B /AR-RIE =BRANGH' u I nn avnnmvn H. .1. GRASETT. Managerg: eany ysnou-gn cum may want this thijng and `bl:-nt`th-ey are going to get st._t'hey will get it, but it will not . come tn mass at itself illsf.-hnnunnn . |'l`humson ulbe proposition wore turn- ad down, an itwnoma Hkdy to be, =Ft We? '--t \-I-wur--- And that you may, prqt by- the health-res;oring, strength- giving roperties of the time'- tcsted amous family remedy nu-- us an II la main ICSECQ Iamous lauluy Kculcuy Eecmrs. w...,|L|-3 - llbouagllu. '{re!rre-udum is the quickest. warm - a satisfactory solution of thc dim- cultv. - ' cg We also Hnvo some of-the Hesv, c1o:e~in investments in SASKAIOON, which are great money-makers. where some of ` our clients have sold already ztndmznde '12. ) per cent. '2 have some__sp1endid lots in EDMONTON and It Iiilmlier of choice farm props-rtieai which can be hought on very easy terms. . 7,, ,) .- I 1- . . ._-......_'. . ~- _-.. -- ----,,-- v.- ---, w-~, -v----. IV In locnl prqgxerhles, we have for Hale in'BARRIE, solne of the beat but-gui\na aver offered in the way of town property, sold on easy terms. We also have local farms far sale on may terms. Call and see.` It wm cost you ~ ` ` anything to look at th goods. REAL,E$TATE_ AGENT THE CANADIAN BANK: OF COMMERCE DUNLOP STREE'l;, BARRIEE I -.rusc as "1; L1'r'1'LE{*'1'ee,rm`ng-is n dangefrous thing," sq la a. LITTLE advertising, sometimes. It in nlrnzex-- don Ppththalmic Hoepta/1 `(Moore- olds); for a term as resident Sur- geon in Royal London Ophthalnq Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital Bria-Q tol; _nnc`. Birmingham Eye Hospital, Birmingham: former .Member nr Rri+..i Birmingham; fonier .Men:;be/r 01 -31%: 311 Opbthahnological Society. '0Icc-78 -Dtmlop Street. Barrie. `Phone 54. P. 0. Box 9'6. I DR. J. ARTHUR;-Ibss I` < L.R.C.P. & S.-Edinburgh; _M.F`.P. &; 4 S. Glasgow SurgeonA---Ey`e, Ear, I ;, sometime the ` Lrolnt w where a mercnivnt ` - ` `5557`*ir~?3?I LEM Imus. &` co. 'lIand Lzindl-v LSt_.1John*& Cronokef A max: .1t will be money in your" pockets, fnnners, to have all.- repairs to machinery! e17c., done at the New Fouvidry, next door toTannery. . . "w---v.-v.- nrw-aanunnuaua Wit}: its laxge nun-ier of branches, agents and ccrrespondents, The Canadian Bank of Commerce is able to effect culledions thmughou! the world promptly and at reasonable rates. Rates will be quotod_ on . application. EI'\D=`If2Rl QYIQIKIEQQ ucr. persozuu unencion paid to nnrseshoz > No. 55 Eayeld st`:-eat mite Boss Street. John mm--n ma At A v..--nynu .a-'-un;s-o-a~c `:30 Cheques and drafls on an cuntes of th_e world, drawn in slerlir-sg`, francs, marks, tire, kronen, orins, roubles many other foteign curngicy, can be negotiated in ThoCzuadian Bank of Commerce at reasonable raes. Iscoiillsivni IS THE BEST IN THE` l WORLD because it is made of` the purest and best in- gfedients, l_iec_ause it contains more 'healing.- strengthening~' and up- building material than ~ any other Emulsion, and because it is a perfect product of a scie_ntif'ic- ally perfect process.`-" Doctors the world over recognize A I I I T I I v vv-n v uuunuvugwuvun as the Standard prepa- ration of Cod Liver Oil. . v v Ivnvvnnvnma CAPITAL - $1o,ooo,ooo % R_EST, . $3.0: COLLECTION BUSINESS 172.1, 2.. ____ -.._u_-.4 _: |.__._-u.-_ ,.__-., -_; -,_,, SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LLD., D.C.L, PRESIDENT ALEXANDER LAIRD. GENHIAL Muuazn FOREIGN BU-SINES>S