xmns Cards 7. `Advertising Folders ` Mhun MENUS ' xnvuauon. curds RlnOn`In-nnrIn\ AVUMSHUHLIS ` ' Egg Crate Cards I ' Receipt Books IS OUR BUSINESS! " 1o;vu.`2414 or 2415 `nnd miyr` repfesentatlvev ` ' will Cl.1l._ . ii wadaw or 5:13; Webb f`i\Die/s In 73rd Year Wxlson and !\-`[r:;. Charles WiIson`n{1 u Bmcuord. and Miss Florence Wcbb.I n_ Mr. and Mrs. Blythe Mcconkcyi `and Gordon Mason 01 Slroud. I_-H _Mulr of Essa Road Pr:-sb) " ,Church. P llbcarers were 1 . Robert J. McBride. C - Lnrelong Kesidqnr Of : Simcoe County Passes ; Mr_'.` J. H. Pratt, 73 Ll ML. V L! n... ,: < . 7 Lifelong Residqnr or ' Simcoe Counlv P:-use: :cfn`urI`y Of Barrie Osteopathic Physician Dies At St. Cutharines `in Hospital, 'Barri(.-. on We-rlnus-5 had no children aaIV\`d'-h; xvlar y. Dec. 19, 1951, She had been in last member of a family of s h Hh {ar the past six`mo_nlhs. I The funeral was held on Fr rglth ;:ixz7noVr;ths. Th; unem ri Sarah Ann Partmdgc at Dec, 2], from H ndrzc. 0m.. 0n_Ap'i1 In. 1H7tg,_ 19, _pune,~a1 V1-n and it w H('a\.'L`f`L" lu ILIDL (h ;eks at Shjoud =Speakers at = 5 _.~A:[FederatioLn M99? 5` lnnisfil Life kesidenf f Mrs. W. Switzer Passes iillsdale Reident Dies Mrs. Edwa rd Cgjhoun 2 one Larrle: Farm ."51 nucc `L0 is lsters, urn-rie: iejaw_ `nrden l two Elm. Breth- 0 hand- I Mrs. '. und~ ; 0rll- E ; and 1 .nmp- ` \veI'y, `` . .Mx'a. QR TRY SPRAYS OF GEDAR EMBEDDED IN THE SOIL.` OF` VARIOUS J-IEIGHTS, PLACED CLOQB T06 `FOR H EAVY EFFECT. _:'ro-tan ` kind of snusfaction achieved from that total expenditure of erxu-gy." Dr. High concluded. Wilsoh in Barrie. did at 51.]- Calhnrines General Hdspilal un | ; summj. Deg. 23. 135-1, in msraagn THEFlRSTrCO|.'UMN'7 I INMDUIRJ `HEIGHTABOUT 7!=`r. vi upsusn-rs AND amass- BAR ov= 3"fPwE.uom1's wezweo r-'03 s*rsieN6rH. HA*MMo'cK,swme on V CAB-SEAT SUPPORTED BY ONE.-INCH CHAIN '77 on :s"rR_aLg1e ROPE; ' ,0 "1" dOlN"|'_W|_T`H TWO ` ELBOWS MAY BE USED. INSTEAD '0: WELDING, av/~75/2 V Wm/o%ow4.eo~ -... _.,.-. . .--.- ... At-An.-uu..',_. OHA Stnndings ' >PWI..TP mennlng.` Canadian nevispapermen {I might dgrnc that as a press re-' I lease. . , mum-0; 3 . ohlva 1 rikammo71"ci"{$..T1e"` "55 `ciffi .. Catharines 5 - St. Michael's 4 thumb in keeping the t` uelph 9 - Windsqr I .hund1 NEE 'l1`IHI]E H4 then with the Canadian National` jailwzgy, working out 0! Allan- "rdale. He retired three years ago HALF Auknpua eAmn:.` ` cu: wqounn -mu. or A KIG . WILL FROVB KI6, wu._\_- Pnovu 3U|TABLE FOR A SMALL ,ivaII.aF.\I:I:N TAKIN 73,. 3 s`FRO`F\_'7|'b|__lVgg-,9AP5lDE.. Eug,, Smith Heads ` i County Federation u-_, ICoI|ingweod Here Wednesday With Undefeated Mark ~ . y i I nys after receipt 01 tax notice.` d have It struck from lhg rull `so spanking briey were Agr MINE.SING` ~ Home Again": Write for , /o M N'S (ONTA- few) you: co to Tom Curd,` Ltmtmn;-. 1-. 11: >49o._ Aaogqide s hine, 731713 thdtar little vcarevwili rolongthe life of equipment. `ools-should be tho:-ou hly cleaned, the metal rubbed own with steel wool and then given MONDAY. Jmvmy 1, 1:52 4 . Cold Last-Niglit 4.. B_ay Ice is Now _._ 3Over Six Inches '" vent rust. _Then the hnalea might be given a coatof fresh paint-nnd they're all ready when spring appears. 14 HIGH ST. V llll llllll vlnllllul . I always feel. a doorivny should conve thz unpxeaaion of WEI- cgme. 5nn_eaailybohrougl_1t Kitcheher 3 - Nu - Seniice Cleane1?sj Leather Jackets and Gloves \ Naaok tube and locating them on either aide of the ex_m-ance. But why pot carry the xdea a step farther aid plant small spruce or cedars in the window box. Even sprays of catgxbedded 1n tha so serve e on the window sill. purpose CUSTOM CLEANED 6' REFINISHED _ .\ ; - Barrie 2 ' DRAWER POI-I-,ViI|'l'l4 mus` Haw UPRIQHT Ev sparr- wsuams. zen: ~1-mas FROM qua _cAavma PORK)_nII_I.DIP, womfrnnr` T waver? BARRI E telling me of his iiculty in learning to carve, when up spoke another friend and told bun how to make an aid to carving irom `-Lu'rsummeiwhe.nintheGeor- -s:i.unBayia1:"io_:t`Ica!neacx~oaI of lgwn fur- , house. -To brighten up_.thO canvass the chn had pmhted inthepattarnwi redandgxeen paint left over after he had `fntcd The joinl.I_ ` we! all 1ivelde_d t_'og_ sqq `Two Sfoln Cars` Breakins Police 'Makend Agenda x Thrnk 'I":\rnIn unnm ulnvn : BELLE wARr - u... an... ..-.,.,. 5-.. ....A.. ._ N9TIcFT P-H0NEM247_I , Railwayman :Here "Since I912, Bertram A. Green Dies After Long Illness A n.....:.. ....: .. ._.... IN .1 is P1 and m boat- en_ up_. thy ... .. . . .- ..,, ...~ . Watson, Robert G. McClung.{ \\ s born on July 24. 1879. the 1 1 Ovcrcnd, V, cu:-ts amllccnsed was the former Marga Hunt. Interment was ln;Annie Williams, daughter of 1 iills Cemetery, St. Calhar~`la(c E`-Edward Hodgson illiams a . and CanonN~i'r-: hol`son:' ;oIlowing.:1' I-gnglh; s were I... F. Hanna. V. ing (mm a heart c rnson. R. J. Mount. Dr.Q A native of Tor: 'BnJl0ts ._ `- ` -Admlssiun I`1ckcLs Ribbons nman I?`nr;'n: