Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1912, p. 2

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51.00, P: able In Advance 1.60, If Not so Paid :.............~-. .,I-mum ha mad fn {nu (than I :11: l.\b`LKA.\L`l`.' CU MA. F. A. MALGOMSON AGENT v DARK? {HORSES msuruan I Axfninsl Death from Disease 0: Accident. Hares TH MAS -ROGERS lljnulztturef of |Scotf S' V '""` ` cou=v7{fEnrrs' 'a~. Anyone umnlnz I hatch and aucrlflllon an. Karen 1 "`: o'. : ?5'$':'$'.'x ~,`:" l";'x'.$.'n{. 'E. n:"u`. : mm -mu mnna-m Ju. unnuaonfmx pm`:- -:::....'~= ::::::.'..:.-..... . am... wcauluauu. wlthouzohrie. mtha @--.-nt- -rm... A'AA'A . .. wmn -uxuu mnnummu. mmunuux an rur :::s:.'..::.-..... vnhou: chute. Scientic Hmgngz. A ndnomely IL`-auuted week! . an mm: of my Iclanunu jouumu. rum :2 ...n. -nu. - -up .....o.... .......... u..u V v-v-vy- . -._.v. -w - weekly. has: zu- nu -1; - n .. . nun: 8s.7b:yu_:.|na pzopul. Soldh` lddll-|'lc ' VIIIIFII 31 5 " TIE P! I. 5% ` nu--muuu-. " P" ' M.I,I,!*.,!'..%.=.%.::%.;**.-:-:-....s%.,\.r,v.!s;r* L to the amount of $1,700.00 {or the 3 purpose of purchasing a site and`- buildipg a. schaol house thereon in School. Section No. 17. Vcspra, and n. SMITH & no i Ame 82. Esmbllaheu 15159 ' I inexpensive method of remitting small sums of money. These U payable without charge at any bank in Canada (except in the .1 Territdry) and in the prir`cipa1 cities of the United States, are issL the following rules: . $5 and under . . . . . . . . . . .......... .. 3cenls -r1-1 l .l` I PROMPTLY SECURE I` Strict persnnad attention paid to Horseaboeing No. 55 Bayeld street Innnifn Ron: Rh-pal` v0uR READING NEEDS nimaj -MEAFORD WEBB Vlndnanlalznn and E-nlunl-nan --M:AnufM:l.n1-at of- w; c. ANDIREW Lt will be moqey in yo_ur pockets, farmers, to have all '1-epuiri tn 'ma.chinery,` em:., done at the New Foundry, next door to Tannery. BOHOK `STORE claimed that the American lumber c .me.n` evading the law. and that 1 .they were sending in as the [`0i1ghl( .u-Hr-la lumber snwn on three s1(les|( an sized for use.` The Libers,1`Gov c `.1-_rniJ3`e'i1t Had refused fo~1is'teu~.t-o-such g `.x:e]Jres'enta.t_ions. homing that without 1 csnch treatmnt the lumber would i `lxaviz `ueenbi little use to the settlers I I `in whose interests this clause was en- acted `into the tar} -,Govemment saw apply h-igher turi such lumber was the summers `in tati. But the Borden American lumbermen met. Ems uy L rchangzing their `methods so that there 1 `was xnopussihility of claiming evas- ( ion -of the tari provisions. . Ix \ would not collect duty on sucu -112;,-`and suggested _a test case." wasmatle by the salizuge of a >w."made 'saIizu;e con- ( :51 meat of "rough" lumber brought in without duty by the F063 Com- ! matv. who at.once tee`: action in the .1 -1.321`,-`and 3 case. wtsmatle sivnmeut brat servntive Government counsel, Tm` `ere Lewis, strongly urged that was manuraciured -beyond a. point i) tended bv Clause 504, and this wu _-_ 'BARRIE EXAM_I3IER, OCT. 31, 1912. ___ the lumber to be duti-8.b1e. This probably both surprised and I disappointed the Governmgntg Now, '1 the appeal has been heard with the :1 . obvious intention ` of upsetting the v1 >Exchequer Court : decision. the Gov-I, ernment drbpped out. Just at M1-a 2 me when they should have taken Lotne interest. in alleviating the hard- :Na.she their hands of the whole, fair and retired, lkaving the -ght the val lumber interests. ` necessary ' intornmtiorn. pm! not free knowledge lot 1>hex'n- selves, the grown people? The child- , ran may dpaerv as muchaa the grown > '1`h3- Bmim/9} m99`?- h`1`9w` peoplb} bublia there `any reason whi -aerlul escavo mun iu?f-941* death at they `should receive mdre? Then, we Guelph, wheat`; burrow tqll In: his have a good bury, Mcommg no Jld '01 I 513 '.V. NW` Mr. Hardy, the secretary of the On- ,._ VVhite-Stall-Dominion, Cunard. and ` Donaldson Lines, sailing 11-om St.` John. Halifax, Portland, Boston, 0!` Elclhn, `New York. A card will bring the I nccessary'in(ox'mntl0rn. - _ I -- s V Current `Comment. ` UU1NLi'1`\J l`.|lVL71.u-Ann`: Ii.yo1Lare4oing_tq ,tne+Oin- try (or Christmas. you shoul secui mgia came back at the govern .. and it seized the opportuuit; ~v and szather in s. iew Saskntch MONEY ORDERS .hertati_. Borden E an opportunity t9 5 r turi, and declared 15,1131; I r rlutiable, whether i Th Barrie Examiner ` REMITTANCES ABROAD u- ........... -1 l\niF cbrrruu wnwlrvnn TIRAI-" I1 pro v 1.3Luua. avto the Saskatchewan Iumhermen of BI`i12iEh[l EDIKIIIUKITI H. J. GRASETT. Manaaer! October 17th, it was decided to ask ` the Town Council to submit 3 by-law in January to provide (or esmb1iah- I Members ask that it he Voted Upon ` . Next Year. ,. _, ..L_I the'Boan`I, occupied the chair. The main wddress was given by A. F. Hunter. who` explained the workings 3 rary building for the benet public, and it was about the r the province outside of the cit Wald gage it _ but to become part of the municipal system of the town, but this step had . never been taken, however, and the instituon running on the sma11| sums paid in by `young people for aomething to read, in addition to x: -. ed grants by the government and % % EXNADIAN BANK 3 ._ ` OF COMMERCEHM: ; addition to ; grants 1 Town Council. g be "free," so that the whole cam- ` 3 munity couxd. enjoy the uae of the ; Books. and not merely the mo hun- . red members who use them annual- : ly. The policy of the present Ou- x utaxrio Government is the same as that xitaxrio that 3 0! itsvpredecessor -in regard to this -luuestion. Only a iew weeks ago the question. weeks the | govemment __inspecr.or__.oLm.1b : raries `had suzd to him that not because nearly all the towns or! any size have adopted the "fr-:e" libraiy" The question for the rate- system._ in the near future , D`ay`ers of Barrie one (although Yitlias u nancial side) H but 3 question of,f.1lEiI' need of the V` library's benata--the value they .set v on knowied-ge and the vote they give will show their appreciation of this ) `benet. The library is something Ithe whole town can use. and not, nu-. um. . " At 3 meeting of the members or the Barrie Public Library. held on 1 ,|nyTqmn~ter pf a mill on the 110115;. _ because one mill raises about $3,000 from the town's nresent asaesmenti :Last year theCounc'i1 also gave 325 'ifor painting-'_t-he buil-ding. This year it was found advisable to provide a loose lea} `encyblopaedia at a cost of ' a-out $100`-for 12 volumes. rrma was ' found necessary in order to keep 5 lumber. The Liberals held $1121: a I Iree interpretation 0! this clause was 5 in the interests of the`se`tt1ets, as 5 who" wvuld not miss $8 each. the pric,,_ of 3 volume. Why ahpuld M: be .nece- sary` to make 3, special collection for every new. undertaking, when the ,,whole town_2atLthe_benet ,1 _ _ Continuing, he gave a few ox his : personal views why the lilirary should llbe 9, "free" library. Why should mtena/vers provide (or their children % "A" 15`Fe$` Library ISeveral Changes * In the Presbytery New Iinister for Hi|lsd1|e--Vaeucles 1 m Bradford and Victoria Hnrbour. . I mwnm moueracor. At the same meeting the Presby- ' tery-'3 recently elected Moderator, Rev. H. A. B-arlis, tendered his resig- Enliiott was also chosen Moderator 0! _ Presbytery fzo succeeq Rev. Mr. Berlis-. Qrajyly to we -adoption of the ---green isurface water o the road, : I-ibzvary ayatam, but doubted if, with `the stagnant water on Mr. the increase of reading alter the ad.op- P1599 W951` the T0311. Which 1 non of we `ffe" gy5teJn' it couldgpayers in the vicinity claim be `carried an Im` the quarter of ,1 ` agreeable in the summer months and thought the ratepayers dangerous to the public health, 1 * l should understand at the outsat th-M190 close to the schoql house." ' Afber somefof:'the"othet'1-nembersj 1 bad briey voiced their opinions, the . following resolution was then adppt- . ed unanimously by the meeting :--- I ` RAnn'Ivn, that we. the memhpra of value, enabling them to get material ' ` lax` their shacks and barns as cheaply as possible. I .-._; _; 44.}. nmanrvativns. As soon 1 not e. 1-Ie'1-eport as read was adbpted. ` ` 1600 17201716 Geo. Perry, S1-., asked that tree; ing library ` on the ioad injuring his orchard be 1 might mean removed. On motion of McArthur: [Ore Workman 11,1. II. ; (huncil Increased Daily Inge of Ian ` on Road: to $1.50 per day. order to give Mr. Johnston a pro] outlet for under-draining, and we that-according to the Municipal I made with Ralph Connell -and Thus. I Kcnuey some time ago. ' Mr. Kenney '. has performed his part of the work, ' and Mr. Oounell cannot perform his llpart of the work unvil the Councilli death 0! your esteemed-husband, Mr.'|'f Neil Bell. During` the many years that he hm! been closely awoctntod with the Municipal Council he has burn, report as read adopted. The Deputy-Reeve further reported : "Since last meeting of Council I was called on to examine a culvert on I I the Onta:-io~,Sta_1tutes [or 1912, and 1 this way the rights and liabilitieq f all parties interested, including he Township. would be nroperly ad- `I l\ll.lUl.I ` Get More Pay his mutter. I Campbell and Cock-' 5 of men working Em , was increased from CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000 `is not pound ml; repair a. drain 1 such Dux'DQses, , Council Rejected I Scarlet Fever Bill ` Vlcspra Guunil Says Parsons Bailing` Doctor Should Pay Account. I n-s-n _ . . _ . . . _ _. . .. Itwo families [or scnrlct fever; C.` [H. Sproule, Assisanr. Provincial ) Treasurer, enclosing aclzcunf. 01 patients in provincial a.sy1ums,;] chargeable to Vespm, for $182.5 , 1 also cheque (or $25.18. being the bal- i ' ance ol the railway taxes due Ves- obliymg dgaposition which seemed so natural ta him. Afwaye bheerful and ever willinz to lend a helping hand ver.wi1ling helping I- _ when he saw it required, be will be much missed by every one 0! us. :`y01l C2111 save the mom: impbrteni City on te Grand Trunk Pacific in interior . _,_ ,,_ . L:.. 1 $10 a month 1 -buy a lot in ' |\Y4___ TY-.. '--Uu_y a nun. nu Negw Hazelton ORDERS. Issued wnnout delay at reasonm BARRIE BRANCH ' II I 33 JNEW HAzEL'ToNis the mmes. -lhe mnnufmcung of Central British Columbia. Yo\ 1 men who are tired working 1 your head and hands off, with' 7 nothing to slIo\\{ or_it M: the end of the year. v'I'l::r\l nnl I ADQ mm cf- ena or me ; TEN DOLLARS will start` ...... .... r\vIvI\1\- AF Ilnlnunjn up-nun-h-r IE1`! Uuhlanlxo Wu: own: you as owner of close-in" property that will make yoq big prots. `Inn: nun-| r lnboku Fnllnnrinn x mm: wm make yoyx mg pronns. _ You can tloseby following!- AL. rr_\:..- n....l. ALL D.....1. l\ _ r|(I:.l:; L Inra g and information will be gladly ` sent you. I . ll-Standard Securities Limited a` ` 400 Pacic Building 1 v.nmnrfvw.n' HANABA JTFICG 0! (00! J EIFREE maps .._,1 1..G..........A-:1. -All e I01` v V -tI:ie rich Silver and` Copper |\i IVIUJES. -'-`-im_mense Agricultural , V1 Dafrio . Dxstnc I7. --the fzimous nuthravife Con. 11:... ` , ,. I :;`ow;;:1'_g demand was made to have a I `closer interpretation placed on this x mla-use. The B. C. lunzber i-n_terests 71 -nu. - .v..- Q, .v.-.. . -z the Union Bank, this Bank ( Vancouver nnd other large ..........nm.. and nmufniul IIIEIEIIEIOIIB. Price of lot: $100 up. :I: M A De Eng., which city is wod famous for` ' this party have been ringing bells to- gether for 18`yenrs. the youngest be- ing eight years with the party. They its Bellringers. Several members .0! I are all nished vocalists, and in theirl 7 their 3 quartettes, double quartettes, and Iglees, produce tunes like u grmt brgun. They will appear here, Nov. DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS ` L.R.C.P. & 8. Edinburgh; M.F.P. & F 8. Glasgow Surgeon-Eye, Ear. `t Nose and Throat. >' E um. mun.s.uunn. A.Jl.\.IAV' ...-- _.....,. St. W., Toronto, late 0! Brooklyn, (N.Y.) Eye and Ear Hospital will be at 67 0weu_ Street, Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases. Eye. Eur, Nose| 7 PRYSIGIANS E'I'G_. l . Ohfo. erla1n's Sash, Doors, Blinds, Frames Rand Slnwlno and all kind: nl PlAn- LV.l.\I'.L1;4.L \/;.n;J.-4;`p._z Issued by The`Can:1di:m Bank of Commerce, are a safe, convenient and inexpensive of These Orders,

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