Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Jan 1860, p. 4

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uni 1 D1` 30-3m`o % Stables 45-1 j Barrie. :'n 5` Es'r.h1Vr Ar tine" Em imir.`o&' Lot No. -13, in . - ebb 1': cu 0oni:essi6n- of the 'l`o`w"hhip of Oio, 50 acre3;: -20. acres. !eared,??vi3lL;L:fencd,` Log House, quirks: 6| 5` mile from mPdht`01_;e,qua`1*- I d`,;`n:il'e`a I __u Half~of- -Lo t FIVE?,- in`-_`theA 7th`c.;ii7e`s'io"n 8E MEDO_NTl:E,'.Eight_. Acre";-.of .which,are Qleared. The `abo'eM`i`well7'tii'n,brd,`with 6 'pow er ful; stream of. Water for--Mill!pu;'p9s-s,and d'gbod . Roudleading thereto, at`aX1 sehdons of t.l;=.~ye:}r". !3'Ap`plyto . ' ' "` ' ` . 5JOHN.0?C0NN0R;7Orilgu~. :._- . ....... '~:.: BEINQ} EIETY.A`c1;Epr Su`ghHa1fTbf.E$st _ Hn!f~of4 `Lot `FIVE-,- inzthe = 7th Concession `of MEDON'BE.`xEiht Am-eh. nf whioh urn m.........a vauu _ Ell larger. 'n....' ' Township of Vespru. These" Lots are "well situ-- Cated, and being near the Barrie Railroad Station _--\,..~u.1..|_4I.'a, - W0 PARK LOTS, in the Town of-Barrie ` containing an Acre each; -being Lots Nos. 7 and, 22, 11,3" surveyed by Robert Ross, Esquire, forming part of Lot `No. 26, in the `5th 0011., are. very valuable. V _ ' Full particulars can be had, with a plan of thevproperty, on ap`plicajtion_to 3' g . b . - ' ` H.'B..HOPKINS, ' 1 ~ -1` r _. ` Bar"1!Aar,&c.:ar`n'e'. H CHA_S.A. MONDELET ' * Barrie, `Se_?_.-.2"6, 18,5-1, T . _35-If , gent, jlzorontog ` - I. J une 1st, 1859. uau can - ue omaxneu-to considerable advantage. - `-A Gardener with limited capital could do well, as gardenproduce brings a" good price in the mar- ket,,lxa.ving to depend principally onzthe farmer for tlmt'commodit.y`.t . . For particulars apply to the'px-oprietor, - " - JOHN ROSS, Cookstown, 5 Or to D. MORROW, `Barrie. June 1st, T .. . ' ` - `I !-W` nbnve' Property is well adaptevdzfor garden vpurposs, is nearly clear` of Timber, and can" easily be brought into .cult.ivation. A Saw Mil beingon the same lot`, fencing and building mate- rial can be obtained -to considerable _ad6antage. `-A cnnitn.-l could do wall . vv- van n_U.Klv_AD Of broken LotNo. 25, in ;'he 5th Con. of` Vespra; TN 'mn:' Vrnurm r\`D'.`l)A111'x11-.s - FOR A-TIT]RM 01? TEN on 'I_`WELVE._YEARS, on A1: AA Ar--i--~ \Jl ou. uunux \Jn.nDWlUl\l`J, V i Provincial Land Surveyor, _ . Who can give every,particuIizr as to quality and situation of the Lands, he having lately ex.-. gmined them thorouglxly. ' V RnFr:n/ A.''u: `Inrn ' ` -- -" V ' ` V " V-"'.:x. '.iXN1',V Barrie. Or to. HENRY CRESWICKE, . ` Prmrinninl Land n. -`mm... __ ----_-g----V-r------1 an ;&_.LVJ.., '1`0_BE>LEASED OB SOLD, Situale ea: White's Corner;-1-3. highly cultivated and-well settled ?1_1eighb0rho0d; ,. A Vnr nay -nnln.-n ......l.. A- n... -.,..,, V - '-ALSO,--. ` Severjal LOTS onlh Road -between Barrie and Penetanguishene. V V V 1 - . V These Lands are all of excellent quality, well timbered and watered, aud a'ord veicellcat ad- vantages to Settlers. L ` 1 - ' ._Avu-an} .. -kinds are white. .and size of a V ,, _.._ ,5-.--n unntwalu ' LVIDSI 6! the cocoons are of a. bright yel2ow'; some They arenbont the shape larger. pigeon s .egg-pcr'haps' a little` VTA L `U A B L`E` L A N as `FOR `SALE. V_ . ` ACRES within jfouxt and a.-half miAle.s of ,1_$a._rrie. _ ` ` , ' _BEING North halfof Lot 50, in uje. lst C6n- ; cession of Flos, "100 acres, 10 of which are -cleared, and'Sown in equal proportions of Fall and Spring Wheat. The Land is situated on the` Peuetanguishene Rqad, of excellent. qimlily, and covered with Hardwood` timber, and is -a rare cIm.nceAtoj,persons desirous of settling with moder- utefmenns.', Apply to ` * ' ' . II` If Il _t\t\|vrrv-11-v -n '- ......... -.m. In u.uuLuugu1._y . Barrie; August." 15, 1859. .__Z_j.__:__.___:.___. fE+xcel1entgF_am for Sale. I uuu nvcu'm:u;n:u~1;c1gnu0rnDm For particulars apply to the owner, A l`Ir\;` OR SALE `by the _snbscx-ibel-, on very fnvorabl` ; , -terms, several excellent Farms, well situated, _ with large Cltmrings` and godd Bixildings, in the `Township's of Vespra, Inni__sl, and Adjaln. ' Also,` an Acre of Land with" a. good Frame Dwelling House, close to.Bnrrie. .. : - - 1.1,__ ___L2___u, _ CL2E;J,1-L_I2)5S..EV`L B.V1\, TO BE l.lcAHIzn nn annn . .. ....... gu- V. av, nu fut: uu{ Uulp Ul VCSPTH IN '.l`I{E.TOWN 01;` ' BARBIE." 4- .I.\J!VLV uuxo` ~A ARE offered for Sale, on reasonable terms, "situ- > site in-the thriving and picturesque Village of .ORIL_LIA, comprising Lots on Block B, St. An- drews Street; and Lots 1` _& 2, Sou_th side of Col-' `borne Street. zrs- .A.pp1y to . 1 `JOHN o'coNNoIi, on1aa.. April 8tb,_18'57. . - 15-tf i _. psnanus cllno lV'I'he day of opening the.coeoonery is :1 time" - of festivity and gayety. The` silkegrower makes presents `to his furnily; and they all go out together to see the result. ` A few blows from the hatchet bring, .dow`n~ the oor, and, if the worms have done well, - there will be the cocoons sticking all over the inside of the roof. They all -fu_lle_to work joy- fully to take down the golden harvest. Most white`. arenboht shape ,,,,q V.-:.,,. ..r - _.,,, " '. "?":'*"" .`?'~':`v":`9.'.L .:"'.9*."?. =;'.l}',6.,1. r=*nv*w~>~ -c0m.nN%'nAauA,cK;j . . [ nu .r _.ThD.;plfopr]g(o'f,-.Qn:.g_he wemiu, A 5.I10th`0ctober. man. I ~: .' .iI'!'Xl' `. OrVo, Aiwril .1839- -- 1131 T01 HARMONY AND GOOD` _F`ELLOWSHIPl" The Pm'_niseslwhich he has .ndw` entered l_my'e" been greatly enlarged, and in e. few days will be completely; _renov_nted,[. so jas_ to A jazcommodale respectable Visitors of ev'ery des,ription with BOARD, in- Private Suits of Apartments, 01' at the Public Table, by the.Meal, Day,~Week, Month, or`Year.- Helms nlso very Extensive Accommo- dation for -HORSES,vnnd OARRIAGES; and n LIVERY STABLE connected with `the Estab- lishment, the whole of which he l1o'pe_sv to be able to _make'_the most extensive and comfortable to be met with North-6f_Toronto, e.n no objec- ion tbig, known . ' `A1 ? tlvr-I-I1-u --....y, -vnvuv Iv\l.AJlIIAl\4l V For pariiculaxfs `Apply tbw mm *s% Am." For-Inn;vI;-r Iran! I... nm 1.4.. 1:. La... :2 .....n........ .....a ?And aino he nds, hi` the Latest Ihtefligehi, Zthat there is no more War,.or rumour, of War, he `intend' to "devote a}l his`ene;gies?tbLthbcultivg- ,6n' of th Arts of , 4 *.'P"2E: `nA`RMn1\rv nun r1nnn- urn-I r'nur`urn'n`a -~ a.anI||.L_VJJL` .I._.|.JL |J_aIJ B :Ami mice he"and s,. hi` Latest Ihcefligehcgl. Sthat more Wnr.,or rumour of Wm-_ ha Formerly kept by the late Mr.AJohn Bingbam, and `afterwards, by. Mr. L. Cajsse, under the manage- ment of both `of whom irwns 36 V ~ j `afterwards, by. 'unde bothuf irwas so" nun-`u mu V3109 . pbunds aletlimr. `To BE LEA sm; _ mnnur l\n nvnsv A-. .-.-._- _-___ -_ .aaL3;@tiaemtm{ : !ioIId`I"i:nfo:f-xii: ;;;1;nBlic, tzit ". `.'he"hns um we11gknmy_u Botelv _in_i Anni- , __-_-_' _._.`.__- _.._ _- -.1-.. tbig,'kno s`vn ,. .AI.L -0VER.'1`HEf WORLD! The `splendid situat'1__oIf` 61' lth }{_o_u_se, _fronti_ng ..'._ aI.- |__;',,.sn u n qgwu H011, IZUIl]U1e(l'W"lI `RFSW C1385 W H195," IJIQIIOTI arc. to merit. a shaljof xheir pawu-qnag. Vfapahcies for a few BO-AR`DEBS_.`; ~ - . EDWIN SIDNEY lIE1KING,7Piorie tbr. I/3gu:;i,'sepi.6,!i, 1s5a`..g *L Q_ V , T. V ; 186-I._t,"` L, V ma: subscabe:'1$eg`iaas`espeatrH11d;moan:' /gqntry, genengly, ting}. hp aken "the, above`$alo_on,., and truts biv; strict ajttentfon;'comined-with rs! lass Wines, -'qiz6rs &c. to merit. a nhm-n.nI" thnir nit:-nnnmi Vacant-Inc ' Iv-` ,- ;- a- ,. ` _ '. : . '5 A . -4} I .~l ' V I 1 --Cleared. Farms `for '_ Sale.` lnnlmv [nnnn ,5 u',,.. .. .- No "Mom: wA In 2" ....,.....a un uuuuu iaorics and not exceed that sum. In 1858 the total value of the cotton _manul'act'u_res exported, including twist and yarn, amounted -t_o_ forty-three millions of pounds sterling. A century back` the total _ value of thetextile fabrics exported from the United-Kingdom did not amount to 5 millions; whilst the value, of such. fabrics exported in }858 exceeded 69 millions. "At the beginning neither present c'entnry- the quantity of raw eotton imported into England was 50 million pounds weight. 'The quantity imported had increasedin 1850 to 663,millions,'nnd` in 1858 to a thousand millions` of pounds weight, of which the value exceeded thirty millions of aterlimz~.' IEMINENTLY %.sUci3SS_FIiL !. HE Subscriber wopld infor1`t1ge;Pnblic, t`.:z'I.t_" 'he"hns wellrknown Hotel ruun. j - . ` V - ... V- `.441 vam A. Ebj on Aciiii n 'I' `Mn `if. .'.. H... Kai. n.__ - F0R-sALm ARK I'.0'I`R, in Hm 'I'.-...... Or to `' V F, 3*"? ?' ~`, R 91:! "3 _(x. '3'" -- L ` V sjzw V - & { ....- -......-....,. .m .~.;..._ -... ._.._...,..__.,,,. .5..- ..... .4-.,......'. ......y... ...,....._ , , 7r'owN 170 T? l`....Q._I_ ._ _,-,_ McACONKEY, Esq, Bar:-ieA, JOHN RO_W.$.T'I`, . .` Lot 9, 6111 Con., Oro; , 1859- . . v . 17-t! .-u.s,o,--, L,'R.'F`."l;-. `H15 Rnnd J: Tm: want: or Tm: SPINNING JENNY.--A cen- tury ago the value of all cotton goods manu- ,facmred- in England was estimated at 200,000; and when the spinning jenny was invented in 1767.vb'y'Hargreaves, a carpenter, the yearly exports of cotton fabrics did `that . -to fortv-thma. m;n:....- -r V vvV.~ U. AKIIAUH, V PATTON 8; Anmum, Buuun. WW; D. ARDAGH,' TOR 8: Annum Run , 433-tf A .. ."[G9mm_nr 5lI'diiin;`7" i . `Tg ?9r{-9n!r`15h; Ian; : .. q Li A0 1011'? f1": I"-"5>vma. 2 , 1` 4. 4 ~_ -f` 3 'l`oi:bx1'd,?Dct.-18,1V86 ;iV" % The beatrecovnlliehdation thabl ui give of Dr." V *' `.31; " S`! -MyD..:li'rzI.I..<=J.r. Snrseon! : been 5 mployed in~thia family,'m`1dVgi,v`en mgchgsgtjgzg 5 `ac-3tio_n.'_ A V 1'-,~_ ;::_J_nnx Tonoxro. .. ',._\x,,.. .: j-.- ?j ,....,..u.;_.u_;,_n.meu umebne nus assisted me in prac- tice. He is'a entleman of irreproaclmble moral. .charaeter, ` 5 t orougbly edupated _Dentist,} end practically skilled in every departmentof his pro- ession; Ithereforei recommend him with entire condence to`*all who may requirevthe services of E -':'*v "'`V \-.44 . . , V. , , > x > 1 -. _:,C_HA[x,A,.; HAn1us_,._A.M,, M.D.*, D.D.S.;x Plriool the Baltimore College of Dental Surg_ery.= _AI_i,TlMORE REFERENOES: . .'1'.!9'xiA8`E-ioub. Am-, M`-D`-.~_.T ~ to "" _Pm_I,_fg Avsrm, A.M.,` M.D.`, D._D.S.,__ . W 1;;`x`arox;R_'.=HAunv, LLD. -a----g. _% ~ {Prof`s3`ors_ of Bhltimorer College of , I ::X i;r_~:r..-'z`i .'Deutn1VSdrgery;-:'-~`:~f_- _ To the C`itiz'ens of Toronto :-I take great'plea- sure in introducing to the'public_~_n`1y friend M. D. French, M.D.,Vand graduate of th Baltimnre Col- lege 0_fDenta.1'Surizerv. I have hnnn ..,.-......:......: -1 rencn, 31.11., and graduate 9f the Baltimore -1ege0_f_Denta_1"_Sl1r'gery. I have been acquainted with Dr .,ut. five years, a conidetuble por,,u_.ofV_wbi<;h timebhe has assisted in p1fac- t.i_ce. gentleman irrenroachable moral ,, - , __.`.------ qrvcoulll I)lr.-F:"e1'1c1A1`:'ha.sVV t'heVh_on`9g of publishing the fol- lowing recommendations, and also of re'ferping to the following gcgnplmen : - ` T t A T0meet`the` inglu-eased demands ofthe; onueinessg V :Dr. F.~has .sec.urea the services of=D. G, F.,' who for many years hasenjbyed a. high reputation in the Statea,>and who, from his conyection with D. O; Fi'e1'1ch,' in his business, .for.the past three years; is well kno_[v_v`n in _Tor9nto, as a skilful and accomplished Dentist. ' = " . V '. ,_g1a.nUy raising their `banks. ,,V.-,-_. .........._... .. In nuuwu as explosive sugar. . ` ' T V ' Many rivers, by the deposit of solid matters held in suspension in their waters, are can- The surfaces of many rivers' in alluviaidistricts are consider- ably higher than the land at a few rniies [one `either side of them. i - Mnnnmn n. rnmcu, M;n, n.n.s., `I3E_.'l.\'_l"I'I Barrie, Ja._n..b1858. Pre. ROBT. STA NTON,_ Secretary go Tre_as1Irer. Toronto, Dec. 22, 1851. ` ` 9.-gum _.__-A-r uugu Auuncr, ` I 'l'._l . Rqbnrts, -And E. F. Whit-tcmore,Esqnirt-s, ` S'ecretary.and _TrertsuIfr,-Robert Stanton, Esq. Salicitor,--Angus Morrison, Esq. V V ..z9pplica_tion.efor Fire Risks received attbe Home Office, Toronto, on Wellingtomstreet, opposite the Commercial Bank. ` . - . Oice Hou1fs,-10, A. M, to 3, RM. V ISAAC C. GILMOB, _ :_ , .P1'en':b-nl 1 Prcside'nt,-IsA.Ac C.'Gu.Mon`, Esquire, Vice-Presidc-nt,-T1_1_o;us Ilmvonru, Esquire. A numerous: George*M`ich`i'e.; - M. P. Haye, _ James Beaty, Walter Mucfnrlane, Hmrh Miller, - m n D-L~-- .; runes neapy, I Hugh Miller, - And I 'CvAPI"I`AL. .`. .%1oo`,o.o%o,` unnn an _ Western ' Assurance C`o y _ -~ _ -' JAE. PATTO J. R; A;;DAGH, Medical Referee.,vJuIy; 1869. - u. uuat wun noal, or Wllh river, banks, bridged and wharf {boais,A causing disaster or.consider- T able damage, 28. { V ' ~ u; wu years. r v `HOWE SIANAGERIENT, ` thereby scurilyg a s needy adjustment of claims, and liberal regnlatip s for residence and travel. N0 further outlnv rt-nnirnd 6'.-nm Hm -an----1 nuu uurrul reglllallpns for residence and V ` outlay required from the assured than the premiugn. TAU `nnmmnxv ; Ana auclu 3. ;'ANNUAL`DIv1s1oxs on` PROFIT, as_prefemble to" divisions at intervals` of ve, seven, `or tenyeara. b _ . V ' In\H`. \f.\\TA(V'n\n.`\rrn puny 3 nuuus Ill U10 l l'OV'll]C8. Premiums payable annually} or by semi-annual br quarterly instalments at the "option of the assured. _ . ' - , V .ANU.-\L AND MOST ABIPLE Ek:HlBIvTS - _ ' of its affairs. ` ' ' v V `nuuralvlcl RATES} OF PREMIUM, Cgnseqnent on tlreginvestmeut of'aH--the Com- pany's funds in th Province. Premium: nuuuhh. ..........n..' .._ Lu -7 Canada Life Assuyance Co y 1m~nnnn'n..'....-. .... ...._ __ _, _ Jllcuuggerl . 3. EDWARDS, genl, Barrie. Lurtu numerous cams of thanks. _ - If differences should arise -between claimants and thecompany, the Manaer is fully empowered to accept service of_ any process in law. `V DFIIHCH . 1 _All losses in Canada are submitted to the gen: tlemen composingtlle Board who examine the particulars, and if found smisfuctor-y,at once order the payment of the claim. This system has called forth numerous cards of thanks. If difrm-nnmau ch.-'mh1 ....:_... I....a........_ 4-5-7--- nu um same rauo. ` - ` , ` . Thecapital of the Company is devoted entirely to Fxnxc.Lunu.u-ms, having no reserve fona Life Branch. AMI .... ..:_ t`I-._-j, I --- ` - ......., ,....u._.wu uyme actronot nitrate of silver. Snzsmnosr Drsssri-ms ou WESTERN Rrvr-ms. i --The St. Louis (Mo.) Dentocrat gives the losses for 1859, "as follows :--Steamboats sunk, some-of which were subsequently raised, 62; sleambcats burnt, 26; steainboats lost by ex- plosions, 4; steamboats exploded steampipes, .2; lives lost by steamboat disasters, 396-;. estimated loss of property, $2,333,000. The sinkingof the,si,xty-t`_wo steamers was the result of the following causes:-Encounteri`ng snags,-logs, sawyers and stamps, 25; `ice 3; founderad in storms.,3; collisions with hidden 0b6lfucli0lls,`3l. There were, in all, ollisions of boat with boat, with river, and wharf hnnia ........:.... 4:-..--'-- ~ - - -..---.-_ _.~..-`ua-.1-11:1 alnrumnllco The Report further says, that the Directors -congrat_tilnte the Shareholders on this satisfactory increase in the business ofthe Compnny,nnd they have every reason to" believe that from the con- nection nowformed it will continue to increase. in the same ratio. "`l\II'nI\:`` ..:-.1... n'_._.____ 2, ,1 - I -- - T Z .7 T T T `T ' Representing: Property Insurgd to the extent of -'rnnu~Y* MILLION DQL LA Rs: NIL- 'n__-__. n___.u,,,, .- uompnuyfs operations has been .'1'W1a`N'l`x-'l`W.U THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND ONE NE-`W POLI_CIES, producing an additional manual in- come at I 8[w:999..! `D...-.`--...._o:....I')....____A__ ,, _.,,. 1m: {HCKEIISI} OI UUHIDCSS In Ellglll IS IHIPIVP cedented, as shown by the Parliamentary returns, and the following taken from the last Septen}l3r Reofl: 3 , , t It. will thus be seen that the total hmonns of nepun: ' It. business done during the last nine months of the Company ! operations has been .'l`WEN'I`Y-TWO THOUSAND mun nrmnman um mxm NEW vs -'9 -. " ' iuganouaor mmton in`-c's`x;"a`1_:i : > pH0:g0['b}e:J0N_`RO5, W.P.Hownxn?`Esqj_}PP._ John Cxuwvoxb, Esq., Wu.mAu' R655, Esq, Wu. MOMAB l`l I,"Esq.,- Wu. Hnsoxnsonr, Esq. V; 'Ba'nkr'a- l`fux Big`: or MON!l`Rl:A!. ." '. ".SoIicitbn+Ross,'On.;wrbnn um Cxonn.'i *3 ' Thisy VBranchVwas only'opened1ast Janugry, nd nrnv had an immmp nf ` . o(ni_(er at the} ` " J xxconvonnnn mr AC1` 0P P'ALIA'MENT, -carrrap, . . . . ; . . .T $1,000,000 OFFERS the following text! advautggea to Ed- tending Ksapiers :.-- `I r\Irr Y\ArlIvor-1 n- --- Amgp-,.,o`,r: Sgbk ';;_o:;Tje.;n-as .aga:y'as.fn -jo_`af 1_;e . . colintbrat the if _` _ - . . . . . . . ..... Ill ,un.u_u LATENT LioHT.- At the last meeting of'th_e British Scientic Association, Sir` D. Brewster exhibited a piece of chalcedony, within which in minute landscape could be seen. If kept in total darkness for four hours, this marvellous pictures vanished, but re-appeared as vivid as ever on ten minutes. exposure to the sunlight; proving that not only could a design be minte- riousfy iusinuated into the mineral, but that light could be stored up therein` and produced at will. It was surmised that thiseffect -had" been produced bythe actiouof nitrete of S'l'li2.lMnnA'r hm;-.-.3... .... I`I1.._..._- n : d;ii5i%1'}; 1}. s2.5oo}o6oL uncut rrnnyan j 1st att`e%`Fire 5'I1isur,ance,E .`-"`5 nurmnupnua. ,...*...:. no .~a- . 7' . uun>Am'.*:_ 3 IIO;UUjV,* e;1I1_Fft),rr1c.K3*~:-'3 p;m1; PIALL 3.v1`1?,7$ fE " ,1---' L:..:_i 5 > B "1';.~ -L. Which is retained i_n': this cbnutry;`~--' -. - The [increase ofbusincss in England is unple- :edented. 111 shown hv tho Pm-linmnnlnrv I-Mnrnn, 777:5: . The Right Honorable Lon KIA C7uu'9.'!t V Pzrnv.` Mozuusox, Esq.,- Managing-mbctvdor - ., Esq., Secretary. ,. 3'; TE Q Czmn'rsm:nV n\' Aci or `PARLIAMENT. 'nom: ommrls, TORONTO. ______= . . . V . . . . u - u nun-lab VVHIIUUI |Uucn|*Dg `to ._The action of a. mixture of sulphuric and nitric acid onicanesugarvforms a glnlirrbus aoluhle mass, when first washed with water ' and dried, and then highly heated, explodes without residue. It is kngwn as explosive D -EN T 1 s T. IN SHARES OF $10 EAC_l-L` mcutta _, Avvnn ' -JAMES PATT(.)N,V % - gcnt for County Simcae. `J. H. LAWRENCE, ' .}9_g0n(, Collingwood. as. ` - j 2-ly _ -ALEXANDER S1`E\\'AR'i`, ' Manager fog B. `N. rnqrica. d /1...": n..;.._.-- WIS! Ullly 0p8I'-lI'!l$Si `all now has an income of _ Ll m U01 Am! " nvvrunr,-~..~.-. .-.. , __-. _--- .. ....... .......,..uyu_n-unguu 1:) tune. The mode_ in which the celebrated philoso- `pher Du Boat, measured the velocity of water ' at the [bottoms ofjivera was bywthrowing in ta `gooseberry, as nearly "as possible of the same specific-gravity as the. water. It Wes carried [along the bottom almosttwithout touching it. HGHOH Of A rnhrrlnu-n AC ....l_L.._:, not. I II 3. D5 : ' Di.` LY. bbfii . uuu; counter .n`n\yA<'n'n` an 1'1 JAS. PATTON, Agent edical Referee. ` ' m. r. naye , T. P. Rqbnrts, :moi'e. Esanirp_a_' ` .28-3mo 41-Gxino your on Uuld b v.|-"Wye 1 , 5!-leadngzhe, or w{:`rl,I( I A ' `I issues 4` 1 o m :?I?lrn):[mhi}ui1:"i`- amt ` ma mniw l'i`-;`'```` `` `r uu _cvcr pan or -me _a`re:g and jufe in.-all is, needeggipuqh I_`as D_e- ;ma- `,' xe _ 9. 51;.-.`.;. ., ~ ~c. . s'vL -..eZ., the` imnln In-ylu rm..- u_y uuuu oaiuu, me great reoei leadeif. . Lord Ross great telescope is a- reecting telescope; the concave-mirror or speculum is 6"l'eei in diameter, 5 inches thick at lhe edges .ind'5 inches thick at the center, and weighs 3 ums._ It is. composed of copper and line-- IEZG parts ef copper to 57; of tin.` Its focal is-about 54' feet. It was ground with emery under water byihe power of a small steam" engine, and the process of grinding occupied Gweeks.` The whole lelescopeveighs 15 ions. .Thn mnda iri .mhi.-J. pl... ....l..L--., n - -- jL"r':'.'..~';-.v,v r}~!H=.I-s I 01%! Coauveneas, "'9 "5016. bod from squenllv. if mm o.-u...t" Tlfe ' cdnsttintly iii- flhoqq, who` have,'l_m;g l .lh9_satiefacxion_ which i _ } 1'91 ten. J10. been cognpoded `purest Yegglnblc. .E.x- Ai ,un`r`1lan:`i4cll_;;`s 1nClhe . e ' A. ` mud 1 $1..-., 1.3. 2 ;,`.`i.`;'3.z~e`f; & Inc. Profession Twell ' Cmhrtics acL_.9n lhe v The I -`AMIIHV rm- -muenr uge,.: has. induced ;the tench-Qflll. . ; Tl'l_'m!.' 'Pr'ofe`ss'ibh .Ci1hinics the twenty y'ea._ra. ; `The ge'(i(|`~~bul active Cn- A prietor has used ii: his " I The nnnntnnilu ` _ ,V'coMndU1DED'1moM; iruro V, otable Extra.ota,' "and put u in 01.533 7, 'l'ight,~and will In A x. % % ,sA .$f`="ES'E. D"S , " -T _ FAMILYVA :2 G'A;'1`HART;,IG -r=1LL?%s,% . CC)" I liI'?NI\DI\' intnnn. Wk WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE agrrngggaron, AND SWALLOW BOTH T0~ .`..__.v -u_---- can sue on-Juan Among` some curiositieaii heat from [ndig to the Methodist mission rooms in'New York, A by Dr, Bullet isitbe veritable A d h" by Nana Sahib, the great rebelgrewwegfs I99:-ed L Lord Raga m-hm nslannn..- :.. _ '_-n; .- .---v vuuuucuucluclll Oll Allwhouse it are giv favor. ~ . . MIV |lf.|'IVI-an nu I-nn Allah quantities as to `act ' zses.-`ton snow. . A The dose must be ment- of the tndividual * Let `the dictates of \i`0ll `tn the use of the ` `Sour Sldmnclt, OR, and~'t't will `euro: 1 lious Attac-.ks,Dys -pain I S t: m m-e r Cotlhlp stints, ` nliitttal Cholera Mqt-bus, __,Cho- lenc_e, ` Jauntlide; F - may be_uae`<'i ,success- Fahti yr edicine. It a , (as thousands can utes, if two or three Tea- .lhe conunencetunl "of ' All --.1... ...._ 3- - ` ' menuerl. 1 J ` It [ms cured thousands I yer.~.w`ho had given up -nunlerous unsulic-il_ed` sea-`ion show. ` TI... .I.\.... .....-. L- NEVER hEBiLlTATE$. I'1is compounded entirely from Giirhs, and has become an esmblislned fact, ,a. Standard Medi- `cine, knnwn and ap- [proved by all that have used it, and is nuw re- 1 ._~'urled with condence _in all the diseases for 0 which it is recqm- menderl. ' ` I __ __ . II [Inc nnu-nu` I`!.n`IIonn.`. n ._., ' . Age Single Bottles sent. by them on 1 the_ price. ' ' venly -years. . . V I The constantly in- 0IC.~Wh0` hnVo.'Innn And by Q1 >cou_1i_try. 2'Z[A `uoyaumdanl .l0[[]O /hoaa` .iaAo zpam Jagqo s1; s3 llogqm `sasvo i`J'ugA\0[10_; am [19 ug_;ag191 puu ems ugvuao v 9; pun `msgug awogpp qsoux am oxnfug 1o_uu'e:) pu_u `ssa(m.1u1[ .naa_;Jod_ .5; :1- A`[q).1uo_.[ ':-tpnnq uaso sgq ~.4'q ulaqz _;o Xuuw `uowg -.:'q 30 uop:)aJgp.a'q1 Japun $159.10; aq1u1o.x_; fmp fluyaq p'amzsgp' sg 1; qogqm won} moo: A'Ja.xv~-aq1 --A\0l]S "gm swgupllnoo alputgug Jo; a[ag1.m` .;aq1o {nu qua: 1; go nosgwduxoa 13 sv `awn 133.13" qua cm and :4! 11-A_'1p.vgq_L -sagmgqgsuas 91; ngua -puap. go pubzsug fpuqo .moA"_;o ugxagns `am u; -noluzu A'q sa.m[aJ .'1:u-mnbostm-.1 pus `pupl Sun _;u - cm.-gdo JO (no.1; 03.1; A'[o.Ig7xu_a sg 31--A`[pug 'um1n .10; aqgwseud 0; sgugupluxo-3 emuugug ug. aouagaadxov qauux mos; pegucnb "an s; 0l[.\\ `uugo -gsiqd Jujtxax .13. go nogauxudmd am 5; 1I~e1SJ[_[ _ ' 4 . ' `no.6 pa.1a_goa.Io_;o|oJeq seq spuub .10 osauu 1\2q1~ uxnnsou KJBAB .l3A0 Kayo -!.l8dlIS SI! 9)`l1S 0) OJQEBP OAK V `NVJN1 sx0.Lva `nu (mm 110-` usiuos.-Md U1 uugadglil-I -pqt; stuns am augvnayos .105, `oslu "o:y `D1100 `}}IEIJ.N{*IS_A(I 9." Q3115 5DNlH.L5!('I.I. DNI(1_.NIEI.L.LV S.L.\"I\"'Id_I\ OO , I'lV `H01 nucaurlacu UI ll stream Il0\\`l!lg Wit considerable velocity is always higher middle-tb_anVat the sides. C V 3 , 2 T'amoq ad suz_qo_gz `oogad 'pa.uo11n_; A`uoy.ns aq-qsn'm_amoq qouo punona paddrum suonoaagp am sasva I; u] 's1az|zqxu "U 9; a1qvg[a.l mow m]_1,sB 5135;; spuauz ~umo 1; `uo'sBa.I sums 3111.10; Eaugsgzxanpu Jgaqy sg asuodxa agoq.-.\ asoqm osorn uuo su -szuauzosp -Jaapn 31101 qous p.Io_gt: youmzo am n_:q1 `pug an }o suogua.mdaJd Jaqzo um mom qonuz osvsysoa 11-.&`psw} 1; u}.I'no0.nI ug mug 4ou asoo[ 01, not puo,wu'xooaAJ Knsauzua ?a._n `s19 .10 suogslnmoo jb sasco 111: ug ngpomsuds-gun [n_;.mmod u Squgaq pun faouapyuoo .1aa;.md um. uo pauar aq mm 1; `sasuasjp 30 5:15.41; pun lung jsomaqj `("1039 "4021 .'J~`.'!13-` 94? '3 3.11! P'3H W1 "1 P100, -`OJ `pauunbaun s; 1; s[a.ssoq amp 3u'l'8[ll33.l-.l0,_>[ .'nud' Sug.xag[a1-pui; stu_nB Ifugvnayos `oslu f"o:y `D1100 `XHSILNHQAG so uons fnultrmm uw ul run: or mree Domes. The BLOOD FOOD" V is effectual in all cases of Eruptions, Salt: Rheum, Scrofulas, and other'like>compla.iut3.. ,Pale and emaciated children and adults are immediately bene-_ fitted by its use. It. gives strength tome body and color and beauty to the skin. Physician; Qf all ' schools are usingit with wonderful success. . For full div-mvtinnu =nA .:......I..... n-=.x- on acuuucvl are Sing It. with wonderful . full directions, see circulars. Price $1 I per bottle. sure to in I......Hl.l'..I . rcsyu. nuayceu we plizqllcllun oxyjms "ISLUUU FOOD, omthe use of `which, Dr. Bronson was restoredto petfgct heaith. I Within six months after its introduction, over two thousau'd"cod- sumptivgs were .e_'ectually `curd by it; If you have imy complaints` of a consumptive tendency, Cough, Cold, Head-ache, Prxl'pitation'o_/' the Heart, Loss of annetile; or ndininlhe hm-, urns"... :.. ;Dr. Bronson, `having been` so far Vreduced_ by consumption, as to b_e`co'nside1fed `beyond `all hope of recovery by"1b'e :md$t'eininent of the medical px`ofe ssi6n,"ond*'d`|'so b_y".hitiia`e1f--n regain: phyjsi-. _ cian' of tWnt.y`yem's pm -.tIce*--us.-n Inst resort, conceiyed theiden of _g\N_AL)'Z__ING 'I_'_H_E BLOOD, andnpplying the supjeot of `physiology to` the. more immediate connection, and elfect of the state of. the bloodnpon the health` and system. The result basybeen the production of this BLOOD II`D_" f'rhm'm mm nl\'whi:-In `hi Rrnnann` 9.....- 'Ill'l'lII llll Lulnahvnnvn uvu lVUIl`\ IJIIUBLIC U For the convenience of parties in the cbhhtiy, iamjl `t:`qeg suppiid and lled, with Books: of ,nscon`_. - .1 4;. otdnto, Novombei, A ` K 44-tf.-V. Z ( iI_l II.-GVl|ODI`D`II'u plot: 5 ! Iifylqilqivaytcnv Qoylnvtiyl ; . ~, ESUMES the ` 656? of his `Pifofession in - - I`6ront`o .`a_nd3 ' filphred t'otreat all forms of Acu'te!'und- Ghc Vc-"Disea csV with iiceessvuna , tainablfby 1!12:;tablisliedJsystem.v C 1_ ' M ~0r'r1o'5,d`ndvR:s1n"r:xcu, 308 ~Yun g e Stree,_t, - ' `I ... `I... --.._-_......... ..l _-..4`.. 1.. AL- -3...-.6-'- ,3: y,; 2 -3_-.-r--_-..v.- .-:~.-:.---.u.-*2 Graduate of Jefrnon.,Co,llgi! Pic ` Licentiate-qt` the Ieraim'qlVMed:2a1 1 .1-nndnuna cl..- .. s:"`.;`..l 1.:.. 1.`...n Sold by CHURCH (ca DUPONT, .Druggis'z, - -' W No. 96 Maiden Lane, New York, all respectable D1-uggists tbroizghout`/tho itry. SIMPSON. & DUNSPAUGII, . ' V A gents,` Toronto. D918 BJtf_lO Qnf ht` Ihnrn An -A-...:oL.._-- -l` runs; one noun pgrnmlo. qwovannau, -uvnuvuaavgv, oqovgv _g-an .: .:.::;= J >_1_#".*.:..0! 4imoi x<>.`;- nlunle of Jefferum ,L'all1'}ri.v. Pln'l4 HQ SANFOI{D S INVIGORATOR. vig " Y gaupvszg, all lnirgn , u_ . r.. Igurielni gs` Big! whicg esh is l3gjr,,_] ];`i.3; f advemnamn F I. r. mcIs,.w}1ich act alike alimentary `canal ,i_!2` canes where 6 Galiiani ` .r-angements of Ibe'Slo`- Painsin. the Back -and Pain.-anti Samoa-.% 9v..r.; I. ludde `cold, wh1ch.I'mV-. end in a lo ; in Ch !) course of ti` ' .-3`: ` ho . , . cleanest, 3 1 lh=II'd,I" Inammzb i ldren, or .Ach.h., . i rcasing demand from. `. ued Jhr. IPILIAS, . and all express in regard.lo .~ me lo plqc_e them wjthin know {hat the di'erent rtiona of thebowelu ` . HARTIC PIIJ; a..- ' T`!-IARTIC gI15I;1_s',. _. t_h'amc which .the pro-' "prac/ticg: mom {Iran `ih`!x`i?r`1;`3'i,x2`:'.1'. this well Tea rm... .. -----:--~ , yclllly un me DOWCIS. _ [your 'udgn_xem guide . LIVE , !NVlGORA- , Liven;-Complaints, Bi|-- . Ch'rnnic Diarrhoea. ' Dysenlery, D ru pay, Cusliveness, Cholic, u lera Infanlum , `Flum- * male Weaknesses, and [ full ' pg '_n n_Or_dim1r , wil? cure `Sick -Head! Ieslify),-inlwenl min- spounfula are ta 'eu at attack. ' : yadnpted `lo th lempera - ? taking it, and used in ggzgenlly nn lhe Bowels. ` VOIlI'- iudumonl nu-'-`la V -uu nun. -l_heir testimony-_ in V its , \.>viIhii1 the `la/st` tlwo ; all hupes ofre_lif.f, aslhe `certicates in ihy pos- 5 flgtill J8 .;|`|g\_1|-, '00 ':;r '4zm!9mu:- `..`_`. _. 1_ , 1`-emittxxnce of .- - - ' `vi us ' "T'd"" "a"'r B3T;'.,'.na`:'.."r.".'..n a y 's'..'.'-"-'3- irs;.":'.'n .".' ui . '%:::'%f rf . T.he`surface, of a 1 ..-....:.l..... LI- ..-|__: _ ,.g.uruuuve'- _nnI done my hairso mdcb since I." V w_isl:;to,ma_kg known I , lhb hay`, Which are :13` min `or Womp muy.b6'nenrIy deprived of hair. :33 by: mgomwvniir mnam...:n an ,,.,,;....,,[...,g .,.-u ?row1ngrnv or'gI(in.bu:T.v-"u -V res .`.`".uni4?`'*"""N' M" .|9!'.I,=.s..-t \ C" . . { ._-if A ~ -' Bimcon; Ag`a';,= July sloth; woo. To P301. -0.41. =Woo1i?: Dear Sir : `Your Hiir gfqlomive has done .;1:o.O.r.y_w:u!(l:.)";" -_ BEN. A. LAVENDE&' the` '1 ` pd! are-.nxA9-mIVn{'7-'3. " '% "" hairso good -.-*!':'39a::s;w:sa-9.9!:-;:.a_ugc .,....... , Fonzlhmamonylamnh o pex,l urongly recommen .9.-ws!;-.-a is-` : www;~xr;ygV 8: l"l':q;qlmirgtionof thaiq wives loiprot .;__ , .;v."!_|:,n'ecI` uuv`. ,,,,,, _. .-aw unuucetl I0 ' Ir wood : air Relloralive, mainly lo arrest the falling o'rof_ my hair, for I had rgally no expeclatinn [bat gray hair could-everbe reuured to its original 5 clor e: : c'eptfrom dyes. I was, however, gre y surpx-iae,d,l,o nd aller the use;olT1wo bottles only, |lIat,`Il1o1`_`)nly 'wuth `falling o'g}'_arres1ed, buuhe colqq wag rgatorecl Io tlic gray halrspnd sehIibllity_'lo ;he1Icalp,'anddnnd'ml 1caaed to form on my head, ,,veu;y .ngu':h`Io the gmicarimi or my fwife , at whbsei i_olacualion`I:wniiuduoed~,Idlt its. 1 . . - .-.For.:1hu.amonmn.m---m -=---=~--- -- 'l fl r wood aw Renonilive, {Fug my ha: lfgat except "from W surpl-ue,d,l,o aer up lat I101` `(mlv 1111:`: `an. r.n:`--~ mo mp 01 my bend and lhreatenihy I: ;ln-Ihis_un leasant predicament, I was i V trf _Wood s. air Reuorlive, mainly f=lTng o"o_ h_a_i, reallv no on ' due- hair auburn, yearfs aince'iI beg the crown or 'dandmlI"lo {aim upo A abilities increhped -with lime, u'ndj about four since 1 founh was added4to- h ` ` tr Wood . In I"-nu --5'-- I award it to yqu cheerfully, ' My age" is nbo I. (in and incllned y yea Each I qasaqt :pre_dicamen _I`{,_eII m belzauise I think` it rs; the color of my to curl. _ {into him gray, my_ head to loose its sensi Some five or six and the scalp rn bility and of these cl` cm, by hair ialling'o' tho" lop pf hand Ihreaxenin ainlv lo am... .5... 47 Wall Slreet, New York, ` Dec. 2011:, 1858. 2 1 .GN1'I.u13N : Your n9_le ofthe l5Ih inSt., has been received, saying that -011 had heard that I had been beneted by the` use 0 W6od s Hair Rcstorauve, and I v- -v uvuvu l requesting my pertipate of tbe_1a_5;t_if lvhqd no ob- My age 18 about lly je'olidI'Hd'Qi\?o`i!. ` ` e . I award lg yqu because lhinlr V _ . color hair and mclmed curl, Some six Vellfa llIIl`,ll'iI lhuvnn he c.;_._ K ` - to` the eicacy of Prof. O.[J. -:_-- l'0R48TA'l'E9i, JUDGES, OLEBGYHEN, Ladies and Gentlemen in allvgqrls oflhe world tea-til] oud s Hair Restoralivv and genllemcen of he Press are nnnnimous in it: praise. A few testimonials onlycan be here given. seevcircular for. more, and_il will be impossible to: you to doubt. 1 Ali` rat n In. K ...-_.p I Isa-I I'\l""\ I \\'0R'I'HY OF .' ` ' UNIVERSAL` CONFIDENCE &~ PATRONAGE. -_.g -L V _seu-lreaunem, etc. "'5' PI-:Izs0Ns in ANY PA_B'I` or `nu-: ` sug.-ceggfully treated by forwarding their case, with a remittance for which will be returned with the and securefriiin observation; E No charge for advice. 7 . 113- Patients requiring medici accqrding to the nature of their co 'l'\I'I _`sell'-.treauneln, 65. JUST PUBLISHED, _ THE MEDICAL ADVJSER on ervuns Delzilitv and the various forms of premct Decay, -boll: mental and pliysical, arising from yo thful exercises, infection, the ellcts of climate, &c.: emarks on the use ofthe microscope, and the questio ble tn.-utnieut certain writers: fullnw by practical olwervations and plain directing for c prevention and _5emuval of certain Disqualiftc ' ATIS, 0 wuuqm. burn: or aalislarliun. n and various terms nr ---n--M ., ....... .. ....; uununlu prlv ie individuals. ltlahurl, the` lntulable end o,t'thei,r reu dies is the lezm.-ning of n.gren_t mass ot'.hnman mi ry, by` the alletjiation, relief, and prevention ol'tho_se rievous alllictiuns that arein reality the sccretfoes 0 life, and whit-Ii, when they so extensively surround s, t-all aloud for our skill and interil-r_:"iicc to their e termination. In these, as well as in other sex, D3." AMOS 6: SON re-coinmendan early apph lion: and without `any vanity or aspiration, decid .-tale that no case within the reach of mortal. and sh ll ever leave them without Cure Salisfarlion. JUST Pli'RI.lQLnrn l ; Iiirnc `L-otnbinntiotts ut reutedies iv --_a\Ja.Vl, COR.\'l'.' O -M.~\l.\' AND QCAY S'l`S., BL'Fl"ALO, .\`.\'. State `who are Ieiubers of the Royal College ot'Snr- `genius, London rzttlnnles nfoneiofthe most eminent Colleges iii the lnited States, take pleasure in an- nouncing that .e_v have devoted their attention exclusively to thi peculiar class of iuala' and the reliet they have c st-qnently been enabled to render to their fellow crea res, is fully testified and greatfully at-knowletlged by u.n\':1lez~'('ettt patients and others daily arriving in to from all pat-ts ot'the country, for the exprcxfs ttr 56 only oftjottsttllatiott, while their exettions ave -en crowed with the most signal advantages; y from what the_v have experi- enced in inquiring int he causes ofthese complaints, (from the most simple ondi iolh to that of the most dangerous and imfetera wit have always enter-' mined the possibility of Fp enm and re_uw\'al, and likewise invarinhl_v mi at the most--Horrible and malignant forms of be tum-etl to one ofthe fol neglect, or the ill effect A ftuiskiltiil` and -improper treatment, tltcrefore, Dry M05 6:, SUN have suc- ccedcdin discovering, in [ll selection ofthetr retuedies :1 safe, ell}.-L-tttal, and cat inns course: omitting all. hich bear an equivocal hose premature or inju- cnul altuost always mg causes :-tgnorance. t`l1l'('lCl`. as Well as those (ll('lOl)S application rnighl b quences in the hands ot"priv ll .gren_t ot .human relief, are`in these. as Well ns in ml`... te individuals. In ahurl, I\_ only } l[\ i('ln in the ` p|'U(llll:li\'t.' of had conse- ' T] I 113 VONL-Y PREPARATl_Ol\_l . ._....- _Iu|.vIUnI._ V UIOI LIIOHIII, ESTABLISH!-In 1-`on THE cam: 01-` EPSIA, General Dcbility, Fe vt-r and Agne, rity of load, Pimplcs, Salt Rheum, Fi.~stnla, Piles, LiverC pluint, Kidneys, Debility, &:c.- Canker, th, Astlu_na, Incipient. Consumption, Ulcernte Sore Throat, sic. NO MERCURY USED. Ulcers, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Gm-at Impu- ` Irulll one part at the body to the other. 13 Remember, to prevent confu.-tiuns, these Medi- cines are prepared by 01.9 Docnm FRI-2D!~2Rt(.K Dr:t.- , Lnnmuiant, who has practiced in Butfalu mar 27 years. ' ` _ , ` To. prevent fraud, :1 cutrccl likeness of the Doctor is on the wrapper of `each bottle, and "Dr. Fred. Dellenbnugh 5600.; Btthlo, N.Y., blown in the - glass. Direction acvornpanving each bottle. No. I is sold for l$ per bottle ; No. 2 fur '75 cents. \ViIh this simple name they an: utfcretl tn the publiv, rely- ing on their virtues in recorxntxnetuding thmselves. - " A. S. 'l`H()l?\"I`n\r Barrie, September 10, 18:39. . --- .....--cu-cu fII`I'l__ .`"I_'hjon-willI_nagm{|`liun-Io?| |d` - pln wqil`aAi!di-in '0'! _ mind: ` . , a` `virtue, u-utl; and grace, ` the mbuoI!&l?d1Q;'!`3 . - .u 1-. v an 1v11Lu1U1JN1:J, And must never be taken ,exc_ept in cunnct:l_i0n with No. 1. It willtthc.-n cure Inammatory Rlneunmuisnn. _all kinds of Fever: and Ague, the worst clli-x-L of Colds, and all pairis, whether Chronic or Acule. These nnedit-nes will effect CURES, not renwvals lrom one part oflhe body the mher. Rt:lne|nber. In nrnrpnt 1-m.r.. ...`...... .L....`.. n . u action an Inc organs that may have becomefinavctivie, and may be relied on tn cure Liver Complaints and Complaints of the Kidnevs, Incipient Consumption, Dyspepsia, General Debilily, Old Uh-era, Scrofula, ASnlt Rheum, Pimples. Sores, Nervous Do.-bilitv, Ery- sipelas, Inrurilics of Youth and Age, and all other diseases which have their origin in a disunlered or impure state of blood. -It is of a strenghthening nature, and will never weaken nrprostratc the body. -The number 2 is a ` 'lf.`I.`Ir"n11 'n'ir~n1xv.~u-.y._ .7 uuuuu 1. U Ill! 11311, Superior to the purest extract of Sarsparilla, made entirely of roots and herbs of this and foreign coun- tries, the best properties of which are extracted by an entire new chemical process.` It acts in larger doses as an active physio, in smaller ones as an alterative working direutlv on the Liver and Kidneys, `expel- Iingtherefrnm all morbid mutter, thus bringing into a('ll0lI all the that bee-ome.inactit"e, on to cum Liv:-r n.m...t..;.... .....t mu-es.Inal nave battled other medic-`al men, Vic-lded readily lo_his treatment, and persons came daiiy from hundreds of mileslo be cured. The Doctor, how- ever, has not been able, like others, to cure every- thing Wilh one preparation, but has put up his medi- c'ne in two bottles, which are numbered .1 and 2 be number I is a D7 f\f\T\ 1\1vi1 -r-in-p-n-rs Ur` t5U.l"FALO, N. Y., FTER an unprecedenk-d`sut:cessftil practice of- over thirty years, being about retiring from active practice, at the request of numerous friends in allpartq of the country, has consented to make two medical preparations upon which he has bestowed the care and knowledge of hislong experience, and has left them with the dierent druggists for sale. To those who are acquainted with the_Doctor nothing need be"said:-to others, it is but necessary to stay, that hethas forveurs prescribed for from 4,000 to 5,000 persons, and always with the greatest success. Caz-esthat have battled other readily to his treatment. and nm-mm .-an... ,t.:t.. 42...... V _ V _.a. .c;4.v.L\J coR.\`l-In 0`M.-\l.\' ;.;u,.|.'4J u naxnnulnu With the leas't.possible.,pain; and particularatten- tion paid to the Regulation of Children : Tee!/z. Teeth inserted on Gold Plateor Pivot. Cavities lled with Gold _or Silver Fail, or any other Branch of DEN T./2L 8 UR GER Y executed with neatness `and dvrability. ` V . . nj" CHARGES EXTREMELY MODERATE. .50 Parties requiring Operations performed are "requested to come early in the da . Oce Hours from Eight a clock u.m., to 1%ur p.m. August 13, 1856. t 33-lye 01 ms rrozesslon. _' _ . - ` He wou ld'alsosta1te',tha.t in case` of failure in an workwarranted during the past Eight years n will be rep`aited'l'%'ee of Cllarge, provided no otlzey, or has been, employed to opemge. in the same mouth; but Shbuld n1_1_9}her Dentist be - 1510.) ed; tl1 Wil7r.dnty,iu all cases will cease. m ' 'V`i'.V11fIirT rsvrnn . 1-0...... 1 } vaencmxu vEN.'r.I~s'r,% 1.17 -'....`.-..`....._- AL;-I. _ _ To win I119 livorolhamaidg. Yet. [mung {roimhu humble pmloll. -A. 5- Made up hit mind viiihom V ,'rd`me`a!orfatber';_cold ` Y ..'.l'o -lake_th e, girl'nndjI'I1n awn . ' Apteltyf plain-A-Jwbm could be ner!- V Qiniibuncegltngu-ae4wn1'be at . `53114-SER?S :-HOTEL, BARRIE, `9li)aA't_Ite_6th-31:11 45 gm 6 .dug'uat,' October, Dgembcr, - , February * pfiland Juinene:t XEWMARKET, or . tag _1at;`27nj 3rd of each month, .. ' _:n'11(l_: _13`lI{4&II}I"`OIV{UI).,:bn ,tlg`gA4th of _ pacli month When he will beinost `happy to wait upon those whaxequire hiaservices in any of the Branches` of his Profession. ' AA H_e ld`a.lsqs1te',tha.t _in case` am; D11] Li,L's" nu nu: IIHIUU o.`.lall 5, [H nving have tlcvol usivcly n -I bee-I eir (es iuwledgcd p r from pa he pnr ol`( ' nave crow `ll d causesv. n most l( vrous ll {l ika,-wise ' Iinligninnl :|t'(`.'(l of the fol .-('l, ill fluiski `ncnt, -din seleclio 1-, t lll.'L'lll8l, r-m rinnlions l l('lCl'. 1 is pruduc res in [he hnmln nr-m;., .. ;....):. cm on NEW TREATMENT c _2-. EALo Msufft DISPENSABY, ESTABLISHEIJ 0!-` RSFZISE FEVER V MEDICINE, lake.-n HXPPIII in llnnnnn ""`,` "P." (W.-,-;,nu nu gust: Wu] 6885 "TE.ETII EXTRACTE n lnn'O..nnm:Ih`|n nah. . .....a ___.e . - Cl ! I33 BLOOD PURIFIER,` 0 puma: pxh-Am nr $1..-.m.. oro` BUFFALO, Y., I l1IInrAnAr`.\-.'I..,I.-.4-`.-. ,4- THE ` . mungg. . ' v .` `Wren lawyers counsel :rnp1id guile, It may, smneumes, be worth the while,-' If they'd avoid the deepest shames, 16 procure the parties names. >;T GT RTTF`|'c`A`l.n M v nu-u an purl: ()1 me FE have F ing :-ignurance. 1 H1 oflhmr n-un...l.'.... u.-u_umm:numg lnemselvc A. S. TU() l:.\"I`ON', ' ./Imul, R AIIUD Q7 DUAV URVE ||C< ` . Inju- ) iv lnahurl Inns -_-, wood-lll\l 3 Illa`, aarls testify Rentoralivc-, 9: its mlycan be hem ..;..;... Li.` L UJ , guti, Barrie. 37-] y w III IIB given , bias for #0-ur _.3'. _L ..-. - .. ---V0! , .: , _ coffin Rggzikc `A at to: Bum-ie...'. '1'. W. GE ; `Pjoi-;`p,"l869.' _ ` 8 '1 *1 u; unau_. _ `ten cents the k '1, ' ' Ph75'`3: Dlggists Irncd `I>%l:::,t::ho wish to 933 '88nla:; will have a sample, with Terma . ,3:'6`-thglgl upon application. _ A..[.'.n,,,.,,.'n`fz*k.A_ .."1%i;tr,ee::i and sent by man, wxll be ;; ` i ' "- . on. FRANCIS, K. M A,-r_y. > aw. .- Amman-'n.'.~...:. - in .u9};".' .,?.-`ix To help a client chutlhe law. _ Be_l'm:e him qlraighx the case wgs laid, , Rilho, when theproper l`ee,wa.s-paid, `clmiteivd at once" a happy plan, And thus the counsellor began :-- Younz man. nn nnhl vnnr ...:.....:..... JIINJ I CATHARTIC LOZENGES FOR CHILDRE-"y ARE is safe and eilicient Medicine, coniposul_of pure Vegetable substances so combined will` sugar and peppermint as to be agreeable to I110 L -taete. Jenges to the public, from having in an experienc of 30 "ears in the medical profession, ofleiifoud it _d', cult to get; children to take medicine as Powders, &c. They are` of great vnluein cases of Worms`. Teething, _Etnptions.of the skin, and in 1115"! other diseases of children ; they may also be 81" in dnyvcase requirin physio. They are put up fn a form convenient to send `by mail. Ten cen s the package, retail. _' Physicians, Dtllisls and nthm-n who wish to` _, .-.--_.. ._, T Conrmed consumpti A few `doses will also at once cure the most severe Diarrhea from Com 1:: run Bownns. Inn.-- ....J.-- ` and has per-fan ever known of -_A-W, .......,......u. u, uwmg urn: nuns. 13- For sale _by Dtuggists and Country Store Kceperi s:caens_l|y. in any form`; and that it is an innoccn: preparation," not capable of lning the sh};/ztcst 1'Ig'ur_I/ to the most tcmlcr z'u_/Zznt. Address n>l1.m-ders to FLEMING BROS., Pl'l'l`SBL'RGH, PA. I . 8. Dealers and Physicians ordvring from utlla rs than Fleming Brus., will do well to write their order.- ll.-'lmr':)y, and. take none but Dr. .ll Lane :, prepared by 1-`L mm} Bron. Pittsburgh, Pa. To those winbim: to giw lh-.-1:. 1 -trial. we will forward per mail, post paid. to any yurttl the United States, one box of Pills for twelve lhr'V"C?U: p03ll|l:L' stamps. or 'one vial of Vermirugo fur ll-urtm-n three-cent stamps. ' All orders from Canada uuul. Lew `cunxpunjcd by twenty cents extra. 3 Fur nlu In: n.........:-.- ......I nA__..___ :u._. n,,.._ , _--..-..u us: .:nno T'l_'ae Balsamic Cor has acquired a reputation :ur_pa.m'ng that 0 any ainu'lar _pre- ` pqralion extant. It will cure, wrmour run, > the moat aware and `longatand g cough, Cold, or Hoarseneu. B nchitis, In-. uenza, Group, Pneumonia, cipxent Consumption, performed the most men /ting cum of through years trial. Unbounded satisfac- tion is rendcre y llgem in all cases; and the people have pron unced them worthy. Liver Complain Dyspepsia, Jaundlcc, lleblll_ty of th ` Nervous System, Diseases 0 the Kidneys, and all diseases aria g from a disordprnl liver or weakness of the lomqc/1 and dz'_qe.(:'re organs, are apeer,Ii_I_1/_and the GERMAN BITTER I711. 15.`, - manenlly cured by You get on too--but, hark y mind ` She rides bezre ; you ride be`1u'ad,- And thus. you see, you_.mak it true, 2!nq,lad,y-Vrjugu away mil: 1" I '- . Thu! very`ni ihn he got a drse, And.pul~the wyer s plan in_ force . Who found next day-.-_no lau vhin matter- The truam lady wgs his daug_ ler Dr: M -Lane s Vcrmifuge 1 DOES NOT CONTAIN ' MERCURY in every instance where it should prove me?- fectual: providing the symptoms attending the sickness of the child or adult shouf.` wa'rrant the supposition of wormsheing :l.: cause. ~ In all casesvthe Medicine to be give: in STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE DIR_ECTIO.\'5. is We pledge ourselves `to the public, that The universal success which has a;. tended `the administration of this prcpa. ation has been such as to warrant us 3; pledging ourselves to the public to DR. M LANE S VERMIFUGE Will certainly effect :1 cure. _ HE countenance is pale and '13d_.. Tcolomd, with occasional ushes, eras: `cumscribed spot on one or both checks; eyes become dull; the pupils'clilate; 1 azure semicircle runs along the lowc; ._.. lid; the nose is irritated , swells, and 50;`: times bleeds; a swelling of the up? occasional headache, with `humming 1, 7 throbbing of the ears; an unusual sccrg-3. 3 of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; bra: very foul, particularly in the morning; ,3 petite variable, sometimes voracious, u~j;;}i knawing sensation of the St0macl1,'at 0:5,: entirely gone; eeting pains in the stoma; occasional nausea and vomiting; \`ir,"_:: pains throughout the abdomen; `l)owel3 jg. regular, at times costive; stools slimv; rg unfrequently tinged with blood; belly su-;'_. len and hard; urine turbid; respiration 0:. casionally difficult, and accompanied `:~. hiccough; cough sometimes dry and com~_". sive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, wig- grinding of the teeth; temper variah generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are ' found to exist, I v 13, ..I -~ 7-.-.. .- ..'-.n.u.- v "-5 u) FINLEY Jomw Jx be Restorative is put u ` 1, 5:: large, medium, and?_sr`:1s!1';l ;`1lles of three int, and rgztailsfor onejdollar per lgflllselnlll h id: old: at least twenty per cent mo than the zmnll, retails fut two dollars M. p'"ft1{ , e la h Id n 40 ~ . . 01! - ax: elgilifrqggg 'pcr.cem.mOre m"p'P`4 L` O. J. WOOD dc ,CO., Proprielorj, New York, and 114 Market Slreel, S; [mu . ri`;;`::; :`,L2a';i 3: s:-:'srr~ * was ______ W . 7__ _____ _ OI.. "Mr ' WORM SPECIFIC,` I" ` "wdoD~s`11Am R . ESTORATIV Phonsson, 0. J. Woon: Dgay s,-,. H the misfortune to lose the be ' w `mm - E_ , I ' Wink born the el-eta of the yellow 3 pom f fever. in kc a trial in l85l.- I was induced to, ma paration and found it to answey as e tIr, needed. y hair is n_uw thick and glossy ,mJ"Yll can express my obligations to youjn iv "Uh. alicted such a treasure. 3 `Dam 1"l\'I D11 -- New of y ' can u ' " U blush the aboy _\ pI1hhihing`in our ulhern pape" 7:" hk._ patronage south. I sue aeve " J0 -M96116 Mumcry, a strong Soulho V. . _, ,1, A ; %Janu.arf 18: and thus the counsellor" 'b'eg'an :'-- Yqung mgznz pn doubyyour wisest: col1l_se thus.---to-mgh! you gel 1: horse, ~-And-lei 'our ladie-love e! on; As soon as ever that is e, ,Y5l_l getox;1oo--but, ye Sh; bezre : you behind: SYMPTOMS OF _VVORMs_ RETURN THE MQNE.Y VERMIFUGE, as "Y ' v ...m.-E.-`$3 E1`! 2.` `DR. FRANCIS Tit". I I`\'ll:`\rnI.-cu nnn .. Celebrated American .. M LATNVs`; : Apuybvlia . A pretty" "could b'e'ner!-- " ' _lBuruszfnunaidwns` et'n*minor,' = I `r There still remained! igplight obstruction: ' He mi 1 be gunished for` abthction! [Awe iugly, e thought ifwise " ` To see the myuire and fake ndvioe,-- . ., A cunning lmnv who loved a trick . As well as fees, and `skilled to ick, Auawyers can, some latent V w To help client law. . Before slraizrhl the Mann um. laid A t and others, who an - an---`A ..-Zola Tnnnl ,G[Ol{(3l-IN. ,.., ` `._g I ac]: and Beading _~ .,'1'o-lakejhe, girtandjrnn away} A ptelly ner!--_ ` 7 Burn: the maid was` vet `n= minnr. - inn. t'or,h1.s bnde,` ` 1!In6ngh'tii6t'in`vairn!:ehadeanyed - ' I Townnthc fuvorofthemaid. v_ _!eg. from his humble nnuon. , Raising` snk. . . stream owing Wllh ; V i BIWIVR `links: ;n .....c, nu an, uumsxons or cnnsxirlm-_ _,___ --.._---n inuvrnsi V I'_UIpQ ; ` qontinning `his personal i3'`'L'men: of the con- ` -;,eerns I-1ua%t;4naranr> no am: g:ge,.,ug;;;: .u--.. be. a V Z .lu`.,`f" " %,~ ith [any in "the ,. ""f-",-ll! IS pleasantljbiu1ated'at the! STREET, ` amongst the "houses in the citv-. n. Hui 1. 3%?! .A.1b1<$n :EIci1:e1, V ~ M OT_R_EA'L; I-" DECKER) Prprietbrs ` TS nleasantlr `niummrgo u.'..|......: -. Q... .. . ..- ,,,,, _.--.... .._.--oyv yLvvJ.u,l.l.5, Made by first-class Workman," from vefy varie_ty-' - of Goods, in styles to suit all customers. N.B'.--Customers may rely on having garments made to measure in, elegant style, and in `the. latest fashion.` ` - ` ,. -4-... unuu ILLVIJ D "Cloths, Dbeskins, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Satinetts, and __ Canadian Cloths, _ - - .. ._ - u. n u I- I I \, ' Fashionabie-' Tailoring, Olothii; ` and `General Aoutpting Eatab1ishment,D op St.,Ba_rrie_. . - CALL AND SEE ms STOCK OF A "`ClotIm_ Dhnaleims U-- - gugrnuu. / r , Sllkgoods are not only very handsome, but they are very useful. `They can beworn muohg longer than'eilher cotton or linen without be-` ing soiled or faded, and they are cooler "and lighter than woolen goods. _ ` e V ` ' ` - I .w_ant all the little boys and girls` who read this to remember that ,a silk neck- t_ie or e sill: dgssgmay ,very _qselu.|t and serviceable as : villas beautiful, and so farfrom being proud 'of:.'t_hern_. you ought to be very thanlrfnl to the`: untilnlly` iv provides for. `all V our ewu.ut s,v vun,.l- -' rukeezeveu the ugly "little vuilk`-worm uifejful~jj `. ll l'll'|`n|nn|-n ........ -`_ :earr1e iLxote1,% BARBIE)` C-so General o..m..g Eszablismnenu wearer. . , 1 `of? CUTTfNG DONE iro dixnsin. .50 -CLOTH. CAPS made to the style and fof the _ V Rzaiaxgntzn .V .(\_n__nu -- - ' unuvvl uuA.IINGS AND VESTINGS, Which he will' orderin the. most. fn shion- ., able style, and a't'the lowest `rcmuneralive prices; H. B. `utters himself, having hsid several years experience in-the:CuttingDep2u'tmenp in the best. establishme_nt_s( both in, the United States and Canada, that for t, workmanship and style, the Empo1_'inm of Fashion will be found second to none inthe Province. "Patrons will prove this for themselves; - . . ' -4 PMvELLi:ns_vi11 nd 1. he abo`ve no .way_sn,itaed to their comfort. ' 13- EXCELLENIY s1:aBLI1$fG.f _______,_____________, ...-..... Auoulvllu Barrie, October, 1859. n; %FA'hiz'Ki@:r`ii hITnn;[ Fc;?2?ix1?;`g3`io`` %G ``" -BEA? H. BEN.NE- 1-vs r..M......1.i.. ' vr..:1....:_._ ..._..- . mu uuor to,;I1r.;11(zrr1so7z s,) ` DUNL OP ,S .l`_R EE T, BA RRIE,- .W'OUI4D respectllly inform_ the inhabitants" of `Barrie, and its vicinity, thathe has just com- mcnced business in the abuve line, and will con - s_tauLly have on handy BR_OAD- cLo',v`Hs,- CASSIMERES, --_ sccvrcn 'rwEE'ns, * .-FANCY COATINGS AN vssrincs, \Vhi:-I: lm'm:I1.....1.',..-'-_.-> - - ` July 25th, 1359. nuuu IUUIEU OIL > I V . ' " e -As for ,the'c_hildren,' they seem to have no part iii the matter; and are playing byvthem- selves quietly, as they ought; not teasing their mother while she is engaged in isuch_;im_por- - tnptjhusiness. i _ V `Whenthe silk is reeled itis called raw_ silk, it .and`_in' this state it is generally sent to the ui_anu`fac_tuxers,_and they make it up into is great variety of goods. This _rnaoufe_oturi'ng is carried on very largely in lta|y,.France and` "M31103 V--v-an.-J, And ne;ay.maaec1otiIi;.;, ruie bu first-1.-la.c.c Workman V rm... .;.._..., ._.___________.______.________._____ VEMPORIUM, 01" ;*AsHIo`N 1% DlEfNLOP STREET, Burma, ` V Nov. 9th, 1858." s-ujilf ` .252 `Saddle or Harness, 5z0z'f,Iafo},A` 'w2'tIz_02t .D7_i U7'S ; ' C'a`rrz'ages,4 Bztggies , azzdf Cuttgrs qf the best. desg~ri_72tz'on. [ ` EAMS for the`vcoN_vEYANcE-of "GOODS , can always be had. Fieight paid on Goods . per Railway and forwarded to destination upon receiving :2 written nrdef D3? Cartgful Drivers, unequalled dispatch,` and 1nodI'utc charges. ` , ~ [THOMAS CUNDLE,`.Propfietor. Dunno Srnicm, Bmnxa, * WRAPPING PAPER, As H... V I 1- '1'-`_5.`"'!'"! 'g1easanny'siu:a:ea'a': mueaa of {S'l`.'-PAUL STREET; amongst the Iarmur uI.'..I.....I.. 1wn.'sI.r4.Vll51l . BEG to inform 51-11 who require DRY GOODS that Ihzwe bought the above stock, lately sold by the Sheriff`, and will contiuue to sell it at - T Prices Seldom Equalled . 7inAToront>o,- until the whple is cleared out. nuu um; slunus on [[18 turnaoe._ ' `The reeling is_ the women : business,"-and here in thapioture you see one of them turn- inga. great awkward reelvand whipping the _eocoons in thetwater with a little wisp to loosen the silk. The man is bringing more cocoons, and the {owls are picking up thetlead silk- worms that are thrown out after the silk has been reeled off. A: In. cl...-..1.:i.x__-.n _.'----2 3-'irI7I.?_.L "$13 onlredit of six `months, And $14 on tvfelv` months. ; . , , . j v A - `AMOS s. ARKSAY, ` Barrie, Dec. 1859. BANKEUFT _*STCK " OF R.ASTIN_-SON.`- ......... V...-. vu mug vvuu as large ueluunu. - He invites an inspection, No_one havinghuse for such a machine should` be without one. The ; manual labor is comparatively light, and the ` price is only` ` -` * $12--cash, `$13 on credit nf` aiv -nnnbh. .4.-..: an .' ..`.. 4_;-u__` rxi 4..-.04.; Iv \J\J J. .l..l'JJ.\a\7,v npbn ah entirely new -principle, being aimpie, that to meet with a large demand.` strong, and etfective, and which he o'ers a.l:prices 11 inivifna an I..a....u:.'... `LY- --- Ly ' uc UI IJUI supply of. twrru ` _ -.-%_ _ _ ~ _._ I THE Subscriber begs ungrorm _theFarmera, i. Agricultm-i_sts, and all pe,rsons1keepi_ng Cat He or Horses, that he has _on- :hand a large. supply of. Banie, Nov. 14, 1859. _-_ v-vvvuv wuss IJLUUUILUB A , of the bestquality. V . 2 I trustthat by strict attention and punotnality .to4nerit a share of public patronage- N. B.-A11 kinds} pr` F-Ammo" PRODUCE` taken in exchange for Goods. -s-. ---~_ __- . _, ` ,l`.\lV !_\J:. _ 0 the farmers and c . try in gneravl, thatfl . _the nnde'rsigned,Absv.}aken._the shop lately _ occupied by Patlfickjby, late Merchant of _ this Town, where I intend keeping on (hand; ; rgeneralnssortment of ' ' T ` * : h [ Dry Goods and Groceries nf` oh". [mat ......I:.._ uuau years crop; ` , 4 '_ _" e In eating their way out they have cut the ` threads at silk, and these-cocoons are worth- less, Those which are to be used for silk. are taken as soon as gathered and put .into a. heated oven, and thus the worm inside is kill- ` ed,` and they may then be" kept safely for any lenzthof time. . e , . V . When they are to be reeled they are put into `hotdwater, and the threads-bf several eocoons are put togetherand passed" over a little iron rod that stands on the furnace. `Tho rpnlinn in ml... ......_.-9'- l . ~ . `j "uu [ [Wye Bridge -MiI1a,}J_ec.;10, 139. 5 - '\JJ5 .|u.I;oJ:.u '..'I.-1-kIJ.Vv.'-;~ olical mjllgr, ,e v'e1`-y_`attention ' `insure his customers ` on ---.------ . 'l'T'A rmrmv `tun : r `L ppgribe begs-;to"iuro1fui.e `public may h`di.hg zieighbqrhood; ghovo I . , * %%.opERAv1v1oisr.-%; Raina luimnnlf n .......:_-I .1! the Ample : .,._ .._v.. .. vnvIIA\.\a 1\1. PEARSON, Th`evLarge 103, lfonge Street, I `I -A . V > 1`orqnto.= E REIEJ1BER THE PLJCE. `gs s`AvE Yg`_`g5F,EED. VS"-.I.`RA VV CUTTHERS,-.' 1 an entirelv new -nrim-inlo ham ah. (Ne.g: door to, Ir..7IIair1L\`o'1z LOP R'I`n1:~.'mm nfin They are first assorted, and a few `of the best are put aside in the shade to hatch. After two or three weeks a, moth eats its way out, utters around a little white, lays its egg . and dies. These eggs are put awaxcarefully it: little bags and purses in. a cool place, and ' kept until spring. They are the seed forthe next year s crap; _ eatino rhuir luau ..... m... I----. ' V`i..DvANcE?'.o1jF1cE si'01;E. -}I..BX]?T'1;3R, i :HANT TAIL_OR, '4Ve.L; (Irmr In fr '11:----`-I--'~ ` got'e#I. ICE ,No `n uku-.. :.. ..; j SALE OF THE L...--uau.-._ V; L` aulv Dunlap Stret, Ba-r_ri'ei. _ ' ` H. BARTER. an,-.>...... -,..,. .....u u.n U1.` Hats, Caps, _ ._ Shirts, Collars,- V Dmwers, -Bmces , _Ho's1ery, Gloves, -v'1);s.'rizicK sToA_iv - . T 46-3mg `-' e 1_4I ot_g1_'every-f

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