Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jan 1952, p. 2,3

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and Mrs Reynolds daughter Mary are on their way do Hostels for the rest of the WIMCI Dundonald ESL Mr and Mrs Cameron have as their guest this week the farmers sis rooto ton were New tar Miss Winifred Cameron Tol Mr and Mrs Allan Wigg Bap field 51 had the farmers brothl er Stuart and Mrs Wigg of Sea forth as guests for New Years Mr and Mrs Roy Hamili Years guests of Mr andMrs MTIThomas Davis it Mr and Mrs human and Dorothy Mr first Craig andfamily Mrs Smith and to and aims Harris Mr and Mrs Inwis Robensotrl Mr oil and family Corby and lamb If Bigolow and and Mrs Seymour In Seymour htr By and family ll Hersey and Mrs Block Mr crow and family Mr liofland Samuel imam Kastner Mr and Heath Ted Heath Miss Neath Mrs Laurence Reeve Mr and Mgr John Couch and daughters and Mrs Gordon Reeve Illa Helen Reeve Warren MlsJoycc Elliott John Rave George Brown Major and Mn Greenwood Mr and Mrs Harold Cooper and daughter Dor othy Mr Tordiff Mr and Mrs Wilson Mr and Mrs Shaw and Mr and Mrs can Bram ying Officer and Mrs Jack lthews and children Toronto also Able Salmon Russell Matth Naval Radio School Ottawa my visitors with their andMrs Manil to St lore Slate roRalepay Deputy and JCounci nine one pbell apologizedffor tire to get more for the roads and that Mite every effort this been possible Town had little control over tyfand School expendi lild been fortunpte in ugh steel to complete 01 some to bridges 8t Mr and Mrs Reg Richardson were New Years guests of Deputy Reeve and Mrs Heber Smith Coilingwood St Mr Richardson formerly works accountant for Canadian General Electric in Bar rie has recently been transferred from Montreal to Toronto Professor Lower Mrs Lower and daughter Louise of Kingston and Miss Mildmd Lowv er Toronto spent the Christmas holidays with Mr and Mrs Lower Sophia St Mr and Mrs Harry Banting of IvyMr and Mrs Thomas Mul holland and granddaughter Miss Mary Elizabeth Reggie were New Years guests of Mr and Mrs Lower rers Worrall 68 Parkside Drive spent very enjoyable Christmas holiday with her daugh ter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs John Shcdden of Sarpia Mr and Mrs Henry Vanderbeek have returned after spending their holidays with son Arthur and fameE lly Rouses Point New York Their grandson Henry Arthur re turned with them to visit some time Miss Muriel Peacock RegN stewardess with the TCA Mon treal called on her sisters Mrs Charles Reid Dalton St and Mrs Archie Track James St and her uncle APeacock Bradford St last week Acclomoiions Brakeelect Council Candidates Councillor Andrew Bartholomew said that while 1200 more yards of grayel had beewput on the roads than the year before it still was not enoughas carswere now used all theyear round Traffic on some roads was much heavier because of the radar station being constructed at Edgnr and the council was trying to get an agreement with the Fed eral Goverrlnient to bear some of the cost in repairing these roads He felt that the biggest need in the township was shed to keep the machinery He mentioned fire protection scheme that had been started at Shanty Bayand also mentionedthe openingof the new Kirkpatrick Paris Taxes went up this year and dont see how they are going to go downany in the near future he stated Labor is harder to get and we need more gravel gt Councillor George MacKay ex md hustled thanks for the suppOrt giv en him at the last election and realize now many miles of said that itth year in coung ctl toroaiize the problems and to road militias to be looked after Whitasoitie feitthat too much was helm on the lakeshore tour ist roads the tourists themselves Trait that nothing was being done forthem ltrls theresponsiblllty bttho council to try to strike happy medium he pointed out iCoudCtllo Kenneth Gillgspie saldthat the new park had cost money but that on asllort season operation fighad shown profit 611 was becoming harder to at men to operate the toWnsllip ent because of 30mhny ng betterpay at the radar worship wa M38 MAR PIELDIIOUSE At least one womanps golng to be elected to the Vespra Township School Area board of trustees on Munday Only three candidates are contesting the two seats open on the school board and Mrs Mae Fieidhouse and Mrs Vinrl Jones may both be elected opiumyear terms it will be the first time that woman has ever held municipal office in the township Both of the woman candidates are entering politics for the first time but both have had active in their own careers as leaders communltlcs Mrs Jjcldhmlse has been res ideirtbf Midhurst for 23 years and has always taken an active part in the affairs of her community native of Parry Sound she at tended Thornhill Public School and Orillia Collegiate Institute She was president of Mldhurst Home and School Association for two years and is new program music and radio convener During her presidency music was restored to the rural schools in Essa Town ship through her efforts member of St Pauls Angli can Church Mrs Fieldhouse has been organist and assistant choir leader for several years and also Serves as organist in Christ Church Vespra during the sum concentrated FirslToronlo Babyil Daughter ofr AndMrs John Dew First baby born in Toronto in 1952 was the daughter of Mrand MrsJohn Dew Edith Drive Mim ico She arrived at St Josephs Hospital Second after midnight andis proba ly the first baby born in Ontariotil syearn The babys grandparents and fath er are well known here lIcr grandfather Rev Thomas Dew is former rector at Ivy and Brad ford nowat Christchurch Mimico The baby girl first child for Mr and Mrs John Dew weighed nine pounds one ounce at birth IVY DEC 31Neil Shand Winnipeg was holiday guest at th Mr and Mrs Jennett John Evans Nova Scotia visited with Mr and Mrs Money and fam ilyMj0 Mr and Mrs Jennett spent New Years with their daughter Mrs Newman in Toronto Mr and Mrs Orval Terry and family Ba rie and Mr and Mrs Edward Glbbohs and family of Stlotld were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Speers Services in Christ Church Ivy will be heldat pm during Janu ary Miss Issell of Toronto is hull day guest at the home of Rev anc Mrs Howard Mr and Mrs Cecil Keown anc family Churchill and Mr and Mrs Sentlo BallBarrle were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr ant Mrs Lennox and Mics Mauc andRobert Keown Mi and Mrs Jennett spen New Years in Tordhtowith Mls Amado Lyons along with Mr ant Mrs Arthura Coxworths Mr and Mrs Fred Nelsorrian family spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Earl Turner Hillsdale Mr and Mrs Fred Nelsonspenl Sunday wlth friends at Minesing pump CHAMPIONS ERICKSON ManCPCliam pion butter markprs James Lasel and his assistant ormanDradley Were honoredat linguetgattend ed bymore than gt100citizeng Thbi butter took the grand champion ship oi the Royalwmter Fairing Toronto last Novembsr assessment on buildingsandalblv here we er one on landwith the result not llavelob bad boon spent during the year on ipaira for the grader which had been unforeseen at this min ofjtheyear and er $8000 on tho purchase of new gravel pit lining odorspent onroods overl ita original road appropriation the council had applied for supplemen tary estimate to the tune of 315000 wblfh if accepted by the provincial government Would mean that so cent of the amount would be urncd to the township in the from of increased provincial road Mr boner said he was confi dent that the provincial govern Sentinel then would accept the bylaw for supplementary ostlmates ma VINA roses mer months She is now startlns her second year as president of the Womans Auxiliary of which she was secretary for eight years She is the mothblwo school age children The other woman candidate for school bofdfWmJoncs is wellknown in Barrie where she lived for 25 years working htlt as bookkeeper She has been resident of Midhurst for the past three years Born and educated in Elrvalc Mrs Jones was for seven years superintendent of the St John Ambulance Bri adc in Barrie and at present ho Ls an instructors certificate for first aid one of tilt two certicates in Barrie She was charter president of the Bar ric Business and Professional Womens Club and is past noble grand of Beaver Rebekah Lodge No 190 Mrs Jones has always been active in young peoples Work both in church and civic organiz atlons For three years she work ed with the Boy Scout Associa ti0n in Barrie teaching first aid During the war years in Barrie she was a4 worker with the Act ive Service Club and was in charge of arranging entertainment for Camp Borden She is member of the Angli can Church Arrest Suspects Ai Barrie Station For Orlllia Theft Orillia freight office was broken into some time lastl night The burglqry was discovered by watchman hand it was founduthati $65 in cash and $10 in stamps were missing Police were notifiedan on the strength of descriptions loiterers two men were taken off southbound train No 52 this morn ing at 430 and returned to Orillia They are suspected of the freight office job This was the final run for the rear of the TorontoCapreol train vhich went into the servicetlas Spring No 51 went orththroug Barrie at 1130 each ht and No 32 came southin earlymorningg gclnlosll Kohl Resume Figt For MGYOWIY Collingwoodsl annual mayoralt attle is entering its third man as opponents Graydon Kohl and ldward McIntosh prep for the clasx to It will be decided at least for mother year when ratepayers gb othelpolls next Monday Jan Defenderis Mayor McIntosh and hallenger ls estMayor Kohl Kali was Mayor of Collingwbod for setEl lral years until 1950 At that time clntosh entered the picture anal lefeated him at the polls Kohl ireE urnedvtortherfighkagainslast year 1nd was once more defeated as Mcz ntosh won his second mayoraltyl ry Once again the issue has been aken up and is nbw in thehands the electors Another battle looms in the de luty reeveship race as Deputy leave John AMcLean is being opl losed by mm Allison whom hel lnseated for the post last year1 teeve JRoss Graham was acclaiml to anothervterm He was elected ast yearto the roeveslflp Eleven men were nominated fix council seats OnlyoneFredv lrew failedto qualify leaVing 10i Ltnhthe race Seeking reseleetion lifts Evelyn Hlscox Stanley failure and Bordon Brannl 9thch c0ntestlng the seats are Iarpld Twigger nohert nus ohn Royal WiillomJ Boriwic Villiam JClark Bert wita and 16 Christie Seeking reelectton to twoyear ermsaspubllc5chool halmur lefslin First act of the 1052 council claimed Mr Downer would be to raise the road assessment in order to meet lncreas demands for road surfacing and intenance Mr Downer also said the dog taxes must be raised Last year we collected solo on dog taxes he said and had to pay $1101 to owners whose live stock had been killed by dogs We are away in the hole We used to pay out $30 for cow and now they are worth $200 Somali other departments were concerned Mr Downer thought the council cduld carry on with the same levies next year Road Ahead Not Rosy To the newcomers who are put ting up for council this year the road ahead is not rosy was clerk Mlchael Asselins frank warning It was echoed by members of the present council all of whom were rtenominated We have reached point now explained Coun Eldegc Quesnelle where we shall have to decide whether to continue openlngrup new roads and consequently raise the road levy considerably or slow down bit try to keep taxes down to that present level He thought the township not wholly to blame for not having raised sufficient Jevy at the be ginning of the year and said the department of highways would not sanction the amount asked for Coun Norman Marchand said that good many of those nomin ated had appeared at council meet ings throughout the year and had spoken about road conditions Most of the time they do not seem to be prepared to pay for what they are asking for he said Everybody must be prepared to pay higher taxes We are fighting losing battle on the roads The more people we get the more we are asltd for new roads Most of the time we do not have the money to do such things Nominated for deputy reeve Kenneth Smith owner of the dance hall tat Highland Point said many tolirists hadwanted to build cot tages in the township but had gone away again after one look at the roads He said every second person was beefing about the roads inthe sum mer and felt council shouldbe going after the tourist business more than it did Mr Asselin said the council was spending $6000 per month on an average on roads or am not Completely satisfied he said think they should haVe levied more money forroads Speakingabout county roads the township he said We should not criticise the county for they have made big improvement on the roads Tinys own road machines were getting dilapidated he claimed and the 1952 councilwould need to levy for brand new machine BETHESDA JAN 2Mr and Mrs Jack Mor ray entertained number of friends from Toronto andneigh bars at New Yearls Eve party The muting of ale wcruwlu be held ay January at im Allowed i5 Mary St All ladies invited 1x ur camalvul Editorvpubilsner rt hum of The Collingwood EnterpriscBulle tin and Mrs Irwin and herm0ther are visiting in California leaving for there by train last month They are eipected home in midJanu ary WES AT WEAK Robert Semple who has been in poor health for sometime has retired as editor of The Tottenham Announcement has been made that the Alliston Herald Press Company will carry on publication of thc Tottenham paper each week with Sam Johnson of Totlen ham as local representative SUFFEIS BROKE FINGER Mrs Lam ert fell on suffered broken tlnger in the right hand She was treated at Harold Smith Her husband had Royal Victoria Hospital by Dr broken wrist Several months ago and has only had the cast off re cently ELLIOTTWe wish to cxprcss our sincere appreciation and thanks to friends and neighbors for their many ex ressions of sympathy and floral tr butes in our recent be icavemcnt lp GREENMrs Bertram Green and family wish to express their gratitude and appreciation to their friends relatives and neigh bors for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes dur ing their recent bereavement lb PEARCEMrs Alice Pearce and family wish to extendrtheir heart felt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful oral off crings received during their sad bereavement in the death of their loving husband and fatherWllalter Pearce 1p PRATTWe wish to express or sincere thanks and appreciaI tion to our relatives friends and neighbors for sympathy extended to us during our recent bereave ment inthc loss of loving wife and mother Pratt and Jeanne 1b EDGAR The WI will meet atMrs Lauders Wednesday Jan at pm Motto Citizens are made not born Roll call Ways of Neighboring Topic Citizen ship Paper by Mrs Brown Lunch committee Mrs Bidlt well and Mrs Strachan 1950 SPECIAL DELUXE DODGESEDAN $179500 Save dollars on this one Spotless Finish Good Tires Completely checked for your protection amorallaw 233 BRADFORD ST DIAL 4981 MILBURN 299 Elisabeth St Phone 811122 Repairs Remodelling 3Relining Storage and Cleaning Small repairs while yoiiwalt YOUR LOCALFIEB Mr and Mrs Ed Bailey spent Sunday in Toronto visiting Mason Bailey atld Mrs Cartglvslpent Sllnday with Mr and Mrs Jim Rainey Mr and MrsLIRaymOnd ter and children spent New Years with Mr gand MrsDunn Port Credit Mr and Mrs Morris Lefroy and Leohard Groves Gllford spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs cannon Hindie Mr and Mrs Walterv Abrams and sons spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs William McKnight of Nashville Miss Sarah andDalton sand Mabel Moir and Clarence Cope latid Cockatown vlsltd at New with Mrs William Cope clears Carl Copeland Win CARD fOF HINKS MOTORS dear Jamil hamstring Iver mombeed wife Haw Ne family by 0411 lovin of my dear Da aria mild Robert Devi Cuban who passed away Dec 18 to Why will be done scents hard to say lWhen one one our one are ealed away But some day we shall all meet again Never more to Daughter rgaret comm law 8111 and family in RUSSELlrln iovin mcmry at William Russel who passed away7 January 1931 The world may change from year to year And friends from day to day But never will the one we loved From memory pass anal llorencc Lynn all families TRIBBLEln loving memo of our dear parents Louisa ihlt ble who passed out Jan 1950 and Robert lrl ble Jan 12 1939 and brother Hillis Doc 14 194 Nothing can ever take away The love heart holds dear Fond memories linger every dayl Remembrance keeps them near Szldly missed by Zelma until Norma lb 19 ENGAGEMEle The cneagcment is announced Ihumth of Dorothy Ann daughter of Mr 133 William Smith Hamilton and the late Mrs Smith to Dr Hart icy Tuck DC son of Mr and Mrs Frank Tuck Nelson and grand son of Mrs Thomas Fleetham Barrie the marriage to take place Friday February at oclock in St Giles United Church Cha pel Hamilton lp WEDDINGS That never to be forgotten wed ding day must be complete in every detail Let us cater to your reception WE are only too happy to serve you Callufor informa tion lltlllllvllllue llllN J51 BLAKE ST 533ch Garments lotto our pldnt re illitm expertly cleollb pick up of on filesme day Rapid rairup MinGH sf dr ivery Serviceg BARRIE PHONE2411 pm surr it rmwuest LOAF llli and sift into boWl pastry flour or No on heat 3W 53$ SPS Magic dr tsp salt Cut in finely tbs chilled shortening Combine milk and 3215 top mills Makaawell ingredientaafid gadd liQDids mix lightly with fork linead for 10 seconds on lightlyeoured and rolloutEtol thick 78 along one side Creamtogethgr that bltterlor margarinec peanut butter tmi lightlypacked brown slinkle ori rolledbut doughBe do tillers jolt mammal todaylolzysolla NOV Years Eve provided weekend holiday in the We of the week this year and 1mm moved out 8aturday of the evening and Sunday min restricted class Home wpre still popular Monday but the many public and affairs in town were nded of the several house part ies gpgtawn was held at thehome lgMrs Howard Dyment at 72 High St where Mrs em and her daughters Mrs Harry Young Mrs Roy Smith and Mary entertained large number of guests for the evening Outof town guests were Mr and Mrs John Dyment of Weston Don Mc Phee of Rats Miss Esther Barnes and Miss Elaine Bennett of Tor onto Palmer Bennett of Sparrow Lake and Fit Liut and Mrs Charles Feever and Sgt and Mrs Fills of RCAF Station 13X Wall tattown and for mer Barrie residents were seen at the Armoury dance on New Years Eve Mr and Mrs Colin Fraser of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Guy of Toronto were back in town for the even ing and were among the guests at the 135th Battery officers mess Mr and Mrs Reg Richard son of Montreal ware guests of Mr and Mrs Heber Smith and Miss Winnifred Cameron was pre sent from Toronto new oustomslarted this year was the afternoon at home at theArmoury on New Years Day The commanding officer MajJ VT Clark and Mrs Clark received the guests who numbered about 100 all included most of the peo pie who had attended the dance lthe evening before The officers 15 rni mess looked particularly attract ive for the New Years social events with decorations for the first time in the Royal Canadian Artillary colors navy blue and red Under the direction of Son Ldr Badgiey chairman of he associate members committee halls withball Mama1 heavy the RCA colors had widel sheets on of Me ti me loungel with the in the centre Zvr One of plug for ship said 10 ing on that hel felt like tlla ln heavm Perhaps it ms the preSchc of women in dirk9 and out the speaker platform mat promth ed his However the adics did RI 1w strange in the settin any Itscrved furl the menfol muse they had two candidates their own the election pi vr candidates run pra Townlt lion meet and ill the LItlse of the do ere kvitlrcd of at least one lhem LilZing over school boa 9931 fartheoecadon dress 09 Mtandllrs Ed Belskey were in charge of arrangements pr the Wt and the buffet served around one oclock in the morning legion orchestra of Bill Chandler Morris Scragg Bud Barber Ed Barber and Fred Stacey provided music for dating with Meat Thompmn caller for several square dances enjoyed during the etynlng Some 50 couples from Barrie in cluding assoc late member and thelrl guests enjoyed the New Years Evel dance in the combinedlounge at the 13X RCAF Depot outside of Barrie Dress was optional and there wetcl spot dance prizes and door prizest given out during the evening The officer FltLiam Charles Fcever and Mrs Feever were hosts for the evening Muslcl was supplied by an orchestra from Coilingwood and pleasant lunch was served after midnight Camp Borden Several Barrie couples were seen at various dances and parties at Camp Borden At the RCAF of ficels mess local guests included Mr and Mrs Adamson Mr and Mrs Jack Craig Mr and Mrs 8111 Craig Mr and Mrs Frank lCraig Mr and Mrs Robert Leish As for two vacantlman Mr and Mrs Jack Corby Dr area whoop alongwit will young War the munici Mac Field house and Its Jones are both anxi to serve their com munity in bile offlcc the tion meeting Mrs Jones who is WfIl known in Bar oard Courts veteran of and Mrs if Bigelow Mr andi Mrs Wlb Harris Dr and Mrs Bruce Johnston Mr and Mrs Dick Steele and Mr and Mrs Rodgers The RCAC School Officers Mess party at Camp Borden on New lYears Eve lived up to all expecta lion and turned out to be really big evening Officers and their ladies began arriving about 1030 rie throng her cmllcction withlhours with Col and Mrs at local orga lions here for many years and as former Barrie Wattsford and Major and Mrs Christian receiving the guests ll businesswo said that she feltlthe anteroom of the mess The it was big time that women got out and out how the coun try was lii run it is fine for to sit and say Why dont you do lb or that or the other thing No Heel have time on my hands and feel that women should get out and find out what makes us ck Mrs Fihousc offers as her election sgan to put forth her very best effort for the interests of her co unitythc home the church an the School am very interested the education stand ards of children of today who will be citizens of tomorrow and will tantly strive to do my utmost aiding 1110 other mem bers of board ln the great respohsib which is theirs to day yestWelcolnein piny Years Locally Parties and Dances umerous til The Nguyen 1135231135 welco ea atthc largest num dd years on Monday ces open to tli ligation New cars Eve parties as As in yeais great many townspeoplergtrailelled cutsto Camp refer to attend dances in the var ious offiEeTs an nonco ioned ranks messes and the RCAF depot at 13X played host toa number of ocal aSsoclate members and their Zuhrd in the NewkaYear TheCana dian Legion Branch 147 theriinvitation dance for he timethis year andenter ained filmlgioniimembrs and ers was the Masonic all re the Barrie Kiwanis re vedthe annual New Years uples frbm town held to say ye to the and in Stroud Comrriunity district people gathered orntodrn ahd old timedancing to ulbbhnds orcheshdzat the an ted bythe W0 tote ezdistlitit was held ingto ths s0rchestra continu ut 23ilam NewVYears View open to the 230 open houses bull and thelrdaughter ms Chittlck entertained about 75 at their annual home lbliWDunlop Street and several um for buffet supper after Amory Dance OM couples were in attend ance at annual formal dance at the on New Years Eve where 135th Battery officers mess decorated in the colors of the Canadian Artillery Major Mrs Clark received among whom were large nv of associate members and of town guests Balloons Taller horns and other party favors ihuted to the festive atmosp SqnLdr Badg leyt chairman of the house commi wasin charge of arrange ments cmusic throughout the try providedby three piece at ith Alfred vSheps herd Saxophone Dr James Vitch theliano and Leo Cav Mb the drums Dance at World varibtls rooms of the mess were over with their New Year decor llIOIIS The Mens Canteen of the RCAC School held their New Years Evel celebrations in Mess The affair was very well attended with large numbers turning out to greet 193 vith merriment Lunch was servecl shortly utter the arrival of the new year Special guests throughout UR evening were C01 and Mrs Nattsford Capt and Mrs Spencer Capt Cameron and apt Manley The spacious RCASC Officers vfcss of the School was the scent of another New Years dance Th lfficers their wives and friend turned out en masse RSM and Mrs Prevost anc SM and Mrs Forgraves were on the receiving line at the RCAC Ser geants Mess party On New Years 3V0 Amid very nice decoration guests to the party enjoyed dancing good orchestra People who did not go but f0l New Years celebrations had choice of sitting home beside their radios and listening to the New car being welcomed in other dis tant cities The year they looked back on was tumultuops one Il world history with third world war very narrowly evaded The New Year didnot offer any greater passed and New Years resolutions seemed of little consequence beside the crises in several parts of the But most merrymaker seemedvbopeful that peace might yet come safely through the Nev Year of 1962 lt Up toabout 1860 the Japanese were almost entirely an agricul tural and fishing race Mis Harry vel Compares Blue Bonnet Lovesjltslaste very successful year with capacity couples in attendance WEI favors hats horns and madcfgr lively even hm for dancing was pro lidelii rchestra made up of Allen Aiate BellWin Law and Mlgiatestudents Dress W35 formal buffet supper Globally after midnight and ended shortly after at Legion Hall on Owen St director of the colleg Compare Buns Bo Margarine noted beaut an pelsonility youll love delicatefsunnyaweet Nutritionl Econo cookingon vegetables as delicio Spfesd colon waferand tiia 1WDwf0tICy0V with any spread at Niles Like the eqnalltybll BannBonnm millMots sold in types regular economy chums FRL 830 to pm SAT 330 am to pm MON TEFS am to pm LWED mm to Noon Losuws FINEST PKG 0F 15 LOILAWS JACK PElllill Hum llama rtolllol SWEET21

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