Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 25 Apr 1860, p. 4

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When womgn beign to count the_ir adtmrelfa,` `iti9n t' apuo take them long go do I}. V I t. ' .- _' __.. .a-:..I... L- .....-..n.'llu m-nun rank- '/in the same ratio. `The? Capital of the Company is `devoted ehtirely 'to.Fnu: Lumurxns, having no reserve for 3 Life Branch. . 4 - A . All I... :n nnnn m-A submitted to the zen-' Branch . All losses in Canadtare sobmitted geln-` tlemen composing the Board who examine the" particulars, and if found satisfactory, at once order. the pnymentbof the cls.i m.t This system has called forth numerous cards of thanks. _ Tl` Rink:-nnnnu ahmd fii between Claimants forlh cards or lnauxs. If dilferences should arise between claimants `and the Company, the Manager is fqll y empowered to accept service of any process in law. ` ` ALEXANDER STEWART, ` ` ~ Managerjor B. N. .America. A ! I!-nu _ .._.;...__.~ .- managely J. EDVWARDS',L.gen!, Bum): griida Life gssuranbe` Cow,` _.__._ -.. .1:-gran -I'uAlIIIAIlI`\`l I` DU IV`,1hn 1. Anna v_- - -.......- - --, Gonseqnent. on the investment of all `the Com- pany's fnnd in the Province. Premiums navable annually, or by semi-annulxl fnnd in the Province. Premiums payable annually, semi-annual or`quq.rterly instalments at the option of the assured. "ANNUAL AND MOST AMPLE EXHIBITS 4.6` 3!: nlrnh-Q . ' ANNUAL DIVISIONS OF PROFIT, as preferable to divisions at intervals of ve, seven, or ten years. . HOME MANAGEMENT, thereby seeuring a." speedy adjustment of claims, and liberal regulations for resxdence and travel. M.-. r...-chm nntlav required from the assured IUD Lullluao vu u vllulsvlu Excess of ceremony shows want of brelling That civility is best which oxoludea all super- uous iormality. . - InL ,_ L-__ _- -l.l .....2.L. :n Tnnnn o In`-nan .`I Canada Western Assurance Co y I liberal regulxmons I0!` resmence uuu mum. No furthe:;~_9_v_1__tlay re__quired than the premmm. . ~ V JAS. PATTON, Agent, - . J. R. ARDAGH, Medical Referee. . _ Barrie, July, 1859. 28-3mo Grumnnxn BY A01` 015- PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL. . . . 100,000 IN SHARES 01-` 10 EACH. HOME 0"FFlCE. TORONTO. 132;esident;-.-.'IsAAAc C. Gumon, Esquire, Vice-Presid nt,--'TnouAs HAWORTH, Esquire. .the Commercial Bank. DIRECTORS : Geo:->ge Michie, M. P. Hayes, . James Benty, ~ Walter Macfarlane, Hugh Miller, . T. P, Robarts, T .And E. F. Whittemox-e,Esquires, Secretary and ~Treasurer,--Robert. Stanton, Esq. . Sol2'cz`tor,-Angus Morrison, Esq. _ pplic-at ions for F ire Ilislcs received at the Home Oice, Toronto, on Wellington-street, opposite ' Oice Hoxju-s,-10, A. M.,.to 3, P. M. T, ` IS_AAC C. GILMOR, Pros izlpnl _ 1D_AAU U. ulumun, ` President. :zoB'r. STAN'l`C)N, Secretary 4; 1`rqasurer,: Toronto, Dec. 22, 1851. ` - A . Y A vane D n"r nN, _ uvvvusv.-..._- __, _-_ ,, cA1>1'rAI.; . . I . .L . . s1,ooo,'oo_o OFFERS the follbwingnreal advantages to in- tending Assgrers :- V A LOW-(RATES OF PREMIUM, . -3 _n `L . (1.... Bnnfie, Jam. 1858. 3:. Ea N_3N, .M.D.,_T PHYSICIAN, RGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR, . n An AImn1u\. A auuuvav gg.-u .|.l\av'v ..--_-__, (L or Aunom), Graduate of Jc_(fe'r Collqgei PIu'ladelpI1.ia, and U Medical Board, f his Profession in treat all forms of 0 success unat-. Licentiate of the P ' For the A convenience of parties in; th family cases supplied. and lle.d,.with vlnslniction, .. . - _ Wotonto,` Npve-mher, . 1859; T UI UUil'.l|o _Why_waa Herodis the faaieat _womanAof her day ?-Because`ahe got -3 head of John the Baptist on a charger. " "3------ -f nvnnl nf |'u-n-nlnrulr V` N631, Kiiigu-Street Wegtg `Ton-onto, C.,W., > ` ' nsrAnL1siinn."nv CIQOODING, V.(forlnei-ly of Elngiand.) , No charge for Advice. Dr. GOODING is now engaged inelililu. this cieee of maladies with the moeuslonishing success. The treatment ddcpfed bhiin,iI ie_ based upon : ecien1i_c;princi es, with new discovered remedies, nre._e,ucb.tha_l p_a_1ienIe can-be cured at lheitpwu j homes wrllioul as me, in any part ofthe country, from an accurate eeciiplioii of _lheir case by letter, D end have the 'me'li6in'6`iem them by mail or express. .- ~~.-r -A:4*A-..::.3o`.-.`- 4.4;... `M14 withdubminere egor poiitmoa 'The facilities olvreure. : orally an II!!! III!!! luv uluuvu-u wvuu nu... ., ..-...- :1 -1 >.EB1u'mr.. ' A Young meg Jlho ue trqubled with weakness, gen- naeaf By: hind "habit in ybuthnhe eirectn qr `, whi" h are dinineu, pains, forgetfulnesn, ao`mt`lniu u ' .:..-:...a an In zunswank even. welkntn of the back 5;. C-av` Liver _-` V AEFLICTED READ}? `EUROPEAN `MEDICAL HOUSE Ii`_i:srmN%sg\nv, Vwhi;-'h dinihen, Forgetfulness, oomeum u A ringing in ill: clsvuk eyes,` wegknen iii.eIn5Pv" Vvh`uid -V Bon'ni"h6inedieu.m.c and lowqr..exl_mmjnie:,conl'usinn of -ideas, loss of holyimay guqal _byV thev new --...v~;v th`o-I3`}':ited 8t3`|Z_f"Qu&3a,.by cqling their symptoms by lcluju-._ - . I .. . nric|lv.ohndnulIal.V -V W " Z :1 .` l V. nmaoonme, V IIIHJMD Iul uunu They have no old maids in Japan ; when the girls dont get married Volumarily, the authoii-. ties hunt up a husband,_and make them many, willing or not willing. Timothy says that the first [time lie went at courting. he felt as if a pink augelhad hauled him down ayairgbow, witkiba piece of chain- lightning, smack into "a. pile or down. - l'\........ `llauuuu.-agunv __A Intlu hnirin ncluad ~ mconronnxn ngakcr or `nmmmm-r, A. AAA A. c0U1\I'1`u! `r1;_'_1'us ` * .-r 1 4' '* h`eLunsx.a's3s':"e~`a'3 <:_.';'35."$'z.'f-7.t;','.'z:'y_ -nliln! (hair nvmiliiiiiv loner. -~ . 1110116 01 I.ru_nuu5 _ _ , , iver Qomplginl Dyspepsia, Nervous Dehilily, Mdraammor asungGonsump,Iion,Semina| K '.V/eikneas, Disease` of the Kidney: and ` ' ` ' Bladder, Rheumatism',S-rofu1a,Sull. ' V ' w `Rheum, Mercurial Chronic g A ,Qomplain6l`:,.&.,&c., , A . : . 2 =.v;;:..' y . r ` E ' ,spEj;by; X276 MOST SUC(3ESS`UIgV 'niiuIn hf it-nnna .,I`4 '- am. caravan 4 . mode of trqatxng re--. _|_2_. 'I'\.. e15fo_,[o`oTo z -._ --; F\r\ ~r~a\r\r , _---_----- Ho1v1 cEE>'i>AirHY.' ;6;NY 'l_ A;_ *3.-*;.z`. u'm;n';I: `X " ,:` `lady that. gllllllus, auluuls uuv an rllv v. uv n u. Quma: Unmzcnsuav.--A lady being asked` to join a union of the Daughters of Tem- perance, repiied, It is unnecessary, asl inrend to join one-oflhe sons soon. `Sensible _-:;.___._ _-... :_ ..._...o... ment:aI.. Ll auv-V- --...- of its affairs. yea. Au--.- JAMES PATTON, ../Jgentfm County Sim coe J.pH.'LAWRENCE, ` ' /hrnnf l7nllin.mnnnrl .- DIRECTOR 5 3 I M W l\ElLV\JII gmt, I`l`Jl" Argo 1 W` W `M.-.I.I!` Iiemof vy is communi- 4...... nnnnonnhn- 4 4'1-6mTo Ls'll.7UUllv ` 2-ly ,2. .1. .5; 63;. ;:;.;Ta.......j % poll, :.a `j, _ _ ,,:Nmnas '- Dcbility; For bgnet. pf-onsumpves and . 8;"erm,\h,e is willing;*h.6 and Those desiring thd Remedy can olihinit. ~ msil, by ad_dn-elfaing - `April 111551860. - , 15-lain... . ulma Brondnliu, oougru; Golds, not ; jf'1,`9't,h'oi" gm def 1:, ;.as.mL:.ena up ; `scriptlon, wxh'"fnll dii-ctIon's (ee`oj';I;arge)- ` , use a sampuot me. medicin which may win and nbeoutiful combin'at.ion bf gm. aimggwherbs; i *9? J. -n;oU'mB1m'r, " J - . ~BotanicPlayn'c1'aa,; -,. . 'No._429~Br_oBdway New Ybtk. LY 66::-w-.__.__ i *r>--.~5"-.- 73 . `L :' =\ _ l, (_ .. \ ..'J_:-. -\`,`.( .,<.. . unggvo. s:s-.U . A. .4. /I..!:"*i .__... . ` ' of Asia, diucaveredvwliia there,~s`-`aim -vneta.bIa.'remedy-'-en aura Ours "(or Consumption, ' - - n.:.:- ..'.,,; nf",'"I"` TTM siinsonmnnmr nvernl ynrd . ~:e stae:;t- . p e nus-J uuuu -- An English missionary new in `Sumatra htely wrote home that he had hddthe 6` satis- faction of examining the oven` in which his predecessor was baked. H 1111..- :- .. ......... ..I:...|.:...."..n M....9 `Vaanuina QQIZ Q3! 1:----- v::f.-"-'_ ---_-"] arid why? because it never fqijh to afford imlury taneoua relief when givenin time. It acts as If 1... ....`.;in., and one trial alone will convince you of any kind, nndtherefore relieves `by removing the merhgs of your child, instead of by deaden- ing its sensibilities. For this reason it commends -itself aslhe only reliable preparation now known .for- Omnnnnn Tnxrnxno, Dumnnuan, Dvsnxrnav, Gxurma xx can Bownns, Acmmz or was Sroucn, Wnm, Qonn In vrnn H_n_An, and Ozone, also, for coftening the gums, reducing inamation, regulating the Bowels,aml relieving pai.n,.it. h_as no equal- success in all cases of Convunsxox on orumg. FITS. - .43 youvvalue the life and health of ' your children, A and wish to have them from the sad and blighting Vcomequences which are certain to result from the use of narcotics of which other remedies for Infan- tile Complaints are composed, take none but `DR. EA I'0N 3 Ixuxnnn 'Coxmm., this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless, and cannotxinjure v.he`.most'delicav.e infant. Price, 25 cents. Full ' `directions accompany eizch bottle,` Prepared only b . y CHURCH3: DUPONT, . , M No. 409 Broadway, New York. bcingian'anti-spasmodic it is used with unfailing" taneouqlreuejgwnen glvelmn ume.,, u uuua is by magic, undone mat ; `tha.t..wha`t. v7ve_ say is two. It contains L kvAT6N-s 1339 E93334`: always presents us with the some essential ele- .ments, `and gives of course the TRUE STANDARD. Analyze the blood of 8 person suffering from Consumption Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, &c., and we nd in every instance certain d in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deficiencies, and you are made well. The Bnooo Foon is founded upon this Theory-hence I its astonishing success. There are --- -- - - - jjnn o1v"3, ,"A,{i`.ag dgijy 'pakin in tlie praise `of Z A j I-.3 adapted to the deciencies of, the Blood in differ- ent diseases. For Cotzoris, Cams, Bnoxcmns, or any affection whatever of the THROAT or Luxcs inducing Coxsuui-`non, use No. l, which is also the No. for DEPRESSION or Srmrrs, Loss or Arre- -rm:, and for all ClIR02_IlC Couruwrs arising from .0vxn-Use, Gxxsmx. Dmamrv, and N imvncs Paus- TRATION. No. 2, for IIIVER. COMPLMNTS, No. 3, for .DYsrnrs1A. Buinglulrcady prepared for absorption it is TAKEN BY Dnors and carried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 4 is for Fmuns limr:om.Am'ri:s, Hrs1*_sIuA;\VnAxxnss, kc. See special directions for this. For SALT RHr.Un,EnUP'r1oss, Scnorunons, Kmxsr, and Bmlnonn Cmm.1ux'rs,1ake No. 5. In all cases the directions must be strictly followed. Price of the Bnoon Foon Sl per bottle. Sold by CHURCH as DURONT, A . . No. 409 Broadway, New York, And by all respectable .DruggisI._s throughout the country, . - n-._-|. non. noon. 1_v.1_13;nn DR. s. N, PECKI, SURGEON .3 DENTIST, k "_-5; :3.-.._ lg. - -- .1...` 1... _.:n,1... -a : _..-.....o.n--wvv 2 17 __ ___ ` ESPEGTFULLY announces um he will be at FRAS_ER S HOTEL, BARBIE, on the 6th, 7}}: Q 81/: of ./1u:;'us't, October, December, ' Febmwr y, ./]pril.a7ul June neat ' ~ NEW.\fARKET, `on the 13:. 2`ml{5-3rd of each month, .....a n!) A nwrmn nn Ilm Alli nf` mrh month i on 2`ml{5f 3rd of each month, ` and BRADFORD, on the 4th'of each month When he will be most. happy to wait `upnn those who require his services xn any of the Branches of his Profession. ` u- .......m nlanahnfn that :n Mum nf failure in anv yluunvvvuuvn - v u u .--.--... Why is a man olimbingihp Mount Vesuvius.' like an Irishman who wishes to kiss his sweet- heart I--Because he wants to get at the mouth of the cramr. -- u n .I, 0,, -._ ______ ____,_c of his t roressnon. He would also state,thn.tin case of failure in any work warranted", during the past Eight years, it willhe repaired Free of Charge, provided no other Dentist IS, or has been, employed to operate in the same mouth; but should another Dentist be em- ployed, the `warrcmtyin all cases will cease. __.._..-.o-- wuuvcnvs . 4~rn-I-I-I-x 'Hch_ithy human Blood upon being .l. 1341.`; .l 1.1. I341. .L-.|.v4.1\J .1. .I.J.lJ ` With the least possible pain; and particular atten- tion paid .to the Regulation of Children .s Teeth. Teeth inserted on Gold Plate or Pivot. Cavities ' liedwith Gold or Silver Foil, or any other Branch of DEN TJL S URGER Y executed with ueaAln_css `and dxivability. A L _ of?` CHARGES EXTREMELY MODERATE. .50 ' . Parties requiring Operations performed are requested to come early in the day. Oice `Hoursfrom Eight o'clock`a.m., to Four p.m. . August 13, 1856. . - V 3343* `0 meet the increased demandslof the business, Dr. F. has secured the services of D. G; F., . who for many years has enjoyed a. high reputation ' in the States, and who, from-his connection with "D; 0. French, in his business, for the past three years, is well known in Toronto, es in skilful and .sccom'p1ts_heii.Dentiet; r T Dr. French has the honor of publishing the fol-_ lowing recomrneudationsgnd also of refening to` the following-gentlevmonr: ' ` In ;1 _ 11:: 3--.... ..I"l`...n.}}n -_1 M51; Qpgnf n1._ v -w--..... FIv'"I-QEEPARATIONS MORTIMER n.rnE_NtgH,_n5n. n.n.s., `vg-nu-J 0 T March 28th, X860; DENTISTRY. HIE ruuuwnug 561: uwuuau - 1 To the Citizens of `Tm-onto:-I take great plea- _I sure in introducing to the public my friend M. D. 1 French, M.D., and graduate of the Baltimore Col- ' le of Dental Sui-rrery. I have been acquainted ' with Dr. French I)0lll five years, at considerable portion pf wbich_time he has assisted me in prac- tice. He is a gentleman of in-eproachableimoral character. a thoroughly educated Dentist, and practically skilled in every department of his pro- ession. I therefore recommend him with entire: condence to all who may require the services of ` v A 'I\nn4:aQ UUUHUEUUV ` a. Dentist. IIIEIIUIJ \-lu`Il1uu nuuu u-nu-u Iv -nu... .._.-. My Eon, said an abctionate mother to her son, who resided at a distance, and expect- ed in a shun lime to be married, you are geningthin. Yes, mother, he replied, I am ; when I come next [think you may jmy rib. mm nhl Minn Philanthmn. the other dav; J.'Pa'1'e;g<'J'1'ic or. Opiate i II -IJCLIDIBU ,.EA`Pl)l~'A. Bums, A.M.,-M.D., D.D.S., _ Prof. of the Bu1timote Co1lege of Dental Surgery ' I BALTIMORE `REFERENCES: V K ' Vljnbnxs E. Bdxb, A.M'., M.D., A ` I 1 Pnn.u>__H. _Aqs'rm, A.M., M.D_., D_.D.S., _ T W Asn1xo'r_ox,R..I1Annr, M.D.'," - , . " 5 ` '- `Professors ofBa.1ti`xnm-e. College of T Dental Surgery. CIIIPIIUJGV gaqtxgn. "l`onoIro`,~_0ct.18,'1856. > The vbest recemmendution that I'eun give of Dr. ILD. French, Surgeon Dentist. is, that he has been emplbyed `in this familyund givenlnuch satis- . Joan Ton.ox'ro.+. innnn _ V ` " Govnxnufousl, ` . L ' -Toronto, `January 13th, 1857. ' Dr.-H. 1). French,` _Surge6n De`ntIst, has both extrdcted and stoppedjeetbfor `Ina, with 1-foot sqcessgand vdthleu pain tmnyself than I t ough possible. - . ~ _ A. P. Downs, A.~D'.0. T - - I r * ~ . . \ SQIJUUIS, an N 7" g. `uu~'uyqg' l;o.-g.---- -.p-u._-w----..,---`- -{B _ . , 4 0 -` L ;`.;'31Jrxon-3I`?K`na'%o4 Ba`;;I:ad=K0li;3:'8L%:&'et';-. ." ` L -... ._?-l`- 131* . _m&, `185 00-I .1587. UK. Dunn, .v :.Dr. _N. .BnnmnI. , Houaludge Bunnu. gnaw. H.'.J. Guqanrr, , Dr. J . BIOIMIDSOI, ' Df J: I .nnwtnm..nmnnn J `TEETIi EXTRACTED A _-_-2LI.. ._-2.. . ......I un-6:5-.1. ANA}YZEDT III IIIU " &|u| . Every (lesiie -bearsdeath in its very grati- cation. Curiosity languishes under repealed alimulams, and novelties cease to excite sur- prise, . until at length we cannot wonder even a1 a miracle. I -,, ._ _ -1--- ;l D E 1 s-fr. lWVv.&c`l` XII: ` -Dm. 1133310; . . .A . D;,,J. Scowg. . 4A,.w. Snw.ronAu,Esq. Dr.-,;-l?.jA, Ognwm... . n...*.'ml. lhllmlg Ru-anln, I Hon. {gdp ` llq`Lu_x.\ SIYCII _ll.Il.IUll EMU! JonnATon,ox'ro.. 13-13ins ` You imldiroot u-tof I kmzvr ;DOUB1'S OF ALL- - ` - , ,,_ z.'..:.;.., `Fmimrn. Phvsicinns of the :11-'X1?EL ..4vv;+.w=.-. ~-.-: -~-.. ::..eF.or 8lg!eII'nejl,-'JI.ldg9_I,.,`Edilf)_t.l, Physicianspt` the schools Tu well_u.;new give it their unquali- ed iuplion, and reco(nmend"it for all cases of erup- "tiotu,"`ind`diocun otlio scalp and brain; but all lv qho hnvevused it, u`ntIe-iu testifying that it will -pre- ._m-ve the hair from being guru ,-and from falling to any age, as well u restore. V . ad the fullowing :- Qak Grove, 8. 0., June 11th, 1859. `Pint. O. J.` Wmn : Dear Sins-Your Hair Resto- rative is rapidlvigaiuing pbpularit in this community. -I lnvehnd occuionto thy p ' ice aside, and give your Hair Restontixe u pie:-fact test :- 3. . During the year 1864. I tins so unromm as to L. ahmwn lmm my aulky gginst a_ ro_ck n r the .'yom-Hair uperlbct tea 2 Iliae 18:5-Jfkl _ so unfor1:n' _ thrown. .= |`.Q||!.} . y Inns: I we w_ my head received a m -riblqblgwg cumin u~ tdeal of irritation, "00m`IIInioIledto t rain and external 5., lhcubcid. {tom tbeebcts of which my h nully-d9" 9d 02: Lhe, entire surface of I From the time I first discovered its droppin ll` 3 lllllnulvn A chaplain was once preaching to a. class bf Collegians about the formalion of habits. "Genllemen, Asaid he, ~ close your ears against bgd diacourses. %~w`I`he students `imme- diately clapped their hands to their ears. .. nn-. :_._ 9) -..:.| ....' ..'....o:.......o.. mnoknp on ;gver,'ttp tome time or us mun utuppeurulluv, - "pln)"e't'l evervthingil could think of, bein a pr ` sional man myself, and, :11 thought, un emandt the nature of the disease, but was nally `defeated in evan_r_.precf tion advanced. . ' A These an no other circumstances induced mg! to advanced. These an no induc'el`,rne"to 4 ` your worthy Hair Restorative, which I have every reason to be iev'e, produced a very happy re- sult : twomonths after the rst application, I had In beautiful a head of young hair as 1, ever saw, for which] certainly owe you my most sincere thunk). Rest assured, dear er", I shall recommend your `re.In9- , dy to all inquirers; motenver,I shall use my iuu- ence. which I atter mvself to say, is not a little ` You can publish this if you think; rooer. """ Yours,very respectfully, .M.._I. RIGHTf3`;D:= Ollice ofthe Jetfersonian Philip i, Va - Dace r12t ,lSb8. Dear Sir:--I feel it my duty aefwell as my pleasure, to state to you the following circumstance, which you can use as you think proper. A 281N18- man of-this lace, (a has been bald ever_ since his ear V youth; so muc ws}hB' '1`? `"3 "" lied to weara wig. He was induced to use a uulln nf unnr Hair R98IOI;a`iVeg. he lfked nu... u... _....v , V -n_ wig. was induced to ure a tile of your Hair Restorative, which liked ve inui-h; and aer using some two or three bottles his hair grew out uiteluxuriantlymnd he now has ahandsome head of air.` The gentleman : name is Bradl'ord,and be is verywell known in our adjoining .counttes. many rsons_ can testify to the truth of this statement; give it to you at the requst or Mr. .Bradl'ord. You can sell a. great deal of your Hair Restorative in this and the adjoining counties it` you have the proper agents." Yours, dzcn 1 ` ` A THOMPSON SURGHNOR. Du. Wood: Dear Sir :-Permit me to express the obligations! am under for the entire restoration ol my hair to its original color; about the time ol my arrival inthe.United States it was rapidly becoming gray, but upon the application of your Hair Restorative it soon recovered its original hue. I consider your Restorative as a very wonderful in- vention, quite eicacioutl as well as agreeable. S. '1`!-IALBERG. Thellestot-`alive is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz; lar e_, medium andsmall; the small holds {a Elm, an retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium olds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails tor two dollars per bottle; the lar e holdsa quart, 40 per cent more in proportion, an retails for three dollars per bottle. _ O. J. WOOD G: CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market.Su'eet, St. Louis, Mo. DAlnt_l `sold by all.good Drtiggists and Fancy Goods ('3 E78. ' March 21, 1860. `I 12-14in NEVER DEBILITATES. '1` is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact, 9. Standard Medi- cine, known and ap-I . !proved by all that have used it, and is now re- m Tsorted wilh (-ondem-e in all the diseases for {which it is recom- mended. O " `l||na'nun`-olltlanuncnnah l,# -wilhin the '35` [W0 mended. I ~ It has` cured thousands I years whowhad given up numerous unsolicited` aseionshow. ` 'I`|.n Juan rnncl In! essitm show. ' The dose must be` men! of the tntlividttal but-It quantities as to act Let the dictates of t t lvon in'_ the use of the > `LIVE burl) quantities as 10 an gt-:Ituy Im |IlC uuwc-.~. Let the ._ `vonr 'udgmcnt guide I{ lNVlG0liA- TOR, and it will cure `Liver Complaints, Bil- lious Attat-.ks,Dyspepsia 2 ;C h r 0 n ic Diarrhoea, S u in m e 1' Complaints, "' `Dysentery, D r o p s _v, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costiveness, Cholic, Cholera Murhus, Cho- `lera Infantnm, Flatn- lence, Jaumlice, Fe~ ' male Weul.'ne.~'ses, and may be used success- ll] sfully as an Ordinary Family Medicine. It >lwilt cure Sick Head- ache, (as thousands can ._ testifv), in twenty mi_n- utes, iftwoor three Tea- _] `spoonfuls are taken at the commencement of `attack. ~ Allwho use it `are giving their testimony in its l 6. unn- LIVER ividnnwon. -..n-v-sn usnnut III! A'IVI:\ All V -favor. `M H: . favor. MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH-WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH T0- GETHER. - Price, One Dollar per Bottle. --A Y.\'l).-- lily nu." Sal old Miss Philattthrop, the day, '` Iccosting a precocious urchin in the street, whose wnrrlrohe was remarkable for us ventr- lating privileges `_` Bub, why don t you go home` and have your mother sew ttpthat shocking awful hole in your trowsers? Oh, you git eout, old ooman, replied the urchin, our folksis economizing--.a hole will last longer than a patch, anyhow, And away ranthe ur_chin with his kite ying and displaying a ag of truce in the rear. m___ I _ ._ 17... _ n.. ...... .. 'lI"|.:.. `un:nav luau`: 'a} uuuz ulwlu nous ug .... ... As xi man drinks be generally grows }e6k- Ieu. In his case, the more dram: the fewer; samples. ~ ~ A! whimim ofday was, Ada:ix'criti! _ A little before Eve; V V `~ ----~ - .u u. r,L _I~_-..` _A'_:..I.gZll I)... ....g.. %cATHA1ij?`f`c: 1>;LLs,i __--.. ..... w-\-urn rant` .-1:--j----- --7-- --y GOMPOUNDED FROM Pm-ovvegetalglo Exhactg, and put up in (_}I.As8 casns, Air ngm, and mu keep in mm Innate- The FAMILY CA- N; -THARTIC PILL is .. annlha lnll amine Ca-l u...-u... ...I.:..k .1... n-nu, '1ne rnmuu un- genlle lm! aclive Ca- prielot has used in his twenty years. 1 The consmnllv in- lwemv years. 1 Tlfe constantly those who have long" the salisfau-lion which n lhieir use, has induced ` the reach ofall. Tho pr4\fneeinn Hal "16 return OI ll. ` The Profession we Calharlios ('l on lhe -'n.., t:.nun_v rm- llle IIIKVIIIJI DA` with due referelu-e In fact, been compounded purest Vegetable, Ex- on every part of the are good and safe in all is needs-d, .~.-nu-h as De- `mach. Sleeplness. Loin:-, Cosliveness, the whole body, from guently, if neglected, uer, hm of Appe- IioL of Cold over the _ Headache, or wright in lory `Diseases, Worms Rheumatism. a `great. and many disc-ases lo numerous lo "mention in no) 3- rlircii. 3 fmnas. ' THE LIVER INVIGORATOR am? Family CA- THARTIC PILLS are reluiied by Dfuggisls segme- rally, and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the largejlowns. _ V S.-T. W. SANFORD, \ Mn nnu-I nrorr n no] prnnriuinr [Vii lll|ll`llIl`t`l` lld ` 335 Broadway. New York. Dec. 21st, 1359. ..._s_ _ . . ELUO 1 J-UQJCJI dldaaoloal QIQQV VIC-Q 0F`BUFFALO, N. Y., '.AFTER an unprecedented successful practice of over thirty y'ears,'being about retiring from . aciiva praclive, at the request of numerous friends In all pans of the country, has consented to make two -n-udienl pronarminns nnnn whim-h he has be-smwed the nu parts 0| HIE (.'O|llll|'y, D113 (.`0l'l.\`8nlt`U I0 lXl8|\'6 IWO ""N'|' Pwparali ns tuna whit-h he has bestqw;-d the care and knowle geo tslong ex rn:nEe', ad has Ilen them with-the different druggtsts for sale. To those who are a('quI\inteJ' with the Doctor nothing mwrl Im"snil..-1n nlhc-rs. it is but necesmrv In sav- ....- ...- _.., _. 7-. My|il'eiscoId,nnddatk,uIddfcafY? l ` .-and ill -- `nil in nuver;weIfY' N`l1';a:::`|'!`=lini! to the "'3 WHO UTE I(`qUI\Il|lCJ> Wll UH? IIUCIOT Olnlg need be"said-to olh'.rs,il is but nee:-stary to say, that `he has for veers prescribed for from 4,000 to 5,000 pembns, and` nlnways "will: the greatest sucress. . Cases thal'ha\'r_e`bale<!'oIhe_r medical men, vii-lded `readily Iolhililvenllnenl, nd persons nme daily from hundreds of miles to be cured. The Doctor, how- ever, has not been able, like others. to cure every- . thing with one preparation, but has pm up his medi- .cine in two bottles, which are numbered l0and2 The number I is a BLOOD PURIFIER, Hnndrinlb Id u: nun-`hm nulrnnl nf Rn:-inn:-inn, maa iB|l'|l'l|('S ('| 0!! "N5 The FAMILY CA- uhl. Jun u-al'..-nnun In mt. ram DELLENBAUGII, 11!.` I1T1 l'.`lc`A| .f\ R! V JJ4IJ\l\IJJ L \J J.UI..I.' I LJLII txprior to the purest extract of Sari-parillatmade entirelv of roots and herbs of this and loreign coun- tries, the beat properties of whit-h'are extracted by an entire new chetnu-al process. It acts in larger doses as an active physio, in smaller ones as an alterative ,wo_rking aitectlv onthe. Liver and Kidne_vs, expel- ling therefrom all morbid matter, thus bringing Into action alltln: organs that may have become inactive, M and may be relied on tncure Liver Complaints` and Complainlayof the Kidnevs,_lm-i 'entConsumption, Dvauena/ia..Ge nenl Debiliw. OI Uh-era. Sc-mrnln. unmptau-_ls or the mrIne:vs,Jnt-1 tent Consumption, Dyapepsia,,General D:-btlity, OI Ult-ers, St-mfuln, Salt Rheum, Pimples. Sores, Nervous Debilitv, Ery- aipeJtas,`- lnrmitieg of Youth and Age, and. all other diseases wh/' - have their origin in a digmdexed or impure state` f blood. It is of a strenghthening nature, um! will hever weaken or prostrate the body. The number 2 is n T FEVER MEDICINE, - Antluniiani navnr In Inlrnn nvnnnl in nnnnnnlinn mill: I-' -I3 V JJLU LVJ-JJJJ-ln\Jl-LVJSC -Qnd `anus: never be taken except in connection with o. 1: It will thellvcure lnammtiloryv Rheumatism, all kinds of Fever: and Ague, the worst eect of Colds, antlull pains; whether VChro_nic or Acute. These medicine: will.,e`ect CUBES, not removal: l'ro_m one part _of the hodyzlo the other.` ' V I5!` Remember. to m-`m'ent E-.onfu.I'iunn. these Mali Irom one plnpt me ooqylu [ne omen, ` Remember, to prevent isonfu.-ions, these Medi cine; are prepared by Qnn Docma Fmzm-zrucx Dar.- pnuuau, who has pnclicedin ~Bu'x_nlo -over 27 Ilf. . , . - , ,. Dellenbnugh 6; Cm, Buffalo, Na- QVGIVFCVWII `VII? II- r`I-\Il\v8$ III CIUIIIUIIIV \l'\vl C. yean!` ` v, ` - -I I To prqvcnt `frgvd. a correct likeness of the Doctor is on"lhe Wrapper of each boule and Dr. Fre d. fa blown in the `clan. 4 l')h-nohn nmgnmnnnvink pm-h hnIIln_ Nu. I ueueunnugn on uo., nunuuo; m~:.,-- mown in me _us., Dire;-1inn acs.-omppn in e_ach bottle... No. l ;`l1Q]d)fm I per botgle; 1%). gfqr .75 cents. Wing this Him lo notice they are o'eIfet6 Iho public, rely- ing on air `v'im':ea in recommcndimrlhemserves. Eula nun leirnoyxgg my art: onelfegxp Ina publlny, rel Iigont cl vmues II reppmmen mg! mm! 92:. } . *4`. 3; momrrom ; ~: .r ` .ltnni_Barl' TI ' . ms?;'g .`?a?h"."v`v?.?as1'I`..?,```3."a."}yi The vine still clings to the mouldx - E nl'nvnrv'mnl the dead lawn` In-u.s..;;..a.....;.a.o.= SAl\`l_F`O-P.D S AIIITV S'ANFORvD S _..___g__ .. -;-- I o I I within the `all hopes of relief, as the certilivates in my `pos- gadapled to the tempera- ilaking it, and used in 0 gently on the Bowcls. Eizdgnncnl \ LIVE lNVlGORA- .. WoC!\lVl`UI\U., Manufau-mrer and Proprietor. lwnv. `Haw Ynrk- 'll .lJ`\l\I.l\J FIIJLI I!` II lhamc which the pro- practice more than r-rcasing demand from used lhe PILLS. and all express in regard to - me to place them within know that the dierent gwruons of Ihe bowels. u;u'rm on I, 1...- nnixdriiir; "-7 The dayin coin,`-`midst mxddiau-y; II ' nndth `mi neverweary .- on$".'}.-`.`..._ mill ..a.`.';.'. ..."{u. molnldellllt Lnzuuw run. nus this well established from a _variely-of lhe Ira:-ls, which act alike alimentary canal. and cases where a Cnihurlic range.-mems of the Slo- Pains in lhe Back and * Pain and Soreness over r sudden cold, which fru- nd in u long course 01 lite, a Creeping Sensa- i b od y. ' V Resllessncas, r Ihe head, all Inamma- in Children or Adults, Pnvier of lhe Blnod, l which esh is heit,`loo ' this advetlisemem. mruons 0] ID? IKIVVCIS. PHARTIC PILL has hi. `I: n I I n..unI.Ii.~lu..l 51-ls *`AmAm"fiozens mgcmn ` -Pui v.K`bl' substances so go sugar end peppermint unto be ameem` W. ' V *o.%:., .[R'1_#',nfa.and eicient Medicine, cm. Rn? lllbna F (1%; ' z _ 1 maker, hasebeen induced go . \ cngesto the public, from having if" Mugs; pf 39 ears in thetnedical professiogn W 1_E_(1IL get children to take';l;i':;m3i 0! aumyeava l_u1.uu xyuxfuufu prulesslon, onn (`ung it di cnttuto `get take medicine Powders, &c.A . I ml: are of meat value in (`Asian .1... ro ;vbaeers, ac.-f ..` `. y.are 0 great value ' Teething, Eruptions of the`ki`:::as?.,:f-w',; other disease; of children; they my SJ in any `case requirin physio. bxivf;` ~Theyrare_ put. up p_ a. form convenient 1,, Q m cue ]'{ qUlI'|llf PUJBHZ. "`I -They-are n go by mail. Ten: cents the package, nan, , "Physicians, Dru_gg1aIs and others, who `M become cgenis vnll have _a sample, mu, 1: ,,,_|!.,. D] man. `Len-Gun: um puunngc, It'll]. ` L "Physicians Druggiats ~ become a.gen is a wiu,`%n' {lent to them upon application. Ilmuw, if raintered and sent luv .....:u ._ practice, enables him, condentially, .10 p,0m~m_ hi! safe _and lpcgeay m('tntJ(H._ Ul |l'dl[ncn[, and extraordtnary success, dunug a um: and extent 2 persons a safe and radical cure, Withr)1)Nnj.,n, W constitution, or connement from lxusitwssr `5' B along courseof study and p|`C|tt'1||expgg,'- .,Q ' Dr. . has now the gratification of promentmgt unfortunate with remedies that have never failed,,,,. herst introduced them, to `cure the most algm, cases. and that in a very short but I I_'2|\`()nnue I; ll xun_s. and the wma I! never wu: me moulde El Itzevery I the dad leave:-Ii _ And the y is dark and dreary he first introduced them, to cure we most a|.,,,, cases, rs,-zmmme I " without the aid of mercury or any ollwr tlc-lrlevw` drtlg; Within the um my years, Dr. 1:. ha. mfg `more than one hundred thousand cases of .h,,,hm_ character, and it may he said safely that mm M,` one-halfof the patients hnd been previously 1, with mercury and other pmsuns. ` Dr. R`. can be successfully consulted on the follow. ` ins _Diseases :_ _ _ . n......... nl the Ltver. Kndnevs. Bladder, J3,,m__ in; Diseases; Diseases ol the Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, Ja.M,_ Dropsy, all forms of Scrufltla, Teller, and the obstinate diseases of the Skin, Neuralgna, 1),-.1: Cnstive Halvits, Piles, General Delnlitv, `Etta? Afl'e-tions.Chronic Pulmonary All`:-ctinn, I1,.,,,,'.C". Chronic Cnugh, Cough and Colds, lIN,i;uem 6. smnption, lnllammalur .and Chronic Rllcllmllf Ulcers of the Le2s,Uly('-eriu of the hlUtIlh,TUn;:1 Tliront,` Nose and Lips, Incipient Canver, t:|a,,,3 u':j Enlargement, Tumors, Chronic Sore Eves. Men in: _and- Syphilitic Afet-lions. Pain and Swelling of-._. Bone.-s,`and all diseases arising frotn the impmc A`); V of the blood, whether Hereditary, At-qniied or Cc, . tracted. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. and utherchim Complaintspf years standing. Gunu.-.1. G, Syphillis Strieture, Suppreesiun of the (lac nse:r: females, &c., succee.-ilully treated. ' ` -nonov :11-4 1 1 r1 LY YUU LVU M nu , Who, by indulging in vset-ret habns, hwe oontm-.,. `that lsoul-s_ubdu,ing, mind-pmstratiug, I;|3'-d.-strum vi:-e, should apply to Dr. Reynolds wtlhmzl Llclar. In these, as well as all other (-n.-vs 4-fa prrvazg. ture, Dr. Reynolds cummemls an early appl.ra._.`. and without any vanity or aspiratiun. lJ(*( lt.'t'Ill\$l1'u that no case within the rem-`n of Itmrlnl dnl ~halle-.g cave him without a run: or snti.~f2u-uiun glVll. ' 'I"l\ `I,`l.`II \ I CC gv . .-.u.-.....-. Dr. R. an be s`u(-(-essfully consulted on all dwelt; peruliar I0 Females. N.B.-Dt. Revnulds is sole ngvnl for Dr.\'.r'r.u.-' pet-uliar Felnales. N.B.--Dr. Reynolds Dr. \'..7n` .-' Female Monlhlv Pills. Am-mg lhe'Innn_\' nmn-a; boxes ol"lbese Pills annually snld. nu! unr Nvnnpzz, has yet been made against them. Lndms man- Iain silualiun almnld not use Ihem, |ln- ;:avm-ular_ which will be found in lhc dirm-lions :u-(-urrmpzmxaq each box. Price $1 00. Svnl by mail In nu)-pp of the world. Beware of cullnnlerfcnls. They u nolon sale in any other plan-e. Dr R, iv: the nnlv rrs/I/m` rzimur/ml {ah-;~(-a-,; sale other plan-e. Dr; R. is the only rrg/I/m` ph-.'~(-a-,; this oil) who devotes his whole: Iinn: (`Jr/11..-nuly; `the lrealmenl of duseasa-.~ of a private nmnrv. {T3 amicled would do well to make inquiriz-.~ I.-12,... M sulljng those zndverlising in`?hi.< (`iI_\'.] Dr. `..'-1-:. live cxlentlslhrouxgh every Sum: in the l.'nmnu Ihe British Pmvim-es. V n. RRV`N()l.DS GREAT wom<.- TIIEPLL VA'l'b' 131121110711: (1 1 /'11/1;-- In"-HI lraled with nearly 300 pages. Prim`; 31"` Lmna.-u .|.-,~.-4-ri|.ina am-. svmnlmns. om`: trated VNIIH nenrl ' auu n2c::x. rm-c 2'.) I`t'IH3. I _ _ 9 Letters descnbtng age, sym Imus. um-upnn..n,k' properly nllendc-(I to, nnd met it-im-.4, .-cc-ntrfx ma from obs:-rvntinn, sen! mall pmts nflhc wurhl. NZ. 'nlIul'R nu hp anew:-u-1| In1|9..~lhr\' t'nnfl`t British Pruvmre.-. Dr. REYl\'()LI)S GR E.-\'I` THE VA TE BIISDICAL G UIDIL`-- Be-:mriI'u:ly 1.. ........l tuvuilx nan:-Iv 2110 nnrn-91. Prim-. 9.31`:-I113. from observmmn, sen! In an pnus m u: wunu- Nn Iellers will he answcu-I unless they -nan rexnilmnce ofnne dullar, consultation Ice. Con-u lion at the ()ll'u-re, fut-c of charge-. ' All oomnnmivmimxs mk|'n-.~.-ev.l In 112.1. Ke'.'n-- M.D., No. 19 Ext-lIan;:e I lm'e:, Rucilczlrr, S: will mrel with prompt ullcnliun. `R ? ()`u~p Ilnulis- from 7 Al. 10 9 It n:ino_,:-and the--my My thoughttstiil 1: Ban thchopes of y E\f'raAoRnIsAn.s' No'r|cr..-Dr. W. C. I.-pen: announce.-s. for lhe henrlil ufllne sit-k and '.mllulm1I.z that he conlinurs lo dz-Volt` the whole of huslmiri ':he lreulnmnl of private disc-as:-.< at [us oru-e,E: change Place, Kcwhcsler, New York. _ February 20, 1860. 3-! .__._.._._..- WORM SPECIFIC, ll with uucnuun. `1? Oice hours, from, 7 A.M. P..\l. HE countenance is pale and lcaie colored, with occasional ushes, or: 5;" cumscribed spot on one or both checks; `:5 eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; 5 azure semicircle runs along the lower =7 , lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and 503-` ` times bleeds; a swelling of the upper -.7 occasional headache, with humming [9 throbbing of the ears; an unusual scCIt11:'- of saliva; slimy or furred tongue`: M5 very foul, particularly in the morrung;__'--` petite variable, sometimes voracious; "5 knawing sensation of the stomach, at 0155' entirely gone; fleeting pains in the storrifi occasional nausea and vomiting; V10` pains throughout the abdomen; bowels? ' regular, at times costive; stools slim) ; 9` ._ uufrequently tinged with blood; bc1lys"-_' Tlen and hard; urine turbid; rcspiral_13*" casionally diicult, and accomganh`-`d 7 hiccough ;. cough sometimes dry and coal`: sive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, "f grinding of the teeth; temper varibl`-vi _ generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms U` found to exist, __.-ucl` iv an: vw--u-----J -___, , The Tunivcrsal success which 1115` ended the. administration of this P?-`, -ation has been such us to warrant 11' pledging durselves to the public ` RETURN THE MON .- N` VER1\/IHIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF VVORMS. l.\o1U1\LV a.;;.... ..-_, rove . in every instance where it should p attcni the sickness of the child or adu warrant: the supposition of worms b`3. ...... n r.. .11 BQEDQ :1. Medicine to be A fcctual: providing the symptoms It 51: OWE. C1036. In all cases the Mcdicinc Rag; 15113 wzmxz } N RN ADV . Bunhqrhopu oryo fal;l mgckinuna `Andthedaysu-edukund` Be still, uudhur and cease r ' :13; Behind theclouda is the sun mil shining; Thy tile in the common ne of 111,- -_ Into each hfe sump min_ must (all, some davs must be dark and dreary.-,- My Ihonghtsmlc to me lrluluuuuung . `D01 -S .N0'I`_ CONTAIN ME .111 Iny form; and that it ism 7"` W50, hot capable of :10"! aim` `_'"J1l0`,!/ to the: most tender ill," slig Address .11 orders to RCUF-. Apivil"25, XPIOI . . uv sunny; nvuv.-......-_ .. We pledge oursalvcs t ht`hc DR. M LANE S Xann. rnm(7s7 `rv `I Ansvnvnn sun. __ i%1XAT%; .7 round to cxlst, V ` K; M LAN1*."5 v1snMmJ0= Will certainly effect a cure. I Lu f Celebrated American YOU N.G M E N nn in nu:-rul hnhilu. AT0 1.~+;:~',;;1::;s`.' r n ._ nn; km: NOLDS`, ' renneclfullv inlm... L: 1- lens; -ml ucht. or I 5:` v ._ (}EORGE1`h iyoui` . unique and refreshing. This is at all times a nus vn uuvu an nu. Avenue Tm: LEAP-YEAR Pnivru:r:e.-This being leap-year, the ladies enjoy the inestimable privilege of selecting gallants to suit them- selves, and may even go so far asto pop the question, without being guilty of any violent breach of decorum. In our cities, the fair ones are altogether too delicate to take. ad- vantage of this privilege; but certain country dears are treating their favorite masculines to sleigh-rides and all sorts of nice things, and vie doubt not that many of them,will boldly demand partners for life before the year is ended. It takes the Southern belles, however, todo up such matters in the real leap-year style, and ever so many of our Southern ex- changes contain glowing accounts_ of the manner in which their maiden constituents are turning the tables onethe swuins, and "con- descending to them in a-manner at once delightful freedom about a rosy Southern` girl, that seldom delights the` senses in Northern partners, and when her liberty is `extended by -the privileges of leap-year, she becomesone of the mostideliciously daringDi Vernons in the world. Quite recently,.the sweet crea- tures who are acquiring wisdom at the Female College, in Forsyth, Georgia,_ determined. to give a leap-year ball to the gentlemen of their acquaintance. Whether the. principals of the, institution were consulted, we do not know; but certain it is that the fair collegians went. after the overpowered -gentry, gallanted them to the ball-room, took care_ of their hats,. evercoats, and canes, gave them seats, and talked them almost to death! When a darl- "mg wished to promenade, she sought outa gent, gave him her arm, and after trotting him up and down for a while, led the blushing youth to a seat and took another of the species. }n fact, not one masculine was suffered to act the part ot a wallower, and insthis respect the gallantry of the belles far exceeded that usual to the beam: in magnanimity. At the . conclusion of `the festivities, the `palpitating "gents were tenderly coated, caned, hatted, and esorted to their virtuous homes by the budding beauties.` That s what we `call doing the thing up brown. ' A - Isl 3 yuan. \\'r;n.\l Jfil W if>*(| uuu-5 luv ouu-5 nor any" nu SINGULAR S'rorw-Rcavery of a Lost a Weddu_ng- Ring.-Sometime in Augustlasl, a young married Scotch woman, name_d McLean, living at Clfton, near the head of Loch Lomond, Scotland, lost her wedding-ring while engaged in putting in_ or building pests, and could not nd it again, though` she Searched anxiously for several hours. Among the country people of Scotland, such a loss is looked upon as a most serious calamity-those in- clined to be superstitious in such matters regarding i it as a warning to the husband that his `wife will" not always remain true; while others consider it_ _a sign that the wife will present her lord with no more squalling responsibilities. We may readily imagine, therefore, that the unfortunate Mrs_ Mc- Leanwas greatly alicted by her loss, `and made up her mind to endure some `great evil. As months rolled on, however, without ` bringing calamity, and the woman notonly remained", true` to hermarrisge vows, but made important addii tions to her family, the ring` was almost forgotten by the 22nd of January last, when the pet cat of the household entered a room where Mrs. -llcLean- was sewing, carrying a huge rat ,in:her'-month. After tossing hcrvictim about for several minutes, Tabby nally depositedit nearthefeetof l;`er.mi's- irIa_3s,* who," on glancing down at ltyobservedi that . its neck was evenly indentedall around. 9-8 $59985 l 6 strips ms/hound ' htl{,.I~l7 An3i99!~:;' ' ascertain the cause? 0 _thr's~-',nVIII'|i`a_l` Iippe`lra'tig,.. diesthrew zaside her work-,and:l`ecmme1ieed7;t-: mninlnuthn` Anions] than 'Ivn-`~hn|1:`~1Ii1`C if IIl'.-.e'very' Hue dead |e&V03l|h dmary. . g, ,1, __.I ..I....-o IIU lllu zuuu .uu .................. .. ~The studio of a rs!-ratevportmi_t-Apainler_ Jana! be a perfecfbedlam--it is full of f_`slrk- -ing likenesses. _ rnL'; ______ nuunnn uvhn mg: `(C pifgn lo E5 admp laiuunnn ' ' I some days dreary.-,-Longfdlotq. ' . B118 mrew GSIOO I18!` WOTK 8!!!! COIIIIIIQDCCCI ~X' ` mining the animal, when, 10 her great joyend 1 astonishment, she diacovend that the neck of _his_ ~1 Iatship was. tightly encircled by the identical 1 wedding-ring she had lost six months before! As ` nu quite frequently carry of smell coins 9_.m_i. ` yieees of metal, it is supposed that ene of them. eexjried'to its nes_,;had;, ppe . it ne'er-the neckofeyoung rat,'en`d1!iere':" _ __,"`he}d* T uemthe . gtteiggd . 1naLnrity.end,.., .*_!93hb: th9;.tts`t.-V .`AlleI.-case .v_e.t,~u9v{:les!-rte iowedisl receipt; than muting! . at-,1.po y_g;::1m-uuqizz V neoieltlz? I from the atmosphere. _;Thie m_ay be-true, but . 1} ts new-pit-ett ,,rvVertE.nnu,e;,rsr,ouur,,_Fga;u_,e-_gu.,_-j - which extract t 'feia`t`ne' k'ind*ol, - ` ` front the soil, arejnjuriousto . t `Hr, incl ; 1 cannot` be raised i1"succeseion2#1crfatii chnsid-V , 'er'sbte'- length 6Ftitha;~,`.9,n"'vZ_'so1l-`feiantalining - ` `Potash; 'jvvhe`u'iamt riray:eiin#ce[ei! :e'_a,c.h 3 other , because tlt'e__;t6ba'c.cb` d6e"s_"p;it reqmrp the phosphates,,:sv1`ticlt{_the; \;vheat,`a;borlSs, It requires onlyaJkalies', "and food `containing nitrogenf `W heat cunsumes large quantities of theeilicate of potash,,tand _un_.this_ account, it ` ehould he succeeded by turnips or `potatoes, which. do not require mtwhr Potiiahs . WW6 `green crops are grown , the land may bepsown with wheat every fourth year, because in the interval the soil, by the acttonof the almos- . phere, has lieenrendetedcapablevof aupplyin 4 < a. isuicientqqslslntity. of. t_l1B.. .aiti,c,ts,cf_ ` for the sustenance of the wheat plant. llt is" said that? lhe`;1urnip' cr`o'p is`no`t severe.on`th'e soil, as it derives a great part of its sustenance - although we have _f_requently_ tried,` we could `never succeed in raising a' large _c_rop_ cf wheat nnr luv-nlnu and nnlv fnI' Ih`(lB8ll'l1Cl.i0Vn of weeds.aiidtl_te lparavie elf hurtful, insects which takes place in the cultivation ofdiilled turnips paration fot"whea t'.. ,'l`umips' caiiii9t`,be"readitye _ after them, but barley or cats do m,u_ch.betteij._ crops must be established," in fact it is the leading feature in the agriculture of every; country that is remarkable for productive farm- ing. `It has been long since; adopted in Bel; gium and England, has been introduced as a` special covenant in the leases of the Scotch farmers, and is fast gaining grdund'in.ltelaiitl. The same kind of rotation does not` answer in all soils, but the main object of the system is to obtain a variety of crops without exhausting the fertility of the soil, and favoring the pro- duction of weeds and noxiotisinsects. Batis- singault has remarked, thatif we could procure an iin_limited supply of manure, and cheap labor, there would `be no occasion. for adopting former would be to calculate; between the probable value of his `harvest and - the cost of its production. But_ it has been found impossi- ' ble toprocure manure and labor sufcient for - raising extensive crops on large farms, with-. out alternating. those crops which do not re- quire pmanurewith those which cannot be grown without it,`and "from necessity farmers were compelled to adopt rotation of crops. , When a farmer has sufficient capital for pur- chasing suitable stock and employing labor, he can render the soil extremely. and whether in grass or tillage, can make the acreable yield plete revolution in'English husbandry, because it has "enabled the farmer to support a large number`of.stotk", and they contribute to their own sustenance by producing plenty of manure. The solid manure is generally. used for root crops which are succeeded by grain and grass crops without manure. ' The liquid manure is usedfor top-dressing meadows-and pastures, which by means of this application produce very heavy "crops. Few persons are aware of ' the large number of stock that a well managed small farm is capable of sustaining, not-_ of the heavy crop that well manured land willpro- (`"02 never succeed in raising a iarge _(:_mp. 91- vI_r_u`|_1_l_I{ -- after, turnips, and .only. for tthedestruction .o[. .- we would say that thiscrop e is not a 'good;p`r'e-. ., taken o"the ground in tiriiefor the `sewing of ' winter wheat. Spring-~wheat may be putiii V `To make land t'ru'l`y productive, rotation or t; , acourse of rotation,` and the business of the A very great. The. ttirniphas worked a com-_ ucav] duce, `It `is now pi:-egxy }v5i`l_; 11513313309` 391`:9=:9:2!P2_2*i.'E*`.`.:fE`: Intcrestiug Discovery at Ronie-A Singular Relic Exhumed. Hon. Lewis Cass, jr., late" Charge d ./P`'a1'rs at _ Rome, writes to the Rev. Dr. Deleld, of Detroit, under date of Milan, February 14, an "account of the discovery at Rome of an interesting relic. He says :- In the progress of the excavations on the Pala- tine, where stood the House of Gold of the Caesars, a fragment of anarch, covered "with in- scriptionsand de1inations,_was brought to view. 8 0 Further explorations in the -same direction re- ` sulted in the exposure of a. room, on the walls of e which was found a sketch, cut. or engraved with a shnrppointed instrument, of a crucix, with the gure of a man in the attitude of prayer, standing near it. - The announcement of this discovery created great interest.; By orderof the Pope, the design was. removed_from its position, happily without injury, and conded to the charge of Monsignor Macchi, who invited me to inspect it, ans by whose permission I procured a copy to bemade, which is herewith inclosed. It is need- less to say that this event has elicited elaborate speculations. _ _ _ In addition to various treaties which have ap- speculations. A In addition to various treaties peared indifferent languages in explanation of the subject, it has provoked numerous controversies between certain Protestant Divines in Germany and prelates of_ the Roman Catholic `Church ; these conicting views concur with scarcely an exception in the conclusion, that the aim of the sketch was to cast ridicule on the worship, of the Christians. It presents the outlines` of a cross, on which is a human gure bearing the head. of an ass. A tunic envelopes the waist, and _,the arms and legs, are partially covered with ban-_ dages. To the left, with one hand raised in` the posture of adoration, as depicted on ancient monuments, appears the form oia man, while be- low is seen the following inscription: Alexander adores God." The executionvoff the engraving, as you will perceive from the fac-simile, of which the scale is one-fourth smalle' than that of the original, indicates an entire ignorance of art, without ease or grace whatever. ' Satisfactory evidence refers the date of it to thereign of Sep- timus Severus. There were `numerous Christians in his Court, one of whom, it is supposed, of the name of Alexander, was thus exposed to ridicule by his Pagan associate or companion. to is nnnecessnrv to recall the existence of the associate companion. It is unnecessary existence legend, current. "throughout the Roman dominions, in the days of the empire, thatvthe Christians wor- shipped a divinity whose head differed in no re- spect from that `of an ass. In Africa, then lled with rich and splendid-`cities, this was the popular belief. It was inculfcated in the nmgian schools of Asia, fromthe sands of `Partia to the Pisidian ` forests, and levelled `at the converts to'the strange ' Mardin-on-the-h_ill._ The latter Gnosties in parti- cular, more especially the sects of Bardesanes, ' omitted no occasion to dissemina.te'this'calumny, accompanied with every epithet of contempt` and detestation. It is alluded to in the pages of the contemporary fathers, by whom it was repelled withvehement and irrepressible indignation. The origin of this monstrous invention is lost to us. foundation in the hatred with whichthe disciples of the pure and spiritual doctrine were invariably regarded by the idolatrous nations amongvwhom they lived. But whatever the source, the tirst lating tothe _ _ onehundxed twenty and two hundred fifty of_ our era, subsequently to which epoch all trace of it disappears. Precisely during the `same period the strnc_ted._ .A .. . 3 A . -m... ...1...-.. nr the msnrs on-the Palatine. was ofthe` faith- in the streets of =Narheordea, Amide; and ` There can be little `doubt, however, that it had its mention of this celumny `occurs in the records. re-' period intervening between the years . room in whichthe design was found was con-_ K IIIIIU UUIUIU 4I.'4Vvo W_hy con1dn t Job slqdp at 'night`? A Beanie he had each miserable comfotters. - A r _ (3 _ _ . _ . . . _ _ -A...:a nnhnlnr structed, , . ,_ .. . Phe palace of the Ozesars on the Palatine, which embraces the chamber in question, was built "by Hadrian, as the bricks, of which it is chiey composed, attest.- They are impressed with the names and titles, of the Consuls Paetinus and `Apronicnnus. This coincidence-'-T-the` preva- lence of the legend in theyears already mentioned and during that [period only, and _the erection . within the same tiine of the...-wall on which. the drawing is traced--establishes, satisfactorily, the purpose. offthe sketch". as well as thedate of its execution.'. Still more I conclusive, perhaps, is the seated to`\"iew.' It is delineated -`with, drapery, of this natnre, a-mode`of- `punishment very `corn- . :nion`.atnong the Romans, to expose the _v_ietim or criminal in a state of nakedness. :- - - _ 7 mm. 11:31-annual! and: in an]. .unnms&. n-1ha the growth of successive reigns.` That` part of it ~ manner in which the gure upon .the'cro'ss is pre`-j while it was the invariable practice in` executions` criminal in state or naxeuncss. -' This discrepancy finds its L sole warrant` in -the tradition that our Loni was put to death with a gargnent abqutvhis loins, and it5`_..dl!1J4iSSi0ll,,i0_ 0 work emanating from- the hnnds ,of a`-:Pag`nn whom we _cnnnot suppose" to have been inuenced by any sent`1ments'o`f.n.vge 6g"r`(spct,' `and whose expeijience would neyeyn"!1'nve In Mted such in departure ffronzithe`. u'_fo:m`:ng__ n3,Vind,icq_1_s clwlr I ?"l&.'-P9a.,9!_V?hich fl.`8.$ !'.`11.i.6:.i.I; 0nf0l'!niii`1-9'it8i1!|'00 , ` .7 ET: "II'innll`v.'.'m`* ioiia` 5`? `leihndei idores` G632? % W than f119v!9t9,9':?2!*'*?**= contonmty 1,9 as pxjownype. . . , _ . Final! ,"the' wo`:`~ds' -1\1eianjIlei- `gdones Govt, qdmit o no, ot41_1b-,_z'. intprpyqtqtion ;;1t__9'thin`g in his`- tory, legendary tor` 'munu mental`, tending} In; thp idea th_n't the symhorot 3 crupied Wyn; was `ever reghrded as nu objeuxof vane:-itiox_In_l;y any` can; hivig, min; that 4 -Humboldt :g..m. va`guagan`voh . ,':.-is Fi!" ha, `iiwmjlnhiic , _ he ma; iiot-`IVii.,cnnnecu1idi)`I? ran nighmiwdht bit? " `lf:`hbFl6Vth_;:lnnni- "ulna. BE{NG` eFIF. 1`,Ye ACR of South Halfof East .Half of, Lot FIVE, in V ` 7th Ocjmcessign of MEDONTE, Eight Acres 0 ich are Cleared. :.The,above-is well th,nbered5_ `th-ag o'ige_|-ful stream of Water for Mill purpo _ anv ,gg9od Roadlcading thereto, at.all,sensp_1; `V 1.1; ' :3-A 1': - . 9 JonN'o'(:or_n'oK.f on -.1, ..,..., _.. A1."- 3.- ! 178A?` " --:- by't.he`sul>so`x:'iyl)er-l,-on very foveralillel - te rms, several excellent Farms, well situated, with large Glearlngs and good Buildings, in the Townships` `of Ve`sp'ra; Innisl, and Adjala. " Also, in Acre of Load vmh a. good Frame Dwelling M.-- -1--- On Rm-r _ , . A, `House, close `to Barrie. a ` N. , .2.-s.-: ' gill: 111.1-e Clearings and goon nuuu|u5>,'au ..... Ve s"p'ra; an a_. good Emma or W m at W yf ?w..o; AfcnAGa,_ ` 42-tf ' ~` 1PA'ri'6n9& ABDAGH,-fBAn|\Il. . Peuetangun 7 These Lands :1 timbered and wate vantages to Settlers. ' --51. .4. CLEAR mn nu musnln -tug unuucnauu. The young wothan ivhb was driven Vlp 'dialracllon, now fears she will have to walk back. ,__`II- _._..- -..--A' AL-n ;|pl1-Q` or to HENRY onmswrcma, A. C3J..I.l:i.'L.m..a:a _ ` .soI.n, - - -.'rho ns. _I.usgn_ . A _j Situatae near Whit.e`a Qoxf _ hi vhly cliltivat and well settled nei_gh ood. . ._ For "particulars apply to the ow A r, H ._ ' A. GR 1'`, Barrie. . Provincial Land Survey Who can give every particular gs to had situation of the Lands, he having lute ex- amined them thbrougbly. " ,. Barrie, August.'l5, 1859. 3,2 '33-t ` VEST:half of the.`17:st l1al_f_of Lot No. u's,in' the 11th Concssion of the Township of Oro, 50 acres; 29:1icres `cleared, well fenced, Log `House, quarter of a mile from 9. Post Oice, quar- ter of 9/thile, from Church of England, 3 miles from`Presbyterian-Chllch, 3-miles from Grist and Saw -Mill, on the Centre Road from Orilliai Barrie, 16 miles from Barrie. Terms liberal. Appli to T COLLIN 'DARRACK,f The proprietor, on the premises, . . I.` \J II I.) `L :4 .-.1, _ TWO PARK LOTS, in the Town of Barrie containing an Acre each; being Lots. Nos. 7 and 22, as surveyed bykobert Ross, Esquire, forming part of Lot -No. 26, in the 5th om, Townshipof Vespra. These Lots are well siteu-_ a.ted, and being near the Barrie Railroad Station are very valuable. - ` _ * - IE3` Full particulars can behad, with a. plan -4` n... nrnnnrtv. on mmlicntion to _ Barrie, SL3 1' uu you an. of the` property, 1 4,.` v. ....._.., ... iignno. 3, 12th _Ooi1. of: Innisl. ...i nlnuu 011:: nnnn, `IUD LIV! SI, nvvvnn vv__ Tregpassers will be pl'V0S'`('lltd after this notice. `vfts ' J;\Ml`.S BROWN, Proprietor. Imaisl, April 25, 1859. 17-tf ._ _ ` . . ' ` HEvSubscriber would inform the Pdblic, that . he has Leased that well known I-1otel'in Bumm, THE wEE1!'s: .4ms Formerly kept By` te late Mr. John Binghnrn, a'd afterfwards by Mr. L. Caisse, under the manage- menof both of whom it was so ...-.-.----.-.--urn-r 1r cu-r'rr1n'I".Voo131'T`l' I our baa-ls together. WEIK D805. _ . You seem to walk more exact than usual my friend. Yes, I have been straiteued Bycircumstances. . T " Can't we make your lover jealous, mitts ? Oh yes, sir, I think we can, if we " pm . __._,z__.. .....:..o nu: Ntinam-n Rivnr J`JLvAI.;I;.a.-.-....- -.-v__,,,, "And since he finds, by the. Latest. Intelligence, that there is .110 more War, or rumour of Wnr,.be intends -to `devote a1l.his energie_s to the cult_iva- tion of the Arts of _ L1: 1E:. .A.C2E:! -- . --..:`nxr1r A \1r\ nnnn 1:\w1.'t.n\V.<:IHPI _ Ban-ie,'Sept. 26, 1854." __?___:_______.____..._. .._l.* -53- {I -19-: - HARMONY AND GOOD FELLOWSHIP! The Premises which. he-has` nowentered` hnve been greatly enlarged, and in a. few days will be completely renovated, so as to accommodate respectable Visitors of every` description with BOARD,`in Private Suitsl of -Apartments, or at the Public Tnble, by the Metal; Day, Week", Month, . or Year. ' He` has also very Extensive Accommo- dalion for HORSES, and CARRIAGES, and-a LIVERYV S'l3ABLE.conne'cted with the Estab- lishment, the whole of .wl_1i he. hopes to be able to make the most. extensive and comfortable to be met with North of Toronto,` `and he has no objec- ionfthls should be-known _ ` " ` v = * arr-.3 W0 I-In 0 A-.I._ `l1`-____ :____4___ Barrie Hote1, ' BARRIE, C.S., 3' rms 3; l nuul VIJEILI .-.u..-.-_ u-....__. ' '1_`he' splendid Tsitubftion`; o?the.House, fronting" on the beautiful Bay of Kempepfeldt--the salu-, brity of the air-'the `purity of the water-all com- bine to render this spot ohe.of the most healthy and delightful Summer retreats; and the Northern Railroad `now places git within three gbours pf lIorouto.. : V HENRY FRASER, . T Tn! nf u: C(nnm2r(?iu1`H0tel. Barrie. $1`?--v._ LE parties are Hereby c-autio_ne'd against cutting L or carrying o' tin'1he1`,,or otherwise trespass-` ll? nn Railroad places 1: wunm lureu euuula _u. T401-onto.. HENRY Late of the Commercial` Hotel, Queen's ,/1rmsAHolel,- -Bm`*ri, ' _ ' ' x- ~ Lnlce Sinu:oe. 14thJuI1I. 1856. - ` - 29 A.V1b_1. n% Hotel. MOTREAL, . A." % 1.. .w, 13303113. ,Rroprietor. . _ . 4;- n.__a -9 urntn Ln!) ---. DRAVELLERS will find the abm Hote1ev?exy way suited to their comfort. T " `H_3"f'EXCELLENTAST.dBL1NG..} . `Ollf naa-us Iugeluurr A modern tourist calls the Niagara River` the pride of rivers. That: pride certainly has a tremendous fall. T . .- --, _ ___aL!_.. n.--nun. nnnnnnnnn ~ the new wing, a. great number of well-ventilated : V leasantly situated at the head of ST`.-PAUL STREET, amongst the largest wholesale ` houses in the city. It. has (with business men M generally, andespecially with the best Merchants` ` ofcboth Provinces). become so great as favorite, n that it is now acknowledged to be THE Business Hotel .of Montreal. . To meet the extensive in- crease, dnring the last year, in the business of the house, the p1-opbrietor.ha.s. built. a large nddition. The` Dining; Room has been: extended: end made more cbmniodious'_; there have been completed, in `lo V1.0 IJIl(VQD_g-QU' -Hay`-_-----_ P heen'iretten`, band now eonuiins many i;npr_nve- merits and` convenience: hitherto Lnnlrnown toils. guests. The; whole ofthe `beds have, at a great expense, -Amen: arnisliedf-with NSW T SPRING MAf'1"1`RAssEs.*r= we Pnoprietor expem that By : tn\c'.lIn\t=npD"nIn-n1nnlIQ`.`IIIAl'IlflIII!II`. of the OOH-V sleeping `rooms, and` the ' House throughout, has ~volfe1-ed~fo`r Sale, on1feasonable`=term`s, in-i n the thriving and picturesque Yillsge =01 cbmpsing Lots` on ,B1oekiB,-'_St=. iA1i-` ;~and7Lots 1 at. 2, Soqtlxgidg of.Co1- No MORE WA`!-`H! l-CJ.J.IlLII-L.L1`\r-nu n; rAnnAaHgg; rnnnnnnn. MAfrTnA'.s:s1;s. ~ '1=ue ruoprmor expum luau -.., .o0nlinning,11lsvpe.tson9.l management of the con-[ com), The Albion," to so.y,the.1eas,t of it`, will continue to be! as know is,.the best Dot.I.u.and - How In Qanm.-. ' a .. *1-1299 OE to '_ l. ie, 10th; October, _1859. , n \/ . _ `%.n+_-1-ii . Em1INEN'fi L"s'iI_(*:<'3VEssFUL 2 ` _.A-Il!_.-._ 1 4 ween : _J1I'1IlS`l1UlL,` -.nu1Te, ' Lake Simcoe, 1411; July, 3 . ' Gon sun: wan Quaint! . Rail ColI;m_bi83!; ;Viv_o 1'2rgn_ya1l ! _u`1-in mrznxug-xoiux. 119-i:r.. ' 9' ' ~ wna~ag_my;a-na "' 1:: er "~j;wau.. _hH@V`SEw@g& pih11uiinrom- ' I 1 hx:E t&ke:ithe*xB6vhE`Ba`66h: ii nnantion. 'lIr"g`t5cli1n"Wii{bn_ Dill) II uwunvu-vpn. .-..v -Love can excuse anything except meanness, but meanness kills love, and cripples even natural affection. * ` 7 e-,_ I. ____ .. 1...` :. .. L 399`-`Wis 1,3593 at ,&io.n.eom!>inbd.9thistjc1ahs.W3d I L;.ri t ` A fmatitaa|iar`bftEi'eir1')a'u' for n;q\y,BORQERS. _ 4 3. hnwm `stnxnt , F on SA LE, nmca :.. 51... llhumn : p.r._ u-I.. A- -}mnnnnI1 ~CAU_T-ION. . -7ALS0,- . __ . _ K1 the Road between Barrie gnd ans , _COL,h1N U;_'uusAun,, proprietor, the DAVID` MORROW, Barrie. "` ` A1_of` >18. . V - iculars , on application to n n t_1nDI. T\Y l|I||-II Ill uuuuuvuu "She that marries a man because heVi_s a good match, must not bgaurprised if he turns out a Lucifer. .'.-. ,. .___._._A ._......o3-...ul =n Ull u4lIyAu.uu..v.. .. H. B. HOPKINS, Barrister, 8;-c. Barrie. ; CHAS. A. MONDELET, _ Land ./Igent, Toronto. 26,1854. . -- A 35-1r hiaotela. .._.......-..u\n `1.a. my caltivat good. 1. _, + F miles of lstat, Q`Fi1ib:7I1is11raVnqe,3" ncnuurhu-vrnn-.n._-.2 PA! I. MALLVAND. 33 .l19.m3mb19 Tm Ross. 'Joux'Cnxwro1zo, Es q., ' Tl'nlt6iI'8I1i llolrd or mrwwu-.. .._. *W1 m.wt Wl.`MOMABTR, Esq.., 'Wx. Hun Bqnlcer:--Ta: Bus; or Szlicifofa-" -Ibos.s, Gm . . ' I . This Enrich-ws only opehed 135 now human incoyne of ' zx1i;;Esq.:):I'Vl5P.A . sq _ R3353, Egq. Mona-rau;.V. - wybim AND Cnonu. T L. t nua}y, ad Lxagauidzed Jain" 1856; Acgrmn. :2. 500.000; V _._ ,.,._.=','.g;;_._,w.;,'g pi-,1ooo_ smmnonnns. V `V ' ` -3 ' --` 1 ._-_ i7.`..o `.Af c9:>5' 5! SW0`? vyonpov-__...,.._ . .=I'n-1-mllonnzson, E vWn'_.x;m_t Cuwnn,` g` gig ` v `sq-5 Secretary; 2. - L . cotmtoeghat :g5;.riop`Tof}.u$ rm" V - Man Book as be my seen on the . nunionwon, V cnant `Renresenttng Property ilnsm-ed to the extent of 'l`lll~R'l`Y_ MILIO N DOLL]. A R9! The Report further "says, that the Directors `congratulate the Shareholders on this satisfactory increase in the business of the Company, and they have ev_ery.reason to; helieve that from the con- nection now formed it will continue to increase ratio. .r|'\|..`. n....:o..1 nr than nhmnizni is devoted entirelv -IIIHIB Uul It " uuvuuu Who is the thinnest servant mentioned in history ?--The valley (valet) of thevshadow of death. . ' drug II _,I'._ AL- A'_-A_-A ...._.---u pr.`

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