Lucy Wlll U5 IUI. lunuas uvL_ulI uh utllluo . Of course there was plenty of time to examine now into the scene of. the acci- dent, and they were not the only specta- tors." On the actual `spot itself - there was nothing to be seen, for the line had been cleared to allow of the progress of trains.-their own, with themselves had had just passed over it ;. but drawn be- yond the line" on either side, were marks enough; the battered engine, the debris of the vcarriages-there had not been leisure yet to clear it away. 6'l`I~u:rn urn: n H-nr-It rlnnn f`1Di`;I`\D, lpllllb ycb LU ulcurn. u.wq_yo ` ` There, was a truck upon the line, said Oliver Jupp. `In-shuntingsome lruclcs on to the down line one of them broke downyand could not `be got off it before our train came up. The engine raninto it, and-we were done for. . Dn I-uni`! A...-....H nl|u run:-nlnco nr 113:: xuu IIILU 1l.,uuu*IvU \1uAv uunnv JUL! `But _how dreadfully careless of Vthe people at the station to allow your engine to run into it, replied Margaret. ' `They` ought to have signalled your train to stop. ' 6 [`l-now Riv eh-1-nu] if lnfnrrnnfml n l.U I- `1Tl1ey didv signal it, interrupted 9. strange voice at her elbow,ancl Margaret turned to see the station-rnaster, who was known to `Mr . Lake. ` The red lights were exhibitedut the` station, and a- switchman waved thered signal up and I down,all" to no -purpose. You observe ' tl1at_ post, he added, pointing to an iron post or pillar, close to them, for he per- `ceived. she looked as if she scarcely un- derstood him; `that is the signal post. ` Whenthe line is clear, a green light is exhibited there, as a notice that the train may pass ; but when it is not clear a red light is substituted,-and no train mnstvproceed when a red lightjis there.` Not only was the red light there last. night, but the switclpnaiualarmcd at the train s "coining on s ',quicl :"ly, seized it,` (and waved it to enforce attention; but tlze'took no. "notice, and went dashing on to destruetioii. . ' ' ` \Vas he killed '!"i"iiquii'ed a bystander. - . ` No; and his escape is next door to a miracle, was the reply. ` He was ung ' from the engine, and lay motionless, and was carried off for dead ; it appears he was only stunned, and is nearly well this morning. He ll have to,sta'nd' his - trial, of course, and a good thing for him if they don t bring it in Wilful -Murder-for that s what some of these careless engine-drivers will come to one day. LL: hull haljran cnmnfhinrr flinf nlmcr-nrnrl 1; }'an(_I`;tuut !p'e_,wno1e malue 1,5 1;: la I0 rNfai6rairha fH,o_n ' mi'Ivd4`1i9`t?ii c whim 11idT*f`u_1i:ailf 1 (lily.- `He hadtaken something that obscured ' 1 his vision, probably, remarked Mr. Lake. ,1 .1, ._,..3 ~.._.......-_`l 4L- ..4..4:.....' L ` I think not, returned the statiomi master; ` he siaVs`ober. man. No_; itis]. carelessness: they go driving on, never looking at the signals. It is not once in many. weeks. perhaps, that the danger signal is exhibited 5 theyjget accustomed to see the other, and itbecomesto them so much a matter of course that it must be there, that they forget to look at it. That is my opinion ; and I see no other way of accounting for it. ` -1 1 ll, L_ `L- _;_L2..._ .....`L.. --.._, --.----..-.--..,, He turned back to the `station as he s'puke,and a gentleman, who` had drawn near `while he was speaking, held out his hand to greet [the Lakes and the Jupps. It was Colonel West, an ac- quaintance who resided at Coombe Dalton; V l ` .r\1 ru 1 10`, ,,,I,:._-__`l AM- -1` AL- Llll5_lI1|5- UUCllo V _ > . > _ ` Ay, it has. Seven picked up dead, and four more gone this mormng, be"- sides legs and aims and `backs broken. 7 It is awful to think of. ` 1 A ;..I _u 1-__.._. __.__ ...._...9.. --}.l.l,........,...- I9 J) I LUH c `Oh, Colonel, exclaimed one of :thc young ladies, ` what a shocking accident this has. been. 1 `A -. I n,,,,;, ..f_l_--,1 --.. Q1--.) OHN F. DAVIES, Accountant, Collector, Con- veyancer; Insuram-.'e,Land 6t General Agent; Commissioner in B; R.*, &c., Bradford. ~ , ` Apriz 16, |S5_(_3. ~ -14 ll: I3 lfI.Wl{Il LU uuun U1: .7 ` And alltfrom one man s recklessness! added Mr. Lake, with more severity, more feeling, than he genera.1l_y`su'cred `himself to display. . `As the station- Imuster says, they won t gwe over, till -some" of them are convicted of wilful murder. [1 hope the man who drove the tmiulast night will gethis deserts. FIT]...-.. '.~.n..-n an-nl|u'nn OIIHIXY P:-nrn Han LIIB l..l!1lll-lll|- UISIII: \VuI 55 Inc Llpountao They were strollingaway from the spot, the. colonel, M_r. and Mrs. Lake, a`ndthe Miss Jupps; Oliver had gone back .with the station-master. The colonel, who wasa keen, sensible man of fifty, turned and faced`Mr.,Lake, and `stood still"; the others stood still`like- wisg. ' ' ' -L -..- J3...`-nun` Quaxuu ..L _..-o cos`:-\ T 'lSCo - `. Let me disabuse, you, at any rate, I `hear `sheyare putting the blame upon the driver, but he does not deserve it, and they must be doing it"to screen teinselves} I know nothing` of "the _man,~ ainldenevere saw him in my life till .this iuorhi1ig,-but I shall stand between" _hi'm*`and injustice. * v I IE-|'nr`1n`f uimv `I iihyf h vnh mnnn `I V "3"1T1;' Q; T that they exhibited _.the `danger sig`nal',`red,and that he dashed :; on',- regardless? of it} continued Colonl ; West. ` went tb theinn this morning M where some of the wounded were lying, " andwhere I found `the driver-as they to,|d,Tme"he. was-.-0n a mam-ass` on the foor. ` _Ho'w"did_I.this;happQn 1 I said to . `him. `_I don t;,.it happened, rain: -he,-, SI*`!.i.d `but .}I?u declarezmt 1 red: sisraal up ..9.i$`P`.i1iT; [fasf 'th y"hy`; `t, _`g're_"en. 1ig'h'1;"'wds"u` ;'n i Iis:$I'fg33: ,"1T*i1T.` 3i!1i;i.'Iih5?' fffiiftj "the" i-dili 51;. !3ontihnic_lfjthe. gcoosfelg . "had"! if!h .w0le {Ii 5 u":? i'f.r;:u e ; 5 rccrivmacn: ` ..`6"-` '1'i`uir-'s`.ii~?. ` l_uu`.ifl:'|;:I1la:i' W1-lat db you man 1 i Mr.VLake inquired, * ` - .'n-u,___ ___- AL_L 1I.-;`_ _.__`_3L_'L-_I AL- just over on the other side of the line, and I can bear the man out-that it was the greenilight up, not the red. ( Qlnaunnnl I ianrb Wrnnrink T.n`rn I-IIU b'fCU1l~]IgllL llll, HUI: LIll'- ICU: Shameful ! 11 cred Fredetick Lake, rising againstthe _injustice.- `I hope, colonel, you will `stand by the man. - I Vnn maxi kn mu-a- nrihnf `Pr! h-nus- UUIUIICI yUlI WU] BLl1.lLl U, I-llU_ luau. You may be sure or that. ] d trans- port a. reckless driver forllife, if 1 could,. but I would never see an innocent _man falsely `accused. ` ' T I-T-|u:nrr nnflainr 1-n Jn 117:9`) {I-unvncnllrnu V ILLIAM LAWRIE, Licensed Auctioneer for Barrie, and the Townships of Wes; Gwillim- bury, Tecumseth, Innisl, and Essa. June 13th, 1856. - ' ` ' 245 IGISUI J l1UUl|CU. n Having nothing to do with themselves, they strolled into the village, such "as it was, the colonel with them; At the door of the small inn, whose oors had` been put into requisition the previous night, on the greenvbelnch running under I the windows sat the driver of the engine, `his head tied up with a white cloth, and his arm in a sling, , 4 I__ _, ..-,__.__.___- \ . It is perfectly astonishing the muss (to useaNew Yorkism) which a male pair of hands can: make in yottr room in the short space of five minutes. You have put every- thing in that dainty order, without which yott could not for the life of you accomplish any work. There is not a. particle of dust on any- thing, in sight, or out of sight-- which last is quite as important. Allyour little pet things are in the right location; pictures plumb on the wall, work-hox and inkstand tidy and tvtthinhail. Mr. Smi_th_com_es in. He wants "a bit of string. Mr. Smith is always want- ing a bit ofestring. Mr. Smith says kindly (good fellow) don t get up dear, l ll nd it. That s just what you are afraid of, but it won t do to say so; so you sit still and prespire. while Mr. Smith, looks for his bit of string. First, he throws open the doorpof the wrong c|oset,'and knocks down all your silk dresses. which he catches up in irreverent haste, and ihangstin a. heap on the first peg. Then he : says, (innocently) o-h-l went to the wrong closet, didn t I? Then he proceeds to the right closet anti nds the "bit of string. lu taking itduwn he catches it on the.neck of a phial. Down it comes smash-with the con- tents on the oor. Mr. Smith says "d-e-- structinn l in it-hich remark you fully coincide . Then Mr. "Smith wants a pair of scissors to cut his "bit of string ;- so he goes to your work-box, which he upsets. scattering needles literally at "sixes and sevens, all over the l out`, mixed with bodkins, spools, tape, and . torment onlyiknows what. He. gathers them I up at one fell swoop, and ladies them back limo the box, in a manner peculiarly and emi- I nently masculine; and asks if-the-liinge-'- bi-lore. or if he-did it. As if the rascal dtdn t know! ' ' J` ,. . -. 1- ,..`l' nu..- l I cork out. Kll wt '-1 . V `V But. of course you l8llillI'6'0ltl b, that it had i been loose for some time, and that it was tio manner of consequence; all the while ilevoiitly hoping that this might be the last rnischance. Nut abit of it.` He thinks he will take a little brandy to set him rigzlit, so he uncorks the bottle on tlte spotless while toilet cover of your bureau, spills the brandy all over it, pow- ders the sugar on the cover of a nice book, and lays the stickysmion on a `nice lace collar that has just been done up. Then he uncorks ` your cologne-bottle to anoint his smoky whis- kers; and sets down the bottle, leaving the Then he takes up yotir bracelet and tries it on` his wrist, to see if it will fit. The `-/it need Isay, is not in the bracelel-- the fastening of which he breaks. Then he i throws up ll1e.\\'llttlO\\'. 6` to see what s_`oit-of a ilay it is ', and over, goes a vase of owers, which you have` been arranging with all the skill you were mistress ol'.'t-iilisplay the per- lection of each_ bltissoni. _ He looks at the vase and says.` miserable thing! it was always rii-_lrett '; I must buy you a better one, dear," which you ilevoiitly hope he will do, though a long acquaintance with that gentlematifs habits iloes not aiiiliorize you in it." Then Mr. Smith goes to the glass and `takes 11 solemn survey of liisbeard. ' Did you ever tiotice the difference between. a man s'aii(l a woman s way of Innk- ine in a glass? It is wonilerlully t-.liarncteris- tic! The woman A perks her head one side saucily and well pleased like a bird; triati strides in a lorilly dignied way .up to it as if itivere a very petty thing for him to do, but meantime he'll-like to catch that glass saying that he is not a ne-lookiiig fellow! 'Well-~ Mr. Smith takes a solemn survey of his beard, which. he faiicies'neeils clipping, and takes your sharpest and best pair of scissors, for the wiry operation; the stray under-brush mean- wliile falliusz wlieresoever it best pleases the laws of gravitation to aenil it; Then Mr. Smith says, "really, dear. this is such, a pleasant room." one hates to leave it, but- alas! busi- noss-hiisiness.. ..n-.__-.,,_- on I _I.-._I.I .|_2_.I_ _- ` L.--:_-__ |II'Vl`B-_ IVIIVI I I-`Fa. 7 "Bus,inessL. I should think so-Lbusiness enough, to put that room to,righta, for the next three hours! T A Farm! FERN. anu Bay It was all u uulusmu. - -"0, mother! teplied the little girl, I think, they. would believe me. I must go over to the shoemaker and tell him; he will believe me. She -ran over and found 'him at workvinv his shop. She begun by telling him that he must die, and that he was a sinner. and that `she w_as It sinner, but that herhlensed Saviour had heard` her tttolltr e; prayers. and. had for- tziv,en" all her sins; atul that now she was so lifaftpy-she"ilid tiorriltuow how 'to.tell_ it. ~ 'rm. -luuiminlmr-iuah'=`nlrnck' with snrhrise When Mr. Whiteeld was preaching in New Englandva lady became the subject of divine grace, and her spirit was peculiarty drawn out in prayer for olhers. She could persuade no one to pray `with her but her little claughlenaboul ten years of age. Idle: 3. time it pleased God In louch the heart of lhe chilul, and gave her the hope of salvation. In a transport of holy joy she exclaimed: A O mmlmr if all Ilna-nvnrlll Imew Ihid! IITIIUl"IIlllIlI9 sI:=-:\,:-ma;-:.;;-viz!--9 '9 17--hr im- 1. ti. ' ugqry Ifllllllll,-,.l mom will i transport OI HUI,` JOY S OXGIIUHIUHS 0. mother, if all the-world knew this! I wish`! could tell everybody." Pray . mother, let me rmi to someof the neighbors and tell them that they may be `happy and,lov_e-my Saviour 7` At. __.. 4.11.199 --:.I 4.- `.....`nI.-. nut.-. oavmur I 7 "Ah. my chiId.A said the `mother. "that would be useless; for..I suppose, were you In. tell your experience, than-e `is no one within many miles who would not laugh at you, and say it was all a delusion._ _ .un_ mmhar! mnlieal the hula girl. I hl3'|D)"8l|e'l|Il_l nOI`~Kl.Ow now IUVIUII u. " ' The shoemaker was slmclt with surprise and hiuenra owed dowin lik rain ; he ihrew as'u|e,|nis worlnand by prayet aml`supp|ica- Vliop gpnghl mexcy. - Thegm.-ighbnrhood was iawakenpdighbd ina few mrinlhs more Ihanfly ;perona \'wem,., `btbugh; ,I`olhoT `xnowlpdgo `of 31992-25; and 1.0 !'ei0i in iisjpower and J H. LAWRENACE, Life,Fire and .\[ariu`_e Insur- . auce, andouse. Land and Town.Lot. Agent, Convc-y:`.ncer,' Commissionerin B. R., &c., Issuer of Marriage Licenses.-0'xce, Huron Street, Col- lingwood. - . um.` 1.1. 1957." ` ` ' 42 E , " wgmgn-jg hon) Hi"! I Iu__u_tar-mind, 65.5 :. m'..--.-hh I. mind In Innndnr if. dun `The Mischief of Mild Blpeds. . A chum; 'r'est|mony._ U (T0 3: ooxununn.) Zllvllls [UV Ills II- -The following paragraph reminds us of n litfle work published here some few. _years since. entitled H Three Experiments of Living. jllustraling Living within the Means, and Liv- ing beyond the Means, and we select it as not inappropriate to this meridian: 'l"I.m-n in a rlronfril amhilinn abroad for be- `W8 may U0! U8 rtcu, yet we must atuul tu up so. We must be "respectable, though only in the meanest sense. in mere vulgar outward show.` ' We have not the courage to go patiently { V onward in the condition of life in which it has} pleased God to call us, but must needs live in some fashionable state to which we ridiculously g please to call ourselves, and all to gratify` the vanity. of that unsubstantial genteel world of` which we form a part. There ts a constant, struggle andpressure for front seats in the social i amphitheatre,_in the midst of which all self-' denying resolve isytrndden down, and many fine `natures are inevitably crushed to death.| What waste, what misery, what bankruptcy] come from all this ambition to dazzle others} with the glare of apparent worldly success," we l need not describe. The mischievous results; -show themselves in a. thousand ways--in the` rank frauds committed by men who do not dare to seem ; -poor and in the desperate dashes at lortnne. in which the pity is not so` much for: those who fail, as for the hnndreds of innocent I families who are so often involved in their ruin. l - I Inappropnale I0 IKIIS l9I |U|l'lZ Tvhere is a dreadful amhilion abroad for ing Hgenleel. We keep up appearances (on often at the expese of honesty ; and though we may not be rich, yet we must seem In be an In mnnl ha N rnnnnnlnhle. though nnlv One beautiful Sunday afternoon, I was walk- 1' ing the quarter-deck of a ne ship running down the Northern trades. William '1`horn- ' ton, an old, weather-beaten sailor, was at the wheel, and I could hear him, occasionally humming the air of Black Eyed Susan, , ' when my back was towatdrhim. He was an excellent helmsman, and kept the ship to her course true as the needle to the poles. Al- though it is still, asit was then, contrary to the rule, to enter into conversation with the. man at the wheel, yet, observing William? smile and raise his hat upon nmehairs. I asked, : him sympathetically: What are you thinl:- 5 ing about, William? ,Abont my sweetheart. sir. Are you going to get married again _when you return? "I was neverimarrietl. sir, nor never will be, if I should live a thou- sand years, yet I have a sweetlteart. lt s just i forty years this day since I saw her, and I- never saw. her but `once- But what inter:-st_ have in an old-sall s love dreams `P ? Go ahead, William, tell me about this sweet- ` heart. - I m in love myself and can sympathizel with you. - l H In gir II In `nu! fnv-In van:-a this Job cinnn 1 luck to you. -It was the voice of a sailor; he WIN] ""1: " Well, air. it is just forty years this day since lstrolled one of the biggest churches in Broadway, and was invited to a seat in a grand pew by "an elderly gentleman. There were: two ladies with him. One,ol them, the mo-` ment our eyes met, said as plainly as eyes could ! speak I m glad to see yotragain. I was snrel I had seen her before; I felt that we were old I playmates, but for the soul of me I r-onld not ' tell where. I could hardly take my eyes ofT her s_he'lo_oked so good. When the services commenced she put a prayer book in my hand, and pointed to the lesson for the day. I was young then, air, and good looking too, and had about as much sell-conceit as most young men, but the more I looked at the sweet girl, the less I thought of myself. When the services were over, I followed her to the door of the carriage. and could not help saying, as the gentle nun handed her in, God bless you. my sweet angel ! and to my surprise. instead of being o'ended, she replied: Thank -you. air, and may he bless you too. The `gentleman raised his hat to me and smiled. Good-bye, Jack, he said. good was no doubt, a retired sea captain. Both the ladies. though I had neglected one entirely, bowed to me "out of the carriage window. In I a moment they were gone, and I never saw them from that time to this, yet from that day to thisl have -truly loved that sweet girl. 4. l'\i.l run nunr trv In nd nnl u-hn aha Inna 7. RILLIA_ HOUSE, Orillia. James Quinn, Pro- prietor. The above Hotel has ample and suitable. accommodation. , ' V Ocwber`.. 2, 1353. * 43 I lnqluretl. b - H No. sir, what was the use 7 I felt myself` .21 poor, ignorant Sailor, hardly able to write my 1 own name; and I was not silly enough to lhink `- that such a lovely girl would care alnylhinz,-l abom'me.4 Thinking about her look all the: self?-conceit out of me. _ l l u I)... -..... nnhl Qnuu ll-u-.nnI-M unn Earl anon `marl l r u lo [HIS I Have lluly nncu Illdl butts gill. ` Did you ever try 10 find out who she was ? I I inquired. g NH. air- what was the use ? I felt mvaelli Oelttrt-3; now was urut L: . l I - . It was only a dream, sir,I never -saw her before. Now I m growing old,I have beenl thinking seriottslyaboutt trying to be good, that l lmay meet her In Heaven. _l".t-ety Sunday.` for forty years, has the scene in that church been before me,and every time I think upon my sweet girl she looks more lovely than ever. I could never think of marrying with her image` ever present in my mind. Do you think, sir. it is possible for an old sinner like me to be good enough to so to Heaven ? 0* Why not, William 7 , I'll tell you why. About eight years ago I left the sea, for then I dreamed that I saw my dear angel go to Heaven. and tried to be good. I worked along shore with triggers and stem- dores. and had over two thousand dollarsthnt lsaved, soil got along very comfortably. I joined a. church and thought I had religion. when a rascally deacon cheated me out of fifty dollars. I was so thundering mad that [gavel the fellow an awful hiding, and before he could set _the law dogs on me, I was again at sea. I think now that I did very wrong, but I m so hard-hearted that I can t in my soul forgive theffellow even to this day. run ...m.n annnl lnlln ma in nu: rlmnm: that I ner I must be goon. V ` He said much more, but the above ahrcls al glance at his inner life. and shows the` parity of` his soul. It must tint be thought that he was a whining nlcl fool; on the contrary he was ni man of danntless courage; bold even to reck- lessness, quick to resent an insult. None are food than seamen. For W981: Mid even months, slrv and water are their only corn- fmnions; and long voyages, when theyhuve watch-and-watch. the-irlabor is very light. It is then their minds dtvell upon the pleasant scenes of the past and malts the dross of earth appear divine. Bill Thoronlttn s case is not singular. Almost every sailor has some beau- teoua love-dream, amlhence the reason why so few of th`em marry. The ideal has more charm for them than the real. nr:'.|. -n .I...:.. r....t.- -..:t......... ...o In"! ......., | thrown more open their reeourcesifor menu` | SBIDCOHCEII Ulll uI_ Inc. 6 - H But you said you thought you had seen her`; I before; how was lhal ?. . _ l u h min nnlv a dream. sir. I n:=.ver-s:a\v hpr. cnlrln l0[`llIe' lllllll IIIB Ilillle Wilh all their fanhs, sailors are not bad men.- -As a class, in a mde way, they lovefthe true, the beautiful and `the good , and` are proverbial for Iheir generosity. May they all go" to Hon- ven :1 Jul. ` ` ' Ixicxrcnr? Ania-r.-A Md, get Vdowllloll 3'00! hand: and knots atninnld. please. K_.- 7 ~ Mn||.-o_00 `Khan whnl nn nnrlh lhlil I I'D me. IBIIOW even I0 Ims ll'i o - | My sweet angel Iells me In my dreams that! I must forgive him, and mat if I wish to join her I must be good. u- ..:.a mmih mam, Iml Hm nhnvn :'nnlo: n mam ana man a nnnuxe. please." \,. Mocha:--"Why, what onunh ohiil I do thn_tfor1 . , > . . 4il|v.V C$71 I_Iln l.l0 dnwr -ualov alum!" V . The Sailor-"5 Dream. D ARRIAGE `LICENSES.--JOHN ROSS, of Sunuidale Station" has been oicially appointed to issue Marriage Licenses for that District, and will keep a. supply constantly onhand. A October 15, 1858. ' 42 Llvlng too lllgh. ......_ _......--_..|. -...-.1 .Cousin`i John how did your wife hurl her back so? I declare it makes me feel awfully to see what a great hump she s. got a uiuwiiig ' since she cum away from Connecticut ! With that Cousin John looked at her and larfed a little. but I could see he didu t feel just right, and arter a minute sez he, Hush, cousin, you must not talk so loud ; its true Mary has put on rathertoo much bustle. but it`s the fasltiutt you see., I looked round, and as tine-as you live there war.aii t a gal in the room that hadn t her 2 back sticking out jest the same way. Such a set of hump-backed critter.-4 I never did put my ' eyes on. ai:d' yit they all stood about niniling and talking tothe fellers as if nothing ailed them poor things. Some of tli_e gals had feathers in their hair, an some had fl-i\\'et'S or gold chains twisted among their curls. and I diiln t see one there that wasn't die.-'sed up in her silks and satiiis as crank as could be. As for theinenl thought I should haw hawed right out a larfin to see some uf`e ni ; there was one chap talking to Miss Beebe with his hair of his face, and it hung down behind all over hiscuat collar like :1 yuuiiu .'zal s just before she begins to wear acoiiib; and there was two bunches of hair stuck out on his upper lip right iinderthe nose, like a cat s whiskers when she-begins to get her back up. Every time he spoke the hair kinder riz tip and moved about till it was enough to make a feller crawl all over to look at him. Think, st-7. I, if it wnuldii t be fun to see that variiiiiit try to eat. If he-didn t get his victuals tliringled up in that bunch of hair, he must know how to aim all 1 red straight with his knife and fork. parted from the top of his head down each side _ Letter of Queen Vlctorla_-`-'Aiiecdote of ' Prince Alfred. . The Star of the East, ri paper published at Athens, Greece, speaks in high praise of a beati- tiful teller written by Queen Victoria to Amelia, Queen of GIEBCBLIO thank her for the kiridness she exhibited to her son, Prince Atfred, during ltis late visit to that classical land. The arm heart of the Eriglish-wimian has not been chilled by the cnnventioiialities and forms stir- rounding the monarch of a great riritinn; and a muther s love had, iindonhtedly quite as mncli to do with the dictating of the epislle as a wise regard to policy. And here we may as well mention a pleasing incident ('OllllP(`lt`(i with the stay of Prince Alfred at Atlieiis. It may nllay any fears that` have been entertained, lest the young Prince slioiild prove to have been injured by his tour through Europe, and spoiled by the adulation he has received everywliere, and int least at all in the Eternal City. The rele- hration of the O?}mpic . Gairiies (lB\`l\`t`ll in December last for the final time since the il:t} of-tlieir suppressiiiii tl'irou;:li.the influence if Christianity.) happened to he tinder uay at the very inorrient when the Prince rear-lied .-\tlio-its. Ht - ll'lDL'.Of his experrteil arrival, the committee of mana:__1emerit (`elem-il the horse-race iii the liippodmrrie--oiie of the most iinpoitant parts of the festiife oi-casion-frorn l\lomlay until the sttcceeding Sunday, so that he rnight grace it with his presence. " But the son of the Queen of England had l"EC9i\ l(i a diflerent eiliicatii-it from the gentlemen of the committee, and answered positiirely-aitil eniphatii-ally that he could not be present atthe rai-ei-ii the holy day of the Lord, and the comrriittee postponed it anew until the next 'l`oesilay, \\ lt.'l1 it took place. One of the Athenian papers men'i'=ti this circun.staiice uniler the lieailiiig of A fine but useful lesson, and adds that with si_n;_vnlar disre,_vrird for the wholesome iristrni-tinn they might have drawn from l rini`e A|fieil s reply, the committee appointed the fuel race for a. succeeding Sunday ! E l l THE SouL--A Lesson and a C ontrast.-- Snme believe, or some affect to believe. that man has no soul; but there are,ulas! millions who liveaud act as if there were no soiil.'< to be saved. Both classes may learn a lteefttl lesson even in thedark places of the earth ; forthere, where the missionary preaches Jesus Christ as the only Saviour of sinful souls, the heathen teach their blinded followers that the soul`, after it has worn out _one lotl_v,'lizi=ses i'ito another ; ` and that if any one of them hits not atieiiilt-tl to the worship of their gods, his soul will at death go into a ileforniei and tortured body; or. If` he has bestowed much motie_v on old it-triples, that he shall he again born into the worlil rich and happy. They hold that a soul may pass into the body of a bird, beast, or insect, and he piitiishetl in that its new state for the sins of a previous life. The -very liezitheii, tlieiefoie, teaches that mari_ has a iii-we. -entliiig soul. lliit _ not so a $l|(-`l'fl'|$l_l1.\\llt)lYl a friend came a'.-ross .while rambling on '-the soiitli:-.-rri i-limes of Christian England. He writes: I liave met. with one who laughs to scorn the idea that a sailor has a soul; or. if he has, that it can leave his body either for Ileiiveii or Hell, vihi-n that body is under the \\'a\`e. lsaiu to a Wortliiizg sherman, _`Yours is a tlangertitis prol'e.~cion. His answer was, ` I never fear danger : ` Man- age your boat right, and the Devil liirriselfi.-art ! hurt you. ll said, ` If your soul ueie sale you need not fear danger`: hut, t)ll tel'\\'lSE,l woiider that men such as you are not cowards; for, if lost, you must face an angry (,'od. ` I do not believe in the soul at all. said he: `it is all a. hurnbu_zthat about oiirhaviiig souls. sou! must Q-.`lll'l' be itiiseialile; loreve-r in Hell, or happy forever in lleaven, I replied; ' l en- tirely deny that, said the fisherrnati; `and I can prove it. Now, if my body was drowned, how could my soul go down to Hell tliroiii_-li a rocky bottom '? and how coiilii anyiliing get it up to Heaven through one hundred and fty _tathoms.of sea-water '2 And he loolteil at his ('0mp8llfMl9,_ and then at me, .with triumph. as though he. thoiiizlit me an ass, ignoiaiii of the weight of sea-writer. or the llpl rVl(tlJ.`-`lIr.` of the retl satidstoiie. He did not seem to be joking; it was the ats-lu|,_e_ainest expression of deep-rooted unbeliel. _ ` The. - ' IUXISTRY or ANGELS. How cheering lhe thought that the spirits of bliss Will bend their bright wing: to a world such as this` - Will leave the sweet joys of the nzmzsions above, To breathe o er our b0!0m! some Inc.-age of love ! They come, on the wings ofthc morning they come. l Impatient to lead some poor wander:-r liotne; Some pilgrim to snatch from his stormy al-axle, And lay hitnto rest in the at-niI_ol' his God. In lincvrll Ir - [Po Us I.vv vwgvuvgvwwou, -no nds mo Jqdg:N:2mIv--ou:e:..uqnuktm Ihe devil. oblhihi a liberate from alt livjutmilin, and continues Ilill one of the lougvnobbrilt V glory. An English writer of the aevenlhrcenlnry ; has given a sketch of the chamcxer of a pm- fecl lawyer. The concluding part of the eulogy` is as follows: In a word, whilst he lives, he is the delight o(,Ihe counts, the omn- mentof his prof:-ssinn,` the-pnlroniof i'm1m:ence, the upholder of right, Ih: scourge of oppres- sion, the term: of deceilgnndzneaoncle of hi! Cl;Il`l:;`:; and when alealh`calJa-himtltruithg hr `o':~ van b -I` ' {corpus-" val ,`ho nclmvlic; Jq_ lg'&_;,- `` Bu-ddl6, m oblaihin lihctala ftogmll` dntmilin, ....l ....n:_.... ._.:|I -_- - gt... 1-. -,'_.I.:...`:_ Sam suck and/Tine Ladies. Ind 50 {if not paid { within six months. No. 10. AVID DOUGAUS Bedstead ahd Chair Mann- factory, opposite the Registry Oice,TBa.rrie. constantly on hand, or made to order. Wood Wousc-hold Furniture at various descriplioha Turning, in all its branches, excuted wigb neo.tne.-.aV and despatch. Apnl 14, 1355. . ' ` V 14 ` "` IHULXUDI ILUDALVDUIV, DUUI Ell D309 MERCY, Collingwood. All orders in the above line manufactured under his own inspection, and war- ranted for neatness and strength. _ , 7 EORGE BROWN, Bricklayer, Plasterer and Stone Mason, opposite `the Grammar School, Barrie. Anything in the above line he executes- in the best manner, "either in Town- or Country, and on reasonable _termp. He is willing to receive in` yment_t.wo-thirds In Produce or Store pay, an one-(turd m Gash. Cbimne 3 built on the best principle, and warranted to raw._ ' - Rnnfplnher 14. 1858- - 5 2'13 - SW39`: 38.I`|'i- Orders for all kinds owork. 3 HOLDSWORTH. Giam~n_-Bunder, B1"-vadford ` n the alidve line attended to with puzictuality, V sud` work warranted, Barrie, August 5,'.1857; ` . 33; (1 l\L`;.|J_.Dl\lL x\ U 1)l\1lf4;V,'\V:V\: l, of Simcoe, Dnnlop Street. ;Bzu-tie, June 1, 1859. .s published Weekly, in the Town of Barrie, every Wnoxasnu morning, containing the current news of the day, and all matters pertaining to` the affairs of the County. Price $2 in advance, . or $2.50 if not paid within six months from date of subscription. - l Aovaa'rrsmc--Six lines-or under, first insertion, 50c. ; each subsequent one l2c`. Over six lines, 7c`. or 4d. per line, first insertion; each subse- quent one, 2c. or ld. Professional or Business Cards $4 at-year; $3 for`six months, if not more than ten lines. Special contracts can be made by the year, or fractions of a year.*Orders - to discontinue Advertisements to be made in A writing. . - ' No paper discontinued until all 'arream'ges are , Vpaid, except at the option of the publisher. Pnnrrmc, Booxnmmxc and Rooms done on the premises. The facilities of the Establishment are more complete than any other North of, Toronto, having `been carefully tted out in every particular. ` ' Communications should be addressed to the sub- scriber, post-paid.` V ' V - R. J. OLIVER. . G. IIURD, Land Agent and Stock B}-oker . King Street West, 'i' ` _ . July_ 10, 1355, _ 23 -Feblruyaryl `X859.- 11): Nomm f2\hmiutc year J in advance; ' WREDERICK O'BRIEN, -Izemme, Inspector, Co. { n+' Rlmnnp Unnlnn Strmat, Hg W DUN- Uct. 14, 1357." )ROVINCIAL INSURANCE` COMPANY.- . ' Barrie Agency, George Lane. ' '7 I.`,,l. _.., .___ no 1 ago NHRISTOPHER HARRISON, Depository or the` I Rarrie Rmnch Rihla Sm-is-xv. Dlmlmi Street. BBB prlnclplc, nun wan September 14, 1858. 1],-Street west, Tomato. =-UOIIIII] maps, -rum: '1) 0! AI_.ol__, A.. `Gas. . Pun. .. .r.w.\,-:_..-.. . .--._,.~;&ZJu'J .u . `\|llII|H\~ T- - .-.4` s L 4 norm: ROBINSON, Boot and Shoe Makr, T l`.n|limrwnnd_ All orders: in thn nhnvn line VOL. IX. |'(5HN`ELLIS,' Lithnpher`& Eng`:-_u`vr.` mg ' ~ -Surat West,` Tomato. ~-Oonnty Maps, -Plan: of .u. In-aims. Annn_.Gl'aIll. nn:P| nk`... B. CLARK,-Licensed Auctioned and Com- . missiqn Mrcbant,_D_unlop St., Barrie. 8; DIEID lUl'D.1`Al`\- HHISISIDULV, lJl'PUll.Ul'y III Lu! ` Barrie Branch Biblqsociety, Dunlap" Street. 9311-sixttss %iIlitcttnr n. R. J... B, ORRISUN 8: SAMPSON, Barristgra, Attor- ' neys, Solicitors, &.c.', 01-`non--Western As- ssurance Buildings, Church Street, Toropto, C.W. Angus Morrison, D A. Sampson. ' Torontb,Novmbei', 1859. _ ` - ' ,45g1y 22 V37. It was a brilliant day in.>A11gi1st,' far `too brilliant, taken in conjunction with . the heat, and the _twelv.c- o c1ock' train was'prepari`ng to leave Katterley. . The platform was all_ in a bustle;-u bustle that was not frequently`experienced at that quiet little station-but since the previous evening, when a fearful acci- dent had occurred not far off`, Katterley had beenon its legs._ The train, the one about to proceed, had come in,_and only three _minutes being allowed for its stay, _ people .who were going by it looked alive ; aefewt had gone out, a great many were getting in, for idlers had been ock- ing to the scene of the accident all the night and muruingvand would be ock- ing, until their curiosity was sated. j A u\r'nv-far I-salt] nnnn flu: r`(\nl; urn ruf- mat: in. . , _ - ` "But now whereabout is this carriage 2 called out one ofthe ladies, in a hasty and rather shrieking voice, as she looked to the right and left, because, if it s not just in the middle, I won t get in. ` 1 ll' never put; myself itqwardseither end of a lrain again aslong as I live.? .n. ., _.__ :._ n/r._..-- A.......9'-..:...1 Illa, lllllll IIICII Ulllllllir . .v - . . A porter. held open the door ofa rst- class carriage, us avparty lmstened on to the platform`; txvoe gentlemen, three ladies, and a. `made servant. "The porter evidently-Akneew them well, and touched his cap. ` Johnsou,? said one of the gentlemen to him, ` let us71mve it to.our- selves if you, can; dm1 t crowd us up. I `fnu-iv \I.'l1]l (':I' `I'nY\`;I!` `hi: rnqn ' ` 1 W (15 DILLDWJ ECIVUS Ll y-Ull_ Dan , u.-Ju o uluvvu uo uln Very well, sir, replied the man ; I dare say I>shan t want to put anybody else in. V -' - , n ,. ., ____ __L1. __-_I _'-._. _-_ u_:_ ........:.....- as ..,,...-. ._ ....., _- _ -- . -- T ` Step in, step in, Mary Anne, .criedv the same gentlemgu whojhad prevxously spoken,` you are rxght. 4 Main: lmcha, Huge, ndnrl fh`n >nm-tar. .knoiv, Oliver Lllc IJIIIU 51.11:. ~ H ` Of course it s up, repeated the young lady, ` and I wonder it wasn t up before we reached it. This comes of putting o things till the last moment. I told you all the clocks were slow, and we. should be late. If.there s one thing I hate more than another, it s the being obliged to rush up and catch a train at the last. moment! No time to choose your carriage; no time to see or do.any- thing; they may put you in the guard s van if they please-,` and you never know it till you are off." I dare say we. have come without our ticketsynowrdo you 1 1.. ......1.. 'l'\ii>v:Sr-`T11-r'\ r\ `mn1t vnniin gi' spuucu, ' you an: 1.|_:`5";' _ v . V Make haste, mlss, added the porteg. The time s_up. ` T - A t` nm-n-ma {Pa nn rananfh H13: vnnna .Kll W , \lIlVI'Jl I - bits of cardboard for his sister s satisfac-` tion, and the party settled t.hemse1ves in thei; seats. ' _ Why,Elizabeth,-I declare I- never saw you ! exclaim J upp to the maid servant. (`l1Hn l'. (inn- Miga? I walked right 1 reply,VO1i vr"Jnppheld Vupithe silk" ed ~Mar);(_.`ti'ne A L ENRY HOPKINS, Cohnty Altqrny, Co; - .of Simone; Barrister and Attorney-`at-Iiaw, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, -&c.--OIce in Dunlop Street, Barrie. . . T` March 3. 1858. ' ' 9 Jllpp lu LIIU luulu BUlVIll]In ` Didn t you, Miss ! I walked right behind you from our _hOu'se. ' - c Iwhnnnlnt it `Hp ! for tn hr-inn` 'FfIizaBeI]\_ DBIHIIO. you lruln uuz uuuac. _ Ithought it better to bring Elizabeth, interposed her_~mistre$s, Mrs. Lake, who" was looking that morning tmusually ` youngund lovely. Mrs. Chester's ser-_ vants willbe glad of help, withso many _of us to wait upon. 1 Mrs (`Raglan-`in thsihnhf rnnni in n VIC VV_I.IIV-VII IUII III!`-I I259 ll I3\IlII' " .p1eHt'cJ.i1:`. eglt too hgid,';Mrs;~IJn1;'e;,E_tb 'ah1le'g;jg2t;1t erh;Iving':jiroIiiis'eI1 1930; . urvanaawmae-Haul git ; 01 us LU Wall. upon. - Mrs. Ch`ester'is.the'.best thaager in a` house that lever met, with, exclaimed Margaret" J'11pp._f_ Fancy `only `two ser vants, and oneof those you may almost ' calla muse, `for the ehlldjrfen 're'quite.` plenty of attending to, and`-yet `_th'ings s seem to goon smoothly." `I't:t'in?ttl1_i"g1l: ` how she oontrives if." l.'.____L _-__._ -2, A __. 19...]- -V_.A._-f_.. _9 L`_:L . 9 IIUW 5IlU I`.'UI.I|-IIVCE _llo "'1`_rust mysisterfor`oQ'ntving?thihs, : stuck in Frederick Lake", *with ajfhdlfl M smile at his wife oppost"to'7`hi'ln.j` ` -` "I hear `yogi-had .a pleggsaigft `day tIife f`e : ~ "Yearning for scenes of promised rest, The weary pilgrim hand: his way, Where bright the city of_ the blest A Shines in serene eternal day. " In thy pure mirror, crystal" stream l . ' Soon shall these longing eyesbehold Reected, the celestial gleam . - Of shining gates and spires of gold. Ye rocky hills that soar on high, And stretcg-h across my onward way! Your sunny tops e en now descry - The far-off gates of endless day! A sound ot. distant bells draws nigh; On grave and stream the day grows pale; . Oh, had I wings, that I might y Far, faraway. o er hill and vale! The blissfnl thought his soul o erpowers; He faints before the lengthening road, And, sinking down amid the owers, Thinks on the city of his God. Alas the way grows rough before me ;' My spirits faint : my'foot'ziteps fail! Come, gentle dreams! steal softly o'er me, V VA'nd waft me to the blessed vale l He `saw the gates at heaven unfold, Aridithus the shining angel spoke : ' Shall Hevtlte needed power, withhold, _ Whose word the burning impulse woke ! But golden dreams and fond desires, ` To coward hearts alone are dear; _ A nobler atrength high aim inspires, And brings euch lovely vision near. ` Ilia fair form fades at morning light; The pilgrim grasps his stall` once more, Toils on o er plain and mountain height, And now is at the golden door. V Anii_lo! like fund, malvo.-rnal arzs, Wide open y lhegates of day, And havenly harping: weli.-ome ip The pilgrim from his wetjry way. The `V Sign_a',_1v Lights. BY ma AUTHOR oi ASHLEY." ANSOYN J: MACNAB; General dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, VWines and Spirits, Hard- ware, and Crockery. _ _ V Cash pai for all kinds of Produce. . V D. L. Smsox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` . . . A. MA.<:_.\'An. Orillia,` 24th Oct., 1859. _ 48-ly e~w antedjdIia'Ia`_d= -1.1.. '16 seam-I l` 4~'I"f |niii" On[\ Nail 5:5!-7 `1a:19) "`3fiI\ tctature. AND COUNTY ROE SIMCOE GENERAL ADVERTISER. in ru.un_m.1 iocttg. L. axusfrtcn ISTHE em:.;m,: bspnding "the day Lther. . She,` "there again to-day, I Vfancy. f.- - C Wh'n nmn find! '1 innnrn Mr, r.n1rA_ IIICIIS ugugu lu-uh , J.` ,llllUy.c ,. Who was that '1 _iuquired~ Mr. Lake, briskly, who had rather a propensity for liking `nice `girls, although he "was a. married man... ` a'I'\.L...9o I-......... ...L.'. -1...` Q-u.u- '.-up nlnir, l.-"13`":"'f`I{`3w who she was, `or ahy- thingabout her, replied Oliver. T ` Your sister called her Lydia, and -I did the . , _ . . 7 . w:.I:.was.a M'_is's' Clapperton, intefrttpted Margnret"Jupp;' `Louisa `was telling me about her this morning; she took an immense fancy to her. _ '5 ('1 T `runny , nu-Han` 1(`rar1nI-:0]! r.o`(d ' ATTON & ARDAGH, Barristers and Solicitbrs, Couveyancers, Notaries Public, &c.-James Patton, William D. Ardagh. 5am'e,`Feb.26,1s5s. __ 9 . _ 5 T. IIIIIHUIIBC EU IICIQ `Oh, I know, cried Frederick Lake: ` thev live. in Guild, "the Clappertons, and Penelope has got intimate with them. You shan t pick out nice girls for me, Oliver, if you call her one. I saw her once: a young Gorgon in "spectacles, withprominent eyes. ~ . 'I"I1oQ a Ninnrnr (`lunacy-fnn Hm: nonl- `Tl:at s Nancy Clapper1_:on, the near sighted one," corrected Mary Ann Jupp, who was one of-those ladies who always know everything.`'- ` It was her sister who was there yesterday, a delightful girl, Louy and Rose both say? . .5 I hand :}Ivio,"r1\n O]-uavn -fn_:-`nit O1-inn `T""'i 335'; '.1?i32{"; ?o .aay, then, `laughed Mrs Lake. 6 ::c On Ln GI-nun kn} 1`:-\vu urn`: nmr` ICIII IIFIJ LVJI O JJI\Ul 6She is to be there, but don t you and Oliver quarrelover her: he monopolised h_er yesterday, I hear. ' ~_ ' `C Wan` In-n nnnbn , nah: 14`!-or1ar;n`r u_cn ycatpuylqy, L uccu. _ ..We ll. go stiacks, said Frederxck Lake, or else draw lots. When-does the"o_1d`Indian beghm make her entry '9 (Frur cl-son-in K/Ir T.u`.rn' "11nn' An fnrn |vII\r \I_l\-I Llllllllll IJCEKIIII Ill\l.R9 IIKSI 91101, 6 `For shame, r. Lake! you` do turn everything and everybody into ridicule, exclaimed Margaret. ` I m sure I Lhink she ll be` a delightful acquisition; so pleasant foiyour sister." 5 XX/'nll Ilvknn Anna aha nrilvunq IJICCIQILIII JKII JUIII BID`-GII T `.Well, when_does she cdme? No`- body saysshe won t be an acquisition- fur those whocan stnhd begums- I knew one once, and she_Was awful, She had gold leetlx. ` R/lnrn-no-of `luv-Q9; {nan-war` in (`"1-nu-1; 7L\! IIBLI VSUIU ICC-I Ila Margaret J upp turned to Clarzi. ` VVhy .don t yoit keep your husband in better order 1 He is incorrigible. ` 1 fear he is, she smiled. . `Very strange! uttered Federick Lake. `I can t get an answer to my question: I think it s' somebody else. that s incorrigible. WVhen-does-A-the --begum-ar_;ive? I hope that s plain enougl . T ~ ;* ` _-._._____'L `I..__-.L',_1 . 11' -... ....a. 2... 41-- Isuuusuo v Margaret laughed.` `I am not in the ` `begum s` condence, or Mfs. Chester sl :1\l,,, 'lNI,_,4 ,l`I.__. ---_ 1 either. T How should I kn_ow 2 cjl-IICII .l..l\.lVV DIIULIIKI 1 l\llUVV ` ` Mrs. 'Chester.was talking of her yes- terday, interrupted Oliver Jup'p.V ` She is not sure wlnch day she comes: the `middle of the week, she thinks. VF`-`nut Inn-nun n~\ OLA` nan:-\'a'np \ )1. HOLT, Aszent for the,CANADA LANDED C`REI)l'l` C0.\lPANY. Apply nt._lhe Office of Messx-s.v1iult, Sons & Co..- Bi`.1 Brokers and Gen- eral Commission Agzents, in the building formerly bccupied by the Bank of Toronto,,D.unlop_Sleex, Barrie. C.W. KL? On the ground oor. Nov. 8, I858. _ ~` . 45 IIIILILIIC IJI I-I19 VVCCIX, DIIU CIIIIIBDI They were approaching the` scen'e'of the accident, and soon the train arrived at Boombe TDa_1to'n, and came to a stand- still. ` _ A ` .1 .1 _.__,I_. __.; ,1-1 _ ,.'.,,, I,_.-_-9 ___ W? thoirght we did not Stop here, ex-- claimed Mary Ann J upp. ' l Wxrarxr fren'n'hna cinnnor` haw: T av- UICLIIILUKI 1'-I(L| -LI-III` III-I'll): V `>EveryAtrain'has stoppe_d he:'e,I ex- pect since last night, observed her brother, ` bringing doctors-and friends to the wounded. A -,-__.-.. __._._ _;,, .1. , ,-,1,';r,,,,.. ~-_n-., ,, Elli? VV\Jl|.\ILaLl0 I A porter. came up the p1atform,`calling out, in his stemorian but tmiutelligible lingo," Coombe Dal--t`on, Coombe'Dal._ ton, and a sudden thought took Mary Anne. .1 1___.,-,1, , ,_,1`l . 1 ', ,; -miu'_ut`es, -El-i;2h1bAeth_,' whb Sat "by herself at the window, they all being close to the other,` leaned `out, and caught the man just as he passed; ` Here, master, cried `she, "how long do we stop here, please? `Ten minutes: replied-the man. At least, Elizub'th thought that was` the answer, and she drew" in herifhead and shoulders and sat _down. ` Ten he.-W8; ' , nu, u,`__ .1, ,_,_9_ 1.4. ;t 42_'__ 9 __;.___.__ -[II.lllUO _ ` I do wish we could take a peep at. the. scene, she exclaimed-, -`the place `where the accident occurred. I wonder if -we shpuld have time. . Doesanybody know how long the train stops_ here ! E|izabe1_h,elean o1it_at the window, and ask the man. ' CIIJKI .D|l`7lIl\.lL*IO ll-ll\-I (IU I-IIJVVIII II-Kill Ahe_s:_1'ys; ` Oh, then therc s lots of time, returns Mary Anne, eagerly rising: and her sister and Mrs. Lake eagerly followed her exarnple, for the scene" of a frightful` _acciden_t does bear its charms fordthe public'~eye. The two gentlemen had seen it the` previous night, had spent some. hours on it, but they prepared to` accompany them. _ They descended ` from the carriage, all `but, Elizabeth,- of ' course, as she was not bade to do so, she remained where she was. _ The accident had taken place just outside tl1e.'statio n. Lletracing their way, a. couple of minutes walk brought 1 them to it, and Oliver, who had been in the unfortunate_ train, was proceeding toexplain details when a loud_sh1`iek was" _|;ea_1_-d, an_d.-o' puffed, the ,train- theirs, . - "T A 'LI-.-`I_ `AA : nnnnfpi-nnI::-an any-nan: ` ; qlutulpcu, "h Wr twafqens W `us A blank look of cousternationv seized. upon their faces. That it. had gone, not to puffbnck aggin, was evident by the rate of speed. The ladies were alnrmed,_ thq`geu_ftl.e{rnet`1'ig9lined`to lallgh. V `Well, yoiuhve ` ne and done it,by bringing - xclaimed Mr. Lake, -And ' M airy Anu `Jnpp, impulsi've` and _ hasty, : w Tback`,Aca]ling}out agrdf sho`pting-:is'. though `she {thought she could__ _arrest'the cafrinnes; osnmi JOHNSON, Auctioneer, Eetalte, House, Land, and Commission" Agent, begs most res- lpectfully to inform his numerous Friends and the Public. generally of the County of Simcoe, that he has opened in the above line,tand trusts by strict perseverance and ready settlements of all affairs iutrnsted in his hands", to meet the approbation` of those who may plncc-`condence in him. Barrie, August. 3, 1857; ` V 32 lse'iz_ing hold. 6f` the .p.`r.t_r to- whjom: `Eliza`bIh_`had _sp_oken,whn.l iher ";3arty~ 1.1`Wd:her- up-.. carriages. .` What} made. `You:-VAte1l';.iis tile. t rain.I. gtbppd "here! tjen n'1'inute`s,_ Lsh .5939-I1. , . . 9 th.I5E V9` ....--...~:..m.s.I- `I"nev"e'r`xai it t'b bL. carting 1 IIYI. -ner [I!l'Iy~4l0_lIU\>Iv:u-_1u=|.ul:.__ _ , _. _< T " Tqn`mim1t_es!' I'1_1e_ve`r`said it stop- pea; `hfrb" tet;" ini;i;;;`e,' - gqswgd. _th A} Y'`n f'di!-". Msuxiia `1d %?f ;9?F`??`*`5"!`:"9*?F ma1j',,t`;a k:i` iiliadk; , I L I I 1 vup vu ;yo'uiA.-5` I 1:`wd- mi'n'iit_.e8`. f `~what`*,hsf_i,t ::o.`t,,to~,clo` at- -uassai;a,Tthg;,irsnputavsgaii.tear ` ~ `unnxzgknolikdu.-`a-6-7356175 'ih\'nEnn` ' {this statiori, th.:t,"it'c hg1jllt gtop; tgn 1' T : '131ii59`h '!` ?**'.`f 1`I9 .'j*!.WkI!I .'t1w Wo_1_'d W6": 3 'fther6*'d'inu : :.1.niu;at;:|'.ssIsuil?H`nIit-1'&ii3Ir1i i'~nh""I*l VB ASRRIE, C. W., , BUT S IM1?rLE']5RINCIPLE,,vVAND WHOLE SECRET OF SUCCESSIN GOVERNMENT. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1860. ` When will another ttain come` by, that will take us on to Build l inquired Oliver Jupp. ` - . _ - ` Ten minutes before. three, sir. And is -was now a quarter past twelve. Well, that s pleasant, added Oliver. M He was interrupted by-a hearty laugh from Mr. Lake, which seemed to pro- claim that to him it was pleasant, and they turned to. him -half in anger. ` I am thinking of Eliznbethls consterna- tion, cried he: ` we have got her ticket. Suppose she has no money in her pocket: they will be for taking her up at Guild. 0! nnnl-do thorn urns nlnnh: nf time tn ILLIAM SANDERS, Provincial Land Sun- \-oyor and Drangmsmaxr, rst house -East the Market, Uullier Street, Barrie. , April 25-, 1s57. ` ._ _l8