TFINJ-[TI I Il"| For Infants and Children. Iha Kind You Have Always Buiughf` _____ -, .4 I `J is ndw, and the right place is here. We czirry a; splendid stock of the latest novelties in useful and ornamental Jewelry for MEN AND WOMEN. ' vomen. ' The bar stores sell them. WATGHHAKERS. RIGHT THE 0MlPBEL|.'8 VABNISH STAIN. Nothing olu like it (or nnlumaz Flmn Fur. nllun and Woociwoti. l_v_II I_ll:b`I|ni-:_li.__ "31:: msam-n""' "ET'h"."" , Your duh: ulh ll. Uupoutn-Mononao. Benton. Mano. . JEWELRY OR sunburn. windbum, cracked lips. ` chaps. roughnass or irritation after shaving. try ' NA-DRU-CO Witch Hazel Cream. he )~1-An!-r'uI rum-`um-ma !AI\.lVA and um... K JEWELERS. last week in Perkinslield. Miss .Mar- .; Miss`Mm-gnret McAvoy has returnsd ` to St. Michael's Hospital after all The dry weather of _the pas has proved a boon to the I and the fields have been rapi: '-Lmle Misses_Mary and Don ing-ham of Toronto. are visit` grandparents Mr. and ' ' day. 1st. September._ Upwards ot:1ve[ I hundred were'present, many of whom . could riot get into the building. The` McNabb of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. James Duncan, George Campbe11, `and Thos. McCullough .of Guthrie, could not be present, sent 51 an` Mr. John Fletcher of Wheeling, Wes Virginia. an estimable young gentlr man with more than the usual con 0P'|ElM;S. turned down the x-st propolitlon. , But in View at the vote, I can't bolp i thinking they wan`: a. new school on , _n new site. The plans seem bey.ond|f iahould be let go. Mr. Frawley '8 rough sketch for remocc ling lold bu.ilC.'mg which I zhink couvd "the outer kin: while the Wltch Hazel pcnctrates and heals the deeper tlssucs. Delightful after shavlng or washing. ' 2$c. 1 bottle, at ycur druggisrs. I NATTDNAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO, ] Trustee Fraw1ey-'I`he Chairman ; -was good enough to suggest that I ` shbuld submit my sketch to the ar- . thing is to ask 101' plans to remouax th'is school to gift: us as many rooms 1 [for a certain gure, along the lines 1 sent school, the additions and chang- es making it; pyactically a new school. `Chairman Smith---Why -didn't local . I contractors tender`? ` that the building could not be erect- ed for anybbing like the sum the people are prepard to pay. and so Iv-etused to waste time preparing ten- far ahead uith 3 new school. Trustqe Richar~dson-'I`he original 1 plans were for remodelling and addi- tions. but opinion was so divided as ' to cost and site that In the project fell through. Trustees Ottbn and Ric worked out satisfactorily. ' - * Chairman Smtth-Something should ( be done. ` nish us with something more moder- ate that will answer the pugpoae? Trustee` Fra.W1ey--It is good to hav an interview-s.n explanation, 11 no- thing efse. Before doing so, the Bdard should get down to'a;greement -,|Bo' get . among themselves whlit is best to `be . done, It`one part pulls past and am other west. we'll never get. any'!ur- tractors are' away beyond that.- Dr. Pn1l1ng-It comes back to l in: the old schoo!. Time has pn CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. - Will Ask Plans 0115 to plan for 3 new ' .m-n glad now that I 1: might have appeared to . b the plans. It is bani-1` LA 9.5, Lf1`U. L'n\-ns~,wh help is e1np1oycd- ` H. M. Dymont, High St.; Geo. Vic- ! kes, Owen St_.: S. Dymenrf High t.; Plummer. Pool SL; W . A 'L'St.; Mm. A. Boys. Buycld SK. ; Lnvns-kcpt by owner - Fwd | Norxmm, Burton An-.; Andrew Car- ; son, Small Sn; Mrs. Ferric:-. Brad- , ford -SL; Geo. Ball. Maple Ave-.; Dr. Arnall. Elizabeth St. I Bm11ev2u'ds-R. J. Fletcher, Owen i St; A. Carson. Small SL; II. M. I Dymcnt. High S1,; P. Moran. Small , St, ` ` I V _ Flower Beds--Gc-o. 0. Walton. _ Komr.-nfv.-Mt SL: D. C. (Hxmpboll. ' Elizabeth St.; H. M. Dylnent, High : SL; N. Dymcm. F.1i2abcth St. _l Ll Owen. St. ; D L Geo. Vickebs`, Owen St.; C. Campbell, Elizabeth St.; .\Ii.a~| Scott, Dunlap St. fihe Judge Praised r(`.nuHmu.I 3...`... Dn .. \.a\Jn_\>.-JI..'a 1 9 never lose the features of comfort and which have mar`:-, ner at the Queen's Hotel. _ In the afternoon the usual weekly tea, was given. the hostesses being, Mrs. Spry, vllvia. Donald Ross and Mrs. Short. . Donald C. Campbell had quite anl` u honor paid Him while attending the Toronto Exhibition. Mr. Campbell served in the Scots Guards for turn; . years and came to Canada with his reg-Imant,in 1862. He bought his dis- charge in 1864. Last week in Toron- to he was introduced to the Band- master of the Bapd of this famous E corps plyihg at the Ekhibibion. and ~ I was given 21 seat in the hzmdstand . gram_me. Net.-d>1ess to say Mr. . ball Was `highly "gratied by t 3 come extended to him bv the BARBIE GOLF CLUB `I Two matches were played last; one week: against Omllia on Thursday,!Feed 13 1e the 5th in Orillia and against C01-`Buckwheat, 3| Ll`-i, '- ' - . ` 7 :n 3 5$5555555 $5555 55 ' Lamb; dressed, lb. . 3 Spring Lambs, each .. Year1ing each 2 way. On sale dauy Sept. 2st-h to E 3 Oct. 10 {mm all points -in Canada to 5 Lou Angeles, San Francisco. Portland Seattle, Victoria. Vancouver,_He1ena, Butte, Missoula, Kaliapell. Pot.-atello, Nnrnnn, Salt Lake City, . Og-den, Tallow . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 ,6c. Ahm`n=:p1-h:es~uuote`d weekxxy paid for Hides. Skins, Raw, F11; _e_tc., 'a;| uruuu ouu.., u-.\,._ Through toufist sleeinera and rcclning chair cars from Chicago from the" LARGEST AHERICAN MANUFACTURERS. Goods of the latest design. Nice, natty shapes and`st_vles suitable for` DRAWING ROOM, -LIBRARY OR DEN % Prices are mgst reaspnable apd the assortmentjs the largest to be seen m Barrxe. It wxll pay you total] and see them. =5:-Q I l`I\I Tyk We can also supply you with the . m......;.. man. in mm 2. 5. 8. 10 c H. H. Electric Bulbs t 20: each. 8 Shades and Globes lose the durability which have made lhun the favorite of. Canadian 'WOIE`. 'ELECTRlC BULBS .. ..I.... ....-..l.. ...... u-{oh nu: Ila. r Electric Light Fixtures` `load a`car at Barrie He cross not report :1` pllces quoted last We have made a Special Pure! /Iase of Electric u Best Carbon` 5 2 5' 8 10 Candi Power We have also the Tungsten Lumps in 25, 40, 60' 100 \Vntts from 60 up _Poi1'1t)s Hard`Ware_ PERFECT Biscuit BAKING NEED;-V-NOT oven gives. ' \ Ranges `with sbw pvens are all right or some k_inds of his- cuits. But an oven that is But that is chronically slow simply ruins othys, and it i.sus'clcss for many DUTDOXS. side and not on the other. So you "':`,;'f'('`_:"``6::r":"` an cum can ncver dcpengl 9n them. use [he "Haypy Thunlht `every day. ` H. H. oT'r0N 5: s0N RADDIF, ONT u" -1] New models are constantly being added to em line to keep pace with every new slvle It all d-ycpends on the heat your A fives. \ purposes. ` Oihcr sum/cs bake beautifully on one depend on Guaranteed ' It hgats up perfectly all over the surface and the; price.i_s $4.50 `and $5.00 we nave also we umgsven ` Watts up nun ELEGTRIG mun ` `A trial costs you nothing TUNGSTEB! LAMPS `lg Drrrrcuu `by the makers fdr 5 yeags is -`*7 as/a ' coRsE'rAs --.-..- L1... `L. K_.._.___ _t _. A `VVINNEVRY u I I U1 1 I BARRIE, ONT. `Avis an I nun feet bak .. * If you wa_nt :1 slow. oven, :1 slow r: will produce the'dsired result. ,. If you want a very hot, quick oven, just build up the fire and keep it going :u'onz for a little while- ' . l therefore decided that he should be - whipped by his father in the nuisance a or the police, an order that was duly x which was before the court. To .1 him to jam wquld endanger his me and probably not deter him via to buy reliable Watches, Clocks, Diamonds and .._.--v-qr -`vs