Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 May 1912, p. 5

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UK-ll COIL .. .. .1 y\Vm. Dc-mpstcr, lling wash-- out on 8th con. .:uI.u sxucnuau, IOL .:u. qaaux on pauxnofprz uannog aI{'_'[, 'at the call of the Reeve. 3`. bridge . 1' F. Lennox. con. .. Jas. M. Spears, repairing I`. . Mason. repairing bridge and lling washout 6111 con. .. was coniixlg to Ban-it? After closs ing`the gate xvlxc-11. 1\I1-9. Waieoxx left, he returnc-cl to the barn. Suddenly` his son Bruce noticed him leaning against a fcncc_ in an apparently min]: eondititm. Before` he `machec him, h0\\'cvc'r. he fell to the grxmnd`, dead. A tele was mvaiing Mrs. Watson on. her ill`-' rival in tow11`upprisin,r: her of but `Victoria Day` Singi Fare for Round Trip BM WEED Ill Stnllnnl In Clnldn : whqt fgr the past. your or more, was not thought to be seriously ill`. On Saturday morning he had assisted: as ` usual, with the work, and lmd hitch- ed up the horse for his wife, who wean nll Slnllanl In C-IE1`! Good going Mny 23rd Add 2411: Return llmlt May 27:): Luinimum charge Be.) Never Forge tat upon your Dhvsical condition ` an-d b:si:1ns his. .widow leaves` to mourn his loss three sons and three viz.: -Roy, Bruce. Rex Dora at home; Mrs. Holm- es of T01-ontlo and` Mrs. Bouncy, Dalston. ` 5 ' ` - The fLm'cx-n.]__ \vus held on Monday ' `at 2.30 p.m. to the Congregations lChurc-I1, Dalston, nd tflenct; to Dal: ` stun orsnxebcry, Rev. Mr. Murray, lThe `b`E xami n"er I is repared to furnish as neat and correct. ' I Invitations, V nu, 28.-Jpse nib `M 25th _ and evtn' ltonnd 'r.:u.I... 0....-mn ....o:: ~Hom es eekers Excursions Dalston. ___, ` at run. K THINKING -or GETTING mnmnni? \MONTREAL-QUEBEC V LI VERPOOL SAIL ._'N(Iever_vSA Tl/RDA YS by the `LAU|`d3NTlC" AND MEGANTlC" Fined wixh ty'tl'Y up-lo-dale device [ox can-nfan nnd ukly. Bunion. Otchelln uxod. *iimHINc&? The Y.M.C.A. is being redecorat- ed -and. painted throughout. `r.`L...r-:.. 1:..l.o.. ...,._.. ._1..__) _ -x_ t:u uuu.pz.uuu:u Luruuguuut. Electric lights were placed on the ' Bowling Green last. week. nub aAu;u\.|3 ycnv. . u --Boia cashmere Jerseys in big range 01 colors. Just the` thing for this weather 15:. to $1115 at Sa.r- ' jeaut King. ` - Norris W.=m.'n4= TnrnI\fn : (1 hp: bogwlmg U1-ccn last. week. Roy Forsyth of ` Torontq is visit- ixig friends bore. .__'Rrn'm' .-..=km..-.1 r-.......... :_ I.J.. ., on .\1onua1y. Mrs. Wiglntnmn of Toronto was nu over-Sunday visitor with Mrs. L Jos.`Ho1mes, on her xvny to her smn- mer cottage at Wu-ahngo. _M'nrn'n -9.-n hhinhnm `Roi an Ono:-IWV '11: is not-silatcl upon -the river, but the s 5:111: is tapped by :1 canal _ about 1(, x40 through xvhich the ' water passes for seven or eight; rod.-3 and than (h'op~.'~:I into the turbines 58 feet below. . `Every ' precaut-ion has. been taken to make frfho plant com- plete. It is simple in ctinstructiou, them is` -110 1111111 todlmke trouble and ; there is 1ite_1i1;21il100(l 01 ) tel-rupfinn i1_1 -the s<>1j\~1'<*p. It is honed before nbllix in im s<>r\~1'<*p. hope`-d 'befo1'e>p`o1linr, d`:1y>to place before the )`ntcpnyc1's,:1 number of vie\\'s`0f the plant sh that they .1m1y have :1 better idea of the source ' The programme this year has been so arranged as to Xwiense everybody, being one of the g1'ea.test 1istAof!ea- ttires ever offered by-a,n amusement is`-no 1lz;1x\_to'1m\l(e troul no dm1ge1'_ from .f1-eshets or i little Ii elihood. of :11 : NEW Books AT 711 = PUBLIG uammv J_u\Ju.|sArx.1x. Diary of Mrs. Sinwo%-John R05 1 Robertson. ~ . . > The Life of Hanry,Georgc---Hcmry . George, Jr. ' - ` . Memoirs of my Life--Sir-Francis `Gulbon. _ v ` Mr, AsquiLh--J. P. Aldcrson. Lord Strathc0n.n-Bo<:k1cs Wilson John Wmley-Wind1cster. _ M Chas.` Dickens and his F.-scas--` Story of an Irishman (Autobio- gx-upIxy)-Ju.stin McCarthy. `_ - Pcop1v::.I have Read~'3-Stunrt Cumber 1 land. ., 1 1 My Radian Lif<,&Hnrry De Wiudt ] Real Soldiers of Fortum.--R. H. ; Dnvis. ' _ .-,_> ' men]. , < . An Introduction to `I"o1k1orv.~-Mnriim . R. Cox. ' _ J.1xb`I`uKx . ` Ave Roma Ixnmox-m1is-F. Mm-io`n Crawford. ` Thmunzh the (Indinn) _'Mu(iny- ] V . Through _'Mu(iny-` Col. Thos. N. Vvnlkcr. ' After Waterloo (1S15~19)-Mnjor W. . E. Frye. The Cradle of New F1-anc<.~-A.'G. Dom:ht,v.' ` ` __ ( I 1 4 1 `FROM BARRED PLVM9l!TH' ROGKS . THAT WIN All IHE PRIZES ; Per Setting of 15 Eggs . $1.50 and $2.00. 1 1 I 1 1 _ 1 - Alsan pan: frnm Blur; hnrlnlnsaiang 1 of New J:'ranc<.~-A.`u. Doughty. - Old Tales from Ro:ne-A1icc Zim- '.L'he lccspolxslulxulus Lu um: um... . i:4t-Frunk Xortis. The \Visdom of Sir \Vu1hcx (Scott) --Owen Redfcrn. , Backpn-ounds of Litcmtunz -- .11. Wght Mabie. What. is S1mkcspc;1rc?-Prof. L A. Shc'rm.a1L ` : _ t r"Vj3'e:n11_t. , 3 Miss Ci\'i1izution--Richard Harding I > Davis. ` ` ; ` E:l_\'s in Litbmry Inh:`rpret1\tiou- Ilmniltou \V:-ight. Mnbic. ` of Literaitum H. : Wxht ` : Among the D;m M. lsumn. 1 , A \V:mderer in I.0ndon-E. V. Lucas . ; Mid Pleasures ' and Pu1ac(;s*-1Iary Landon. __ : ; Naples, Past_m1d I :-esent-Arthur H. u . Noxzwrxy. The Day of Vengeance. acrxpwm _ Studies.` .. I , The New C`:eati9n.j Scripture Studies Scu-:.\*cr-2. The Railway Librn.1'y`-.- S1-ason Thompson." ' ` ` I`he'Nerves and CL_)mmon Sense?- G. K. Chesterton. -. A Child of Nature -wH. Wright Nubia. ' ' " Smvensoninnn--J. A. Hslmmnrton. 1 ` VLIRAVELS. On Wamrn Trails in the Early . Scvc-nties-Rev. John McDo_ugu11 ` Ambng D;m M. 'Bu`t,1in. London_- `. I:1'1cns ` yer ucuulllg. ' 7 __ _ These` eggs nm in grguf. _nIamand. Order early aim! not be disappointed. 3 $ L] I `I T State and Local Taxation. (ruurux Intemutidinal Conference). ' . Water Powers of Cumuln. (Conser- _ ` vation.Co11mnissi0n). ` i f Lmids Fisheries a11d-G1\1i1e. (C-qnse.r- , ion Commissigg. - .T11e'Nerves Scnse-- ` Afnnic Payson Gall. _ ` Emcrg*cneies-Char1otte,V. Gulick. ` The Body ut \Vork - Frances G` I G. Jcwett. ' Town and City'--Fmnccs G. Jcwett - ' Good IIe,alt11-FmI1ccs G. Jowett I ', Pure Fom]s-_John' O.`uO1scu1. ` > _ The I`1'even`t.\mL-.o_ Sc-nility -- Fir ' Jnmm Cricht,ox1Bm\\'ne. __ _ V : Jumm Crichtox1Bm\\'ne. _ _ Taxation. (Fourth ~ Conference); 1 A-\`:;t`i7<);1V Commission. V Wild Bensfs of the VVorld (:2 vols.) --Fmnk Finn. - ` ` - --.,,_, Rnmtnnxcx-:_ uEm'. En.<:yc1o.pacdiu of Music and Musi- cizms. (Stokes )--`-Rev d` by De- ' Bekker. ' ` TALES or A.D\'E2\"l`URE. (F.A.) V \rnnm.- f`.n1'n.v s1 O11ickens--K:\to D.` AD` Motlier Carey s ` Wiggin. - 'IUI'..-mu hr: -Texvcvtt. - , Control of Body" and`x-:\nccs|_ " ' _ _ __ I; I Stevensoninnn--J. Essays and Hiatoricttcs -- Walter Bosnnt. 7 U Ii.\'l'IlL\L .l4ITh Responsibilities of the Novel- i t--Fruuk . `rum-. 10, an of OUINTE. In N I BETWEEN HAllIIl.'l'I)N(((1/0RON- Til EAL 'AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS. E the World ?- ' | ( Autobio- Iurthy. Twouau*s1is`nn& 1R ' SUMMER PROGRAMME} Warm:-n s Institutc meetings for South Sixncoe will be held as fol- lows :- , ' Sunnishle Corners .. .....J , Stroud (Methodist. Church) J Churchill (Orange Hall) ...' Cou1son s Hill (English ' rm...-.~}.\ _. . Church) . . . . . . .. . . ` Auld Kirk, Scotch Line. . X1:-\vton~Robinson ....... . Ivy (Orange Hall) .. Thornton r..' . . . . ..'.....Jux;e 26 . .June 27 Sta)-ncr ..` .. ..........,.June 28 Miss May Allison`; of Chicago, ' will be the speaker at above m>t- . ings and. her subjects are as IoI 1ows:+Homa Occupation for `Coun- - try Childrt.-11; The Growth of the I Religious Nature in Cliildhood and YouLh;" ~Vhy' some Childxen. nre Brighter than Othcx-5; Beauty in; Yqm;h;" Childxen. nyel than m- the Home. I , Elmvnle .. ' New F105 .. Silver Mup1c..;1;l Cro. (Knox Hill) . .. . Phclpston . . 'dpplCS I1:DI Illllll Uluuotbua. Now will it not pay you` to get a few gallons of lime sulphurand . spray vour apple trees? By doing sfo \'ou' wi11`be doubly paid, You your liver stimulated gnd your digqstion mgdc sound by x':jQll - -nl that as a. result of last. year's spraying `with Nfagara lime su1-' phur they hakl 80 pet cent.) No. I apples from their orchards. \'nxu* `Q-11 it nnf nav van` vet your trees? By domg you w,i11`be doubly will get paid `in the quality of ap- ples you grow. and also save your trees from" being destroyed with pests.` , * ' ' Annfl-unr par` Inna of N-iamara loss. . ' ' The Following of the Smr-F1oieu<:e. 7 _B:mclay. . . ' I.o`ve~ in a Little To.wn-J.`E. Buck- I our neighbourhood llav testied I Six of the industrious farmers in `that iesult of last year's ` rose. - ` The' Last Galley ---A. Coxian Doyle _ The Postlnnsfcl` of Market Deighton ' ` -E. Phillips Oppeuheim. `Tess of the D Urbcsvi11es-Tl1amms ; The Cox'1ict-Uavil Urahum .L 1uu\ps Ethan Fr'ome-Edith`VVl1n1'to1). ; The Prodigal Judg+%Vaughan ,Kcs- . -fer. _ .-fer. . The lfouey Moon- -.T. .F:11*no]. - The \Vim1ing of Bz1rba1'a'\Vort11-- H. B. \Vri;:ht. - V Wright. !_ , The Key to Yesterday~-Chus. Ne-- . ville Buck. ` ` . The Gentleman 'r'0m lndiana - Booth Tzrrkilxgbou. ` . The Casta)vay-II. Erminic Rive. The Puppet Crown _- Harold` Mc- ` `Grath. Molly Make-Be1ie_vc~-EIcnnor Hallo- wesll Abbott: Molly l\1nke-15el1e_vc~-J:1cu>nor 11.4mm- _ Vera the Medium-Riclmrd Hzmling . Davis. I The \Vob_d Carver of y Ly-mpus +- ` Marv `E. Waller. I_C V I I &I 6` ` that upon your physical depends your comfort and useful- Maxwell Grey. \ - Sgmdy--A1iee Hegnn Rice. Mary Cnrey--Kate Lmgley 1305-1104- The' Rose-in the Ring--Gco. Burr Th Ring--Gco. Burr McCutc1won. I Once Upon n. 'l`ima-Richard Hurd- im: Davis. The Scarlet Cur--Richm~d I-In1~ding | Davis. . , Miss Gibbic Gaul tc Lmmglcy Bosher. ' A Dmnrhter of the Rich"--Mary E. Lauglcyl Dnmrlxter Wa11<.=.r.- ` _ - Snnnn of the Island Towm---1\[ury E. Waller. . Thnougli the Posfem Ghte-Flor-- '1 ` ence L. Barclay. :~ , . of_ Urbcsvi1les-'J I-Inrdy. ' ` Trec~pi1ss~-I\Irs. H. Dudency. ` Cox'1ict-Davia1 Graham I > ' frbm India11a`- Booth Tarkixxgbou. ` sxx mmms um ussnnen `UISOIIS LU `. dd S .e Mary no Man `Who Under that plgysical depends your :ness--that vow` condition will be relay. 1 Buc-k-i 9, . ' pcanng by-law No. 422 (which was ..June 19 a by-lav; to restrain the running JUN? `30 a_t large of dogs within the Mnni- ` --Jun 91 pipalily of Innisl) rece'n.'cd the custon-:a.r_v number of readings and ; - --Time 22 was duly pissed. I -- 7 . June 24 ' _ June 25 The account of Fred W. Mathcrs ..Jux;e 26 for disinfecting Bethesda Schooi, $5.S0,,,Wa.s' ordered `to be paid. Councillpr Martin was .'insLx'uctez ' Phillips 1011 . I of, ` A by-Iavw tor the purpose oi re- pealing by-law No. (which p'assed._ l`I.A _p. -4 .r n...; ur 1(-n..._.. I The fifth matting of the Innisl Council of 1912 was_cqnvened at lsuoud hr: the 301.}: ult.. with all (or the construction of cement sidewalk in ihevillage oi Thom- ton. v,,.`,~.,,, ...... ........-.. ` ... uv ,......_. Councillor instructezi to post nbtices calling for tcnders for the construction of cement I The C()uncil"dccx ded not to ex- ' cecd 5500, as the Townships share for sidewalks in thc village of Stioud. to act as ram Masters. Trustecs'S.S. asking ad\'an5:c of S25. , Culham-SDichcr-- 1`hat C. Bilton 25. -7- G550. and Ed. Paddison be ap- poir_:tcd Path Z\Iastc{s in place of J. Bi1ton,' J, Daley and J. Mur- rav. v . Culham-Spichcr- 1`hat C. Bilion depends comfort your` bettertd, your vigor increased-' when your bowels are rcgulated, liver stimulated and your Court of Revision at New Loweu, :, on Friday, May 31-inst, at 10': I 3.111. _ E A k;UUN\.`u,_ The Coxxcill met by order of the Reeve in Thorntdn on the 15th inst". with all mcmimrs present and the Reeve in the chair. Lllt: nuuvu HI um um... Minutes of last vm-c-ting were marl and conrmeil. T\ Anna ,, 'l`1mnb runnrf {earl and connrmeu. 'I,owric-Dundass-- That report No". 1, Standing Coxnmittee on. Roads and Bridges, reco1m11em1-lug payment of the following bills `be adopted and the 1`reasuxjer author- to Dav the same: ~ %VL\IDL`&L4 \uUU&`\.A14n The fifth mcciing (if the Innisl `- Council bridge .,...b0 , I Lennox. buain culvert and. lling washout on 9d: . W. J. McLean, 27: {net ced- ar at 6 cans per ioot...... 1 __ 2-1. r..|... -u-_...._ _. _-_. ..... .. .. J Howard Willoughby, x-enlaovp ing driftwood and bridge on 5:]: con: .. `ill 3... ..u-.. ..... ... ...... .1. J \\`a1Tace Ca-rrutners, ` rcpaixis on 25 sideroad ' to tx`ans:1ct_ the busmcss between `W. J. Thompson and the Town- ship of Essa re the gravel pit on zoth sideroad. lot 20. GlgC_5(IOI1 l]1(lC SOUDC Dy BEECHAM3 ' PILLS " vsddcv-7-H-. -- 2 b.buII.35c.

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