Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Apr 1860, p. 2

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,..- _._.-..-. I. ..... .-u: ----.-r- uguvuucc. . DEAR Sm-I beg to favor you with a. brief out- line of A the Qua:-te'rl% Examination and Soiree, which took place in nion_School Section`No. 5. 0:0 and Medonte, on _l-`ridzty, the 23rd uln There were present on the oepasion the Rev. Mr.,`Stewert, Local ~. Superintendent, Ora; `the _Rev. Messrs.` Read rind Gray, of Orillin, and several other gen- tlemen, besides the Trustees -`of the Section, 'nnd s goodly `number of the parents of theuchildreng ,1`l_1e examination was highly satisfactory; the- children facquitted thems'elvesjwel1. , The mode of teaching adopted `I: `Mr. McAlpine, "the_ teacher, was highly `approve of by the gentlemen'p'rese'nt`, a's,well as calculated; to make the pupils. th0.I'LDlIgl1ly ' `understand the different branches taught. . The school house was crowded to excess. After the . ex'emination;~'th`e children rennirnd in 43; . ...t:..:.. uvuvvl yuuuc was Ul U-W08!-I ID 81085}. After the examinat_iong-'th'e children repaired to the adjoin- ing Weslyan chap'el,.whioh wns kindlyilem. for the' Occasion, . and after, partaking of` the good things .provided,.wr_e guitably addrgassed. b _the REV. Mrrnea Oh Hl'$:.t nvnntm-um an '--3 . _ . . _ -.-5. . nnvv 9:-I-eh CANADA`: 1_849 to 1359, byox. A. T. Gum. From tlieloursoxfy observation we have yet. been ,ab1e.to__gi__ve, it appears to? be aniepitome of the A politioaliproggess of Canada comprised` in the dates1zb6fve'Ame ntiopned. _ It was designed especi- olly for t`he.Brpi'_tish Public, apdwe have no doubt `answered 3 good purpose in drawing a.j.teiitioz_1'to the subsfmtial advancespmiude by this country. _ CANADIAN AGI;IcU1:/WRIST forpAp;,` . meeiyepqi fpll of excellent augzesoos. p . 1 `z ' ' I , A'xo,-rnnn Finx .'--`We have been informed of the, dcstructionjabout the some tiiiie, of the dwelling house of the` Roman Catholio Priest, situate on the Town Line between` Essa and Adjnla. The house was attached, or very close, to the church ; but the latter received very little damage. We have not the namelofthe clergyman, but learn that he has just entered on the appointment, and had placed in his dwelling a quantintity of new furniture to the amount of 200 or-M300 dollars, `all, of which was destroyed. Wears notgin posses- sion of the particulars at present, but may possi- bly be enabled to report the` accident more :fully in our -next.e l - ' " -j.-u 'the Editbrpf the Norther ./idvance. n.<....-a... vL-`_ . THEHAUNTED HOMESTEAD, by Mas. mm D. E. _N{,sou?'wuwom. Pele);-on as 13ms;, Phila- delphia. We "pave glauced`hast1lj*' throligh the first few chapt.e}bALv r_ith some degree of satisfaction. Tl'1e'styI"e`is pledsipg; and to these fond of excit- iug literature the Bfsun1:ed1Ho_1heatend is just the thing." Pnce'$l.25. l1A\TAr\A'.'_ nu... .-..- -- 7-`- Fmn.-`-On Sunday night week a rebroke out ' in the dwellingl house of Mr. Vance, School Teacher in School'Section No. 2, Essa, entirely destroying the house, furniture, and most of the clothing of the family. The family consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Vance, their daughter and daughter's child. The alarm was so sudden that the family had barely time to. save themselves in their night clothes._ The daughter in saving her child got badly burned, and is in a very doubtful condition ; not having spoken since, caused by inhaling the V ames. ' The old man and women are also partially burned; and-itis considered a miraclethat the whole family escaped being burnt to death in their beds, such was the intensity ofthe re. ' It is supposed to have originated from a stove pipe igniting with some combustible material near or attatched to the building: The `family is thrown into great distress in consequence, but the friends and neighbors have very humanely provided for .thcm by subscription and otherwise. omcm snroimaiion has been received that the Prince of Wales will.lea.3'e England about the 10th of July. 5 The. Globe says angther Flax mill is about to g6 into operation in Georgetown, on the line or the Grand Trunk Rai'lw ay, to be established by capi- tulistsof 1'oron!o"and.Grea$Britnin`. The":-e {ire pleutyof in thoneighborhood capable of introdncingdnew article of cultivation. ' TNou'm_n_:n'N 'vRTAt1.vvAu9:-it is excediuizly Lgratify-V ipgyto` notice thevbealtbful incrag `of local traffic 7 on this Rqad. The`f:c'if>ga`f9r5` \i'eekAending 17th March of thi;I`yegtra_mk_2_;i13te_d to 36,04_1.6l`a'gainst $s,617;53_ last year, hehighn iricrea se_ ors2,425.os. The trhmc for the pI1s'e3,yenrb `far ha__s' amoujifed` 10.34423. . last yen; $34;0(4;"{1_;]>jyig'hn inc_rea$e' tbis`ysr, or $510,230`.-g5. __1"iw`< '1i:eighe,i,ir&. ,'pfmqge`_r' tariiftook 2'e'.c on the gz1f`or`_ih1s'inn`m; It must he sa_tisf:1`:;0r3 -'t"o the mahdgers of this Road to witness atlehgth the subbtantial results of their efforts. ~ 7 ' - V 'L M 34.86; Iuid foij- tL`I':"e cor:esp_on_dingVperio_ d __ i... .... nun.--arxIuIrl'noIUlf0n(d3' 7- p. suta.-*.-'2'-"""`1~:...:v-, -`:':r""f,q_,;'_:sI-ilq-V."'D '-'?.-""~7 useful; 3;: exbau_s'tless~ eld~of inz`rsiug enquiry,- . an` e`xha u?st.lessV spring of is V. 3. siaixecsnseaiosguent.-;. .V5'.e419,n. , 7., , fa`:-Ja_ny one to Ltonsidex` tlie 7 `re! ` ~ by aheiyruthog of .I.=-;~,tnr9 1999 n =."n9 b eInQs"he h:is form el1,`and`` ,w'eon`man,` the _chief of `His works, and all theorganized beings L ivhiq'_u_ndunI nd sgfecg to_ Hiin,_ wighgut ' artiyingpt gEe_<:ouc1|fq_in of is 0.9.9 95.9!`?*!9.;`1?t%!i*!8;~89?2b`P83 and useful pursuits; tha__t,there_ gre fgw pranphes or may vmch vaomr,ib:,x'us<(o much`1.o5cuIli$'zite % ' oi1.r5f?zci.1;ltVl.e,s" aid ;irephie`us5f6f Vth? bntihessdi V lire`,-';i `cage there :uo, Erunbb 1`yr'k';m'w1e;ige x`vm u' dpe`s} iuoie 't 'connberu: t' "tHa'eviI' _innences7 to` whih~ we'3u`-e` exposed i .ri`tI1 e"v?o1-Id," aixd as give a ' rig'lit:'d!rc!_i`on to 'o'm-`A tho,t1"gAI:,i`;`-;at:'(`l atflionsjj M atitffcnsequntly that xiolbi'ng'-'_cnn be_rnore-si1it- ab1eor `vnluabl an a. ggne'il"3 i;`bject of study?- nbthingbetter tted fox-`the ',p6;1io'9e,'ot` edaibn, ' Dr ffoijming a bettezj_'1'h-pdfaii'?o:' they Vactffe duties and` pmgticgzl * p_Iir1it$ 'whichiii1tist'o:'igge most of us In the xvgrldi ` ' '1 ` " 7 ...v.;- y. uB fu`yI.q`V u`\.:`I_tu.. . V v _ : ' i Z ` Anne concnmo;:- or we -?lect;x1`r`Ltl_1 .~ thanks or the sdciet_jes_and ,the,'au(!,iiaince were ta'ndA_ar_ the lectixirei`; , scnoox. EXAMINATION -ANS $51333. 1 mrlzi} wJ{':}.":I{E. :; bfof rise to ourgyiew. :.uu,uv~lIOOl rygcuoi I?`-qvuiv `us: V ' t_ies, pcggtsxl vnrigty an ipnontunitigbf digbvepg a nanfnh an nvlmnnolnua Rallfl -'="' ' '."==.".'-V "'. - . . _ rouse onr.curiosi{g;aQn ` ` attention, exercise our ingenn` .. 1635: grntic,Mion.~ Wheretha? ` 4'gg`3K"I`1`stless indplence, or seeks `f v "dooyingtwhat 'others admire: or g indulgence-he who has tasted the knowledge and imbibed the love of nature nds `every _gpanging_ scene and Aspect a sburce of new plepsuire. efcise aaegcfnpaon , ' "ndnI`Q:nn -`Lg oIe{....`:..aa' .... (L 13.: J ,. _,qmVm1s,wa:.:: of inullfgeifcq ' mind. Cultivation .. _ __.,!LI_ ___L....- I?(9ng(_iereda;blosing; A it most-powerful in. quen 1 L41`: _uu vvnuunbual, J r' 9k 1. P 1 -an ` ;o:mi,_1p;i1 2 ,y1'seo. " .--u cw.-sun J59; M!!hi7I Jam; e-43:4`-1. I I. oomqonri = " !j'The question, though htxirtling, is suicicntly augges-` live, wheh the fact is taken into consideration that diseases of th'e*Livef have become moat alarmingly frequent in the United. States. Indeed, there are few formideble diseases t_hat_are not-in some way traeeehle to u deranged state of that important orgun. Many, of the complaints usually eluted under the hcaiiof Consumption, have their originiti the Liver. Auy'temetly that would insure regularity and healthful action m'the Liver, would be a blessing to man- kmdlll Ital Ebenn ithe _exclamntio'n,6f thonsaudq. That remedy hue been found; it is safe and" sure. , When 3 feir V rig! been it, it lune never been known toxl. Rider, Iuxe city disease aftlw Lieu-, or disease ' Jbkicbyou'l~lia6c pmeadafrom hepatic dntatgcmenl? Lei; C ,na'a;inoviteat, but pun.-heat aboz of Dr. .M Lana s Km, , b9,.1!.'l,jmin: Brat Piltlhreha Pm. and they will re_s_tore Itis tlu` o__nIy remtdy yet discovered, iigtpficit may" be_pIaeed. ' ` mifurelialers `will lie careful to ask for 011 M9 E .8;,'CELEBRATED.IilVl".R. PILLS. mlnufaco ;tured by FLBl\IlNG;BllOS., of Prrrsnnnau. PA... There .are ether pillg purporting to be Liver Pills naw turn. .1... I mgr. 4.. G E, of` 'forWMn i ' Ii "4 . ,v ._. _no1po_- 1-*%%:,'i Ir`Ii3`:,-`-3 *}';`:`.ea5;?."5;`f1`{' ~a`& :- T-.,.I`?,**,r`.`?1'.*'*iI);<,>i'= wnri;{n*t.l:'o1 > w .33. *`oF`~o`12'- ~ " n' .` -.` mun; uuu Iuotu eotiplalllll ultgnding Tulihj; ijuvnl. aiona, Coughs, Colds. ole. . It ll sold by all rettpecuple druggim. ~M esm. Cannon as Duroxfr, New-York, are Jhapm "etc!-I. _und~u1oo|b|e'agema for Dr. Bnouowa Bwon opp," which for Couuumpuve and Chmnic dis. e_uu'is,asutc remedy. Do not be put of with my other gnjtjc .W'_rite 19080303 I: Din-om-, New-York, if you _ get thin in your town; 13' soc advanlumem. M -wnte Igcnuncn 5'. Dmroicr, N ow-YVor-k',' if you 13- soc Children are often seized ve_ry suddenly with this classic,` which. if not quickly rellgved, ptoveu fatal. It aanpmlly gguckqglnjldtgn in_1ho night, after: having been 'nIuch'_expot'ed'to`,daIhp, `gold wugds lb 1: the day. l_)n_unp lgouea, iwctfam. mm shoes, vmcloa cl.` or Inn.- `v Da 1: iwexm.-\..1h'm oh `vm clol 5, or .- -igiigp Ihmctn pe|_1p|rqlig: _ may qccucxon Crtxny mucu exposed `to`,duhp, `cold winds Ihi'i>`u:i:lT't-13-3 $1}? era? yonrchildren'arc'linbl-`tube taken with :1 : dread complain! at I time when ~_ou least expect it; but it = o!"m1:|vn\y a doctor can he call or n tamed `found. and teh_u_m`;we gvguuldyudriaa you now.-u wimmn-. V ,,. ,.r.. .........:.u uuu unuu: II: no lIKEl| _WllII lhil um: Eon ll; i; alvmys I can d, or found. f ' reinomwe would advise on r . without ' u "I gI:2Ien_t _I delay,._to buy a lpoulo Dr. Enos}: Inna:-12.: nu1.."'l will cur /ovary ouch! Group, ifuken in am; a`ud IIs`o nu eoliplnmll amnaing. _ Teething, Convnl-` ajonl. Oc-nth. Colds. am 4 II 1. unit! In all n.-_...._..I , _ _ _______ __,. u v un. IILJAD. lllInl"OC- .m..a r"1.|s1snNG'Bnc3T,"o'r' PI'l'1`SBl7RGH.PA. .8!!! other fghnnrponing to Piilsndw before the- - _- ` Li P'lJ also his c I - $3113 Venifugel`4=:_|x::t'|'9_\??el|'l::d 3311 :-e: pcclnb1e Diueg $5, rjvggg wulfbut tlu uguaum o :93.) . if @3303. JJIUPI IIISI At ch1ea', 21.: ML, Robert Le of S. Babcock, from Canada, 10 u A : Culdwaler, on the 9m um, I 3 aged 73 years. _ _ rulII9'\ll`4l1. On Ihed27lh lrltilno, at tire Penelanguishene Road Church, by the Rev. Edward Morgan, Assistant Minisler, Barrie, Mr. Arthur Bell, of Oro, lo Sophia, fourth daughter of Richard Drury, Esq., J .P., Oro. ` ' , _ DEATHS. Ac hL-I--- no - u we are egtised that "if `Mr. Sticnltatand Mr. Folcv formed a Government, to-morrow, John A.` McD.ma1d and Brown wou'ld unite to` pull it down, as they `did Hincke . This the Opposition are `now well aware of. If Mr.. _Bru'.vn has so `much power in Upper Canada, thatjolher persons or representatives ,in the House of Assembty cannot join in assistingeny Gov'ernmenHhat they might hopetdbe better than the present _one,w.hy then we-might, as 4 well submit at once, even if thegreht George T was>not~on e of them. - ` um nullmzzna Bflalf. I Leners from Rome saylhat agitation is so great lhatit: is doubtful whether the French army will be able to restrain-it muh longer." l _.Tna second warning. which imm..I....1., null w_uI 06 none I0 reslramn much longer. _.Tne second warning, which immeduuely precedes excommunicalion, is said to have been sent to Turin. lvl ill ll_U|IlUo The Pdris cofrgspondenqe 91' Ihe Times says: There is great wrath here against the Pope. I am told His Holiness issued another circular, still sirnnger then the encyclical on the `Rmna'2'na` affair. - l..u...... A`_-... h,,_- --- --- -` ' ` ` Iuu cnulu WI 8 IBW (l8)'S. ` . The annexation of Central Italy to Piedmont is accepted everywhere with great enthusiasm. Al the and of a week the King will station a toutj inthe `provinces which voted for annexa- tion. Oneof the first acts of the government, as soonaas annexation is declared, will be to open-a loan of a hundred millions, one~hall' to be negotiated abroad, and the teat subscribed for at home. TL- D ,9; ' ` ` * an uoputuuull HUIII DBVOY. N.u>t.r:s,_March 14.--_-The Neapolitans had been sent intopexile, and others were informed that they may remain in Naples. Austria had disapproved of the severe measures intended. An Austrian General had arrived. Ambassa- dors from the western powers had given advice lathe King. A'Turin `letter of the 13th says the Sardinian Parliament will not meet till the 12th of April. The King intends, when the expresses of the wishes of the population of Romagna are made tohim, to deliver a speech declaring that he postpones the acceptance for the present, adding that negotiations are opened for the purposes of reconciling these wishes with respect for the rights of the Holy See. Unfortunately these negotiations only postpone the crisis `for a few days. The annexation of l ant.-at [lulu o.. D:...i_..._. yaauu at ulu vuIIl.:all.__ V Paris, Satmday..--The,Iatr1'e publishes a letter from Tutin, stating that the q'ue'stion of annexation of Savoy to France had been denitely settied, The Patric `also states thatnegotiations in regard to Tuscany are in a_ fair way of concfusion. The Emperor received a deputation from Savoy. Nu>t.r..~z. Mm-oh `lA____'!`ha `M'u-.....I:a...... 1.-.: uuu pay:-:I pl gun; tly. Rome, March l6lh.-.This morning a great manifestalion infavouf of the Pope had taken pface atlha Vmicah, Dnrin Q..o...;I.... 7'i`l... 'D..a...'.. ....Lu:_L__ , LVIIVV AURA Ilylll I The steamship Bfmaria arrivedthis evening {tom Sm_1lhamplonl8lh. She brings a Lon- don paper of {bat day. Rama, Mnrnh Iah _"I"lsIn lI|nrv\:n- .. _-..-A JIlVl4I|lD i zsynla H IUVVU The market was thinly attended to-day - Fall Wheat--250 bile only delivered, at $12010 $137. In one case we believe $1 40'per bshl mi: paid. _ ` 7 Spring Wheat-200 brls at from, 980 to $1 02. Peas--750`bshls at from 561:: le. Barley--nominal at from 60 [0 65. OaIs-300 bshlsvat from 34 lo, 36. ' Flour-remains still dull; and inaclive. A` sale of 500 brls uninspected fancy was reported today at $4 90 l'-.o.b. We make quotations as follows:--Superne No. 2 at $4 20 to $4, 35; Superne No. 1 at $4 50`ln $4 60; Fancy at $5 In $5 25; Exam at $5 50 to $5 75; Double Extra at $6 to $6 50; _ _ an .i3\hn2ttin1cutz. AA. The, Picton Times, aholulier reform jourrial, thus adverts to 'Ihe`n'6loriou tendency of Mr- Bnown and his newspaper lo oppose ve_ryIhiI1g not framed after their model, and to depreciate" everybody who rfuaes to do lheirbiddang : IDVIIIUII WISH IUU ULDIIIIIIIIUHIH BUM LIJVIJ IIIUMVIIIIUUU . the d` ' . Th ' ,d' dwith` '3 ~- {V 1%: 35- .,f ?g'i?, ma; .1 V .I.h _ prooee tag; was well got. |dAlrrnnged,"'!u1 d.': ` ulncb credlton the mu-ties conmrned. % ` `Wm.;z,Fn11`-`-$1 a` s1 '26 per bushel: 7* F . .':;[;1-ing--9)c to 95 gar bushel. 3 bto 5% an-el. ._ , - . .`,BAs1.:!.nex..-'-..54c per.busheLV_ n, 0 AnvLu3:_Otrxci:, March.17,.1860. _ H ' - .`"`~ . ` ihttxtgl;- .1he1me_lves _ , ' " Itifecftong nigh-. -' - Rev. V , thwartgh the nietlts`ofth`e foier `hdinessesg expressinghis pleas _ int seeiugesuch an assemblage, and the good" it was likely to result from such meetings-elecially as the proceeds of the soiree are to be devoted to the purchase of prizes for the children--he wished they were more general. He expressed his satis- faction with the examination, and then paonougnced t die` h ee'n dis rse witi 1% (Tal Aging; , Efnrhlv satin _d k.9'ri*.;1 ` ' d:"t'e'vv:%t"et;\erkqg 193:; DFTHEGTKBDWU, 51 parties concerned. ' I name " v} V ..\V _v, ;`g. I P` _ ATE -(3% 2%: 3 L` lAUU|S"@` TH) $0 `DUI uurrcl. -9-J r.bAus,h;}_., _. V 630:: per Eiishcl. Bnrrxn--13c to 15e,'> ' Pngsggoc perabushelh -,~ ~' 2 IJl|'I'D \IlUW]"f Ell} IU DUI} W1 Uel. Bur:-:u-13c to Ir5o51p:;.1h,.rj. Guns:--lOc peflb. "V M ' . P01-moss-Good supply ;- 20c to 25:: per bushel. Bur:-4 to 5dblla?s,_per'_106`lb.` " Ponx--Gicen, _8-t;50`t.a,.65. . -` _ = BAcou--39.00, ' L` MUT'l`0l\'--70 pin-jlb. ' LAxa-8c, per lb. Gmcxmvs--25c to 300 per pair- Hmzs-$. f: pet cm. 5 , v -_ . ' SHEEP Sxms-80_: to 90 each. Hnr-$l2 to $14" per ton. `_ S'nuw--6 dols. per ton. TURKEYS-500 to 75 each: Conn Woon, Dry--.75. 6d. do do Green-53. HAVE-"You A DIS1AED LIVER?V Arrival of t_l_1_L Bavaria. Epctial. Noticea. 3843-RIE MARKET REPORT. ;which we have had with western members.- liowevi.-is;tu56btin one.` i`~h'"ere`:`r`ria'* seieral Ii , """"' IICIU Igl V HIE" A e ;rille`wmT::xr1?::?e moppase the" ulutions or Mr. Brown, and, in fact,` many of the we_sternmen view` them` with equal die`- _` hmr; butsriclr is the l'eeling;_intheir constitu-~ 2 ettoes, that they dare not vote dgeinst the Ieso-- 3 lutions. `They fear the-large black letters. of the Globe will have the effect of depriving them ' of re-election, and, therefore. they have come ?1 to the conclusion, to vote against- their own`-, conscience, and in support of the resolutions. We know this to be true, from conversation The question of Leadership is also seriously .Iis_tntr~!.l.I9. fT!?3VV;iL.'}.'9E,'"?`t!Tll bel".hig; ; nnxiotts to obtain a tteW.'l_3tal8|',o_-, Tlteirvtroqble, gentlern.-m.,_w_ho.a`re daily'harritdxetl. by pet-ons who desire them to take the..leud; butthey de"6litTe`tlie h'o'n 6'r, on the ground that it would not be fgirato have committed to their charge the guidtthe af:'a'ahattered and broken down nearly. hamI}|nl'eIh':IIIlQ3nn..nhn"|I|nn B|'llQ- I remain, dear sir, yours, J:c., ` . A Sncuron. ` nA.._.1.nan` . . ._ ,4- _,. ,... `Toronto Mrketi. C `R0 UP. MA;_I;;3'I-).- .'.`xi3.rTes. J .: cnaaa.1o.nJ .r 1`:1'f.'."; " New You, April 1. nnnanan -u.-......l pl.:_ _..._.___ GLo'nnV Omen, ` Monday; April 2, 1860. 1_l__ _..__..l_.I ._ J-.. oen Lester, vnung a, mos. 13 ds. , Mrs. Suah Finch, : ' : 1"s69,`,s_t 1_o ` In continue? um guuruuuu Ul , u. auuumuu uuu UIDIBII own ar1yw~.They `hohl =Ihat13hqzge_nIg;gm~whohas qii thg.pi1_riy from lhe,.rsl hour 191' infancy to prosperity , and lhn 'd'cfvi'n 16 fl)? bfesent `wgkj and Imetiviabie position, alone i'sfegpbna`ibl_'; aid to himmusr lhe party iookifor tha` unravel-' ing of the tangled web, which binds the -hands of the Opposition. :So, inalli probabilii.y,Ihe V [eadorahip'wiii,' forlhia session-, gzcf)11b'e`._zgin,=,v. II is a dgplgrable sfalaqf things, whdnlour party aae so divided and `splius no longer of any usezin checking the. p'toigacy.o_f the Government. ' Hoyribng, we_a1sk,Ji:Hliiul'ikely' _ 7: r{IpnQ__ I:1\uU.I;u_ VV`lIll'-1 -U-~""' bud, 8 W: :..':.'*`:*"":*::::.:..:r A . . an nv nlpoc think of nnrchnlnk elgwlnre`: SIIPPW` `M "Itin.,., 1 for doing `or M ' BHRNS, Vd since hi; V . _ rosxdence in Barrie; 3 he . ~39--W"Iuorv.`o ~`m"` 'vi>1iea '0! . din etrnnnhp S.'ets Barrie, . IIlrn`h- _ "gig-s." "3 f ` `lice ` 0| Yep nargfiluka to his upper: be c ht! nd Im- koftho hue 1 onthr EUNSI RIB: LES, Ur to the I'Propx-ietress, 4 ` Inns. 1 Bgnie, March 22, 1330. uuu ntspcuutule uusmess. V . Barrie` is the County -Town of the Coun`."`7` Simcoe, having an extensive and thriving _~`,"-' cultural district around it; and is delighm-5 limited on the Kempenfeldt Bay, `I A 1-7-17: (`v`r1\rr~|t\'I'.1 :.-_ .-.---. nJa..-v.-. \a \/ .~., On (helino of ihe Northern Railroad, between Toronto and Collingwood. A .rannMnhln tnnnnt 'wnnI(I ha Qrnnlod Wm] 03 Auruuto EHO UOIIIDQWQOG. N10 Awrespectablo tenant. would be treated W1 moderate urns; - . ' V,___ ___..v_._-_- `qw- Fnonr Srnaxr, Bums, ' With new and convenient S'l`ABLI.\ G, CWT` HOUSES, 3 spacious Ynfd, fully supplied mi-`I wa.ter,'and every convenience for doing a IMF and respectable business. Rllffi `C Nu: nnIInIu.1'nuun AI` OLA {`l\lIl"l uuuwrupuu ul uljlill -t 85,0?" 15 ' ` ` ' v 5-.` r I '`` `-_,x`-. r IV. *';'= ?5%""`?"%*z* -%*`:*'*%'*'::.2 `.1 2 -3%: 1.: I " ' ~" :9!.'9_'3A.h i glyidsiardsij . *9! '. lb 1' w yam .},M`w <. 593? . here: & 2;/.'?'I.3I."'..0"|1;1;".` eviile wf. nearly` lo_n_m_ n,_oppc 0 BE soLb on LEASED, with immetii-'|'~'~` possession, that well known and long 03915` lished HOTEL, known as the 1-12 o -1- E L TO BE SOLD OR LEASED. e 1311) Concession of I.\'.\'ISfE:'., the Barrie Station. About One Hun Acres clenred and uxxdrr fence, together with an: le buildings. For further particulars up .1 w - R:`\[ 1 .A.IEI'ive Miles IHT\'I-`Y The above Sale is P0s*rpo,\'}:n 11x1tVi1`Thur.=3:_v A the 19th Artur. instaugat the same place moi Mr. 1) A'l'VI`l\\' I. lhh 4 4'1] I3-2in Barrie. April 3, Iseo} uuc illl! VIII PIIICU OX IDIIIQ. Further particulars may be known on appEE:a- tiou (if by lettcr, post-vnf) and title ills;--c'.~.:. at the Office of Messrs. 1 tmo:: & Ardagh, I2;1::.:. PATTON & Ai1D.A\(}H. ' n..:I::.... y .QnI.'...`I..... 4.. D...._:_ One-tenth of the purchase money, Cas! attire time of Sale, and the balance to he pnivl w':'?.: one month after the day of Sale; but tlns c-rwi=- lion as to payment of the balance 0fpIIr(`l1.'ls: lxu-ma` may be varied by an cxlensio-n of the mm: u: 1.; opsinn of the Solicitors of the Society. V Th6 conditions of Sale will he nmdp L-nmrn -1' upuun 01 Inc eollcllors m we -Suclcly. of Sale will be made known 5: the time and place of Sale. F'nrlhm- nm-Iinnlm-a Innv In llnnnvn m.,.. _ Wnl flu Egon. ~ The Editor. `of the Cornwall Irceholder (Mr. I. "S. Macdonalil dcgan) mtiying from Quebec unden dalo_ of Maajch 22, says}-` _ u 'I"l..Ea.l1a..l'.....'A..2L-_.-- __`.: I:-"`;'~I.l!_.`2`.'.Pk...n..-t. .v_._____._. .1... vv A.V.A.LA..4J4o "erected about 3 {ears ago, the m:-hinerv ur` w.` v was made by IV cssrs. Duly 65 Hibbnrd, <'-f 0:43 The boiler ia.c'alc-uinted Io drive two encinz-.~. 1% mill and mach nu-ry is in good order and `n-;.-,...-. On Lola S and 9. nn um \V..c =i.I.. ... u' .. mm anu macn nu-ry I! m good order and n-y.-(...~. On Lola S and 9, on \ Ihe \Vcst side -1 \\'.x.:4 Street, are elected extensive and coxnrnodmm -_-- ---ww one or rnore_ of which are now tennntcd. JUDIJ un unn W UUU to me saut P all 1:; parcels of land consisting of Town Luis nUtHl.l,`fw `.~ 2.3.-4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, mid l0, on the lCu.~t ~..'~ Hickory Street; broken Lots numbers I, and 2. a-' I Lots numbers 2,3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, 8, 9, and lu . '- the' West sicle of walnut Street; bmkcn 1. : numbers 2,4,5, and 6, and Lot number 7, can I East side 01 Walnut Street, and lvrul.'c:n Lots 25. L`; and 6 and Lot number 7. on the West side it! (`ct -- Slreet,in the Town 0! Collingwoud, In thc T-~.x ship of Nottawasaga, containing in the um; ticrea, more or less. 2nd, conristing of Lot: 1. 1..- botb inclusive, East side of Hiclmry Sm-I: 7: Lots 1, to 10, both inclusive, West. side oi \\.-.' SIreet,in the Town of Collingwood, cuiitzizimg the whole 45 ncres, more or l:.'\<. . On Lm. 3- 4; 5 ....t 6, Ihn \v.... .:.i.. ..r `l .. lne wnule 45 I:.'\<. On Lot: 3, 4; 5 and 6, on the \Vcsl side `J `Wu. Street, in the Town of Coilingwood, then: 1; u 1.: class STEAM. SAW MILL: ' ,,,,, ._!_L,,.n, \~..-\.u.- u-nu ,-hug, -runuu uulc IL :- lCl|l\l.'|\ F:-bruar 1864, and 18m March, 135;; JOEL NDER \V()OD In the said Smie}y, uli parcels uflnnd consisting of Tnwn Luz: m....I. AT 1`!!! norm or om: 0'CLO(`K, ML, Pursuant to the power` of sale conmined m Tu` several Mortgages, bearing dale rexapccliwlv E11, fa: ,[()lI`.l.I NnF`_R\Vnnn ....1.,. ...;.l .....;.... ..rv .~ _.-..---cw us. Ion-in F 3 ti 1 1 to `)I'pu` ouarsappyWAI BARBIE . BUILDING SOCIETY. ILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC _.m:r1:: .- the COURT HOUSE, in the 'l`o\\~_;-`V BARRIE, - On Thursday, 5th April, 1860. {vn1.mLa%jnnL mm . ~;Vblu%n1e ' 13' llll |U|' lyVl|IllUu -IIyy-v- onnble tenns-` ,' Ruining EXSGUTIQ wrru 0:39:76"-d In-' n'.;'....x;.`...`.. `..: km: on W ! rn IJLULV oz A1iU;\hl|. Solacitors to Barrie Building b'uczs.`;., W. B. QLARK, Auczsoneer. DWELLING H'OTUSWES! WI . \lJ.' JJID REMAINHIG In the POST OFFICE, BARB April 1st, 1860. Peraom calling will please askfor dvertiud La .1... la 14-Zin TERMS AND CONDITIONS or s.LE; uwuuuu, I 1105. Graham, John Hatch, Wm. ` Harrison, Joseph Haggart, Mrs. Jane `Halliday, Robert. Haggart Mrs. Jane. Halliday, Robert Hill, George vHn rst, Samuel Hunt, Mrs. Ann Hunt, Joseph unywa, 1- 1'. Devin, Maxwell -Dehart, -Nicbohls Dixon, James Finlay, Robert. Foster, James Forgson, Mary Ann Frnseg, James ihhnna Than roMME1zcmL HOTEL, :?;:.A........ '.':..?#*-*1-W-iv~*iiii-%? uumng5,'.ua1 Cattle, Jae. Davina ; 'l' I` nppwuuu, JBIII` Bell, John (2) Birnie, John Bnnth, Jdnmn nuvuu, -ulmes Brcunrner, John Gheshire, W. Conner, Robert Coulu, Duncan G PAIID, Jnh n Allen, James A Anderson, William Xpgiloio, James Bell- Jnhn (`M -- v-- v... v\.uu.-u- us-J LAI'{i'sIMCoE. POSTPONEMENIT`; T 01-` LET `H I1`_NLfSNG in mm. vxsr AUCTION SAL?S-(3F ,.._.,.v... ...... ..\.5.n,-av-an: our; lutau wean , nut ucuqg of it local and sectional `nature does not at all interest us. A few petitions; have been sent in on various matters, some for Dissolution of -the Union, others for 9. Prohibitory Liquor Law, &c. Bills have been reads first time to repeal the various nets authorizing Separate _`Scho_ols; to facilitate drainage of land in Canada, (a copy of which has not yet been received); to increase the jurisdiction of County Courts ; and others of less importande. The - Committee on the Quebec Election have been expected for some `days past to. report to the House; but in. conse- -been delayed. It is expected that they _will set aside _the Election, though they have fully proved a majority of good votes belonging to the sitting members. The Haldimand Election, too, so far as the votes .of_ the sitting memberihas been scru- tinized, (Mr. Harcourt) places himina minority: the analysis, however, of _his opponent s votes is still being proceededyrith, and what the result interested circles ;` -and it is somewhat singular to notelthe difference of opinion; 'l_`he Globe, of_ course, objects, in toto, to the scheme, `as - this "being its only stand point in all `important with favor`. the establishment of a V _Bank of Issue, making thetnotesofp all charteredabanks redeema.-. V butinot t'heA"tax" orfnewspapers. --In reply`S'to a '_senn',h; esu`nf4i`iei~ General," 'saidli_ej; desiredfto }rns.li_.e"the d_prtn`1'.eiit =se;r.sueinnieg,-, 'aua;`t1m-' as ,thre y_vas;`_n`p `int/e ntionftoiii:terfer'5fith5'it this ::omi.snu,ia=e: quence of the-illness of oneof the members it has _ will be it is folly: to speculatenpon. , Mr. Galt's, _. nancial scheme is eliciting much discussion in giving increased-patronage `to the" Government; ' measures, we expect no, opinion or argument but i opposition, `Other, .an.ti-government papers ',view bio by the Government, thoug'h,di'ering intdeitails, " .\.lr. Gait claimsonly to betcnacions of the`prin- ' ciple oi` his scheme,`:a`n.d'_is`prepered_to'modify it! ' so ast!l1f0. seriooslyitoicontlicytwith eri_sting'inte7 4 , rests. As items iney be'rnentionedthe detern1i,n`a- ' ; ition of the government to'_abolih,:'the boolk'duty,- 5' /question'of`)Irl`Idwnn's onfthis pnint,lMr?Sl_dney V the ten _1,i_adn_;3i ye,t`i$eix' tried on .'- ffe17i'i1iI3iIiT!S$' session=' A`-`>o.ii sews eisTii=;*rireetti , uuuuun E John ,-Ilia: Mary, `ins, Philip inflame: , OIIIIICI 18, Thus. n. Jnhn nu. vxsrr TO 33$ 01' rs apply to . W. B. CLARK. , _ gcnl and utlnonur. ietress, . MRS. ELLEN MELDRUSL Dnnnfn nnn;(II I11! RWL 0)! ACCOUET 0!` THE .l|\lllIl'S upp J. W. GT0 No. 12, Wclliugto "Re'gitere:l. Hunt, Miss Sarah Au Bletcalf. Miss Mary A: JONATHAN L;\.\'I-I, [),. .._._ ._ PATTO5 & ARDAG"H. _V [+3.2 V There `has ben quite A mi?smio1int'of business before the LegisIa,tm-e the past. week; but being nfn Innnl n--.41. ..-..|2.._..1 _..L.{_- :.>-_' _.'_L -5" -1] SLEN Pmetanguisllene 13-If vv uncc, ueorge Wright, G. 11. uoe, ueorpfe Sckanks, John Sedon, Koren Simmons, Stephen 7 Bkipworth, George Smith, Charles Smith, Alexander Thornton, John Ubert, Andrew Wallwin, John Wiegar, Gorge N. Wice, N. Wilson, James A. Wood, Mrs. J. Wonce, George - E01115, William McCourt, Jame; Obara, Catharina Pense, George Pita. H. (3) Pool, Thomas Pratt, Wm. Redfern, John Read, Miss Elizabeth Roe, J obn Hudson, Mrs. Johnson, Robert Jordan, Samuel Liduce, Edwar Mercer, Robert og-ri5_ WilI:._ NICFCCY, Hubert Harris Will` Mccodn. .r.`.`I'."_ lJl\.`K' ., , Posnusm .1z':iaa,~_;u_c_`,`; . . . i V. Axoafnnn Annals: V The County O911vx_:Vvcv:il,9 !__`-I!,I'dix_l:II~I}l_,i,VVI_I Iegliog, on UK bei : Idol llll III 3'31 ..-.,. ._..-..- -. ,.... .......-...,.... -.... ..........., ..... T. D. McConkey, occupied `the chair; Mr. D :\lton McCarthy acting as secretary. The tenor of the resolutons ere-very decided,` demanding that eongid-` eration foi-the survey` of our route` that has been given to the_0ttawu,-on which 380,000 have been expended, while to the `fmfmerlbnly en award of$500 has lgeen made. Petitions are to he set. aoat imme- diately so as to he presented with all haste to Parlia- ment, We shall give a synopsis ol the proceedings next week, - A v A -. - be mI_s'ol'~1 `*5 Km ` Pursuant .to a requisition to the Werden of the County, a meet ing'was h_eld yesterday in the`Court*V House to take into consideration the best means to :_ be adoptedfor the furtherance of this project. The ' assembly, though not large, well represented the various interests of the County, embracing the War- den, Sheriff, Mayor ofcollingwood, and Reeves trom various of thdtownships. The Wanlen, Mr. 7|" `n Il..l'I-_l-_._ ---.__:-L|-AL- -L;!__ 11- num.,,, .We must bg those qf.ourT subscribers who are in arrears to settle their ac- counts Vforthwith to avoid costs; This will also apply to all outstanding debts__. x\a~ W6 to appnsebur renders that while our Journhl 15 open to discussion. we do not ho! 'ourselve_s responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents.-En. Annxcm] ~u~,u~Aa..~\/x-.r\rsrvu-;\_x\_~_~ I\ _ A - . . . A . . . . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ , I `Jam. , boy. =4 V` 'BO1VM0RE--Fir'ai F1-iily`in): 1ixih1-y; `A3;-ix; Jul;-`, nnnuausvluhls, AnIA!.L-Fil'll Wedltesdgy, in the months of Januarv, A ril, July, and Oclolxer._ LOT No. TEN, West 0 Hummarip Street, Muknur, on; ' the first day ofdnnunry, April, Inly, and October. ` Oklghle-.-Fun! Tuesday in January, April, July,`and no r.._ - ` V October. vnntlil-`uh-"( Ic%obi5r.' `H __ M V . T ` KEENLANSVILLE, Annu.A-Firu Wednnesday, _ _____mt_J51th_o_f_'_.|_a:I_g{Irv, April, July, October. n. . uJ'\?oNs conxtzaxar an-,-20th"Jan-`. A __`__J_q_ly, any October. . ' July, and ' ' " '7 " '1 _-f MONO. at South-East comer of I011, In the 81!: Conces- L : mcuaunr '-V-1 ' I - nux`s`i`,`;`n`is .`1."I1 r5; , `.'r"' """ ""`e%'.' "" `" .`:.T" } .i ` ~nnd:I-`uh-"Oct-obi~r.'_ '-" Mm! "" y + l."f'A In:IQvrv' I`I' _ . a _ v -v Mail 1-1 ocuomiug. Dino,..............,.....,. l25,Evening. #3` Stages leave Bertie for the Station half an hour before the, arrival of each Train.` ' ` -1 1` Iaugnm, onthd am w .. tember, and Decembe .` nrincinallv for the exdhni wvvvvvw '\anJ\.\'\\r\I\.'v Wiii)3iii)AY, `APRIL 4, 1860. ..._._..__ vI.fEWT7%A(DVERTISEMENTS THIS Gnonemu BAY CANAL MEETING.` -; Sohedl lor Rtlxrnb of C'onAvicl`ionl. VMunicipality_of Tosaoromio. ' .'Lif Association of Scotland. Ppslponemenl of Auction `Sale, Summer` Goods-G-. Daivies. . List of Unclaimed Lelters-Barrie P.O. Court of Revision. On'l|ia.- M Lnue-`s Liver Pills. ' . ' Dr. Eaton : [nfanule Cordial. Tun Sii.vm- Min-its.--AM:ililoy s ~Sta`tion," April 1.,-The overland mail coach, with San Francisco dates, to March Ll , arrived `at-this station about 12 o clnclt lastnight. San Fran- cisco, March ll.--'l`lilrty,tons-ol washed silver arc has been found at Francisco yieldin-g an V average. -(if. $3.000 per ton. Much activity exi,s'.etl at the Nepa quicksilver mines, and the work of opening them had commenced in six different places, creating a considerable `de- n:und~forrlabnur.` The quizrtzniines in Jaclr.-' son County, Oregomcontinue to yield immense Vprots. They are reported to excel anything. yet known in California. The` quartz taken {romour mines is said to be worth $20.000 per ton. v Twenty`Ihousarulldollars worth has been already taken from the mine, and `as much more is visible inthe small opening mode in theledge. : r . . - ` ix J. umuows COR July, and 3N0. Somh.I-Int 80RT.EBN .B`All .WA_vY.` PARIJAMENTARY. r. and uecembt nilly the excl KON S CORTV-Iv` .55`-AI. P;- . 6:... in-.1.` _x..n__ __r.- ' A I :3 s- - . 'ew='%'...-,.,.' - .' M a~..:f*a';.m.;.*=.:~,,. , .% V ex 5: " ' -4; A1211--'-QIIII "Inn ~-"i ARDIL - ` write .a pamphlet upon Canada, along cherinhed idea, and boasted before he lell Hamilton what he could do there. Your fears that he has been killed or jumped linlo the Niugara2~a_ra omh-ely._groundless. A You will heal-,,from him noon. glitown was very foolish when howgox him elected for Grey, and found om the mistake when I-Io an Joined the majority whose vole`puI Brown out _ fore he had done any`- (hiug. Hog':;_an_i:` a wry nl 'he_nrt,_h-but can wheel Four _wlth great eelerity {or personal advantage, v_5&i.o33&`;::,- . _ - , '_ A L_A'wnA8`oN. Wczhod ,l.he_:pleaa.uxe week ofA.att.e_m3in exhibition of Bljoql pupils froIn"1hqPerkih s Insti. DR: `$919 -9f 1*-..-echsiisif-; *iir"1`e`r;'t!i'~* iiI`='ao.-1v9`I-*ro9.t.ff vyh nuns: :i:`3i'o:aam.V Uldlf VENOUS |')l'OU|IOII0ll!o' ' ' -(`~ . V ;. An Exhibition Building worthy of this great event, and bfimchiioapacity that every `article sent will be scenjo thehest advantage, in about to` be erected ezggressly for the occasion. ` In Rnnnl n.\nR.I..- u|.`. 0-nu alum ...... -.:Il -_, .L , . Tn Coxso_LmAbrnn S1'.i1-(:1-:s_.-By the reportof 3 joint cpmuiitt/ee of both Houses of the Legisla- 'ture,it has_l ieentdecigZeili tqhave, 2000'o'pie or the Conlolidatd Stdtutgs :of__Cunad/ a, and 2000 copies of who", Cdnsolidatgd` sgaspega; of '-Uppr` came` *tender,pnd- to distributed by Government t9 *the .se'ver51_Cl_erkof_the Pegce, for Asalatat cost 3 price.- The Queen endeavored to establish a mdnppqlyvjn the, gl'of um, at their :'own_prices- ' ` 7 v T . ` "' > I `' ..prihted ,byV_l;tIrI.'Lovell',_wh6.-got the contract by `without the pre%:t'ousermctz'on- of Parliament .- that what we -have alluded" to~above, cant be e ee_rving'__minority of Upper Canadians, ba`cl:ed A perp'el'uated by the Coalitiomsts, a" dissolution unvlv -v um lJu\.'pJIU ua Lvrutltulputllles HOW are in: money miners, and entirely, doing -'ew_tsy- with the? excessive and abusive power now and for some time past exercised by the Adminis- tration,-in, expending, and in contracting to expend money in large and ruinous amounts, ifxwe say these and similar amendments in our constitution cannot be effected without a dissolution of-the Union, then let theseparation or the-Province be-rue pure and simple as possible. We believe (as previously expressed) effected, nnd the ,Unior'r' be preserved.-` We have previously said, `and .now repeat, that rather than be ruled by a speculating and time- by a Lower Canadian majority, as initiated and oflhe Union `would be preferable ; but as shewn elsewhere this state of things is-not wholly ohargeable upon l_he Union, but is mainly . ohargeable'upon- the `Upper Canadians who have abnegated 'prinoipleand country. We {told-that with the amendments in ourconstitu- tron-above ellutiedto, and with honest men at the helm, not-only may the Union be~preser'ved, but a state of ~politio:tl`proeperlty attainable,` 7 such as but few countries errjuy. ' , _ ; "Ancuter, Mnrch I2 1860. EiiI1'o'1i- }suoB.-Yoln sympathy for lfloganz is altogeiher'misp1dced. Hezas gone lo-Eu:-op_e to ._. pmphlgl-jnpoa :C,nnad 1.94 lpns Chemhed idea. bonstedbefore hele amxlmn wlm 1-- wm,oe awarueu to me successrul competitors. his proposed to dntinue this Exhibition rm 3 longer period man has been customary here. and thin: to give. the Manufacturers of Canada the full -o`ppo`rmnity of de"ris_r_ing-benet``om theidisplay of their various productions.` _. V An Exhibition Rninrr uvnvllsu Al` chin pupa -n.... UK YCSSIY HOT "18 Cccllunn . he_ Board condently trust that you will see the importance of having your section of the country pro rly tepresented,and that you wall at-once take suc tlteps, either by formation` of a_ Local Com- mittee 7or otherwise, as will best secure the can-ying onto! the. great object in `view. . -Anv commnniuatinnfrnm ~ mm. In: ml..:... .... vuru| Iqlugrenl onjecl In _v|ew. . -_.`_\ny. con_In um_c-ation..{rom`you, for advice or `infornnation, will be qt once attended to, and [he P:-ize'LisIa Indegululiona wl be sent an soon as puBliahed.~ -` * " - - - I uni. Sir. VlI IIP(I. Ar;-_'. , the. euag. siy ': 1: IS nopea, wul at once be organized. The:ExhibiIion,- .1 in expecled, will-Stake place about lhc end of June. The repise time, however, ` cannot as vet be determined, ut will "be announced `as soon as possible. _ V . V ' GnIxl_Si!w-r and.R:-nrmn Mndnln. nnmm.-np..m:.... as soon as posslole. ' Gold,rSih'er and.Bmnze Medals, commemorative `of, lhe occasion,'Di_plo_mas and Certicates of merit, vii| awarded to the `s,uccess`!ul'com`peIitors.V A II. is proposed continue this Exhibition rm -. wortny 01 me occasion. . 3 A great number of Canadians from all parts of the Province will doubtless visit Montreal at the time eluded to, and it will be it matter of much impor- tance, as regards the interest of our Manufactures, to `takeadvantage of the o portunity to exhibit to our own people the tnaau acturing capabilities of the Country. `. l , To ensure, if possible. the co-operation of all, the Board has decided to allot to each Town or locality, so desirtng it, a separate space for exhibition ; and, to place contributors at a distance in an equal >sition' with those in Montreal, the Steatnboate and ailway freight will befpaid on all such articles for exhibition` as may be selected by the Local Committee, which, -it is hoped, `will at he organized._ . ` The1Exhibition.- it in exnacled. will-Tuba at... umues or me uounlry. * TherExecutiv,6 Government has given its sanction and promised it: assistance, and the Board is desirous to secure contributions of the Raw and Man ufact'ured Products of the Country, so as to make the Exhibi- lionvone eminenlly-Provincial in its character. I|"iri this it is isncceasful. the ulterior hm.-mu in um uonvope e_m[nenlly-1'rov|ncnal xn us fznaracter. II"jn thug It i; successful, lhe ullenorbencts to the Provmcge will-be such as ampiy lo repay the lime and outlay;-e uired to carry. out the project on 3 scale worthy o the occasion. V A In-at nnmhisr nf Cnnhclinnn I`:-nm all non. Aral... aw ---.v...J . 1 We do not approve of a dissoluulion of the Union between Upper and Lower'Cunada, to be foltowerl either by, federation, or some joint authority. If the evils underwhich the Provincergroans cannot be remedied, by amending the constitution we have, by a fair sgslemof Parliamentary Representation, by-' shortening the time for which Partiamenteshall last, bymaking the Executive directly-respon- sible to the peopteas Municipalities now` monev mumrn- amt nnaimte. .i..:.... .-........ 7 am :- v The presence of His Royal Highness the Prince of I Walea, and a large number of distinguished rsona from Europe all a formal opening of lhe ictoria - Bridge, as well as the large concourse of visitors from all-pnrlsnolflhia Continent, who. ma be ex- _pecled'to be pres;-nl'on um occasion, as been bililies of the Counlrv. deemed b`v;1he Board `of Arts` and Manufacmrea for Lower Canada, _a lling op munity for n great Exhibilionof Ihea Indrualrial Eesources and Capa- The-Execulivb `G-Jvemmenl has when in nnnminn -..v.. -aw...--vs; .u.r Iraav uuvraanvu Us-tuv new UK . the Prince. The Montrealers "necessarily feel it ' incumbentton them to. make as imposing a display as is possible, asone of `the objects of the visit of the Prince is the inauguration of the completion of the Victoria Bridge. National feeling prompts us to aid in every possible way the centering in Montreal, as the receiving city of Canada, such effort as we are capable of, andpfor that purpose we have pleasure in publishingthe enclosed circu- , lar that has been sent us from the Secretary of the` Board of Artsand Manufactures in Lower Canada. . The object is sulliciently plain. and the "proposi- tion one that we hope will receive the hearty con- currenceof oui-County authorities. We have more faith in the better carrying out of an exhibi-,' tion in Montreal than in `Toronto, when vve con- sider the two positive failures ofethe latter city last year. One good exhibition is all that `will be required in that line to satisfy the doubting l Englishman; -and that this should beone of our! greatest efforts will be apparentrto everybody, in iviewbf the tremendous influx of visitors that will congregate about Montreal on the occasion, in- cluding not a few-of enterprising manufacturers of the `contiguous Eastern States. Here-is the circular -addressed" to the municipal olcers throughout the Province. i Sm :- 'I`|n: nnnnnnn at 11:. Dana` lJ:~l...-...- aL- 11-1..-- -1- Wincnt nun}Mnunxn rou hm,` Hun mnhhoa dung`- v_xsrr QFSITHE PRINCE OF WALES. ` Each ofthe frontier 'citiea.are anxious to don their beat.livery.on: the occasion ofthe visit of Hun 'I).~3-nu. II... Ii-_L__.I, - ' ...7-..._.... -..._. `rvtgunlnlulvla-|_ll uyc Luau 13 ink]. 0_|ll8. When is considered the length of time since the establishment of the free grant system, the results given above may "be considered in a high degree satiefacto_ry._, Beside: the.increase`of some thou- sands: to on: permanent population, the redemp- tion of, sweets Lands to the amount of over 108,000 acres, thei-e is":-clear gain to the UpperVProvince, by increased pi-odugt, of over $140,000. . M90! ho9!- V '-,1`h.e seofck an-.ount.%<>.2.?6 howl. ` o`m1e,"1-20 logs, '26 il1!ep,"and 43*hore s. The` 7 fyea`r"ia "strm`a1ed` at`s27,e;59;`bging aii Vinceasg `of ` $5,851 over )ra_I:_1- a` prqqction. ;OfLjh'e- i= *a'6~'oa`a'r t`1'j;`4si fna".-aage 9f` Iusse. `lands to? J ':rree_E;Vnts with 252-hllilningg, including 2 saw .I47.*., - , 2.; 2'.'n:a~---:t--`rrr*2L ;a>.a.'"~`1- -7.1-~>.z_~ - .'~,*_-:e`..,~*`.. ~ mTl(s,v Vstprea `6fxou'seso'f enlerunnment, and M2: =!31!!9f 15 W995 .894 in'.5.3'-V181 P1050958 of I0 Grown Laxidsr .l'2_3`_VI:c)isA A Hgzve ben disjqpiqglv bf` to} - 1359 is-valued gt ;834,459,- vIno.king.,-Ltha aggregate ' of rea1_ized_ pradygt. _ot' 1.h9 labor expended in (he; aettlemnt -sg2,_11.- ' T _ .` . Mnuwgvn nth Han` . `ulna Va-nun-On} --_....?.,., -nu. Iuwuv uuoull uncqnqngogwu Om{.'oxgoe _I?.(:>An_.-i-A-'1_`.!1_er_e is rpgrted _236 .eett1:ere, of which number 59`h'ave:been,loeated duringgthe'year_; 1,016 ncre`a=ha.Ve.:beeu cleared, of these .1,0_90 were tindei-_cultivation last year. The value of the drop ieestignaged. at $35,184, org en average of >$30V_2'I an, acre. "nearly, $8-. an_ eye above that-of last year; on `the road, andmtfhin the limitseof the free grants, there are 2 scho_Ta, 2 post`-ofioea, 3 etores, 2_ churches, and several tevern_s.e The populetionef the road is 941 adhls. fl.-- :- ........:,:-.....a u__ u-_ ,,.u .- aettlemep_t'$;2,il1._ . V)`. - .I v,_, o4q._"-'lf_he_r ,ha;sfbee4nV r9;:orteQ: ;~54 n__cJt}e;t,:b:_e.:z: pped for sale, Most of thelocafpes nun !nIron nnna'm:nnn .-`C 6Iy.n.. Du- -.;`A I.....'.. I...:Ic lqc;:tiou;;,L,'T`tjeflnI_1;i`a4 in` the tear of the-road h_ve' -1`. Jvi ya vruuvu Ava awn... anvav Ul u-s'lvv`iI|uUV `2t:]t:9'.k_ii%1>`5_;Io:_ssion ,of tlg_eir. lms, mid l_1av'e lguilt slitigs, and modenuinll cleggin nnununn Dngn _'_'I`l.... :. .'- _n.~.I nod _'-Ln-__ : ht}! been loeated, and 1 tdactnal settler. _ ' _ t N 3 had cleared (371 of which were iin def "_ the free grant lots upon the road; ~and"n"eai-1y" in equgl quantity on the lands which hsmbeeh pur- -.ehnsed.._.. Thexcgpsgfised on thgroagl lo_ts,;!i3h . JtI.`.L-.o..`.Iy.:i`4'..rt. :a|.:.. .. 1... :. -n....f .`o on"1n|._ =-. Dxscovsmr or A cnv Co'r1'oN ,Rm:toN.-- Dates from D r. Livtngsloxtj up totals `in De`-_ iemher have been` receiyotl _iu England, and the A,:ia brings us their substance. ,D'r,}' Li.'7'(` mgstmte and his party. were then at Kongone harbufon the Zambezi` delta. 1_`hey had `tie - tumed from a second eipetlilintu up tlie Shire, in `wh ich_tltey penetrated far "up beyqntl Like` Sh`irwa' to Lake Nyassa._, The former llliey. aaycjertafned to b'e"a sheet or _ i'n_ |`ength_ ;,while the latter is of; still gqatgf: Ixxagnitudb. Tligfmost impouant intelligeji:e" telatg to tbe discove:y'of a mtaw-_i:hd_' ziieni sire cotton tegion, whibh the Dr. desribes "ip aAlettr`_t`o"a Mdttchest . A '_ `V j, ' .4 , L , ` ' of two kitidq, n ati ve;,aIttJ. ftiretgn. ` The'batTve is shim in tltst`anlia.7n:itl watt 1` ninety mi_I ee7 ~45`.-1-.'."~'""~-:2 .. :.T.?"' ""!~;""~!'...`7L.`,-'."f!-"_R...`2"f.. _ Sat jest, 996` Ares`-rea_laimed"from th forest, making-a total of 2,081 acres improved on th ggggsi, with 252`b1ai11i_big, `i.t7zclV:_1_ding 23_agg_ Q at nnQ`;rh;;.nn`|n; 511"!` I ? From the mpottof the _`_ - .,r_.auds{o: the year` 1359 mi 12,;{:]`;t W A .. V g_?Civili:ation'SchI!me to be _, ` L _~ ._ ' Annmq/rbxf Ro;u>;-'l'he _o1'__F;~ ;__ _-.-,_ inent has been thelocation V `popuvlatjqn of 669. V3169-of ` ` $22,546. Lands in the " ;_ggxount of 6,035 acres. _ "`4Boncu'a:oi Rpm.-Lot>:{ been located, and LI) A- - - or trim <:oLOiw'i2A}r: UglIUG`ILl._.. L u nil n-nun : vu rug nus}: lVPyr'.l|_II .. .".- ;"vg V7 , . e ; wit % .1ihin_s1es.&c-J8 ','3'{ $`3%9Js799;.. :-..H3.-ariis hhzv-Pr!.f`1!5i!1i, are mist vem-, 99:: acre: mnlnimn from tho fnmstv 51190;: - ' ( ._'_ *?'%~$" ir your; &.' A ' - B. Cl-;AM B9I:Y.l)I,` B. ().`L. .sec. B.'qr 4. 4- M.far L.0.. Anmler. Mnrh 1860. :.-You avmmtliv rm-. hank :. gEaN A 777) ,, . _v_..__~ ~____. _. ..,.1..fnou5` cl IIIUIIIUUBU DI t.heo?,- co.` cg to; render them; on` M thg contrary hh-59- % V ' % 1IncbnluIi'on,.ife1o' 1iiho_ut isuncdo; we :re1_-inwchum ornaauralr-eo:ne_ry,wc maengmad !?|%5 -?*h`:5?i19erQ.-'I?! -tu-!=e`-sr+of% trio l`r`.ViVe|-n .. % ,.V_%-,g.-gqrb-n9d};i':sthv9*9Iz- ` A gsanI.j_sn.pp+ueruuqu::6.vum.y .g;+_- _m;~....m..;,....,'.;`...-1.`.s.A.;:.,..`.~.` 5; 1 ` _ _,:4l're}piiarasne"..'unvge:,~ai~ 2 e%#;3!!9f:';'~%:aT# _'-The Ettilbt` of the Kent Advertiser, who is, 'u_'e belive, an ex-member of the Provincial ]?arlia.ment; and Wu staunch Reformer, thus efxpressea himself. in regard tothe Union, and- joint authority z ? u\\,'_ J- _.,. ,_,, - .. . . A - M tinne-to be:-theaietimmeom `own ilgnorance,-A and . bjnruelvaa-f ;8quo.nn!leMreomIIi b`<.>tli -. .. ...-.. ...... ......-..u. ...--u\. a nu, uuyy uuualuuh or like the common pitcher plant of our own locality as toshape. The ies and other smell animals, on decomposing, furnish nitrogen-to-the plant, which it needs. "Where animelsiwere "with-. out-' teeth, -their place waspsupplied by-other con- trivences.` The hfnt-eater thrusts its long tongue` into the ant-hills, when its mucilaginous covering attracts and holds`7 a great nvnmbervofantsh which are with the utmost coolness drawn with" it into the innth and disposed of, while its scaly covering protects-a',t.fr_cm the annoyance of the "animals referred to, `The; `application of this science to the `agricultural interests was forcibly referred to. J The `whnton destruction of birds whichzdevote :their_life toiour Ainterests; such, -swallows, and-others which only threaten. us with injury for short.._periods,iand by. taking advantage oft-heir natural timidity` maybe kept from ~,dbin us much damage-: . the best at their time ._i"s.em-I played lndeetrqying the farmer's worst enemies. By undrstandmg Lthe history and habits i of :`those animals. which destroy our; crops and -injure-' the domeaticsted ahlnxals. `as the netum. of the-menus. to` P0 II!1>.19.r.ed. in x;tetminall0stl3em; and byiKli0l!ltlng.;the.natnre;_of=the disease: which .0!tJ9`bl3i;;W.l'G`ll0tll!-`hl9|` ere pml=-`toi: defen'd*;onr_--.1nr6iiettys 1I;s;.1i!;=.1!I.l9' .be_ l hh '!H5 `Fm 9'.`W':3..`bDl'8 .then.if we con;- fare`.-.`plnnd`ered lI`IitdIaI1_ti..;k!x`oiVlngilibw 1o:he`ip. [_v,eet'sh1`e,: which my: b'e1m`sde,: by L *9 W91`!-i=.iiu.rioi:-j.` .- `9*."o**'f.!5?";*si.aeacqnirinc Izkiidivlediwfn _r Tghggg" ` .:oimn' ' 1laa'f.1|.` Am` ' "vm.7:`.ok. -_- -..-`V -J an --v ---uu-sun--vv ' The contemplation of these ties whioh bind all ' parts of the animate creation, must surely com- mandour admiration, and lead us to exclaim, with respect to its author,,`` How manifold are H thy works, inwxsnou hast thou` made them all! If we would find matters of interest, -where can t these be more easily found than under our feet- where theydo occur whether we-notice them or not. The Professorhere exhibited some draw-V ings, illustrating various oontrivances for meeting the particular wants of plants and animals. While on this head we `cannot but express our belief, as on a former.` occasion, that if. more of these'draw-_- pigs were used? the instruction would be much more ` easily and thoroughly imparted by the lee- V turer, and interesting to the audience. Amongst the examples given we may notice the various ` y-traps which some plants possess. These traps are either like a rat-trap, (on the invention oi` which thelecturer made avery happy allusion), nlt .`"rA u.` nrunvnnn nilnluan o.l....'L -0 A . . _ . _ ._ h e e __,. The structure of _vegetables, the means by which they increase in s_ _, y food, absorbed by a por- , tion-of the oellnla_r'ti re, uncovered by epidermis,- forming the roots and rootlets, by means of the leaves absorbing carbonic acid gas, which, while" fatal to animal life, if allowed to accumnlatepin the atmosphere to; a comparatively small extent, _. and which is itself prodnced by the animals them- _ selves at every exhalation from their lungs, is of P D the greatest importance to vegetables, by svhicb it ,is decomposed into the. carbon, wliichfornis so ilargea part of their mass, and the life sustaining oxygen which isthrown o',into.the air. The- iorni of plants indicated axedness; while that of animals is especially tted for locomotion; so these two great classes of livinghodies, the one in a state `of rest, the other in motion, and each mutually dependentbn the other, either of which if left to themselves, would cease to exist, uncon- sciously as it weft` supports the other. A like connection exists lgtween the `herbigora vegetable" , ` enters, and cnmivirc or iiesh eaters ; so that from the mineral to the p1ant--the plant to the herri- vorn, from this division to carnivora, `and thence to _: man himself, there is a connection--a connection of the most useful nature. The fact thatsome prey upon Others is no exception; if the stately oak in falling becomes the prey of lichens and mosses,-as the jay seems to seize for its booty the V ruins of some old castle. If the hosts, of curniuora seem to delight in the wanton destruction of their fellows, only to carry out thesame end for which their great author of - nature has designed disease and decay which pervade both kingdoms, tocheckivthe too rapid increase` of life nndprevent the earth` from becoming to much encumbered for the safety of its inhabitants. - A fl... ...._s...__!'_::.... .1 an... 4s-_ __L-Le c - 1 u , ...__..--_ "V. _-.-v_ --.-. .-_-. -Ix-yuan vs cominerce wits ii ` ieality nbthlngi but theghoxjhy` spicules of the pouhd eniuml, efter the gjele.-; nous matter had9been' removed by jdecaja ; It--has beenvfouhd, not eveh the lowest" orders bf animals have `an -app;-ouch` to a. di`erencieti6n "of pa:-ts`; some of them _ their part byremoving organ-id matteefrom placee where it might. be of-_ feueive, even though" it is effected by cilia which [require the aid of a microscope to become visible. These minute nnimalshecome fdod for larger animals; showing that Where the "pool stands mantled o er with green (~To'oomo . _ end designed). Invisible . Amid the lung verdure millions almy. f .__--_V-!..`.`_. , gin` f the.`m;un. gr: 7 -I!1*i=e i.Jwi,ih:i!1e beams. ivhichf; ver!;". 9'Eh'.1"-'. `_r.o."n.di vs. M40 not enquire. int? the ~9.8.e othis. l;eanty--doiiynt. recognise the.fact_thaj.the hurt-`. ' xnony.:evety_`,w_hgre _vl_s_ible,js o_wing`t tign; of the vngionstanimale nnd vegetables--to ench. other, that thfunghoug the animal, vegetable, even minera_lfl_:in_lqm_, there` is 3` petfecg adapta- tion of the individuals to the we{fqr_e'of the whole. '1_Th/e" disginctlnns otthel animal nndl-vegegahle kingdom were tofei-red o....',1`hey;hoth_ngreed ns to-I pqepessing life and. , ;, but in the manner of appioprintingjhis jt,heyId_itFere,d-vegVe-V tables, appropriated this in`.a. _o.seoua,'f'9r_tn, or ` else dissolved in water; wbilennimalg bynueans of organs for changing it from the -solid gtgte; to one suited for their. nquix-ements. The` ,pe'.cjulinrities? 'o't` strjucture were then minn_tely.explaine`(d,: #5 well as the discussions as to the {classication of the lower orders.of animals. The commonspqnge was long classedgaa a. vegetable, and even .the corals suffered the same fate. .The sponge of nnnru-nan-an Ivvnn 2-. -....I:n._ ._'..n_:_.. 1.... AL. I,_____ v ----v----`nu vn uw vvuuguz, uuu nu; y-uuwu--.5 .011. j ..fI.:;;exeelIent ~ibrka}gn_n;the an-5ee,_._,~. webs t'_Iore cnus6 (notwithstanding much re- vnnlian Oh |.`4'A.._.. I_-r.__ 2; 3- ....-;_.1 _:oi. Al... ......, .-_vu. vxuuuw \lIUUIIIiunuluuIuB nu... ma- : `P915? *5! aT'#1999=b`9r9iLisstreaved wigv-.9 9".-; Sidelfuion its imponaiice demrind) forTco"ng`i'at u-V lation than complaign Since its-`aim is to refine, . -Jaucg, to, nit only "tie mom: profession, .but`al1 , :1.l.F53 0f..popIe,_iIS. claims uon the publiqtglie, L llnnnhtndlsr nniui elevate an interest,` and itjia df practical 4imp.0r-, .v, ._. ;:g;i;%ot1;g.e;ia3sr;Tt-A, = ' u % 1-3.-r--' -- *-rr"r').*" undohtedli ggpd. 1P,4=W.d `f:` .I>=,<>-fwi=.=.'.':"?<" - i_he_peo_p!e pielei the _|attr,';be_canse V. QII1i9s;w'r`hichiu"Ty feefinilgth pndahitiye eeis mote wool than, cnttun,_ .,The.f9(9iy;n` appara to be bf good quality, wit|1;a_st_t`IpLe,__ from three`-.f9i1rtha of an inch tdtan length. It is pergzrpnigst; and requirea'p' ' enlfyzanca ?in.tliree mags, whileithe xna_lis'Bfht I I` to be. plzgnted. annttally in the bhigitlands, .ye_t, .3 .._-..Ih_9.:_7 am. tt_mn|teq the, stronger clnth. ' ']` crop of Michigan iI_not.uiw.-gh injurexl'.by4lie~.'froata, but" it wautuain. , _. l_Amll_|.i.-. unis the winter when-via aid tobe considerably .k`9n.Ised-. .: =. A . Within y4l'ods-'_of the Millbrookinilway _lf8l'ilI.'I logpf1)in'e'timber has becnstlkonifout of.1'tba- fawn; ~~by\Mr`.r G;:*Bunqn; Jot Etlaal}&`.>Vl,son_, .them5 210 Iql:_eu:>to~ faint? . ml in . ?`-' ` V51: y.'~ci"u;...b :1 . .;.an-_' . .a-- ;;r _ _ m16'*v'et-,-o: r-.iaay' kite lower orders" of zinimnla, thin age` hardly kn -What part of the Subject tgineat 6f,tqg,9vj__, ".1eg;g9,_9 I0. .-i~~*- ma . ` """J." "';!"FW' 0`: 93317. . j f`V`5gMIP .u_,:.a11 iI`1t_e'% hd.igAit_ ii i __ -.5iw.3_ry, sndobieriin (hi phigresm `. ..l-...-.__. ;1' 2,. _....1__ L- _1..-:..'.. :'o 1... " " "" ' 7' `7"T""?{ Ji "" - """"' ' "'6 ""' I"'B_""' made iwhlarizing this study, by lacing ic_0n -the cnricnhgqxs `of the _collegcs, And the pnxblishigrg no` nm...l.;. .3... ..-..-n'__. .;_..s...' -_ .1... ....1.:....u4. '""."'-"'-` m0":P.W,1'f0l_fn; ` _ . I " ' ' or gnfaT" !fm1? ZIi %3:`:i!?:`x.`!'il{.Fot;hs.;eii'l%F!!t:l.t;`cit)i|o " * 'rom.%.5an;-'wHm..-_..g..' ` --'5 1 ' IIIVIHOII. The Inhinm.-nu` iilfuuma |'..L M wuumu. "comma .r:7oau*tbovo;-'1'i,l_it5haI Iii&'i .I'Ilut_io_n. `1`h9`In_b who my agreeable-illnltrs can. In not the a *u`maV ,: ja"$ avuau1amaaua uaa.aa'$L , 1__-._ u_geru1_hinut'o `pm-qn`ts,_ on teir ,ppth mggrti to eduogtiongl jgidxthg-a;_ (Ho spake `o viudolevsce, ' lndiglbrtnu, gm _irtenlurity;`-`u this m`at'ka;of'a tb`r o,ia xi6.;r9ib1{oad to`;kn:JLt:,vrIe1ig:;jc;:3`'t"nix:i_' } *""i.E 137"` `'5' ` "%"-'1'. W .*W.!-r=r 1! %.;:..;.a:mu::tm".%::;3;:; ~ _ wad. . .k.l*`i'.19`Tt0JIa:s; mo_l&.pog_u,eyfg1_3.. `for th. don:-nntlm. euluga p|'UVlu|:|l, Bllltbly &d(1|'S3d. b the Mr.-Read. ou_ the great edventag-ee an pri- vileges which they enjoyed in regard to education over the early settlers in the locality. `The Rev. gentleman urged them to dilhgence and persever- ance in. theirjetudies, and inculcated. principles of moralit , a spirit of truthfulness and` forbearance in-all 1 air little dealings with each other; `and . above all tdseek to know aiid:pt-actice `the will or A that great being who made, and every day. pre- serve; them. In conclusion he go plimented them on their orderly `conduct during At_b e`,"exumi- mien" ad 'the'eIcien`tiy of tlIe:il'.`tet1' ei' ` the "ad res'e,'the'children2left the `chaEeI,~`fi.o make way for their parents and visitors, Iv oven also in turn plentifully:rega_led with (tea, cakegfruil _ ac. After which the children were recalled, an we meetiiigives` mm;ajaaresbea_:n;; th'e'Rbt; Mr, -Gray.*` Be atnlated the-g " di7'the ciencysdfiiie. V in, 153613 .~t_ugy,. h(i'metw:h9 }m`mwha"": okghasah xiv conteine . ngsutne `,nntI` the, ltagcirenrneterices ` -`P e ;.. ' the appearance of threatening. It is all non- _ money lenders. Let the law, say these gentry, We speak of these things because we have seena spirit inthe Globe manifestedltoycatds some leading men in the Opposition, in Parlia- ment`,.and`in the press,.which had very much sense for George Brown to suppose that "he can gnin;political:inuence among intelligent men of_cbaraoter, when his papermay at any time, if there happens to be a political difference be- tween the parties,-pour out attacks `upon the. mnn s ublic character, and thinks it all very ne. at this will not do. We dare say that men like our Member, whoxwae elected on the principles Mr. Brown held to last election, that if he do not go inlor the Federation of the Canadas and other wild schemes that the Globe. line-"started. lately, he will|be courttedottt. The country should carefully watch one thing-these leading man who hope to gain pouren. how much they talk about the importance of mak- ing Canada an easy prey to the English 4` Been that lenders can get all they can. Gait and Brown, we would uotiip a oupper for the difi':rence. ' ` "Inn rs .` _ - --

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