Te Barrie Examinerj & Theweekly Globe P 0 i nt e. r S PJUb1i%CitY A1dveLrfisi ng i s not` a: b profitable\i:1vest~n'1ent`, '- Vwhly. do so. many ' '\}ery successful houesi13 all lines of .t_Trade% keep c`on= -tinu%ous1y at it?_ % ARE THEY m Emma, on ARE vow conditions under which the Duke of 1 Mnrlbomugh hnids the estates or Blen- .heim. 9. repreaaxdtatlve oi the family . qmmght nu embroidefed ag to Wind- ?a.or Castle, th(s_ being the nnnuni rental. ` !'I'h:e old ting was 'fomoved. from the 1 , ,`Gu.ard`s Chamber arid tho 116$ andwa ' 51pm: in its place, whgig it ldlaln ( t I 1'-0l'$W`|'V9 EH03`-113v 3.5. u.nsnauniAanJ -":`i?'"`*-:~ - .-.._..,.+J-`tam ,. Duke of Marlborough : Rental Upon the s.m'uverrsary "E the ban of Blenheim In m-.m-rrrinm-A wnh r 1 had-left this $500,000 by will/` to me. _ I am going back to claim ti: and turn u,--eve.ry penny-back to the re- ` calvers or the banks. : `W Plea an "The Hrumanmes." W, E Pmzeas? G. u. Ramsay, ox Drumor, ' K Hymns:-1! at Gmsgow Ungversity, in n I Iatar 1-man abtlxe D1113 distribution at , l1Ie`BHdgHo (hilly Schnol, nu: Blah "- l mmm. Smnnl mm 1:: zravnd mm 1 ' 999,9 9999999999900 9999909099099099999999 9Q999999999969"09OOQQ `, . 9 SAMPLE BDPIESSENT _ANY_WHEHE UN REQUEST SEND YOUR $1.50 NOW January 1.1914 for $1150. ~ SIXTEEN MONT!-Isl. -`OR THE PRICE or - TWELVE _ A -Local news, pxjo}'incial news,>D0min'ib~`n newsfand a wealth of general reading`m:1_t,ter,_ Will be sent to any address in Canada from now Till $2.50 for