at g8 FLORISTS .5: .3 spoke us one who knew whereof he` ` xwittered. but I can eat. my cake and have dyspepsln , n . _.._.'.-._. Why so gladsome this morning?" "1 have just paid my last coal bill for the season." . I "Hub!" ` I , 4. What may you mean by `Huh?'" "Ice is going up.!' To clear rooms of tiles use carbonc_ 3 acid. heating a shovel and pouring on ` At. twgnty drops of the poison. .'J.`he 1. vapor will km the tiles. Another ` molstened and molded Into cones. and after drying each cone should be placed upon a dish and -lighted at tha top. It` wllrburn slowly. and the odor is hot l disagreeable. l . ` ` were turned uslde she said quietly: I spams. uuu Luau nus: Ilusucu nuu ...u...- ` ed at matrimony when her mats "I thought: that it you wanted to take , in a partner"- "But rchera can I nd`c:e'."' "Ir you--you wanted to take In :1 partner and pay up the notes and be "At the end or the year you must 1 pay me, as agreed. It not. the law - will put me Ln possession and you wt]! or . be t f emphyment` ` A , (viva ma the mouev. and"- lelenr pt that woman mother would ` sand dollars of my own money. You v l would not drlve me lnto`bunkruptcy?" . Ir we are not married on the day . . vour notes are due I shall demand my` be out of employment." But you are not pressed for 11 You can give me time." he prot I have worked Ilke a suave to ness.` He could not my bet thq hull of What he owed her. nnd n ca_ll at the lawyers brought him no comfort. She 3 had spoken of marriage. but he turned was a woman to keep new word. , There Ia-always 11 way out for the I merchant who nds bankruptcy atnr- I` In: mm In the race. and few take it THERE s N01 NEED \0OOOOAAAA _ OOO9OO94OO`OOOOOO<`)O60 nu _y vu u ... money. 3 protested. ' ve make 2 In a thou- Ioney. mkruptcy?" clear would give me the money, und"-_ He saw her go her home through the storm and darkness. and he `did not 1 renllze that the wind blew` or the rain ,reu or that he had to pick ms steps. He realized only that he held her hand and that be had been saved from his ' Whipping the Baby. . ~11 there is one of y hEl'et.hnt ever expecl: to whip ypur child uguln. let me ask you something. Have your; photo- graph taken at the time and let: it show your face red with Vulgar anger and French." buc there is u silent partner I with him and behind him and daily adding to hl_s happiness- "earth. sit: down upon that mound nnd look upon that photograph and thlnl: or the esh. nqw dust. that you beat. Just think at It! 1 could not ham` to- ` die In the arms or a child that I had whipped. 1 could not bTr to reel upon my ups. when they` were withered - N. C. 5 u.K.L.L.NLi. Why don't on try Fruit-a-ves"? 50c a box. 6 or $2.50, trial size, 25; At nll dealers :1: sent on receipt of pricc by Fruit-a~v.ivu; Limited, Ottawa. % GRAND {1iiI'k`1KfLwA`1 rr~..b.-.... xrmmo ...... an H. Iieccrmn% ` Keating's Tfdwder Kills Bugs I To fight everv form virus; I \II 1 I r1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought .. ... , .- ._ CASTOR IA Fnr Tnfnnt: and Children. Jr. IV. to Sr. IV.-Llln Murphy, Jessie K1:-kup, 1mwarx1Murphy (Rec.) Br. III. to Jr. IV.-J Brett, l\`Inrg::uret' Brett. Vvulter Wallwin. BANKERS Illlvuua lllllll IIIIBV fight every 01 insect life use ` Kea.ting'a P o w de 1-. None other is so uni- ` l0rn1ly`re1ia.ble--yet ` it is odorless and - 19 nunlop`Stu-eat Sum: I`h: n: Sin to'bn-tbe oldest settled of the three-1101 0'15 8- large number- Manitoba,` 21`.U0 Saskatchewan. 4B.0ElJ. ' Alberta 14.0111] Western Ci-mada is so big_th at practically evary- farming condi- on is met with in the combined total. There is open prairie,_ the Announce th _removal of their stlore from pwen St. tu_ {I9 Dunlop _St., one door ast of Do_ugalI Bros. Cpho.icest_ Cut" `Flowers and all seasbnable plantsand owers. . ._ u`... IIIV ,,._ ` Nineteen cows, were kill , lightning bolt in Madoct Ontario, Sunday` A miniature cyclone "did Crop Drospects in Snskiatchcwan a `very bright. . ,, ` `V rm. Rnrlin v w n A I-nv 1:." sum the wise man. sitting back , ` In his chair and twirling his glasses us tl1ougb_tl.u1c closed the argument. ' "Very true." renlltl the younger man | You' should love your neighbor as .yqur:elf. The Scriptunes demand Ir." "lr.,1s all right. but I am glad that . they dldn`t make It harder."