. x _ colnmz; is nfbrif d` escription ofvprop, 1 tics in" t1;x{ce- citiefwhich :wil1.l`g'e this year? ' to ou1-,,Rce0l,'. Sglcgiesses`;-' ItVwill- p'a_y yo i1,1vti`gI,\te'-thqhe Oliprtunities` to -.l:_ayL -Mail .>fo1- mz`I 1: ok ' formatig Vlet a (1 camp} `.~ > ' "'I4imited,~-'l1avo, ma,d'e; money oh" ' Wesfern7oity'pr'oj) crties;d11ui; " the b_asV1: .fevg years. It Vil1'pay.you yvell to`b.ecome`;a.';f llccntgchgnfzlicht today, because. we haw e'xceptio_n:;l ' `iqyest rig oppox-tunitig`to."oe'r yon. .Good~.jud_g-;_ '*"nie1it::gI; biiycing .and hbxiest xi1ethod' in se}l.i1i'g' hiw T`, 4- built -up :the'rMg:Gntcheon-busini: s_n anrgputstiqn; 1" An * ';`, idea of how :2 Mccutcheon investment .wilL.pa)n_ yu ' `may bc__'gniue1_l -tron": this reeordof wh_atv welxnve dour an for others : - , ~ u . ;.. % ' ` Z ' CLIENTS ' o_` McCutehcon_. Bros. .~ 000 " Limited,~-`havo_ . `,-, - Waste:-n7 oity'px"op ' pusltjfevrv well to becomeka `na masons. . : 5 V _lbU-230 - E L - n_n6o_s: ~.;;'Aw' n. _L._ . -V 1-... nn/1 . gnts.....,_.-_'_ .1i)U-1,13). `, ` -I sum to our 01lenu,>:~`--Naw,NVarth -1` " . _ Pm-*Lot. " -` Pm: . . . . .-.2 $200-250 ' . n SJ-`N 65-100 75-125 . ` - :7,5-1257" ` . . . ..;.x ' "L5,-150; . auntf .. ` 75125 _ 2l\I1\IL|2'n_|n-II ' '_' CJ\'LG"AR'I ,.`A:LB`R TA ':....' r..r., u...;...`..., ` . 125-150 150-175 a . i4(il175`;, .A\i"?.,'*:" 5550.300 L` .75.`1oo -200,30` * . '30}:-soc . v25o:.::roo f ;225e25O ., H, REGINA _. .M.Au. v-ruus=qoupoN ; FOR.\BfoOKLET~' V EDMONTON I ` 5 Muogi JA\M-K` Lox; ~z_puuu un u\_1'1p\fvuru pI :5"1uL., ` L `mouszxmw. L9 .00 ` an-.uumauuyuuum.p..w.a,wu:;u=.~. uapmum-m~ Vim:i%ig%Lhb.eI:l$= ' 4 ' _ > V eing-'spent.on bpil&in'g` ~ agxdpublie iniprovemen a in -Rosina; Edmonton - - I > Mooie`Jaw this year. Inside-;i;l41e inuene "qt this great-development are splenidid pl -o'1'>ere's -now. within your `giahf: for rotnbla inygstment. A swan` `cash pay:ne'xit,gb:1ance"gpi'ea (1, dvef` year and a ' 1'; `will sg3E:xire' uf p`ir'" ofs 6_x:`e `9f"t_hfese p'rop ` be added to nr_Re{:o1-d o_'S\icesses',thia\y\ III ? ` " T500)": .- . ' EDMONTON .7- . " Estimates that `$20,000,000 :p`erinits_ add _. a;49',000,000`in publig improvements will be her `aevxa .r;`nent4thisyea1'_.w" ' I` V, _v ` ' ' a. big glass}-esidhtijxl property, is '[t_h city,-b.et[ve_n;_.th,two`aud thieo-mile circles, shin \ wgst of ~the Poatoieb',,j\'1st, West of Hie-7Univ Bl}i_ld.i!Jg3, and/only ah-ass the}-is"er>fx{o'm _ew G6yer9- , . mqt H_onse.`,` It is situated:\c1oia>e-in, at _i:hejrjg{1'l;__1$ri and ime-f9r~yo_u-1 to make__a-anr{iasjng.,i n}?estmgi1 A6.fo.i'e_ hpme-building ,h_egiiis heije ypvi c;Lu'securq ,ohoi lots f ;$600' andfupward p'er1ot., ~ . . _ :;_fQi'e_ hpme-buildi1ig,b_egi1,J's heije you _lota_ fin; 600' and: upward p'e;{1ot., 1 urimn-_'. w f iF93fi9T%H:5'!$ v T RANT!-TORD . FQR WILLIAM , 2v}4'`Co (z9 1;n_ q `Sh it . _133%`5r'mp.son `Sr ..-Sr$u_t_h;~.._Bnl1nbru1..'. _ _` ` _ ;N_ox{th`Moun't Pleaaunti. `75125_ 25q.35o:. .>Hil1 >Sch&~>o_1A1in`ex....j.`~ j"2oo.3,oo*.' " vCousi.`ns and Sisson.s..:; _150-250- ...., " 75.150; 400.600? 3 `7`l_VlEDl`OlllE'~HA_T-5 - V ~ 2 .. 9oo.1,2oo .3, soosoo - `~|'A| A - ._Mr., Wybtt daca__no_ t ' theltgvua `committed ` dpinlpil thug oip o L takg suitcase was gon nigd anptp ifs ruiikql ' Wjhgx1_'_`3:|eT rgiumed, /pus: ` ` ifs` plnde. 3 `man: In-,the .cablh[31t, in-hlleged` '~ :7 -PLR. .Qfcl31.5- "1: va .t1;e,G;'r.a ,t1-ain-the semnphgrd. : P ."."` . ` ~ ` . . Just, Who hi my n_s!b1g Io` tq ' deswlve wilt. b;a.,deterx:;1ned, a.(;~_, , 'jq_int,G.P.R. gldi -G:fI`_.R.' [nve lgntiun S , 1311: / jqjnt, 029.3. ' ' lthaug'~h / > V roads rerun, dfsqtisa ,tha`.rasp_onaib ; .-/* -'1 L TJy'n1Vir9k.-Heights. `fllhlirsf. _. . r;mum._ ` uynbmomuei ghtsz. . .~ 150.200 1;" ".+...._,-.; 5.109.150 ' Q R_EG'.l_ilA '. I ` ,- 3`5oi4'oo EDMONTON` ~ Beveriq /' Hihts' i .. Creieantuv-ie w.`.'. 1;o'u1m;d _;H'gi_ghts. CALGARY . , . A H Sold to Our Cent,:~~"~-NvwVort ' Per Lot: . 309400 . _ _ 3_on._5oo , 4011509 250.350 .`-1 ` Nor`th Mount 1>1euant:'.