V-y - ';"' ""`l'f""'I-rug`. ' ' I: .iv.1Il', ,thhi,boAsen jthat the (tog! - "amount of; jbi;`slni;'g_s,do1_;e. du'1_-l,ng'~thb_ last 2 nine months o!~ Jthei r .c " 'jp_e sf ifha bee` TWENTY-TWO fr'3 saint; m'?n?;'nI1F5)RE3 my om; mew P0I;g!OII53,f*p'rodding an` additional `annual in; ` _, -,,.,_.`. :uVvwI`vODjCC>u` Hgononiblo J om: Ross, W.P.`H6wuxn. Esq.?MPP. " om: C'uwro_no,_Esq., WILLIAI; Ross; Esq., Wu. Hcmsrnn, Eq., Wu. Hnmnnsox, Egg, 3 Thii fiianch ins. bnly openci last :.I_nnii,:a'r'y`,` " - 1 " - ' now`has an.inc9_:nq of g - -A - - _-g---a .-q;\I.y\Ii H, L, Which iafrqtningd in Tlthb _countryM.T -' .; The jiucreue o{'bu"sl;':6u in. England is t_:_np1,-e-` 'edeIited at VnhownJ>'{"tl'Ie Parliameptary returns, 'a'n'd thgjollowing` ; eprxom `me has sepgemm. `}_i_)gt_3__ _, ' ,; ;-.- A A on [of Stok Book Aoanf-be daily seen on { ` _` ' counter at the ' V `omen. -ouum, nmulqlt. Jonono. T name; of mzoatou in ......'..;s.1- 1---- 1-.`___ . `.... _,_ - State} Fir Insurance, - cmmr oirmcm. 2 `DAt.r.1un.r. Ann .. -- -`_..-vV-,-- znowilp CHIEF ozrmcnls PALL MALL AND 32 ` L LU ATE. HILL, . . I; O G. O 11. TEatablTis'hedLiu 6, under` Charter qr. Imperial ' - Parliament. ' `CANT Ia.%%.-._". s2,5oo,ooo, mm. vunns or 1000 annu-.a...._..... n bion VI-Ioitel; 7 . MOTREAL .-*, L. w, nncxnn, Proprietor, ,2 V IS pleasantly situated 5: thehead of ST. PAUL STREET, amongst` the largest wholesple houses in the, city. It -has `(with business men _ generally, and especially with the best Merchunts of both Provinces) become so great a favorite, that it is now acknowledged lobe THE Bdsiness Hotel of Montreal- -To meet the extensive. in- crease, (during the last year, in_ the buslnessof the house, the proprietor has built a large,-addition. The `Dining-`Room has been extended nd made more commodious; there have been corhpleted, in - the new wing, it great number of well -ventilated sleeping rooms, and the House throughout has been "retted, and now contains may improve. ments and cony_eniences.hitherto unknown to-its guests. ` The whole of the beds have, at a great expense, been furnished with NEW SPRING MATTRASSES. The `Proprietof expects that by continuing. his person! mana einent of the con- cern, The_Albion," to snyfe leastof it, will continue to be, as it now is, e best Donun and i V a HA_1.r,Ho1-Ir. in_Canada. , `47-l2m'o _ HE Subscriber begs moat respectfully to inform the gentry, and inhabitants generally, that he has taken the above Saloon, and trusts by strict attention, combined with first class Wines, Liquors &c. to merit a share of their patronage. Vacancies -for a. few BOARDERS. ' `r.`nmn.r qrnxnnv 4u~nnwna-`n n ,ltad a rival who had iforestalled-him `in the_ `wee iindignantly v... -----..a unovlnl urn--u . Double-blessedness had been tlb-subct or their mntual~aad'loning contemplation for a3 eonsiderabletime. The gallant had -in'medi- e tation contrasted the hot buckwheat. cakes, s warm beds, comfortable slippers, smoking coffee, round arms, red lips, kind words, shirts exulting in buttons, redeemed stockings and "boot-jacks, incident to matrimony, with the sheet iron uilts,-blue noses, frosty rooms, ice`- in the pitc er, unregenerated linen, heelless socks, coffee sweetened with icicles, gutta percha biscuits, abby steak, dull razors, corns, coughs. collics, rhubarb and misery, which are ' the inevitable accompanimentstyof Bachelor- dom. f The young lady had read of e the con- nubial joys which flow from the altar-sacrice, of exclusive attentions, of babies, and other luxuries that fall to love in a cottage. Barks wasnot only willing. but impetient,: but he affections of every member of the young lsdy s family except herself, and hence his proposi- tion to become amember of the home circle repelled. The patriarchal` the` brood declared ,helshouldn t, the metron- hysterically asserted she wouldn t, the brothers swore they couldu -t, and the sisters were beyond reach of `compromise, because they had been in thematrimonial market so "long that they were likely `to will {or want of pur- chasers. V ` . V `- 101' B IBW DUIKKIJUKS. EDWIN SIDNEY `MEEKING, Proprietor. Barrie, Sept. 6th, 1858, - 36-tf . d Restaurant,` was ' an I.A'|-I: INTI`D|fA'rlnunr . Cricket;r: LBoa'1r~ vi-I-r , ,-_ __ _,._.. . uv,v`\IIl,,\I\I\I wrrnp`:Anns or 1000 sunnnonnxna. . V The Rig 1; Honorable -Loan Ktumn, Chairman, -Pm-nmgmonlusox, Esq., Managing,D:r`ectar. Wxnyfxx Cuwzmq Esg., Sgcretary. u----- - V 1 giant IV UJUJJII 5 The spiendidsituation of the House, fronting on the beautiful Bay of Kempenfeldtr-'-the.salu- brity of the air--the purity of the wa.ter-all com- bine to render this spot one of the most healthy `and delightful Summer retreats; and the Northern Railroad now; `places it within three hours of Toronto. HENRY FRASER, ` . . Laleqf the Commercial Hotel, Barrie. i Queen's Jrm: Hotel,-Barrie, z . Lake Si1m:oc,`l4!h July, 1856; . Goo saw; was Qcszxl Hail Columbia !! Viva l'Fra.ngau ! !! :-j-- '29 .-. unal .::n.. \.J J?-I 5 - HARMONY AND GOOD FELLOWSHIP! The Premises `which he has now entered have `been greatly enlarged, and in a. few days will be _c_omplet.ely' renovated, so as to accommodate respectable "Visitors of every'description with BOARD, in Private. Suits of Apartments, or at the Pnb1ic.Table, by the Meal or Year. `He has also very Extensive Accommo- , Day," Week, Month, - dntion for HORSES, and CARRIAGES, `and a` LIVERY STABLE connected with.the Estab- lishment, the whole of which he hopes to be able to make the most extensive and comfortable to be met with North of Toronto, and he has no objec- ion this should be known ] V----_-s wugva-In-IL! U` Ill-MIILLW, Formerly kept by the late, Mr. John Bingham, and afterwards by Mr. L. Caisse, under the manage- jnent of both of whom it was so 1'.\ll`l"7'I'1-nvpuuv up nu-v.-......._._-_._...__' , ----v v-an Ir. uvau It "533 3U . EMINENTLY SUCCESSFUL! And since he nds, by the Latest Intelligence, that there is no more War, or rumour, of War, he `intends to devote all his energies to the cultiva- tion of the Arts of . _ ` P IE A. C E 2 WARMDNV AND annn nnvtnurarn-n. Subset-ilber would inform the Phbli, that he has Leased that well .known Hotel in .'B.uuma. ~ - jvuy suited ti) ups: comfort. L - pa. nvnivrrrnvm nrnnvnvvavtu TRAVELLES `will mid the above Hotel Evenyf uv; nuuvvl rim wonnnz TBA an1nnR:I'aI.u..6:.... .1` )'L. 11'-.__. :- : guou rooting, _Ipl|'llO(l, wan-to-uu, anu [lovely viliage which ehall he r'xarneleee-&d yesterday fromrthe ernu`,ot' their parente to__ thoee or each other, and mounting in hot haete into the` lover e chariot, end lashing `the lover e T caureersinto a foaming peoegeeet out for the goodly city of Rochester, with the determina- tion. of welding therneelvee together, for better or for worse, before their reepective guardiane oould.e_nt'orce their negative injunctions by for- evertearing them apart.` ` ` l\...I.l- I.l__--.|--.-__ L-) I_._.... .n1___L:.;. `.1- , .. _.r _-....-..avu, _uq._ n -_ Ban: on Monanrh, $6,licitorq-Ross,v0u)vronn;Axn:Onoknu I 1133- on L_ot41l'_o.'; L3, 121:1: can. or ATmspus`aerawill be prosecuted `after thiu3otiee., . I A nun" nnnwu 'D-....-:-;.._ --__r-.--.- -v-. -nu -vv-my --- _-g3-- ca-sq`-vw ._ T ; AuE'BnowN, Proprie"t:)r.` InniIl,April25,1859. , _ _ h -174! 1.]. 01'!) ingot: 1.4 `I -~ ~ ,' -+vr1v:l _I'v.Idv;- ` * vhhpafties lierohy-caution ignlnstcut g" `i or uyhgia timber, orothe'r`yiseMtreap_u__a-_ nrroh V . ` Ur. I June 19:, 135 . " `A; wun. uumeu unpggg can _u ugr, Iwug III l|.|'dI;!|9!lIo'e bu-inII.I`I_ price - has .118 ' No. d.v99nd:prmI.M_!!: 9.-`h9;f!"!?.*! for thud homuioditv. for-ghaccommodity.` T. /. apply Ibtho 3 , -L ~JOHN~BOSS- cookmn, om; n_.~l.l0.Rnow', Barrie. -.tnna.m.1a59_-~ ` - ; 224.! ' I V 1'ii~.Il_n*5nLcba, of Venn, % , ' as .w:en.a.dn:meuor `gaaeu new .c!eu- of rimbet. -n.d.e-n: . _ y,_bc 5:u`I_nht"intb`cuIti!ntion:.."Ai 8&1 -Ijlf ;heillg- on thoumo lotdneing nndibuildingzxnalai .boob1ain9d to'o I uiduIblo Advantage. 3 A Ga-dener. with limited capital oon}d ggnfdeg pa-gglnee bring: _a_ go_od`p;icem.tho. __-__. - .1__-_.| __._-._-u.. ....'n..`. t'.....";. `dszwellxv Ilbt `Q-UHCCICK Blllylg. Will warden. nroslnee A toodrrieeii int. lmrinc In dnmndlnrincinnllv on1 A. good lbokihg, apifi;d, .we||-to;-do.` Jud. { , louly young gentleman, accomptniod by an T uquilly good looking, spirited, wall-to-do, and lovely young la.dy--`both ofwhom are feoidenlr f Dd I K. . `ted "- -d d ?oIn.IIg:iIInnno|I:'|':l | h n aunmrs ARMS, F`ormerly'kep1. by late John Bimrhs'nm_ and V)`. ` `H; ' ) - ,1-` -a r'1. uffi oirLo1i% . _ T D 2 .4. an ; lninkln ll'|II`lB_`-" '-`.9 . f3Bfa:'ii';9%E"3:>te1, = BARBIE, 0.3;, . Q 1 7. -Q - nn-- Q1A---g-.4; .NO- MORE. WAR! !, JLLUJBJJJ v I U n. %,r'nnAAsu_nL'V iinusrn; nun -unscu luv #3! Ipululufh ' tr EXCELLENT STJBLING. . [s at ilnnln-n 6- AL; _-'.------_vva-V, Ln: INTERNATIONAL ao1-'21.. uauraI'mc.A4 J\t\.\.`\J\a\I\/\I\ VII}! U1`. TIN Ul'5".l-'."*""v'-" 5"_5.`)< so ; on?*4o"Acnm%%:=%.% av .-.'Q"*;n` I!`.'*un :'.`a IL.` 15$ (`An `I `fnnhon . iBOMo% nleep is broken and di:turbd,fif your Spirit : are Del pressed or your `Organ relaxed, you will find in `this an nnfailingremedy, by commencing with ten dropa._ 1! you: Liver 5 torpid of diseased in you are sulfering from Nervous Dcbilily, 6: you; 7 any manner whatever on or two `bottle: will be Inn to invi onto, andhrlng ltginto livelyland healthful not on.~ lathe most invom-no cue`: of 4 Dy:pepn'a,.tho*patlent,csn here find the most gmolent and gt-awful, relief. ' A` [benet is always afteg gating only._on home. In Mal. clan nun lwellly years practice--as a last iesort, conceived the `idea of ANALYZING TH E BLOOD, and applying the subject of ghyeiology to the more immediate connection; an effect of the state ofthe hloodupon t.he.health and system. The result has been the `production ofthis BLOOD FOOD, from the meat which, Dr. Bronson was _restored to perfect-health.-`*Witnin.eix months after its int:-oductiou,`over' tiro thousand con- sumptive: were etfectnally euret}-shy it. It you have any com faint: of `a.-conanmpttve tendency,-T `Cough; Cold, end-ache, Palpitotion of Heart, qf appetite, or pain inthe side, lose no time in procuring shame of the BLOOD FOOD? If you are eueriug from Neryoue or your sleep broken and :li.m.I...l tr ......_ n__-__..._ v- . Govnaxunm Housl, V V {Toronto, January 15th, 18.57. Dr. M. D.- French; Surgeon` (Dentist, has both Vextractedpnd stopped tecth for me, with perfect- successiand withlesa pain to myself than I_ though` possible. ' - - " ~A-. P. Douaus, A.-D.`G;` . --.-- T ` 5.; nso;a.;.a,*1.;;:;.;.* mm` as `ta; ;ea'..ea` by eonau_mption ,_asolo be considered beyond all hope of recovery by the most eminent of the medical profession, and also by himself-a. regnler'physi- ciangof twenty years practice-as last. resort, coqeeivegi gheidga of ANALYZING THE Bnnnn. Rev. Dr. Brmns, 'H6n. udge McLux. Dr. N. Blrmun. Rev. A. mm. ' - Hon. J ndge Burma. Dr. Hsmncx - Rev. E. J. Gnusnrr, -Dr.` J. S001-1'. - . Dr..J. Rscunnson, . . A. W. S1'nmonm;AEeq.~. Dr J. Bgpaurv, Dr. F. A. Cmwxnn. , .Oi?FI()_E-+-Corner of Bay end lieiinds Streets. Omc`e`hour," .'o"m-'9 A;x'.,- to 6 2.2. `Terms Cash. Toronto, Jan. 23. 1857.` on .. V Tondm-o, Oct. 18, 1856. The best reommendation that I can give of Dr. M.D. French, Surgeon Dentist. is, that he has been employed in this family, and'gi_ven'much szitis-, faction; ' _ Jonx Tonoxro. ---- (from tic Roclieiter Ezprm,' . .-<:.: -,._.s,v'.~,' - , . - --. G LIUUI-13!: cmm A. H,mn1s,'A.lI.`,M.D., n.1>.s-., vP1A-of._`of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. BALTIMORE REFERENCES: Taonus E. Bonn; A.M., M.D.', . . Pmup H.~Au_s'rm,eA.M., M.-D., D.D.S.,_ V " . WASHINGTON R. HANDY, M.D., A - Professors of Baltimore College of V . - Dental Surgery. ----.- To the of Tm -onto;--I take great plea- sure in introducing to` the public my friend M. D. French, M.D`., and graduate of the Baltimore Col- lege of Dental Surgery. I have been acquainted with Dr. French about ve years. a considerable portion of which time he has assisted me in prac- tice. 1 He isa gentleman of irreproachable moral character. a thoroughly educated Dentist, and practically skilled in every `department of his pro- ession. I therefore recommend him with entire condence to alluwho may require the services of a Dentist. e ` nnanuu A `n'..._-..v A 1:` nu - - - In):- i"rencnbas'the honor of pu1:)1ishing'the fol- lowing recommendations, and also of referring to the following gentlemen: _ T ' .- . A. -__, meet theincreased `demands of the business, A Dr. F. has secured the. services of'D. G. F.,' who for many years has enjoyed a. high reputation inthe Stape, aridfwho, from his connection with D. 0. French , in his business, `for the .past three years,_is well known in Toronto, as a skilful and accomplished Dentist. ' ' ` nnce hours, i Tqrop_t_, 23. 1857.`, _ ., . M. .LJ_'41`4.l.J.,l._ .(`;A..l..l\I1\J.I..I`4.lJ .~ With the least possliyfe pain; and particular atten- tion paid `to the __ egulation 0] Children : Teeth.- llcd with Gold Silver I-`oil, or any other Branch. Teeth insertedofold Pinte or Pivot. - Cavities. of DEN 11613 S RGER Y excuted with nealness and drrabilitv -. ' ' on JJJQJJ mu. a nanny executed with dm-ability '. . 0: ? CHARGES EXTREME-LY MODERATE. Paytiesereqxuiring Operations performed are ' requested to come early in the day.` Oice How ' from Eight o cloclc a.7n., to Four p.m. _ A ugu_s 3, 1856, 3345' `work warranted; during 1. U1 H15 FFOICSSIOH. ` ' ' . ~ 7` . He would alsostate, thati use `of failure in m y past Eight, years, it will be repaired Free of C ge, provided no other Dentist IS, or has been, e yed to operate in the same mouth ; but sboul another Dentist be em- ployed, thg'w'zrrar;t_yi 11 cases will cease. r'l'VT.V1'.1r-nra" urns-is . h.....__ DE;:J.v-1-Is-1-133?. NEWMA RKET, on the "Isl, 2'ndt- 35.1 of each month," ` and BRADFORD, on the 4th f each month "When he willhe most L happy t wait upon those who require_ his services In a of the Branches of his Profession. ' ' * A II. pup.-`IA ..I-A..A..L- L`.-A'- .'-. n '- V-.- _.--.-v---. ..-y-..--D .--r. vvv, u_.-v-- -----. :nent.-"'ru-an or muggy ; '_ " nnder_Dllgc'ultleI. ESPECTEIJ'LLY'announcs that g will be at ~ FRASER S., HOTEL, B5tRRIE, `on the 6th,`7th 6' Slh of ./Yugust, Oct er, December, February, Jpn ! and Ju nesrt ' _ NEWMARK`ET, 271d (9 d month, BRADFORD, f monlh LBOBT; STANTON , Secretary 5' Treancfer. Toronto, Dec. 22, -1851. - - ~ ' ' I A 111141:-\ (5-u-urn-- -_-rvvvvv--rvvsavsrvv N o.&s.N. PECKV % SURGEON A DEN _Is'r, Ii I , .Ge_or lfch " . `Jamegenexicyfe Hmrh Milieu-. - uugu uuuc f '--1 ' -I "'1'. 1'. 5008118, ' ' " T And - E. - F. Whittemore, -Esquirea, ' secretary -and- Treasurer,--Robert Stanton, Esq V T ; Solicitor,--Angus Morrison, Esq-. A , ./!pplicationa_foroFt'r Risk; received at the Home `Oice, Toronto, on -Wellingt.on-'stret,' `opposite. the Gommercia1'Bank.- ~V _ T Oice Hours,-:10, A} 31., to 3, P. H. j ._ ' T ISAACVG. GILMOR, `Barrie, Jan; 1858} aumes neaty, I Hugh Miller, ; And-`I 'G A1*f_"l`;_;L;`L';;' , . %;;%9;9,ooo, ] . nu-an n -. .;_ gal,-,5. 'A1suA._:u Jgxly, 1859.2 .2 mdmuwegl-awe hrgvgcqet ' Do-"yodlinkl you I. Wheremhcubetbnyonhanninlylridn No, po,1 l1IioIkiII the im -`"1 ~ . -I-~= ::.`.'.! ,p_ I.;?n:iu?'ns% 1;):yblT12:n g__u_]ly, hr by semi-annual or `!`|i.t$0.l~3|!"!3'!" 9!` .1.l!.:..ptinIL .05 `the ` .. , A`liP.BM' g m ~ ~(-s.:;_ u :..`.;'A.:'... ..,-:';V I T ANNUAI'a.DLV1Sib1S.. onurnornf T u px-efe:'ibli-to of`v`e,:;even, . ortegyeau. . 7' . _` HOME MANAGEMENT.` ' ... -. .`-`. orlegyeu-I. ' HOME MANAGEMENT,` T` 'thereSy iecuring a speedy madjuptmehtvo! china, and mu.-ml remnlntions foumidenco Lnd navel. 1; 2 -. i . `-:;'a :.-:4 ` i ` 3' 2e nnnvkfunilh in thn ProIinm_ . ` _ . , 1 p-nrs%'%f'7-'='`1:?:'a`.zI:;'72 i".'x_`5-'3-'e'7" ' Pmmimins navnbli: iiinnlv. " lg HAnii:sft)'i%:'s_icf)j' w.~.-vv. ',.:.~o~\ .. !9I%!I.I.3 N 'F..Ic.n- !0R9N?_0- _ E-!--ns O.m(xx.'I51>:`, l?.'Aqui:'?e,' `A Vicel.l re:ident,--Tnolas HA.woa'rn, Esquire; up-.-__--.- - N=fI Imfiii. nun Ins pnnuuln. .. -, -- ' xx` - .: JA PATTON, gym ;`uiiiA'c_H.`. llegii ` ' V ' ` 28-3lno' Willy. 1859.2 men %n.ArnrEH, M.u. n.n.s;, perm `1 o-..A:_.. -vs 'aYcu'I`vdlfc?BiloIIg,`iI`Il~llso:o vIveeI mm . 9:. .- ~B ~ ,, -- .| _{ Sh I adlik 'b0lIH;l Axz.'.fz..:...;f.`5'.`5u"9a.'"e.".'..:."7" ~ - - -~ `Once nguinxhey me}, and To mull her former lune, V Bin be guily smitf, Ind only geplied, 2 The devil now woman : has you! Omsuimy 3: A0; or 35S.?i5X'$i;33 II `Anni nnao: A p...:.. . .....: _..__.: ;D I~37N T'I ST. W`i"`A}:% -\rv\avsA.\......._.4.- unLunn (.11 LU, 7 ./Igent fm County Simcoe. _J.`_ H. LAWRENCE, V . _.4oonI l"nlh'nnmstmd_' _J_L:\ffa- PATTON, ./kumt Fm (Ynm Annzvncron : `I II"! DH 3 M.` P. Hayes $-16..- ll..- - m. 15. nayes . Walter Macfarlnne, 'T. P. 'Rnhnr1.n_ v - VVV IILUF mucnsn: -'1'. P. Robarts, amnrn -Eunnirnz, -1 f &$*""*...;.;'..L..`*:' .7'..'?.`i. ni;":';!'`7 *T I-`lit! 4 F , DI ` .;..u".?If .'u'2`;'3"",....ca""27. xi'::`r .'iZ"l.. 3`: =1 tuuw .3" ` ' `noun 1- 9;!`-eh ;-I nu. ma. can um.-om, rimples. Bored aipelu, Inrmilietof Yonlh njisenu which no their 1 Impulp state 0 - , . It nnmre, undwill na ` `weak 'Vl`ho,1Iumber 2 is I` `D`l?'lrr.vn n -< `tries. the best properties of when are extracted by an entire new chemical process. It acts in larger doses as an nctiva physio, m smnllervonu as an altemive `working -direcllv on the Liver and Kidneys, ex I- Jingtherefrom all morbid matter, thus bringing Into `action `all the organs that may have become inactive `n'nd_ mnybo lvlied on In cure Liver Complaints anti Complaints of the Kidneys, lnci ienl Consumption, 'g:'Ipleil'Iet:I, General` Dabflity, OI Ulcers, Scmfula, I Qipelu. I`::;;izl:)iit'i"aP-'..;:-?18r.`3.'.?f. .l!3'X"_`I` ]:M3i"`.`-" E-'7' rare and knowledge of his long ex `left them with the different drugg those who are acqmtinted with It need be said--to others, it is but 1 that he has fox-,vettrs prescribed 1 5,000 persons, and always with the COCO` vlhll hnvn Ivml...I -.|. V I _'---A`l\I `'4 `O AFTER nu unprecedented successful praetieeof over ithirty-years , being about retiring from ectiveprttctice, at the request of numerous friends in tall psrtsotf the-eotg_ntry;has consented to make two `ll.t_t'diI|> perutionsu n which.he ha bestowed the rare n knowlt.-dgeo expe ' druggtsts for sale. To the Doctor nothing necessary to say, for from 4,000 to the greatest success. Cases` that have bellied other medical men, vielded readily to his treatment, and persons came duiiy from hundreds of miles to be cured. The Doctor, how- ever, has not been able, like others, to cure every- thing with one preparation, but has put up his medi- cine in two bottles, which are numbered 1 and2 , iThonumberl'isa- V . can-u'-__ D.c 2131,1869. THARTIC PILLS P8 large; tawny. . `,~ -o-vray II @1115 : TNVIGORATOR I are retailed by holesgle by phe '1 ' \If :u.xn-A THE mum lly, and sold w numerous lo [1 nou,1toa. Lne rnmud CA- with due, reference to fact, been compounded purest Vegetable Ex- , on every part of the are good and safe in all ` .is needed, such as De- mach, Sleepinesa, Lojns, Costiveness, the whole body, from gpemly, if neglected, ever, Loss of Appe- 'Iion of Cold over the I Headache, orwei ht in 1 Iory Diseases, orms ` heumalism, _n' great I and many diseases" to numerous to mention in i Dose. 1 tn 3. V me reacn 0! all. The Profession we'll Cathartivs act on lhe The FAMILY CA- M"! (`HR Porn:-nan; 0.. twenty years. . `The constantly in- those who have_ long I the satisfaction which : thieir use, has induced the reach ofall. The D.-.-.r.....'.... .....n cATnA1i`ir%ibr1%L1.s, xne rl\1\ llhX UA- geplle but active Ca- pnelor has used in his twenty 1 'Tha nnmxmnlln .'n_ Pure vegoiabio Extracts, and jmt up in cuss CASES, Air `right, and will keep in any cli mate- The FAMILY CA- . -, se_nUe pm active ca-I m .`f.5.`.`.`..`.`T.?.`3; . :* ---------- u\.u\.I.lA||;II5 u|| _ |lII|lIl'Ko f Allwhous it are giving their lesiimony in its v . . aI\;l)|l.X WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND S\VALLOW BOTH T0-_ GETHER. V oonrblomacn, Habitual Cholera Morbus, Cho- lence, Jaundice, Fe- may be used success- Fnmily Medicine.- 1! ache, (as thousands can ? u!es,iftwoorlhree Tea- 1 the commencement of -All _..L_ N, 't1u:,ooxu'dx> u-xxa mm-rv or run walnut ` '._u.m;nx:x up cunav. ' ` gun, and 1!-Will cure ` Imus Auacks,Dyspepsia ~ S u m m er Complaints, ` Sonrstomach, Habilnal Cholera (Inn-Inna. (flan- - essuon snow. The dose mus"! be ` ment of the Individual < such quamitfes as lo act 4 Let the dictates--of . on In" the use of the ` OR, and it-will I Iinmz Allnnl-n nurnnunain . gmended. ' ; 1: uumpuuuueu entirely Irom uums, and has become an established fact, 9. Stmdard Medi- cine, known and up-| _ pri)ved by all that have nsed it, and is now re- sorted with condence in all the disease; for 0 ,which it is rccom-V I I II. I. n . . . . _ ...I n__._`_-_ I. - 9 `-I ' -' It has cured thousands 1 years who had given up numerbus unsolicited ` ession show. I Th. .1... .......'o 1.- IT is compounded ehtirely from Gums, and ha fnqt, ninu I-n.-noun 4..-..l .... ~_-7.. V 7 -|| -| nuuuy cages suppueu anu I1. Instruction. `To:-on_to, November, 1859. _---._._..-- 7 vvvv - . -Ivntvvlllr ;uuuu.um yvu: u AESUMES the practice of his Profession in 'Toronto, and is prepared to treat all forms of Acute and Chronic Diseases with a success unat- tainable by the established system. Onion and Rnsinnrzcn, 308 Yonge Street. For the convenience of parties in the country, family cases supplied and lled, with Books of mvxeoauon. (LAr~oi ;1a'no1A), Graduate of Jeferson College, Phadelphia, and `Licentiate qf the Provincial Medical Board, 1\narnn:-a u_- ___-.,__ . "country. Soldby cainicn 3 DUPONT, Dmggisca, ` No. 96 Maiden Lane, New York, And by all respectable Druggists throughout the T '!mPsoN 3: Dumsmuan, V V __,' V V Agents, Toronto. * Sing1e}Battles sent by-them"on r'emiu.ance of the ' V ' . .."w"" 'j":.ef.`,.sf.;:ism. u7.;;'f " V Qnotl|lnIo.1hohn.Dg!ydou;cnv_vo XE Lennon; oiu lavejrith u kiss. `uunvpmwgu a.lo_;o)iuoq J ._l_o as.g;p_3 uq; umnsou Liana Juo /13.10 ~_i:odn: swam qzgusap en, `qvxauoo 311.1. *nvm sxomva `Ha law. no& uswasaad ax Vs." v E Fl AWN; M. 0., `PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR, V olnunfug zouuto pm .. .=` . .`nnI='d9=d -mo 1m? we mm M9 `In: 6: imtin` `tom inn-011: emu-.nua!1w pm uno` ngnm s_ I; 3: `znqng miouap won: _ _ (mm 511061104 ,8! :1- Immoa ttpnsrt .`IIu'.sm In ins-am Islam. `umva -.:q ;o uopooagp In Japan 3193.103 sq: may Bnp Bum p=-mum vs z:.,I1m4-..mo-u. H004 54* an . -uoqs mu nmmdwoo ammm 10: awn Jame luv `tugs 1; ;o uosgaudmoov I`! `own 393.13 mm ' dn 1'1IHri1I-`-1v11n.I..rwamuqzsm In Same -pIap";o pcaasu; `puqo mo! 30 Sngxagns sq; Sag -Aoum, lq sauna: A'[-guanbasuo-.3 pl1I"pl1!![ [as _;o `mvgdo zrovgaoand may aa:_;~A'1a.mua sg 11--[mug wnaqz J0} aquosaad oa szumduxoo omusgug ug aouagudxa qontn Ino.x_; pagnlb an 9; mm `utgo .-gsqd ;c[n3_a.x I 30 'l101'I.l`Bd9Jd oqz sg 11-23:33 3- ' ' .' "`ll0'p9.l9_g09.l0_;O13.l9q mm xmmb JO asnm -mm mnnmn [Jana um [um 'l"ll'|""""'!`!'l'l'l"'I1 1"!'|'l""" -1911` "0!" `anyone: put sum! up Summon .1`o} `cap 993 01100 .`L!I:l.I.K.':ISAG-3|-Jl|19.-Omll DKIGXEILLY 8.l.KIV'lJKOO 'I'lV_' `IIOJ 'hI3J|l'U auul quuu [Hoyt juuuva un ;un pugq up )o.suo3;u,gI_4iaJd~.o_q;o..uvq` _ ;m..g9nu; qp moo `:31-{par} -1:! lllill00.ld_`-ll -my on 299001 0; not pqammoou Susanna an `mg. 10 snommuoo 30 neuouv In ogpomsuds;1uv`|u}.1a.uod vupq pug toouapguoo zoajxod Imn no pagax oq mo 3: `mmp :0 81115:: 90' mt: mm am `anouo '.m.r,_ -nanalnnng I an aunnan un.n1 man .101 5; HUI-_v-gp gv 01-5549 1"! |O'.l !'V"' `"19 OHUGU .z:';:;.:'i.`3.?;;;`%:-;'F.::*.:5?%?;s _8ugAag1a.x 191 `E37-'3ii377i;'. "I1| II` 03.910119-I 3900! am "JI9!'9.PW -11:09 1 `none: omug_.gp__.gg !3u!!uaApI 119111 * qua xrexoqu osoqn osoq; ll`I0 nnuatnasg: -3319! 8:101 qons paoyc zonnco can run `pup; oqz KI lijfll .Il`In,.`llIllI .IlIl,I'!nl'IIII OI PIX!) U|'|'|UIl CW} :*:m*;.@m:.!`3::..'.;! -uanqmn III 01 linl 1)!!! RIM I` flf IDIIOIII JVER INVIGORATOR and Family CA- C areretailed Druggists gene- wholesale the Trade in all the Ill-,`r'~r. A -"I ' T S. 'I_`. W.,SANFORD., nnul`nnn.-... .....a u_-_-- - - I6!!! `I nunanna lyre ea, . nwifegmw ;vould"nu kiufmyouw` ,BL5OD PURIFIER; `O the union ---n.....- ..r a__._ , manulaclurer and I 335 lmulvsy. new York. ' 1859. ~. ` "i>ru_e, One Dollar per notglo. COMP()iJNDED FROM NEVER DEBILITATILS. -.:...._... ucululy, um Ulcers, Scrofula, Pppplu. Bones, Nervous Debililv, Ery- t I:Iel`of Youth and Age, and all other r_ ve orjgin in I dinmdered or In of e sueughthening. 0 _ ;i|_| IIe' _. weaken or proetrege the body; an `.1. . ___ _ ` f 331). nnLLmrn_a;1_}'.V or BUFFALO; N. Y., SAN FOB.D S H`OM(E0i AATAHY.` "Pluck. ajnnms; I ) furs-.._.__ , SAN FORD S FAMILY '---AIV.S01"4' W.?SANFORD.,` ` | Manufacturer and Proprietor. i 1111. mm V...-1. ' this 1l`lllIi.1lU rum has this well established from a variety of the | tracts, which act alike '-dlimenlary canal, and cases where a Calharlic rangements of the Slo- I Pains in the Back and Pain and Soreness over I sudden cold, which fre- end in a long course of lite, u Cree ing Sensa- b od y, estlcssness, Ihe head, all Inamma- in Children or Adults,` 'Purier of the Blood, which flesh is heir, loo ( h i.` naluns-I:.m------ \ creasing demand `from used the PILLS, and all -express in regard 10 me to place them within I know that the. giifferent Dorlinns of this hnmnln nuuw ma! me qmerent ggrlions of the bowels. v HARTIC PILL has well .m.:.I.'=|....a alllqlu-I under . L 1.n:u\uU nun Isa tharuc which .the pro- praclice m ore 111 a n ,juI v 1311 u\ \"lLiUA- ,gLiver Complaints, Bil- WC` h r 0 n i Q Diarrhoea, ` lbysentery, D r 0 pa y, Cosliveness, Cholic, \ left!` Infantum, `Flam- .male \Veakne:uws, and` _ `fully as an Ordinary `will. cure Sick Head- itestify), in twenty min- {spoonfuls are taken at attack. ' : testimony `adapted to the tempera- jlaling it, and used in jgenlly on the Bowels. fvour 'udgmem guide `LlVEf{ - JNVIGORA- 7 I `:5-v----_y `I-I cut: uuvvtm. 'V0ur ' d t `d ?LIvEf{u- %'`{5`.a5i'A'f :I.im-r (`.m....I..:.... nu I . . ' lwnlnn the last two gall hopes of `relic-f, aslhe ccrlitix-ates gn my pus- leah I06 advertisement. "V51-W . 44-Lt. { Agent for Ban-1 ohrulry 20, I859. "Y llllll-{'1'enjoenu the package retail. Ph 3`i|||,iDI`llggists and othrs, who 1133' 21301110 sgenla will have a sample, with T0!` `_,, ,1 of w d .-Smog:-eatgli ro. .1".8'. Emmiona o} Ekifnfsfasnui) in M 9"`?! dlseuehof children ; they may also 1308"` `F T oue.1'equlring_ physio. " 13? "9 .130? up nn 3 form convenignt to I` `UP il.j-31'e.n;oenu the package, rum]. C hicillanrcinli And nther. who '13 -1 uuuur. an new Induced to otfer mesa) 513393 to the public, from having in an ex}vf|" 9"-30 . ti in thomedical profession, oen 1'03 It di cult to get children to take medicine` 'POWders.. ha. .-_u an. apaaau VAL: 9,4_t'rH4R'rIo LOZENGES FOR cmwa E (safe ahd eicient Medicine, composdf ` -Pu. Vegetable substances so combined T Md, peppermint as to be agreeable to The hiakor. nu heed induced to offer these I! Gnfe t0 the nllhnn 9-run l.....:..... H. n nvnorit !.'.?..." "'.....:.:""`:., ne: cm was .3-forum _n. T. w. GEORGEN Agwh B A 513-1869.- Dr. M Lane s Vermifugc. DOES NOT CONTAIN ME1}CU3 in any form; and that it is an innqcf pr: ration, not ble (I `g 5` 1'njm;1/ to ?l`wPaw;4)e(nde(:-ninja __- __ -..--- ...- nv-\.\.u\uu. sv v- D- _IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE DIRECTW ,'JaI,.i7lh.). `RETURN THEZ MONEY _ in every instance where it should provct fectual: providing the symptoms attcnr: the `sickness of the child or adult shoe warrant the supposition of worms being . cause. In all cases` the Medicine to be 5*` I'M 'l'I!llVl` Al`l'\l\lll\Anvrun u.._.. _..... _.-rl-1'1! D11. M LANE S 'n:hM11-"Us: Wilggtfinly effect a cure. The-`imiversal success which his! ten the administration of this_prt;t atiori has been such as to warrant us pledging ourselves to the public to HE countenance is ale and 12:; colored, with occasiona flushes, ora. cumscribed spot on one or both ch:-c -:<;. eyesbecome dull; the pupils _dila:e; azure semicircle runs along the lower r lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and set times bleeds; a swelling of the upper. occasional headache, with humming - `throbbing of theears; an unusual secre- of saliva; slimy orfurred tongue; he very foul, particularly in the morning; a petite variable, sometimes voracious, wi: knawing sensationhof the stomach, at o;':: entirely gone; eeting pains in the stoma: occasional nausea and vomiting; \-icI:. pains ' throughout the abdomen; bowels. air, at times costive; stools slimv;: _unfrequently tinged with blood; belly sw. lcn and hard; urine turbid; respiration: scasionally diicult, and accompanied : hiccough; cough sometimes dry and com: sive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, W. grinding of the teeth; temper .variablc,': generally irritable, &c. - Whenever the above 5 mptoms are found to t, ::.u21u.uV\I .n;Iua., FITISBURGH, UV 33- 17-Ion-snlayuxcanzuoraorxn mmochemi |'|e3nI_n;Bxu,;n1aouu1cowriu:nu5ma.naxs;;s A znunl .uun.\: The Restorative is put up in lmlllcs of three viz.: large, medium, and small; lhc small 1'. . ~ Kim, and retails fur one dollar per mm: ; Lhc-1., ulds at least lwemv per cent more nu pg. than the small, retails for two dollars per buzz; large holds a quart, 40 per cent mun: in pr.,E._4 and rclailstlor 33. V , 0. J. WOOD &: CO.. Pvoprieldrs, 4-34-llroap New Yor|,_and 114 Market Slrz-I.-l, 5!. Luu.s.' And sold Ly all Drug,'nsLs and I-`um-y Goods lin- ` ` December 21, 1859. WORM SPECIFK . Lg). public, thz . . ~ . -~-~.-u ---H n- mtv " To 0. J. Wood 6.: Co., 444 Broadway, .\-J? -_ My family are absent from the city,,andi` longer at No. 11 Carrol Place. ` j . Siamston, Ala., July 201}, .. To PROF. O. J. Woon: Dear Sir: }',u;'. Restorative has done my hair so much ;:.,.d., commenced the use of it, that I wish't.;n;,k,?E' to the PUBLIC of its etfects on the hnzr, u;, great. A man or woman may be nearly aw; hair, and by a resort to your Hair Restoramu hair will return more beautiful than ever? this is my experience. Believe it all ! ` ' Yours truly, \V.\I. II. KEXL P.S.-Ynu can gublish the above it \'ou j. pnb_lt'shing_in our outhern paperu,'ou 'Wlll[_r' patro_nage sottth. Isee several ofvour Cczq; he labtla Ilfertury, a strong Southern am W. l . lkt: WOOD S HAIR RESTORATIVE. PROF!-ZSSOI 0. J. WOOD :, Dear Sir: l'la|';.':: the mi.-fortune to lose" the best purllun of,-r~, from the effects 0! the yellow lever. in New I,-, in 1851. l was induced to make a trial at parntion, and found it to_ answer as the i-er. needed. My hair ts now tlnck and _x_zlusy,and n_, ran express my oultgattons to yuum gmri;-. alicted such a treasure. `!.`l\`1 Irv vnn.-.. uu. a: gun v..,,_ -Al0l_IttorBuf|.0A.. .. 1';vv(',. nan` human. use , , iv ,_____ ,_ FLEMING R(')S., Prnsnvxcn, PI vu--. [all'ng o"of my hair, for I had really no me nap on my new and threatcnin :6 V. ""- ln this un le_asant predicamcnrs,[,;naTI';dIh I try Wood ; mr Restorative, mmnly (0 ":- tbut gray hair could ever be featured ..,:p' color except from dyes. I_was, however 0` surprised to nd after the use of we hold: that not only way tha falling o unwed h colur was restored to the gray hairs and M the scalp, and dandruff ceased [0 form on I `. very much to the gratication of mu wig, W " sulicttation I was induced tot it. ' '~ + F0! lhl. amnnnr the manv n .....:-_, . wucnauon 1 mauceu """-At For the, among the man cghgalions I 0. , sex, l`sIrongly recommen all husbands we` the admiration of their wives to prot 2;, ,,,.`,'. ple, and use it if growing gray (nf gemng half ;_ VI}/'e_ry_r_e_spcAc1_l'u2jy, - BEN. A. L'Avr{-. pie, ana use u u growing geuin . Very respecuutly, L 0. Broadway,j _ My the cm ]ecuo_ntog|_vaxt. `MI Inward it In you cheerfully, began, J ulna. My age is a_bonI lly years; we Moth. hair auburn, and inclined to curl. so "` years since it began to turn gray, mu}? "'4' ' the crown of my head to loose it; ugh? dandru` to form upon it. Each of me,` ! ` abilities increased with time, and abo..;`;w?'* since a fourth was added to )h(:m, by hair 5: the top ofmyhead and threatening :0 ma`. "- thiau leasant redicamc II M` a-`.hQ`lf.....lr..n ..:- D..--rt-'~ n, wuw SYMPTOMS OF WORBIS. as you not this inrnr I UNIVERSAL coi5ic"& Pm; 1'03.` ITAQHEI. nrnns. _, VERMIFUGE. Tc? I ,;;1I..:...`,.T.i.{co., Builo, Ch. Duectxon lM!nmng-...:. . .ou_ utuou unamne came on ueendvkilled-three . of our number andwoonded the reot,eo that r we were not able to walk, They took no to , `lheir`camp_ onddreued oorwonnde. [We there . learned that they took us for Indiana, no we ; were dressed something like them-l`or ell ,on,r . clothing had been worn` out. They` took care n of no,.am_l doctoted on up as dell ll they oouldgend w`e_'g'ot better 'ogeiti;,jWhen=_they ' new we wanted to go on `_th_`ey_ 'I;e_ I_t_for'9`or : 1ho.rneo,a`nd guided us through the-;motIt_t;taine,e kafndthen retmned back. `.45 genome on _on_'a_ men died,.Iend that xedeoed `t)I'IVl',.ttVIl_lttI_I`of_V to,tt_vp oht of ".15. ._.W_e got on IoVwly,I.fo_t no you: poorly of our wounds; and we have no.w.ot! I have commenced to work 1 littlegfu much u: aer_R_iv.er, V , _ Into a ,civil_ized. country once more thank God. keeps me in life until Igetj ve1t3'%'~'i_ndvthnt`4Ilf' am, thinking of going to.tl_to'j 'otdoiine`ion',Fn-2 I Dcllenbnu in 6:0 . rlus. Dingection uoc3oBxzl:';;`::; ;,,N'Y$ uold for 13 per bottle; 1,ff'h 5-nu. hil they `I! 0a.;-.red0l 75 M II: on virtue: in nwgmmfggf y.a;';_;2;` 2 A.\S. THnpn'z?.`L- I ONLY PREPARAT .4 V. T wom-ny 0,, '0, . 5;,` AT. CONFIDIENFD ~..._ DR. M LANE S D3. FRANCIS an-.. _ -_-, Celebrated American =`=.w25zr,5:.1z.,1 ~ lyddnmmdormgmmothw Lldowolltowritothelrordendlltw `Dr. ml. nnnnanndbi` nuuu ut us. we area on them and killed four of them, and then threw part oi our pro- Ivisions away to lighten our horses," as we could travel faster,` and trustedvto our guns for meat. There is no .deuger.o! a men starving on the plains if he has a good gun and can-use it.` -We travelled for 15 days, at about 50 miles a day, and thought we `had got clearof the Blackfoot indians,hut they {allowed us till, we came to a large. river; and when wewere crossing it they red at us from behindthe trees, but next day they attacked us in (thicket, and killed. four of our party, and A wounded one, that was myseIl'--I got a ball through my thigh. ' There were now only six of us left, -who got oil .l'roin thernonce more, and we had no more trouble of them till we gotgto the Rocky Mountains. Bowing got everything ready for crossing the mountains, we saw some Indians coming down, and we made into the woods.` alt was too late however;`they"had seen us. but they- happened to be Contine, Indians coming` to kill` their winter` provisions. They were friendly to us, and gave as several small things, They everne some sum for my thigh',l and it got tter very soon. -We started into the moun- tains and travelled four; days, and then about %_ blood Indians came ns`and,l:illedthree number and wnnndml Ihn ...o. .. n.-. guys` .9 an ; rlul II III 0! _ _ ,vandIoll .WIl1l| and oomfqmblg. Bog . _Scip,;=put:come wood; on-: tho" 4 lI_O__.l Jgicqmng of_~_ip,_ _ _, "'..d3!'z..`h9!9di1=`I-.ndF `Q9891! 1;? "*`i'* " ' DB. FRANGIOSR vi-" 139022-Igzann 47 FLVLEY JOHNS ._ :_ I ..v - I5 pll}vH<\ \.\'s:n\ Iv` Anvnzln 50, ` -r- , vs Ha N0 pn nah` from a townsman, _who arrived in Victoria in V commenced. The South. Indians came on us . .in the night, and took onrhorsesand provisions, `tied us hand and loot,and commenced dancing_ _around us with their knives. . One of our party ` were to be revenged on the"whitey'meu.- By _i the time daylight began to appear, they got up ` ' wheretheir camp was, and they put us in a `him to _death and killed two.mor e,Vand therest fbut wewould not give them, for sun could no; three days, but on the fourth about 40 of them .4 Aliirechin Man's Adventures-.An [Unlucky I A v ' - ` Party. V g The Brechin` Advertiser publishes. a letter October last", `_` after thirteen months on the plains among the Indians. The writer says: f` Fifteen of us left fSt. Paul -s, Minnesota, on the 16th "of August, 1858, for Fraser River,` with a horse each. The first 20 days we `got along pretty good,,but alter that our trouble could _understand a little of their language; he . got them` to understand we `did_'not want to harm. them-_-that we _only wanted to travel through their country, and that we were going to pay them for it, but they would `not listen, to him. They said "that some white men had killed some ol their tribe, and their friends` andgloosened our feet-and made us walk to ' ywigwatn, and left two Indians toguard us- The second night name, but it fetched an ` awful sight._~T_hey came and look useout to the woods, and tied. each of usto a tree, and stripped our clothes off. They told us thatthe chief was. going to burnvus- After the chief came heordered them to build a tire round a tree that John Fletchwas tied to (this is the man that could speak to them.) They burned I of us getaway with our lives after they had- kepl on about three weeks. We travelled /m 7 '70! 70"? (1875: -ml a party of Blackfeet Indians - came on us,_and wanted in take our 50,393, get along without them, so they went ofttn a. a rage.` We did` not see any more of themfor came down upon us, killingtwo and wounding three of us. We red them and killed` - them. and [hem thr-nu nun-I ..r ;.... ..-- \\N U the EMT: A.-`I u: .3 data, lI`f Tan \\i "-l W 1)` HI M auuauu wun ma otner mgrementa. A Caren BM: AKD Sons. Tans may be `;_'e`-' moved by washing the bag and teats several times a day in clean soft water, after Vrubbing them with goose oil, or an ointment made by. simmeringtho root of bittersweet in lard` WI owl Ni? ILI m1d_ III 112 and best In L: and Tonia ;)n.nII:s.-ewe nndertgd I m.8"!`8_-' of |0..~Gl"IIl ~'1'mn *` the? wow I--ll `M4NGI:.-Rub' the affected spots _once a day with an ointment mudefof sulphur, one pound; mercurial'ointtne_nt, two ounces; turpentine, half a pound; lard, one and one-fourth pounds, Meltlhe turpentine" and lardttogether and. stir in` the sulphur as the mixture cools: then rub down the mercurial ointment on.some hard surface with the other ingredients. BAIG AK!) Snlil`. TPATd Inau RA in`: gun on water, two or Inree `tame: a day. . `Como.-_-A _carmin_ative mixture,` composed of half "a tea~spooul'nl each of powdered anise - seed and cinamon, given in a quart of `spear-' mint tea, and repeated if necessary, Is the best method of lreatingthis disease. A couple of quarts of thin gruel made l'rom.slippery elm bark; is also good. Brisk friction of the belly, and warm housing should alsofbe used. T ' ` - - - nun , `ll . . yculuu once a- week, I! won eIfecIive.. INFLAHMATION or `ml: Luxcas. g--. ._Warm water and mashes of gruel may be given, and the animal kept in a drywarm place. "If the body is` cold, give_ lwosouncea sweet spirits of nitre, four ounces liquor acetate ammonia, in: "pint of water, (we Ihreeilimea day. Couc.--A carminative mi1'lnrn_ V mmm..a vuuguauvvur nus IIIIO nealuuul QOHOD. _Ho`os:.'-- all a pint of litneowater-every morning, for foul-'o r five days, will alleviate this disease,` whichnlost generally affects cnlvee or young .caule.'f An ounce of oil of. turpentine in four ounces of-linseed oil, re- peated once 3- week, is often effective- lNn.nnn-n-mu ma -...a. r.......... V In- gxuua, wun uncmre or red pepper, in diet of _ bran, wan_nIh,lo,the body,and pure air, great `essentials in me treatment of this dis- ease; followed "by light purgalive medicines, and afterward by light elimulems,` to move the digestive or an: into healthful "action. Hoos2.'.-. all` n n:..s .: 1: __________ -~ In warm grunt. _ A ' '- ~ Tyvaom Fl:vI:n.-Copioua drinks of oatmeal gruel with {tincture of red pepper diet of_ bang ID `h hadv- ind nu :-A -In on- g, ,ar`tld:ll it on .'sr:__ei.;`oav;ipfi_to;-in An Emzlern paper tells a good anecdote of; _en opulent widow lady, who once afforded e __queer illustration of that cold compound of incompatible celled human nature. It was at Christmas Eve of one of those ol_d.-fashioned i ,wintere `which were so bitter cold. The old her 3 ivering freme she said to `her feithful` negro servant, *f lt?e 1' terrible cold" nighI,Sc' . . 1'>?-l:dg"$i3?'-'? ?:I?eb9;Iiew;?::;hm1'G?tEL f .v.u..._ nuu uuuureaurue mllaay, and mmcnlt to cure. Dry, warm atebliag, with careful nursing \vill_dofmuc_h.` Dry, sweet food'should_i be given.` Give in purgati`vo;]and afterwerdi` make a miztnreof two oimcee prepared chalk, : and one ounce powdered oak bark, 2.drachrnI pulverized ecetecbu,-one dreohrn pulverized _opium,md`four drachrns powdered ginger,to1 which add a little starch, and give it in aquart of warm gruel; ' ' Tvnin Fauna _f`)-`Ian- 1-2-1.- .l`..-.. I . u guys mp Ilell cnancoot uving'_Ihe_nnima!. f _Houu.-- In the onrlyshgos thqgtasufin tho , ' Inim7:| oA:to_much may be annualized byogiy; ing two ouncedof ammonia inouqdnon of rum wnlafovory must of in-hoot, or by the no of chloride o lime; in the suns way. . Scouns on Dnnnatna-Mild puI`ga|i,vos,"fol -. lowed by _asI_ringonu,`Aatb adviublo in this dioeuo.. ' j A - Dncuunf. Scounmc Ra-r.-Thi.-`a is [dan- geronq and troublesome malady, and difhcnll cure. Drv. warm sighting- um. .....c..| uvuillv unva ; nultltloululul ,l_Ill V.IIflll. ' ' smm: I-'I":vI"xa`-'-}ni_.a`,1ilyI ncathnt` tic of same! sulphur, nod ginger is -Iuicient, but if neglected it will turn imozpleuria , and than aielarinaty-surgeon should be all ed `in to give (hates: chane_oTg't` uving_the_ animal. ` Hav:n-- In In nhrlr dang: Ila- nu-an. in nI.- um: Ilugua In-.lnplA_Il_llIIQ&'.'f 1" . . :R:p W4r:n.+.-1'ake.i|ponud_ofEpgous`nltg,. 1 half qr; moon of ginger, and half an o,unc9I,of` . ` cauboaaloof immbnia. Pour a qnan of boil- ` ing water on the nla audg i|iger,-75.13:` Ibo- ronghly, tad-7wha"n'coA|d Odd the. `ammonia. if this tail; to not an the bowels, repeat a quarter: ; pan of it avoty nix or`*eiglI'tV hournill- it b ceods. Give a nnttitioni,diat.nftetw.urIa. Stun! D Pi'in~`_.1n -`l:;`.In `_`o'.:I..` _ A-.L-_~.. 3'I':".'r"% -:;o""'u....,'*' l'::: 1.1.; :th..i.- do.-_i`n9_t__:-ct the howls. do-iii-Jo. b-1i..v.-;n.. _vit.h.Iho t 1..af..' "_ unwi T.'.'.`.'.'L.':% u.."'! :'. .?`.:......;... o : u.a. A neda_tiicif be; iI'ol_l:iEiIilD,B!lI!y;" Bjeod-. inguuomotimea," t nrgly; ,r:ooauu1in;_u;Q 2 at ungu`of.IhiI`tlinaua. i 4 `Rn WAnk.-_ l'akoT|]'),onn'd of salts! i L'-Ir - - -..-_- -1 `.2- ___ _-.| L_IP M. um, rm`..+;1-`-i.s%.,s%5'.ir }E"E'. `"`. !"1'.',liVlilII?7'VV`Wii|` l"""'.`. . "iii: `I915 aid 141:` one qnnrtat':o!"u'Iro:`:.:'6I'l'n"1_if poi- : - T - ' ; x-4' `gm "of `mm:m..W'?53'L'5. 41;. 39:53 l.nk: -v -rvu lI""B '.`t1'4'l;" V ( g`l}'22,'s`'sIl'1'fv'e"e`d, E `R0 _:-t as E =.on,nin ' an - ' r rv, . ited,an lie"'l __ arueri 'v'=`|i1;-.b'|9-.~ .. I3?-`Fill. of hn>.!9n9ttz.. 93;-r ; . . . . . . . , . : in 1 TPARK L018. itw:rs'~tr.-a ior irsi-`me : 2 contti.in__1ia'g'i:'1i.'Ai:i'e.,et_Icl_1' in Lots No. 1 . .fE' 3'1? .h'.iI.1.f;o'f. fth.'l.?!.hIrs.t' .l.`Iz.iIft'.-<'>AfjI .q'>t [R6, .1'g, .in . . . the 11th Conoessionioftho-Township .of.. to, 50.; I"3.3. .29 .' 90:13: .le.a.r.ed. . `.we1I_ fenced, flaog AH0|15' 9.7!. l!.Iila.' $910.3 13031; Onice" nnre tezgijf s gnile from Church. 9f.Englsnd,.` Jniles sag. ;Mi1l,`,9n.1h.C9n.tr Road from llus to Buds, 1'9.mile.9.It.0.m.Bnnia. . '.'l`.erm.li rah. -. . . ` -.AP1!1!`.Q...T ...CQLLIN.DAB GK,... -. . . . . . ..'I.'he.Brqnr.ietor..ou1 .1. AVID. MOB Bgu-rie,_1mh.october,1859...{ x.:'41.._r.V .- . premisehf ' . `Ort6_ HENRY GRESWICKE, 7 GRANT, Bun-ie. _ Provincial Land Surveyor, Who can, give every particular-as to quality and situation or the Lands, be having lately ex- amined them I.horoughly. -' , f Ihrrin Lniiu{n6"I: Inst: 7` ` 7' ' ` ___. -----...-.w.-(4.; S T0 33 LIASKD_ 03 SOLD, Sitnslwnu White's Corners--a. highly cultivated -' nnd well settled neighborhood. ` - V For_pprc_ulnt3 apply to 8419 igwneg, '.ruc.;q-._ '_ T : ` -V-Ar-so- _ V l l ' Severa.1`LOTS' on the Reed between Barrie and ' Penetanguishene. . ' * These Lands are all of_excellent quality, well. timbered and watered, augl afford excellent ad- ventages to Settlers; . ' . , __.AIun A -FOR SALE byvtbe Asubsclu-iber, on "vex-yfa.vors1')!e u-rms,'several` excellen; Farms, well situated; with large Glearings and good `Buildings, in the Townships of Vespra,'Innisl, and Adjala. `Also, {an Acre rof. Land with `a good Fume Dwe'Il.in.g Hnnse, close to Barrie. . 7 For panic-1lara'applywto.4 . { , , W n, nznuzu J.\JVVL_` JJULO `V RE btfered for Sale, on reasonable tgrms, situi ate in the thriving and picturesque Village of ORILLIA, comprising'Lots on Block B, St. Au- drews Street; and L0ts'1 J: 2, South side of Col- borne Street. I . - ._ 13' Apply to , JOHN O'CONNOR, Orillia. April 8th, I857... _ .- . . _ 15-tr BEC to inform all who requie DRY GOODS that Iihave bought the above stock, lately- sold by` the Sheriff, and will continue to sell it at is I - -- - = [SALE or ran. . "4 _B_ANKR'UPT"STOCK or R. ASTI.NS_ON. _- V-_ -g-`rung uf.IvlvI.l`Ill u V Ba.nie,AuVgnIt'15, 1859. -u.so,- V. - A. 'c.t{:A1zED PA.$m, BE l.lAl!n nn mun -,._`___V-v --ow`: Va J-IIILLLUI ' 0YS' complete map of Barrie, is nov'v'l'or sale at __-th.Book stores of R. J. Oliver and Wm. Mann. PRICES. , . v Mounted on rollers" and va.rnished.. . . .35 each. ' Plain. . .' . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$-1 do This map'c-onlains every lot and portion of lot 'within1he limitsof Barrie,'accura!ely laid down to scale, logelher, with a plan ofthe Railway Station, graph. and a timed view of t_he_Town,drawnl'rom a Litho- `,_.....r_........ ....-u- uuynuuuytu weuntng. What was to be done? Somebody suggested a clergyman. Just the thing! said the landlord; Just the thing! said the boarders; Just the thing l said the panting bride- groom, whispering" consolation to the lovely image at his side. "Just the thing! said the bartender, drawing consolation for himself from a wafer hotter, the contents of which were last leaking away. "I wvilli.ge for him myself, said the landlord resolutely, buttoning nphis coat and ercely masticating `between -his grinders the I. O. U. above `mentioned. t He did so; ' But the olergmantefused tocome! He would not marry runaways." -With _a despairing step, the landlord carried the dis-` Jtressing tidings tohis unhappy` guests. ' For a _moment the good looking, spirited, and well-to-do and lovely couple were consider- ably _depr`essed.- `But it did not last . John the . Brick and Juniata the Pretty, were not inclined to succumb at the first bull'et`of adversity. The lover `called for his steeds, ' the maiden remounted the chariot, theland- lord said there" was nothing to pay,the boarders gave a unanimous and loud huzza, the bar- t tender drained the last drop from `the wafer:-' bottle to the health "and success ~ol' the- refugees, and away they went in search of ' - a more accommodating town. It is to bet 1 l supposed they -are, hyithis time matrimonially? } bound. A 1 aunt 'aUhetttssemcg_tg: Boys Complete Map of Barrie} nnvn-Jan. -....L '.r I')._,'- ~ - '1'uUa1A:` Dmmop S1-nun-, Bums; _ Nov. 9th, 1858.` .--j.-_..._.:._..__..j..__ . mama nut u_l_6\UU1VV.EYA'N,Ul'} UF GOODS can Always be had. Freight paid on Goods per Railway and forwarded to destination upon receiving a.` written order T B` Caroful Drivers, unequalled dispatch, and moderate charges. A lnn A Q liiviv-\w' -. 7-. Hmgs m `Saddle'a`r jgzmess` ', - -with or Drivers; `Carriages, Buggies . and Cutt,ers'qf th;best'descriptz'on,.. `TEAMS for` u;eIcoNvnYANcE or GOODS `F_re_igh`t pgid 9n .....- `n..:1....... .....av n.-- -v uulnlv vn lufvuv Buyyvllc _WORK WARRANTED._- Bafe, Match. 2, 1858. { . l( 2 `Stable: Qoavvw -nrvauvall i Toronto, until the whole is cleared dut; ' V M. PEARSON, V I '1`heLa.rge 108, Yonge Street", Toronto. March 15, 1859, ?;We`1;s`s;'sL Mega; ._Rl`)8J| ,` SL, ` ` ' UNS,i1=-Is'roLs,' ens, p`ownE1i;}na .11, ' articles `connec-t_ed with the Trade, nlwayn on hand.` RIFLES on Tthe`laTtest improve& Gaining Twist, madextor order, and warranted equal `to any in-the Province. . , - .- ~ . _' 53" All kinds of Repairrexecntcd with dispatch. `ll-ly - _T _.-----r--vu run us; In ehort;`he resolutely? declined to perform the ceremony, `and walked off as moodily and though he had been asked to attend his own funeral, instead of being invited to a dignied participation inan impromptu wedding. What In hli dnnn T Rnnrnl-...'.l.. i...s_..-- - I EDWARD BISHOP; TAILOR, V o LBRE WER ;S" BL O'CK,'.B;.9ARRIE . 3 " BEGS to` call the attention of the ; A . `inhabitants of Bums, andthe surrounding neighbourhood, to his having had" considerable experi- ence in the CUTTING DEPART-. '- in {Ha Tag! I\`. 1.`...-..!....A PA- .j . {Physicidnqsi shtffgmyl preciiptfon, ,1riI;h.s,ccu.n.I..,:,y._ Country lengqhsnsa pup ' .. Bu-rie,VIhrchI6,,l858..; - 11-4 Pinrunimuf Pnc'ont liu!iciIia at;.'ro:onto`pzieea.. :IZ`ll':l'l_Cll,_0ll,Il]lll5o.I,'.' _ jug b n=bandja`uele`ct stuck A" ` Gtxmn Dnvoa _np - Pu-nrjb.-mamas, Dy: Snrn-A. - ` ~a_nd:vic3_n , `that he5 has ; Aux: unngu sue, Luuge puree! _A . i _ _ Tpronto. E3` REMEMBER THE PLACE. 4:; ' 4n :5 "Cleared. Farms for Salq. 1-a|_\Va "nan uvuuuuti UV BULL ~i?;i':;sm`.ldom Equalled 0I'D!lt.0. until Chi! Ihnhl EC lilac:-at` nu? ADI? "I rum: g;- '-.a~ . ' _ ___ _ - V.-V- Such were a few of the expressions which. resounded from garret to cellar. In fact, every- inrnatrof the establishment was elated at the pleasant prospect, The boarders talked of a dance, and sent for a ddler; and it is even asserted (we can't say upon very `reliable authority) that one delinquent boarder, who hadn t paid a- red cent in no long a-time, that the landlord had forgotten how muchhe owed, actually called for a set- tlernent, and .o"ered_ to give his 1.0. U. for the whole amount. farm For ence HI we UU I. u.LVu' Ul'4'l: A1'l'-_ the last seven years, an_d.trus'tsVby I-strict attention to orders to merit - 3 share of public support. nun: IN Ann A`l!'l|I.\I\ ENT in the Westof England for . *'i(V3v'sr'1'~_I' LOTS I 4"... cu- ..._ ._..---__L Tnbms GUNDf.E, Propriefor. r, Bums: ' mply .t%!I9i9wne,t. . .. .. -. ` A;GBAN1', R_ESWICKE.V V j uxrjbznxcmns, Du S-rt_m;s,- - ` Cons, Bnus ' Plnrninnm . 1,` us -. W. D. ARDAGH, Purox & Annmu, BAsmn.} M A messenger was instantly det-patched for as Squire, but it was past candle-light, and- no Squire was to be found at his office. An Alderman was-suggested." Just the thing W said the landlord; Just thethiug ! said the boarders; Just the thing _l`ssid the impatient bridegroom ; and handing the messenger a quarter, away he again started, halting only to `accept an invitation to drink_ from the `bar- i86P| a who bx this time was very nearly. l overcome-by s feelings. In due season the Alderman arrived. He had mo been mmged of-the character of the services for which his ` visit had been solicited, but it was soon ex"- plained. His aldermanio chest expanded and . retracted with gradually "increasing power, as the nature of the case unfolded itself to his ; mind, and his facewas wreathed in smiles; `but `when called upon to unitethe couple in matrimony his fearful imagination confored -up the apparition of adamaged father, a windy V and hysterical mother, revengeful brothers, and the tears of the unmarketable and defrauded `sisters, and he shrank from encountering these anticipated perils. ` `nu -I._.A' L- __'-,| .' 1. I Isa, olupn ` P:nrun;::\::_. '!-" -.-sZ-'.:n2.:.-. .. .l 0-l2md 45.4? V e -.--.-.--7-2 :""" -9; '"'i.".`,",,". *1!" ' |iibIn_me`d to the Jlemen aomposlnfthe who examine the pmicuhu, and i {and utiafsotomalouccordet glryuentofthe chin. ' Thleuyuvenj hqoqlled. yuxuiclli Inq grllwllll, relief. A benet nperieneed after only one bome. In Male `or nale Complaint: and Wealmua, the snferer, `after trying other remedies in vain, may rest i"a`ru_!n``o`nre' `will result (runs `the *Ii+'nt:eq or three bomu`. The `f nnoon noon" -'numomnucu-dsotthsukm. -e g _ , is'ebtunlin:aIleuotot`Erurwu.8aItlIA:' ' upon` - ' n ' china xlnthe.lika. I ..Po(e ` - `n u bene- ;'e nttiql liy` iii j It gin`: umnzthl `ho bodynnd gag` V. . . 'V,.9.V;`!;9~`.'-" VJ, " _ f `ligpienug Proprtyglnguged to_1hoA,axtent_*6f -I11--1 nfnrr * Vmt.1..1 01; n;oV 1. 17,4 3 s. 5 .".3`e` I` ids:-. -mt :'~z'-he i>:'e"i _ V ' oddT: iatnhPt:`gheh$rg;bldera on this in`ci-one faiths` _b-'uin`u's..o! the company, sndthey `nd&Ioh`:iow;f9rin!;it,; ill continpi tggjqggguo `("1 m. nm'l 1'.` :" ` , _ V. 1' '7 b7a`v'o' Otter! I`QIloh1 ID71p'eIie'vc.thIt,_fmm the conf 1550"" t il"i5fthe (3 "nJa" " i_o h_l}'zp_`|; $7. :-'3. m::-vvoe -_ . .. ;All.bne1In}.(3I;Id;- :0 pm: uummu, having no reserve 'tb'f"i`L1,t3 I v, "J _-,1 " > J,-ii-W : pm su1>n_:mo`d to gem; than - ' rsiho ; 2.*""?2}`J.."i":` '3F.'.`:2';':.5 %'i.o`fi`5 > , III. In M V a 1 5 `TB 0 jifcififineidainpa " in a" te W V " having":ln':>:es:1"voe-f%1"K`ia11{ .n .V_`.I:_,_, `V, :"",`;:{ `.l_ f .~v John--we shall identify nobody by calling the ' t.ated.but prespiring couple to a private parlor, As before stated, therefore, the young couple- determined to elope. They set out as above described, and, swil'ter`than the wings of meditation on the thoughts of love, ew to the Frankfort division, alocalityr that,_ latterly seems to be acquiring the reputation `of_ `a Gretna Green. Stoppihgat the ` Hotel, rustic hero by that title-summone'd the hostler for, his horse and then summonedethelaudlord ` for himself. Mine host conducted the agi-` and begged to know in what manner. they desired to be entertained. John winked `and Junista-good name, Juniata- blnshed; but the landlord did not understand. He intimated as much, but he.was'speed,ily disembarrassed. John led himraside, and pronounced the signi- cant monysyllable--' Squire! This was satisfactory. The landlord approved the scheme-the lattdlady was delighted--jthebar tender treated himself to an extra nip--'the chambermaitl ogled the hostler, and the cook knocked the fatinto the re. Did you ever `I ? No, I never !--`_`Ain t it nice T-- Isa ! she pretty ?- He's a brick ? ' n