Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1912, p. 5

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LO`CA L`AGI-2`NT AL_ExANbRA GARDENS lie right T; one of the` "most charming nrnnn-.-fine V a. un uuuu mo.-zepnng race , (3 Notwithstanding the phenomenal growth of Canada's Great West a enhancement of values which is the natural outcorhe of the rapid devel 0fi.Innnrfanfr=nfrpe in -1.. \Y/.,.; 'r'~..--_._ :, L, - - - - - aw-nan - ' r --`B _ Cax_1ada's and the e1;hance'ment_of outcome develo ment of important centres in the West, Tbronto is keeping" pace with the best of` em. IA-[_ 9 1 .5 ` I 1- ' - ' Torqnt_o_is. the_ second largest city in_ the DOm1n1on,`a~r_1d;s destmed to be the largest, and that, W1th1n a short period of time. 31-` us Q] The Juggernaut oE`Commerce is forcing many an old residential section into a manufacturing centre and the city lias been forced to nd an "o_utlet-.-room_ for ex_u"ansi'on,vroozn for the homing " of its natural growth of population and the inux from outside centres. I Toronto. s Building Permits for the year I9l I" amounted to over $24,033,907; a great proportion of the amount was spentin the newer sections to meet the demand for new homes,.and still the housing question is~a,serious one, and there is a_ cry foi more houses. Perrnitsafor January and Fcbmary this yea} arriou-nt to over $2,l08,080. aurl f . . /1. N9 4-'4. 5~ "`-A Investments In Toronto Real Estate! are Making Fortunes; for the investors ` yr -- --: \/ 4- :1 \/J- &\J`\A ` Toronto Keeping Pace A handing` p`}_1o`erI1o1_'ncf:xalv gr>wt}`1 Capada_'s_ ` .1 -5 .. . ......, .u.uuu.a sa nccpxug pace VVIUS U ! No Speculative Uricertainty ) thg glejnent of speculative unertaintv` `Fnr 1 MANAGER r_c-an-Ia-run: Vownana _43-45 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO IIl.ll'\MI:' InAIn -u-up ' - _D.M D. McLEAN The Trusts and Cuaranteg Company I L I M I T E D ` ` To dat evexy investor who has desire " clcntial scctibns ` red . BLOC Em-....u... m.4.._. .,:....._..r- E` novjn payment. t'o rhlize on His purchase has been able to readily` do so at a handsome prot. ' _ 6]] Alexandm Gardens is one ofthe moat beautiful and /d ' able of the new xegi- ` lie ndrth, wonderfully - endowed by n:_xture'as the ideal liomesite section. it is ariproximgitely. 4%` miles from . the corner of King and Yongc Streets. The Mctrapolitan Radial Line takes you `E0 the gates on Yongc Street, and a`line will undbubtedl be continued up" Avenue Rozjcl .tl`:rous>,h '*ia'r Hill Park to l5\_le:_r.7-= andra-Gardens. Al-iixther linsr ie in ham. Kozjd Bfidr A`f1irthe_r line is in con- templation zv mick it is expected will rixri through the Bathurst Street Scciiaan of 'A!e::.`-_izdra Cm`-`lens. ' record` of actual transactions witliin the` past few months reveals procf that many -' investors have in a short period made a nor: penod made =7rei`s=enc Davment. I _ I havchandled MINARD S L M_EN'I` durim-.r_ the past _y_en.r. It 1; wa._ys the first Linimcnt asked for ways first` Liniincnt Hsked fof`bc"1'_e I and unquestionably the best seller of fall le diereut kinds of Linin:-ants I C. P. R. shops, Wag`. `fo;o71;1:o.ur On , Feb. 26*. when passil?) an engine a V poker tell at ! and hit him on the head inflicting an injury` that laid him up {or veml weeks_ npd ho had just . the Morton "Farm. David 'ry~'$alT:T his sucgeasor at the Dymcnt I<`a.nn. ' . Miss Mamie Dibb. second! dnnmh. .__- .. . `IA ....y... gang :1: up nnusuu uuwnzuxva Is HDDU investrnent side of the Alexandra; Gardens proposition, as in the Briair Hill Park property, is undoubtedly a safe and sane one, and its own history a guarantee for handsome prots to the investor. .- Lots are now 7 on the M'arkept.. _ _@' }"uEE"sr`1'.3?$Enr2xox`$f`` Lula Dymcnt' Fm-r;:.V' Dibb, daugh- her of John 'I`_. Dibb, (Hpd 1531: week FAR MER$ BUSINESS J lha made to responsible peopl-rt, ` Sula note: disnauntecl or collected. Sula disnanntecl collected. Blank notes supplied free ofcharge. ` Capitai, _ $4,608`:05`0 ' Reserve fund 5,608,050 Assets,` 0 57,067,664: H. A.'SIMS, MANAGER `SHAVIINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Yv.o...-.uc.`na(I.a I...15_`-,....I.y ..+1.n.+ IJlJl'1"\l( |_AuI:n Interast_nddet_i half-yearly at best cun-enhtate. A deposit of One Dollar or more will start an account 4 Cdrsets THE STYLE srone ` Q] Men of vision forsaw the future for this great, section to the north of the city of Toronto as th natural outlet and relief for the congestion in the more centr al`c i,i,:gi;;Ls,._ .. 5:13:-!,f?,ieo,. zqnexziawdavciapmggzxkasm wanante ll-_ ir fnrnn-!nl 9 4} ? Now ' FOR VEASTERIL LHCHIFFHFH, ueurny Llll EIZES DJJQ colors in the lot. These are nwnf below the fegulr pride and represent a. great saving on your Easter gloveg. . Snimple Kid Gloves mm one _ ofthe_1eading English {unnu- f{actmrers,nen,r1y all aiies dud onlm-a u'n Hm Inc-. 'I`h;... nv-n Our suits t becapse they nth hand tailored by experts and for the same reason they keep their shape. V They. look well because they nre all the correct `Sprillag colors `nnd_ `to our suits `at $13.50, $1_b0 `and $16.00. Navy and Black aerges and fancy tweed suits that` - me the embodiment of fashion, at twe4ed.a'ec`ts up to .... .. `$25.00 , Special .Offprihg6f Sample Gloves suits. we sell you a real stylish suit. Our Formal Millinery Openings/last week.wereadecided snccess. Our. Millinery display has always been a feature, but never before -has the'Mill- inery been so beautiful or as wearable as it is.t_his" season.. Every. hat` in thecollection isvdistinctive in style and replete with achic'and charm that is designed to delight the stylish madame. Newer ._creations are shown everyday. One of the new models is a white _Milan faced and _t_r_immed with crash, another is dereloped in" pleated `lace and. shot silk Place your E/astrorder early. With such a variety `of stylish models to choose from a selection is easy. ) "new pmm: Sl1lTS_ roe _ STYLISH women iii}! Park ` a7-H nections as -Alexandre Gu Bria-2-' . other properties: the im- provement off them and the almost incred- ibie demand is: homesiie lots that has- obtained has amply proven the vgislom of the selection in the north. ` 5}] Many lots have been iaurchascd as homesitcs for permanent _ homes of. the purchasers. To-da'y there are in Alexandra Gardens not afew of th mc.'5*:'handsome residences erected in and around the city, and many more` are` in cqursc of erection and oontenipla?ion.. ' " ' Q} A number of lots in this dezirabic property have `been cimezn by investors as safe and sure mvezsmeizts, and the -. .... .......u.,.:.u,u to his piirchase able desirable new mai- "dontial `Eothe wonderfully 1 : lct2-opoliitan Alfllrthr which `~A;Ie:;anc2ra_Gar:ens are right up-to-`date in improvements-.-gas, water, electric light, 'g1`anoiithic walks are a eilable, has one of the best laid bowling greens in Canada, has its own club house, is cfnvenient to two golE links, and to schools, churches, stores and banks. The restrictions in the Gardens and` adjoining properties are such as to assure thegn as high-class residential sections. I`Ir!`I\1'I`rII\rt*u' nun;-uh ...- -. -The Cha.1fm of the Easter M'i1lvi1 1`ery -THE \ H B_ARRlE & GUELFH H ` Successors to James.`Vaif&Co u.u_y ugu. ... 6-He1i.vy Draught Team attached to wusmn . . . . . . . .' . . . . A V F . . A 5-Tlx.oroughbmd`Stn1lion, regiatexed, nny age. . . uuusu, any age... 7-Heu.vy Draught Man; or Geld ,, 3 years old or upwxuds. . . . . . . I 8--`-Bent Single Driver, nttuelxed to vehicle. ( tmlliona hnrrpd \ mu wu.gun . 5--`-lie!-1|`. Smgle Driver, vehicle, ( stallions barred ) . . . . . . 9--Bcat Yeurling Bull, 1()1u-lmm, reg. 10-Be;at 2ye:u--old Bull, Duirhum. rclzistered; uuuu, uuy uuler m-eeu. . . . , , 3-Roadster Scu.llion,`o_n line, regis- tered, any age wreu, my age. .. 4-.Hacknpy Stallion` on line, tered. anv mze _ . . . . . - , s2n_,ex.`L _ e(v.;:u warrantecl then` foresight. (W The acbuirinc: nfsmrk .4.:..`.-= 1_lIea1vy Draught. Stallion, Clydes- dale, Registen-:d.u.ny age on line: 2_Henvy Draught Stallion. regis- tered, uuy'otl'|er breed. Ma:r}:ctA_ S.qi1;i:ire, Barrie M. APEEL H TH 1_Heaivy Draught. Registen-:cl.u.n,v mle line 37 I ,, Bariie Agricultural Souietyfs Rules in Gave:-n. ~ 1 9'2 . ' Highly cl, any line $7.V0`0 $5.0C:3-3.00 `S2100 Co}n ded Com ded ll; ' ' ' Prize ~ List individlxgl suit leugtb. The price ranges fr1n 85 to $2.00 yard. Nsivy serge: we tn-is Jensen, Weslh of Eng. hind s-erges for costs and suits and. French serge! for dresses. The vnlucs are unsurpassed at from .50; to.:$l.25 per yard. wazranted uzexr foresight. Q} acquiring of such desirable suburban -Alexandra Gudens, Bria: Park` aFd7:th'er iarop'crtiesi the im- week. Some very sumrlz. can and ' If. .. .. ,,_, -_-.. ..... ....- grey elfects. Also one of the ew STYLISH SPRING SUITING Another lot of new 1: We are proud of 1 V 4.....- Benutiiul lustrous Pnllotta silk, the kind that doesen t7 cuts, full 30 inches wide in the follow- ing: fool-)rs Navy. Copenhagen" `and Sky Blue, Resedn, ' Pink, ` , Maize, Mid-brown, Pmtinum Grey, iind Mauve only 1.00 yd. Black, 38 inches wide, splendid ` quality, per yar`H ,........$1.00 - 39 inch Paillette ` ' Silk $1.00 yard ` n.......::_.u "u . store closes at 10 p. m. on Saturday. Navy Blue . ) 5.00 3.00 2.00 _ __ . _ ,:, _ _ _,__ __ 7, _.,,,_.., ..y.`.._... .. ...E,.. ..........;uq11s. E.VERYTHI_NG POINTS TO A GREAT DEMAND F OR _LOTS AND RAPID DEVELOPMENT INV'GF1"OWTI-I AND IMPROVEMENT, and the PERMANENCY of these BEAUTII7 UL HOME SECTIONS is ASSURED. "I"1-- f,,, , A ';_Entrance Fag $1.00 : Serges ALEXANDRA a!ongSide of BRLAR HELL PARK, charming proggez-ties yet added to the city s sixbuirban districts,` and vies with it -for desirability of locality andmzgatural `beauty. 55 Men of vision Fnra.-any 41... ........ 5.... .L:_ - _ no speculative Uncertainty Q There is not the element uneertainty` `for the investor in Toronto properties that-there is in many of the Western Sub-Divisions, for the ` reason that the city s great growth` comes from an actual and rapidlyincreasing demand for properties for home sites anci _commerc_ial purposes, Toronto is growing to be a great cit:y-its population is increasing at approximatebs the rate of 40,000 ayear.` ' ' ` ` `- - - expansion, room dcxriand homes,.and housing nma;-rinn 3.. .. -......._.._ -_, `

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