mh. A; act of j rough ... 1.-`=3 ['0 'I`I 0E Is HEREBY Thu} OI-un f`.an._A n. `s. uEK1i;d;" ` . . - 7.9:`; .....-...n.-z unsung IIUIII II led'the skill of the moat wtntes, tire now rendered and rsev_ernnce' of the at is great medicine I posterity as_ one de- lu Xe medicine should in t anncamnce nf Ihn x -uupvlc cg FLEMING "ER DUIVLVD 7-3in` 1], Kick} 7-4in -Iis..a1In%B1r.. Gmx, !l`l`ut:{it `Ia thununuo. r <.ag5u.a.:%`a_.;;.5ga; ,n!,=sI:ja, uon-otvcuuvnugeasgn-ic,;;ojv ~. `am; an _rot_inoil:Ps`rll1nIut,e at-iu:`nu:t= - V ,n_ .- o:v;na=_AomNoonronAvrxIte>Tra_n..- = mm v.rLLAGx L'=A8?-sAjs%',nb0_\Y1; .. mung ` ,,@.`_h_$.l..-51.: ' V.` IIJIJI ' m -.;:;?EacHp;n.r=sngo1se$; Iio_n No.3; ,nn`r_I_dal_o;~ 5 T ' Vema; J-n-4; .1860. F ' A P! ' . - .. MALE O `EMAIAE TEACHER, - having a Second) L ' Satisfactory rpfgre A letters to be po'sf'p`aid. _ , D", for So-`IEO-I Sebtion N_d. 5, Via- a` A'Ten`c1'Viet |f _ lynched to `tho Vnnn|5n."'Jnn", 51, mm` i ` V :aA`:a.:iI.= r`,:|::-3, ` EG to inform the public generally that they have constantlyl on hapd a good supply of they primes! gualily"ol' Fi-gsyh (Meals, Poultry`, 8pc.,' Home, _ui:ed Hqgnsjmd Bacon-smoked and while dried; Barreled Pork-`and Beef, which are offered at the lowest posgible price. Bartio, Jg n;724,f136Q; A" ', ` V 4-ly ._B_UTC'HER._. POULTERERS, 1.4coN JIND mm OURERS, s.a Us4cE MJKERS, a;c., 1I_lo; um Stall-Boni_donoo, nsyaeldsmet, --uu Ia wlluul 0_ IIIIIUB _Ul H16 LVUTIHETU IKQHTOEU ' lauon, of ` excellent quality, and 13 a rare chance to persons desirous of settling with moderate means.- A.._|4 .1 `BEING North Halfof Lot No.17, in the 3rd Concession of Nollawasaga, 100 acres. -The land is within 3 miles ofthe Northern Railroad -moi.-m E .....'..II..... `......|:... -....a :- - _._,_ } Arlington, Jan.", 95th, 1 .'Tll0` clmi_rm:m then `took upiithe ouesons scrialim, and Mr Cook read me replies. ` serve the Public l"orests- from Fires 1_i cply-.\'o possible Way. ' , ./Ind. \\'li:u. is your opinionns to the granting of l.ic(-uses to cu!,.'l`imbs_,-r'to the first applicant. tlierL-for '. --I3nl. What is your opinion with regard to the Ulritrlllgv of all New Licenses for sale at Public z\uction`?w ` _ . ' , 'Gl'llllt. new licenses to the first ap'plica;nt;` but must. be worked yearly; otherwise to-be put up to public. cmnpeliliou by Auction on the first day of August following. This meeting isgof opinion ? ruliliou wilh'tl1e woodsmu,u s labor and e.fpen9e,~ u gramting new limits; and that licenses should e gi-muted by the Local Agent, without refreiicei o the Crown Land Deparunent, except in disputed luims. - . _ ' _ . A4]. u'|.,.s :- -..:~-V --v - lst. Whzit me ns would you suggest` to pre-_ that, e_:Lpit:1IisLs money should not._be but in'com-, ._.--...-_a`. - information as , shall K uitably rewarded. An; body` giv-l;1-g, 7 lead to their recovery will u A ..--.~ ..A Vespra, Jan. 23, 1860.` NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; that application will be made to the Municipal` Corporation of the Township of Mono at its next Sittings, to pass a By-Law, for opening out a. new Road through the Easbhalf of Lot No. 26, in the 7th Concession of said Township of Mono, in lieu of theoriginal allowance of Road between Lots No. 25 and 28, in said seventh Concession as aforesaid. . , i A ANDREW HENRY, ' Township Clerk. Mono, J annary A.D`., 1860. b 5-4in Boman, Eli Bowes, E. S. Uameron, Kenneth Campbell, Arr-hibald Carson,`Mrs. Robert Dullan, Marre - _. Dixon, James (2) Emms,`Mis5'E|izabeth Gibbons, Thomas ' Hopkins, Philhp Martin, Francis 'Mon_roe,' Harriet Moore, George N '-A .%""?a:`;::i.;u is. mm. L -R9ferenuq_\;vi_ll;- be: f aired, ull V loam. : out-'xi:d." ` ` ` b ` ` A \Ia. 1.014 I. L JJLIAJ `mm in the 1=os'r OFFICE," BARBIE, Feb ry 1st, 1860. Perstms balli 'aqiplease askfor Advrtised Letters e_ab. 3, 1860.` LARG LECTION of superb VALEN- TINES, Sen ntal, Comic , `Embossed, and Richly Enchascd,1o than` ever before offered ' in Barrie, at the U ATIVA Nl F1013 ,um(\n1-.1 lgl IIIIQITS. . V ' ' ` This Work has been prepared to meet the want frequently expressed,` of possessing, in a. compact form, a. collection of Conveyancing Ptjecedents, adapted to practical purposes, and the more simple Conveyancing Practice of this P};-ovince. " It is recnnimended tn Hm t..& u p.....m:,..... ___A--v.v -- -4-v-n-4 uA `41 |-.l|l|`-5\dllUlV 7` J: G. Cook, Esr.1.,' said the` questions had been carefully considered and replies prepared; which _ Afeplies he would subxit for the considemtion of tllomccting. V ' - ', . '7IVl..\ 4L_!.,._,_., Al - '1 ' uuuveyuuumg rracuce 0! 1.1115 rgovxuce. . It is recommended to the Legal Practitioner, Country Gonveynncer, Justice ofthe Peace, and others use useful and convenientland Book of all orciinary Legal Instruments, and will be. for-_ warded (post free) to any p:_a.rtA of Canada, on receipt of Two Dollars. Toronto. Feb. 8, 1860. 4. . -wulucu unusl. H158) I0 receipt of J- nmm. 6-T2in Comprising 5 selection of Conveyancing Pm. cedente` in general use, carefully revised, and adapted to Canadian Practice, forming avcorrect and reliable compendium of all the Instruments; required to be used in the ordinary transaction of legal affairs. ~ 'l`}1; Tn:-Ir Inna Innnn vunnnenr-n In -.uu.4 AL. .___A THE cANAmAFcoNvvANcn%; IN om; VOLUME svo, FULLBOU1_YD PRICE $2. Vespm, Fb. 8, 1.8460. ALL parties art`:- he1''Ih1tioned against cut- tingor jug-Az` TIMBER, or otherwise '1':-ospassing on ii y acres of-the North part of the East. half of Lot 1j o.1-5_;_j`in__tVh,a_ 1`hird Ooncession of ~Vennrn3_n - `. 131185 UB1! 0` of 1 Vespro-.' 1. 1 InniqAl,Feb. 8, 1363,'_ ` to the settler and to. tlierevcnue of the Province. } `Under the present regulation much valuable tim- l l i settler. He then read the questions forwarded by L Warden in taking the chair acknowledged` the compliment paid him by the meeting in call-* . ing upon him to preside, -as he was not` himself A engaged in the trade. But,'although not a"_1`im-' ber Merchant, there was one point which he would call especial attention; This yvaii, the question affecting settlers. He thought actual settlers-should be allowed the privilege or selling their t_iinb_er: the proceeds of such sale to-be ap- ' plied to the liquidation of the `debts--on their lands. f'Such a course would be at once a benet her was destroyed,` which,'but for the "regulation ' prohibiting settlers" from selling, might be disposed A of to_the advantage of the Government and the vtherCro\vn Land Departinent. ' 7 r, n r1,.,.I. 7)-- -V -- - H222. I -aunt)" - T_oronto;FebA1-uu'_y 8,'186Q. N the 11 November list, from the mmises ..`..'.".'.`,.".`.; ;.. ;`;-I',. so.,A.x. .uaitO'0Ol_Q`O I9,CIDICOnnfcotfllii 3-'00.-l'.I. A1- :iy:e'."`I_'()A"`()t_O_.`,.';. . . . . , 10.30 AJI. pad mm 2.1- . " [ :-J-.Lnw1s-GRANT, EXCELLENT r_A_n_M run sums. W594;-;oouinufulpqoti-asaiil-oiiiloi ;:.;.' '.:.., .'1.I -1'!-``7'1.' Lu 310i`. isiuioni As .-q||`-_o,o'nocmoo...-pagan-.IAna--shoot`. Vlnuu 1.`. Ewj`...5.`gop..'}, .-.-z..-. .4.oo1;x. 3 "L1-'1-ivfa _-A.-' *-41*-00 ex. _and 9.00 mt. ' " `- ~_ |3;Av:_` _ " Maundrell Brothers, 'lLHlH5. , _ . _ 4th. What is your opinion with regard to llowing actual settlers to cut the Timber which my be on their Lands, provided the .vulue,of -the `imber so cut is applied in payment of the pur-- lmse money of their Lands? . - - liy nll means allow nctual settlers to cut tim-. er, provided the proceeds `of such` timber is pplied to the payment of the purchase nioueyof heir Lmids, (This privilege` not. to extend to quntters.)_ We think the present law is detri- ientul both tothe settler and the revenue of the rovince, as 11. great quantity of timber isnowv e sold would be worked in Lumber, and thereby ould benelit bothvthe settler and the revenue of` he Province. Such regulation should take elfect mmediattely. . ' _' . 5th. What is your opinion with_rega.rd to the ommercizll System under which the `Trade is at resent carried on in the Province ? ' I`lm nnoalinn ia nnt aliaeinnc Ir .'.. L........: _.n cstroyed in clearing hind , which if allowed to- Fs`.;E.f.`;";;: $'::...e2.s::?~ "`F*=4*f Refe}-encowil1'b e_rqui:ad. L . _` ` Apply,` if by -lower, pvolsti-paid, to ` "T JOHN.-SIBBELL, . 5 .i Wit PRATT, Tnunna. ' A F. QUANTZ, nninl Fab. 8. 1860. . A--ah; TOWNSHIP OF _ MULMUR. WANEF, "LIST. OF LETTERS k`|`\Y I \Yl`| 3.. LL- nnam nnntnn - n A 1 ul Tea_c%11_ei4 Wanted. "ALENT-|N_ES! 5 c Aufr I 01 N. STRLYI-:D. Lu:-cut. uniiiuu uu iu Lin: yrovince { l`he question is not distinct. It is hoped, _not- ithstnmling all existing -grievances, the trade ill regulate itself in time. _ , . , Gtli. \\'hut is your opinion as to the practice of ontmcting in the Markets, whitherour Lumber exported, for the delivery of such Lumber at tipulntetl prices? - . - . - Advisable if possible. ` _ _' `Tth. Would it, in your opinion, bedesimble to e the c_ousumers of1 our Lumber conic "into our. wn Mm'kets topurchnse it? - `By all menus. . . - 8th. Your opinion as to whether it is not desi-V ble and feasible that the Producer" should put much labor "as possible into the Lumber, before is exported, and whether it would not be desi- v blo to obtain specications of the dimension of ' e sawed Lumber required in Eu_rope, with` the ew of expo:-ti_ng' the` mnnubfactured article `to el. such S[lEClCilll0IlS ? ` There is now every facility to manufacture to i er; but the exporter prefers the log. ` - . th. \Vill._you please to state your viewswith ard ,tO'lll(! manufacturing of square Timber, d whether it would not be" more is.d`va.nt9.geous' the Producer and, to the Province to manufac- e Timber with a. wane, (when "the trees are table for being so mnnufa.ctured,) thus retains the lightest and cleanest part of such trees? y all means manufacture wnny. timber,-r as it es the best part of the timber, vwhere trees f (it. - V ` NU UOIlKI'3. V - J. RORDANS, Law Stationer, Court Street, Toronto b. V 6-4in 3*AnvAVN( e... Jlmns JO b'N,- - / ~ Lot 33, 1s ., Vespfa. 1860. ' in ' ` Rcgistde - Service, Robert AJON;ATHAN' LANE, POATMA Apply id Ill - 1\_{;zrrison,' John .McCulcheon, William McDeviu, Daniel Palmer, William (2). eel, George` ' ble, Slegyen Rn "n , A . ..-.......J ,V >..u-I. uunu uuu uuuu.--uuI`rwu. \._.-I ,-S.rz-_-y-<-1er,'I moved, and A_.C. Thompson, `Esq, sco'nded,< that Mr. Crew act a_.s secretary.-- C.trr1'ed. "i. 1es"u2:hen K-13.1. gs A. Rnhn n. PPIRP r'1'v1XRY "ARCHER.- i0.. ` 1 4-lf ' W. o, RIGBY; A_Qn _ FICE STORE. 6-tf _ `s;3m `I-tf -.` :..- _v---- 7 v-v --_.--fa, `of;-u-vaauaaavaaulg . ` scorcn 'rwmans.i :nNcv COATINGS AND vssmas, ' - A able style, and dhe remgcgigraliqe prices. _. B. atter: himself, {living several Ve;perIonog%1Anthe`0ntpn`ne L entintbe best est`ol_>1ishn'_a'enuj bod: who 1Ini .smea.and fa`? _Ei1i'ptl'III_II of Fas ion w1bo~f6i:hil'Iecon'd7to Which he will mskauitorder inthe most fashibn-' Onlndi; "-if alilhlp and `style`.J-M; -one W-`for E1\.`iPORIUlVI' %oF f FASHION) 2 H.I_BARTER ," " % `LEERQIEANT `TAILOR, : DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE, A OULD "res . t,f!I1l}inform'the_inhu_bitants of Barrie, "its`v'icjdity, that he hujust` com- maxioed"hn'siuu in theabove.liae,'_at,xdvril_1Vooi:- stsutly have 'o`n"han'd,` `- BROAD`CIi0THSs_ .CASSIMERESiv l'!lVl'nlI- ol~|wr.i:ann.*` - . uvvu a. vuui vIIUI_xvI_n3 I\Vu ,l l.lUlMIl} Blankets, Flannels, Cobonrgs, Plaids, Shawls, Ribbbns, Flowers," " ` Batinets, Full Olotb 'l'weeds,-.Goats,' ? Pants,`Vests, osiery, _wjth egery other descrintlon of DRY GOODS mu! mm. .........-.a-... \ll vuuhnu Au I.uv_ vuaIul:3B. ' `G. J. Cook," Esq;,` pro'po sed, and W.` Marsh, (Esq.`, seconded, That the Warden of the County (T. D. McConkcy-,v Esq.) take the ''ar'rz'ed. I Qn..An.. "h`....., ....;..-_1 '_,,J A Dry Goods, {and Groceries, AT THE FOLLOWING UNEQUALLED LOW . PRICES: ~ . l`C\l\ A.-._-_... uA1uI.-ILIU A I. THE cniilipf CASH _1`pRE, V nnqrn oars-mu.epi`t'r Toronto, April 21, 1859. I put, mu. House, Sign and Decorative Painting in Wafk and` Oil, Gilding,` Graiining and Marbling.-' Churches of Halls nighed in the richest Fresco. as Remember the Establishment 30 years `of age, , ' . ALEX. HAMILTON, 188 Kimr Rh-not . vuuuwy, wuu uupurlur worxmen to put znem llp. - He has also at their service a. full stock of Paints and Colors, dry and in Oil, Raw and Boiled Lin-T seed Oil, warranted genuine, Spirits of Turpentine, Varnishes, Putty, Glass of `all sizes from 60 x 86 to 6 x 8 inches, frbni polished mate to the cheapest Window`Fizured and Stained Gian, mum {o 5 7ivx;Z:l;e,V _;)"c;l-is-lieE'1-)l:`1'{<'a_To -t`l:emci1"e a`;1euss:,`Figured Stained Glass, many patterns and colors; Brushes for Painters, White- Twasbers, and Artists; Glue of all qua.1il_ies, Sand Paper, &c. I-Tnnun Rion and nu:-nu-nvnn 'D..:..4:.... :_ 11'7-;;'_ u1usA'1` l5Al{GAlNb` OF ROOM.'_PAPERS, from the most extensive, varied andpheapest stock of Paper Hangings ever presented toibcm in Canada.` The are most suitable for decorating Dining, Drawing, and Bedrooms, Hails, Public Buildings, Ceilings, Oices, or Stores ;~ Borders, Corners, Centres, Mouldings, Stntuesin great variety, with superior workmen to put them He their service a full Mon}: at` paint: June 28th, 1858.` V v... ....... 1 .............. "5 V...-v gang unuc. -. A meeting of Square Timber Morchunta was, therefore held in the Town Hall, Barrie, `on the - 10th inst., to take into consideration the questions proponnded `by_ the Commissioner. Present:-4 Messrs. S. Cook , J no. L. Cook, H. H. Cook, Ailen Gunn, Alex. Gunn, A. C. Thompson, Jacob 'Snydcr,oThomas Cundle, W. S. Marsh, and a. number of othc-'rs' in the} business. ` ['1 1' n.,-L 11, UiLDERs' HARDWARE, Mechanics `Edge , and 'a.ll`other Tools, House Furnishing Goods, Cutlery, &c., and all other Goods in the line, at the Lowest Re/ces. . 26-tf 00M !>ArEns!TnuM !!A!=!ans!!! Eoom PAPERS!!! ALEXANDER HAMIgr(l)i1`~i,,A. _._ A '1` l.:.- ..o.....: mm `L':_... QL_--L"I.` yr:-vu-qr not lI_IU`\I" IMPORTER or BRITISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE V 114 Yonge Slreet, Toronto, ' - (om STAND), TWO noons sotmz or ADELAIDE six -usnr ALEAANUEK HAMILTON,,2 . . T his stand, 188 King Street East, be_low St. ` Lawrence Market, is now offering tohisi old _ riends and customers. and the Public, , GREAT RARIIAINQ nn` nnnu -1) Annnc: sou: UPPER ( I ' TO SHOE-MAK-ERS. . - THE YORKSHIRE T-ANNERY hnson hand 3 -good Stock of Sole and Upper Leather. WII. .Qli`.V\lnl 1D Qnurnb Hgnie, May 2, 1859.` :7 `:1Inuary'23,. '18e6.A I` `III I \I la. 6 _ ~ . HOSE indebted to MONTGOMERY & BRO. ' are hereby notied that all OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS due them, PROMISSORY NOTES, 810., will be en ered in Court for immediate col- lection, if payment is not made. T V I?'ONE AND {ALLl.51; T V JOSEPH MONTGOMERY. March 23,1859. 12-tf DRY `GOODS : V , Good Fast Prints . . , 10 yds. for a Dollar. Good Factory Cottons. 12 yds. for a. Dollar. Good Stripe Aslnirtings. 8 yds. for a` Dollar. Good Blue Denims. `. . .- 8 yds. for a Dollar. ' Good Polka. Jackets fora Dollar. V "__'--A...1'.II_.__.-I_ n-, , 0th. Underthe present `system of manuffac-`I ingsquare Timber, do you consider that there ; uch waste of Timber--and if so, how much cent? , . e . . M 5; , 'e consider there is a waste of 10 per cent on s fit for Board or wany Timber. `, 1th. Do you consider that the present mode of asuring square Timber under the 'Act_8 Vict.,, v p. 49 is correct, and that it gives the exact `d contents of such Timber ? ` ' 'e think it does _not give the exact contentsias are not allowed the parts in measuring. ; v _ 2th. What mode of measurement "should,-in ` ropinion, be followed in measuring Timber h a.wane, so as to give the exactsolidcontent och stick? . allipermeasure; deducting the wane. 3th. Can you account for. the fact that very e wany Timber has, up to the present, been ufactured in, or exported from, the Province `I o demand previous to last year, as the supply obtained from Lower Ports. - _ ' th. What is your opinion `as to a permanent sification of all Lumber exported from the vince `I-15th. Whatrpermanent classication `ld you .suggest?~ Please enter fully into` ils. - ` . r ox; requisite, as it would entail more expense the producer. ' - - ' 3 th. Are you aware_whether _a uniform system a ' easurement of Timber exists a1l.over'th`e d Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland? e to state the system or systems, followed , both by the Government and by the Trade. t aware of. any uniform systems of measure- existing, except. by the British Government, hat is Oalliper measure. A V `I - . If a uniform system does not` exist, are T f" opinion it won d be for the, interest of engaged in the` Trade here,` that a uniform m should beintrodneedffx ' j -~ . 1 ` think a uniformsyslem oughttoexist _` th- United King'do_m-and inrcanaa; `` * "mend-as beinigcorrect-?v - '- ' . "ts" t(e,I_1ronsqua`r_e: ti1nbe1-`by -ilii`_>:w!LA`.* apnutlgifnxlfnfthl nnd'rzirths.' ' - " " ,, ,_ ----,vv-- -v- \/.nv.nJ) The "ozai coimtry Store," Bradford sz., Barrie 1 IN I 1.1-u - Good '1`eu.......'._.... Good Sugar.....;... Good Tobaccos. . . . Good Candles. . . . . . . Good Currants . . . . . Good `Raisins . ,,. Which he offer ht ices. : No. None: T0 jggsn BUYERS. riends and Public; - GREAT BARGAINS OF ROOM. PAPERS, "I-nm the mnut. pnnnaima um-am-1 nut` ..I....'........; .......1 |T_EA.S 2 2%: 1 a::o::;c;s%% :b,A..'v'.I`Ea.' 1 LIQEN SED AU CT I()1`IV_]3'}ER,f:_ % comnssroztjgamrr, % I'|-__!_ V, ._ ..-- MEETING or `SQUARE TIMBER _ - ' MERCH'ANTS.i `_ T 4 . The Government having und_er.consideration the desirability of adopting certain measures in connection with the Lumber tradeaof Canada, and the administration of the public forests, the Hon. the Commissioner of `Crown Land: invited 1.he`opinionsA of "those engaged in the trade upon certain questions affecting the said trade. A A .....n9:..~ ..t D.......... m:_-4.-.. 1-,,`,.u,,_,.- , Barrie, Jin. 25,"18'6:0.. .-:.. -3 _`. _`_ . .._)A _-_.. )1* A11. -KINDS',.and Ar sU}Eiz}:)R Qmm, for Sale by _. _ Agricultural Implements ' I Art 1'71-11-1-uni -,,_1 ,1-nu-vnnnv.-..-. IHE Subscri6`e r ha I 'ji1si xjeceived E choic`e` ;stockof V I :- V \ _ -V `rm, :6 ` anew.` - JAMES" B.T.7KT or ESTABLI$HED IN - 1329, %spEaI;4:1; %Nb2*ICE. ..._,-.---_-an -_-anus; nu av Luu ll_IlluUo I. III] EU CU!!!` mence work on next Monday. I ha_ve_notf:_tt'e',or slept in Va house, till_threo days ago, since 1 -le`'Ne-. braska City {and although I have been exposed to-. . an ' kinds of weather I have not had an hour : sick- ness. I am tanned a good copper colour; and about as toughyasn twenty year old bull: *1 have written all I can th_ink.ot`at present; as soon as 1 get to work and get my scattered idens collected, I will write _ t again. Please give my best mannersito all. folk V and-believe me. my dear mother, ' I remain, Your affectionate son; _ j Dunn` H. Tno:uAs.- FR E s A --_._. NOVV SELLING AT 'I"I1A1\t~nr\--u No-frlcaz I..ko'..1 `A unumnnunr qnocnmns: .1. 12. n1 An, . 114 Y.ongeStreet,> Toonto, Two dob_rs South of "Adelaide St. 3. 26-tf . A. c, 's:I:`.:a1,a,T uv --- vrrv. uvuvuyuu 1 WM. SEYMOUR SENIOR J` `I0 46`. .2} lbs. for a Dollar. 1.1 lbs. for a Dollar. 4 lbs. for a.vDol1m'. 7 lbs. for a Dollar. .8 lbs. for a. Dollar. 6} lbs. for b.'Do1la.r.` l.JJ`\HlI.l 1. UN . 188 King Street - 17-1.!` 5 Bureau _17-xr .......... .. ,~..,...5u....: a. mu paymg .1.wo aouau :nd a.ha,1r for board: -wig; the p;;vj:egq,or._1,psn;. on thev'obr, and nd my.own::llanketai f`i!3'ionly _have to pay that for a' 1e'w"days, /1 amgoing to w_o|_'k, ,in a steam saw mill (`or fdrty 'dollai-s- per month and` board, for the winter; ,lhat:i,s,V if thA9wn_ers,and myself can ggfee for so long a_time. I "am to `dom- mmmn urn:-Ir An nnvi 'AA'.._.a_.: 1 L--- ..--'-r_ -- V _ 10` wrr; 5 .1) 1"ie1`i Fzjacias, issued out of. that Ogun Oonxjt 91' the` Count ofjsimcoe, 5 anduvmo d` eted, against the Lan s nnd`Teng- . `mm-tsof JAHESJIQ UILOUGH, M the suit `of JAMES SMALL I-`]I lV`4e:iuis'ed Land takenin V ,ugecnIri9lI.<,th9 Eaathhalr of the West half of Lot V . -Adjahs; sndijvillvsell or the Interest '. I537;'lUE3DAY.-.tha amine...-my unmn .4 n. .j1l, inhthe Seveittlifz oh.,;.o.thb '!l`oy`u'ship ' G nlptho nbove mHd'"dE%,:I:%%themin, at my` H 0l3e.u.inL:tha;oun.nou.e; imtl1Isfl!din;oBsrrie," - VIII .6Ii ;' _ `W 06ujt'1fr _orV . 1'0` `W11; . or nus. nnnfv n;....`. Sminm-5: Onion, Anm,' Decemben-,.lat, 1859. > '_ Chum or Snacov.-,2 ` - SHEItIFF S SALE OF LANDS. BY virtue` of a Writ of , ~ " 'ro wn-: S Fieri Fucias, issued out of the County Court of the County of Brant,'and `to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of'JAMES Rbnmvr BRADBURY,- at the suit of WILLIAIIDARBY, Assigneeof ANDREW MoG,ILL;AI' have seized and taken in execution the Noi*'th_h9.lf of Lot Norls, in the Fourth Con- oesiion of the Township of Toasorontio; and will , `sell the same,,orAthe Interest of the above named defendant therein; at my .0ice, in the Court HOII"inj the Town o_Ba'rrie, on TUESDAY, the 20th aytof MARCH,'_A.D; 1860, at 12 o clock I. V . .. . _ , . _ - TU -wn: . )_1Jr1er1 mamxzs, issued out of the County Court of the Conntyof-Ontario, and to megdirected, against the Lands and Tene- ments of B. F. PERRY, atthe suit of THOMAS DEVERELL, I have seized and tnken in execu- tion part of Lot number Two, in the first Con- cession of North Orillia, containing one .acre, as PERRY, and will sell the same, or the interest of the above named defendant therein, at my Oice, in the Court: House, in the Town of Barrie, on TUESDAY, the Twentieth day of Mmcu, A.D. l860,vat Twelve o'clock,` noon. . T ~ ~ ` a B. W. SMITH, Sammy : Omen, Buuur, ; Sheriff, 0.8. T 1- December 1st, 1859.- ` 49-13in described in a. Deed from B. S. POWLEY to B. F. V E. 4 Lot 70,` 7th Com, Tossorontio; and `Vil- lage Lots 7 and 8, fronting on Queen Street, laid out on Lot No. 1, in the 11th Con. Essa. A B. .S.\lIT}I, Smmmfs Oman, Bmmx, Sherz C'.S. Janugry 10th,vl860. ` 2-13in _ Comm-y.or Smcomz Y Virtue of a. Writ of V]-n_w1vpg . Fin-1' 1u`un4'no iamuui Ana '"v;;;;;;":o;? Con.of Essa; J .50 Acres. 4 in here-ffoilnsilld . .`_ t.w.C9lLn. ` silver-.mines,_ `of whichlavernl _n ch onu"I_nvn bean- fonndyithin 11:9 last few ubonfman '<)_i|1 Ca}-an City. .Pr6yiniqpi nib nym'h`ig'n :' ganr` ' is_ only sixteen dolhu-an per, hundred pounds, jsotatou ten dollars per hundred, bntlpr flevehty-'ve_cenu p_`r, pound, beef twenty _eent`s, baA(:`{(.)'];"_g`if|_y."'y -`Q '19 tony, milk one dollar per. gallon," I am paying two dollars and n.hnIl't'm- ham-L .minla oh. ....:..:u...... ..r.u_--_:__ -.., .... . u . . - . u - . w . . - - us uuuuua Anuuyun, ucl.I. ul'~u. In the County Court. of Yoik and Peel, Daniel K. Granger, John W:_xNis, and Stephen D. Smith, Plaiutis, vs.`Jane Harper, as Administratrix of .Jnms Iiarper, deceased. AH tho infnrpql nf' Hm vofnnnnl ,1 .-nan `l.'T.....m.. -dllll.I9`J3 I_lIK'p(.'l`, UCCCILSCII. Al1_the interest of the defendant, Jane Harper, as Administmtrix of Jnmes_Ha.rper, deceased, in the following Lands 17:"-.. I ... n -1.--__-__, ...,A Luv - n - - ____-- -_.- .-.--.....,, .... .. .V > p Inthe County Court "of the County of Middle- sex, Edwin Heathe1d,vPlaint', vs. Juno` Harper, as Administmtrix of James Harper, deceased. 7n Hun nan`:-C AL` f\.......J,. D.._-L f\_;,,:,L n - ___._._.-._-..... -. ........... -....,.-., \.....m.. In the Court of Queen's Bench, Patrick-Foy and James Austin, Plaintiffs, vs. Jane Harper, as Administratrix-of James Harper, deceased. Tn Hm (` (`..-.....o .4` v...L1. .....a n--u 'n__:-1 ac; a'n'mhae71`o'ivn o -dis}:-2,0! MARCH, V - . 1. ..;-"V--..;<..*.`.... N TUESDAY, the_T,wentyfourth day of Apim, AD. 1860, will be sold by PUBLIC AUG"- 'TION, at the Sben'If s Office, in the Town of Barrie, at Noon, the undermcntioncd LANDS, under the following suits :V 1 ..'aI.... IV .... ._ r1-.._4._c .r_ n,,, . n in... Tho shove sale. is postponed until Tuesday, March 6th, 1860, at samg place and hour. . _.B. W. snmr, ' Smmm='. s Orice, BAxin:, E .Slwri_rf, C.S. ` Jan. 31st, 1860. ' 5-5ins muxuauv uuu, unuuun n. ux1n..Nr.x, 1 nave` seized and taken in execution the North half of Lot. No. 81, in the 1st Concession of Medonte, 100- acres; and the North part of Lot No. 62, in the 1st Concession of Mcdonte, l60"nore_s; and will sell the` same or the interest of the above. named defendant therein, at -my Oice, in-_ the Court House in the Town of Barrie, on TUESDAY, the Thirty.-rst day of JANUARY, AD. 1860, at Twelve o clock, noon. _ . T on w mnrru Smznm-;r s Oxrncn, Buznn-:,g T b Oct. 24th, _1359. gnlggxrrs S_A'I;E OF . *1::.ANDs.` u-:-n V190l.'_Ql -um|e:_I,-qupwo,u:mgu1uu*` *'*tr`~' uld 1-6oomnieu insthe-. nnmbvr; ' s;'v`2n:fn1-*u'a'nnm' 'mha'1-;'!whm.` Smc;urr s Oxincz, Bumm, Jnp. 31st, 1860. Conny or Smcos, Y Virtue of two several T0 wn": ' Writs of Fscri Fucius, issued out of the Court of Queen's Bench, and to me directed, against the Lands and Tencments of ROBERT STANTON, at the suits of-1st, ANDREW HERON, the youngr; 2nd, HORACE and I hnvn Smmm*'s On-`rot, B.umu:, - Oct. 24th, 1859. - _ ___-- ...--. ..... .....-u u ;u~ ANDIiEff'HER0N', y ou"n'ger; HORACE METCALF and GEORGE H. CHENEY, Ihave seized and taken in Pxonnnn hp. Mm-oh tum` nc` `side of Baytield Street, in the Town of Barrie, as ulrecleu, rtgutusl. HR: uuuus unu Lenements OI MICHAEL O CONNOR and OLIVERBRADLEY, at the suit of JOHN SHERAN, I have seized and taken in execution Town Lots Nos. One, Eleven, and Ttvelve, on the West side of Ecclcs. Street, and Lots Nos. One and Two, on the East side of Jane Street, in the Town of Barrie, as laid out." upon part of the West half of.Lot No. Twenty- four, in the Fifthoncession of-the Township of Vespra; also, Town Lot No. Eight, on the West laid out upon a. surveyance diagram of part of the East half. of Lot No. Twenty-four, and of Lot No. Twenty-three, in the Fifth Concession of the Lownship of Vespra, made by Robert, Ross, Esq., and will sell the interest of the above named de- fendant tbercin, at my Oice, in the Court House - in the Town_of Barrie, on TUESDAY, tbe`Thirty- ' first day of JANUARY, 1860, at TWELVE 0'c1()(_:k, D001). - B. W. smrn, B.umu:,2 . Slneri1f,,C'.'S. Oct. 24th. 1959. g Th_nbove sale ig postponed until Tuesday, March 60.11, 18.60, at same place and hour,! I1 `I11 (`ilirff Comrrir or Sumo:-:,$ Y Virtue of a. Writ 0! T0 wrr: Fieri Facias, issued out. of the Court of Queen's Bench, and to moi directed, against the Lands and Tenements of` MN".lIAT<`.|'. (`.(')NN'R nnd nI.IVT`.R.'RR AhI.F`.V 5] SHERIFF S SALE OF LANDS. _._._, V----v... -7...` ..~.... uuu aw. uv -.1. -4... rvn _........., ....._ _v..-u -uu uul-Iva In unv Lulluutlo V `the above` reduction` in` Prices is sustained notwithstanding the increase of duty. `The public c easily see` the advgntages accruing-from the motto- 4 It affords nsmuoh pleasure to-say that we have made ho bad `debts: that we have not compenea the honest manto oompensate the loss sustained by the diahonest man's account; and that we have had no sueing to do--that which has caused so much ruin throughout the whole Province. A A ca1l=t'rom_ each is solicited; aer which we are satised the people will nish the aduerli.n'ng_ - _ Remember our place;-BAP.RIE, AND BARRIE STATION. .50 V A 7 KING BROTHER`S_._n Raisin w`!I'I1AII-I-l`IAlO Kiln `IOAKO, e present pylteu: uu square unmet, Dy 3uoy.-- e a.rts`in'lengths andgirths. -- th.`umendmeu!s, if 99 ...I; g1d,,jn opinion-,;hoanado_wi_h 19 _V filo; _, K6I.`; . Oap. -49. "ll|l.d91'j'WhIch_ ' =f0luof-: iI0l'wa.9f*9.ll|9:?QQ5`9siIt * ~*v*-1. um rn'nnml'|i|hIa..l};indncl.inn in'I|nnI"I-st . ..._. _.__ _ _--v v....-.- ..v vv ....- -...... .....J ....... V..- J .._- -b-. u v \luu|uv u now ll.ClD'IUF cuuuplu 4 -` -The (all in Candles, from is. to 9d.; Sugar, from 8d. to 6d.; Cm`-rlants, from 13. to 7]d.; Raisins, from 10. 3d. to -10d.; Rice, from 5d. to 31d. ; Nails, from 4d. to 3d,; Fast Color Prints, from IN. to `rid. ;. Cotton Yarn, from 89.` 9d. to '15. 6d. per Bunch, and Boots and Shoes in like mguner. HILL. _|...._- _.:`._-;2-._- 2---n_:-__ 2 , _ _ _ n_!- -1 .-->L-?A'--A---`5-~ ' SHERIFFS SALE or LANDS; . %J.500llS,{ GLOTHING, GIIOGEIIIES, . C-1 n--wm--53-n-~--- . --nc-- 4`.-w`-.~ l\.----- -1--_--_ HARDWARE, CR(3CKERY, 3ots,shoes,LIna1a# Rubbers, Glass, Paints, Oils, &c- * HAVING adopted the UASH SYSTEM, AT REDUCED PRICES, forthe last year, we are con. A vinced` from o'nr`own success in the enterprise, that it is the safest and best principle to be universally adopted. `No person will deny for a moment that Goods are sold from TEN T0 'l`WEN'l3Y_ PER` GENT LOWER than they were one year ago. We quote a few items for example > The TA in tlnlnu frnm 1:. in 0:1. - Qnnmr (rnm Rd in R1], - l".n-Q-anon 5...... I. 9.. -71.1 . n_2_2__ ma av nmncunmu1snAmu'rmm. SHERI`FF S `SALE, OF LANDS. POSTPONEMENT- SHERIFF .S SALE OF LANDS; POSTPONEMENT. SHERIFF S SALE VOFV LANDS. Barrie, Noveniiper 5't17),{1859T. mld xbommeudggrgd _i V _S_g ?zo't9 ;`pquu lat Reduced Pr1oesA! [Ame aaopcea the CASH svswu, AT REDUCED Pxucms, forthe enterprise. safest. and beat nrint-inln en 5... , J, ofban acfe; part bf Lot 6, 1st N. W. {Lot 12, 1st Con., Essa- The hafe laid in a. huge wail-assorted Stock of g. y1_z'tue 9!` 3. Wt of" ` Fl'.l`?F'T`.11.l8, gsgued If `Gountv of Rlmamn. urine or 8. wnn 01 Fie1'i.Fac1'us, issued out )1. lhl! (`.nnnf.v'nf'.[1nInr-in B. W." SMITH, . . A slhaon fvjirtue tof-"n `c {J W` E'a:.-im. inning rig}. T 13. W. SMITH, ` ; Shcrzj C'.S'. i I D U C '1 I%0 N; . rrH,_ ` Shen` . ~49`-lain`. V u-Darla, H, --A1).-I '1'-5'ms TORONTO MARBLE worms, 7- STREET, NORTH OF QUEEN. 2' Dv;: 0,3,3 Wm. YALE, Impers aud Dglp;-I In g ` ` Italian and .dmeri4`:an Marble; also, magnate- ` rqofhfanugnents,0onotaphs,Tomba.nd Griirgj . to `3a -.c1EV9`T8,b19 and Stand Tops, 5` " Piesep.`-kn-Mic; -, F ; V` E - -., . 1 Qyi,1_-,0iA be open n.t'all_ tines during till -`gf sin `:_:g_.h9u1`-s,;yrheg.xvye will:.b6 pleased to exhibit ' 1 `do us qpq s5]eni;nppa.a!zwork to any-`who"may ` favmm` ,`s _Qau.`._ V ` V .. V I . ~_og4?a:ggg;;muglynunAganull'bpgogpqy' ` ` ll _ r$".;-" . .~x':~..~ ... 3.,'.h'. ;".:. : ` . ' k'T:w,?plIQlJ]l JO\1-'hI0tll`_`lfI_j. _')IO.i.jeg,!' -:, 5;? :3 .`x.-7:. - --ac-zv `jlfllbl a UHF .u33|gU 10! m0 - .qro 9! lgtest st.y_l,oa~. ' 0;-doroforj nnyjfql lhibI9p_xpgnte ,Vlil-lliil and " _ , toh`. f~`~ I_)'._ 0 nos -Yum. ` mu: 1 A.._..-A' n` 1n- - I _, , . -- vw-w u-or uu-uovlncllc N.B.-Cusfomera may rely on having garment: madato measure in elegant style, and in the latest fashion. '. H. B/E-NNETT S. P hi blo Tailoring. Olothin and Gen Establishment, Dnnfop It, Barri CALL urn SEE ms 81-001: 03' Cloths, Doesklos, Hats, Caps. Cassimeres, Tvyeeds, Shirts, Collars, V Satinetts, and Drawers, Braces, Canadian Cloths, , Hosiery, Gloves, 105` E-_.I_ II : I I-0 -- -V NANUFACTWKERS OB` SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, A H WHIPS, &c., &c. Trunks, Buggies and Cutters Trimmed, to. All orders will be executedion warrant, and the prices will be as moderate as at any other Estab- lishmcnl--Good Work, Low Prices, and Dispatch `being the principles upon which they hope to secure a remunerative business. , 1% A I`__..__I 6;, I 1' 4" ' General Outtting Establishment nuu-um} qxpgnlel W11 )._ 0Alil'a0B*YA!4B. ' Augllpt 8, 185-1, A : `. 3 . L Barrie, July 24, 1859. I ; J.u11J1.'J.I.I LV\l .I. 1\Jl`1o A-NY unauthorised person CUTTING TIMBER .on Lo!s1& 2. and 8 S; 9, in the [st Concession, and Lots 1, 2 & 3, in the `zud Concession of the Township ofNntm.wns:1gn, will be prosecuted. _ Messrs. Hamilton, Neelzwds, and George Walker, residing on the property, are agents for its tion. - ..,vvv ;.a\J-3.::..I:JJ..a$ of good Merchantable Barley, delivered at the Smcos Busxvamr. - . . ROBT. SIMPSON. Barrie, Februarv 8th. 1859. IL Barrie, Februnfy V8`th,` 1859. Barrie} December, 1859. ..-v-. u-uuuvu Bax-rie,: 0_ct9bei', T'1A859.V p.J u;uu `mg, &c. auue-owuuu tu rue vvuung working tamtly '(. We re going too far,_ you say. a Weeare but traversing the track which yourselves called right. We are but pushing to their logical conclusion arguments which yourselves admit to be unaseailable.. Nor is there any lilrelie. hood of danger from the change.` True indie-= criminate credit will come to an end. i The" practice of crediting ever` Jack and -Gill who; wants credit will be cut a ort. But .ft_h a_t will ` .be_a blessingnot an_ evil. The peace of the` ' community, the morale and proep`erity..of families, will be__pro'moted' by the t':hat't g to. eA And, after all, the really deserving_will_ obtain` all thegcredit he wants; Asking forno 'than,ehe actually needs-_--asking for nothing for whichhe in not reeolved to p By,aI_.I'h`e _8::I'$_-" liest. possiblejmomeut-i-`,the worthy` applicant. will rarel be,;denied.; ` The ex rience,._of . several 0. the States -Abundant y ~dOllI0tI- ` strata: the aoundneu '.of this opinion.':`1`v[:aA ; dilference lW'!" 99'! and jlheni v;;viII:-":I>,o; . this :-'-Now, ~` credit `Vtej _'_t'ecklessly_ :given,j; gig: ;-`f reliance upott;theief,!ioac y-of_ thelay :19.; A . -,P=)'.m..n!:; `.!|I .P.; the; rah-note _will jibe. ,. Ilia!) '; 9911` 9haI a*f_-".99?! '..h,.1',lIIb!I.s t*Int_l:;;r9pntud: t mtegrityof t__lioi-individual. `The ufation'.vrj|l - be" |-.-rin!%;`-!or-it'i-mi`. ~ ' hum-.nity.iin-tio9:.2nul.i9`in.tizht " T BOOTS & SHOES % WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! VERY LARGE End bomplte Assortment of L:1dies _ Enumelled Kid and Pruuella Gaiters, Buskins, Boots; Gcnl. s Gulf, Kip and Course; Misses and Cb'ildren s, of every variety and style, which will be kept constantly on hand, Am nnvnv-n uvf\pun ._.. ._ Barrie, December, L359. gran and 1r_i3ter Goods, Cloths, Satinets, Tweeds_, Cottona, ' SI-IIRTING, DRILLING, &c., and every othef description of STAPLE nnd FANCY DRY GOODS, GIIOGERIES, HARD- WARE, CROCKERY, &c: Barrie, December, 18:39. ---.:- [F YOU want" to get GOOD and CHEAP CLOTHING, go_to - I \\ Smamrr s Omcx-2, Bzmmx-:,g December 9th., 1859. uureuur man 01 necessity It must D8. _ . _ . Let us notstop here. however. .Let us go further in a direction which the experience of our go-ahead neighbors has shown to be safe. and beneficient. -VA good Exemption Law. would work wonders. -Few even of the opponents of. that measure are prepared to }_deny the wisdom of an enactment`-exemptiuA mechanics `tools from seizure, But the -principle which justifies regard for themeane with "which the worker earns `bread, also coversbthe stove, the bed, the `chair and "table; ` which.-furnish his humble dwelling. `And it that dwelling itself "and the ground on which it stands--why not ex_tempt'these too! . Are* they not all essential partsof an important whole? Are they not elements of that great `sum which eecures-or ought to secure- eubsiatence to the willing working f_arnily.?. - zoinztoo far. vou an. x Wn.nm Imr HUM 9 Lot` 24 4th Concession, Essa, ' E hf V 24 9th . 0170, l W hf. 21 0th Oro. and Village Lot No. Nine, on the North Side of Edward Street, in the Village of Creemore, in the Township or Notmwnsagti, all in the County of Simcoe, and will sell the same, or the Interest of - the above named Defendant therein, at my Ofoe, in the Court. House in the Town of Barrie, on TUESDAY the 'rw EN'm:'rn day or_MA1tcn, . AD. 1860. at Twelve o'clock nnnn. 1 L1 noun I um I H DAV All`; I 1] (18.3 I 1860, Twelve o'clock noon. COUNTS or Smconz Y Virtue of a. writ of .'i'o w1'r:- Ficri Facias, issued out of the Cburt of Common Pleas, at _Torbnto, and I to me directed,` against the Lands n.ndjI`cnou1ents . of IlEWI'l`T l3El{.\'ARD, at the suit. of GEORGE B. WYLLIE, I have seized and taken in execu- tion `l ..r n1 AAL n___,__-, In `QVJIVIJ , ulvvc And neiay-Made Clothing, mic bu first-class lVnrl~m5- 4`---- ----- ~-- -' """ `'1 `AT PRICES i\'O'I` TO BE UNDERSOLD! A \l'l\l'I1"!IIv -nu. . 4.- . -- Leather! A Leather ! Mather! `SPANISH Sole. Slnnglitcr; Upper, Kip. Calf Harness, Binding, Lining, Shoo:-makers Find- iiz. . prm SUBSCRIBER will pay the HIGHEST _ PRICE for 2,000 BUSIEIELS ! ,.....-.1 u......n___._u. n ESTABLiISI:MENT. Next to .Mr. Ben7zett s, Taz'Zo('.) .. wv...`..-.u uuuvn -- ALL AND mVV13TER GOODS, lInnn:I:nn In -.....A -4` uunuu un:u| utuacl LU Int! pl'0IlBB I .A_limitation to the credit system would be a boon to this class not easily over estimated. Atvpresent, every inducement is o'ere,d to run in debt: and then down comes _the law,- prompt `and merciless, to recover the-debt, which without the creditor s. permission--not to_- say- encouragement-never would have been incurred. What then? Are we to remove the credilor s right to recover his lawful due? _. l`hat by no means follows from ' reform. -And _ yet we ~ would begin at` the source by abolishing all laws for the recovery of smalldebts-say debts under $20 or `$30; andethe recovery of large ?sums should be rendered less expensive by a thorough over- hauling `of the machinery now well greased in the Division and County Courts. Why should a Division Court clerkreceivev more Vvthnnfthe Attorney General? Why should a bailiff reap a richer harvest than the judge of the court in which he serves? These ofcers" prots come out of the unfortunate debtors pockets. The fortunes accumulated by inferior agents of the law are wrung from the suer-_ ing multitude. Therefore, cut `down fees, charge sixpences where dollars are A new . levied, and so render the operation of `the law` harsher than of necessity it must be. L8` ll nnI' nlnn hard, hnninnnr to} an anal ROOT` ANFMORROW, l A\.`I I.1|vI!Ivv.vuno-n ._ [THE Subscriber has now on hand nlarge and _ complete assortment of 1`.9A`r*r l`|7`r\ 11v:-`vn.-..~ ..____-, -CASH FOR BARLEY! Februay 15; 1860. TIMBER NO'I;_C@._ u.uu.uauub- nu punt Ul FLAN NELS, BLANKETS, ,,,v _._..-v vnvvlllllg int-class W'orkm'n, from every variety rods, in styles to suit all cautomerc. ,,_,_. ...-g-u MANUFAC'i'lWlEflS 'I]'A DRTUQQ consisting in part of I\l\II3YQ I)! Anvnrr EDWARD A. WALKER; so-1 y ANDREW GRAHAM. R144` - --.v v.-uzun-uuuun ANDREW GRAHAM - - bl-tf ANDREW GRA HA M. ' 51-If` B. w. SMITH, Shcri`, c. .9. 50-3mos. 4|-tf pvuru 45-tf will us-gran UUL lHI1lUSblUIUu, But what of that large class who are not en- gaged in the manufacture or sale of goods on their own account? What of the a`rtiz'an and the labourer--the.hard-handed and the skilful worker--who,though not encumbered with led- gers laden with bad debts, still .experience_ the cruelty of our present system? Is there not - relief for them? Shall there be no reform adapted to theirnecessities, and calculated to attach them closer to the promise ? V A limitatinn in than nrmlit nvalnn-in `nrnnlyl Inn - uuu nu. up-unnsvgn Auuua. The commercial classes are tolerably united in demanding ti Bankruptcy Law as one of the most necessary measures of Upper Canada; reform. Boards of Trade `have spoken on the subject, and could a vote at those actually en- gaged in traic. be taken to-day, an over- whelming tnajority would pronounce ,in~favor of a. change; without which any "great im-- provement in the condition of the Province will berall but impossible, " ` Ill what (If ilhnt lnrnn nlne mhn urn nnt nn_ A, .._ - ......._... From lhc Hamilton Times. rI1L- .'__..__--,,i _I,, -To the Editor of "the Northern dvance. A - _ ~ A - f MoNo.M1L1.s, Feb. 11,1350. -- Sia,-._&n investigation into the "late re in Keen-I _ansv_ille has just come to a close,` after lasting four. days. The parties under arrest were Robert Keenan andhis son James; the latter was, however, dis. charged, but the former vvas "held to bail `in the sum of $2,000, to appear for trial at the next Court of Assize in this County. George McManus, Esquire, before whom the investigation took place, deserves the greatest` pra`ise"for t_he very able` and vdiguied manner in vvhich` he discharged -his duty.` Certainly `the earnest endeavors of that gentleman to nd out, and punish, if possible, the wretchguilty of son hor-' ( rible a crime as th_at'ot' setting tire to his. neighbor ); ihousc, entitles him to the thanks of every right thinking person in the Community. - . . ' f .T.K.M',`l.. ...v- -V vnav Evvvlnannlvlnvn "eta ruin! "32csolved, That the Secretory be requested to forward _a.. copy of the minutesof this meeting to the CrownLand_Depa.rt,ment; also togthe Mon- real Gazette, Ottawa Citizen, Toronto Globe, Morning Chronicle, and'tov the Barrie` papers, for publication, as an item of-news, 2 ~ ' , A 0...`. 41... .-'_.._1 _-;-' _pn,-_u__ 4- LL- n|;___,_,, ..._-.-...-v..., .... -.. nuvnna V. lav After the usual vote of thahk to the C.hairI;ian, the meeting broke up. ` T ' n `an-mlnr ..._.-- _-__- ..--- -..-, --`-.-----u---J --vr---u ii Snyder moved and Mr. Cundle seconded that a. committee be appointed consisting of .Messrs.>. Thompson,` Gunn and Cook, to prepare a. memorial to His Excellency the Governor Gene.- rnl based upon the replies "to the questions pro- ponnded, said memorial to` be signed by. the Chairman, and Secretary of this.meeting and for; b wardeddto the govern'm'e_nt._-(Carried. D......l....J nu.-. .L- cv,`._-.-__ n- ._;____-;.-: r- , -nu: .. ivhich _% Wed; L We 7-1. 7 Bnc` ;. .3 {being ?_` P? h 4...: UH LIIHUCF Ulll: 0!! H1811` IIIDUS DE 8D0ll5Eo ' , 3rd That the present mode of obtaining cIen;.r- nnces-by oath is unjust. It is very often difficult to know from personal knoivledge as the lines cannot be found in many places ; and this meeting would recommend the government to. appoint` wood ra.ngers'to_ ascertain the number. of` pieces ;cut on their lands in the _surveyed tow,nships_.- TY..;\... k..:...... ....L 4.. 41.). L.......4:..... AL. .......I:.... 4.. Al... , -,.- .... -..-.. ..u.-... .-a Irnov uu. vv', 5-. I\l --_uu-.ur-u A `Upon being put t the ineetinj; thefeplies touthe government inquiries and "the aboize suggestions were, aftet some discussion,- unanimously adopted; ll`- B......I__ ...____-_I -_.1 Il_ n.._,_av. _,,- 11,: 01 (HIGH on SEW IDES. . - This meeting also mnkes the following sug- - geations : lat, That the dues bu oak timber are too-high` by 50 percent, and are not equal to` the dues T charged On standard stavee. and In`... .1... a....-.......... ..1.........1 |.....r:.........`._..._a. vuaugcu; uu rsuzuuuru BUIVBH. v V 2nd. That the trespass charged _by' Government on timber cut on their lands be abolished; `.2:-Ra W`InnI> an n-nan-.6 DUIIIAII -0 :.ko..:..:..... .1--- IULIKIIJ, .rro_:specuve UI UIHIDCIEX" I V On "every log 12 feet in length ineslpective. of- diameter we consider _t_he dues on,saV_v ogs not in proportion toothe, dues on square timber, asA.th_e* dues on the latter are 50 to 75' per -cent in excess of dues on saw logs; This metimr nlnn mnlmn thn fnllnwina nna. all kinds of~Timber? V uIJunoIla1y~,on we Iumner mine. ..-. 22nd.-4 A1-aLyon of opinionsthat undetacertain size fought to ,be prohibited by Law-and if so, shonldathis -prohihiition extend` to .. Cannot b'e:prohibited_ on any`,kind_s_ of Ati'm13'er:_ . ` 23rd. Are you of opinion. cuttingtdown I of Hard Wood Trees, for coxn1,ne rc'iaI__`pnrposes, ought to be'1.`rest_ri_cte d to certain seasons "of `the year? If so, `please to stateito what, descriptions of Hard Wood "the restriction should apply, and to what seasons? 1 _ V , Fall and winter for all kinds of hardwood. A . 24th. Are -you of opinion that the mode, of. levying the Timber Dues on Saw Logs should be on the Standard Log; or on every Log 12 feet in . length, xrespective of diameter? On "ever-v Inc `[2 feet in lnnovth irrnnnleva nf. impoaing:'of an rt-Du , tors revbnuo-pub zvuu wnuuc ur man-wlmregumrw Ill" poses, 7on all Lumber gxpo ' from tho'Pro"vin,6eT -21. II ityonr Qpiniog tbgt 3116!! I ll.C] Ih0B1d-1 bo.sp_e:;io or 441 *vTalor_u,Tu`:_! _Whlt'tltO`i0Ild you. recommend, ahonldgbo ievied on": `each desctip-2 tionof-Lnmberexportedf ` _ -No export duty should be.-loviedgu itwdnlduqt ini urionalv an the lunilzef .1:-ads. :ahqu1d:begua1inodto ` a ' ' I 15 `or ; 1 measure malts an Iplll % Siwo- ""`*"f"t?`9'?`..?"'.9:`*?* imnolinrof nu . rt-Dntv, an-: Inv`ennA~.nnlb andtc_:i1o:-1shvu.:Andwo~woul`l '5 atrangly recommend 1: v'independenIhonrdv?;of- deidoslldigpum. ; ._ . . 20th. Whnuo nridiu-with rcguxihto the` `T '_uu uxpux'I_IIIly lllll/Ill imurionplyaon the lumber .u-ado. - 22nd. AI-aivnn of iinininn int ,%.m g I fnr. Jon 1 . THE" FIRE `AT KEENANSVILLE. A I-m`ct_1ca'u uerorgm, an.` CREW, I __ Secretary; Lmmu ? HOTE ""7:i`""H"5"t'33EHo%Lo vfFURNf|.TURE,'7.T_ `IV .s"roQK :_ `TRADE _&_c._ aw. ' J HETSui1I`;:il:`er,;being aboutvleuving Hogg1A ' it pregnt `occupied py him?` wgu,` I '_: :_ 0.. WEDNESDAY, the 29:1; z'us't_., , ;_- ;,.1n.y Pnb1Ic Auox_ifthe'whole of his. E01133; ` r H0LD=`F'URN_1.TUB.E.' BAR FITTINGS. WINES ` _" {ind BPIRIT8,*B0'1`TLED ALES gnd.'.POBTEBS; ;' tog'ethor with`A.*iuIj"ge, Lqqantiityv of j - articles t6ori_IiinBroneo`n1ent on. ' . V1 I,. ; . .....m.hhi % -ths`Gorenotoe-m-1.. ` lf|"iI'!-l>`s=_ti ifI*i`n`ftIzi.,o,.s,`_!,tl.@ * 1 x. ; ,VN9u;h , .. ` . Wswm _`'!'t.- ` ""15? wean--tx 0.: pufticles too1_x;1Vmp-995 tap p1en_1ti_on.; . VA % ..1.;..;tL11 .;s;z.cLz;mg..z,. % %3" ?""%5`A.. 7 9 2.. s aim`:- -189- 1.~ 1JrJj1;vzoP,..sm1s1aT, 333313, ad hopes V y keeping thevbest1aterial,`f>i1nctu- ality in busigess, {and moderate charges, to merit a share of public patronage. ` _ '; 5`: * - c - / V M:Am'mA:iiIRED `(i0-0I7-AL1fVAYI8()N HAND y; mi until jaded, ?reak-V , lllhl. Ulfyiq pyulupuy uuma_e "1 V _`taken in Trade, I Ba.rrie,.F'eb. }'3th,_ 1360. ' ` S1119 9f if _ H0USE`H0;LD4FURN1TURE EGS to .infox_-om his friends and the public gen- _ emlly, .tIm.t he has commenced business in the above ne, on the premises adjoining `Messrs. Root dz Morrow, Snddlerg, - ' s -spva-iv...-5 A.-.-......'_ _ ____# NEW Esrgggrsnmnm. I \JUU`l.I. VI UIMVUE, 6 U I LUIS lb [{EBY - `T0 wrr: GIVEN, That the Court. of GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF `THE PEACE and COUNTY COURT, for the said County will be holden at the_ COURT HOUSE, in the Town of Bhnmz, 2 . . . On Tuesday, 1'3th'A1!.Iarch,v"1A8"60, A f n hnlhr AF mlnnnn AYAIAA1; 3.. AL. I.'__._ _-, .- -__._ -_--v, -wv- --vv-v-n, QUVVQ (lie; hour of Eleven o'clock` in the forenoon ; of ,which all persbns -concerned therein will take nqtice and goxfern themselves accordingly. ` . B, W. SMITH, "SHERIFF'S Onion, 2 { . Sheriff`. as j;G;EoRGE HUNTER; J C'0PP:E_R,, TIN, AND % L. "SHEET _lBON .WQFlvK-ER, -U-`Inf!!! ._ Coxn or Smcoxgg ` -'rn wn-2 ._...... u..- urn~n\Q A An)? person retm'ning the same to me will be handsomely rewarded. 7' V ' V . ROBERT BURNS. . V 7.93..` Lefrov P.O.. C'.W_ Lefroy P.O., CLVW. utliq )5 the eturn ictivo I ; U-gin AALLVILVU xuur UN in UUMIJAK. BILLS and f some SILVER; also 11- PROMISSORY NOTE` against 7 lLbIAMrGII.P{.:W of` the Township of In- nisl, for Nineteen Pozlruls Nineteen Shillings and Sixpence. All persons "are cautioned against taking the said Note. -A ' i g'___ _________ __A. I , SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Bagrio, Feb; 14, 1860.` pi'T.:a.1NfNG'rou;r_0.'E `i)OL;AI: BI'I)L'S`a,nd ; nnmhu-L XV"-.... r<.-..... _p- AL- m,, . . TO 4Nb.. drains. ' fwcrron SALE or- g. 13 `Purchasers will be careful to I M L.-\NE S '.Cl~lLEBRA',I`l.-ID-I.IVlR PIL lured by*FLEMING.l3ROS.,,nf Prrrsnunaxt. 4. There are other Pills" urporling to be Liver Pills. no ' fore lha publxc. Dr. _]\ Lnlxe s genuine Liver Pills, nL ' brnled Vermifnge, can now be` hmlat all respecla Stores- None genuine without the signagrre qf , `{5} : ' r.`I.I:'_Mn\n:.nn __ ______.__-: ..--_-. -._..u..--v vu ;uu1u T ' REPJ1'1BYG `promptly atteridgd 2o,-1Lcs ` "taken in 7`:-mi -Juuuuuul uougnman, or West Union, Park 16, writes to the proprietors, Fleming Bros. of I he had Iutfered greatly from asvcre and y the use oflhe Liver Pills alone. These ess great tonic prdpertiea, and can vantugefor V many diseases requir- eminem-'asa. means of storing a'disorganizedVLiver Io hcnllhv action: hnma. Ih ` an-nnf nnlnlu-{nu `L--- |_-,,, _. .of`Fever and Ague, and was completely_ s; but the Liver Piiis stand pre-. [FE Ra. .AGU(E6URED' BY` DR.` M LANE SA - [ LIVER PILLS. 'JonQlhan Houghman, of West Union, Park In. Wln in ulna m-nm-x..o..... t~I......: . . _ _ . . .. roluc-lfrices were a little easier, _`ruling` from $6 00 a $6 50. Only 40 bags were sold. E.-E_ nvenes to-day were mangle. ` FALL WHu'r-200 bushels at from. A31 05. to $1 25 per bushel. Sbmuc Warn nominal at from 950,5 $1. Bunny-`-Nominal from 67a. 9. 78. ,0ATS,-300 bushels at 35. n 380. - PI:As-'500 bushels at 55c. a 60o._ V PonK-Pi'ices were 008'. $6 50. Onlv 40 hnbn warn nnld_ V AG or'. OFHOE, . L - _ td Fb.1ll80. _ Owing to the changeaitl:rIl?ey wathe: lhes de- liveries to-day M ` . 2 WHEAT--Q{H1 hnnhnlc in (mm (I OH QUARTER SESSIONT; % ': _I_..os't, A A POCKET BOOK, rwnwmmnm rm. nmz--nnr 1 n; mm :1 ., "na.3355 {3"J3f"'ua;g. xwfaap, for us. % -hu-.:u_uii';Iny~- limo fvilso 1-`ha no- Hfin nobody. aha nu!` Wonk in; Sin. us, nthot,-_u `V birii dab yinuo [lid-`I'll:-l|IillI,_onO'_l!0_I.hIl. 1--.. -_-___-_ ___ ,7 u._u. suuuo um uuqng tree 1; |no_ra""do9ply und fmo i:"ed._ the 'ioilT- by [tho blur than I`he'-suqmer ` br;e'o'ze . A man, never knowl?hoI`r' |_m'I'ch there igjof him unl_il l)`ohu M `colifronled Igd brhvodlopposition. ' ' .--; .!".~!||.|,'J9.`:'.;\'U-Ill`; Ilincfnll our-i: ch. 6 vinuo andimnnlinnu, one rfhoahu. man cnomio.-. one-why:-ha-1 sud feu- Jon iiifqrK(he;[hingbo tight. _ The Into of earnest pm-genes, urea; wiugnd Inn. of. -principle, for nu-own nko;ruIucha;vo Vonemios: - Bntlhis. do far ftoln being`iiI,V it In him `good. Thqumpg tree in mm %d_o,epIy roobadund fntanad i`n'th- '-6|-1.. 41".--|.|-... ` ` V I V '5'-`8c.,:j30i"3 5S1'n'Av--`8jdols. per ton.-. do do 1 ;VGreen-5s. . h--4 `-14; '1 3 I xsns-g:35d7t;o~30c?1ie;-" ix.-.L ` ` .0'A`1'iman*-3&:_tb Bp:er'liead..d V ' 3Omoxs--3s 9d per bushel. . Hmxs-8,5 per cwt._, Sum Stays`--80c to 90 each.-; HA2-'-$144.0 $16 per. ton.. Cnunnunxns-4-A4 dollars per bushel.-~ Tunxmzs--50c.t.o -'_l5c each. ... Conn W009", Dx-y-7s. 6d.- `c-' New 2\bnetti5e111e11t5. nuarr,.l.',Iuh-soc I; 3; per Dlllllelg-V" Spring-+809 ti; 90 per bushel- ,F1,.oun-.-Good supply; $4 to $4450` per bgrrel. ' Bmur, `new`-54c per bushel.-.... 0413 (new');-.- 3oo_ to 34 per bushel. : `Burris--,l8o to 20: per 1b..`- " Onzzim-'-10c per lb.-V-. _ V T Pon"ronseGood -supply` ; 25" per bushel... -Pus-.5Qc per`bu's"heL..,. A ' . ' T pmgine eorge ; sub-3 bs'e: d on tfor. :e:;;::-09% 4 1*" "="%~ -6do1lais.'.pe 1og,1iiu..; L. Mmr-I-nh`.".-."n-_ aa`pm.:.,. 5 rouxf-.D`U .~t9;),':-Q Mu'r'roi--;- 7,(_: {)e15ib..,..A_ Lump-' snimi-.`)h__. . ' .' _ ' H lvtki ; 01in:c:,..`l*e:b.` 4,`: Wnu1',.Fall+`-95 A_ $1 per bushel,-r ' .80:-imr-80n ui mm m ... I....}..I _. 75) '. THE GREAT RESTORATIVE. 329031. f jmial Nntit Toronto Markets.