3-"4.-to-1--2.4.-1--1--1.-v--5+-1-4-.r-4-gr. $G_109kS!%-C199kS!'-. (Continued From Page 1) _ "-'Eme"5 KP1'&s~~ With tefemnce to the Cumberland Mayor Cowan--I we reject this ._ _ one: and look elsewhere. we might 5% ditch. the Engineer recommend `me: .~...+1u:, but it we take immed-led that it be lled with ashes rm an Hvnno lights. The Barrie Tanning Co. and ten others pgtitioncd for n. sewer on Bradford St. from Victoria to Eni*nee1"s Reports.- rafpn-nms tn thp Curnb Try Pen-Angle Cash- mere Hose. Two Spe- cials 25c 8: 35 a pair. Those who cannot -be on hand at 5 o'clock will report at Headquarters at 6.16 p.m. with the necesury cook- -ing outt`. from the-re all will pro- ceed {co the bush where the examina- tion wlll take place. ay and Saturday Bargains; `White Lawn mad l\1ul1\Vniss of `very fine 1 - VV n club! Phone _1: 23a. at special prices . .` Bys Ribbed Hose 15c \Ve have bought direct from the makers 20 dz. pairs of fine ribbed cotton hose, fast black, henyy soles,` splendid hose to wear, sizes I: in. to 10 in. All on sale at same price. per vpnir......... 15 See the New'Millinery Every dnyA ii: our` Millinery Dcpnrtmenlraore shown new models. We cordially invite you to see them. Smm-c,n'cylish trimmed buts will bum is-.n`tu:-ad this week at apebial pt-iue....... 41,25 Ca`rpet,Squa_res nd Linoleums are greatly in demandL Ouxf Wonder- ` ful values are bringing big bissihess. We invite you toraome and inspect` ` the designs. We deem it a p1ea.su=;e td shew goods at >100 Blouses on Sale L_Ca1`-pt Squares and L'in<')-teiums `The Store of Satisfactioh. l on sale Friday morning 69c, 89c and 98 :|SAR.IEANT&K|NG, H; H, _0'FE(3N 5: s0N ' " ' Tickets and all information !l`0m p MINA ~ N-1M NT IN any stenm5l1ip.a.genf. or R. J. Fltrtqb.-. mgggxousm, mgu R ` .- er. Amt. c,.P.a.. name. Spcinl puichuse of 300 yds. of -Fancy Messnliue .. N...` \V n .., p, ,__.,L n.____.._ dresses. On sale Fridnyw We offer at tlus week endnl doz. net waists` in cream and white, -worth regularly 4.50,. 1111 on sale Friday Morning.` Our showing iistill completu and very attracsiva` Bungalow Scrimsm ncludiug- Messaline-Drvess Silks_43c. yd. . HoHu's'_-Cle_ai:1ing` HTjmev 2': .5 House."Pa1nt1ng.,.A.I1m `See findow Displhyx Net Wnists-- Only $2.98 Buwy Curtaim Nets Now 25c, 35c 40a, to 85 -25 & 35c 25c, 35c `XLH-Ishtlhd. L. Icon-A v--6`m.a-v , ;w,,`..`. - 'a .. _ , `Tie nWIIlIams Family Paint is made particu- larly to lighten house-cleaning labors. ` 1. :. .... -:1 .....:..+ mu: W`. k. `year orryour cupboards,- labors. ` , . > ._ It is an oil paint and can be washed and scrubbed. It brush-. es out easily--doesn t drag or tire you to apply it; the girls can. put it on. Made in 24 good colors. Use it this pantry shelves, base boards, -etc., and you'll have. less work next year. , ` Cr-,1` rnlnr rhrrl: -- thev work next year. ` Get color cards they tell more about Family Paint. . Vb -. Five Points Hardware. wv-- v TV- consul vatul-Ion at Val:-vlllo Conservatories Phone 521: s and Special.