sun ulw nun ucu |U"lll8l'o 7 I 5 B The Times says communications are passing between England `and France, in which it is proposed that the two Governments should set their faces against all -interference in Italian affairs ; and that the Sicilians and Neapolitans ` should be left to light itout themselves. "|"|,... _..l_.:_._, nuau males I0 {8} ofthe enemy. - -~n- nu .|.vID:lVlI?UIIl - ' ` ` The. Paris co`rresponden:` of `the London Herald s'ay_s:--Seld4om' have; matlerawworn a. more critical aspect, and il'is_slald that France, Russia, and Spain are leagued together. Thu "'1'-rnno noun an-.........:`.._a:'_.._ -..- _ ARRIVAiL oF` THE -A~1iABIA. 5 The Grand Duke Nicholas, -bllblhel" to`t}ie Emperor of Russia, had arrived at Paris on 3 visit to Napoleon. TL- `D..-:_ -_`__---- 1 -` V` ` ,-,-_-. -- `uvvyun un MU.-IGIIIIIUI A Turin paper publishes a letter from Gari- baldi; excus}i'ng himself for having forcibly taken possession of the steamers Piedmont-and Lombard on the ground of its being done in the interest of ~1he national cause. He has issued a proclamation, calling upon the inhabitanteof the -Marches, Umbria, Sabina, add the Neapo- litan States to revolt, in `order to divide the forces enemv. ` dollars, handing the salesman in payment a -suited, and regretting that he had not a carriage and was rapidly drivenaway. A . not been seen since, and probably -`never will u-ucicm ecuuuus Ul mu rrovtnce. AN ACCOMPLISHED FEMALE SWltlDl.ER--- Tm: Sutu:wDEs"r`TRtcx on Rt:coRr).-Yester- day morningca well-dress_ed female alighted from acarriage in front of one of the largest and most fashionable dry goods houses on Fourth street, and, entering the establishment, asked to be shown some shawls. After look~ . in: over the stock she selected one worth forty hundred dollar bill, of the genuineness of which the cashier expressed some doubt, and submitted it to an expert in such matters who pmnouced it perfectly good. The change was then hattdetl to the customer, when t she pointe_d"ou't"s`o'ne blemi'sh`iti the shawl,` which had not previously beenobserved, and declined to take it, demanding the return of her money, which was -done, -and the bill. once tnore placed in her neat little portemonqaie, from which it `had but a minute` before `been `ex- tracted. The at_tentive attache somewhat dissappointediat missing the sale, politely `insisted upon her again looking over the stock, telling her he did not doubt she could be duplicate of the one she.had- first _chosen. She readily consented, seeming desirous of makinga purchase, but alter once more ex-_ am-ining'the5 assortment, concluded that none wouldanswer her purpose. I When about to lerve she offered the salesman thirtythree dollars for her first selection, which, owing to the blemish, he thoughtbest to"a`dcept, not- withstanding a rule ottherhouse that no goods should be marked down. The -shawl was ` then neatly enveloped, the hundred-dollar bill again brought forth, and the change` carefully put away, when the lady stepped" into the few hours later, when the cashier went to t_he , bank, he was surprised to learn that the hundred-dollar bill was a counterfeit; The, truth ashed.-upon him in an instant. `The lady had given. the salesman .a genuine bill the first time, and afterwards substituted for it the counterfeit. She is.an entire stranger, has will be again. at least in that establishment.-- Cincinnati. Enquirer. ' 2` ' ALARI.l I\1f!'I)llnI1DI.`a nu -run I"-nu-nr`Y3.;"T\m`- .,-- yo-ovu vuunl . Col. -Medici was `forwarding the preparation for a secondkexpedition at 6,000. It was auger!-` ed that the energetic diplomatic representationi matlezto Piedmont` would decide the Govern- menttopreventtils departur . 0 A 'l`nr:n n n - . _ _ ..LI!_I, I -- " ` ,-.' l~lAh!o~' }- >___ Garibaldi,5wil_hVl,000 followers, had landed at . Marsala, nndit reof two 1_Ve_apoliI_an frjgateg. One bf Garibaldi ; slea'ri'r's_ \'v',4isplured and the otherAwnk.'~' ` _ v` j L` _ Tavllinger; the` ` - Union VB.ank.6.waa-1 penal servitude; az- 'ru..._'n_- is alysis. j : sip Ghaglayg , "y _{.,;"'VI ` Edgen ,a` . no-nu uuuaxen I0 cnacxpluem; * TGdve,rn_menl' that . _F:`aiia9;~ 3gi_'|"thbr` moms. He also a1_m'ojunoed`lha_t vIh`o :G'r6utn- _key, but they had, concent`rat.ion- ofptha LRt`a wan= uulyi on.` "Ilia .Pruth. . V" ` - penal =7Lor(_!- John IE`; 5 -shad` r'ec`ei'v"_ofd no iliijj'_iihn =.rrbcinIxe~1-*_i-gxic, . flerritozy was.ex'tend;v.d'.5by,lhe pgnding -mqve-. _ inem had teciied nnfoimatioh`-'fmTm;" Sjr." Peterbburg as to ' the gtgitga` 4of'a}_'ais_afiq"'f?I`tir- f no; infqggamign to the . ``Pul1inger; the `aetagmg `.1c?g`shfia1r.v_ of the" j Bank; was .;t_d_,:.s'vefh_1yV yean yuulvapvl-IGIIGU '[lU"l_C" f 3 ves in Italy:-telati. , (ion, The`*Go?e' M: .th_e'f:de{pai;ti;g: ' lGbvemmm}htid;been ooliecons` ~ proceedings wetej entirely j _ ' `0lIlf`,fI`|_'ld iiepl ; 1 would be-itaken to check thug`: ~ ` ` an the Gpabamn;-egpeaix-g `max `I?! P!9Ff- ` `Mr; 3 Candwei f '1i*i3` ia.IfIu'iid?o:- 'i."1 |.'|'.3." $i1ibe"Pbvh und.1o;n.1`s;imem'sAbe? 1 Pa1"8tm:*.- 7-sash ` [.nr(I- Jnhn Dn*....tI4..n'-o...a 11.1.53. 1- -...n1n'.A-n .4 j . !i{;he;-.rI<:use or up _. -.-v-ov--vI u-:n--- i E'1v ;3cn;%. i;a.m?s *5 2' :5: n- :.~- V . . Nrmnby.`4umd .f9r the. 98`. -I ".- .} `giorreapohdenc iviih *lh_o`Btilia`!'i~*~ `plbsenlaf ves Italy;-r_elati!e*lbL the`:GIba1d1~exx':ed1'-1~ ` . PRUSSIA. `us/rulll uc luu..:u|uu IIUHI H18 nem-~.ueader. OTT.\\VA.--Th6 Ottawa Tribune" remarks that the rush t_o that city has commenced in earnest. Threreis truly every appearance of stirring times in this city during the presem summer. The Public" Buildings will be pushed on-with vigor--indeed, we hear that `there is hope that most of them will be covered in beforethe winter. Trade of every kind isvon the increase. Propeoty isheld high, and very little purchases .can be effected in - consequence. Rents are not csnsidered mode- rate by new comers"; but residents have failed to see any extensive increase within/`the past year.- Some objections are made to the,sup- posed site of the residence of the Governor General, which is said will be built. on Major s Hill. The Tribune objects to this place as being` too small for the purpose, and says that . the idea has been revived of building it on the " Hull or Lower Canada side of the -river, thus rivetting, as it were, the `bonds of union` by ~ dividing the public buildings between the ' ` different sections of the Province. Au An:-nnunr ran-an l.`.~-..-.. n._.._._____ I-`RANGE ; `Rout. _f'_'z.1~`.u_.y .??= nun p .- 1 san:ii:'wa* bmoie, nnnnt} 1 .a.._- - -.n' 4. ti onen_q:,dI.f. c DfQemb_e1:_ 50-amos. . ` .:ia16`i,1>OS1`I 3?\1ED=nnti;s.?1juJis ;nAY.;T.3:;.qt`;;`I4' st; plan lmi .`# -T! S D. I! . aJuu:|,'-.. *.;-.:'-"`T`~`-:'2`',19..9.t':"; . .?_1` c--T \ _ ' I, ` '. 1,: T E5.2%$;?..*`* ;`:g 4-,; 1.. . .... sumo ifurthei amu- H011 . Csigot-'24 uh ~ concaion, .V.Es'ia`, W Ehf W 24 -om. f` T. om, Wht ' - 'z1'f"9th,' n__ Oro. V and Village Lot 1%, `Nine ; on the No1`lh_fSide of Edward -St'reet,,in the-V_il_lageo'f Or?eem`o1-e", in the Townsjzin ot `Nuttawasaga, all in t!i`e,Co'unl.y of ?Sim6oe,' and will sel15the'san':e, `or the `Interest of `the above` nirned Defendant therein, at my Oice, in thebconrt Hou'se,`in the Town of Barrie, on TUESDAY -the v'1`.WEN.TIETHVday of MARCH, .A.D.:l860,;at;fig1vo lobk`uonn.:v: .'~,..- ,, . ~23? W ;f_SIITH `K ' h"`'.-I ;C_i)Ui{TS'6P Smdox`;:BY Virtue of `v:qi-it pf " T0 wrrz" ' L T Faciaa; lsnout. `of the Court of Common `Plans at To'rontb," a.1id `to the directed, against th"L:inds_ anq Tenehiehts otHEWI'l"l`- BERNARD, at the suit of GEQRGE B. WYLLIE, _I. hug geiggd aqd tak.en'n`Vexecu-` 'n5'.'.7:. .. V. > - ., - - ~' .1 -.4-ml--`IDA -III-. A finnnnnninn Is"-A ' not 0, D1 raul Dlreto, UOLLINGWOOD. ' The above will be sold cheap, and on easy terms _of payment. L Apply (ifby lettetlpqst-paid)` to ,, . . `_ W-D.ARDAGH.V3 1 ~. `PAT-T0N'A&_A`RD_AGH, Bnntii 'Barie,TMay 2_8,_1e'o. I - v 22-'1_y~ un: nan! 'ran'u0t'1Vo, .1, Normside -of . A `,.Street; Si acres. ' _A A 14 gcres in the_~town plot ofKnw=xxnt.m'. ; Lot 8, St.` Paul Street," Connuiawoon. ' The above will he nnld nhnnn, and nn nae: nlucu, _;u;u._roau, `nearly an aoreiwitn a. good ~ Dwelling` House. r -T V The_ E1}-of Park-Lot'No, .1, Northsido `of Napier _'.Street: siacrea. ' , ` . mvorue esculants were obtained, the largest of which weighed. npwardsof two ounces. The season has been remarkably favorable for the crops, but we doubt if anywhere else in Canada new potatoes, any size, can at present be procured from the 'eld-~Leader. O'r'rtuv,:t.--'l`hn nus...-._. 'l',...'I.......'- .... ..I-- .--j-- Town Lots in `Barrie. T Lots Nos.` 3 an 7,_ N. s.` Louisa. StrLeet--Lots` Nos. 11, 12, 13, .9: 14, N. S. Elizabeth , Street, and 11, 12; 13. & S..Henrv Street. `Parr-v u, 1.4, 10, as 14, u. n. nnlzaoetntreet, and 11, 12, 13, 1'4, S.S..Henry Street, Perry Estate. j S. hf of Lot 14,; Berczy Street, Roe : Block, 1 acre . f and Dwelling-House . .. , * - ._ Lots '19" & 20, East side bf Bayeld Street, Patton : Block, Mill ._1-`pad, `nearly aoreiwith good Dwellinz . - Lot 4, & S. hf of 5, inthe 6th Concession ; and 25 .in 3rd Concession F105, 1 . Lot 27, in the 5th Concession ;25 in the 4th and part 25, in the 8th of Mulmnr; 7 0; Mdye, 1:860. hf of ;Lot 5, in {he 11!`): 'Concessien Tueisl;_ about 50 acres cleared; ' ~ _ - . N. hf_of Lot 3; invthe 8th Concession Nottawasagh; an old cleared Farm. `- ' `S, E. .1 of Lot 1 in the 10th Oonc`essionA Nona.- . wasaga; an old cleared Farm. v , Dc N0. 6, in `HA 1nH\v{`.nnnna'ann T7...-... ....-. wusaga; an old cxeareu Farm. ' not No. 6, in the 10th` Concession Vespra; about 30 acres cleared. . 2 ' . E. hf of'Lot; 74, in the.lst Concession Flos; ` about 50 acres cleared. ' .,...u,., .=.... _ _ BLOOD FOOl1-'l`his medicine, being. as its name sug- gests, llnopn Foon, and a scientic diqcovery differing `from all pulcm medicines, in well w'u"1hy the attention ofnll who are su_tfcr_ing from irnpurity or deiiciency__of blood. It is prep_o.|-ea" by'Dx`.C_.v P. Bnonsox, author oI se7Ii'ul' works on Eloi:ution,.P1i)'5_iology, Science, &c., andin highly!` re- commended by numerous certicates of ihone who liave availed lhemilves of its virtues. . _` 4. V . ` ` 5 - person are heiebg cautioned from cutting Timber, or otherwise trespassing on Park `Lots,Nos. 8 and 18, on the _ _wesj. half of Lot 2l,_ 4th concession of Vespra. T . , . , _. WM. HICKLING. Oro. Marv 26. 1860. A `oo_'.a:..' The attention of mothers is"caJled,to Dr. EA1o: s IN- FANTILE CORDIAL, which is highiy reeon}me'nded for all complaints attending Teething, guch as Dys entery,_' Colic, Croup, &c. ` ` RfI\(\I\ `Dl'\(\I'\. 'IVL:_ ---12-2--A I -P-- `Cxumcn Jc_Dvpo1v'r, New-Yoi-k, an-` tine Genital kgfents -A fpr both.-.-Lawrem:e, ,Mass., Sentinel. ` E Se Adver_lise- ; menl. 1,-,mr.---1nrr.t.:I(/till. 11040001113. ' WA1'anLoo.--.-Italfurds us much pleasure to" be able to state, from personal observation, as 'well as from `reliable information, tharthe crops in this country are looking exceedingly promis- ing. Here and there a eld of--fall wheat may be found having spots that is winter-killed, but` this is by no means general, while that which has not suffered in this way, looke most luxu- riant. lfthe fall wheat is not injured by late frosts, rust or insect, -it will prove a most abun-. dant harvest. A large` quantity` of spring, wheat has been sown, and looks ne. The hay'cr`op, since the late rains, give; every in- dication of being. very heavy. The qrchards. are in full bloom,'irideerl they have notlooketl so promising for several years, and. from all appearances, the fruit crop will be very large. --Berlin Telegraph. LARGE: f<`.\'I'mn1u'rrnu nu "Aha '. 'l"L- I G Purchgnsrd will be careful ll) for" DR.` M LANE'S CELEBRATE!) LIVER PILLS, mahufnc. lured by FLEMING IZROS., of Pu'1'1wnan.PA. There are other pills purporting to be Liver Pills now befqre the public. Dr. M Lzuxc s genuine Liver Pills, abdhis cele. bmted-Vermifuge, can now be had at `all xespeclable Drug .Stores.." None genuine Without the signature or "V... . ._- -.-.--.. ..._ _ _ - "Nxw You, October 16th, 1852. This is_ to eertify.tha.t I was troubled with worms for more than e year. I wugadvised to use Dr. M Lnne_ s Celebrated Vermifuige, prepared by Fleming Bros. of Pmsburgll. I iook_one bottle, wlnch brought away about fifty worms; 1 commenced improving at once, and am now perfec1ly'well. The public can learn my name, and further particulars, by applying to Mrs. Hurdle, No..`3 Manhallen place, or to E. L. Thenll, Dmggist, 'comer'or Rnlger and_Mom-ope streets. _4._.. -- ` Suh an "expellirig pgient has at last been found.` `Dr. M 1Ante s Vennifuge pmves to he the x_t.uch_ sought after spcic-its icacy beingpniversally acknwledged by the entire medical faculty. As further proof, read thevfollowing front a _1ady--one of our own citizens :' `-' &A great many leamed treatises have been written, explaining the origin of,`nud, classifying __the worms gene- rated in the'hI iman'system. scarcely any topic of medical .cienc_e hnplicitedr more` acute observation and `profound research;'sn_'d yet`physicinns "are very. much divided in Qpiniopt on the subject. It must be admitted, however, tlxat, after all, a mode of expelling them and .purifying the [aptly- '!mm their presence is of more value than the wisest disqui- sitions as to their origin. A I `. POs.T4P'O_N EVMEIQTA.-.'Vi VsHERIFF's SALE '0aIs -Of'odtk Home 500 ushel pbld at from socma-2;o-.[ - ~ , ` Barley-.900`;bushelsbrought from 1550 g 60. Hay $10 a`$l8..per ton. '. ` Sm_a.w $6 perton, _ b AF|Vou`r inactive and dull, and but very few sales-wefe effected. . . . ` ; j ' Q; ` -`Saturday; M3196, 1850: -3 g ' 3 'i`m_-'sd ay_ beings g`en'era|;holida)` .-`very liqle: rodude`. foams] tg'I mnI'%I_:et_`;';~ eate`I'i!ny.. l}6 w- ver. it wuvprasny-weltauye ivith #1}. `kinds Ldf produce. 1; ;. .~ ` . _' Wheat-FaIl `wheat brought" from $1 4011 $1 45 per bushel, there being about 1,800 'bI_uh1qls in the market. V _, " Of`fsp;h'g"Whei.t atiout .400 lyushls; b>ritiqg_- ing U1"$lAl0 to $1 125. ..._ Peas--0{. peas over 300 bushels brought I {rpm 600 lo_ 649. V _ _ ' " -I251 New Q\hm%rti5ea11%e11t5. FARMS FOFl SALE. EARLY Ponvrons.--~WeVvwere shown on Saturday some ne specimens of early pot- atoes, grown at Glengrove Farm, Yonge street. From one stalk twenty-Iwo of these favorite esculants obtained, weighed. unw'ards`nf'm-n mm... ?Pw-so`: {eve I BAcox-- $8.06 r ' t;eI2.~=.="* g, gs_doum ~.pe:-=1'oo: W39, 13 Pdik-`-G ,.`_. ` M4U:r;ron'-i-`lc 1 : iI`9``.`1``.3.P h ' > Om xmzs:-;-.25c,eo 30c [ Bxnnsy-705 per cm. ` Snnr'8x`u_is'-480c`to` 90olech.' W091!-00o.pernonnx.f.4`. o Hn--sv|I-'to.$l-i`-`per`to2i. /p_` Tuino-`-bilojoi 75 ea S1-uw--td; ols. p`er.to:I. r-.:_ f _ CD_nb_Wbb1y; Dry`--'ls. Gd)? "` do /5. .4J9,.. '4 `tr/2 ` .. . , .bs 9 ` ..5ow0.;.i.:.;,'i WORMS! WORMSAI 'wokMsz ` Ejqcrial Nufitea. NOTICE; Marianas: A `I.-LEMING Bios. -ur.1 out 1 ewgraplb. ' LARGE Exvonnnox op Hncs.-`--The Lon- don Free. Press learns that 120 hogs, raised on one farm in Adelaide," near Slrathroy, prrssed through London on their way to New York, a few days ago. The average price realized on the hn.2's was $8 perhead-~-$969` worth of stock off one farm. ` . '>-gr `aw x. _, URIJLJJ U 3 22-3in' n, r _ 3;; 9383:: . _`___ ________ `,.-..... --,...- wwlIr WVIU'|1IF at can `ivAiWr0E Oman sronm, ~ 1.`. . _v.'_;,f.: 413;; :6. ,,._ ,u. 1:. : t` . ` H ,, _ ,4 ~ ,._..7.":~. , '* ,i_._.a-.'..._ _____..._ .__-- .P3.rrif9-,. ` .1uuu up jllllirlllll. um puullc ge_ueraIIy mat he .5 . has oonstantty. on hand fatgood supply of the` primes! quality of Fresbv Meals, -Poultry, &c.,; Home Cured` Hams and Bacon-smoked . and `A vilgilq dried ; . B&r:e1_t,`._1 otk` and " Beef, whicfii aw-`o'efed L at ithbflowc"at pbssibld price. Mev.16;89-L % 2%! , , ;."".".".D." '_"-'?*'--`--w-~9 `BQ P0ULTERER;- B;a co}v .-my _ -IMMCURER, .s:nUs21aE.u.ax1:R, .',,,' lo. s;`=1tar1:ot'stnn--`nox1d6p`t9j' .3,I'io;ld-street, [ amam-25;. ` l n 3|`-|'I'n(o-in -u.l.I:- -__-__n4 .0 . u V` to _iiIfo;m) the public generally that he . opI'1st'aq_l oz} :"a;good Psufru.-II7hore"cou1;lv notibe - better: weather ft! the crops tiiatrthe two weelksi justipaqsed. The -beautiful.- sh'owere of rai!nMAv_vhich have fallen lately, though somewhat"col_d=,' hafveiiing proved the crops to a wonderful extent. `Many farmers between" Stratford and Hamburg have ploughed up their _Fall wheat; and put in Spring grain`. BetwcengHamb_urg and Patti: the Fall wheat looks cheering, The Spring crops, so far, are looking.`well,` and`the~(ruit trees seem promiaing throughout the country.` If the frost keeps away, a greater yield is pro: mised than formauyv years previous. ' To take things on the whole, everything is encourag- ing {or the farmer; and for thelcountry in gen. . eml.--Mitchell Advocate. `K7;-Iusn-an 'A'-lr----3- --- ---~" '