12;; ying" It %um;%V$.{;W lIIIIf 'P'?C"I7`I'%T"l3 --w---` u . . '.` """" ""*' B ADE by JOHN COBEAN, and phyable to me . or bearer, for FIFTY DOLLARS; dated about the 13!._h day of December, 1859,` and pay- able one mobtb after date. -. .- ' rm... ....|..1:.. ..... 1.......u.. ......o:..}....A ......'....A an.` EGSsto infonln ' friends and the public gen- erally, "that. he as commenced bnsiness in the` above line, on the. emises adjoining Messrs. Root& Morrow, Saddle ' ' I MANUFACTURED Goons;.ALwL`Y}o\1~"IIANn ! \JUUll|v" Wlll UH HUI 1` the TOwN,0f`Bv4BB1`l_, On 1-uesday,. 1 At he hour or,1;1eva:;H_o'_c1p'ck7; , e foruoon - of at Univ vvsqnba Anuvuw, Au which 111! persons ognceme the win _-t ake" Snsiunfs Ol.':|'3#,`, ' ? Barrie,VFel;:"1 r4;, 1sieo_: ;B :?_.f_h A 5019 one IIJUUID HILCF (NILE. . The public are hereby cautioned against pur- chasing or in any way negntiatingfor said Note`, as payment of the_s`_an1e has been forbid. ' `Dt'\D1'.`D'l\ `M nl"`I'YI ,T Aflu ICENSED AUCTIONEER, Iss_uer of Marriage | `Licenses, &c` ` . 'l_L ,,_,,,, An Inna` to A9 .uni.15nEoNs, 1-LU'rIN_ons,.c'o.,' nmniitiib. A `b ALI. won}: wxmum, L b ' Daulop Street, mu dob_'r1out-'qf Mr.` Saifordk ' ' tore. V Barrie, 5th Mmi.,.iseo. ' ' A10-tf T ` _ A .[\v\. Mono, 22nd Feb., 1860. T` FE [)'clSSU', llllu 80 large 3..3UlIl I13 upwarus 0| .000 expendul, .should now, with a small more tluy, by the highest authorities be pronounced mcntas regards its purpose, and salutary in i's ecl; Tltv committee were composed of six mem- rsof the.Count-il, selected from various towntships, uuf whom had lled the Wardcn s chair on pre- mt \'r-nra with (-rmlit. To the nresenl Warden T ORG-E; HUNTER, Balm-ie, Feb; 13in, 1356; :2- GENERAL MERCHANT, % f>Zi;C>:st,' % T % A PROMISSORY NOTE, an-nnn 1.-- Yl'\1'YlY nnnmnxr ___1 _'-__ 15ros., nmourgn, :11. 1'0 tnoee wnsmn trial, we will furward per mall, post the United States; one l_)ox of Pills for poetnge stamps, or one vial of -Verm three-ccsnt ammps. All `orders from i must be no- oompauied by twenty cents extra. . , ` EAL! luv 11]` hnlnAnOn \`A 'l\p.u-mint: anal an-.6-i mn- Vepr,Feb, 27, "1860. alternative. with lax; LII` LII LII Ell lbIIn':I\5 Ill` IKIUHL I) rarely able to lie the left side; siometimes the pain is felt in der the shoulder blade, and it frequently ._e ends to the `top of the shoulder, and is so etimes mistaken for a rheumatismtin the . The stomach is affected with "loss of ppetite and sickness,` the bowels in general A e ahead is troubled with pain, accompanie witha dull, heavy sensation in the hack pa . There is gene- rallya considerable loss o memory, accom- panied with a painful se ation of having left undone something whi ought to have been `done, A slight, dry ough is some- times an attendant. The pa 'ent complains _of weariness and debility; he i easily startled, _ ed that exercise would be bene his feet are cold or burning, nd he com- plains of a prickly sensation f the skin; he is, satis- ial to him, his spirits are low; .and althoug e costive, sometimes ` yet he canscarcely summon u fortitude ` enough" to -try it-. `In fact, he dis sts every remedy. `Several of the above ymptoms attend the disease, but cases hav occurred where few of them existed, yet. e mination of the body, after death, `has s own the LIVER to have been extensively der ged. DR. M L'ANa $ LlVR_ P1LLs, m A555 01-` Alon!-; AND FEVER, when` taken with uinine, .a`x-e productive of the mostihappy res ts. No bettcij cathaijtic can be used, prepara Vryto, or after taking Quinine. A We would dvise all who are alicted with this disease give V. them A` nun. TRIAL. P. 8. Dealers and Physicians ordering from others than Fleming Bros, will do well to write their orders diatlnctln nnd hula! nnnz but Dr. M`7nnr_`A. n-rnmro I . D. ueawlu llllu ruyalulllil urucnug Fleming than and tales none but Dr. M`Lane`a, prep Bram. Pittsburgh, R1. To those within trinl_,_\s:e gill pt` - nun, . `Mr. W. Clark, Auctioneei, advertises mmo valuable Farm Slnck.iri to_-day s-paper. ` He.p.1V-gis 9, .ivr )'ia."z,;f1{1laint,. I -DYSPEVPSI AND. srcx. HEADACHE. vumpnunuu u_y uvvvuu; vv-nu: uunuuq 1 Sold by all respacumle nruggma, ma country scor Keepers geqorally. - - ' -u uco .. .-..\......_-- . AIN in thg 'ght side, uxlpdqf edge of - `the ribs, incr se on pressure;-,so_rnetimcs the pain is in th left side; the` patient is 1-91-ah) akin I-n A fhn I.-Fr c;r`n- anvnhnnne L`\V1R ----n-- `ma REPJIRLNG pr6mptlyTatle1`ade4d. ta.- GS. . - A '_ftalcen.,in .'l`rade.. ~ Q ;. NAME `into my pr.emis'e about fbur months J 3'30) 9' ` - ` R E ZDV IE1 IE I P E B, Febrtiary 0, 860`. Address all oiders to ' \) V An FLEMING BROS; P1'n%3;mcH,. sympto.;\EB}sgm.;a~ ms. NOTE _0F Al;ID_fo1: $15 25, mnd'_ _by= ' . RUFUS msx in favor of mommy DUNN 1....-n-nu Anon.` nm. Qnok 19K!) and nnunkla an U'UI WHUIH l1HGIll_lVl U113 VV arucn's ('JN.'HI' on pre- years with credit. To the present Warden (1 the` cninnmlce gunerallv, the Inspet-lors,VDr. ->Ii',red Nelson, M. D., and D._A. E. Ma'cdonald, ardi-n oflhc Kingston Peniteiiliary. on leaving, sseil a high encomium. Their official 1' port. when ied by the Board, and aubmim:d_lo the Counly unci! for its acceptance, will in due coursebe laid {me the public. At present any further comment their proqveccings would perhaps be `premature, if in)uuicuJus. ' ' ' . [ramnin_ \}nur: 'nhnr`i.Av-Jlu. XE7'r7%-:%R:siassIcWs7 131%:-.`%M LANE s gw Es'rA.1sHMENT. '_AGUE AND` .1_-EVE| 1'.f S. MOFFATT, sTR1E6i 3031811 f|;_ToT SATi! ..-. -~.. . 1,. -.-_..u .......e. ..a'........-... ..o..~-......:(uans~.;au-.a'.-l..q .~..s-..4~..4..........u...4. n.-..-...........'..;..--. ..- .-.;..- ---..-~--v ---- b}iILLI.a, av ..... nu as it {or the benet of the r settler that -Mr. ye sold to Messrs. Pujoudfoogm nee ofaboul $3,peracre, some 990 or 1000 acres government land in the Noltawasaga Valley, bring some $2000 on lands which did not belong im? . ` ' 65 Bush; at an ad-. \. nun; -:-.u .u.-.. NROBERT MOCELLAUGH. '0_An Ll{1U \.l D 9_-4in Lbuuluvr _9-3in 8-tf '9-3in ' nu-: OLTLAY roman ASS T usuoo Sterling-' '_.-161,078 do. " _- - .. 400,0_(l)_ydo.`" _I-gatone, tlie"NI.-w Tunucnous wen a wad; of Tana-;Azm A Haw MIDLIOR` - Sterling ul Assurances, in 7,389 p_olieies,_1he nan: Avenue-2 bems 5"475 Sterling-.ot". . '19.!`-lin.l055l olicies. - ' ~-' -_ -, THE P0LIClESVn_ "ng_:'seued aIeunnsually~1'nsx rnou nlsrucnons, and gIV.lmP" f'|119 and rivilegus, . - i the assured.against.t'orfeitore, _ . _ ` _ , ' ` LSOATION OF ' OI-`IT is-made ANNU 1LLY,`bynway of reductton of l_ remlllm,9- 7119 y ' _ " ' '_being.37 per cent, or7a. 6d per 1, the Participating Policy Holders were ` called on up payonl .1 - V..per,l of their remiuuts-namely, 31 55., mstead of 50; 12 109. instead of K)l; an 6 v`. u_stea_d of .610 c., kc . . NOE may lwe materially lessened by means 8 '- _ H8"-C|'d|l_ System ; `payment of only 0 all of the rst Six Yea Premiums be` 178,4 Will` 1`!" 0 the remainmg halt` le unpaid. ~ aeeurance of 500 8 ling or a r will HWY "1!!! 5 '99!- ed at ucareelyemone expense than _ one half the amount ry plan. < ' - - ' ' ,Y.I'TQ'l\`l)All`II\\`lQ ; ms .. -=5-P-5'2 ` - ` .su<-=.`EncAPri"n. .- '- -` Dml-inlgt""lut .,n,. V 3.3. uu uvuq; I. giro, (gun; ._J___`p,v, nu nqv; _5lb VUDEQISIUB, "and Lot: 1', 2 ;q 3, in tjgq ;2nd_Go`noessio:_x M} the Township of,1{o:ldiasg,~, will he '8eo ae'cut'ed`, , -- 1: east;-l1a.I&I:"';l!er9i1ee1sI?ds.e9d' `brevwnikr, v P? v2z**mr-`=-*#~;'*`***.n*s9?~ BEG to` inform the public generallythat they I have constantly on hand a good supply of the primes! quality of Fresh Meats. l oultry, &c., Home Cured Hams and Bacnn-smoked~ whichare ohred at the lowest possible price._ n , 2, in. AA uocn A 1.. -and white dried; Barreled Pork and `Beef, I AHY..unM199=davvgn U'.l7'.l`ING .,1'.IMBE.R . ' o'n"`L0il.l`& 2.`!-I1 , ..3._,t, ,.ill -the_ luonognsibn, .2 3,fin "off of,1iCh;1a_`vv _ x - vy7ilI.be;gf1:iaefcut'ed' ..e-9-I,-.l.ia.\v:1i!.ts>.I.I. !*Iee1sI9'ls.-.+,I`IdiV `9?Z Wn|kr. res .c *.'i91:vs2**X1*-=.*!1f=`** "9!-. A K V pi'Otb- an it forthe benet of the oor`aettlar- that Mr. ys extorled from Messrs. b<'>mpon ..,& Cook, mbcrers. _(who do more good"in six months that; . Boys has done ever since he cgme I/or Sim:-oe), e $5) or 3600 for the privilege bfutling. White I: on government lands in the same valley ? .- 1-l....._.9 :.t.,.m ..L...... t........t:..:.... ..-..t...... ....;. ....:... LICENSED `AUCTION Ei:R,{ Bo-rm, ;0ct>_bg.-_If, v1859 . . U` x;.:::; Ar:. -{T-' `-"-"$1 _;rct.-class T `evry variety` loo Goodcgin-tlylesitosuit V cuctomers. N.B.-;-(;`_uIvtaI_ne1;`g.T;1_:ay;;el-y ohhating garmnta = mndefto _e1g_{1_t7s}yl_e, And in the H 1a;;`hie:4% ` M -.1. .' .". s HEREBYGIVEN, Tm ins the intgntion-1! of the Corporation of the Village of Barrie, to petition the Provincial Parliament, at its next.` Session, for an _Act, INCORPORATING THE SAID VILLAGE AS A TOWN, dividing" the anmn intn HIARDQ nn tnlrina wlilhin thp nnirl Barrie, Jan. 25, 1850.. lgmg M l"...;m1:l% .' ;f7 g'-'` "7 V ' smi:;fnI.s 31-cox` or :0loths;?Dbeskind;.1*` 1 .. lngu, Gaps, - ;Gasslm eres,= .'1`v`vood|,~ . ~- Collars, `CandiqnGl_oths,1.; . - _ Salinetts, and _e`rs, Braces, _ ` Gloves, 3 Al-"l`,l::1{ in-u-.` 1A1 u rA!Mr.L`_d }` each roucy-holder Wlll` be enullea to an Reducing his'PremIum,'as abnve mentioned. " ~ The HALE-CREDIT SYSTEM may be adopted for Policies of mg am6t_1pl{`r9mA BUTCHERS. POULTERERS,` BJICON AND HAM CURERS, s.aUs1&cE IIMKERS, .92,-., xe. 3, make: sta11-Beaidenco, neynem street.` _BA.3B.I'B,e ' , DALI.) VI.IJIJll\1I`J 233 I1 LUIVLV, UIVIUIUE LHU same into WARDS, and taking within the said Corporation limits such adjoining Territories as may be deemed advisable. ` ' FOOD!!!` Y A MD TEAS: TEASMJ To 1:11e7 Ladies. .. -v.. vv\.uuu\.un nuuuo nu nu; anunc van, a 1-. Boys ideas about benetting settlers are quite fallacious as the idea in theS}n.'rit qf-the Aomrof week about Mr Morrison coming up to feel his y for the Solicitor Generalship ! it is well known ll public men that Mr. Morrison has -invariably dent a rule ofcomiug to Barrie, Orillia, and other - to see the leadiugmeu in the Couttt_v.before ma-cling of the House to have a talk on matters ly tobe brought up. I imagine .Mr. 8. had a d in writing that article, WlllL'll it would pay Mr. rrison' to have lrametl and distributed gratis through. County, as it clearlv shews how mmh local good member has been able. to por_'form-_if the following been added after Oliver, Lane, Hopkins, and ds,' who never would have obtained the patent: heir Iota without the assintancerof Mr. Angus rrisotr._ who has, in many instances, whilst pro- ing the actual settler incurred the dire van mncs uch unscrupulous speculators as H. R.VA. ya." ' A D. ..-... 1.`. .. ri<.:n-- and the numerous settlr'.~`, of all political ' v-u-u-._w - Icarus`, IMPORTER or _BRf'I`ISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE A _ ' 114 Yonge Street; Turonlo, -(om) snub) mo noons Scum or Ansnunn smnnr ' U11JUl`JI\D_' .D.l11VlJVV.l`llS.l.`J, n1ecnn.uu;s' huge, __ and all other Tools, House Furnishing Goods, Cutlery, &c., and all other Goods in the line, at the Lowest Rates. T _ 26-tf '2 June 28th, 1858,.` ~ Jay}: 1m, 1860, Which heTo'ers'Tabt. l_ov prices. isoLE UPPER LEATHER. Barrie, my 2, 1359. _ .General '0!i.t1i`lng_>.Ettblishment !V| No; 16.. Barrie, Mar. 6111, 1860. _ _ P1i1i1ifsfri;XwBEnn1r;s. '1`h.os_e' of our readers who up dubious `of'-.cnltl- ling the `strawberry, will find an odveriepent . a.I.:_ _.--I.n. hm..- I-nun Olin QO.QDn:`A-vuI"| -n-n`u- on 51!: APRIL NEXT {h Books mu be Ciosed rm the Twe`Efy.ari Annu Balance. Entrant: before that data. fam as of On}: Year s Longer Standing than r Entrants. , APELICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED UN TIL, THAT-_DVAT l_`..:_..-.----- AFTER THE SIX ledncimr his'Premiul1 'i;rf,'J_;I.f'i, is66. '~ January 23; 1860.: UfLDERS_' HARDWARE, Mchn.nics Edge,` and all nther Tnnlg. Hnusm Funrniqhina Gnhds. F A171; KrNi$s'; ax1IoE:sU}ERtoR Qmm, _for Sale-by: '- -- . . _, ; > '1 J. 8. RYAN, - ` ` 9114 Yonge Street, Too nto, Two doo_rs Beat}: of Adelaide St. une 1858, T _ .26-tf. ' T0 -SHOE-M AKE RS. HE. YORKSHIRE -TAANNERY ha_s_on hand a - good Stock of_ Sole and Upper Leather. V . WM. SEYMOUR SENIOR arrie, May - - ' V 18-tf `HE Subscriber hds just received in choice stock of . - . . .. F' YV.().tT-.-.wzi`nt; `t6i:7:"-`-t`_-f-GOOD and camp GI.-.01'HING.zo_.to. T,-4 . ..~ .. . the Editor of the Northern Advance. 13,-! would like to ask Mr- H. R. A. Boys, uugh the the columns of your paper, the following `lions: , - um _.I. ll|'- n a 3rd `Year. . . ' Ail. V..-- lstuY`enr .. 2nd Year. . 9-3 `V..-- DIU llil`. Ye: 9 5th Year . 6th -Yea_|_-2 H- N TT S -L --__L _ __ ,__ ,1ui-AL5-._ HEA15 OFFICE FOR CANADA-9, GREAT s'r~. JAMES `swam-:'r, MONTE. '. . ` S:cns'rAn-JAMES GRANT. ` . V AGENTS; _ . BARRIE-Jo1m Suurmr, Banister. . . . . .GOLLIN G WO0D-CEAS. MAcDom.1.n, Merchant. _.___ 11-- n`.L Innn 1n Maundrell Brothers, xmizleinants a "1 t vrwrndv ....Li ..:`cnonn r'nn n.... . coMmIss131"v**AGE1rr,~ SPECIAL % N0 TICE. Payments` am, F'a11-95c 9. $1 per` bushel. 3"" V,` Spring-80c to 90 per bushel. r}(: Loun--Good supply ; to $4550 per ; ` LRLEY, nw-54c per h hel. ATS (new)- 30c to 34: per bushel. u1'mn.-18c to 20 per lb.` nuss--10c per 11).. 7 -. . . . 0TATOES-G00d Tsupply ; 250 pa: _bI_1shel. sAs-50c per bushel. ~ EEF-4 to 5dolla.rs pgr1_00 lbs. 0I.tK--84.50 to 05,, . - Anvmcs Omrxcn, Feb,,25, 1% `. 1'2 JAMES 3. RYAN, IMPORTFIR OI` "quirea FRESH `TEAS, fox-_ . ; ;'_ALhY'YLIoUABIo'B`ly ac}sp o;aaI"`4nm,ag.a_u; o_'/mu $31.6-7 ..nnmJu1IOn-nc`. Au`. 117$ 2,As$oc1A1`1o1i L{oi{[ '?scd1`LANn. % 5 n............ '1`ao - NOTICE ...v~ . ......-..... GEORGE LANE,` {`.r.v.~_mz, 'l`nwu C Ul\n\Jl.`l 11111` D Cnnnx, Town Cotmcxh, Village of Barrie. ' 3-2 mo. C. SLEE, uL_us-oI.oU W '0'. 1m`-ox---7c per lb. AMB--8c per lb. V A _mcKI-ms--25c to 300 P61` P81!- uw-8 dols. per ton. ' 9` 3 ANB.lB.lllI-.l. dnllnrn no! land: Corutzcnan.--In our notice lest week respect- fng a r_r_tare'in the possession of Mr. Joseph agent of this place having been`c|aim_ed as no ofithose-stolen and soldby McDermott. we stated that Mr. Rogers gave Mt-Dermot! $50 for her. It should haveubeen 50, and _we make this `correction to show that Mr. Rogers. paid a very high price forthe mare in the first instance. ` n abnve mentioned. _ ' YSTEM amot_1}v.{`r9mL . Twniy-r t I-.-" .._'n L..../. _. .: n..=_ 1r._..a- r-.___.. a._..._):_._ .'1..... Sterling upward; .. Eh. a-.u.o. . . . . Buumc. -1-- Fomman} A ' 4~tf _?ANISH Sole, Slaughter, Upper, Kip, Calf .. Harness, Binding, Lining, Shoemakers Find- ing, &c. ' . . ANDREXV GR A HA = I`\IIl'_\l&~i ;" . HOSE iIIdeBted"eo' MONTGOMERY & `BRO. ; - ax`-ehereby that an `OUTSTANDING :A`G,GOHN'l's due hqm,'_PROMISSOBY NOTES} &e.f', -jri_1l~l_'ao' uteted lg: 0o'xr_tforimmediat.o_'col-3 V vi`F*i.6nsii"v:mvit'Lis:nozmacs. ' ~ y THE C DIAFBUNVEYANCEH; IN om: voLUiu ` v9,jFitIE.L BOUND PRICE $2. V-BOOTS` & SHOES :wHoLEsALE AND "RETAIL! r Nolzawnsaga Valley," March 3rd, 1860. ' . VERY LARGE and complete Assortment of. Ladies` Enamelled Kid and Prunella. Gaiters, -Buskins, `Boots; Gent ;-3 Calf, Kip and Course; Misses and Children's, of every variety and style, which will be kept constantly on hand, ' Barrie, December, 1859. .v,www j--.---.:: of good Mei-cbantableTBarley, deliverd at the Smcox-: Bunwsnv. ' ROBT. SIMPSON. n......:.. 1.`}.l....m-.. cal. 1o:n c at` Comprising a selec ' n of Conveyancing P_re- cedents in general us carefully revised, and adapted to Canadian Pr til-e,_forming a correct and reliable compendium. all the Instruments required. to be used in the o inary transacnon of legal affairs. Thin \Un'.-Ir tum Ran"... ....m........ In -nnnl Gian can-.6 .re(_:eipt of Two Dollars. \JUIlVI`:yl$l.|Cll.lg FFBUIICC UK IIHS X'l'OVl It. is recommended to theVLegnl Country Conveyancer, Justice'o'f the others, as a. useful and convenient Hand all ordinary Legal Instruments, and- will warded (post free) to any part of Cnna J. RHRDANQ '|'.uv qhannor , __.u'.,. . .._.. v-.--v--v --?--V-1_*"` Ali orders will be _x.eouted` on warrant; and the prices will be as moderate as at any other Estab-V lishmema-s-Gooql Work, Low Prices, `and Dispatch bein the principles upon which. they hope to Lacurgaremunetati!e b9aiI1ess.1 L f -. . . `h`a.'n'd';A " _ j git. Goo.,dsA__'nlm.sys out [Fall and Eigter Good. % I ' ` consisting irfpart of . FLANNELS, VBLANKETS, V . Cloths, Satinets, Tweeds, Cottons,` _. SHIRTING, DRILLING, &c., % uuu CVIl'y Dlllf UCSCIVIPLIUU OI D1lirhD~8l|u FANCY DRY GOODS. GROGERIES. vIIARD-- VWARE,,CROCKERY,&c.r A . ! Barrie, December, 1859. Ium_\' Simcog, Feb. 2lh, lS60._ L BaTn-ie, February 8th, 1859.. Icgm mm-nu. _ This Work has been prepare to meet the want frequently expressed, of possess: , in a. compact form, .a collection of Conveyanc, ' Precedents, adapted to practical purposes, and t more simple Conveyancing Practice of this Prov: e. ' II. in rm-nmmpndpd In H-in Lon-nl ufilinnnr `arid every other description `of STAPLE. and FANCY DRY GOODS. RO(`.'F`.T2II<`..%`. NARIL. ROOM PAPEHSIBTIUM PAPERSI! ROOM J EERS 2 2 : I. upur, a-U. V A , HOW? Sig}! a_nd Decorative` Painting in Water mi 01`; Glldulg, .Gra.ining and Marbling.- Churches or Halls mshed in, the richest Fresco. 5:3 R'71"b1` 171.6 Establishmenbso years of age, . `ALEX. HA:\nL'ro1,` ' - _ . V L . * 188 King treet 3'.1`'nt, Am] 21, 1359. . L 17-1!` : .1-I . " . . `SADDLES, -_`I-TIARNESAS, BRIDLES, TXTIITDQ R-.. . R... `Ban-iev, December, 1859. Tofonto, Feb. 8,1860. uluunl. muwuuno urhrcuum rnrmno, from the most extensive. varied and cheapest stock of Paper Hangings ever presented to them in Canada. They are most suitable for decorating Dining, Drawing, and Bedrooms", Halls, Public Buildings, Ceilings, Offices, or Stores; Borders, Corners, Centres, Mouldings, Statues in great variety, with superior workmento put themup. He has nlnn at their 5:9:-vine '1 full gtnnk nf' Pnint vnucby, WILU BllpHl'l0l' WOI'Kl'I]l] I0 put. IUBIII up. He has also at their service a full stock of Paints and Colors, dry and in Oil, Raw and Boiled Lin- seed Oil, w.arranued_ genuine, Spirits of Turpentine, Varnishes, Putt , Glass of.a1l sizes from 60 x 86 to 6x 8 inches, nom polished plate to the cheapest Window Glass, Figured and Stained Glass, `many patterns and colors; `Brushes for Painters, White. washers. and Artists: Glna nl all nnnlitin. Sand btlllllly, Ill (DTQCT llll VlC8 llllglll UH plvllly ,- i.~he'_d, um] demoralnzauon checked by a meet urd. ' - ' ` - IIIIIJIII U3 llu UUIU['Si `DFUSIIBS I01 PIZIHICTS, W11!!!`- ,washers, and Ax-usts; Glue_of all qualities, Sand Paper, Jzc. ' ` Hnmm Sign and n.........'.n....-'1:o..:..o:..;. :. w..o... 4LJJJ.14).J1LI.Ll.IJL|v .I.11'1V.I.1.I.l L LIL`, T his stand, 188 King Stret East, below St. Lawrence Market, is now offering to his old _riends and customers; and the Public, A GREAT RAIXQAINQ {ND nnnu DADITDQ 3; _ QR \ , it Q. 1 N NE E? `f.i" 21> ,;_|7f.3_'_"f TN|1"`AI-Taf!.;:!.,. `.43 was uoNreonnn 2.`% @ ` .- ,,..~>12-lf:.- AT Iimoms ivo'1*'ro 1E UNDEhSOLD! ` ANDREW GRAHAM :1 of `v.(_I,,a_'oia.ther! V Leather! .I}ea,ther ! _&o. riends and customers, Public; GREAT BARGAINS OF . ROOM PAPERS, "rnm the mnnt nrtpnuhm um-ind and ohnmmao aim-I: `.'Jfn1y is, 1659;: h}3:Ki:' AND WINTER Goons, WEE Subscriber has now on hand -a- large arid L complete assonment of ' 1".` A `I T` 1T`I \ YITI"\Tl I'\1.WT`l _ ' ESTA]A3I;i;I;MENT.` (ZVe:;t to 1|Ir, Benneu s, Tailqrj.) 7 ROOT ANFMORROW, CASH FOR BARLEY! ALEXANDER HAMILTON, I hi! nfnn `R9 ](:nrr Rfrnl mug} vknlnnr 22,050 BUSI-IELS .....1 u-.'_..L_..A..L1- n-_'n.._ .:_1:__._-,: - I WU DDU D RICE for` ESTABLISHED .IN 1329. SUBSCRIBER. will pay the HIGHEST EICF`. fm-' FO'W' ! uuanIv"'U uula. Ml anus-4 o _po__I;`__J k. ` us-`-506 to `I66 " my Woolf, l)_x-,4.--7u;.Bl.= V U IIUI HIF3. J. RORDANS, Law Stationer, . - Court. Street, Toront a.s,'1sso.v _ . 6-4i.u ' .i'".".``":.'." .-9 .9, ANDREW GRAHAM.` :I,u` ANDREW GRAHAM. 51-tf BOO : as MORROW. `- 29_`. m7r,uuuu,M;<~ _ .": .svvt's%a!#2?twwtv 10-lin THE HQWICK sP1;cULA'rION. lil r\II-lI-I\I lvvnuvli, ` at-my (mice, in the Court House, in the TOWN or BARRIE, on Tuuday, 291:1; day of May, moo, -f Twnlvo n`:-lm-Jr. nnnn. at Twelve o'clock, ndon. ling Fa` Wu In Hm OI at `twelve o'c1ocK, noon. ./Ilia: Fi. Fa. In the Queen : Bench, PATRICK FOY and JAMES AUSTIN, Plaintiffs, vs. PAT- RICK `BURK- TREACY, -Defendant. The North Want nun:-tar nf Lnl. Nnmhor Seventeen. in the IHUK` BU [18-1`.l!iAU I , `uexenunnt. '1 ne 11 unu West. quartet of Lot, N umber Seventeen, in the Concession of 'i.'ocumseth-50 notes. Village Lot in Keenanavil1e,being paft of the West belt of Lot 13, 7th Concession of Adjnia, as described` in a. Deed from Thomas Brown to Patrick Burk Treacr; the West halfof Lot Number 10, in the 6th Con- cession of Adjaia-100 acres; aisa one` acre, being part of the Notth-eo.st.erly port of Lot No. One, in the fteenth Concession of Tecumsethz. In the County Ooutt of the United Counties of v...1'. 1. 1)....` 11711.1 I A M DDIBRI. ANTI Dtntnoi` In me Uounty unun. OI lne Uulwu uuuuues un York & Peel. ` WILLIAM FREELAND, Plainti , us. WILLIAM ADAIR, `The West. half of Lot Number Five, in the fourth Concession of the Township of Mono. , In tho (`.mmt.v (`.mn-0. n? the United Cnnntien of '1'OWIl5Dlp OI M000. In the County Court of the United Counties of York & Peel. JAMES S51.-\LL. Plaintiff, vs. BERNARD CONNOLLY, Defendant; The East I-ml!` nf` LAO Nnamhar Turn in fhn fnnr-u nnnnnaainn DDICNAHU UULVLVKJDUI,` lJL'IL'l]Ul$lll.' 1!: D33!- half of Lot Number Two, In the fourth Concession of Tecumseth. = 1'. cl... f\....'...d.u Dnnnl. `-4-I (`nun-nan D`nna U1 1CUl|ll..I5C|.ll- ' In the Que-'en s Bench and Common Pleas, Lands which were of John T. Arnold, deceased, at the time of his death in the hands of John Arnold, at the suits of the Provincial Insurance Company of Canada. Part. 01 Twenty-two, in the fifth Conoessionbf Vespra-Twelv9 and one-_ l_1a1f_ acres. . B. W. SMITH, Smgnnrfs Omen, g > Shenf. C.S. Rn:-I-in Wnk `llh IQ!-`.0 R-1. -{in N _TUESDAY, the Twerityfourth day of APRIL, AJ). 1860, will be_sold` by PUBLIC AUC- -_T'1ON, at the Sheriff's Office, in the Town of Barrie, at Noon, the undermentioued LANDS, under the following suits: 1'4 .I__ (1 ____ ;_ f\....._L -1.` Al... l V......A_ -1` Il:.1:l1- ` i3uii';'~:0zr k. mm. / ff: T" ,, _Dec_ember 133., 1859. - V I Qtorrcsnouuicttte. S1;anrI"s Barrie, Feb. 16th, 1860. 4.uVu.uuA.z-.u-as.-.. \II V-....... -.....r..., \.....-...... .. In the County C'ourt. of York and Feel, Daniel K. Granger, John Wallis, and-Stephen D, Sm` Plaintiffs, vs. June Harper, as Administratrix of James Harper,_decease(l. All the internal nf the defendant. Jnnn Wm-nm-_ uv .Ll\`l no. . E; {Lot }0, 7th.Con., Tosorontio; and Vi!` Inge Lots 7 and 8, fronting on Queen Street, laid, `out on Lot No. 1, in the 11th Con., Essa. B.,W. SMITH, SHERIFF'S-QEFIOE, BAnxuE,E - S/terijf, C S. l .m..u.- Inch Mann 7 9_|:.1in Smmmr`s- Ormcu, Bnuus, January 10th, -1860. UOUNTY Ill" BIIUDII, 1 vlnuu Ul a nun v : . -ro.vm-: Fieri Facias, issued out of -the County Oourtof the County of Ontario, and to me directed, againstjhe Lands and" Tene- ments, of B. F. BERRY, at the suit of THOMAS DEVERELL, I have seized andlnken in execu- tion` part of Loltnumber . 1`wo,` in tho rst Con- ce_s'sion ofANorth`0rlllia, oontainin one _acre, as aka;-_a-sum-an . 13...: r.-..-.-.. -12 '9: tan `Luv in n. F`, u0l_l, Pitt in nu}. uuuumli .J.w_u, HI I.uIfJ_ ural. uuu- of North Orlllia, oontaiuin one acre, ` as desc'ribed`in a. Deed from `B. '8. PO LEY to B. F. nnbbv `..;..: ;..:n . ...n.u... .......... .. .I.... x...o..s...c at UESCTIUBQ In B U360 11'0"] Do Us KU VVLJEJ I I0 I): 1' . PEB.RY,'nnd will selhhe same, or the interest of 116? above nau'1ed`defendant therein, at my Oice,. iuV the Oourt House, in the Town of Barrie, on TITERIXAV` Ilia .'l`\rnnti4-jh dn1rnf'Il'Ann_ A_D- -1st_:o,-ot='1'we vu o'clock. noon. llI II)0 UOIIIT 10115? Ill U18 TOW OI DOIITIB, UH TUESDAY, *he Twentieth day-ofjlI_.Anon, A.D.. . B. W. SMITH , Rsuii I , .- mm-ill`. unniava Iynav -vuv u slab ......., . In the County Court of the County of Middle- sex, Edwin Heatheld, Plainttf, vs. Jane Harper, as Administratrix of James Harper, deceased. -r u , r1-,___L _1' r\.____.v.. I )-___L `n_4..:,I_ 1'3-" uu --...............-.... V. ....._.-... _.....r..., ..v`-.._ _-In the Court of Queen's Bench, Patrick Foy and James Austin, Plaintiffs, vs.` Jane Harper, us Administratrix of James Harper, deceased. `l'__ AL- l1_.._L.. fV-.._L -1` `.'.....I- -_.l I`l....I T\-_3-I VBARRIE MARKET/1/zE13oRT. JILHIHS I'll'[|Cl`,_U\ICll.`)EU.. All the interest of the defendant, Jane Harper, as Administratrix of James Harper, deceased, in` the following Lands : 7 1r:n...... `I .; I ..r L... ........ . .......4 AI` 1 .0 13` `Inc Village Cot, . Con.of Essa; I 50 Acres. - - U VWXTZ ) JJ .l.'ll.'IL ruuua, Iaauuu UUL of the Court of Common Pleas, at Toronto, and to me directed, against the Lands and Tcnements nfI-lIc`.WI l"l` RRRVA RD nt. [119 suit. nf (`rlC( )R(}l". [0 me (lll'(!(2l.t7u, Iu.{H.lIl.'L ule uuuus nuu llfllfllllfllls of HEW] l`1` BERNARD, at the suit. of GEORGE B. WYLLIE, I have seized andmken in execu- tion A _ - ` Lot 24' 4th Concession, Essa, v H 13 L1` In on. H -l\..,. nun E lxf_ 24 9th `Oro, ,W11f 21 9th , 0m. and V'i|Iarze Lot. N9. Nine, on the Norlh Side of Edward Street, in the Village of Creemore, in the Township of Nottawasaga, all in the County of - Simcoe, and will sell the same, or the Interest of the above named Defendant therein, at my Office, in the Court. House, in the Town of Barri:-,`nu 'rrmn.\v Hm 'I`\\"F`.\Y l`Hi`.'I`H dmznr M.\R(`.H, Cotmrs or Snuxcox-:3 0I`l\ um . Sm-mn='r s Or.-'1rIb1=:, Bmnuz, December 9th., 1859. _ 0 '\\'l1`: ) JJ _1'll1Il .l'ul;Luo', Iaallcu Uni. of the Court of Queen's Bench, and to me directed, against the Lands and Tenements of \H(`.II ARI. n (`.`.\I`\'R nnd OLIVER RllADLF.V' ' (XJFPCLEO, against um unliua unu .u:ucmcm.3 Ul MICHAEL O'CONNOR and OLIVER BRADLEY," at the suit of JJHN SHERAN, I have seized and taken in execution -Town Lots Nos. One, Eleven, and Twelve, on the West side bf Eccles Street, and Lots Nos. One and-Two, on the East side ot June Street, in the Town of Barrie, as laid out up`on`pnrt bf the West half of Lot No. Twenty- fuur, in the Fifth Concession of the Township of- Vspra; also, Town Lot No. Eight, on the West ' side of Buyeld Street, in the Town of Barrie, as laid out upon a slirveyuuce diagram of part of the East half of Lot No. Twenty-four, and of Lot No. '1`wenty'-three, in the Fifth Concession of the Lownship of Vespra, made by Robert Ross, Esq., and will sell the interest of the above named dc-. fendant therein, at my Ollice, in the Court House in thc7'I`own of Barrie, on TUESDAY, the Thirty- rstday of JA;wmY, 1860, at TWELVE vo clock, HOOD. ' ' B. W. S.\IITH, SHERIFF'S Orrrcz, Bimnnz, 2 - Sherzjf, C.S. ' nno muln 19250 ~ LU UH: UIFCULCU, Ilgllllllil; lUU uuuua MIMI LCIIUUIUIILB of JAMES ROBERT BRADBURY, at the suit of WILLIAM DARBY, Assignee of ANDREW Man-'.Ym T have ao1Qd and tnlntn 'in`n\mm1nn Gomnv or Smooz, Y virtue of a Writ of _ To W11`: Fieri Fracias, issued out of the County Court of the County of Simcoe, and to me directed, against the Lands and Tene- ments of JAMES MOCULLOUGH, at the suit of JAMES SMALL,-IA have seized and taken in execution the East half of the West half` of Lot No.11, in the Seventh Con. of the Township of Adjala ;_ and will sell the same, or the Interest of the above named defendant therein, at my 0ice,"in the Court House, in the Townof Barrie, nn TYTESDAV the 20th `(lav nf MARCH. AI). Umce; In we Uourb nousu, Ill [[18 xuwu UI nurne, . on TUESDAY the 20th day of MARCH, A.D 1860,13: 12 o'clock noon. 1 . ` B. W. SMITH, Sh"-if?` I? R, Samur`1`v sV On-Ion, BAmu1a, December lat, 1859., down! Smcb,:RY V-irtne on Writ of am -we I Fnr1'1u.~ iumad nut In Ine bourl. uouse,1n me Luwu un nzurxn-, uu TUESDAY the T.WEl\"l`lETH day of MAIKCH, A TI `lhi hf Txvnlvn n'n|nr-It nnnn LUDDUA l but: 1.n 1).` 1113111 1111) AD. 1860, `at Twelve o'clock noon. Cqcxn or Smcon,E vrn rivrr 3 Smmxrs Oct. 24:11, 1359- Couxnv or Smcon:,? Y virtue of "n Writ of T0 wrr: 5 'Fieri Facius, issued out of the County Court of the County of-Brant, and to me directed, against the Lands and Tenements no` .u\n.`.sx nnmr.m* RR ADRITRV at H15: unit The Zabove sale is postponed ntil Tuesday, March 6th, 1860, at same place and hour, n 111 outrun" I remnVin, yours 'obedic.-ml}, - - A Sc: Our contemporary" grumhles about the re- ception of the County Agricultural Report." Surely it could not beiexpected that the Secretary would supply two'manuscript copies ola Report covering nearly 4 columns of the paper; and surely the Spirit has no prior claim to the Report. We lost `no time in iauppliying it with e copy theisaime week it was received by us. Surely the Spirit mu be getting beside` itself. ' _ Sn1:am"s`O1-*mcn:, Buuun, 7 Jan. 31st, 1860. Ul VVIIJIJIKIJVI. IJILILDI, lll`bl3UCC Ul .l1LV|Jl\I`A H MGGILL; Ihaveseized and taken in `execution the North half of Lot No. 18, in the Fourth Con- cession of the Townshippf Tossorontio; and will sell the same, or-the Interest of the above named defendant therein, at my Oice, in the Court House, in the Town of Barrie, on TUESDAY, the 20th day of MARCH, AD. 1860, at 12 o'clock 1100!). n ur a \l1"I"tT _Sm:m1r1-* s Omen, Bmnnc, December, 1st, 1859. POSTPONEMENT. SHERIFF S SALE OF LANDS. SHERIFF S SALE OF LANDS. SHERIFF S SALE OF LANDS. SI-IERIFF S SALE OF LANDS. s1n:RmEs_ SALE` OF LANDS. SHERIFF S SALE OF LANDS. an-. v` -to V .. 4-An. n-I _.. ---V.-. nu an A Bum: Fur. aluunau 5 , & of an acre; part of'.L(_>t 6, 1st N: W. 7; Lot. 12, 1st Gon., Essa- F icri \mmnn plan [-1 E Y Vir Virtue of a. writ ofl ` Ficri Fucius, issued out \ Plan: at 'I"m-nnin and Y Virtue of a Writ 0|. Ficri' Facius, issued out n : Rpnr-11 rand tn mo B. W. SMITH, Sheriff 13. w. s.\ur_u, (VI. -...'lX` B. w. s.\u'rH,` . Slzerajf, C. S. - 5-bins '. SMITH, . 7 Sheryl`. 0.8." .3`. I -.4... . - .., s/w"n'_/r, "c. s. c.-Guy, A Scnxnn. .11 n, .l:cr1:' C'.S. V` 50-3mos; ' 49-13in 49-13in 5! :1] , u.U 8-13in mu] ,\.u 2-13in if. as. 11'.___-_ -.. (1.111, _,_V -r-r Horses m` `gajlle of Harness, with or vithout Drivers`; Carriages, Buggies and Cutters qf the best description.- EAMS for the CONVEYANCE OF GOODS. can always be hadi Freight paid on Goods per Railway and forwnrded- tqdeslination upon receiving a. written order 113" Careful Drivers, unequalled dispatch, and modefale charges. THOMAS CUNDLI-?;- Prmrrh-Inr . LHUUIAC Dum.o1> `S1'mr.:'r, Buuuz, Nov. 9th, 1858. Boys . Compiete` Map of Barrie. `I\lIVQ' an-n...I..In man Al` Dn---:. .. ...-....' ..- rntuna. Mounted on rollers and va`rnished.. . . .35 each. do This map. contains every lot and portion of lot within the limits of Batrie, accurately laid down to scale, together, with a plan oftlte Railway Station, and u tinted View of the T0wn,drawn'l'mut a Litho- n.-nnh . gm n.- _ ' he views can be had seperme, enha-r on still paper for thinning or on pnsling paper, L-r c.-nvlosing in letters n13s. 9d. and.2s. 6d. each, respcuuvely. . Barrie, March 23rd, 1858. I-2-If \;AIA4\.'Vn u-.....- -, .,....-..._, '\ UULI) respectfully ix1fdf'x11 {ho inlmbilants nt` ' Barrie, and its vicinity, _Iln:lt he has just com- menced business in the above line, and will con- stuntly have `on hand, 11v1r\A1\ INT rvnrvo I`1|C`C'T\I1.`I')1.`\ ..-.u..~ ....-.. .... . ._, .....-, BROAD CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, SCOTCH 'I`V'VEEDS, FANCY COATINGS AND VESTINGS, Which he will make to orderhin lhc-_nmst_f:Lshi0u- able s:yle, and at the I: rest rcmuncrulive prices. - "-i}3:3E .I:`:":D- LOW PRICES. ' _ `VE:L VET ONNL` TS; --wf! Gufuuyera iei iftobe to lhir inierst to,` Wgzrchnae at The! Qld'_00un1ry SLor0, l:Bia'df6!'df ',(qpposi1e Du: tn :-X311), as they'd tn1gjgy:. pgices elsew _ re. . . , . 4 ~5_-';:!-.'.urrm" mo. 12,1359. - V. V `` '- H. B. utters himsolf`, havvi-ng lmdseveral yonr experience in the Culling I)L'}I!l||lXlL'llt in the bust establishments bulb in tl:evl'niu-4] Smu-s- and` Canada, that for lit, \\'.nrkman_shlp and style, the " Emporium of Fashion will be found second to none in the Ifr0V'inceQ Patrons will prove this for themselves. I ULVD, r1oJ.uuo,7unro, ru H urn, uuu nu articles connected with the Trade, always on hand. "RIFLES on the latest improved Gaining ~'l`t\'isl,'made to order, and \varmnted'equul to any `. . in me Prpvince. ` " . - we: \ n 1.:...a~`..r Dnnn:r n`vonnonA mick Man.-.tnh m we rljuvlncc. - - ~- < E3 All kindamf Repairs ekecutcd with dispatch. March 15, 1859. ' ' . 11-ly MERCHANT TAILOR, 1 \v _. .1--- ., 11.. 1i...........y. V E R:1rri, March 3rd, 1860. Blankets, Fliznnels, Cobonrgs, , Plaida, Shawls, Ribbons, Flowers, Satinets, Full" Cloths, Tweeds, Coats, Pants, Vests, Hosiery, with evry;-_ . o.zhr description of DRY GOODS, and Gao; UERIER, sit the `nunm M.sUa~s, GUN "MAKER il/`I~13'()IV{IU1\7i' oFi FA's1i1bN i 11. BXTSPER, ~0llll' IIBSOTIPIIOII OI J GERIES, at the `same 'l'T1`I I'.VI\1"? A 1' 1' `l'I1 _ J. Lusva . on-:1.uuu1._ uquuxxuu 1n Toxomo, unul the whole IS ch-um.-d out. In Mr A nqnv BEG to inform all who require DRY GOODS that [have bought. the above stock, lately sold by the Sheriff, nnd'will continue to sell it. at `\__S_-._ 5.1.1---- 1'.I__._-II-J C. & W_m.'YALE,[n1porMrs and Dealers in . Italian and ./imerirun Marlrlr; nlso, xmu1ufuc- ' mrers of Monuments, Cenotnphs, Tomb and Grave Stones, Centre-Tuble a_nd Stand Tops, Chimney Pieces, &c. &c. V ()Ilr(\l"(*n \v3n ha nnnn 1:} n" Hmn: [luv-inn kn- If ICUCB MC. (V L. ' Our Ollice will be open at all times during bu. siness hours, where we will be pleased to exhibit designs and specimens of work to any who may favour us with a cuIl.. All .....L1.....Al...,......l. A..- A .......4.....2lI L . _ _ . . ._;I.. IllrVU|Il H3 \l|II Nu Cilllg. ` All orders through our Agents will be promptly attended to. ' ' D1,: Din-.- '......-......|...... Al....L A..- \f....l.l.. 2` I\ :1... THE cH%i:`IA13"E':"X's'iiT STORE, ..un r1_..._ _.. a L".."?.~"" um:unsl,.IonmIon _ ruxuon, wnmnm Gowun, Willi`-m 1 ~ ' ' Rntud,-Nlmiugd`-_` Graham,LR_olgert Robertson I. et_cr Green,Juedb"'- " A .j`Rl8'njls; au'ic_k"V Har_riu,.Tbos. " '; `Q EdwIrd'-' _ ' Huri;;~JImeI? -.' - ' `it , Charley Him,-Thoma A V ' ':Whi`Ie;?'h6mpi6n;* Hockri;i|fg,."l`houn-: -. Hugga ,Jokn*r- V f .|..n:.a.1 \4.a..n.;a.aa. \/4.l.LJa..I. LJL \Jl1J ' The` Old Country Store, Bradford s:., Barrie, Dry Goods, and Groceries, T THE FOLLOWING UNEQUALLED LOW PRICES: ; .-....A __._-_..`. ntuzuucu LU- YC7 Please renxember that our Vzlrhle is of the finest quality". Our designs fur the above work are of the latest styies. Orders for any work in Marble executed with taste and despntch. `D. Owens YALE. WzLuAM Yum. August 8, 1854. I - _ 28-ly 0.1111`; ill` Ill 1 BANKRUPTFSTOCK OF R. STIVN.S()N. Opposite Messrs. McC'onl.`cyb & Rosn, Dimlop SL, . -Ia A"-I5-t)1"1:I 0: ? CUTTING DONE T0 omnaa. .51) CLUTII CAPS made to-thc style and lit of the VP!` PP! . ' July 25th,'1R3. `U L ' ' 7 "L` _'_ """`_" UYS' complete map of Bnrrie,1snow'for sale at the Book stoles of R. J. Olive]; and Wm. Mann. DR l(`!I`_Q #'T1`i5RON'1`6- ~MARBLE WORKS, V!\\TIVD Q'IVf)L`L"I` \'l'\Y1'l`YY 1`\Y.V nrvnv.V\v ._.-.. vI\r'aa- Good Fast Prints . . . . . 10 yds. Good Factory Cottops. 12 yds. ; Good Stripe Shirtings. 8 yds. Good Blue. Denims. . . . 8 yds. 1 (land Dnlbn Ynnlrnos 6`..- .. I UI\Il\l\ IV :\ Barrie, March 2, V1858. EMAINING in: the roar OFFICE, iBA1iRII;`., _ Mm- , 1860.: v_ 4 ' I I . . Persons qallirlg qpillplas-e;kfof_.ddvei'liseii 2:- 'A1'Ide1-son, Edward ` ' A Jenkins, MistsM.V Blm1,'.'| n|ni Jnhnsnn. Joann}:- Nance To `_`_c_AsH- BuvEi1:7 EDWARD `r. BISHOP, TAILOR, 1REWER"S B-LOCK, B./ZRRIE 2 -I\vVr\ u ovv m Good Tea . . . . . . . . . . Good Sugar . . . . . . . . Good Tobaccos. . . . . Good Candles . . . . . . Good Currants . . . . Good Raisins . . . . Ia \JAlKl4UO lnltnuo `August 1'UNs, PISTOLS, CAPS, P0\VDER,'and all I' artinlna r-nnnpntpid wilh the 'l`radn_ al\\'m' nn YONGE S'i1`REVET:-NOR'I`II OF QUEEN. OI7` The of Fashion, Hun/rm Slrnnl Nutrit- DU NL 01> ST M: 371`, _BA R RIE, Ala) 2. I.,.L:A....A- -r\Ivr I \ _.___..L`.I|__ 1.. LULULILU, Ulllll UH.` VVUUIU I5 CI(`1lF(.`Ll (HH- V > M. 1 EARS().`I, The Large 103, Yonge Street, Toronto. REMEMBER THE PL./ICE. 4:1; 1' at` U) HI`: om:ru|, llllll \VH| \'UllLlllll!', ll) HVH Prices Seldom Equalled ozomo, until is nnaenson. nuwuu gIT1'.!.3I(e$'a;I|I'ninT Bauldrv} Jeremiah_ Bishop`, W illialh Bi-amg'ner,,Johu l`..;..`.'..'u. nnui :-l A .'TH`OR.NTON, )ULi) r . i`ctiH?V'zlnnmxmro to the it {GS Am I K)|:II|lC lllelllllal 0 Juan I Good Polka Jackets fog` n 3.. 1m:._....1.. n'..s_-.`__- Marci; 7, _ 1:860`: I EGS to call the attention of the inhuhimnts of Bannxrf, and the surrounding: noighhmu'lmod, to his .hn\'ing hud (-nn. experi- ence in the C`I7'l"l`lI\'(} DEP-\I:'l`- MEN1` in the West of England for ` the last seven yeur, and trusts by - stricp attention to orders to merit. , _ a share of public support. \\'()RK WARRANTEI). \l,.....l. 51 I010 IA I0-an (.\'e:r! (1001 to Mr. Hurrison s.) nmm, am; moderate crmrgca. THOMAS CUNDLE; Proprietor. r. BARBIE. NOW sz=.L.1.m<,; AT v-an-\ .-..;\-- SALEAOF THE 3IIRT `DRY Goons": GROCERIES: $0! I1-J.\Jl| PRICES .. .....a .....'.. Rt:.\n=..\mE!v. tpvaouuggn V. - we-.1.-u Dunlap Street, Bu1rir,`.\ `II ' n A nrru 2 lbs. for a Dollar. 11 lbs. for a. Dollar. 4 lbs. for 11 Dollar, 7 lbs. for is Dollar. '8 lbs. for a Dollar. R1 `ha fnh n rlnunr i` yjcis. for a Dollar. 2 for 9. Dollar. 3 for a Dollar. I fur a `Dollar. Dollar. PERFEBIERY. 7}1.";,:i'11r.n. ')n 9...- IUI ll Lllllllllg : for a Dollar. PUIIHS UL'-,5lX'uUIU- ` We aguinv condently RECOMMEND the HOOKER, as" by far -the best for_famiIy'_use, if only one sort is to be plimted-cmnbming a greater munbcr of 'ca_;cellci1cics than any other variety. if? All of the ahnva liswe nnrat-.1, mvnrq, and .10-12mo llll I Alu- 34)-.'-Ema 4 If -5,11 46-tf _. `D. vv.oJu1n_, Snnnm-"s Ormcn, B.umxn, M ` Shenf, C.S., - Jan. 31st, 1860. ` - , . 5-5ins `The above'Sa.1e is FURTHER Pos'1*1><) NED" until TUESDAY, Amu. 24:i:,'1seo,'at>;he same; 1 co and hour. = - . -~ .. P a ` ~ `B. W; SMTTH, A S5231:-`Es Orncx, Bums, '. Sher-if} 0.8; llnrnh R IIRIL " ' ` `0-'nl`| ' A OUR COUNTY PRISON; To the `Editor qf the Northern .ddvanc`e;A S1a,-Doubtless your attention '_has been draw pcatedly to the state of our County Gaol by repre ntaliuns from the several Grand Jurors, botho Asstze and Sessions. 'T0 all such observations the minty Coun_c1l paid due respect, at the same time inluuating that any change connected with the, uxlding, either bv wav ot improvement or enlarge- *nt,,cnuld not be eecled until the Government I ad appointed those Inspectors of Prisons whom the rovnm-e in general had so earnestlv demanded. l'n xllnw thna vnrinuh mmn]-innlitin-x hnw ulI'nnu_ BAm.uu,, March 6, 1860. 'IJLI.`AQL VIUUUULIVU llu FIL'CLIl'"L. ' V As it is impossible to secure all the exellencies of this most. popular fruit in one variety, we offer the above as comprising, in five" sorts, the various . points desirable. IV mrm'n rnnfionlln RFIYI) IIHWFNT) Hm I.u_gt:u|er. - PRlCES-_-(SecureIy packed to be forwarded by express :) . ' ` Per 100 plants of any of the above varieties, `$2.00 100 , 20 of each variety, . . . . . . `300 500 100 of each v5arie_ty5. . ;. . . . . 7.50 `P 1000 of the Hook'er,..`. . . .v ..... .. 10.00 H. E; HOOKER -5: 00. n............. . . -\1*.`......`....... March 7th,` 1860; Inuisl, 1\fa_rch 6, _1860. L||l`A1U.`1LJl` unu UDQIVUD I1. lJl'.lI`JlVE1.l, HHVC seized and taken in_execI1tion the North half of Lot No. 61, in thelst Concession of .\Ie_don_te, 100 acres; and the North part. of Lot No. 62, in the 'lst Concession of Medonte, 160 acres; and will sell the same. or the interest of the above named defendant therein, at my Oice, in tbe .Court- House in` the Town of Barrie, on TUESD.-\Y,vthe Thirty-first day of Jaxuuzy, AD. 1860, at Twelve" o'clock, noon. 7 B W SMITH Si1En1xrrTs.O1'r*non, BAI u1m, ` . `I Shen',~ C.S. Ont; 24th. `I859. ' v - . The sbo-ve sale is'- postponed until Tuesday, March 6th, 1800, at samg placcgxnd hour. , gm rcmu, ur mu. `They at once procu Vermzj/`age, and he took e half at. {me dose. The result. was, he passed upwards o Imlequaru ofuorms. cut up `in every form. - He go: _well ' ediately, mdis now ' Snnnrilsn bf old, is en- neighbors. He nukes I all cases similar to his lat physicianggnd in. it his business to hunt updnd-wisp own, that may be given overby 4 Bros. of Pittsburgh, is far supei-ior to remedy, and Khan if more generally kno save many valuable lives. For further ulna inquire or 1I`LlUJlfl1[`A UB1 'L`l.`1J.V.|J,"lAVlL\lElJ.V splendid appearance, and hjgh avor.` PVRAMIDAI. (`.HH.l'AN ...Vm-v rovnu-c In in-newu nvua so enrnesuv uemanueu. To slmw the various tnunivipulities how strenu- ` usly the Coumnl have hitherto acted in support of ur public i_u.~mntiuns, not only as regards the_ Edu- auonal Department ;_ for instance, the gram ufa_- mn ul`$7U0 only in Junc last to the Senior Grammar (`hlmi at Barrie, for "enlarging, the same, but also as la: back as the year I356 that Corporation provided ib.-rally fur the erection of four Luck-up-Houses in his Cutlnty, in order that vice might be pmmplly, uni.~he'd. deuiuralizalion checked bv- a meet ' SIHCHUIU uppeuruxlce, EHO. Il_L.`J ll JHIUUF. PYRAMIDAL CHILIAN,--Very handsome; productive,.lmrdy, and good gwor. LARGE r:Am.v s`nAnr.wr _'rnv. rum unnum mumx ounmmr, LIEST; productive and excellent. A: if. in irhnnan tn annnum all f IL(LlIlU;'l U_/ C.{;L'lLClLL'lL'S Ulll Gy U(ILL T vurzcly. E All of the above have perfect owers, and will produce excellent crops, if planted singly or -together. V `D D I f`. mLIAnIIrn1w nn i-lrn fn kn `nu-Inn .-`A...-`I HE Public are hereby cautioned against nego- tiating a. NOTE drawn in favor ofPA'l`.RICK GIBBINS, _of Innisl, by the subscriber, for87.7.50, bearing date February__28lh last, at_ 12 months, no vuluehaiving been received fonthe same. I`t`l'\I')I'1`I'3'lI1I`ll'\\lQl\'|Y \ T HOLESALE DEALER ln combs`, _C_utlry Watches. Clocks, Jewellery. Gun Ca p_s,' Plated Wai'es,`Bt-ads; Luokinc Glasses, Spoons, Toys. Dolls, `Walk-ll Materials , Poket Books; Watch Glasses, Rubber Goods, Pipes. Spectacles, Silver;-d.Glass, Fans, Belts, Brusl1es, _F_any_ Goods. Gzci, dzc. Ierehaltls In whom "a snvimr in mine in an nhiprm tans, Dells, nrusues, ranc-y_ unoas. 0Lc., oc.. " Merchants to whom"a saving in pl ice `is an ob'em, will find it to their advantage to call before ma mg their spring purchases; _ V . 50 Yonge-st., late stand of M. Rossin 65 Bro. -D('|D!I`D"l` (xnr true Toronto, March 3, 1860. Couxn or Smcox, Y Virtue of two several TO WIT: ' . Wljits of Faeri Facing, issued ou_t of the'Court{of Queen s_ Bench, and to me directed,-against the Lands and Tenements of ROBERT STANTON, at.` _the suits of-1st, ANDREW HERON, the younger; 2nd, HORACE METGALF and GEORGE H. CHENEY, Ihave npiznd and tnlrnn in puimitinn the Nm-th half` nf` Bnznm, E Oct.'24tl1', 1859. _. P.l'J.BALl.C' AU'CTI_ON', OATUE SDA-Y 'rHn 201"u on MARCH, lll.\l|l`_ll, ullu UCIIIUFIIIIZIQIIUII CUCCKCU Dy 3 meet ward. _ But the security of the Common Gaol wastheir arzimoimt desire, and the attention of the Executive as warmly solicited, the more _so, since on several t~vn.~ions, owiugrto the escape of prisoners from itlun its wall.-,`many remarks were elicited detrac- ve oi` its usefulness. ' . ' Owing to the numerous importuuities to the Legis- ture from this and Various constituencies in the rovince on the subject, lnspectois of Asylums and rimiis wt-re'at length appointed, and in L-ont oruiit_v ith the act, the L`ou_nty Council thereupon deputed Fpccial committee .ti~oui rtheirbody, to confer with cut on the n'llIi`e..~'ttid project. . 7 `Ne must thank our Wamlen, T. D. McConkey,. sq , for his promptness in apprising the members of ill uoiuinitte`-e on the arrival oi` the lus'pector.~', who Monday last, the 27th day oi` Felmiary, made a mute examination into the state of the Gaol, and t-ivcd various sii;!s:estioris.irotn"the comiuittee, the tilt, and other otlit-ials. as to the desirability of` ll;!r.glll.`g,At)l` otherwise plat-iug the same on a- more i-it-nt and ctiiiiiiitrdious footing. ' , ' . his a most pleasing duty for us to state, that views entertained by the committee selected by (f`(.'t)tll)t`tl met with the approbation and (`uncur- nce of the (i()V8I'llttlt`nl otlieials, in fact that the zuest liarinony existed between them, added to hit-h the Inspectors pronounced the site oi` tlie.Gaol he arlniirali/5, the design in which` it was built iii`:-zoiis, its position lieu/1/Ly. the wards cleaiz, and materials not so'dilapi'/Kauai as was surmised ; no titution of a similar character had they yet visited at had so little or few defects aeyour Countv Prison. ' may be incurred by. the erection of another wing, few more cells. or the cutting of a drain, half of -lrexpense. will be liquidated by the Government, order to aid the said Couiity Council in making _ -ii alterations and additions asmay be agreed upon the several parties. V ` - Consislentlv we may add that it is a matter of tretue gratication to the public generally,` inas- ch as that the Gaol on which so many strictures re passed`, am! so large a.stim as upwards of .000 exm-nded. should now. with asmall more :2 canalso inform yo,ur_,reader that whatever out- fl . :1 IV E V SPLENDID STRAWBERRIES. \JUl\D4[\'*Vt'l`_y ||lUUllCllVI.`~; H1-l'H_C, UISQSUIAILHI, and of UNEQUALLED QUALITY. . - . WII.SUN`S. ALBANY,-Exceedingly produc-_ tive; FINE FOR MARKET, ` - < mmnxlpnm nm `rumn_nn1m\r.Qm mrna. _ _ .. Nzw Yol. N18'951.1_353- in to certify that lam, well eegnaiqled I 6! for mdny years a resident of this ehy; az times extremely bueould not tell from the idea, ind re d to extend him any longer. son `henynenlinned he would take it; 5 gel relief, or die. "I`|n.u cl nnnn nvnnn ply.wu'--I mug: lake _something to . Iamln at n., Mfnnuu Calabtntai es: it was worms. Hemld his attending. ` `lane : Vermifuge. and asked him if wnrminwronxcmzmuhnfov .151 `fM`N.3 S; `3E*+1!.Bi!AT.ED?LIY1??1! -i-5: ' - ` Pacmnpp BY`!-`LEDIIANG `s_nos. `- 11 moN'rH_s cnnnrr. the Residence of Mr. James Leatherdale one vot No. 7, in the 11th Concession of Oro, the iug Farm Stock and effects : . , panof good Draught Horses, 1 Brood Mare, e year old Colt, 2 Cows in Calf, 1 two year Heifer, 1 -Double Waggon, 1 Light Spring ditto, air Bob Sleighs, new 1 Cutter, 1 set of Double ouble Harrows, 2 Logging Chains, 5 Grain Bins, Ladder, 1 Roller, 1 Plough, new, 1 Cutting chine, 1- Grindstone. The whole of whichwill sold without reserve, as the `proprietor intends uming his trade. , _ TERMS :- --All sums over $4,'1l months credit. ll be given, by furnishing` approved Joint Notes. ale to commence at 12 o`cluck noon, precisely. -W. B. CLARK, . a.....:,,....... mess, I ditto Ciartsditto,` 1 Fanning Mill, lpair To SPRING T BUYERS. % ROBERT WILKES, ; uuuuuuvc,,IIu.['u_y, nuu guuu. Juwur. ` , LARGE EARLY SCARLET, -THE EAR4. JRST: nrndumtivn and n-rrnllnnf .- ' ' ' NU} 1`1|V|`J DUB: l.`\11lYl`1,1. TRIOMPHE DE 7GAND,-`I.\IM'ENSE, SIZE; nlendid nnnenr.-Lnne. nndvhiah mmr, _ POSTPONEMENT.` SHERIFF S SALE OF LANDS- Tlne`L1fe Associdtion of Scotlanci has an- Ather new advertisement in out paper to-day. Ntm 2L\hnrti5e11te11t5.'% OOKER-Vory ' productive; large, beautiful, mud nf UN'F()TT.-\ LI.T<`.D OHA lfl'l`\'. ,- 1 `special Llsfr OF ` 'hETTERS % `rd BE. SOLD BY. GEORGE THOMSON, _ 6th Concession, _Inm'sl. ,_13eo., 1o`-sin ` -|Iv~nn .v..-..-an -V.-now nu-nu-a 1 Do HUUIXDIV UU. Cosmnncun 'Nuns1mn-:s, - Rochester, -N. Y. - 10-4in Jenlnns, mu _ Johnson, Jo: - Knninn- Min L'l.- guvcrnu uv uuuo `ROBERT _w1 LK1-:s . `llLAln . E Mr. L. S. Sanders, of this town, has npened' working Jewellery Establishment in the` retnises next to Mr. Sanford : store. See his 'v|'dvenisen_ient.A ` ' b ` FLEMINGFBR 13. W. SMITH, ` 5.5311: uctioneer. In (11 "1"6. 7iC V IIJIXDD 10-4in VILCCI ,1o_-in ` LEW: `J`:t5IaLm`v)bo_b-`:"' %, -i 31' .` !~: ` A: an . .. making Two Yeufs old; Thu nwnpr mnv nhfa Iuzuuug LWU I CUTS Ulu. V - ' The owner may obtain the same by proving property and paying expenses. 7 ` 1 - ' THOS. SHAN-AHAN, . ` Lot No; 7, 3rd Con. Mcdonte. Medonte. Feb.'2R_ 1860. 9-3in uug um nuuwuuugyg nun u_-.-.,-.. -..-v....-......- this -week : issue, from th'eexle`uVuiio`Ni'1i-aery V eir nurseries extend ov_er zoourea, re- nod to be the best in the Status,-'hi.ylng ban tdblished 30 years. Thg 5` Hooker plant was riginated by them, and is thus stated :- b ` ` The plamj I! vigorous gnd bgniy; It is extremely p'.'.Iduc' `n; it is of the largest size; It is v_ery dark wlored; esh lsu deeply` colored; ` n. `H. E. Hooker Jr Co, [of Buchgguri N3,- LS`. .'L'.". .". .'-`;."' 2i_`1f0_ g.."_`v ?"" "7i' P,3*. 4. ',;1:to3;, :9A-':'_'Z?:nd "-""?"L ~ . 3 -x .-J. W '51-1859. 7 5.1-f3~.'.`.`~~`x;aiv HBEGSE 1oinfoxn_1'the`inhIbitIIJ of enirodnding bounty-y ihat hehu epeliod busi- ili the above ne, and trufs,` by ptiiot itl.`en- . tion to the veins of hisvcnslolners, to `give general ` utiefncon. - LU` Medonte; Feb. ' 23, 1860. .LL IVUI.` UL) EADIX Ill HIVUI Ul 1\:l\Jl1[ll.\lJ IJULVLV or bearer, dated Dec. 30th, 1859, and payable` 60 [days aftgr date. ' - Parties are herehv mmtinned ncminnt mmaino m- (lays H2!" Ullle. Parties arehereby cautioned against passing or receiving said Note. ' 1 - RICHARD DUNN. 1r..L....... 12-; 0'1 umn = 9:- ' " "" * I _"e DUNLOP srmvsv T BJRRIE, and h&pes by keeping the bes ateriizl, punctu. ality in usiness, and moderate . aehare. f public patronage. rges, to_ merit `Ill _& IICWIIZ pe . L Snkfrfs Oi-rlimkv.-,` R...-V..;.' wax -11, 1360- V 've; it is of the Iargests1ze;tusv_erydarkeolored; nest: deeply colored; - _ , , It in the only ha 4: and_ produetwe Strawberry which he so Iugh avor an` qtgalnty; iris for the combinationof zheee oints that we claim ll! superiority. It is excellent for_preserving'-retainislg ilshigh, richoolo ` hen preserved ; ~ - V _ I I has perfect owers-aml consequently require: no other 'ety planted near to fertilize it. ~ '