powqgwwuowqnoqnuoouooouuuoou a.._......'..'...mo: 2 TH E `FORD The ostrich can't y-has too much weight for its wing power. The7Vanad`ium built Ford has all the weight it needs for` strength--but its the ligh-test car for its _sizein the world. We'll sell seventy-ve thousand new Fords this year--pri_ncipally because it s not an ostrich car. All Fords are Mendel '1"a--:\ll alike except the bodies. The two-passeniger 1-unaiboutz costs $7 75-1.he ve-passenger touring car $850--the delivery cur $875-iho town! < V car $1100--i. o. b. Walkerville, Ont, completely equipped. Cmnlague from Ford Motor: |' "NH" Company of Canada, Limited, Michigan and Fourteenth Sm-.eh-or direct from Wa_lker_v:lle. _ ' R.` F. GHARR]3Tfl5 7 I ---I A..-_.; Local Agent. - r-v1`J`I`*.1"'r1'lI`?. I TORPEDO Ru_uABou1'-pR|cE $775.60 `Where Do You Shop`? -"Readers Th Ekamier will nd it. to their advantage to buy from the live business'men who advertise in these ` columns. MO_DEL -r.-|5mcE $850.00 -n Reward by your cusom the merchant > who lives to serve you, and who is doing his utmost to build up this community; . who takes ygu into his condence _by means of advertising in your local news- DIIDBISS. ' Shun the shop tEab*a_c:11}mb sud dark and dreary; kuap avisy from he shop - that never speaksto you. never smiles at you, never bothers about you. 4,, Shop where your wants and needs are upperuroec in the mind of the merchanb`-,' Shopin the attire Vvhich reflects you,___ which you dominnte. Shop where your _ money returns &o_yn: -u in better goods, better values, better service. Barri Ont, _m':1" an mun inxntm xxx :3. m1. *=*' ~..-iv j people work In various vestab1Lsh- menu, the employment of women and chdxuz. and ,ot.her cominon factors In lxgduntry of different` kinds. In One thing few peruonn know about av hoz-1: roqulxu twice the breathing space for lb weight as a bone or cow.- A no: can stand only hall the expo- sure. It: at may seem like u blnnket. but the blood is the best at all an!- I V O HOG NOT: DIRFY BEAST. `They An n Numoreuu Tribe and An Alwnyu Rudy to Advlu. Wall street is the Dome of tha oater. `U good wrestler. Hr. O Raux-kc." Bald he hopetuy.-ClncInnau (Elma-Star; WAII smear npsrsns. ----1-2-2-2---1--- cmmasn His (amp. TheUniversa1 Car TAR: What pm :- qurn 1 pa- nu .-;g `In gag. av.-nyw Antf-l5ain Pill`, of course. Good for all kinds of pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, Headache, Ncrvousncss, Rheu- matism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains,` Luibago, Locomofor Ataxia, Backachc, Stomacbachc, Period- ical Pains of women, apd [for pain in any part of the body. `I hive used Dr. Miles mdicinca fot aunnu vi uni. I As: I Why, a`. Dr. Milesfl A _1.1' II_1_ hr!!- house duh: um: Ind would not think of (skin: I journey without them. no matter how short I distance I an go`::g. I cannot pugs: th_em enough." A cannotpndoa them no la." Mxss` Lou M. mmcmu. Q 63 ngh SL..Puuaook. N. K. At A" drunaluu. 8 duo: 23. % - Smile back at the shop which smiles at you. . Shake hands with it:-keep company With-it-yourfavor .Wi11_be returned to you ` ten-fold. `T ' ' - ~ - v - - W ` Advertising. keeps a. business from growing. lazy and stupid. VAclvaz-rising" injects good red blood into the `arteries 6f 9. business andkseps it healthful and active. Advertising gcquzriuts you wish -new . things, andlso brightens your home,'your `life, your person. . ' ` ' jrou" shop in a brisk, active store, or ` Vainadullstore? _ ' _ ' `Advertising makes bright stores. Fail- ure to advertise goes hand in hand With. dullness and stagnation; ` l ' 'Adve'rtising Rushes" away cobwebs _ and dfxst, snmrtens shop windows, quick- en: the intelligence of salesmeb. and lets ' in the suuligtit. ' Advertising makes the merchant -think of you`-of youf wants and needs,-Jnakes ' him anxibus to serve you to your` liking and advantage. " Aflvartising keeps :to>ck from` having birthdays. ' ' ' '