DLava1 Dairy Supply Co.,Ltd. LARGEST AND OLDEST SILO hIANUl*AC'rURl3R5 `N CANADA I73 WHIIIID l. WIUIIINEIIL v; I16 r'I'IllI':B$a GI. IIIlIlIIr'|'.|: .W._A. MCCON-KEY, AGE,;,,3;,;,E_ mu Lul um uolv bauv uuun. . u..u-,........ ....._, ... IDEAL GREEN FEED /SII.`0 _IS_ THE BEST wooo SILO o _Bo6k. It will explain fully why" 1 -u'---nI- |-|-I-vru 1-slum-A ed. On the corner of lnuisl and John St. West, for quick sale, $1500. Apply` to J. W. Gossling, 51 -.. - .,. sue ( `KEEP MTNz-KR-D"S' LINIMENT 1N`!f THE HOUSE. :15 in . Children Cry FDR FLETcHER'S cAsfroR-IA Riviera (lea Prairie, Quebec, his raw. boat. upsetting in mpids. ~ ' Seven cases of smallpox aredn the isolation house at Woodstock. '