THE HOSPITAL nepoms ,, ANOTHER anon YEAR mom rs of the mc st:v.' for their attendance on free patients mid for the help :zi\'cn' to the Training School by the course nf lecture; delivm-od to the innrs, four of whom grad- uated this year. The pa-mllmting exercises were held on June 1813:. nml were very \vull attended. ' Tl1c.Fin:m Stntenicnt shm\`s. a small decit. but this is` not surnrisim: if (`(mSl(lC'l`:l(l0I] is given to the -fact that the cost `of supplics and domestic help is conshmtly growing, ,while the hospital rates are smtionary. It, however, emphasiz- es the need for incrcusetl sllpport. either by larger public - ....,....o. A. 1. urivnfn vvnnnrniif.\'. and the Board. would again point out the (ic-sir:11)iiii.}' of an increase iii the list of zmuunl sube(=ri1$<:r< which it believes ought, easily to be nmuined. The Board feels that it is unneotssary to enlarge on the usefulness of the Hospital to the town and. vicinity nud looks forward, with condence, tq continued and liberal support. of this descrvim: and beneccnt institution. ` `grants or by l1iri7vn'te gvncms-iiy, mid again int zmuunl I , . , lb T;hVLT3T'('1'e`:1'}S{1*th re ,__ uamittecl during ihe year, all of which were fatal. The number.` of was of typhoid_` fever treated (9) -was 'A review of.the_wor1; for `the year`, snows mac n. wxscx `Il11l'l1bI"0f patie1_1t._s have been treated than in my previous year; and a: greater number bf hospital days treatment. given. The number of deaths was grcakzr, but 6 died .in"1es `than 12 haurs, and 6 other.-s in less than 3 days" ffom the `time of "admission. - ` ' ' . . 1' ON MARCH 1913'.` JVALLW $400 wrin _S.`vandiIg or l.`m:r.eauma' Iu.mncr` pnnnsnuu H \_q],uu\,u,uu ..`..... .`, ....V _ Vw5=`ek1y- _ on March 5. 1913, wins the -Piano. All Vc-ms mint. ha brought in for mmrding on 12. Cnndidaus hot bringingin parsonal Votes wil V\'-::lncads.y. ' ` ` be dropyed. A D. H. MacLARE\N D Anl S-WL'cres` s-ef4en`> ;_ (1111-"n'Irr 1]=n=. vear. .0. F. R; PORRITT, Pmsitk much Itss than in previous years. , Many im'P0,Y`-3-M: surgical mse-.9 are recorded. In am: case 4 large tumor of the qxloen net:-. the complete removal of that organ; The patient made 3 good recovery and is now well. Rl`Jr`U)i'l` Ur` '1'l1l:_bUA1(1J _ The Board, in pn5(-m.iug this, the fteenth annual report, is.ple2L~aod to draw attention to the increasing use of the arr ' coniuiotlntioxi provided by the Hox~1)ital, which is a striking 'm`oof of the need of such an institution and ofthe up1iro- a good recovery and is well. The Ilospiml still maintains its previous. good record in the tn:u.Ln1em: of appendicitis. Much of this good sum-can is ducrto the fact, Llmt. phe patients now come under tn-auncut en: xer. earlier. Forty cases were operated upon with one death, which took place _within eight hours after admission. In this (':l.~`c oper ation had been urged for several days. but had been refused. This nmkc-5-1-10 oiznsccutive operations for uyvpexudicitis days. 1: n111kcs- 1-10 cupcr: (unselected @155) with two It:-xths, mortality. _ Of the 40 casts onemtod uoon 12 v Invtstments . . Subscriptions . Drtssings .. . Outside nmsin; mortality. operated upo were pus cases, 1. : won- acxltely inamed (no pus) and 13 wm-e int;ervul cases. One dd man was 73 ycaxs of age and one was 1158 than two years old. Milk .. * Pot.ato(-3 and other vegm.-xblcs . G1-ocerits and nrovisions . . G1-oceriw and provisions . . . . Drugs and mcdicincs, . . Medics`. and sui';:icn'l npplilltiey '. Beer. wine and spirits . . . . . . . . . %1ding, xmpcry and house furnis Bmoms, brushes. cm. . . . . . .. . . Funl (<-o:\1.:wood and gals) . .. . Fuel (co:\1,:wood gas) Light, oil and candles . \Vnter .. . ` Repairs Salaries and wngcs Banlqchmjga-: . Contingencies . . Ordinary mpujm . occupied. The Board has great pleasure in acknowledging the munioent Icgacy left by the late Mrs. Louisa Cook. amount- ing to $7000, for the purpose of cndowing two cats in the pub- lic wards of the Hospital. to be called The Eliza MucVVut.t 001:, and The Elizabeth Smnbrook Cot, msxxzctively. This sum will be invested as was t.hu_ gift, made by Judge A1-dngh and thus will be a permanent soul`-co of income. The cndawa mom fund will thon.mn0ux1t. to $9000, um} Lho_Bom-d 1oo_ks `S-2:-I171} 7 E. Patterson Estate . . . . . . . . . 150 00` Loan on 1{ 1000 00 Plooeods of ndo, ` Bank of Commerce 1100 Q9 11 Rev. Dr. Mclood . . Advance from Gen I Fund .. aovery and is well. From another patiimt, :1 child of 14`,-Q years of age nn a.rin.n tumor of 1-1 lbs. weight was removed. Sim aL'o made '!!iI' BARBIE EXAIIIREB ` l'H!!'IBDA'Y..OUIO3I!l 31. 1912. j. EXPENDITURE S. .3 -[)5/hd\QI y--JlI.fe-el;s_1;l 72!/Vcr and my kidneys are acting quite natural again. SID CASTLEMAN. GIN PILLS sgthe the irritated bladder--hea1 the sick, wank. pnhnfm kidneyvs-ond strengxcu both these vital nrowma. M-mu-v hark if lhcv fail. $9.761 105 1nnm:3gn'lug oneru Trinity Church ` G. B. Strathy J, T) \Yi::Invn K~ (`r Mr:-`. F. R. 1 George Ball . Jn presenting the fteenth annual report of our auxiliary we wish to assturc our friends tlmt. altlxmlgh we have not found it necessary to make so many demands on generosity as in former 31-.11-3 .wc have stilil been able to accomplish :1 fair ' oonxunotmti prpof of I ciution in it make demands amount. of work for the Hosr-int]. '0 hzxvo ('i[.'il!L*(`n mcmburs. with nn nvemgc attendance of nine. n have held nine regular meetings during the year and Lh1'('x`. spacial. Severn] times during the summer we have met. in (hc'h0-rum of some of our mcmbc-rstodoscwinzin 1912. - Sept. Z)0-Fmr. . Pmcc-C 1912. Sept. 30-]3y -Mx:s. Rogvcxsou . Mm. C. Drury .. . Mrs. C. Drury .. I Walls Bros. `SUBDIVISION or EXPENDIWRE. T:v\nv\ "Dun; 1. A vvuuuusw great success achieved ,v Pu'Hs the St!'i`nr;:15" which I mcc-ed.-'3 Bcngnugh Lecture . C:1h`1 returned from lira Rm Jas. Vuir . . . . . . Safjnt & King . Sm-jennt & King . W. L. Reeve .. gough Lecture . .. .. .. . I _MrS. Rngcrson s Sale. . Bank '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ; thou. the tun in never tocish. nor in thc pathos auovnsd to uacomn tedi- I oun.\It -is , vholclomo, natural story y 0! Scotch vlaga H03. and in the H L xudon that in mated the auditor lcun. linked by moments 0!] ciaition which it. is held by Lht: community. `Ina number of puticms treated during the your was 386, an increase of 3-1 `over last year, and the days of tmutment zunoiintcd to 9222, an increase of 1670, this shows an m'e;'uge of about 2-1 days treatment far each natient. ` - .E}N'5 AUKILAAXCY ]*`.xpe11r]if,11rc=H for year ending Oct. .15, ` 1012; ` furnishing: and mttings in the M. 1!. Campbell \Vurd. FHJORENOE WISMER, . Secrotary.` ........`.ura. nun. 1 of auxiliary humzh . Mrs. Strixthy . Mrs. Drury WI SMER, town. Under the able management. of Mr. Fisher, this business has grown, so that,` though the mill is running to lull capacity 10 hours ;;.day and nvsnrnum AN%0PEHATIN How Reed of Peoria. 111., Esaped The Sun (1t|(\!l l K1139. a,l-111.;-`_`Lwish4o_}eLovex=y_ona_ know whatLydiaE.Pinkham`sVege table Compound has done for me. Fottwoyezzts I suffered. The doc- nuuu, LUD muuuq cu, xeuun, LIA: Mrs. Lynch Also Avoided Operation. . Jessup, Pn.--After the birth of in fourth child, I had severe organic inam- mation. I would have such terrible pains > that it did` not siem as though I cauld stand it. This kept up for three long months, until two doctors decided that this shows of about 2-1 days treatnaent patient. The uooomodatjon of the Huspiml has been sufficient to provide for all applicaxxts, though for a tinne every bed was fmm inmnmationLaIn)1 your 'Sana'tiv Wash relieved me. -' am glad `to tell anvene what your medicines have done `' months I suffered . relieved me.-`I glad `to tell anyone your medicines for me. You can use my testimonial in any Way you wish, and I will be glad to answer Icttcrs.-`Mr.!. C1-xxusmza an operntibn was needed. Then one of my friends recommended Lydia E. Pix-ikham s Vegetable Com- ' pound and after taking it for two months I I was a w'e1lWoman.-Mrs. JOSEPH A. well Woman. LYNCH, Jessup, Pa. ' Women who suffe suffer from-female ills should try Lydia E. Pink1xaxn sVegem- ble Compound, one of the most neness- ful remedies the world has ever known, remerdics before submitting to a surgical opera- tion. ` . - 4ee$:1a,L111.$_`Lwis1L:o4e;.we:y4;nL - -----~|.-1vmu1Ju.n.- -~~-~ -` - sAI.uNuau`erysA1'URDA vs by the '-uunamp" Am "MEOAN`l`lC" ` A '**`.':..";~.-'a.?:.:.*zm":.m--* -N 1.'TEU'!'0NIG` &"'QANADA . ` oma--ac-bIn9IB'!-_II"5 A- One on. cum: an set... an _ 'm.aa... ......,mI;u1-a1.aua ..... .1. 8'11 IE the Board looks forward to the steady ixncrealsc of that sum by the gexxerosity of persons dcsirmls to help in time if sic-knes those not well provided with this vmr1d's goods. A l>o of $150 was also ro:-eiwd undkrr the will M the late Mys Sarah 1*). Pnttcr-son,` his SHORTESY 0M.Y 4 DA MIA nun -my . I. uniolzutorn T Sold By J. R. I-IAMBL `as help in time ot sic-lines tnoso nos wen Mrs. Pnttcr-son, . which the Boardv tlmnkfully acknowlodgts. The Boanl must again oxpr~.%s,it.~` great. appreciation of tlic vaxlmnble ns given by the Hospital Auxi mricav. of . Barrie and Allnntlalc-, and the Young Lndics` Club. in provid- ing linen. fumisliiiiga. and other iicetxwry articles, and in many other ways`. The cxnent of this us stance muy be stjen on reference to the N-ports of tlmsc or[ %1*'?Ii37?[_i'iA Piano We Give ;vlxiVcV*1x7;)I( a7 Eoardv nsstzuxoo Auxiliurica-2 1 Barrie ing furn` \in1.:s,. ` The Superintcnwlont and musing staff have rendered their c1{ston1:1ry good srarvioc to the ]Iospita\1 in the eihcien and inithfuul rIi. of their dllli -