14 inch Cut, 3-knife Cy-1'mde1", '13rice 6.00 for.. price 6.25 for.'. Come E-Larly. High In-Iigl.1 V r price 4.25.3 Cut , - 7 1: yvh'ee1, wheel, i [whee], :6 inch Cut, 3-1;nife,_R'egu1a'1- 1 _R'egu1ar Price v mo m: ` Reglar AGE Rgular Ant. Regular I! nn $555 533 _'1`l.\c1`e wer 9,213,962 cross-ties. v ` costing $3,535,628 purchised _1n`one year by the steam and elcctri_c_ r_oads` 14 inch Cut, 4-knif, ment and often a -I ` 1. saw.-.4: " ' " Oregvtilcs _f V '1`hm-n were 9 Iluununa _.u. ..-.,,. , C fl` wn wspap rs state thin. thoalxestothingeln thegartoal line.` h can 'Y `ggmate `-he 131356 ` _ Tm ` m d f _ cf 5. alqgle `sepond, says a well known `#3 $?`3:~3 ..`__3E_f`L..M-f.`2 i.. .15. . xscsentisn But in these days or It ls'n'ov; common to find a. person :66 any umesslbn of style in South ;A!r1ca. the garments having become] a. necessity to protect the animus} Ear 17:1 t'\1 r:\7stL2am zfnd elcctx-i_c' roads ' 5 of Canada. The zwemge coat of these, ties at Um paint of purchase was 38 Trousers for Oxe_n 1 Cape frown newspapefs thin.` the latest thing in the_` _artori_z}1 [when each of _two _co11id1ng vehicles W lmust have occupied particular spots} ` may be a matter of great imnortance. Iln 11 recent experiment :1 car tookl it will be found that It is Just pos- `e to count 10 111 @313 E Cfg. ngle second. But om: mt ; 4`-c5u:. vcry fast to do it. ` axren iugigyqt. One can , !f_p Es imafe even tenths . -Ti'y it with a watch, and drop'per" is used. As the phgto-i` graph shows, hho ink flows from tho } resurvoir through a narrow tube ml` the pen point. where it aupplzies u.n| . ~.....,....... ._........- _ I A Fouutxj1._I3e3_g;})3gugu_.sge: /\` detachable .con.a1ae1- for (Ira?-= I 6Vin_ch Cut, 4-knife,: ,'en for Draughismcx; 4 ;.z'o`n`&T:Ei-` 6)} am, r can, be slipped Into, handle of a drnughts-1` irClearanceSale Wehp. ` PRA`TT-At Minesing, August 4, Wm. 1 Henry Pratt, aged 38 years. ' and quality. Quite 11 large number of people at- ; tended the union camp-meeting, on _ Sunday. Mr. Cnu1_ter ol Painawick ]prc-uched morning and evening and _ |Rev. Mr. Murray ol Edgar in thc_ ut- DIED CAMPBELL-At Edenvale. August 4, William Lawrence Cotuam Campbell son of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Camp. ` DAIJBTON Aug. 5-- No services were 1: the churches here on Sunday VSA;RJEANT& KINWS We must clear the decks for the New V F`al1A Goods; `large shipments of Which are nQW_ on the way from England and Scbtland per steamers Canada and Athenia. - " ` We are making ready to receive them by sac- rificing all Odds and ends of Summer goods at , clean-outrpnrices. , r m A * A ` 4 Sale Commences Friday `Morning. A isble of Prints nn_d`Gingbnms .` The ha]- 5 nnce of the gensonk showing at Sc and 10:: to rlunr at .... . . I8:Vif1ch Cut, 4-knife, . .....`._, ..,_ ..-. ...y..., ....._.._.. 10 pieces of Fancy Summer Drens Goods in ahndau of>Champa.gne, Sky, Amethyst, Reeda and Ambre. Regular price 7:')c,'.o clear with odds RG51: and and: UL_llJ BYIU 241103 In \.,uuun.-us JUL fancy shadiugs. to clear ma per pair. I A lot of colored Cottop Voile, Anderson`: _ Ginghnms, Fancy Mualins and Prints- at nhnnr half vnlnn , , , , , ,. 11': vvnnuu 9 an... .4...- `.ox`oiQq1lnrs and Belts, odds and ends, on sale A Friday morning at each ..................... .. 5c Frilling Odds and Ends of frilling, all cut in frill lengths. to clear_ ntpue 5c Odds and Ends of Kid Gloves ....... .... .. Odds and Ends of Lisle G1oves.... Odds and Ends of Lgather Belts... .. Odd and Ends of Blouse Frbnts .......... .. Odds and Ends_cf Faby Combs, 3 for , Odds rind Ends of Beauty Pins 3 for.... Odds and Ends of Co1lur Supports, 3 for... `About 25 ends` of Radium Follxl-nrds I some with fancy borders, our special at 18: "Em nn snip tn ulnar hnlnnma at... vv...-V :4 .... .. UV. All sizes at prics ranging from T5: -to $1.15, slfghtly soiledjto clear-at .................. .. 50 ` Fancy-$ummr brass Goods .... M. -: v........ Q............ h....... r:..Nl.. H. H.0TTON&SN ODDS &ENDS White Blouses 50c ,___...._ :_-_. -=- 4 Collars and Belts T ChilE!ren s ` Sox "" -I ` The Bell Telephone (_.`ompany of C.'n_ ' zulxr is suuv to [irim 1). new; issue of its OF- FICIAL 'I`ELE[ IIU.\'E DIltlC'I`()1{\' for 4 A Una 1)ian-`pr. M < Ihe Unalrmr. ur _ . . ` Centr:\l_ Ontario, Inc]uding|` . ' BARRIE I ` ' !`,...s.-. whn nnnh-vnxnlnfn hm-nvnhirvl Snlzsc-rib:-rs, or those who \\'lSl) <:1mn:,'es m ` theix present entry should plru-e their 01'- uie with the I.m-nl Mzmnger nl once to 'm- , 1 A` Should Mug repoxfz mldiv. ; changes in their list ufSl1hRnr'1hewz, eichox 4: inc Lu(`. l1 Mmnuszer. nr direct to the |IAcuu -, .. .. . - CONNECTING COMPANIESI ` m....... ...., M. ..,,;x THE 5 Five `Poinlts Hardware. Directot_'y._ . % :1`... BELL TELEPHONE co; OFGANADA Farm For Sale ;.:-duucoo: Cc. hm-en Lu-o nun-kcu l.uvn1 Maxnuger, ny direct the ' Agent's l)c-pnrtment, Montrezll. l Z3`; 15c '15:: ac... - -...-J .....-., Odds and Ends of fancy silk wot-'th up to ` chiefly short ends. on sale at ............. .. 2 v--u_.... .. -v-.-... _..u....._, Odd and Endi oi,ChiIdren's Hosiery. price `from 15a to 251:, to clear as per pr ............. ... 10 Whitewear Old and` Ends of whitewgar, ixxcludihg Gowns. Skirts, Drawers, Cora-.t Covers. An. assortment of all syles in odd sizes to clear at 3 .Discounts of 25 per cent. Dre Buttons A c`.ean up of Dress Buttons, including many ex- pensive lines, nll M o_u9 price 50 per 100 I 3-75 `Cut price.. Linen Twels About 10 doz. Huck Towels, Hammad or Friugec: Edda, Odds nud Ends, price 3 for ..... ..` _ 25: V Odds and Ends of `Fancy Linens, coinprisipg nn assortment _of Duylies, \Ya`sh Cloths, Napkins and cgntres, y0y.lr_'_cboice {Lt each.-.` ........ .. 50 `JUGS EDU DECS OI ']1l_DDO`H 111 inches, prici-fraugixxg from in during sale at 10 yards for. . __._._....._.._._...__.._..... Hosiery. Childrerfs Cott6n_ _,,_x ,4: ,enLu___. u _:___ __.._ :. Fancg Summer Parasols x -um! `Ends nf Fnncv Sumxiier Par . an-` ..........-. . .......\.... `And Ends of Fancy Sumziier Paruspls, . 150 m 300;` nn x.-do Fridnv mnrimw 141103 UK IDLICY u`nlEl' Ifll-IEVPIEI 1.50 ha 3.00, on sale Friday morining. OR:-, Fancy Linens Fancy 5ilks_ >.. .: :........ ..:u. _...-u : % A DATE? \THERE IS price.. "Ribbon, 'show the yem` and month to which it is paid. Owing to pres- sure of jb work the mailing 1ists.\\'ere not corrected for` listsv were not` `corrected. I01` over two months, conaequemly there were _mxmy umnlges to 1m lnndn ] 1o=n:t>. pwunivm Hm cure is exercised in c'urreoung the xnniliug form:-i,but with xumh :1 large list. us the Examin- 'er s, it is pa sible tlmt nin error or (sh: znnv urecu in. Im DriceT5.25 for,